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"samples" - 86 õppematerjali


Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary FiberContents of 70 High Consumption Foods.

named sampling. One of the important methods of analysis is sample preparation. Non-edible parts of fruits and vegetables, such as stem, core, seeds, and skin, were removed before further sample preparation. In this method all vegetables were cooked in the microwave. Equal weight portions of the same food were composited and blended to a homogenous mixture. Frozen samples were further dried in vacuum before analysis. An important part of analysis is sugar determination. In this method, samples were analyzed for mono- and disaccharides by high-performance liquid chromatography. In the issue, from 14 baked products most of them contained varying levels of fructose, glucose, and maltose; only three contained sucrose..All of the 19 fruits contained fructose, glucose, and sucrose; six contained maltose. The last method of analysis was Soluble and Insoluble Dietary Fiber Determination. In this type of

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 2

Martindale pilling tester and the Pilling Box. The Martindale tester consists of a number of testing plates (See Figure 2) on which the abrading fabrics is attached; these four testing plates are mounted on the base plate of the instrument. Generally speaking, fabrics to be tested using Martindale are cut in an approximate circular shape with diameter equal to 90± 1 mm. A worsted wool cloth is used for abrading the samples and a trajectory based on the Lissajous figure is used to perform each cycle (more precisely, a cycle consists of 16 movements in the Lissajous figure). A 12 kPa head pressure is applied by the machine. 5 FIGURE 2. Martindale pilling tester. In Pilling Box (see Figure 3) samples are mounted on polyurethane tubes and are tumbled in cork-

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika kodutöö 4

Read Chapter_4_Time_Based_Measurements.pdf Question 1 When converting an analogue value to a frequency, consider the following diagram describing the system. The frequency changes from 20 MHz to 18 MHz and the system samples at an interval of 2ms. How many counts does the microprocessor detect at, 2ms a) 20 MHz? =40000 counts 50 ns 2ms b) 18 MHz? =36 000 counts 55,55 ns What is the difference in terms of number of counts detected by the microprocessor? Between 20MHz and 18MHz are 4000 counts. Question 2 Consider the following diagram

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
5 allalaadimist

Haematospirillum jordaniae

Nitraadi lagundamine - Oksüdaastest + Katalaasitest + Süsivesikute metabolism - Leutsiini arülamidaas + Antibiootikumid Tundlik: Ampitsilliin Polümüksiin B Tetratsükliin Tundetu: Vankomütsiin Penitsilliin G Fülogeneesipuu 16sRNA põhjal Kasutatud allikad Haematospirillum jordaniae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from human blood samples Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal General And Molecular Microbiology Volume 109, issue 4, pp.493-500 DOI:10.1007/s10482-016-0654-0 B. W. Humrighouse . B. D. Emery . A. J. Kelly . M. G. Metcalfe . J. Mbizo . J. R. McQuiston (internetis artikkel 8.veebruar 2016)

Bioloogia → Mikrobioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Synthesis of Ibuprofen

ibuprofen Quick Efficient High resolution Accurate Analyse a blood sample containing Ibuprofen GC-MS can be used for the analysis the sample Meclofenamic acid can be used as internal standard Sample must be dried under stream of nitrogen Quantification Experimental design Alpha value 0,05; SD 0,75; Difference 0,25; Power 0,08. Using JMP program 12 was given as sample size, meaning 6 samples per instrument. To eliminate systematic errors randomization is applied for the samples. The experiment is expected to be completed in a day by one person HPLC S4 UV-VIS S1 UV-VIS S3 HPLC S2 HPLC S3 HPLC S5 UV-VIS S5 HPLC S6 HPLC S1 UV-VIS S4 UV-VIS S2 UV-VIS S6 For comparing two means, t-test [1] will be performed. Before making t-test, F-test has to be made to make sure if the means have equivalent precisions.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

Homework-04 Solution (100 marks) Read Chapter_4_Time_Based_Measurements.pdf Question 1 (10 marks) When converting an analogue value to a frequency, consider the following diagram describing the system. The frequency changes from 20 MHz to 18 MHz and the system samples at an interval of 2ms. How many counts does the microprocessor detect at, a) 20 MHz? b) 18 MHz? What is the difference in terms of number of counts detected by the microprocessor? Solution: 1 1 a) Converse 20 MHz to time length: T    0.00005ms f 20,000,000 2ms Number of counts in 2ms: N   40,000 0.00005ms

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

All under protection. The sites of collection were not located in sequencing PCR procedures were conducted using J of the protected or privately owned areas. recommended amounts of reagents. To identify the species by light microscopy, spicule preparations The PCR products from five specimens were cloned into the were made by treatment of aliquots of samples with concentrated pTZ57R/T vector using InsTAclone PCR Cloning KitTM nitric acid for 10 min at 95uC. After removing the organic matter (Fermentas), following the manufacturer's instructions. Either the spicules were extensively washed with water and mounted on vector specific primers or PCR product specific primers were slides. used to sequence the cloned fragments.

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist


LIHASED Lihaste tüübid: Südamelihased Skeletilihased ehk vöötlihased Silelihased Lihaste tüübid: skeletilihased silelihased südamelihased Südamelihased Töötavad automaatselt välisteguritest ja meie tahtest sõltumata. Silelihased Asuvad siseelundite seintes (veresooned). Tõmbuvad kokku meie tahtest sõltumatult. Inimese skeletilihased Erinevaid skeletilihaseid on inimesel üle 400 Lihased moodustavad inimese kehamassist ligi 40% keha lihased näo miimilised lihased Inimese skeletilihased Inimese skeletilihased Suurimad lihased inimesel on tuharalihased ja väikseimad silmalihased. Keha lihastiku moodustavad kaela-, rinna-, selja- ja kõhulihased ning jäsemete lihased. Inimese skeletilih...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
18 allalaadimist

Hea ja halb ankeetküsitlus

Hea ja halb ankeetküsitlus Halvad: 1) viewform Antud ankeetküsitluses on enam probleeme selle I osas. Kõigile 6-le seal olevale küsimusele on valitud vale küsimuse tüüp. Küsimustiku koostaja oleks pidanud adekvaatsete vastuste saamiseks valima oma küsimuste tüüpiks kinnise küsimuse. Mis võimaldaks vastajal märkida ära ainult ühe vastusevariandi. Hetkel on vastajal võimalik märkida linnukest kõikidesse kastidesse (nt esimese küsimuse puhul saab vastaja teha linnukese nii naise kui ka mehe valikusse). Selle vea tõttu võib andmete hilisem töötlemine muutuda keeruliseks, kuna ühe vastuse asemel on esitatud mitu. 2) Küsitluse miinuseks on eelkõige tema teine küsimus. Nimelt pole selle küsimuse jaoks vastamiseks antud piisavalt täpseid vastuseid. Tänapäeva lapsed ja noored käivad t...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
29 allalaadimist

Andmeanalüüsi konspekt

Kui teil on katses mitu sõltumatut muutujate, siis selle testi puhul peate analüüsima neid eraldi. Post-hoc testide puhul peate samuti kasutama mitteparameetrilisi teste (vaadake peatükki ,,Mann-Whintey U Test (e. mitteparameetriline t-test)"). T-test sõltumatute gruppidega Kahe sõltumatu grupi keskmiste erinevuse uurimiseks kasutame kahe sõltumatu grupiga (Student'i) t testi. Selleks, et keskmisi võrrelda(2 sõltumatut gruppi): Analyze ­ Compare Means ­ Independent Samples T Test. Kuidas me hüpoteesi uurima hakkame? Esmalt väljundiaknas kuvatud tabelitest ja arvudest: Independent Samples T-testi tulemused ja nende tõlgendamine: Group Statistics Std. Error Sugu N Mean Std. Deviation Mean matemaatika 1 608 9.46 4.516 .183

Informaatika → Andmeanalüüs
43 allalaadimist

Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood Kairit Ladvig 8.klass Kuldre Kool 2011 Margaret Atwood Margaret Atwood (18. november 1939, Ottawa, Kanada) on inglise keeles kirjutav Kanada prosaist, luuletaja, kirjanduskriitik, esseist ja keskkonnaaktivist. Ehkki Atwoodi tuntakse enim romaanide poolest (mille seas on armastus-, ajaloo- ja ulmeromaane), on ta avaldanud ka 15 luulekogu ning võitnud korduvalt luuleauhindu. Samuti on ta kirjutanud lasteraamatuid, telestsenaariumeid ja kirjanduskriitikat. Elulugu Kanada Ontario osariigis Ottawas 1957. aastal alustas ta õpinguid sündinud Margaret Atwoodi ema Toronto ülikooli Victoria kolledzis, oli dietoloog Margaret Dorothy kus tema õppejõudude seas olid (neiupõlvenimeg...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus psühholoogias

vaadata soovid nt matemaatika ja category axis=sugu ja OK Test et kindlaks teha kas andmed pärinevad normaaljaotusega populatsioonist. Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Explore-> Plots-> Normality Plots with tests+histogram ;normaaljaotusega on tegemist siis kui tulpdiagramm näeb kelluka kujuline välja. KAHE SÕLTUMATU GRUPI KESKMISTE VÕRDLEMINE PARAMEETRILISE TESTIGA Analyze-Compare means - independent samples T test - Test variables'i kõik mille keskmisi tahan uurida ja Grouping variables'i Sugu (sest tahan sugude vahelisi erinevusi võrrelda) (defineerin soo 1 ja 2) - OK Saan tabeli, kust näen meeste naiste keskmiste erinevusi alatestide lõikes. Alumises tabelis on üks tulp nimega Sig (Olulisuse nivoo), kui sealne number jääb alla 0,05, siis on tegu statistiliselt oluliselt erinevate keskmistega. Kui Sig on väiksem kui 0.05, siis ei ole andmed normaaljaotuslikud.

Psühholoogia → Ülevaade psühholoogiast
7 allalaadimist

Statistiline modelleerimine praktikumide juhised.

Keskväärtuse usalduspiiri arvutamiseks: Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Explore. 4. PRAKTIKUM 1) KESKMISTE VÕRDLEMINE Järelduste tegemisel ei piisa aga sellest, kui te näitate, et kahe grupi keskmised on erinevad ­ lisaks on vaja teada, kas see leid on statistiliselt oluline või mitte. Kahe sõltumatu grupi keskmiste erinevuse uurimiseks kasutame kahe sõltumatu grupiga (Student'i) t testi. Käsklusrida: Analyze ­ Compare Means ­ Independent Samples T Test Tulemused: a) Teise tabeli esimeses pooles tuuakse ära Levene'i test gruppide dispersioonide võrdlemiseks (meenutame, et üks eeldusi oli dispersioonide homogeensus): b) Teise tabeli teises pooles on info gruppide keskmiste võrdlemiseks: Statistikas on saanud traditsiooniks kasutada olulisusnivoosid 0.01 (ehk 1%) ja 0.05 (ehk 5%). Valides olulisusnivooks 0.05, peab olulisustõenäosus selleks, et

Psühholoogia → Statistiline modelleerimine
64 allalaadimist

Järjestuste võrdlemine, otsingud andmebaasidest (BLAST, FASTA, SW).

8, Identities = 16/46 (34%) 2. BLAST programmi kasutamine valgumotiivide otsimisel. a. Valida sobiv programm sarnasuste leidmiseks motiivile VEHINKTIAPALVSK ning valida otsimiseks andmebaas, mis sisaldab kõik GenBank CDS translatsioone + PDB + SwissProt + PIR + PRF. Sooritada otsing standardparameetritega, joondamiste arv 500. Database: All non-redundant GenBank CDS translations+PDB+SwissProt+PIR+PRF excluding environmental samples from WGS projects Posted date: Mar 25, 2008 5:58 PM Number of letters in database: -2,129,407,321 Number of sequences in database: 6,344,481 Lambda K H 0.343 0.282 1.59 Gapped Lambda K H 0.294 0.110 0.610 Matrix: PAM30 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 1 Number of Sequences: 6344481 Number of Hits to DB: 12186341 Number of extensions: 227775 Number of successful extensions: 10959 Number of sequences better than 200000: 10715

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
39 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

Coverage error occurs when some members of the population have a zero probability of being selected in the survey sample. For example, the sample list (frame) may fail to cover all elements of the population to which one wants to generalize results. Sampling error occurs because only a subset of all elements (people) in the population is actually surveyed. Sampling error is statistically well understood provided that probability samples are used: in general the amount of sampling error is a direct function of the number of units included the finaal sample. For a clear discussion of coverage and sampling, see Lohr (Chapter 6). Nonresponse error occurs when some of the sampled units do not respond and when these units differ from those who do and in a way relevant to the study. For an introduction into nonresponse and nonresponse error, see Lynn (Chapter 3). The last

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist


in Estonia, where can buy this firm product. In Tallinn there are women, who want to be businesswoman and dress correctly. Variety of costumes is very large and there are no identical costumes. Women can be spectacular and then she feel more self-confident and then her work contribution better. In business plan is talked about AS M.T.S mission, keys how to get success, company description, what are the products and service, which are offered, also there are some samples of expenses, there are view about personnel and management. BUSINESS IDEA Mission AS M.T.S representation attends sell women clothes, which are imported in Estonia from France. M.T.S is trademark, which is known in all over the world and it is very popular in women in age 25 ­ 45. Raiment is thought to women who want to be excellence also if she is at work. Assortment of clothes and shoes are very extensive

Keeled → Inglise keel
389 allalaadimist


LÄÄNE-VIRU RAKENDUSKÕRGKOOL Ettevõtluse ja majandusarvestuse õppetool KÕ II MT Triinu Tomson KVALITATIIVNE VS KVANTITATIIVNE METOODIKA Referaat Juhendaja: Airi Mitendorf Mõdriku 2010 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS Uurimismeetodite alases kirjanduses arutatakse selle üle, missugused meetodid või tehnikad on sobivamad või ,,teaduslikumad". Mõnikord kinnitatakse, et struktueeritud ja kvantitatiivsed meetodid on ,,teaduslikumad" ja seetõttu paremad. Kuid tehnikaid või meetmeid ei saa nimetada paremateks ainult sellepärast, et nad on kvantitatiivsed. Meetodite ja tehnikate sobivus uurimuse jaoks sõltub uurimisprobleemist ja uurimuse eesmärgist. Uurimismeetodid viitavad süstemaatilisele, fookustatud ja korrapärasele andmekogumisele eesmärgiga saada i...

Õigus → Õiguse alused
336 allalaadimist


Elektromuusika Elektrooniline muusika, ka elektronmuusika, on muusika, mille loomiseks või interpreteerimiseks on vajalikud elektroonilised muusikainstrumendid või laiemalt elektrooniline muusikatehnoloogia ja mille esitamiseks on vajalik helivõimendus. Küsimused; 1)Mis kuulub elektronmuusika alla? elektroonilise muusika mõiste alla mahub muusika, mille puhul heli tekkimiseks on vältimatult vajalik elektri olemasolu. 2)Millised on akustilise ja millised elektroonilise instrumendi omadused? Akustilise muusikainstrumentide puhul tekib heli keelt või membraani võnkuma pannes, kõlakorpuse vastu lüües ja läbi huuliku pillitorusse puhudes. 3)kirjelda lühidalt süntesaatorit , digitaalklaverit ja rütmimasinat. Süntesaator; „On muusikas muusikainstrument, mille abil on võimalik luua elektroonilisest signaalist looduses eksisteeriva akustilise heli (muusikalise heli, müra või konkreetse loodus- või inimkeskkonna heli) Sünte...

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
9 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

the names of the authorized representatives, supervising authority and other corporate details of the founder (Certificate of Registration); 4. Decision on appointment of the Head of the Company (Director) or the relevant Power of Attorney thereof; 5. Passport photocopies of the founders and director(s). The Application should be accompanied by signature samples (facsimile) of person(s) responsible for managing the company. The signature sample should either be certified by a notary or made at the Tax Inspection itself in attendance of a responsible Tax Inspection official. If the founders (partners) are not present during the submission of the Application Form at the Tax Inspection, they shall issue a power of attorney. In addition, if a

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

viscosity  changes  are  compensated  with  proportional  changes  in  voltage,  thereby  permanent  migration times is achieved.  Detection Because  of  the  small  size  of  the  capillary  and  therefore  small  amount  of  the  sample  to  the  detection  in  HECE  imposed  special   requirements.  Although  in  CE  is  needed  only  nanoliter  of  volume  samples,  it  is  definitely  not  a  method  of  analysis  in  trace  amounts, as it requires a  relatively  concentrated  solution  of  the  sample  or  method  preconcentration. Most methods for  detecting  very  similar   to  the   methods  of  liquid  chromatography.  As  in  HPLC,  the  most  commonly  used  UV  detection.   Table.  3  lists  the  various  detection  methods  with  relevant 

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Molekulaardiagnostika kordamisküsimused

Eukaryotic parasites may also be grown in culture as a means of identifying a particular agent. Microscopy Another principal tool in the diagnosis of infectious disease is microscopy. Virtually all of the culture techniques discussed above rely, at some point, on microscopic examination for definitive identification of the infectious agent. Microscopy may be carried out with simple instruments, such as the compound light microscope, or with instruments as complex as an electron microscope. Samples obtained from patients may be viewed directly under the light microscope, and can often rapidly lead to identification. Microscopy is often also used in conjunction with biochemical staining techniques, and can be made exquisitely specific when used in combination with antibody based techniques. For example, the use of antibodies made artificially fluorescent (fluorescently labeled antibodies) can be directed to bind to and identify a specific antigens present on a pathogen

Meditsiin → Molekulaardiagnostika
96 allalaadimist

Stonehenge kromlehh

Aligned with the midsummer sunrise and midwinter sunset Sacred site Who built it?? Merlin, the magician in King Arthur's time moved the stones to honor soldiers Built by Roman invaders Druids No one really knows the answer. Vandalism through the ages Romans ruined part of it when they were destroying pagan sites Stones were removed for bridges, houses, other building Continual touching has altered the faces of the stone Visitors chiseled away samples for souvenirs Today it is a tourist trap A large parking lot 1 million visitors per year Visitors center with a cafeteria, gift shop Area is roped off so you cannot walk among the stones Class Question What % of the visitors are Americans? Answer 50% References Burl, Aubrey. Great Stone Circles. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998. Mass, Wendy. Stonehenge. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc. 1998. www.theicemage

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

. 1 1 (almost never) to 6 (almost always), participants were asked to rate how often they use specific strategies (e.g. listen to cheerful music, go out with friends) to regulate their emotions. Higher scores mean higher HER, stronger buffering of emotions in EM, and higher distress augmenting regulation in DAR. 2.3 Physiological stress response measures. Participants collected their saliva by chewing plain (non-citric acid) cotton Salivettes and the samples (8 time points as described in section 2.4 on p 15) were frozen at ­ 20oC prior to assaying for cortisol. Peripheral venous blood (2 ml anticoagulant with heparin) was obtained by a trained phlebotomist 10 min before the TSST and again 50 min after the TSST. The whole blood was centrifuged (250g for 10 mins) and the resulting plasma layer was removed, aliquoted and stored at ­ 70 oC for cytokine analysis. All samples were numerically coded (known to the principal investigator)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist

Rational Use of Diagnostic Tests

achieved. For example, fine needle aspiration and cytologic evaluation are often recommended prior to surgical removal and biopsy of a mass. For many tumor types, such as lymphoma and mast cell tumors, diagnosis is usually easily achieved with cytology, and knowledge of the diagnosis prior to surgery augments treatment planning. For spindle cell tumors, such as fibrosarcoma or hemangiopericytoma, diagnostic cytologic samples are not always obtained, and a biopsy may need to be performed to achieve a definitive diagnosis. Useful characteristics of diagnostic tests Accuracy and Precision Accuracy is the measure of a test result's accordance with results determined by a gold standard. It is the frequency with which a given test correctly identifies a patient as having a disease, or put another way, how closely the mean of test data points accords to the mean of the reference standard

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Digital Signal Processing Vocabulary

reduction modifications from a signal vähendamine phase the position of a point in time on a faas waveform cycle radar an object-detection system that uses radar radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects sampling the reduction of a continuous signal to a diskreetimine discrete signal sampling the number of samples per second diskreetimissa rate taken from a continuous signal to create gedus a discrete signal signal a function that conveys information signaal about the behavior or attributes of some phenomenon signal an enabling technology that signaalitöötlus processing encompasses the fundamental theory, applications, algorithms, and

Informaatika → Digisignaalide töötlemine
5 allalaadimist

English test 1: personal staff

6. KNEE-PATELLA-põlvekeder Hospital staf 1. TO PRESCRIBE MEDICINE- ravimi välja kirjutamine 2. DISPENSE PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION- retseptiravimeid väljastama 3. RELIVE PAIN-valu leevendama 4. BLOOD SAMPLE- vereproov 5. SPUTUM-sülje PERSONAL 6. RECEPTIONIST- vastuvõtu sekretär-a person who welcomes visitors and answers phones. 7. RADIOLOGIST- radioloog- a person who used imaging technology 8. LAB TECHNICIAN- laborant- a person who analyzes samples 9. PHARMACIST- apteeker- a person who prepares drugs //prepares and dispenses medication 10.CARDIOLOGIST- kardioloog- a person who is a heart specialist 11.PEDIATRICIAN- lastearst- 12.ANESTHESIOLOGIST-anestesialoog-a person who prevents patients form feeling pain. 13.CHIEF SURGEON-peakirurg/kirurg-a person who cuts open the body in operatsion. 14.GENERAL PRACTITIONER-perearst 15.OBSTETRICIAN-sünnitusabi arst- a person who observes(jälgib) and treats

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Parts of the body

6. KNEE-PATELLA-põlvekeder Hospital staf 1. TO PRESCRIBE MEDICINE- ravimi välja kirjutamine 2. DISPENSE PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION- retseptiravimeid väljastama 3. RELIVE PAIN-valu leevendama 4. BLOOD SAMPLE- vereproov 5. SPUTUM-sülje PERSONAL 6. RECEPTIONIST- vastuvõtu sekretär-a person who welcomes visitors and answers phones. 7. RADIOLOGIST- radioloog- a person who used imaging technology 8. LAB TECHNICIAN- laborant- a person who analyzes samples 9. PHARMACIST- apteeker- a person who prepares drugs //prepares and dispenses medication 10.CARDIOLOGIST- kardioloog- a person who is a heart specialist 11.PEDIATRICIAN- lastearst- 12.ANESTHESIOLOGIST-anestesialoog-a person who prevents patients form feeling pain. 13.CHIEF SURGEON-peakirurg/kirurg-a person who cuts open the body in operatsion. 14.GENERAL PRACTITIONER-perearst 15.OBSTETRICIAN-sünnitusabi arst- a person who observes(jälgib) and treats

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õe põhiõpe, 1. kursus Triin Kaaver ÕENDUSE ALUSED JA TÕENDUSPÕHINE ÕENDUS Eksamitöö Tartu 2016 Antud eksamitöö põhineb nelja õendusteoreetiku töödel. Välja on toodud õenduse kesksete mõistete sisu, õendusteoreetikute seisukohad, nende sarnasused ja erinevused omavahel. Lisaks on kirjutatud õe rollist ja vastutusest tervishoiusüsteemis. Valisin järgnevad õendusteoreetikud, kelle töid ma lugesin ja analüüsisin: Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, Hildergard E. Peplau ja Jean Watson. Õe amet on elukutse, mis on seotud erinevate inimestega. Eriala kohustab õdesid olema tähtsaks osaks ühiskonnas ning selleks, et aidata inimese, on paika pandud õenduse kesksed mõisted. Nendeks mõisteteks on inimene, tervis, keskkond ning õendus. Florence Nightingale ei defineerinud „inimest“, kui üksikut indiviidi, vaid inimese suhet keskkonnaga,...

Meditsiin → Õendus
689 allalaadimist

Lõhna tajumise häired ja selle põhjused

Lõhna tajumise häired ja selle põhjused Toiduainete sensoorse hindamise alused Lõhn  Lõhn-toidu organoleptiline omadus  inimene tajub oma lõhnaanalüsaatori ehk nina abil  Lõhnaaistingu tekitab enamasti gaaside segu  nuusutamisel satuvad kergestilenduvate ühendite molekulid koos sissehingatava õhuga ninasõõrmetesse, kust kanduvad nina ülemise piirkonna limaskesta haistmisepiteelil asetsevate retseptoriteni, mis reageerivad lenduvate ainete osakestele > lõhna tajumine.  Ajju edastatud signaali tulemusena tekib inimesel vastav käitumismuutus  söögiisu, hirm, meeldiv emotsioon või vastikustunne. Lõhna tajumine  Eristatakse:  Nasaalsed lõhnaaistingud  lenduvate ainete nuusutamisel (õhu hingamisel läbi nina)  Tajutavad lõhnaaistingud;  Retronasaalsed aistingud – nina kaudu õh...

Toit → toiduainete sensoorse...
10 allalaadimist

Valimi moodustamine

Valikumeetodi all mõeldakse uurimuse jaoks valimi moodustamist. ANDMETE KOGUMINE JA ETTEVALMISTAMINE TÖÖTLEMISEKS 1. Põhimõisted. Statistiline andmestik 1.1. Üldkogum ja valim Vihaselt viskas eesti keele õpetaja Üte ajalehe käest. "See statistika on üks suur jama. Muudkui uurivad ja uurivad. Nüüd siis noorte perede keskmine sissetulek. Mina neid uurimusi ei usu. Minu viiekümne eluaasta jooksul ei ole minu käest keegi midagi küsinud." "Aga rahvaloendus ? Ja valimised ? Pealegi, noorte perede uurimise korral ei kuulunud sa üldkogumisse, " pomises matemaatikaõpetaja Pluss ning parandas kontrolltöid edasi. "Kuhu ma ei kuulunud ?" oli õpetaja Üte hämmelduses. Looduse või ühiskonna nähtust või objektidehulka, mille kohta soovitatakse teha teaduslikult põhjentatud järeldusi, nimetatakse üldkogumiks. Üldkogum on näiteks Tartu kooliõpilaste hulk, Eesti elanikkon, Aafrika riigid vms. Üldkogumit iseloomustab lõpmata palju ...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
42 allalaadimist

Statistiline modelleerimine teooria kokkuvõte 2020

 Nö on tegu keskmiste erinevusega standardhälbe ühikus. Ehk kui d=0,5, siis keskmised erinevad üksteisest poole standardhälbe võrra. Võrreldavate rühmade liigitamine (T-testid)  On üksteisest kaks sõltuvat või sõltumatut rühmad  Kui erinevad rühmad tekivad näiteks sootunnuste (või muu rühmitava tunnuse) alusel, siis on rühmad üksteisest sõltumatud ja kasutatakse t-testi sõltumatute rühmade jaoks (independent samples t-test)  Kui võrreldakse ühe ja sama katsegrupi seisundeid erinevail ajahetkedel (kordusmõõtmised), siis on tegemist omavahel sõltuvate rühmadega ja kasutatakse sõltuvate rühmade t-testi (dependent samples/ paired-samples t-test)  Andmed peavad olema vähemalt intervall skaalal (mõõdetav tunnus peab olema pidev muutuja)  Sõltuvate rühmade t-testi puhul peab olema normaaljaotus, mis on moodustatud

Psühholoogia → Statistiline modelleerimine
33 allalaadimist


36. Ginger is said to have made the best performance. 10. People assume that Eduard Wiiralt is one of the most well-known Estonian artists of all time. 37. Eduard Wiiralt is assumed to be one of the most well-known Estonian artists of all time. 38. POINTS /10 39. 40. 41. Task3. Causative constructions. Please convert the sentence structures according to logic of the samples. 42. SECTION A 43. E.g. Did you fix the car yourself? No, I had it fixed 44. Are they going to paint the walls themselves? No, they are going to have them painted. 45. 1. Do you test your eyes yourself? Of course not, I always have them tested. 2. Are you redecorating your living room yourself? Well, not really. I am having it redecorated by a handyman who can do the job at an affordable cost. 3. Will you please wash your cars yourselves next time? No way

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


Recovery in America.Secon Edition 2014 VIIDATUD ALLIKAD 1. Abel, Ahven, Talu et al. 2013. National Report on Drug Situation in Estonia 2013. Eurostat.[ overviews/ee] 2. Tervise Arengu Instituut Teenuste nimekiri [] 19.05.2015 3. Heckathorn, D.D. (2002) Respondent-driven sampling II: derivimgvalid population estimates from chain-referral samples of hidden populations. - Social Problems, Vol. 49, No 1, p. 11-34. (19.05.2015) 4. White W.L. Slaying the Dragon, The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America.Secon Edition 2014 [ %20Dragon%202014%20References.pdf] 18.05.2015 5. Anthony, W. A., Farkas, M. D. (2009). A Priemer on the Psychiatric

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
22 allalaadimist

Arvuti füüsilised komponendid

SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS SISUKORD.............................................................................................................. 1 SISSEJUHATUS....................................................................................................... 1 SISSEJUHATUS’...................................................................................................... 2 Referaadi eesmärgiks on anda endale ja teistele vajalikud teadmised arvuti füüsilistest komponentidest. Ma püüan aruanda erinevatest arvuti osadest, et lugejad teaksid ja saaksid aru, mida üks või teine asi arvuti korpuse all teeb ja milliseid komponente võiks osta, kui peaks vanal arvutil mõne jupi välja vahetama............................................................................................................... 2 1 Arvuti füüsilised komponendid............................................................................ 3 a. Bios...................

Tehnoloogia → Arvuti riistvara
3 allalaadimist

Wiz Khalifa presentatsioon (esitlus)

Prove in 2006. Khalifa was declared an "artist to watch" that year in Rolling Stone magazine. In 2007, Khalifa signed to Warner Bros. Records and released two mixtapes through Rostrum Records: Grow Season, hosted by DJ Green Lantern and released on July 4, 2007, and Prince of the City 2, released on November 20, 2007. His debut Warner Bros. single "Say Yeah" reached number 25 on the Billboard Rhythmic Top 40 music chart and number 20 on Billboard's Hot Rap Tracks. The song samples "Better Off Alone" by Alice Deejay. Khalifa's vocals from "Say Yeah" appear near the end of Pittsburgh mash up producer Girl Talk's 2008 album, Feed the Animals, over music from Underworld's "Born Slippy", Usher's "Love in This Club", and the Cure's "In Between Days". Khalifa appeared with The Game, David Banner and Play-n-Skillz at U92's Summer Jam at the USANA Amphitheatre in West Valley City, Utah on August 2, 2008

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Topic - Health

diagnosis, treatment and possible prevention of disease and injury. Broadly speaking, the term refers to the fields of surgery, clinical medicine and medical research. Medical care consists of three main elements: 1) the diagnosis 2) the treatment of disease 3) the promotion of health and prevention of disease. First of all, every health problem requires a diagnosis. To identify the disease, doctors use tools and devices and ask the patients about their previous illnesses. Samples of blood and urine are sent to laboratories for analysis to determine the disease. Ultrasound scanners, X-ray machines etc. are used by doctors for necessary information for treatment. People usually recover from minor illnesses without special treatment. In serious cases a doctor may prescribe drugs, surgery or other treatment. In case of surgery a patient must go to the hospital where they receive around-the-clockcare from doctors, nurses and other skilled workers

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Outstanding figures in British literature

,,The Father of English History" Wrote / translated about 40 books on almost every area of knowledge, i.e. nature, astronomy, and poetry His best known work is "The Ecclesiastical History of the English People" Starting with the Roman invasion in the 5th century, he recorded the history of the English up to his own day Old English Cædmon ­ ,,The Father of English Hymn" Cædmon's Hymn is the oldest recorded Old English poem, and also one of the oldest surviving samples of Germanic alliterative verse The Hymn itself was composed between 658 and 680, recorded in the earlier part of the 8th century Middle English Geoffrey Chaucer 13431400 Known as the ,,Father of English literature", the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages An author, philosopher, alchemist and astronomer, diplomat Wrote The Book of the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Legend of Good Women and Troilus and Criseyde Best known today for "The Canterbury Tales"

Keeled → British literature
2 allalaadimist

Mobiilside juurdepääsuvõrk

Mobiilside juurdepääsuvõrk 2. Mõõtmised mobiilterminalis 2.1. Teie poolt kasutatav riistvara ja tarkvara Network Cell Info Lite rakendusega mobiiltelefon Sony XPERIA L1 Märkida üles ja esitada aruandes: 1. Mõõtmiste asukoht: Eesti, Tallinn, Mustamäe. 2. Mõõtmiste aeg: 09.05.2018 kell 15:25-15:40. 3. Operaator: Tele2ja võrgutehnoloogia (UMTS, LTE). 4. Millist transpordivahendit kasutades toimus mõõtmine. Jalgsi 2.2. Andmete kogumine Kogu teekonnast ekraanipildid (4G ­ vasak pilt, 3G ­ parem pilt) 2.3. Andmete analüüs mobiilterminalis Tugijaam (4G ­ vasak pilt, 3G ­ parem pilt) Küsimus 1. MAP tugijaam: Milliseid andmeid saab teada teenindava tugijaama kohta? Leida võimalikud erinevused kasutatud mobiilside tehnoloogiate vahel. 3G HSPA ­ mobiilsidestandard 202 ­ asukohapiirkonna kood 858512 ­ cell id 162 ­ PSC(id lähestikku asuvate 3G kärgede eristamiseks) Allpool on kordinaadid 4G: LTE ­ mobiilsidestand...

Informaatika → Mobiilsete juurdepääsuvõrkude...
60 allalaadimist

Kosmilised kiired

8 LISA 1 What are cosmic rays? Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are the high-energy particles that flow into our solar system from far away in the Galaxy. GCRs are mostly pieces of atoms:protons, electrons, and atomic nuclei which have had all of the surrounding electrons stripped during their high-speed (almost the speed of light) passage through the Galaxy. Cosmic rays provide one of our few direct samples of matterfrom outside the solar system. The magnetic fields of the Galaxy, the solar system, and the Earth have scrambled the flight paths of these particles so much that we can no longer point back to their sources in the Galaxy. If you made a map of the sky with cosmic ray intensities, it would be completely uniform. So we have to determine where cosmic rays come from by indirect means. One of the indirect observations we can make is the "composition" of GCRs. This can tell us a lot

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Ooperist 19. sajandil

1. Carl Maria von Weber (1786 ­ 1826) ­ SAKSA RAHVUSOOPERI RAJAJA, pööras tähelepanu saksa rahvalikule muusikale ooperis ja orkestritämbritele. Carl Maria von Weber, a cousin of Mozart's wife Constanze, was trained as a musician from his childhood, the son of a versatile musician who had founded his own travelling theatre company. He made a favourable impression as a pianist and then as a music director, notably in the opera-houses of Prague and Dresden. Here he introduced various reforms and was a pioneer of the craft of conducting without the use of violin or keyboard instrument. As a composer he won a lasting reputation with the first important Romantic German opera, Der Freischütz. kuulata: v=glance&s=music&vi=samples#disc_2 lisaks lugeda: http://en.wikipedia...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
34 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

and Exit into History, we have detected two particularly sensitive areas for further Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 323 foreignization: (1) the samples of Romanian language in the text; and (2) the conclusive cliche´ images of the Romanian culture. 1. (Re)translating the `exotic' language for a Romanian audience It is one of the travel writers' well-known and strikingly foreignizing strategies to

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


VÄÄVEL - S (Pildiallikas ) Leidumine Väävel esineb looduses nii ehedal kujul kui ka ühendite koostises. Ehedalt võib väävlit leida maapinna lähedal vulkaanilistes piirkondades. (Pildiallikas ) Tuntumatest väävliühenditest leidub looduses kõige enam sulfiide (FeS2 ­ püriit, PbS ­ galeniit , HgS ­ kinaver jt) ja sulfaate ( CaSO4*2H2O ­ kips jt) püriit galeniit Koostanud: Janno Puks Tallinna Arte ja Kristiine Gümnaasium kinaver kips (Pildiallikad , , http://uploa...

Keemia → Keemia
147 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia 2012

There are general lexicology (studies words disregarding particular features of any particular language); special lexicology (studies specific features of a separate language); contrastive (compares vocabularies in different languages). Componential analysis refers to the description of the meaning of words through structured sets of semantic features, which are given as "present +", "absent -" or "indifferent with reference to feature +/-". Corpus the study of language as expressed in samples of "real world" text. This method represents a digestive approach to deriving a set of abstract rules by which a natural language is governed or else relates to another language. Concordance line A concordance is an alphabetical list of the principal words used in a book or body of work, with their immediate contexts. KWIC is an acronym for Key Word In Context, the most common format for concordance lines.

Keeled → Inglise leksikoloogia
98 allalaadimist

Võrumaa kindakirjas kinda kudumine referaat

One reason needle looping technique disappeared was when knitting became popular, another difference is the material and ease of knitting. Knitting became an important part of the Estonian textile craft by the XVIII century. The glove patterns have been passed down from generation to generation. Many gloves were knittted by using old glove patterns. Specific examples were knitted aswell. The samples were woven combination of patterns, ideas from nature and outings patterns. A.W.Huppel's book from this period emphasizes the knitting among the necessary skills for any housewife and notes that young girls should be able to knit by the age of ten. A typical Estonian woman's costume had a pocket for carrying knitting. They were usually separate bags attached to the outside of the costume or worn hanging from a strap. On the

Muu → Käsitöö
18 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

Colour Rendering Index CRI An excessive variation in luminance within the visual field. Source: Eight standard color samples used in the test-color method for measuring and specifying the color rendering properties of light sources. Adapted from IESNA Handbook Disability glare Discomfort glare

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist


Heading: Air pollution influence to growth of pines in bogs of North-East Estonia Lehekülgi: 65 Jooniseid: 22 Tabeleid: 4 Lisasid: 2 Osakond: Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut Juhendaja(d): Veljo Kimmel Kaitsmise kuupäev: 28.05.2015 The aim of this master thesis is to measure pine growth in bogs with different nutrient and pollution load: Puhatu, Kõrgesoo and Selisoo. Radial growth of trees were determined from 65 samples of pines sampled in 2009. Samples were measured on LINTAB instrument and TSAPWin program. Measured data were analysed in Excel and TSAPWin programs. Results show that yearly growth of bog pines was the biggest during 1960-1990 - clear agreement with earlier studies. During last decades the growth has dropped: in Kõrgesoo back to level of 60s, in Puhatu on slightly higher level. Thus, nice agreement with the use

Loodus → Loodus
3 allalaadimist

Munchaussen syndrome by proxy

· Worsening of the child's symptoms generally is reported by the mother and is not witnessed bu the hospital staff · The child's reported condition and symptoms do not agree with the results of diagnostic tests. · There might be more than one unusual illness or death of children in the family. · The child's condition improves in the hospital, but symptoms recur when the child returns home. · Blood in lab samples might not match the blood of the child · There might be signs of chemicals in the child's blood, stool, or urine. Ray Meadow: my experience of mothers who have abused their children in this way is that the graeat majority do not set out with the purpose of causing their children suffering and harm. In a very strange way, they are able to shut out their minds to the suffering their child is incurring. It is as if the benefit they get personally from their

Õigus → Õigusteaduskond
8 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

tide reaches in the sarcomere is still not Portions of nebulin that span the A-I junction certain. The 1,200-kDa polypeptide has been have the ability to bind to actin, myosin, and documented to appear earlier postmortem in calmodulin (Root and Wang 2001). More myofibrils from aged beef that had lower interesting, this portion of nebulin (spanning shear force (and more desirable tenderness the A-I junction) has been shown to inhibit scores) than in samples from product that had actomyosin ATPase activity (Root and Wang, higher shear force and/or less favorable ten- 2001; Lukoyanova et al. 2002). This region derness scores (Huff-Lonergan et al. 1995, of nebulin also has been suggested to inhibit 1996a, b). The T2 polypeptide can also be the sliding velocities of actin filaments over subsequently degraded or altered during myosin. If the latter role is confirmed, then it normal postmortem aging

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


Over the years a sense of community has been created. People of Kalamaja have organised summer beach parties and sauna parties there, with temporary sauna tents. In 2011, when Tallinn was a European Capital of Culture, the authors of Urban Intervention built changing cabins, benches and terraces to Kalarand. The beach area was cleared, the scrub trimmed and dustbins were provided for the summer season. The seabed of the bathing site was cleared of rubbish and pieces of concrete, water samples were taken and analysis results were posted on a notice board. (Lift11, 2011) All of this was made by initiative of locals. While the site was cleaner and more in order, Kalarand still remained as a non-public bathing beach and it was not included in the list of the Tallinn official beaches. Therefore there was no lifeguard present and swimming was strictly at own responsibility. It is clear that locals of Kalamaja value Kalarand and Kalasadam as a place where to spend

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


1. Word of mouth. (Organizing products degustation events in Estonian House and Jesus Army). 2. Advertising in Facebook, Kids For Life Magazine, Yellow Pages, on my website, online business listings. ~ £300 3. Business literature - 750 business cards. - £10 4. A story or newsworthy event in local (Leicester Mercury Business Awards 2017 finalist) or national papers, radio (Leicester Community Radio interview with Lilia Patterson), TV or award ceremonies. 5. Giving out free samples 6. Leaflets - £65, posters - £30 5. Social media - Facebook group, Facebook Page, Twitter, YouTube 6. Leaflets - to Estonian House, Polish church and Jesus Army (1000 colour double sided A5 leaflets), posters (100 colour A3 posters). 7. Printed T-shirt with MP CANNED FOOD contact details and a MP CANNED FOOD pen. 8. Banner. 9. 30 sample products. 10. 1 day Test Trading in Leicester Market TOTAL COST £ ~£400 Market RESEARCH 5.1 Key findings from desk research:

Majandus → Äriplaan
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun