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"science" - 775 õppematerjali

science - du-mythe_978.jpg (14.10.2014) 6. curie/010_pierre-et-marie-curie_theredlist.jpg (13.10.2014) 7. Nobeli preemia kodulehekülg: bio.html (11.10.2014) 8. Nobeli preemia kodulehekülg: curie.

Kasutaja: science

Faile: 0

Stilistika loeng

styles including registers, stylistic devices and expressive shades of linguistic units (words, construction of phrases). The Stylistics of speech studies individual texts viewing the way the message or content is expressed. Literary Stylistics concentrates on artistic expressiveness that characterises a literary work or a writer, a literary trend or a whole time period. Thus Stylistics is a part of theory of literature (literary criticism) and poetics. Poetics is a science viewing a structure of a literary work and esthetic means "employ with it". Linguistic Stylistics studies linguistic facts from the point of view of their ability to convey extra shades of meaning (connotations ­ we call them). Any speech act (oral or written) is meant to pass an information. There are 2 types of information: 1. the content proper 2. additional information, which is connected with the conditions and participants of the act

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Referaat ''Inimrassid''

palju eurooplasi. Samuti sattus sinna enamjaolt tänu orjakaubandusele palju negriidse rassi esindajaid Teadlased on juba mõnda aega täheldanud, et pärilikkusaine DNA mustrid on rassiti mõnevõrra erinevad. Samuti on teada, et mõned inimpopulatsioonid on teatavatele haigustele vastuvõtlikumad kui teised. Kuid kas sellest saab järeldada, et inimliigi erinevad rassid on ka geneetiliselt üksteisest pisut erinevad? Et tõesti saab, selgub ajakirjas Science refereeritud uurimusest. Teadlased võrdlesid üle 4000 geeni nii eurooplastelt kui asiaatidelt võetud 142 rakuliinis ehk sarnaste rakkude kogumis. Nad uurisid geenide avaldumist rakkudes ehk seda, kas ja kui tugevasti asub üks või teine geen raku tööd mõjutama. Selgus, et tervelt tuhatkond ehk veerand vaadeldud geenidest avaldas rakkude tööle rassiti erinevat mõju. Et geenide avaldumine määrab raku käitumise, on see organismide erinevuste otsimisel kõnekamgi

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
27 allalaadimist

Mass Media topic

moving pictures and sound over a distance. Millions of people watch television for amusements during their free time. But television provides viewers with more than just entertainment. Most people get a large proportion of their news from TV news broadcasts. Television also broadcasts programmes that help explain a story or subject.Such programmes include documentaries and interview programmes. Television allows one to follow the much more real science and politics and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and stimulating. The most distant countries and the strangest costumes are brought right into the sitting-room. Watching TV is almost certainly the biggest leisure pastime in Britain. At the moment there are five main national channels : BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel Four and Channel Five. National Tv gets its money from two main sources . the BBC channels are mainly financed by a compulsory licence fee

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Embrüogenees ja lootevälised elundid ning lootekestad

Sisukord 1. Sisukord 2 2. 3 3. Embrü 4-5 4. Lootevälised elundid ja 6 5. Kokkuvõte 7 6. Pildimaterjal .............................................................lk8-9 7. Kasutatud 10 Sissejuhatus Järgnevas referaadis leiab infot varajasest embrüogeneesist. Embrüogeneesi kolmest erinevatest perioodist ning lootekestadest ja lootevälistest elunditest. Lisaks sellele leidub ka pildima...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
28 allalaadimist

Georg Karl Julius Hackenschmidt

vaimu suhtes", "Eneseparandamine", "Hoiakud ja nende suhe inimavaldustesse", "Teadvus ja iseloom", "Kolm mälu ja unustatavus" ning "Vormisolek ja teie ise". Nii inglise kui saksa ajakirjanduses on arvatud, et filosoofi Hackenschmidti kuulsus on võrdväärne sportlase Hackenschmidti kuulsusega Hackenschmidt suri 19. veebruaril 1968 St. Francise haiglas East Dulwichis Inglismaal. Olulisemad teosed ,,Complete Science of Wrestling" (1909) ehk ,,Täielik maadluse õpetus" Sisaldab põhjalikku ülevaadet maadlusega seonduvast. Sealhulgas ka soovitusi toitumiseks ja treeningkava koostamiseks. Välja on toodud tehnikalisi kavalusi ja nippe vastase efektiivsemaks alistamiseks. On üks olulisemaid teaduslikke teoseid maadluse kohta. Antud raamat on avaldatud paljudes erinevates keeltes, leides kasutust ka tänapäeval. ,,Man and Cosmic Antagonism to Mind and Spirit" (1936) ehk

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Austraalia - slideshow

Kimberly Davis ­ model Scott Ronald Dixon ­ professional racer Russell Crowe ­ actor Kylie Minogue ­ actress 6 largest cities. Sydney Melbour ne Br isbane Perth Adelaide Canber ra ­ the capital Canberra Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Canberra is home to many national monuments and institutions such as the Australian War Memorial, the National Gallery of Australia, the National Library, the Australian Academy of Science and the National Museum. In addition to local sporting leagues, Canberra has a number of sporting teams that compete in national and international competitions. The best known teams are the Canberra Raiders and the Brumbies who play rugby league and rugby union respectively. Sydney Sydney is the largest and most populous city in Australia and the state capital of New South Wales. Sydney is located on Australia's southeast coast of the Tasman Sea. With an

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Tervishoiu Kõrgkool ämmaemanduse õppetool ERÜTROTSÜÜT Iseseisev töö füsioloogias Tallinn 2010 SISUKORD 1. VERI.................................................................................................................................. 3 2. PUNALIBLEDE VERELOOME.......................................................................................4 2.1. Punaverelibled.............................................................................................................4 2.2. Hemoglobiin................................................................................................................5 2.3. Punavereliblede eluring...............................................................................................6 3. PATOLOOGIA.................................................................................................................8 3.1. Rauavaegusaneemia........................

Meditsiin → Füsioloogia
50 allalaadimist

Referaat Genfi autonäitus

TTÜ TARTU KOLLEDZ GENFI AUTONÄITUS Koostaja: Keivin Kivimägi Materjalide taaskasutus ja ettevõtte juhtimine I Tartu 2012 Genfi autonäitus AJALOOST: Esimene Genfis korraldatud autonäitus toimus 29 aprill ­ 7 mai 1905. aastal. Sellel esimesel näitusel oli 59 autot. Näituse üldmulje ja inimeste tagasiside oli väga hea, et kohe järgmisel aastal korraldati Genfis uus autonäitus. Kolmas näitus toimus 1907. aastal Zurich'is. Järgmine suurem autonäitus Sveitsis toimus jällegi Genfis 1911. aastal. Peale neljandat autonäitust järgnes 12. aastane paus enne järgmist motoshow'd. Järjekorras viies näitus kandis pealkirja ,,Salon Suisse de l'Automobile". See toimus valimiskomisjoni hoones Robert Marchand'i eestvedamisel. Mõned aastad hiljem sai temast Sveitsi autotööstuse juhtiv edendaja, kes pidi vastutama ka Genfi autonäituse arengu ja edu eest. ...

Kategooriata → Visuaalne kommunikatsioon
6 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

STYLISTIC STUDIES Stylistics is regarded as a relatively new branch of philology, yet its roots go back as far as ancient Greece and Rome. In the 18th century there emerged an individualistic psychological view of style and stylistics. According to this view style bears the stamp of individual usage. The late 19th century and early 20th century saw the appearance of the pragmatic approach to stylistics: the tendency to regard stylistics as an applied science. It was believed that the chief aim of the stylistics is to improve the style of the reader, to teach him to express his thoughts better. In the 50s and 60s there was a rapid growth of interest in stylistics. The methods of structural linguistics were most popular in 70s and 80s. Present day stylistic studies have gradually taken a more systematic course. Computer assisted stylistic analysis seems quite promising (e.g. the study of cases of disputed authorship)

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

British Literature in the 20th-21st Century REVISION QUESTIONS 1. The Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th century. New developments in science and philosophy. The essence and influence of Freudian theory. Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th c- simultaneous rejection and invocation of the past. While modernists apotheosized the creative geniuses of the past, they also rejected old poetic forms. Challenge old and established beliefs and more and more people had access to books and education more people went to universities. profound change in morals: · No universal value and perspective on things

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Victorian age

· What were the main issues that the Victorian novel dealt with? The Victorian novel dealt with the economic and social changes that the Industrial Revolution had created, mass migration of workers to industrial towns(people lived in new urban slums), more radical changes in the 19th century, democratization resulting from extension of the franchise(valimisõigus), challenges to religious faith, advances on the field of science (scientific knowledge) evolution; one of the main issues was changes in the role of women. · What were the four controversies that concerned the Victorian novelists? Describe them briefly. Name some representatives and their works of each of the controversies. Religion and evolution Charles Darwin(religious doubt) Industrialism (the changes in the making of goods that resulted from substituing machines for hand labor)

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Topic USA

cruise boat or water tour. New York City is possibly one of the most intimidating cities in the world. Busy, sophisticated and sprawling, it is an overwhelming place. Lower Manhattan skyline Los Angeles is the largest city in the state of California and the second largest in the United States. Los Angeles is one of the world's centers of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. As the home base of Hollywood, it is known as the "Entertainment Capital of the World", leading the world in the creation of motion pictures, television production and recorded music. There a lot of places to visit in Los Angeles and here are some of them: Disneyland, Hollywood Bowl, The Silent Movie Theatre, Hollywood Park, Los Angeles Zoo, Aquarium of the Pacific. All, what you see in Los Angeles, in enormous, beautiful and absolutely new!

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Upwellingute piirkonnad ookeanides

0,1% maailmamerest, avaldavad nad tohutu mõju ookeani ja ranniku elustikule ja taimestikule ning selle kaudu ka maailmamajandusele. Samuti mõjutab upwelling ilma ja kliimat, aga selle mõju avaldub mitte ainult upwelling’ute piirkondades, vaid kliimaanomaaliad esinevad üle terve maailma, mis omakorda mõjutab inimeste elu. 16 KASUTATUD ALLIKAD 1. Bakun A. 1990. Global climate change and intensification of coastal ocean upwelling. Science, Vol. 247, No. 4939. pp. 198-201 (03.05.2015) 2. Бондаренко, А.Л., Борисов, Е.В., Серых, И.В., Суркова, Г.В., Филиппов, Ю.Г. 2012. Закономерности формирования апвеллинга Мирового океана Метеорология и гидрология. No. 11 С 75-81 3. (03.05.2015) 4

Merendus → Merefüüsika
6 allalaadimist

"Ender's game"

During his studies as a theatre major, he began "doctoring" scripts, adapting fiction for theatre production, and finally writing his own one-act and full-length plays. Later he has worked both as a freelancer and a contracted writer. He first wrote the short story "Ender's Game" while working at the BYU press. Ender's Game and its sequel Speaker for the Dead were both awarded the Hugo Award and the Nebula Award, making Card the only author (as of 2008) to win both of science fiction's top prizes in consecutive years. Card continued the series with seven books, which divide into "Shadow" and "Speaker" series. He has also announced his plan to write two more novels: Shadows in Flight, a book that connects the "Shadow" series and "Speaker" series together, and Ender in Exile, a book that takes place after Ender's game and before Speaker for the Dead. Furthermore, Card recently announced that Ender's Game will soon be made into a movie.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Narva-Jõesuu turismi- ja puhkemajanduse analüüs

TURISMI PLANEERIMINE 1. OSA Narva-Jõesuu turismi- ja puhkemajanduse analüüs Pärnu 2012 Koostas: TÜ Pärnu kolledzi AÜTH3 kursuse üliõpilased Taivi Kaljura , Ilona Poshehonova , Ljubov Morozova . Allikad: 1. Eesti Statistikaamet. Rahvastikunäitajad ja koosseis. [ web.2001/Dialog/Saveshow.asp] 15.10.2012. 2. Hall, C.,M. (2005). Tourism ­ Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility. Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, 448p. 3. Ida- Virumaa. Majandus. [ lang=est&sid=1287551645&anchor=no] 14.10.2012. 4. Lee, C., Bergin-Seers, S., Galloway, G., O'Mahony, B., McMurray, A. (2008). Seasonality in the tourism industry. CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd, Queensland. 5. Narva- Jõesuu arengukava 2011-2025. [https://narva- joesuu.kovtp

Turism → Turism
27 allalaadimist

Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

provides economizing of water and natural resources *Laine Jänes ­ Kultuuriminister ­ renovates and builds new cultural facilities, makes sure that necessary and favourable conditions are created for the functioning of culture *Juhan Parts - Majandus- ja kommunikatsiooniminister ­ creates terms for the growth of Estonian economy's competition capability *Helir-Valdor Seeder ­ Põllumajandusminister ­ supports financially, organises better science *Ivari Padar ­ Rahandusminister ­ plans for and supervise the implementation of the Government's macroeconomic to supervise fiscal and economic reform policies *Siim Valmar Kiisler ­ Regionaalminister ­ increases security, creates conditions for stable development of Estonia *Jüri Pihl ­ Siseminister ­ guards the state borders, rescues services, ensures readiness for emergencies *Maret Maripuu ­ Sotsiaalminister ­ secures the financial subsistence and a good job, secures

Ajalugu → Eesti maalugu
7 allalaadimist

Andmebaasiga Scopus teostatud otsingud

ANDMEBAASIGA SCOPUS TEOSTATUD OTSINGUD Teostatud lihtotsing üldiste märksõnadega: ainsaks kriteeriumiks seejuures on, et otsisõna sisalduma artikli pealkirjas, märksõnana või abstraktselt. OTSIPROFIIL LEITUD ALLIKATE ARV carcinogens AND groundwater 417 health risks AND groundwater pollution 1276 groundwater AND pollution AND problems 3708 groundwater AND health risks AND 275 (carcinogen OR cancer) groundwater AND cancer AND (organisms 289 OR health) groundwater AND ecosystem (cancer OR 0 carcinoma OR toxicology) Teostatud otsing teemaspetsiifiliste märksõnadega: OTSIPROFIIL LEITUD ALLIKATE ARV (releva...

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
8 allalaadimist

Jaapan info

kooliaastast, seega keskharidusega jaapanlane on seda õppinud 6 aastat. Sellele vaatamata on jaapanlaste inglise keele oskus väga vilets. Väga palju aega ja energiat kulub jaapani koolis emakeele õppimisele. Eriti raskeks teeb asja see, et jaapanlased kasutavad kirjamärkidena Hiinast üle võetud kirjamärke . 9. klassi lõpuks tuleb omandada kõik 2000 hieroglüüfi. Kohustuslikud õppeained alama astme keskkoolis on jaapani keel, sotsiaalteadused, matemaatika, science (füüsika ja keemia), muusika, kunst, kehaline kasvatus ja kodundus. Jaapani sport. Üldise ettekujutuse kohaselt on jaapanlased nagu teisedki Aasia rahvad väga kollektiivsed, kõike tehakse meeskonnatööna. Mõneti üllatav on seepärast, et traditsiooniliste jaapani spordialade hulgas pole ühtki meeskondlikku ala, kui välja arvata köievedu. Tänapäeval aga harrastatakse Jaapanis meeskondlikest spordialadest võrkpalli ja korvpalli ning viimastel aastatel on eriti populaarseks

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist


RAHVASTIK Demograafia e. rahvastikuteadus. Rahvastikku iseloomustavad näitajad: 1. rahvaarv (aastase seisuga) 2. sooline koosseis 3. vanuseline koosseis 4. loomulik iive 5. keskmine rahvastiku tihedus (inimest ruutkilomeetril) 6. rahvuslik koosseis 7. hõive 8. migratsioon e. ränne 9. linnastumine Maailma rahvaarv 6 786 000 000 e. ligikaudu 6,8 miljardit. Rahvaarvult 3 suuremat riiki: 1. Hiina ­ 1,3 miljardit 2. India ­ 1,2 miljardit 3. USA ­ 307 miljonit Sündimust mõjutavad tegurid: Traditsioonid Haridustase Religioon Viljakas eas naiste arv Valitsuse poliitika a) arengumaades haridustase ­ puudub teadlikkus kaitsevahendite kohta traditsioonid ­ mida rohkem sünnib, seda uhkem viljakas eas naiste arv ­ viljakas eas naisi on rohkem ja seetõttu sünnib palju b) arenenud riikides haridustase ­ inimesed planeerivad lapsi, teevad karjääri traditsioonid ­ enne tehakse karjääri, siis mõeldakse la...

Geograafia → Geograafia
70 allalaadimist

Essee kirjutamine inglise keeles

 To make contrasting points: on the other hand, however, in spite of, while, nevertheless, despite, even though, although, it can be argued that, one can argue that…  To conclude: to sum up, all in all, all things considered, in conclusion, on the whole, taking everything into account, above all, as was previously stated… Opinion essays For example: Will life be better in the future? Has genetic science gone too far? Outline: Introduction – state topic Paragraph 2 – argument 1 + reason+ support (statistics, examples, quotes) Paragraph 3 – argument 2 + reason+ support (statistics, examples, quotes) Paragraph 4 – argument 3 + reason+ support (statistics, examples, quotes) (Paragraph 5 – give the other side of the argument + reasons) Final paragraph – restate opinion, paraphrasing it, and add a final comment

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

inglise keele konspekt Rakvere ametikool

today is the 6th of November. rakvere vocational school my speciality is a cook monday tuesday wendsday thursday friday saturday sunday my birthday is on the 27th dec my address is i was born in 1996 country city town parish cummune municipal village flat avenue street road kindergarten(nursery) to decide vocational school profession education speciality construction of cars to establish restuarant to continue to mend to repair 1.In the future 2.i have to stay in my new school do practical work 3.i entered vocational school. the age of seven 5.i was born in 23.10.1984 6.during my session 7.for almost four years 8.i want to be weiter 1. i was born in 3 nev 1984 2.i went to school at the age of seven 3.i have to studie almost four years september i went to vocational school interested in cars school we do practical work too the future im going to keep the family resourant school final cer...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
4 allalaadimist

Loodus kui iseenda reostaja

· Kamanev, K, 2005, Elavhõbeda ja elvhõbedaühendite ohtlikkus ning saaste ( · Piirimäe, K,2008, Kas Eesti läheb üle fosfaadivabadele pesuvahenditele, Bioneer ( · Anvelt, K, 2006, Arstitarbeid hakatakse steriliseerima kiirgusega, Postimees ( · USGS, 2008, Science for a Changing World, Vulcano Hazards ( · Ohvril, H, 2008, Kas vulkaanid mõjustavad Eesti õhu läbipaistvust, Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika instituut ( moju/vulkaaniline_kaugmoju.html) · Mitt, L, 2005, Õhusaaste (

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
10 allalaadimist

Finished topic- mass media

MASS MEDIA By ''mass media '' we intend to those means of communication which can reach large or mass audiences. The most important are probably Television, Radio, the Press and Internet. The English-speaking peoples have always allowed more freedom of speech and of the press than most other countries. This gave them an advantage from the start in communications. The ground work for mass communications in the 20th century was laid in the 19th century by two inventions which allowed people to communicate by wire. These were the electric telegraph and the telephone. The telegraph was invented in Britain in 1837. They were being used in the Civil war. It allowed messages to be sent electrically over telegraph wires. This was much faster and more reliable than sending messages by horse messenger. the telephone was invented In 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. The first radio broadcasts wer...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


4 KOKKUVÕTE Lõpetades masinaehituse eriala on võimalik leida tööd erinevates valdkondades. Tavalised nõuded kandidaadile on kõrg- või keskeriharidus, arvuti oskus (seal hulhas ka eriala tarkvara nagu AutoCad), keele oskus, oskus lugeda tehnilist dokumentatsiooni, teadmised ja kogemused elektroonika ja metalli valdkondadest. Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool 5 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD [1] Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd. [2] Masinaehitus. Omanda kindel ja praktiline amet, SA INNOMET, 2007 [3] (12.11.2010)

Masinaehitus → Masinatehnika
47 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

EDUCATION: De Montfort University, United Kingdom - September 2011 ­ June 2014 Business Management and Enterprise, Level 4 certificate Certificate in Adult Literacy Level 2, 2009 Certificate in Adult Numeracy Level 2, 2009 ECDL Advanced Level 3 certificate in Word Processing, 2009 ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Level 2 certificate, 2008 University of Tartu, Estonia: Chemistry, 2002 - 2004 Material Science, 2001 ­ 2002 Tartu Tamme High School, Estonia, 1996 - 2001 A Level equivalents in: English, Maths, Chemistry and Biology 10 GCSE equivalents including English and Maths TRAINING: Food labelling e-learning course Certificate 2017 Food Allergy Online Training Certificate 2017 Level 2 Certificate in Food Hygiene and Safety for Retail 2017 First Aid Certificate, 2012 Explore Enterprise course at Prince's Trust, 2011 Certificate in Retail Works, 2009

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


seost. Enamus oli kujundatud loogika ja deduktsiooni teel, selle asemel, et neid praktikas testida. Ka oli puudulik nende usaldusväärsus ja nad olid vasturääkivuses domineerivate filosoofiatega. Nendele teooriate põhjal ei olnud võimalik saada vastust küsimusele :”Mis on õendus?” Ehk sisaldub kõige olulisem teooriate arendamisest Fawceti uuringus aastast 2000, kus ta kirjeldab ohtu õendusteooriate tulevikule, olles analüüsinud oma artiklis ” Where is the nursing in the science?” 1999 aastal ajakirjades Nursing Research, Research in Nursing and Health ja Western Journal of Nursing Research ilmunud 116 artiklit, tõdeb, et ainult 4% nendest toetus eksisteerivatele õenduse mõistelistele mudelitele. 24% testisid eksisteervaid õendusteooriaid. Ükski avaldatud artiklitest ei olnud disainitud, et luua uut õenduse mõistelist mudelit. 39% põhinesid teiste teaduste teooriatel ja mõistelistel mudelitel

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
86 allalaadimist

Kliima kohta USAs

They are the means by which the American conservative movement will continue to protect its corporate backers at the expense of the public. I've asked my advisors to consider approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including those that tap the power of markets, help realize the promise of technology and ensure the widest possible global participation....Our actions should be measured as we learn more from science and build on it. Our approach must be flexible to adjust to new information and take advantage of new technology. We must always act to ensure continued economic growth and prosperity for our citizens and for citizens throughout the world." ­ President George W. Bush

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool tervisekaitse spetsialisti õppekava Tanel Teder MUTATSIOONID Referaat Juhendaja: Triin Veber Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Tartu 2010 Sisukord: 2 Sissejuhatus Tervis on läbi aegade olnud väga tähtis. Mida aeg edasi, seda olulisemaks on see teema ühiskonnas muutunud. Inimestele loeb, et nad tunneks ennast hästi nii sisemiselt, kui ka välimiselt. Kui need mõlemad kaks faktorit eksisteerivad koos rahuloluna, siis paljude jaoks see tähendabki head tervist. Paraku on selle saavutamisel mitmeid erineva astmega takistusi. Mutatsioonid on ühed olulisemad neist. Olgu siis kas pärilikult saadud või keskkonnast tingitud, mutatsioonid, olenevalt oma raskusastmest, mõjutavad inimese elukvaliteeti ü...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
57 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

Reference: 1. Bruce, V. & Green, P.R. (1990) Visual Perception, 2nd ed. Hove: Erlbaum. 2. Gehringer, William L. & Engel, E. (1986). Human Perception & Performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2, 181-185. 3. Gibson, J.J. (1979). The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 4. Gregory, R.L. (1980) Perception as hypothesis. Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London, 290, 181-197 5. Gross, R. (2005). Psychology. The science of mind and behaviour, 5th ed. London: Hodder Arnold. 6. Neisser, U. (1976). Cognition and Reality. San Fransisco: W.H.Freeman 5

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and Victorian England

Albert also gave a more conservative tinge to Victoria's politics. If Victoria was to insistently interject her opinions and make her views felt in the cabinet, it was only because of Albert's teachings of hard work. The general public, however, was not enamored with the German prince; he was excluded from holding any official political position, was never granted a title of peerage and was named Prince Consort only after seventeen years of marriage. Albert took an active interest in the arts, science, trade and industry; the project for which he is best remembered was the Great Exhibition of 1851, the profits from which helped to establish the South Kensington museums complex in London. Reflecting back into her childhood, Victoria was always prone to self pity. On Dec. 14th 1861 Albert died(aged 42) from typhoid fever at Windsore Castle. Victoria was deeply attached to her husband and she sank into depression after he died. She had lost a

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inimtegevuse mõju elusloodusele, veerežiimi muutused, kõrbestumine.

Eesti Maaülikool Maastikuarhitektuur Liisa Sekavin Inimtegevuse mõju elusloodusele, veereziimi muutused, kõrbestumine. Referaat Juhendaja: lekt. Merle Öpik Tartu 2012 Referaadi eesmärk on selgitada kõrbestumise ja veereziimi muutuste mõju elusloodusele ning tuua välja nende omavahelisi seoseid. Refereerimisele on võetud enamasti materjal, mida on võimalik leida internetist ja koostatud pigem välismaa näidetel. Kõrbestumise ja veereziimide muutuste mõju puhul peetakse eelkõige oluliseks mõju inimesele. Käsitletakse ka inimese mõju elusloodusele nii üldisemalt kui ka otsesemalt kõrbestumist ja veereziimide muutusi põhjustades. Hävitades troopilisi metsi, intensiivistades põllumajandust või laiendades linnu, on inimeste tegevus kõikjale ulatuvalt muutnud ma...

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
19 allalaadimist

Kahe klassikalise teooria võrdlus - neorealism ja realism

See oli tingitud ka sellest, et aeg oli teine ning inimeste maailmavaated olid mõnevõrra muutunud, mistõttu ei kohaldunud traditsioonilise realismi vaadetega. Piret Jänes 111827RIRIB Kasutatud allikad: · Elman, C. (2007). Realism. M. Griffiths (Toim). International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century (lk 11-14). Routledge, London and New York. · Forde, S. (1995). International Realism and the Science of Politcs: Thucydides, Machiavelli, and Neorealism. International studies Quarterly, 39, nr. 2, (lk 141-160). Wiley-Blackwell kirjastus. · Priess, D., Schweller, R. L. (1997). A Tale of Two Realism: Expanding the Intitutions Debate. Mershon International Studies Review. Wiley-Blackwell kirjastus. · Morgenthau, H. J. (1978). Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace (lk 4-15).

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted:...
86 allalaadimist


Psühholoogia kasutuselevõtt armeesüsteemides on alates Esimesest maailmasõjast plahvatuslikult arenenud. Tänaseks on kasvanud laialt rakendatavaks multidistsiplinaarseks teaduseks, milleta kaasaegsed relvajõud enam toime ei tule. Aastal 2006 tekkis NATO Research & Technology Organisation'i juurde paneel nimega Inimfaktor ja Meditsiin, mis defineeris enda missiooni alljärgnevalt: "The mission of the Human Factors and Medicine Panel is to provide the science and technology base for optimizing health, human protection, well being and performance of the human in operational environments with consideration of affordability. This involves understanding and ensuring the physical, physiological, psychological and cognitive compatibility among military personnel, technological systems, missions, and environments. This is accomplished by exchange of information, collaborative experiments and shared field trials."

Sõjandus → Riigikaitse
17 allalaadimist

PE composite

survevalutooted (HDPE) · Mänguasjad 8. Kokkuvõte Polüetüleenil, kui komposiit tarbeplastil, on oma plussid ja miinused. Hea on see, et tooraine baas on kättesaadav, materjal on odav, ei ole eriti toksiline, kemikaalidele vastupidav, säilib omadusi ka madalattel temperatuuridel. Miinused on, et madal pehmemis temperatuur, madal ka adhesioon ja ta ei lagune ilma lisanditeta, näiteks, tärklis. 9. Kasutatud kirjandus · Introduction to physical polymer science. L.H.Sterling. 1992. · . . 1972. · . . . .1988. · 20.04.2011 · 20.04.2011 Tabelid: tabelid 1, 2, 3, . . 1972; 5 10. Tabelid Tabel 1. Välistunnused

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
13 allalaadimist

Valkude ülesanded

VALKUDE ÜLESANDED 1. Ensümaatiline ülesanne Ensüümid on valgud, mis reguleerivad biokee- miliste reaktsioonide kiirust. Võivad kiirendada kuni 1020 korda! aktiivpunkt _place/labbench/lab2/images/enzyme.gif Ensümaatiline reaktsioon reaktsiooni asuv molekul aktiivpunkt ensüüm ensüüm Vaata ensüüümi tööd Ensüümid ei tööta ilma vitamiini juuresolekuta. Igal ensüümil on ainult üks ülesanne. ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
7 allalaadimist

English literatutre - Authors, history

nothing in common; · The argumentative quality of the love poems, in which the poet tries to persuade his lover to share his point of view; · The dramatic quality of the language, which often seems to be one side of a dialogue between the poet and his lover, or God, or himself; · The wide range of subjects from which the poet draws his imagery. Metaphysical poets used, for example, the areas of science, travel, medicine, alchemy and philosophy to create original imagery. This is in stark contrast with much of Elizabethan poetry which used the stock imagery of the period (birds, flowers, sun, moon, stars); · The use of wit: wit in the 17th c. referred to the ability to relate dissimilar ideas, and implied intellectual genius. The Metaphysical poets displayed this form of genius in the use of paradoxes, conceits and puns.

Keeled → British literature
12 allalaadimist

Radioaktiivsuse ja tuumade lõhustumise avastamine

ta areneb väga kiiresti. Paljunemistegur tuumapommi näitel Vastavalt eelmisel slaidil olnud infole kulgebki tuumapommi lõhkemine. Tuumapommi kutsutakse sageli aatompommiks, kuid see pole sisuliselt päris korrektne. Kasutatud materjalid "Füüsika XII klassile" Ain Ainsaar Vikipeedia, vaba entsuklopeedia Genesis Science Mission, Youtube feature=watch Chellesei, Youtube Google Images Referaat "Hiroshima", Miksike Goethe Institut Horisont

Füüsika → Füüsika
45 allalaadimist

STORYTELLING ehk lugude jutustamine

praktikast ei kao. KASUTATUD ALLIKAD An Educational KM Site. (2015, February 9). Retrieved December 12, 2016, from Storytelling : AN Educational KM Site. (2015, February 9). Retrieved December 11, 2016, from The Different Types of Knowledge : http://www.knowledge-management- Bevir, M., & Rhodes, R. A. (Eds.). (2015, July). Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. Routledge. 8 Lam, K. T. (2008, December 19). KM and Storytelling. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from KM and Storytelling: storytelling.pdf Perret, R., Borges, M. R., & Santoro, F. M. (n.d.). Applying Group Storytelling in Knowledge Management. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from https://www.researchgate

Infoteadus → Organisatsiooni...
5 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

• There are four operational roles that infantry battalions can fulfil: air assault, armoured infantry, mechanised infantry, and light role infantry Royal Air force • Frontline aircraft are controlled by Air Command, which is organised into three groups defined by function: 1. 1 Group (Air Combat) 2. 2 Group (Air Support) 3. 22 Group (training aircraft and ground facilities) Science and technology • England and Scotland were leading centres of the Scientific Revolution from the 17th century • Major theorists from the 17th and 18th centuries include Isaac Newton, from the 19th century Charles Darwin, James Clerk Maxwell. And more recently Stephen Hawking • Major scientific discoveriesinclude  1. Hydrogen by Henry Cavendish 2. Penicillin by Alexander Fleming 3. The structure of DNA by Francis Crick 4. And others

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Teadusfilosoofia õpetamisel on vaja teha mitmeid valikuid: osad on seotud filosoofiaga üldiselt, osad kitsamalt teadusfilosoofiaga. Selgitan järgnevalt oma valikuid. Igasuguse filosoofia õpetamise puhul on valida kahe põhilise lähenemise vahel: probleemide keskne ja filosoofia ajaloo keskne õpetamine. Ajaloo keskne õpetamine tähendab, et valitakse üks hulk filosoofe, kes ajaloos endale ühel või teisel moel nime teinud ja räägitakse nende eluloost, küsimustest, mida nad käsitlesid, millistele tulemustele nad jõudsid ja kuidas nad selliste tulemusteni jõudsid. Probleemide keskne õpetamine tähendab, et valitakse üks hulk küsimusi, mis on ühel või teisel moel olulised filosoofias ja räägitakse, milles küsimus seisneb ja kuidas seda küsimust lahendatakse kaasajal. Kahtlemata on teadusfilosoofia ajalugu huvitav ja õpetlik, kuid minu teadusfilosoofia kursus keskendub teadusfilosoofia probleemidele. Kumb lähenemine valitakse, sõ...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
13 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

*Tallinn is magnificent old-town, wich is full of legends about, cruelty, tragedy and magic 3 Legends of Tallinn Tallinn is a city of legends, and almost every house has its story to told ­ some of them are nicer, some of them are more terrible. As it is with ethnic stories, every teller adds something of his own. Because of that many legends have been difficult to find a specific historical background. Some of them even tend to be more science fictional than true. A unique color is added by old-fashioned style and language. Tallinn has a long and complicated history. Tallinn has had more than twenty different names. Tallinn was for the first time mentioned in written sources in the Arab geographer al-Idrisi's in 1154. Tallinn has survived many historical events. Over the centuries, has Tallinn been reflected in ethnical stories - in numerous legends. In some areas the number of stories may reach tens

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Internet ( slaidid )

worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. History of the Internet 1957:The United States Department of Defense formed a small agency called ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) to develop military science and technology. 1961-1965:The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started to research sharing information in small, phone-linked networks. ARPA is one of their main sponsors. 1966: The first ARPANET plan is unveiled by Larry Roberts of MIT. Packet switching technology is getting off the ground, and small university networks are beginning to be developed. # 1969:The Department of Defense commissions

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Miks on kooli kohustuslikus õppekavas bioloogia?

Miks on kooli kohustuslikus õppekavas bioloogia? Meditsiin: ravimid? arstid? kirurgid? ennetustöö??!!! Tervislikud eluviisid: toitumine füüsiline aktiivsus vaimne tervis laste kasvatamine Põllumajandus: mullaviljakus sordiaretus tõuaretus Toiduainetetehnoloogia Materjalidetehnoloogia Majandusteadused on ilma bioloogiata mõeldamatud (ressursside kasutamine) Kriminoloogia Sport Turism Energeetika (ressursid) Rahvastikuküsimuse lahendamine KESKKONNAPROBLEEMIDE lahendamine Kelle mure see on? Ettevõtete? Riikide? Iga inimese? Kui kõik inimesed mõistaksid looduses olevaid suhteid, siis nad mõistaksid, et tehes kahju loodusele, teevad kahju iseendale ja eriti oma lastele. Inimestevahelised suhted: kodus ­ kaasad, lapsed, ämmad töökaaslased alluvad, ülemused, k...

Bioloogia → Arengubioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Postmodernistlik kultuurisituatsioon

marksism . Tehnoloogilise arenguga valdkondades nagu side , meedia ja infotehnoloogia on need muutnud talumatuteks. Tehisintellekt ja masintõlge näitavad keelelist ja sümboolset üleminekut postindustriaalses majanduses ja sellega seotud postmodernistlikus kultuuris, mis oli tõusnud 1950 lõpus pärast Lääne-Euroopa rekonstrueerimist. Tulemuseks on paljusust keele-mängeudes (termin, mille leiutas Ludwig Wittgenstein [5] ), ilma üldise struktuurita. Modern science thus destroys its own metanarrative. Kaasaegne teadus seega hävitab oma metanarratiive. Puudus idee , kuidas tõlgendada asju. J. Baudrillard: simulaakrumid ja hüperreaalsus. - Esimeseks implosiooniks peab Baudrillard 1968 aasta filosoofia tudengite mässu Prantsusmaal. Lõhutud on klassikaline saatja­saaja vahekord, kuna meedia pole enam vahendaja, vaid sündmuste looja. Simulatsiooni simulaakrum, mis põhinevad informatsioonil, mudelil, küberneetilisel mängul -- totaalne

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Miks on kooli kohustuslikus õppekavas bioloogia?

Miks on kooli kohustuslikus õppekavas bioloogia? Meditsiin: ravimid? arstid? kirurgid? ennetustöö??!!! Tervislikud eluviisid: toitumine füüsiline aktiivsus vaimne tervis laste kasvatamine Põllumajandus: mullaviljakus sordiaretus tõuaretus Toiduainetetehnoloogia Materjalidetehnoloogia Majandusteadused on ilma bioloogiata mõeldamatud (ressursside kasutamine) Kriminoloogia Sport Turism Energeetika (ressursid) Rahvastikuküsimuse lahendamine KESKKONNAPROBLEEMIDE lahendamine Kelle mure see on? Ettevõtete? Riikide? Iga inimese? Kui kõik inimesed mõistaksid looduses olevaid suhteid, siis nad mõistaksid, et tehes kahju loodusele, teevad kahju iseendale ja eriti oma lastele. Inimestevahelised suhted: kodus – kaasad, lapsed, ämmad töökaaslased alluvad, ülemused, k...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoofia – ja metodoloogia

Õpikut ei näita progressi 176. The 11th Chapter in Kuhn’s ‘The Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ is titled ‘The Invisibility of Scientific Revolutions’. In this chapter Kuhn revisits the themes developed in earlier chapters. He explains that the celebrated scientific revolutions that he uses as examples are selected solely that the reader is already familiar with them. Kuhn suggests in this chapter that revolutions are invisible because of historical revisionism in science textbooks. His argument runs along the following lines. Firstly assuming that scientists and laypeople use textbooks as the primary source of learning about a scientific field then the presentation of the field within the textbooks is of central importance. Secondly Kuhn suggests that there is a central assumption that science is independent of the historical context (note that he himself does not hold this view). Thirdly Kuhn

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
38 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Some Muslim organizations began using the media to promote the message of Islam. The first Islamic satellite network hosting a 24-hour service worldwide was MTA International, established by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in 1994. Zakir Naik, head of the Islamic Research Foundation, established another 24-hour Islamic international TV channel (Peace TV) in 2006. In the 21st century Muslims face questions relating to their faith, the nation state, science, and every day life. New Muslim intellectuals are beginning to arise, and are increasingly separating perennial Islamic beliefs from archaic cultural traditions to resolve these issues. Liberal Islam is a movement that attempts to reconcile religious tradition with modern norms of secular governance and human rights. Its supporters say that there are multiple ways to read Islam's sacred texts, and stress the need to leave room for "independent thought on religious matters"

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

James's Palace; four days before, Victoria granted her husband the style His Royal Highness. Prince Albert was commonly known as the "Prince Consort", though he did not formally obtain the title until 1857. Prince Albert was never granted a peerage dignity. [4] Prince Albert replaced Melbourne as the dominant male influence in Victoria's life. She was thoroughly devoted to him, and completely submitted to his will. [5] Victoria did nothing without her husband's approval. His interests in art, science and industry spurred him to organize the Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851, a highly profitable industrial convention. [6] Her marriage to Prince Albert brought nine children between 1840 and 1857. Most of her children married into other Royal families of Europe. [7] On December 14th 1861 Albert died from typhoid fever at Windsor Castle. Victoria remained in self-imposed seclusion for ten years. This genuine, but obsessive mourning kept her

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Uurimustööks vajalik teada

We are also now aware of the fact that organisms under stress are able to actively alter their DNA and create new genes in an effort to accommodate environmental challenges (Thaler, 1994). Rather than being genetically predetermined, organisms develop in balance with their environment and purposively select, or if necessary rewrite, what they perceive to be appropriate gene programs to ensure their survival. An article in Science entitled "A New Look at Maternal Guidance" (Pennisi, 1996) reveals that parents pass more than genes on to their offspring. The report acknowledges that the parent's provide non-genetic contributions that dramatically influence the development of the offspring and have profound ecological and evolutionary implications. Studies cited reveal that maternal contributions can enhance an offspring's chances for survival and even influence a species' ability to adapt to its environment

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö metoodika
277 allalaadimist

Kummitustega seotud uskumused noorte seas PMG näitel

1.2017) Petzoldt, Leander 2010. Väike deemonite ja vaimolendite leksikon / Tlk. Reet Hiiemäe. 2. , täiend. tr. Tartu : Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus Reha. Liisa 2008. Kolga mõisa kummituslood Ulvi Meieri jutuvaramus. Bakalaureusetöö. Tartu: Tartu Ülikool, Eesti ja võrdleva rahvaluule osakond. Kättesaadav ka Internetist BA_Reha.pdf;jsessionid=5A49346C9F671BC7AE7BB88F91E04AF0?sequence=1 (24.1.2017) The science behind why people see ghosts the-science-behind-why-people-see-ghosts/ (24.1.2017) Spiritual Science Research Foundation. Some facts about ghosts (24.1.2017) Top 10 Most Famous Ghosts !34 (12.2.2017) Wikipedia. Ghosts in pop culture. https://en.wikipedia

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun