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Näide. Eeskiri tagab, et nimede esitähed on suured, ülejäänud väikesed. Caption Pealkiri. Välja vastava tabeli veeru pealkiri, kui soovid, et see oleks erinev välja nimest. Default Value Vaikeväärtus. Väärtus, mis on väljal kirjas, kui midagi ei ole veel sisestatud. Näide. =Date() ­ vaikeväärtuseks on tänane kuupäev Validation Rule Väärtusreegel. Kontrollimise eeskiri andmete sisestamisel. Näide. Kontrollib et, arvtüüpi väljale ei sisestata muid (tähe)märke. Validation Text Väärtustekst. Veateade sisestusvea korral, kui sisestatav ei vasta väärtusreeglitega määratud nõuetele. Näide. Sisestatu ei ole number! Required Nõutav. Kas väli peab olema täidetud.

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia üldkokkuvõte

journeys to America, wrote books about them, brought potatoes and tobacco to Britain). The House of Stuarts (1603-1714): Guy Fawkes Night dates back to 5 November 1605, when the English Catholics attempted to blow up the King and the Parliament. They failed. The conflict between the Parliament and the kings over power increased and led the country into the Civil War (1642-1651). In the end, Charles I was defeated and executed and Cromwell took up rule of the country, which became a republic. After Cromwell's death, the Stuarts returned to the throne. The House of Hanoverians (1714-1901): George I was a controversial king who left the country in care of the Cabinet. This was eventually headed by Sir Robert Walpole, Britain's first Prime Minister. The single greatest threat to George I came with the Scottish Jacobite Rebellions. However James Stuart was easily defeated and fled to Rome

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

the Iraqi National Accord. The Iraqi government at the time claimed that the bombs, including one exploded in a movie theater, resulted in many civilian casualties. In 1996, Amneh al-Khadami, who described himself as the chief bomb maker for the Iraqi National Accord, recorded a videotape in which he talked of the bombing campaign and complained that he was being shortchanged money and supplies. However this campaign had no apparent effect in toppling Saddam Hussein's rule. In October 1998, regime change became official with the U.S. Policy enactment of the "Iraq Liberation Act"(ILA). The ILA is a United States Congressional statement of policy calling for regime change in Iraq. 2000s On 11 September 2001 a series of coordinated suicide attacks were made by Iraqi terrorist, al-Qaeda, upon the United States. The terrorists hijacked airplanes and intentionally crashed into the

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom

Northern Ireland don't have an official flag any more nor a coat of arms. Due to the division of the population along ethnic, religious and political lines, a wide variety of flags can be seen flying from lampposts and private houses across Northern Ireland. Government. The British Constitution is an unwritten constitution, not being contained in a single legal document. England and Wales have no criminal or civil code. It is case law there. It contains two main principles ­ the rule of law (nobody can escape from the law) and the supremacy of Parliament (in theory the Parliament can do whatever it wishes). Since the age of absolute monarchy there has been a gradual decline in the Sovereign's power and, while formally still the head of the executive and the judiciary, commander-in-chief of all the armed forces, and temporal governor of the Church of England, nowadays monarchs reign but they do not rule. Parliament is the supreme legislative authority

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kodutöö word variant 9 teema 19

are scattered around present-day Portugal, some urban remains are quite large, like Conimbriga and Mirobriga. Several works of engineering, such as baths, temples, bridges, roads, circus, theatres and layman's homes are preserved throughout the country. Coins, some of which coined in Lusitania land, there are numerous pieces of ceramics. Contemporary historians include Paulus Orosius (c. 375-418) and Hydatius (c. 400­469), bishop of Aquae Flaviae, who reported on the final years of the roman rule and arrival of the Germanic tribes. MUSLIM IBERIA Portugal was part of the Arab-Muslim world for slightly under five and a half centuries following the Umayyad Caliphate conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 until 1249 with the taking of the Algarve by King Afonso III of Portugal during the Reconquista. After beating the Visigoths in only a few months, the Umayyad Caliphate started expanding rapidly in the peninsula. Beginning in 711, the land that is now Portugal became part of the

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

prosecutor (prokurör) - an official in charge of prosecutinh important cases judge (kohtunik) - a public officer chosen or elected to administer law barrister - counselor who is learned in law and who has been accepted into Bar solicitor (vandeadvokaat) - lawyer who handles primary office work Bar (advokatuur) - collective of lawyers working in legal field applicable (kohaldatav) - capable of being applied, relevant or appropriate distinguish (eristama) - to argue that the rule in one appeals court decision does not apply to particular case although there is an appearant simalarity cite (viitama) - to make reference to a decision in another case to make a legal point in argument Procedual law (menetlusõigus) - the body of law that prescribes formal steps to be taken in enforcing legal rights. Substantive law (materjaalneõigus) - the part of the law that creates, defines, and regulates rights; the essential substance of rights under law.

Õigus → Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist

Arvutiarhitektuurid eksam vastused TTÜ

Kordamisküsimused aines IAY0520 1. Mõisted arvuti, arvutisüsteem, arvuti riistvara iseloomustavad näitajad. Arvuti on tarkvarast ja riistvarast koosnev süsteem, mis on määratud info töötlemiseks. Arvutisüsteem on täies töökorras arvuti, kuhu kuuluvad arvuti, tarkvara ja välisseadmed, mis on vajalikud arvuti tööks. Arvuti riistvara iseloomustavad näitajad: protsessor – aritmeetika-loogikaüksus (funktsionaalsus; info töötluse kiirus ja täpsus); juhtüksus (paindlikkus; kiirus; keerukus); mälusüsteem – mälusüsteemi hierarhiline korraldus; mälude infomahutavus; mälude kiirus; maksumus; sisend-väljundsüsteem – infoläbilaskevõime (sh reaktsiooniaeg); S/V-süsteemi (SVS) struktuurne korraldus; S/V-süsteemi talitluse korraldus (programselt juhitav SVS; katkestuste süsteemi rakendav SVS; otsemällupöörduse (DMA) rakendamine; kanalite (selektro, multipleks) rakendamine; S/V-protsessorite ehk preprotsessorit...

Informaatika → Arvuti arhitektuur
138 allalaadimist

Word order, articles, prepositions, adverb, adjective

tell Did you have a party in your yester flat day? When were you here? Articles Rules: 1. Rule: When you have a single, countable English noun, you must always have an article before it. We cannot say "please pass me pen", we must say "please pass me the pen" or "please pass me a pen" or "please pass me your pen". Nouns in English can also be uncountable. Uncountable nouns can be concepts, such as 'life', 'happiness' and so on, or materials and substances, such as 'coffee', or 'wood'. 2. Rule:Uncountable nouns don't use 'a' or 'an'

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
35 allalaadimist

Andmebaasi loomine

tüüpi andmetega on tegu. Allpool on toodud mõnede omaduste kirjeldused: Field size - teksti või numbrivälja pikkus. Format - määrab, kuidas andmed kuvatakse. Decimal places - kümnendkohtade arv peale koma. New Values - kas nummerdada järjest (Increment) või juhuslikult (Random). Input mask - andmete sisestusmall Caption - välja nimetus, mida kasutatakse vormidel ja aruannetel. Default value - väljale vaikimisi antud väärtus Validation rule - kontrollimiseeskiri andmete sisestamisel. Validation text - veateade sisestusvea korral. Required - kas väli peab olema täidetud. Allow zero length - kas nullpikkusega stringid on lubatud. Indexed - kas välja sisu kasutatakse indeksina. Indeksi kasutamine kiirendab tunduvalt kirjete sorteerimist ja otsimist. Iga välja pikkus valitakse vaikimisi välja tüübist lähtudes. Teksti- ja numbriväljade pikkust võib vastavalt vajadusele muuta.

Informaatika → Informaatika
44 allalaadimist

Word order

This is an interesting (adjective) story. The kitchen ( noun) door is locked. 2 Word Order in Affirmative Sentences In English the word order is not as flexible as in many other languages. The basic structure of an affirmative sentence is SUBJECT (Who?/What?) – PREDICATE (Action/State) – OBJECT (What?): Monkeys like bananas. Mary has a little lamb. All the world is a stage. The teacher is explaining the rule. Peter is playing the guitar. If we want to say something about the manner of the action ( how does something happen?), we put the adverbial of manner in front of the predicate: She quietly opened the door. If we want to stress the mode of action, we put the adverbial of manner after the object. She opened the door quietly. If we want to show the place where the action takes place we put the adverbial of place after the predicate. Janet lives in Paris. I work in the library.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


its wide bay protected by the two outlying islands of Aegna and Naissaar for a large port. Tallinn developed along three lines: fortress, port and market town. Tallinn grew rapidly and had developed into a well-known trading centre by the 15th century. Unfortunately, prosperity did not last long due to the weakening of the Hanseatic League, epidemics, hunger and wars. Sweden finally managed to take control of the whole of Estonia in 1629. Their rule ended after the Northern War in 1710 when Estonia was joined to the Russian Empire. Life changed for the better thanks to the opening of a railway line from St. Petersburg to Tallinn in 1870. Tallinn grew into a major port and an industrial centre, with huge shipyards. Interest in culture grew and Estonians became conscious of their national identity, dreams of independence gained ground. On 24 February 1918 Estonia was

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Kreooli kultuur

Instead it is simply a racial label, and is now considered highly offensive. 8 Spanish-speaking countries In regions that were formerly colonies of Spain, the Spanish word criollo historically referred to class of the colonial caste system, comprising people born in the colonies with unmixed Spanish descent. People with at most 1/8th of Amerindian ancestry, were also considered criollos; but this rule did not apply to black African ancestry. The criollos ranked strictly lower than Spanish-born peninsulares (literally "born in the Iberian Peninsula"), who occupied the top military, administrative, and religious offices in the colonies. The word criollo is a similar of English Creole, and often translated by it; even though many other Creole peoples never were historically connected to Spain or to the colonial system, and were never defined in terms of racial purity. Spanish America

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Russia Throughout the History

Republic, Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic, Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic, Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic) ( " T h e r i s e o f , " ) . Moscow regained its status as the capital soon after the revolution. It was now the centre of the country's power. The Soviet government was based on the one-party rule of the Bolsheviks who eventually turned into the Communist Party ( " T h e r i s e o f , " ) . In 1924 Lenin died and the next Communist leader who took over his job was Stalin. Stalin started to make changes right away. He collectivized agricultural lands and created large, state-run farms. Everything was under a strict control and very- well disciplined (McClenaghan, 2003). Stalin suffered bad losses in the World War II, but managed to conquer Berlin in 1945.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

Tartu 2011 After the collapse of USSR in 1991, many observers expected Russia to develop into a competitive party system. Yet, the reality quickly challenged this view. The developments of party politics in post-Soviet Russia have accurately been described in terms of a pendulum effect, as in the 2000s, Russia's party system did finally begin to take for, but with a remarkable twist. Following the break of one-party rule, Russia's party system became strongly fragmented - during the 1995 parliamentary elections, 43 parties competed for popular votes (McFault 1996: 90). In the 21st century, the pendulum has moved back, as the intense party- competition has been replaced with a one-party monopoly. During his term in office, president Putin made a series of reforms that reduced the strength of the most influential pre-

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele praktilise grammatika mõisted

adjective + preposition omadussõna + eessõna proud of, good at, married to adverb particle Some verbs are followed by adverb particles. Examples are: put on, take off, give away, bring up, call in. Sometimes the particle is detached from the verb and put after the object. •He took his boots off. •They called the doctor in. apposition a grammatical construction in which two usually adjacent nouns having the same referent stand in the same syntactical relation to the rest of a sentence (as the poet and Burns in “a biography of the poet Burns”) back-reference In grammatical analysis, the term reference is often used to state a relationship of identity which exists between grammatical units, e.g. a pronoun 'refers' to a noun or noun phrase. When the reference is to an earlier part of the discourse, it may be called a 'back-reference' (or anaphora); collective noun Collective noun is the name we give to a group of nouns...

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

Compounds may be based on reduplication (nt, hush-hush, murmur). Ironic words (nt, pretty-pretty), ablaut combinations ­ two parts with same consonant sounds but different vowels (nt, chit-chat ­ foolish talking). There is also rhyming combinations (hoity-toity) 10. Conversion is a non affixal formation of words. (zero derivation) . Conversion is using a word of one part of speech as a word of some other part of speech. Words with complex structure are not converted as a rule. (nt, childhood, friendship) Noun becomes a verb (anger, to anger)- that's the basic model of conversion Adj becomes a verb (to thin, to slow, to equal) Prep becomes a verb (to out, to down) Prep becomes a noun (ups and downs) Substantivation ­ Substantivation of adjectives is when nouns are converted from adjectives. They have the plural form and the posessive case. (nt, an alcoholic). Partial subst (nt, the rich, poor) ­ subst is partial because these words do not take a new paradigm

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist


1. Milline on esmane dokument laeva laadimiseks? Kes selle koostab ja kooskõlastab? Esmane document laeva laadimiseks on laadimiskorraldus ning selle väljastab kaubasaatja või selle ekspediitor. Selles näidatud andmed on teatud määral (koos sellesse kantud vedaja märkustega) aluseks konossemendi vormistamisel. Näidatakse kaubasaatja/saaja, laev, sadamad, lõplik sihtpunkt, konossemendi originaalide arv, kauba kirjeldus jne. 2. Mida kujutab endast mõiste "Tüürimehe kviitung" (Mate's receipt) ? Mis on tema juriidiline olemus? Sellenimelise iseseisva dokumendina esineb suhteliselt harva. Tavapäraselt muutub sisuliselt selleks kaubasaatja/ekspediitori poolt väljastatud laadimiskorraldus peale laeva esindaja (tüürimehe) tõestamist oma allkirjaga, et kaup on laadimiskorralduses näidatud kaup on vastavas (või teises) koguses ja seisundis laeva poolt veoks vastu võetud. 3. Mida tähendavad lühendid konossemendis "s....

Logistika → Meretranspordi ökonoomika
97 allalaadimist

Kanada ajalugu, regioonid ja kliima

important countries in Europe at that time. They fought mostly over colonies and the fur trade. Difference in religion also caused tensions. In 1756 the Seven Years War broke out between France and Britain. They fought over colonies and areas in that war. By 1758 the British had captured the French fortress of Louisbourg. It was an important position for the British to acquire because it guarded the entrance of the St. Lawrence river. This marked the beginning of the end for French rule in North America. In 1759 a famous battle on the Plains of Abraham just outside of Quebec City was fought. Yhe British were victorious and on the following spring they conquered the last French stronghold Montreal. At the present day more than five million French-speaking peole live in the Quebec province. Even today there are tensions bettween the British people and the French people and it threatens the unity of Canada. When the British took over they didn't change much in French traditions

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

British kings and queens

King Henry II French Henry II was the first of the Angevins who were the first Plantagenet kings. A young king who came to the throne at only 21, he ruled for a long 34 years, however Henry II only spent 14 of those years in England, or Britain. King Charles II King Charles II was crowned king of Scotland in 1651. When Richard Cromwell, who was lord protector of England at the time, was abdicated Charles returned to London. King Charles II was only 13 when he returned, but took rule over all of Great Britain. King George I George I is the first German-born king of Britain. George was declard:George by the Grace of God and king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, on 1st August 1714. King George I set the record at the time for being the oldest monarch in British history. King Henry III King Henry III is known for being crown when he was just 9 years old, although he did not obtain full control of England until he was 20 years old, in 1227. His reign lasted 56 years

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Jamaika referaat

The capital was moved to Spanish Town, now located in the parish of St. Catherine, as early as 1534. It was then called ,,Villa de la Vega". Spanish Town has the oldest Cathedral in the British colonies. The English Admiral William Penn and General Robert Venables seized the island in 1655. In 1660 the population of Jamaica was about 4 500 whites and some 1 500 blacks. As early as the 1670s, blacks formed a majority of the population. During its first 200 years of British rule, Jamaica became one of the world's leading sugar- exporting, slave-dependent nations, producing more than 77 000 tons of sugar annually between 1820 and 1824. The population in 1834 was 371 070 of whom 15 000 were white, 5 000 free black, 40 000 coloured or mixed race, and 311 070 slaves. Strong economic growth, averaging approximately 6% per annum, marked the first ten years of independence under conservative goverments which were led

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
16 allalaadimist

The United States of America

After 4 years of war, the South finally surrendered and the Confederate States of America was destroyed. Political system The U.S.A is a federation and a democracy. It is made up of 51 States. Each State has its own government and there is a Federal Government for the whole country. It is a democracy because the government leaders are elected by the people. For Americans, democracy means more than majority rule. It also means minority rights. The powers of the Federal Government are divided. The Congress writes the laws. The President carries out the laws and policies of the Government. The Supreme Court decides whether the laws themselves are legal or illegal. In the Federation, the citizens elect most of the Federal leaders as well as the State leaders. The Federal Government carries out its decisions directly, using its own tax collectors and courts

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Customs and behaviour patterns in Finland

At a dinner party, it is customary to refrain from drinking until the host offers a toast, and to refrain from eating until the host begins. Standing with arms folded is sometimes viewed as a sign of arrogance. Always cover the mouth when yawning! Finnish Behaviour Finns believe there is a proper way to act in any circumstance and always expect courteous behaviour. Talk in moderate tones and do not do anything to call attention to yourself. Serial conversation is the rule - i.e. listen to the speaker, wait for them to finish and then reply. Interrupting is rude. Finnish Meeting Etiquette Greetings are formal, with a firm handshake, direct eye contact, and a smile. It is common practice to repeat your first and surname while shaking hands. When greeting a married couple, the wife should be greeted first. Finnish Gift Giving Etiquette

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
8 allalaadimist


These institutions and the immigration of French and Anglo-French knights and churchmen facilitated a process of cultural osmosis, whereby the culture and language of the low-lying and coastal parts of the kingdom's original territory in the east became, like the newly acquired south-east, English-speaking, while the rest of the country retained the Gaelic language, apart from the Northern Isles of Orkney and Shetland, which remained under Norse rule until 1468. The Wallace Monument commemorates William Wallace, the 13th-century Scottish hero. The death of Alexander III in March 1286, followed by the death of his granddaughter Margaret, Maid of Norway, broke the succession line of Scotland's kings. This led to the intervention of Edward I of England, who manipulated this period of confusion to have himself recognised as feudal overlord of Scotland. Edward organised a process to identify the

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
17 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

The great challenge of economic policy will be to mitigate a possible recession in 2012 in which measures supporting growth will be combined with general government adjustment measures. Longerterm, Finland must address a rapidly aging population and decreasing productivity that threaten competitiveness, fiscal sustainability, and economic growth (Central Intelligence Agency, 2012, ISSN 15538133). 2.2 Estonia 2.2.1 Background After centuries of Danish, Swedish, German, and Russian rule, Estonia attained independence in 1918. Forcibly incorporated into the USSR in 1940 an action never recognized by the US it regained its freedom in 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since the last Russian troops left in 1994, Estonia has been free to promote economic and political ties with the West. It joined both NATO and the EU in the spring of 2004, formally joined the OECD in late 2010, and adopted

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist

August Rei

Strandmani tollid (Tallinn, 1929); Kas presidendist on meie riigil tulu loota?: Õpetlikke näiteid Prantsusmaalt (Tallinn, 1932); Ha de baltiska folken självmant avstått från sin nationella frihet ([1943?], äratrükk); Estlands kyrka under sovjetväldet 1940­1941 (H. Perlitzi nime all; Stockholm, 1943); Have the Baltic Countries Voluntary Renounced Freedom? (New York, 1944); The church in Estonia / A. Torma. The fate of religion and church under Soviet rule in Estonia 1940--1941 / H. Perlitz (New York, 1944); Balticum och Sovjetunionens säkerhet (Uppsala, 1944); Have the Small Nations a Right to Freedom and Independence (London, 1946); Soviet Deportations in Estonia (stentsilleeritud); Communism as I experienced it; The Soviets' hunt for uranium in Estonia; Occupied Estonia (S.l.: s.n., 195-?; masinakirjas paljundus); Occupied Estonia (New York; Washington, 1957; masinakirjas paljundus); Mälestusi tormiselt teelt (Stockholm, 1961);

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist


He supports Cassio in his attempted reconciliation with Othello and tries to make peace between Cassio and Rodrigo. Gratiano ­ he is Brabantio's brother. He comes to Cyprus in the end of the play and tells about the death of Brabantio's. Lodovico ­ he is one of Gratiano and Brabantio's kinsmen. He comes to Cyprus with Gratiano. He says Othello that he must leave Cyprus to Cassio's rule. He sais the final words of the play. Emilia ­ she is Iago's wife and Desdemona's maidservant. She is strong, forthright and honest. Iago treats her with disdain and annoyance, but Emilia loves Iago. She doesn't believe, that Iago is a cruel man, but soon the secret is revealed. Later Iago kills her. Bianca ­ she is a seamstress and the wife of Cassio

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

History of Football

3rd century after the defeat of the Romans, but the practice itself was first recorded in the 9th century as part of the Historia Britonum (you can see one or two of the surviving engravings of medieval football at the British Museum). Typically played during the annual Carnival, the other tag of `mob football' gives you a sense of what it was actually like to be involved in such games. Held between neighbouring towns and villages with no limit on the number of players and practically no rule book, matches often descended into riotous scenes. Indeed, so violent was medieval football that the Lord Mayor of London actually banned the sport in 1314, claiming `there is great noise in the city caused by hustling over large footballs in the fields of the public'. The extent of its popularity and rambunctiousness is reflected in the fact there were more than 30 royal and local laws which attempted to ban football between 1314 and 1667

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Ambiclipping- middle part is retained- influenza- flu Clipping means beginning plus beginning situation comedy- sitcom But blending is if you take beginning plus the end- money plus energy=monergy 12) Abbrevation and Acronyms Abbrevation in initial letters are taken to replace the phrase- shortened form of a word or phrase usually consists of a letter or a group of letters taken from the word or phrase. Abbrevation--abbrev. Acronyms are pronounced according to grapheme-phoneme conversation rule. They are one of the types of abbrevation. 13) Meaning change A word typically has not one meaning but several. Fading- an old sense of a word fades away- dies Radiation- a new sense of words are created. Extention of meaning- widened meanings. Generalization Specialization of menaing- means narrowing the meaning. Denotative shift is movement in sideways, a combination of extention and specialization. Nt gossip--godfather and idle talk. Pejoration (worsening of meaning) deterioration

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist

Imperialismi ajastu

1906. aastal pääses võimule Liberaalide Partei valitsus eesotsas David Lloyd George'iga. See valitsus püüdis leida kompromisse koloniaaltülides Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaaga Maroko pärast, Venemaaga iraani pärast ning Saksamaaga Türgiga seotud küsimustes. Nn valgete kolooniatega (Kanada, Austraalia, Uus-Meremaa, Lõuna-Aafrika) hakati suhtlema föderatiivsetel alustel, mistõttu Briti impeerium muutus ajapikku Briti Rahvaste Ühenduseks. 1911. aastal surus Lloyd George läbi home rule seaduse, millega anti Iirimaale autonoomia. Tänapäeval, sajand hiljem, võib 20. sajandi alguse Inglismaa tunduda väga rahuliku ja isegi idüllilise paigana, kuid tolle aja inimestele oli see murettekitavate muudatuste aeg. Lõppes kuninganna Victoria 63 aastat kestnud valitsemisaeg ning koos sellega ka nn viktoriaanlik ajastu, mis Inglismaa oli selline, nagu seda kujutas oma romaanides Charles Dickens: väiklaselt

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
36 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

This type of market is practically a monopoly and an attached perfectly competitive market in which price is set by the dominant firm rather than the market. · The demand curve for the dominant firm is determined by subtracting the supply curves of all the small firms from the industry demand curve. After estimating its net demand curve (market demand less the supply curve of the small firms) the dominant firm maximizes profits by following the normal p-max rule of producing where marginal revenue equals marginal costs. The small firms maximize profits by acting as PC firms - equating price to marginal costs. Cournot-Nash Model · The Cournot-Nash model is the simplest oligopoly model. The models assumes that there are two "equally positioned firms"; the firms compete on the basis of quantity rather than price and each firms makes an "output decision assuming that the other firm's behavior is fixed."

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Modal verbs

It is personal: I must get my hair cut. (This is me talking to me.) You must do your homework regularly. (A teacher talking to students) Must is also associated with a formal, written style: Candidates must answer four questions. (Instructions on an exam paper) Books must be returned on or before the date due. (Instructions in a library) 4 • Have to expresses a general obligation based on a law or rule, or based on the authority of another person: I can’t play tennis tomorrow. I have to go to the dentist. (I have an appointment.) Children have to go to school until they are 16. (A law) Mum says you have to tidy your room before you go out. (Mother’s order!) Must and have to are sometimes interchangeable: I must be home by midnight. I have to be home by midnight. Have to is used more often than must

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

My Town

Meanwhile, different countries fought for domination in the Baltic region. Russia started the Northern War in 1700. Peter the Great had made it his aim to conquer Estonia and `open a window onto Europe' Together with the Russian troops, the plague came again and thousands of people died. A Russian general described the time after the war as follows: "Between Narva and Riga one can hear neither a dog barking nor a rooster crowing" Estonia remained under Russian rule and the Baltic- German nobility vowed allegiance to the Tsar., the barons were restored their former privileges. Life changed for the better thanks to the opening of a railway line from St. Petersburg to Tallinn in 1870. Tallinn grew into a major port and an industrial centre, with huge shipyards employing a large workforce. Interest in culture grew and Estonians became conscious of their national identity; dreams of independence gained ground

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

New Guinea (inglise keeles)

TARTU VEERIKU KOOL New Guinea animals and plants Koostaja: Tauri-Viljar Vahesaar Juhendaja: Priit Pensa Tartu 2009 Table of content Introduction................................................................................................................................................3 The forests of New Guinea .......................................................................................................................5 The problem with trading wildlife.....................................................................................................6 Animals of the lowlands....................................................................................................................8 Reptiles.......................................................

Loodus → Loodus
5 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

knowledge & experience of the law which became known as ,,common law", based on custom, comparison, previous cases & decisions. It was unlike in the rest of Europe. In England trial by ,,ordeal" was replaced with trial by jury. The work of juries gradually changed from giving evidence to judging evidence of others. Now the king's laws were in force everywhere. In 1157 he forced Malcolm IV of Scotland to give up border regions to England. In 1171 he went to Ireland, took it under his rule & made his son John, Lord of Ireland. When he got the throne there had been a civil war between his mother Matilda & uncle Stephen. There was also Church who had become too powerful. The Church wanted the kings of Europe to accept its authority over both spiritual & earthy affairs. Conflict between Henry & Church. He chose his trusted adviser, Thomas Becket, to become archbishop in 1162, but he began to defend the Church. Henry saw him as a traitor, lost his temper. He is said to have exclaimed

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

development. Within the Schengen Area, passport controls have been abolished.The monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002. It is currently composed of 18 member states that use the euro as their legal tender. At the moment there are 28 member states in the EU. To become a member, a country must meet the Copenhagen criteria. These require a stable democracy that respects human rights and the rule of law; a functioning marketeconomy; and the acceptance of the obligations of membership, including EU law. No member state has ever left the Union. After 1952, there have been 7 enlargements: 1973, 1981, 1986, 1995, 2004 (including Estonia), 2007, 2013. Most important 5 treaties (lepingud) till today are Paris, Rome, Brussels, Maastrict and Lisbon. Leaders: President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso and President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy. EU law

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Ajalugu konspekt 20. sajandi l osa

Maailma majanduse põhijooned: Tööstustoodangu kiire kasv, eriti uutes tööstusharudes (keskmine juurdekasv 5% aastas). Monopolide teke, eelõige USA-s. Monopol- ettevõte (või ettevõtete ühendus), mis kontrollib tootmist ja turustamist ühes või mitmes tootmisharus. Probleemiks kujunevad: konkurentsi vähenemine, hindade kasv, dumpingu kasutamine - välisturul kauba müümine madalate hindadega, et konkurente pankrotti ajada, väikeettevõtete laostumine. Näiteks: 1913 teenivad 2% ameeriklastest 60% rahva tulust, jõukamad perekonnad on Morganid ja Rockefellerid, kes kontrollivad 341 suurettevõtet e 20% rahva varast. Teaduse ja tehnika saavutuste aktiivne rakendamine tootmises Kapitali väljavedu rikastest tööstusriikidest vähem arenenud maadesse ja kolooniatesse, et kasutada sealseid loodusrikkusi ja odavat tööjõudu. Kasvab rantjeede arv. Rantjee- inimene, kes elatub oma pangaprotsentidest ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

Break the law – do something illegal Penalty – punishment Government – system by which a state or community is controlled Law – the system of rules System of courts – all judicial institutions Enforce – to make people obey the law Authority – a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity /the moral or legal right or ability to control Prescribe – to tell someone what they must have or do, or to make a rule of something Impose The word law can have several meanings, it can be divided into prescriptive and descriptive law. Descriptive law – describes the way people or natural phenomena behave, e. g. law of gravity Prescriptive law – prescribe how people ought to behave e.g. speed limits In all societies relations between people are regulated by prescriptive law; customs (informal rules of social and moral behaviour); rules we accept if we belong to a particular institution

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist


Dover. A tunnel under the English Channel (the Channel Tunnel) linking France and England was opened in 1994. Vocabulary 1. affect (v) воздействовать, влиять effect (n) воздействие, влияние; результат, эффект syn. influence (n/v) влияние; влиять 2. exception исключение Every rule has its exceptions. Нет правил без исключений. with rare exceptions за редким исключением Present company (is) excepted. О присутствующих не говорят. 3. The British Isles Британские острова isle [aIl] поэт. остров (тж. в названиях островов, принадлежащих Англии; см.

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Fabio Capello

player in 1979 after respectable spells with Roma, Juventus and the national side. Despite immersing himself in management - he spent 15 years running the youth sides of Milan before being plucked from relative obscurity in 1991 to run the first team by the club's owner, Silvio Berlusconi - the Armani-clad coach has deliberately eschewed its social scene and has virtually no friends in football. He once explained: "I made it a rule early in my career. I like my job but not all the things that go on around it." The bespectacled manager did little to dull his image as an accomplished but largely detached technocrat by refusing to follow the example of his predecessors as coach at Juventus by giving his mobile phone number to Turin's sports writers. Instead, the urbane Capello spends his free time in more rarefied circles with a circle of friends recruited from the ranks of his passions for art, literature and travel. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Tartu ajalugu

Despite these changes, the town hall has maintained its historic appearance. Till this day the Tartu Town Council and Town Government are housed in the town hall ­ an indication of Tartu's conservativeness. Tartu's coat of arms is derived from the medieval town stamp. The key and sword above the gate are the attributes of the Tartu bishopric as well as the town's patron saints Peter and Paul. At the end of the 16th century southern Estonia was under Polish rule. In 1584 King Stefan Batory gave Tartu its flag. Every day at 12, 6, and 9 o'clock p.m. a tune sounds from the town hall's bell tower. Main Building of Tartu University The main building of Tartu University is one of the most outstanding examples of classical architecture in Estonia. The main building was built in 1804-1809 according to university architect Johann Wilhelm Krause's plans. The opening ceremony of the university's main building took place on 3 July 1809

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Polümeer Komposiitmaterjalide omadused.

Mullid või augud jäävad komposiiti ja nõrgestavad seda ja niiskus võib samuti laminaadi vahele pääseda. Poorsust võib esineda kuni 15% ja seda saab ka optiliselt teel määrata. Poorsust iseeenesest saab arvutada põhimõtteliselt vist teoreetilise ruumala ja tegeliku ruumala-massi vahest. Kui ühesõnaga õhumull sees on, siis on kas ruumala suurem või mass väiksem komposiidil. ROM ­ rule of mixture, mille järgi saab arvutada Youngi mooduli, tiheduse ja soojuspaisumisteguri. Sigma l on pinge purunemise hetkel. Sigma t on tõmbetugevus. V-d on mahud. Teisisõnu- tõmbetugevus= armatuuri maht (armatuuri tõmbetugevus ­ maatriski pinge purunemisel ) + maatriksi pinge purunemisel. Tegelikkuses purunevad kiud ebaühtlaselt ja maatriks sisaldab defekte ning sidemete tugevus pole piisav

Materjaliteadus → Kiuteadus
7 allalaadimist

Canada topic

It gave the French Canadians complete religious freedom and restored the French form of civil law. The Canada's were merged into a single colony United Province of Canada by the Act of Union in 1840. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was created - an independent country within the British Empire consisting of 4 provinces: Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Nova Scotia, with the monarch represented in Canada by governor-general Canada took part in WWI because it was under the rule of British empire. Canada also took parti in WWII, because the government made it's own decision. Economy Most of Canada's manufacturing industry is in Ontario and Québec, where motor vehicle production comprises the largest sector within this industry. Other important manufacturing sectors include food and beverages, paper and allied products, primary metals, fabricated metals, petrochemicals and chemicals.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Baaslogistika Module 1-5 Konspekt

 Expenses and efforts for the fulfilment of customs formalities. Critical points:  Cost;  Risk;  Documents. If cargo moves FOB (Free ob board; "FOB shipping point" (or origin) means that the buyer is at risk while the goods are shipped, and "FOB destination" states that the seller retains the risk of loss until the goods reach the buyer) and container drops from the crane in the loading port, it is the risk for the seller. If cargo moves EXW (Ex works; This rule places minimum responsibility on the seller, who merely has to make the goods available, suitably packaged, at the specified place, usually the seller’s factory or depot), the loading of the container at sellers warehouse an obligation for the buyer. If cargo moves CIF (Cost, insurance and freight; The CIF term requires the seller to clear the goods for export) , the sea transport pays seller. If cargo moves FOB and goes over board during a storm, the risk bears buyer.

Logistika → Baaslogistika
4 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad mantra 1 summary notes MRdd

We should be satisfied with those things that are kindly set for us. QUOTE IN HUMAN POSSESSION OF THE EARTH (p 6-8) All materials for house come from nature ­ from Lord. Ie carpenter makes nice furniture from the material we provide. To whom does this belong? If we don't acknowledge the authority of God, we are encroaching God's property and therefore we shall be punished. If we say that everything belongs to God, how does this administer in society? HOW BRAHMANAS AND KSHATRIYAS RULE? KRISHNA · spiritual realm BRAHMANAS · Bhudevas (like Gods on earth) closest to Krishna, teaching & · shaastra living shastra, give principles KSHATRIYAS · material realm administer, create systems etc.; · Naradevas (representatives of God publicly & privately devoted to

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

and make it into a real theory that resists serious objections. The only way to make a picture into a theory is to take it overliterally, to treat it as if it were a theory and see how it needs to be refined. Kripke does just that, though he leaves the refinement to others. Problems for the Causal­Historical Theory The causal­historical view's key notion is that of the passing on of reference from one person to another. But not just any such transfer will do. First, we must rule out the "naming after" phenomenon. My boyhood friend John Lewis acquired a sheepdog, and named it "Napoleon" after the emperor; he had the historical Napoleon explicitly in mind and wanted to name his dog after that famous person. "Naming after" is a link in a causal­historical chain: it is only because the emperor was named "Napoleon" that John Lewis named his dog that. But it is the wrong kind of link. To rule it out, Kripke

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Inglismaa 1-19 sajand

Henry VII, Henry VIII, Mary I Verine, Elizabeth I, Charles I, O.Cromwell, Victoria I. · Mõisted: Hadrianuse ja Antoniuse vall, misjon, misjonär, tarastamine, pauperiseerumine, manufaktuur, puritaanid, independendid, Võitmatu Armaada, personaal- ja reaalunioon, lühike-, pikk- ja päraparlament, lordprotektor, Kuulus revolutsioon, Õiguste bill, tööstuslik pööre, tööstusrevolutsioon, industriaalühiskond, pehkinud kohad, tsartism, home rule, feenide liikumine, hiilgav isolatsionism, dominioon.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Lühiülevaade Inglismaa ajaloost

Mary I Verine, Elizabeth I, Charles I, O.Cromwell, Victoria I. 7) Mõisted: Hadrianuse ja Antoniuse vall, misjon, misjonär, tarastamine, pauperiseerumine, manufaktuur, puritaanid, independendid, Võitmatu Armaada, personaal- ja reaalunioon, lühike-, pikk- ja päraparlament, lordprotektor, Kuulus revolutsioon, Õiguste bill, tööstuslik pööre, tööstusrevolutsioon, industriaalühiskond, pehkinud kohad, tsartism, home rule, feenide liikumine, hiilgav isolatsionism, dominioon. 11

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Social Problems

Social Problems Crime In the sociological field, crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some governing authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. The word crime originates from the Latin crimen. When society deems informal relationships and sanctions insufficient to create and maintain a desired social order, there may result more formalized systems of social control imposed by a government, or more broadly, by a State. With the institutional and legal machinery at their disposal, agents of the State

Keeled → Inglise keel
70 allalaadimist

Putinist referaat..

«» 1 207 . 130. . 2007. 131. 2007. 132. 2007. 133. 134. : 135. . : . 215 (1989) 14 2007 . 136. 1 2 . . 230 14 2007 . 137. . . 9 2008, 1 (2023) 138. . 08.02.2008. 139. -2020. .ru 8 2008 . 140. -- , . The Financial Times (Martin Wolf), 12 2008. 141. Why Putin's rule threatens both Russia and the west. The FT 12 2008 . 142. . . . 2000--2008. ? . 2008. 143. : . . « ? : 2000--2008» 144. . . : « » « » 1 2008. 145. -- : Regnum 14 2008 . 146. [19] 147. [20] 148. [21] 149. 150. [22] 151. -- ? The New Times 40[86] 6 , . 4. 152. : 192 (2214) 10 2008 . 153. «» NEWSru 26 2008 . 154. «»

Keeled → Vene keel
21 allalaadimist

Bob Marley

Robert ,,Bob" Nesta Marley Sünd: 6veebruar 1945, Jamaika St. Anni vald Surm :11mai 1981 Miami Cedars of Lebanon'i haiglas Tähtkujult Veevalaja Martin välja 11d "Until the philosophy which hold one race Superior and another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned Everywhere is war, me say war" Bob Marley 1944 aastal Kapten Norval Marley abiellus noore Jamaika tüdruku Cedalla Bookeriga.Muuseas kuulsa muusiku isa oli inglise poliitik ja tema ülejäänud perekond vihkas tumedat rassi. Kõigest aasta hiljem 1945 aasta veebruaris sündis Robert Nesta Marley enda vanaisa majas. Peagi peale poja sündi tema is...

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun