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"real" - 1188 õppematerjali

real - estate developers in the US. However, the rapid adoption of virtual design and construction tools in the United States has necessitated the creation of additional guidelines and legal frameworks to accommodate the use of Building Information


Realism -

Kasutaja: real

Faile: 48

Kuidas teha referaati

Kooli nimi Töö pealkiri Referaat Töö teostaja nimi: Juhendaja: Töö pealkiri 2 Töö sooritamise koht Töö teostaja Kuupäev/võib lisaks panna ka kellaaja, kui on tegemist koolitööga Töö pealkiri 3 Pea meeles! Korrasta tekst, paranda vead, kontrolli joondamised (tekstil on alati rööpjoondus!), eralda pealkirjad tühja reaga, (kasuta lõigu eraldajat! Vali 6p ehk üherealine lõigueraldaja, kui pole ette nähtud eritingimusi). 1. Asenda interneti reavahetusmärgid - (oma ENTER märgiga) 2. Kirja stiiliks määra Times New Roman, kirja suurus 12pt 3. Tee ka kokkuvõtte ja sissejuhatuse leheküljed, koos sisuga ikka! NB. Lisalehe lisamiseks ära kasuta ...

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
20 allalaadimist

The fifth element

group of aliens) and then this one guy (Zorg) who appears to be on the bad side, but wants to get benefit to himself. Everyone wants to get the 4 rocks which decide the whole destiny of life. The movie was brightened up with a lot of humorous scenes and characters. There was this usual Bruce Willis type of humour, also this young Leeloo who firstly didn't know anything and acted like a baby and also there was this really annoying character- DJ Ruby Rhod. It was quite unusual to combine real serious plot (destroying life) to comedy so it wasn't an usual science fiction. Compare to ohter this type of films this was actually quite enjoyable even though the plot was really predictable. The thing what was really ridiculous was these silly costumes. Usually the aliens should look scary, but in this film you just can't stop laughing at them and this blue singing diva? Theres no way you can take her seriously. The only scary thing was maybe the voice of the ultimate evil character

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


INDIA Some facts.. You should know.. § Under constitution, Hindi and English are official languages of the state § Indian communication tends to be indirect and a person's words may only convey a fraction of what is being said. Directness Polite answer is considered rude. (Thus, the Real rest of the answer § message is delivered via tone, body language, past history, and often, by what is not said) § Yes culture, it is essential In Indian Yes to show No Maybe proper We'll see respect. Social dimensions - The caste system Caste is the Indian class system

Keeled → Business english
7 allalaadimist

Brands are...

It is very sad, but unfortunately, these days many people depend on brands. As for me, my attitude to brands is neutral. If I really like something, because of its quality, for example, I will buy it no matter how popular the brand is. If I have a choice between two similar things, I will buy the cheapest one, because I value money. And from my point of view, it is not necessary to have only brands in order to be attractive, and more importantly you should be yourself, because the real uniqueness is inside you. In conclusion I would like to say that we live in time of democracy and freedom of choice. Everyone can choose what to buy, what to wear and what mobile phone to use. It depends on our own financial capacity. So everyone decides for himself if brands are necessary for him or not.

Keeled → Business english
11 allalaadimist

Põhimõisted asjaajamises

esmaspäev: E ; eelarveaasta: ea ; eksemplar: eks ; elektronposti aadress: e-post, meil; käibemaksu kohustuslaste register KMKR, komplekt kmpl, linnaosavalitsus LOV, lugupeetud lp, ennem ­ pigem, miljard mld, miljon mln, mobiiltelefon mob, nädal näd, nii-öelda n-ö, osakond osk, poolaasta pa, raamatupidamine rmtp · Koma ei käi pöördumise järele, ega kirja lõpus lugupidamisega järele. · Aadress ­ koma iga haldusüksuse järel, kui kirjutatakse ühel real, kui erinevatel ridadel, siis koma ei ole. Kui aadress käändes, siis komasid ei ole. · Kui nimi ja amet ühel real, siis koma vahele. · Telefoni ja faksi järel koolonit ei panda, veebiaadressile ja e-postile ka mitte, et säilitada ühtsus. · Ülakoma nimesse siis, kui nime algkuju omastavas, nt Metsa`le. Kui dokumendist selgub nime algkuju, siis ei ole ülakoma vaja. Dokumentide loomine Dokumendid on organisatsiooni või üksikisiku poolt seadusest tulenevate ülesannete täitmise

Muu → Sekretäritöö
36 allalaadimist

Bakalaureusetöö Tallinna büroohoonete arendusprojektide finantseerimine ja seotud mõjurid

elamispindadeks (ingl. k. residential) ja mitte-elamispindadeks (ingl. k. non-residential). Elamispindade või elamute hulka loetakse nii eramaju, kortermaju, paarismaju kui ka teisi pikaajaliseks elamiseks mõeldud hooneid, mille hulka ei loeta ajutist elamispinda pakkuvaid objekte, näiteks hotelle. Mitte-elamispinnad jagunevad eraldi kasutamise otstarbe järgi viieks alamkategooriaks: äripinnad (ingl. k. commercial real estate), tööstuspinnad (ingl. k. industrial real estate), hotellid ja motellid (ingl. k. hotel/motel), lõõgastumis- ehk vabaaja pinnad (ingl. k. recreational) ja ühiskondlikud hooned (ingl. k. institutional real estate). Antud juhul on inglise keelsele liigitusele töö autori poolt välja pakutud teatud vasted, kuid võib kasutada ka teisi eesti keelseid termineid. (Brueggeman, Fisher 2008, 246) Meid huvitavad büroohooned ja nende osadeks olevad büroopinnad kuuluvad äripindade alla

Majandus → Majandus
59 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kordamine

· Actions already decided to do in near future (Steve is going to work with his dad..) · Predictions based on wht we see, or know, especially if there's evidence (The sky is very clear, it's going to be cold tonight) CONDITIONALS Type 0 ­ general truth or scientific fact: If/when + present simple > present simple (If you mix red and white, you get pink) Type 1 ­ real or very probable situation: If + present simple > future simple, imperative, can/must/may etc + bare infinitive (If I finish the essay, I will/might go out tonight) NB! Unless + affirmative verb = if + negative verb (Unless he gives me..= if he does not give..) Type 2 ­ unreal present, imaginary situations: If + past simple/past continuous > would/could/might + perfect bare infinitive (If I were you, I would tell her the truth)

Keeled → Inglise keel
204 allalaadimist

Mikroökonoomika valemid

muutuvkulud, TFC ­ on kõik püsikulud, AVC ­ keskmine muutuvkulu, AFC ­ keskmine püsikulu. KASUMI MAKSIMEERIMISE KULDREEGEL Tuleks täiendavaid tootmisteguri ühikuid (nt tööjõudu) palgata seni, kuni MRPL MRCL (MCL ehk MFCL) KESKMINE (KOGU PRODUKT) E KESKMINE KOGUTOODANG: APL = ATPL = TP / L, kus AP ja ATP ­ keskmine kogutoodang, ühe töötaja kohta panus; TP- kogutoodang, koguprodukt; L - muutuv töötajate arv. KESKMINE KOGUTULU ATR või AR: ATR = AR = TR / TP = TR / Q real, kus ATR ehk AR ­ keskmine kogutulu, TR ­ kogutulud toodangu müügist, TP ­ kogutoodang, Q real ­ realiseeritud/müüdud kogus. KESKMINE MUUTUVKULU: AVC = TVC / TP = TVC / Q, kus AVC ­ keskmine muutuvkulu, TVC ­ kõik muutuvkulud, TP ­ kogutoodang, Q ­ kogus. (Mõnes raamatus on naturaalne toodangukogus TP = Q) KESKMINE PÜSIKULU: AFC = TFC / TP = TFC / Q, kus AFC ­ keskmine püsikulu, TFC ­ on kõik püsikulud, TP ­ kogutoodang, Q ­ kogus.

Majandus → Arendustegevus
215 allalaadimist

Inglise Keelsed Aforismid / mõtteterad

* You can always start liking someone over and over again but you can never stop loving someone. * You break my heart into a thousand pieces and you say it's because i deserve better . * Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. * It's funny how someone can break your heart and you still love them with all the little pieces. * Real love stories never have happy endings, because the real love stories never end. *When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life, that you have thousand reasons to smile. * If you were to ask how many times you run trough my mind, I'd only say: once, because you never even left. * Life is a journey and love is what makes the journey worthwhile. * The best and the most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist


Katkesta ­ Tegevuse ära muutmine. Uus ­ Uue kirje koostamine. Andmed sisestatakse akna alaosas. Uue kirje sisestamisel kahetasemelisse teatmikku on vaja eelnevalt valida grupp (tüüp), millesse kuulub uus objekt. Võimatu on sisestada uut kirjet kui kursor seisab grupil "KÕIK", programm teatab "Vali tüüp!". Tuleb vajutada nupule OK, valida vastav grupp (tüüp) ja teostada uus kirje. Uus kopeeri ­ Uue kirje koostamine kopeerides kirjet ülemises tabelis millisel real seisab kursor. Uue kirje andmeid saab muuta akna alaosas. Muuda ­ Kirjete korrigeerimine ülemises tabelis real kus asub kursor. Kustuta ­ Kirje kustutamine ülemises tabelis real kus asub kursor. Otsing ­ Otsingu käivitus ekraani allosas oleva kirje järgi. Otsimine on võimalik iga näitaja järgi teatmikus. Otsimisel sümbolandmete järgi valitakse välja teatmikust need kirjed kus leidub etteantud sümbolite kombinatsioon. Leitud kirjed esitatakse akna ülaosas.

Informaatika → Arvutiteenindus
74 allalaadimist

Tallinna büroohoonete turg 2007. - 2014. aastatel

(ingl. k. residential) ja mitte-elamispindadeks (ingl. k. non-residential). Elamispindade või elamute hulka loetakse nii eramaju, kortermaju, paarismaju kui ka teisi pikaajaliseks elamiseks mõeldud hooneid, mille hulka ei loeta hotelle ja teisi ajutisi elamispinda pakkuvaid objekte. Mitte- elamispinnad jagunevad eraldi kasutamise otstarbe järgi antud liigituses viieks alamkategooriaks: äripinnad (ingl. k. commercial real estate), tööstuspinnad (ingl. k. industrial real estate), hotellid ja motellid (ingl. k. hotel/motel), lõõgastumis- ehk vabaaja pinnad (ingl. k. recreational) ja ühiskondlikud hooned (ingl. k. institutional real estate). Antud juhul võib inglise keelsele liigitusele pakkuda välja erinevaid eesti keelseid vasteid. (Brueggeman, Fisher 2008, 246) Meid huvitavad büroohooned ja ­pinnad kuuluvad äripindade alla. Seejuures loetakse äripindade hulka ka kaubanduspindu. Seejuures sama hoone võib kuuluda ühel ja samal momendil

Majandus → Majandus
22 allalaadimist

The Picture of Dorian Gray

After many years, Basil had a chance to take a look of the picture he had painted of Dorian, and it was shockingly terrible what he saw in the picture ­ an old man in his fourties, arms wounded by hypodermic syringes that were obviously some time ago filled with drugs, eyes looking evil and exhausted, lips transmogrified into a strange-looking smile. Basically, Dorian Gray looked like a regular drug-abuser, a drug-addict. Everything Dorian had gone through appeared in the picture, not in real life, because it was what he had wanted and prayed for after meeting lord Henry Wotton. At the end, Dorian gets so low in his behaviour and beliefs (he only believes in beauty as such, art and other sensuous pleasures) that even after turning his back to Basil, B tries to help him, save him from his ,,ideal life" of sensuous pleasures, but Dorian acts like a lunatic and stabs Basil in the back. After that awful deed, blood appears on Dorian's hands in the picture. He only did it because

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
58 allalaadimist

Lebel and the Jackal

not to link his private life and work, but in one case he did and that nearly cost his life. The Jackal's personality was doubled - first was what he was like at work and the other in his normal life, the last one is based on my opinion. He was very persevering and earnest during he was at work, but caring when not. His opponent was Claude Lebel, a very intelligent man, who was deeply specialised in tracking and detective job. He was hand-picked by the French intelligent to find out the real identity of the Jackal and his location. He was as professional as the Jackal, but hard-pressed by the government of France. Lebel and the Jackal are actually extremely similar, they think alike, but on different purposes. Lebel is representing the good side on which are the police and law, but the Jackal is the evil man, who wants to kill the president. In fact the similarities of these two men's thinking worlds, were the keys to the solution.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Our Man in Havana Book R

time and created his own vision of the future. The main character of this book is Jim Wormlod, who is a vacuum cleaner salesman, but is offered a job in the British secret service by Hawthorne. He has to spy on Cuba for England. Jim lives with his daughter Milly, because his wife had left them for another man. Milly is quite demanding, having many wishes and because ebeing in lack of money,Jim decides to take the job offer. As Jim does not have any real information of the secret services, he does not want to give up his good salary and disappoint them, he decides to deceive and tells them that he acutally have a network of agents, but in reality he barely knows them.He also writes fake reports and recruits fake agents.Hawthorne begins to suspect, but keeps it as a secret and does not tell to their boss. He sends Jim an assistant, Beatrice,who falls in love with him and in the end of the book they get married

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
21 allalaadimist

Töövestlus inglise keeles

and I did it by my abilities. So working under pressure is in my blood since I was in school, therefore I hope that I am capable to do it. If I am in complex situation I inspires my-self to manage whit this problem and in the end I have resolved it. Also I have a sense of responsibility towards my work. 6) Why do you choose this field? I did this choice already in secondary school. I found out that I do not have the creativity of the creative work. So my favourites subjects were real substance only not physics. That was the reason way I went to the university, there I could specialize to the profession. I like working with numbers, I know that this job is not the easiest but there is something that pulls me into it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist

Gothic story

or creaking from the attic. She pretended to read a magazine and hum along with the music but she couldn't even deceive herself enough to get her mind off from her loneliness and helplessness. Suddenly, and it all seemed to happen at the same time, the music stopped and the clock struck twelve. As Ella had been dreading the room became silent for a minute. She couldn't force herself to move. All her worst nightmares were becoming real. She started hearing all kinds of voices from the attic. All at once the barking dogs went mad; she heard a crazed laughter coming from the attic and a thump. That was the last thing Ella remembered when she woke up- she had fainted and now when she looked at the timepiece she noticed it was five o'clock. It was still dark outside and the house was silent. There was a noise she couldn't identify coming from the garden and then some footsteps and a weak knock on the door.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
9 allalaadimist

Ruuben’s butterflies: Kirsipiia

Kirsipiia and Ruuben fall in love and Kirsipiia feels at last that she sees the world a lot more colourful and she finally has something to do; Ruuben makes her feel amazing. But strange things start to happen with her-she feels like Ruuben has some special abilities. Ruuben does everything that Kirsipiia wants-her grades are better, she is slimmer, flowers grow out of her desk. Finally Kirsipiia finds out from Eliis that Ruuben is a demon of darkness and that she might be in real danger. Ruuben says that they could be together forever if Kirsipiia agrees to sacrifice herself and let Ruuben to do a ritual-kill her in the beginning and at the last moment save her; Kirsipiia agrees. In the last minute Eliis, who is actually an angel of light, comes with her team and saves Kirsipiia. Kirsipiia's heart is broken but actually she misses Ruuben really much. At the end of the book Ruuben comes back and apologizes, but he says that he needs to

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keel : Theatre and movie

to prefer the cinema to the theatre- eelistama kino teatrile the cinema audience- kinopublik. Book theatre tickets in advance- broneerima teatri pileteid reserve a ticket in advance- reserveerima pileteid kellegi jaoks puppet theatre- nukuteater attract a large audience- suurt publikut ligi meelitama the play has a record runs- näidendil on olnud suur hulk etendusi the play is a box-office hit- näidend on kassahitt the play is a real success/a failure- näidend on tõeliselt edukas/läbikukkunud a playwright- näitekirjanik a play in 3 acts & with 2 intervals- näidend 3 vaatluses, 2 vaheajaga a professional, amateur theatre- professionaalne teater, amatöörteater the cast of the play, to be on the cast- näitlejaskond smb's acting is good/poor- kellegi näitlemine on hea/halb the performance is sold out- väljamüüdud to stage a play- lavastama näidendit to be in the leading part- olema peaosas

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Millennials and Technology

which nowadays includes a phone, a computer, gaming consoles, a televison, and basically anything you can control without ever having to get up or even leave our rooms. When's the last time someone asked you about something neither of you knew about and you didn't take your phone out to 'google' it? Now think about how many times you've tried to figure out the answer yourself. Sure, both ways may have plenty of attempts but which has succeeded the most ­ the artificial or the real brain? The answer is quite simple, isn't it! Technology has so much to do with today's knowledge. You probably wouldn't know half the things you know now if it weren't for the Internet. Looking at it like that, millennials don't really differ from robots all that much. Some are even more advanced that any of us! Both of us use technology every single day to recieve and process information. Both of us move fast and socialize through the Internet

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Motivation letter

in my field. Since the beginning of my studies the favourite location of training has been always restaurant Basiilik, which also in fact an Italian restaurant in the city center of Tallinn, capital of Estonia. Thanks to this experience I fell in love with Italian food and culture. I learned how to cook different pasta dishes, pizzas and for example, how to make ravioli. To polish my cooking skills, I feel, that I like to have practice in real Italian environment and among its food culture. Ever since I heard of the possibility to apply for international internship, it catched my eyes from the very first second and it has stayd in my mind till now. I am looking for the international experience to grow as an individual and to gain new experience, which will have for sure a great impact to my future career. It has always been the dream of mine to go to Italy and experience Italian cuisine and culture

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

What are the advatanges and disadvantages of using Facebook?

What are the advatanges and disadvantages of using Facebook?      Today in our world is the Internet very popular way to spend time. One of the people favorite  site is clearly Facebook. Only the fact that Facebook has over 845 million active users is sign  that it is part of our generation. In all of the good things are advantanges and disadvantages, so  does Facebook.   Facebook in our lifes is very natural. We use it every day, but we do not think how it affects our  lifes. It plays very big role in our communication. Some of the advantages are that you can  contact with people in every time and you are always informed about latest news and activities.    It is easy and takes only few seconds. People who use Facebook messenger, do not have big  telephone bills anymore. Messenger is the same like sms, but it is free. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

"Legal english vs everyday english" speech

Law is known for it's conservatism and legalese might have maintained so well because many lawyers have learned it's value and feel special to be one of the few who can understand it. Secondly, legal language includes some very complex linguistic practices of an ancient profession, so maybe the best way to sound like a professional is to use as much legal vocabulary as possible. There are literally thousands of terms to choose from. No one will doubt that you are a real professional if you use the right expressions. Body 2: That brings us to a fact that regular people have been frustrated with legal language for quite some time since it can sometimes be confusing and unnecessary. There is a smaller chance that your document will be misunderstood when plain language is used. And if your documents give instructions, your client is more likely to understand and follow them correctly. For example, a lease tries to regulate the way a tenant uses a property

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Snoop dogg plaadiarvustus - Tha Blue Carpet Treatment

Tha Blue Carpet Treatment Snoop Dogg (pärisnimega Calvin Cordozar Broadus juunior; sündinud 20. oktoobril 1971) on USA räppar, plaadiprodutsent ja näitleja. Tema tuntum fraas on "fo' shizzle, ma nizzle", mis tähendab "for sure, my nigga". Sellise slängi stiili leiutajaks oli Frankie Smith ja The Gap Band varasemates kaheksakümnendates. Snoop tegi koostööd Tupaci, Notorius B.I.G.i ja Mac Drega enne nende surma. Ema pani talle lapsena hüüdnimeks "Snoopy" Calvini lemmikmultifilmi "Peanuts" tegelase järgi; lavanimeks võttis ta Snoop Doggy Dogg, kui alustas produtseerimist. Aastal 1996 muutis ta oma nime Snoop Dogg'iks, sest ta jättis oma plaadifirma Death Row Records ja ühines No Limit Recordsiga. Ameerika Ühendriikides on ta müünud üle 18,5 miljoni albumi. Aasta: 2006 Plaadifirma: Death Row Records Stiil: Hip-hop/rap Lood: 1. ''Intrology'' 2. ''Think About It'' 3. ''Crazy'' 4. ''Vato'' 5. '...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

"Skellig" raamatukokkuvõte

follow way back.! If the guide line breaks you need to know how to fix this.! ! 9.slide! Training! ! 10.slide! Popular cave divers! ! 11.slide! I think that...! cave diving is cool and exiting, and real adrenaline mine. But it can be also very dangerous. And I have heard that it´s the most dangerous extreme sport/hobby because there are more human deaths than anywhere else.! ! 12.slide! And now I am gonna show you a cave diving documentary. Don´t worry teacher, I am gonna show only neccessary parts.! 1. 0:00-1:20 ! 2. 2:08-21:24! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Kirjandus → Kirjandus - 7. klass
24 allalaadimist

Ettekanne Brežnevist

L.I BREŽNEV L.I BREŽNEV 1906-1982 NLKP peasekretär, riigijuht KUIDAS TEDA MEELDE JÄTTA? ★Kulmud LAPSEPÕLV ★19.detsember 1906 ★Ukraina, Dnipropetrovski oblast ★õnn ja edu rinnapiimaga ★1913 kihelkonna kool(2a) ★1915-1923 raske elu gümnaasiumis KARJÄÄRI ALGUS ★Sverdlovski ringkonna Bisertski rajoonis rahvasaadik ★1931-1935 Metallurgiainstituut, direktor BREŽNEV VÕIMUL ★1964-1982 NLKP PS ★Kindlustas võimu sõpradega ★Rahulikud ajad ehk stagnatsioon “Kuidas on võimalik, et niisugusel ajajärgul meie maa ajaloos sattus riiki juhtima kõige nõrgem inimene…” “Punased bojaarid” pt. “Punaste bojaarite kasvupinnas” KIINDUMUS KIITUSTE VASTU ★114 ordenit ja medalit ★Sünnipäevaks NSVL kangelase aunimetused (1966,1976,1978,1981) ★1976, “Tähelepanu! Marssal tuleb!” SÜNNIPÄEVAKS AUNIMETUS "Väljapaistvate teenete eest Kommunistliku Partei ja Nõukogude riigi ees kommunismi ehitamisel, riigi kaitsevõime kindlustamisel ja suurte teenete eest v...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
10 allalaadimist


Office 2007 aloe includes new application and reverie tool. Chief among thee I Groove, a collaboration and communication unite for miller brine, which we originally developed by Groove Network before being acquired by Microsoft in 2005. Aloe included I Office hare point ever 2007, a major revision to the ever platform for Office application, which support "Excel service", a client-ever architecture for supporting Excel workbook that are hard in real time between multiple machine, and are aloe viewable and editable through a web page. Microsoft FrontPage has been removed from the Office suite entirely. It ha been replaced by Microoft harePoint Deigner, which i aimed toward development of harePoint portal. It couin Microoft Expreion Web is tergeted for general weeb development. However, the latter i not a part of the Microoft Office uite. Recently, the rebbon has been emplemented en Mecrosoft Offece 2007 where Mecrosoft

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

The Goblin

"The Goblin" was an outstanding performance. All the dancers had excellent dancing skills and emotionally strong influence, the decorations and costumes were great. Moreover, the breathtaking music was based completely on the Estonian folclore and helped to imagine all the dancers' emotions. It was a contemporary ballet, that included elements of classical ballet and modern dance. It does not have fixed rules and because of that it is easier to show real feelings and emotions. It was also quite extraordinary and interesting, that in one scene there took part the National female chorus. ,,The Goblin" makes you think what is really inmportant in life and what makes people happy. The story teaches, that having more money than you need is unlikely to increase your level of happiness. In the ballet there were two types of people. To the first type belonged the Farmer, whose most important life goal was to get more money

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Bristol Murder

suspect. Peter asked John if he killed his uncle but John said he did not kill his uncle. Peter believed him and told him that he will find out who killed his uncle. Peter has a criminal past and he knows some guy who may help them. That guy called Jeff Beck gave them one contact who should know more than police in Bristol. That guy was called Bob and he sells information to the police. He gave John up and he was busted. Peter started to solve that problem and he promised to find the real murderer. He went back to the Bob and asked more information. He got it and started to chase one boy who drove away with a motorcycle. He started to chase him and police saw that and started to chase Peter. Finally Peter caught Tommy. The police arrested both but in the police station Tommy told everything about the murder and told the police that he killed John's uncle accidently. They Released Peter and John. They went back to the lorry and Peter

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
9 allalaadimist

Vegetatiivne närvisüsteem

kuulmistaju, rõhu ja muud tundlikkuse tsoonid suuraju poolkerade koores. Kõikide üksiklülide, mis kuuluvad selle apparadi alla, nimetatakse kas tundeelunditeks või analüsaatoriteks. Analüsaatorite kaudu kesknärvisüsteemi saabuvatel signaalidel on organismi funktsioonide regulatsioonis oluline osa. Need signaalid kutsuvad ühel juhul esile uusi reaktsioone, teisel juhul korrigeerivad antud momendil toimuvat tegevust, kolmandal- jätavad jäljed, mida kasutatakse edaspidises tegevuses, real juhtudel isegi küllalt pikka aja möödudes. Iga analüsaatori funktsionaalses elemendis sisaldub: retseptor, mitu tundeneurooni ja peale selle analüsaatorite tegevus seostub neuronitega, mis paiknevad retikulaarformatsioonis, väikeajus ja teistes aju osades. Rääkides sümpaatilisest ja parasümpaatilistest närvisüsteemi osadest võib öelda, et sümpatikus aitab adekvaatselt reageerida väliskeskkonna mõjule, ja parasümpaatikus korrastab sisekeskkonda.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja...
18 allalaadimist

Matemaatika mõisted

arvteljel ja iseloomustavad tunnust keskmise väärtuse seisukohalt. Aritmeetiline keskmine ­ tunnuse kõigi väärtuste summa ja kogumi mahu (objektide arvu) jagatis. Mediaan ­ tunnuse väärtus, millest väiksemaid või sellega võrdseid ja millest suuremaid või sellega võrdseid väärtusi on võrdne arv. Mood ­ tunnuse kõige sagedamini esinev väärtus, kui kõikide tunnuse väärtuste arv on sama, siis mood puudub. Statistilisel real võib olla ka mitu moodi. Hajuvuse karakteristikud ­ näitavad, mil määral erinevad tunnuse väärtused üksteisest, hajuvad keskmise ümber. Variatsioonrea ulatus ­ tunnuse suurima ja väikseima väärtuse vahe, xmax-xmin. Hälve ­ tunnuse väärtuse ja aritmeetilise keskmise vahe (d=) Keskmine hälve ­ hälvete aritmeetiline keskmine. Dispersioon ­ hälvete ruutude aritmeetiline keskmine. Standardhälve ­ ruutjuur dispersioonist, iseloomustab tunnuse hajuvust. Mida suurem on

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
23 allalaadimist

Infotehnoloogiast ja suhtlusvõrgud

various ways. Many people are becoming to think that it is enough when they communicate with their friends only on Facebook. The word ,,friend" is becoming to mean a person who is in your Facebook friend list and that is it. There have been more than 100 billion friend connections on Facebook. It is really nice to be able to connect with someone in a second but people should watch more carefully how these networks affect their real life relationships. On the other side, the internet is the biggest brain that exists in the world. It has the most knowledge in it but people should be careful what are they using it for. The internet is the best and quickest way to learn about the things you want to know. It is very easy today to find the information you need. Google is the biggest search engine in the web and it was firstly known in 1996. Today, Google receives about a billions search requests per day

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Peter Paul Rubens

*mustas nunnarüüs ema de la Fuente tundub olevat võimukas naine *tal on käes rist, käes piibel ning näos tõsine ilme *sünged toonid *meeldib, sest naise näos on tõsine ja konkreetne pilk Risti löödud Kristus, 1632, õlimaalitehnika *asub del Prado muuseumis Madridis Hispaanias *sünge taust *Kristus on risti külge aheldatud, hinge andmas *nahatoon on kahvatu, näol kurnatud pilk *kõik detailid on välja maalitud, Valge hobune, 1634/35, õlimaalitehnika *asub Real Palacios Madridis Hispaanias *kujutab endast suur kasvu valge hobuse perutamist *pastelsed toonid *hobune on ilmselt ärritunud olekus Talupoegade lõuna, 1618, õlimaalitehnika *asub Szepmuveseti muuseumis Budapestis Ungaris *sarnase ülesehitusega kui ,,Kolm meest laua ääres" *pildil on vanem ja noorem mees, arutamas ilmselt päevasündmusi ning kõike paremat nautimas *süüakse liha, juuakse alkoholi *meestel on imestunud näod *ka siin on kasutatud süngeid ja tuhme värve

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
19 allalaadimist

Oxford University

The University of Oxford, located in Oxford, England, is the second oldest and still remaining university in the world. The first one is the University of Bologna in Italy. But as for English speaking countries ­ Oxford is a firm leader. There are evidence of teaching going far back to the 11th century, but a clear date is not known. In 1167, Henry II banned English students from studying in France which made Oxford's popularity grow rapidly. From then on, Oxford was named a real university and got it's first chancellor in 1201. For years, Oxford only accepted male students until four womens' colleges were opened thanks to the Association for Promoting the Higher Education of Women. First of them was Lady Margaret Hall, which was opened in 1878. Women have been able to be full members of the university and to take degrees since 7 October 1920, almost 900 years after the University was established.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Hispaania ja Flandria kunst 17. sajandil

Hispaania ja Flandria kunst 17. sajandil Hispaania skulptuur ● Itaalia renessanssimõjud peaaegu puuduvad ● Värvilised & puidust skulptuurid ● Elulähedus, ulatus naturalismini ● Kujude näod elavad, emotsioonide ehedus ● Silmad mõnikord klaasist ● Vahel lisati ehtsaid juukseid & riideid Kuulsamad Hispaania skulptorid ● Juan Martínez Montañés ● 1568-1649 ● Sündinud kohas nimega Alcalá la Real (Jaéni provintsis, Andaluusias). ● Oli tuntud ka kui “Puujumal”. ● Esimene töö oli St Christopher (El Salvadori kirikus Seville`is). 1597.a. ● Kuulsamaid töid: St Jerome`i altar Cristo de la Clemencia Kuningas Philip IV pronksist ratsamonument jt.ínez_Montañés#mediaviewer/File:Mart %C3%ADnez_Monta

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
11 allalaadimist

The King’s Speech

Lionel helped King George VI to get back his confidence and ability to give speeches. His radio- address where he led his country to the war became a turning point. Winston Churchill has been saying earlier in the film that "when Germans will come, we would need a king we can all stand behind". After this radio-address George VI became such a king for his country. I enjoyed this film because I like historical movies where everything studied at school or read from the books becomes real. But this particular story offered more than that. It deeply touched my heart. It was so painful to look King's unsuccessful attempts to make speech in front of the public and how he suffered because of that. I think everyone of us have had those embarrassing moments in our life where would have been liked to sink through the floor. I think the same emotion was very well passed on in this film. I was impressed by the film and based on my personal emotions I dare to recommend this film

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist


Ringo Starr About Ringo Starr · He was born in 7 July, 1940. Right now he is 69 years old. · Birthplace: Liverpool, England · He is an English musician, singer songwriter and actor. · He gained worldwide fame as the drummer for the rock group The Beatles. · His real name is Richard Starkey, Ringo Starr is just a stage name. Significant Facts About Ringo Starr · Oldest Beatle and last to join the group, in 1962. · 20 studio and live albums since 1970 · Lefthanded drummer who uses a righthanded drum · kit. Before The Beatles · Young Richard Starkey started his own group in 1957, moving on to The Raving

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
5 allalaadimist

An Essay

Youngsters in United States of America and Great Britain have easier to make choice choosing a profession, because there they start to prepare people to get a job very early. High schools in Estonia teaches every subject almost equally, so everyone have to study everything, except for some schools that are oriented to teach few subjects in depth (IT classes, art classes etc). It´s much easier to make future career plans and to find suitable profesion if school teaches how to manage in real life with practical activities like different projects, presentations and so on. I think USA and Great Britain schools are very developed in teaching pupils how to think and find answers on their own because their school system supports learning through projects, teamwork, presentations. Estonian school system is obsolescent in my opinion. Children have to memorize a lot in Estonia, although Internet and libraries have all the answers

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Kirjanduslik konspekt

Kirjanduse põhiliigid ● Eepika e proosa- ​ jutustav ilukirjandus, mis kujutab endas sündmusi, tegelasi ja olukordi. ● Lüürika e luule- ​ürgseim sõnakunsti valdkond ● Dramaatika e näitekirjandus-​ ​ teoses kujutatakse dialoogi vormis vastuoludest ja konfliktidest lähtuvat tegevust olevikus toimuva sündmuste reana. Dramaatika ehk näitekirjandus Liigid: ● Komöödia-​ naljaka sisuga näidend. ● Tragöödia- K​ urbmäng, kus peategelane hukkub. ● Draama-​ tõsise konflikti ja elulise sündmusega näidend. Mõisted: ● Dialoog-​ kõne, kahe isiku vahel. ● Vaatus-​ osa näidendist. ● Stseen- osa vaatusest, kus tegelaste vahel toimub dialoog. Stseenides tegelased ei muutu. ● Remark- ​autori selgitavad märkused tegelaste välimuse, käitumise, kõne jm kohta. Eepika ehk proosa Liigid: ● Eepos- pikk, värsivormiline jutustav teos, mille aineks on vägilaste või jumalate teod, võitlused ● Romaan- ​kellegi elu...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

Brazil's national drinks

While many rums are made from molasses, "cachaça rum" is made from "cachaça", by-product quite different from molasses. Cachaça is prior to crystallisation of sugar. Molasses are produced after crystallisation. The "Diccionario da lengua portuguesa 2008", ad vocem "cachaça" gives two meanings of "cachaça": one refers to the by-product, the other to the beverage metonymically called also "cachaça". The "Diccionario de la Real Academia Española", ad vocem "cachaza" gives the same double meaning. Figures from 2003 indicate 1.3 billion liters of cachaça are produced each year though only 1% of this production is exported (mainly to Germany). Outside Brazil, cachaça is used almost exclusively as an ingredient in tropical drinks, with the caipirinha being the most famous cocktail. Coffee Coffee production in Brazil is responsible for about a third of all coffee, making Brazil by far

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

eSport PP (Inglise keelne)

eSports Deivid Armulik Kadrina Secondary School 2017 What is it? A.k.a electronic sports Form of competiton By electronic systems (video games) Multiplayer video game competitions Between professional players Real-time strategy, fighting, FPS, MOBA History 19th Oct, 1972 Stanford University Spacewar Intergalactic spacewar olympics Year's subscription for Rolling Stone ... Space Invaders Chamionship Atari, 1980 10000 participants Established competitive gaming as a mainstream hobby ... Netrek ­ "the first online sports game" Nintendo World Championships (1990) Television shows featuring eSports, GamesMaster Tournaments in 1990's included Cyberathlete Professional League, QuakeCon, Professional Gamers League CPL: Counter-Strike, Quake series, Warcraft ... Major growth in 21th century Viewership, prize money 10 in 2000, 260 in 2010 World Cyber Games, Intel Extreme Masters, Major League Gaming Cl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Phrasal verbs: Pass and Pull

Phrasal verbs: Pass & Pull M.P Pass Pass off - Convince something that something is real I managed to PASS OFF the fake money in the market. Pass on - Give a message to someone -Decline an invitation or opportunity I'll PASS the message ON when she gets here. Pass on to - Change topic or subject Let's PASS ON TO the next item on the agenda. (British Eng.) Pass around - Give out to everybody there The teacher PASSED the handout AROUND. Pass away - Die Georgia’s uncle PASSED AWAY yesterday. Pass by - Go past without stopping - Miss an opportunity

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Designer Justice

The prosecutor was six-foot-two, had a pounch and was moving around the courtroom. The jurors were mostly white, only two of them were black. 6. At first Vekt's attorney asked why his client had been accused of murder. He had been told that Mr. Jagoda, the victim's husband, had identified him in a police lineup. When asking for a more specific description, he was told that he Vekt had been recognized from a picture in the police files. On the picture Vekt had brown short hair as in the real world, but Mr. Jagoda had said in the testimony that the robberer had long blonde hair. When Vekt's attorney asked if a search had been done in Vekt's home, he was told that no jewellry was found, only eighty thousand dollars in cash which couldn't have been related to the robbery. 7. During the trial, Vekt was calm. His eyes and mind were wandering aroun the courtroom. He didn't act nervous. When Mr. Jagoda entered the courtroom, Vekt looked at the ceiling. His

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Universe according to Douglas Adams

The Universe is truly a magnificent phenomenon. It has remained unfathomable throughout history. Even in the Modern Era, where so much has already been achieved, we lack complete and certain answers to a plethora of questions about the Universe. Luckily, Douglas Adams already seems to have that covered in his book "Life, the Universe and Everything", which is the third installment in the series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Initially, Adams describes the idea of time travel. In real world physics, the concept has a very limited application. Yet according to him, most of the theory on time travel is incomprehensible to anyone who has not spent at least four lifetimes studying advanced hypermathematics, and since it was impossible to do this before time travel was invented, there is a certain amount of confusion as to how the idea was arrived at in the first place (113). Flight was a recurring theme in the novel. One of the common definitions is the following:

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

John Smith

He was saved by the Chief's daughter Pocahontas Smith became the president of the Jamestown Colony on September 10, 1608 A love story? He loved her as a friend Captain John Smith described Pocahontas as being 11 years old when she saved him " You shall call me child an I shall call you father ." Pocahontas saving John Smith Pocahontas ,,Pocahontas" is an animated Disney movie released in 1995 A musical romancedrama The first animated Disney film to be based on a real historic character Features a fictionalized account of Pocahontas' encounter with John Smith and the other settlers Pocahontas and Smith fall in love The native tribeman try to execute Smith but Pocahontas manages to save him Smith takes the bullet from the native chief, who is shot by the governor of Jamestown Smith leaves for England but Pocahontas stays with her tribe What made Captain John Smith 's colony successful? He made all healthy people gather food Trade with Indians

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
1 allalaadimist

War on terror

movements that go back even further, to the Islamic Revolution in Iran, for example. The "war on terror" has created a culture of fear in America. The Bush administration's elevation of these three words into a national mantra since the horrific events of 9/11 has had a pernicious impact on American democracy, on America's psyche and on U.S. standing in the world. Using this phrase has actually undermined our ability to effectively confront the real challenges we face from fanatics who may use terrorism against us. Although the term is not officially used by the administration of US President Barack Obama, it is still commonly used by politicians, in the media and officially by some aspects of government, such as the Army's Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. In the meantime, the "war on terror" has gravely damaged the United States internationally. For Muslims, the similarity between the rough treatment of Iraqi civilians by the U.S

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Otherkin subculture (beliefs, behaviour, influences)

garlic,silver, some kinds of wood, whilst other otherkin (usually half-dragons) claim that having no allergies at all is a sign of being an otherkin. Some otherkin also claim to be especially empathic and attuned to nature. Influences- Tales about werewolfs, vampires, dragons, arcangels have been told hundreds years before the first otherkin community was founded. It is obvious that these stories and strange events connected to these stories influenced the appearance of real vampires and half-unicorns but there comes the question- where were the otherkins two hundred years ago? Or why did they firstly appear only 20 years ago? Well, it is believed that non-human humans always lived on the planet, thruout the history but only in 1990-s they had a chance to talk about themselves, after the World experienced so much- two world wars, genocide etc. Only then could the otherkins talk about themselves without a fear of being bullied.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

a memorable sketch of a young harmless hitchhiker who wants to catch a car on a highway that leads nowhere. The final scene is the big indictment-critisism of america, road to nowhere. It is one of the experimental novels. The narrative structure is very complex. 12 fictional narratvies each told from the point of view, interrupted by three formal devices. The first device is the Newsreels, then the second is simply biographies and the third the camera eye. 69 newsreels, these are collages of real newspaper headlines. News story fragments, snatches of song lyrics, political speeches of that times and even advertisement. Mass culture and popular conscousness of that time is given. They also present the panorama of events. 27 biographies in the trilogy, these are very imaginative of famous public figures, people who shaped or represented the major social forces of that time, people who made history. Eugene

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist


;) *Smokin can really kill a person ,why don't you try it?! *Damn ,boys really sucks so badly ,let's throw rocks at them. *Love is like a wind.You can't see it ,but you can feel it. *Death must be great ,because no one has come back from it. *Good friends are angels on earth. *You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you meet your prince. *Guys are like buses another one will be along in 5 minutes. *You can live in your dreams ,but one day you need to wake up and step in to real world. *A wise girl kisses ,but does not love ,listens but does not belive and leaves before she is left. *Everyone's going to hurt you sooner or later ,you just have to decide who's worth going through the pain. *A woman's heart is a ocean of secrets. *I don't have butterflies in my stomach ,I have dragons there. *My head is saying:"Fool forget him!" My heart is saying:"Don't forget him!" *Trust me when I say I love you ,because i always mean it.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
48 allalaadimist


While being close to the city centre, it still has a remote area atmosphere to it where people could enjoy the seaside and views in a car-free environment. While not officially a public beach, the locals have still put in great effort into keeping it a clean and enjoyable public area (Klementi, 2011). In August 2015 historic Kalarand beach was fenced by Pro Kapital and public was denied access despite laws against such conduct. The action of Pro Kapital, one of the leading real estate developers in Estonia, is reminiscent of Soviet times when citizens where denied access to seaside. In order to solve the situation, both lawfully and justly, the city council should go to court against Pro Kapiatal. Tallinn is known for its picturesque seaside silhouette, surrounded by multitude of beaches, but Kalarand was the only beach within the city and closest place to the seafront next to the Old Town

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essential Vocabulary töö

order of society 31. leidma süüdi olevat (milleski) find guilty of (a crime) 32. riigivastane süütegu offence against the state 33. rahatrahv fine 34. vangistus imprisonment 35. juriidilised kohustused legal obligations 36. vaidlusi lahendama (kohtus) settle disputes in a court of law 37. kinnisvara võõrandama transfer real estate 38. testamenti tegema make a will 39. äriühingut asutama set up/ establish/ found/ form/ start a company 40. riskeerima tehingute tegemisega risk making transactions 41. õigusnõustamist taotlema seek legal advice 42. tavalised inimesed ordinary people 43. juriidilisi vahendeid kasutama use legal means 44. tarbekaubad commodities 45

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun