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Microcontroller homework Week 05

Microcontroller homework Week 05 Question 1. Treshold, sensitivity, range, linearity, accuracy, precision, stability, hysteresis, noise Question 2. Assuming Rh= 9kΩ Vo=0.381V Question 3. A) RS=100 Ω B) RS=212,464 Ω Question 4. A) B) R1 = 16,67 kΩ C) D) E) RF = 10k, RL = 282k, RH = 107k F) Without scaling: 2.35 steps/°C. With scaling: 3.42 steps/°C

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
3 allalaadimist

DHIK 1.töö

Harjutustest 1.õppenädala materjali kohta Katse 1 ülevaade Question 1 Punktid: 1/1 Dokumendihaldusega tegeleb organisatsioonis sekretär või juhi-abi Vastus: Õige Vale Kuna enamik töötajaid tegelevad ise oma töös vajaminevate dokumentide loomega, haldamisega, siis ei saa tänapäeva organisatsioonis öelda, et dokumendihaldusega tegeleb üks inimene. Õige Selle esituse hinded 1/1. Tagasiside ajalugu: Question 2 Punktid: 1/2 Dokumendi pealkiri on oluline vormistuselement, sest Vali üks või enam vastust. a. avab selle sisu Dokumendregistrisse kantud pealkiri aitab otsida konkreetset b. aitab hallata dokumente dokumenti Dokumendi pealkiri avab selle saajale / kasutajale sisu Osaliselt õige Selle esituse hinded 1/2. Tagasiside ajalugu: Question 3 Punktid: 1/1 Dokumendihalduse eesmärk organisatsioonis on tagada tegevusprotsesside, toimingute ja otsuste nõuetekohane (vähemal...

Infoteadus → Dokumendihaldus
53 allalaadimist

DHIK 2.töö

Harjutustest 2.õppenädala materjali kohta Katse 1 ülevaade Question 1 E-kiri registreeritakse, kui Vali üks või enam vastust. a. see on saadetud ametlikule e- Isiklikke kirju ei pea regitsreerima. Mõnes organisatsioonis posti aadressile; kirja sisu on võib olla kehtestatud kord, kus ametlikul e-posti aadressi ei tohi isiklikku laadi kasutada isiklikuks kirjavahetuseks. b. e-kirja sisu tõendab organisatsiooni tegevust c. e-kirja sisu on informeeriva Nt kliendiga seotud kirjavahetus iseloomuga Kõiki e-kirju tuleks hinnata organisatsiooni olulisuse seisukohalt. Isiklikke kirju ei pea regitsreerima. Mõnes organisatsioonis võib olla kehtestatud kord, kus ametlikul e-posti aadressi ei tohi kasutada isiklikuks kirjavahetuseks. Question 2 E-kiri ja sellega saadetud lisadokument registreeritakse Vali ü...

Infoteadus → Dokumendihaldus
42 allalaadimist

Mikroökonoomika Seminar 2

75) Kapitaliühingu puuduseks on a. omand on ülekantav ??? b. piiratud vastutus c. range reguleerimine d. eksistentsi järjepidevus Mikro B Question 1 (1 point) Leia etteantud informatsiooni alusel tarbija kogukasulikkus 5 ühiku hüve tarbimisest. Hüvede arv MU 1 32 2 28 3 24 4 21 5 18 6 16 7 14 a. 15 b. 100 c. 105 d. 153 +++e. 123 Question 2 (1 point) Joonisel on toodud tootmisvõimaluste kõver. Optimaalseks tootmisvõimaluste punktiks on: a. punkt A b. punkt B c. punkt C d. kõik kolm punkti A, B ja C Question 3 (1 point) Tarbija valikuteoorias mõeldakse nn. kaasajooksuefekti all: a. tarbijate enneolematult häid sprinterlike omadusi kaubamaja avamisel b. +++inimeste soovi või püüdu tarbida seda hüvist, mida tarbivad teised c. suurt abivalmidust, mis seisneb tervisjooksjate ergutamises nende kõrval jooksmisega.

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
997 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks- Role Play

QUESTIONS AND ROLE PLAY When you have completed your monologue, you will be asked 4-5 questions related to the topic of your monologue. This is nothing like asking and answering questions: try to behave as if in a real conversation. Respond naturally in 2-3 utterances but you are not expected to be lengthy at this stage. Speak fluently with appropriate pronunciation and intonation and only natural pauses. Express yourself confidently, clearly and politely. If you fail to understand the question, say `Pardon?' with the rising tone and the interviewer will interpret the question to make it clear for you. The following expressions of asking someone to repeat can also be useful: - Could you say that again, please? - Would you mind repeating that, please? - Could you repeat that, please? Once you have finished, you will be moved on to the next task. The interviewer will hand you a card with a task on it. You will read it to yourself. You will have 1 minute to think about it

Keeled → Inglise keel
106 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö majanduse alused

Kontrolltöö ülesanded TAK Katse 1 ülevaade Finish review Alustatud reede, 9 märts 2012, 07:10 PL Lõpetatud reede, 9 märts 2012, 07:55 PL Aega kulus 44 minutit 52 sekundit Hinne 5 out of a maximum of 9 (56%) Question 1 Punktid: 1/1 Kulud ruumide rendile ja kontoriöötajate töötasule on kuus 5500. Ühe toote tootmiskulud on 600. Leida: a) firma kulufunktsioon b) summaarsed kulud kuus 100 toote valmistamisel. Vali üks vastus. a. a) C(q)= 5000+600q :b) 65500 b. a) C(q)=5500+600q; b) 65500 c. a) C(q)=6000+500q; b) 66 000 Õige Selle esituse hinded 1/1. Tagasiside ajalugu: # Tegevus Reageering Aeg Esialgne skoor Hinne a) C(q)=5500+600q; b) 19:14:12 on 1 Hinda 1 1 65500 9.03.12 a) C(q)=5500+600q; b) 19:14:12 on 2 Sulge 1 ...

Majandus → Majandus
35 allalaadimist

Brexit (inglise keelne)

From 28 to 27. What is the long-term consequence of the UK leaving the European Union? There is no question that the United Kingdom leaving the European Union or Brexit as we all know it, is a big hit for the EU and the UK. It’s by no means an easy process and a lot of people are against it, but today nothing can be done to stop it. Even though Brexit is seen by its leaders as a positive change, it will also have quite a negative effect on Britain and play a big role in reshaping European Union. Most British people were voting for Brexit to regain sovereignty, to ‘take back control’ and

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
5 allalaadimist


• Adverbs of Manner • Adverbs of Manner tell us the manner or way in which something happens. They answer the question "how?". Adverbs of Manner mainly modify verbs. • He speaks slowly. (How does he speak?) • They helped us cheerfully. (How did they help us?) • James Bond drives his cars fast. (How does James Bond drive his cars?) • Adverbs of Place • Adverbs of Place tell us the place where something happens. They answer the question "where?". Adverbs of Place mainly modifyverbs. • Please sit here. (Where should I sit?) • They looked everywhere. (Where did they look?) • Two cars were parked outside. (Where were two cars parked?) • Adverbs of Time • Adverbs of Time tell us something about the time that something happens. Adverbs of Time mainly modify verbs. • They can answer the question "when?": • He came yesterday. (When did he come?) • I want it now. (When do I want it?)

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Statistika Test-02-kirjeldav statistika

BCU0431 STATISTIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on esmaspäev, 20 veebruar 2017, 7:23 State Finished Completed on esmaspäev, 20 veebruar 2017, 8:24 Time taken 1 hour Marks 37.5/70.0 Grade 3.2 out of 6.0 ( 54 %) Question 1 Millised väited on korrektsed? Incorrect Select one or more: Mark 0.0 out of 5.0 Keskväärtus võib olla ka selline väärtus, mida reaalsete vastuste hulgas ei esine Mood on alati reaalne väärtus uuritud valimi väärtuste hulgast Mediaan on alati reaalne väärtus uuritud valimi väärtuste hulgast Mood võib olla ka selline väärtus, mida reaalsete vastuste hulgas ei esine Keskmine on alati reaalne ...

Matemaatika → Statistika
22 allalaadimist

keemia II test

Miks sulamisprotsessis HU, kuid aurustumisprotsessis on nad erinevad? Vali üks või enam vastust. a. Aurustumisel on S palju suurem kui sulamisel b. Aine sulamisel on paisumistöö pV 0 c. Aine aurustamiseks kulub rohkem energiat kui sulatamiseks d. Aurustumine on endotermiline, sulamine eksotermiline protsess - Õige Selle esituse hinded 1/1. Question 2 Punktid: 1 Millistes järgmistest protsessidest on H < 0? Vali üks või enam vastust. a. Fe (t) + S (t) <=> FeS (t) b. (NH4)2Cr2O7 (t) <=> Cr2O3 (t) + N2 (g) + 4 H2O (g) c. 2 Na (t) + 2 H2O (v) <=> 2 NaOH (l) + H2 (g) d. 2 SO3 (g) <=> 2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) - Õige Selle esituse hinded 1/1. Question 3 Punktid: 1 Millised järgmistest protsessidest on isevoolulised ( G < 0) ainult entroopiafaktori (S) arvel? Vali üks või enam vastust. a. 2 Na (t) + 2 H2O (v) <=> 2 NaOH (l) + H2 (g) b. 2 SO3 (g) <=> 2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) c. MgCO3 (t) <=> MgO (t) + CO2 (g) d. N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) <=> 2 NH3 ...

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
16 allalaadimist

Past and Present tenses

PRESENT SIMPLE (lihtolevik) Form: 1st form (+s) Use: 1. Things in general. Nurses look after patients in hospitals. 2. Things that happen all the time or repeatedly. She usually goes away at weekends. 3. Laws of nature (things that are true in general). The sun rises in the east. 4. Timetable events. The train leaves at 6.50 p.m. Negative form: I don't (do not) normally eat my lunch here. He doesn't (does not) like this film at all. Question form: Do you live here? How often does it rain around here? Signal words: always, every day/month, never, normally, often, seldom, sometimes, usually etc. PRESENT CONTINUOUS/PROGRESSIVE (kestev olevik) Form: am/is/are + ing Use: 1. Unfinished actions happening at or around the time of speaking. Listen! Somebody is crying. They are building a new bridge in our town....

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

Homework-04 Solution (100 marks) Read Chapter_4_Time_Based_Measurements.pdf Question 1 (10 marks) When converting an analogue value to a frequency, consider the following diagram describing the system. The frequency changes from 20 MHz to 18 MHz and the system samples at an interval of 2ms. How many counts does the microprocessor detect at, a) 20 MHz? b) 18 MHz? What is the difference in terms of number of counts detected by the microprocessor? Solution: 1 1 a) Converse 20 MHz to time length: T    0.00005ms f 20,000,000 2ms Number of counts in 2ms: N   40,000 0.00005ms 1 1 b) Converse 18 MHz to time length: T    0.000055556ms ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

Test 1

Question 1 Mitme tsoonilisi tigusid kasutatakse plasti töötlemise ekstruuderis ja kuidas neid tsoone nimetatakse ? Plasti töötlemisel ekstruuderis kasutatakse kolmetsoonilist tigu ja neid tsoone nimetatakse järgmiselt: 1.etteande tsoon 2.sulatamise tsoon 3.sulami pumpamise tsoon Question 2 Millised on peamised protsessi parameetrid lehtstantsimisel? Lehtstantsimisel eristatakse nelja peamist protsessi parameetrit: Templi ja matriitsi kuju, stantsimise kiirus, määrimine ning lõtk matriitsi ja templi vahel. Question 3 Nimetage sepistusmasinate tüübid ja kirjeldage lühidalt tööpõhimõtet. Sepistusmasinad jagunevad neljaks: 1.Hüdraulilised pressid: Pressid koosnevad raamist, millel võib olla kas 2 või 4 sammast, kolvist, hüdrosilindritest, rammist ja hüdropumbast, mis saab käitamise elektrimootorilt. 2.Mehaanilised pressid: Kahte tüüpi - kepsuga või eksentrikuga. Mõlemi puhul saab press energia hoorattalt, mida liigutab elektrimooto...

Tehnika → Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid
187 allalaadimist

Tootmisseadmed ja -süsteemid, 1. test

Lõpeta ülevaatus Küsimus 1 Nimetage 2 vedelikel põhinevat Valmis kiirtöötlemismeetodit ja kirjeldage tööpõhimõtet Hinne 10 / 10 1. Stereolitograafia - kasutatakse fotopolümeerset Flag question vaiku, mis teatud valguse juures tahkub. Vaik on vannis, mida kiht-kihi haavalt läbib laser, mis joonistab mustreid ning millest tekib detail. 2. Solid ground curing (kogu pinna kõvastamine) -

Tehnika → Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid
148 allalaadimist

Presentation vocabulary

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to interrupt at any time. If you have any questions, please stop me at any time, and I will be happy to answer them. If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt. Please interrupt me if there's something which needs clarifying. Otherwise, there'll be time for discussion at the end. Discouraging questions (during the presentation/talk) I'd be glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. At the end of my talk, there will be a question and answer session. I would appreciate it if you could keep your questions until then. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have at the end of my presentation THE MAIN POINTS TO REMEMBER The beginning Making it interesting Say hallo Visual Say who you are Quote Give purpose and main points Surprising fact

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Midterm Exam solutions and answers in Microcontroller and practical robotics

Midterm Exam Microcontrollers and Practical Robotics Question 1 Convert the decimal number 43.982 to (a) binary and (b) hex. Show all your calculations. a.) 101011.111110 b.) 2B.FB6 Question 2 Perform the calculation of 58 – 42 by first converting each decimal value to binary and then using the twos complement method. Show all your calculations 5810=001110102 4210=001010102 Converse to twos complement 4210=001010102=110101012+1=110101102 Then 58+(42) 001110102 +110101102 = 000100002 =1610 Question 3 Given the following bridge circuit for a strain gauge, determine the value of the strain gauge resistance {RS}. Let: VIN = 5V R3 = 100 Ω R2 = 50 Ω R1 = 100 Ω 2 Midterm Exam - Solutions a) Under no strain (VOUT = 0 V) b) When VOUT = 0,5 V {under strain}. Solution: a) Under no strain:  R1 R3   R1R4  R2 R3  VOUT   ...

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
25 allalaadimist

Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid Moodle Test 2

Küsimus 1 Nimetage 3 lihvimisoperatsiooni, mida saab Valmis teostada universaalsetel lihvpinkidel. Hinne 10,00 / 10,00 Universaalne lihvpink saab teostada välispindade Flag question lihvimist, tasapindade lihvimist, sise- ja otspindade lihvimist. Kommentaar: Küsimus 2 Milliseid rakiseid on võimalik kinnitada treipingi Valmis spindlisse? Leidke spindli pöörlemissagedus N ja

Tehnika → Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid
229 allalaadimist

Ekspertsüsteem ajakirjade valikuks - Teine kodutöö

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL INFORMAATIKAINSTITUUT EKSPERTSÜSTEEM AJAKIRJA VALIKUKS Realisatsioon 2, testimine, kokkuvõte 2. iseseisev töö õppeaines "Ekspertsüsteemid" Koostaja: Anneli Kaldamäe Martr. nr: 991476 Õpperühm: LAP-81 Esitatud: .................. Juhendaja: Jaak Tepandi 1 Tallinn 2003 Sisukord Sisukord.....................................................................................................................2 1.Realisatsioon ja kirjeldus........................................................................................3 1.1 Kontekst ja perspektiiv...................................................................................

Informaatika → Ekspertsüsteemid
15 allalaadimist

Victorian age

Who were the writers whose style is best characterised by this term? 8. Victorian poetry: the dilemmas between aesthetics and morality. Tennyson and Browning, the Pre-Raphaelite brotherhood: main subjects and ways of writing poetry 9. The Development and role of the novel. Social novels: themes, ideas. 10. Charles Dickens: general characteristics of his life. Note that these are just general questions for revision, in the test you might get a more detailed question. There is a fair possibility of a poetry analysis type of a question.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Saksakeele Reeglid

BACK TO GRAMMAR WORKSHEETS WORKSHEET Antworten zum Arbeitsblatt: Adjektivendungen 1 Be sure to refer to your fourquestion flow chart or memorize it and follow its rules! A. Frage 1: Artikel? These nouns have no articles before them, so the answer to question 1 is `no'. 1. Deutsches Brot (n) schmeckt immer gut. 8. Mein Vater darf fettes Fleisch (n) nicht essen. 2. Wir können hier frischen Käse (m) kaufen. 9. Ich möchte armen Leuten (pl) helfen (=dative verb!). 3. Kleine Kinder (pl) sind immer freundlich. 10. Junger Mann (m), was machst du da? 4. Im Gasthof Luitpold gibt es originelle Musik (f). 11

Keeled → Saksa keel
11 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika kodutöö 3

the strain gauge resistance {RS}. Let: VIN = 5V R3 = 200 Ω R2 = 50 Ω R1 = 100 Ω a) Under no strain (VOUT = 0 V) R2 ∙ R3 RS= =100 Ω R1 b) When VOUT = 0,5 V {under strain}. 100 200 0,1= − 150 200+ RS 200 200 0,56= =¿> RS= −200=¿> RS=157 Ω 200+ RS 0,56 RS ≈157 Ω Week 04 Homework 3 Question 4 You want to measure temperature ranging from -10 °C to 50 °C using a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. You are using the circuit given below. (1  RF VRRF RF ) V V OUT Sensor RL RH RH

Mehhatroonika → Mikrokontrollerid ja robootika
6 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

are solid, high quality data are collected, which can be used in further processing and analysis. In this chapter we introduce the reader to key issues in survey research 1.3 Breaking the ground: specification of the Research and the survey questions The first step in the survey process is to determine the research objectives. The researchers have to agree on a well-defined set of research objectives. These are then translated into a set of key research questions. For each research question one or more survey questions are then formulated, depending on the goal of the study. For example, in a general study of the population one or two general questions about well-being are enough to give a global indication of well-being. On the other hand, in a specific study of the influence of social networks on feelings of well-being among the elderly a far more detailed picture of wellbeing is needed and a series of questions has to be

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Kuidas kirjutada esseed

Your likes and dislikes Your academic, career and personal goals Your key strengths Your favorite written work, quotations, intellectual activities The attributes you most respect in others Times when you have shown leadership, creativity and ingenuity Times when you have helped others You don't have to cover all the topics stated above. All you have to do is try going from topic to topic and write around three to five items for each question or topic then move on to the next one. You can skip any topic you want to, there is no compulsion. The whole point of this exercise is to generate a mass of information that will help you in selecting your topic for the essay. Try to make your topic focused and broad at the same time, it sounds paradoxical but it's not. If the topics above do not help in stimulating your creativity and eliminating the writers' block, try following some of these steps:

Keeled → Inglise keel
434 allalaadimist

Mikrokontrollerid ja praktiline robootika

Read Chapter_5_Output_Control_Methods.pdf Question 1 (10 marks) Draw a PID control scheme and write down an equation to describe the PID control. Compare the differences between the “bang-bang“ control and proportional control. What are the functions of Integral and Derivative terms in the PID equation. Solution: Draw a PID control system: (Figure 5.5, page 111) Write down an equation to describe the PID control: (page 111) Compare the differences and the advantages between the “bang-bang“ control and Proportional control: (page 105) “Bang-Bang“ control or ON-OFF control is the simplest control system. It turns ON when the system needs more INPUT and tuns OFF if the system doesn’t need INPUT any more. The INPUT is similar to the PWM square wave (running ON and OFF during the length of the needed INPUT). Bang-Bang control is similar to the PWM input signal Proportional control: Bang-Bang con...

Informaatika → Informaatika
11 allalaadimist

A letter of application / Applying for a job

Application Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in reply to your advertisement I saw in a magazine and I would like to take part in your program but I would need some extra information. The first question that emerged when I read the title of the advertisement was is there any age limit that I need to fit in? It would be really nice of you, if you could tell me, where I need to publish my work and if it is acceptable if I send you my poetry. I would be really pleased, if you could answer my most important question. Do you have any official e-mail addresses, where I could send my manuscript and is there any dedline? I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Tiit Tamm

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Lihtsa sisupaketi loomine tarkvaraga Course Lab

· Navigeerimise vahendid (navigation) võimaldavad lisada lehele navigeerimise vahendeid. Enamasti on need juba seotud mallidega, kuid võib tekkida vajadus neid lisada või kujundada oma mall. · Esile hüppavad aknad (Popup) võimaldavad lisada pikemaid seletusi ja kommentaare. · .Küsimused (questions) võimaldavad lisada lehele valik vastusega küsimusi (Single Choice Question ja Multiple Select Question), järjestamise küsimusi (Ordered Items Question), arvulise lühivastusega küsimusi (Numerical Fill-in- Blank Question), tekstilise lühivastusega küsimusi (Text Fill-in-Blank Question) või vastavusse seadmise küsimusi (Matching Pairs Question). · Simulatsioonid (Simulations) võimaldavad määrata testi ja ülesannete läbimise loogikat. · Testid (test) võimaldavad lisada teste

Informaatika → Informaatika1
11 allalaadimist

Stonehenge kromlehh

towards where the sun rises on the horizon There are at least 900 circles in Wales, Scotland, England, and Ireland. Most are made of stone, but wood was also used. Soil was also piled up to create banks, ditches, and circles. Many of these structures are of archaeological interest and are found throughout the countries. The builders Prehistoric people Carbon dating shows that it was built in five phases from 3500 ­ 1520 BC Class Question How old do you think the people were that built Stonehenge? Answer 40% of the people who lived then probably died before the age of 20 A 30 year old person was considered old Therefore, it is most likely that Stonehenge was built by teenagers. Stone Two types of stone Neither is native to the area Bluestone 8 ft. tall, 4 tons Vertical sarsens, 7 ft wide, 3 ­ 4 ft thick, 18 ft long, buried 5 ft into the soil Lintels are the horizontal sarsens. 10.5 ft long, 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Statistika Test-01

BCU0431 STATISTIKA (PÄEVAÕPE) Started on pühapäev, 12 veebruar 2017, 8:25 State Finished Completed on pühapäev, 12 veebruar 2017, 8:44 Time taken 18 mins 38 secs Marks 19.0/20.0 Grade 5.7 out of 6.0 ( 95 %) Question 1 Selgita valimi mõistet. Kuidas tagada valimi juhuslikkus ning milleks seda vaja on? Complete Mark 4.0 out of 5.0 Valim - üldkogumist väljavalitud väike objektide grupp, kellelt saadud andmete põhjal tehakse järeldus terve üldkogumi kohta.  Selleks, et tagada valimi juhuslikkus on mitmeid võimalusi. Näiteks: juhuväljavõtt, süstemaatiline väljavõtt, tüüp- ehk seeriaväljavõtt, kõikne valim. Selleks, et valim annaks üldkogumi kohta objektiivset j...

Matemaatika → Statistika
21 allalaadimist

Written enqyiry

To: Klick Costumer Service From: Edgar Rootalu, [email protected] Subject: Laptop Fujitsu Siemens enquiry I saw your advertisement in the latest ,,Eesti Ekspress". It raised some interesting thoughts in me. I consider buying this notebook. First, it says that it is quick and powerful. Does this mean that I can play every computer game existing. Another question is about the price. It says the computer has a remarkable discount. So how much did this thing cost earlier? I have a technical question also. The operation system is new Windows Vista, but can i run some old programs too like from ninties? The ad says i can do the payment by instalments. So if i do this can i do everything with the laptop or i have some limits which comprise downloadings and such other things. How high is the interest rate? I look forward to your answer! Yours, Edgar Rootalu

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

The highest result of education is tolerance

The highest result of education is tolerance Ladies and gentleman! Today I will discuss a topic what is opened by a quote by beautiful Helen Keller: The highest result of education is tolerance. Today is the day you will understand that her quote is accurate. So I should probably start with a question. Why should we be tolerant to weird kids at school? Does anybody in this room know why?........Okay, let's just drop that question for now, we'll come back to it later. If I would ask you Where do we get our education from you all would probably say: From schools duuuh! But what is a school? Tallinn English College? Yeah, it is a school with all those fancy numbers with what you can become successful........but the greatest education comes from the life school where we learn about other people's views and thoughts. And when those views happen to have even a slight difference from our own then we start a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Word order

........................................................7 Word Order in Special Questions ..........................................................8 Word Order in Subject Questions ..........................................................9 Types of Sentences There are four basic types of sentences in English. AFFIRMATIVE and NEGATIVE sentences both end with a full stop ( ) : . I live in Tallinn. I do not live in Tallinn. I never watch soap operas. INTERROGATIVE sentences end with a question mark ( ? ) : Do you live in Tallinn? Why do you never watch soap operas? EXCLAMATORY and IMPERATIVE sentences end with an exclamation mark ( ! ) : What a beautiful day! Do your homework at once! Parts of the Sentence The basic parts of the sentence are: THE SUBJECT (WHO? WHAT?) , THE PREDICATE (does, is doing, has done, etc – action/statement), THE OBJECT (WHO/WHAT is the action/statement directed at?) : Marion (who?) has a boy-friend (who?). She (who

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Past simple and continious

..................... 5 Unfulfilled past events.......................................................... 5 Past Simple Regular Past Simple forms end in -ed. I worked he danced we apologized Some verbs have an irregular past form. I left he wrote The Past Simple is the same in all persons except in the past tense of be. I/he/she/it was (in the singular) you/we/they were (in the plural) To form a negative or a question in the Past Simple, use did and the verb in the original form: Negative I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not stop/didn’t stop. Question Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they stop? Note! stopped stop. If a sentence contains was or were, use them, not did to form negatives and questions. Negative I/he/she/it was not /wasn’t you/we/they were not /weren’t Question Was I/he/she/it? Were you/we/they? 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Reported Speech

Direct speech "I speak English." Reported speech (No He says that he speaks backshift) English. Reported speech (Backshift) He said that he spoke English. Questions When transforming questions, check whether you have to change: · pronouns · present tense verbs (3rd person singular) · place and time expressions · tenses (backshift) Also note that you have to: · transform the question into an indirect question · use the interrogative or if / whether With interrogative Direct speech "Why don't you speak English?" Reported speech He asked me why I didn't speak English. Without interrogative Direct speech "Do you speak English?" Reported speech He asked me whether / if I spoke

Keeled → Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist

Kafka's Hunger Artist

they do not view him. Through imagery, Kafka shows us the people striding past the cage containing the weak artist when the path to the menagerie is clear. However, when there are many people pushing behind on their way to the menagerie, many people wish to stop and observe the fasting artist but are unable to. Why do humans have these conflicting desires? Kafka asks. Although written in a third-person omniscient narration style, Kafka does not answer this question. One can interpret Kafka's goal through this piece to make his audience ponder this intrinsic question. On an ulterior level, religious analysis of this piece may answer the question. The hunger artist begins the short story as a symbol for Christ. Christ fasted for forty days, just as the hunger artist does. Kafka presents numerous images of the artist appearing as Christ such as when the women try to help him out of the cage, he outstretches his arms, appearing as if he is on the cross

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

First World War

First Wold War has got as yet today about berished corbans third place. Before that when was happened First Wold War was more berished corbans in Taiping raballion. And after that is more berished corbans in teh Second World War. First World War becan basically just because countries diffe of oppions and schisms. If so can say, then the most inenses connections were Germany and France among. The biggist question about theses countries was Elsass-Lotring question. It was a eart what subject to Germany, but half these peoples who lives there were Frentshmans. After the war was changed the Europe countries. Brokend were four empire: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Osmans country and Russia. The first name about First World warm was position warfare that about all Western front. First World War used first time chemical weapons and happened first massivs bombings about private aeroplane. After the warm relanted countries armistice

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid Moodle Test 1

Kuva korraga üks aken Hinne 35, maksimaalne: 40 (88%) Lõpeta ülevaatus Küsimus 1 Mitme tsoonilisi tigusid kasutatakse plasti Valmis töötlemise ekstruuderis ja kuidas neid tsoone Hinne 10 / 10 nimetatakse ? Flag question Plastide töötlemisel ekstruuderis on kasutusel kolmetsooniline tigu, mille tsoonid on esiteks etteande tsoon, seejärel sulatamise tsoon ning viimaseks tsooniks on pumpamise tsoon.

Tehnika → Tootmisseadmed ja süsteemid
183 allalaadimist

Truth or Dare ?

Truth or Dare? is a party game requiring a minimum of two players. The game is very popular with adolescents, but is also played by some adults and seniors. Rules One player starts the game by asking another player, "Truth or dare?" If the queried player answers, "truth," then the questioning player asks a question, usually embarrassing, of the queried player. If the queried player answers, "dare," then the questioning player asks the queried to do something, also usually embarrassing. After answering the question or doing the dare, the queried player asks "truth or dare?" of another player and the game proceeds as before. The game may be expanded upon by adding additional options to choose from, such as making the dare apply to both the questioner and the queried, or incorporating Spin the

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Reported Speech

He told us he was very hungry. Sa · Hello y · Good morning/afternoon · Something/nothing · So · A prayer · A few words · No more · For certain/sure Tel · The truth l · A lie, story, secret, joke · The time · The difference · One from another · Somebody one's name · Somebody the way · Somebody so · Someone's · fortune as · a question k · a favour · the price · after somebody · the time · around · something/somebo dy Direct speech Reported speech Present simple Past simple My flight leaves He said his flight left at 3 3 o'clock. o'clock. Present Past Continuous continuous He said he was playing I am playing tennis that afternoon. tennis this afternoon. Present Perfect Past Perfect

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Capital punishment (essay)

sentence. Most Christians are firmly against capital punishment, because they believe that there is some good in every person, even if he does not show any regret for what he has done. Not all people are as mature as to have such forgiveness in them. On the other hand this type of forgiveness cannot be a groundsel for the larger community, because it requires that you should really know the person that is in question. The Gallup Death Penalty Poll has shown that in the year 2008 64% of Americans were in favour of the death penalty and 30% were against it. The results have mostly stayed the same over the years. Although, if the question was to choose between the death penalty or life imprisonment, with absolutely no possibility of parole, then the public was more divided. The reasons for being against capital punishment can be that there is always a possibility for

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

Writing a formal letter in english about a newspaper ad

to let at Finsbury Park, London." This would be the whole first paragraph and totally acceptable. Usually it is quite well said in the task, which information you have to ask. There are about 6-7 questions. It is essential that you put them in a logical order. Some of the questions (at least 3-4 questions) should be indirect questions. NB! Sentence ,,Could you tell me, when will be the flat available" is NOT an INDIRECT QUESTION, because it is a request. Requests are not good to be used in a formal letter. These questions should be used in one paragraph. It would be good if you could give some extra information about one of the questions, why you have to ask that. The extra information in my example is marked with yellow backround. P2: Q1, Q2 P3: Q3, Q4, Q5 P4: Q6, Q7 For example, the second paragraph: ,,Firstly, I would like to know how soon the flat will be available. How far is Finsbury Park from central London

Keeled → Inglise keel
99 allalaadimist

Rules are to be followed-disagree or agree?

Rules are to be followed-disagree or agree? To start with,Rules are to be followed,but another question is if all the people will do it.Rude behaviour and swearing are not tolerated in Britain unlike in Estonia.The people of Britain are more polite than Estonians.The manners,greetings and small talks have to be considerable if you want to leave a British person a good impression. When the question is ­small talk,big deal?Then in my opinion,there are certain rules,which kind of topics are allowed or not allowed.For the small talks you can`t talk about politics or money.Also bragging isn`t polite.Safe topics are for example asking about pets or about the life of some celebrates.For British,this kind of small talks are very important.One wrong word can ruine the whole impression of you. Bad manners are the biggest problems facing Britain.Spitting and swearing are the most

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


1. Are you interested in searching for a job/ employee in the web? pick one. Yes, No, Maybe, I don’t know 2. Have you used this kind of service before? (pick one) yes, no 3. If yes then where did you find about this type of service? (pick one) from web, friends, family, posters(ads etc), I don’t now, somewhere else(write) 4. If no then are you interested in this type of service? (pick one) yes, no, maybe, I don’t know 5. What is your occupation? (pick one) If employer, continue with question nr 6. If employee/unemployed continue with question nr. 11. 6. Have you searched for employees using similar type of service? (Pick one) Yes, No, I don’t know 7. What improvements would you suggest to be made about this service? expl. 8. How long does it take to find the right person for a job?(pick one) Few days, 1 Week, 2-3 weeks, month, few months, I don’t know, other(write) 9. Would you pay for a service that makes easier to find employees? (pick one) yes, no, I don’t know, maybe 10

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Motivatsiooni eksamiküsimused

S. Adamsi võrdsuse/õigluse teooria kohaselt sõltub inimese motiveeritus sellest, kuivõrd tema arvates käitutakse temaga õiglaselt. Millised on võrdlusobjektid (kellega inimene end võrdleb), kui hindab, kas tema panuse ja tasude suhe töösituatsioonis on vastavuses teiste töötajate panuse-tasu suhtega? Vali üks vastus. a. Inimene võrdleb ennast teiste inimestega samas organisatsioonis b. Kõik vastusevariandid on õiged c. Inimene võtab arvesse enda varasemaid kogemusi selles organisatsioonis d. Inimene võtab arvesse enda varasemaid kogemusi teistes organisatisoonides Mida tähendab idee, et vajadused on seotud töömotivatsiooniga inimeste sotsiaalse identiteedi kaudu? Vali üks vastus. a. Inimese identiteet on tähtsam kui vajadused b. Vajadused ei ole seotud tunnetusprotsessidega c. Töösituatsioonis domineerib töömotivatsiooni mõjutajana personaalne minakäsitlus d. Viis, kuidas inimene end hetkel määratleb...

Psühholoogia → Motivatsioon ja tööga...
39 allalaadimist

Inglise keele põhitõed algajale

htm 2. http:// s_are_ex3.htm Long form Short form Example Negation 3. http:// Question I am I'm I am late. I am not ('m not) late. s_are_ex6.htm Am I late? You are You're You are clever. You are not (aren't) clever. Are you clever? He is He's He is happy. He is not (isn't) happy. Is he happy?

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist


. prefer to get some rest. I .....speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. Now, I .....just say a few things in the language. The teacher said we..... read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we it if we don't want to. ..... you stand on your head for more than a minute? If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you work hard. Take an umbrella. It ..... rain later. Drivers ..... stop when the traffic lights are red. ..... I ask a question? Yes, of course. ..... you speak Italian? Key He had been working for more than 11 hours. He must be tired after such hard work. He may prefer to get some rest. I could speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Morocco. Now, I can just say a few things in the language. The teacher said we can read this book for our own pleasure as it is optional. But we can read it if we don't want to. Can you stand on your head for more than a minute?

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Slumdog Millionaire

(2005) by Indian author and diplomat Vikas Swarup. Slumdog Millionaire is set and filmed in India. It was dubbed in Hindi and the film dubbing superviser is Loveleen Tandan. Slumdog Millionaire was nominated for 10 oscars but won 8, including Best Picture of 2008 In Mumbai in 2006, eighteen-year-old Jamal Malik, a former street child , from the Juhu slum, is a contestant on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, and is one question away from winning a fortune. However, before the 20 million question, he is detained and interrogated by the police, who suspect him of cheating . Jamal recounts, through flashbacks, the incidents in his life which provided him with each answer. These flashbacks tell the story of Jamal, his brother Salim and Latika. In each flashback Jamal has a point to remember one person, song, or different things that lead to the right answer of one of the questions. The row of questions

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
10 allalaadimist

Why people go to school?

Why people go to school? In one's opinion is this question easy to answer. Who goes there to learn who goes to make fun ( to amuse ) and who goes there forcibly at all. Another can not answer it. I think that there is more than one answer to this question.. For example, I go to school to learn. Learning is the basis of life and even wise people have said that human being learns the whole life.. but he still dies as fool." I'm not going only to learn at school ... At any time you should learn something new and interesting. The school and education plays a major role in our lives, because the more you will learn and the more you achieve, the more choices are available. School shouldn't be a place where someone has bad to be. In my mind

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Modal verbs

• Have to has all the forms that must doesn’t have. I had to work until midnight last night. (Past) You’ll have to study hard when you go to university. (Future) She’s a millionaire. She’s never had to do any work. (Present Perfect) I hate having to get up early. (-ing form) If you were a policeman, you would have to wear a uniform. (Infinitive) Question • Must I ...? is possible, but question forms with have to are more common. Do I have to do what you say, or can I do what I want? • Should I/she/we ...? is possible. We often use Do you think ...? Should I try to eat less? Do you think I should see a doctor? Use • Must and have to both express strong obligation. Must is used to express an obligation that involves the speaker’s opinion. It is personal: I must get my hair cut. (This is me talking to me.)

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Speculation about Shakespeare

Speculation about Shakespeare Authorship Main article: Shakespeare authorship question Around 150 years after Shakespeare's death, doubts began to be expressed about the authorship of the works attributed to him.[172] Proposed alternative candidates include Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.[173] Several "group theories" have also been proposed.[174] Only a small minority of academics believe there is reason to question the traditional attribution,[175] but interest in the subject, particularly the Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship, continues into the 21st century. [176] Religion Main article: Shakespeare's religion Some scholars claim that members of Shakespeare's family were Catholics, at a time when Catholic practice was against the law.[177] Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden, certainly came from a pious Catholic family. The strongest evidence might be a Catholic statement of faith

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Inglise keel - KT unit 9 8.klass

I'm not interested (interest) in watching that film. Little Liz was frightend (frighten) by a strange sound in the corridor. Jake was disappointed (disappoint) with the result of the test. Wendy and Lucy is a moving ( move) story about a girl and her dog. Have you had any challenging (challenge) experiences in your life? Read the information about bullying and what to do if you or your friend is behind bullied. Fill in the missing questions. Write the letter of the question next to the number. There is one extra question that you do not need. 1.C 2.E 3.B 4.F 5.D Your penfrind has fallen behind with maths and feels that (s)he has no one to talk to at school. Write a short letter yo you frined giving them advice about what theu should do. Give at least three different pieces to advice. (60-80 words)

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun