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"products" - 629 õppematerjali

products on offer include clothing for every sort of customer, electronics, jewellery, sporting gear, bridal trousseau, pets and pet accessories, toys, food and drink, health and beauty items, packaged gifts, stationery, housewares, home appliances, furniture, and much more.


Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Ärinduse ja kaubanduse osakond MYEo17 Marily Kaas AKNAMATERJALID Referaat Juhendaja Maire Kask Tartu 2017 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS...............................................................................................3 1 LIIGITUS.....................................................................................................4 1.1 Raami materjal....................................................................................4 1.1.1 PVC aknad.....................................................................................4 1.1.2 Puitakanad.....................................................................................5 1.1.3 Puit-alumiiniumaknad....................................................................7 1.1.4 Profiilisüsteemid...............................

Ehitus → Ehitus
3 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused

seotud nägemise ergonoomika (visual ergonomics). Tänapäeva töökohaergonoomika probleemid erinevad neist, mis olid aastakümneid tagasi (töötaja liikumise tõttu muutub pidevalt töökoht, töötamine kodus, arvutitöö). Keskkonnateguritega tegeleb keskkonnaergonoomika (enviromental ergonomics), sealhulgas füüsikalise keskkonna ergonoomika. Väheneb käsitsitööergonoomika osatähtsus, kiiresti kasvab aga tarbekaupade ergonoomika osatähtsus (usability of products, ergonomic evaluation of products, ergonomics of design). Aktuaalsed on õnnetusjuhtumite vältimise probleemid tarbekaupade kasutamisel (vt Weegels, 1996). Suure osa ergonoomikast hõlmab tööstusergonoomika (industrial ergonomics, ka põhiliselt occupational ergonomics), mis käsitleb ergonoomilisi probleeme tööstusettevõtetes. Paljudes kõrgkoolides eeskätt Ameerika Ühendriikides tegeldakse aktiivselt ergonoomika rakendamisega sealses õppe- ja teadustöös (kõrgkooliergonoomika)

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
48 allalaadimist


The latter (to arrive) from the European mainland for several centuries. The Celts probably (to mix) with the Iberians who (to come) there much earlier. They also (to drive) many of the older inhabitants westwards and northwards. They gradually (to spread) all over the British Isles. Britain (to become) an important food producer because the Celts (to use) iron technology and advanced ploughing methods which they (to bring) with them from the mainland. They (to export) agricultural products through the two trade centres which (to situate) on the Thames River and on the Firth of Forth. The Celts long (to use) iron bars for money before they (to learn) to copy the Roman coins. 6. Change the following sentences to passive. Underline the verb forms in your notebooks. The Celts settled the British Isles before the Christian era. They drove many of the older inhabitants westwards and northwards or made them slaves. They probably assimilated most of the Iberians

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


The small pillory was fixed to the wall of the Town Hall. The punishment was carried out by the hangman and his assistants and was considered a great shame and dishonour. A round stone slab in the square signifies the place of the pillory. Pharmacy The Town Council Pharmacy is the oldest medical establishment in Tallinn and it is one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe that has worked at the same place since the early 15th century. Beside medicine, the pharmacy sold all sorts of different products in the Middle Ages. One could buy sweets, preserves, marzipan and cookies. The pharmacy sold stationery, dies, gunpowder, spices, candles and torches. When tobacco was brought to Europe and then to Estonia, the pharmacy started to sell it first. There were a few miracle drugs on sale, like the unicorn's horn powder, the powder made of the oversea mummies, the powders made of burnt hedgehogs, earthworms or swallow's nests. The Burcharts are the family whom we usually speak about in

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist


Sindi Gümnaasium Madli Lillo 10a Printerid Referaat Sindi2009 SISUKORD 1.PRINTERI EELLUGU .....................................................................................................................2 2. PRINTERI EELKÄIJA - KIRJUTUSMASIN ................................................................................3 3. PRINTERITE LIIGITUS ................................................................................................................4 4. TÖÖKIIRUS ....................................................................................................................................6 5.VÕIMSUSED....................................................................................................................................6 6.TERMOPRINTER..................................................................................................

Informaatika → Informaatika
51 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

..................(11) the safety boots, many complaints have ..................(12) been received about them. ..................(13) being uncomfortable to wear, it would appear that they are not properly waterproofed. ..................(14), the increase in ankle injuries which has been noted since the introduction of these boots suggests that further protection and support is required in this area. ..................(15), ..................(16) your claims and guarantees regarding these products, we feel that you have supplied us with goods that were falsely represented and which are clearly unsuitable for our purposes. Under these circumstances, we ..................(17) believe that your company bears a responsibility to compensate for these unsatisfactory items. We would be grateful if you could inform us as soon as possible of the action which you intend to take. 1 also / either / both / besides 2 However / Although / But / Moreover

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Erinevate GISi programmide põhjalik ülevaade ja võrdlus

Eesti Maaülikool Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut Nimi XX YY Erinevate GISi programmide põhjalik ülevaade ja omavaheline võrdlus Tartu 20XX Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 2 1Sissejuhatus...............................................................................................................................4 ArcGIS........................................................................................................................................ 6 MapInfo.....................................................................................................................................10 IDRISI Kilimanjaro...................................................................................................................12...

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
118 allalaadimist

Keemiatehnoloogia II K.T

1.Kivisüsi, koksistamine, produktid, töötlus Piisavalt suure vesiniku saagise puhul esimesest generaatorgaas põletati soojuskandja kambris (3) õhuga Kivisüsi on olulisim tahke kütus. Väävli sisaldus kahest reaktsioonist ja suure rõhu all toimub osa ning kuumad põlemisgaasid juhiti risti läbi ülalt alla kivisöes (2-6%) põhjustab tema töötlemisel tõsiseid süsiniku metaneerimine: langeva tükilise põlevkivi (d = 10-15 cm) kihi. Põlevkivi keskkonna probleeme. On erinevate kütuste osakaal utmisel tekkinud aur-gaasi segu juhitakse utteproduktide energia tootmisel tänapäeva maailmas. Domineerib kambrisse (4) ja sealt kondensatsioonisüsteemi. Poolkoks tugevalt looduslik gaas...

Keemia → Keemia ja säästev...
33 allalaadimist


1. Kukk, M., 2000. Piimanduse areng Eestis XIX-XX sajandil.Imavere: Eesti Piimandusmuuseum, 59 lk. 2. Laht, T., 2001. Piim- ja piimatooted toiduna. - Piimanduse käsiraamat. Tartu: EPMÜ Loomakasvatusinstituut, lk 75-101. 3. Poikalainen, V., 2007. Pilguheit juustumaailma. Tartu, lk 9-27. 4. Poikalainen, V., 2004. Juustutehnoloogia. Tartu, 332 5. Poikalainen, V., 2006. Piima tootmine. Tartu, 448 lk. 6. Robinson, R.K., 2005. Modern dairy technology. Volume 2. Advances in Milk Products. Second Edition. New York, 294-314. 7. Горбатова, К., 2003. Биохимия молока и молочных продуктов. Санкт-Петербург: ГИОРД, 314. 8. Теречек, Л., 1979. Химия и физика молока. Москва, 338-376. 9. 10. 11. 12. http://www.dairyscience

Keemia → Reaktsioniprotsessid
27 allalaadimist

Ostujuhtimise põhikursus

Täppisajastamine- Varude juhtimise süsteem, mis korraldab koosteks ja tootmiseks vajalike materjalide liikumist, koordineerides nõudlust ja tarneid nii, et soovitud materjalid saabuvad kohale siis, kui neid vajatakse. tarneahela juhtimine tarnevõrgu kavandamine- A supply chain is a network of organizations that are involved through upstream and downstream linkages in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate customer. SCM is the task of integrating organizational units along a supply chain and coordinating materials, information, and financial flows in order to fulfill the demands of the ultimate customer with the aim of improving competitiveness of a supply chain as a whole. SCE creates network structures, processes and establishments along the supply chain in a certain way. 2. Ostutsükkel

Majandus → Otsustusprotsessi alused
51 allalaadimist

English literature

The divine reason is beyond our understanding, yet we know it's there. God's law is eternal. St. Paul's scheme of sin and salvation: the revolt of the bad angels under Lucifer because of their pride, the creation, the temptation and fall of man, the incarnation, the atonement, the regeneration through Christ. When God had made the world he found it good and he created man in his own image but with the Fall of Man both man and the universe were corrupted. So the disorder and chaos are products of sin and are perpetually striving to come again. Man's only way to salvation is through God's grace. The chain of being is a metaphor served to express the unimaginable plenitude of God's creation, its order and unity. The chain stretched from the foot of God's throne to the meanest inanimate objects. Every tiny part of creation was a link in the chain and there could be no gap. First

Keeled → Inglise keel
65 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Mikrolaineahjud

Lauka Põhikool MIKROLAINEAHJUD Lõputöö Markus M Juhendaja Riina Leet Pärnu 2008 2 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS.............................................................................................................................4 1. ELEKTROMAGNETLAINED...................................................................................................5 1.1.Mõiste.................................................................................................................................... 5 1.2.Jaotus..................................................................................................................................... 6 2.AJALUGU....................................................................................................................................8 3.MIKROLAINEAHJU EHITUS JA TÖÖPÕHIMÕTE................................................................9 3...

Füüsika → Füüsika
30 allalaadimist

Õigusalase inglise keele sõnad/väljendid eesti keelse tõlkega (units 12-18)

335. employment training ­ tööturukoolitus 336. stipend (grant) ­ toetus (money given by the state for a particular purpose) 337. community placement ­ hädaabitöö 338. business start up subsidy ­ äriga alustamise toetus 339. wage subsidy ­ palgatoetus 340. receive unemployment insurance benefit ­ saama töötuskindlustushüvitist 341. health insurance system ­ ravikindlustussüsteem 342. medicinal products ­ ravimid 343. health insurance benefit ­ ravikindlustushüvitis 344. temporary disability to work ­ ajutine töövõimetus 345. confinement ­ sünnitus 346. providing care of a sick family member ­ hoolitsema haige pereliikme eest 347. rehabilitation ­ taastusravi 348. medical certificate ­ arstitõend 349. certificate for sick leave ­ haigusleht 350. certificate for care leave ­ hooldusleht 351

Keeled → Inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


panustamisele ühiskonda ja sotsiaalsfääri, ettevõtte tegutsemiskeskkonda üldiselt. Hinnangute küsimisel on oluline välja selgitada ka iga faktori olulisus. Vastajale vastavalt ettevõtte või organisatsiooni tegevusalale, et ettevõte saaks oluliste mainefaktorite arendamisse rohkem panustada. Uuem lähenemine: Reputation Institute 1. Performance - hinnangud meeldivusele, sõbralikkusele, abivalmidusele ja usaldusväärsusele (uskumused, hoiakud, tunded). 2. Products & Services – hinnangud toodangule ja teenuste kvaliteedile. 3. Innovation – hinnangud ajakohasusele, arengule, innovatiivsusele. UUS FAKTOR 4. Governance – hinnangud “valitsemistavadele”, organisatsioonikultuurile 5. Leadership – hinnang juhtidele, juhtimisele 6. Workplace – hinnangud töökeskkonnale 7. Citizenship – hinnangud ettevõttele kui kodanikule sh. hinnag sotsiaalsele vastutusele (CSR – corporate social responsibility)

Psühholoogia → Reklaamipsühholoogia
19 allalaadimist

Molekulaardiagnostika kordamisküsimused

specific antigens present on a pathogen. A fluorescence microscope is then used to detect fluorescently labeled antibodies bound to internalized antigens within clinical samples or cultured cells. This technique is especially useful in the diagnosis of viral diseases, where the light microscope is incapable of identifying a virus directly. Biochemical tests Biochemical tests used in the identification of infectious agents include the detection of metabolic or enzymatic products characteristic of a particular infectious agent. Since bacteria ferment carbohydrates in patterns characteristic of their genus and species, the 2 detection of fermentation products is commonly used in bacterial identification. Acids, alcohols and gases are usually detected in these tests when bacteria are grown in selective liquid or solid media. The isolation of enzymes from infected tissue can also provide the basis of a biochemical

Meditsiin → Molekulaardiagnostika
96 allalaadimist


stores in the US.  Bill Gates writes an open letter to microcomputer hobbyists, complaining about software piracy, to be published in an Altair newsletter.  Lee Felsenstein and Bob Marsh begin work on a complete computer, 8080-based with a keyboard and color video display capabilities built-in.  To date, MITS has sold 2,000 Altair 8800 systems.  Wavemate releases the Jupiter II computer kit.  Southwest Technical Products releases the M6800 computer kit.  Canadian microchip maker Microsystems International shuts down, after accumulating losses of over $50 million.  IBM's John Cocke begins work on project "801", to develop a scaleable chip design that could be used in small computers as well as large.  Zilog is founded.  MITS begins work on a Motorola 6800-based Altair.  MITS sales of Altair computers hits US$1 million.

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Tallinn English College Topic Estonia Tallinn 2008 1. Introduction Estonia is a small country about the size of Switzerland, or New Hampshire and Massachussetts combined. Estonia is named after the people called "Ests" who lived in the region in the 1 st century AD. The Republic of Estonia is one of the three countries commonly known as the "Baltic States". The other Baltic States are Latvia and Lithuania. 2. Geographical position Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe. Estonia is bounded on the north by the Gulf of Finland, on the east by Russia, on the south by Latvia and on the west by the Baltic Sea. In the north it borders on Finland. The coastline of the Baltic Sea in Estonia is characterized by numerous gulfs and bays, the biggest of them being the Gulf of Finland, the Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Pärnu. Bays include the Narva Bay, Matsalu Bay, Kolga Bay, Kunda Bay, Tallinn Bay etc....

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia eetilised, õiguslikud, ärilised aspektid, eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

· Haiguse teke ja selle kulg on veel ebaselged · Haigust ei suudeta varajases staadiumis diagnoosida · Puudub ravi, mis suudaks närvirakkude kängumist ja surma pidurdada ja haiguse kulgu pidurdada · Need väited on õiged kõikide neurodegereratiivsete haiguste puhul Is "pharming" animals ethical? · Derives from "farming" and "pharmaceuticals" · Means a technology of making transgenic animals that would produce certain proteins or products of metabolic pathways How is a transgenic animal created? · DNA microinjection ­ DNA construct is injected with a needle into a cell, which is then cultured until a certain embryonic period and transferred into a surrogate mother · Retrovirus based ­ Virus vector used to transfer RNA into the cell, which later RTs into DNA and incorporates itself into the genome. This yields chimeric animals, which are

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia aspektid
49 allalaadimist

Lapse arengu pretanaalne periood

option=com_content&view=article&id=133%3Alapse-areng-7-9- elukuu&catid=40%3Aminulaps&Itemid=76 (22.09.2011) Lapse areng 10.-12. elukuu. option=com_content&view=article&id=134%3Alapse-areng-10-12- elukuu&catid=40%3Aminulaps&Itemid=76 (22.09.2011) Lapse areng 7-9 elukuul. (22.09.2011) Lember, Ü.; Uriko, K.; Mets, H; Raukas, R; Varendi, H. (2005) Rasedus, sünnitus, vastsündinu. Tallinn: SCA Hygiene Products. Liivamägi, Ü. (1995) Uue elu algus: teejuht loomuliku sünnituse juurde. Tallinn : Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda Maser, M. (1994) Sinu laps. Tallinn: Vikerkaar. Väikelapse areng. (25.09.2011) 18 19

Pedagoogika → Alushariduse pedagoog
39 allalaadimist

Probiootilised piimhappebakterid

TALLINNA TEENINDUSKOOL Probiootilised piimatooted Annili Pill 021K Juhendaja: Milvi Kasemäe TALLINN 2010 1 Sisukord Sissejuhatus.........................................................................................................................................3 Mis on ning mida sisaldavad?.............................................................................................................4 Lactobacillus acidophilus...............................................................................................................4 Bifidobacterium spp........................................................................................................................4 Probiootilised piimatooted.....................................................................................................

Toit → Toiduainete õpetus
37 allalaadimist

Summary of philosophy of right (õiguse filosoofia kokkuvõte)

one's case to judge who must decide between the two parties One is obligated to preserve ones life V Locke explains that the best theory of right to ownership is rooted in the fact that each person owns his or her own body and all the labor that he or she performs with that body. So, when an individual adds his own physical labor, which is his own property, to a foreign object or material, that object and any resulting products become his property as well. One converts a ting into one's property by adding labor to it (e.g. If there is a publick forst and one collects wood from it, the wood becomes your property) One has no right to waste(If you pick apple from a tree it becomes yours, but you cannot pick more apples than you can use) Since one can covert property into gold, hovever, one can accumulate an unlimited amount of wealth (since the gold, unlike the apples, cannot spoil) (VI-XIIX); XIX

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
48 allalaadimist

Lao tehnoloogiad

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Kaubandus ja Ärindus osakond x LAO TEHNOLOOGIAD Iseseisev töö Juhendaja x Tartu 2015 1. Kirjeldada mini-load lao seadmeid ja tööpõhimõtet. Miniload süsteem ehk AS/RS (automated storage & retrieval system) kraanasüsteem on kallis, kuid efektiivne, suures osas automaatselt töötav nüüdisaegne laosüsteem peenkaupade ja väiksegabariidiliste tükikaupade käitlemiseks. %20%C3%B5pik%20kutsekoolidele/9_Laotehnoloogiad_ja_susteemid.pdf Mini-load süsteemi puhul võetakse hoiuühik, milleks on üldjuhul plastikust konteiner, riiuli hoiukohalt arvuti poolt juhitava riiuliliftiga. Peale hoiukohalt võtmist viiakse hoiuühik töökohale või asetatakse konveierile, millega toimetatakse see edasi komplekteerija juurde. Mini-load süsteem võimaldab loobuda pikkadest komplekteerimisteekondadest ja ae...

Logistika → Laonduse alused
58 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

accounting for over one third of GDP in recent years. Finland is strongly competitive in manufacturing principally the wood, metals, engineering, telecommunications, and electronics industries. Finland excels in hightech exports such as mobile phones. Except for timber and several minerals, Finland depends on imports of raw materials, energy, and some components for manufactured goods. Because of the climate, agricultural development is limited to maintaining selfsufficiency in basic products. Forestry, an important export earner, provides a secondary occupation for the rural population. Finland had been one of the best performing economies within the EU in recent years and its banks and financial markets avoided the worst of global financial crisis. However, the world slowdown hit exports and domestic demand hard in 2009, with Finland experiencing one of the deepest contractions in the euro zone. A recovery of exports,

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

struck by free neutrons and in turn generate neutrons when they break apart. This makes possible a self-sustaining chain reaction that releases energy at a controlled rate in a nuclear reactor or at a very rapid uncontrolled rate in a nuclear weapon. The amount of free energy contained in nuclear fuel is millions of times the amount of free energy contained in a similar mass of chemical fuel such as gasoline, making nuclear fission a very tempting source of energy; however, the products of nuclear fission are radioactive and remain so for significant amounts of time, giving rise to a nuclear waste problem. Concerns over nuclear waste accumulation and over the destructive potential of nuclear weapons may counterbalance the desirable qualities of fission as an energy source, and give rise to ongoing political debate over nuclear power. What is radioactive decay? Radioactive decay is the process in which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

Kulusäästlik mõtlemine - Lean thinking – ja just-in-time tootmine

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Kulusäästlikmõtlemine-Lean thinking­jajust-in-timetootmine Referaat aines "Ärilogistika" TMJ0030 Õppejõud : Tarvo Niine Tallinn 2017 Sisukord Sissejuhatus .................................................................................................................. 3 1. Kulusäästlik mõtlemine ........................................................................................ 4 1.1 Ajalugu .........................................................................................................................4 1.2 Kulusäästliku mõtlemise printsiibid .............................................................................5 1.3 Lean tootmise näited ......................................................................................................8 ...

Logistika → Ärilogistika
28 allalaadimist

Mis on FLEGT ?

rakendamisele, Esa Puustjärvi, (03.10.2008) 9. Amendments to Lacey Act, 01.10.2008, http://www.illegal- (01.11.2008) 17 10. Regulation laying down the obligations of operators who place timber and timber products on the market, European Commission, 16/10/2008, item=document&item_id=677&approach_id=26 (01.11.2008) 11. Launch FLEGT negotiations EU - Congo (Brazzaville), 24.06.2008, 40brazzaville41.html (06.11.2008) 12. Voluntary Partnership Agreements, 2008, http://www.illegal- (30.10.2008) 13

Metsandus → Puidukaubandus
30 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemide ajalugu

oli see maailma domineerivaid opsüsteemide firmasid. Tehes kõige hullema äritehingu ajaloo jooksul, Kindall keeldus kohtumast IBM-ga. Et teha asja hullemaks, tema advokaat isegi keeldus alla kirjutamast mitte avalikusatmise leppele konverteeritava, mitte veel avalikustatud, personaalarvutile. Siis IBM läks tagasi Gatesi juurde küsima, et kas ta saaks anda neile operatsioonisüsteemi. Kui IBM tuli tagasi, Gates sai aru, et kohalik arvutitootjal, Seattle Computer Products, oli sobiv operatsioonisüsteem, DOS(Disk Operating System). Ta lähenes neile ja küsis , et kas nad müüksid seda, millega nad muidugi nõustusid. Väidetavalt müüd see 50 000 dollari eest. Siis pakkus Gates IBM-le DOS/BASIC programmipaketti, millega IBM nõustus. IBM tahtis kindlaid modifikatsioone, siis Gates palkas inimese, kes kirjutas DOS-i, Tim Patersoni, Gatesi töötaja firmas Microsoft, et nad teeksid seda. Läbivaadatud süsteem sai

Informaatika → Operatsioonisüsteemide alused
78 allalaadimist

Society and culture of english-speaking countries

12. Which important minerals are found in Alberta? Canada is abundant in many mineral resources — mined in every province and territory — and a world leader in the production of potash, aluminum, nickel, salt, sulphur and uranium, among others. Today, Canada is the leading producer of potash and is estimated to rank in the top five global producers of aluminum, diamonds, cobalt, nickel, platinum, tungsten, uranium and sulphur Alberta is the country's largest producer of crude oil and gas products (especially natural gas) 13. Which is the main crop grown in the Prairie Provinces? The main crop is wheat, but barley, brassica, canola, and oats are also cultivated. 14. The political and language situation in Quebec. Why do the Quebecois want to be called a distinct society? French is the official language of Quebec 15. What is Nunavut? Nunavut is a territory in Northern Canada. Its' capital is Iqaluit It is Inuits' territory The USA 1. According to J. F

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Püsikute õppematerjal

Püsikute õppematerjal Marju Saag 17MESÕ1A Sinine käoking (Aconitum x napellus) Kõrgus ulatub kuni 130 cm, pärit on Kesk- ja Lõuna- Euroopa, hästi mürgine, püstine Kasvukohaks sobivad rasked mullad,sobib varjuline ja valgustatud, kuid mitte lauspäike ja liigne kuumus. Muld-igasugune aiamuld, ei tohi olla liiga niiske ega liivane. Õied tihedad, kuni 10 cm pikkuste õisikutena. Õitseb alates juuni lõpust 30-35 päeva (juulis) ja veelgi kauem. Talvekatet ei vaja. Lehed läikivad, tumerohelised ja tihedad, jaotunud 5-6 harusse Istutada nii üksikult ja väikeste gruppidena segalille peenardes. Väänlevad vormid on kaunid haljastuses ja rõdudel. Käokinga õisikuid kasutatakse kimpude valmistamisel. Õisikuid lõigatakse siis, kui on avanenud 1/3 õisikust. Kasutatakse meditsiinis. Paljundamine seemnete (sügisel valrjulises kohas mulda külvamine), põõsaste jagamise (sügisel) või pistikut...

Botaanika → Lillekasvatus
25 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

29 BERRIES strawberry raspberry blueberry gooseberry cranberry currant VEGETABLES cabbage cauliflower broccoli asparagus Brussels sprouts spinach tomato cucumber lettuce mushroom bean pea red pepper pumpkin ROOT VEGETABLES potato carrot onion beetroot garlic radish celery horseradish CEREALS wheat rye barley corn oats MILK PRODUCTS cream yoghurt cheese sour cream cottage cheese GARMENTS suit jacket dress trousers coat skirt waistcoat anorak blouse tie raincoat nightdress shirt bathrobe jeans Useful expressions: What size are you

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist


Kuse- ja suguelundid K U S E- J A S U G U E L U N D I D Kuse-suguelundkond (urogenitaalsüsteem) hõlmab endasse kaks elundkonda - kuseelundid ja suguelundid. Nimetatud elundkonnad täidavad erinevaid funktsioone, kuid on arengu ja asukoha poolest teineteisega seotud. KUSEELUNDID Kuseelundkonna ülesanded ja liigitus Ainevahetuse jääkproduktid peab organismist eemaldama, sest nende kogunemine verre kutsub esile enesemürgistuse. Liigne vesi ja süsihappegaas (süsivesikute laguproduktid) eritatakse kehast kopsude kaudu. Erütrotsüütide laguproduktid - sapipigmendid ning mitmed mineraalsoolad (kaltsiumi-, magneesiumi- ja raskemetallide soolad) - eemaldatakse kehast jämesoole kaudu. Valkude laguproduktid (kusihape, kusiaine), mõned soolad jne. eritatakse naha ja neerude kaudu higi ning uriini kujul, kusjuures neerud etendavad seejuures peamist osa. Neerud on seega spetsii...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
77 allalaadimist

Venemaa metsatööstus

Viidatud allikad 1. Federal Forestry Agency 2007 [ _Prezentatciya_k_dokladu_Rocshupkina_Eng.pdf] 2. Russian Forestry Review 2007 [] 3. Mäkelä 2009 [] 4. Pöyry 2008 [] 5. Forest Products Annual Market Review 2008-2009 [] 6. IIASA's Forestry Program [] 7. Federal Forestry Agency 2007 [] 8. PMR 2009 [] 9. Financial Times [] 10

Metsandus → Puidukaubandus
38 allalaadimist

Üldökoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

ühesugune? Põhjendage Jah on küll selle pärast et kliima on määravaks teguriks- Kliimatiline kliimaks on see mille poole pürgida. Ühel kliimavõõtmel on sama kliima(logish)seega sama klimaatiline kliimaks. 43. Mis protsessi käigus siseneb energia ökosüsteemi? Primaarproduktsiooni käigus Autotroofide (produtsentide) poolt toodetud biomassina. 44. Mis on produktsioon? Produktsiooni liigitus. Production is converting raw materials to finished products. Ajaühikus pinnaühiku kohta toodetud elusaine (biomass), võib mõõta ka energiaühikutes. Liigid: 1) Primaarproduktsioon (produtsentide poolt toodetud biomass) *Koguprimaarproduktsioon (foto- või kemosünteesi käigus sünteesitud kogu biomassi hulk) *Netoprimaarproduktsioon (produtsentide poolt toodetud biomass, millest on maha arvatud hingamiskaod) 2) Sekundaarne produktsioon (tarbijate biomassi juurdekasv)

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
126 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

The review has two parts. The first part is a more detailed background to the field. For example, if you are developing a medical device, the background would be a tutorial on the medical condition being treated by the device. The second part describes the prior art relevant to the problem, which means all of the existing technology and methods relevant to the problem, including the ways the problem is dealt with now. The review can include commercial products, academic journal articles and theses, and patents. The technical review will likely have many citations to the source of the information with citations listed in the Reference section. Citations and references should follow ASME, IEEE or APA style. Design Requirements Here, you describe the most important, measureable design requirements that drove your solution to the problem. Generally, there are about five

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist


Jungent Hulgiladu, maiustused, mahlad, konservid, esmatarve Pepsico Eesti AS Kartulisipsid Svensky Kaubanduse AS Hulgiladu, maiustused, konservid, esmatarve Baltazar Trading Hulgiladu, konservid, kuivained Interaltus Hulgiladu, maiustused, konservid AS Marmiton Maiustused Imex Trading Group Hulgiladu, maiustused, konservid DTL Consumer Products Eesti AS Hulgiladu, maiustused AS Wõro Kommerts Lihatooted AS Rigual Puuviljad AS Nõo LT Lihatooted AS Valga LT Lihatooted AS Kikas Lihatooted AS Tallegg Lihatooted AS Rakvere LK Lihatooted AS M.V.Wool Kalatooted AS Poseidon Kalatooted AS Lihameister Lihatooted

Muu → Ainetöö
44 allalaadimist

Automaatika referaat (eng)

E-rater is also used as a scoring application for high- and low-stakes assessments, as well as a number of test practice applications. Vantage Learning has developed IntellimetricTM which is also part of an electronic portfolio administration system called MyAccess! TM Person Knowledge Technologies supports The Intelligent Essay Assessor which is used by a variety of proprietary electronic portfolio systems. All of the products have the capacity to receive text by web page and return feedback to both a student user and comprehensive data base that may be accessed by teachers. In the paragraphs below, a short description is given that illustrate the kinds of factors/dimensions/variables used in building AES scoring models. References are provided for a more comprehensive descripiton of the process. The construction of e-rater v. 2.0, models is given in detail in Attali and Burstein

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
19 allalaadimist


and how acne and acne scars change a person's appearance. To achieve her purpose, the author compiled a questionnaire of seven questions about acne. The questionnaire was carried out among the students of the 3 secondary school classes. The research showed that acne is very widely spread among the secondary students of Saaremaa Co-educational Gymnasiums and students are aware about the causes of acne. Girls used a bigger variety of skin care products and they knew better how make-up affects pimples compared to the relevant knowledge of boys. The majority of the students thought that acne and acne scars do not affect a persons' appearance. The author believes that this issue should be discussed further in our society, because people do not understand fully how serious this disease and its consequences are. 23 Kasutatud kirjandus Abram, K. 2015. Akne tunnused. URL-https://www.akne

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
20 allalaadimist

Suitsetamisest loobumine erinevate meetodite abil

Keila Hariduse Sihtasutus Keila Kool mittestatsionaarne õpe Suitsetamisest loobumine erinevate meetodite abil Uurimistöö Koostaja: Liina Virolainen Juhendaja: õp. Eve Torv Risti 2015 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ……...…………………………………………………….… 3 1. SUITSETAMISE OLEMUS ………………………..…………………..... 4 1.1 Alustamine ……………………………………………………………...….. 4 1.2 Suitsetamisest on raske loobuda, sest … …..….…………………………. 5 1.3 Suitsetamise mõju organismile ……………………………...………….…6 1.4 Organism pärast suitsetamisest loobumist ………………………………. 8 2. ABIVAHENDID SUITSETAMISEST LOOBUMISEKS …………….... 9 2.1 Nikotiini asendusravi ehk NAR …………………………………………... 9 2.2 Allen Carr „Lihtne meetod lõpetada suitsetamine“ .………………........ 11 2.3 Antidepressandid ……………………………………………………….… 15 2.4 Hüpnoos …………………………………………………………………....

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
13 allalaadimist

Muutused Valga linnas pärast Eesti-Läti piiri määramist

was built from Valga to Koikküla on year 1923. By using new railway line through Kaagjärve, traveling from Valga to Mõniste without passing Latvia, was possible. The biggest factor for local economic was the impact of customs frontier and smuggling. Of course, divided town wasn't in plans of larger companies, which certainly hadn't such particular vision of the future. Big part of companies market was lost. Better situation was in enterprises which produced products for railway. As a custom office point, Valga had quite important place in Estonian foreign trade and companies linked with railway were still successful. Also local brewery and power plant achieved better results. But the rest of industry and commercial companies suffered from border impacts and decreased market. Shops of Valga were influenced by smuggled goods, which were sold at lower prices from hand to hand. Mostly leather products and clothes smuggled from Latvia to Estonia. In

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
20 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
89 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

ance survey was twice as effective as offering a $50 payment for sending back a completed survey (James 8{ Bolstein, 1992). Similarly, food servers have learned that simply giving customers a candy or mint along with their bill significantly in- creases tips (Strohmetz, Rind, Fisher, 8{ Lynn, 2002). In general, business operators have found that, after accepting a gift, customers are willing to purchase products and services they would have otherwise declined (Gruner, 1996). It appears that the give-and-take of social interaction is recognized well before adulthood. One fifth-grade language teacher wrote to me about a test she gives her students on the proper use of the past, present, and future tenses. To the question, The future of "I give" is _ _ ?, one enterprising young man wrote, "I take." He

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

ESSID Extended Service Set Identifier ESU Electro-Static Unit ET Enhancement Technology ETACS Extended Total Access Communication System [IBM] ETANN Electrically Trainable Analog Neural Network (chip) [Intel] ETB End of Transmission Block ETC Electronic Toll Collection + Enhanced Throughput Cellular (modem protocol) [AT&T] E-TEXT Electronic Text ETF Enriched Text Format ETOM Electron-Trapping Optical Memory ETPL Endorsed Tempest Products List ETS Econometric Time Series ETX End Of Text EU Execution Unit .EU European Union (Domain Name) [Internet] EUC End-User Computing + Extended Unix Code [IBM] EUDC End-User Defined Character EUDORA (Named after author of story: "Why I Live at the P.O.", Ms. Eudora Welty) EUI End-User Interface EULA End-User License Agreement EUVL Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography EVDO Evolution Data Only/Optimized EVE Extensible VAX Editor

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Claude Lévi-Strauss "Metsik mõtlemine"

Need on sisult heterogeensed ja vormilt analoogsed (analoogia seisneb sisu osalises ülekandmises vormi). Müüdi tähenduslikud kujundid (e. totemistlike klassifikatsioonide loogika 'killud') sarnanevad 'meisterdaja' töövahenditega - neil on olnud algne otstarve, kuid need on 'lahti monteeritud' nii, et neid saab kasutada ka millekski muuks (mis võib algfunktsioonist väga kaugel olla). Teine sarnasus seisneb selles, et kumbki neist ei ole 'puhta muutumise' produkt (neither are products of pure and simple 'becoming'). Nende algne täpsus kaob, kui nad saavad uue funktsiooni. Need (müüdi tähenduslikud kujundid) on täpsed, kui nad on valmisproduktid (ehk keele terminid). Niisiis on nad paratamatute suhete kontsentraat. See paratamatus ei ole lihtne ega ühetähenduslik, kuid on olemas teatav semantiline invariantsus (see iseloomustab gruppi (piiratud arvul9 transformatsioone). See loogika meenutab kaleidoskoopi, kus samuti killukesed moodustavad struktuurseid mustreid

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
53 allalaadimist


MASSAAISALONG ,,ESPARCIMIENTO" Majandusõpetuse eksamitöö Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus..................................................................................................................................3 2. Tootekirjeldus...........................................................................................................................4-5 3. Finants arvutused 3.1 Põhivahendite amortisatsioon.................................................................................................6-7 3.2. Väikevahendid..........................................................................................................................8 3.3 Materjalid...................................................................................................................................9 3.4 Kommunaalkulud.....................................................................................................................10 ...

Majandus → Majandus
1262 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne müüja kohal

esmatarve Pepsico Eesti AS Kartulisipsid Svensky Kaubanduse AS Hulgiladu, maiustused, konservid, esmatarve Baltazar Trading Hulgiladu, konservid, kuivained Interaltus Hulgiladu, maiustused, konservid AS Marmiton Maiustused Imex Trading Group Hulgiladu, maiustused, konservid DTL Consumer Products Eesti AS Hulgiladu, maiustused AS Wõro Kommerts Lihatooted AS Rigual Puuviljad AS Nõo LT Lihatooted AS Valga LT Lihatooted AS Kikas Lihatooted AS Tallegg Lihatooted AS Rakvere LK Lihatooted AS M.V.Wool Kalatooted AS Poseidon Kalatooted AS Lihameister Lihatooted

Majandus → Klienditeenindus
464 allalaadimist


ORGAANILINE KEEMIA II osa (Pildiallikas: ) 7.2 ALKEENID Alkeenideks nimetatakse küllastumata süsivesinikke, kus süsiniku aatomite vahel esineb üks kovalentne kaksikside. Alkeenide nimetuse tunnuseks on lõpuliide ­EEN, mis viitabki kaksiksideme olemasolule süsivesiniku molekulis. Alkeenide üldvalem on CnH2n ALKEENIDE HOMOLOOGILINE RIDA JA NIMETUSTE ANDMINE Küllastumata süsivesinike homoloogilised read algavad süsiniku aatomite arvust kaks, sest mitmikside saab tekkida ainult kahe süsiniku aatomi vahel. Teades alkeenide homoloogilise rea üldvalemit, saame kirjutada selle alusel kõikide vastavate alkeenide valemid. ALKEEN ALKEENI NIMETUS ...

Keemia → Keemia
74 allalaadimist


Saaremaa Ühisgümnaasium SALVADOR DALÍ referaat Autor: Victoria Käesel Juhendaja: Aili Jung Kuressaare 2013 Sisukord SISSEJUHATUS..........................................................................................3 1. LAPSEPÕLV...........................................................................................4 1.1. Sünd...................................................................................................4 1.2. Dalí kasvatamine....................................................................................4 1.3. Kunstiga tutvumine................................................

Kultuur-Kunst → teaduslikku uurimistöö...
43 allalaadimist


Celtic tribes. (3) 2.2 The Roman Era Before the conquest, the Romans had annexed lands to the southeast extending beyond the Rhine River. They penetrated the Netherlands region mainly to control the several mouths of the Rhine, which were then farther to the north than they are now. Under Roman rule, general peace and prosperity prevailed for more than 250 years. Roman traders entered the area freely, selling products from Italy and Gaul. The Romans built temples, established a number of large farms, and introduced their civilization to the region. About AD 300 the hold by the Romans began to weaken, and no indigenous German tribes pushed into the area from the east. The Frisians, in the north, held their ground, but Saxons occupied the eastern part of the region, and the Franks moved into the west and south. (3) 2.3 The Middle Ages The Franks were the most powerful of the invaders

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

American Art Revision Materials

Modernist art styles. Andy Warhol (late-C20). He presented repeated images of car crashes, singers, movie stars, soup cans, Coca- Cola bottles and dollar bills. Some different views should reveal various aspects of the person's character. His works display a delight in the surprise and shock of nonart but he is still rooted in the mechanized, standardized and mass- produced culture. He emphasized the mass-consumer society in which everyone uses the same products. Through this, he may be considered a modern history painter. 7 Subsidiary artists: Larry Rivers, Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenburg, James Rosenquist, Tom Wesselmann, Robert Indiana. Super-Realism. It has also been called Photorealism and Hyperrealism, and draws on photographic sources and commercial advertising for imagery but makes trompe-l'oeil illusion viable again without the fantastic invention or

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

US-ART - American Art Revision Materials, I

Modernist art styles. Andy Warhol (late-C20). He presented repeated images of car crashes, singers, movie stars, soup cans, Coca- Cola bottles and dollar bills. Some different views should reveal various aspects of the person's character. His works display a delight in the surprise and shock of nonart but he is still rooted in the mechanized, standardized and mass- produced culture. He emphasized the mass-consumer society in which everyone uses the same products. Through this, he may be considered a modern history painter. 7 Subsidiary artists: Larry Rivers, Jasper Johns, Claes Oldenburg, James Rosenquist, Tom Wesselmann, Robert Indiana. Super-Realism. It has also been called Photorealism and Hyperrealism, and draws on photographic sources and commercial advertising for imagery but makes trompe-l'oeil illusion viable again without the fantastic invention or

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun