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"religion" - 361 õppematerjali

religion – mingile kultuurile, etnosele või sotsiaalsele rühmitusele omane tõekspidamiste, ettekujutuste, käitumisnormide, müütide ja riituste kogum, mille siduv element on usk üleloomulikesse olenditesse ja nähtustesse, kellest või millest tuntakse end sõltuvalt ja keda tuleb usuliselt austada, kummardada ja teenida.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus, Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella Regarding the Fourth Voyage (1503) [Jamaica, July 7, 1503] Of Española, Paria, and the other lands, I never think without weeping. I believed that their example would have been to the profit of others; on the contrary, they are in an exhausted state; although they are not dead, the infirmity is incurable or very extensive; let him who brought them to this state come now with the remedy if he can or if he knows it; in destruction, everyone is an adept. It was always the custom to give thanks and promotion to him who imperiled his person. It is not just that he who has been so hostile to this undertaking should enjoy its fruits or that his children should. Those who left the Indies, flying from toils and speaking evil of the matter and of me, have returned with official employment. So it has now been ordained in the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Vanad idamaad konspekt

Uue riigi ajal oli hästi treenitud alaline sõjavägi, mis loodi sundvärvabisega(osa võimekamaid talupoegi võeti terveks eluks ja vanas eas said veteranid harimiseks maalapi) Põhijõuks kilpide ja odadega jalavägi, eliitväeks 2 mehelised hobukaarikud Perekond ja olustik Pere elas pereisa sissetulekust Isa roll: meestel õigus haridusele, oma seisus ja amet kanti järeltulijale edasi, õpetas pojale kombeid Naiste roll: hoolitses maja ja laste eest Egiptuse religion Jumalad ja püha loomad üle 700(Rapäikesejumal, Amonloomis ja viljakusjumal, Horostaevajumal, Osiris surnute jumal, Isisviljakuse jumalanna, Sethkurjajõud, Hathor armastuse ja taevajumalanna, Thottarkusejumalanna, Anubis surnutejumal) Pühad loomad sümboliseerivad jumalaid(Scarabeus ehk sitasitikas kehastas Rad) Matmiskombestik Hauakambrid pidid tagama häirimatu elu surnuteriigis, peamiselt ehitati vaaraole ja ülikutele , seintel maalingud lahkunu elust

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
308 allalaadimist

Tallinn in the 20th century

Tallinna Lillekyla Gymnasium Report Tallinn in the 20th century Student: ------------ Supervisor: --------------- Tallinn 2008 Table of Content Table of Content..........................................................................................................................2 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................3 Beginning of 20th century...........................................................................................................4 Independent Estonia (1918-1940) ...............................................................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ajalugu ingl. k

History of Great Britain Prehistory (55BC) no written records 6th 3rd c. BC the Celts came to British isles hill figures, hill forts, stone circles ( Stonehenge ) RomanBritain (55BC 400AD) Julius Caesar, named the country Albion Hadrian's Wall, villas, roads, the town of Bath The AngloSaxon, Danish and Norman invasions Germanic tribes settled and stayed Anglia Christianity was brought, religion became important, churches were built 8th century = raids by the Vikings and the Danes 1016 1042 : Under Danish rule ( York was the capital ) 1042 : local AngloSaxons regain their rule 1066 : Normans arrive ( the Norman conquest ) Medieval Britain (106615th c.) the Battle of Hastings William the Conqueror a new AngloNorman state the feudal system introduced the rule of the king and church strengthened centralised country, military rule Scotland, Wales and Ireland conquered

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
30 allalaadimist

Inglismaa ajalugu 16-20. sajand

James VI of Scotland so the crowns of these two countries were united The goverments continued to seperate, but the linguistic differences were lessened The kind of Middle English spoken in lowland Scotland had developed into a written language known as Scots Scottish Protesntant church adopted English Bibles. English became the written standard in Scotland as well The link between religion and politics became intense Charles I was executed Stuart monarcgs raised money without getting the agreement fromm the House of Commons first and that grew anger in the country. Parliament established its supermacy over the monarchy The ideological Protestantism had grown in England. They regarded the luxorious lifestyle of the KInga and his followers as immoral

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

English literatutre - Authors, history

Macbeth. The comedies that were written in this period no longer have the bright, optimistic appeal of earlier works. SHAKESPEARE WAS A THEATRICAL GENIUS. Plays for audiences: The relationship between audiences and performers was very intimate in Elizabethan theatres. POETRY IN THE PURITAN AGE - John Donne (1572-1631), born in London, intoa a Roman Catholic family. Throughout this period Donne was tormented by the question of his religion, in 1593 decided to convert to the Protestant faith. In 1601 he was elected Member of Parliament. He wrote essays and pamphlets condemning the Church of Rome. Donne wrote poetry exclusively for personal pleasure. His use, for example, of religious imagery in love poems and images of physical love in religious poetry shocked his contemporaries, and his work was not widely appreciated in the 18th and 19th c. His

Keeled → British literature
12 allalaadimist

USA ajaloo konspekt (algus-Mayflower Compact)

“purify” it. 11. What was The Mayflower Compact and why was it an important document? Name two important principles that this document included. The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony, signed onboard the Mayflower. The two principles later became the bases of the Constitution of the United States. 1) The people would vote about the government and laws, 2) the people would accept whatever the majority chose. 12. What important principle regarding religion was established in Rhode Island and some of the other colonies? Separation of church and state. 13. Name examples of democratic institutions in the colonies. House of Burgesses vs. House of Representatives 14. What is representative democracy? Give an example. The people don’t vote directly on the laws, but elect representatives who meet and vote for them. E.g. current USA, where people elect a president and members of the congress. 15. What is direct democracy? Give an example.

Ajalugu → Ameerika ühiskond ja kultuur
4 allalaadimist

Mesopotaamia ja egiptuse baasoskused

Üldajaloo kursus, 10. klass Kose Gümnaasium, õpetaja Moonika Oll Kontrolltöö: Ajaloo baasoskused NB! Kontrolltöö ajal on lubatud kasutada kõiki abivahendeid ja allikaid. Küsimused tuleb vastata eraldi faili kas arvutisse või Google Drive’i, fail või link laadida üles Tera kommentaari. Arvesta esimesele kahele ülesandele kokku umbes 15 minutit, et mitte viimase ülesandega ajahätta jääda. Ülesanne 1. Vaata pilte ja vasta järgmistele küsimustele (NB! Nr 2 all olevad pildid moodustavad ühe grupi). [12 punkti] A. Mis on pildil? B. Mis kultuurist kujutatu pärineb? C. Mis ajastust kujutatu pärineb? D. Mida kujutatu meile mineviku kohta räägib ehk mille kohta me ajaloolastena neilt infot saam...

Ajalugu → 10.klassi ajalugu
3 allalaadimist


Saaremaa Ühisgümnaasium Kanada Referaat Autor: Tiina Ollema Juhendaja: Virge Ollema Kuressaare 2009 SISUKORD SISUKORD.......................................................................................................................2 1. ÜLDINFO KANADAST..............................................................................................4 2. KANADA AJALUGU.................................................................................................5 3. KANADA LOODUS....................................................................................................7 4. KANADA KINDRALKUBERNERID LÄBI AJALOO..............................................9 4.1 Kuningas George III ajal:.....................................................

Geograafia → Geograafia
53 allalaadimist

Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

Miina Härma Gümnaasium “The aborigines of Australia Student:Kärt Erikson Teacher:Tiia Timma Tartu 2010 contents  Introduction – page 3  History – page 3-4  Religion – page 4-7  Society - page 7-9  The British – page 9-10  Conclusion – page 10-11  Resources – page 11  Appendix – page 11-14 2 Introduction I selected this theme because it was the most interesting one for me. Aborigines have interested me for a long time now so doing this essay is really fun for me.

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

Robert Burton: The Anatomy of Melancholy – on surface medical textbook, Burton applies his large and varied learning in the scholastic manner to the subject of melancholia. A philosophical text. Part of medical treatise, part a commonplace book. Anatomy as lens through which all human emotion and thought may be scrutinised. Covered many areas of life of man: science, history, and political and social reform. Thomas Browne: Religio Medici – tried to reconcile (sobitada) science and religion. Writes as physician who has found his religious faith confirmed by scientific awe. Poses more as a moralist than as a diagnostician. Demonstrates an exemplaru toleration of both Christian dissent and diversity. 8. The political prose of the Civil War period Turbulent years in mid 17thC, Charles I, then Commonwealth and Protectorate, flourish of political literature. Pamphlets (brošüürid) from supporters of every faction in Civil War, personal attacks and

Keeled → British literature
22 allalaadimist

American Literature

people of America. If there were just one development that directly caused the American Revolution and uplifted the intellectual culture of the continent while it was only a British colony, it would be the American Enlightenment. Broadly, the Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that changed the fundamental perspective of the masses, urging them to foster skepticism and apply scientific principles in matters of religion and morality. Its chief values were: Liberty, Democracy, Republicanism, Religious Tolerance. The movement gained momentum with the publication of landmark texts like Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason, and the Jefferson Bible, but the most influential thinker was undoubtedly John Locke, whose ideas spread to the colonies and across Europe. Main Ideas of the American Enlightenment: The Enlightenment caused a shift in the cultural and social attitudes of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


novel, as he helped to popularise the form in Britain, and is even referred to byClick to edit Master text style Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest practitioners of the some as one of the founders of the English novel. A prolific and versatile writer, he Second level wrote more than five hundred books, pamphlets, and journals on various topics (including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology and the supernatural). He He was also a pioneer of economic journalism. Third level Fourth level Fifth level David Bowie David Bowie born David Robert Jones on 8 January

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

o Henry VIII established the Church of England. o Spanish Armada was defeated by Sir Francis Drake. o Sir Walter Raleigh- exploration, the beginning of the British Empire o The Renaissance culture began, for example Shakespeare, who created the Globe Theatre. A wealthy and prosperous period in history. Analysis of 17th century The 17th century was not a stable century for the country and it's people. A. In politics it was unstable because : o the link between religion and politics became intense-protestantism, especially Puritanism, had grown in englang and puritans regarded the luxorious lifestyle of the king as immoral o people were angry at the way Stuart monarchs raised money without getting the agreement of the house of commons o conflicts between the king and the parliament, which led to the civil war(1642) and the execution of Charles I(1649)

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

01.12.14 The Priorities of Estonian Historical Research As a result of multiple nations having ruled over Estonian lands, Estonian history has been written from multiple perspectives. Often, religion, politics, and personal motives have fashioned history into what its authors wanted it to be. People have written from a multiplicity of perspectives. It should be one Estonian historical research's greatest priorities to distance itself from this, to seek after holistic, balanced accounts of the past. Early chronicles of Estonian history illustrate this diversity of perspective. Johann Renner, a Baltic German, held his own people in high esteem, deeming them the people of God

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Rapla Ühisgümnaasium Konfutsianism Referaat Rain Rosimannus 10R Rapla 2012 Konfutsianism Konfutsiuse elulugu Konfutsius sündis 551 a. e.Kr väikeses, kuid mõjukas Lu vasallriigis vaesunud, kuid nimekas aadliperekonnas, mille sugupuu ulatus Yini dünastia tekkeaega (16. saj. e.Kr). Tema isa Shu Liang-Ho oli Zou väikelinna haldur ja Konfutsiuse sündides juba üle 70 aasta vana ­ ta oli võtnud 70selt noore lisanaise, et poega saada. Kong Fuzi ema Ching Qi oli linna tuntud perekonna noorim tütar. Ta oli poja saamiseks palvetanud Niqiu mäe jalamil ­ mäe järgi sai Konfutsius oma nime. Viimane seik võib siiski olla kroonikute väljamõeldis. Isa suri, kui poeg oli kahe-kolme aastane. Noormees oli ebatavaliselt kuulekas emale, oma ea kohta vaikne, viisakas ja mõtlik. Tema ...

Teoloogia → Usundiõpetus
21 allalaadimist

Kordamisküsimused sõjajärgsest ajast: 1940.aastate teine pool ja 1950.aastad

Kordamisküsimused sõjajärgsest ajast: 1940. aastate teine pool-1950. aastad. 1.Külma sõja kujunemine ja selle avaldumise vormid: võidurelvastumine, sõjalised liidud; *NSVL eraldas oma mõju all olevad riigid raudse eesriidega, tõkestades nende läbikäimist lääneriikidega. Lääne-riikide eesm: demokraatia taastamine. Nsvl eesm: oma maailmavaate levitamine Ida-Euroopas.Külm soda-pikaajaline pingeseis.Külm soda oli NSVL ja idabloki vastatsseis demokraatlike lääneriikidega. 1947.a ühendriikide president Harry Truman kuulutas välja doktriini,Trumani doktriin,e USA toetab kõiki riike , mis võitlevad kommunismi vastu. See oli murrang USA välispoliitikas, sest oli isolatsionismi(euroopa asjadesse ei tohtinud sekkuda) lõpp.Usa riigisekretär George Marshall kuulutas välja abiandmisplaani sõjas kannatada saanus EU riikidele.Marshalli plaan(1948-1952). Ida-Euroopa rigid abi vastu ei võtnud, sest NSVL keelas. Jugoslaavia võttis abi vastu ja...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
23 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

The number of female solo business travellers has quite recently gone up from 23% to 30% in 2013, it shows that adventure travel is not the only travel, where females are making progress (Mintel, 2010a; Mintel, 2013a). The Government of Canada (2014) in independent female travel guide, states that men and women love to travel equally, but when it comes to safety in a foreign country, then women are more affected by religion and culture than men. Moreover, women face greater obstacles, especially when travelling alone. Nevertheless, the numbers of female who choose to travel alone are growing increasingly (Mathew-Sawyer et al., 2002; The Gutsy Traveler, 2013). People see space and place as a social and physical construction, shaped by the complex gendered, cultural, racial and power relations that lead people and their actions (Crouch, 2000).

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

Native Americans

Native Americans. ¤ over 500 nations/tribes ¤ closeness to nature ¤ europeans came for the free land ¤ less civilized ¤ they lived in teepee's ¤ they hunted buffalos for food, clothing BERENGIA- Land Bridge connecting Asia (Siberia) to Alaska 1500 km wide North to South 65 000 B.P (before the present) rised out of the sea to 40 000 B.P a wave when people came from west. 36 000-32 000 B.P arrived people CHEROKEE. Southeast U.S- their heartland, not on the ocean. Lanuage + customs + weapons-> related to IROQUIS family of nations (Iroquis lived around Great Lakes) 1300 A.D. established in South East U.S Classical Cherokee Civilization ­ 16th-19th centuries MATERINEAL-(,,mother line") women controlled home, family, children, inheritana, clan membership. Men hunted and made babies. Cherokee Wedding Ceremony- ¤groom brings meat(,,hunter") ¤ bride brings other food (grains, berries etc.) -> prooves that she's ,,homemaker" They step on the Cere...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Stonehenge - lühikokkuvõte inglise keeles

A journey along the Avon to reach Stonehenge was part of a ritual passage from life to death, to celebrate past ancestors and the recently deceased.] Whatever religious, mystical or spiritual elements were central to Stonehenge, its design includes a celestial observatory function, which might have allowed prediction of eclipse, solstice, equinox and other celestial events important to a contemporary religion. As motorised traffic increased, the setting of the monument began to be affected by the proximity of the two roads on either side ­ the A344 to Shrewton on the north side, and the A303 to Winterbourne Stoke to the south. Plans to upgrade the A303 and close the A344

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
22 allalaadimist


both countries were interested in creating settlements there. France and Britain, however, didn't have good relations. They fought over colonies and fur trade. Their different religions also caused tension. In 1756, a 7-year war broke out between the two countries. The British were victorious, and renamed the French-speaking region in their territory Quebec. The French influence continues to be felt in Canada. The French there were allowed to keep their religion, law system and language. Quebec was then divided into the English and French-speaking colony. Eventually, those colonies became the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Today, more than five million French-speaking descendants of those settlers live in Quebec. In 1867, four colonies (Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia) were united into the Dominion of Canada. In the following years, the others followed. Only Newfoundland, discovered first by the British, remained independent until 1949.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Šveitsi konföderatsiooni rahvastiku-, majandus- ja loodusgeograafiline analüüs 

1.1 Üldandmed Pindala: 41 285 km2 Rahvaarv: 7 739 100 (2009) Pealinn: Bern 122,658 (2007-12-31) Rahaühik: Frank (CHF) Keeled: Saksa, prantsuse, itaalia ja romansi (Sveits väldib ühe riigikeele eelistamist teisele, mistõttu riigi ametliku nime ladina varianti Confoederatio Helvetica on võetud aluseks näiteks tippdomeeni tähise .ch puhul.) Usuline koosseis: Religions: Roman Catholic 42%, Protestant 33%, Muslim 4.3%, others 5.4%, no religion 11%. Riigikord: 1999. aasta põhiseaduse järgi on kantonitel kogu võim, mis ei ole konkreetselt konföderatsioonile delegeeritud.Sveitsis on kahekojaline Liidukogu. Kõrgeim täidesaatev organ on Liidunõukogu, seitsmest liikmest koosnev kollegiaalne organ. Sveitsi liidupresident valitakse Liidunõukogu seitsme liikme seast. Üheaastase ametiaja jooksul täidab ta esindusfunktsioone.

Geograafia → Geograafia
48 allalaadimist

Louna-Aafrika poliitajalugu, South Africa

South Africa ­ Apartheid and before South Africa was created by peoples from Africa, Asia, and Europe. created their own states , combined (sometimes through war, sometimes through negotiation) to form the current South African state. The important thing is not what states were called or how long they lasted, but how they were organised, maintained control, gained and lost legitimacy. South African state formed out of: Conquest Colonization Slavery Indentured labour Racially discriminatory laws ­ reserved jobs for whites; differential pay-scales etc Post 1910 state strong and centralized institutionalised racism: "power, wealth and privileges [distributed] unequally on a racial basis" (Giliomee, 1995, p190) Farming and mining (the basis of the economy) both required large work forces. Once slavery was abolished, need for to generate labour force. Taxation (poll tax) used to force blacks...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist

English literature summary

e.  constitution  added  to  restrict  the  power  of  the   monarch  and  divide  obligations  and  power  with  the  Parliament.       Beginning   of   the   century,   literature,   especially   drama   flourished.   Emergence   of   puritanism   –   poetry   becomes   leading   form.   Puritanism   –   purification   of   religion,   of   all   unnecessary  rituals  and  decorations,  in  essence,  all  pleasure  equals  sin.  Closed  theatres   and  denounced  all  drama,  dance,  rural  festivals,  even  country  sports.       Puritan   poetry   is   logical   and   undecorated   in   style;   it   strives   to   render   God’s   word   directly,  undecorated  by  human  wit

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

The name does not refer to the hero or Poet of the poem, but instead to the spirit who divinely animates the Poet's imagination. 1817 Hymn to Intellectual Beauty 1817 The Revolt of Islam is a poem cantered on two characters named Laon and Cythna, who initiate a bloodless revolution against the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Despite its title, the poem does not have anything to do with Islam in particular, though the general subject of religion is addressed. 1920 Prometheus Unbound is a four-act poetic play concerned with the torments of the Greek mythological figure Prometheus and his suffering at the hands of Zeus. It is inspired by Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound and concerns Prometheus' release from captivity. However, unlike Aeschylus' version, there is no reconciliation between Prometheus and Zeus in Shelley's narrative. Instead, Zeus is overthrown, which allows Prometheus to be released.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Eesti II maailmasõja ajal

Loo Keskkool Eesti II Maailmasõja ajal Referaat Mari Hütsi Juhendaja: Piret Parve 9b klass Lool, 2007 Sisukord 1) 3 2) Eesti II maailmasõja ajal 46 2.1 Omariikluse kaotus 2.2 Nõukogude Okupatsioonireziim 2.3 Sõjategevus 1941.aastal 2.4 Saksa okupatsioonireziim 2.5 Sõjategevus 1944.aastal 2.6 Katse taastada iseseisvust 3) Eesti mehed Teise maailmasõja rinnetel 78 3.1 Punaarmee 3.2 Saksa armee 3.3 Soome armee 4) Kokkuvõte..........................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
97 allalaadimist

Maailma usundid eksamiks kordamine

– Hare Krišna (hinduistliku tagapõhjaga) usundi pooldajad. Tunneb tänaval ära oranži riietuse ja mantrate laulmise läbi 71. Mis on polüteism ja mis on monoteism? Tooge mõni näide kummagi kohta. – Polüteism: paljude jumalate austamine, nt kreeka või egiptuse jumalad (+ Judaism) Monotheism: usk ainsasse Jumalasse, mitmed vormid (nt deism – üks jumal, kes maailma ei sekku) 72. Millal tekkis inimkonna ajaloos religioon ja mis on selle tähtsaim arheoloogiline tunnus? - religion tekkis kõige varem 100 000 a, hiljemalt 40 000 a tagasi. Kõige tähtsam tunnus on laibamatus/surnu peitmine 73. Millal tekkis džainism ja kes oli selle rajaja? – 6.sajandil, Mahavira 74. Kes on džainismis tirthankarad? – Tirthankarad – sillaehitaja ehk õpetaja 75. Kes on džainismis digambarad ja kes on švetambarad? Kuidas neid väliselt ära tunda? – Digambara: (taevasse mähkunu) – munk, kes pooldab, et mungad olgu alasti

Muu → Usundiõpetus
1 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

Literature of the 14th century The highpoint of medieval literature, the best writer of late medieval lived then. William Langland 1332-1376 ­ the last important poet of alliterative verse. His masterpiece "The Vision of Piers Ploughman" ­ how important working hard is, the labour of peasants is the base of the welfare of the people. A passionate protest against social injustice. A time when peasants were slowly rising against their feudal lords. Descriptions of different social classes. Religious mysticism. Two great principles: 1) all men are equal before God; 2) honest labour is dignified. It is a dream allegory. A young maiden named Youth, Greed is an old witch. The greatest writer of this period and the whole of medieval times ­ Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400): · The father of English poetry · The creator of English versification · The first poet to use various metres · Laid the foundation of the new literary English ...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

(Estonia TEST english I)

Milestones in Estonian History The Estonians are a Finno-Ugric people who came from the area near the Urals and the Volga and Oka rivers. They migrated westward to the Baltic shores some 5, 000 years ago. In the ninth century A.D. Viking ships invaded Estonia and the country became a vital link in the sea-trade between East and West. By the 12th century, the Arabian geographer al-Idrisi had placed the city on his maps. In the 13th century, Tallinn joined the Hanseatic League, the union of European commercial towns that stretched from London to Novgorod. Pärnu, Viljandi and Tartu were also members. Estonia became a vital link in the sea-trade between East and West. The oldest preserved book written in Estonian, a catechism, dates from 1535. Tartu University was established in 1632, on orders from Sweden's King Gustav II Adolf. Literacy spread. The Bible was translated into Estonian in 1739(pole vaja teada). A period of wars began in...

Keeled → Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist

Kaks arutlust süstemaatilise teoloogia teemadel

Leitakse näiteks, et on olemas teaduslikke tõendeid, mis osutaksid Jumalale või kõrgemale jõule. Inimeste jaoks, kes usuvad Jumalasse või kõrgemasse jõusse, on see näitajaks, et teadus võib rajada meile tee avastamaks Jumala loomingut. Nii nagu näiteks on 1 ( Jerry Coyne. DOES THE EMPIRICAL NATURE OF SCIENCE CONTRADICT THE REVELATORY NATURE OF FAITH? 17.01.10) 2 Ronald Numbers . Myths and Truths in Science and Religion: A historical perspective ( 17.01.10) raamatu "Kohtuotsus Looja kasuks" autor Lee Stroble öelnud: " Teadus sillutas mulle tee ateismi, kuid iroonia on selles, et hiljem juhatas see mind ka Jumala juurde." Võib järeldada, et mõnede inimeste jaoks on piisavalt tõestust sellest, et teaduslikud avastused ja nende uskumused ei ole mitte vastanduvad, vaid pigem toetavad kumbki teist. Samas peab tõdema, et antud juhul jääb see sümbioos väga ühekülgseks, sest

Teoloogia → Süstemaatiline teoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Vabadus läbi minu silmade

Filosoofia Tallinna Tehnika Ülikool 02.11.2015 Vabadus läbi minu silmade Sissejuhatus Inimkond läbi oma terve ajaloo on alati püüelnud kas siis salamisi või siis päris avalikult vabaduse poole, vahest on see õnnestunud ja vahest mitte. On üritatud türannilikest valitsejatest lahti saada ja luua seda ühtset täiuslikku vaba ühiskonda. Selline otsing on aga Thomas More´i arvates utoopiani viinud ja kaks maailmasõda on meile näidanud, et vaba täiuslik ühiskond pole saavutatav. Algse ainujumala kõrvale on ilmunud hulgaliselt muid suuremaid või väiksemaid religioone, mis peale õiget järgimist kindlasti usklikule vabaduse garanteerib või siis hinge vabaduse peale surma. Oleme näinud nii ajaloos kui ka tänapäeval ususõdu, oleme kuulnud võikaid tapatöid usu nimel, seda ka alles loetud päevad tagasi Türgi pealinnas Ankaras, kuna koraan on ainus seadus-piibel, mis usu nimel ka tappa lubab. Ja sed...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
11 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

class. The words "admirable" and "fine", he thus uses, put even more emphasis on his negative attitude to the situation. I assume, that being an Irish by birth Jonathan Swift feels a deep affection for his nation, thus the pamphlet was created in such particular form to mock the cultural arrogance of the English and to stress the Irish subjection and inertness. Sift has not felt without attention another important issue ­ the Religion. A Modest Proposal also reveals to the reader a religious theme, expressed by the sense of disdain of British Protestants towards Roman Catholics, especially the Irish Catholics, often referred as "papist" within the pamphlet. The British enacted laws limiting the ability of Irish innate to thrive and prosper. Ireland was controlled by England, which imposed many taxes upon Irish people and appropriated their resources. By this, this

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Puritanism in John Winthrop "A model of Christian Charity"

our hearts shall turn away so that we will not obey, but shall be seduced and worship other Gods, our pleasures, and profits, and serve them, it is propounded unto us this day, we shall surely perish out of the good Land whither we pass over this vast Sea to possess it”) (Winthrop, 1996) The ending is all about repetition of the most important messages. Focusing on the word of God and letting people to choose because religion is Puritan era was not forced on but rather naturally created. “Therefore let us choose life, that we, and our Seed, may live; by obeying his voice, and cleaving to him, for he is our life, and our prosperity” (Winthrop, 1996) The last paragraph is an excellent example of creating choices for people not limiting them. Believing that God is the ultimate life, virtue of living a full meaning life is carried out by showing the side of positive aspects.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Juutluse pühad ja traditsioonid

Jakob Westholmi Gümnaasium KULTUURIDE ERINEVUSED Õpilasuurimus: Juutluse pühad ja elutsükkel Autor: Martha Mia Veelmaa Juhendaja: Marge Ensling 7.a klass Tallinn 2018 Sisukord 1.2 Juudi uusaasta.................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Lepituspäev........................................................................................................ 4 1.4 Lehtmajadepüha..............................................

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
2 allalaadimist

Notes, Jews in the USSR, 1917-2000

driving force. Party slogans. Absolutely refused to recognize J suffering. Ukraine today demanding recognition of genocide, famine of 30s, millions died, wanting indemnities, etc. New Uk govt see SU past as kind of bad dream to genocide. Disconcerting to Ru. Pop rel begins to bubble up again, esp Islam and Orthodoxy. Islamic fundamentalism didn't really exist outside of Egypt in this time. Concerned about dual loyalties. Ambivalence on part of many, animosity on other parts. W religion come all sorts of things. Synagogue becomes again a problematic place. Restriction on J rituals, from matzah to circumcision. State more actively recruits informers w/in rel communities throughout Ru. Again, more concerned w Islam and Orthodoxy. "Mood of people." Conducting services w/o priest. Weddings, burials had been conducted under state, doing more under rel ritual. Aware and reacting. Govt in J case, forcibly trying to break up minyanim

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Thousands take part in marathons and for this reason, Estonians have always considered themselves a sporting nation, and the sportsmen, our national heroes. 11.Religion The Estonians worshipped their own gods and were one of the last European countries to convert to Christianity, some say it may have been as late as the thirteenth century. In the 11th century, the crusaders reached Estonia and it was dedicated to Virgin Mary. The main religion in Estonia is Lutheranism. During an all-European poll in 2005, 16% of Estonians responded that "they believe there is a god", whereas 54% answered that "they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force" and 26% that "they do not believe there is any sort of spirit, god, or life force". According to the survey, it would have made Estonians the most non- religious people in the then 25-member EU. 12. Economy Estonia is not rich in mineral resources

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Britain history.

Romans brought a lot with them. Their brought paved roads, the sites of important cities, the seeds of Christianity, the Roman law, Roman baths, language and advanced civilization. They also built Hadrian's Wall in 122 A.D. Romans occupied Britain for four centuries. The Roman way of life all vanished after the invasions from Northern Europe by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes from the 5th century onwards. They ruined Londinium, but they were easily turned into Christianity and religion became more and more important. The Vikings, who came in the 9th century, first raided England to plunder it, but then they decided to stay. In the 10th century England fell under Danish Rule, with King Canute finally managing to unite the Anglo-Saxons and Danes at the beginning of 11th century. Medieval England After defeating the Anglo-Saxon King Harold at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, William of Normandy (who became William I, also called William the Conqueror) introduced

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

August Rei

Strandmani tollid (Tallinn, 1929); Kas presidendist on meie riigil tulu loota?: Õpetlikke näiteid Prantsusmaalt (Tallinn, 1932); Ha de baltiska folken självmant avstått från sin nationella frihet ([1943?], äratrükk); Estlands kyrka under sovjetväldet 1940­1941 (H. Perlitzi nime all; Stockholm, 1943); Have the Baltic Countries Voluntary Renounced Freedom? (New York, 1944); The church in Estonia / A. Torma. The fate of religion and church under Soviet rule in Estonia 1940--1941 / H. Perlitz (New York, 1944); Balticum och Sovjetunionens säkerhet (Uppsala, 1944); Have the Small Nations a Right to Freedom and Independence (London, 1946); Soviet Deportations in Estonia (stentsilleeritud); Communism as I experienced it; The Soviets' hunt for uranium in Estonia; Occupied Estonia (S.l.: s.n., 195-?; masinakirjas paljundus); Occupied Estonia (New York; Washington, 1957; masinakirjas paljundus);

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
18 allalaadimist

Topic - Health

Introduction Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the cellular and social level. In the medical field, health is commonly defined as an organism's ability to succesfully respond to challenges and effectively restore and keep a so-called ,,state of balance". 2. History · Early hospitals During the Middle Ages the hospital could serve other functions, such as an almshouse for the poor, or hostel for pilgrims. In ancient cultures, religion and medicine were linked. The earliest known institutions aiming to provide cure were Egyptian temples. Greek temples dedicatedto the healer-god, might admit the sick, who would wait for guidance from the god in a dream. The Romans adopted this worship. The Sri Lankans are perhaps responsible for introducing theconcept ofdedicated hospitals to the world. According to an ancient chronicle, written in the 6 th century A.D., a king had

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist


technology, epic, drama, poem, tragedy, comedy, theatre, epilogue, prologue, methaphor CELTIC- welsh, walloon, wallnut, bannock, bin, brock, badger, caln, whiskey, lock, slogan, arthur, donald and mac. SCANDIAVIAN- take, taken, grasp, seire, catch, call, cast, hit, trive, want, raise, indow, husband, fellow, gate, sky, ski, skirt, skin, plought, ill, ugly, law, thrall, beck, tharp, breed, orientering and sorgasbord FRENCH- law, culture, fashion, religion, odour, slent, king, queen, lord, lady, duke, dutchess, baron, count, countess, page, marquise, prima, leisure, cards, chess, conversation, sport, veal, beef, mutton, venison, brown, parta, ham, gammon, question, mount, vapour, valentine, lediac, lone SPAIN- armada, comrade, renegade, flotilla, don, negro, cockroach, embargo, mosquito, vanilla, cargo, sombrero, siesta, anchovie, bonito, castanet, bonanza, salsa, cafeteria, canyon,

Keeled → Inglise keel
82 allalaadimist


A Touchstone Book. N.Y. 1985. 8. Holma, H., Barthold, V. Muhamed ja islam. Tln. 1994. 9. Huntington, S.P. Tsivilisatsioonide kokkupõrge ja maailmakorra ümberkujunemine. Tallinn 1999, lk 120-134; 225-230; 267-278. 10. Khair-Al-Din, Ravil. Islami jurisprudentsi ja õiguse olemusest. Juridica, VII, 2000, lk 461-470. 11. Khair-Al-Din, Ravil. . Lõputöö. Tartu 2000. 12. Major, W.T. Basic English Law. London 1990. 13. Mayer, A.E. Law and Religion in the Muslim Middle-East Countries. ­ The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1987, Nr 1. 14. Zweigert, K., Kötz, H. An introduction to Comparative Law. Oxford 1998, pp 303- 312; 313-319. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES) 15. What is Law. N.Y.,1989, pp 22-28. (ALLIKAS TEADUSKONNA TEABEKESKUSES). 16. , M.. O . Moa 1968. 17. , . M . Moa 1986. 4 V SEMINAR 9

Õigus → Õigusteadus
30 allalaadimist

The Renaissance

The printing of books led to a new way of thinking. Scholars of the Renaissance returned to the writings of Greek and Roman philosophers. These writings are called the "classics". More and more scholars learned to read Greek and Latin and studied old manuscripts on topics like science, art and life.During the Middle Ages people were guided by the church, which was against wealth, trading goods and other worldly interests. Humanists, however, did not believe that much in religion. They thought that money and trade were important in life and that citizens needed a good general education. During the Renaissance a churchman named Martin Luther changed Christianity. In 1517 he wrote a list of things that he didn't like about the church and posted them on the door of his church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther also wanted the church to hold masses in German instead of Latin so that people could understand them better. Many other

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tugevate rühm

cities. A notable example includes "God's Finger" in the Benirràs Bay as well as some of the more traditional Ibicenco cultural sites. Because of its rustic beauty, companies and artists alike frequently use the island for photographic and film shoots. A monument ( "The Egg") erected in honour of Christopher Columbus can be found in Sant Antoni: Ibiza is one of several places purporting to be his birthplace. Religion Here in Ibiza it's impossible to forget that we still live in a devoutly religious, Catholic country. Visitors to the island at Easter can get a taste of the faith and pageantry of the Ibicencos in the religious processions which take place in the towns and villages. The main ones are in Santa Eulalia and Ibiza town and smaller versions take place in Santa Gertrudis, San Miguel, San Vicente and San Lorenzo. First timers are often shocked at the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Aastatöö teemal Bahai usk

baha'i kogudus aktiivselt toetanud rahvusvahelisi organisatsioone nagu ÜRO. Inimkonna teenimine on baha'i usu teine keskne õpetus, millega seoses on baha'id algatanud tuhandeid ühiskondliku ja majandusliku arengu projekte - suurem osa neist tagasihoidlikud, nagu koolid, tervishoiukampaaniad külades ja keskkonnaalased projektid - kogu maailmas. 33 SUMMARY Baha'i faith is a religion, which set up the Bahá'u'lláh 19 century in Iran. Bahá'u'lláh'd be the last of God Baha'i developer row, which goes back to prehistory and which includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad. Baha'i faith teaches that the world's major religions founders, including Krisna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, and Muhamed, are one and the same divine teachers sent by God to educate humanity in accordance with the teachings and laws of development.

Teoloogia → Religioon
22 allalaadimist

Margaret Thatcher

Tallinn Järveotsa Gymnasium MARGARET THATCHER Maria Ignatenko Form 11.B Tallinn 2008 Margaret Thatcher (1925-...) General Data Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in London. She is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. Margaret is the first woman who has ever held these posts. Childhood and Education Margaret Hilda Roberts was born on the 13th of October, 1925 in Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. Her parents were Alfred Roberts and Beatrice Stephenson Roberts. Thatcher spent her childhood in the town of Grantham in Lincolnshire. The Roberts family ran a grocery business, bringing up their two daughters in a flat over the shop. Her father was active in local politics a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Fabio Capello

If results go their way, his brusque, disciplinarian manner would be hailed as a strength. The merest hint of failure, however, could see some of his more forthright views of the world recast in tabloid headlines. Should Fabio Capello be confirmed as the England manager, there will be no shortage of advice on how he should turn the national team into winners. He'll probably ignore much of it. However, other people will probably gently remind him that in England sport and politics and religion don't mix too well. And that's advice he would do well to heed. tag=artBody;col1 4 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Vana-Kreeka religiooni ja mütoloogia konspekt

258 ­ 289. Avita 2001. Vidal-Naquet, P., Must kütt ja Ateena efeebia. ­ Akadeemia 7, 1995 nr. 2, 355 ­ 381. Müüdisüzeed saab eesti keeles hõlpsalt kätte raamatutest: Hamilton, E. Antiikmütoloogia. Eesti Raamat 1975. Hjortso, L., Kreeka jumalad ja kangelased. Tänapäev 2003. Martin, R., Vana-Kreek müüdid. Pegasus. Stephanidis, M. ja Stepanidis, I., Iidsete aegade lood, I ­ II. Eesti Raamat 1991. Muud kirjandust: Bremmer, J. N., Greek Riligion. Ofx. UP 1994. Burkert, W., Greek Religion. Blackwell 1984. Burkert, W., Homo Necans. The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London 1983. Frazer, J. G., Kuldne oks. Uurimusi maagiast ja religioonist. Varrak 2001. Kerenyi, C., The Gods of the Greeks. Penguin 1958. Kerenyi, C., The Heroes of the Greeks. New York 1960. Mikalson, J. D., Ancient Greek Religion. Blackwell 2005. Veyne, P., Kas kreeklased uskusid oma müüte? Varrak 2006. Programm 1. Allikad: a. Homeros (u

Teoloogia → Kreeka religioon ja...
104 allalaadimist

Rooma tsivilisatsiooni lühikokkuvõte

Rooma ja Ateena suhe vallutajana ja vallutatuna oli unikaalne. Ühelt poolt olid roomlased alistajad, teiselt poolt oli neil piisavalt gravitas`t, et mitte pidada enda kultuuri seetõttu paremaks. Vastupidi, roomlased olid veendunud, et Kreeka kultuur neid ületab. Et nad on sõjanduses leidlikumad ja targemad. Mille roomlased omakorda kompenseerisid kõrgema lahingumoraaliga ja suuremate harjutusmahtudega. 3) Rooma religiooni üldine iseloomustus Religion on justkui rooma moraali pikendus. Religion kujutab endast kõige tugevamat sidet mis yhendab kogu Rooma linna- usuga tegelemine on justkui patriootlik akt. Roomlaste jaoks ei tähendanud kultuslikud toimingud religioosse tundmuse väljendamist, vaid jumalate garantiid tema kaitsmise kohta vastutasuna ohverduse või kingitud palvete eest. Roomlane sõlmib jumalusega teatava isikliku lepingu, mille punkte tuleb täpselt täita. Pax deorum ongi loodud nii, et inimene kysib jumalatelt nõu ja jumalad aitavad ja kaitsevad teda

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
66 allalaadimist

Social Problems

Social Problems Crime In the sociological field, crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some governing authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. The word crime originates from the Latin crimen. When society deems informal relationships and sanctions insufficient to create and maintain a desired social order, there may result more formalized systems of social control imposed by a government, or more broadly, by a State. With the institutional and legal machinery at their disposal, agents of the State can compel individuals to conform to behavioural codes and punish those that do not. Various mechanisms are employed to regulate behaviour, including rules codified into laws, policing people to ensure they comply with those laws, and other policies and practices designed to prevent crime. In addition are remedies and sanctions, and collectively these constitute a crimi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
70 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

- Subjective reasons: in case of serious violation of the worker’s contractual obligations. In some cases dismissal for Just Cause has disciplinary nature. In this case the employer must respect special procedures provided by Italian law to first outline the disciplinary breaches committed by an employee and then impose disciplinary punishments, if any, including dismissal. Dismissal for discriminatory reasons – when the employees are dismissed on the grounds of religion, political and personal belief, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, race, language and trade union affiliation; when the employee’s getting married or getting pregnant or after the request of maternity or parental leave. Dismissal for disciplinary reasons – in case of serious, culpable breach of the contract of employment by the worker; it’s the maximum sanction that can be imposed on the worker and is founded in the employer’s managerial authority.

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun