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"science" - 775 õppematerjali

science - du-mythe_978.jpg (14.10.2014) 6. curie/010_pierre-et-marie-curie_theredlist.jpg (13.10.2014) 7. Nobeli preemia kodulehekülg: bio.html (11.10.2014) 8. Nobeli preemia kodulehekülg: curie.

Kasutaja: science

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Cambodia kvalitatiivne ülevaade

Lõplikus uuringus oli nõus osalema neist 7 organisatsiooni. Intervjueeritavateks valiti organisatsioonide vaimse tervise spetsialistid, kes omasid sotsiaaltöö,psühholoogia, kliinilise psühholoogia ja nõustamise alast haridust. Enamasti olid vastajad organisatsioonis juhataja või nõustaja ametikohal. Kaheksast vastajast kuus olid naised ja kaks mehed. Intervjuude analüüsimiseks kasutati kvalitatiivsandmete sotsiaalteaduste analüüsi meetodit (standard social science methods for analysing qualitative data). Uurimistulemustest selgus, et on liiga vähe vaimsetervise spetsialiste, kes saavad abi osutada inimkaubanduse ohvritele. Maapiirkondades on tugiteenustele piiratud juurdepääs ja meestele on vähem teenuseid kui naistele ja lastele. Teenuste osutajad usuvad, et diskrimineerimine ja stigma, mis kaasneb nii vaimsetervise kui inimkaubanduse ohvriks olemisega piirab inimestel vajalike teenuste kättesaadavust

Muu → Akadeemiline kirjutamine ja...
11 allalaadimist

Pollution of the Baltic Sea

Pollution of the Baltic Sea I have chosen to write my science report about pollution of the Baltic Sea. Nowadays it is a big problem to people who live in the marine region. In this report, I want to know the reason of this issue and how could we solve it. High population density, intensive agricultural production and other human activities have caused this high level pollution of the Baltic Sea. The shipment of crude oil has grown from 45 million tons to 175 million tons and this only by 10 years. Its condition

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Elu tunnused

BIOLOOGIA UURIB ELU Biokeemia- Molekuloogia- 1.Taimed Tsütoloogia- 2.Loomad Histoloogia- 3.Seened Anatoomia- 4.Bakterid Füsioloogia- 5.Viirused Hügieen- Ökoloogia- Etoloogia- ELU TUNNUSED This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share A Elu määratlemine toimub mitme tunnuse kaudu: Vaieldakse, kas viirused on elus või eluta objektid. Miks? omadus elus eluta 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kõikidele elusorganismidele on omased teatud tunnused: Rakuline ehitus Rakk on kõige lihtsam ehituslik ja talituslik üksus, millel on kõik elu tunnused. Rakkude hulga alusel jagatakse organismid Ainuraksed Hulkraksed Biomolekulide esinemine Keerulise ehitusega ained, mis väljaspool organismi ei ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Waldspirale in German

Today, I want to pay your attention to a house called Forest Spiral (or Waldspirale in German), which is situated in Darmstadt, Germany, Frankfurterstrasse street. This city with a population of 141 thousand citizens is known to be a «city of science», so there is no surprise that such an eccentric and creative house was built there in 2000. Many of us reading fairytales have dreamt about living in magic houses and this twelve-storey building twisted in a shell is a dream come true. This eye-catching house, built without any rectangular forms, has a green roof with a garden, for what it was actually called a Forest spiral. There are 105 apartments, garage (), grocery store and a café inside the house as well as the patio () with an artificial pond and playground for kids. But why this house really stands out is that windows in it are situated unusually, going not in one line, but chaotically set in a façade. There are more than 1000 of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Curriculum within in philological faculty includes courses of Russian and European languages and literature, courses of Linguistics and Theory of Literature for students to familiarize themselves with various schools and trends of Russian and foreign philology. The core curriculum also includes a number of Liberal Arts courses (Philosophy, History, Psychology, Pedagogy), as well as courses of basic mathematics and computer studies, and optional courses of science and the Humanities. The Department of Theory of Literature and the Department of General and Comparative Linguistics teach a vast number of core courses to junior students, both offering major courses to senior students in all the divisions of the faculty. The Department of Theory of Literature teaches literature as a type of art, focusing on the genesis, structure, classification, and functioning of literary works, on stylistics and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Weather and climate

years can be accounted for by changes in the warmth from the Sun. This was caused by alterations in the Earth's orbit at periods of 96,000, 40,000 and 20,000 years. Although that theory is widely accepted as a possible explanation for ice ages, it has not been proved. More than 50 theories have been put forward, but only a few have not been completely dismissed. Not long ago a new theory was published in the science journal "Nature". According to Dr. Garry Hunt, of University College, intense radiations from the nuclear explosion of a nearby supernova a star could cause the destruction of part or all of the ozone layer and in this way trigger an ice age. As for me, I like autumn best of all. The trees are covered with yellow and red leaves. Colors of these leaves that just start to wither are warm and they comfort me when I feel down. Days become shorter and the nights longer

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Education Estonian Style

Education Estonian Style Until the age of 7 you usually go to kindergarten, which means that you obtain preschool education. In grades 1-9 you obtain basic education. In grades 7-9 in addition to obtaining basic education, it is possible for you to get prevocational training in basic school. For persons without basic education who have passed the minimum school-leaving age (17 years) it is possible to continue their education in vocational schools on vocational training programmes (within 0,5­2,5 years one obtains vocational skills) or in upper-secondary schools for adults. If you have basic education, then you have choices to continue your studies: Upper-secondary school ­ for general upper-secondary education (3 years). Vocational school ­ for vocational secondary education (at least 3 years). If you have (general or vocational) secondary education, then you have three choices to continue your studies. Voc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

Päikesetuul, magnetväli. Päikese aktiivsus:päikeselaigud ja muud ilmingud

Päikesetuul, magnetväli. Päikese aktiivsus:päikeselaigud ja muud ilmingud Päikesetuul • Päikesetuul on päikesest lähtuv vabanenud laetud osakeste voog, mis muutub pidevalt kiiruse, tiheduse ja temperatuuri poolest. • Päikesetuul liigub läbi Päikesesüsteemi kiirusega 450 km/s. • Esimest korda registreeriti päikesetuule olemasolu 4. jaanuaril 1959. aastal Nõukogude Liidu kosmoseaparaadi Luna 1 poolt. Pilt 1 – Päikesetuul liigub maale ja kohtub Maa magnetosfääriga Päikesetuulega kaasnevad nähtused • Geomagnetiline torm ehk magnettorm • Virmalised on atmosfääri kõrgemates kihtides esinevad optilised nähtused. • Päikesetuul teeb komeetidele sabad taha ja tekitab kiirgusvööndeid planeetide magnetväljas. Magnetväli • Magnetväli on füüsikaline üldmudel sellest, kuidas toimub vastastikmõju liikuvate elektrilaengute ja ...

Astronoomia → Füüsika
2 allalaadimist


Gröönimaal elavad polaarrebased ja hundid, põhjapõdrad, muskusveised, valgejänesed, jääkarud, rannikul hülged, morsad, vaalad. Saarel pesitseb umbes 50 linnuliiki. Gröönimaal on kaevandatud sütt, krüoliiti, marmorit, tsinki, tina ja hõbedat. Võimalik on nafta, SUUR SULA :P Satelliitvaatlused ja tipptehnoloogilised piirkondlikud atmosfäärimudelid on teineteisest sõltumatult kinnitanud, et Gröönimaa jääkate kaotab massi kiirenevas tempos, väidab ajakirjas Science avaldatud värske uurimus. Massi kadu jaotub ühtlaselt Gröönimaa tormakate liustike voolu kiirenemisest tingitud jäämägede tekke juurdekasvu ja sulavee lisandumise vahel jääkatte pinnale. Viimaste aastate soojad suved on massi kao tempo ajavahemikus 2006-2008 kergitanud 273 gigatonnini aastas (1 Gt on ühe kuupkilomeetri vee mass), mis on merepinna ülemaailmset tõusu edendanud 0,75 mm võrra aastas, vahendab PhysOrg.

Geograafia → Geograafia
6 allalaadimist

Inimese närvisüsteem

NÄRVISÜSTEEM Koostas: Kristel Mäekask Närvisüsteemi jaotus: Kesknärvisüsteem Piirdenärvisüsteem Kesknärvisüsteem KNS Juhib kogu organismi tegevust. Koosneb: · peaajust · seljaajust Peaaaju Koosneb viiest osast ja juhib kogu organismi tegevust. Vasak ja parem ajupoolkera Vasak aju pool juhib parema kehapoole tegevust ja parem aju pool vasaku kehapoole tegevust. Selle põhjuseks on ajusse saabuvate närvikiudude omavaheline ristumine. Enamasti on juhtivaks vasak ajupoolkera ja seetõttu on enamasti inimesed paremakäelised. Väikeaju Reguleerib lihaste koostööd ja tasakaalu. Piklikaju Reguleerib tahtele allumatuid tegevusi (hingamine, südametegevus). Keskaju Närviimpulsside liikumine pea- ja seljaaju vahel ning tagab lihase pingeseisundi ehk toonuse. Vaheaju Reguleerib ainevahetust, paljunemist, kehatemperatuuri. Suuraju koores paiknevad keskused: Suuraju välispinda nimetatakse ajukooreks. liigutuskeskus ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
53 allalaadimist

Lühikirjand teemal "Los Angeles"

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Grauman's Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Sign, Hollywood Boulevard, Capitol Records Tower, Los Angeles City Hall, Hollywood Bowl, Watts Towers, Staples Center, Dodger Stadium and La Placita Olvera/Olvera Street Los Angeles was founded September 4, 1781, by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. Los Angeles is one of the world's centers of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. Los Angeles has a Mediterranean climate or Dry-Summer. The main Los Angeles airport is Los Angeles International Airport. The fifth busiest commercial airport in the world and the third busiest in the United States. The Walk of Fame is very much a tribute to Johnny Grant, a sometime mayor of Hollywood and relentless promoter of Tinsel Town. There is no mistaking what town you are in when you gaze down at the sidewalk and see these world famous gold stars

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist


Ateism Ateism, kui konkreetne seisukoht võib olla kas usk jumala(te) mitte- eksisteerimisse või teismi eitamine. Üldjoontes defineerituna on ateism usu puudumine jumalasse või jumalatesse ­ nö. mitteusk. Paljud ateistid on omasõnul skeptilised kõigi üleloomulike olendite eksisteerimise suhtes, empiiriliste tõendite, mis oleksid võimelised jumaluste olemasolu tõendama, puudumise tõttu. Teised eitavad jumalusi filosoofilistel, sotsiaalsetel või ajaloolistel kaalutlustel. Kuigi paljud ateistid väidavad end järgivat sekulaarseid väärtushinnanguid, nagu näiteks humanism ja naturalism, puudub ateismil ühene filosoofiline tõekspidamine. Lisaks eelmainitule puudub mõnedes religioonides, nagu budism ja jainism, usk jumalasse kui reaalsesse isikusse, mistõttu võib ka neid liigitada ateismi alla. Ateism, kui termin, pärineb algselt halvustavast epiteedist inimeste või uskude kohta, mis ei ühi...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
13 allalaadimist

"Angels and demons" Dan Brown raamatu kokkuvõtte

Subject The Pope death Antimatter (God particle) stealing At the headquarters of the Swiss Guards had sent a letter to the threat CERN turns to Robert Langdon for help in uncovering murder Vatican journey with Victoria Papcy able Sede Vacante The catch is that the four main candidates for throne, was kidnapped. Had to find a way with the keys left in the four corners of the Illuminati in Rome Problems church relations with science Murder Pope and kidnapped condidates who gets the throne an explosive antimatter riddles of the past Milieu Most activities take place in Vatican Characters Robert Langdon A professor of symbology at Harvard University and the main protagonist of the novel. He is flown to CERN to help investigate the murder of Leonardo Vetra. Vittoria Vetra The adopted daughter of Vetra. She, like her father, works with CERN. Her research focuses on

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 3

3 We saw an accident when we were coming home from school. (see; come) 4 I got into bed, turned off the light, and fell asleep at once. (get; turn off; fall) 5 What were you doing at 9 o'clock last night? - I was having a shower. (do; have) 6 I was lying on my inflatable when it started to rain. (lie; start) 3 Complete the questions with do, does, fif, is, are, was, were and answer them. 1 What time does the first lesson begin? It begins at 8:05. 2 How often do you have natural science? Twice a week. 3 What time is shcool over on Mondays? At 13:55 4 Were you a good student last year? Yes, I was. 5 Who was tour math teacher last year? Heli Kopter 6 How long are your lessons? 45 minutes. 7 How did you get to school last year? By car. 4 Read the story and put the sentences in the right order according to the text. Write the letter of the sentence next to the number below. An example has been done for you.

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Green Illusions - book powerpoint - alternative energy

“Green Illusions” The Dirty Secrets of Clean Energy and the Future of Environmentalism Ozzie Zehner Author  Ozzie Zehner  Visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley Kettering University ( BS – Engineering ) The University of Amsterdam ( MS/Drs – Science and Technology Studies ) Primarily researches social, cultural, political and economic .jpg conditions influencing energy policy priorities and project outcomes Introduction This book talks about the negative side effects of the alternative energy like wind turbines, solar cells and bio fuels. We don't have an energy crisis

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Edgar Allen Poe kirjandus

Poe's best known fiction works are Gothic His most recurring themes : death (its physical signs) the effects of decomposition concerns of premature burial the reanimation of the dead, mourning Dark romanticism genre Wrote : horror satires humor tales hoaxes He used irony and ludicrous extravagance "Metzengerstein" - the first story that Poe is known to have published Poe reinvented science fiction responding in his writing to emerging technologies such as hot air balloons in "The Balloon-Hoax" He used themes specifically catered for mass market tastes. Disliked didacticism and allegory "Works with obvious meanings cease to be art." "Quality work should be brief and focus on a specific single effect. " "The writer should carefully calculate every sentiment and idea." During his lifetime recognized as a literary critic.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
15 allalaadimist

Alumiiniumi tootmine ja kasutamine

). Alumiiniumitoodang ( mln t ) Hiina 4.300, Venemaa 3.347, Kanada 2.709, USA 2.707, Austraalia 1.836, Brasiilia 1.318, Norra 1.096, LAV 0.707, India 0.671, Saksamaa 0.653. Värvimata alumiinium: Värvitud alumiinium: Alumiinium pada: Alumiinium on hästi sepistatav: Kasutatud kirjandus: Eneke 1, kirjastus "Valgus". Lk 49. Väike Entsüklopeedia. Rein Aro. Lk 44. Õpilase Entsüklopeedia. Jennifer Justice. Lk 110. Õpilase Teadus- Entsüklopeedia. The Concise Science Encyclopedia Kingfisher. Lk 110 ­ 115. Illustreeritud Laste- Entsüklopeedia. Dorling Kindersley. Lk 366.

Füüsika → Füüsika
37 allalaadimist

Alchemy English

For thousand of years scientists all over the world have sought for three main goals of alchemy. The most renowned goal of alchemy is the transmutation of any metal into gold or silver. Also they tried to create universal panacea. It's a remedy that would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely. The philosphper's stone was the key in these goals. This mythical substance could just as well be powder or liquid. Alchemy is considered as the precursor of the modern science of chemistry. The Philospher's stone is perhaps best known in Britain through the best-selling book and movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. But its origins go back thousands of years to ancient world. In those times a philospher was a secret wizard and a powerful sage. But what exaclty is a philospher's stone? To begin with its not actually a stone at all. It's not a solid rocky substance but a compound substance. That would have been kind of a liquid or jem

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Jamss Merlin-Hans Hiiekivi Jamss arvatakse olevat kasvanud juba Juura ajastul. Omadused Dioskoor (Dioscorea), juurmugulaid/jämenenud risoome moodustavate taimede perekond dioskoorealiste sugukonnast; Jamsil on väänduv või roniv 2­3 m (mõnel liigil 10­12 m) pikkune vars, mis ogaliste või pikakarvaliste köitraagudega kinnitub tugedele. Õitseb vähe, emasõiest moodustub 1­3 cm pikkune kolmeosaline kapslike, mille igas osas on 2 seemet. Lehekaenaldes võivad moodustuda kuni õunasuurused nn. õhumugulad (lühenenud külgvõrsed), õhumugulate moodustumine vähendab saaki. Igal taimel kasvab üks mullasisene silinderjas või vesijamsil kerajas mugul, 4­50 kg valge, kollane või punakas sisu. Levik Kultuurtaimena kasvatatakse: Indohiina poolsaarel vesijamssi (D. alata), ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Herbert George Wells

1914). 6 Veel teoseid ,,Inimjumalad" (,,Men Like Gods," 1923; eesti k. 1968) ,,Ajaloo peajooned" (,,The Outline of History," 1932 eesti k. 1939) ,,Ann Veronica" (1909) ,,Armastus ja härra Lewisham" (,,Love and Mr Lewisham," 1900; eesti k. 1936) ,,Christina Alberta's Father" (1925) ,,The World of William Clissold" (1926) ,,Meanwhile" (1927) ,,Mr Blettsworthy on Rampole Island" (1928) ,,The Open Conspiracy" (1928) ,,The Science of Life" (1930) ,,The Outline of Man's Work and Wealth" (1931) ,,The Shape of Things to Come" (1933) ,,What Are We To Do With Our Lives?" (1933) ,,Star-Begotten" (1937) ,,The New World Order" (1940) ,,Crux Ansata" (1943) ,,The Secret Places of the Heart" (1922) ,,The Food of the Gods and How It Came to Earth" (1904) ,,Kipps: The Story of a Simple Soul" (1905) ,,A Modern Utopia" (1905) ,,In the Days of the Comet" (1906) ,,The Future in America" (1906) ,,Faults of the Fabian" (1906)

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
33 allalaadimist


Leian, et maastik meie elus on tähtis olnud läbi aegade, see on meie koduks, töökeskkonnaks ja paljudeks teisteks keskkondadeks. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS • Bergerona, J., Paquetteb, S., Poullaouec-Gonidecb, P. (2014). Uncovering landscape values and micro-geographies of meanings with the go-along method.- Landscape and Urban Planning. Väljaanne nr. 122. lk 108-121 • Bruni, D. (2016). Landscape Quality and Sustainability Indicators.- Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Väljaanne nr. 8. lk 698-705 • Cormont, A. (2016). Landscape complexity and farmland biodiversity: Evaluating the CAP target on natural elements.- Journal for Nature Conservation. Väljaanne nr. 30. lk 19-26 • Kokovkin, T. (2001). Viis mõtet maastikust. – Maastik: loodus ja kultuur. Maastiku käsitlusi Eestis. /Toim. H. Palang, H. Sooväli. Tartu Ülikooli geograafia instituut väljaanne nr 91. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse trükikoda, lk 40-44.

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Infoteaduste Eksam

Vastus: Marcia J. Bates, Henry E. Bliss, A.C. Bradford, A.J. Lotka, G.Z. Zipf, S.R. Ranganhan, Karl Ludwig von Bertalanffy, John von Neumann, Oskar Morgenstern, Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon. 4. Infoteaduse kujunemist mõjutanud sündmused. Vastus: 1948. aastal Teadusliku Informatsiooni konverents- põhiteemaks infoteenuste teadustöö tõhustamiseks 1958. aastal Rahvusvahelise Teadusliku Informatsiooni konverents 1966. aastal kogumiku “Annual Review of Infotmation Science and Technology” väljaandmine. 1970. aastal Tefko Saracevici infoteaduse ülevaate “Introduction to Information Science” 5. Informatsiooni uurivad teadused Vastus: Informatsiooni eriaspektid on uurimisaineks mitmetel teadusaladel: küberneetika, matemaatiline kommunikatsiooniteooria, lingvistika, semiootika, dokumentalistika, informatsiooniteooria, kognitoloogia jne. Paljud akadeemilised distsipliinid uurivad informatsiooni erinevaid aspekte:

Infoteadus → Sissejuhatus infoteadustesse
29 allalaadimist

Loodusteduste teke

Sain kirjutatud kõigist punktidest, mida olin plaaninud kajastada. Suur abi tuli ka mu isalt, kes juhuslikult on bioloogia õpetaja ning oskas mu kirjatööd pisut korrigeerida ning parandada. Töö eesmärgiks oli lugejaid harida ning kostitada teadmistega loodusteaduste tekkest, arenemisest ja sellest, mis need tegelikult on. Usun ja loodan , et mu referaat täidab oma ülesande. Kasutatud kirjanduse loetelu · Newport, G. 2002 Natural science (12. veebruar 2002) · Eesti Entsüklopeedia, 1990 · Kelley L. 2006 The Beginning of Modern Science (14. september 2008) · Õpilase Entsüklopeedia, 2001 · Kvell, A. 2005 Euroopa Kirjandus XVIII Sajandil · Oop, A. 2004 Loodusteadused (19. märts 2007)

Geograafia → Geograafia
19 allalaadimist

PP esitlus FBI

Combat international and national criminal organizations and enterprises Support federal, state, county, municipal, and international partners Combat significant violent crime Combat major whitecollar crime 8 The FBI is organized into functional branches Office of the Director National Security Branch Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch Human Resources Branch Science and Technology Branch Information and Technology Branch 9 Hiring process An applicant must be between the ages of 23 and 37 Must hold American citizenship, have a clean record, and hold a fouryear TS/SCI clearance. Have to pass a Physical Fitness Test Spend approximately 21 weeks at the FBI Academy, located on Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Los Angeles

Dodger Stadium, and La Placita Olvera/Olvera Street. Downtown Los Angeles is quickly becoming a landmark of itself, with development of billion dollar projects such as Wilshire Grand Tower I, rivaling the prominence of places such as Times Square. Los Angeles was founded on September 4, 1781, by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve. Los Angeles is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education. Los Angeles is also home to renowned universities such as the University of Southern California and the University of California, Los Angeles. The main Los Angeles airport is Los Angeles International Airport The sixth busiest commercial airport in the world and the third busiest in the United States, LAX handled over 61 million passengers and 2 million tons of cargo in 2006. The Walk of Fame is very much a tribute to Johnny Grant, a sometime mayor

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Choices after secondary school

and these are their dream jobs. They have got a working skills, good job and family. They need to take care of their family. Most of people go to the next level school after high school. Because they want to get some special education to work on some metier. They have two opportunity where to go. Firstly go to the university, where most of people go after high school. It is certainly true that univesrity are more of them who decided to do science work or do work what need more thinking. I have decided same way because I think that university education help to get better job on future. Especially when we have bad times on economy. Another opportunity is to go to trade school. There people study more how to do things by hands or how to use some special machine. Nowdays companies want people who can work with very expensive machines. Trade school is very good opportunity to learn some subject field and see has it like or not

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist


increasingly sovereign over the following decades. Northern Ireland remained a part of the United Kingdom and saw much civil unrest from the late 1960s until the 1990s. This subsided following a political agreement in 1998. In 1973, both parts of Ireland joined the European Community. Irish culture has had a significant influence on culture world-wide, particularly in the fields of literature and, to a lesser degree, science and learning. A strong indigenous culture exists, as expressed for example through native sports. Gaelic games are the traditional sports played in Ireland. The two main Gaelic games are Gaelic football and Hurling. The Irish language, alongside a common Western culture, such as contemporary music and drama, and sports such as rugby and golf. Ireland is known for its traditional music and song, in origin going back hundreds of years but still played throughout the country

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Plii ja Tina

Plii ja Tina Tallinna 32. Keskkool Plii (Pb) Plii (seatina) on keemiline element järjekorranumbriga 82, kuulub metallide hulka. Plii on väga mürgine, metallidest on mürgisemad ainult kaadmium ja elavhõbe. *Sinakasvalge *Pehme *Raskemetall Ajalugu ja tootmisprotsess Plii on esimesi metalle, mida inimene tundma õppis. Looduslikud pliiühendid lagunevad kergesti lõkkes ning pärast kustumist võis sealt metalli tükke leida. Indias ja Hiinas tunti pliid juba 2000 eKr, Mesopotaamias ja Egiptuses 3000...4000 eKr.Kõige vanemad plii kasutuskohad on leitud Türgist (pliist helme, umbes 6500 eKr). Plii tootmise tooraineks on polümetalsed maagid (tavaliselt 15 % pliid), mida rikastatakse flotatsiooniga ning kuumutatakse õhu juurdepääsul Plii füüsikalised omadused ...

Keemia → Keemia
21 allalaadimist


Emotsioonid Põhiemotsioonid Mis on emotsioon? Emotsiooni mõiste ja olemus. • Emotsiooniks nimetatakse subjektiivset tundeelamust, mis sisaldab füsioloogilisi, käitumuslikke ja kognitiivseid reaktsioone sisemistele ja välistele sündmustele. • Emotsioonide alla kuuluvad kõik positiivsed ja negatiivsed tundeelamused. Emotsioon sisaldab järgmisi komponente: • füsioloogilisi muutusi • käitumisvalmidust, mida vahel nimetatakse ka aktsioonipotentsiaaliks (mis võib , kuid ei pruugi olla seotud tegeliku käitumisega) • teadlikku subjektiivset kogemust • kognitiivset e. tähenduslikku e. hinnangulist komponenti Emotsioonidest veel: 1. Emotsioon tekib, kui inimene hindab olukorda enda jaoks oluliseks. 2. Emotsioonid on mitmetahulised, kogu keha haaravad protsessid, millega kaasnevad muutused nii inimese füsioloogias, subjektiivses kogemuses kui ka käitumuslikus väljenduses. Emotsioonide väljendamise aluseks on geneetilised...

Psühholoogia → Emotsioonid
5 allalaadimist

"Ender's game" powerpoint presentation

Ender's Game By Orson Scott Card Compiled by Taavo Allik The Author · born on the 24th of August in 1951 · began as a poet · studied theatre · only author to win both science fiction top prizes in consecutive years (Hugo & Nebula Awards) ­ for Ender's Game and it's sequel · Has written in a variety of genres Setting · occasionally on Earth · mostly in Battle School: ­ on orbit near Earth ­ most important there: battlerooms · in Command School ­ very far from Earth ­ on a small planet Eros · on a bugger colony ­ named after Ender ­ Ender's World Main Characters

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Teadusfilosoof - Karl Popper

suhtumisest kooli ja õpilastesse. 1928. aastal sai ta filosoofiadoktori kraadi ja aasta hiljem sai ta õiguse õpetada koolis matemaatikat ja füüsikat. Aastatel 1930-1936 töötaski ta õpetajana. Vahepeal abiellus ta oma kolleegi Josefine Anna Henningeriga. Aastal 1937 emigreerus Karl Popper natsismi eest Uus-Meremaale, kus ta töötas filosoofialektorina. Aastal 1946 kolis ta Inglismaale, kus temast sai London School of Economics and Political Science loogika ja teadusliku meetodi lektor ja mõned aastad hiljem, 1949 sai temast sama õppeasutuse professor. Popper osales sotsialistlikus noorsooliikumises. Ta võttis ühendust ka Viini ringi, mis oli teadlaste ja filosoofide rühm Viinis. Kuna ta oli sealsete liikmete vaadete ja põhimõtete suhtes kriitiline, siis ta ei saanud liikmetega väga hästi läbi. Lõpuks ilmus Viini ringi toimetisena Popperi teadusfilosoofiline peateos "Logik der Forschung". Raamat tegeleb Viini ringi huvitavate

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
29 allalaadimist

Dover Beach

sea of faith" and how it once used to round the earth, with which he probably means that there was once a time when faith and spirituality had a great influence on life. He seems to yearn for a time like that as he describes the slowly distancing sound of his "sea of faith", the way it gradually disappears, leaving behind only a memory. Perhaps the author tries to raise awareness on how the rapid industrialization and progress in science moves man too far away from what he also conciders importaint ­ his roots and his faith. In the final stanza, the lover is addressed again. The author solemnly (a bit desperately even) makes an oath to always be true to her and expects the same from her. He explains this by stating that a world without faith is actually dark and complicated and says that what seems to be new and interesting and making our lives more comfortable actually pushes us further

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Logical argument

wrong-doing to protect society. Then why shouldn't God send evil people to hell? That's why I'm advocating self-sufficiency as a goal. Then can you tell me what's wrong with helping one another out? 8.3 Deduced questions and conclusions with sentence adverbials "In that case" and "so" Scientists... often observe links between certain phenomena. In that case, would you describe astrology as a Science? ... the whole point of marriage is to live together and possibly raise a family. In that case, it's obvious that children are a commitment for life. Yes, but other things happen in the world which aren't violent. Well, maybe they don't qualify as news. In that case, you're saying that news isn't representative of what's happening around us. They're probably warmer and more friendly, but they're often very loud and extrovert to go with it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


That points us to the fact that religious people are often persecuted and even the Bible says, that the life of a Christian is no picnic, you have to stand above mockery and the fact that you may be rejected from the society. Of course there are many people who think differently. The facts that Christians burned heretics, tortured thousands of innocent people until they confessed to something they did not do and that Christianity goes against science makes us difficult to be tolerant. Some of us may have a question: "Why should we be kind to them if they have done so much bad to us?" There are no us or they. We all have our good and bad sides. However evolution doesn't like tolerance. Tolerance means, that we will accept all abnormalities and freaks. It will corrupt our system and stop evolution in its tracks. Already human average IQ is falling due to too tolerant habitat for people.

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist


Viies tase John Cabot An Inuit family in Canada Canada today economy Canada is the worlds eleventh largest economy Is one of the world's top ten trading nations, with a highly globalized economy Isn't a net exporter of energy The federal government and many industries have started to expand trades with Asian markets, in an attempt to diversify exports Canada today ­ science and technology In 2011 Canada spent almost 29.9 billion on domestic research and development Canada has produced 10 Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry and medicine Canada is also a participant in the International Space Station(ISS) and is a pioneer in space robotics having constructed the Canadarm, the Canadarm 2 and Dextre robotic manipulators for the ISS and NASA Canada today culture Canada has been historically influenced by British, French and aboriginal

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Wales - Powerpoint esitlus

cheese, goats cheese World famous Welsh Black Beef and Welsh Mountain lamb Whiskey Food festival nearly every weekend Sport Football - Ryan Giggs, Craig Bellamy, Aaron Ramsey and Gareth Bale. Rugby - Gareth Edwards Athletics - Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson and Dave Roberts:11 Gold medals World Bog Snorkelling Championships Film & TV Popular location for filming (Harry Potter, second Tomb Raider) longest-running science fiction television show (Doctor Who) Tv shows - Sherlock Holmes, Merlin Music "The Land of Song..." National Anthem, Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my Fathers) The harp Tom Jones and Shirley Bassey Man and Budgie ­ one of the first heavy metal bands Bullet for my Valentine, Lost Prophets Duffy Music festivals and events National Eisteddfod of Wales - poetry, dance, theatre, choral singing and rock music

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

LÄÄTSED Kahjurid ja haigused Kokkuvõte • Lääts on väga vana kultuur • Kõige rohkem kasvatatakse läätsi Kanadas, Indias ja Türgis • Kõrge toiteväärtusega kultuur Kasutatud kirjandus 1. (26.02.17) 2. Cokkizgin, A., Shtaya, M. J. Y.. Lentil: Origin, Cultivation Techniques, Utilization and Advances in Transformation. – Agricultural Science. Vol 1, Issue 1 (2013), 55-6. 3. Ratt, A., Reitan, V. (1969). Kultuurtaimede ja umbrohtude seemned. Valgus: Tallinn 4. Kokassaar, U. (2012) Väiksed toitvad litrikesed – läätsed. – Maaleht. (26.02.17) 5. Tölp, S. (2011). Lääts (taim). Eesti Entsüklopeedia. (26.02

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
1 allalaadimist

Health topic

At 2500 B.C. Egyptian physicians started to specialize. Some of them specialized in internal diseases, some of them treated the diseases of eyes and teeth. Also Egyptians produced first medical textbooks. Chinese developed a medical practice, which is based on balance between two life forces yin and yang. To restore the balance chinese developed acupuncture - inserting needles into ones body. Medicine and elements of medical care Medicine is the science of healing, but at the same time it is art of healing. It is a science, because it is based on knowledge, which is gained through careful study and experimentation. It is an art because a very large part of it depends on how skillfully doctors apply this knowledge when they are dealing with patients. The goal of medicine is to save lives. Also medicine relieves suffering. Medical care consists of three main elements: the diagnosis, treatment of disease and the

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Mary Shelly "Frankenstein"

frozen and emaciated man named Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein has been in pursuit of the gigantic man observed by Walton's crew. Frankenstein starts to recover from his exertion; he sees in Walton the same over-ambitiousness and recounts a story of his life's miseries to Walton as a warning. Victor Frankenstein's narrative Victor begins by telling of his childhood. Born into a wealthy family in Geneva, he is encouraged to seek a greater understanding of the world around him through science. He grows up in a safe environment, surrounded by loving family and friends. When he is around 4 years old, his parents adopt Elizabeth Lavenza, an orphan whose mother has just died (she is Victor's biological cousin in the first edition, but an adopted child with no blood relation in the 1831 edition). Victor has a possessive infatuation with Elizabeth. He has two younger brothers: Ernest and William.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Hypermobility. The effect of hypermobility on flexibility

SCHOOL Academic English course Hypermobility. The effect of hypermobility on flexibility. A research paper Student: Grade: 10 Tutor: Tallinn 2016 Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (JMS) is a condition which describes joints that are able to bend further than normal. The syndrome is generally induced by changes in bone structure. It occurs in about 10%-25% of the world’s population.1 Joint hypermobility causes several effects, both positive and negative. This essay describes the syndrome briefly as well as discusses the benefits and consequences of the condition. However, the expedience of the condition outweighs the negative issues JMS can bring about. Hypermobile joints are a serious case in which the tissue...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Artikkel teemal turism maapiirkonnas

Artikkel teemal turism maapiirkonnas Triin Mägi, TH1 16. november 2018 Sissejuhatus Turism ja reisimine on viimasel sajandil muutnud väga populaarseks majandusharuks. Möödunud aastal külastas Eestit rekordiline arv turiste ning see arv suureneb iga aastaga. Turism omab erinevaid vorme ning üks neist on maaturism. Käesoleva artikli eesmärgiks on saada ülevaade maaturismi sektorist Eestis ja analüüsida võimalusi, mida saaks teha, et arendada turismiteenuseid maapiirkonnas. Valisin just selle teema uurimiseks, sest maaturism kogub üha enam populaarsust ning üha enam hinnatakse naturaalsust ja keskkonnateadlikust. Teema uurimine tuleb kasuks maapiirkonnas tegelevatele ettevõtjatele, kes soovivad oma toodet või teenust muuta kõigile võimalikult kättesaadavaks. Esmalt tuleks saada ülevaade turismimajanduse olemusest ja teha selgeks de...

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
6 allalaadimist

Võrdlev raamatukogundus

tudengite poolt. Igal aastal 2 ülikooli organiseerib sümoosiumi. Organiseerivad ülikoolid peavad õpetama LIS eriala ning tegema valdkonnas uuringuid EUCLID all. (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research). Sümpoosium korraldatakse LIS tudengite ja spetsiolistide jaoks. ALISE ­ Association For Library and Information Sciance Education. The mission of ALISE is to promote excellence in research, teaching, and service for library and information science education. Eesmärgid : · Promote an understanding of the values and ethos of library and information science. · Support the professional and intellectual growth of individual members. · Advance research that contributes to and enlarges the knowledge base of library and information science and education in the field. · Provide mechanisms for the exchange, dissemination, and receipt of information about issues,

Informaatika → Infoteadus
41 allalaadimist

Mary Shelly "Frankenstein"

Frankenstein Mary Shelley About the Author Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (30 August 1797 ­ 1 February 1851) was an English romantic/gothic novelist. She was born in Somers Town, London. Mary received an excellent education, which was unusual for girls at the time. She never went to school, but she was taught to read and write by her housekeeper and her father. She was married to a romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. She began writing "Frankenstein" when she was only eighteen and it had conceived from a nightmare. Mary died, aged 54, at Chester Square in London, England. She was buried in St. Peter's churchyard in Bournemouth, Dorset, England. The Book The story begins in a vessel in the North Pole where captain Robert Walton was on a voyage of discovery. Suddenly he saw a man and he was Victor Frankenstein. Victor was very ill and he started to tell Robert a...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
59 allalaadimist

6 stops in the USA

... features 18 m sculptures of the heads of former United States presidents (in order from left to right) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln The entire memorial covers 5.17 km2 and is 1,745 m above sea level Mount Rushmore in dec 1938 and today Los Angeles ... is the most populous city in California ... is a world center of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, technology, and education As the home base of Hollywood, it is known as the "Entertainment Capital of the World", leading the world in the creation of motion pictures, television production, video games, and recorded music The Taylor Yard in 1925 and 2005 Used material http://www.travelkat

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keel : Theatre and movie

A feature film, a documentary film-mängufilm, dokumentaalfilm a popular science film, fiction film- populaarne teadusfilm, ulmefilm animated cartoon, the film has run for ages- film on kinos olnud pikka aega to watch a film on tv, a newsreel, a romance, a wastern- ringvaade, armastusfilm, kauboifilm screenplays of novels- romaanidest filmide tegemine the film is on at the mai cinema, to be present at the film premiere- olema rahul filmi esilinastusest a film director, a cameraman- filmi rezissöör, filmi operaator

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Fight Club

The long earth & Fight club Julia Shashkina, 11D The Long Earth Authors: Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter A sophisticated plot Philosophical Parallel worlds that are similar to Earth Device called a "Stepper" Travelling through all the worlds New discoveries A lot of fantasy Science Fight club Chuck Palahniuk Muutke teksti laade Teine tase The book Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase § Author: Chuck Palahniuk § Relea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens Introduction The reasons for choosing the subject: · Interesting · Close to nature · Something new · An exciting place to visit · UNESCO World Heritage Site How to find Kew Gardens? · South bank of the River Thames, near Richmond · About 10km south-west of London · Public transport is recommended: environment, parking General Information · Created in 1759 (by the Prince of Wales) · Employs more than 650 scientists · The living collections: over 30,000 different plant species · The herbarium: over 7 million preserved plant species · Library: the sounds of birds, illustrations collection Facts about Kew Gardens · 300 acres · Originally had only 9 acres of land · 33,000 species are grown · Was laid out on the grounds of Kew Palace · Many plants were brought by Captain Cook · Were given to nation and opened to the public in 1841 ...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
9 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

239,000. Moreover, tourism revenue in 2011 was amounted to $345.7 million (Doing Business in Belize, 2012). These number are not exactly enormous, however, Belize is relatively small country. In here, it is a big misinterpretation of meaning of sustainable tourism. Secondly, minimizing noise, waste, and disposal and congestion pollution is important part of ST (AITO, 2013; Bramwell and Lane, 1993). For example, Tropical Conservation Science (2012) outlines main environmental 7 Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike problems occurring in Belize: improper solid-waste management, high deforestation rate, rapid costal development and discovery of sweet crude oil. Tropical Conservation Science (2012) also suggests that Belize should involve more local people to conservation progress. Therefore, Belize

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Lisalugemist Klein, S. B., Babey, S.H. & Sherman, J.W. (1997). The functional independence of trait and behavioral self-knowledge: Methodological considerations and new empirical findings. Social Cognition, 15, 183- 203. 6. ISIKSUSEOMADUSTE TAKSONOOMIAD. ISIKSUS, SITUATSIOONID JA KÄITUMINE. Kirjandus K: Isiksuseomaduste taksonoomia (loengumaterjal) K: Fleeson, W. (2004). Moving personality beyond the person-situation debate. Current Directions in the Psychological Science, 13, 83-87. K: Mischel, W., Shoda, Y., & Mendoza-Denton, R. (2002). Situation-behavior profiles as a locus of consistency in personality. Current Directions in the Psychological Science,11, 50-54. S: Asendorpf, J. B. (2004). Personality: traits and situations. In P. J. Corr & G. Matthews (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Personality Psychology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. S: Cervone, D. & Shoda, Y. (1999). Beyond traits in the study of personality coherence. Current directions in

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Sir Karl Raimund Popper

Lühikest aega oli ta isegi ametlikult kommunist. Aastal 1928 sai ta filosoofiadoktori kraadi. Aastal 1929 sai ta õiguse põhikoolis matemaatikat ja füüsikat õpetada. Aastatel 1930­1936 töötas ta õpetajana. Aastal 1937 emigreeris Popper natsismi eest ja Anschluss'i kartuses Uus-Meremaale, kus ta sai Christchurchis Uus-Meremaa ülikooli Canterbury University College'i filosoofialektoriks. Aastal 1946 asus ta elama Inglismaale, saades õppeasutuse London School of Economics and Political Science juures loogika ja teadusliku meetodi lektori koha. Aastal 1969 tõmbus Popper akadeemilisest elust tagasi, kuid jäi kuni surmani intellektuaalselt aktiivseks. Ta suri 17. septembril 1994. aastal Londonis. Popperi filosoofia Popper nimetas oma filosoofiat kriitiliseks ratsionalismiks. See nimetus viitab lahtiütlemisele klassikalisest empirismist ja induktsionismist. Popper ründas viimast ägedalt, osutades sellele,

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
37 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun