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"sad" - 286 õppematerjali


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"The horse whisperer" raamatu kokkuvõte

Title: The Horse Whisperer Author: Nicholas Evans Publisher: Transworld Publishers Ltd Year: 1991 Number of pages: 97 Genre: fiction The setting: Takes place in Montana The Time Period: 1995 Goal: Some are going to be okay, some are not. The main character is Grace, who is thirteen years old and lives with her mother and father in New York. She is a usual teenager until she loses her leg and her best friend in a serious riding accident. After that she is sad and truly desperate hating the entire world. Her mother Annie is an Englishwoman who had lost his dad and wanted to prove her whole life that she is good in everything: as an important journalist in a fashionable magazine, as a mother and as a husband. But her job is number one and she does not find a lot time for her daughter and husband. Tom Brooker learned a special skill with horses from his father and grandfather. He is called the horse whisperer

Keeled → Inglise keel
166 allalaadimist

Inglise park

Just Sheringhamis, lehmade vahelt läbi pugedes ning üle karjatara vahelt, üle roheliste niitude mere poole piiludes tundus, et lõpuks jõudis see tunne kohale. Kollane ja pisut auklik kruusane tee, lehmad ja pehme ennelõunane valgus, vaikus, mille loovad tuul, ammumine, mööda lendav kärbes ja lehtede sahin. Nagu viieaastasena. Kõik on paigas, ei ole vaja kiirustada, pole tarvis võtta mobiili - tähtsad on hoopis muud asjad... ...It's such a sad old feeling the fields are soft and green it's memories that I'm stealing but you're innocent when you dream when you dream you're innocent when you dream... Võib-olla ei tulnud kordagi meelde Venus, kuid see-eest tulid mälestused, võib-olla nähes Bacchust ei joonud rummi mitte tema, vaid Tema auks ... ...ja nii ma siis kõndisin läbi parkide, kuulates Tom Waitsi ning mõeldes hoopis lihtsatele ja iseenese jaoks suurtele asjadele. Inglise park (Peterburi)

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
14 allalaadimist

If you have created something, then try to be open minded

had built. This all is in connection with studying an evil. Many years ago for example in 17 century were very funny laws. About five year old boy had to carry knights weapon send him all the way to battle and had to be in battle itself. To me it is too unreasonable that so young boy has to see this awful killing and fighting and also learn this kind of thing. I really can not understand what these people were thinking. Many boys get even killed in battle and it is sad for me because they were too young for dieing. Those people had to be evil when they thought these little boys to kill and commanded them to go to the battle. Someway killing for me is Evil. Children had no choice to learn from killers how to kill enemy. But in some way I understand this teaching. Of course it was for protecting the country but they did not had to teach and put to suffer so young boys. So I have not anything more to say that he, who studies evil, is studied by evil.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak;sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go ! You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her." Kunagi ära ole oma valuga üksi , sest kui kellegile räägid , on valutum.. Viha on lühike hullumeelsus. Vahel naeratad ka siis , kui su süda tegelikult nutab . Ma pean naeratama kuigi süda nutab. the best thing for being sad... is to learn something. vihka teda täiega , sest äkki sa ei saa teda enam kunagi vihata .. ära nuta tema pärast , sest on paremaid , kes meelega haiget ei tee . sõber ei tee haiget nii et sa kukud , ta teeb haiget nii et sa enam ei suuda tõusta I would die for you.. if you would live for me How could you look her in the eyes and tell her nothing but lies? Soe ja armas naeratus toob iga inimese südamesopist välja väikese päikese!

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
224 allalaadimist

About myself

have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do? I am a girl of sixteen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a blond girl with short straight hair, dark eyes and slander figure. As to my appearance I'm rather tall and slim. I have never thought I'm a beauty I whish I were more beautiful. I think that I'm even tempered, rather reserved, calm and modest. But sometimes I can lose my tempo and become either angry or sad. I like staying alone and sometimes I retire into my shell. But at the same time I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a sense of humour. It means I understand humour and appreciate it. There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is OK. Being happy is one way of being wise. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading as it gives not only knowledge, but wonderful moments of joy and pleasure

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Rare animals

Forestry Administration to reintroduce captive-bred animals into the wild. If all goes well, the first individuals could be reintroduced to coincide with the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. Rare insect hit by housing scheme Britain's rarest beetle, the streaked bombardier, could soon become extinct in the UK when a new housing development is built over the single site at which it can be found, a brownfield site on the Thames Estuary in East London. "It is very sad that a deliberate choice has been made to plough on with the development, regardless of the consequences to wildlife," said Jamie Roberts of the invertebrate conservation group Buglife. A last ditch attempt is being made to move the beetles to a specially designed pile of rubble that replicates their existing habitat and which has been constructed adjacent to the new development. But experts stress that there is only a slim chance that the translocation will succeed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sessoonne afektiivne häire (referaat)

Väljasviibimise aktiivsus langeb või siirdub mingisse teise vormi (ei minda enam telkima, vaid suusatama). Samuti, reisides parasvöötme kliimast väga palavasse piirkonda, võime me tugevasti piirata oma välist aktiivsust, lebades lihtsalt palmi all. 4 1. SESSOONNE AFEKTIIVNE HÄIRE ­ MIS SEE ON? Sessoonne afektiivne häire(ingl k SAD seasonal affective disorder), ehk sessoonne depressioon ehk hooajaline depressioon ehk talve-, sügis-, kevadmasendus on depressiivne seisund, mille kutsub esile päikesevalguse vähenemine ja ilmastiku olude muutumine. See varieerub koos aastaajaga. Depressiivse episoodi sümptomid on hüpersomnia ehk ülemäärane unevajadus, tujulangus, energiapuudus, ülesöömine ja isu süsivesikute järele, kaalu tõus (3).

Psühholoogia → Enesehindamine
10 allalaadimist

Konservatism Ajalugu, Majanduslik liberatism

o Töölisklassil vägivaldsel ehk revolutsioonilisel teel haarata kapitalistidelt poliitiline võim ja kehtestada proletariaadi diktatuur o Kuulutada toomisvahendid riigi omaks ning allutada igasugune tegevus ühiskonnas töörahva kontrollile · Nende abinõude rakendamisel oleks võimalik üles ehitada tulevikuühiskond, kus pole vastuolusid UTOPISM/SOTSIALISM · SOTSIALISM ­ · Kiire majanduslik areng, eelkõige tööstuse edenemine, muutis 19. Sad olulisest ühiskonna sotsiaalset struktuuri ning põhjustas uusi vastuolusid · Süvenes varanduslik ebavõrdsus ja seetõttu hakati otsima ühiskonnakorraldust, mis oleks õiglane ja kindlustaks kõigile võrdsuse · Sellise ühiskonnakorralduse nimetuseks sai sotsialism. · Uus ideaalühiskond pidi tuginema - o Ühisomandile o Kohustuslikule kollektiivsele tööle o Kindlatele plaanidele tuginevale majandustegevusele

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
24 allalaadimist

A New Beginning

Suddenly, a baby`s dreadful cry awakened his mind and a woman`s quiet pray to the Satan echoed in the huge room. "Hello? Is anyone in here?" asked the soldier in a loud voice "It`s okay to come out now ­ the demons are all gone!" "What?" a weak voice from the shadows asked "They are gone? But...oh!" And a deep cry filled with hopeless despair filled the air. The man remembered about the fire and said, "I could help you ­ I`m one of the Royal Soldiers!" But the woman became even more sad and said, "I am a human myself, just like you, but when I was 7, evil monsters called the ishues came to our city ­ city La Air it was then as I remember..." "Wait!" interrupted the man, "You mean these "ishues" or what-so-ever aren`t just normal humans?!" The woman burst out laughing and her baby cried even louder by now. "Humans? NORMAL HUMANS?" she shouted nervously, "The ishues are pure demons! Even the prays can`t keep them away! We tried everything we could: starting with

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Serbia ja Montenegro

Kusjuures hüdroenergia moodustas ligikaudu 20 % lõunaosa kogu energiamahust,kivisüsi moodustas aga 75 %. Serbias ja Montenegros leidub ka värvilisi metalle,mis on peaaegu ainus loodusvara,mida Serbia ja Montenegro eksportib teistele riikidele. VII Linnastumine 7.1 Suuremad ja tähtsamad linnad(elanikke rohkem kui 100 000): Belgrad 1,574,050 Novi Sad 298,139 Nis 234,863 Pristina 200,000 Kragujevac 175,182 Podgorica 169,000 Subotica 147,758 Prizren 121,000

Geograafia → Geograafia
28 allalaadimist

Ajaloo KT konspekt 10kl

12)suured maadeavastused; Eurooplastele oli oluline leida alternatiivne meretee Indiasse ja Kagu-Aasiasse, kust tuua Euroopasse vürtse, siidi ja kalliskive. Hispaania ja Portugali geograafiline asend oli soodne, kuna asus nii atlandi ookeani kui ka aafrika ranniku lähedal. Sealsetel rahvastel olid ka pikaajalisd meresõidukogemused, ning maadeavastusi toetav riigivõim. Neil olid naljakad kartused: ekvaatori lähedal läheb vesi keema ja muutub siirupiks ja et mustanahalistega kokkupuutel sad süsimustaks. Tänu sellele olid meeskonnaliikmed sageli sunnitöölised. 1) Aafrika Bartolomeu Diaz 2) Ameerika(1492) Christoph Kolumbus 3) Indiasse läks Vasco da Gama 4) 1. ümbermaailmareis toimub 1519-1522 Fernao de Magalhaes

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
33 allalaadimist


Metallica on USA-Taani päritolu hard rock/ heavy metal bänd, mis alustas oma tegevust 21. oktoobril 1981 ja tegutseb siiani. 1980. aastatel oli ta ülipopulaarne tõsiusklike hevirokkarite seas, alates 1991. aasta "Black Albumist" on ta liikunud mainstreami poole ja saanud üle kogu maailma väga tuntuks. 29. juunil 1999 ja 13. juunil 2006 andis Metallica kontserdid ka Eestis Tallinna Lauluväljakul. Metallica on müünud 57 miljonit plaati Ameerikas ja 40 miljonit väljaspool Ameerikat. Kokku on arvatavasti müüdud 100 miljonit, millega Metallica on 18. bänd plaatide müügi poolest Ameerika ajaloos. Metallica algkoosseis : James Alan Hetfield Mängib kitarri ja laulab. James sündis 3. augustil 1963.aastal, Los Angeleses, Californias. Ta on abielus ja tal on üks laps. Kirk Lee Hammett mängib kitarri. Kirk Sündis 18.novembril 1962. aastal San Fransiscos, Californias. Ta on abielus. Jason Curtis Newsted mängis basskitarri. Jason sündis 4.märts...

Muusika → Muusika
28 allalaadimist

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech Freedom of speech is a wide speared conception. I can understand it in many different ways. For example in my state, Estonia, the freedom is a very important for every human. At least to me it is seemed to be like that. But at school is a little bit sad story with freedom of speech. Some teachers are not used that student expresses her own strong opinion. When another way some teachers are just waitening it. As well as people can not speak along with state public topics and express their opinion. Therefore freedom of speech is debateable. Already from the old times Estonians have been fighting for their own freedom, because they do not like to allow to another country or state, foreign public and foreign language.

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Arvutusgraafiline rakendusstatistika kodutöö

P(3,78 < b1 < 4,81) = 0,95 P(-4,14 < b0 < -0,73) = 0,95 11.3 Kontrollida parameetrite olulisust b1 > b1 => b1 on oluline b0 > b0 => b0 on oluline 11.4 Kontrollida mudeli adekvaatsust Mudeli adekvaatsust kontrollitakse, leides statistikut, mis näitab selle mudeli poolt prognoositud ja tegelikke y väärtuste erinevust. Selliseks statistikuks on F-statistik, ning seda (ja selle kriitilist väärtust) leitakse järgmisi valemeid kasutades: Seega meie juhul s2ad = 3,61 2 sad F = 2 = 1,719 sy d = 2 (oluliste parameetrite arv on 2) f1 = 5 ­ 2 = 3 f2 = 7 ­ 1 = 6 Fkr = F0,95 (3, 6) = 4,534 F < Fkr, seega võtame null-hüpoteesi vastu (mudel on adekvaatne) 11.5 Leida mudeli poolt prognoositava väljundi usaldusvahemikud punktides x = 1,x = 3 ja x = 5 Usaldusvahemikute leidmiseks peame leidma prognoositava y dispersiooni ja t-statistikut. Neid leiame kasutades järgmisi valemeid: Esiteks leiame t-statistikut f=6 t0,975(6) = 2,447

Matemaatika → Rakendusstatistika
137 allalaadimist

Linnad. Eluolu ja kultuur/Ristiusk ja Kirik/Ülikoolid ja teadus

loobumist, karmimaid kombeid ja järjekindlat füüsilist tööd. Frantsisklaste ordu: Nad idealiseerisid kasinust ja soovisid kuulutada jumalasõna lihtrahva seas, nii nagu jeesus seda teinud oli. Olid tuntud oma lihtsa eluviisi ja rõhutatud alandlikkuse tõttu. Dominiiklaste ordu: nende peamine ülesanne oli jutlustada õige usu kaitseks ja neid teati seetõttu jutlustajavendadena. Et oma jutlusi mõjuvamaks teha panid sad suurt rõhku haridusele. Sarnasus: dom ja frants- kerjusmungad leviatsid usku ise rahva seas , asusid asulates. Erinevus: kerjusmungaordud ( dom ja frants). Ja traditsioonilised ordud ( tsitsertslased) , dom olid kõrgelt haritud aga frants mitte- ei pidanud olema tark vaid aus ja siiras. 3. Millega oli põhjendatatv ning kuidas avaldus pühakute kultus? Pühakutes nähti surelike kaitsjat ja eestkostjat nii maises elus kui ka pärast surma, mil võis

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
54 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

question in the pull of-war over another expression, the Sept. 11-motivated "How about we Roll." "How about we move," for any individual who doesn't have any acquaintance with it at this point, is accepted to be the last known expression mouthed by rural father Todd Beamer before he and his kindred travelers on the destined United Flight 93 went up against their ruffians on Sept. 11, constraining the plane to crash in a field. Since that sad day, those two words have been deified as an image of American courage and insubordination despite psychological oppression. It has appeared on curiosity things of different types; artist Neil Young utilized it in a song of devotion, and the president even attempted to make it a mobilizing weep for the country. Presently, Todd Beamer's better half is endeavoring to grab the expression as her own, battling creators of floppy

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

10. klassi loodusgeograafia

pruunmullad pehme põllukultuuride viljelemiseks Rohtlad Lähis troopiline/ tasakaalustatud Üle 1m kamardumine Kõige parasvöötme mand viljakamad, ei mustmullad Sad hulk tasak toimu auramisega läbiuhtumist Kõrb ja poolkõrb Lähis troop/ Aursamise Õhuke Sooldumine Võimalik Kuiv ja sad vähe ülekaaluga sed kasvatada

Geograafia → Geograafia
327 allalaadimist


Kallavere Keskkool Mutt Referaat Koostaja: Katrin Mett Juhendaja: Monika Kallaste Maardu 2012 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................................3 Kes on mutt? ............................................................................................................... .......4 Elupaik...................................................................................................... .........................6 Eluviis...................................................................................................... ...........................7 Mida sööb mutt?..................................................................................................8 Muti ...

Bioloogia → Loomad
12 allalaadimist

Indefinite pronouns

(= some oranges, though not many) I have a few good friends. (= I can always rely on them) There is a little tea left – would you like another cup? (= some tea, but not much) I have a little money. (= There is no need to worry) Without ’a’ the meaning is pessimistic, expressing a negative attitude: Few customers have come to the shop. It has been very quiet. (= the sales were low!) Tom has made little progress. (= so sad!) Few and little can be used with very for emphasis: There were very few people at the supermarket. There is very little milk left. I’ll go and buy some. A lot of/lots of – much/many A lot of and lots of are used with both plural countable and uncountable nouns. They are normally used in affirmative sentences. The of is omitted when a lot is not followed by a noun: There are a lot/lots of oranges in the fridge. I can make some juice. He laughs a lot.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Rakendusstatistika konspekt

Liikme b0 olulisus: -3,09<6,36 ja liikme b0 võib lugeda mitteoluliseks. Liikme b1 olulisus: 2,03>0,56 ja liikme b1 võib lugeda oluliseks. 11.4 Kontrollin mudeli adekvaatsust Kontrollin hüpoteesipaari {H0: 2ad = 2(y) ; H1: 2ad > 2(y)}. Kui F1,59 ning nullhüpotees võetakse vastu: leitud mudel on katseandmetega kooskõlas. 11.5 Leian usaldusvahemikud punktides x=1, x=3 ja x=5. P(( y^ ( x) - y^ | x) < µ y ( x) < y^ ( x) + y^ | x) = 1 -

Matemaatika → Rakendusstatistika
80 allalaadimist


" "Smiles are unbreakable--and mend broken hearts." "Be multilingual; smiles are the universal language." "A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles." ~Washington Irving A smile costs nothing, but gives much. A smile enriches those who receive without making poorer those who give. A smile takes but a moment, but the memory of it lasts forever. A smile brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble. A smile cannot be bought, begged, borrowed or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile, so give them one of yours as no one needs a smile as much as the one who has no more to give! So many languages in the world, and a smile speaks them all. "A laugh is a smile that bursts." "A smile is the curve that sets all things straight"

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
88 allalaadimist

Eesti uusaeg

Liivi sõda alustas Moskva suurvürstiriik, kes lootis ära kasutada Vana-Liivimaa sõjalist nõrkust ja teiste Läänemere-äärsete riikide omavahelisi lahkhelisid.1558. aastal rüüstasid Vene väed Lõuna-Eesti külasid ja vallutasid Narva ja Tartu linna. 1559.a andis Liivimaa orduriik end Poola kaitse alla. 1559.a müüs Saare-Lääne piiskop oma valdused koos Kuramaa piiskopkonnaga Taanile. 1560.a toimus Härgmäe lahing, mille Poola kaotas ja nii langes venelaste kätte Viljandi. Samal aastal puhkes ka talurahva ülestõus, mis suruti maha. Tallinn ja Harju-Viru palusid Rootsi endale appi.Sõja tegelikud põhjused seisnesid kaubandushuvides. 1570.a hakati piirama Tallinnat hertsog Magnus koos Vene vägedega. Piirajatest laastavam oli leviv katk. Venelased vallutasid suurema osa Mandri- Eestist, piirati uuesti Tallinnat, ei õnnestunud. 1582.a sõlmiti Pihkvamaal Jam Zapolskis Venemaa ja Poola vahel vaherahu, mis andis venelaste vallutatud linnused Liivimaal...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
40 allalaadimist


Heartless' s soundless victory. The girl turned to him and smiled ­ she had no idea how, but she just knew that did the right deed. The man understood the situation and said quietly, "Thank you." Heartless nodded and threw the sword away. She wanted to go now, even thought she had many questions, but something told her it's better to keep away from scary adventures like this. So she started moving towards the entrance, but suddenly the man's hand stopped her. She looked at him and saw sad deep blue eyes gazing friendly at her. "I...I just want to know... Who are you? And why did you save me? No ordinary girl wonders alone at such dangerous places, even at the daytime. But it's night now, and you're so little...I mean, no offence, but what the hell are you doing here?" Heartless had decided to start a new life the moment she had saved him. Now was a good chance to think something cool up, so that the man wouldn't leave her all alone.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Word order

Jim almost always sleeps late on Sunday. Mary often visits her parents. She usually gets up at 7. My grandmother sometimes goes to the theatre. I hardly ever write letters nowadays. He has always lived in London. They don’t very often go abroad. He can never remember my name. I have never been to Australia. He is always on time. She is sometimes sad. They are usually very helpful. Her grandfather was always happy to see her. It is always cold in February. Word Order in Negative Sentences To form a negative sentence just put not after the auxiliary or modal verb: I am not a fool. John will not come to the party tonight. It was not my fault. You must not cheat. Jennie could not find her glasses. Don’t make all this noise, I cannot stand it any more! NB

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Homereading - body language

well as between cultural groups. For example, in Greece, you nod your head for 'no', and shake your head for 'yes'. The human brain communicates to the body how it is to position itself. Body language is subconscious and is intended to create a balance between inner feelings and outer appearance. If we develop increased sensitivity to our own body language, our ability to read others' body language is increased. This makes it easier to tell whether a person you are talking to is happy, sad, sullen or irritated. Or whether he or she is lying to you, or is impatient, or bored. You should also be able to register whether the person appears to like you, agrees or disagrees with you, is aggressive to you, or is suspicious, angry or worried. Observing hidden feelings Increased attention to body language will allow you to observe hidden feelings, prejudices and sexual intentions; all through your eyes and the other senses we use to perceive the world around us.

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Ajastute võrdlev tabel

portree- ja aktimaal Romaani stiil ­ Antiigi eeskujul eelistati Kõige selgemalt väljen- Lihtsus, sümmeetria, varakristlikest dünaami- kirikuarh. kuppelehitisi. dus barokk arhitektuuris monumentaalsus, võim- isemad, kuid massiivsed Teravkaart asendas mida iseloomustavad sad sammas- ja kuppel- basiilikad, ümarkaar. ümarkaar, hooned ei liikuvus, rahutus, kirg, ehitised. Eeskujuks Gooti stiil ­ pürginud enam taevasse, ülepaisutatus; eesmär- Antiik-Rooma sammas- arhitektuur teravkaar, kirikutornid vaid olid monumendiks giks väljendada katoliku templid (TÜ peahoone). (tihti kaks) sirutusid oma loojale ­ inimesele

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
54 allalaadimist

Some Love Poems and English Phrases

I'll still be looking at you!!! :) <3 38. People say “I love you” all the time – when tey say “Take an umbrella, it's raining” or “Hurry back” or even “Watch out, you will break you're neck”. There are hundreds ways to say it – you just have to listen for it, my dear. 37. Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in second we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss. 38. Distance means so little when someone mean so much. 39. Drunken words are sober thoughts. 40. I can’t wait to get married because its like a sleepover every night with your best friend. 41. "PEOPLE SAY WE SHOULDN’T BE TOGETHER" - They Don’t Know About Us "I DON’T CARE WHAT PEOPLE SAY WHEN WE’RE TOGETHER" - Happily 42

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Nt gossip--godfather and idle talk. Pejoration (worsening of meaning) deterioration Amelioration- improvement of meaning. 14) Metaphor and Metonymy Metaphoe- based upone a perception of similarity. Mouse- computer mouse and quiet as a mouse. Dead metaphore- flowerbed Conduit metaphor-ideas and meanings are objects. Conceptual metaphore- the essence is understaning and experience one kind of thing in terms of the other. Orientational metaphor- happy is up, sad is down. Metonymy- is a word that is not called by its own name but by the name it is assosiated with. Nt hollywood- we know it as a filmindustry but acutally it is a palce name. 15) polysemy and homosemy Polysemy- the meaning of the word depends on the sentence. The content- where the word is placed in the sentence. Homonymy- words have same spelling, same pronounciation, but different meaning. Nt fair- laat ja õiglane. 16) Paradigmatic relations 17) synonyms

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjapraktika portfoolio

Part of my happy dream Life Life Long, Hard Exiting, Full-filling, Never-ending Funny, Weird, Mad, Painful Trying, Hurting, Haunting Sad, Irrefutable Death 2. Short message a)note Dear Mike, Thank you for that amazing CD you gave me. It has changed my life and I love that band. Thank you! Love, Regina b) invitation Mr. and Mrs. Kelli are pleased to invite you to the engagement party of their son Calvin James at Ammende Villa on Saturday 28 September. RSVP by 15 September. 1 Kirjapraktika

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Referaat "Värviteraapia"

(Struthers 2008: 94) Nahaprobleeme, nagu ekseem ja psoriaas, saab samuti ultraviolettvalgusega ravida. Vähi ravimiseks kasutatakse fotodünaamilist teraapia ehk PDT süsteemi, mille töötas välja dr Thomas Doughberry. Inimese kehasse süstitakse valgustundlikku ainet, kus see koguneb vähirakkudesse. Kui ainele eksponeeritakse punast valgust, siis see hävib koos vähirakkudega. (Struthers 2008: 94) Talveperioodil tekib paljudel inimestel sesoonne depressioon ehk SAD. Selle seisundi ravimiseks kasutatakse täisspektrivärve. Inimene, kes kannatab SAD-i all peaks päikesevaestel aastaaegadel istuma iga päev kuni neli tundi spetsiaalse valguskasti juures. Samuti on seda kasulik kasutada inimestel kes talvemasenduse all ei kannata. Enne valguskarbi kasutamist tuleb kindlaks teha, et teil pole silmahaigusi, nagu glaukoom või mõnda muud võrkkesta haigust. Valgusteraapiat peaks tegema vaid täieliku väljaõppega inimene. (Struthers 2008: 95)

Meditsiin → Rahvatervis
53 allalaadimist

Mingi jama

50) Stuttgart 1993: 200 m (19.99) pronksmedal Isiklikud rekordid: 100 m- 9.86 (1991) 200 m- 19.75 (1983) Lisa 3 Tabel 3. Christoph Lemaitre tulemused suurvõistlustel (6) Sündinud: 11.06.1990 Prantsusmaa, Annecy Pikkus: 189 cm Kaal: 74 kg Saavutused: Juunioride maailmameistrivõistlused: Bydgoszcz 2008: 200 m (20.83) kuldmedal Juunioride euroopa meistrivõistlused: Novi Sad 2009: 100 m (10.04) kuldmedal Euroopa meistrivõistlused: Barcelona 2010: 100 m (10.11) kuldmedal 200 m (20.37) kuldmedal 4x100 m teatejooks (38.11) kuldmedal Isiklikud rekordid: 100 m- 9.97 (2010) 200 m- 20.16 (2010) Lisa 4 Joonis 1. Lemaitre- esimene valge mees, kes jooksis 100 m alla 10 sekundi. (8) Lisa 5 Joonis 2. Lewis- 19 tiitlivõisluste medalit (9)

Turism → Turism
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajalugu, essee "My languages"

The first foreign language I learned was Russian. Considering I was ten when Estonia became a Republic, it makes sense. We began studying Russian in first grade, though it was simplified – "koška" instead of "kot", "medvešonok" instead of "medved", "saichik" etc. Did not make much sense and we mostly played some games in Russian (Tare-tareke etc). Learned as much playing outside, since we had Estonian-Russian kids around as well. Not that we played with them. It's sad to say but it was not a nice time to be a Russian kid. We were mean to them, and we did not even know why. I think that's the only time I've ever been part of bullying someone, but there was this kid everybody called Vene-Russ and we spent a lot of time playing mean tricks on him. Well, there's that. And I also learned a lot of Russian from my mother's lover who was a Russian military officer and pretty much my father figure at the time. I tried to teach him Estonian and learned some

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Carl Lewis

Carl Lewis The greatest and most famous athlete of the last century, who formerly won about 20 gold medals in four different events (100 m, 200 m, long jump and 4x100 relay), is called Carl, which is a nick that hides his true identity: Frederick Carlton Lewis. He was born on 1st July 1961 in Birmingham, Alabama, the same country of Jesse Owens for the will of doom: in fact his parents lived there fleetingly owing to their job. Third of five sons, he spent his childhood in Willingboro together with his younger sister Carol, Bill, his dad and Evelyn, his mother. Since his first years of life he could breath the soft and clean air of sport: his father used to train athletes at university and his mother was 6th at 80 m hurdles in the Pan-American games of 1951.He saw the Olympic games of 1968 on TV and could admire Bob Beamon: he was...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Discuss the representation of the generation of fathers in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

ache ­ perhaps in a way that Turgenev himself felt with the fate of ill-organised estates. Marino's lacklustre management symbolises the futility of the gentry's attempts to modernize - Nikolai stands as the ,,the economic failings of the gentry" (Dunaev: 1983:196). The shortcomings of the Kirsanov management are even more obvious when subtly contrasted with the well-organised Nikolskoe, ran by Odintsova ­ a representative of the new generation. Therefore the sad state of Marino can be seen as a symbol to the ineffective establishment of the gentry, the generation of fathers. Moreover, one of the climaxing issues of the era ­ the liberation of serfs- surfaces in the conversation, and Nikolai, despite adapting the obrok method, is not fully holding modernist views - " , , , , .." Ripp (1980) emphasizes, that although Nikolai finds himself as progressive and liberal,

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Lisandelemendina leidub hõbedat (Ag plii, tsingi ja vasemaagis. OMADUSED: Hõb e on hõb e v al g e värvus e g a peh m e m etall. Võrreld e s teiste vas er üh m a m etallide g on hõb e vas e st peh m e m , kuid kullast kõve m . Hõb e on parim sooju s ja elektrijuht. Hõb e d al on väga pe e g e l d u s v õi m e . Pe e gli saa mi s e k s sad e statak s e klaasile h õb e d a kiht. Hõb e p e e g likiht rakend atak s e term o st e s , väh e nd a m a k s sooju sk a d u si d kiirgus el. Peh m u s e ja plastilisus e tõttu on hõb e hästi tööd eld av. Puhtas õhus on hõb e püsiv. Ka ei tõrju ta hap et e st välja vesinikku. Hõb e reag e e ri b konts e ntre e ritud läm m a stikhap p e g a : 3Ag + 4HNO3 = 3AgNO3 + NO2 + H2O

Keemia → Keemia
45 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia 2012

brother, son, wife; snow, rain, wind, sun; cat, sheep, cow; old, young, cold, hot, dark; do, make, go, come, see. Many native words have developed many meanings (nt, hand, man, head). Most native words have become parts of set expressions, borrowed words haven't. (nt, heart- to break a heart, to take to heart, to have heart in one's mouth). Most native words make up large groups of derived and compound words (nt, heart-ly, heart-less, to heart-en, hard hearted, sad hearted) The native elements play a very important role in English. Influence of borrowings ­ some say that English is so rich mainly due to loan words. The first effect of foreign influences is of course the volume of the vocabulary. Borrowings influence native words stilistically and semantically. If we have 2 words in the language: one native, other borrowed, then they become different in meaning and usage

Keeled → Inglise leksikoloogia
98 allalaadimist

English literature summary

intuition.         The  main  form  of  literature  –  poetry  (expresses  emotions  better  than  prose).     Love   (especially   tragic   love)   main   topic;   heroes   sensitive   men   and   women   crushed   by   the   cruelties   of   life;   mood   –   often   melancholy   and   sad.   Women   often   idealised   and   represented  as  mysterious  and  magical.       Romantic  literature  in  England  can  roughly  be  divided  into  two  stages.     1)   End   of   the   18th   century.   Group   of   poets   called   the   Lake   Poets   (lived   in   the   Lake  

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Drugs and how they affect your health.

risk of contracting HIV. But drugs and alcohol can increase the chances of unsafe behavior by altering judgment and decision making. Why Do People Use Illegal Drugs? Sometimes kids and teens try drugs to fit in with a group of friends. Or they might be curious or just bored. A person may use illegal drugs for many reasons, but often because they help the person escape from reality for a while. If a person is sad or upset, a drug can - temporarily - make the person feel better or forget about problems. But this escape lasts only until the drug wears off. Drugs don't solve problems, of course. And using drugs often causes other problems on top of the problems the person had in the first place. A person who uses drugs can become dependent on them, or addicted. This means that the person's body becomes so accustomed to having this drug that he or she can't function well without it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
41 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne ärevus ja astress

Tallinna Laagna Gümnaasium Marita Raudsepp 12.b klass STRESS JA SOTSIAALNE ÄREVUS Referaat Juhendaja: õpetaja Maret Kraas Tallinn 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Antud referaadis on uurimise alla võetud stress ja sotisiaalne ärevus. Kogutud on info raamatutest ja internetis antud probleemide kohta. Välja on uuritud stressi mõiste, ajalooline taust kood teadlastega, kes tuvastasid selle haiguse. Vaadatud üle on stressi ja sotsiaalse ärevuse tekkepõhjused, sümptomid ning ravivõimalused. MIS ON STRESS? Stress on elu lahutamatu koostisosa. Stressi vältimine ei ole alati ei võimalik ega ka soovitav, sest stress võib olla väga kasulik. Selles saab probleem siis, kui me kaotame kontrolli- kui pinge kasvab, kuid selle mahalaadimise võime mitte. Negatiivne stress on seisund, milles meile esitatavad nõudmised ja meie toimetuleku võime ei ole tasakaalus. (O'Hanlon 1998) AJALUGU Antoine de Sa...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
44 allalaadimist

’Anita and Me’ by Meera Syal

Meanwhile, the story of the girl's relationship with Anita nicely illuminates the difficult, unspoken politics of childhood friendship. This all begins to fall apart though as ignorance and racism clash as Meena encounters first hand how hurtful racism and ignorance can be and she struggles to understand the relationships between people and their ideas. Even her 'best friend' Anita leaves her behind. Your opinion. (Justify) I thought 'Anita and Me' by Meera Syal was a funny yet quite sad story. I liked the comic way in which Meena always seemed to be able to get out of trouble but I was suprised at the amount of racism she faced throughout the story. It had lots of little twists during her childhood involving her bizarre friendship with Anita. I found this book very enjoyable. I recommend this book to people who enjoy stories about relationships between humans from different cultures.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
9 allalaadimist


Ruby Keene was the murdered girl. She was young and dim-witted. She worked as a Ballroom dancer at the Majestic Hotel and had to communicate with people. She was a likeable person, the customers of the hotel liked her although it was obvious that she was not very bright. Josie turner was also a dancer at the hotel. She was somehow related to the girl. Turner was not a very nice person. She was very calm when she heard about the murder and did not seem to be surprised nor sad, more like confused. The hotel staff wasn't very fond of her and neither were the detectives. She seemed to be clever and hiding something. Basil Blake was a murder suspect with an arrogant attitude towards the police. He was having parties at his house all the time with young women coming over. He was a rich man working in the film business. He did not want to talk to the police very much and the neighbours did not like him at all, he was not really kind to people.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Linna kodanikkond oli huvitatud pidevast odava tööjõu juurdevoolust maalt, feodaalidele tähendas see aga tööjõu kaotust. Väravatorn oli algul puidust. Pikk Jalg sai kivist väravatorni aastal 1380. põhiplaanilit trapetsikuju- line. Veel 19.saj. oli torn sõdurite majutuspaik. 20.saj. algusest on tornis olnud kunstnike ateljeed. Pika jala värava- tornis elasid karikaturistid Edgar Valter ja Heinz Valk ning teised kuul- sad kunstnikud. Pika jala väravatorn kandis kaitsefunktsiooni viimati 1991 au- gustisündmuste ajal. Siis suleti värava ­ava suure graniitkuubiga, mis pidi ära hoidma Pihkva tankide võimaliku invasiooni Toompeale piki Pikka jalga. Tankid torni ei rünnanud, aga see torn põles 1995 jõulureedel tüh- jaks. Kõige rohkem kahju tegi kustutusvesi, mis jäätus ja lõhkus müüre ning tekitas pragusid.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
33 allalaadimist


are there for a reason and having money does not excuse them from following them. Which is why the Tallinn City Council should go to court with Pro Kapital, in order to solve the situation lawfully and justly. Tallinn City Council should protect the views of the locals and stand for their interests. Telliskivi Selts itself do not have enough resources to sue Pro Kapital. Currently the City Council has not done anything to solve the situation. It is sad to see that the repesenter of public voice has not stepped out for the people and taken any actions. The City Council has not given any clear response what their opinion is on this case nor have they approved the Kalaranna developing plan. Pro Kapital has gone against the law with installing the fence and it is clear that they themselves are aware of their unlawful action. It is easy to read out from their conduct with the installation of the fence. They clearly did not want to

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Referaat "Chelsea Flower Show"

gate receipts of some 2,150. 8 In August 1914 the First World War was declared. The nephew of the RHS President, Field Marshall Lord Grenfell, was killed in action in September, and the RHS staff to give money to help keep their enlisted staff on half pay. A German spray for gooseberry mildew was, meanwhile, blacklisted. The 1915 Show was a sad affair, with steady rain, mud underfoot, and waterfalls from the tent roof. The railway companies had been quite incapable of delivering the essential rocks and plants on time for the Show, so exhibitors had found other ways to bring them to Chelsea. Lady Dundas, a charitable fund raiser for war victims, arranged for Viscount Dalrymple, then a small boy, to parade around the grounds on a Shetland pony to collect money for the war.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Lõuna Aafrika rahvusköök

for decades and modern wine-making has been set up in places like Zimbabwe and Kenya. But it is down south in the Cape, where climactic and topographic conditions simulate those of the old wine countries, that the continent's finest wines are produced. Today the best of South African wine is up there with the rest, while in the "easy-drinking" category no one beats us. History has a way with wine and the Cape's wine culture, which goes back 350 years, is one that reflects the country's sad colonial and apartheid past, but also shines with the potential and expectation of the modern wine world. From that long history comes a wine tradition of tastes and styles with its roots in the classic "Old World" of France, Germany and Italy, but also an acute awareness of the contemporary consumer, as has been defined by wine-making in the "New World" of California and Australia. It has often been said that South African wine is in the unique position of both those wonderful worlds

Toit → Kokandus
49 allalaadimist


Student: "mistakes in the dark make children" · don't promise me anything, just show me that you really do. · Missing you is good but having you is better and loving you is the best ever. · Everyone's smart...... till they fall in love. · We're not afraid to try again. We're just afraid of getting hurt for the same reason. · The point of "LIE" is not about getting caught or not. It's about how much that person worth the truth or not. · By feeling sad all the time, you've wasted your precious time to be happy. · I've no idea how some people could take relationship too easily. They make up, break up, regret, then fucked up. · Drama never ends and haters are all the same, they smile in front of your face but spit on your name. · Best Friends: they know how stupid you are and still choose to be seen with you in public. · "From start to finish, you never took time to find out the real me."

Keeled → Inglise keel
72 allalaadimist

Erinevad aforismid

Ma tahaksin käia mööda maailma enda soovide kohaselt. Tahaksin kõndida nendel maadel, kuhu mu jalad pole veel kõndima sattunud. Tahan võtta aja maha just siis, kui mul selleks tahtmine tuleb, mitte, et ma peaksin arvestama iga detailiga, mis minu justkui täiuslikku elu kinni hoiab, et asjad koost ei variseks. Tahaksin vaadelda oma silmadega igat objekti maailmas täpselt sellise pilgu läbi nagu ma seda suudan. When I'm not there... do you think of me? When you're sad and something's bothering you... do you wish I were there to help comfort you? When you've had a long hard day... do you smile knowing that soon you'll be seeing me, and everything will seem better, even if it's just for a moment? When you lay down at night... do you look back and cherish the new memories you've made with me? And when you get up in the morning, does everything inside of you smile, knowing that this will be another day that we'll be together? because that's how I think of you...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

" The key to success is GOOD GUITAR LESSONS and commitment. You have seen and experienced the Jamorama guitar learning method first hand, and YOU KNOW THAT IT WORKS. Think of Jamorama as an insurance policy to MAKE SURE YOU BECOME A GREAT GUITARIST. I can't tell you how many times I have heard from students about how disappointed they were with other guitar courses. Some start Jamorama and become good guitar players, but many more just plain give up, and I am sad to see these people give up their dream of being a great guitarist. GO GET YOUR COPY OF JAMORAMA ­ THE ULTIMATE GUITAR LEARNING KIT. Get Jamorama here: Until next time! Ben Edwards

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Filmikunsti ajalugu

Showed films to people and tried to understand how to they interact to those images. Tried to undeerstand the effect of cinema. The film they used and according to the legend, was ,,intolerance". Understood how griffith was using the film language. How can i achieve the effect. Usge of editing to create metaphors. Revolutionary idea: discovery of a cinematic language. The kuleshov experiments: · 1: the expressionless face. · 2: three shots, happy man, revolver, sad man · 3: creation of artificial landscapes by editing together shots of toally different locations Eisenstein: Seleced filmiography: strike! Battleship potemkin, october, alexander nevsky, ivan the terrible part 1, ivan the terrible part 2 During his filmmaking career esenstein was under permanent critiscism from the soviet authorities because his approach was considered to be formalistic and arty. His american adventure was a largely faailure. The battleship potemkin:

Ajalugu → Filmiajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Geograafia konspekt kõige vajalikuga (2. periood/teine õppeaasta)

soe 6 kuud või rohk. 2400-4000 Head Kõige viljakamad Lähistroopiline Niiske, veg. 8 Kuni 8000 Sademeid Viljakas vahemereline kuud ja enam. rikkalikult niiske 8-11 kuud Kuni 8000 Ühtlaselt jaotund Viljakad Troopiline 1-3 saaki aastas 11 000 Kunstlik niisutus Vähe viljakad Lähis Aastaringi soe 8000 + Sad. ebaühtlaselt Keskm. Viljakus ekvatoria. Ekvatoriaalne Niiske aastaringi 8000 + Väga niiske Viljatud mullad Põllumajanduse eeldused Looduslikud eeldused: Kliima: vegetatsiooniperiood (päevades/kuudes), soojushulk (mõõdetakse aktiivsete temperatuuride summaga), niiskusolud Muld (oleneb kliimast, millised mullatekkeprotsessid on ülekaalus): mulla viljakus Reljeef (oleneb mulla soojus-ja niiskusreziimist ja millist tehnikat saab kasutada)

Geograafia → Geograafia
161 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun