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✍🏽 Avalikusta oma sahtlis olevad luuletused! Sulge

"practical" - 276 õppematerjali

practical - mechanical-spatial-physical - k:m

Avalikud suhted (spikker) suhtekorraldus , avalikud suhted , public relations , avalikkus , PR , meediamonitooring ,

Arendus/raha kogum- vajadus näidata ja julgustada avalikkust toetama, peam annetustega. PRSA- 1944- The Public Relations Society of America Multikultuursed suhted- erinev kultuuriline taust in ja gruppidel. PRJ- 1944- Public Relations Journal Eriüritused- mõeldud huvi tekitam in, tootele v organis suunatud sündmuse abil. PPR- 1947- käsiraamat Practical Public Relations Reklaam- keskendunud välistele auditooriumitele, peam toodetele ja tarbijale. Tellijal valik kus ja kuidas PRQ- 1955- Public Relations Quartly reklaam ilmub. Ül- müüa tooteid ja teenuseid. SK ül- luua organisats arendamist soodustav keskkond. Globaalne sk: al 1965. Kõrgtehnoloogia, ülemaailmne konkurents, maailmamaj kujunemine ja kasv, Ajakirjandus- Sk on välja kasvanud ajakirjandusest

Sotsioloogia → Avalikud suhted
18 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

metrical emphasis, thought and feeling -> sense of harmony between poet and reader. The reader and poet have to understand how much personal emotion a poem can bear without disturbing the desired balance. Sense of timelessness (relationship between the experience of past and this day). Balance presentation of different emotional states. Both parties are to exercise their judgement. In 17th C retreat to Nature meant retirement from practical business to ideal contemplation. In 18th C turning from ambotion to usefulness. Emphasis on the varied hues of nature. British countryside attuned to the ideals of a new urban bourgeoisie, patriotic, pastoral, classical and sentimental. Winchilsea: A Nocturnal Reverie James Thomson: The Seasons – appreciate colour in the universe, it is scientific and descriptive. To The Memory of Sir Isaac Newton

Keeled → British literature
23 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

uphill struggle ­ it is `beyond the pale', not the done thing. (Pollitt and Bouckaert 2004: 201) In PA, the problem is that on the one hand, experts are hired both on the basis of fashionability and of their capacity to suggest change, not to say that things should remain as they are ­ the main reason why international consultancy has gone strongly for NPM. On the other hand, for politicians it is very practical to turn to experts, because it alleviates them from the pressure to, first, find out what the proper decision should be and, second, to implement possibly unpopular measures. Under the cloak of efficiency, NPM specifically returns decision-making to the allegedly expert bureaucrat, therefore removing political control, and that also means political responsibility, from the political sphere. "It may be convenient for politicians

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Vormistamine ülesanne 3

For a good introduction into designing and writing effective questions, see Fowler and Cosenza (Chapter 8). It should be emphasized that even carefully designed questionnaires may contain errors and that a questionnaire should always be evaluated and pretested before it may be used in a survey. In Chapter 10 Campanelli provides the reader with information about the different methods for testing survey questions and gives practical guidelines on the implementation of each of the methods. Respondents can be a source of error in their own right when they provide incorrect information. 15 This may be unintentional, for instance when a respondent does not understand the question or when a respondent has difficulty remembering an event. But a respondent can also give incorrect

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
2 allalaadimist

Energeetika arengu plaanimine

TW, equivalent to 54,000 MToE (million tons of oil equivalent) per year, or over five times the world's current energy use in all forms. The potential takes into account only locations with mean annual wind speeds 6.9 m/s at 80 m. It assumes 6 turbines per square kilometer for 77 m diameter, 1.5 MW turbines on roughly 13% of the total global land area (though that land would also be available for other compatible uses such as farming). The authors acknowledge that many practical barriers would need to be overcome to reach this theoretical capacity. Advantages Wind energy is fueled by the wind, so it's a clean fuel source. Wind energy doesn't pollute the air like power plants that rely on combustion of fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas. Wind turbines don't produce atmospheric emissions that cause acid rain or greenhouse gasses. Wind energy is a domestic source of energy, produced in the United States. The nation's wind supply is abundant.

Elektroonika → Energeetika arengu plaanimine
38 allalaadimist

Optiliste sensorite kasutamine veearvestite taatlusprotsessis

of water meters. While writing this thesis the author studied the working principle of optical sensors, analysed different solutions, disregarding all that did not suit the needs of this work and concentrated on thouse that showed the most potential. Also the calibration method of water meters was carefully examined, which stated the requirements that the optical sensors should fullfill while working. The practical part of the work was made simpler by authors two years of experience with water meters and measuring equipment used for the process. The results in table 8.1 show that the measuring deviation during the process stays well within the deviation calculated by the calibration of Metrosert AS water meter measuring equipment. Using one optical sensor with the process decreases the time consumption by 6.25 %. Equipping the

Materjaliteadus → Materjalitehnika
8 allalaadimist

English portfolio

early 19th centuries. During the Enlightenment, the Lutheran church, under Baltic German control, also adopted theological rationalism which relied on human reason in interpreting the Bible, and reduced Christianity to the status of mere moral teaching. The popular literature of the time directed at the peasantry was the foundation of secular literature in the Estonian language. The purpose of Enlightenment literature was to offer the peasants, in an easily understandable form, some practical advice and knowledge: especially in the field of medicine. Against the background of such political moderation, two critics of serfdom clearly stand out. They represent two generations of the Livonian Enlightenment -- pastor Johann Georg Eisen (1717­1779) and the man of letters Garlieb Merkel (1769­1850). Eisen was not merely concerned with the Baltic provinces, but he was the first to demand the abolition of serfdom and the peasants' right to land throughout Russia

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

Tallinn University  Natural and exact sciences  Molecular Biochemistry and Ecology                  Maria Gnidenko     Capillary electrophoresis     Essay                   Supervisor: Kert Martma                 Tallinn  2015    Table of contents Acronyms and symbols used  Introduction  History and development  Physical basis and principle of separation  Elektrophoresis  Electroosmotic flow  Separation process  Electrodispersion  Various methods of separation  Capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)  ...

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist


far as all these cultures—including the Western —were concerned. Cryptology was born among the Arabs. They were the first to discover and write down the methods of cryptanalysis. The people that exploded out of Arabia in the 600s and flamed over vast areas of the known world swiftly engendered one of the highest civilizations that history -had yet seen. Science flowered. Arab medicine and mathematics became the best in the world—from the latter, in fact, comes the word "cipher." Practical arts flourished. Administrative techniques developed. The exuberant creative energies of such a culture, excluded by its religion from painting or sculpture, and inspired by it to an explication of the Holy Koran, poured into literary pursuits. Storytelling, exemplified by Sheherazade's Thousand and One Nights, word-riddles, rebuses, puns, anagrams, and similar games abounded; grammar became a major study. And included was secret writing.

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Funktsionaalsed signaaliprotsessorid

instituut. 66 Kirjandus VHDL-I kohta K. Tammemäe. "Riistvara kirjeldamiskeel VHDL", TTÜ, 1992, 2002. Chang, K.C, "Digital systems design with VHDL and synthesis: an integrated approach". IEEE Computer Society, c1999. David Pellerin, Douglas Taylor, "VHDL Made Easy!", Prentice Hall PTR, 1997. Smith, Douglas J., "HDL chip design: A practical guide for designing, synthesizing and simulating ASICs and FPGAs using VHDL or Verilog", 1997. Toomas Ruuben. TTÜ Raadio ja sidetehnika 133 instituut. Verilog omadused Alternatiiv VHDL-ile On püütud luua võimalikult "C++" sarnane, sisaldab "if", "while" jne. tsükleid Põhirõhk on pandud reaalajas töötlemisele Baseerub moodulite hierarhial Moodulid on defineeritud sisend-väljund ja kahesuunaliste

Informaatika → Funktsionaalsed...
47 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

Emotion regulation in relation.. 1 Emotion regulation in relation to physiological stress response. University Name Research Project Module Code: xx 2007-2008 Supervised by xxx Word count: 7261 Emotion regulation in relation.. 2 Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between psychological and the biological stress response. It is known that humans, interacting with each other or their environment, have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. These emotional responses are linked to changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine systems, which are essen...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist


mutual confidence between the parties. Increasing trust between the police officers and assistant policemen can grow only through the cooperation, better preparation process of assistant policemen, thorough more training and also through actual police work. The survey results also revealed, that both parties see a significant problem of assistant policemen rights to act by law, which in many cases do not allow them to do practical work in full 27 involvement. The author of the research estimates, that at least a part of the responsibilities and rights of assistant policemen haven't thoroughly analyzed by legislator. One objective of the research was also to examine which countries are involving volunteers to the police activities and what we can learn from their experience. Because of our neighboring

Õigus → Õigus
8 allalaadimist

KUURORDIKONTSEPTSIOONI DISAINIMINE PÄRNU LINNA NÄITEL phase-of-innovation/]. 13.02.2011 64 25. Glover, Vince, Dalton, Hayley. Assessment guidance for Edexcel GCE in Travel and Tourism ­ Unit 3: Destination Europe. [ documents/Applied%20GCE/260930_Unit3_Destination_Europe_guidance.pdf]. 03.05.2011 26. Godfrey, Kerry, Clarke, Jackie. The Tourism Development Handbook. A Practical Approach to Planning and Marketing. London. New York: Continuum, 2000, 232 p. 27. Goldberg, Walther A. The Rocky Road from a Command Economy to a Market Economy. ­ Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 1992, 41: pp. 329­331. 28. Guide for Local Authorities on Developing Sustainable Tourism. Madrid: World Tourism Organisation, 2001, 194 p. 29. Gummesson, Evert. Total Relationship Marketing. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann, Second Edition, 2002, 350 p. 30. Gunn, Clare A

Majandus → Turundus
54 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

home. He is a resourceful, inventive man and always finds food, clothing, and blankets whenever he and his friends need them. Albert Kropp - One of Paul's classmates who serves with Paul in the Second Company. An intelligent, speculative young man, Kropp is one of Paul's closest friends during the war. His interest in analyzing the causes of the war leads to many of the most critical antiwar sentiments in the novel. Müller - One of Paul's classmates. Müller is a hardheaded, practical young man, and he plies his friends in the Second Company with questions about their postwar plans. Tjaden - One of Paul's friends in the Second Company. Tjaden is a wiry young man with a voracious appetite. He bears a deep grudge against Corporal Himmelstoss. Kantorek - A pompous, ignorant, authoritarian schoolmaster in Paul's high school during the years before the war. Kantorek places intense pressure on Paul and his classmates to fulfill their "patriotic duty" by enlisting in the army.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

prelim year 1

these are the main problems. But that’s why we need lawyers, so the more incomprehensible these texts and sentences are, more work there will be for me. 19. Provision of legal services Legal service – work done by a lawyer for a client Immigration – coming to live in a foreign country Employment – being paid to work for a company or organization Deprived – not having the things that are necessary for a pleasant life Legal aid – a system of providing free advice about the law and practical help with legal matters Consumer problems – issues with buying goods or services Remedy – a successful way of dealing with a problem Legal system – the organizations and people who work in the area of law Funding – money given by a government or organization for an event or activity Legal services are a system that provides help in matters concerning law. Lawyers are often reluctant to establish their offices in deprived areas, as a result there is an unmet need for legal

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
21 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

Arengu uuringud 1.Sissejuhatus. Areng kui konstrukt Areng kui vaatepunkt ja mõõdupuu Areng – tänase maailma keskne vaatepunkt elule + mõõdupuu toimuva hindamiseks -Erinevad kontekstid - arengueesmärgid, arengumaad, arenguabi, firma arengu kavandamine, arenenud isiksus, alaarenenud, arengupeetusega, arengu mõõdikud, arengufond ... -Areng - vaatepunkt, mis tähtsustab muutust, annab sellele suuna ning väärtustab selles “suunas” liikumist. Kasutusel nii argielus (alaarenenud naaber), poliitikas (arenguabi, arengufond), äris (strateegiline arengukavandamine), uurimistöös (arengumõõdikud) -Interdistsiplinaarsus - arengut uuritakse sotsioloogias (social change), psühholoogias (arengupsühholoogia), ajaloos (ideede ajalugu), poliitikateadustes (global development), välja on kujunenud omaette uurimisvaldkond “arengu-uuringud” (development studies) -“Arengu” alusel kujunevad hoiakud ja otsused – arenguhindamise tööstus! Lähenemine – sotsiaalteadu...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

ENGLISH TOPICS - palju teemasid inglise keele riigieksami kordamiseks

The National Union of Students was founded in 1922. It operates through local branches in colleges and universities. It promotes the educational, social and general interests of students. But certainly the most numerous is the Scout Association, founded in 1908 for boys and in 1910 for girls by Lord Baden-Powel. The Scout movement is to encourage a sense of adventure and of responsibility for others among young people. The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills, to promote health and a sense of service. Scout training is complementary to the ordinary education. Scouts train in mapping, signalling, first aid and all the skills that arise from camping and similar outdoor activities. British scouts take part in international scout meetings, which are held approximately every four years. The membership in this or that youth organization is not compulsory in Great Britain. But everyone can find the activity he likes most.

Keeled → Inglise keel
180 allalaadimist

Business peciliarities in Ukraine and Bealrus

................................................104 ABOUT TRADERUN PROGRAMME ..................................................................................106 3 INTRODUCTION The current reading material focuses on business peculiarities in Ukraine and Belarus. *** The aim of the Traderun programme course "FUNDING PROJECTS IN RUSSIA AND EASTERN PARTNERSHIP COUNTRIES" is to provide the students with comprehensive and practical overview of the fundraising possibilities in EU and Estonia. The course gives an overview of EU structural support and regional implementing agencies, that are available for a businessman to apply for a fund. A successful student will be aware of and understand the EU fundraising possibilities in the frames of cooperation with Russian and Eastern Partnership countries, and able to define the financing criteria and priorities.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kaasaegse ergonoomika alused

IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 7. Pp. 234-236. Kinoe, Y., Mori, H., Sugita, N., Hayashi, Y. Intelligent support for developing latent relationships among ideas, a methodology based on genetic programming. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 5. Pp. 193-195. Kirchner, J.-H. European standards concerning ergonomics. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 2. Pp. 367-369. Kivistö-Rahnastö, J. New European machine safety regulations: practical evidences in design. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 3. Pp. 336338- Konz, S. Work Design: Industrial Ergonomics. 3rd ed. Scottsdale, Arizona. Publishing Horizons, 1990. Konz, S., Evans, M., Davis, R. Hand tremor: recovery time after exertion. From Experience to Innovation. IEA '97. Helsinki. 1997. Vol. 3. Pp. 539-541. Kristjuhan, Ü. Väsimuse mõõtmine. Tehnika ja Tootmine. 1975. Nr. 5. Kristjuhan, Ü. Determination of small changes of perimeters of human limbs

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
48 allalaadimist

Lõputööde vormistamine

The aim of the present work was to put up writing regulations/directions for the students to correctly execute their written works, attempting to avoid negligence, oversights, misprints, spelling, grammatical and stylistic errors and mistakes in drawing- ups. By compiling the present Guide the relevant regulations of Tallinn University of Technology, University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Public Service Academy of Estonia and Estonian University of Life Sciences and also practical student research works (reports, subject and term papers, course projects, bachelor and master works) were referred to. The existent Guide for the Presentation of Undergraduate Works is obligatory to pursue for the students of Institute of Technology of Estonian University of Life Sciences. At the same time, it is, partially or as a whole, of service at other educational institutions. 2 SISUKORD EESSÕNA................................

Majandus → Riskianalüüs
275 allalaadimist


different Estonian ICT enterprises took part. Thirdly author carried out an interview with Marius Arras who is very competent to talk about the recruitment of project manager and executive director position, because he has not only worked as a project manager and a executive director, but he has also hired persons to the position of a project manager and an executive director. Besides describing recruitment in ICT sector this research also gives a practical advice, how to recruit, for example, how to construct a work advertise. Author thinks that this research is the most useful to person, who starts his own ICT enterprise, but hasn't got experience in finding employers. This research could be continued by interviewing and inquiring more ICT entrepreneurs. LISAD Lisa 1. IKT ettevõtted töötajate arvu järgi ning panus tööhõivesse (Jürgenson et al 2009: 10) Lisa 2

Tehnoloogia → Aastatöö
7 allalaadimist

Naljandid ja anekdoodid

tõsised ja põhjustavad kurbust, vastikust vm. negatiivseid tundeid, siis lakkavad nad olemast naljakad. Hukkamõistu ja üleoleku objektid Nali on hea ja halva segu: rõõmu, enesejaatuse, lõõgastuse segu vaenu, põlguse ja parastamisega. Nimetasime just äparduste valvenäiteid. Mitte liiga tõsiste äparduste tahtlikuks esilekutsumiseks on kujunenud terve hulk traditsioonilisi vorme, folkloorseid mänge e. nn. vempe (ingl. practical jokes): fotodele tehakse sarvi; kaaslaste rõivaselgadele kinnitatakse sabasid või silte totrate kirjadega, nagu Olen loll ja otsin naist vms.; poikvel uste ülaservale asetatakse veetopsikuid; alleedele kootakse niidist ämblikuvõrke; toolipõhjadele pannakse knopkasid või nõelu; aknalaual istujate kuklale fokuseeritakse õuest suurendusklaase; magavate kaaslaste kõrva ääres valatakse vett solinal klaasist

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
9 allalaadimist

Majandusalased uurimismeetodid

causal variables used in the research program. · Kuidas -> eksperiment, case study 4. Innovaatilisus. ,,Innovativeness: it transcends commonsense`` solutions and provides nonobvious insights into practical · Miks -> eksperiment, case study problems. (Yin, 2003: 5) 5. Realiseerimise hind. ,,Cost of implementation: the solutions

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused
81 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL ÕIGUSTEADUSKOND TALLINNAS Eraõiguse instituut Taavi Käärid NANOTEHNOLOOGILISED LEIUTISED PATENDIÕIGUSES: VÄLJAKUTSED JA VÕIMALUSED Uurimustöö Juhendaja: Aleksei Kelli Tallinn 2011 2 SISUKORD 1. Nanotehnoloogia ja Patenteerimine........................................................................................ 6 1.1 Nanotehnoloogiliste lahenduste patenteerimine Ühendriikides ja Euroopas....................9 1.2 Patendipuhtus, leiutustase ja tööstuslik kasutatavus.......................................................13 1.3 Mittepatenteeritavad leiutised.........................................................................................16 2. Patenteerimisega seotud takistused..............

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

Participants typically totalled four years of travel experience, with three of them having travelled the longest at 17 years (Table 1). Variations within the participants’ travel experiences are discussed in the next section. In both India and Thailand, I entered the field again as a ‘traveller’ and for the first time as a researcher. Drawing on my travel experiences, I blended back into backpacker culture by dressing in somewhat worn casual attire, a practical style common among backpackers in South Asia (Hottola, 2008), socialising with them and moving through daily practices in the 5 same networks of accommodation and eating facilities (see also Davidson, 2005; Sørensen, 2003). Lugosi (2006) notes that communicating one’s research identity to prospective participants is typically abrupt or incremental, lying between overt and covert. Through many

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Mageveekäsna Ephydatia fluviatilis populatsiooni geneetiline analüüs

2. Robustness of the method). Nevertheless, in whole ITS region cannot be presented using this approach, the practice there is much more available material for characterization results provide specific profiles for every individual analysed. Even of an individual and the analysis of a single gemmule is neither though the results of direct sequencing may not describe the actual necessary nor practical. and entire set of sequence variants (i.e. which combinations of There have been only a few studies describing intraindividual heterogeneities exist), these results are reproducible; accordingly heterogeneity in sponges. In the first publication [16], the ITS the method is applicable. The sequences obtainable from clones of region of the marine sponge Crambe crambe was analysed. The

Bioloogia → Eesti loomad
1 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

LISA 1. Näidis andmebaas SUGUPUU.mdb CD'l........................................................1 SISSEJUHATUS............................................................................................................2 1.ANDMEBAASI MÕISTE TUTVUSTUS..................................................................4 2.ANDMEBAASISÜSTEEMI ACCESS KÄIVITAMINE JA ANDMEBAASI LOOMINE..................................................................................................................... 6 3.ANDMEBAASI TABELID........................................................................................8 4.EBASOBIVATE ANDMETE BLOKEERIMINE....................................................13 4.1.Vormingud......................................................................................................... 13 4.2.Sisestuseeskiri.................................................................................................... 14 4...

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist

Sujuvkäivitid ja sagedusmuundurid

AC (Tõlge eesti keeĮde T. Lelrtla 1998)' 62 p' 6. AC Speed Corrtrol Equipment VAT3FDv, ATC, Attachnrent of VAT3FD Manttaļ' p' Gener.įl Electric Power Control. (Tõlge eesti keeļde T. Lehtļa 1998). l9 L ASTAT-SD' AST'AT-C ja ASTAT-CD soft starters, User Manual. General Electr'įc Power Control. (Tõlge eesti keeide T. Lehtla |998)'21 p' Drive Engineerirrg - Practical Įmplementation, Volunre 1, Geared Irrotor drives- ĪVIetļrods 8. anct exarn:pĮes of calculation. SEW Euroclr'ive 1998. |21p. (T'õlge ecsti keelde T. LelrtĮa, 1e99). 9. Drive Engineering - Practical Implementaticn, Volume 5, Project planning of AC drives fed by frequency invefiers. SEW Eurodrive. 1997 ' 59 p'

Elektroonika → Elektrotehnika ja elektroonika
27 allalaadimist

Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine

, Tierney, A. J. 1999. Õendusealused. Tartu: Elmatar, 137-144 Rusconi, F., Castagneto, M., Gagliardi, L. (1994.) Reference values for respiratory rate in the first 3 years of life.// Pediatrics, 94, 350-355 Sadowski, R., Dechert, R. E., Bandy, K. P., Juno, J., Bhatt-Mehta, V., Custer, J. R., Moler, F. W., Bratton, S. L. (2004.) Continuous Quality Improvement: reducing unplanned extubations in a pediatric intensive care unit.// Pediatrics, 114, 628-632 Scales, K., Pilsworth, J. (2007.) A practical guide to extubation. // Nursing Standard, 22(2), 44-48 Schell, K. A. (2006.) Evidence-Based Practice: noninvasive blood pressure measurement in children.// Pediatric Nursing, 32(3), 263-267 Sheppard, M., Wright, M.(toim.) 2006. Principles and Practice of High Dependency Nursing. Edinburgh: Elsevier, 92-109 Sinha, S. K., Donn, S. M. 2000. Manual of Neonatal Respiratory Care. New York: Futura Publishing Company Inc, 364-381 Smith-Temple, J., Young Johnson, J. 1998

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
94 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Amsterdam, had a well-known collection of art and coins, and de Wilde's daughter Maria de Wilde made an engraving of the meeting between Peter and her father, providing visual evidence of "the beginning of the West European classical tradition in Russia". According to Roger Tavernier, Peter the Great later acquired de Wilde's collection. Thanks to the mediation of Nicolaes Witsen, mayor of Amsterdam and expert on Russia, the Tsar was given the opportunity to gain practical experience in the largest shipyard in the world, belonging to the Dutch East India Company, for a period of four months. The Tsar helped with the construction of an East Indiaman especially laid down for him: Peter and Paul. During his stay the Tsar engaged many skilled workers such as builders of locks, fortresses, shipwrights, and seamen--including Cornelis Cruys, a vice-admiral who became, under Franz Lefort, the Tsar's advisor in maritime affairs. Peter later put his knowledge of

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

2001a; Kang et complex than “meat,” unless the treatments al. 2001a; Kotula and Thelappurate 1994; do not cause substantial changes in meat Table 3.1). Some discoloration may occur on properties and thus can be designated as a the surface (to a 2–3 mm depth) of trimmings “processing aid.” subjected to multiple decontamination treat- ments, especially in those including heat and Overview of Practical acid. The discoloration of meat cuts by hot- Improvements Achieved by water treatment depends on the quality of Decontamination meat (normal, dark-firm-dry, or pale soft exudative), the type of tissue (i.e., muscle vs. The Pathogen Reduction final rule (USDA- fat, or pork vs. beef), and the rigor (i.e. pre- FSIS 1996c) established microbial testing vs

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

amplifier. Transistori tööpõhimõte:  Transistor Three elements solid-state device for amplifying, controlling electrical signals.  Principle Current flows from emitter through base into collector; Switching - Base current on, collector current flows - Switching; Amplification - Base current regulates large amount of collector current. 1949  Maurice Wilkes assembled the EDSAC, the first practical stored-program computer, at Cambridge University. His ideas grew out of the Moore School lectures he had attended three years earlier. For programming the EDSAC, Wilkes established a library of short programs called subroutines stored on punched paper tapes. TECHNOLOGY: vacuum tubes MEMORY: 1K words, 17 bits, mercury delay line SPEED: 714 operations per second 1950 Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis built the ERA 1101, the first

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist


...... By the local Tourist Office, a position I have held for three years. In the course of my present job , I have been responsible for planning and organisation of ..... My duties have included secretarial work as well as . . . I graduated in Business Administration from Dundee University in 1990. I was employed as a cashier with Barclays Bank from 1988 to 1992. I attended the Lycee Paul Bert , where I obtained the baccalaureate in 1989. During my apprenticeship I obtained practical training in all aspects of the catering trade. l am used to working under pressure / working to a deadline / working as a part of a team. I am familiar with Word for Windows / recent developments in the industry..... . I also have some knowledge of accountancy , having kept the books for my father's business............. PARAGRAPH 3 I believe the post you offer will give me the opportunity to . . . I am especially keen to work in an organization such as yours which has a reputation

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Kirjandusteaduse alused

Kaugus ja impersonaalsus Naturaliseerimine 24 Erilise tähtsuse omistamine Metafoorne ja temaatiline ühtsus UUSKRIITIKA 49.Tekkepõhjused ja põhialused Tekkepõhjused 1940 - 1950ndad, alguse saanud 20. saj. alguses Toetub modernistlike luuletajate Ezra Poundi ja T. S. Elioti töödele, mõjutatud modernistlikust esteetikast laiemalt. J. C. Ransom The New Criticism (1941), I. A. Richards, Practical Criticism (1929); The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1936), W. Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity (1930), C. Brooks & R. P. Warren Understanding Poetry (1938), Understanding Fiction (1943) Uuskriitika moto "The text itself" > tekstikesksus Põhiline uuritav zanr < luule Põhimõisted, alused Intentional fallacy ­ kavatsuslik eksitus Affective fallacy ­ tundmuslik eksitus Põhimeetod: lähilugemine e. eksplikatsioon (close reading), detailne ja nünssidele

Kirjandus → Kirjandusteadus
46 allalaadimist

Superstar 1 tests

No, I don't like the Spice Girls. Marks: /10 Words, words, words 4 Complete these sentences using the correct form of the words below. There is one extra word which you do not need to use. aggressive nervous dull funny easy-going ambitious expensive usual experienced successful practical 1 She told a very ________________________ joke and everyone laughed. 2 She's a very ________________________ person. She will do anything to become famous. 3 They didn't give him the job because he was ________________________. He had never done anything like that before. 4 This is a very ________________________ animal. I've never seen one like it before. 5 I get very ________________________ before an exam and when I go to the dentist.

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist


applying for new loans with a view to amplifying its activities. The main reason for the selection of the subject matter of this thesis is its actuality and importance from the point of view of successful action of the enterprise and it is possible to develop this subject matter in the forthcoming papers. The evaluation of the profit and loss and, consequently, drawing conclusions and making proposals attribute a practical value to this thesis. In order to attain the objective, several methods of analysing solvency and financial statements on the basis of which the analysis will be conducted, are studied. The main methods on which the analysis is based, is the analysis of ratios and a horizontal and vertical analysis. The analyses are carried out by way of using the annual reports of AS Even of three years (2003-2005). This enterprise is chosen as an object of study since AS

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
415 allalaadimist


Ernest Holmes, founder of Science of Mind, opened my eyes and heart to the incredible universe of potential contained within each person when they changed their thinking and changed their lives. Great spiritual teachers such as Charles Fillmore, Neville, Eric Butterworth, Wayne Dyer, and Roberto Assagioli have had a profound influence on my thinking. I would also like to thank those great practical thinkers on suc- cess who have had such a wonderful influence on me—and on the world—such as Napoleon Hill, Maxwell Maltz, Claude Bristol, David Schwarz, W. Clement Stone, Earl Nightingale, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Dennis Waitley, and Charlie Jones. Business thinkers such as Peter Drucker, Andrew Grove, Ken Blanchard, Warren Bennis, Tom Peters, Nido Qubein, and Marshall

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

1 2 3 , , , 4 , 5 , 9, 10-, by Mariusz Maciejewsk, 12/2016 6 ­ R. Barents "Charges have an Equivalent effect on Customs Duties" (1978) 15CNL rev 415 7 - Paul Craig, Gráinne de Búrca, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, p.613, 617, 618, 2015 8 - From the four main articles (34-37), the greatest practical importance for the realization of the freedom of movement of goods and the formation of a single internal market for the EU is art. 34 on the prohibition of quantitative import restrictions and measures equivalent to quantitative restrictions. The Treaty on the functioning of the European Union does not define either key concepts or the mechanism for implementing Art. 34. This task in this case (as in all others) is

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Andmeturve konspekt / kokkuvõte

· Viirused, ussid, trooja hobused, tagauksed, ... · Privaatsus ja anonüümsus Internetis · Pöördkodeerimine, seadused, kopeerimiskaitsed, ... Kirjandus · Infosüsteemide turve 1: turvarisk. Vello Hanson, Märt Laur, Monika Oit, Kristjan Alliksoo. Cybernetica AS, Tallinn 2009 · Infosüsteemide turve 2: turbetehnoloogia. Vello Hanson, Ahto Buldas, Tarvi Martens, Helger Lipmaa, Arne Ansper, Viljar Tulit. Küberneetika AS, Tallinn 1998 · Security Engineering. Ross Anderson, Wiley 2001 · Practical UNIX & Internet Security. Simson Garfinkel, Gene Spafford. Second edition. O'Reilly 1996 (tasuta, aga vanavõitu) · Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker. William R. Cheswick and Steven M. Bellovin. Addison-Wesley, 1994 (tasuta), 2011; · Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World. Bruce Schneier. John Wiley & Sons 2000 1. Turvaeesmärgid · Käideldavus (availability) -- varad peavad olema kasutatavad, kõige raskemini tagatav.

Informaatika → Andmeturbe alused
32 allalaadimist

Erivajadustega laste psühholoogia eksamiküsimused

1. Erivajaduste psühholoogia aines ja ülesanded. Seosed naaberteadustega, eriti arengupsühholoogiaga. Hariduslike erivajaduste määratlus. Erivajaduste psühholoogia on psühholoogia haru, mis uurib hälbinud arenguga laste, noorukite ja täiskasvanute psüühikat. Hälbima ­ kõrvale kalduma keskmisest eakohasest arengust, võib olla ka positiivne. Mida väiksemad lapsed, seda suuremad muutused arengus. Teooriast saab üldised teadmised, kuid tuleb olla valmis praktikas ümber häälestuda. EV psühholoogia ülesanded: o Õppida orienteeruma erinevate arenguhälvete olemuses (lapse peas toimuv, peidetud), nende põhjustes ja ilmingutes (väliselt näha); o Õppida jälgima EV laste psüühika arengut töötamaks välja võtteid selle soodustamiseks, oluline on mõista mis arengu käigus muutub; o Õppida nägema muutusi hälbinud arengus seoses vanuse ja (pedagoogilise) sekkumisega. NB! Oluline on mõista eakohast tavaarengut, siis s...

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
276 allalaadimist

Koolituspõhimõtete väljatöötamine ja arendamine

people's relational problems are removable with different team-work trainings and with giving feedback in the development interviews to the managers. Recommendations are brought out, on what the enterprise could change in the training organizing in order to ground its randomness, and also advisable training principles. Due to the fact, that the enterprise doesn't have a special employee to organize trainings, then it is practical to better the current situation and leave it to the workers to decide on their training necessity and, in co-operation with their managers, to handle their self-development. Further research, the photographing of the training activity and development activity should continue, on the basis of the current paper and towards the enterprise's workers development strategies and adaptation. In conclusion it is possible to say, that the purpose of the baccalaureate paper was fulfilled.

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
18 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

"Pre-Hab: Injury-Proofing the Body" Total page count: 92 RAPID SENSE OF TOTAL WELL-BEING All chapters in "Fundamentals" All chapters in "Ground Zero" All chapters in "Improving Sex" All chapters in "Perfecting Sleep" "Reversing `Permanent' Injuries" Total page count: 143 Once you've selected the bare minimum to get started, get started. Then, once you've committed to a plan of action, dip back into the book at your leisure and explore. Immediately practical advice is contained in every chapter, so don't discount something explore. Immediately practical advice is contained in every chapter, so don't discount something based on the title. Even if you are a meat-eater (as I am), for example, you will bene t from "The Meatless Machine." Just don't read it all at once. RULE #2. SKIP THE SCIENCE IF IT'S TOO DENSE. You do not need to be a scientist to read this book. For the geeks and the curious, however, I've included a lot of cool details

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Maybe if they had not been so shocking (excuse the pun!) people would not have given Milgram's work a second thought, perhaps the unpalatable findings made people seek to discredit the procedures. Milgram's work on obedience was attacked on ethical grounds, saying he deceived people and caused unreasonable distress. Volunteers often showed extreme stress ­ sweating, trembling, stammering, even having uncontrollable fits. The APA decided that Milgram's work was ethically acceptable. On practical grounds, people argued that demand characteristics created the high rates of obedience. It was a highly artificial setting and in a prestigious location, but even when Milgram moved the experiment to a downtown location, obedience rates were still alarmingly high. However, Zimbardo defended Milgram and has said his work is "the most generalise in all of social science... dozens of systematic replications with a 1000 subjects from as diverse backgrounds as possible...."

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
650 allalaadimist


ISIKSUSEPSÜHHOLOOGIA I eksam 22.mai kell 16.15-17.30, M-22 eksam II eksam 4.juuni III aeg sügissemestri vahenädalal. I LOENG I TEOORIA  Teooria komponendid: ühik, postulaadid, ennustused, hüpoteesid.  Teooria headus: koherentsus, relevantsus, piisavus, ökonoomsus, lihtsus.  Metateooria. – teooriate teooriad. Ühikuga alustatakse mudeli loomist. Selleks on käitumine või püsijoon (ajas muutumatu). Postulaadid – „mis siis tuleb kui..“ Teooria headus: llihtne, ei sisalda kõiksust, mittevastuoluline, teeb mõõdetavaid ennustusi. 2. ISIKSUSE TEOORIAD.  Filosoofilised eeldused: - Determinism. - Pärilikkus. Keskkond muudab pärilikkuse poolt determineeritud skeeme. - Unikaalsus. - Proaktiivsus. Isiksus on aktiivne. - Teaduslikkuse printsiip. 3. ISIKSUSE KIRJELDAMINE:  Nomoteetiline lähenemine – samad isiksuse jooned, erinevus vaid joonte väljenduses. Saavutame võimalus...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
388 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

They shared the wireframe with the detailer who was able to use it as a reference and produce and accurate Tekla model. The Tekla model was then handed over to Mortenson who shared it with all the subcontractors. Continuous input from the detailer and the fabricator was paramount throughout the entire preconstruction process, which started two years before groundbreaking, in order to assure that the details being drawn were not only possible to fabricate, but also economical and practical for such an extreme structure. The steel detailer, connection designer and structural engineer collaborated on a weekly basis viewing the Tekla model on-line with “Microsoft NetMeeting” for visualization in order to develop connections that could ultimately be fabricated and erected. As the Tekla model was updated, it was routinely shared via FTP site with the erector for preplanning purposes. In addition to

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

Maybe if they had not been so shocking (excuse the pun!) people would not have given Milgram’s work a second thought, perhaps the unpalatable findings made people seek to discredit the procedures. Milgram’s work on obedience was attacked on ethical grounds, saying he deceived people and caused unreasonable distress. Volunteers often showed extreme stress – sweating, trembling, stammering, even having uncontrollable fits. The APA decided that Milgram’s work was ethically acceptable. On practical grounds, people argued that demand characteristics created the high rates of obedience. It was a highly artificial setting and in a prestigious location, but even when Milgram moved the experiment to a downtown location, obedience rates were still alarmingly high. However, Zimbardo defended Milgram and has said his work is “the most generalise in all of social science… dozens of systematic replications with a 1000 subjects from as diverse backgrounds as possible….”

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

tions, the conclusions of Influence are based on controlled, psychological research. This fact allows the reader to feel confident that the book is not "pop" psychology but represents work that is scientifically grounded. The subsequent versions also provide new and updated material, chapter summaries, and study questions to en- hance its utility. A potentially attractive feature of the present version of Influence lies in its abil- ity to serve as an enjoyable, practical, yet scientifically documented offering. In a re- lated vein, the book might be seen as a way to demonstrate that, properly presented, what often seems like dry science can actually prove to be lively, useful, and relevant to all readers' personal lives. Comment on the Fifth Edition of Influence: Science and Practice It has been some time since Influence was last published. In the interim, some things have happened that deserve a place in this new edition. First, we now know

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Elektriajamite elektroonsed susteemid

Monograafiad 1. Agrawal, J. P., Power Electronic Systems: Theory and Design, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. 562 p. ISBN: 0134428803 2. Ahmed, A., Power Electronics for Technology, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. 427 p. ISBN: 0132310694 3. Ang, S. S., Power-Switching Converters, NY: M. Dekker, 1995. 412 p. ISBN: 0824796306 4. Baliga, B. J., Power Semiconductor Devices, Boston: PWS Publishing Co., 1996. 624 p. 5. Barnes, M., Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power Electronics, Newnes, MA, 2003. 286 p. ISBN: 0750658088 6. Barton, T. H., Rectifiers, Cycloconverters and AC Controllers, Oxford: Clarendon Press; NY: Oxford University Press, 1994. 687 p. ISBN: 0198561636 7. Batarseh, I., Power Electronic Circuits, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2004. 574 p. ISBN: 0471126624 8. Benda, V., J. Gowar, and D. A.Grant, Power Semiconductor Devices: Theory and Applications, Chichester; NY: Wiley, 1999. 419 p

Elektroonika → Elektrivarustus
90 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

(However, this exacerbates objection 2.) Brandom's system is very complex, and we cannot examine it here. But I note that it overcomes some of the objections raised so far against the 84 Theories of meaning Wittgensteinian view. Against objection 5, it does distinguish linguistic utterances from "Slab," chess moves, and so on, since those are not the sorts of things in support of which one gives reasons, rebuts challenges, and so on. (One can of course offer practical reasons for having made a particular chess move or tennis shot, but Brandom means evidential reasons, utterances that give us reason to believe some statement of fact. Again, his paradigm is that of an inferential reason, and chess moves and the like are certainly not inferences.) Nor is objection 6 a problem, for Sellars himself gave an elegant inferentialist account of that clauses. Though Brandom holds that subsen- tential expressions "have meanings" only derivatively from whole sentence

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

A New Earth

human ego. But you can only be in a state of nonreaction if you can recognize someone's behavior as coming from the ego, as being an expression of the collective human dysfunction. When you realize it's not personal, there is no longer a compulsion to react as if it were. By not reacting to the ego, you will often be able to bring out the sanity in others, which is the unconditioned consciousness as opposed to the conditioned. At times you may have to take practical steps to protect yourself from deeply unconscious people. This you can do without making them into enemies. Your greatest protection, however, is being conscious. Somebody becomes an enemy if you personalize the unconsciousness that is the ego. Non reaction is not weakness but strength. Another word for nonreaction is forgiveness. To forgive is to overlook, or rather to look through. You look through the ego to the sanity that is in every human being as his or her essence.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun