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Statistiline modelleerimine praktikumide juhised.

olulised. e) Parameter Estimates näitab täpselt, kui palju (ning kas statistiliselt oluliselt) iga sõltumatu muutuja panustas ennustatava muutuja ennustamisse. 11. PRAKTIKUM 1) CRONBACHI ALFA Cronbachi alfa on sisereliaabluse koefitsient. See näitab, kuivõrd testi küsimused mõõdavad sama konstrukti. Cronbachi alfa vahemik on 0 kuni 1. Tulemust peetakse rahuldavaks kui > 0.7 ja heaks kui > 0.8. Käsklusrida: Analyze ­ Scale ­ Reliability Analysis Sisestage kõik uuritavad muutujad. Lisaks valige aknast Statistics - Item, Scale, Scale if item deleted, Correlations. Tulemus: Reliability Statistics Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Cronbach's N of Items Alpha Alpha Based on Standardized Items

Psühholoogia → Statistiline modelleerimine
64 allalaadimist


ORGANISATSIOONIPSÜHHOLOOGIA ALAVALDKONNAD · Personalipsühholoogia (personnel psychology)- indiviid · Organisatsioonipsühholoogia (organizational psychology). Inimene ja organisatsioon. · Inimfaktori (inseneri) psühholoogia (human factorspsychology or engineering psychology)- on tehnilsem valdkond. Räägib inimese ja töövahendi suhtetst. Kuidas toota töövahendeid, millsed need peaks olema ja sobiksid võimalikult hästi inimesega. Töövahendite disain. Tegeleja peab hästi tundma isimene tunnetuslikke protsesse. Milline om müra mõju inimese keskendumis võiml. Kuidas valgus ja õhk mõjutavadfüüsiline ja vaimne tervis. Kuidas erinevad ajatsükklid mõjutavad sooritust ja tööga rahulolu. Elektroonika ja mehaanikatööstuse teema. TÄNAPÄEVASED ORGANISATSIOONIPSÜHHOLOOGIA VALDKONNAD · Personali valik ja paigutus- hindame inimesi sellejärgi, missugusele tööle nad kõige paremini sobiks. Mis kõige paremini...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
264 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

Nagasaki. December 20, 1951, experimental reactor produces first energy from a nuclear reaction, enough to light four light bulbs. January, 1955, the Atomic Energy Commission begins program of funding for nuclear power plants between government and industry. In 1956, the first nuclear power station was built. Using uranium as its fuel. The station was named Calder Hall Power Station, built on coast of Cumberland. December 2, 1957, in Shippingport, Pennsylvania, the first full scale nuclear power plant goes into service. 1973, American utilities buy 41 nuclear power plants. January, 1983 President Reagan signs the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. Hydro power was surpassed by nuclear power in total electrical generation in 1984. In the unit 4 reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear plant were two explosions on April 26, 1986. This disaster exposed millions of people to radioactive isotopes. It has been linked many forms of cancer

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia essee: Hechter ja Horne

not all people share the same meaning, in areas with high cultural and ethnic diversity, meaning can cause conflict. All in all, a shared meaning can be the main basis for social order in smaller and cohesive communities, whereas in larger and more varied habitats this explanation becomes lacklustre. Norms and values For social order to emerge, not only need individuals to understand and share with each other, as foreseen by common meanings, they must also be able to agree on a wider scale. Recognized norms and accepted values serve as a basis for more productive cooperation. Hechter and Horne (Hechter and Horne, 2003) describe norms as our "external criteria for evaluation" and values as our "internal criteria for evaluation". As norms are external, there are sanctions in the society so that the can exist effectively. People obey norms because they receive social encouragement for doing so. Norms are generally beneficial to the whole

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
8 allalaadimist


indeks ­ Index hiir ­ MouseIcon, MousePointer abiinfo ­ ToolTipYext, HelpContextID tekst ­ Text, PasswordChar, WordWrap valik ­ MultiSelect failide valik ­ Pattern, Hidden, ReadOnly, System intervall ­ Interval kerimine ­ Min, Max, SmallChange, LargeChange Asukoht ­ Position objekti asukoht - Top, Left objekti mõõtmed - Width, Height koordinaadid ­ X1, Y1, X2, Y2 (joonel) Mõõtskaala ­ Scale mõõtühiku valik ­ ScaleMode (twip/pixel/mm ...) 4. Sündmused Tüüpsündmused: Form_Load Picture1_Click Label1_Click Text1_Change Frame1_DragDrop Command1_Click Check1_Click Option1_Click Combo1_Change List1_Click Hscroll1/Vscroll1_Change Timer1_Timer Drive1_Change Dir1_Change File1_Click Image1_Click Data1_Validate OLE1_Updated Fookusega seotud:

Informaatika → Visuaalprogrammeerimine
92 allalaadimist

Tallinn Old Town

nation's seafaring past. Visitors should be sure to climb up to its rooftop viewing platform to get a lovely view of Old Town and the bay. #!p_174824 Song Celebrations and Song Festival traditions Song Celebrations and Song Festival traditions are among the best known trademarks of Estonia. No wonder, as the scale of our Song festivals is unique in the world. Once every five years, the Estonian song festival grounds (Lauluväljak in Tallinn) are filled with folk costumes and smiling people. Imagine tens of thousands of singers forming one huge choir and hundreds of thousands of people sitting on the grass to hear traditional choir music ­ no wonder it shocks, surprises and mesmerises overseas visitors! What makes it even more special is that, due to the small population of Estonia, there are less

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

ECDIS Voyage planning

Voyage Planning Voyage Planning The key elements of the Voyage Plan are:  Appraising all relevant information  Planning the intended voyage  Executing the plan taking account of prevailing conditions  Monitoring the vessel’s progress against the plan continuously Planning  The detailed voyage or passage plan should include the following factors: 1) the plotting of the intended route or track of the voyage or passage on appropriate scale charts: the true direction of the planned route or track should be indicated, as well as all areas of danger, existing ships' routeing and reporting systems, vessel traffic services, and any areas where marine environmental protection considerations apply; 2) the main elements to ensure safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation, and protection of the marine environment during the intended voyage or passage; such elements

Merendus → Navigeerimine
6 allalaadimist

Teksti ja lõigu vormindamine - MS Word 2003

Teksti ja lõigu vormindamine – MS Word 2003 Jüri Kormik Teksti ja lõigu kujundamine ehk vormindamine Teksti kujundamine pakub võimalust anda kirjutajapoolne iseloomustus sisule, tuues välja oluline ja korvata lugejani mitte jõudev miimika ja intonatsioon, hõlbustada võõrsõnade leidmist jne. Oskuslikult valitud vahendid hõlbustavad teksti vastuvõttu, eraldavad olulise jpm. Teksti kujundamiseks tuleb vajalik tekstiosa märgistada ja seejärel valida soovitud kujunda- mise vorming; kui jätta tekstiosa märgistamata, siis sõltuvalt kujundamise vormingule kujundatakse sõna või lõik, mille peal tekstikursor parajasti asub. Meeldetuletuseks. Selleks, et märkida:  märki või suvalist märgijada – lohista hiire vasakut nuppu all hoides üle soovitud teksti;  sõna – hiire vasaku nupu topeltklõps sõnal;  mitut järjestikku sõna – lohista hiire vasakut nuppu all hoides üle soo...

Informaatika → Tekstitöötlus
10 allalaadimist

Essay on water pollution, global warming, acid rain, deforestation, intensive farming

are less and more economical. ✔ The EPA (Environment Protection Agency) has set certain rules and regulations on how livestock, pesticides, and animal manure are to be maintained. The farmers, who follow these set rules help to provide an affordable, safe, and healthy produce to all alike. ✔ Another advantage is that large productivity of food is possible with less amount of land. This leads to economies of scale and directly contributes towards meeting the ever-growing demand for food supplies. Disadvantages ✘ Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Apart from this, it is also associated with farms that keep livestock above their holding capacity, which in turn leads to pollution, various diseases, and infections brought about by overcrowding and poor hygiene.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

My Town

My Town I live in Tallinn. It's the capital and main seaport of Estonia. Tallinn is a very beautiful city that lies on the Baltic Sea. It covers 158 square kilometres. The Mayor of Tallinn is Jüri Ratas. The population of our capital is about 400000 people. About 55% of them are Estonian, 37% Russians and the other 8% are from different nations. The people here are mostly engaged in industry- mainly the food industry (23%), trade (16%) and transport and communication (14%). History. Tallinn has a great history. It was first marked on a map of the world by the Arab geographer al-Idrisi in 1154, its name then being Kolyvan. In the 13 th- century chronicle of Henricus de Lettis the town was called Lyndanise. Then it was called Reval for some time and finally Estonians started to call the town Tallinn from Taanilinn (Danish town) after the Danish conquest in the 13th century. Th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

English Phonetics and Phonology. Mid-term2

indicates a verb (as in pérvert (N) `My neighbour is a pervert'; pervért (V) `Don't pervert the idea'). Factors that contribute to prominence of stress in syllables are ­ loudness, length, pitch, quality. Stress (accent) ­ relative loudness and tenseness of syllable peak, the use of extra respiratory energy during a syllable. Pitch (tone) ­ the auditory property of a sound that enables a listener to place it on a scale going from low to high, without considering the acoustic properties such as the frequency of sound. To produce a stressed syllable one may ­ change the pitch, make the syllable louder, make the syllable longer. Fixed stress ­ always word-initial (Czech, Hungarian), always word-final (Turkish, French), penultimate (Polish). Dynamic stress ­ Russian, English Tone languages ­ Somali, Mandarin Stress-timed languages ­ syllables may last different amounts of time, but stressed syllables

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
39 allalaadimist

New Guinea (inglise keeles)

5 endemic species - plants and animals found nowhere else in the world ­ have had ample time to evolve and thrive. The difference in the wildlife make-up between New Guinea and the neighbouring islands is striking. /2/ Wildlife use and trade in New Guinea concerns several species that are in high demand either for local subsistence. As forests are opened up by logging and forest conversion for plantations, there is a risk that the scale of wildlife exploitation will increase significantly, with dramatic consequences for target species. /4/ The problem with trading wildlife Wildlife trade represents the second-biggest direct threat to species survival after habitat destruction. The most obvious problem associated with wildlife trade is that it can cause overexploitation to

Loodus → Loodus
5 allalaadimist


Autor: Ruth Selirand Tel: +372 565 06636 e-mail: [email protected] Ülikool: Tallinna Ülikool Eriala: Organisatsioonikäitumine, magistriõpe Juhendaja: Kadi Liik, MSc Juhendaja kontakt: [email protected] Töö pealkiri: ORGANISATSIOONILISE ÕIGLUSE TAJUMISE SEOSED ORGANISATSIOONIPÕHISE ENESEHINNANGU, TAJUTUD JUHTIMISSTIILIDE JA OTSUSTUSSTIILIDEGA Töö kaitstud: 21. jaanuar 2009.a. SISSEJUHATUS Töötajate soov pühenduda ettevõtte eesmärkidele, töötada täie jõuga ja kasutada loovust sõltub oluliselt organisatsioonis valitsevatest suhetest ning ettevõttesisesest atmosfäärist. Milliseks aga viimased kujunevad, sõltub juhi juhtimisstiilist, juhtimise ühe tähtsaima funktsioonina otsustamisstiilist, aga ka muudest indiviidi emotsionaalselt mõjutavatest aspektidest, millena antud töös on käsitletud organisatsio...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsiooni psühholoogia
12 allalaadimist


It is expensive and complicated to build DH networks in already built areas and, at least in the UK, it is not straightforward to obtain a licence for putting district heating pipes into streets. The financing difficulties in the British Isles are primarily due to a fragmented value chain with many contract issues that need to be solved before a larger district heating scheme can be deployed. British thinking is based on competition and individual choices. A collective large scale solution, such as district heating, may conflict with principles and tradition. Another large barrier is the built environment. Few people live in multi-family houses in the UK and even fewer in Ireland , and even these buildings often lack central heating, but individual heating of apartments is common. Biomass is rated as a rather large barrier in Table I because supplies are limited in the British Isles and fuel supply systems are less developed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

` The contract of carriage has been agreed between shipper and carrier. The shipper provides the shipping instructions for the ship agent to prepare the B/L. Consignee pays the sea freight in the B/L. The ship agent signs the bill of lading on the date of departure for release to shipper. Bill of Lading Module 4. Maritime & Intermodal Transport What changed shipping in size after the second World War? Economies of scale. The biggest trade lane nowadays is Asia-Europe&Asia-North America. The international shipping industry is the life blood of the global economy. General cargo ships: 39% Tankers: 25% Bulk carriers: 13% Passanger ships: 12% Container ships: 7%

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

Continuous inprovement Modular manufacturing Mass customization Process of strategic choice: Strategic choice ­ the evaluation of alternative strategies and selection of the best alternatice: consensus, decil's advocate, dialectical inquiry Criteria for evaluating alternatives include: Mutual exclusivity Success Completeness Internal consistency Forms of synergy include: Shared know-how Coordinated strategies Shared tangible resourceds Economies of scale or scope Pooled negotioating power New business creation Stages of corporate development: 1. Simple structure ­ flexible and dynamic 2. Functional structure ­ enterpreneur is replaced by a team of managers 3. Divisional structure ­ management if diverse product lines in numerous industries; Decentralized decision making 4. Beyond SBU's ­ matrix; network Factors differentiating stage 1, 2, and 3 companies: Organisatsiooni elutsükkel:

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

It is not enough to provide a solution to a problem; you must also demonstrate that it works. Evaluation could be through experimental testing of a physical prototype, through testing of a virtual prototype (computer model and simulation) or by analysis and hand calculations. For example, you might confirm that your design weight meets the requirement by using the mass analysis in Creo or SolidWorks to calculate the weight of the CAD model. Or, you could put your physical prototype on a scale. To confirm the required natural frequency of a cantilever beam you could calculate it by hand using the formula from a textbook. The evaluation section is also where you describe any physical prototypes that you constructed. It may seem odd to you that physical prototypes would not be part of the design description section, but that is because the purpose of building a prototype is to determine if the design works.

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

People have, in short, become more mobile, both physically and electronically, and even the notion of the global village occurred. According to Cristal, there is no country which does not have some level of accessibility using telephone, radio, television, and air transport, though facilities such as fax, electronic mail and the Internet are much less widely available. The pressure to adopt a single lingua franca, to facilitate communication in such contexts, is considerable. The scale and recency of the development has to be appreciated. In 1945, the United Nations began life with 51 member states. By 1956 this had risen to 80 members. But the independence movements which began at that time led to a massive increase in the number of new nations during the next decade, and this process continued steadily into the 1990s, following the collapse of the USSR. There were 190 member states in 2002 – nearly four times as many as there were fifty years ago

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Topic - London

Topic ­ London Tallinn English College Tallinn 2007 1. Introduction London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and the largest urban area in England. The ancient City of London, to which the name originally belonged, still maintains its medieval boundaries, but the name "London" has long applied more to the whole metropolis that has grown up around it. London has been an important settlement for over two millenniums. It is also one of the world's leading business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment and even fashion contribute to its status as a major global city. London is a major tourist attraction with four world heritage sites, several royal parks and numerous iconic landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, Towe Bridge, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and the London Eye. 2. History Although there is some evidence of a permanent settle...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

A Modern Answer to the Commune

A Modern Answer to the Commune By: Penelope Green Johanna Bronk wants to make communal vegetarian meals and keep chickens. Mariel Berger hopes for social, artistic and political collaborations. Harmony Hazard is into hula hooping, book groups and anarchism. Oh, to be a young city-dweller in search of a house share. Finding a roommate has never been easy, but for some, the endeavor has lately assumed all the urgency, emotion and extreme specificity of shopping for a life partner. Last month, just in time for leases to turn over, the housing portion of Craigslist, the uber-community bulletin board and road map to the 20-something's psyche, featured dozens of impassioned tone poems, vivid personal biographies and ideological wish lists. Unfettered by space restrictions -- since Craigslist is free and space on the Internet is boundless, the word count of housing posts can stretch into the thousands, and some do -- and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The Seaplane Harbour of Tallinn

Mustamäe College Tallinn's Seaplane Harbour Report Anna Elise Rohtmets G2K Tallinn 2010 Table of Contents 1. Introduction.................................................................................................3 2. History.........................................................................................................4 3. Early History...............................................................................................4 4. The Post-War Years....................................................................................5 5. Recent History.................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Geograafia KT-8.klass

2. Where is prairie, pampas, steppe, and veldt situated? Eurasia­Steppe, North America-Prairie, South America­Pampa, South Africa­Veldt 3. Using the climate diagram describe the climate of the region. Temperate deciduous forest -Well-defined seasons with a distinct winter characterize this forest biome. Moderate climate and a growing season of 140-200 days during 4-6 frost-free months distinguish temperate forests. Temperature varies from -15° C to 25° C. Precipitation (750-1500 mm) is distributed evenly throughout the year. Temperate grassland- Semiarid, continental climates of the middle latitudes typically have between 25 cm and 50 cm of precipitation a year. Much of this falls as snow, serving as reservoir of moisture for the beginning of the growing season. Warm to hot summers are experienced, depending on latitude. In the winter, grassland temperatures can be as low as -40° C, and in the summer it can be as high 20° C. There are t...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

people and therefore big companies have to be more planet friendly because otherwise many people would not buy their products and buy something more economically friendly, in this case Coca-Cola. That shows how one company can be a gamechanger to other companies and talks loudly about the influence of Coca-Cola Company. Previously mentioned example was just one specific example how much power can one company have. On the wider scale Coca-Cola Company creates many jobs and gives income to people in every region of the world and that in general boosts the economy of the world. Last year 61 thousand people (a huge downgrade from 2012 when 150 thousand people worked for the company) worked for Coca-Cola Company and created a revenue of 35 billion U.S dollars worldwide when the Estonian state budget for 2018 is only 10,58 billion euros (Statista).

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline poliitökonoomia

o Ratsionaalsus Meetod - formalism ja staatika o Tasakaal Puudub aeg ja ruum (Krugman) o Institutsioon o Tehnoloogia Uued teooriad Uus kasvuteooria Uus majandusgeograafia Uus kaubandusteooria Peamised ideed: o Oligopolistiline konkurents ­ vähe suur ettevõtteid, mis suudavad hinda mõjutada nii et see ei tekki ainult nõudluse ja pakkumise tagajärjel o Economies of scale (mastaabisääst) ­ rohkem faktoreid (tehnoloogia), rohkem tulu o Tehnoloogia o Ajalugu, ruumilised suhted, institutsioonid Uute teooriate eemaldumine neoklassikalisest Geograafiline tööjaotus Tehnoloogia o Eksogeensus o Avalik o Kättesaadav Institutsioonid o Path dependency Sisemise kasvu teooria Romer ja Lucas Kapital, tööjõud ja tehnoloogia Tehnoloogia endogeensus

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
11 allalaadimist

Arvutiõpetuse konspekt

Loeng 1: · crtl ja - annavad kokku laheda "pehme" poolitamise · crtl, shift (see nooleke) ja tühik => pikk tühik st. · sõna aktiveerimiseks topeltklõps tema pääl. · mitu sõna korraga => hoia crtl klahvi all. · teatud osa aktiveerimine : aktiveerid esimese, hoiad shifti all ja lähed viimase juurde. · lõigu aktiveerimine : kolm klõpsu ühe sõna peal. · lõigu ees topeltklõps aktiveerib kogu lõigu. · ... · kui sõnaga palju formatit tehtud ja tahad teise sõna samasuguseks teha siis => sõna aktiivseks , home ribalt "format painter", kursor muutub pintsliks ja vajuta soovitud sõnale ja see muutub esimesega identse formatingiga. · kiirelt teksti lõppu saab - Crtl ja end · uus dokument => Crtl ja n · Crtl ja home saab algusesse · laad- nagu munder mis ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
23 allalaadimist


RASEDUSAEGSE DEPRESSIOONI MÕJU LAPSE VARAJASELE ARENGULE Artiklianalüüs sotsioloogias Tartu 2013 SISUKORD 1. SISSEJUHATUS......................................................................................................................3 2. UURING: RASEDUSAEGSE DEPRESSIOONI MÕJU LAPSE VARAJASELE ARENGULE................................................................................................................................4 3. KOKKUVÕTE.........................................................................................................................9 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS.....................................................................................................11 LISAD: Lisa 1. The impact of maternal depression in pregnancy on early child development 2 1. SISSEJUHATUS Valisin analüüsimi...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Õpilaste vaimsete võimete mõõtmine (vaimsete võimete testid), selle eesmärgid ja võimalused

2009,lk 7). Eestis on enim kasutusel Raveni progressiivsed maatriksid, mis on mitteverbaalne ehk pildiline test, mille abil mõõdetakse eelkõige järelduste tegemiste oskust ja analüüsivõimet. Nimelt palutakse testitaval leida esitatud näidiskujundite reas loogiline järgnevus või seaduspärasus ning selle alusel valida sobivaim vastusevariant (Allik jt., 2002, lk 206). Ka kasutatakse lastele 6 mõeldud Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), mis koosneb 11 alaskaalast, mis sisaldavad omakorda erisuguse raskusastmega, järjest keerukamaks muutuvaid ülesandeid. Testi eesmärgiks on määratleda ülesannete keerukuse tase, mida inimene ei ole suuteline enam eksimatult lahendama (ibid., lk 206). Olenemata testitulemusest pakub lohutust teadmine, et ehkki mina ei ole geenius, ei ole seda ka suur enamus inimkonnast (Valk, s.a.2). Selle väite illustreerimiseks toon tabelina inimkonna populatsiooni jaotuse IQ alusel.

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
13 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

to up to possibly several years. •The longer this period, the more costly the optimisation cycle. •It is the aim of user-oriented software development to incorporate an as efficient optimisation cycle as possible into software development procedures 7. CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL (CMM) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) broadly refers to a process improvement approach that is based on a process model. The Capability Maturity Model can be used to assess an organization against a scale of five process maturity levels. Each level ranks the organization according to its standardization of processes in the subject area being assessed. The subject areas can be as diverse as software engineering, systems engineering, project management, risk management, system acquisition, information technology (IT) services and personnel management. Total Quality Management •Total Quality Management (TQM) is the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve:

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

inglise keeles Eesti tutvustus: Project: Estonia

Project ESTONIA MAP OF ESTONIA Southern Viljandimaa The southern part of Viljandi county catches the eye with its sublime scenery. The area today lies in the very heart of the historical Mulgimaa ­ the home of hills, deep valleys and lakes brought together by a beauty spot Halliste primeval valley. According to several folk tales, it is also in these valleys, woods and bogs that Old Nick found refuge.The great variety displayed in the nature is also reflected in the local cultural heritage. At the beginning of the 19th century growing linen spread and became the basis of the legendary wealth of Mulgi farms. The ancient barn-dwellings and decaying manor houses are the mute witnesses of those times. The riches and cultural heritage of Mulgimaa owe to the diligence and tenacity of the local people. Village handicraftsmen and masters have always been honoured. Mulgikapsad (stewed sauerkraut with barley gro...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
20 allalaadimist

Report: The Free Rider Problem

Freeriding insurance United we stand strong! "P-kassan" ­ the freeriding insurance ­ is a cooperation between people in similar situations. We do not afford the fare or do not want to pay it. You pay a small amount to the fund and if you get caught freeriding your bill is payed. The idea of this insurance is not new. It has been tried before and for quite some time, especially by students in the university cities, and has worked well even though in a small scale. The difference is that we have a greater goal than just helping each other to freeride. We want free public transportation, owned by us together and controlled by the workers in it. Everyone will benefit from free transports In Stockholm, all those who make less then 40 000 kronor per month (about 4500 euros) would benefit by letting a small tax raise finance the public transportation. Free public transportation is a way of taking from the richest and giving to the rest of us. It is about

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Edu põhjuste omistamine (osa eksamimaterjalist)

Edu põhjuste omistamine Kontrollikese Internaalsus ­ seesmine kontrollikese Eksternaalsus - väline kontrollikese Stabiiline või muutuv põhjuslikkus (B.Weiner) Stabiiline ebastabiiline Seesmised põhjused võimed pingutus Välised põhjused ül raskus vedamine Töö kontrollikese . · Toimetulek: Kohanemine ­ need, kes usuvad, et omavad kontrolli sündmuste kohta, kohanevad kiiresti · Karjäär: sisemise kontrollikeskmega in planeerivad karjääri rohkem. Ametikohad, kus töötaja edu sõltub töötajast endast. Need kes rohkem pingutavad, satuvad kõrgematele ametikohtadele. Internaalid valivad sellise tegevusala, kus tegevus viib tulemuseni.. · Juhtimine : Internaal:(eestvedava, autoriteetse juhtimisstiili). Eksternaalsed ­ käsu korras juhtijad (autoritaarne) Alkoholismi kontrollikese, abielu kontrolli...

Psühholoogia → Organisatsioonipsühholoogia
226 allalaadimist


EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituut NÄIDE KURSUSETÖÖ VORMISTAMISE KOHTA Referaat õppeaines Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Koostaja: Mart Juurikas Juhendaja: lektor Mihkel Mets Tartu 2014 1 SISUKORD 2 SISSEJUHATUS See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. ...

Majandus → Informaatika I
10 allalaadimist


EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituut NÄIDE KURSUSETÖÖ VORMISTAMISE KOHTA Referaat õppeaines Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Koostaja: Anett Saron Juhendaja: lektor Mihkel Mets Tartu 2012 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastööde vormistamise reegleid järgides .pdf failina esitatud näidet. See on näide, kus väikeste tekstilõikude peal tuleb rakendada EMÜ Majandus- ja sotsiaalinstituudis kehtestatud üliõpilastö...

Informaatika → Informaatika
80 allalaadimist

Feminism and youth cultures in England

1. Feminism­ movement, ideology to defend women’s rights  Suffrage – right to vote  2.  Feminism  isn’t a unitary movement  because  it  represents  different  women and  different experiences for  them in different parts of the world. Different  ideologies  3. Three waves of feminism  • 1st wave – early 19th century – early 20th century (Political rights, suffrage­right to vote)  • 2nd wave – 1960s­1980s (Social inequalities, gender norms, Women's Liberation Movement)  • 3rd wave – 1990s­2000s (ideas are the same, but they wanted to get rid of things the second  wave had failed to do); feminisms, expansion, multiplicity, postcolonialism.    4.  Anne  Bradstreet­  the  first  feminist  17th  century;  the  most  prominent of early English poets  of North America and first female writer in the British North American colonies to be published  Mary  Wollstonecraft­  education;  an  eighteenth­century  English   wr...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Saalikäsipalli poolt esitatavad füsioloogilised nõudmised mängijatele

Saalikäsipalli poolt esitatavad füsioloogilised nõudmised mängijatele ­ võrdlus rannakäsipalliga. Referaat SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS.......................................................................................... ..................................... 3 KIRJANDUSE ÜLEVAADE......................................................................................................4 1.KÄSIPALLIMÄNGU ÜLDISELOOMUSTUS... .............................................................................. 4 1.1.Rannakäsipalli tekkimine ja areng.....................................................................4 2.SAALIKÄSIPALLIMÄNGU POOLT ESITATAVAD FÜSIOLOOGILISED NÕUDED.......................5 2.1.Aeroobne-anaeroobne suutlikkus.....................................................................5 2.2.Füüsilised näitajad.....

Sport → Sportmängud (pallimängud)
12 allalaadimist

Translation history

change. Variability in the language user is further defined by three broad parameters: 1-Time- (when?) the time when the speaker or the writer lived. For example, if you were to translate a Dickens book from english to russian, you could use the same language as did Dostoyevsky, because they lived at the same time (19th century) 2-Region- The second parameter that defines the language user is region. Region refers to where the author/speaker (sometimes character) is from. May be on a broader scale – Middle East, Western world; but also narrower – Germany, Latvia, Minnesota; and even narrower – Conrwall, London, Pärnu, etc. Problems related to region (similar to the problems covered in previous lessons): How to deal with a situation, where all or part of a source text is written in a regional language? This involves questions along the lines of – if there is character in an Estonian novel that speaks in Saaremaa language variety, how should one transfer that into another language

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

crisis - The democratic deficite Critique of the federalist approach - Creation of a state like institutional order at the European level results in significantgovernance capacity. Creates a dangerous distance between the governors and governed - External projection of federalist logic results in reproduction on the inerregonal level Monnet and neo-functionalism - Develop a Eruopean scale economy - Control Germany - Ensuring coal for French steal industry Assumptions of neo-functionalism - Integration would undermine state sovereignty - States are not unified actors - Interest groups are important international actors - Integration would spill-over beyond power of the states Role of national institutions - National parlaments no longer losers – Lisbon treaty Proposing legislation Legal tools:

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

He used commercial enamels and metallic paints to pour and drip. Willem de Kooning (mid-C20). His paintings retained figural images. His style was influenced by Cubist structures, Expressionist handling and Surrealist automatism. The foreground and background are constantly interchanged. Subsidiary artists: Franz Kline, Hans Hoffman. Color-Field. Simply composed paintings became prevalent. Paintings appeared as unified optical textures and increased in scale. Various shapes were united into dominant islands, zones and boundless fields of intense and homogenous color. Expanses of bright hues produced unbroken "color fields" and did not stress sequential linear detail and formal diversity. The mood is one of mystic quietude. The transition period from action painting to color-field has been termed "post-painterly abstraction". Chromatic expression reduced to monochromes and rigid geometrics. Exemplary artist. Mark Rothko (mid-C20)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

He used commercial enamels and metallic paints to pour and drip. Willem de Kooning (mid-C20). His paintings retained figural images. His style was influenced by Cubist structures, Expressionist handling and Surrealist automatism. The foreground and background are constantly interchanged. Subsidiary artists: Franz Kline, Hans Hoffman. Color-Field. Simply composed paintings became prevalent. Paintings appeared as unified optical textures and increased in scale. Various shapes were united into dominant islands, zones and boundless fields of intense and homogenous color. Expanses of bright hues produced unbroken "color fields" and did not stress sequential linear detail and formal diversity. The mood is one of mystic quietude. The transition period from action painting to color-field has been termed "post-painterly abstraction". Chromatic expression reduced to monochromes and rigid geometrics. Exemplary artist. Mark Rothko (mid-C20)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tervis ja heaolu

2) Tervise enesehinnang e. tunnetatud tervis 3) Psühholoogiline heaolu 4) Eluga rahulolu 5) Suutlikkuse indeks – indiviidi ja/või kogukonna võimelisus kontrollida oma elukorraldust ja tervisemõjureid (WHO 1986) 6) Sotsiaalse kapitali indeks 7) Füüsilise tervise näitajad Subjektiivne heaolu – mõõdikud defineeritud kui inimese hinnangut oma elule; seda on raske mõõta, kuid annab õigema pildi heaolust: kognitiivne aspekt – rahulolu - the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener et al 1985) jm emotsionaalne aspekt – õnnelikkus - the Affectometer 2 (Kammmman, Flett 1983) - the Affect Balance Scale (McDowell, Newell 1987) Globaalne mõõde - elukvaliteet - the Quality of Life Profile (Univ. of Toronto) - Sense of Coherence Scale (Antonovsky 1993) --- Laps ja tervis *Lapse tervise kujunemisel on oluline: geneetiline eelsoodumus, üsasisene areng, prenataalnse abi süsteem, perinataalne kahjustus, varane lapseiga, vanemate

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
44 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

(b) pH ; degree of mixing ; enzyme concentration ; AVP ; e.g. ref to concentration of inhibitors 1 max (c) max of 2 marks for predicting or explaining P1 concentration of drug higher / AW ; P2 rate of reaction slower / AW ; P3 may not level off (in time scale shown on graph) ; P4 time taken to reach the maximum yield (approximately) doubles ; (c.f. 15 ºC) E1 not denatured ; E2 adapted to 5 ºC / optimum / body / usual, temperature ; E3 ref to Q10 of about 2 ; E4 ref to lower kinetic energy / AW ; E5 ref to E-S, collisions / complexes ; AVP ; e.g. ref to active site 3 max

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Autocad II

Sisestatav arv teatabki pöördenurga, mis tohib olla ka negatiivne. Tähe R sisestamine pakub võimaluse pöörata valitud objekte mingite teiste objektide orientatsiooni järgi, nii nagu seda saab teha käsus ROTATE (vt. juhendi esimeses osas). 14 Objektide rajastamist mingite teiste objektide järgi saab sooritada käsuga ALIGN. Sisuli- selt täidab käsk ALIGN kuni kolme käsu tegevust: MOVE, ROTATE3D ja SCALE. Käsu ALIGN täitmine algab rajastatava(te) objekti(de) valikuga. Seejärel küsitakse kuni kolm paari punkte kujul: · Specify first source point: ­ sisestada esimene lähtepunkt (järjekorras punkt 1); · Specify first destination point: ­ sisestada esimene sihtpunkt (järjekorras punkt 2); · Specify second source point: ­ sisestada teine lähtepunkt (järjekorras punkt 3); · Specify second destination point: ­ sisestada teine sihtpunkt (järjekorras punkt 4);

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
187 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

effectively. Mergers and Acquistions The key to growth by acquisitions is takinga advantages of synergies: making 2+2=5. Growth through acquisition is a quicker, cheaper, and far less risky proposition than the tried and true methods of expanded 5 marketing and sales efforts. Further, acquisition offers a myriad of other advantages such as easier financing and instant economies of scale. The competitive advantages are, ranging from catching one's competition off guard, to instant market penetration even in areas where you may currently be weak, to the elimination of a competitor(s) through its acquisition. Synergistic acquisition is not limited to buying direct competitors. We will also detail how small and mid-size companies can efficiently grow by buying related or complimentary companies. It is quite common for a

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist


Alternatives to using oil in industry Biological feedstocks do exist for industrial uses such as Bioplastic production. Alternatives to burning petroleum for electricity Main articles: Alternative energy, Nuclear power, and Renewable energy In oil producing countries with little refinery capacity, oil is sometimes burned to produce electricity. Renewable energy technologies such as solar power, wind power, micro hydro, biomass and biofuels are used, but the primary alternatives remain large scale hydroelectricity, nuclear and coal-fired generation. Future of petroleum production Consumption in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries has been abundantly pushed by automobile growth; the 1985–2003 oil glut even fueled the sales of low economy vehicles in OECD countries. In 2008, the economic crisis seems to have some impact on the sales of such vehicles; still, the 2008 oil consumption shows a small increase. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Exami spikker

Aristoteles (470-399 e.m.a) : väidete struktuur kui iseseisev uurimisobjekt 1967- IBM builds the first floppy disk Süllogism (Aristoteles): 1967 - Seymour Papert designed LOGO as a computer language for children. 1. eeldus: iga x on y. 1968 - Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel Corporation 2. eeldus: mõni z on x. 1968 - Douglas C. Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrates järeldus: mõni z on y. his system of keyboard, keypad, mouse, and windows at the Joint Computer Iga b on a Conference in San Francisco's Civic Center. He demonstrates use of a word Mitte ükski b pole a ...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
199 allalaadimist


intelligentsuskvoodist ehk üksikindiviidi suhestatusest ülejäänud rahvastikuga). · A.Binet & T.Simon ­ Stanford-Binet IQ test IQ = Vaimne areng (mantal age) / Kronoloogiline vanus (cronological age) x 100 · N.Bayley mõeldud esimese eluaasta kasutamisele, sisaldab spetsiifilised detaalid, mis võimaldavad last uurida. Jaguneb: vaimne areng, motoorne areng, käitumise alaskaala Bayley Scale of Infant Development DQ (development quotient) vs IQ (intelligence quoient) IQ-testide tulemused IQ-testide tulemused jäävad 0 ja 200 vahele. Keskmine tulemus on 100 punkti. ,,Normaalse" intelligentsuse alampiir jääb 80 punkti juurde. Üliandekate isiksuste puhul ulatub intelligentsuskvoot üle 140 punkti. Mõned kõnekad näiteid: Albert Einstein'il oli IQ 160, 5

Pedagoogika → Sissejuhatus...
91 allalaadimist


TALLINN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of International Relations CLOSING KALARAND FOR PUBLIC. Essay in Expository Writing Supervisor: Tallinn 2015 Kalarand is a part of Kalamaja district in Tallinn, it is a unique beach in the city centre, only few hundred meters from the Old Town. While being close to the city centre, it still has a remote area atmosphere to it where people could enjoy the seaside and views in a car-free environment. While not officially a public beach, the locals have still put in great effort into keeping it a clean and enjoyable public area (Klementi, 2011). In August 2015 historic Kalarand beach was fenced by Pro Kapital and public was denied access despite laws again...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


1:00 The guitar speeds of the beats per section before, chords and the singing begins. Along side the after and during each chorus. guitar is a steady rattle shake creating an 1:30 The music becomes loud, aggressive, and fast. Each irresistible beat. of the strums making a dramatic impulse on the song for 30 1:00 This lengthy scale from the string guitar consecutive seconds. Johnny's voice is serious filled with remains as two sets of a duple meter begins. emotion and energy. 2:00 Two light strings join in and repeat seven times, After each verse Johnny's gives a few second before returning to the beginning harmony of 3-5 chords quivering hum, before he begins his next verse. repeating four times.

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
2 allalaadimist

Gimp uurimustöö

Luubi kasutamisel vastupidi, suurendusega 25%, asendatakse neli pikslit ühe 'keskmisega'. Pilt ei muutu udusemaks, aga detailid kaovad. Vaatesuurus saab muuta ka hüpikmenüüst View -> Zoom Skaleerimine Pildi skaleerimine vähendab või suurendab pildi pikselmõõtmeid. Sarnaselt luubi kasutamisele genereeritakse pildi suurendamisel piksleid juurde ning pilt muutud udusemaks; pildi vähendamisel arvutatakse minigite keskmiste värvidega pikslid. Valige hüpikmenüüst: Image -> Scale Suurust saab muuta kahte moodi: · määrates uue laiuse ja kõrguse pikslites · määrates mitu korda laius või kõrgus muutub Kui valida Constrain Ratio (e. k. säilita suhe), siis piisab määrata kas uus kõrgus või laius ja teine arvutatakse. enne pärast Kui vähendatud pilt skaleerida tagasi endistesse mõõtmetesse on tulemus sama suur kui esialgne pilt, kuid udune. Seda võib käsitleda mitte kvaliteedi kadumisena, vaid pildi udutamise efektina. Pügamine

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
22 allalaadimist

Eesti-inglise-vene laeva mehaanika terminoloogia sõnastik

deaeraator deaerator düüsiventiil nozzle-control valve ekraanküttepind water screen gaasikäik gas flue, gas passage gaasisiiber flap, flapper valve horisontaalne leektorukatel horizontal fire-tube boiler kahekontuuriline katel double-evaporation boiler kaitseklapp safety valve katla tõmme boiler air draft katlakivi scale katlaventilaator blast fan, forced draft fan kaudse toimega kaitseklapp, impulse safety valve impulsskaitseklapp keemistemperatuuur boiling temperature keevitatud ketasrootor welde disc rotor ketasrootor discrotor soojuskiirgus heat radiation kiirusastmega aktiivturbiin Curtis turbine kolbaurumasin steam engine kolde läbipuhumine purge koldemüüritis fire-brick lining

Ehitus → Laevade ehitus
39 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun