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"relationships" - 247 õppematerjali



Introduction There is nothing on earth that you cannot have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it. —Robert Collier ■ THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU You are a thoroughly good person.You deserve a wonderful life, full of success, happiness, joy, and excitement. You are entitled to have happy relationships, excellent health, meaningful work, and finan- cial independence. These are your birthright. This is what your life is meant to include. You are engineered for success and designed to have high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride. You are extraordi- nary; there has never been anyone exactly like you in all the history of mankind on earth.You have absolutely amazing untapped talents

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

My Kinda Town - Task to practise adjectives in English Langu

Location: My kinda town is located in the south of Europe on the westernmost tip of the country. The region it belongs to is bordering two seas, one in the west and another one to the southwest It is situated on the mainland about 20 km off the coast. It has mainly flat terrain with several hills. Climate: My kinda town has the Mediterranean climate. There are 4 seasons; however spring and autumn are very short. Usually summers are dry and very warm, winters are rainy and mild. Temperatures during winter only occasionally fall below the freezing point and snow generally is seldom seen. In the summer, the temperatures range from mild to very warm. Spring is relatively warm and autumn ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

Framework) or financial incentives to promote downward substitution. 2. Normative Developing shared values, culture and vision across organisations, professional groups and individuals for example, developing common integration goals, identifying and addressing communication gaps, building clinical relationships and trust through local events, or involving service users and the wider community. 3. Organisational Coordinating structures, governance systems and relationships across organisations for example, developing formal and informal contractual or cooperative arrangements such as pooled budgets or

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Orientatsioon rehabilitatsiooniprotsessis

Peegeldava kuulamise võtteks on ka ümbersõnastamine - kuulaja poolne sama mõtte väljendamine teiste sõnadega, et kontrollida mõistmise täpsust. Eelmisel etapil tehtud märkmed saavad aluseks ümbersõnastamise võtte rakendamisel. Ümbersõnastamisel tuleks lauset alustada näiteks: "Kas ma mõistsin Teid õigesti, Te vajate..." , "Parandage mind kui ma eksin Te soovite leida ..." vms . (Ibid:6) Zlatka Russinova et al (2006) on välja töötanud metoodika (Recovery Promoting Relationships Scale) hindamaks spetsialisti ja kliendi vahelise kontakti. Sealne küsitlusankeet kliendile on hea abivahend ka spetsialistidele enesekontrolliks. Küsitlus koosneb 24 olulisest küsimusest- millele vastates saab hea ülevaate kaasaegse kliendi ootustest ja spetsialisti enda oskustest. (lisa 1) 4. DEBORA meetod Debora meetod (Anthony et al, 2002 põhjal) on välja töötatud, et kergendada professionaalidel orientatsiooni läbiviimist

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
33 allalaadimist

Programmi MS Office Access kasutamine

Eesti Mereakadeemia Merendus teaduskond Karlis Strazdin Programmi MS Office Access kasutamine Kursusetöö Juhendaja: Merike Spitsõn Tallinn 2013 Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus Mina valisin meile antud valikutest teemaks videolaenutuste andmebaasi, võimalikult. Antud andmebaas on mõeldud kasutamiseks videolaenutusele. See andmebaas on koostatud selleks, et videolaenutuses olevatel töötajatel oleks võimalikult lihtne leida üles millised inimesed on kasutanud laenutamiseteenust, milliseid kassette nad on laenutanud. Andmebaasist on lihtne leida millisel kuupäeval peavad inimesed laenutatud kassetid tagastama ja kui suur on hilinemisel nende viivis. Juhul kui inimesed tahavad filmide kohta teada saada veel lisainfot, siis tabelites on koostatud erinevaid päringuid ja v...

Informaatika → Informaatika ll
16 allalaadimist


harmonizing financial reporting. 5 Benefits of reporting  Effective management in a global economy, where information travels at Internet speed, requires a proactive approach.  Today’s strategic and operational complexities require a continua dialogue with investors, customers, advocates, suppliers, and employees.  Companies increasingly emphasize the importance of relationships with external parties, ranging from consumers to investors to community groups, as key to their business success.  Sustainability reporting is a vehicle for linking typically discrete and insular functions for the corporation in a more strategic manner.  The process of developing a sustainability report provides a warning of trouble spots – and unanticipated opportunities – in supply chains, in communities, among

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

Estate Planning Basics Referaat

If you have a minor child, or children, you automatically have estate planning concerns. It doesn´t go for Estonia. The first step in creating a sound estate plan is to look realistically at your unique personal situation. You could start with a few questions: · Are you married, partnered, single? · Do you have kids? · Are you in a second or subsequent marrage or partnership? · Do you have blended family? · Stepchildrens? · Do you have any childens from prior relationships? · Do you have grandchildrens? · Brothers and sisters? · Other close family members? · Who else you care about? Parents raising young children are usually quite clear that their major estate planning concern is providing for the minors if the parents suddenly die. ,,Providing" means deciding both who will raise the child and who manage any money or property that the child legally owns.

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Keskmise lapse sündroom

Keskmise lapse sündroom ei ole ilmtingimata iga paljulapselise perekonna probleem, kuid see on siiski üsna tavaline nähtus. Nagu ütles Adler, ei oma sünnijärjekord meie elus väga suurt olulisust, kuid selle on siiski määrav tähtsus meie isiksusele. Keskmise lapse sündroomi on võimalik vältida ja selle varajane tähelepanemine, selgitamine hoiab ära väga suuri kujunemise raskuseid keskmise lapse elus. KASUTATUD ALLIKAD: 1. Dunn, J. (1983). Sibling relationships in early childhood. Child Development, 54, 787­811 2. Sue Flanagan, Patty Morrison. West Virginia University. ,,Does Birth Order Really Matter?" 3.

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
29 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

· Key myth: "international anarchy is the permissive [or underlying] cause of war" (Waltz 1959: 232) orealism: Behaviour of actors in a system dictated by its character ­ hierarchy or anarchy,. Features of anarchy:Security Dilemma + Balance of Power. Realism: Attempt to impose hierarchy fails because no `orderer' Conflict thus breaks out. Liberalism Key myth: "there is an international society" - Informal collective or cooperative set of social relationships among sovereign states - Liberal assumption: people are basically good; if organisations facilitate cooperation, people will cooperate. Examples of Cooperation Liberalism · Strengthening of international law · International trade regimes · March of democracy throughout the world · UN as a collective security instrument · Arms control agreements · Response to humanitarian crises · Domestic analogy: that what works within states

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Da Vinci kood sisukokkuvõte ja tegelaste kirjeldus

,,Da Vinci kood" Dan Brown Sisukokkuvõte Sisu tänapäevane osa hõlmab 24 tunni jooksul toimuvaid sündmusi, peamiselt Pariisis, Londonis ja Sotimaal. Harvardi Ülikooli professor Robert Langdon ja Sophie Neveu (koodide salasõnumite analüüsile spetsialiseerunud detektiiv) aitavad lahendada Jacques Saunière'i, Pariisi Louvre'i muuseumi kuraatori kummalise mõrva saladust. Nad avastavad, et Saunière mõrvati, sest ta oli Siioni prioraadi suurmeister. Siioni prioraat on väidetavalt salaühing, mis asutati varjamaks "tõde", et Jeesus abiellus Maarja Magdaleenaga, valmistades teda ette juhtima kirikut peale oma surma. Selle salateadmise kohaselt oli Maarja Magdaleena Jeesuse ristilöömise ajal temast rase ja Prantsusmaal on tänaseni säilinud nende järeltulijatest alguse saanud kuninglik suguvõsa. Reaalse karika või peekri asemel oli "Püha Graal" Maarja Magdaleena ise ­ "an...

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist


by physical matter itself. Matter in fact is the fundamental essence of materialism. The human mind, everything we touch and see are the byproducts of different material processes that happen around us. Materialist concept of life starts with production of life to support human life and every living thing on the planet. Everything else we see is created by us, but also provided for us by materialistic matter in a philosophical sense. Emotions and relationships can also be explained through materialistic world of view, for example love means to value flowers, chocolate and other nice or expensive things. Idealism on the contrary is a metaphysical doctrine that explains the existence of something greater than us or that everything around is created by a spirit of some sort. We can not comprehend these higher powers. It affirms and prioritizes ideals or ideas and that reality is mental. Spirit is the essence of being and human

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
0 allalaadimist

"The whole manager" referaat

For the former, there is a very simple technique to ensure that the important daily activities are dealt with, as well as ensuring that those abive and below you in the organisation are aware of, and in agreement with, the need for those activities ­ it is called the Two Pager. It is designed to provide a snapshot of the department. The first section begins with a description of the main responsibilities, structure, personnel and relationships of the department, as well as how it fits into the organisation as a whole. The next section would describe the key objectives of the department, most of which should be quantifiable and thus able to be measured. The final section would consist of ten or so key ongoing tasks which need to be carried out to ensure that the prime objectives are achieved. While the Two Pager is ideal for ongoing responsibilities, a different approach is needed for major, one-off projects

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalne intelligentsus-referaat

LÄÄNE-VIRU RAKENDUSKÕRGKOOL Ettevõtluse ja majandusarvestuse õppetool KI SOTSIAALNE INTELLIGENTSUS Referaat Õppejõud: Mõdriku 2009 Sisukord Sisukord.........................................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus....................................................................................................................3 Daniel Goleman.............................................................................................................4 Särava suhtlemise eelised..............................................................................................6 Käehoidmise tähtsus......................................................................................................7 Ohtlikud suhted................................

Majandus → Majandus
66 allalaadimist

House of Winsdor

The Sovereign acts as a focus for national identity, unity and pride; gives a sense of stability and continuity; officially recognises success and excellence; and supports the ideal of voluntary service. In all these roles The Sovereign is supported by members of their immediate family. It can be hard to tell what the royal family's official duties are. Generally, every royal supports charities, appears at events, and occasionally travels the globe to strengthen diplomatic relationships. But some royals also have day jobs, and others have long military careers. As a team, the royal family has about 2,000 engagements, entertains 70,000 guests, and answers 100,000 letters every year. Today the Royal family is of a huge influence on the modern british society. Its Instagram account is followed by 3.5m people, lives of its members have become a kind of tv-show, where the world spies over their every step and the pressure is being added by hundreds of rules they have to follow

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

typically spent in casual employment aimed at financing extended periods in the ‘poor south’, reflecting an asymmetry of mobile economic power (Gogia, 2006). Periods of backpacking uninterrupted by return visits ‘home’ to work and/or see family and friends ranged from three months to two and a half years. Participants regularly resumed backpacking. Supporting the work of Maoz (2007), participants often identified life crises, such as failed relationships, career disruption, the divorce of parents or drug dependency as catalysts for both their initial and continuing travels. These mobilities are embedded within a discourse of tourism as escape (Cohen & Taylor, 1992), not only instigated by crises, but in some cases through a broader feeling of alienation at home in which their prior lives are presented negatively. This latter tourism push factor is a well-trodden path in discussions of anomie in late modernity (Dann, 1977)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

· Health consciousness. As people in general are more acknowledged of their health, people are requesting more healthy alternatives when they eat out. For example - they recognize that an entree can be quite tasty, and reasonably good for you. · Selection. People are demanding a larger selection of foods; they are no longer accepting a limited menu. SWOT Strengths · Strong relationships with vendors that offer high-quality ingredients and fast/frequent delivery schedules. · Excellent staff who are highly trained and very customer attentive. · Great location, in the centre of the city with free parking. · High customer loyalty among repeat customers. · High-quality food offerings that exceed competitors' offerings in quality, presentation, and price. Weaknesses · Toscana's name lacks brand equity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Referaat "Bedouins"

for up to three days. After this time the guest would be well and fit enough to continue onwards with their journey in the desert. Whilst modern times and cars, have really changed the need for such hospitality it is still forms a strong part of the bedouin culture and it is still offered if needed. To accompany all this hospitality the Bedouin are excellent story tellers, many have stories about how things were in the 'old days'. Most have great story's about their relationships with camels, about amazing herbal medicine cures that they use and about general family life. Many Bedouin people are also great poets, and have a real talent. But this is often reserved for special occasions such as weddings. 3. Herbal Medicine Bedouin people are strong advocates of herbal medicine, this was their only source and hope of getting better when were ill in the desert. They have hundreds of herbal cures and medicines, one of the most popular being camels milk

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

as said before, getting out of the routine, looking for adventures (experience), and the time of Christmas spending it in a way that we would remember for the rest of our lives. We had raised money for the trip and decided to use the time meant for Christmas holiday the most pleasant way we could. Also our relationships situation was favorable to spend time in the winter wonderland (first Christmas together). These were the aspects that motivated us to go to that specific destination in that specific time. We were considering another option at the time as well. We were thinking about some other ski resort and a stay in the cottage. But eventually the image

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Reproduction - sotsioloogia

in the woman'sbody · The explanation lies not so much in magic or medicine but social structure: Ndembu are matrilineal and virilocal · The tensions are built into the social fabric: Conflicting loyalties, allegiances mark the fault lines · Failure to conceive draws attention to the major sourceof tension within society and an opportunity to work through the social structural tensions Changing Face of Relationships? · Childlessness or "infertility" a `norm violation'? · Normative Motherhood, Prescriptive Fatherhood? · Is heteronormative marriage on the decline? · Conjugal bond weakening and Cohabitation of the rise? Do men and women react differently to childlessness? · "Status-passage"

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

Questions for the First Philosophy Test a. Introduction 1. How would you characterize Modern philosophy? Commanding outlook, power, will, Man is God. 2. How would you characterize Classical philosophy? Contemplative outlook, truth, intelligence, God is truth. b. Descartes 3. What is the main question that Descartes is trying to answer? How can I be certain [sure] that I am in the truth? 4. Which are precepts of Descartes' method? Only accept what is self-evident. Analysis. Synthesis. Enumeration. 5. Descartes will only accept one specific kind of ideas: which and why? He will only accept clear and distinct ideas that are indubitable. Because the complex ideas could then be constructed using the simple ideas. 6. How does Descartes call his method and why is it not skeptical? Methodic doubt. Because the goal of this doubt is not to be skeptical but to prove that some things can not be doubted. 7. “...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Russia Throughout the History

It has had a lot of power over time, and still is a very powerful country. Russia has been a much feared country, but has still seen many other countries try to attack them. Most of them didn't succeed. If Russia would have had a successful leader from the beginning of the Revolution, they could have been the most powerful and strong nation in the world today. They have also done a lot of harm to other nation and that is why they don't have very good relationships whit everyone else. I think if Russia wants to improve the situation in the country and help their people, they should get rid of Vladimir Putin. They should find a person who truly wants to help the nation and is willing to make sacrifices because of that. They need someone who would be able to communicate intelligently and improve the relationships with other nations. It seems like Putin only wants power and he doesn't

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infosüsteemidesse testi vastused

leida töökorralduse paremaks tegemise võimalusi kindlustada, et organisatsioonis on kõik hästi anda süsteemianalüütikutele tööd 4. Millist tüüpi seosega seotud objekte/tabeleid on andmebaasis sageli mõttekas lahendada ühe tabelina? Üks - mitmele (1 - *) Kõiki seose tüüpe Mitu - mitmele (* - *) Üks - ühele (1 - 1) 5. Valige ÕIGE väide. Seosejoontest andmemudelil tekivad andmebaasi: Kohustuslikud veerud Välisvõtme veerud ja seosed Relationships vaates toodud diagrammile Andmetüübid Andmetüüp Date/Time 6. Valige ÕIGE väide. Organisatsioon on: huvigruppe teenindavate organiseeritud inimeste kollektiiv omavahel suhtlevate inimeste grupp organiseerimata inimeste grupp, kes üritavad midagi teha 7. Valige ÕIGE väide. Antud tingmärk tähistab: Tegevust Ujumisrada (swimline) Lõppu (end) Otsustuspunkti Algust (start) Sünkroniseerimist 8. Valige VALE väide

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
367 allalaadimist

English literature

No robber, pirate, murder, violater of church could be knight. 7. Courtly love. The favour to be found with ladies is one of the main topics of the competitions. With the improved standards of living, war band had to rethink their attitude to women. Marriage could be only between people of one rank, there was loyalty between relatives, which often brought to intermarriage. The prime functions were dynastic alliance and purity of the lineage. So sexual relationships were strictly watched, so there had to be found a way to protect noblewomen and to change the sexual energies of hot-headed young into socially acceptable behavior. The culture of courtly love removed the lady from within the reach of her social interiors by putting her on a pedestal. The men around her are allowed to focus their desire on her person in an asexual and controlled way. Man could become her champion in tournaments or dedicate his heart to her in poetry and song

Keeled → Inglise keel
65 allalaadimist

Romantic poetry and prose

imagination is the source of sympathy, compassion, and love, which rest on the ability to project oneself into the position of another person. 1822 The triumph of Life an elegy, unfinished, published in 1824 after Shelley died. Characteristics of Shelley's poetry: Themes: beauty, the passions, nature, political liberty, creativity, and the sanctity of the imagination Idealism ­ belief in the goodness of mankind Revolutionary ides about politics, marriage, women Atheism Philosophical relationships Metaphorical language Sensuous aestheticism John Keats was one of the principal poets of the English Romantic movement. During his short life, his work received constant critical attacks from periodicals of the day, but his posthumous influence on poets such as Alfred Tennyson has been immense. Elaborate word choice and sensual imagery characterize Keats's poetry; including a series of odes that were his masterpieces and which remain among the most popular poems in English literature.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Tarneahela juhtimine eksamiküsimused vastustega

x Postipakkide turvalisus 6. Martin Christopher on välja pakkunud 4R mudeli kirjeldamaks nelja võtmetegurit tarneahelas. Millised järgnevatest on 4R komponendid? (4p) x Responsiveness x Reputation Regulation x Reliability x Readiness x Resilience x Realism x Relationships 7. Selgitage lühidalt mõistet ,,vertikaalne integratsioon"? (5p) Vertikaalne integratsioon tähendab ettevõtte osaluse ja tegevuse suurendamist toote või teenuse väärtusahelas. Vertikaalselt integreerida saab ette- või tahapoole. Ettepoole integratsiooni korral toimub lähenemine lõpptarbijale. Integreerumine tahapoole tähendab omakorda laienemist tootmise või teenusepakkumise sisendile lähemale.

Haldus → Tarneahela juhtimine
166 allalaadimist

Facts about Ireland

" or "can't complain now, thanks." You might also be asked "how ye keeping?" this means the same thing as above and merits the same reply. There are more mobile phones in Ireland than there are people. Interesting facts recently released show that there are now more Polish speakers in Ireland than native Irish Speakers. Over 5% percent of the population of Ireland is Polish. Watch out for the Irish sense of humor particularly in regard to death and religion and relationships. There are many many examples , this is just a taste. It is a fact that Irish humor can be hilarious,morbid and scathing at the same time these are just a few examples. An Irishman will always soften bad news, so that a major coronary is no more than 'a bad turn' and a near hurricane that leaves thousands homeless is 'good drying weather'.Hugh Leonard My grandmother made dying her life's work.Hugh Leonard

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Äri planeerimise kordamisküsimused

Alt üles: we know who we are – core messages – targeted messages – look and feel - logo 16)Äriprotsessid – tuleb kaardistada, sellega saab arvutada omahinda ning see on sisend protsesside sujumisele. Protsesside alla võivad kuuluda nt tootmine, logistika, tootearendus, müük jne. 17)Ärimudelid – Business model canvas ja Lean canvas, erinevus oli see, et LEAN-is on key partnerite asemel probleem, key activities asemel lahendus, key resources asemel key metrics ja customer relationships asemel unfair advantage. Sama on neil kulude struktuur, kasumi teenimise viisid, kanalid, väärtus mida me pakume ja klientide segmendid. 18)Liftikõne olemus – eesmärk on tekitada kuulajates huvi oma toote või teenuse suhtes, piiratud aeg, kuulajate meelestatus (investorid), miks peaks sinu idee saama edukaks?, ettekandes on probleem, lahendus, sihtturg, konkurents, meeskond, ärimudel ja tähtajad 19)Finantsprognoosid: alginvesteeringud, põhi- ja käibevara -

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
18 allalaadimist

Personali juhtimise kodutöö, mitmekesisus organisatsioonis inglise keeles

In addition, a series of suggestions are provided for implementation of these recommendations in the areas of recruitment and hiring and employee development and climate. Some of recommendations: · Where possible, send women and minority scientists and engineers from ONR to speak in universities and at professional meetings as role models for students and faculty and to reward these employees for their extra efforts; · Establish ongoing relationships with individuals, foundations, and sociaties that truly have expertise in where to locate women and ethnic minority and engineers in each field; · Make particular efforts to recuit women and ethnic minority scientists actively for senior executive positions; · Broaden job descriptions and selection criteria to eliminate unnecessary restrictions; · Promote diversity on a continious basis in ways which are visible to the entire work force. It

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
9 allalaadimist

Mehed ja abort.

Arthur Shostak - sotsioloog ja kirjanik. Abort tekitab viha, vastikust ja kibestumist partneri suhtes, kes ei olnud toetav või ignoreeris partneri soovi last alles jätta. Samal ajal on suhtes tohutud pinged, kuna varjatakse oma tõelisi tundeid ­ kurbust ja süütunnet. Eriti võib see tekitada probleeme meestele, keda on tihti õpetatud oma emotsioone varjama. Samuti võivad mehed tunda kohustust ,,olla tugev", et mitte tekitada naises veel rohkem häiritust. `Can Relationships Survive After Abortion?'Dr Theresa Burke ­ Psühhoterapeut ja kirjanik ,,Mehe poolne tavaline reageering abordile on vaikimine ja üksi kurvastamine. Selles vaikimises toidab mees süütunnet ja kahtlusi oma võimekuse suhtes, kaitsta oma lähedasi ja ennast. Need ,,vaikivas kannatajad" kes arvavad, et nad ei tohiks rääkida või nutta võivad tunduda karmid, kuid sisemuses nad purunevad oma enese südametunnistuse ja häbi tohutu rõhuva raskuse all.

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Grammar Terminology

(his, yours), reflexive (himself, yourselves), reciprocal tomorrow. (each other, one another), relative (who, which, that), interrogative (who, what, which), demonstrative (this, that, those), and indefinite (some, none). preposition eessõna, Class of word used to express relationships between at 2 o'clock, to the school prepositsioon two events, things or people in terms of time, space, on, at, under, before, during and other abstract relations. Prepositions can occur as single words (at, by) or in pairs (out of, next to). postposition tagasõna, postpositsioon

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

5.3. Seoste loomine ja haldamine Seose loomiseks, kas: · valitakse menüükäsk Tools Relationship · klikkatakse tööriistariba nupul nupul. Access- lihtne ja vajalik 20 Kui andmebaasis ei ole defineeritud veel ühtegi seost, siis kuvatakse dialoogiaken Show Table (joonis 5.2), millest saab valida seostamisel kasutatavad tabelid. Kui seosed on juba loodud, siis kuvatakse seosteaken Relationships (joonis 5.1). Seostavate tabelite kujundid Seos Joonis 5.10 Seosteaken Seoste loomiseks paigutatakse seosteaknasse seostavate tabelite kujundid. Tabeli

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist


delikaatsel moel. Just sellist varjatud eelarvamust on raske piirata ja veel raskem täielikult ära kaotada. 5 KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Baumeister R. (Edit) (2007). Encyclopedia of Psychology. Vol 1. Los Angeles, Sage. Eesti fraseologismide elektrooniline alussõnastik. f=2&f1=7&f2=1&m=16085&id=16090 (16.06.2015). Reis, H, Sprecher S. (2009) Encyclopedia of Human Relationships. Vol 2. Los Angeles: Sage. Vohs, K. (Edit). (2007) Encyclopedia of Psychology. Vol 2. Los Angeles: Sage. Willis, J., Todorov, A. (2005) First Impressions. Making Up Your Mind After a 100- Ms Exposure to a Face. Princeton university. Psychological Science, Vol 17, No 7, lk 592-598. rov-PsychScience.pdf (17.06.2015) 6

Psühholoogia → Suhtlemis psühholoogia
35 allalaadimist


TRADERUN ANSWERS 1. Have the ENP and EaP been successful in terms of their original goals? Which has been the theoretical logic to cause it? Bring examples! The main idea of the ENP is to offer our neighbours a privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values (democracy and human rights, rule of law, good governance, market economy principles and sustainable development). The ENP goes beyond existing relationships to offer political association and deeper economic integration, increased mobility and more people-to- people contacts. The level of ambition of the relationship depends on the extent to which these values are shared. Some examples which steps ENP has made in the field of human rights and which are represented in the report of implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy about Eastern Partnership:

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid: transfers

Lihtgraafis võivad esineda silmused. Väär If there exists a path from vertex a to vertex b in a graph, then the transitive closure of the graph contains edge (a,b). Kui graafis leidub tee tipust a tipuni b, siis selle graafi transitiivne sulund sisaldab kaart (a,b). Tõene Spanning tree is acyclic. Toesepuu (spanning tree) on atsükliline. Tõene Complexity class of the function 10000n6+8nlogn+5n is Funktsiooni 10000n6+8nlogn+5n keerukusklass on 5n Which of the relationships between functions f and g is defined below Millist seost funktsioonide f ja g vahel väljendab järgmine definitsioon Vali üks: f ~ o(g) f ~ (g) f ~ (g) f ~ (g) <-See vastus on vale! f ~ O(g) Which of the relations between functions f and g is defined below Millist seost funktsioonide f ja g vahel väljendab järgmine definitsioon Vali üks: f ~ (g) f ~ (g) f ~ O(g)<-See vastus on vale! f ~ o(g) f ~ (g) Average time complexity of the merge sort is

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
24 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth I lifestory

it was expected that she would marry and the question arose whom. She never did, although she She considered several suitors until received many offers for her hand; she was about fifty. Her last courtship the reasons for this are not clear. was with François, Duke of Anjou, 22 Historians have speculated that years her junior. Thomas Seymour had put her off While risking possible losing of sexual relationships, or that she power like her sister, who played into knew herself to be infertile. the hands of King Phillip II of Spain, marriage offered the chance of an heir Wars and overseas trade Elizabeth's foreign policy was largely defensive. The exception was the English occupation of Le This paid off in the war against

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist

Perekonnaõpetus EKSAM

PEREKONNAÕPETUS EKSAM Perekonna mõiste ja ülesanded Perekonna mõistet on keeruline defineerida, sest see def. Peaks olema universaalne kõigile kultuuridele, nendes eksisteerivatele perevormidele ja ka uuematele perevormidele. Perekond koosneb erisoolistest täiskasvanutest, kellest vähemalt kaks lävivad omavahel seksuaalselt, nende ühistest ja/või adopteeritud lastest ja/või sugulussidemetega täiskasvanutest (Murdock, 1949) Perekond koosneb inimestest, kes on omavahel seotud abieluliste või veresugulus/lapsendamissidemetega ning kelle eesmärgiks on luua ja säilitada ühist kultuuri, kus kõikide liikmete füüsiline, vaimne, emotsionaalne ja sotsiaalne areng on tagatud ja turvaline (Duvall, 1977) Perekond on abielupaar koos järglaste ja lähisugulastega, kes kuuluvad leibkonda. ( Universaalset perekonda iseloomustab veresugulus, ühine olme, vastastikune abistav käitumine, ühine moraalne vastutus, ühine keskkond ja ühin...

Inimeseõpetus → Perekonnaõpetus
52 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

vertically integrated firms, where the entire material flow is owned by a single firm and those where each channel member operates independently. Therefore coordination between the various players in the chain is key in its effective management. Cooper and Ellram [1993] compare supply chain management to a well-balanced and well-practiced relay team. Such a team is more competitive when each player knows how to be positioned for the hand-off. The relationships are the strongest between players who directly pass the baton (stick), but the entire team needs to make a coordinated effort to win the race. Below is an example of a very simple supply chain for a single product, where raw material is procured from vendors, transformed into finished goods in a single step, and then transported to distribution centers, and ultimately, customers. Realistic supply chains have multiple end products with shared components, facilities and capacities

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

Minu unikaalsus(teistest erinemine, unikaalsed omadused) · Autonoomne, sõltumatu mina (independent self): self as an autonomous entity, defined predominantly in terms of abstract, internal attributes like traits, abilities and attitudes. Mina ise! ­ mina kaudu enese määratlemine. Iseendast pildi kujunemine. · Sõltuv, kuuluv mina (interdependent self): self constructed as socially embedded and defined predominantly in terms of relationships with others, group memberships and social roles. Mina kui osa suuremast rühmast. Eneseteadvuse kujunemine · Vernant'i hüpotees Püüab seletada seda, kuidas tekkis soov ennast kõrvalt vaadata. Kuidas tekkis eneseteadvus. Hüpotees: Vana-Kreekas toimus kiire muutus mõttemaailmas, mille põhjuseks oli igapäeva elu organiseerimise viis, kus inimesed hakkasid kogunema linnaväljakule ning arutama ühiseid asju.

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

Social Problems

Social Problems Crime In the sociological field, crime is the breach of a rule or law for which some governing authority or force may ultimately prescribe a punishment. The word crime originates from the Latin crimen. When society deems informal relationships and sanctions insufficient to create and maintain a desired social order, there may result more formalized systems of social control imposed by a government, or more broadly, by a State. With the institutional and legal machinery at their disposal, agents of the State can compel individuals to conform to behavioural codes and punish those that do not. Various mechanisms are employed to regulate behaviour, including rules

Keeled → Inglise keel
70 allalaadimist

Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

Land was spiritual, but also an economic resource as it provided the people with food, sources of wood, fibre and glue for making spears, utensils and other implements. However the people respected these aspects of their land and were environmentalists in the sense of 'taking care' of the land through their practices of performing increase ceremonies, 8 singing 'Song lines' and relationships with flora and fauna through a system of totemic relationships. Aboriginal people were social beings as they lived and gathered together in family groups . Their camps were comprised of a number of gunyas (bark huts), but the people also lived in caves or in the open air. Some camps were comprised of as few as 6 to 10 people while in others there were up to 400 people. No doubt the availability of food was a factor in the size of a camp. The Elder or Elders

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist

Kognitiiv-käitumuslik paradigma Fenomenoloogiline lähenemine

"A construct is convenient for the anticipation of a finite range of events only" Konstrukti rakendusulatus situatsioonid, mille kohta ei õnnestu sündmuse konstrueerimine Põhjus: konstrukti puudumine, konstruktide madal avatus Tulemus: ärvus (anxiety), suutmatus interpreteerida kogemust 5. Konstruktide Hierarhia (Organization Corollary) "Each person characteristically evolves, for convenience in anticipating events, a construct system embracing ordinal relationships between constructs" hierarhiline struktuur, hierarhia tasemed · superordineeriv konstrukt (superordinate construct) · subordineeriv konstrukt (subordinate construct) Individuaalsed erinevused: erinevad konstruktid, erinevad konstruktide hierarhiad. Hierarhia: dünaamiline, muutus vastavalt konstruktide ennustavale jõule 6. Kogemus (Experience Corollary) "A person's construct system varies as the person successively construes the replications of events'

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
26 allalaadimist

Kognitiiv-käitumuslik paradigma, Fenomenoloogiline lähenemine

"A construct is convenient for the anticipation of a finite range of events only" Konstrukti rakendusulatus situatsioonid, mille kohta ei õnnestu sündmuse konstrueerimine Põhjus: konstrukti puudumine, konstruktide madal avatus Tulemus: ärvus (anxiety), suutmatus interpreteerida kogemust 5. Konstruktide Hierarhia (Organization Corollary) "Each person characteristically evolves, for convenience in anticipating events, a construct system embracing ordinal relationships between constructs" hierarhiline struktuur, hierarhia tasemed · superordineeriv konstrukt (superordinate construct) · subordineeriv konstrukt (subordinate construct) Individuaalsed erinevused: erinevad konstruktid, erinevad konstruktide hierarhiad. Hierarhia: dünaamiline, muutus vastavalt konstruktide ennustavale jõule 6. Kogemus (Experience Corollary) "A person's construct system varies as the person successively construes the replications of events'

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
18 allalaadimist


– Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Vol. 74, No. 1–3, pp. 19–31. 2. Benton, T.G., Vickery, J.A., Wilson, J.D. 2003. Farmland biodiversity: is habitat heterogeneity the key? Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18:182-188 3. Brussaard, L., de Ruiter, P. C., Brown, G. G. (2007). Soil biodiversity for agricultural sustainability. – Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Vol 121, No. 3, pp. 233–244. 4. David W. Crowder Randa Jabbour. Biological Control. Relationships between biodiversity and biological control in agroecosystems: Current status and future challenges 75 köide, august 2014, lk 8-17. 5. Geiger, F. Bengtsson, J. Berendse, F., Weisser, W.W., Emmerson, M., Morales, M.B., jt. 2010. Persistent negative effects of pesticides on biodiversity and biological control potential on European farmland. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 97-105. 6. Gurr, G. M., Wratten, S. D., Luna, J. M. (2003). Multi-function agricultural

Põllumajandus → Maakasutuse ja...
14 allalaadimist


chain and they fold upon each other during Fig. 7. qRT-PCR analyses of three SNARE genes. · Leaf tissues were used for both inoculated and mock inoculated plants of resistant and susceptible NILs at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 168 hpi. · Relative gene quantification was calculated by comparative Ct method. GAPDH expression level was used as internal reference gene and data from three biological replicates mean ± SD was plotted. · Venn diagrams allow for quick visualization of relationships by revealing intersections (overlaps) and disjunctions (non- overlaps) for large biological datasets, and are often used in whole-genome analysis across species. Genome wide orthologous comparisons displayed in separate and overlapping orthologous clusters in the Venn diagram, which provides various shapes representing each species with overlapping regions illustrating the genes or gene clusters that are unique to or shared between each species. Since we were

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Edulugude võistlus

Occasionally somebody has asked my advice how to succeed in doing something. In this case I have answered that they should do the things, which they really like, because in my opinion it is useless to strain every nerve and waste energy doing something that you really dislike. It also has become clear to me that one of the most important things is not to get upset about trivial things. Often people say to each-other very thoughtless things and with that a lot of relationships are ruined. It is obvious that a person can not be loved by everybody. Nevertheless viciousness isn’t the solution. Thirdly I would like to bring forth the fixity of purpose in finishing current activities.It is hard to succeed when being disorganized and never finishing the started things. I really hope that with my activities even my home town gets benefits. When I’m in a foreign country, I have always tried to introduce my domicile from a good perspective and always with a big smile

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


moment either it's a mortage to buy a house or a student loan to help pay for the studies. Secondly, when you take a bank loan, then you have to consider a fact that you have to pay it back with intrests. Sometimes the intrests are small and sometimes awfully big and might but you in even more worse situation before taking the loan. On the other hand, you can also borrow money from a friend or a relative, but that can have even worse consequences. Money has a way to tair relationships apart and it's best not to mix business with pleasure. In conclusion, when you have to take a loan, either from the bank or from somewhere else, it's best to think about the consequences and the fact if you are able to pay it back. Ways of saving money There are very many different ways of saving money. Some people save money by spending less, some save money by First of all, nowadays it is not very easy to save money. Often people can put asside a little bit of money at

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

No heavy metal ­ Beer stabilisers ­ Food Test for taint with food ­ Caramel & chocolate stuffs before design ­ Wine ­ Creams ­ Grade 1 Medical water ­ Renal dialysis ­ Electronics Abrasion Resistance Size distribution of particles Concentration of solids by Some relationships predicting volume wear in pipelines: Relative density of solids Wear Velocity (2.5-4.5) Shape of particles E=6.1 dm^2.15*U^3.7 Sharpness of particles Flow regime affects angle of Where :- impingement, sliding bed etc E= wear rate (at bottom of pipe, mm/year Temperature of fluid dm = mean particle size,

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

which is about binding agreements between people or companies. In a civil procedure the plaintiff, normally a private individual or company, is required to prove his case on the balance of probabilities, which means that the court will weight all the evidence and decide what is most probable. One important distinction made in all countries is between private or civil (a branch of law dealing with the legal relationships of private individuals) and public law (a branch of law dealing with the legal relationships between the state and individuals). Private law regulates relationships between persons based on their equality and private autonomy. It means they can decide themselves how and in what they agree in. The main categories of private law in Estonia are: Civil law (general part, law of property, law of obligations, family law, law of succession) commercial law Intellectual property law

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Bob Marley

Bob Marley This article is about the reggae musician. For the comedian, see Bob Marley (comedian). Bob Marley Bob Marley in concert, Zürich, 1980. Background information Birth name Robert Nesta Marley Also known as Tuff Gong February 6, 1945 Born Nine Mile, Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica May 11, 1981 (aged 36) Died Miami, Florida, United States Genre(s) Reggae, Reggae Rock, Ska, Rocksteady Occupation(s) Singer, songwriter, guitarist Instrument(s) Guitar, vocals, percussion Years active 1962 ­ 1981 Studio One, Beverley's, Upsetter/Trojan, Label(s) Island/Tuff Gong Associated The Wailers Band, The Wailers acts Website Robert "Bob" Nesta Marley OM (February 6, 1945 ­ May 11, 1981) was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, guitarist, and activist. He is the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Kursuse töö "Andmebaasi loomine. Turismiga tegelev firma"

EESTI MEREAKADEEMIA Merendusteaduskond Andmebaasi loomine. Turismiga tegelev firma Kursusetöö Svetlana Sumjakova KS-22 Juhendaja: Merike Spitsõn Tallinn 2010 2 Sisukord. 1. Sissejuhatus.............................................................................................................................3 2. Andmebaasi loomine..............................................................................................................4 3. Tabelid....................................................................................................................................5 4. Päringud................................................................................................................................13 5. Formid..............................

Informaatika → Informaatika
100 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun