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"rigid" - 137 õppematerjali


Serbia ja Montenegro

I Ajalugu Serbia ja Montenegro liitriigi moodustasid Serbia Vabariik (pealinn Belgrad) ja Montenegro Vabariik (pealinn Podgorica). Liitriigi pealinnaks oli Belgrad, kus asusid parlament ja president, kes oli ühtlasi valitsusjuht. Riigi kõrgeim kohus asus Podgoricas.3. juunil kuulutas 2006 kuulutas Montenegro end iseseisvaks. 5. juunil kuulutas Serbia end iseseisvaks ning Serbia ja Montenegro õigusjärglaseks. Kuna need rigid olid pikemat aega eraldi riikidena olnud,siis järgnevalt üldised ülevaated ajaloost mõlema riigi puhul: 1.1 Serbia Serbia riigi juured ulatuvad 9. sajandi esimesse poolde. Serbia kuningriik loodi 11. sajandil ja 14. sajandil sai sellest suurriik, mis langes türklaste kätte pärast Kosovo lahingut 1389. Osa Serbia piirkondi suutis veel 70 aastat vastu panna, enne kui Ottomani impeerium nad samuti 4 sajandiks annekteeris, hoolimata kolmest

Geograafia → Geograafia
28 allalaadimist

Kilekottide maksustamine Eestis

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Rahanduse ja majandusteooria instituut Kristina Mazova Kilekottide maksustamine Eestis Uurimistöö Juhendaja: Jelena Rõbakova Tallinn 2017 Deklareerin, et olen koostanud töö iseseisvalt ja olen viidanud kõikidele töö koostamisel kasutatud teiste autorite töödele, olulistele seisukohtadele ja andmetele, ning ei ole esitanud sama tööd varasemalt ainepunktide saamiseks. Töö pikkuseks on 3800 sõna sissejuhatusest kuni kokkuvõtte lõpuni. Kristina Mazova ................................. (allkiri, kuupäev) Üliõpilase kood: 155485TAAB Üliõpilase e-posti aadress: [email protected] Juhendaja: Elena Rõbakova Töö vastab kehtivatele nõuetele ................................................... (allkiri, kuupäev) ...

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

description, meaning what it does here in our world, designates someone else (Cameron, Strawson, . . . ), or no one at all--since in some other possible worlds the Conservatives won the election, and in some there was no elec- tion, and so forth. This is why the description's referent changes from world to world. Let us call such a singular term, one that designates different things in dif- ferent worlds, a flaccid designator. It contrasts specifically with what Kripke calls a rigid designator: a term that is not flaccid, that does not change its referent from world to world, but denotes the very same item in every world (at least in every world in which that item exists. 2) Rigidity and proper names Now we are able to state Kripke's further objection to description theories of proper names (1972/1980: 74ff.): a definite description of the sort Russell had in mind is flaccid, as has just been illustrated. Yet proper names, Kripke says,

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur quiz 1 mõisted

1. Society- people who interact in such a way as to share a common culture. The cultural bond may be ethnic or racial or geographical, based on gender, or due to shared beliefs, values, and activities. 2. Culture- beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics common to the members of a particular group or society. 3. A unitary state- a state governed as one single power in which the central government is ultimately supreme and any administrative divisions (subnational units) exercise only powers that their central government chooses to delegate. The majority of states in the world have a unitary system of government. 4. A federal state-- a political entity characterized by a union of partially self- governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. 5. A multinational state- A multinational state is a sovereign state which is viewed as comprising two or more nations. Such a state contrasts with a nation-state...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

õpiku peatükid 1-7 vastused

(üldpõhimõte: Jõustunud õigusakt ei oma tagasiulatuvat jõudu, vaäljaarvatud 2 erandit: tagasiulatuvat jõudu omavad seadused, mis seda sõnaselgelt sätestavad (nt kasutatakse varaliste suhete reguleerimisel)Kriminaal seadus, kui ta kõrvaldab teo karitatavuse või kergendab karistust. 12. Mis on riigi territoorium õigusakti ruumilise kehtivuse tähenduses? 7 Triinu Hansalu TTÜ 2008 Ruumilisest asbektist ­ kõik rigid kehtestavad oma õigusaktid reeglina kogu oma riigi territooriumile. Ainult teatavatel juhtudel võib riik kehtestada üksikuid õigus akte, millel on lokaalne tähendus ­ kehtib ainult riigi territooriumi teatud osa ulatuses. 13. Milliste isikute suhtes kehtivad nende asukohariigi õigusaktid? Välisriikide diplomaadid ja nende abikaasad, nad omavad nn eksterritoriaalsuse õigust ehk diplomaatilist immuniteeti. 14

Õigus → Õigusõpetus
409 allalaadimist

Ajastu ja helikeele üldiseloomustus, võrdlus keskaja muusikaga

Hakkab 14.sajandi keskpaigas määrama kunstmuusika stiili. Konservatiivne ja alalhoidlik stiil Kirik hakkas tõrjuma ilmalikku muusikat. 13.saj keelustati motet. 1324(5) kiriku vastasseid muutub suureks Johannes XXII annab välja ,, Docta Sanatorum'' -> taunib uue stiili kasutamist. 14.saj muutub Euroopa poliitiline pilt. 1328 suri Charles IV dünastia esindaja Edward Valois'e dünastia? Inglismaa ja Prantsusmaa vahel tekib 100 aastane soda 1337-1453-> laostab mõlemad rigid. Tüli põhjused: Prantsuse troon Flondria (Belgia) omamise soov 1360 loovutab Prantsusmaa ühe rahulepinguga Inglismaale suuri alasid. 1415 toimub Prantsusmaa aadlike jaoks räige lahing Azinoourt. Sellega lõppes aadlike kultuur. 14.saj Euroopas hakkab endast märku andma Põhja-Itaalia-> kujuneb varakapitalistlik ühiskond, arusaamad haritust inimesest-> renesanssi aluseks Sõna renesanss tuleb prantsuse keeles sõnast renaisnnance, itaalia keeles rinascimento -> tähendavad

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
60 allalaadimist

Euroopa 16.- 19. sajand

Viimaste hulgast võib esile tuua need, mida seoses Saksamaa ühendamisega pidas Austri ja Preisimaa. Nendest olulisemad olid 1864. aastal peetud Austria-Preisi ja 1870-1871 aset leidnud Prantsuse- Preisi sõda. Põhimõttelised muudatused toimusid ka relvajõudude komplekteerimises: algas üleminek üldisele sõjaväekohustuseleja selle alusel massiarmee loomine. Napoleoni ajastu sõdadesse kaasati juba enneolematud inimhulgad. Seetõttu pidid kõik rigid, kes etendasid Euroopas keskset rolli, sõjaväge moderniseerima. 18. sajandi viimase veerandiga võrreldes kasvasid eriti märgatavalt just Prantsuse ja Venemaa regulaararmeed. Suurriikidest oli mõneti erilises seisundis Suurbritannia, kellel geograafilise asendi, koloniaalvalduste, ühiskonna sotsiaalse struktuuri ning välispoliitilise konseptsiooni tõttu ei olnud vaja hoolitseda niivõrd maavägede, kuivõrd sõjalaevastiku võitlusvõime pärast

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
32 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

Paintings appeared as unified optical textures and increased in scale. Various shapes were united into dominant islands, zones and boundless fields of intense and homogenous color. Expanses of bright hues produced unbroken "color fields" and did not stress sequential linear detail and formal diversity. The mood is one of mystic quietude. The transition period from action painting to color-field has been termed "post-painterly abstraction". Chromatic expression reduced to monochromes and rigid geometrics. Exemplary artist. Mark Rothko (mid-C20). He combined Surrealist automatism with human, animal and plant forms into inventive biomorphs. His compositions are soft, luminous and rectangular. The boundaries between forms and grounds are deliberately hazy. His works evoke a meditative mood. Subsidiary artists: Clyfford Still, Sam Francis, Barnett Newmann, Adolph Gottlieb, Ad Reinhardt. 6 Realist Trends

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

Paintings appeared as unified optical textures and increased in scale. Various shapes were united into dominant islands, zones and boundless fields of intense and homogenous color. Expanses of bright hues produced unbroken "color fields" and did not stress sequential linear detail and formal diversity. The mood is one of mystic quietude. The transition period from action painting to color-field has been termed "post-painterly abstraction". Chromatic expression reduced to monochromes and rigid geometrics. Exemplary artist. Mark Rothko (mid-C20). He combined Surrealist automatism with human, animal and plant forms into inventive biomorphs. His compositions are soft, luminous and rectangular. The boundaries between forms and grounds are deliberately hazy. His works evoke a meditative mood. Subsidiary artists: Clyfford Still, Sam Francis, Barnett Newmann, Adolph Gottlieb, Ad Reinhardt. 6 Realist Trends

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

infinitesimal, while the obvious incompletion of the syntactic period says, go on. The one scissors the other. These conflicting signals, in heightening readily tension, also thereby heighten awareness, so that in fact one is made more aware of the word at line-end than its predecessors”. (1993, 359). It is a resource whose “tension” ends directly at the result before mentioned: that mixture of fluid orality and rigid strophic structure, that does that, for example, the reader almost can read of a pull the first phrase of nine verses of “High Windows” or the twenty-five verses that there are before the first point in “Here”. The reader is caught in the “speed” of the poem, to which also contributes to the narrative use of both points. There are two resources that become structural markers in all poems, something that there is to very consider in the translation.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

Individual Differences (Differential Psychology) Psychology 1 It is generally assumed that: Differential Psychology · People vary on a range of psychological attributes Ian Deary · It is possible to measure and study these individual differences · Individual differences are useful for explaining and predicting behaviour and performance Differential psychology reading Human...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

To appoint sb to office ­ tööle määrama? Misuse ­ usually no malicious attempt. Abuse ­ more like when you do it with you malicious attempt ­ kuri tahe Property law / law of property ­ asjaõigus Moveables Immoveables Common sense ­ rational, reasonable thinking. Separation ­ lahku kolimine nt Divorce ­ lahutus Hate crime ­ vihkamiskuriteod CIS ­ commonwealth of independent states ­ SRÜ rigid NIS ­ new independent states ­ uued iseseisvunud rigid Statutory rape ­ alaealise vägistamine (ei tulene kohtu poolt tehtavatest seadustest) (ei kasutata pretsedenti) Case law system ­ kohtulahendi süsteem Apply a law ­ seadust vastu võtma Implementation law ­ rakendusseadus Make law Law-making law Interpretation - tõlk ­ tõlgib suuliselt Translation ­ tõlkija, tõlgib kirjalikult Simultaneous interpretation ­ sünkroontõlge (klapid peas, aparatuuriga tõlge) Consecutive in ­ järeltõlge (suuline tõlge ilma aparaadiga)

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

Structural Testing Of Homebuilt Aircraft

Except for constant chord that transfers wing forces into the nitely no foam here! wings, which for obvious reasons fuselage. We do not want to unnec- One final thought - if our aircraft usually do not employ any twist, essarily overload this bulkhead, so we is heavy, really heavy, and/or the wings of present day aircraft rarely better seek the designer's advice. floor is not very rigid, and/or the fix- use more than a few degrees of twist. One way to avoid complications in ture is not very stiff, we may At the high AOA occurring during this situation is to support the wing experience difficulties in measuring that intense pull up, this small spar(s) outside the fuselage at the wing deflection during the proof amount of twist has almost no influ- point where the wing "enters" the loading

Mehaanika → Abimehanismid
4 allalaadimist

Geopoliitika lühikonspekt

Sest sellisel juhul oleks Ukraina geopoliitiliseks tasakaalustajaks poola üleliigsete ambitsioonide vastu, kes soovib selles regioonis domineerida. Juba Zbigniew Brzezinski on kirjutanud, et Ukrainal võib olla suur tuelvik. Teised geopoliitilised ühendused Regimaalste ühenduste gruppi kuukub veel 1991. Aasta detsembris loodud ülemineku liit Sõltumatute Riikide Ühenduss, kuhu on kuulunud kõik endised NSV Liidu liiduvabariigid, va. Balti rigid. V- Üutini võimuletueluga on seal hakatud süvendama Venemaa, kui vanema venna rolli. 1998. aastal kerkis Venemaale päevakorda uue NSV Liidu loomine Euroaasia ühenduse nime all. SRÜ riigid on loonud ka oma ühendatud relvajõud Kollektiivse julgeoleku organisatsiooni nimeall. Rahvusvahelised geopoliitilised regioonid. Üheks selleks on raahvusvahelise statuudiga tAntartika kontinent, mis ei tohi kuukuda ühelegi riigile ning seal ei lubata käeoleval ajal teostada

Politoloogia → Poliitika ja valitsemise...
7 allalaadimist


and at high speeds. The drill shank is at the end that fits into the chuck of the drill. Straight-shank drills are used to drill holes to about ½ inch in diameter. Larger holes are usually drilled with the taper-shank drill. The square-shank drill is made to use in a brace. Bench grinder is provided with two wheels. Usually one wheel is coarse for grinding, the other fine for tool sharpening and finish grinding. Bench grinders should be sufficiently heavy and rigid to minimize vibration, and should be securely mounted in place. They should be provided with shields and guards for the safety of personnel. The shield should be provided with non-shatterable glass. All new wheels should be run at full operating speed for at least 1 minute, during which time the operator should stand at one side in case the wheel should be defective and break. Sander/Sandblast is provided with sanding sheets covered on one side with sand

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

reliability, reduced time-to-market on games, device independence, platform scalability, the prevention of lock-in to a particular platform, and a broader target market. It names several media API that may be useful, including Java 3D, JMF and Java Sound, and suggests the creation of some new ones: APIs for physics modeling, animation, and game marshalling. Companies involved in the project include Math Engine (, who developed the Karma rigid body dynamics API, and GameSpy ( who offer toolkits that allow players to utilise various multiplayer game servers. The proposal does not say how these extensions will be crammed into a typical game console, which may explain why there hasn't been much activity in the last year. 7 Games Programming with Java and Java 3D Currently, the Java Game Profile specification is due out in the second quarter of 2003.

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Ajalugu (Maailm 20-nda sajandi alguses)

1946 alustasid Kreekas kommunistid mässu, saades abi NSVLilt. Seoses Nõukogude ohuga tegi USA president Truman märtsis 1947 kongressile ettepaneku osutada nendele riikidele sõjalist ja majanduslikku abi. Ta lubas, et edaspidi annab USA samasugust abi kõikidele vabadele rahvastele, keda ähvardab samasugune oht. Doktriini põhimõtete rakendus oli USA riigisekretäri Marschalli plaan. Selleks, et sõjas kannatanud Euroopa rigid ei oleks kommunistlikele ideedele vastuvõtlikud, andis USA 1948- 52 17le Euroopa riigile abi kolmeteist mijardi dollari eest. Eesmärk oli panna Euroopa majandus jalule, et USA saaks oma kaupu eksportida. USA pakkus abi kogu Euroopale, kuid tingimusel, et loobutakse ettevõtete riigistamisest ja abi kasutamist kontrollitakse. Nõukogude Liit nimetas seda teiste riikide siseasjadesse sekkumiseks ja koos Ida-Euroopa ning Soomega keelduti abist.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
617 allalaadimist


of that situation is the patent law inflexibility to adjust in accordance with progress. In the light of the work, author established two hypotheses: (1) is current patent law slowing down innovation and commercialization of nanotechnology; and (2) is fitting nanotechnological inventions into valid patent law impossible and to grant effective protection and process, it is necessary to use different solutions or to great another framework. In conclusion, patent law is undoubtedly too rigid to regulate patenting of extreme interdisciplinary technology, thereby ensuring effective protection and natural growth. Potential solutions are alleviating the situation and do not eliminate problems, mainly because of the upstream research over-patenting by universities and private enterprises. It is too late to make fundamental amendments in patent law, primarily due to previous over-patenting, where patents in complex patent sets are potential litigation source and would make situation more

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Majandusajaloo arvestustöö kordamisküsimuste vastused

võib tekida tööpuudus kohalike elanike seas. Samuti suured probleemid vananenva rahvastikuga. Jaapani 1920-1921. aasta majanduskriis Esimene maailmasõda oli Jaapanile tõukeks majanduse arendamisel. Sõja ajal haaras Jaapan endale turge Kuag-Idas ja Kagu-Aaasias. Nii oli sõja lõpuks peaaegu pool Hiina väliskaubandusest Jaapani firmade käes. Jaapani majanduse edu oli aga lühiajaline. Pärast esimese maailmasõja lõppu suurenadsid Euroopa rigid oma kaupade väljavedu aasiasse ning Jaapani ettevõtjad kaotasid oma monopoolse seisundi. Sõjaajal loodud tootmisaparaat ületas rahuaja vajaduse. Kriis sai aga alguse just krediitisüsteemist. 1920. kevadel läks pankrotti mitukümmend Jaapani panka ning tekkis krediidisfääri kriis.Tunduvalt vähenes ka tööstustootmine. Uueks nähtuseks Jaapani majanduses olid ka töötud. Jaapani 1927. aasta ületootmiskriisi tunnused 1927. aastal hakkasid tekkima ületootmise tunnused

Majandus → Majandus
156 allalaadimist

Suur Kokkuvõte Ajaloo 9.kl õpikust

· Savikujukesed. Mesopotaamia Looduslikud olud ­ Eufrati ja Tigrise vahelisel alal. Praegune Iraak. Eripärad ­ head tingimused põllumajanduseks loodi ise kuivatamise ja niisutamisega. Ehitusmaterjalid ­ ei olnud puitu ega kivi. Kasutati pilliroogu ja savi. Savitsivilisatsioon. Avatus ­ Väga palju sõdimist. Asus avatud alal. Võttis omaks teiste rahvaste kultuure. Tsivilisatsiooni algus ­ vanim tsivilisatsioon. Kiri ja kihistumine. Mesopotaamia rigid : Sumeri Linnriigid 3000-2340 Kiilkiri, Ühtne riik puudus. Ur, Uruk, Lagas. Rahva päritolu teadmata. Ratas, potikeder. Templiühiskond. Vanim eepos ,,Gilgames". Akadi riik 2340-2160 Kuningas Sargon lõi I Suurriigi Mesopotaamia ajaloos. Semiidid. Vana-Babüloonia 1792-1595 Hammurapi vallutas kogu Mesopotaamia ja rajas suurriigi. Seadustekogu

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
36 allalaadimist

Russian philology

In modern times, the monumental Dialectological Atlas of the Russian Language ( [dlktitskj ats ruskv jzka]), was published in three folio volumes 1986­1989, after four decades of preparatory work. Orthography Russian spelling is reasonably phonemic in practice. It is in fact a balance among phonemics, morphology, etymology, and grammar; and, like that of most living languages, has its share of inconsistencies and controversial points. A number of rigid spelling rules introduced between the 1880s and 1910s have been responsible for the former whilst trying to eliminate the latter. The current spelling follows the major reform of 1918, and the final codification of 1956. An update proposed in the late 1990s has met a hostile reception, and has not been formally adopted. The punctuation, originally based on Byzantine Greek, was in the 17th and 18th centuries reformulated on the French and German models.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

..And the cars. Jesus Christ. The frenetic flow of tightly packed cars was unlike anything I'd ever seen anywhere. There was always an ambulance, patrol car, or fire engine trying to part the flood of yellow taxis with the electronic wail of ear-splitting sirens. I was in awe of the lumbering garbage trucks that navigated tiny one-way streets and the package delivery drivers who braved the bumper-to-bumper traffic while facing rigid deadlines. Real New Yorkers cruised right through it all, their love for the city as comfortable and familiar as a favorite pair of shoes. They didn't view the steam billowing from potholes and vents in the sidewalks with romantic delight and they didn't blink an eye when the ground vibrated beneath their feet as the subway roared by below, while I grinned like an idiot and flexed my toes. New York was a brand new love affair for me. I was starry-eyed and it showed.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist

A New Earth

churches and religions, there are signs of change. It is heartwarming, and one is grateful for even the slightest signs of openness, such as Pope John Paul II visiting a mosque as well as a synagogue. Partly as a result of the spiritual teachings that have arisen outside the established religions, but also due to an influx of the ancient Eastern wisdom teachings, a growing number of followers of traditional religions are able to let go of identification with form, dogma, and rigid belief systems and discover the original depth that is hidden within their own spiritual tradition at the same time as they discover the depth within themselves. They realize that how “spiritual” you are has nothing to do with what you believe but everything to do with your state of consciousness. This, in turn, determines how you act in the world and interact with others. Those unable to look beyond form become even more deeply

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

implicitly. Petrol is a highly dangerous and fuel, and care should be taken to avoid off at least five times, and check for fuel volatile liquid and the precautions necessary spillage. leakage. when handling it cannot be overstressed. Every 36 000 miles or 3 years 2 The rigid and flexible hydraulic pipes and 37 Timing belt renewal - CVH hoses should be inspected for leaks or 38 Brake components check damage regularly. Although the rigid lines are engines plastic-coated in order to preserve them

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

Upon my knees, oh, save me from the torment Of being possessed by one whom I abhor! And do not drive me to some desperate act By exercising all your rights upon me. ORGON (a little touched) Come, come, my heart, be firm! no human weakness! MARIANE I am not jealous of your love for him; Display it freely; give him your estate, And if that's not enough, add all of mine; I willingly agree, and give it up, If only you'll not give him me, your daughter; Oh, rather let a convent's rigid rule Wear out the wretched days that Heaven allots me. ORGON These girls are ninnies!--always turning nuns When fathers thwart their silly love-affairs. Get on your feet! The more you hate to have him, The more 'twill help you earn your soul's salvation. So, mortify your senses by this marriage, And don't vex me about it any more. DORINE But what . . . ? ORGON You hold your tongue, before your betters. Don't dare to say a single word, I tell you. CLEANTE

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

When a situation calls for courtship, a courtship tape gets played; when a situation calls for mothering, a maternal behavior tape gets played. Click and the appropriate tape is activated; whirr and out rolls the standard se- quence of behaviors. The most interesting aspect of all this is the way the tapes are activated. When an animal acts to defend its territory for instance, it is the intrusion of another an- imal of the same species that cues the territorial-defense tape of rigid vigilance, threat, and, if need be, combat behaviors; however, there is a quirk in the system. It is not the rival as a whole that is the trigger; it is, rather, some specific feature, the trigger feature. Often the trigger feature will be just one tiny aspect of the total- ity that is the approaching intruder. Sometimes a shade of color is the trigger fea- ture. The experiments of ethologists have shown, for instance, that a male robin,

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Turismiettevõtluse lõpueksami märksõnade konspekt

Kruiisilavede reisijad sadamalinnades Turismilinnad jagunevad oma iseloomult kaheks: 1. linn kui puhkekoht külastajale loodud tarbimisinfrastruktuur poed, kultuuriasutused (teatrid, muuseumid, kinod jmt), söögijoogikohad 16 2. linn kui ajalugu linn on eriline oma ajaloo ja/või kultuuri poolest keskaegne Tallinn, moodne metropol London, igavene linn Rooma 34. Euroopa kui populaarseim reisisihtkoht maailmas Peamised sihtriigid=suuremad rigid hästi kujunenud suvise ning talvise perioodiga ning erinevate atraktsioonidega. II järku sihtkohad Vahemere ääres ning Kesk Euroopas Skandinaavia: eriline ja eksootiline kuid liiga kallis ning suvi liiga lühike Euroopa perifeeria (väike) riigid, sh Eesti Peamised sihtriigid = suured riigid hästi kujunenud suvise ja talvise perioodiga ning erinevate atraktsioonidega II järgu sihtkohad Vahemere ääres ning KeskEuroopas (Tshehhi, Poola??,

Turism → Turismiettevõtlus
114 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

RDO Remote Data Object RDP Reliable Datagram Protocol + Remote Desktop Protocol RDR Remote Data Recovery RDRAM Rambus DRAM RDSL (See DSL) RDSR Receiver Data Service Request RDTO Receive Data Transfer Offset [IBM] RDX Realistic Display Mixer .REC Recorder (file name extension) + Recreational or Entertainment Activities (Domain Name) [Internet] REC. Recreation [USENET Newsgroup Category] .REF Reference (file name extension) REG Register REGAL Rigid Epoxy Glass Acrylic Laminate REGEDIT Registry Editor [Microsoft] RELSECT Relative Sector REM Remark + Remote + Ring Error Monitor REN Rename + Ringer Equivalence Number REP Repeat REPE Repeat while Equal REPNE Repeat while Not Equal REPNZ Repeat while Not Zero REPZ Repeat while Zero REQ Request REREG Re-Register RES Remote Execution Service + Reset + Resolution .RES Resource (file name extension) RET Resolution Enhancement Technology [HP] + Return RETR Retrieve

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

ARCHETYPES A S FUNCTIONS W h e n I first began working with these ideas I thought of an archetype as a fixed role which a character would play exclusively throughout a story. Once I identified a character as a mentor, I expected her to remain a mentor and only a mentor. How­ ever, as I worked with fairy tale motifs as a story consultant for Disney Animation, I encountered another way of looking at the archetypes — not as rigid character roles but as functions performed temporarily by characters to achieve certain effects in a story. T h i s observation comes from the work of the Russian fairy tale expert V l a d i m i r Propp, whose book, Morphology of the Folktale, analyzes motifs and recurrent patterns in hundreds of Russian tales. Looking at the archetypes in this way, as flexible character functions rather than as rigid character types, can liberate your storytelling. It explains how a charac­

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

together in silence. She was shy, too. When we entered the classroom, Angela went to sit at a black-topped lab table exactly like the ones I was used to. She already had a neighbor. In fact, all the tables were filled but one. Next to the center aisle, I recognized Edward Cullen by his unusual hair, sitting next to that single open seat. As I walked down the aisle to introduce myself to the teacher and get my slip signed, I was watching him surreptitiously. Just as I passed, he suddenly went rigid in his seat. He stared at me again, meeting my eyes with the strangest expression on his face -- it was hostile, furious. I looked away quickly, shocked, going red again. I stumbled over a book in the walkway and had to catch myself on the edge of a table. The girl sitting there giggled. I'd noticed that his eyes were black -- coal black. Mr. Banner signed my slip and handed me a book with no nonsense about introductions. I could tell we were going to get along

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

A 36 comprehensive digital 3D model of the entire facade provided the manufacturing data for all prefabricated elements as well as the related labeling information, packing lists and transportation schedules (Menges, 2006). Figure 10. Seele’s CNC Manufacturing Equipment (Menges, 2006). The fabrication and construction of building façades made from rigid materials such as metal and glass require a great range of forming and fabrication processes. Seele used a wide range of different CAD/CAM processes. Metal and aluminum profiles were cut by a numerically controlled saw permitting the rapid production of different length work pieces (Figure 10). A special CNC drilling and welding unit created holes and fixed stud poles according to digitally defined distance and angle information. Sheet material was

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist


to injury. Lizzie Ellis (The Feline Rescue Association Inc, Maryland, USA) provided this photo of a folded ear apparently caused by frostbite. The ears had to be surgically removed. This shows how inury, including haematoma ("cauliflower" or collapsed ears from fighting) and frostbite can mimic folded ears at a casual glance. CURL-EARED CATS The first recognised curl-eared breed was the American Curl. The ears are curled or swept back on themselves and feel rigid to the touch. The originate from a stray kitten, Shulamith, in 1981. Shulamith was a black longhair female with strangely curled ears. She went on to produce kittens, some of which also had curled ears. These attracted attention when shown at a cat show in 1983 and in 1985/6 the American Curl breed was recognised. The mutation is a dominant gene so litters will often contain a mix of curl-eared and prick- eared cats

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


remained far ahead of its enemies through the rest of the war. What happened has best been told in his own style by the minister who then headed the Admiralty, the First Lord, Winston Churchill: At the beginning of September, 1914, the German light cruiser Magdeburg was wrecked in the Baltic. The body of a drowned German under-officer was picked up by the Russians a few hours later, and clasped in his bosom by arms rigid in death, were the cypher and signal books of the German Navy and the minutely squared maps of the North Sea and Heligoland Bight. On September 6 the Russian Naval ATTACHÉ came to see me. He had received a message from Petrograd telling him what had happened, and that the Russian Admiralty with the aid of the cypher and signal books had been able to decode portions at least of the German naval messages. The Russians felt that as the leading

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist


Even in the frame of a single symphony, with one axis idea and scheme, several stylistic moods are possible. Let it be emphasised that the ideology is the yardstick of the classification. Even in the frame of one trend quite different artistic and stylistic expressions are conceivable and it is not possible, even in the frame of one symphony, to determine where it belongs. Therefore an artistic trend in symphonic creation is not something rigid and inflexible but a disputable and elastic common denominator. The First Trend. The early Estonian symphonic music, where the influence of the great masters (Beethoven) and Romantics (Schumann, Tchaikovsky etc) are obvious both in ideas and style, where Estonian folk music and national ideology play either a secondary role or are lacking. For example, Tobias’s overture Julius Caesar and his Piano Concerto

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


■ TWO FACTORS THAT HOLD YOU BACK There are two major factors that stand in the way of you using more of your natural intelligence. They are psychosclerosis and homeostasis. ccc_tracy_8_136-153.qxd 6/23/03 2:48 PM Page 144 144 ➤ CHANGE YOUR THINKING, CHANGE YOUR LIFE Psychosclerosis is another name for “hardening of the attitudes.” This is experienced by a particular type of person who is rigid, in- flexible, and unchanging. This is the kind of person who develops fixed attitudes on a certain person or subject and then resists any at- tempt to change his mind. This is often called the mechanical way of thinking.You probably know people who suffer from it. The opposite way of thinking is more open and flexible. This is called the adaptive worldview. Adaptive people keep their minds open to new information

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

roughly 200 calories each. How did I measure the calories? I didn't. I put together an exact meal plan for just ONE week, bought all the ingredients, stuck to it religiously. From that point on, I didn't have to do the hard work anymore. I became aware after just one week of roughly how many calories were in a portion of di erent types of food and just guessed. Again, trying to literally count calories sucks and is demotivating. Setting up a rigid template for a week and then using it as a basic guide is sustainable and fun. "Just a few more disconnected tips: "I set up a workstation where I could pedal on a recumbent bike while working. I did real work, wrote parts of The Passionate Programmer, played video games, chatted with friends, and watched ridiculous television shows I'd normally be ashamed to be wasting my time on all while staying in my aerobic zone. I know a lot of creative people who hate exercise because it's boring

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

4 kg) were mixed application of heat. Shaping can be done by together for one minute and stuffed into a forcing the meat pieces into a casing or a pressure mold with the muscles fibers running mold. The mold could be a simple vacuum along the length of the mold to obtain 12 bag in which the meat pieces are stuffed and treatment combinations [3 pressures (1380, then shaped manually by hand, or a more 4137, and 6895 kPa) × 4 homogenates (0%, rigid container made of plastic or metal. 2.5%, 5%, and 10% wt of meat strips)]. A Pressure can be applied to the meat pieces manual hydraulic press machine was used to during shaping using different press methods, apply the required pressures to the mixture of including evacuating the air in the mold meat homogenate and strips in the mold, and using a vacuum machine or by using a the whole setup was transferred to a −30°C hydraulic press in order to improve the

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun