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"quality" - 588 õppematerjali

quality – Water Treatment and Reuse (Voudouris, D. ed) pp. 183-204. InTech.

Kasutaja: Quality

Faile: 1

Kirja kirjutamine inglise keeles

Salutation ( Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr/Ms/Mrs/Miss) Introduction: WHY I am writing Main body of the letter: WHAT I want to say ONE thing at a time; explain Conclusion: Solution, polite closure, reference for future meeting etc. Sign off (Yours faithfully, yours sincerely) Name Letter of Complaint 1. Salutation 2. Reasons for writing I am writing to complain about a kettle … 3. Complaint with justification / explanation I was disappointed with the quality of the kettle that I bought at your store two days ago. I was appalled at the inferior quality of the kettle that was sold to me at your store two days ago. 4. Expected solution I expect you to replace the kettle or refund the money. I insist that you refund my money or replace the item at once. 5. Closing remarks I look forward to your reply on the matter.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Uni ja tervis Uni ja tervis seen-the-starry-sky-366487462 Liis Leilop TÜ 2014 Tervisekasvatuse alused Uni... I. Mis on uni? II. Une ja tervise seos (uurimused) III. Kuidas head und soodustada? Mis on uni? Uni on inimesele eluliselt vajalik füsioloogiline funktsioon. Unevajadus: 1) imikud 16 tundi 2) noorukid 9 tundi; 3) täiskasvanutest 7 - 8 tundi (mõned vähem kui 5 tundi või üle 10 tunni);naised raseduse esimesel trisemestril magavad mõned tunnid tavalisest kauem; 4) vanemaealised (üle 65 - 70a) 6 tundi ja vähem (vanenedes unevajadus väheneb). Une struktuur Mis need tähendavad? 1. un...

Psühholoogia → Tervisepsühholoogia
11 allalaadimist

Autodes kasutatavad pneuma-ja hüdrosüsteemid

and also to help prevent occupant ejection as the vehicle rolls over. Hydropneumatic is a type of automotive suspension system, invented by Citroën, and fitted to Citroën cars, as well as being adapted by other car manufacturers, notably Rolls-Royce, Mercedes- Benz and Peugeot. It was also used on Berliet trucks. Similar systems are also used on some military vehicles. The purpose of this system is to provide a soft, comfortable, yet well-controlled ride quality. Its nitrogen springing medium is approximately six times more flexible than conventional steel, so self-leveling is incorporated to allow the vehicle to cope with the extraordinary suppleness provided. France was noted for poor road quality in the post-war years, so the only way to maintain relatively high speed in a vehicle was if it could easily absorb road irregularities. While the system has inherent advantages over steel springs, generally recognized in the auto

Auto → Auto õpetus
139 allalaadimist

Weed Management Handbook

What is a weed? • Older definitions: -a plant not valued for its use or beauty -a plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered • Modern definitions: -plants that are considered undesirable by producers -unwanted plant which in some way hinders or interfers with human activity. (Crops may at some point also be weeds) Weed disadvantages • Reduces crop yield – weeds and crops have to share resources such as light, water and nutrients • Reduces crop quality and health – increases moisture and disease levels • Delay harvesting – conservation of moisture may delay ripening Beneficial effects of weeds • Valuable indicators • Help against erosion • Many weeds are used as herbs for flavouring • Some weeds are used for their medical properties Seed bank • The reservoir of viable seeds found in the soil or at its surface • Depends on the intensivity, soil type, previous cropping, cultivation and

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Valio AS

VALIO AS Merlin­Hans Hiiekivi VALIO EESTI TUTVUSTUS  Valio, establised in 1992, is in one of the biggest local dairy industries of  Estonia, and distributes mainly fresh dairy milk and cheese made in  south Estonia. Valio Eesti factories are located in Tartu county and  Laeva village in Võru county. Valio Eesti complements its product range  every year, producing a total of over 150 different dairy and cheese  products.  Valio Eesti dairy can be found in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia,  Finland, Sweden, Italy and the United States. Valio Eesti market is  represented in the key dairy categories: milks, shells, yogurt, curds,  soured milk, desserts, cheeses, oils and greases. fresh dairy segments.  Valio Eesti products do not contain synthetic food colors, food additives  used in the products are steadily reduced in number and 80% of our  product portfolio is a preservative, and thi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Reklaami analüüs Pentax'ist ja Renault'ist

autost tõepoolest mõtlema. 4. Milliseid keelelisi vahendeid kasutatakse tähelepanu äratamiseks? Näited, põhjendused. Avalause on lühike ja lööv. Edasi räägitakse lisavarustusest, mille te kaasa saaksite, isikupärastusest, mis oleks sellel autol 100%, hinnast ,,alates 13190", ,,5 aastasest garantii" ajast ning liisingust. Renault reklaamis kasutatakse ka võõrsõnu, mis algavad konsonantitega. Selliseteks näideteks on Renault motod: ,,Drive the change" ja ,,Renault- quality made". Sõnad ,,change" ja ,,quality" (ingl) annavad motodele mõtte, et just see auto mark on kvaliteetne ja teistest erinev. 5. Milliseid mõjutamisvõtteid kasutatakse? Näited, põhjendused, miks nii arvad? Mõjutamisvõtteks võib lugeda ABC Motorsi kingitust 1000 väärtuses ning 5 aastast garantiiaega. Kuna see kindlasti mõjutab inimesi ja inimesed panevad seda alternatiivi kindlasti ka tähele. Samuti on mõjutamisvõteks Renault motod ,,Drive the change" omades

Meedia → Meedia
25 allalaadimist


1. TEENINDUSE OLEMUS JA MÕISTE NING SELLEGA SEOTUD TEGURID Kirill Kornilov 1.1 Teeninduse olemus ja mõiste defineerimine Igapäevaselt puutub inimkond kokku teenindusega kas ühel või teisel viisil. Ajal, mil toodete kasulikkus ja kvaliteet on kasvamas ja ühtlustumas, pakub just teeninduse kvaliteet kõige suuremaid võimalusi silma paista ja teistest erineda. Kliendile orienteeritus seisnebki sisuliselt heas teeninduses (Kotler, 2003:167). Teenindusprotsessi jälgides hindab iga inimene tahes- tahtmata talle pakutavat teenindust ning lõpuks teeb enda järeldused antud kogemuse põhjal. Teenindusprotsessi kokkuvõtmine aitab tarbijal aru saada, milline käitumine oleks ettevõttes pakutava teeninduse suhtes õige. Igal inimesel on oma arusaam teeninduse ja teeninduskvaliteedi olemusest, kuid on olemas konkreetne mõiste, mis iseloomustab ja annab hea ülevaate selle protsessist. T...

Majandus → Teenindus
2 allalaadimist

Tüdruk perekonnast

- . - , , - , . - . , «» . «»? *. , , - , . , , . , , - , . - . * here the meaning is: "oh, absolutely everything" The "" is here used only for emphasis Vocabulary - young nature lovers' society +instr. - to look after - crew - hard - brave ­ resolution ­ luxuriant, splendid, bushy (of hair, beard etc) ­ to rummage in the engine / - to mend / ­ to acquire ­ compartment, department ­ quality / - to take apart / ­ (here) to grow ()/ - - to shave - razor / ­ to happen ­ event, incident, case. ­ just in case; ­ in any case ­ adventure , - animal ­ successfully, without trouble

Keeled → Vene keel
4 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

1 2010 Contents Preface ix List of Contributors xi About the Editor xv PART I. Technologies 3 1. Chemistry and Biochemistry of Meat 5 Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan 2. Technological Quality of Meat for Processing 25 Susan Brewer 3. Meat Decontamination 43 Panagiotis N. Skandamis, George-John E. Nychas, and John N. Sofos 4. Aging/Tenderization Mechanisms 87 Brian C. Bowker, Janet S. Eastridge, Ernie W. Paroczay, Janice A. Callahan, and Morse B. Solomon 5. Freezing/Thawing 105

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Kujutlus linnast 1. peatükk

millions of people of widely diverse class and character, but it is the product of many builders who are constantly modifying the structure for reasons of their own. While it may be stable in general outlines for some time, it is ever changing in detail. Only partial control can be exercised over its growth and form. There is no final result, only a continuous succession of phases Not one American city larger than a village is of consistently fine quality, although a few towns have some pleasant fragments. It is hardly surprising, then, that most Americans have little idea of what it can mean to live in such an environment. They are clear enough about the ugliness of the world they live in, and they are quite vocal about the dirt, the smoke, the heat, and the congestion, the chaos and yet the monotony of it. But they are hardly aware of the potential value of harmonious surroundings. They can have little sense of what a setting can

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Word processing versus handwriring hinne 5

Word processing versus handwriting Technology has definitely changed the way I write, in both quality and quantity. For me writing is more of a chore than an enjoyable activity. To be honest, I hate writing; essays, and assignments, even long e-mails sometimes bother me. When I sit down with my laptop to write an essay I look at the word processing screen and all I see is how much I haven't written and how much I have left to write. The task in front of me becomes more daunting and frustrating. I feel like when I write on the computer my words are chosen to simply fill a page

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Enterprise 3

polite viisakas personality isiksus to gain popularity populaarsust võitma character iseloom to tend to kalduma lips with down turning corners allapoole suunurkadega huuled at times aeg-ajalt to get upset easily kergesti pahaseks saama to make decisions quickly kiiresti otsuseid tegema to participate in osalema (milleski) negative quality negatiivne omadus positive quality positiivne omadus to describe character kirjeldama iseloomu

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Side 6 labor: Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne

Side 6 labor – Mobiilside kärgvõrk aruanne Töötegija nimi: ************ Töö tegemise kuupäev: Wed Det 14.12.2016 Andmete analüüs mobiilterminalis Joonis 1 Tugijaama kuvatud informatsioon LTE: 2031-257071628-457 (+/-10m) (4G leviala) Kordinaadid: 59.3071150, 24.4005350 Võimsusmõõturi andmed (vasakpoolne) RSRP (Reference Signal Received): dBm -97 Viide signaalile vastava jõu jaoks. RSRP on RSSI tüübi mõõtmine, sellele on teatavaid definitsioone ja detaile. Teisisõnu RSRP defineeritakse kui tagavara elementide kaasabi lineaarset keskmist, mis kannab toiteelemendile omast võrde signaali arvestatud signaali laineala mõõtmise sees, seega RSRP mõõdetakse ainult sümbolites mis kannavad RS'i. -97 RSRP (dBm) näitab signaali keskmist laineala. RSSNR (Signal-To-Noise Ratio): dB 30.0 Analoog ja digitaal kommunikatsioonides, signaal-müra suhe, tihti kirjutatakse S/N või SNR, on suhteline taustmüra signaali tugevuse mõõ...

Informaatika → Side
70 allalaadimist

Liha laagerdamine

LIHA LAAGERDAMIN E MILLEST RÄÄGIN?  Laagerdamise olemus  Laagerdamise meetodid (3 erinevat)  Tooraine nõuded  Tooraine parameetrid LAAGERDAMISE OLEMUS  Laagerdamine on liharümba ja selle osa riputamine metallkonksu otsa teatud perioodiks ning teatud tingimustel  Laagerdamise käigus:  Ensüümid hakkavad lihaskiude töötlema, pehmendab ja muudab elastsemaks  Suureneb liha õrnus  Moodustub omapärane maitse ja lõhn  Laagerdamine toob kaasa:  Suure mahlakao kuni 15%  Külmutamise parema taluvuse võrreldes värske lihaga  Kõige rohkem kasutatakse veiseliha  On hakatud ka sealiha kasutama KUIVMEETOD  Kuivlaagerdamisega toimub:  Niiskuse aurustumine, põhjustab tugevama maitse  Proteolüüs, mille käigus naturaalsed ensüümid lõhuvad lihaste kiulise sidekoe ning liha pehmeneb  Tagada kontroll temperatuuri üle, et aeglustada roiskumisprotsessi  Hoitakse 0°C lähedal  Õhuvoolu tõstmine, värske liha pealispin...

Tehnoloogia → Lihasaaduste tehnoloogia
8 allalaadimist


4 Oct 2010 John Smith Manager Modern Technology Ltd. Dear Sir I noticed your advertisement of computers in the current issue of ,,Modern Technology" and i am interested in your range of HP laptops.Some time ago we purchased five Canon copy machines which are working just excellent.According to recent products we recieved from you,we now have full confident in your companys quality and reliability. Hope you include some helpful information of any new models of Dell and previously mentioned Hewlett-Packard workbooks in your reply. I look forward to your reply,and doing business with you in the future as well. Yours faithfully Your Name

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Covering letter

10.09 L2E Asula17a-9 11312 TALLINN Estonia Tel. 56703113 06.october,2009 Dear Sir/Mam , 06.10.2009 Personnel Director, Kelly Services P.O. Box 345, Dear mr/madam Ref BD/133 Quality Assurance Manager Your advertisement for the above position has interested me very much and I would like to apply. As you will see from my CV, I am hard working and easy going boy. Who is trying to give himself a best as he can do. I love what i´m doing, and I have plans to make career and give have also plans to give good motivate to company. Yours sincerely, OLIVER NIINAS. Oliver Niinas.

Keeled → Inglise keel
91 allalaadimist

Formal letter

Dear Mr. Johnston, I am writing to you to lodge a complaint against the quality of food and service we received in your restaurant on Thursday last when we dined with you that evening. We have been dining with you for the past 5 years and have always received a great welcome and wonderful food but on this occassion the food was only lukewarm when it was received and the whole service took nearly three hours in total from arriving to settling the bill. When we mentioned this to your staff member Mr Simpson he was rude to myself and other

Keeled → Inglise keel
123 allalaadimist

My favourite band: Dagö

Dagö First time, when I heard band Dagö playing, was at Viljandi Folk Music Festival in 2007. I liked them very much and I went to all three concersts they gave at Festival. Although they have made music for about a decade, they have never been widely known. Maybe because they write and play music with their own style rather than try to win hearts and ears of masses. But always known in certain circle of people, who go to theatre and enjoy quality music, because lead singer of the band, Lauri Saataplu, is well-known actor and singer. I like their music, because of the addicting off-beat rythm they have. They have announced that their new album ,,Plan Delta" will be released in April of 2011.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjutis/writing, core values

Unit 1 Writing Our company's core values are to provide quality products at affordable prices and make sure that the ingredients in products are safe and natural. We recognize environmental issues and never knowingly create a product that is harmful to the environment, we don't use animal testing and our manufacturing supports wind power. Nature's Care aims to foster the staff's development. For the employees of Nature's Care we provide a pleasant working environment and supply training oppurtunities and perks.

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Mid-term 1 in English Phonetics and Phonology

specific type of sound Vowel and Consonant The difference between vowel and consonant is: in the way they are produced (phonetics) in their distribution, i.e. the different contexts and positions in which particular sounds can occur (phonology) NB! Vowels can stand alone ­ they can be produced without consonants before or after them. Consonants require at least a "little bit" of vowel sound. Vowels are classified according to their phonetical quality: how high is the tongue what part of the tongue is involved the position of the lips Tongue height can be varied from close to open: the tongue can be high in the mouth ­ it is close to the palate (close) the tongue can be mid in the mouth ­ mid, but closer to the palate (close- mid)/ mid, but lower from the palate (open-mid) the tongue can be low in the mouth ­ it is low from the palate (open) The involved part of the tongue can be: front ­ central ­ back.

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
35 allalaadimist

Wooden pallets

SLAID 1 I am going to talk about wooden pallets. After I am finished I will answer any question you might have about my presentation. SLAID 2 Lets start with history. Wooden pallets date back to 1000 B.C. Egiptians used sheets of wood for transport and storage. These wooden sheets are called skids or sleads. They are still in use but their shape and durability has changed a lot. It was the during the early 1920’s, shortly after the modern forklift was invented, when skids evolved into pallets, revolutionizing the way merchandise was stored and transported. The new design of pallets allowed goods to be moved, stored and stacked with extraordinary speed and versatility. During the WWII the allied countries established a standard size pallet to ease shipment and transportation. This agreement skyrocketed the production and popularity of wooden pallets during the war After the war variety of sizes and designs were produced and used. The tra...

Ehitus → Ehitus materjalid ja...
2 allalaadimist

Homework 2 Solution

Question 1 (in wiki and in terminologies) 1. SNR is a calculated value that represents the ratio of root- mean-square (rms ) signal to rms noise. 2. SINAD stands for Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio. It is a measure of the quality of a signal from a communications device, often defined as: where is the average power of the signal, noise and distortion components. SINAD is usually expressed in dB. For examples to calculate the ratio of 1 kW (one kilowatt, or 1000 watts) to 1 W in decibels, use the formula 3. ENOB is the effective number-of-bits related to SINAD and the quality of a digitized signal. The 6.02 term in the divisor converts decibels (a log10)

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
3 allalaadimist

Sales letter

CITYTRUMP AS 18 Vanemuise St Tartu March 4, 2004 Dear Sirs/Madam Every firm needs to update their computers software and hardware. Thats where our firm comes in! We have the best quality hackers and tools to make your system work properly. You can choose many different updates whats best for your system.. Nowadays your system is most vulnerable by the viruses and unqualified workers . Who would not want that their system to be secure and to work properly? After you read the enclosed brochure with detailed information about every update, I'm sure that you will find suitable for you. If you are interested in something particular, you can

Keeled → Inglise keel
50 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon mäesuuskadest

Making mountain skis · History · Different types · Most common materials · The Manufacturing Process Different types · Laminated ­ most common · Torsionbox ­ more expensive · Singleshell lightest History · Light wood, usually hickory or ash · Depletion of inexpensive wood · Metal skis became common in the mid1950s · Aluminum bottom tends to freeze · Modern solutions Most common materials · Outer part of the skis fiberglass, carbon fibers, epoxy · Polyethylene in the bottom part · Coat of wax for maintaining polyethylene · Edges ­ steel, usally hard tempered The Manufacturing Process · Milling the core - the material is put through a mill for precise cutting and finishing · Assembling the layers - the core and layers, are placed into a mold and then into a press. Heat and pressure result in a...

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

Sambla- ja samblikurinne

Sambla- ja samblikurinne Peamine informatsioon · Sambla- ja Samblikurinne on altpoolt esimene metsarinne · Sambla- ja Samblikurinne koosneb sammaldest ja samblikest · Sammaltaimed ehk samblikud ehk brüofüüdid (ladinakeeles Bryophyta) on kuni paarikümne sentimeetri kõrgused taimed Samblad metsades · Samblad lepivad vähese valgusega, nii et neid võib kohata ka hämaratemates kohtades, kus tavalised rohutaimed hakkama ei saa. · Mitmetes metsades katab maapinda suuremal osal tihe samblavaip Erinevad samblad · Metsades kasvavad umbes 560 liiki, paar neist on: · Loodehmik · Metsakäharik · Lood-jõhvsammal · Põdrasamblikud · Turbasammal Samblatest · Sammaltaimed on niiskete kasvukohtade taimed · Nad kasvavad maapinnal, puidul ja kividel · Sammaltaimed on metsapinna kaitsjad ja normaalse niiskuse hoidjad Allikad ·...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Kaebekiri Letter of complaint - jeans

To begin with, your advertisement stated that the jeans would be delivered promptly. However, they were delivered late. Secondly, you said that you were the only company in this country licensed to sell this brand, but in fact I have seen them in a local store. Though your advertisement claimed that the price was unbeatable, the ones in the local store were much cheaper. Although your advertisement claimed that the jeans were excellent quality, the zip was broken. The problems do not stop here. You sent me a wrong size. Furthermore, the free T-shirt was missing. In conclusion, I would like another pair of black jeans, not blue ones as you sent last time otherwise I will have to take the matter further. Yours faithfully, Name

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
38 allalaadimist

Job application

Mr. Mike Wood Woody's Truckin' LLC Island Empire, CA 92507 Dear Mr. Wood I am writing to apply for the position of Regional Class A driver which was advertised last week in The Career Builder website. Please find my CV enclosed. I am a professional truck driver with nearly 5 years' experience to offer you. My most recent experience was to drive long distances. I was responsible for the cargo to arrive on time. As Regional Class A driver, I would bring a focus on good quality and effectiveness to your driving company. Furthermore, I have strong leadership skills, I am very cooperative, and I will fulfill all my tasks on time. I would be pleased to discuss my CV with you in more detail at an interview. I will call you in a few days to arrange an interview at time convenient to you. Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely NAME

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to express my annoyance at the supreme quality of service that was promised but never delivered. I am talking about the intensive 4-wekk language course provided by you, International Language Centre. First things first ­ the "highly qualified staff" had a terrible sense of time and always arrived late. Not to mention their insufficient language level, which I found quite displeasing. In addition to that, the provided free course materials were in reality just old and used

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Siseenergia puks

I have heard that one school has its own drama class. Of course, state schools cannot afford such things like drama classes and swimming-pools. I am very happy because we have a stadion, a gym, and a finess studio. Secondly I would like to bring out free-of-charge textbooks, exercise books and free In conclusion, it is a very good choice to go to a state school. Firstly, there are no fees. Secondly, you will get a high quality aducation. Furthermore lunch in a state school. Our school food tastes as good as some expensive private school´s food. One important aspect is that private schools can afford all kinds of accessories and models. There are big physics and chemistry laboratories. Regrettably, there are no such things in our school. Private schools can afford to buy such things., if you have not satisfied, you can always go some where else to learn.

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Ways to protect the environment

m i , were u other che r h e a lt h h e e a r t h , or you t CLEAN UP YOUR WATER AND THE ENVIRONMENT According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, more than 90 percent of water systems in the country meet EPA tap water quality standards, which means that some unwanted stuff could still be coming through your faucet. According to Consumer Reports, you can find a variety of water filters that remove common contaminants. Trask recommends Brita water- filtering pitchers because the company recycles used filters, preventing them from ending up in landfills.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


fire. Thats why is very important that the air all the time to be produced. Therefore, people says that it would be better to read newspapers online. People would really think about it more on how to keep their land. We could sort our rubbish more carefully, and certainly to not drop it down. I think all people can do something to save ours Earth. I thint that ours Earth is sick and we killing it. We are recklessly wasting groundwater and wasting it, as a result, the groundwater quality will fall. We not care ours nature and violeted it to make ours life more easyer. We all must to think about it and think how to live more economically.

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

What would i change if i were minister of education.

Maybe our government should consultate more with poeple who know the real situtation, when they create new laws. If I were minister of education I would deffenetly prefere American educational system to Russian. Our children should do more practical exercises in school and develop creative thinking. In addition to that I would give more money to our schools and raise also teatchers salary. This would boost up their motivation to give quality education to our children. Also i would invite more exchange students into our schools and send our children more often to learn in foreign countrys. The last thing I would change is the amount of the final exams. I would change all school exams into national exams. I hope that the new generation make necessary changes and my children get more modern and complete education.

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

GMO kokkuvõte

In 2050, according to estimates, there will be nine billion mouths to feed around the world who will demand high quality, nutritious food. On nowdays, we already have problem with lack of food, despite we have only 6 billion mouths to feed. So scientists had to do something. They started to develop GM food. Farmers thought, that GM food is not good enough but when they tested it, they were satisfied. GM food is more resistant to diseases, drought, and other forces of nature and it tastes good. Already, there are a lot of farmers, mostly in developing countries who are using genetically enhanced plants

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Emily Dickinson

poet. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a successful family with strong community ties, she lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life. Emily Dickinson, regarded as one of America's greatest poets, is also well known for her unusual life of self imposed social seclusion. Living a life of simplicity and seclusion, she yet wrote poetry of great power; questioning the nature of immortality and death, with at times an almost mantric quality. Her different lifestyle created an aura; often romanticised, and frequently a source of interest and speculation. But ultimately Emily Dickinson is remembered for her unique poetry. Within short, compact phrases she expressed far- reaching ideas; amidst paradox and uncertainty her poetry has an undeniable capacity to move and provoke. Liis

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

The Story of Selver

Facts 35 Stores around the country. 11 of them are in Tallinn. Two kinds of stores ­ Supermarkets and Hypermarkets. 5 Hypermarkets in Tallinn. Selver is the exclusive retailer of the products of Selveri Köök - over 250 different salads, desserts, ready-made meals, etc. Selvers in Estonia Selvers of Tartu Selver's main aim is to create and maintain trust in clients by creating a friendly environment and by offering swift and competent service and quality mercandise. There are about 3000 people working in Selver, whose main values are: Honesty Expertise Cooperation Care Dedication Video I also made a video of my little trip to Ringtee Selver. v=pHjIPSdXcPg

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

A letter of application

Hiring Manager Dayjob Suur-Ameerika 120 Tallinn, Harjumaa 10th June 2013 Dear Mr Gordon I am interested in applying for the position of cahier/shopkeeper which I saw advertisted on the website. I enclose a copy of my CV. I would like to work for you because I honor the brands your company is selling and I am very interested in fashion. I would also like to learn more about your company and partners as I feel that it is extremely important to give customers the best impression and quality. I think I am an open person. I like to talk with people descriptively and persuasively while remaining friendly and calm. I'm also honest with money and loyal to my work. I think I would be a good advisor due to my fashion knowledge. In addition, I can speak Estonian, Finnish, English and a little Russian, which might be a big plus. I look forward to hearing form you soon. Yours sincerely Triibulised Püksid LAI 1234 Tallinn, Harjumaa T: 56789123 E: ****

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


An economic crisis led Ireland to start large-scale economic reforms in the late 1980s. Ireland reduced taxation and regulation dramatically compared to other EU countries. Despite a forecast for reduced economic growth in 2008, Ireland today has the fifth highest gross domestic product per capita and the seventh gross domestic product per capita considering purchasing power parity, and has the fifth highest Human Development Index rank in the world. The country also boasts the highest quality of life in the world, ranking first in the Economist Intelligence Unit's Quality-of-life index. Ireland was ranked sixth on the Global Peace Index. Ireland also has high rankings for its education system, political freedom and civil rights, press freedom and economic freedom; it was also ranked fourth from the bottom on the Failed States Index, being one of the few "sustainable" states in the world. Ireland has emerged as an attractive

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Catering service-letter

February 25th, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam, I write to you to complain about the quality of Westhope catering service. I saw your advertisement in my local newspaper and booked the service for my 21 st birthday party with high hopes. Unfortunately I was terribly disappointed. Firstly, a huge variety of dishes is promised in your advertisement. To my surprise when I asked about some, I was told that many of them were not available. The second thing that was below standards was delivery. I do not believe that prompt delivery means food arriving late

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir, I am writing to inform you that the goods I ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly. I bought a pair of jeans from your a mail-order catalogue and I am very disappointed with them. Firstly, in catalogue was text whose describes this product. Actually this company are not the only in this country, which licenced to sell this top brand, because I have seen them in a local store too. Secondly, it was not excellent quality ­ just on the contrary, because the zip of jeans was broken. There were not available in all sizes. Or then why your company sent me wrong size? The problems do not stop here. I ordered black jeans, but you sent me blue ones. And your catalogue did not deliver the goods ­ my free T-shirt missed in my purchase, even thought each purchases must be including free T-shirt. Actually, it was not unbeatable price ­ I have seen much cheaper ones - £ 30. It was

Keeled → Inglise keel
179 allalaadimist

Covering Letter

The CV Centre. Please find my CV enclosed. I have finished a Kadrina Secondary School and The Technical Unifersity of Tallinn. I have got postgraduate degree. My first ecperience, when I was working in Aru Grupp for 5 years. My most recent experience was studing for everything in the Flexa. I was responsible for the produstion on the CNC beanch. As The Company Director in your company, I would focus on the production quality, the customers satisfaction and the workers satisfaction too. Furthermore, I have excellent leadership skills and judicious mentality. I am always dedicated to my job. I would be pleased to discuss my CV with you in more detail at an interview. I will call you in a few days to arrange interview at a time convenient to you. Thank you for your consideration. Yours sincerely Markus Põder

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Internet Services: Pirate Bay

They were found guilty and sentenced to a year in prison with a fine of 30 million SEK (2.7M or US$3.5M as of 2009). In fourteen countries, ISPs have been ordered to block access to the website. But governments of different countries can't close the website because this service website change the domain after every two months and in some countries the piracy is allowed, like in Switzerland. At the moment the website's domain is ending with .SE(Sweden domain). Downloading quality and speed depends of people who's downloading and uploading and seeding the files. With more seeders and downloaders the files coming faster in your computer in every country. Usually you can download there movies,music,games,pictures etc. Logo of Pirate Bay service.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Physical hazards konspekt

may also increase absenteeism. 1 Sick Building Syndrome Indoor Air Estimation of Air Quality General factors: Quality Biological •Climate agents: •Location •Bacteria Different variables are used, one of •Pollution •Age of building Health effects connected •Molds them is concentration of VOC (volatile

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
3 allalaadimist

Kvaliteedi guru MASING

1965. aastal sai W.Masingust õppeülesande täitja Berliini Tehnikaülikooli masinaehitusteaduskonnas. Nii sai alguse tema akadeemiline karjäär kvaliteediteaduse alal. 1969. aastal müüs Masing selleks ajaks juba maailmaturu liidriks tõusnud ettevõtte Robert Boschi tööstusvarustust tootvale firmale. Rahvusvaheline tegevus 1956. aastal asutati Walter Masingu juhtimisel Bernis Euroopa Kvaliteediorganisatsioon (European Organization for Quality -EOQ) ja Walter Masing valiti selle esimeseks presidendiks Aastani 1976 oli ta EOQ presiidiumi alaline liige ning hiljem sai temast esimene EOQ auliige 2002. aastal avaldas EOQ Walter Masingu tegevusele austust andes talle kuldmedali "Georges Borel Medal" tunnustuseks tema panuse eest kvaliteedijuhtimises ("invaluable contribution") W.Masing oli Ameerika Kvaliteediorganisatsiooni (ASQ) kaastöötaja, 1974 USA Edwardsi nimelise Medali laureaat

Majandus → Turundus
23 allalaadimist

Aadvantages and disadvantages of being famous?

lastly everybody loves to have admirers. But where are the admirers, there is always a lot of criticism coming your way. You have to be really solid as a rock to cope with that. Also you have to have a lot of energy as your daily schedule is usually very busy and you can not rest when ever you want. And what comes to the fans, then there are always some of those who cross the line and become quite annoying. All in all it seems that being famous is a big advantage when you have some special quality. Otherwise I suggest not becoming famous, it will not be good for your health.

Keeled → Inglise keel
73 allalaadimist


around horses for over nine years. Not only have I showed and rode horses, but I have also had extensive experience assisting in a barn. Through working with horses, I have acquired a thorough knowledge of horses, tack, and equine apparel for both horse and rider. While I have equine experience, I also have excellent communication skills and an aptitude for customer service. My past experience as a volunteer at Sarasota Hospital made it necessary for me to focus on providing quality customer service, and also enabled me to work with all types of people. I believe that my communication skills, partnered with my equine knowledge, would make me an asset to your company. Thank you for your consideration. I am available for interview at your convenience and can be contacted or a message left at my mobile number +1 258 152 284 or +1 258 145 952. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Your sincerely, Jacob Knightley

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist


Some TV programmes are very educating and help students with their school work. My favorite TV programmes are political talkshows. They help me to be more critical to provocations. But watching TV all day long is not healthy. It can really affect your eyes. The most annoying thing about television is that the TV companies show more commercials than programmes. Also there is too much violence and sexuality on TV. In my opinion this only shows that there aren't much quality programmes because manufacturers just want to make cheap money. For ending there is no good TV or bad TV. Television has its own good and bad sides like everything else in this world and that's the way it should be.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

The country of my dreams

and kookaburras. Australia is a highly developed country. It has the sixth largest per capita income in the world. It is said that Melbourne is the world's most liveable cities. Another reason why Australia appeals fo me, is its beautiful beaches and climate. Winters are mils and summers are hot and sunny. Australia's beaches are always full of surfers, and one day i hope i will be one of them . Australians have a very good quality of life. There are a lot of universities, where to study. Australians concentrate on their health. I have beed dreaming about living in Australia since i first saw the TV serial ,,Home and away", which is shot in Australia. And i really hope, that in the future i have enough money to go there. It is my dream to be one of them.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

India - slideshow

Wedding very bright events, filled with ritual and celebration, that continue for several days. They are generally not small affairs, with anywhere between 100 to 10,000 people attending. Though most Indian marriages are arranged Costing on average £30,000 Bollywood largest film producer in India and one of the largest centers of film production in the world. Bollywood films are mostly musicals.A film's success often depends on the quality of such musical numbers Bollywood films are multimillion dollar productions first Indian sound film, Ardeshir Irani's Alam Ara (1931)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

If i were a tourist guide i would take you HELSINKI

cafés) and 3000 parking spaces. Located nearby is also the Itäkeskus metro station. ● The shopping centre is divided into four sections: Pasaasi, Pikku-Bulevardi, Bulevardi, and Piazza ● Fulfilling Customer Needs ● Describe the main attributes of the product ● Link the product attributes to customer needs Cost Analysis ● Indicate the financial advantages for the customer ● Compare quality and price with those of the competition Strengths and Advantages ● Summarize the special features and advantages of the product being introduced Next Steps of Action ● Explain the steps that now need to be taken ● If I were a tourist guide I would take you Helsinki ● Long-term Goal ● Customer Wishes ● Fulfilling Customer Needs ● Cost Analysis ● Strengths and Advantages ● Next Steps of Action ● 1)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Using computers for school subjects

Using computers for school subjects Nowadays everything is becoming computerized. Many schools let students use computers for their school subjects. I believe that it is a good thing to have such an opportunity, but I don't think they should use computers for every school subject. Firstly, it is not necessary to have computers in every class. It is normal to have computers in Information Technology classroom, where students learn to use computers for their own good. Sitting in front of a computer screen all day, every day, is bad for students' health, it can damage their eyesight. Also, it will be too expensive. It would be difficult to buy computers for every student. Setting up and updating the software will create additional costs. If schools buy too many computers, there may not be left money to pay salaries for the teachers. Will it ensure the high quality of teaching? On the...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun