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"rises" - 91 õppematerjali


Kitzbergi Tuulte pöörises

KITZBERG TUULTE PÖÖRISES Sündmused Jaani isa päästab mõisapreili elu Jaani isa saab loa Soosaarele elama kolida Jaani isa ehitab sinna koos vennaga kaks talu Mõisniku vahetudes pannakse talud müüki ja nad lähevad uutele omanikele Jaani isa jääb naise ja pojaga oma endisesse tallu sulaseks Sulase poeg Jaan ja peretütar Leena armuvad noortena Jaan läheb rändama, et talu tagasiostmiseks raha teenida Leena kihlub naabertalu perepoja Kaarliga ALGSÜNDMUS - Jaan tuleb tallu tagasi ja hakkab seal sulaseks Leena peatab Jaani lähenemiskatse Leena uurib Jaani sulasetöö motiivide kohta Jaan loobub viimasel hetkel end Leenale avamast Kaarel lükkab pulmi töö nimel edasi Leena palub Jaanil avameelne olla Jaan räägib tõe talu kohta ja avaldab talle armastust Leena tõrjub Jaani eemale Jaani ema Anu annab tollele ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
53 allalaadimist

Eesti teatri ajalugu

Eesti teatri ajalugu Eesti rahvusliku teatri sünniajaks peetakse aastat 1870, mil Vanemuise seltsi majas kanti 24. juunil ette Lydia Koidula näitemäng "Saaremaa onupoeg". Kuna nõudmine piletite järele oli väga suur, siis korrati etendust järgmisel päeval. See oli esimene kord, mil nähti eesti keeles ettekantud näitemängu omaenese rahva elust. Elukutselisi näitlejaid ei olnud ja seepärast mängisid kaasa Lydia vend ja tema sõbrad tol ajal ei peetud sündsaks, et laval esineksid naised. Ehitati esimesed tõelised teatrihooned. Eesti kutselise teatri sünniaastaks sai 1906. aasta, mil Tartus Vanemuise teatrimajas mängiti August Kitzbergi näidendit "Tuulte pöörises. 1906 avati Tartus teater Vanemuine ja 1913 Tallinnas teater Estonia. XX saj alguses jõudis eesti näitekirjandus kõrgperioodi August Kitzbergi ja Eduard Vilde sulest sündisid esimesed kunstiküpsed draamateosed. "Saaremaa onupoeg" oli sakslase T. Körneri naljamä...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
91 allalaadimist


had no direct experience of World War I and because he is Jewish. He holds on to the romantic prewar ideals of love and fair play, yet, against the backdrop of the devastating legacy of World War I, these values seem tragically absurd. As a Jew and a nonveteran, Cohn is a convenient target for the cruel and petty antagonism of Jake and his friends. Read an in-depth analysis of Robert Cohn. Bill Gorton - Like Jake, a heavy-drinking war veteran, though not an expatriate. Bill uses humor to deal with the emotional and psychological fallout of World War I. He and Jake, as American veterans, share a strong bond, and their friendship is one of the few genuine emotional connections in the novel. However, Bill is not immune to the petty cruelty that characterizes Jake and Jake's circle of friends. Mike Campbell - A constantly drunk, bankrupt Scottish war veteran. Mike has a terrible temper, which most often manifests itself during his extreme...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist


Greenwich area is the most famous thing about London. Greenwich is the Old Royal Observatory from where time all over the world is measured. The Greenwich Time Ball is the bright red Time Ball on top of Flamsteed House. That is one of the world's earliest public time signals, distributing time to ships on the Thames and many Londoners. It was first used in 1833 and still operates today. Each day, at 12.55, the time ball rises half way up its mast. At 12.58 it rises all the way to the top. At 13.00 exactly, the ball falls.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Green Technologies - kokkuvõte

Green Technologies - innovation and climate change ­ sustainagility Scientists can examine ice, but they cannot tell out anything about our future. Even if scientist has lived thousand years he won't be able to do it. The graph in video shows that the amount on carbon dioxide rises and then rises the temperature, but it is not so, it is exactly the opposite. One way to save energy is to build better buildings, because big headquarters are built to last only for 30-35 years. Building them up and pulling them down needs a lot of energy and about 30% of building energy is spent on it. It is thought that if in Tokyo 50% of all roofs are green it will save 1 million dollars a day of Tokyo businesses in cooling costs. Street light use 5% of energy, but it can be

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Reported Statements

1."There is no one at home", he said. He said (that) there was no one at home. 2."Mr and Mrs Wilson have gone on holiday," Mr Bradley says. Mr Bradley says that Mr and Mrs Wilson have gone on holiday. 3."I'm going to the dentist now," said Lynn. Lynn said that she was going to the dentist then. 4."Jamie has never seen a dolphin before," John said. John said that Jamie had never seen a dolphin before. 5."I will order a pizza," he said. He said that he would order a pizza. 6."The sun rises in the east," the teacher said. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east. 7."There was a good documentary on TV yesterday," Gregory said. Gregory said that there had been a good documentary on the day before. 8.,,It's always hot at this time of year," she said. She said that it was always hot at that time of year.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Teine kodutöö aines Mikroökonoomika II

qS = 1,5*p – 30 => p = 20 + 2/3*q 75 – 1,5*p = 1,5*p – 30 3*p = 105 p* = 35 q* = 22,5 p S 50 35 2 0 D 22, 75 q 5 Producer surplus: ((35 – 20)*22,5)/2 = 168,75 Consumer surplus: ((50-35)*22,5)/2 = 168,75 Total welfare: 168,75 + 168,75 = 337,5 EXERCISE N. 2 When the price of apple juice rises by 3%, the quantity demanded drops by 8%. Then, demand of for apple juice is elastici? Explain if yes or not and show with the calculation. Demand for juice is elastic. Proof (calculated by midpoint formula): (0,92-1)/((0,92+1)/2) E = -0,833/0,296 = -2,81; |E|= 2,81 = (1,03-1)/((1,03+1)/2) Price elasticity of demand is bigger than 1, therefore demand is elastic. EXERCISE N. 3

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
15 allalaadimist

The Greenhouse Effects

After an overview of possible infrastructural instabilities caused by global warming, methodologies are proposed placing emphasis on the increasing probability of infrastructural instability triggered by natural hazards resulting from groundwater-level (GWL) variations. These effects are expected to be particularly serious in coastal regions because of the influence of the rising sea level resulting from global warming. The influence of sea-level rises (SLR) will become apparent along with land subsidence because groundwater abstraction will become severe in coastal regions. Additionally, the probability of earthquake liquefaction increases if GWL rises in accompaniment with SLR. Using case histories, we examined the possible occurrence of these natural hazards as a result of global warming. Finally, possible countermeasures and adaptation strategies for reducing and mitigating infrastructure damage accelerated

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain Consist of: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The Union Jack It is home to many kinds of hedgehogs and red foxes. Some interesting and fun facts about the country: The world says, the sun never rises on Britain ( as it is cloudy all the time) There are over 30,000 John Smiths in Britain. Policemen are called Bobbies There are more chickens than humans in England.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
13 allalaadimist

Big Ben

The tower was begun following the disastrous fire which destroyed the old Palace of Westminster in 1834. Charles Barry was given the contract to rebuild the Palace, and his designs included a clock tower. The Tower The clock tower of the Palace of Westminster took 13 years to build, and was completed in 1856. The tower is 316 feet high. The spire that rises above the belfry is built with an iron frame, and it is this frame which supports the weight of the bells. A staircase rises up inside the tower, and a climb is rewarded by excellent views from the belfry level. Several small rooms are built into the lower part of the tower, including a small prison cell. The Clocks

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Solutions & alternatives

10. The best way is _____ Alternatively, _____ 10. EXPRESSING SOLUTIONS and ALTERNATIVES The solution is to compel all employers to pay a minimum wage. Then you will increase the incentive to work... The best way to prevent crime is to convince the people who commit it that they are going to be caught. To remove crime from society, you really have to tackle it's causes. There are many choices. You can travel north to see the midnight sun... You can take the night train to Copenhagen... You can take the ferry east to Finland or take the seven hour train journey across the country to Gothenburg. As for the young woman, she may have a lot in common with the old man; Alternatively, she may be interested in his money. Well, when they reach the age of fifteen, they reject the songs of their childhood. Instead, they are into pop or rock songs which wil...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Ettekanne Austraalia kohta.

· Just off the coast of North Easr Australia you will find the Great Barrier Reef. · Lots of different types of animals live here. Aboriginals · Native Australians are called Aborigines. · They were the first people to live in Australia. · One of their most famous hunting weapons is the boomerang. · The didgeridoo is an old musical instrument that the Aborigines play. Uluru · Uluru also called Ayers Rock is the most famous landmark in central Australia. · It rises 348 meters above the surrounding plains and the base measures 9 km. · The rock appears to change colour during sunset. The Outback · The Outback is an area of very dry land. In the Outback you will find red dust and red rocks. Not many people live in the Outback. Those who do live in the Outback live on huge cattle plantations. Another service for the people of the Outback is the Royal Flying Doctors Service. Alice Springs · The Todd River is a famous river in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist


FUTURISM Mariliis ja Karoliina ÜLDISELT  1909. aastal Itaalias tekkinud kunsti­  ja kirjandusvool;  Futurum­ tulevik;  vanade kultuuritraditsioonide hülgamine;  ülistatakse sõda, tehnikat ja dünaamikat;  Vana kunst on kõlbmatu ja muuseumid on  surnuaiad. FUTURISM KUJUTAVAS KUNSTIS  Liikumisillusioon;  lammutati nähtav maailm kubistide eeskujul  geomeetrilisteks kildudeks;  loodi lõikuvate pindade ja joontega dünaamiline  kompositsioon;  kujutati ühel pildil oleva sama objekti mitut  järgnevat asendit;  Lenduri vaatepunkt;  Eredad värvid. KUNSTNIKUD  Giacomo Balla;  Umberto Boccioni;  Carlo Carrà;  Primo Conti;  Luigi Russolo;  Antonio Sant'Elia;  Gino Severini;  Ljubov Popova. UMBERTO BOCCIONI  19. oktoober 1882  – 17. august 1916;  Itaalia maalikunstnik ja skulptor;  Suri noorelt;  liikumist (dünaamikat), kiirust ja tehnoloogiat;  õppis Roomas koolis Scuola Libera del Nudo; ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

The Present Simple - Lihtolevik

b)kui tve kaashlikuks on o - (goes;does) c)kui tve lpptishlik on kaashlikule jrgnev Y, mis prdelpu ees muutub I-ks (studies) Ajamrused: every day(week, month, year), often, usually, always, sometimes, etc. Kasutamine: Lihtolevik mrgib korduvat, harjumusprast vi sooritajale pidevalt omast tegevust, mis ldiselt ei toimu knelemise momendil. We get up at seven every day. The sun rises in the east. We learn English. NB! Kasutatakse ka tulevikus toimuva tegevuse vljendamiseks, mis on seotud siduplaanidega.

Keeled → Inglise keel
109 allalaadimist

Ristsõna - Great Britain

.. Down 1. Type of rainfall, is called the... 2. The main employment activity in the year of 2000. 3. What is mined in South Wales, Midlands, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Northeast England and the Central Valley of Scotland? 4. The people from Scotland are called the... 5. A river that rises in Central Wales and falls into the Bristol Channel, is the.. 8. Britain is split into them, an area with its own local government 9. Northern Ireland is also known as... 11. The largest and most beautiful lake in Scotland, near Glasgow 12. The UK is a constitutional monarchy, which means the UK is a... 14

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Life in the future

Life in the future In the domain of technology, robots will have replaced people in factories. Many factories already use robots. Big companies prefer robots- they do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day. By 2050, we will see robots everywhere- in factories, schools, offices, hospitals, shops and homes. In the 2050 every human have an opportunity to go on space travel, because space travels will cost less. Even the poor people can allow this. Schooling will be much better and cheaper (in the long run) in 2050. The word ,,school" will no longer be in our vocabulary. School will be called a ,,work force". There will be no more textbooks,

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Tööohutus väljendid

Olema võimeline nägema kujutisi selgesti ­ To be able to see images cleary Eksperiment kinnitas seda ­ Experiment confirmed it Kokku ühendama ­ To connect together Tootma suurtes kogustes ­ To produce in large quantities Juhtiv tootja ­ Leading manufacturer Hea kvaliteediga prillid ­ Good-quality spectacles Nõudlus prillide järele kasvab ­ Demand of spectacles rises Suhteliselt lühike eluiga ­ Relatively short life span Jäigad küljetükid ­ Stiff side pieces Kahe läätse vahe ­ Distance between two leanses Muutuma tavaliseks ­ To become common Kujutise suurendamine ­ Image magification Suurendama ­ Magnify Endale lubama ­ Afford Vastupidav ­ Durable Kumerad läätsed ­ Convex lenses Sang ­ Handle Neet ­ Rivet Avalduma, ilmnema ­ Reveal Presbüoop e. kaugenägelik ­ Presbyope Nõguslääts ­ Concave lens Müoop e. lühinägelik ­ Myope

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Konrad Mägi in English

Estonia and in connection with that there occurred a change in his choice of motifs. The former intimate views of a small part of the scenery were replaced by wide panoramas with lakes on the background of distant hills. The "Valgjärv", in which the ultramarine woods and blue lakes from a striking contrast to the reddish hills beaming the heat of summer sun, is one of the most beautiful pictures of that kind landscape. The artist's glance rises from the surface of the earth towards the sky, discerning there, as often as not, another landscape formed of white clouds.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
9 allalaadimist


WHAT IS TSUNAMI? A tsunami is a series of ocean waves that sends surges of water, sometimes reaching heights of over 100 feet (30.5 meters), onto land. These walls of water can cause widespread destruction when they crash ashore. WHAT CAUSES A TSUNAMI? These awe-inspiring waves are typically caused by large, undersea earthquakes at tectonic plate boundaries. When the ocean floor at a plate boundary rises or falls suddenly, it displaces the water above it and launches the rolling waves that will become a tsunami. WHAT CAUSES A TSUNAMI? Tsunamis may also be caused by underwater landslides or volcanic eruptions. They may even be launched, as they frequently were in Earth’s ancient past, by the impact of a large meteorite plunging into an ocean. TSUNAMI Can race up to 805 kilometers an hour

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Powerpointi esitlus vanalinna objektidest

1483 AD. Kiek in de Kök stands six stories tall and is a historic landmark of the Livonian War. Today, the tower still houses Ivan IV's nine cannonballs, as well as a museum and photography gallery. Kiek in de Kök means ­ Peek into the Kitchen. Tall Hermann Tower Tall Hermann Tower (Pikk Hermann ) belongs to the Toompea Castle and is easily spotted from Toompea hill in Tallinn. The tower dates back to the 1400s and rises 50 meters high. The first part was built 1360-70. It was rebuilt (lenght brought to 45,6 m) in the 16th century. A staircase with 215 steps leads to the top of the tower. Pikk Hermann tower is situated next to the Estonian Parliament building and the flag on the top of the tower is at 95 meters above sea level . Dominican Monastery Located near Viru Street, between Müürivahe and Vene Streets, is a medieval Dominican monastery

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
17 allalaadimist

Inglismaa - lühitutvustus

and the English Channel, it's linked to Frane by the Channel Tunnel. The total area of the country is more than 130000 sq km. Most of England is lowland, but there are upland regions in the north, south and south west. The climate is temperate, subject to frequent changes, with plentiful rainfall all year round, although the seasons are quite variable in temperature, it rarely falls below -5 or rises above +30 degrees. The longest river, the Severn, flows for 354km. England's capital London, is the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, drawing from a wide range of people, cultures and religions, speaking over 300 different languages, mixing their culture, traditions, music. It is the largest urban zone in the European Union, today one of the world's most important business, financial and cultural centres. London is an international transport

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

The Republic of Kenya

Today the mountains are home to leopard, bongo, buffalo and elephant and the lower lying areas are the territory of the lion, serval cat and even bushbucks. There are more beautiful places to visit, you only have to know what you want to see. If you’re the type who wants to explore a bit of the Nairobi nightlife and safari, it may be wise to start at bar first, since the clubs and discos in Kenya don’t get busy until around midnight and don’t close until the sun rises. Several clubs stage "cultural nites" which feature music, traditional foods and drinks from some of Kenya's main ethinic communities. An excellent opprtuinty to see Kenyans unplugged and hear the biggest local music acts. Shopping in Kenya is dominated by souvenir sellers. Handmade items may be purchased at market stalls, roadside stands, and from street peddlers. Be prepared for a strong sales pitch, offering bargain prices on handcrafts.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Fiscal Policy

The idea was that people will work more if they can keep more of their income Determinants of AS There are three determinants of AS: · a. change in input prices price of resources AS · b. changes in the productivity of resource productivity AS · c. legal-institutional environment business taxes AS Inflation Similarly, if the economy was moving into a booming phase, when RGDP rises above the potential or full employment RGDP, a rising price level (inflation) is the end result. · The discretionary fiscal policy moves to counter a boom and the resulting inflation is to cut government spending and/or increase taxes and thus lower consumption, or some combination of the two. Government Budget In the course of a year the government budget is kept track of and there are three large parts observed.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

New energy sources

Third level 2 Fourth level Fifth level 1 Prediction Cost to consumer Now: 1825 c Future: 5 c Role in global power supply Now: <0.1% 2050: up to 25% Solar updraft tower How it works Heated air rises through giant towers > starts turbines Now Spain Manzanares 198689 Namibia 1,5 km "Green tower" Disadvantages Enormous building costs. Requires large areas, but can be used as greenhouses Solar updraft tower Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Stonehenge kromlehh

Stonehenge Hort 4000 Mary Laine What is Stonehenge? Derived from words that mean hanging stones, circle of stones, or stone hinges 162 stones originally and about half remain today Southern England, eight miles north of Salisbury and 30 miles north of the English Channel Nearby hillsides are covered with hundreds of burial pits known as barrows 80% of the barrows face east towards where the sun rises on the horizon There are at least 900 circles in Wales, Scotland, England, and Ireland. Most are made of stone, but wood was also used. Soil was also piled up to create banks, ditches, and circles. Many of these structures are of archaeological interest and are found throughout the countries. The builders Prehistoric people Carbon dating shows that it was built in five phases from 3500 ­ 1520 BC Class Question How old do you think the people

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

E. Hemingway elulugu ja looming

Esimesed romaanid 1926. a. ilmus ta romaan ,,Ja päike tõuseb" (,,And the Sun Also Rises"), mis räägib rühma Esimese maailmasõja järgsesse ,,kadunud põlvkonda" (Hemingway loodud mõiste) kuuluvate immigrantide sihitust elust Prantsusmaal ja Hispaanias. Selle kirjutamiseks sai ta inspiratsiooni oma reisist Hispaaniasse. Ta hakkas kirjutama ka lühijuttude kogumikku. Hemingwayl oli afäär Pauline Pfeifferiga ning Hadley sai sellest teada. Nad lahutasid abielu 1927. a. jaanuaris ning juba mais abiellus Hemingway Pauline'iga. Pauline oli Arkansasest pärit, ta pere oli jõukas ja katoliiklik. Enne abielu otsustas Hemingway hakata katoliiklaseks. Pauline kirjutas artikleid Vogue'i ja Vanity Fairi. 1928. a. kolis paar Key Westi, et alustada oma kooselu. Hemingway jätkas lühijuttude kirjutamist ning oli õnnelik, kuid varsti sooritas ta isa enesetapu. Hemingway oli väga kurb ning see inspireeris kirjutama romaani ,,Kellele lüüakse hingekella", mida h...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
32 allalaadimist

Lake Võrtsjärv

Lake Võrtsjärv Scientific editors Juta Haberman Ervin Pihu Anto Raukas Liis Sommer The outline Rural municipalities River geology Shores Flows Temperature Planktonic algae Fishes Animals Lake Võrtsjärv is a lake in southern Estonia with an area of 270 km² . It is the second largest lake of Estonia. The shallow lake is 33.7 m above sea level. The river Emajõgi flows from Lake Võrtsjärv to Lake Peipsi. Lake Võrtsjärv area comprises seven rural municipalities bordering the water, connected with each other by traditions of joint activities, set throughout history. The development of Lake Võrtsjärv and its vicinity, and planned utilisation of Lake Võrtsjärv as a resource, is the common interest of all rural municipalities. The mentioned rural municipalities are located on the territories of three different counties: R...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia rahvastik

SUURBRITANNIA RAHVASTIK Suurbritannia saarel asuvad kolm riiki: Inglismaa, Šotimaa ja Wales. Kogurahvaarv on 2011. aasta seisu järgi 62 641 000. Umbes 53 468 600 inimest elab Inglismaal, 5 710 400 Šotimaal ja 3 462 000 Walesis. Suurbritannia rahvastik kasvab väga suure kiirusega. 2001 aastast kuni 2011 aastani kasvas rahvastik kolme riigi peale 3,7 miljoni võrra. Kus juures pealinna, Londoni, rahvaarv kasvas lausa 12%, see tähendab 7,8 miljonilt 8,6 miljonile. Sellel graafikul (Joonis 1) on näha Ühendkuningriikide rahvaarvu kasv viimasel ajal ja ära on märgitud ka ennustatav tõus. Joonis 1. Suurbritannia hõlmab 229,800 km² ning rahvastiku tihedus on 277 inimest/ km². Lähimateks naabriteks on Suurbritannial Prantsusmaa, Belgia, Iirimaa ja Holland. Vaadates nende maade rahvastiku tihedust saan väita, et Suurbritannia on nende kõrval täiesti keskmine, olles suurema tihedusega kui Prantsusmaa (116in...

Geograafia → Geograafia
1 allalaadimist

The Anaerobic Energy Systems 7

intensity. ­ Due to either a delay in the onset of lactate production or facilitate a more rapid rate of removal from the cell Lactate as a Fuel · Cori cycle = lactate liver converted to glucose to muscle muscle glycogen. Lactate Threshold · As exercise intensity increases, blood levels of lactic acid begins to rise exponentially. · Lactate Threshold is defined as the VO2 or exercise intensity above which blood lactate rises above resting values · Reflects an increased reliance on anaerobic metabolism. Lactate Threshold · Untrained individuals at 50-60% of VO2 max and at 65- 80% of VO2 max in trained. Exercise Physiology The Phosphate System The Sprinter · 100 m Sprinter ­ World record male 9.69 ­ Usain Bolt, female 10.49 - Florence Griffith-Joyner ­ 36.8 km/h male, 34.3 km/h female ­ Resynthesis ATP quickly ­ Reach maximal velocity as fast as possible,

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Arenguökonoomika - Regionaalne ebavõrdsus Itaalia näitel

parandama ning võeti vastu seadus millele põhinedes eraldati väikeste lastega peredele 1,6 miljardit eurot. Nende sissetulek kasvas 400 euroni kuus. Selline seadus oli erakordne, sest Itaalia on ainuke kolmest OECD riigist, kes on kümne aasta jooksul sotsiaalabi suurendanud. Selleks, et Itaalia saaks oma majandust tugevdada peab Itaalia ilmselt ka edaspidi jagama sotsiaaltoetusi. KASUTATUD ALLIKAD Lyman, Eric J. Why Italy poverty, income inequality growing when family income rises (2017) (25.09.2018) Huang, Michael 10 Facts About Poverty in Italy (2018) about-poverty-in-italy/ (25.09.2018) Orsi, Roberto The quiet collapse of the Italian Economy (2013) economy/ (25.09.2018) Italy has worst regional disparity in OECD (2014) q=node/2499 (25.09.2018)

Majandus → Arenguökonoomika
5 allalaadimist

Hemingway A Farewell to Arms (main characters)

which Henry narrates after Catherine's death, confirms his love and his loss. Catherine Barkley - Much has been written regarding Hemingway's portrayal of female characters. With the advent of feminist criticism, readers have become more vocal about their dissatisfaction with Hemingway's depictions of women, which, according to critics such as Leslie A. Fiedler, tend to fall into one of two categories: overly dominant shrews, like Lady Brett in The Sun Also Rises, and overly submissive confections, like Catherine Barkley in A Farewell to Arms. Hemingway, Fiedler maintains, was at his best dealing with men without women; when he started to involve female characters in his writing, he reverted to uncomplicated stereotypes. A Farewell to Arms certainly supports such a reading: it is easy to see how Catherine's blissful submission to domesticity, especially at the novel's end, might rankle contemporary readers for whom lines such as "I'm having a

Keeled → Tekstistruktuur (inglise)
38 allalaadimist

Past and Present tenses

PRESENT SIMPLE (lihtolevik) Form: 1st form (+s) Use: 1. Things in general. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 2. Things that happen all the time or repeatedly. She usually goes away at weekends. 3. Laws of nature (things that are true in general). The sun rises in the east. 4. Timetable events. The train leaves at 6.50 p.m. Negative form: I don't (do not) normally eat my lunch here. He doesn't (does not) like this film at all. Question form: Do you live here? How often does it rain around here? Signal words: always, every day/month, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually etc. PRESENT CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE (kestev olevik) Form: am/is/are + ing Use: 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Austraalia - slideshow

There are rainforests and vast plains in the north, snowfields in the south east, desert in the center and fertile croplands in the east, south and south west. About one third of the country lies in the tropics. Mountain ranges run from north to south along the east coast, reaching their highest point in Mount Kosciusko (2,228 m). The western half of the continent is occupied by a desert plateau that rises into barren, rolling hills near the west coast. Mount Kosciusko Climate Australia is warm and dry. There is very little extremely cold regions in Australia. Summer last from December to February. Histor y. Human habitation of Australia is estimated to have begun between

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

New Zealand vs Estonia - Places to visit!

1996. A conical volcano called Mt Ngauruhoe is located next to Ruapehu and is the location for the Tongariro Crossing. Top ten places to visit in New Zealand Coromandel Peninsula the Coromandel is blessed with a superb climate coupled wih some of New Zealand's best beaches and coastline. A thermal beach called Hot Water Beach is one attraction worth seeing. Volcanic heat rises through the ground allowing you to create your own spa pool by simply digging a small hole in the sand and waiting for it to fill up with warm sea water. Kaikoura seaside town of Kaikoura overlooks majestic mountains which are snow capped for many months of the year. Kaikoura is one of the few places in the world where whales can be seen all year round. In addition, dolphin swimming, seal swimming, fishing, diving, shark diving,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Study of heat transfer coefficient in helical coil

range of 618 W·m-2·K-1 and 775 W·m-2·K-1. For an agitation rate of 1703 rpm and with the Reynolds number increasing from 1993 to 3855, the global heat transfer coefficient changes from 666 W·m-2·K-1 to 816 W·m-2·K-1. The higher Reynolds number results in higher overall heat transfer coefficient. This is expected because of the velocity of the water inside the coil increases, the convective heat transfer resistance decreases, the internal heat transfer coefficient rises, and consequently so does the overall heat transfer coefficient. The effect of the agitation rate is not as clear. For a Reynolds number of 1993 and with the change of agitation from 618 rpm to 1703 rpm the overall heat transfer coefficient changes form 636 W·m-2·K-1 to 666 W·m-2·K-1. For a Reynolds number of 2628 and with the agitation changing from 618 rpm to 1703 rpm, the global heat transfer coefficient changes from 661 W·m-2·K-1 to 725 W·m-2·K-1

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Shops and Shopping b) The washing instructions for this shirt are red. given on the ...... A) possible B) economical C) suitable D) available A) label B) badge C) notice D) mark h) Every Friday you can buy cheap vegetables in the c) All the small ......closed their shops in market ...... protest at the price rises. A) street B) place C) store D) sales A) shop assistants B) shoppers C) shopkeepers D) shop stewards i) I like street markets, because you shop in the open ...... d) We don't have the CD, I'm afraid. It's out A) prices B) sunshine C) bargains D) air of ...... A) order B) stock C) shelf D) sale j) I like your new car. What

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


On paper, the country is the largest exporter of software-related goods and services in the world. In fact, a lot of foreign software, and sometimes music, is filtered through the country to avail of Ireland's non-taxing of royalties from copyrighted goods. A key part of economic policy, since 1987, has been Social Partnership which is a neo- corporatist set of voluntary 'pay pacts' between the Government, employers and trades unions. These usually set agreed pay rises for three-year periods. Ireland joined in launching the Euro currency system in January 1999 (leaving behind the Irish pound) along with eleven other EU nations. The 1995 to 2000 period of high economic growth led many to call the country the Celtic Tiger. The economy felt the impact of the global economic slowdown in 2001, particularly in the high-tech export sector -- the growth rate in that area was cut by nearly half. GDP growth continued to be

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Australia topic

In the continental part, there are the Macdonnell ranges. Other smaller mountain ranges are the Musgrave Mountains, the Hammessley Mountains and the Darling Mountains. The continental part of Australia is mostly covered with deserts and these deserts are the Great Sandy Desert in the north-western part, the Great Victoria dessert in the southern part and Gibson desert and the Simpson desert. The Murray River is the largest river of the country and it is 2,375 kilometres long, it rises in the Australian Alps and flows to the south-west. The waters of Murray flow through several lakes, such as Lake Alexandrina and The Coorong. Other Lakes are L.Eyre and L.Mackay. Climate The seasons in Australia are the opposite of ours. It has summer while we have winter and the other way round. Australia has 4 climate zones: temperate, subtropical, tropical, equatorial

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Demand and Supply

equilibrium. When the market price is below the equilibrium price the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied. At the price below equilibrium, buyers are willing and able to purchase an amount that is greater than the suppliers produce and offer for sale. · The buyers will "bid up" the price by offering a higher price to get the quantity they want. · The quantity demanded will fallwhile the quantity supplied rises in response to the higher price. An economic system has many agents who interact in many markets. General equilibrium is a condition where all agents acting in all markets are in equilibrium at the same time. Since the markets are all interconnected a change or disequilibrium in one market would cause changes in all markets. Supply and demand analysis · Supply and demand is a simplistic model that provides insights into the effects

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keele artiklite kasutamine

nimisõnade/omadus- ja nimisõnade ees. · Kindel asi, isik, koht, idee, jne. VÕI ainus võimalik ese, vmt., millest kõnelda: The pictures on this website are great. Could you give me the book on the table · Juba teada või mainitud info: The man in the streetcar had a funny nose. I have a cat. The cat is crazy. Aari Juhanson, MA 2009 THE ­ to be continued · Ainulaadne eksemplar, ülivõrded, järgarvud: The sun always rises in the east. If something is on the air it means it is being broadcast over the radio. If it is in the air it is flying or floating in the air. That's the most expensive gift I have received. BUT: He was a most (=very, extremely) innocent-looking little brat. It was most strange-looking bread. BUT: The first reason ..., the second reason ..., a third is to ... . · Määratleja täiendi või `of'-fraasi abil: The water in this bottle is very cold. He's the man I love.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Facts about Ireland

The White House... James Hoban, a Kilkenny born architect, won a competition to design the original White House. Famous outlaws... Grace O'Malley (Queen of the Pirates) operated off the west coast of Ireland and Ned Kelly (son of an Irish convict) was an infamous Australian outlaw. Highest mountain... Killarney, County Kerry is home to the highest mountain ­ Carrantouhill, part of the mountain range the McGillycuddy Reeks. Longest river... The river Shannon rises in County Cavan and is approximately 240 miles long. It contains 3 lakes, Lough Allen, Lough Ree and Lough Derg. Irish delicacies... Drisheen is a type of pudding made from cow's, pigs or sheeps blood. White pudding is a mixture of pork, cereal, bread, fat and suet. Periwinkles are sea snails boiled in salted water. Guinness... To trip to Ireland would be complete without sampling a pint of the black stuff! It's said that

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

All studied biomes

1. Key features for all studied biomes. Tundra The main seasons are winter and summer. The tundra is the world's coldest and driest biomes. The average annual temperature is -28° C. Nights can last for weeks when the sun barely rises during some months in the winter, and the temperature can drop to -70° C. During the summer the sun shines almost 24 hours a day. Summer are usually warm. Average summer temperatures range from 3° to 16°C. TaigaTaiga is the Russian word for forest and is the largest biome in the world. It stretches over Eurasia and North America. The taiga is located near the top of the world, just below the tundra biome. The winters in the taiga are very cold with only snowfall

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Film Studies - The Black Dahlia

How genre and narrative makes meaning in ``The Black Dahlia`` When analyzing a film, people understand the movie is much more complicated than it seems. To make a difference, to give a meaning to the film, film-makers have used different visual and thematic features. There are macro features (genre, narrative) as well as micro features (mise en scene, cinematography) and they are linked together in many ways. I have chosen to analyse the closing sequence of ``The Black Dahlia``, directed by Brian de Palma, and I will focus on macro features in this essay. Brian de Palma is well known director, who is focused on noir area through his career (he was once considered as a Hitchcock imitator) ``The Black Dahlia" can be classified as Film Noir. The genre is called Film Noir due to the `serie noir` books, which were publised in France (bethween 1940s and 1950s). These books were transl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Puritanism in John Winthrop "A model of Christian Charity"

” (Winthrop, 1996) ‘Shipwreck’ clearly represents failing the God and the consequences that accompany these kind of behavior. Doctrine for avoiding this relies on simple and plain teaching – follow, love and worship God. The central idea itself focuses in the end of the poem where Winthrop compares their new Massachusetts Bay colony to "a city upon a hill". This another metaphorical phrase is used to express the success of this revolutionary city which rises above, shining over everyone else. This “City upon a hill” after succeeding its power is referred as an example for the rest of the human kind. This phrase is also often used as reference to the American exceptionalism. Closing part of the sermon is very meaningful. Once again, Winthrop emphasizes on the importance of obeying God and threats that surround people if they don’t follow Him (“but if

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

WORKING) We talk about things that we have We talk about events in the future already arranged to do in the which are 'timetabled'. future. •My plane leaves at 6 in the •I've got my ticket. I'm leaving on morning. Thursday. •The shop opens at 9.30. •I'm seeing Julie at 5 and then I'm •The sun rises a minute earlier having dinner with Simon. tomorrow. •He's picking me up at the Note the difference between: airport. *The plane leaves in ten minutes •The company is giving everyone (= statement of fact) a bonus for Christmas. *The plane's going to leave in ten

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Unit 4 words

shelter - a place where people are protected from bad weather or from danger Significantly- by a large amount, or in a way that is easily noticeable skyscraper - a very tall building containing offices or flats Slope- energy that uses the power of the Sun's light and heat to produce electricity Solar energy- energy that uses the power of the Sun's light and heat to produce electricity Solid- SCIENCE a solid substance is firm and hard and is not a liquid or a gas Steep- a steep slope rises quickly and is difficult to climb Terraced house- a house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides. The American word is row house Utility room- a small room in some houses that contains equipment such as a washing machine Virtually- used for emphasizing that a statement is almost completely true Winding- a winding road, river etc has a lot of bends in it Yard- a unit for measuring length. There are three feet or 36 inches in a yard. One yard is equal to 0.91 metres.

Keeled → Inglise keel_baaskursus
26 allalaadimist

Topic - London

Topic ­ London Tallinn English College Tallinn 2007 1. Introduction London is the capital city of the United Kingdom and the largest urban area in England. The ancient City of London, to which the name originally belonged, still maintains its medieval boundaries, but the name "London" has long applied more to the whole metropolis that has grown up around it. London has been an important settlement for over two millenniums. It is also one of the world's leading business, financial and cultural centres and its influence in politics, education, entertainment and even fashion contribute to its status as a major global city. London is a major tourist attraction with four world heritage sites, several royal parks and numerous iconic landmarks such as the Houses of Parliament, Towe Bridge, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and the London Eye. 2. History Although there is some evidence of a permanent settle...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Analysis of literature: prose (2 assignment)

One day, she decides to pour boiling water over Marie to chase the Devil out, declaring, "I will boil him from your mind if you make a peep... by filling you your ear" She puts Marie to sleep behind the stove. She stabs her through the hand with the fork, then takes the poker up alongside her head, and knocks her out. As a result of the painful torture she gets high on adrenaline. At first she experiences strength and feels mentally stronger and empowered. Marie feels that she rises above Sister Leopolda and is her master. In her mind she becomes a saint and tells the nun to kneel before her. As the numbness of the adrenaline fades away, the pain leads her into temporary insanity. They are both ambitious. 3 10. Speak on the motifs or symbols that you have noticed in `Saint Marie'. Motif: religion, devil, sadism Symbols: stove, stigma 11

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The article

• when referring to all there is/are: The girls in our class are more hard-working than the boys. The teacher is absent today. (the one who teaches this class) All the money in the world cannot buy you happiness. • when there is only one of something: the world, the sun, the moon, the earth, the sky, the ground, the environment, the atmosphere, the capital, the end, the arms trade, the tourist industry The sun rises in the east. • when referring to general geographical areas: the country(side), the sea, the seaside, the beach, the forest, the west I like to spend my holidays in the countryside. • before some collective nouns referring to a whole group of people: the police, the public, the army, the management, the government The government has raised the teachers’ salaries. • to turn an adjective into a noun to refer to a group of people in

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

441 supply tagavara, varu 442 surplus ülejääk 443 tax considerations maksu kaalutlused 444 tax cut maksualandus 445 taxation maksukoorem 446 teller ülevaade 447 tenant rentnik, üürnik 448 term deposit tähtajaline hoius 449 term of payment maksetähtaeg 450 tied credit kaubakrediit 451 time rate ajanorm 452 to curb pay rises palgatõusu piirama 453 to cut borrowing laene kärpima 454 to deter heidutama 455 to launch (the Euro) (Eurot) käibele laskma 456 to ratify a treaty lepingut allkirjastama 457 to reduce public spendings riiklikke kulutusi vähendama 458 to take responsibility vastutust võtma 459 top of the range tipptasemel 460 trade kaubandus, kauplema 461 trade credit vahetuskrediit

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun