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"practice" - 452 õppematerjali

practice - based commissioning; or developing umbrella organisational structures such as primary care federations or local clinical partnerships.

Kohtupsühholoogia konspekt

Kohtupsühholoogia SOPH.00.178 Tiina Kompus [email protected] 1. loeng 24.10.08. Psühholoogia eriteadmiste kasutamine juriidilises kontekstis Kirjandus iseseisvaks tööks: Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts Ed. by R.Bull and D.Carson, 1995, Wiley Ptk.1.1 Psychology in Legal Contexts: Idealism and Realism kirjandus_1_1 Ptk.2.2. Psychology's Premises, Methods and Values kirjandus_1_2 Ptk.1.3. Law's Premises, Methods and Values kirjandus_1_3 Specialized Practice in Forensic Psychology: Opportunities and Obstacles Packer, Ira K. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice; Apr2008, Vol. 39 Issue 2, p245-249 kirjandus_1_4 Psychology and Law: Bridging the Gap Ed. by D.Canter and R.Zukauskiene, 2008, Ashgate: Ptk.2: Contemporary Challenges in Investigative Psychology kirjandus_1_5 Ptk.13: Does the Law Use Even a Small Proportion of What Legal Psychology has to Offer? kirjandus_1_6

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
140 allalaadimist

3M - Inglise keel

Neid allüksuseid juhitakse üleriigiliselt , mõne erandiga ­ näiteks juhtimisdirektor Hispaanias on seda ka Portugalis, ja juhtimisdirektor Suurbritannias on ka seda Iirimaal. Each of the 40-plus EMATs corresponds roughly to an operating division and has between eight and ten members drawn from different functions and different countries. Typically they meet every four to six weeks. In theory they have collective responsibility for achieving the company's European goals; in practice they spend much of their time discussing the launch of new products. Each of the 40-plus EMATs corresponds roughly to an operating division and has between eight and ten members drawn from different areas and different countries. Typically they meet every four to six weeks. In theory they have a shared responsibility for reach the company's European targets; in practice they spend much of their time discussing the advent of new products.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keel (10.klass)

Criminal Crime Intriguing Intrigue Alienate Alienation Responsible Responsibility, response Different Difference Powerful Power Take ages Take offence Take sb/sth for granted Take place Take my advice Take notice Take a risk Take part Take responsibility Put a stop to sth Put your arm around sb Put sb in charge of sth Put a plan into practice Put your work first Put pressure on sb Take sth back ­ tagastama Take sth in ­ omandama, petma Take off ­ tõusma, minema hakkama (äri) Take sb in ­ tööle võtma Put sth out ­ välja lülitama, kustutama Put sb off ­ ümberveenma, võõrutama Put sth away ­ ära panema Put sth on ­ peale panema C ­ many, very few, few, fewer UC ­ much, very little, a little, less Some ­ pakkumine, mitte reaalne info Any ­ sisuliselt eitav

Keeled → Inglise keel
290 allalaadimist

Irish Christmas

The Christmas season really begins with Advent, the four weeks before Christmas. In many homes, Advent wreaths and Advent candles are used. The Advent candle is lit every night and prayers said to prepare hearts for the birth of the Christ Child. At the beginning of December, children start opening the windows of their Advent calenders revealing a Christmas picture or perhaps uncovering a sweet chocolate. Twelve Days of Christmas: During the centuries when it was a crime to be Catholic and to practice one's faith, the "Twelve Days of Christmas" was used as a memory aid. The gifts listed in the song are hidden references to Catholic dogma. Lighting Candles: Candles are placed in windows to light the way for travelers on Christmas Eve. Today people use electric candles for safety reasons. The "light in the window" welcomes family and friends coming home for Christmas, but it also symbolizes the welcome for the Holy Family. Every window in the house is garlanded with lights. The Christmas Tree

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Ehituspäevik, ehitusjärelvalve ja hea ehitustava

vaieldamatu autoriteet; kui need ei ole küll antud organisatsiooni ainupädevuses, ent on kooskõlastatud kõigi kaaspädevate organisatsioonidega. 5.2. Ehitusküsimustes pädevate riigiasutuste poolt ette-nähtud korras väljaantud, ehituse tehnilist külge puutuvad dokumendid. 5.3. Teiste maade vastavasisulised dokumendid või muud teabeallikad, mida iseloomustatakse kui: inglise keeles good engineering, good engineering practice, (good) workmanship saksa keeles allgemein anerkannten Regein der Technik, allgemein anerkannten Bauregein, Handwerksregein soome keeles hyvä rakennustapa kui need rahuldavad Eesti tingimustes nõudeid p. 1, 2, 3. 5.4. Mistahes eeskuju, mis rahuldab kas nõudeid p. 1, 2, 3. või kokkuleppinute ringi. 6. Vaideküsimuste korral p. 5. kohta langetab otsused nõukogu. 7. Ehitiste kavandamisel, püstitamisel, muutmisel või kasutamisel tuleb järgida head

Ehitus → Ehitus alused
22 allalaadimist

Uurimustööks vajalik teada

Ajakirjas (sh ka interneti ajakiri) avaldatud artikli puhul kirjutatakse välja järgmised andmed: autori perekonnanimi koos initsiaalidega, ilmumisaasta, artikli pealkiri, ajakirja nimetus (kirjutada kaldkirjas), ajakirja number või ajakirja ja köite number, artikli esimese ja viimase lehekülje number. Näide 6: Aro, I. (1996). Õendusest, põetusest, õeharidusest. Eesti Arst, 2, 185-187. Pael, J. (2002). Võitlus bioloogilise kellaga. Eesti Õde, 29(1), 12. Blackwood, B. (1998). The practice and perception of intensive care staff using the closed suctioning system. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(5), 10. 3.8.4. Dokumendid Dokumentide korral koostada loetelu järgnevalt: dokumendi nimetus, ilmumisaasta, dokumendi väljaandja organisatsioon ja ilmumiskoht. Kui dokumendil on koostaja(d), siis kirjutada koostaja(te) nimi (nimed) ja sulgudes sõna (koost.), ilmumisaasta, dokumendi nimetus. Näide 7: Üldõe III kutsestandard (1999). Tervishoiu ja Sotsiaaltöö Kutsenõukogu. Tallinn. 3.8

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö metoodika
277 allalaadimist

Toimetulek tööstressiga

· vägivalla esinemine. Stressoriks võib olla mis tahes nähtus, mis nõuab organismilt kohanemist. Tööstressi tegurid võivad olla seotud töö keskkonnaga ja kindlasti ka inimestevahelised suhted mängivad siin olulist rolli. Stressi tugevus oleneb sellest, kui tugevad ja kauakestvad on olnud stressi põhjused ning kui suur on inimese tervenemise võime. 1.3.Tööstressi avaldumine William J. Lynott oma artiklis ,,Is workplace stress hurting your practice?" (2006: 98) jagab tööstressi ilmingud järgmiselt: · füüsilised ilmingud: valud rinnas, väsimus, unetus, sagedased viirushaigused; · psühhosotsiaalsed ilmingud: ärevus, ärrituvus, kurbus, viha, meeleolu kõikumised, ülitundlikkus, ükskõiksus, lootusetuse ja abituse tunne; · käitumuslikud ilmingud: söögiisu kadumine, kannatamatus, kalduvus vaidlemisele, viivitamine, vastutustunde puudumine, kaaslastest eemaldumine, madal töötase, usulised

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
236 allalaadimist

Manual regarding the Customs Treatment of Gifts and Items of Negligible Value

6 · When assessing a consignment of goods, a flat rate assessment should not be applied to goods for which the rate of duty is "free" or zero, and such goods must be excluded when calculating whether the 700 limit has been exceeded. · The importer may opt to have the goods charged at the relevant tariff rate(s) applicable to the individual items (although in practice this is unlikely to arise, as the 2.5% rate will normally be more beneficial to the importer). 6. PROCEDURE AT IMPORTATION 6.1 De minimus limits. No special arrangements apply. If a quick calculation shows the amounts payable to be below the de minimus limits the goods should be released without charge. 6.2 Consignments of Negligible Value The Customs Declaration form on the relative parcel, if sent by post, should be marked

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Misusing and Abusing the IoT ( Ingliskeelne referaat andmeturve ITX0040 jaoks)

that a user would pay a small sum so that the company wouldn’t forward the data anywhere or atleast would guarantee that the data is de- attributed from the customer [14]. Educating customers is a necessity aswell, since having integrated strong security features is not enough, when the product is used improperly. Those companies have to offer advice on updates and patches to the customer, as well educate customers about best practice. Best practice such as changing passwords regularly, which to date is one of the most common causes of a security breach. Employees, who work for the customer service must also be properly trained in order to help the clientele manage these issues [15]. Conclusion In conclusion, due to the IoT still being in its early stages despite quite a massive number of devices connected, the security features have been somewhat overlooked. As the new industry hasn’t been forced to introduce

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
6 allalaadimist

TV tõlkimisharjutused Unit 1-5: 7. klassile (ILE 5)

The new student blushed, because he was the centre of attention. 10 Ma jäin päikese kätte magama. I fall asleep in the sun. _______________________________________________________________ UNIT 3: Töövihikust harjutus 10. 1 Kui ma end üksildasena tunnen, kuulan ma muusikat. When I feel lonely I listen to music. 2 Me jäime bussist maha, aga õnneks jõudsime kooli õigel ajal. We missed the bus, but luckily we got to school in time. 3 Meil on kooriproov üle nädala. We have choir practice every other week. 4 Klassijuhataja tunnis me arutame päevakohaseid probleeme. In the class teacher´s lesson we discuss topical problems. 5 Kellelegi ei meeldi õpetaja pailapsed. Nobody likes teacher´s pets. 6 Kas sa sõbruned kergesti? Do you make friends easily? 7 Ma ei ole kunagi mingisse kampa kuulunud. I have never belonged to any groups. 8 Mul jäi suu lahti, kui ma teda pärast suvevaehaega nägin. My mouth fell open when I saw her after the sumer holiday.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Materjalid lennuehituses läbi aja

MATERJALID LENNUEHITUSES REFERAAT Õppeaines: Tehnomaterjalid Transporditeaduskond Õpperühm: AT 11 Juhendaja: lektor Annika Koitmäe Esitamiskuupäev:................ Üliõpilase allkiri:................. Õppejõu allkiri: .................. Tallinn 2015 SISUKORD SISUKORD....................................................................................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS.................................................................................................

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
8 allalaadimist

Essee platseebo efektist

eetilistele probleemidele vaatamata võib platseebo olla üks kõige efektiivsemaid ja tähtsamaid elemente iga ravija jaoks. Kasutatud allikad Freedman, B. (1987). Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research. N Engl J Med, 317. 141- 145. Fuente-Fernandez, R. & Stoessl, A.J. (2004). The Biochemical Bases of the Placebo Effect. Science and Engineerig Ethics, 10, 143-150. Gaudiano, B.A. & Herbert, J.D. (2005). Moving From Empirically Supported Treatment Lists to Practice Guidelines in Psychotherapy: The Role of the Placebo Concept. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 61(7), 893-908. Kemp, A.S., Kalali, A.H., Schooler, N.R., Alphs, L., Anand, R., Awad, G. ... Vermeulen, A. (2008) What Is Causing the Reduced Drug-Placebo Difference in Recent Schizophrenia Clinical Trials and What Can be Done About It? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 36 (3), 504-509. Lau, J.T.F & Mao, J. (2003). Ethical issues related to the use of placebo in clinical trials. Hong Kong Mcd J, 9 (3), 192-198

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
80 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola esitlus

COCA-COLA Have you ever come home from school, practice or whatever and felt soooo thirsty? So you walk towards the fridge and hope there's something cold to drink. You open the door of the fridge and start to smile, because you have seen a bottle of COCA-COLA!! Coca- Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants and vending machines throughout the world. It is produced by The Coca-Cola Company and is often known as Coke. The Coca-Cola Company has introduced other cola drinks under the Coke brand name. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Positive sides of outdoor learning

Some nature centers, environmental education facilities, camps, and other organizations that focus on teaching outdoor education have started to incorporate digital technologies into their programs in hopes of connecting today's children to nature. I believe that if we start teaching children outside the classroom, in every possible authentic environment sooner, we do not have to trick them to connect with the nature later. Outdoor education has so many good qualities to convince us to practice it. Furthermore, this method will bring joy to students while learning, development in independence and willingness to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The mysterious affair at styles

She was the free-spirited daughter of a government official who took her with him on his travels. She dislikes the inaction forced upon them by Emily's control of the money and she yearns for the days when she was not tied down. About the only interesting thing we can see in her life is an occasional tete-a-tete with the mysterious Dr. Bauerstein. Of course, she claims these meetings are totally innocent. The next suspect is John's brother Lawrence. He is a doctor who gave up his practice to live at home and pursue a writing career. Unfortunately, he doesn't appear to be much of a success at it. "He's gone through every penny he ever had, publishing rotten verses in fancy bindings," says John. Could there be anyone better than a doctor to know about the effects of strychnine and how to get it? And if he could control his own finances, Lawrence could publish a lot more of those "rotten verses," couldn't he?

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
12 allalaadimist


teemadesse, tegelastesse jne?  Kas erinevate postkolonialistlikke tekstide vahel on enam siduvaid või eristavaid jooni? (Erinevate maade põlisrahvastik, valged kolonisaatorid, diaspora-gruppide kirjandus) Postkolonialismi teoreetikuid: Homi Bhabha, Nation and Narration 1990 (toim), Location of Culture (1994) Ashcroft, Bill, Griffith, G., Tiffin, H., The Empire Writes Back: Theory And Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures 1989 Gayatri Spivak, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” 1988, A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Towards a History of the Vanishing Present (1999). Postkolonialistlikke kirjanikke: Hanif Kureishi, Hanif Äärelinna Buddha (The Buddha of Suburbia) Arundhati Roy, Arundhati Väikeste asjade jumal (The God of Small Things) Ben Okri, Näljutatud tee (The Famished Road) Micahel Ondaatje, Inglise patsient (The English Patient, 1993,In the Skin of A Lion 1989)

Kirjandus → Kirjandusteadus
5 allalaadimist

Maailmausundite statistika

o According to a statistical overview in 2011 of religions in China: "The number of Taoists is difficult to estimate, due to a variety of factors including defining Taoism. According to a survey of religion in China in the year 2010, the number of people practicing some form of Chinese folk religion is near to 950 million (70% of the Chinese). Among these, 173 million (13%) practice some form of Taoist-defined folk faith. Further in detail, 12 million people have passed some formal initiation into Taoism, or adhere exclusively to it." 6 o notes that: "Taoism and Confucianism (mixed with Buddhism) are major cultural and philosophical influences in many East Asian nations. Religious Taoism in still very significant in Taiwan." 7 o ChartsBin

Teoloogia → Budism
2 allalaadimist


Esa Saarinen. Rakendusfilosoofia „Filosoofid ei mõtle otse maailma üle, nad mõtlevad maailma üle mõtlemise üle. Tulemuseks pole uus fakt, vaid hoopis selgus selles, mis vanad faktid on või mida nad pole, ja ka selles, kuidas vanad faktid on põhjendatud.“ Rosenberg. (teos The Practice of Philosophy) Niisuguse arusaama kohaselt on filosoofia „teise astme“ distsipliin, mis erineb „esimese astme“ teadusest nagu füüsika, sotsioloogia ja geograafia, mille eesmärk on esile tuua fakte maailma kohta. Filosoofia üritab kaardistada üldist olemust, uskumuste aluste abstraktseid põhijooni. Rosenberg on sel moel tabavalt kirjeldanud akadeemilise ülikoolifilosoofia praktikat – eriti tema kodumaal Ameerika Ühendriikides

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Invocation summary notes MRdd

Even if you take many infinities out of one infinity, still it remains the same. INVOCATION OVERVIEW Supreme Personality of Godhead is the Complete Absolute Truth Absolute Truth has many manifestations ­ Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan. In Isopanishad that is sruti, the Absolute Truth is not called by personal name, because upanisads are giving transitional knowledge, they take people from karma kanda towards bhakti. Srila Prabhupada follows this practice and he almost never uses the word "Krishna" in the whole Isopanishad. He uses impersonalists' words to bring them beyond impersonalism. The Absolute Truth is always sat-cit-ananda, but He is not always perceived as sat-cit-ananada. Jnanis realize His eternity or sat aspect ­ Brahman realization. They understand that beyond this world there is some kind of eternal existance and they conisder this a highest reality.

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist


Sugar cane growing tropical and subtropical climates. Since sugar cane requires a lot of water and heat, it can be grown only in southern Europe, including Spain, Portugal and Madeira. The world's largest sugar cane producers are Brazil, Cuba, India, the Philippines and Mexico. How do people use sugar content of sweet before it developed modern methods for the production of sugar? In they India pressed out of sugar cane cloudy juice or they licked it as lollypop such as sugar cane - it is the practice in many countries still exist. Later, people began to boil sugar cane juice, sweet - both were solid sugar crystals. "Cane, which gives the sugar without the aid of bees" According to legend, brought the cane - or at least it can be transmitted Kumu - first to Greece by Alexander the Great, expedition returning to India. Around the year 300BC the mother Nearchos sailed along the Persian Gulf to the Indus river, on the river side by side but the wind rising sugar canes

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Individualizing Client Care Across the Life Span, 8th Edition. USA: F. A. Davis Company. Urden L. D., Kathleen M. S., Lough M.E. (2015). Priorities in Critical Care Nursing, 7th Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences. redir_esc=y&hl=ru&id=yJjTBgAAQBAJ&q=renal+clinical+assesment#v=s nippet&q=renal%20clinical%20assesment&f=false (21.11.2018) Herold G. (1999) Sisehaigused. Loengutele orienteeritud käsitlus. Tallinn. Peate. I., Nair M., Wild K. (2014). Nursing Practice: Knowledge and Care. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Urinary-Tract-Inf.aspx Standarts for Infusion Therapy.4th Edition. (2016). London: Royal College of Nursing. 9

Meditsiin → Õendus
41 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia eripedagoogilise sekkumise süsteem

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Kasvatusteaduste Instituut SUURBRITANNIA ERIPEDAGOOGILISE SEKKUMISE SÜSTEEM Referaat Tallinn 2011 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ........................................................................................................................ 3 1. SEKKUMISE ALANE SEADUSANDLUS ...................................................................... 4 1.1. Eriharidussüsteem üldise haridussüsteemi sees ........................................................... 4 1.2. Õigussüsteem ............................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Hariduslike erivajaduste märkamine ........................................................................... 6 2. TEENUSTE SUUNATUS JA STRUKTUUR ................................................................

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
99 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

within the undertaking and/or establishment. 6. Personal protective equipment shall be provided free of charge by the employer, who shall ensure its good working order and satisfactory hygienic condition by means of the necessary maintenance, repair and replacements. However, Member States may provide, in accordance with their national practice, that the worker be asked to contribute towards the cost of certain personal protective equipment in circumstances where use of the equipment is not exclusive to the workplace. 7. The employer shall first inform the worker of the risks against which the wearing of the personal protective equipment protects him. 8. The employer shall arrange for training and shall, if appropriate,

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist


panemata;  Seaduserikkuja pidi olema teadlik, et teo toime panemisel on tegu seaduserikkumisega;  Seaduserikkuja pidi rikkumise panema toime teadlikult.7 5 Sharia Law In The USA 101: A Guide To What It Is And Why States Want To Ban It . 29.07.2013. Arvutivõrgus: (14.04.2019). 6 R. Peters. Crime and Punishment in Islamic law. Theory and Practice from the Sixteen to the Twenty-first Century. New-York 2005, lk 19-21. 7 Ib. 5 2 ISLAMI KARISTUSÕIGUSE AJALUGU JA ARENG Mõistmaks paremini islami karistusõiguse ajalugu ja selle arengut, on vajalik selle erinevate perioodide uurimine ja tutvustamine. Islami karistusõiguse arengus eristatakse peamiselt kolme perioodi: enne koloniseerimist (VII-XIX sajanditel), koloniaalne (XIX keskpaik-XX

Õigus → Õigussüsteemide ajalugu
19 allalaadimist

Keskkonnapoliitika eksami kordamisküsimused ja vastused 2018

Hüpoteesid, mis on millalgi testitud ei pruugi aga ilmtingimata tõesed olla. Edasine testimine on vajalik, sest tegelikult on võimatu tõestadad, et hüpotees on igati tõene. Näiteks on lihtne tõestada, et kemikaal (nt pestitsiid) on mõnele liigile kahjulik, kuid palju raskem on tõestada, et see kemikaal ei ole ühelegi elavale organismile kahjulik 6. The role of technology in environmental policymaking. Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Environmental Practice (BEP), their scope and goal. Võimaldab inimestel pääseda keskkonnakapitali ülemäärase kasutamise tagajärgedest (reostus, ressursside ammendumine jne) Paradoks: tehnoloogia aitab samaaegselt inimeste vajadusi rahuldada ja tekitab keskkonnaprobleeme Best Available Technique (BAT) Parim olemasolev tehnoloogia Parima olemasoleva tehnoloogia kasutamine, arvestamata traditsioonilist tasuvusanalüüsi.

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
3 allalaadimist

Suguhormoonide ala- ja ületalitluse etiopatogenees

GnRH puudulikkus, krooniline haigus) • Hüpofüsaarne (tuumor, prolaktinoom) Kõige sagedasemad: PCOS, • Teistest endokriinnäärmete häiretest hüpotalaamiline amenorröa, (neerupealiste ja kilpnäärmehaigused, hüperprolaktineemia, munasarja kasvajad) munasarjade puudulikkus • Multifaktoriaalne (PCOS) Practice Committee of American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2008. Fertil. Steril. Amenorröa klassikaline jaotus Polütsüstiliste munasarjade sündroom Androgeenide toimed Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, 2nd Ed Silbernagl, Stefan, Lang, Florian Kordamisküsimused

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
14 allalaadimist


CHAPTER 1 GETTING TO KNOW THE TOEFL WHAT IS THE TOEFL? The TOEFL is a comprehensive English language examination required by more than 3,000 colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world. In addition, foreign born professionals frequently need a TOEFL score for certification to practice their profession in the United States or Canada. The TOEFL is a timed test that consists of the three sections listed here. THE TOEFL Section 1 Listening Comprehension 50 questions 35 minutes Part A Statements 20 questions Part B Short Dialogs 15 questions

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


üldiselt pealkirja ja ilmumisaasta järele koos lühendiga koost. või toim. Nt: Mis on koolilapsel muret? (1997). Toim. L. Mehilane. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliinik. Ingliskeelses kirjanduses asetatakse koostaja(te)/toimetaja(te) nimi/nimed autori positsioonile koos sulgudes järgneva märkega (Ed.) või (Eds.), saksa keeles (Hrsg.). Nt: Stanton, D. C. (Ed.). (1987). The female autograph: Theory and practice of autobiography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Artiklid Artikli kirje koosneb kahest põhiosast: andmetest artikli ja andmetest väljaande kohta, milles artikkel on avaldatud. Artiklid kogumikus. Artikli autor. Ilmumisaasta sulgudes. Artikli pealkiri. Lühend sõnast "raamatus" (Rmt. või ingliskeelsete teoste puhul In) kogumiku autor(id) või toimetaja, sulgudes märkega Toim.; ingliskeelsetel Ed./Eds.; saksakeelsetel Hrsg.. Kogumiku pealkiri kaldkirjas. Trükikordusandmed

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
16 allalaadimist


). Koodeks · Kuhje- ja puistlastil on mitmeid iseärasusi, mida tuleb arvestada kauba transportimisel ja ladustamisel: pudenevus, loomulik kaldenurk, puistetihedus, koostisosade kuju, haprus, isekuumenemine, -süttimine, kinnikülmumine, -vajumine, metallidel rooste põhjustaja, tervist kahjustav toime jpm · Teatud tingimustes võib kaup nihkuda -> põhjustades õnnetusi Sellest tulenevalt "Puistlastide ohutu veo koodeks" ­ "Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes" · Puistlastide kohta kasutatakse koodeksiga määratletud termineid ja karakteristikuid. Terminid · Kontsentraadid (concentrates) ­ looduslikust maagist keemilise või füüsikalise puhastamise või soovimatute komponentide eemaldamise teel saadud ained. · Varingu kaldenurk (angle of repose) ­ iseloomustab tahkete puistlastide soodumust nihkuda. · Vedeldumispunkt (flow moisture point) ­

Logistika → Lastindus ja laondus
39 allalaadimist


Elements of Journalism". Because journalism's first loyalty is to the citizenry, journalists are obliged to tell the truth and must serve as an independent monitor of powerful individuals and institutions within society. The essence of journalism is to provide citizens with reliable information through the discipline of verification, as well providing a forum for public criticism. Professional and ethical standards In the UK, all newspapers are bound by the Code of Practice of the Press Complaints Commission. This includes points like respecting people's privacy and ensuring accuracy. However, the Media Standards Trust has criticised the PCC, claiming it needs to be radically changed to secure public trust of newspapers. This is in stark contrast to the media climate prior to the 20th Century, where the media market was dominated by smaller newspapers and pamphleteers who usually had an overt and often radical agenda, with no presumption of balance or objectivity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

They state that hunters do not keep population controlled and natural enemies do that instead. They also state that hunters destroy animal families and most animals are injured during the hunt and suffer prolonged death instead instant kill. [7] There are many more organizations that protect the rights of animals, but as seen above all of their views on hunting are negative. Some of them take active steps against hunting be them legal or illegal, some of them just condemn the practice but concentrate on other issues. Kasutatud allikad [1] Animal Aid [WWW] (12.04.2015) [2] Animal Equality [WWW] (12.04.2015) [3] Animal Liberation Front [WWW] (11.04.2015) [4] AnimaNaturalis [WWW] (12.04.2015) [5] Bite Back [WWW] (11.04.2015)

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


kes peavad sellise elu tagama abistades ja nõustades inimesi. Tähtsaks eetika valdkonnaks on ka konfidentsiaalsus, mida ei tohi jätta lugupidamiseta. ALLIKA LOEND Гуцуляк, С. А. (2012). Философия сестренского дела. Научные теории и модели сестринского дела. Иркутск: ГОУ ВПО ИГМУ Минздрава России. Gonzalo, A. (2011). The Principles and Practice of Nursing. (02.01.2015). Nurseslabs. (2014). Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory. (02.01.2015). Sygeplejeråd, D., Vilu, A. Tervis ja õendushooldus. (1998). Callista Roy (191-121). Tartu: Kirjastus ELMATAR. Gonzalo, А. (2011). Florence Nightingale. Nursing: Notes on Nursing. http://nursingtheories

Meditsiin → Meditsiiniteadus
324 allalaadimist

Correlation between brand longevity and the diffusion of innovations theory

it (and with whatever the brand sells). Insiders make the brand seem more legitimate and add credibility. They don’t create revenue straight-forward, however. They define whether the brand really has appeal. If enough of people connect deeply to the brands myth, a magnet effect is created, bringing more people to the fidelity circle. Feeders use the brand as vehicle, to build social solidarity with their acquaintances. DOI theory: Practice and Application in Branding products & Services Branding is pretty much creating or changing perception of the product, in order to influence the favourability towards adoption by the customer segment or mass market. In this article the concept of product brand is used, and differentiated between two categories: Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) – they could add to social value, but rather fulfil a definite purpose. Decisions on these kinds of brands are done rather quickly

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


, Loogna, G. (1998). Kui teil on palavik. Tallinn: Valgus. Roper, N., Logan, W.W., Tierney, A.J. (1999). Õenduse alused. Elamise mudelil põhinev õendusmudel. Tartu: Elmatar. Obuhovets, T., Skljarova, T., Chernova, O. (2005). Osnovõ sestrinskovo dela. Rostov- na-Donu: Feniks. Basak, T., Aciksoz, S., Tosun, B., Akyuz, A., Acikel, C. (2013). Comparison of three different thermometers in evaluating the body temperature of healthy young adult individuals. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 19: 471–478. 9f1b356dcdb2%40sessionmgr4002&vid=0&hid=4206&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2 ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=90562586 (21.10.2014) Varendi, H., Ormisson, A. (2006). Väikelapse tervisehäired ja kuidas nendega toime tulla: juhised lapsevanematele. (18.11.2014) 9

Meditsiin → Tervishoid
43 allalaadimist

F. Nightingale

USA: Dover Publications. 2. Florence Nightingale. (2014). The website. Retrieved 10.00, Okt 05, 2014, from appreciation 3. Gonzalo. (2011). Florence Nightingale. Nursing: Notes on Nursing 4. Masters, K. (2011). Nursing Theories A Framework for Proffessional Nursing Practice. Jones and Bartlett Learning 6

Meditsiin → Õendus
132 allalaadimist


We can also use the Past Continuous in the if-clause and could or might in the main clause: If Jim was playing his guitar, we could not enjoy the silence. Sometimes were is used instead of was, especially in the clause if I were you: If I were you, I wouldn’t eat so much. 1) Impossible conditions: If I were a bird, I could fly. If John was taller, he could become a policeman. 2) Possible in theory, but improbable in practice : If I were the President of Estonia, I would make a lot of changes. If I had a lot of money, I would go to the Amazon Jungle. 3) Impossible speculation: If we could travel in time, I would go to the future. If we knew the future, we could change it. 4) Advice: If I were you, I would go on holiday. You would enjoy better health if you stopped smoking. 3 The Third Conditional

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
25 allalaadimist


Hiina Sandra Silver Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Hiina rahvas Hiina rahvas Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Hiina rahvas · Lamedamad näod, väiksemad ninad, laiemad põsesarnad, mandlikujulised silmad Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Hiina rahvas · Saavutamaks euroopalikumat kahekordset silmalaugu, tehakse massiliselt iluoperatsioone ja toodetakse ka kodusemaid vahendeid oma iluideaali saavutamiseks Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Hiina rahvas · Mehed ei kiilane · Higinäärmed märkimisväärselt väiksemad · 99% inimestest on laktoositalumatud · Enamik jäävad hästi kiiresti purju, selle tulemusena hakkavad iiveldama ja õhetama · Eelistavad põrandal istuda või kükitada füsioloogilise eripära tõttu · Pärinevad sam...

Geograafia → Geograafia
9 allalaadimist

URO Security Council kriis, United nations Legitimacy crisis

Legitimacy! AND UNITED NATIONS CRISIS In this article, we examine the current debate regarding the legitimacy crisis facing the UNSC. We consider its most usual manifestation, namely that the Council faces a crisis of legitimacy because of its inability to constrain the unilaterally inclined hegemonic United States. But we also examine the converse argument that it is the whole UN collective security mechanism (rather than just the Council) that is in crisis. According to this, it is the failure to recognize the unique dangers immanent within the contemporary security environment and the inability of the UN security system to tackle these which is the cause of the current crisis of legitimacy. International society, this position continues, must acknowledge these, and vest in the hegemon the powers it requires in order to meet its global responsibilities. Acknowledging the implications of both of these positions, we argue that th...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


vajadus! SP rakendamise põhjused · Inglismaa ­ Elisabeth I vaesteseadused ­ "tarastamise" (talupojad muutusid hulkuriteks ja kerjusteks, ülestõusud) mõju leevendamine · Saksamaa -Bismarcki sotsiaalturvalisuse programm (1880-tel) ­ välistas revolutsioonilise situatsiooni tekke, tekitas algse a/ü liikumise · Beveridge plaan (1942) ­ II. Maailmasõjast tingitud raskuste ületamine, tööhõivepoliitika · EL sotsiaalpoliitika ­ subsidaarsus, best practice EL SP eesmärk · Järjekindlalt tõsta inimeste elukvaliteeti ja vastavaid heaolu standardeid. · Euroopas on loodud "sotsiaalmudel", mis põhineb Euroopa Sotsiaalhartale (1961, täiendatud 1996), Euroopa Sotsiaalkindlustuskoodeksile (1964) ja Euroopa Põhiõiguste Hartale (Põhiseadusliku lepingu 2.osa), tagab EL liikmesriikide kodanikele juurdepääsu ühele parematest sotsiaalturvalisuse võrgustikest EL SP kujunemislugu

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
186 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

Preparing for exam. Focus areas Defining innovation ● “An innovation is an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an individual or other unit of adoption.” (Rogers 1952) ● CIS survey: “Product innovations must be new to your enterprise, but they do not need to be new to your market”. ● “Companies achieve competitive advantage through acts of innovation. They approach innovation in its broadest sense, including both new technologies and new ways of doing things” – (Porter 1990)

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist


the Arabs; whereas the Chinese identified every color with a philosophical or religious concept, the Arabs associated specific colors with dynasties and individual leaders. Another interpretation of the Arab colours, from the last century, and based on the words of the poet Safi al-Din al-H'ily In the West, flags were introduced during the Crusades, and derived from the struggles between Christians and Muslims. In the Christian world the practice of bestowing banners previously blessed by the Pope became a tradition of high significance at this time and followed the ceremonial forms set by pre-Christian Rome. These banners were generally called `pallia' and like the previously mentioned cloak of Mohammed, they were originally garments. It is interesting to note that pallia were dedicated to St. Augustine (354-430), Charlemagne (742- 814), and William the Conqueror (1028-1087). The cloak of St. Martin was another garment that

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist

Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine

Õde peab vastutama, et laps hingaks ja jälgima lapse jume muutust. Kõikidest hingamise muutustest ja normist kõrvalekalletest peab õde tegema märkmeid vastavas osakonnas kasutusel olevasse õendusdokumentatsiooni ning vajadusel teavitama arsti lapse üldseisundi halvenemisest (Lauri & Lehti 2000). Tabel 5. Tunnused ja sümptomid, mis viitavad lapse hingamispuudulikkusele (Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practice Guidlines 2005) Kliinilised Vastsündinud Lapsed tunnused Hingamissagedus Hingamissagedus jääb Hingamissagedus jääb väljapoole normipiire: väljapoole normipiire: · 30-60 x` · Väike laps: 24-40 x` · Koolilaps: 18-30 x` · Nooruk: 12-16 x`

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
94 allalaadimist

Anglo - Saxon

produced the exchange of vows which are now part of the Anglican wedding ceremony . This was also time for bride price and dowry to be exchanged. The ceremony was sealed with a drink and a kiss. The first marriages were by capture. The groom, with the help of his warrior friends (his best men), would steal into another tribe's camp and kidnap the woman of his choice. By the time they were found, the bride was already pregnant. Marriage by purchase became the preferred practice, being less stressful for all involved. The word wedding is from the Anglo-Saxon word "wedd," meaning to wager or gamble. It referred to the vow the man gave to marry another man's daughter or to the goods or bride price. Arranged marriages also took place and neither the bride or groom had a say in it. Most of these deals took place at the birth of the girl for the same purposes as marriage by purchase.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
20 allalaadimist

Irish National Costums

Kool Irish National Customs Nimi Tallinn 2009 Customs of Ireland i would like to talk about their families their holidays. the irish are a very cultural people and they're proud of all they've got. Marriage and Family People usually marry in their early to mid-20s. Most weddings are performed in a church, but a minority are also performed in a registry office. After marriage, many people in rural areas stay close to their family's home and visit frequently. Many couples, particularly in the cities, live together before or instead of marriage. Typically, the bonds between siblings in an Irish family are especially strong. In rural areas, extended families often live near one another, and family members who have moved to Dublin or overseas in search o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Word formation for advanced level

WORD FORMATION Exercise I 1. Chestnut honey provides quick and ............. relief.(EFFECT) 2. Come rain, wind or shine these snapdragons give a superb display over an ....................... long period. (EXCEPTION) 3. Dreaming of a beautiful home for your ........................... .(RETIRE)? Enjoy lifetime ownership of a luxury home for an ................. price.(AFFORD) 4. The post-war decline in beer ......................... was practically halted last year. (CONSUME) 5. Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and ..................therewith.(HATE) 6. In the first quarter of the 18th century people began to realise the ......................... of hygiene to public health.(IMPORTANT) 7. The ....................collapse of the Roman Empire lasted for nearly three hundred years before its final dissolution in AD 476.(GRADE) 8. Jamie's ....................of the night's events is hazy but the tabloids will re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

responsible to the nation. But it should retain all the advantages of small enterprise: plants that are small enough to be managed efficiently. With knowledge would come power. Better educated men and women, freed from the bonds of social subservience, would see more clearly the society in which they wished to live and guide more firmly the conduct of democratic policy by which alone their hopes can slowly be established in the practice of the nation. Economic planning and social equality are the ideas upon whose slow growth the purification of our social order chiefly ends. Before we can gather harvests or walk through open doors, we mus fight, endure and win this war. Victory is essential to social progress for two reasons. In the first place a continuity of our national freedom is a necessary condition for the healthy development of our society.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keele konspekt

Giving examples: For example, for instance, namely Adding information: And, In addition, As well as, Also, Too, Furthermore, Moreover, Apart from, In addition to, Besides Summarising: In short, in brief, in summary, to summarise, in a nutshell (kokkuvõtvalt), to conclude, in conclusion Sequencing ideas: The former, ... the latter, Firstly, secondly, finally, The first point is, Lastly, The following Using linking words is a very good practice to get a good mark! Oral 1. Alguses on sissejuhatav jutt. Ole ilmekas, kasuta head sõnavara. 2. Tõmbad endale teema ja saad ettevalmistusaega 3 minutit. Valmistud monoloogiks ja räägid kokku 2 minutit, ilma vahele segamiseta. o Monoloogi skeem: a) Topic: (minu teema on...) b) My general opinion: c) Firstly d) Secondly e) Thirdly f) In addition... (lisa mingi hea mõte, kui tuleb)

Keeled → Inglise keel
383 allalaadimist

European Union

Almost in all the territory of the European Union can travel without passport and border checks For personal usage everyone may buy goods without limits and extra taxes from a country where it is cheaper. Common money euro enables buyer to compare the prices in member countries where that currency is in use. Travelling to member countries has become simpler because the discomfort and expenses related to changing the currency is forgotten Over two million young people has been studying or practice in some other EU countries via European Union. Union does not decide the content of schooling programs, but guarantee that acquired education and qualification will be accepted in other EU member states. Because pollution doesn't recognize borderlines the member countries of EU have taken common measures in many areas. Therefore it's not surprising that the rivers and beaches of Europe have become cleaner, the mashines pollute less and there have been established strict rules on waste treatment

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Saksakeele Reeglid

Unser alter Hund hat die neuen Schuhe von unserem freundlichen Vater gegessen. 4. She went to a fantastic restaurant and saw a great (=toll) movie. Sie ist in ein fantastisches Restaurant gegangen und hat einen tollen Film gesehen. 5. This new chapter has hard grammar and bad sentences. Dieses neue Kapitel hat schwere (schwierige) Grammatik und schlechte Sätze. H. Schon genug? If you've had enough practice, feel free to stop here. But if you have time and enough stamina, try filling in the endings in the following paragraphs on articles as well as adjectives. As you do this, see if you can move away from following your flow chart directly at some point, we hope you'll be able to know the correct adjective ending without having to work through every single question. Note: you may need no ending at all on some articles or adjectives. If no ending is needed, place an X in the blank.

Keeled → Saksa keel
11 allalaadimist


Valimi kvaliteet oleneb mitte ainult valimi koostamise eeskirjast, vaid ka (ja sageli isegi tunduvalt suuremal määral) selle eeskirja realiseerimisest: · valimisse kuuluvad mitteuuritud objektid. · andmeaugud uuritud objektidel mõõdetud parameetrites. Eksisteerivad mitmesugused sellelaadsete vigade korrigeerimismeetodid. Kirjandust 1. I. Traat, J. Inno. Tõenäosuslik valikuuring. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 1997. 2. E. Babbie. The Practice of Social Research. Eight Edition. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998. 3. W. G. Cochran. Sampling Techniques. New York: Wiley, 1977. 4. L. Kish. Survey Sampling. New York: Wiley, 1965.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
34 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun