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Räni ja räniühendid - Kvarts, liiv, klaas

Räni (Si) Kiviriigi kuningas Info Sümbol:Si(silicium) Järjekorra number perioodilisussüsteemis:14 Elektroskeem: +14/ 2)8)4) Aatommass: 28,086 Oksüdatsiooniaste ühendites: +4 Sulamistemperatuur: +1417 ºC Tihedus: 2330 kg/m³ Räni saamine Räni on maakoores hapniku järel kõige levinum element,kuid puhtal kujul teda looduses ei esine.Räni saadakse ränidioksiidi(kvartsliiv)taandamisel süsinikuga temperatuuridel ligi 2000 ºC elektrikaarahjus. SiO2 + 2C Si + 2CO SiO2 + 2Mg Si + 2MgO Pooljuhtide saamiseks tuleks sellel viisil saadud räni edasi puhastada. Räni on hapniku järel levinum element maakoores,moodustades 29,5% maakoore massist. Räni on pooljuht,mille elektrilised omadused sõltuvad väga palju lisanditest. Räni kuulub silikaatide ja ränioksiid koostisse ning on telliste,tulekindlate materjalide,klaasi,...

Keemia → Keemia
36 allalaadimist

Barokkmuusika esitlus

Barokkmuusika Ester Sall Algus Barokkmuusika on barokiajastul (17. sajand kuni 18. sajandi I pool) loodud muusika. Sõna "barocco" on pärit portugali keelest ja tähendab ebakorrapärast lopergust pärli. 18. sajandil sai sõnast "barokk" pilkesõna, mis väljendas mitmeid hinnanguid/omadusi: kummaline, liialdav, ebaloomulik, väärnähtus jms. 17. sajandi alguses toimus Euroopa muusikas suur pööre. Tüüpiline renessanssmuusika ei olnud mõeldud lihtsalt kuulamiseks, vaid oli liturgilise eesmärgiga, tantsumuusika või kooslaulmiseks mõeldud seltskonnalaul. Barokiajastul hakati looma teoseid ka ainult kuulamiseks. Tekkisid esimesed elukutselised muusikud, professionaalsed kapellid, kujunesid välja esimesed instrumentaalmuusikazanrid. Algas solistilise vokaal ja instrumentaalmuusika võidukäik, barokk oli virtuoosse soololaulu kuldajastu. Polüfooniline muusika oli o...

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist

Hula Hoop

Hula Hoop Maarja Loikonen K109 Introduction A hula hoop is a toy hoop that is twirled around the waist, limbs or neck. Although the exact origins of hula hoops are unknown, children and adults around the world have played with hoops, twirling, rolling and throwing them throughout history. Hula hoops for children generally measure approximately 28 inches in diameter, and those for adults around 40 inches. Today, they are usually made of plastic tubing History The hoop gained international popularity in the late 1950s when a plastic version was successfully marketed by California's Wham-O toy company. In 1957, Richard Knerr and Arthur "Spud" Melin, starting with the idea of Australian bamboo "exercise hoops". Hooping The past few years have seen the re- emergence of hula hooping, generally referred to as either ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

“Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy”

ESTONIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES Institute of Economics and Social Sciences BOOK REVIEW ("Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy", University of Tartu, Urmas Varblane) (Pages : 10 20) Prepared: Kadri Tamm, MF-I-5 Tartu 2007 I read book about direct investments in the Estonian economy. The book is issued by University of Tartu and the writers are also scientists from University of Tartu. "Foreign direct investments are relatively new phenomenon for Estonia because during the nearly five decades as part of the Soviet economic system, our economy received virtually none. Such economic isolation from the West lasted until the early 1990s. In consequence of the mid-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


Fosfor Fosfor (phosphorus) (phosphorus) Laura LauraToodu Toodu Birgit Ritsbek Birgit Ritsbek Merilin MerilinJegers Jegers Karen Vapper Karen Vapper 10.b 10.bklass klass Fosfor P mittemetall Aatomnumber: 15 Aatommass: 30,97376 Klassifikatsioon: penteelid, p-elemendid Aatomi ehitus: · Elektronvalem: 1s2 2s2p6 3s2p3 · Elektronskeem: +15|2)8)5) · Elektronite arv: 15 · Neutronite arv: 16 · Prootonite arv: 15 · Oksüdatsiooniast(m)e(d) ühendites: -III, -II...0...II, III...V · Kristalli struktuur: monokliinne Fosfor võib e sine da mit m it me s vor mis. Va lge fosfor on tahke krist a lne a ine . Kee milise lt puhta d va l...

Keemia → Keemia
6 allalaadimist

IP law homework 1

pharmaceuticals. Michael Buffer initially trademarked his "How about we Get Ready to Rumble" under a class that applies to declaring sports and stimulation occasions. He has since spread out to get trademarks for different things, as videogames and dress. At the point when "How about we Get Ready to Rumble" has been utilized without permit, Buffer's lawyers have contended that their utilization made a wrong impression that he was related with the clients. In their claim against Oliver North, they asserted North's utilization of a chronicle of his declaration unjustifiably connected him with a figure with a "disputable notoriety." Buffer's advancement materials state he has "achieved overall acknowledgment and affirmation as the source" of the expression. "'How about we Get Ready to Rumble'" is in excess of five words. It additionally brings out his sibling's

Õigus → Intellektuaalse omandi...
2 allalaadimist

Report ja letter

Formal transactional letter Complaining: I am writing to you about (several problems related to my city break in June). I have been waiting for (two weeks for replay to my letter). To make matters worse, (we were informed that there was no record of our cheque being cashed). I am writing to complain about... I am sorry to inform you that... I was very disappointed with... I have some complaints about... I would be grateful if you could (refund the cost of the holiday as soon as possible.) Requesting: I am writing in response to (your advertisement in The Daily Standard on July 20th)

Keeled → Inglise keel
328 allalaadimist

E.J.Bronte "Vihurimäe" esitlus

EMILY JANE BRONTE ,,VIHURIMÄE" EMILY JANE BRONTE(18181848) Inglise kirjanik Õed Maria, Elizabeth, Charlotte ("Jane Eyre") ja Anne("Agnes Grey"); vend Branwell 1846.a luulekogu "Vihurimäe"1847.a Pseudonüüm Ellis Bell %C3%AB Ei olnud seltsiv, reisis harva, terasest tahtejõud loomingu eripära "Vihurimäe" kired hõõguvad kuumalt, kurjalt ja hävitatavalt Kõige inspireeritumaid teoseid Alustas teise romaani kirjutamist jäi pooleli HEATHCLIFF Leidlaps Catherine armastus Õel, halastamatu, armukade Abiellus Isabella Lintoniga Poeg Linton Heathcliff 09/01/wuthering_heights_1.html CATHERINE EARNSHAW (LINTON) Väga kauni välimusega Vend Hindley Heathcliffi suur armastus Ambitsioonikas, kõrget positsiooni ihkav Abiel...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele report: Animals in danger of extinction

Subject: Animals in danger of extinction Date: 20.04.11 The aim of this report is to make an overview of the status of wild animals in the world. The report is based on up-to-date statistics related to the topic. There are several disappointing facts and figures. a) Over the last couple of years the list of animals in danger of extinction has grown rapidly. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has calculated the percentage of endangered animals as 40 percent of all organisms. Recent research indicates that 70% of the world's most threatened mammal species are currently receiving little or no conservation attention.On

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Hispaania muusika

HISPAANIA Muusikakultuur Taavi Näks HISPAANIA KULTUUR . • HISPAANIA KULTUUR • Mõned faktid Hispaania kohta: • Pindala: 504 782 km2 Rahvaarv: 40 000 000 Pealinn: Madrid Keeled: hispaania (riigikeel), katalaani, galeegi, baski (autonoomsetes piirkondades koos hispaania keelega) Rahaühik: peseeta, euro • Suurimad Linnad • Madrid • Barcelona • Valencia Sevilla Zaragoza Malaga Bilbao HISPAANIA INIMESED . • Rahvastik paikneb väga ebaühtlaselt. Enamikus on see koondunud rannikule, Madridi ning teistesse sisemaalinnadesse.20.ajandi viimastel kümnenditel rändas väga suur osa maarahvast sisemaalt rannikule ja suurtsse linnadesse. Pikkade sajanditega isesuguste inimrühmade kokkusulamisest kujunenud hispaanlased on romaani ehk ladina rahvas, kes ei erine füüsiliselt ega kultuuriliselt kuigi palju naabritest, portugallastest ja itaallastest. Samal ajal on hispaania kultuur väga eripalgeline. S...

Muusika → Muusika
21 allalaadimist

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe ·Marilyn Monroe ( sündinud Norma Jean Mortesen, ristitud Norma Jean Baker) ·Sündinud 1. juuni 1926suri 5.august 1962 ·Ta veetis palju oma lapsepõlvest kasuperedes. ·Monroe alustas karjääri mis tõi talle kaasa filmilepingu. ·Ta etendused olid alguses väikesed kuid neid võeti hästi vastu. ·Temast sai Hollywoodi üks glamuursemaid ja populaarsemaid esinejaid. ·Ta võitis ka kuldgloobuse . ·Viimastel aastatel oli ta haige ja tal oli palju isiklike probleeme. Perekond ja varajane elu ·Monroe sündis Los Angeleses . ·Ta isa oli Edward Mortenson ·Ema oli Gladys Baker ·Kogu elu Monroe eitas et Mortenson on tema isa kuna ta ema näitas talle pilti millel ta tunnistas et Marilyni isa on Charles Stanley Gifford. ·Vaimselt ebastabiilne ema andis väikse tütre kasuperedesse rändama. ·Ema viidi haiglasse ning laps anti ema sõbranna hoole alla (Grace McKee) ­ tema oligi see kes ütles, et Marilynist saab ühel päeval...

Meedia → Meedia
23 allalaadimist

Laevade käitlemine

SHIP DISPOSAL ESTONIAN MARITIME ACADEMY SCHOOL ERIK ALVISTE 2009 SHIP DISPOSAL The Maritime Administration's management approach is to remove all vessels that present the highest risk to the environment as soon as possible, and to have disposal alternatives and the necessary funding in place to ensure that obsolete vessels can be disposed of at a rate greater than obsolete vessels coming into the Maritime Administration's fleets. Ship disposal methods There are 4 methods for ship disposal. 1. Domestic Recycling Through ship sales offers and direct fee-for-service solicitation. The program awards ship recycling contracts to seven domestic ship recyclers. 2. Artificial Reefing The Maritime Administration accepts applications from coastal States, U.S. Territories and possessions and foreign governments for use of obsolete NDRF vessels as offshore reefs for the conse...

Merendus → Merendus
21 allalaadimist

Thiopental - naatriumitiopentaal

SODIUM THIOPENTAL With no other drugs, anesthetic state persists for 5-10 mins Redistribution away from central circulation towards muscle and fat tissue Concentration is low enough in the brain that consciousness returns Most commonly used in the induction phase of general anesthesia 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Degree of injury is related to the concentration Hypotension Respiratory depression Tissue necrosis Laryngeal spasm Bronchospasm Allergic reaction Rarely, intra-arterial injection can occur Side effects may last up to 36 hours 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL Widely used for over 40 years Many different uses Works as sedative 9 October 2012 SODIUM THIOPENTAL

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Europass CV

Curriculum Vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION Kairi Teder Lume 1, Röa village, 72806 Paide (Estonia) +37256617850 [email protected] Skype Kairi Teder Sex Naine | Date of birth 04 March 1995 | Nationality Estonian JOB APPLIED FOR WORK EXPERIENCE 16 June 2013­22 August 2013 Cook Tõru Hotel, Paide (Estonia) accommodation cooking customer service trade reception harvesting Chatting with people on the phone. EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01 Septembe...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Veeprobleemid, nende põhjused ja tagajärjed ning võimalikud

Veeprobleemid, nende põhjused ja tagajärjed ning võimalikud lahendused Faktid Magevett on kogu maakera veevarudest vaid 1% 1,1 miljardil inimesel puudub ligipääs puhtale joogiveele 2,5 miljardil inimesel puuduvad elementaarsed sanitaartingimused Igal aastal sureb üle viie miljoni inimese saastunud vee poolt põhjustatud haigustesse Arengumaades kasutavad inimesed päevas keskmiselt 10 liitrit vett. Põhjused Maa üleväetamine, keemiliste tõrjevahendite kasutamine Suurimad veekulutajad on maailmas põllumajandus, tööstus ja kodune majandus Antisanitaarsed olud ning veereostus arengumaades Naftareostus Tagajärjed Vee saastumine põhjustab nakkushaiguste levikut Magevee puudus paljudes maakera piirkondades ( Aafrika ja Aasia ) Mürkained kogunevad organismidesse Naftareostus põ...

Geograafia → Geograafia
13 allalaadimist

The Internet - a blessing or a curse?

The Internet is used for many different reasons. We use it every day for nearly everything. It would be impossible to live without it. But why do we need it so much and why do we spend hours of our day surfing the web? The Internet is definitely a very useful place: we can look up everything; from a chocolate cake recipe to a tutorial on how to change a car tire. It can make your schoolwork or other work related things much easier and can save you a lot of valuable time. Also, when you have access to the Internet, you always know what is going on. You can find out about a flood in Bangladesh within minutes of it happening. The purpose of the Internet has drastically changed over the years. Originally, just a massive global encyclopaedia, the possibilities of the Internet now have become endless. It has also become a social network, connecting you to people from every corner of the world, instantly.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Aatomi ehitus

Aatomi ehitus Koostaja: Helen Kaljurand Tallinna Kristiine Gümnaasium Avaldatud Creative Commonsi litsentsi ,,Autorile viitamine + jagamine samadel tingimustel 3.0 Eesti (CC BY-SA 3.0)" alusel, vt Sisukord · Planetaarne aatomimudel · Aatomi ehitus (Tabel) · Aatomi ehitus (Video) · Aatomi tuum · Massiarvu leidmise valem · Tuumalaengu leidmine perioodilisustabalist · Isotoobid ­ animatsiooni vaatamiseks on vajalik internetiühendus! · Vesiniku isotoobid Sisukord 2 · Elektronkate · Elektronide arv elektronkihtidel · Elektronide paiknemine · Aatomi ehituse õppemudel · Video aatomi ehitusest ­ vaatamiseks on vajalik internetiühendus! · Seotud lingid · Kasutatud allikad Planetaarne aatomimudel - TUUM + + NEUTRON PROOTON ELEKTRONKATE - ...

Keemia → Keemia
7 allalaadimist

WiFi turvalisus referaat

ITK WiFi turvalisus Referaat Tallinn 2013 Mis on wifi? Wifi on tehnoloogia, mis võimaldab elektroonilistel seadmetel vahetada andmeid ilma füüsilise ühenduseta. Selle asemel edastatakse andmeid raadiolainetena. Seda kasutatakse peamiselt arvutivõrkude loomisel. Wifi spetsifikatsioonid on reguleeritud IEEE 802.11 standarditega, mis tegelikult hõlmab kõiki juhtmevabade arvutivõrkude spetsifikatsioone. Seetõttu kasutatakse ka Wifi väljendit tihtipeale juhtmevaba arvutivõrgu sünonüümina, kuid tegelikult on sellest normatiivist vaid üks toode. Wifi kasutamiseks on arvutil vaja selleks juhtmevaba võrgu kontrollerit, mis on võimeline edastama ja vastu võtma raadiosignaale, millega edastatakse andmeid pakettidena. Peamine funktsionaalsus, mis sellisest andmeside võimalusest ära kasutatakse on interneti ühendumine. Sellise raadiosignaaliga on võimalik ära katta erineva suurusega pindalasid, kus sõltumata füüsilise arvutiv...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
34 allalaadimist

Cigarettes - Enemies or Friends?

2 billion smokers in the world who are absolutely attracted to the cigarettes. As the new generation is growing up, the so-called "smoking-cult" is a normal matter and that enormous number of smokers is only increasing. But as a matter of fact smoking is just a bad habit and very dangerous for your health. So can we call cigarettes our friends? Most countries in the world have a legal smoking age of 18. That means that when you are not and adult you should not smoke or consume any products related to tobacco and cigarettes. But if to look into our street picture, there are seen so many under age smokers that it is really threatening. It all starts from the home ­ how you have been raised, how strict were the rules a child had to follow and how much did your parents trust you. If a child as influential friends who influences him/her the same way, then there we are ­ plus one smoker to that 1.2 billions. There has been so much discussion about the cigarettes bad influence to health

Keeled → Inglise keel
42 allalaadimist


ALGUS Reggaeton on pärit ladina urbani muusikast · · Algselt, 1990. keskel, kutsuti seda Panamas`hipaaniakeelseks reggae'ks. Hiljem, kui see levis Puerto Rico'sse, sai alguse uus stiil, mida nüüd tuntakse reggaeton'i nime all. Reggaeton on segu Jamaica muusikast, mida mõjutavad reggae ja dancehall, samuti ka · Ladina-Ameerika rütmidest nagu näiteks: bomba, plena, salsa, latin pop ja bachata. · Reggaeton'i on veel sisse segatud hip hop, kaasaegne R&B ja elektroonika.Kuid see stiil on suures osas ka segu räppimisest ja hipaaniakeelsest laulust . ALUSEPANIJA See zanr on laiemalt levinud suurtemates latiinode kogukondades USAs ja muidugi ka · Ladina-Ameerikas. Kuigi see võtab eeskuju hip hopist ja Jamaica dancehall'ist, siis reggaeton pole nende kumbki hispaaniakeelne versioon. Reggaetonis on oma kindel biit ja rütm. Shabba Ranks oli esimene kes kuulutas seda suuremale rahvale (1990-ndad). · Reggaetonile on iseloomulik...

Muusika → Muusika
26 allalaadimist

Microcontroller homework 2

Microcontroller homework for week 04 1. SNR - Ratio of RMS signal to RMS SINAD - Ratio of the RMS signal amplitude to the mean value of the root-sum-square (RSS) ENOB - The effective number-of-bits and relates to SINAD THD - Ratio of the rms value of the fundamental signal to the mean value of the RSS of its harmonics. SFDR - Ratio of the RMS value of the signal to the RMS value of the worst spurious signal. Channels related to the inputs of the ADC can either be multiplexed or individually selected. Linearity relates to how a ADC follows a linear function. All ADCs are to a certain extend non-linearity. Temperature is measurement, which in optimal state for ADC-s, lets them function correctly. Power dissipation refers to the amount power dissipated when the ADC is operating. 2. The output code is 001111012 and the voltage of the LSB is 0,0195V 3

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
46 allalaadimist


Foobia Kati Rannamees Sõna ,,foobia" Tuletatud kreeka keelsest sõnast phobus, mis tähendab paanilist kartust Mis on foobia? Haiguslik kartus Kõrge ärevustunne Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Kõige levinumad foobiad Kõige levinum on agorafoobia- hirm avalike kohtade ees Lihtfoobiatest akrofoobia (hirm kõrguse ees), arahnofoobia (hirm ämblike ees), klaustrofoobia (hirm suletud kitsaste kohtade ees), ahluofoobia (hirm pimeduse ees) ja aviatofoobia (hirm lendamise ees). Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Esinemi...

Turism → Turism
17 allalaadimist

Eclipse, Chapter Sixteen – Epoch kokkuvõte

Chapter Sixteen ­ Epoch Unable to find something to wear to graduation thanks to the fact that her red blouse was stolen, Bella mopes around her room until Alice shows up with a new outfit. Alice makes a comment about the thief followed by a comment about the activity in Seattle. Hearing the two placed together like that makes something click in Bella's brain. She realizes that the two situations ­ the thief in her room and the newborn vampires in Seattle are related. She also figures out that the thief only broke into her house as a test to see how easy it was to get in and that he only stole things with her scent on them so that others could find her. Determined to keep the information from Edward, Alice darts off just as Edward arrives to go with Bella to the graduation ceremony. At the ceremony, Edward and Bella are separated. Bella listens to Jessica ramble on and on about their time in school

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Folk ja folk-rock

Folk on termin muusikalisele folkloorile. Seda on määratletud mitmeti: näiteks suuliselt edasi antud muusika, madalamate klasside muusika või muusika, mille autor polnud teada. See on kontrastiks kaubandus ja klassikalisele stiilile. 20. sajandi keskelt on kasutatud ,,folkmuusikat", et kirjeldada popmuusikat, mis põhineb traditsioonilisel muusikal. Sellest tulnud zanrite hulka kuuluvad näiteks folk rock, electric folk, folk metal, progressive folk, psychedelic folk, freak folk ja neofolk. 1950ndatel leidis aset folkmuusika taaselustumine ning sellest sai popmuusika osa. Üks rahvalugude kogujatest ja kirjutajatest oli Pete Seeger. Ta on sündinud 1919. aastal New Yorgis. Mõlemad ta vanemad olid muusikud. Harvardist välja kukkudes liitus ta rändnukuteatriga. 1940ndatel hakkas ta ameerika rahvalaule lindistama. Ta on esinenud paljudele tähtsatele isikutele, näiteks Eleanor Roosevelt. Seegeri iseloomulikemaks pillideks on bandzo ...

Muusika → Muusika
10 allalaadimist

Maailma Looduse Fond - WWF

Maailma Looduse Fond - WWF Koostasid: Eliise-Rosalinda Ude ja Karmen Tamm WWF - World Wildlife Found/World Wide Fund for Nature ● On rahvusvaheline looduskaitse organisatsioon ● Püüab ära hoida maavarade raiskamist ning säilitada võimalikult suur elusorganismide mitmekesisus. ● Missiooniks on luua tulevik, kus inimesed elavad loodusega kooskõlas. Asustamine ● Asustati 29. aprillil 1961 ● Dokumendi allkirjastas väike grupp inimesi, mis on tuntud Morges Manifestona ● Peakorter asub Šveitsis, Glandis. Suuremad probleemid ● Väljasurevate loomade kaitsmine ● Kliimasoojenemise vastu võitlemine ● Metsaalade ja veekogude kaitse ● Puhas joogivesi ja õhk Kus riikides? ● Rohkem kui sajas riigis üle maailma. o Eestile lähimad: Soome, Rootsi, Taani, Norra. ● Kokku üle 5 miljoni toetaja Logo ● Inspiratsioon tuli pandast, kes saabus Londoni loomaaeda organisatsiooni asustamise aastal ● Vaja oli tugevat ja äratuntavat l...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne Eesti kirjeldus

Most are very small, but the largest is lake Peipus. There are many rivers, too. The longest of them are Võhandu (162 km), Pärnu (144 km) and Põltsamaa (135 km). Estonia has numerous fens and bogs. Estonia is quite sparsely populated country. With a population of 1.29 million, it is one of the least-populous members of the European Union, Eurozone and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The majority of the population speak Estonian and it is a national language. Estonian is closely related to Finnish. Russian is spoken as a secondary language. About 30 % of the population in Estonia speak Russian. Estonia is a parliamentary democacy. The head of a state is president. Our president is Toomas- Hendrik Ilves. The Riigikogu elects and appoints several high officials of the state, including the President of the Republic. The Estonian parliament has 101 members Estonia has own traditions and culture. The national flower of Estonia is cornflower and the national bird is swallow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

5 minute talk about Estonia

lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia covers 45,227 km2, and is influenced by a humid continental climate. Estonia is a democratic parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties, with its capital and largest city beingTallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union. The Estonians are a Finnic people, and the official language, Estonian, is a Finno-Ugric language closely related to Finnish The history of Estonia is a part of the history of Europe. Estonia was settled near the end of the last glacial era, beginning from around 8500 BC. Before the Germans invaded in the 13th century proto-Estonians of the Ancient Estonia worshipped the spirits of nature Starting with the Northern Crusades Estonia became a battleground for centuries where Denmark, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Poland fought their many wars over controlling the important

Turism → Giidindus
1 allalaadimist

Eurosedelid ja -mündid

Eurosedelid ja- mündid Eurosedelid Pangatähtede esiküljel kujutatakse aknaid ja väravaid. Need sümboliseerivad Euroopas valitsevat avatuse ja koostöö vaimu. Euroopa Liidu (EL) 12 tähte sümboliseerivad tänapäeva Euroopa dünaamilisust ja harmooniat. Tagaküljel kujutatud sillad sümboliseerivad koostööd nii Euroopa rahvaste vahel kui ka kogu maailmas. Pangatähtedel kujutatud aknad, väravad ja sillad on stiliseeritud illustratsioonid ­ tegemist ei ole reaalselt eksisteerivate objektide ja ehitistega. Euro pangatähti on 7 erineva nimiväärtusega: 5-, 10-, 20-, 50-, 100-, 200-, ja 500- eurone. Need kehtivad kogu euroalal ning on alati sama kujundusega. Pangatähtede tagaküljel kujutatakse sildu, mis väljendavad koostööd nii Euroopa rahvaste vahel kui ka mujal maailmas. Kujunduses lähtuti vastavale ajastule omasest arhitektuuristiilist ning ei püütud kujutada konkreetseid ehitisi. Euromündid Kõigil euromüntidel on nominaali väärtusega külg ühis...

Majandus → Majandus
7 allalaadimist

Love- your worst enemy?

living. It is because we have loved. We have reasons to feel bad about ourselves. But is love really your worst enemy? Is heartache a good reason to start feeling worthless and give up on everything? It is one thing to love a family member. Every person in your family is important and you have to love and care for them. A family has to stick together and always be there for each other. It is not difficult to love somebody related to you. It is quite natural. You can feel the connection between that person and yourself. On the other hand, loving someone outside your family is something very different. It can be very painful and yet that pain may be the best thing that had ever happened to you. Most of us start out as just friends and love comes later. Others fall in love at first sight. It takes a lot of courage to become more than friends. What happens if this doesn't work out

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access eajakirjad

Ülesanne 6 Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access e- ajakirjad 6.1 Teemaotsing internetist a) Otsimootorite nimetused ja veebiaadressid: b) Otsistrateegia, piirangud: c) Leitud /relevantsete internetiallikate arv d) Väljavalitud veebilehekülgede hinnang autorluse, täiendamise, objektiivsuse ja sisu seisukohalt. 1) Kasutasin Google Scholar otsingumootorit, otsingukeeleks inglise keel. Biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis q=biocatalytic+stereochemical+synthesis&hl=en&btnG=Search&as_sdt=1%2 C5&as_sdtp=on 7440 tulemust Kuna tulemusi on nii palju , leidub nendes ka väga palju kasulikke artikleid, kuid nende leidmine nii paljude hulgast on raske. Nende hulgas oli palju artikleid, mille täistekstid on TTÜ raamatukogus saadaval. 2) Kasutasin ANVANCED SCHOLAR SEARCH: biocatalytic and stereochemical and synthesis ajapiirangu...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
15 allalaadimist


BRANDENBURG Sten Lepamaa TTG 12A Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level BRANDENBURG FLAG Brandenburg ist ein Land im Nordosten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Landeshauptstadt ist Potsdam. Geschichte I * Als Gründungsdatum der historischen Mark Brandenburg gilt der 11. Juni 1157 * 1945 zum Land Brandenburg (ohne die Neumark östlich der Oder). In der DDR wurde die Region in drei Bezirke geteilt. 1990 wurde das Land Brandenburg als Land der Bundesrepublik Deutschland neu g...

Keeled → Saksa keel
6 allalaadimist


Terminid · SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide sensitive factor adaptor protein; · Receptors TMD, Trans-membrane domain; · PR, Pathogenesis-related; · qRT-PCR, quantitative Real Time PCR; · CDD, Conserved Domain Database; · HMM, Hidden Markov Model; · MSA, Multiple sequence alignment; · PDB, Protein Data Bank; · DOPE, Discrete Optimized Protein Energy; · MOF, MODELLER Objective Function; · NILs, Near-isogenic lines · Leaf rust; · Ustilago maydis, maisinõe seen · bread wheat, Triticum suvitrühvel L · tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum · oder, Hordeum vulgare · riis O. riis indica · nr: mitte ülearune; · S-PI, susceptible patogeen nakatunud, · S-M, susceptible negative control; · GAPDH Glütseraaldehüüd-3-Fosfaat Dehüdrogenaas 3.5. SNARE geenide up-regulation leherooste nakkuse ajal nisus · Paremaks arusaamiseks SNARE geenide funktsioonist mRNA tasemel, ruumilised ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Legends of Tallinn

have survived, but also legends connect to them that have reached us. Tallinn was first mentioned in the historical books of the Arabic geographer. If the primeval city walls could talk, they would tell us stories better than any adventure book. The walls have seen it all: the black pestilence, the great fire of Tallinn and brave warriors. Many big and powerful countries have conquer Estonia, but Estonia has always fought for their freedom. Many legends are related to those countries who have conquered Estonia. For example, Danish, Russia and Germany. There are many legends of tallinn. For example Linda's rock, Old Thomas, Old Man of Ülemiste Lake , St. Olav's Church and Reval. 2 Legend of St. Olav's Church In old times, when Estonia was small country, people often thought of how to raise the importance of the city. City residents wanted that their city became big and famous.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
55 allalaadimist

Case Google

technology that connects future users in ways that Google hasn't addressed. 4. What should Google do next? Should Google build a full-fledged portal like Yahoo!'s, target further into Microsoft's desktop software hegemony, become an e-commerce intermediary like eBay or something else? Google have been experimenting with a variety of online software that drives travel to their site and provides opportunities for in contextual Sponsored Links related to the content the user is engaged in creating such as in Gmail and Google Groups. By providing ad funded web services, Google could solve one of the fundamental contradictions of its business model, to generate revenue users have to click a sponsored link in a search a search results and leave Google, in other words they want people to leave as possible by dishing up the most relevant ads as possible to the user's search. By moving people online to use Google's communication and

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

The Five Factor Model Evidence for the Five Factor Model "The five factor model has provided a unified · Different personality schemes (theory-based questionnaires) contain framework for trait research: it is the Christmas tree factors closely related to the big five on which findings of stability, heritability, consensual ­ Costa and McCrae validation, cross-cultural invariance and predictive utility are hung like ornaments." · The same personality questionnaire gives the same traits in different languages

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Molekulaarbioloogia praksi kontrolltöö vastused

Retinoic acid (RA) may act as a regulator of differentiation at various stages of vertebrate embryogenesis. In particular, the results of exogeneous RA treatment have implicated RA in antero-posterior patterning both along the body axis and in developing Limb bud. A variety of abnormalities, including Neural tube defects, craniofacial abnormalities, and limb defects, have been reported after treatment of pregnant mammals with RA. The recent discovery that RA interacts with nuclear Receptors related to the steroid and thyroid hormone receptors, a family of proteins that function as ligand-dependent transcription factors, suggests that the morphogenetic functions of RA may result at least in part, from activation of developmentally regulated genes by RA receptor (RAR) complexes. An additional feature of retinoid physiology is the existence of a distinct class of molecules, the cellular retinol- and RA-binding proteins (CRBPs and CRABPs), which

Bioloogia → Molekulaar - ja rakubioloogia...
78 allalaadimist

Theaters of Estonia

Theaters of Estonia Jõhvi Theater Jõhvi Concert H all, situated in a small town Jõhvi near N arva, is the youngest, yet the most modern theater in Estonia. With it's large multi-functional transforming scene and stunning unusual architecture it became an important art and cultural center not only of Ida Virumaa, but of the whole Estonia in a very short time. The colourful history of Jõhvi Concert H all dates back to the year 1491, when Jõhvi M anor with its historicist features stood on the spot of the modern Jõhvi Concert H ouse. The manor buildings were surrounded by a spacious park, which can be found next to the concert house even today, reminding us of the former glory of the manor. In cooperation with the Estonian M inistry of Culture and Jõhvi Government the Jõhvi Theater was built in 2004 and first opened its doors on the 8th of October 2005 under the management of Aivar M äethe Director of Estonian Concert. The ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Päikeseenergia esitlus

Päikeseenergia Teele Meister 11.i PÄIKE Ø Suurim ja parim jõujaam maailmas! Ø Energiakogus, mis Päikeselt aasta jooksul maapinnale jõuab on ligikaudu 3000 korda suurem kui kogu maailma energiatarbimine Ø Päike annab maale kahe nädala jooksul rohkem energiat, kui kõik inimeste poolt kastutatavad fossiilsed küttevõimalused kokku Energeetika tulevik... Mis on päikesepatarei ehk Päikesekollektor? Ø Päikesepatarei on elektrotehniline seade, mis muundab Päikese valgusenergiat elektrienergiaks Ø Valdkonna spekter algab pisikestest taskukalkulaatoritest, kelladest ja lõpeb võimsate elektrijaamadega, kus väljundvõimsusi mõõdetakse megavattides Ø Tänapäevane silikoon-päikesepaneel kasuteguriga juba 10%, valmistati esmakordselt 1956 a. Esimesed 108 päikesepaneeli lennutati kosmosesse 1958 aastal Ø Päikesepatareisid kasutatakse näiteks kosmoselenn...

Füüsika → Füüsika
24 allalaadimist


· Godparent: A person who presents a child at baptism and promises to be responsible for their religious education Family and Relationships - Marital Relationships divorced engaged married / unmarried separated single widowed Family and Relationships - Verbs get divorced (from) get engaged (to) get married (to) get on (well) with someone marry someone start / end a relationship with someone cohabiting Family and Relationships - Other Related Words acquaintance boss colleague employee employer fiancé fiancée friend best friend neighbour partner relative

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
4 allalaadimist

Viimne Reliikvia ( slaidid )

Viimne Reliikvia Eesti film aastast 1969. Sisu!! "Viimne reliikvia" on Eesti film aastast 1969. Filmi süzee põhineb Eduard Bornhöhe romaanil "Vürst Gabriel ehk Pirita kloostri viimased päevad". Hans von Risbieter, "Liivimaa parim ratsutaja", tutvub Agnes von Mönnikhuseniga. Kirik on nõus nad paari panema, kui von Risbieter loovutab kirikule Püha Brigitta säilmetega reliikvia. Pulmapidu aga ründavad mässajad ja Agnese päästab sealt vaba mees Gabriel. Peagi on nende kannul klooster, Ivo Schenkenbergi kõrilõikajad ja pruudi suguvõsa. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth leve Inimesed , kes filmi muusikale kaasa aitasid: Geo...

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
39 allalaadimist

Hispaania muusika Powerpoint

HISPAANIA Muusikakultuur Kairo ja Jüri . Hispaania kultuur . HISPAANIA KULTUUR Mõned faktid Hispaania kohta: Pindala: 504 782 km2 Rahvaarv: 40 000 000 Pealinn: Madrid Keeled: hispaania (riigikeel), katalaani, galeegi, baski (autonoomsetes piirkondades koos hispaania keelega) Rahaühik: peseeta, euro Suurimad Linnad Madrid Barcelona Valencia Sevilla Zaragoza Malaga Bilbao Hispaania inimesed . Rahvastik paikneb väga ebaühtlaselt. Enamikus on see koondunud rannikule, Madridi ning teistesse sisemaalinnadesse.20.ajandi viimastel kümnenditel rändas väga suur osa maarahvast sisemaalt rannikule ja suurtsse linnadesse. Hispaania on olnud tavapäraselt väljarännumaa. Kuni 1930. aastateni läksid inimesed paremat elu otsima Ameerikasse. alates 1950.aastaist hakati rändama Euroopa maadesse, eelkõige Saksamaale, Prantsusmaale ja Sveitsi. Nüüd on Hispaania aga hoopis siserännumaa. Pikkade sajanditega isesuguste inimrühmade...

Muusika → Muusika
36 allalaadimist

Solar power

Solar radiation is used in the installations are divided  Radiation concentrating installations;  radiation concentration installations. Päikesekiirgust kasutavad paigaldised jagunevad:  kiirguse kontsentreerimisega paigaldised  kiirguse kontsentreerimiseta paigaldised .Solar panels Pluses:  Sustainable; decreasing the burning of fossil fuels for energy, as well as the extraction of mineral resources and related environmental impacts  no greenhouse gases; In the air is not greenhouse gases.  unlimited resource; The sun is abundant, it is free and inexhaustible resources  low maintenance costs;  runs silently; Solar power system runs silently. Minuses:  Needed during daylight; at night can be used only for the stored energy  seasonality; During the winter months are the low efficiency of solar panels

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


NORTHERN LIGHTS LIINA VIROLAINEN 12A CLASS KEILA KOOL NORTHERN LIGHTS Northern lights is a common name for the Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere. Where can we see the northern lights? The Northern Lights, as the name suggests, are especially related to the polar regions. They occur most frequently in a belt of radius 2500 km centered on the magnetic north pole. This so-called auroral zone extends over northern Scandinavia, Island, the southern tip of Greenland and continuing over northern Canada, Alaska and along the northern coast of Siberia. How often can you see the Northern Lights? In Troms and Finnmark, we can see the Northern Lights every other clear night, if not even more frequently

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Estonian language

Seliin-Doris Tsinjakov 11. Klass Kehra Gümnaasium · Estonian is the official language of Estonia. · Spoken natively by about 1.1 million people. · It belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic language family. Classification · Belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic languages, along with Finnish, Karelian, and other nearby languages. · Estonian has been influenced by Swedish, German and Russian, though it is not related to them genetically. History · The two different historical Estonian languages, the North and South Estonian languages, are based on the ancestors of modern Estonians migration into the territory of Estonia in at least two different waves, both groups speaking considerably different Finnic vernaculars. · Modern standard Estonian has evolved on the basis of the dialects of Northern Estonia. · The domination of Estonia after the Northern Crusades, from the 13th

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Elektromagnetiline induktsioon esitlus

Margo Martis Jaanika Orav Elektromagnetiline induktsioon Mõiste- Elektromagnetiline induktsioon Elektromagnetiline induktsioon on nähtus, mille puhul magnetvälja toimel juhtmes indutseerub (tekib) elektromotoorjõud (emj.). Selle füüsikalise nähtuse avastas inglise füüsik Michael Faraday 1831. aastal. Kordamine/arvutus E=Blv(sin) E indutseeritav emj. voltides (V) B magnetvootihedus e. induktsioon teslades (T) l juhtme aktiivpikkus meetrites (m) v juhtme liikumiskiirus magnetvälja suhtes m/s juhtme liikumissuuna ja välja jõujoonte vaheline nurk 1. Magnetväljas, mille induktsioon on 0,8T liigub risti jõujoontega 20cm pikkune sirge juhe kiirusega 3 m/s. Arvuta indutseeritav elektromotoorjõud (edaspidi emj). 2. Magnetväljas, mille induktsioon on 0,3T liigub juhe kiirusega 9 m/s risti jõujoontega. Juhtmes indutseeritakse emj 1,2V. Kui pikk on see juhe? 3. Lennuki tiibade siruulatus on 12m. Maa magnetvälja magneti...

Füüsika → Füüsika
37 allalaadimist

Veresooned ja vereringe

Veresooned ja vereringe Sandra Ivanov Inimesel on suletud vereringe: Ø See tähendab, et südamest välja paisatud veri liigub kogu kehas vaid mööda veresooni. Jätke meelde! Veresoonte põhitüübid: Vere ringlus Kapillaari Arterid Veenid Süda d Vere ringlus: o Veresooned on torujad elundid o Veri ringleb kehas ainult ühes suunas Tähtis! Arterid: o Arterid viivad verd südamest organitesse o Südamest väljuv suur arter (AORT) haruneb aina peenemateks arteriteks o Arterites (välja arvatud kopsuarterites) liigub hapnikurikas veri o Arterite seinad on paksud, tugeva lihaskihiga ja elastsed o Arterite seinad venivad ja tõmbuvad kokku vastavalt vere paiskumisele südamest , seda o...

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist


ESTONIA ·Republic of Estonia is a country in Norhern Europe. Our president is Toomas Hendrik Ilves ·Territory of Estonia is 45,227 ( square kilometer) km² ·Population is 1.4 million. Estonia is one of the least-populous members of the European Union. ·The capital and largest city is Tallinn wich is in North-Estonia ·We are special because we have own language ­ estonian ·Estonia is bordered to the north by the Gulf on Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia and to the east by Russian Federation ·Estonia is divided into 15 counties (maakond) ·In Estonia are 33 cities and several town-parish towns in the country. More than 70% of the population lives in towns. ·Estonia has summer capital ­ it's Pärnu, autum capital ­ it's Türi, winter capital ­ it's Otepää ·The Estonia Theatre is an opera house and concert hall in Tallinn . It was built on 1913 ·The oldest records of...

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Metallica concert review

in Master of Puppets as well. But what really elevated Metallica in my eyes was the album And Justice for All (AJFA), it showed more of their technical side with well thought out phrasing and intricate guitar work, one Song in particular “To live is to Die” is what I consider their best instrumental and Metallica at its peak. One other thing that people don't seem to credit Metallica with is their lyrics. Their lyrical department has always been strong whether it's related to political tension, self-loathing, or social evils.Onto the concert review, I find their music very dense and satisfying. There are so many things happening, and all of them are very sweet and coherent. I think the key is that each of the band members put a significant amount of creative effort into each of their songs. Nothing is random or lazy- there’s a thought behind every little sound and nuance. That’s why they are so good for second, third, fourth listen

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
0 allalaadimist

Translation history

Social class- RP-received pronunciation-(aka posh lang.) When translating: RP vs lower class Eng, then you could translate RP using complicated words, and lower class Eng, using limited vocabulary. • Hatim and Munday – what is translation according to these two men? Why is this not quite enough nowadays? 1.Process of transferring written text from SL to TL(done by a translator) 2.The written product of the process in No.1 3.Mental, social, linguistic etc phenomenon related to the written product in No.2 It is not quite enough nowadays, because translating is not only about written product. For example, translating to deaf people via sign language, or dubbing (animated) movies and shows to the local language • Context – definition (how may it vary). Why we need it (3 reasons) + be able to bring and identify examples. How translators benefit from it? 1. Resolve ambiguity 2. Provide referents to thus, then, he, it , that. 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

English Grammar - The most common tenses in English

going action began he's been going in the past and has just stopped how long the action has been happening mostly when two actions in a story are related to each other: the action which had I had had + past worked already Past participle he had happened is (infinitive + worked Perfect put into Past ed) I had gone Perfect, the he had gone other action into Simple Past the past of

Keeled → Inglise keel
205 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun