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"replace" - 196 õppematerjali

replace - asendama,välja vahetama

Viitamise ja muutuste jälitamise kodutöö

käituma. Selleks on vaja aega ja kogemusi. [3] VIIDATUD ALLIKAD [1] Riigiteataja, Liiklusseadus, Tallinn: Riigikogu, 2011. RT I 2010, 44, 261. [2] Maanteeamet, Koolituse liigid. Available: id=10735. [Kasutatud 10.12.2014]. [3] M. Rossmann, 2009, Kas kõiges on süüdi ikka autokoolid? Virumaa Teataja, 05.02. Juhised asendamise käsu kasutamise kohta 3. ülesande kommentaaris nõutule 1. Vali Home menüüst käsk Replace. (Avaleht-Asenda) 2. Avanenud aknas vali käsk More. (Rohkem) 3. Vii kursor Find what reale ja vali Special ripploendist kaks korda järjest käsk Paragraph Mark. (Otsitav-Muud-Lõigumärk) 4. Liigu Replace with reale ning vali Special ripploendist käsk Paragraph Mark, vt joonist. (Asendaja-Muud-Lõigumärk) 5. Klõpsa käsul Replace All. (Asenda kõik)

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
10 allalaadimist

Ms Exel tekstifunktsioonid

MS Excel. Tekstifunktsioonid. =PROPER(tekst) ­ Teisendab esimese tähe suurtäheks, kõik teised tähed teisendab väiketähtedeks. =PROPER("mets") - Mets =LEN(tekst) ­ tagastab tekstistringi märkide arvu. Tekst ­ tekst, mille pikkust soovite leida. Tühikuid loendatakse märkidena. =LEN("mets") - 4 =LEFT(tekst;märkide arv) ­ tagastab esimese märgi või märgid, sõltuvalt teie määratud märkide arvust. =LEFT("mets;2") - me =RIGHT(tekst;märkide arv) ­ tagastab tekstistringi viimase märgi või märgid, sõltuvalt määratud märkide arvust. =RIGHT("mets;2") - ts =MID(tekst;algusnr;märkide arv) ­ tagastab tekstistringist määratud arvu märke, alates määratud kohast stringis ja põhinedes määratud märkide arvul. =MID("tund12";3;2) ­ nd =LOWER(tekst) ­ Teisendab kõik suurtähed väiketähtedeks. =CONCATENATE(tekst1;tekst2;...;tekst30) - Ühendab mitu tekstistringi üheks tekstistringiks. =CONCATENATE(A3;" ,,;A4) =REPT(tekst; ar...

Informaatika → Informaatika
52 allalaadimist

Andmebaasisüsteemide alused


Informaatika → Andmebaasisüsteemide alused
153 allalaadimist

Word ja Excel märksõnad-seletused

WORD Lehekülje häälestus (vasakult 3,5cm) : Page layout- margins-custom margins.. CTRL+A- teeb kogu teksti siniseks Üleliigsete tühjade ridade eemaldamine: Replace-more-special-paragraph mark-Otsi: ^p^p Asenda: ^p Nurksulgude eemaldamine: replace- [any character] Viide lõigu lõppu: year accessed-millal külastasid. Sõna tähtede vahe: font-spacing CTRL+D-dubleerib CTRL+c-copy CTRL+V ­paste EXCEL Tabeli andmete muutmine: Select data-edit Countif-(kogus palju mida on)-nt mehi kokku Mode-kõige sagedamini esinev hinne Ceiling-...=CEILING(B4*1,2;0,05) Averageif-keskmine (sugu,kriteerium, tunnus) IF-logical test (C1=D1) True,False Teksti ühendamine: =A1&" on sündinud "&C1&". Aastal ja ta on tähtkujult "&F1&" Sumif- nt hind kriteeriumite järgi (NIMI;KRIT,HIND) Suur täht =proper() Esitäht =left(A1) Format cels-custom- #" sorti"

Informaatika → Arvuti töövahendina
9 allalaadimist

Kirja kirjutamine inglise keeles

1. Salutation 2. Reasons for writing I am writing to complain about a kettle … 3. Complaint with justification / explanation I was disappointed with the quality of the kettle that I bought at your store two days ago. I was appalled at the inferior quality of the kettle that was sold to me at your store two days ago. 4. Expected solution I expect you to replace the kettle or refund the money. I insist that you refund my money or replace the item at once. 5. Closing remarks I look forward to your reply on the matter. I hope this matter will be resolved. 6. Sign-off Letter of application 1. Salutation 2. Reasons for writing I am writing in response to your advertisement in Sakala on Tuesday March 24. I would like to apply for … 3. Qualifications + previous experience

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Letters of Complaint

LETTERS OF COMPLAINT MILD COMPLAINT: · I am writing to complain about/regarding (puutuvalt)/ on account of/ because of/ on the subject of.. I am writing to draw your attention to../I am writing to you in connection with.. I am writing to complain about a damaged videotape I bought at your shop. · I hope you will deal with this matter/resolve this matter quickly. I assume you will replace.. I trust the situation will improve I hope the matter will be resolved I hope we can sort this matter out amicably (heatahtlikult) I trust this matter will receive your immediate attention. STRONG COMPLAINT: · I am writing to express my disgust at (the appalling treatment I received while staying at your hotel) I was appalled at (kohkunud) I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with I feel I must protest/complain about

Keeled → Inglise keel
64 allalaadimist

Loendid, äärised ja varjustus - MS Word 2003

ette antud sümbolite rida ja vajaduse korral saab sümbolite rea asendada teisega, muuta väiketähti suurteks, muuta kirjatüüpi jne. Sümbolite rea asendamiseks tuleb valida menüükäsk Redigeeri > Asenda… (ingl. Edit > Replace…) või kasutada klahvikombinatsiooni Ctrl+H (ainult otsimiseks Ctrl+F).  Otsitav (ingl. Find What) – lahtrisse kirjutada sümbolite rida, mida soovitakse otsida;  Asendaja (ingl. Replace With) – asendatav sõna;  nupp Asenda (ingl. Replace) – asendatakse leitud sõne (string) ainult selles kohas;  nupp Asenda kõik (ingl. Replace All) – asendatakse leitud sõne kogu dokumendis;  nupp Otsi järgmine (ingl. Find Next) – leitakse järgmine sõne, mida asendada. Lisavõimalused nupuga Rohkem (ingl. More):   Erista suurtähti (ingl. Match Case) – tehakse vahet suurtel ja väikestel tähtedel;

Informaatika → Tekstitöötlus
3 allalaadimist


MUUTUSTE JÄLITAMINE 1. Vaata õppematerjali „Rühmatöövahendid Wordis“ või mõnda muud materjali muudatuste jälitamise (Track changes) kohta. 2. Välju muudatuste jälitamise režiimist (Review-Track Changes). 3. Paranda käesoleva ülesande 5. punkti all olevas tekstis olevad vead vastavalt tehtud muudatustele (Review-Accept). 4. Tee läbi kommentaaris nõutu (vt allolevat juhist).  Vali Home menüüst käsk Replace.  Avanenud aknas vali käsk More.  Vii kursor Find what reale ja vali Special ripploendist kaks korda järjest käsk Paragraph Mark, vt joonist.  Liigu Replace with reale ning vali Special ripploendist käsk Paragraph Mark, vt joonist.  Klõpsa käsul Replace All. VIITAMINE 5. Korrigeeri vajadusel viidete asukohta vastavalt TTK kirjalike tööde vormistamise juhises olevatele nõuetele ja näidetele

Informaatika → Informaatika
1 allalaadimist

Andmekaevandamine Amazoni Raamatud SQL-iga

Task 1: In order to determine the number of people who have purchased both book X and book Y a function has been written in PLPGSQL. The SELECT sentence in the given function operates the following way 1) it selects all IDs of people who have purchased book Y 2) it performs inner join of IDs selected in the first step with selection of IDs of people who have purchased book X 3) it counts the number of distinct IDs in the resulting set, thusly solving the problem CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION joint_buyers_text(integer, integer) RETURNS text AS $BODY$ DECLARE bookX ALIAS FOR $1; bookY ALIAS FOR $2; count integer; BEGIN SELECT INTO count COUNT(DISTINCT person_id) FROM ( SELECT p.person_id FROM person_book AS p INNER JOIN (SELECT person_id FROM person_book where book_id=bookY) AS b ON p.person_id=b.person_id WHERE p.book_id=bookX ) al;

Informaatika → Informaatika
20 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs task key

Doze off Fall asleep Magama jääma Turn down Reject Ära ütlema Butt in Interrupt segama Cover for Replace asendama Track down Find leidma Cut down Reduce vähendama Fill in Complete täitma Strip off Undress Lahti riietuma Pile up Accumulate kogunema Gulp down Eat/drink quickly kugistama Hold up Rob röövima Brush up Improve parandama Tart up Decorate kaunistama Give away Reveal Nähtavale tooma

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

your hotel from 1st of December to 4th of December. First of all, I stayed at a small room with noisy guests in the next room. Although, I had been told that I would be staying at a large private room far away from other guests. Second of all, the food was terrible. However, the brochure said that you have one of the best chefs in your hotel and that the food will be amazing. Furthermore, when I got the bill, I was shocked how overcharged I was. I assume you will replace my bad experiences with a full refund. I hope that this will not happen anymore and you improve your service. Yours faithfully, Kristi Rapper

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

A complaint letter

ordered from an online shop. A week later it stopped working properly. First of all, the on/off button is broken and does not let me open my phone. The screen colour of the device was also unacceptably almost black and white. In addition to this, the sound was a little bit off and I could no adjust it in the settings. For some reason I also could not see my messeages at all. No only the screen was borken, the camera was not working either. I suggest that you explain all that, replace the item or give me a full refund. I look foward to receiving your explanation. Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

A letter of complaint.

UK Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to complain about a faulty CD-walkman and your shop assistant's unprofessional behaviour. In the first place, I am not happy with my new CD-walkman. It played only on a steady surface. It also played the first three songs only and then started from the beginning. In addition to that, when I returned to the shop for help the shop assistant was very arrogant and did not provide me any help at all. I would, therefore, like you to return my money or replace my CD-walkman immediately and also talk with the shop assistant about her behaviour. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Merit Vislapu

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

which do you find easier to read and why? what is the difference between them? When the ICN equipment was first introduced, it was found to provide a flexible and advanced system. Its speed of operation was greater than comparable hardware then available. In recent months major faults have developed in the equipment. The local agent appears incapable of providing a reliable repair service. The system is regularly out of order for several days at a time. The makers have agreed to replace the system free of charge. The new equipment will not be installed for at least six months. Such a delay is clearly unacceptable to us. We should insist that ICN send their own engineer to service the equipment. The equipment should be transported to the ICN plant for inspection and repair there. When the ICN equipment was first introduced, it was found to provide a flexible and advanced system. Moreover, its speed of operation was greater than comparable hardware then available

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Visual Basicu keelereeglid

Avaldised muutuja = avaldis Tehted +-/* Mod (jääk) & (tekstide sidurdamine) Võrdlustehted = > < >= <= <> Tingimustes loogikatehted And Or Not Kontrollifunktsioonid IsNumeric, IsDate Teisendusfunktsioonid CInt, CDbl, CStr, CDate Ajafunktsioonid Now, Date, Time, Day, Year, Month, Hour, Minute, Second, Weekday, DateSerial, TimeSerial Tekstifunktsioonid Len, Mid, InStr, Replace Värvifunktsioonid RGB, QBColor. Vormingufunktsioon Format Alamprogrammid Private/Public Sub nimi(argumendid) programmi algoritm End Sub Väljakutsumine ­ nimi argumendid Funktsioonid Function nimi(parameetrid) [As andmetüüp] funktsiooni algoritm nimi=avaldis End Function Keelestruktuurid Valikud 1. If tingimus Then tegevus 2. If tingimus Then tegevus(ed) End If 3. If tingimus1 Then

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
7 allalaadimist

Technology - for or against

being. On the one hand, technology makes our life easier and it saves our time. Just imagine, if machinery had not been invented, we would spend whole days on doing our house work. Moreover, as we live in the information society, collecting data is essential for us. It is also more comfortable to search for information without having to leaf through an encyclopedia and using a contemporary computer instead.. On the other hand, up-to-date technology may replace human's labour. We entrust technology a lot of duties, so that it can have harmful consequences. If technology progresses, there will be no need for human's work. As a result, the part of population will become unemployed. Furthermore, technology has an effect on psyche, especially children are at risk of it. They lose themselves in the individualistic activities and a bedroom becomes a place to socialise. All in all, technology has as positive and as negative effect

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Green IT

Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn 2012 Content What actually means Green IT? Origin Regulations and industry initiatives Approaches Green computing certifications Green IT Click to edit Master text styles environmentally sustainable Second level Third level computing or IT Fourth level Fifth level minimal or no impact on the environment Origin 1992 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ­ Energy Star TCO Development ­ T...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Modern technology

Technology has become a very important part of our lives nowadays. It can be argued that modern technology makes life easier and more dignified for most of people. Technology may be very helpful but it can sometimes be very harmful. Firstly, medical science is very progressive and vastly available. Without the needed technology a lot of people would struggle with their health. Secondly, some of the creations that have really changed our lives are the computer, telephone, transport, internet and electronic media, television. The modern means of transportation allows people to move quickly from one place to another. The airplane is the most widely used means of transportation. The Internet has changed the way the people communicate to each other. With every passing day, more and more people use chat as a way to communicate. It is a way to meet new people, but it is also a way to decrease real relationships day after day. And The major di...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Bohemian Rhapsody

singer Farrokh Bulsara, later known as Freddie Mercury. It is set mostly in London. The film is directed by Bryan Singer. The plot focuses mostly on Freddie's life: finding himself, including career, sexuality and who he was as a person. But it also shows the viewers how Queen was developed and the band in general. The story begins with Farrokh meeting members of a small band called Smile and offering them to replace their lead singer. The guys said "no" at first, but when Farrokh sang to them they changed their minds. The band started with small gigs. But the singer had bigger plans. The movie had two biggest unexpected twists. The first one was when Freddie realized that he was gay and the second one was, when he found out that he has AIDS. The film reached a dramatic climax, when Freddie was offered a solo career, where he would make a fortune. He quit Queen and moved to another country

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Lehekülg 63 harjutus 5-8

Tb p 63 ex 5-8 5.To grow new parts-the ability to reproduce To produce young-offspring To react to something-respond to To become adjusted to new conditions-able to adapt Plants and animals living in one place-natural community Type of plant or animal-specie Area covered with growing trees-woodland Organisms that feed on dead tissues-decomposers to grow- change to different size or shape Replace-something -living things can to for themselvs Repair parts-living things can to for themselvs Respond to stimuly- ability to grow toward the light Able to adapt-to survive in nature Natural selection-ability to make living things better to survive and live longer Interact- to act upon one another. Surrounding- all round a particular place or thing Dominated-different species that are more existing Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals Food chain- a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Andmebaasid = Partii.Valge and isik.eesnimi = 'Arvo' and Partii.Turniir = group by nimi; create view v_11(Maria_punktid) as select sum(Musta_tulemus)/2 as Maria_punktid from partii, isik where = partii.must and isik.eesnimi = 'Maria' create view v_12(Turniirinimi, kestvus) AS select turniir.nimi as Turniiri_nimi, avg(datediff(mi, algushetk, lopphetk)) as Keskmine_partii_pikkus from Turniir, Partii where partii.turniir = group by Nimi koduleht CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sql_html_tabeliks(sql_lause LONG VARCHAR) RETURNS LONG VARCHAR BEGIN DECLARE html_table_pais LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE xml_paring LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE temp_tabeli_loomine LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE temp_tabeli_veerud LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE vastus LONG VARCHAR; SELECT XMLELEMENT(name tr, XMLATTRIBUTES('header' AS class), XMLAGG (XMLELEMENT(name th, XMLELEMENT(name b, "name")))), 'XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(name tr, XMLCONCAT(' || list( 'XMLELEMENT(name td, "' || "name" || '")') || '))

Informaatika → Informaatika
232 allalaadimist

How to Change a Tire

How to Change a Tire Sander Kitsing AL16 Find a flat, stable and safe place to change your tire. You should have a solid, level surface that will  restrict the car from rolling. If you are near a road, park as far from traffic as possible and turn on your  emergency flashers (hazard lights). Avoid soft ground and hills. Apply the parking brake and put car into "Park" position. If you have a standard transmission, put your  vehicle in first or reverse. Place a heavy object (e.g., rock, concrete, spare wheel, etc.) in front of the front and back tires. Take out the spare tire and the jack. Place the jack under the frame near the tire that you are going to  change. Ensure that the jack is in contact with the metal portion of your car's frame  Many cars have molded plastic ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The effects of mobile phones on our lives

The effects of mobile phones on our lives Can you imagine our comfortable life without mobile phones? Wherever we go, we can see someone talking with their mobile phone. Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our everyday life. Yet, have the changes they brought about really been for the better? To begin with, the benefits of mobile phones cannot be denied. On the one hand mobile phones are extremely useful communication tool. Mobile phones can help us wherever we need it. For example in an emergency, we may need help and mobile phone is a quick way to call for help. In addition mobile phones can be used for several tasks. For instance, if we want something to be captured we can use our mobile phones. They are equipped with a camera in consequence we can take pictures and videos and later watch them on our computer. As a result mobile phones are a way of entertainment. On the other hand mobile ph...

Keeled → Inglise keel
79 allalaadimist


· Ranks 9th in the least densely populated countries (3 people per sqkm). · Its motto is "from sea to sea". · National animal: the beaver · There are 6 time zones. · Ten provinces and three territories. The Flag · The National Flag, also know as the Maple Leaf was adopted in 1965 to replace the Union Flag. Union Flag Flag of Canada · The maple leaf serves as a symbol of celebrating the nature and environment. The people · The largest cities are Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver.

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
20 allalaadimist


Aristotle has said that without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. I agree with him. I think everyone needs a friend. What is the benefit of money and all other goods if you have no one to share it with? A friend can be your family member, your neighbour, classmate or even your dog. It may be weird to consider an animal as a friend, but people who have a dog or a cat should understand what I mean. Whoever tells that animals do not replace human, may be right, because they can not advise you. Moreover, they do not talk at all, but sometimes it is even better. Sometimes animals are better friends than people just because they listen and do not talk out of turn. Which is my vision of a true friend? He or she has to be someone, who I can completely trust. In addition he or she has to be warm-hearted and communicative. A friend should be someone who is really interested in my life and wishes me the best. In friendship there

Keeled → Inglise keel
63 allalaadimist

Eri stiilides kirjade näited

Strong Mild Opening I was disgusted by, I was appalled at. I am writing to complain. I had been led to remarks How dare you. I want to express my expect. I would like to cancel the order/request. strong dissatisfaction, etc. I have no other alternative, etc. Closing I am taking the matter to court. I intend Nevertheless, I hope you will replace. I trust remarks to sue. I insist you replace the item at the situation will improve. I hope the matter will once, etc. be resolved, etc. Letters of advice Formal Informal Opening I strongly recommend that. I would suggest If I were you. How about doing this. Why remarks that, I believe the best course of action is. I don't you. Let me give you some advice,

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Infotöötluse eksam - wordi osa

Riigi tunnuse saab paika panna start ­ control panel ­ Regional and Language ­ Location. Kaardimänge saab lisada(kui ei ole) start ­ control panel ­ add/remove programs ­ add/remove win. Components ­ accer and utitilites (details ) ­ games(linnuke). 2. Word'is saab wordi tabelis read ühekõrgusteks teed tabeli- table tools ­ layout ­ cell size. Taandrida saab peale panna home ­ paragraph ­ line spacing. Sõnu saab teistega asendada home ­ editing - replace Vanu tekstistiile saab muuta home ­ styles ­ manage styles. Pildi peale saab kirjutada page layout ­ arrange ­ text wrapping ­ behind the text. Kerimisribasid saab tagasi word options ­ advanced ­ display ­ show vertical scrollbar. Lõigu esimest tähte saab üle 4 rea kirjutada insert­text­drop cap. Automaatpoolitamist saab page layout­hyphenation­automatic. Sisukorda saab teha references­table of contents. Ühele lehele

Informaatika → Informaatika
113 allalaadimist


them and using leaning movements to direct operation -- forwards increases speed, backwards slows it down, left and right controls direction. The technology of Solowheel The built-in motor can propel the Solowheel at top speeds of 12 mph. While that's not exactly fast it does allow you to get around without having to walk like the rest of humanity. Which happens to be awesome. Advantages The Solowheel is environmentally-friendly: Use it to replace a car for short distances. This reduces gas costs, pollution, and traffic. It is hands free and lightweight. It can be used in different terrains. The Solowheel is portable so that you can bring it into buildings, offices, malls, college campuses, parks, stadiums, skate parks and anywhere else personal electric vehicles are allowed. Avaivability There is no word on availability, but they're going to cost around $2000. They can be pre-ordered through Solowheel's official homepage at www

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

What are pros and cons of keeping fit?

weight. As you see there are several different ways of keeping fit. There are no cons of keeping fit, but the main disadvantage is where people get obsessed with exercising and over exercise. This is bad because overexercising will make you really skinny and unhealthy. All things considered the key is to exercise, but not overdo it. Also, you want to drink a lot of water before exercising because you will get dehydrated. You can eat anything, but let out fast food and white bread and replace it with whole wheat bread. Also all kind of fruits and vegetables are good for health. Do not forget eat fish, eggs and poultry. Stop eating when you are full.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sustainable forest management jutt

3. slaid If we destroy some kind of spiece, we cant recreate it. They carrie unique information which cant be restored. Maybe in the future, the technology will get so far that they can recreate some extincted spieces. Here is araucaria mirabilis which was living approximately 160 million years ago If we create some culture on the field or cut down some alder forest and replace it with spruces, will it have interaction to the whole world? It's extremely difficult to answer, because there are so many factors. 4. slaid Renewable resources have became metaphor with meaning that its easy way to produce energy. Its easy to destroy our forests but it changes our ecosystem. They cause blowdowns, erosions and so on. 5.slaid scope of history Forests sometimes need to be updated. We need to take down trees with diseases

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Should space exploration be a priority

happened on April 12, 1961 by the Soviet Union, with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin aboard. Travelling in space could become very important and useful for people on earth in case something happens to our planet. Many things could happen since humans are taking advantage of earth's natural resources like oil and building dangerous factories that produce toxic waste. With space travel we could find planets that have the material to replace our resources and maybe get rid of the toxic waste we no longer have room here. Besides that, a war could break out involving majority of the countries which would lead to total destruction and it might be harder to rebuild the society here than to move to another planet that is not damaged. On the other hand, the money and time we would spend on space exploration by making it our priority might be better off spent here on earth. We

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Should a man be a househusband

strong women is more and more urgent, whereas more and more men stay at home as househusbands. This phenomenon causes many people to wonder whether this is a positive change. If this is true, can it be done without having a negative effect on the family? In my opinion, a man should earn money for his family, but taking care of the house and kids should be women's chores, because every child needs mother's care and attention. Otherwise lack of it may be seen in the future and father cannot replace mother. Furthermore, men are not going to stand still and watch it uselessly. Most of them think of themselves as the family heads and they have an obsession about being the successful ones. But behind every successful man there is a woman, and it is a boost for men's ego, because they have been grown up knowing, that they are obligated to raise a family, but not to do ,,women's chores." On the other hand, I understand women, who want to make their own career to fulfil themselves

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

How does virtual communication influence our behaviour

The grand amount of information, available for them on their fingertips, addicts them. Information is power and that is why people nowadays want to be everywhere, know everything and see everyone at once. Not many take the time to sit down, grab a pen and a piece of paper and write a letter for someone. A letter filled with thoughts, emotions and personality itself for that matter. Instead, people send text messages and e-mails through the air to each other. These quick messages can never replace the feelings gathered in a premeditated letter from a loved one. Furthermore, if people rely on these options too much, they become reserved in nature. The internet and mobile communication have their upsides. They help people to keep in touch with their close ones. They help to sustain the bonds between people. These global communication devices don’t let people forget that no matter how far they are from home, no matter for how long, there is still someone missing them. These ways of

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Arvutiõpetuse konspekt

9. ,,page break before" omadus lõikudel, mis ütleb et kui ta tuleb siis hakkab ta kohe uuel lehel!!! Uus laad - - shading - max 25% värvitooni kuigi parem on veel 12% Loeng 3 : teksti lisamine veebiserveritest : · Crtl ja z - undo · "paste special" sellega veebitekste parem paste'ida. => "unformated text" · (muuda)'ga - tegelemine => paremal üleval "find" ja siis "replace" replace aknas "more" => "match case" (siis suure tähega nt muudab ja väikse tähega jätab samaks) - "replace"'ga saab ka liigseid tühikuid vähendada. paned ülemisse 2 tühikut ja alumisse ühe tühiku. -enterite vähendamine/lisamine : "more"=> "special" => paragraph mark -kui tühik jääb rea ette pärast muutmist siis on eelmise lõigu lõpp + tühik=> enter+ tühik ja asendad selle lihtsalt enteriga.

Informaatika → Informaatika
22 allalaadimist

Weather and climate

The Weather and Climate 'Funny weather we are having' is a statement of the obvious we have used for generations as a greeting. When the deep cold lasts long and heavy snow and blizzards give us the shivers we replace "funny" with something stronger, such as "terrible", "ghastly". At times like these people ask what is happening to the weather. So we go to the experts, who tell us in language appropriate to the subject, what happened yesterday, what is happening today, and what might happen in the next few years. Weather and climate specialists all over the world have collected a vast quantity of information. They can describe what is happening around us. With satellites they can forecast more accurately what might happen in the immediate future. Their research has produced evidence of why past climatic changes took place. There have been many climate fluctua...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

A perfect murder

A perfect murder One friday evening, at a Palmstreet, took place a stark murder. Karl and his father had secret relationship and he knew that if this will became public, his life is through. He went to pub where a friend of his father, John, drank himself drunk and tried to forget about he and his friend's son relationship. Karl took a knife and stabbed John. He fled to his home and put the door lock and waited morning. But the night lingered. Finally, he fell asleep. In the morning, he awoke with a large headache. He went to the police, and he wanted to give himself up because remorses were too high. He however said that the murderer has been found. He did not belived it, and after a few days, he went to prison, to see the killer. For surprise, she was a woman. He did not kn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Writing advertisement

When I received the package I was quite disappointed as there are several problems. On your web page it was said if you buy clothes or items for 100 € then you do not have to pay the shipping cost, but the bill includes it. The quality of the clothes is below the standard. The jacket that I bought has a broken zip and the jeans miss a button. Also, the sports bag’s strap is missing. Finally, the boots are of the wrong size. I ordered size 39 but I got size 41. I insist that you replace all the items. However, if this is not the policy of the company I would like a full refund. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

EXCEL - Tabelitöötlus

· Fill - kopeeritakse andmeid või kirjutatakse märgistatud lahtritesse andmeid mingi arvutuseeskirja järgi · Clear - kustutatakse märgistatud tekst · Delete - kustutatakse lahter (lahtrid) või terve rida või veerg · Delete Sheet - töölehe kustutamine · Copy or Move Sheet - töölehe kopeerimine või ümbertõstmine samasse või uude dokumenti · Find - sümbolite järjendi otsimine tekstist · Replace - sümbolite järjendi asendamine teise sümbolite järjendiga · Go To - mingisse dokumendi ossa minemine · Links - saab tabelisse panna viite mingile failile · Object - saab dokumenti lisada mingi teise programmi toodangut View menüüs on järgmised käsud: · Formula Bar - sisestusrea sisse-välja lülitamiseks · Status Bar - olekurea sisse-välja lülitamiseks · Toolbars - nupuridade sisse-välja lülitamiseks

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
308 allalaadimist

Wordi kasutusjuhend

Properties - dokumendi statistika ja sisu kirjeldus Viimati kasutatud dokumentide loetelu Exit - väljumine tekstitoimetist MS Word EDIT - teksti parandamise-muutmisega seotud käsud Undo ­ korralduse tühistamine Repeat ­ korralduse kordamine Cut ­ lõikamine Copy ­ kopeerimine Paste ­ taasesitus Clear ­ puhastamine Select All ­ kõigi objektide märkimine Find ­ otsimine Replace ­ asendamine Go To ­ soovitud kohta liikumine VIEW - dokumendi vaatamise erinevad võimalused, ekraanipildi kujundamine Normal - tavaline vaade teksti kiireks sisestamiseks Online layout ­ nn veebivaade, kus teksti kuvatakse vastavalt akna suurusele ning lisandub navigeeritav sisukord Page Layout - trükikuju vaade (sellisena ilmub tekst paberile) Outline - struktuurvaade, mis hõlbustab dokumendi reorganiseerimist

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
231 allalaadimist

Prantsuse keele levik väljaspool euroopat

Prantsuse keele levik väljaspool euroopat --Austraalia ja Oceaania Austraalia · Austraalia nimetus tuleb ladinakeelsest sõnast australis ja tähendab lõunas-. Romaanid kasutasid väljendit Terra Australis Incognita -- tundmatu maa lõunas. Alates 1924. aastast on kontinendi ametlik nimi Australia. Riigi keelt pole. ~80% elanikkonnast räägib inglise keelt. Okeaania · Prantsuse keel on ainsaks riigikeeleks Prantsuse Polüneesias (Polynésie française). Tänapäevane nimetus collectivité d'outre-mer de la République française. Prantsuse Polüneesia on Prantsusmaale kuuluv meretagune territoorium (collectivités d'outre- mer) Okeaanias. · Elanikke: 260 338 (2006), 69% elab Tahiti saarel, ~12% kogu elanikkonnast on prantslased. Okeaania Okeaania · Avastas James Cook 1767. aastal. 1797 ­ esimeste protestantidest misjonäride saabumine. · Prantsuse misjonärid...

Geograafia → Geograafia
1 allalaadimist

Distribution of weight

- To expand ­ paisuma - To force ­ Sundima - To provide ­ võimaldama, valmistama - Power stroke ­ töötakt - Sequence ­ järjestus - Exhaust ­ heitgaas - Shaft ­ võll - Drive ­ hoog ; käivitus - Gear ­ ülekandeseade - Revolutions per minute = rpm ­ Pööret minutis - High performance vehicle ­ Suure jõudlusega sõiduk - Wankel rotary engine ­ Wankeli rootormootor - Attempt ­ Katse - Apart (from) ­ Peale (millegi) arvestamata - To replace ­ asendama - Triangular ­ kolmnurkne - Smooth running ­ Ühtlane sõit - To treat ­ töötlema - Operating principle ­ Tööprintsiip - To draw (in) ­ Sisse tõmbama - Conventional (piston engine) ­ Tavapärane (kolbmootor) - Range ­ ulatus - Vibration-free ­ Vibratsioonivaba - Four-stroke engine ­ neljataktiline mootor - Jet engine ­ Reaktiivmootor - Rocket engine ­ Raketimootor - Piston engine ­ Kolbmootor - Intake stroke ­ Sisselasketakt

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Eesti ökoloogiline jalajälg

also the world's leading producer of hydro-electricity, accounting for 13% of global production. It is also a significant producer of petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Kas riigil on reserv või defitsiit? Ontario, Canada's most populous province, generates some 9,600 MW annually, over half of that coming from one dozen nuclear reactors. Ontario also has coal, natural gas, and hydro facilities. However, Ontario faces a challenge as it must replace 80% of its generating capacity in the next twenty years—the old stations have time-expired and the nuclear reactors are overstressed. A debate continues over whether to go largely nuclear or go with renewables. Rahvaarv 35,141,542inimest ;

Geograafia → Geograafia
27 allalaadimist

Pirita convent / Pirita klooster

Building plot was donated from Livonian Order. The building were built in two different parts. One for nuns and one for monks. Church in the middle and it was used by both. St. Birgitta rules In the convent have to live both - nuns and also monks. Nuns and monks were seperated and did not see each other at all. The Convent could not have more than 85 members ­ 60 sisters and 25 brothers. The leader of the convent is a woman-abess. They could not play the organ. The song must replace the organ. Only natural materials are used for the construction of the convent. Also scupltures and works of art are not allowed. Appearance The traditional building materials in Estonia that time were limestone and timber. The floor was covered with limestone flags and, in some places, with glazed tiles. The interiors were dominated by ascetic greyish- blue colour. Ruining Pirita convent worked for 175 years.

Ajalugu → Inglise ajalugu
2 allalaadimist


FOOTBALL also known as soccer/association football… ... is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It is played by 250 million players in over 200 countries, making it the world's most popular sport. The game is played on a rectangular field with a goal at each end. The object of the game is to score by getting the ball into the opposing goal. The goalkeepers are the only players allowed to touch the ball with their hands or arms while it is in play and only in their penalty area. Other players mainly use their feet to strike or pass the ball, but may also use their head or torso. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is level at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time or a penalty shootout depending on the format of the competition. A number of players may...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eclipse second chapter

In the middle of these excited discussions Alice Cullen receives a vision of the future. But as Bella tries to discover the content of that vision, she finds her attempts being artfully dodged by both Alice and Edward. After returning home that afternoon, Bella enjoys time with Edward and emails her mother Renee. During this exchange Edward finds the stereo Bella received as a birthday gift from Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper in the bottom of Bella's closet. After vowing to replace it before anyone discovers its current condition, he suggests celebrating Bella's new found freedom with a trip to Florida, by using the airline tickets she received as a gift from Carlisle and Esme for her birthday. Bella rejects this idea, instead offering to go another weekend. During dinner that evening Edward, shockingly, brings up the soon to expire airline vouchers to Charlie. This insights an argument between Bella and her father, ending in Bella

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Vanilliini süntees

This way the evaporating solvent can be collected in the syringe. Kuumutada segu kolvis B 130 kraadi juures silikoonõlivannis tõmbe all 5-7 minutit. Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB, 19.03.13 A: Br2-MeOH + 100mg (0,82 mmol) 4-hüdroksübensaldehüüdi, sulgeda kolb ning loksutada jäävannis 30 sekundit. Võtta mõlemal kolvil korgid pealt ning valada A sisu kolbi B, mille sisu on juba kuum. Replace the cap with the stringe barrel on vial B and heat this mixture in the 130 oC silicon oil bath in a fume hood for one hour. By the end of the hour, most of the solvent that was in vial B will have collected in the syringe barrel and a dark brown residue will remain in vial B. Eemaldada kolb B kuumast ning lasta korralikult maha jahtuda. Eemaldada seejärel kork. Kasutades maksimaalselt 6 ml 3M soolhappe lahust ning kraapides lahti tahke aine, viia B kolvi sisu jaotuslehtrisse.

Keemia → Keemia
13 allalaadimist

IT alused - Referaat teemal Hispaania - variant 25

..................................................................................... 12 pilt 12 Pablo Picasso, "Weeping Woman" 1937 kubism........................................12 pilt 13 ­ Julio Iglesias (vasakul) ja Enrique Iglesias (paremal)...............................12 Ülesanne: Asendada tekstis kõikide numbrite kirja vorming rasvaseks (otsimisel spetsiaalsete märkide kasutamine). Dokumendi lõpus kirjeldada, kuidas Te seda tegite (0,5 p). Tegin seda nii, et home paneelilt võtsin replace. Panin replace what: ^# (selle sain special alt) ja replace with fondi muutsin boldiks ja vajutasin replace all. L k 14 / 14

Informaatika → It
14 allalaadimist

Environment and transportation

The following 10 activities will be a great help in solving our transportation problems. Do as many of these as you can, and encourage your friends and family to do the same. Together we can make a difference! 1. Get a Better Vehicle --- If you need to drive, replace your old car with one of the new hybrid gas and electric cars - and you could save as much as $11,000 on gas and produce 107 fewer tons of carbon dioxide. The new efficient hybrids are reliable and drive just like standard cars. If you make no other transportation changes in your life, this one will make a huge difference. 2. Walk to Your Destination --- If it's a reasonable distance, you'll save energy and improve your health. Walking also helps to reduce tension and stress. Get some good

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Vajalikud Exceli funktsioonid

Funktsioon TRUNC Statistikafunktsioonid Funktsioon Funktsioon AVERAGE Funktsioon AVERAGEIF Funktsioon AVERAGEIFS Funktsioon CORREL Funktsioon COUNT Funktsioon COUNTA Funktsioon COUNTBLANK Funktsioon COUNTIF Funktsioon COUNTIFS Funktsioon MAX Funktsioon MEDIAN Funktsioon MIN Tekstifunktsioonid Funktsioon Funktsioon CONCATENATE Funktsioon FIND Funktsioon LEFT Funktsioon LEN Funktsioon LOWER Funktsioon MID Funktsioon PROPER Funktsioon REPLACE Funktsioon REPT Funktsioon RIGHT Funktsioon SEARCH Funktsioon SUBSTITUTE Funktsioon TEXT Funktsioon TRIM Funktsioon UPPER Funktsioon VALUE Kirjeldus Annab vastuseks valitud andmebaasikirjete keskmise. Loendab andmebaasi lahtrid, mis sisaldavad arve. Loendab andmebaasi lahtrid, mis pole tühjad. Annab vastuseks valitud andmebaasikirjete suurima väärtuse.

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
54 allalaadimist

Word, excel, powerpoint

Breaks- Section Breaks- Next page. Ning vajuta ka ,, Link to Previous") Tiitelehele ei lisata päist ja jalust ( Heater & Footer Tools- Different First Page) Pealdis Tee pildi peal parem hiireklikk ja vali Insert Caption. Ristviide (vt......) Ristviite lisamiseks mine kursoriga sobivasse kohta javali kas Insert ­ Cross-reference või References - Cross-reference (ristviidet on võimalik lisada alles siis, kui joonisele on pealdis lisatud). Otsing ja asendus Replace -More - Special - Paragraph Mark Kasutatud kirjanduse tabeli täitmine kui allikaks veebiaadress (nt viki) 1 EXCEL Graafikute kujunduse valimine (kehtib kõikide erinevate diagrammide puhul) tee soovitud diagramm. Kujunduse muutmiseks vajuta diagrammile, üles ilmub ,,chart tools"-> ,,design (pildil ,,kujundus")".

Informaatika → Arvuti töövahendina
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun