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"rule" - 432 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: Rule

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Nõmme, in the south-west of the city. The first human steps, that archeologists found, are about 5000 years old. Tallinn`s first fortress was built in Toompea, in 1050. As an important port for trade between Russia and Scandinavia, it became a target for the expansion of the Teutonic Knights and the Kingdom of Denmark during the period of Northern Crusades in the beginning of the 13th century when Christianity was forcibly imposed on the local population. Danish rule of Tallinn and Northern Estonia started in 1219. In 1285 the city became the northernmost member of the Hanseatic League - a military alliance of German-dominated cities inNorthern Europe. The Danes sold Tallinn along with their other land possessions in northern Estonia to the Teutonic Knights in 1346. Medieval Tallinn enjoyed a strategic position at the crossroads of trade between Western and Northern Europe and Russia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

PPT - Estonian History

came under the control of the Polish-Lithuania Commonwelth. · Hard to peasants 2009/04/ssa.jpg Estonia in the Swedish empire Click to edit Master text styles Second level · Placed itself under Third level Fourth level Swedish rule in 1561. Fifth level · Received protection against Russia and Poland. · Granted the peasantry greater autonomy. BsM/FK-2Ftvmzbg/s1600/sweden-flag1.jpg Estonia in the Russian empire Click to edit Master text styles Second level

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


[ROCK], and then touch the [FLAG] to [WIN] the game. However, it can be boring if you follow all the specific rules when you play the game Baba is You. Or you can think creatively and change the rules to make this game more fun. There is not only one way to win the game. You can control Baba to push “Stop” out of the sentence, so the wall can’t stop you and you can walk through to touch the flag. Or you can push the “Win” around the stage and replace “Push” with it, so the rule becomes [ROCK] IS [WIN], you can just control Baba to touch the rock to win the game. Although the game is called “Baba is You” and the goal is usually “Flag is Win” in most levels of the game, and players also need to control the little creature in first few stages. But if you want to complete these levels, you need to change the rules and characters by moving and replacing the words. Sometimes “Wall is You”, so you can move all the walls every time you move;

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Maailm 20. sajandi algul. Imperialism. 1905. a revolutsioon.

Suurbritannia (lk 22-25) Sisepoliitika: · Riigikorralt parlamentaarne monarhia. · 20.sajandi algul lõppes nn. viktoriaanlik ajastu (1837-1901 valitsenud kuninganna Victoria järgi)- Suurbritannia hiilgeperiood, kui britid olid sõjaliselt ja majanduslikult võimsaim suurriik ja suurim koloniaalimpeerium. Ühiskonnas puritanism, terav sotsiaalne kihistumine ja vahede tegemine erinevate sotsiaalsete gruppide vahel: ülemkiht - aadlikud, kodanlus ja alamkiht - töölised, teenijad, talupojad. · 20.sajandi alguseni kehtis kaheparteiline süsteem- võimul vahetusid alalhoidlikum Konservatiivne Partei (toorid) ja reformimeelne Liberaalne Partei (viigid). · 1906.a. tekkis uus partei Tööerakond (Leiboristlik Partei)- põhimõtetelt sotsiaaldemokraatlik partei, mis esialgu küll võimule ei pääse, ent hakkab ära tõmbama seni liberaalidele läinud hääli. · Sisepoliitikas suurim...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
19 allalaadimist

History of english review questions and answers 2016

swapped. STRONG NOUNS AND WEAK NOUNS Like adjectives and pronouns, Old English nouns are declined: different endings are attached to the stem of a word, and these endings indicate what case a word belongs to (and therefore, what grammatical function that word is fulfilling in a sentence. Old English nouns are divided into three main groups, strong, weak, and "minor," based on the noun's stem and the endings that each noun takes in different grammatical cases. A useful rule of thumb is that nouns whose stems end with a consonant are strong, while nouns whose stems end with a vowel (except for "u") are weak. STRONG AND WEAK DECLENSIONS OF THE ADJECTIVE What are adjectives? They are words used to describe either nouns or pronouns. Like nouns and pronouns, they are declined according to number, gender, and case; and their number, gender, and case must always agree with the noun or pronoun that they are modifying

Filoloogia → Inglise keele ajalugu
18 allalaadimist


keemistemperatuur õhurõhul 650 mmHg oli 297,9 K, seega võib oletada, et tulemused olid piisavalt täpsed. Arvutatud Troutoni konstant oli 89,7 J/K·mol, mis kirjanduse järgi peaks benseenil olema 89,45 J/ K· mol. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Praktikumi tööde juhendid, FK6. Puhta vedeliku küllastatud aururõhu määramine dünaamilisel meetodil. ÕIS- õppeainete kodulehed 2. Internet, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, Trouton's rule,

Füüsika → Materjali füüsika ja keemia
32 allalaadimist

A Midsummer Nights Dream

sometime in the 1594-96.The play was first published in 1600 and became very popular.The play has 132 pages. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors, their interactions with the Duke and Duchess of Athens, Theseus and Hippolyta, and with fairies who inhabit a moonlit forest. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular works for the stage and is widely performed across the world. The Body Love and magic rule the world of this fanciful comedy set in ancient Athens and a nearby woods. The fair maiden Hermia loves Lysander, but her father insists that Demetrius be her mate. To escape a forced marriage, Hermia runs away with Lysander to the woods, followed by Demetrius (who is madly in love with Hermia) and Helena (her friend who hopelessly loves Demetrius). Unknowingly, the lovers enter the kingdom of fairies, where love potions and magical transformations are the order of the night

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
25 allalaadimist

Lopezi elulugu

Sama aasta veebruaris läks ta lahku Puff Daddy'st ja juba septembris abiellus Kalifornias tantsijast Cris Juddiga, kellega koos ei püsitud kaua. Jennifer Lopez andis selle aasta veebruaris välja veel ühe albumi "J To Tha L-O: The Remixes", mille nimi kõneleb ise enda eest. Albumilt leiame kõik Jenny senised parimad remiksid seni ilmunud kahe plaadi lugudest ning tähelepandavaim siin on loomulikult hittsingli "Ain't It Funny" Murder Remix koos räpparitega Ja Rule & Caddillac Tah. Esimese kolme nädalaga müüdi albumit USA-s 102 000 koopiat ning singel "Ain't It Funny" püsib USA singlitabelis momendil esikohal. Remix album püstitas omanäolise rekordi, sest oli Ameerikas üldse esimene, mis suutis tõusta esimese müüginädalaga number üks albumiks ning on tänaseks müünud juba üle 1,5 miljoni. Inglismaal jõudis album kohale #4 ning oli esikahekümnes kuus nädalat järjest. Singel "Ain't It Funny" püsis UK singlitabelis aga

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

Hadrian's Wall

Hadrian's Wall Hadrian's Wall was a stone and turf fortification built by the Roman Empire across the width of Great Britain to prevent military raids by the tribes of Scotland to the north, to improve economic stability and provide peaceful conditions in the Roman province of Britannia to the south, to physically mark the frontier of the Empire, and to separate the unruly Selgovae tribe in the north from the Brigantes in the south and discourage them from uniting. The name is also sometimes used jocularly as a synonym for the border between Scotland and England, although for most of its length the wall follows a line well south of the modern border -- and neither the Scoti tribe nor the English lived in Britain at the time of the wall's construction. The wall was the northern border of the Empire in Britain for much of the Roman Empire's rule, and also the most heavily fortified border in the Empire. In addition to its use as a milit...

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne intervjuu

When a man and a woman decide on being partners in private life as well as at work, they are bound to run into problems ­ or such often seems to be the public perception. If that is a rule, however, there certainly are exceptions. Marc (45) and Catherine (37) Brown have had to cope with that situation for many years now, with Marc being a cow farm manager and Catherine a milkmaid at the same institution. The exact name and location of the farm shall be left undisclosed, but it is certainly one of the most prestigious in England, meaning that stresses and strains are many ­ meeting high expectations demands intense work.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Maailm 20. sajandi algul

I. Maailm 1900.a.-1913.a.: 1. Inimkonna edusammud ja probleemid 20.sajandi algul (õpik lk. 8-13): 20.sajandi alguse maailma iseloomustasid järgmised märksõnad: 1.1. Eurotsentristlik maailm: · Mida tähendab eurotsentrism või eurotsentristlik maailm? · 20.sajandi alguse maailma valitses Euroopa: A) enamus maailmast oli jagatud Euroopa riikide asumaadeks või mõjusfäärideks B) Euroopa tsivilisatsiooni käsitleti kui ainuvõimalikku tsivilisatsioonivormi (sellega seoses tugevnesid rassistlikud arusaamad) C) tugevnes ja levis Lääne-Euroopale omane liberaal-demokraatlik ühiskondlik ja poliitiline korraldus ( ehk isikuvabadustel, eraomandil ja turumajandusel ning demokraatial põhinev ühiskond). D) vähemarenenud maades hakati Lääne-Euroopa eeskujul tühistama aegunud seaduseid ( likvideeriti liikumispiirangud, tsunftikorraldus, ...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
420 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

. 2. How company can claim/ invoke EU l a w ? Please explain available judicial procedure(s) and possible remedies for violation of EU law. 2.1. Company must claim/appeal for national court and use the procedure of preliminary ruling – a procedure that enable national court to refer queries to the court of Justice on the interpretation or validity of the EU law. Any national court to which a dispute in which the application of a rule of European law raises questions (original case) has been submitted can decide to refer to the Court of Justice to resolve these questions. There are two types of reference for a preliminary ruling:  a reference for a ruling on the interpretation of the European instrument (primary law and secondary law): the national judge requests the Court of Justice to clarify a point of interpretation of European law in order to be able to apply it correctly;

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

English history

Full of vivid particulars, brief lives, telling anecdotes, comic episodes, symbolic moments and illustrative vignettes, The Decline and Fall of the British Empire evokes remote places as well as distant times. Such actions were not be tolerated by the Irish and the Irish Americans who, together with North Americans of every race and creed rose against the British Empire in North America and In Ireland. The Irish Republican Army took on the British Empire at its height (1919-21) and British rule collapsed in Ireland as a result of the Irish War of Independence. This sparked Independence movements across the Empire and inspired other nations for Freedom. World War I Britain has proven itself on several occasions to be strong and powerful. It has created the reputation by being one of the world's largest industrial powers. The industrial revolution with WWI was that brought the British Empire to the peak of its expansion. Imperial

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kodune kontrolltöö I - Rahvusvaheline turundus

Seega oleks parem kui Gini indeks on väike. Võiks öelda, et mida väiksem Gini indeks, seda arenenum riik. Gini indeks on väike Skandinaaviamaades ja paljudes Euroopa riikides. See vastab ka kõrge inimarenguga maade keskmisele tasemele. Suurimad erinevused sissetulekutes on madala inimarenguga maades. Eestis on gini indeks 31,4 (2009.a. seisuga) ja Soomes 26,8 (2008.a. seisuga). 4. Mis on olulised tunnused õigusliku keskkonna seisukohalt? · Rule of the Law ­ õiguse üldprintsiibid (põhiline õigusliku regulatsiooni alus turumajandus) · Osalevate riikide rahvuslik seadusandlus · Rahvusvahelised lepingud (kokkulepped, konventsioonid) · Mitmesuguste rahvusvaheliste organisatsioonide dokumendid (Euroopa nõukogu, Ameerika riikide organisatsioon jne.) · Välismajandusliku tegevuse head tavad (eriti rahvusvahelise kaubanduse hea tava)

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
56 allalaadimist

Moesõnade liig- ja väärkasutamine

Sõna praktiliselt - inglise keeles practically, saksa keeles praktisch. Eesti keeles tähendab see otstarbekalt, vastandiks teoreetiliselt. Parem on kasutada sõnu tegelikult, peaagu. Lauset Mais on hinnatõus praktiliselt muutumatu saab paremini öelda - Mais jäi hinnatõus enam-vähem samaks. Nägemus märgib eesti keeles hallusinatsiooni või viirastust, seda ei saa kasutada tähenduses kava või arusaamine. Reeglina, inglise keeles as a rule, saksa keeles in der Regel on sõna, mille kasutamine on taunitav. Olenevalt kontekstist on parem kasutada vasteid tavaliselt, üldjuhul või enamasti. Lauses Reeglina tõusen pool seitse pühapäeva hommikuti oleks hea asendada reeglina, näiteks Pühapäeva hommikuti tõusen harilikult kell pool seitse. Ebavajalik on ka sõnade osiste liigtarvitamine. Liitsõna osis piloot- tähendab eesti keeles lennuki- või helikopterijuhti

Eesti keel → Eesti keele väljendusõpetus
6 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika, Saksamaa ja Mehhiko demokraatiate võrdlus inglise keelne

society, no major territorial more provincial autonomy, but ANC wanted STATES ethnic divisions something more unitary ­ compromise · Formally modelled on US federalism Germany Exhibit #2: · But authoritarian rule centralized power. Logic: · The East Regional imbalances also within provinces ­ development, consolidation of power to end rivalries. · Memory of statehood; which combine former (white) provinces and · More recent moves to decentralize by permitting states to perceptions of bad deal since (black) homelands. enact laws

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Topic - Great Britain

from the 5th century onwards. These pagan peoples' were easily converted to Christianity and the preachers from Rome brought with them learning and civilization. Christianity was an important factor in enabling the various kingdoms created by the Nordic invaders to be united in the 9th century. The Vikings first raided England to plunder it, then in the days of Alfred of Wessex. They began to win wide lands `to plow and rule'. In the 10 th century England fell under Danish rule with King Canute finally managing to unite the Anglo-Saxons and Danes at the beginning of the 11 th century. After defeating the Anglo-Saxon king Harold at the battle of Hastings in 1066, William of Normandy introduced the Norman feudal system, with land in return for the continued support, and French remained the language of the upper classes and administration until the 14 th century. The origins of Parliament are to be found in the region of John's successor, Henry III

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


· 8 Focus attention on deviation from expected outcomes for the team members. · 9 Get team members to identify key aspects of complex problems. · 10 Allow team members total freedom unless they contact the PM with difficult issues. 22 Tarkuseterad · 11 "Avoid meddling in the team's functioning, using the 'if it isn't broken, don't fix it' rule." · 12 Provide team members with what they want in exchange for their support. · 13 Set high standards for team members. · 14 Praise team members when they do good work. · 15 Give team members reasons to change how they think about problems. · 16 Identify what team members want and help them get it. · 17 Provide encouraging talks to team members. · 18 Let team members know how they are doing. ·

Haldus → Projektijuhtimine
128 allalaadimist

The European Union

The most important EU Institutions are the European Council which sets the overall political direction (led by Herman von Rumpuy); the European Commission which represents the interests of the Union as a whole; the Council of the European Union which represents the goverments of the individual member countries and the European Parliament which represents the EU's citizens and is elected by them. Other EU institutions are the Court of Justice which upholds the rule of European law; the Court of Auditors which checks the financing of the EU's activities and many more. the European Economic and Social Committee represents civil society, employers and employees the Committee of the Regions represents regional and local authorities the European Investment Bank finances EU investment projects and helps small businesses through the European Investment Fund the European Central Bank is responsible for European monetary policy

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

FK labor 6: Puhta vedeliku küllastatud aururõhu määramine dünaamilisel meetodil

keemistemperatuur õhurõhul 770 mmHg oli 353,5 K, seega võib oletada, et tulemused olid piisavalt täpsed. Arvutatud Troutoni konstant oli 91,2 J/K·mol, kirjanduse järgi peaks olema 89,45 J/ K· mol. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Praktikumi tööde juhendid, FK6. Puhta vedeliku küllastatud aururõhu määramine, 2. Internet, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, Trouton's rule,

Keemia → Füüsikaline keemia
66 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne kirjand Stendhal-ist

As a student he grew interested in literature and mathematics. In 1799 he left for Paris, ostensibly to prepare for the entrance examination to the École Polytechnique, but in reality to escape from Grenoble and from paternal rule. His secret ambition on arriving in Paris was to become a successful playwright. But some highly placed relatives of his, the Darus, obtained an appointment for him as second lieutenant in the French military forces stationed in Italy. This led him to discover Piedmont, Lombardy, and the delights of Milan. The culture and landscape of Italy were the revelation that was to play a psychologically and thematically determining role in his life and works.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Maailm 20. sajandi algul

20.sajand Maailm 20. sajandi algul Moesõnaks oli ,,progress" ­ tulevikku suhtuti optimistlikult Maailma valitses Euroopa. 20. sajandist loodeti palju, aga oli hoopis palju tapmist jne 1. tööstuse areng ja linnastumine · Tähtsaim majandusharu ­ tööstus · Kasvas turgu kontrollivate suurettevõtete ­ monopolide ­ tähtsus · Tööstuse areng tõi kaasa linnaelanike kasvu · Inglismaal elas linnades 80% elanikest · Saksamaal 60% elanikest, prantsusmaal ja USA-s 40% · Linnasid kus oli üle 100 000 elaniku oli Euroopas 135, sajand varem oli neid 23 · Maailma suurm linn 1900 ­ London ­ elanikke umbes 6,5 miljonit · Võrdlus: 100 aastat varem 860 000 elanikku 2. teaduse ja tehnika areng · Sajandi vahetuse paiku sündisid aatomi- ja relatiivsusteooria · Albert Einstein · õpiti analüüsima inimese alateadvusest (Freud) · ehitatakse üha kõrgemaid hooneid ja pikemaid sildu (Kas...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Sheep senses and social cognition

nuzzling/suckling stimulus of lambs. When young lambs sleep, they will seek out their mothers and lie close to them. Sheep conscious of their surroundings and thinking about individuals or objects in their absence Do you think that sheep are conscious? A number of complex behaviours are higly suggestive of consciousness, such as self- recognition, social communication, individual recognition of members of their own, or other, species, deceit and emphati and complex rule learning. However, reasonable evidence for many of these behaviours has only been provided in higher primates and even in these cases experiment are often open to re-interpretation due to limitations in the paradigms used. Recent advantages in functional brain Imaging techniques using magnetic resonance Imaging and positron emissioon tomography have allowed studies to be conducted in humans aimed at understanding which brain regions are functionally active during actual perception of objects.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Conditions of the productive animals in farms.

Consequently, we can say that the problem is far-spread everywhere and it is getting more and more serious. Fact is that something has to be done soon or the problem entrenches so that after a while there is nothing to do that solves the problem. Even more, it is possible that people think it is normal and this is the way how animals who are raised to get something from them, should be treated. The results from the investigation in Finland show that suffering animals are not an exception but a rule in Finnish animal production. Also this material shows that animal suffering is an inseparable part of the production- animals are seen as products and commodities instead of sentient beings. First step to aspire after the wellbeing of productive animals is to raise the awareness of people about how the farm animals are treated during the intense manufacturing. So people and organisations that have already realised the seriousness of this problem have set their

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

British test 2 questions

9. What were the landmarks in English literature in James I's reign? During James I reign, puritans was given the right to make an official translation of the Bible which was published in 1611. Also, the greatest writers during 17th century, John Bunyan and John Milton were puritans. 10. Why was Charles I beheaded? Charles I was beheaded by the Parliament in1649 because king Charles tried to arrest 5 members of the Parliament and wanted to rule the kingdom without the Parliament. 11. What two disasters took place during Charles II reign? What kind of changes did they bring about? First, in 1664-1666 a plague hit London and southeast-England and secondly, already in 1666 a fire destroyed fifth of the City of London. The new London was built up in remarkebly short time and it was a lot better : it had wider streets, brick and stone houses and better draining. 12. What is the idea of the Act of Settlement?

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The giver 1-6 chapter

At the Ceremony of One newchildren, who have spent their first year at the Nurturing Center, are assigned to family units and given a name to use in addition to the number they were given at birth. 9. Do people in the community ever break any laws? Explain. Jonas's father confesses to his family that he has peeked at the struggling newchild's name-- Gabriel--in the hopes that calling him a name will help the child develop more quickly. Jonas is surprised that his father would break any kind of rule, though the members of the community seem to bend rules once in a while. For instance, older siblings often teach younger siblings to ride bicycles before the Ceremony of Nine, when they receive their first official bicycles. 10. When can children start riding bikes? Ceremony of Nine, when they receive their first official bicycles. 11. Why is Jonas worried about Archer? Asher is turning twelve in the beginning of the book, and is thirteen at the end of the book.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Euroopa 19. sajandil

2) Tekkisid pehkinud kohakesed 3) 1832.a pehkinud kohad linnadele 4) Parlamendis 2 parteid: konservatiivid ja liberaalid · Sajandi vahetusel toimus suur Iiri ülestõus>Inglise surve kasv>1840.-datel Suur näljahäda · 19. Saj II poolel Iirimaal tekib feenide liikumine · 1867. Ülestõus>pärast lüüasaamist uued meetodid nt: obstruktsioon iirlaste parlamendis (iirlased takistasid parlamendi tegevust ning nõudsid home rule · 1831-1901 Kuninganna Victoria>viktoriaanlus · 19. Saj II pool Inglismaa domineerimine 1) Tööstuses 2) Rahanduses 3) Kaubanduses Prantsusmaa · 1789.a algas Suur Prantsuse revolutsioon · 1793.a hukati kuningas Louis XVI> algasid revolutsiooni sõjad Preisi ja Austria vastu · Napoleon sündis 1769 1) 10-aastaselt Prantsusmaale sõjakooli 2) Lemmikud ajalugu ja kirjandus 3) Rev

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
89 allalaadimist

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

When is his feast day? His feast day is on 17 March 3. When did the English conquest of Ireland begin? Henry II, with permission from tha Pope, sought to conquer Ireland. In 1171 he became the first English monarch to set foot on the isle. 4. Who were settled in the province of Ulster by King James I? James I settled English and Scottish Protestants in Munster and Ulster. What has this resulted in? It has resulted in an amount of English people in Ireland. 5. What is meant by Home Rule? Home Rule was a movement that sought to repeal the Acts of Union 1800. The Home Rule Act, was meant to permit Ireland self-government within the UK. 6. Changes in the number of population since the 1840s. 1841: 6.5M in Ireland, 8.2M on the island 1901: 3.2M in Ireland, 5M on the island 1951: 3.0M in Ireland, 4.4M on the island 2011: 4.6M in Ireland, 6.4M on the island Causes of emigration from Ireland. The Irish Famine caused some 150,000 people to leave the island

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

sometimes make fighting terrorism inconvenient. Methods perceived as effective are not legitimate. Utilitarian thinkers believe this can be disregarded as to avoid a greater evil, authorities inevitably have to break the law. Michael Ignatieff (2004) states that governments needn't follow national and international law as precisely in case violating this law will avoid bigger crimes. “Sticking too firmly to the rule of law simply allows terrorists too much leeway to exploit our freedoms. Abandoning the rule of law altogether betrays our most valued institutions. To defeat evil, we may have to traffic in evils: indefinite detention of subjects, coercive interrogations, targeted assassinations, even pre-emptive war. These 7 are evils because each strays from national and International law and because they kill

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

At a quarter to eight I grab my bag and rush to my school. My school starts at 8 o'clock and I don't like to be late. Usually I have six or seven lessons a day, it lasts till 3 o'clock. After each lesson there is a break, so I can talk to my friends or eat my sandwich. When school is over I go home. First of all I need to walk my dog. Then I have my dinner and a little rest. The teachers give us a lot of homework, so I start doing it about 16.30 or 17.00. As a rule it takes me two or three hours to do my home assignments. My parents get home about six o'clock. We watch soapopera on TV, have supper together. We share all the news, I tell about the lessons and school. After it, I help my mother to do some work about the house -- wash dishes, sweep the floor, clean the room. Twice a week in evenings I go play tennis. When I do not go to play tennis, I stay home and watch TV, listen to the music, read magazines. Sometimes my friends call me and we

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

English literature

By 1645 Charles ran out of money and his army deserted. He was defeated at the battle of Naseby, captured and imprisoned. It took them four years to decide what to do with them. They decided to behead him in 1649. After his beheading the Commonwealth or Cromwell's republic was created. However, the government was too severe and it fell in 1660. The Commonwealth abolished the House of Lords, the Anglican Church and Scotland went under Cromwell's rule. 1653 it became a dictatorship. The army was used to retain law and order. The country strictly observed Puritan beliefs ­ no celebration of Christmas or Easter, no games on Sunday. Cromwell died in 1658, his son was his successor, but fucked up. In 1660 Charles II was invited to return to the throne. He was a good and judicious diplomat. Was Catholic yet allowed both Puritans and Catholics to follow their beliefsystems

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

treaty, even if it is not imposed for the benefit of the state, is not discriminatory or protective in effect or if the product on which the charge is imposed is not in competition with any domestic product." "The prohibition of new customs duties or charges having equivalent effect, linked to the principle of the free movement of goods, constitutes a fundamental rule which, without prejudice to the other provisions of the treaty, does not permit of any exceptions."8 1 2 3 , , , 4 , 5 , 9, 10-, by Mariusz Maciejewsk, 12/2016 6 ­ R. Barents "Charges have an Equivalent effect on Customs Duties" (1978) 15CNL rev 415 7 - Paul Craig, Gráinne de Búrca, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, p.613, 617, 618, 2015 8 - http://eur-lex.europa

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Mäekivi kasutab näidetena sõnu nii isiklikust näitekogust kui ka Internetist. Toon tema näidetest välja valikuliselt mõned sõnad. 1.1 Võõrkeelsete sõnade tõlkimisega kaasnevad probleemid Muret tekitavad sõnad, mida tõlgitakse otse teistest keeltest. Nt ingliskeelne sõna practically tõlgitakse eesti keelde praktiliselt. Tegelikult viitab sõna millelegi otstarbekale või vastandub sõnale teoreetiliselt. Sama probleem on ingliskeelse väljendiga as a rule, mis tõlgitakse eesti keelde sõnaga reeglina. Tegelikult on sellel sõnal olemas omakeelsed ja head vasted ­ olenevalt kontekstist kas tavaliselt, üldjuhul, üldiselt, enamasti vms. Sageli pole selle sõna järele üldse vajadust, sest lause ise väljendab tavasituatsioonis olemist. 1.2 Sõnade liigkasutus viib sõnade tegeliku tähenduse kadumiseni. Üle pingutatakse sõna väljakutse kasutamisega. Tegelikult sobib sõna kasutada siis,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
30 allalaadimist

London’s early history.

A Basilica, forum and fort were built, plus a wall around the city. The Romans ruled until 410. Medieval London After Edward came King Harold in1066. Later that year he was defeated by William, Norman duke. William I was crowned king in Westminster Abbey. In the following years London grew rapidly and by 1300 about 80,000 people lived there. The Black Death killed of 134850 killed about half this population. Tudor London London grew in importance under Tudor rule. King Henry VIII created palaces such as St James's. He is also famous for closing the country's monasteries in 1536, after the Catholic Church refused to grant him a divorce. During the reign of Elizabeth I, London was a wealthy and successful city. Theatre became popular, helped by the arrival of playwright William Shakespeare some time between 1584 and 1593. Plague and fire London suffered two disasters in later Stuart years. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Eestlased vs ristisõdijad

the flag was seen again on the tower of Pikk Hermann in Tallinn; THE ANTHEM was composed in 1848 by Friedrich Pacius and the estonian language words were written by Johann Voldemar Jannsen, it was officially adopted after War of Inependence in 1920; THE COAT OF ARMS: lions were first used as Estonia's heraldic emblem in the 13th century, a similar motif was later used on the coat of arms of the Province of Estonia under Swedish rule. Estonia changed hands but the three lions remained, in 1925 they were adopted officially. The present coat of arms is a golden shield charged with three blue lions with golden oak branch on each side. Ministers: * Andrus Ansip ­ Peaminister ­ represents the government to approve the state budget, represents Estonia in the European Council, directs the activity of the government *Tõnis Lukas - Haridus- ja teadusminister ­ sets aims for the development of vocational

Ajalugu → Eesti maalugu
7 allalaadimist

Varakeskaeg Inglismaal

1265 Henry was able to take back his full royal authority. After his death his son Edward I took the throne. He brought together the first real parliament ­ the House of Commons. In 1275 he commanded each shire and town to send two representatives to his parliament. Dealing with the Celts William I had allowed his lords to win lands by conquering. By the beginning of 12th century most of Wales was held by them. The only Welsh who were free of English rule lived around Snowdon. They were led by Llewelyn who tried to become free of the English. Edward was determined to defeat him and bring the whole Wales under his control. In 1282 Llewelyn was captured and killed. In 1284 Edward united west of Wales with England. He made his son Edward II the Prince Of Wales. Edward also tried to bring Ireland and Scotland under his control. It was difficult to get control of Scotland and eventually he died fighting against them.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

Merde Actually

girlfriend Florence. As known, in France, the summer holidays are quite long for working class; therefore a lot can be done. Anyway, Paul and Florence start their holiday by going to stay in Florence's mother's country cottage, which is in Corrèze, almost exactly in the centre of France. Their journey to there is not quite without interruptions. In France, people do not really care about road regulations and they do not recognise the rule of the right hand. Anyway, they have to pass a roundabout and of course get into a car accident, where they are not to blame. But one thing has to be known about the French; it is that when one is not harsh with them, they will play their cards the way that the innocent one will be blamed. This happens to Paul too. Finally they still manage to reach to their destination. It comes out that Florence's mother is not a satisfied and a happy woman, but a bit bizarre. In Paul's eyes, she

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland

main character of the story. She is an English girl with lots of imagination. Alice is very polite and well rised. Sometimes she upsets the creatures of the Wonderland. Alice is also smart and she likes to show off her knowledge. She gets easily upset when somebody is not polite with her. The queen of Hearts is a fantasy creature of Wonderland. She is a ruler of Wonerdland. The Queen is a card from pack of playing cards but somehow she is able to talk and rule the Wonderland. She is very impatient and has explosive character. All Wonderland inhabitants are scared of The Queen of Hearts Alice´s adventures in Wonderland begin when she and her sister are sitting under the tree. Her sister is reading a book which has no pictures or conversations in it. Suddenly a speaking White Rabbit runs past Alice and she decides to run after the Rabbit. She falls down the deep hole and finds herself in a room. Very small door leads to the beautiful garden

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Souvenir and craft shops on the islands offer four-pronged wooden forks for sale, reminding tourists of those days. One unfortunate victim of the cannibals was the missionary Thomas Baker, who was eaten with the exception of one of his shoes. Today, the uneaten shoe is on display in the Fiji Museum. # The country was originally one of the most remote British colonies, and there are still some reminders of British colonial rule. Rugby and soccer - those most English of sports - are the two major competitive sports. Cricket and golf are also popular. Fiji hosted the Pacific Games in 2003, resulting in an increased interest in sports throughout the islands. Fire walking is still popular in Fiji - although today it is practiced mainly to entertain the tourists, rather than for ceremonial or ritual reasons. Fijian legend has it that a god once gave a Beqa warrior the ability to walk unharmed on fire, in return for a favor

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Estate Planning Basics Referaat

But Todd would certainly want and be entitled to custody of their son. A parent raising a child may not want the other parent to have custody, for any of a number of reasons. The custodial parent may believe that the other parent is dangerously destructive, emotionally or pshysically. Or a custodial parent may have remarried and believes that his current spouse is a far better parent to his children than his ex. One general rule is that a parent cannot succeed in appointing someone other than the natural parent to be personal guardian, unless that parent: · has legally abondoned the child or, · is unfit as a parent. This book helps you to understand better the law and the rules, which comes after your death. It contains a lot of helpful facts and exsamples for you, to handle better and know more what you need to do, if you maybe die. Vocabulary 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Old Tallinn

(added in 1627), reaching 64m towards the ether. Incidentally, the moustachioed weather vane on top is the symbolic guardian of the city - Vana Toomas! Alexander Nevsky Cathedral One of Tallinn's most resplendent monuments, but not one of it's most popular, the spectacular Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was built on orders from St. Petersburg during the times of Russian Imperial rule. Supposedly built on the grave of a legendary Estonian hero, Kalevipoeg, on the city's mighty Toompea Hill, the Orthodox cathedral was something of a Russian propaganda exercise at the time and still remains a subject of controversy amongst hardline patriots. Most locals though are content to admire the Alexander Nevsky as the fine piece of architecture. The Song Festival Grounds

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

of the regime more generally which constitutes the crisis. At most it seems a vague and often suspiciously arbitrary composite of associations with other concepts, a great many of which havebeen invoked in attempts to "explain" it. These include consent (Brighouse, 1998: 720-1); authority (Hurd, 1999); justice (Steffek, 2006); the `moral basis for social interaction' (Kelman, 2001: 55); normative belief that a rule or institution must be obeyed (Grafstein, 1981:; popular sovereignty (Beetham, 1991); democracy (Beetham, 1991; Buchanan, and "right" or rightfulness Rousseau, 1968 · Key myth: "international anarchy is the permissive [or underlying] cause of war" (Waltz 1959: 232) orealism: Behaviour of actors in a system dictated by its character ­ hierarchy or anarchy,. Features of anarchy:Security Dilemma + Balance of Power. Realism: Attempt to

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

How the right of privacy was viewed in the 1890s and 2010s.

Winyard, I J. & W. 394 (1820), where an injunction was granted against making any use of communicating certain recipies for veterinary medicine. The worker had access to his employer's recipies book and copied them. The personal writings and any productions of the intellect are private and is therefore protected. In addition they say that the right to privacy does not prohibit any publication of matter witch is of public or general interest. They emphasized that the scope of this rule covers those persons hwo are not public figures and hwo are dragged into an undesirable publicity. Therefore there is a value in preventing publication not only in the right to publicate. But, the right to privacy does not apply when the court of justice is concerned ofcourse. So in my opinion, the center of privacy issues is moved from greedy jornalists, mentioned in article from year 1890, to Google and other data collectors alike. If you want complete privacy, its easy, go to live in the Moon

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

Penalty - a punishment for doing something that is against a law Government - the group of people who officially control a country System of courts - a set of connected positions which operate together to ensure ... ? To commit a crime ­ to do sth that is forbidden by law Corruption - illegal, immoral or dishonest behaviour, especially by people in positions of power Fine (trahv) - an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law Suspension - when a person is temporarily not allowed to work, go to school or take part in an activity, as a punishment Prosecution - to officially accuse someone of committing a crime in a court of law, or to try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime Injury ­ bodily harm, damage Public opinion ­ sth that most of the ppl in a society think of sth Simple majority - sth is voted for or against by not more than half of the votes altogether

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

The renaissance period in England. Art and literature, development of drama. Dynasties, kings and queens.

Henry had a son, was a king Edward Vl, died very young. Henry was a talented musican and scholar, spent much money on it. Soon he had spent all savings his father had collected, he needed money. He understood that monasteries had become useless. So he closed them, took away the riches ­ dissolution of monasteries. When henry quarreled with the Pope, made England independent of Rome. Beginning of the Anglican church. Henry died 1547, only son came to throne Edward Vll, was too young to rule alone. There was acouncil of nobles who did it for him. Unfortunately he died at the age of 16 There was a great problem with finding new king. His daughter Mary became a king. Called Bloody Mary. England had become protestant country. She started oersecuting protestants who were burnt alive. Was said that you could sense the smell of burning flesh all over England. Mary married with the king of Spain, but Mary couldn't get a child. She was afraid of

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

küllastuspunkt Satiation Point Точка насыщения Kogukasulikkuse kõver TU curve Кривая общей полезности Kogukasulikkuse kõvera TU shape Подъем кривой общей tõus полезности Kasulikkuse Utility maximizing rule Правило максимизации maksimiseerimise reegel полезности Kahaneva piirkasulikkuse Law of diminishing marginal utility Закон убывающей предельной seadus полезности ükskõiksuskõver Indifference curves, IC Кривая безразличия

Majandus → Majandus
24 allalaadimist

Looduskaitse mõisted

LOODUSKAITSE MÕISTED Looduskaitsebioloogia (conservation biology) – teadusharu, mis uurib elurikkust ja seda ohustavaid tegureid ning on aluseks praktilisele looduskaitsetööle. Biofiilia (biophilia) – eelsoodumus armastada kõike elusat ja toetada elurikkust. Elurikkus ehk bioloogiline mitmekesisus (biodiversity) – kogu elusa looduse mitmekesisus. Kõigi elusorganismide mitmekesisus eri organisatsioonitasemetel: liigisiseselt (geneetiline mitmekesisus) ja liikidevaheliselt (liikide mitmekesisus), aga ka koosluste ja ökosüsteemide tasemel (koosluste mitmekesisus). Liik: 1.Liigi morfoloogiline definitsioon – ühte tüüpi kuuluvate, teistest morfoloogiliselt, füsioloogiliselt, biokeemiliselt või muude oluliste tunnuste poolest erinevate elusolendite rühm. 2.Liigi bioloogiline definitsioon – elusolendite rühm, kes võivad looduses omavahel ristuda ning saada sigimisvõimelisi järglasi. Biosüstemaatika (biosystematics) – teadus, mis tegeleb eluslo...

Geograafia → Geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Matemaatiline analüüs referaat - Määratud integraali ligikaudne arvutamine Simpsoni valemiga. Veahinnangud. Näited

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Infotehnoloogia teaduskond Referaat Määratud integraali ligikaudne arvutamine Simpsoni valemiga. Veahinnangud. Näited 2015 Määratud integraali arvutamine Simpsoni valemiga Simpsoni valemiga määratud integraali leidmiseks teosteme lõigu [a, b] alajaotuse 2n võrdseks osaks: x 0  a  x1  x 2  ...  x 2 n 1  b  x 2 n Joonis 1 ja märgime jaotuspunktidele x1, x2, ...., x2n-1 vastavad punktid funktsiooni f(x) graafikul AB vastavalt tähtedega P1, P2, ... , P2n-1, kusjuures P0 = A, Pn = B (joonis 1). Olgu i mingi paaritu arv (0

Matemaatika → Matemaatiline analüüs 1
22 allalaadimist

Review Of Donald Norman Design Of Everyday Things

designed world, but a set of explanations, tools and models that should serve to rectify that. Even though it was the extreme dissatisfaction with the thoughtlessness of designs that prompted Norman to act, he approached it from a constructive perspective, doing thorough research on what exactly was wrong with those irritating designs, how it could be improved and how to organize the findings, which systems of concepts and models they would constitute. Norman himself states that he makes it a rule never to criticize something unless he can offer a solution (p.??). Norman concentrates on person's perception of an object, on nature of human perception of the world in general, on how people approach tasks that designed objects are meant to aid with and poses as an advocate of a user-centered design approach. The book places numerous tools - models, concepts, the whole approach described in detail in 7th Chapter, encompassing all previously mentioned

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

affairs; and yet in Terence's play, we know, Chremes "thinks that nothing that concerns man is foreign to him." Nevertheless, when things turn out for our own good or ill, we realize it more fully and feel it more deeply than when the same things happen to others and we see them only, as it were, in the far distance; and for this reason we judge their case differently from our own. It is, therefore, an excellent rule that they give who bid us not to do a thing, when there is a doubt whether it be right or wrong; for righteousness shines with a brilliance of its own, but doubt is a sign that we are thinking of a possible wrong. But occasions often arise, when those duties which seem most becoming to the just man and to the "good man," as we call him, undergo a change and take on a contrary aspect. It may, for example, not be a duty to restore a

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun