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"relative" - 226 õppematerjali


Inglise keele stilistika

E.g R.Kipling: ,,All the people like us are We, and everyone else is They." Pronouns ,,this and that" may express anger or irritation, e.g these people, these books, this university. In the following construction, they become very expressive e.g that friend of yours, (where is he), this idea of his (I hate it). 4 Adjectives Peculiarities concern mainly the degrees of comparison. Some adjectives are not used in comparisons. For expressing purposes, comparison may be used with relative adjectives ­ those that do not take forms of comparison. This bad grammar. E.g ,,You cannot be deader than the dead" (death is the final stage) ,,The house looked more stony (against english grammar) than ever" 9 The ending ­er and ­ist, when added to long adjectives, also violates the norm and has different formations: to suggest excitement, humour, education. e

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

48. Lexical fields Lexical field or semantic field is the way of organizing related words and expressions into a system which shows their relationship to one another. For example, father, mother, uncle, and aunt,... belong to one lexical field. A lexical field… is a set of semantically related lexical items. A linguistic analysis of a lexical field takes the form of a description of the mutual relations among the items in the field. The semantic value of any such item is determined by its relative position in the field. Mosaic: the conceptual substance of language is divided into a number of adjoining small areas, in the way a mosaic divides twodimensional space. Examples of lexical fields - kinship terms - preparation of food - wine-tasting - madness - colour terms (basic colour terms in English: blue, red, yellow, green, purple, brown, black, white grey, pink)

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

create fictional speaker (Gulliver), utter sentiments which intelligent reader recognises as self-satisfied, egoistical, stupid. Master of understaded irony. Gulliver’s Travels (greatest of satires). Fashionable guise of travel book, ship surgeon, fantastic locasions, liliput island (pompous habits of liliputs satirised). The Battle of the Books – mimics the style of excitable journalism in a debate on the relative merits of the ancients as against the moderns in literature, fought between Bee and Spider. A Tale of a Tub – personates a madman, satire on „corruption in religion and learning”. Alexander Pope: 2 great mock-heroic poems, series of Horatian imitations, 4 verse epistles on moral themes. The Rape of the Lock – based on piece of real-life gossip. The Dunciad – savage attack on hacks and booksellers, told in the form of a celebration of the progress of an empire, that of Dullness.

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist

Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika

ruutjuurele ja hinnatud positiivse ruutjuurega ruutude keskmisest. Liitstandardmääramatus u, combined standard measurement uncertainty Mõõtemudeli sisendsuurustega seotud standardmääramatuste kasutamisel saadud standardmääramatuste summa MÄRKUS Kui mõõtemudelis esineb sisendsuurustevahelisi korrelatsioone, siis tuleb liitmääramatuse arvutamisel arvesse võtta kovariatsioone. Suhteline standardmääramatus relative standard measurement uncertainty Standardmääramatus jagatud suuruse absoluutmõõdisega. Laiendmääramatus U, laiendmõõtemääramatus expanded measurement uncertainty Liitmääramatuse korrutis ühest suurema teguriga Tegur sõltub mõõtemudeli väljundsuuruse tõenäosusjaotusfunktsiooni tüübist ja valitud tõenäosustasemest.Tegur selles määratluses viitab kattetegurile. 22. MÕÕTEMÄÄRAMATUSE KOMPONENDID PIKKUSMÕÕTEVAHENDITE KALIBREERIMISEL

Metroloogia → Metroloogia ja mõõtetehnika
317 allalaadimist

Grammatika inglise keel

INGLISE KEELE GRAMMATIKA Present Simple Lihtoleviku moodustamine Jaatav vorm Eitav vorm Küsiv vorm I make I do not make Do I make? He/she/it speaks He/she/it does not speak Does he/she/it speak? We/you/they go We/you/they do not go Do we/you/they go? NB! ERANDID! · Verbidele, mis lõpevad ­ss, h, ch, tch, x või ­oga, lisatakse ainsuse kolmdandas pöördes ­es. he does he goes he misses he watches he mixes · Verbid, mis lõpevad ­yga, mille ees on konsonant, muudavad y iks enne ­es lisamist. fly ­ he flies carry ­ he carries Võrdle: say ­ he says Lihtolevik väljendab: · Antud momendil toimuvat tegevust, mis ei väljenda kest...

Keeled → Inglise keel
925 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

generators, like wind turbines but then in a tidal stream. Due to the high density of water, about eight-hundred times the density of air, tidal currents can have a lot of kinetic energy. Several commercial prototypes have been build, and more are in development. * Wave power uses the energy in waves. Wave power machines usually take the form of floating or neutrally buoyant structures which move relative to one another or to a fixed point. Wave power has now reached commercialization. * Osmotic power or salinity gradient power, is the energy retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water. Reverse electrodialysis (PRO) is in the research and testing phase. * Vortex power is generated by placing obstacles in rivers in order to cause the formation of vortices which can then be tapped for energy.

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

Majanduse põhiküsimused

on konstantne. Kasvavate alternatiivkulude seadust tuntakse ka kasvavate kulude seaduse (law of increasing costs) nime all. Kui täieliku tööhõivega majanduses piiratud ressursside korral vajab ühiskond rohkem toodet Y, peab ta ohverdama mingi osa kauba X toodangust, sest tootlikke ressursse mõlema jaoks lihtsalt ei jätku. Kasvavate kulude seaduse (nimetatakse ka kulude suhtelise kasvu seaduseks, law of increasing relative costs) kohaselt kasvab Y toodangu mahu kasvades toote X loovutatud kogus (alternatiivkulu) iga toote Y lisaühiku saamiseks. Samale järeldusele võime jõuda vaadeldes mitte kulusid, vaid hoopiski saadavat tulemit. Nn kahaneva tulu (toogi) seadus (law of diminishing returns) näitab, et kui suurendada ühe tootmisteguri hulka ja jätta teiste tegurite suurus muutumatuks, on tulemuseks järjest kahanev toodangu juurdekasv. Sisuliselt kinnitab nimetatud seadus väidet, et teatud

Majandus → Majandus
105 allalaadimist

Ehitusfüüsika abimaterjal ja valemid 2018

2018 Abimaterjal aines „Ehitusfüüsika“ Veeauru küllastusrõhk, psat, Pa 25 3300 Veeaurusisaldus õhus, g/m3 17 ,269t psat  610,5 e 237,3 t , Pa, kui t 0 o C , 20 2640 Veeaururõhk, Pa 21,875t ...

18 allalaadimist

Üld- ja sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt

3. Enese-omistamine „self-attribution“ – me järeldame midagi enda kohta jälgides kõrvalt enda käitumisi ja nende tulemusi. 4. Olulisuse printsiip – minapilt on kogum hierarhiliselt organiseeritud enese kirjeldustest, millest mõned on olulisemad kui teised. Identiteet. ● Minapilt koosneb erinevatest identiteetidest ja seejuures identifitseeritakse erinevate kategooriatega ​(categories people use to specify who they are and to locate themselves relative to other people. Michener & Delamater, 1999) ● Eristumine vs sarnanemine teistega ● Võivad olla seotud minevikuga, olevikuga ja ka tulevikuga (nt grupp kellega suhtles; rollid, milles on hetkel; kelleks soovib saada). Tüübid: 1. Personaalne identiteet – inimese nägemus iseendast; tajutud isiksuseomadused ja käitumisviisid, mis eristavad inimest teistest, nt. lahke, sportlik, juht, usklik. 2

Psühholoogia → üld- ja sotsiaalpsühholoogia
37 allalaadimist

RAS operatsioonisüsteemid - reaalajalised tuumad

1. Precedence Constraints - Eeltingimused - kas mõni tegum vajab, et mingi teine tegum oleks eelnevalt täidetud 2. Release Time - Alustamise hetk ri,j ­ tegumi ti j-nda eksemplari täitmise algushetk 3. Phase - Faas fi ­ tegumi ti esimese eksemplari täitmise algushetk 4. Response Time - Kosteaeg - aeg tegumi aktiveerimisest kuni tegumi töö lõppemiseni 5. Absolute Deadline - Absoluutne piiraeg di - ajahetk, milleks tegum peab töö lõpetama 6. Relative Deadline ­ Suhteline piiraeg Di ­ tegumi maksimaalne lubatud kosteaeg 7. Laxity Type - Lõtku tüüp - võimalikud lõtkud tegumi täitmisel 8. Period - Periood pi (Ti)- minimaalne ajavahemik tegumi korduvtäitmiste vahel 9. Execution Time - Täitmise aeg ei (Ci)- maksimaalne aeg, mis on vajalik tegumi täitmiseks, kui talle on kättesaadavad kõik vajalikud ressursid ja tema tööd ei katkestata 37

Tehnoloogia → Reaalajasüsteemid
19 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

against Asians · Since the 1960s ­ more immigrants from Asia than from Europe · Substantial migration to Hawaii *Hawaii = Native Hawaiians ­ of Polynesian origin · Chinese, Japanese, Korean migration to Hawaii Mostly live in the east and western coast of North America, large groups in Atlanta, Washington DC., Florida, New York, San Fransisco, Los Angeles. 17. The economic and social status of Asian Americans. The reasons for their relative success. Have all the groups of Asian Americans been equally successful? *Chinese Americans = · The first Chinese immigrants ­ 1820 · 1849 ­ California gold rush · Immigration and Nationality Act ­ 1965 ­ beginning of large-scale Chinese immigration · Highly educated intellectuals, scientists and engineers ­ image of "model minority" · ABCs ­ American-born Chinese ­ "bananas" · FOBs ­ recent immigrants ­ "fresh off the boat"

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Populatsioonigeneetika eksam

Nädal 1 1. Mis tüüpi küsimustele populatsioonigeneetika vastust otsib. Kirjelda üldiselt põhilist töövõtet. Too näiteid erinevatest populatsioonigeneetika mudelitest. Mis on mudeli parameeter ja tema hinnang? Mis tegurid võivad viimast mõjutada. Populatsioonigeneetika uurib geneetilise varieeruvuse muutumist nii ajas edasi kui tagasi. Populatsioonigeneetika üritab ennustada, mis saab varieeruvusest tulevikus. Selgitada kuidas tänane varieeruvus tekkis. Populatsioonigeneetika ennustav pool arendati suures osas välja juba 20.sajandi esimeses pooles. Püütakse mõista alleeli/genotüübi/haplotüübi jne sageduse muutumist ajas sõltuvalt erinevatest tingimustest. Ennustatakse seda, kui palju populatsioon geneetiliselt varieeruma peaks, kuidas see aja jooksul muutub ja kuidas erinevad bioloogilised protsessid seda ajas ja ruumis mõjutavad. Minevikku vaatav populatsioonigeneet...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
34 allalaadimist

Structural Testing Of Homebuilt Aircraft

erty of composite materials. Figure 1 however, quite different. Take, for steel, among others. shows the relationship between the example, aluminum. As the tensile Experiments in the testing device, tensile stress the material is subjected force is applied, the specimen (for as well as our own daily experience, to, and the corresponding relative example, in the testing machine) ini- show that as long as the material is elongation or strain for several materi- tially elongates in proportion with the stressed to less than its "yield point", als used in aircraft construction. stress. Here the aluminum obeys this it has the ability to return to almost (Stress is the stretching load per unit "law of proportionality" quite well. its original shape, as soon as the

Mehaanika → Abimehanismid
4 allalaadimist

Venoosse trombembolismi seos pahaloomulise kasvajaga

Function. Antiplatelet Therapy in Clinical Practice. London: Martin Dunitz, lk 22. Gurbel, P., A., Tantry. U., S., (2010) Combination Antithrombotic Therapies. Circulation, nr 121, lk 569. Heit, J., A. (2015) Epidemiology of venous thrombembolism. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 12. august, nr 8, lk 464­ 474. 29 Heit, J., A., O'Fallon, W., M., Petterson, T., M., Lohse, C., M., Silverstein, M., D., Mohr, D., N., Melton, L., J. (2002) Relative impact of risk factors for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism: a population-based study. Arch Intern Med, nr 162, lk 1245-1248. Huubimise kaskaad [joonis 3.] 2015. Loetud: eName=coursecontent&PartID=1&SectionID=-1, 12.01.2019. Kaart, T. (2007) Matemaatiline statistika ja modelleerimine. Loetud:, 01.02.2019.

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
3 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

·Approaches to evaluating integrated care that: ­ situate it within wider health and care systems ­acknowledge the level and combination of strategies used based on the challenges faced in obtaining appropriate quality care for local communities and user groups ­consider the contextual factors that affect development and delivery. ·Standardised, validated tools and indicators that measure integration across different settings relative to a set of models, structures and processes. ·Focused, `off-the-shelf measures' that suit a specific purpose or aspect of integrated care which can be applied by decision-makers and planners across diverse health and care systems and settings. ·Qualitative and mixed methods approaches (such as comparative case study research and/or realistic evaluation) that facilitate understanding of which integrative processes work, for whom, and in what circumstances.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

Liidud loovad majanduslikku väärtust läbi juurdepääsule uutele resurssidele ja võimekustele ning olemasolevate ressursside ja võimelkuste finatsvõimendusest. Valida tuleks partner, kes on milleski parem kui sa ise. 3 tüüpi liidud: x nonequity alliance ­ when agreements are carried out through contract rather than ownership sharing. ; contracts (licensing, supply&distribution agreements) x equity alliance ­ in which two or more partners have different relative ownership shares (equity percentages) in the new venture --such as 25%, 25%, 50%; cross equity holdings (partners own stakes in eachother) x joint venture ­ when two or more companies create an independent company; joint equity holdings (independent firm is created) An example is the Nuumi corporation, created as a joint venture between Toyota and General Motors, which gave GM access to Toyota's manufacturing expertise and provided

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

Populatsioonigeneetika 2014

Nädal 1 1. Mis tüüpi küsimustele populatsioonigeneetika vastust otsib. Kirjelda üldiselt põhilist töövõtet. Too näiteid erinevatest populatsioonigeneetika mudelitest. Mis on mudeli parameeter ja tema hinnang? Mis tegurid võivad viimast mõjutada. (Sille) Populatsioonigeneetika uurib populatsioonide varieeruvuse muutumist ajas: selgitab, kuidas praegune varieeruvus tekkinud on, ja ennustab seda, milliseks varieeruvus tulevikus saab. Uurib erinevaid tegureid, mis varieeruvust mõjutavad (nagu loodusliku valiku toimumine, geneetiline triiv, mutatsioonid, geenisiire, Mendeli pärilikkuse seadused, paarumismustrid, populatsioonide struktureeritus). Varieeruvus kui alleeli/genotüüpide/haplotüüpide sageduse muutumine. Põhilise töövõttena luuakse mudel (kasutades teatud eelduseid ja teadmisi vastavat protsessi mõjutavate tegur...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

skaalal neid mõõta ja hinnata? Kui jah, kas siis saab/tohib arengut suunata, motiveerida, jõuga peale suruda? Eriti – kui selleks on olemas ressurss?! – Relativistlik vaade – Relativism: tõe suhtelisus, moraalne relativism. – Relativism is the idea that some elements or aspects of experience or culture are relative to, i.e., dependent on, other elements or aspects. – 20 sajandi II pool: nihe relativismi suunas – Pöörded sotsiaalias ja humanitaarias – vt KK 8-9, 2008 – Keeleline pööre: keel pole vaid meedium, keel loob tegelikkust – Kognitiivne pööre: maailmapildi konstrueerimine – Kultuuriline pööre: kultuurikontekst, erinevad tähenduste maailmad, jagatud

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Üld- ja käitumisgeneetika kordamisküsimused, kevadsemester 2015

Selektsioonikoefitsient selektsioonikoefitsient, s (ingl. Selection coefficient, s)- Arv, mis mõõdab genotüübi kohasust, võrreldes populatsiooni edukama genotüübiga. 9. Juhuslik geenitriiv juhuslik geenitriiv (ingl. Random genetic drift)- Alleelisageduste muutus väikese ristuva -populatsiooni põlvkondades juhuslike kõrvalekallete tõttu. 10.Evolutsioonitegurite toime populatsiooni tasakaalule 11. Suhteline kohastumuslikkus suhteline kohastumuslikkus (ingl. Relative fitness)- Eri ökosüsteemides on erinevate tunnustega isendite kohastumuslikkus erisugune (nt. kohastumine eluks põllul ja metsas). 12. Pudelikaela efekt pudelikaelaefekt (ingl. Bottleneck effect)- Geenitriivi erivorm, mille puhul populatsiooni arvukus on ajutiselt drastiliselt alanenud. 13. Molekulaarse evolutsiooni kell Mida kaugemad on liigid, seda rohkem muutusi on DNA-s. 14. Mutastsioonisurve, seos selektsiooniga mutatsioonisurve (ingl

Psühholoogia → Üld- ja käitumisgeneetika
168 allalaadimist

Keemia ja materjaliõpetus (YKI3030) eksami kordamisküsimused ja vastused 2016/2017

süttimisoht. 42. Veeaur õhus, absoluutne ja suhteline niiskus  Absoluutne niiskus on veeauru tegelik hulk õhus – g H2O m-3 Atmosfääri õhk sisaldab alati vähemal määral veeauru, vaja arvestada ehitiste konstrueerimisel, seadmete kasutamisel.  Suhteline niiskus– õhu tegeliku niiskusesisalduse suhe maksimaalsesse väljendatuna %- es (RH- relative humidity) 9 43. Mis on kastepunktid- seletus.  Kastepunkt- Temperatuur, mille juures õhu tavarõhu korral (1 atm) veeaur kondenseerub(moodustub kondensaat). Dew point  Rõhu kastepunkt- on temperatuur, mille juures tavarõhust erineva rõhu korral moodustub kondensaat. (rõhk pole 1atm). Pressure dew point 44. Vedelike üldomadused

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
42 allalaadimist

YKI 3030 Keemia ja materjaliõpetus

*on keemiliselt suhteliselt inertne ning temaga töötamisel puudub plahvatus- ja süttimisoht. 41. Veeaur õhus, absoluutne ja suhteline niiskus 1. Absoluutne niiskus on veeauru tegelik hulk õhus – g H2O m-3 Atmosfääri õhk sisaldab alati vähemal määral veeauru, vaja arvestada ehitiste konstrueerimisel, seadmete kasutamisel. 2. Suhteline niiskus– õhu tegeliku niiskusesisalduse suhe maksimaalsesse väljendatuna %-es (RH- relative humidity) 42. Mis on kastepunktid- seletus. 2 Kastepunkt- Temperatuuri, mille juures õhu tavarõhu (1 atm) korral moodustub kondensaat. (läheb vedelasse olekusse) Dew point Rõhu kastepunkt- on temperatuur, mille juures tavarõhust erineva rõhu korral moodustub kondensaat. (rõhk pole 1atm) Pressure dew point 43. Vedelike üldomadused - omandavad anuma kuju; - ei täida osaliselt täidetud anumat ühtlaselt; - ei pruugi seguneda omavahel; - on väga vähe kokkusurutavad. 44. Viskoossus

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
108 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

Early period contains the novel Mosquitoes, it's a parody attacking the superficial lives of society in the city of New Orleans. He makes fun of the pretentiousness of high society. He was still learning the art of writing. ,,The sound and the fury" and in 1932 ,,Light in August", ,,Absalom, Absalom!"- recurring characters, travel from one novel to another: Thomas Sutpen, Joe Christmas, Dilsey Gibson and Quantin Compson. After 1936 was the period of relative decline in his talent and he still produced important pieces. ,,Snopes" trilogy and the famous short story ,,The Bear" and ,,Go down, Moses" 1942. Faulkner is famous for creating his own world, his own setting- Yoknapatawpha County-Jefferson as its capital. Signs of decay, the roads are dusty, the town is surrounded by swomps, the two rivers seem smooth but can be wild and destructive. His fictional world actually embraces several civilizations, it embraces the native americans and

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Üldmeteoroloogia konspekt

Tegijapoiss 2010 Üldmeteoroloogia konspekt eksamiks Konspekt on tehtud Hanno Ohvril-I üldmeteoroloogia materjalide põhjal . Üsna vigu täis . Igast kasulikku infot on siin , kuid paljud asjad võivad segaseks jääda , kuna ma panin kirja enamasti selle mida ma ise ei tea ( peaaegu kõik). Valemite tuletusi ma kirja ei pannud , sest normaalsed inimesed selliseid asju ei õpi. Kasu on konspektis kindlasti. Termini meteoroloogia all peetakse harilikult silmas kindlatel kellaaegadel tehtavaid õhu temperatuuri, rõhu, niiskuse, pilvisuse, nähtavuse jt meteoelementide rutiinseid mõõtmisi javaatlusi. Klimatoloogia - Paljuaastane iseloomulik ilmastik mingis piirkonnas. Klimatoloogia on meteoroloogia ja füüsilise geograafia piiriteadus. Fahrenheiti skaala ­ Kaks püsipunkti 1) 0 F Kraadi = -17.78 C , madalaim temperatuur mis ta laboris sai . 2) 96 F = 35.55 C , tema arvates inimese keha temperatuur. Jää sulab Fahrenheidi skaala järgi 32 F kraadi ...

Kategooriata → Üldmeteoroloogia
84 allalaadimist

Rahanduse aluste kontrolltöö vastused

79. Nimetage rahanduse erikursusi. Rahandus kui õppeaine on väga mitmetahuline ja koosneb mitmest erikursusest: ettevõtte rahandus, pangandus, investeeringud, finantsturud, rahateooria, kinnisvara rahndus jms. 80. Millega tegeletakse finantsjuhtimises? Finantsjuhtimises on omavahel põimunud finantsarvestus, mikro- ja makroökonoomika, statistika ning matemaatika. Järjest rohkem on hakatud rõhutama ka õiguslikke aspekte. Seetõttu võib finantsjuhtimist nimetada ka interdisplinaarseks õppeaineks, mis eeldab häid eelteadmisi teistest majandusainetest ja loogilist mõtlemist. 81. Mis on investeerimisotsused ja mis finantseerimisotsused? Tooge ka nende seos bilansiga. Ettevõtte rahandustöö on tihedalt seotud bilansi juhtimisega. Bilansiga seotud otsused võib jagada üldjuhul kaheks: investeerimisotsused ja finantseerimisotsused. Investeerimisotsused on ressursside paigutamisega seotud otsused (ettevõtte varade portfelli koostamine ...

Majandus → Rahanduse alused
659 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

This is a post-refereeing final draft. When citing, please refer to the published version: Cohen, S.A. (2011). Lifestyle travellers: Backpacking as a way of life. Annals of Tourism Research, 38(4), 1535-1555. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2011.02.002 LIFESTYLE TRAVELLERS: Backpacking as a way of life Scott A. Cohena Bournemouth University, United Kingdom a corresponding author: School of Tourism, Dorset House, Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5BB, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 1202 961261 Fax: +44 1202 515707 Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT Scholarship on backpackers speculates some individuals may extend backpacking to a way of life. This article empirically explores this proposition using lifestyle consumption as its framing concept and conceptualises individuals who style their lives around the enduring practice of backpacking as ‘lifestyle travellers’. Ethn...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Exami kysimused-vastused

creates a true to life effect. "They" becomes emotional when used independently. "This / that" may express anger or irritation ("These people!"). In certain constructions pronouns stand in the end and the phrase becomes very expressive (e.g. "This idea of his!"). ADJECTIVES: expressing features of adjectives concern the degrees of comparison, especially when rules or norms are violated. We do not apply to relative adjectives a comparison, yet it is done for the sake of expressiveness. The ending ­er or ­est added to longer adjectives violates the norm and has different functions: to suggest excitement, humor, poor education ("She was the beautifulest woman."). For the sake of humor or for efficient advertising the endings ­er and ­est are added to "bad", "good", "many". Sometimes even double forms are used.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
44 allalaadimist

Loogika konspekt 1-5

· üksikmõisted (ik singular term) ­ nt väikseim naturaalarv, Võru linn, lähim täht. · tühjad mõisted (nullmõisted, ik empty term) ­ nt igiliikur, ümmargune ruut. See jaotus on kontekstitundlik. Sisu alusel käsitletavaid mõistete klasse: Absoluutsed mõisted (ik absolute term) nt taim, riie, on sellised, mis oma tähenduses ei eelda teise eseme, nähtuse olemasolu ega mingit suhet sellesse. Suhtelised e korrelatiivsed mõisted (ik relative term) nt vend, paremale, on sellised, mis peale selle eseme, nähtuse, mida nad tähistavad, eeldavad veel teise eseme, nähtuse olemasolu. Abstraktsed mõisted (ik abstract term) nt headus, vabadus, tähistavad esemete, nähtuste, omadusi, olekuid ning tehteid, mis on mõeldavad eraldi esemest, nähtusest. Konkreetsed mõisted (ik concrete term) nt taim, kolmnurk, kuu, tähistavad kindlalt piiritletuid esemeid, nähtusi, isikuid, fakte, sündmusi ning teadvuse seisundeid.

Filosoofia → Loogika
335 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

forms. Challenge old and established beliefs and more and more people had access to books and education more people went to universities. profound change in morals: · No universal value and perspective on things · Multiple truths, multiple perspectives · Nothing has inherent (kaasasündinud, sisemist) importance · Life lacks purpose Science: Albert Einstein-general theory of relativity had a huge impact on culture as well. Everything is relative. Philosophy: Henri Bergson (French) came to challenge the immediate experience ad intuition are more significant than rationalism and science for understanding reality. Opposition to materialism and positivism. Opposition to abstract, untested theories &ideologies. Friedrich Nietzsche ,,God is dead"-through explaining and putting forward theories had killed Christian god. The essence of Freudian theory: the process in the human psyche

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Majanduse alused

efektiivsus efficiency initsiatiiv incentives Mikro- ja makroökonoomika Sissejuhatus vabadus freedom TVP nõgusus Concativity of PPC Suhteliste kulude kasvu Law of increasing relative costs seadus 4. NÕUDMINE JA PAKKUMINE Sisukokkuvõte: Käesoleva peatüki materjal on esitatud väga traditsioonilisel kujul. Peatüki eesmärk on kirjeldada kõige üldisemates joontes: · turutasakaalu tekkimise mehhanismi; · tasakaalu mõjutavaid tegureid; · suhteliste hindade rolli ressursside ümberpaigutamisel majanduses.

Majandus → Majanduse alused
190 allalaadimist

Keemia ja materjaliõpetus

42. Veeaur õhus, absoluutne ja suhteline niiskus. 1. Absoluutne niiskus on veeauru tegelik hulk õhus – g H2O m-3 Atmosfääri õhk sisaldab alati vähemal määral veeauru, vaja arvestada ehitiste konstrueerimisel, seadmete kasutamisel. 2. Suhteline niiskus – õhu tegeliku niiskusesisalduse suhe maksimaalsesse väljendatuna % (RH- relative humidity) 2.1. (tegelik veeauru rõhk tempeatuuril t1/ küllastatud veeauru rõhk temperatuuril t1) x 100% = …. % 2.2. (veeauru tegelik sisaldus temperatuuril t2 gm-3 /maksimaalne veeauru sisaldus temperatuuril t2 g m-3) x 100 = …. % 43. Mis on kastepunktid (seletus)? Temperatuuri, mille juures õhus olev veeaur kondenseerub nimetatakse kastepunktiks.

Keemia → Keemia ja materjaliõpetus
38 allalaadimist

Halliste luha taimkatte muutustest

Stevens, M.H.H. & Carson, W.P. 1999. Plant density determines species richness along an experimental fertility gradient. Ecology 80: 455-465. 48. Zobel K., Liira, J. 1997. A scale-independent approach to the richness vs biomass relationship in ground-layer communities. Oikos 80:325-332. 49 49. Zobel, M. 1992. Plant-species coexistence ­ the role of historical, evolutionary and ecological factors. Oikos 65: 314-320. 50. Zobel, M. 1997 The relative role of species pools in determining plant species richness: an alternative explanation of species coexistence? TREE 12: 266-269. 51. Tamm, L. 1967. Süstaga Halliste jõel. Eesti Loodus 6: 383-386. 52. Taylor, D. R., Aarssen, L. W. & Loehle, C. 1990. The species-pool hypothesis and plant community diversity. Oikos 68: 371-374. 53. Talvi, T., 2001. Pool-looduslikud kooslused. Ökoloogiliste Tehnoloogiate keskus. 54. Tilman, D. 1982. Resource competition and community structure. Princeton

Botaanika → Rakendusbotaanika
2 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

ticks 2. if bit transition detected (at least every 5th bit): ­ determine drift amount = actual signal by the primary orsecondary station to indicate that it is ready to receive learn/configure each other's network address transition relative to last ­ DPLL sample: drift = tactual_transition - (tsample + N/2) ­ adjust time to an information frame and/or acknowledge previously received frames. · no prevention of long runs of certain bit strings next sampling pulse ­ Receive Not Ready(RNR) (C/R) is used to indicate that the primary or secondary · no error correction/recovery

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

boomed on the back of fast international economic growth while the price of gas imported from Russia remained low, terms of trade improved by 50 percent. Monetization also helped to drive this boom, as the ratio of credit to GDP grew extremely fast--from 7 to almost 80 percent over just several years. 7 In less than a decade, Ukraine leaped from an economy not based on money to having a banking sector comparable in relative size to that of many well-established market economies. Credit was at last available, and not only from state-controlled and other politically connected banks, but from reputable foreign banks channeling easy international liquidity to Ukraine as they did to other emerging economies. From 2000 to 2007, Ukraine's real growth averaged 7.4 percent and was thus very similar to Russia's. In both countries, this growth was driven by domestic demand: orientation toward

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

symbols; • Using cursor interrogation for further detail; • Overlaying/removing radar video or radar target information (in order to: confirm ship's positioning; aid radar interpretation; show the entire navigation situation on one screen); • Overlaying/removing various other sensor information, or information telemetered from shore; • Changing the scale or orientation of the display; • Selecting true motion or relative motion; • Changing screen layout with windowed displays, text information in the margins, etc.; • Possibility of pull-down menus and other operator interaction devices being alongside the operational navigation display and so interacting with it; • Giving navigation and chart warnings such as "too close approach to safety contour"; "about to enter prohibited area"; "overscale display"; "more detailed (larger scale) data available" etc.;

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

counts as observed and how a "datum" is described are all determined in part by the very theories that are in question. Both these problems are knotty issues in the philosophy of science; I merely mention them here.4 But they help to set up a much deeper objection to verificationism. The big one Objection 7 Following Pierre Duhem (1906/1954), W. V. Quine (1953, 1960) argues that no individual sentence has a distinctive verification condition, except relative to a mass of background theory against which "observational" testing takes place. This will take some explaining. There is a naive idea that many people have about science. It is that one puts forward a scientific hypothesis and then tests the hypothesis by doing an experiment, and the experiment shows, all by itself, whether the hypothesis is correct. Duhem pointed out that in the history of the universe there has never

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

to measuring the inputs or generating the outputs. This in turn drives other parts of the design, such as allowable noise and the precision that is required of the components. A simple microprocessor-based system might read an analog input voltage and convert it to a digital value (how this happens will be examined in Chapter 2, “Digital-to-Analog Converters”). Dynamic range is usually expressed in db because it is usually a measurement of relative power or voltage. However, this does not cover all the things that a microprocessor-based system might want to measure. In simplest terms, the dynamic range can be thought of as the largest value that must be measured compared to (or divided by) the small- est. In most cases, the essential number that needs to be known is the number of bits of precision required to measure or control something. As an example, say that we want to measure temperatures between 0°C and 100°C

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist

Arvutite eksam

 Kui te leiate vea siis osutage sellele kommentaariga (“Insert” ->”Comment” või märgi osa sellel parem klõps ning “Comment”).  Küsimuste järel on vastamise koht. Vastamisel lisage kindlasti küsimus ja järjekorra number! TUBLID OLETE! :) Kes ütles? Palume autorit! :-) Kuidas kasutada Google Doc-si, õppevideo: Rene 1-6 1. Käsu täitmine protsessoris (käsuloendur, käsuregister, käsu dekooder, operatsioon automaat ja juhtautomaat). 2. Arvuti mälu hierarhia. 3. Analoog info, ADC, DAC ja helikaart. 4. Pooljuhtmälud. 5. Konveier protsessoris ja mälus. 6. Virtuaal mälu. TAUSTAVÄRVIGA KÜSIMUSED ON VASTAMATA!!! PIIA 7-12 8. Andmevahetus mikroarvutis (erinevad siinid ja nende osa andmevahetuses, AB, DB, CB). 7. Erinevad siinid ja nende osa andmevahetuses (AB, DB,...

Informaatika → Arvutid
45 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

like us are "we", and everyone else are "they".). "This", "that" may express anger or irritation (e.g. "These people!"). In certain constructions these pronouns stand in the end and the whole expression or phrase becomes very expressive (e.g. ""This idea of his!" "That friend of yours!"). ADJECTIVES: Expressing features of adjectives concern the degrees of comparison, especially when rules or norms are violated. We do not apply to relative adjectives a comparison, yet it is done for the sake of expressiveness (e.g. "You cannot be deader than the dead." "The house looked more stony than ever."). FGI 1081 Stylistics (I. Ladusseva) 8 The ending ­er or ­est added to longer adjectives violates the norm and has different functions: to suggest excitement, humor, poor education (e.g. "It is getting curiouser and curiouser

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

influence over territories of the Ottoman Empire. The Crimean War is sometimes considered to be the first modern conflict and introduced technical changes which affected the future course of warfare. During peace negotiations the Tsar and the Sultan agreed not to establish any naval or military arsenal on the Black Sea coast. Still, Russia once again established a fleet in the Black Sea. *Pax Britannica ­ was the period of relative peace in Europe when the British Empire controlled most naval trade routes and enjoyed unchallenged sea power. Britain dominated overseas markets. The Empire's strength was guaranteed by Europes lack in strong nation states, and the presence of the Royal Navy on all of the world's oceans and seas. This led to the spread of the English language and the British Imperial system of measures. The Pax Britannica was weakened by the breakdown of the continental order established by the

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

American Literature

which William Dean Howells, Rebecca Harding Davis, Henry James, Mark Twain, and others wrote fiction devoted to accurate representation and an exploration of American lives in various contexts. As the United States grew rapidly after the Civil War, the increasing rates of democracy and literacy, the rapid growth in industrialism and urbanization, an expanding population base due to immigration, and a relative rise in middleclass affluence provided a fertile literary environment for readers interested in understanding these rapid shifts in culture. In drawing attention to this connection, Amy Kaplan has called realism a "strategy for imagining and managing the threats of social change" (Social Construction of American Realism ix). Realism was a movement that encompassed the entire country, or at least the Midwest and South, although many of the writers and

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


VI peatükk 6. Konteinerveod Konteiner ei ole mingi uus leiutis. Jutt on teatud tüüpi kauba veol kasutatavast kastist. Võrreldes hariliku kastiga on konteiner varustatud lisaseadmetega, mis võimaldavad konteinerit kasutada ajutise laona. Konteinerite ajalugu sai alguse II maailmasõja ajal kui ameeriklased hakkasid teatud mõõtmetega kaste kasutama varustuse toimetamisel sõjatandrile. Hiljem hakati konteinerite mõõtmeid standardiseerima. Esialgu tegeles sellega ASA (American Standardisation Association), hiljem ISO (International Standardisation Organization). Konteinerite liigitus ja mtmed ISO liigitab rahvusvahelistes vedudes kasutatavad konteinerid 1. seeriasse, mida vastavalt pikkusele märgitakse: 1A 40 jalga (12,19 m) 1D 10 jalga (3,05 m) 1B 30 jalga (9,14 m) 1E 6 2/3 jalga (2,03 m) 1C 20 jalga (6,10 m) 1F 5 jalga (1,52 m) Praktilises kasutuses on ülalmainitutest ainult 20- ja 40-jalased. 2. seeria kont...

Merendus → Laevandus
54 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

SISUKORD 1. Sotsaalpsühholoogia......................................................2 2. Inimsuhete ajalooline areng...........................................7 3. Eneseteadvus..............................................................17 4. Sotsiaalne taju............................................................23 5. Hoiakud......................................................................30 6. Sotsiaalne mõju...........................................................35 7. Inimestevahelised suhted.............................................45 8. Inimsuhete ruumiline mõõde........................................49 9. Grupid ja gruppidevahelised suhted..............................54 9a Zimbardo vanglaeksperiment......................................62 10. Liider grupis..............................................................66 11. Agressiivsus ja prosotsiaalne käitumine......................77 12. Suhtlemine I..............

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat · Presidendi Kantselei: · Parlamendiraamatukogu andmekogu: eng.html#datab · Prantsusmaa Cadre commun d'interopérabilité des systèmes d'information publics. Version 2.1 (septembre 2003). Agence pour le Développement de l'Administration électronique (ADAE) - Circulaire du 12 septembre 2003 relative au développement de l'administration électronique. 116 Décret n° 2002-1064 du 7 août 2002 relatif au service public de la diffusion du droit par l'internet. Ministère de la fonction publique et de la réforme de l'Etat. Remise du livre blanc

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist

Autocad II

Eesti Põllumajandusülikool Tehnikateaduskond Mehaanika ja masinaõpetuse instituut Enno Saks Joonestuspakett AutoCAD 2000 (versioon 15.0) II Kolmemõõtmeline raalprojekteerimine & Programmeeritud joonestamine Tartu 2000 1. Ruumilised koordinaadid Ruumiliste jooniste valmistamiseks on vajalik tunda tähtsamaid ruumilisi koordinaatsüs- teeme (vt joonis 1): ristkoordinaate xyz, silinderkoordinaate rz ja sfäärkoordinaate . Silinderkoordinaatide saamiseks tuleb punkt P(x,y,z) projekteerida XY-tasandile, selleks on joonisel 1 punkt P'(x,y,0). Punkti P' kaugus koordinaatide algusest O ongi parajasti polaar- raadius r (r = x 2 + y 2 ), polaarnurk (0O < 360O , või ka ­180O < 180O ) on aga nurk X-telje positiivse suuna ja polaarraadiuse vahel, kusjuures x = rcos , y = rsin . Koordinaadid...

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
187 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

who enter the Russian Federation with a guest visit to an invitation issued at the request of the citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens with a residence 26 permit in the Russian Federation, or a legal entity. In addition, the visa can be issued in connection with the need for emergency treatment or due to serious illness or death of a close relative. The visa may be single or double. Ordinary business visa can be single or double for a period of up to 3 months, or a multiple of up to 1 year. Continuous residence on the basis of a multiple business visa issued by one year cannot exceed 90 days out of every 180 days. The visa is issued on the basis of an invitation to enter the Russian Federation, issued by the inviting party. The visa is issued to foreign nationals who enter the territory of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


” It has certain credibility even today. A genuine talent will exert a profound influence on their audience: acknowledged internationally, they have taken tremendous responsibility on themselves, leading, possibly, masses either towards illumination or spiritual repression. Secondly, the concept of symphony has diffused; maybe other designations would be more fitting: musical pictures, sound poems, scenes, moments, etc. In connection with this a question of relative and absolute aesthetic values arises. How far can an author go that his compositions can still be considered music? Music must be renewed every day. (Karlheinz Stockhausen) All is music. (John Cage) At least for a certain time consonance must be eliminated from music. (Arnold Schönberg) All are architects. (Joseph Beuys) Structure – this is one of the keywords of modern music. (Pierre Boulez) We should in the first place draw a flexible borderline between art music and

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

rod down to engage with the crankshaft. or transmission. With the mounting withdrawn, 5 Feel the top of the cylinder bore for a wear Check that the bearing shell is still in position the centre bolt can be unscrewed and the ridge. If one is detected, it should be scraped in the connecting rod. flexible component detached (see illustrations). 8.13a Relative positions of piston 8.12 Fitting a piston/connecting rod directional arrow and oil squirt hole in 8.13b Arrow on piston crown must face assembly with ring compressor in position connecting rod the timing cover when installed OHV and HCS engines 2A·9 9.3a Transmission left-hand rear 9

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist


You have a self-concept for how well you do your work, and for how well you do each part of your work. You have a self- concept for how much money you make and how well you save and invest it. This is a critical area. The fact is that you can never earn much more or less than your self-concept level of income. If you want to make more money, you have to change your beliefs about yourself relative to income and money. This is an important part of this book. ■ CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS In every case, if you want to change your performance and your results in any area of your life, you have to change your self- concept—or your beliefs about yourself—for that area. Fortu- nately, your beliefs are largely subjective. They are not always based on facts. Instead, they are based largely on information you

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

beasts, but they do enter a Special W o r l d and an Inmost Cave by venturing into space, to the bottom of the sea, into the depths of a modern city, or into their own hearts. T h e patterns of myth can be used to tell the simplest comic book story or the most sophisticated drama. T h e Hero's Journey grows and matures as new experiments are tried within its framework. Changing the traditional sex and relative ages of the archetypes only makes it more interesting, and allows ever more complex webs of understanding to be spun among them. T h e basic figures can be combined, or each can be divided into several characters to show different aspects of the same idea. T h e Hero's Journey is infinitely flexible, capable of endless variation without sacrificing any of its magic, and it will outlive us all. N o w that we've looked over the map, let's meet the characters who populate

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

did it without the side effects. I used two different protocols, both of which worked: PROTOCOL A 1. I consumed the ECA stack 45 minutes prior to cold-bath immersion on an empty stomach. Though the metabolism of ca eine (ca eine clearance) varies from person to person, I assumed that blood concentration would peak between 60 and 90 minutes post­oral consumption, which was based on the average pharmacokinetics of ca eine in white male subjects. Pharmacokinetics, usually in graph form, show the relative blood concentrations of a speci c drug over time after administration. Ca einated gum, for comparison with pills, shows peak levels at 15 minutes. Delivery mechanisms matter. 2. I placed two ten-pound bags of ice in a cold-water bath and submerged myself for a total of 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes were phased as follows: 00:00­10:00 minutes: Up to mid-waist, legs submerged, torso and arms not submerged.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun