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"practical" - 276 õppematerjali

practical - mechanical-spatial-physical - k:m


It should be noted that if there is not a good seal between the site tube and the brass nipples, the site tube will not function correctly when vacuum is applied. If air can get in, the fluid in the site tube will just constantly be "pumped" up the site tube while the vacuum is on. This isn't a big deal as long as you adjust the volume prior to turning on the pump, as it's not really practical to add dye after you start the dying process anyhow. 7. Next, you will have to remove the lip inside of the 4" to 3" PVC reducer. I did this with a Dremel and a sanding drum. You can do this part however you see fit. Be careful not to sand the inside of the 3" portion of the reducer. This may prevent a good seal between the pipe and the fitting. Before and after pictures can be seen below. 8. 9

Füüsika → Füüsika
1 allalaadimist

History of Football

Club claiming `hacking is the true football' and thus voicing an opinion echoed today by many ex-footballers turned television pundits. The meetings also saw the institution of `soccer' as a potential abbreviation for `Association Football' comparable to `rugger' in rugby, again igniting a debate currently raging as a result of football's increased popularity in America (also home to American Football, a.k.a. Gridiron). On a practical level, the meetings led to the inauguration of the first coded match (see the section below on Rules) between Sheffield and Nottingham (now Notts County), and the subsequent foundation of Nottingham Forest FC in 1865 and many other clubs across England. The FA Challenge Cup followed in 1871 with great success and Aston Villa director William McGregor eventually mooted the concept of a league competition in 1888 in collaboration with 11 other clubs. Initially set up as the

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Clay Bricks

Clay deposits are typically associated with very low energy depositional environments such as large lakes and marine basins. (slide 5) Clays exhibit plasticity when mixed with water in certain proportions. When dry, clay becomes firm and when fired in a kiln, permanent physical and chemical changes occur. These reactions, among other changes, cause the clay to be converted into a ceramic material. Because of these properties, clay is used for making pottery items, both practical and decorative, and construction products such as bricks, wall and floor tiles. Depending on the content of the soil, clay can appear in various colors, from a dull gray to a deep orange-red. Clay in Estonia (slide 6) There are 3 basic types of clay in Estonia. Firstly from Cambrian era the blue clay, which has blue-greenish color and deposit fields round 100m thick found in North-Estonia. Secondly from Devon era the Red-Brown colored clay mostly find in South-Estonia and finally the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Minu esimene kirjanduslik teos tantsu- ja liikumisteraapia maailmas

New York, NY: Brunner-Routledge Press Inc. Moore, C.-L., & Yamamoto, K. (1988). Beyond Words: Movement Observation and Analysis. New York: Gordon & Breach. Sandel, S. L., & Johnson, D. R. (1996). Theoretical Foundations of the Structural Analysis of Movement Sessions. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23(1), 15-25. Retrieved from Warren, B. (2008). Using the Creative Arts in Therapy and Healthcare: A practical Introduction. New York, NY: Routledge. Welling, A. (2015, 03 15). What Does a Dance/Movement Therapy Session Look Like? Retrieved 10 01, 2016, from American Dance Therapy Association: look-like/ Minu esimene kirjalik teos tantsu- ja liikumisteraapia maailmas 8

Tants → Tantsuteraapia
4 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

In London they were considered equal in importance to the big merchants & clots manufacturers. By the end of the Middle Ages the more successful of these lawyers, merchants, clots manufacturers, exporters, esquires, gentlemen and yeomen farmers were forming a class of people with interests in both ton & country. This was also true in Wales & Scotland. This class was literate. Created a new atmosphere. Questioned the way in which the Church & the state were organised, for both religious & practical reasons. Believed it was partly because it was not economically practical. They also questioned the value of the feudal system, because it didn't create wealth. The development of Parliament showed the beginnings of new relationship between the middle class & the king. Ed I had wanted his Parliament to provide him with money, but when Ed III asked for money from his Parliament, they asked to see royal accounts. For the first time the king allowed himself to be ,,accountable" to Parliament

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

Visuaalkunstiteraapia erinevad meetodid

avastas joonistusrakenduse, valdas enamikke selline loovuse ja õnnetunde puhang. Ja PowerPointi kasutamine võimaldab luua huvitavaid ja omanäolisi esitlusi. Ühed andekiamad lahendused suutis luua tütarlaps, kes oli põhikooli lõpetanud toimetuleku õppekava alusel õppides. Tallinn 2013 Visuaalkunstiteraapia erinevad tehnikad 15 Viited · Buchalter, S. (2004). A Practical Art Therapy. United Kingdom, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. · Ehinger, F.J (2009). Exploring Dreamspace and Video Art with At-Risk Youth. School of Art and Design, Pratt Institute. Kättesaadav internetist aadressil Tallinn 2013

Meditsiin → Tervis ja heaolu
35 allalaadimist


Kui need probleemid kahjustavad otseselt lapse huve ja arengut, peavad need muutuma kõigi mureks ja hoolitsuseks kasvava põlvkonna eest, sest ükskõiksus lähiümbruskonnas toimuva vastu puudutab oma tagajärgedega varem või hiljem igat inimest ja perekonda. Laps on ju tegelikult kõige kaitsetum ühiskonna liige ja tema heaolu sõltub täielikult teda ümbritsevatest täiskasvanutest. Viited 1. Goldstein, S.L. 1999. The Sexual Exploitation of Children. A Practical Guide to Assessment, Investigation and Intervention USA. London: CRC Press. 2. Ilves, G. 2000. Tung tappa: seksuaalkurjategijad läbi aegade. Tallinn: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoja OÜ 3. Lowenstein, L.F. 1998 Paedophilia. The Sexual Abuse of Children, its Occurrence, Diagnosis & Treatment. Knebworth: Able Publishing 4. Soonets, R. 1997. Laste väärkohtlemine. Tartu: Kirjastus AS ATLEX 5. Soo, K.2006. Kodune kasvatusatmosfäär ja nooruki probleemkäitumine- seksuaalse

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
41 allalaadimist

Lõputöö. ratsaklubi avamine

TALLINNA MAJANDUSKOOL Ärijuhtimine Valentina Purtova RATSA KLUBI AVAMINE Lõputöö Juhendaja: Tatjana Moroz Tallinn 2009 2 .......................................................................................................................3 .............................................................................................................................. 5 ...................................... 7 1.1 ­................................................................................................7 1.2 .........................................................................8 1.2.1 ..................................................................................................................... 9 1.2.2 ..............................................................................10 1.2.3 ......

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
69 allalaadimist


Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, Merrill, Prentice Hall. Krathwohl, D. (2004). Methods of Educational and Social Science Research. Illinois: Waweland Press. Erinevate uurimisstrateegiate, uurimismeetodite, analüüsivõtete käsitlused Angrosino, M. (2007). Doing Ethnographic and Observational Research. Los Angeles: Sage. Barbour, R. (2007). Doing Focus Groups. Los Angeles: Sage. Charmaz, K. (2009). Constructing Grouded Theory. A Practical Guide Through Qualitative Analysis. London: Sage. Elliott, J. (2005). Using Narrative in Social Research. London: Sage. Gillham, B. (2007). Developing a Questionnaire. N.Y.: Continuum. Gillham, B. (2005). Case Study Research Methods. N. Y.: Continuum. Have, P. (1998). Doing Conversation Analysis. London: Sage. Jurevits, N. (2003). Rakendusstatistika. Tallinn: Ilo. Koshy, V. (2005). Action Research for Improving Practice. A Practical Guide. London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Kvale, S. (2007)

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
16 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

] With the discovery of these three laws within the framework of the heliocentric universe, the paths of the planets were mapped forever. All that remained would be to see these three laws as part of a single unity a single law which held each planet in its orbit about the sun. This of course, would have to wait another seventy years this single law would have to wait for the genius of Isaac Newton. But what was needed before Newton could go to work was a more practical and elaborate [üksikasjalikum ] understanding of the mechanics of motion. 16001642 II In a previous lecture I suggested that before Isaac Newton could conceive of and demonstrate the laws of universal gravitation, a practical understanding of motion was required. This practical understanding of

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Discuss the representation of the generation of fathers in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”

Nikolai -" ", " " that belittle Nikolai as a serious man and portray that the owner is "not a part of the adult world" (Bialyi 1968:13). The portrayal of rather clumsy and non-adult continues in Chapter 4 where Nikolai " ". All in all, the first impression of the older generation is rather naïve, yet unserious. As chapter 3 embarks, the koliaska moves towards the poorly managed Kirsanov estate, Marino, which is a reflection of Nikolai's lack of practical and organizational abilities. Nikolai himself says that " ." And truly, there is no improvement - there's " , ... , , - , ". The peasantry is poor and disobedient ­ " ". In chapter 4, it is described that even Nikolais best efforts do not bare fruits ­ " , , ". Witnessing this situation makes Arkdays heart ache ­ perhaps in a way that Turgenev himself felt with the fate of ill-organised estates.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Alpakad referaat

SISUKORD 1SISSEJUHATUS................................................................................................................................2 2 AJALUGU.........................................................................................................................................3 3ALPAKAST ÜLDISELT....................................................................................................................5 4ALPAKA LIIGID...............................................................................................................................6 4.1Alpakasid on kolme liiki.............................................................................................................6 5ALPAKAVILL....................................................................................................................................8 5.1Alpaka villa tootmine ja villakiu ehitus.........................................

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
11 allalaadimist


1 SISSEJUHATUS Alpaka (Auchenia pacos) elab pooleldi metsikuna ja erinevatel põhjustel on alpakade kasvatamine ja paiknemine olnud ajaloos kohati unaruses ja kohati ülehinnatud. Käesoleva referaadi teemaks on ,,Alpakavill", ehk täpsemalt on tegemist Alpaka villa kiuga. Referaadis tuleb juttu nii Alpakade ajaloost kui ka olevikust. Käsitletud on nii kiu saamine, tootmine ja toodang maailmaturul, kui ka villakiu ehitus, töötlemine, erinevad omadused, kasutamine, hooldamine ning seos keskkonnahoiu ja tervise säästlikkusega. 2 AJALUGU Alpakasid on Lõuna-Ameerikas kasvatatud tuhandeid aastaid (vt joonis 1). Nad on aretatud esimestena kodustatud vikunjadest, umbes 6000 aastat tagasi, Andide kõrgmäestikus elanud muistsete hõimlaste poolt. Inkade ajal peeti alpakat ka koduloomana, et saada villa ja liha. Samuti hindasid Inkad alpakavilla tema luksusliku pehmuse ja vastupidavuse pärast ning seda kutsuti inkade kullaks. Kuid vallutajad

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
21 allalaadimist


can do here). Papers of this kind test logical thinking. What is assessed: - the ability to collect material (both theoretical (who has written about it) and practical; - the ability to classify it (grouping ability); - the ability to describe the material ("some say this ..., they are not wrong, but other say that ...." Etc.); - the ability to draw conclusions (on theoretical and practical materials); - your personal contribution (do something that no one has done before); - talking about the material (as if you are speaking to the first year student ­ avoid sophistication in language, that may sound unnatural). Comment on examples (from where the example is taken ­ how it is used ­ explain all). NB! Comments everywhere. You have right to: · Supervisor discusses and specifies the topic with you;

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

from ten countries (Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Italy, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Australia, Germany and the USA) took part. The competition was organised by the government of the Republic of Estonia, the Art Museum of Estonia and the Estonian Union of Architects. The winner of the international architectural competition to design the building (1993­1994) was the Finnish architect Pekka Vapaavuori. In February 1999 a contract between the AME and Vapaavuori was signed, which launched practical activities for the building of the museum. Construction started in 2002. The Kumu Art Museum was opened to the visitors in February 2006. The new museum site is located on four hectares in Tallinn, on the limestone bank of Lasnamägi next to Kadriorg Park. The office of the President of the Republic of Estonia and Kadriorg Palace, which is a part of the Art Museum, lie in the vicinity of the art museum. The building has seven floors, including technical floors, and the total area is 23 900 m²

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist


circuit, made up of three parts: a power source, a pair of parallel rails and a moving armature. Along the pair of parallel conducting rails a sliding armature is accelerated by the electromagnetic effects of a current that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail. Railguns have long existed as experimental technology but the mass, size and cost of the required power supplies have prevented railguns from becoming practical military weapons. However, in recent years, significant efforts have been made towards their development as feasible military technology. For example, in the late 2000s, the U.S. Navy tested a railgun that accelerates a 3.2 kg projectile to hypersonic velocities of approximately 2.4 kilometres per second, which is about Mach 7. In addition to military applications, railguns have been proposed to launch spacecrafts into orbit;

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Toitumine noorsportlaste elus

The purpose of this current research paper is to get answers to questions, which deal with young athletes dieting habits. It is examined if the sports practisers are aware of their daily energy requirements and if the young athletes consume enough food to satisfy their energy requirements. The hypothesis are that the young athlete is not aware of his energy requirements and doesn’t consume enough food to satisfy it. The research paper consists of the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part consists of seven chapters and fourteen subchapters. The chapters focus on the basics of nutrition, macronutrients, which are carbohydrates,proteins and fats, micronutrients, which are vitamins and minerals, and water. The practical part consists of two chapters. The first chapter consists of the description of the poll. The second chapter consists of the analysis of the answers. The topic was chosen in order to study the dieting habits of young athletes

Toit → toiduainete sensoorse...
14 allalaadimist


MUUTUMISED AASTAIL 1910-1990 Praktiline töö Autor: Regina Kaasik Juhendajad: Helme Trees Anneli Josu Mai-Liis Õnnis Tallinn 2017 Summary The author chose to write her practical research of "The making of a nature inspired dress and main changes in fashion in the years 1910-1990". The choice of this theme resulted from the hobbies and passion thowards fashion. The author herself is a model and is thus connected to fashion on a daily bases. One of her dreams is to design and create clothes for people who care for fashion as a form of art, not just a piece of fabric. Her idea of fashion is similar to a famous designer Ellie Saab who once said: "Anything can

Majandus → moetööstus
7 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

to manipulate organic materials to reach the demands of food production. So the term could be defined as, "The application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge to the management of (parts of) microorganisms, or of cells and tissues of higher organisms, so that these supply goods and services of use to the food industry and its consumers.[2] Biotechnology combines disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology, which are in turn linked to practical disciplines like chemical engineering, information technology, and biorobotics. Patho-biotechnology describes the exploitation of pathogens or pathogen derived compounds for beneficial effect. Information technology -Information technology (IT), as defined by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), is "the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Optiline koherents tomograafia

Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool optomeetria õppetool OP3 Geity Villem OPTILINE KOHERENTS TOMOGRAAFIA Referaat silmahaiguste uurimismeetodis Juhendaja: C. Räppo Tallinn 2019 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS..............................................................................3 1.OKT........................................................................................... 4 1.1 OKT areng.....................................................................................5 1.2 SD-OKT ja TD-OKT..........................................................................5 1.3 Mis juhtub OKT ajal?......................................................................6 1.4Mis haiguseid võib OKT aidata diagnoosida?....................................6 1.4.1 Makulopaatia.......

Meditsiin → Optomeetria
9 allalaadimist

Realismist postmodernismini

Andre Breton Imaism Levis 20.sajandi alguskümnenditel Ameerikas ja Inglismaal. Tähtsaks sai luule konkreetsus, ilmekas väljendus, kindlus, selgus, lühidus. Välditi jutustamist, kasutati tavakeelt mida ei ilustatud, ning sümboleid. Loomingust ei peagi aru saama esimesel lugemisel, et aru saada on vaja süveneda. Intellektuaalne luule, kus olulised on teadmised. Mõte avaneb etappide kaupa. Thomas Stearns Eliot-> ,,Ahermaa", Tema luulekogu ,,Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" oli aluseks muusikalile ,,Kassid." Neorealism Tuleneb eksistentsialismist. Levis kuni 1960.-ndate aastate keskpaigani mitmetes maades. Esiplaanil on kurjus, sotsiaalsed põhjused, sõjatagajärjed ja kõige selle mõju inimesele. Pöörati tähelepanu lihtinimesele, kuna ta on vastutav kirjandus ( vastutab iga eluheidiku eest). Carlo Cassola (1917) & Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922­1975) Absurdi teater (nt: NO99, Linnateater) tekkis 1950.-ndate aastate alguses

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
61 allalaadimist


sellisel juhul saab leida õige tee tema kasvatamiseks ja õpetamiseks, et temast kujuneks õnnelik ja lugupeetud inimene. Pedagoog peab eraldama suurt tähelepanu hüperaktiivse laste erinevate isiklike omaduste välja selgitamiseks ning saadud andmete põhjal rakendama vastavat akadeemilist juhendit, käitumuslikku sekkumist ja klassiruumi kohandamist. 11 ALLIKAD Cooper, P., Ideus, K. (1997). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. A practical Guide for Teachers. London: David Fulton Publishers. Krull, E. (2001). Pedagoogilise psühholoogia käsiraamat. (2., Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Mis on koolilapsel muret? (1997). Toim. Mehilane, L. Taru: Tartu Ülikooli Psühhiaatriakliinik. Neuhaus, G. (2001). Hüperaktiivne laps. Tallinn: Kunst. Nõmme, A. (2005). Hüpi lasteaias. Soovitusi toimetulekuks hüperaktiivse lapsega. Tartu: Atlox. Rander, M. (1999)

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
69 allalaadimist

Inglise õiguskeel

15. õiglus, ebaõiglus (2) – justice, injustice 16. õiglane, ebaõiglane (2) – just, unjust 17. võimude lahusus – separation of powers 18. seadusandlik võim – legislative power 19. täidesaatev võim – executive power 20. kohtuvõim – judicial power 21. õigusriik – (state based on) the rule of law 22. praktilistest kaalutlustest juhinduma – to be guided by practical considerations 23. seadust parandama, parandus – to amend a law, amendment 24. katse argimõistust rakendada – an attempt to implement common sense 25. to what extent – millisel määral 26. precise - täpne 27. whereas – samas kui 28. in this respect – selles suhtes 29. on the whole - üldiselt 30. however – kuid siiski 31. exclusively - üksnes 32. to some degree – mõningal määral 33

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik revolutsioon

connections that would aid you later in life. Beau Brummel met the Prince of Wales at Eton and that friendship helped him conquer all of London Society despite his lack of family background. A lady's education was taken, almost entirely, at home. There were boarding schools, but no University, and the studies were very different. She learned French, drawing, dancing, music, and the use of globes. If the school, or the governess, was interested in teaching any practical skills, she learned plain sewing as well as embroidery, and accounts. 1. 19. sajandi ideoloogiad: konservatism, liberalism, sotsialism (utoopiline s, revolutsiooniline s (marksism e kommunism), reformistlik s. Tekke põhjused, vaated riigivalitsemisele ja majandusele, peaideoloog). Natsionalism, imperialism. Konservatism (18.sajand): Tekke põhjused ­ Ümberkorraldustele vastukaaluks tekkisid

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
25 allalaadimist


Esimeseks kokkupuuteks teatriga sai nukuteater, kus töötas tädi Viola. Seal esineski Andrew koos oma venna Julianiga esimest korda avalikkuse ees. Sellest sai alguse armastus teatri vastu. Juba täiskasvanuna ostis ta ära kompanii Stoll Moos, millele kuulus kümmekond West Endi teatrit, sealhulgas ka Palaci. Tädi Viola, kes oli näitleja, viis noore Andrew tihti vaatama oma etendusi, kus ta avastaski enda jaoks teatrimaailma. Ta ise väidab, et kirjutas näidendile ,,Old Possum s Book of Practical Cats" muusika juba viieteistaastaselt. Lloyd Webber õppis Westminster Schoolis, huvitus tugevasti keskaja ajaloost ja lõpetas kooli edukalt. Seejärel asus ta õppima ajalugu Oxfordi Magdalena kolledzis ja kasvatses saada keskaegse arhitektuuri spetsialistiks. Siis aga sekkus saatus. Talle kirjutas noor algaja poeet Timothy Rice (tänapäeval maailmakuulus Tim Rice i nime all) ja pakkus noorele heliloojale oma luuletusi libretoks

Muusika → Muusika
15 allalaadimist

Manual regarding the Customs Treatment of Gifts and Items of Negligible Value

Similarly, VAT liability amounting to less than or equal to 6 should not be collected. No de minimus rule applies in the case of excise duty which should always be collected if the goods are liable to excise duty. 4. CONSIGNMENTS CONTAINING ITEMS OF NEGLIGIBLE VALUE Consignments of item(s) not exceeding an intrinsic value of 150 may be imported without payment of Customs Duty. Consignments of item(s) not exceeding a total intrinsic value of 22 may be imported without payment of VAT. The practical effect of the different monetary limits is that consignments where the intrinsic value is between 22.01 and 150 will qualify for relief from Customs Duty but VAT will still be chargeable. However, it should be noted in particular that there is no relief (from Customs Duty, VAT or excise duty) under this negligible value provision for importations of tobacco products, alcohol products, perfumes or toilet waters irrespective of their value.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Õigusalane inglise keel

290. amendment ­ muutus *U9 291. bar association ­ advokatuur 292. attorney ­ advokaat 293. vested ­ tagastud 294. council of attorneys ­ advokaatide nõukogu 295. the most progressive ones ­ kõige uuenduslikum 296. independent corporation ­ sõltumatu korporatsioon 297. to graduate from ­ lõpetama (ülikooli) 298. holding a position ­ ametit pidama 7 299. to acquire ­ omandama 300. practical knowledge of judicial management ­ praktilised teadmised juriidilisest tegevusest 301. an assistant to­ abi 302. general meeting ­ üldkoosolek 303. structural organs ­ struktuuriorganid 304. auditing commission ­ revisionikomisjon 305. the provisional government ­ ajutine valitsus 306. judicial institutions ­ juriidilised institutsioonid 307. determined ­ fikseeritud 308. investigators ­ uurijad 309. nominated ­ määratud 310. legal supervision ­ seaduslik järelvaataja 311

Õigus → Õigus
249 allalaadimist

Exami spikker

000 komponenti, kaal 5 tonni programs (mostly AI) efficiently.The whole system written in LISP 1947 ­ esimene transistor, Bell Telephone Laborotories (Shockley, Bardeen, 1981 - Adam Osborne completed the first portable computer, the Osborne I Brattain) 1981 - IBM announces the IBM 5150 PC Personal Computer 1949 - Maurice Wilkes assembled the EDSAC, the first practical stored- 1981 - The MS-DOS, or Microsoft Disk Operating System, the basic software for program computer, at Cambridge University the newly released IBM PC, established a long partnership between IBM and 1950 -Engineering Research Associates of Minneapolis built the ERA 1101, the Microsoft first commercially produced computer; the company's first customer was the 1982 -Sun Microsystems is founded U.S

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
199 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid I Ülevaade probleemidest 1. Kontseptsioonide ja mõõtmise probleem. 1.1 Psühhomeetria intelligentsustestid & IQ valiidsus 1.2. Üldintelligentsus vs intelligentsuse vormid moodulid praktiline intelligentsus haridus ja vaimsed võimed 1.3. Vaimsed võimed ja kultuur sotsialiseerumine naiivne kontsepsioon võimetest 1.4. Areng ja vaimsed võimed Piaget, Võgotski staadiumid, "dünaamiline" testimine 1.5. Bioloogiline lähenemine aju anatoomia ja füsioloogia 2. Intelligentsustestide reliaabluse probleem 2.1. Testide reliaablus IQ ja vanuselised muutused (kuni 18 punkti) madal korrelatsioon (keskmine r =.36) 2.2. Testide ennustav valiidsus IQ ja akadeemiline edukus (keskmine r = .50 ) IQ ja hariduse kestvus ( keskmine r = .55) IQ ja vanemate SES IQ ja professionaalne edukus (keskmine r = .30 kuni .5...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
17 allalaadimist

Inseneriinformaatika ül. 3

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Tehnikainstituut Üliõpilane WIFI SIGNAALI MÕJUTAVAID TEGUREID Kursuseprojekt õppeaines ,,Inseneriinformaatika" TE.0556 Tehnotroonika eriala Üliõpilane: ,,....." ............... 2013. a ............................... Üliõpilane Juhendaja ,,....." ............... 2013. a ............................... dots. ******* Tartu 2013 ABSTRACT Õpilane, Ü. WiFi signal strength of router Thomson TG784 and its impact on connetion. Course work ­ Tartu: EMÜ, 2012. 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, format A...

Informaatika → Inseneriinformaatika
12 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse itv0010 (eksami spikker)

1625 - Schickard väitis,et tegi I liitev, lahutav, korrutav, juhitav), GNU(Stallman)tasuta op.s, windows 1.0. (if (fn (car lst)) käsurida (CLI), graafika (GUI);Olemasolevad jagav masin. (every? fn (cdr lst)) rakendused, teenused,Vajalik riistvara, 1986 ­ NNTP ­ uudised liiguvad TCP/IP (interneti) Haldusvahendid, #f)#t)) kaughaldus,Stabiilsus,Skaleeruvus,Tugi,Hind). 1640 - Blaise Pascal-aritmeetiline masin ­ kaudu...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
368 allalaadimist

Organisatsioonikäitumise 1. arvestustöö

AT1 MÕISTED 1. Organisatsioonikäitumine (organizational behavior) - uurib inimkäitumist organisatsiooni kontekstis, keskendudes üksikisikut ja rühma puudutavatele protsessidele ja tegevustele. Sel põhjusel hõlmab OK ka organisatsiooni ja juhtimisprotsesside uurimist organisatsiooni pidevalt muutuvas kontekstis ja huvitub eelkõige inimeste mõjust nendele. 2. Organisatsioon (organization) - on kahe või enama inimese kogum, mis toimib sihipäraselt ühise sõnastatud eesmärgi nimel. 3. Indiviid (individual) - on isend, üksikolend. 4. Isiksus (personality) - moodustavad üksikisikule ainuomased tunnusjooned, mis on teistele kas nähtavad või peidetud ning mis määravad üksikisiku käitumise sarnasused või erinevused võrreldes organisatsiooni käitumisega. 5. Taju (perception) - on see, kuidas me näeme ja tõlgendame sündmusi ja olukordi meie ümber. Taju võib vaadelda kognitiivse ja sotsiaalse informatsiooni protsessina, mislä...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsiooniline käitumine
48 allalaadimist

Canada topic

D., but it was the French who first began to colonize early in the 17th century. This was largely a French country for a century and a half, although New Brunswick and the mainland of Nova Scotia were coded to Britain in 1713. In 1735 a war began between France and England over the fur trade in North America. Since 1759 and on to this day Canada became British. In the middle of the 19th century it seemed practical to unite the colonies into one self- governing country. In 1867 the Dominion of Canada was created - an independent country within the British Empire consisting of 4 provinces: Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Nova Scotia, with the monarch represented in Canada by governor-general. HOW CANADA GOT THE NAME CANADA There have been many theories about the origin of the name Canada but there can be a little doubt that the word is Indian in origin

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid

Vaimse võimekuse kontseptsioonid I Ülevaade probleemidest 1. Kontseptsioonide ja mõõtmise probleem. 1.1 Psühhomeetria intelligentsustestid & IQ valiidsus 1.2. Üldintelligentsus vs intelligentsuse vormid moodulid praktiline intelligentsus haridus ja vaimsed võimed 1.3. Vaimsed võimed ja kultuur sotsialiseerumine naiivne kontsepsioon võimetest 1.4. Areng ja vaimsed võimed Piaget, Võgotski staadiumid, "dünaamiline" testimine 1.5. Bioloogiline lähenemine aju anatoomia ja füsioloogia 2. Intelligentsustestide reliaabluse probleem 2.1. Testide reliaablus IQ ja vanuselised muutused (kuni 18 punkti) madal korrelatsioon (keskmine r =.36) 2.2. Testide ennustav valiidsus IQ ja akadeemiline edukus (keskmine r = .50 ) IQ ja hariduse kestvus ( keskmine r = .55) IQ ja vanemate SES IQ ja professionaalne edukus (keskmine r = .30 kuni .5...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
16 allalaadimist

Inseneriinformaatika C-Töö

EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL Tehnikainstituut Kursuseprojekt õppeaines ,,Inseneriinformaatika" Energiakasutuse eriala Üliõpilane: "....." ................. 2013. a .............................. Juhendaja: "....." ................. 2013. a .............................. Tartu 2013 Sisukord TÄHISED JA LÜHENDID....................................................................................................4 SISSEJUHATUS....................................................................................................................5 1. ÜLEVAADE KASUTATUD VAHENDITEST..................................................................6 1.1. Ruuter, sülearvuti...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
13 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse eksamimaterjal 2015

1625 - Schickard väitis,et tegi I liitev, lahutav, korrutav, 1978 – VAX11/780 , inteli 8086 mikropr;Raamat ”C 4.sumto ja c näited:1. eeldus: iga koer on imetaja.2. eeldus: jagav masin. programming language”. C (ja C++ ja Java ja C#) mõned neljajalgsed on koerad.järeldus: mõned neljajalgsed on imetajad. 1. eeldus: iga anarhist on int sumto(int n) { süsteemi vastane.2. eeldus: mõned poliitikud on 1640 - Blaise Pascal-aritmeetiline ...

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
95 allalaadimist


You should become familiar with these before you take the test. When you are told to begin, go directly to the first question. When time has expired on a section, you may not return to it. Work quickly and accurately. If it seems obvious that you will not finish a section within the time limit, guess or choose answer (B) or (C) in order to complete the section. Prepare yourself for the test. In addition to this book, Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL provides you with practical hints, tapes with sample questions, model test, and a grammar review to help you maximize your TOEFL score. CHAPTER 2 UNDERSTANDING THE TOEFL: Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Section Developing a good English vocabulary is the most important way to prepare for the vocabulary you will see on the TOEFL

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

psychology individual differences ­ social learning theorists look on traits as an outcome of learning Social Scientific approach; Over-emphasises -cognitive practical applications influence of environment; ignores stable differences · Psychodynamic and humanistic/existential approaches have little place in academic departments of psychology: but they are popular Page

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Tehisnärvivõrgud ja nende rakendused

1. Lu, Y-Z. Industrial intelligent control. Fundamentals and applications. Chicher: Wiley, 1996. 325 p. 2. Tsoukalas, L. H., Uhrig, R. E. Fuzzy and neural approaches in engineering. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1996. 587 p. 3. , . . : : « ». . , 1999. 76 . 4. Haykin, S. Neural Networks, Prentice-Hall international (UK) Limited, London, 1994. 696 p. 5. Mills, P. M., Zomaya, A. Y., Moses O. T. Neuro-Adaptive Process Control. A Practical Approach. John Wiley & Sons, 1996. 212 p. 6. Irwin G. W., Warwick K., Hunt K.J., Neural network applications in control. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1995. 297p. 1.4 Õppimine, õpiprotsessid, õpialgoritmid Närvivõrgu sobivate parameetrite (konkreetse ülesande jaoks) valiku protsessi nimetatakse närvivõrgu õpetamiseks (või treenimiseks). Valemist (1.9-1.11) selgub, et erinevate kaalukoefitsientide ja nihete väärtustel, samuti ka

Matemaatika → Süsteemiteooria
86 allalaadimist

Tehisnärvivõrgud ja nende rakendamine

1. Lu, Y-Z. Industrial intelligent control. Fundamentals and applications. Chicher: Wiley, 1996. 325 p. 2. Tsoukalas, L. H., Uhrig, R. E. Fuzzy and neural approaches in engineering. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1996. 587 p. 3. , . . : : « ». . , 1999. 76 . 4. Haykin, S. Neural Networks, Prentice-Hall international (UK) Limited, London, 1994. 696 p. 5. Mills, P. M., Zomaya, A. Y., Moses O. T. Neuro-Adaptive Process Control. A Practical Approach. John Wiley & Sons, 1996. 212 p. 6. Irwin G. W., Warwick K., Hunt K.J., Neural network applications in control. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1995. 297p. 1.4 Õppimine, õpiprotsessid, õpialgoritmid Närvivõrgu sobivate parameetrite (konkreetse ülesande jaoks) valiku protsessi nimetatakse närvivõrgu õpetamiseks (või treenimiseks). Valemist (1.9-1.11) selgub, et erinevate kaalukoefitsientide ja nihete väärtustel, samuti ka

Informaatika → Infoharidus
6 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

Wilhelm Wundt (Germany) and William James (USA)- founders. General Principles and Unique Individuals: Psychology's main purpose is not to describe the distinctive characteristics of a particular individual. Its main goal is to get at the facts that are general for all of mankind. Psychology hopes to find a route back to understand the individual event. It tries to find explanations to some behaviors and once such explanations are found, they may lead to practical applications; to hel counsel and guide, and perhaps to effect desirable changes. BIOLOGICAL BASES OF BEHAVIOR Any question about bodily movement must inevitably call for some reference to the nervous system, for tu us it is quite clear that the nrevous system is the apparatus which most directly determines and organizes an organisms reactions to the world in which it lives. Rene Descartes and the Reflex Concept:

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse spikker

Adam Osborn completed the fiFt porlable cmputer, the osborne I I989 - intcli 80ltt6 1947 - esimene transistor, Bell Telephone Laborotodes (shockley' Barden' Brattain) 1981 - IBM annountes the IBM 5150 PC Personal computer 1grl!) - Maurice Wilkes assembl6d the EDSAC, th fir3t practical stord' 1981 - The MSDOS, or Microsofr Disk operatang system tho basic software f d 1990 - HTML, Winrlon s 3.1) program computer, at cambridge university the nelvly leleased IBM PC, eslablished a long partndship beNeen IBM and

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
198 allalaadimist

Mis on praktiline eetika

mida seejärel saab rakendada praktilises elus. Nähtav probleem on siin selles, et kui eksplitsiitse teooria rakendamine pole õnnestunud varem, siis miks peaks see õnnestuma nüüd. Üldiselt on moraalifilosoofia rakendamisel olnud kas ebaloomulikud või siis triviaalsed tagajärjed. Ma ei hakka siinkohal oma väidet tõestama, vaid võtan lihtsa näite mõistlikust moraaliteooria rakendamise viisist. Minu näiteks on Peter Singeri teos Practical Ethics (Singer 1979). Selle põhiideeks on, et rakendatav teooria peab olema ühtaegu nii loomulik kui ka lihtne. Samuti tasub tutvustada vastupidist ideed, mille kohaselt praktiliste moraaliprobleemide lahendamisel pole vaja mingisugust teooriat. Loomulikult on filosoofil tänu oma algteadmistele nii vahendeid kui ka võimeid analüütiliseks mõtlemiseks, kuid ta ei hakka seda tausta esile tooma. Teooriast poleks mingit kasu. Seda suunda esitab näiteks Nicholas Rescheri teos

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
90 allalaadimist

Kuidas kirjutada esseed

your test scores. It is also a very bad idea to write something that you do not feel comfortable with and that does not let your thoughts move in a flow. Also, you should watch out for topics you cannot give concrete personal examples of. While deciding on the topic of your application, keep in mind that you have to keep the reader interested while at the same time, revealing something about yourself in a way that makes you an ideal applicant. It is therefore much more practical to write something about yourself rather than choosing heavy topics such as peace in the Middle East or Life and Death. Watch out for national and international issues because it is very difficult to be well informed. You should focus more on your personal concerns and talk about things that hold meaning for you, rather than just write about what "they want to hear". If you are planning to make your essay funny and writing it in a humorous way, you have to be very, very careful

Keeled → Inglise keel
434 allalaadimist

Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

In addition, this assignment has given a general overview of various research methods that are going to be used for the production of this research project. Naturally, there has been a great development in the strategic planning of methodology of future MA thesis. It is clear which steps author plans to take in order to produce a high-quality paper. Obviously there is a number of problems that seem to cause difficulties in practical part of paper. However, once it comes to reality, the solutions are expected to be found easier. 10 REFERENCES Armstrong, K., & Retterer, O. (2008). Blogging as L2 writing: A case study. AACE Journal, 16(3), 233­251. Brown, J.S.& Adler, R.P. (2008). Minds on Fire: Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0. Educause Review, 43 (1), 16­32.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Anthropology and Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism Madli Tuvike Anthropology and Tourism Female Adventure Tourism This essay will explain what significance culture has in adventure tourism. There are five paragraphs in this essay, where definitions of adventure travel and human culture are given. First, paragraph will look and define what culture, anthropology and adventure tourism are. Second paragraph will examine how different cultures impact female adventure travel. Third paragraph will point out the problems in adventure tourism. The forth paragraph will give recommendations for the future and some of the possible future problems in female adventure tourism will be looked at. The last paragraph will be a summary of the key findings and recommendations. Tourism is one of the world’s largest industries (Tisdell, 2000, Swarbrooke et al. 2003, Buckley, 2003). According to UNWTO, i...

Keeled → Ingliskeelsete maade ühiskond...
1 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

attitude to English being the world language. The purpose is to increase the authors’ and fellow students’ awareness of the latest linguistinc tendences in order to develop their understanding of the importance of learning languages, English in particular. 3 The theoretical part of the study relies upon the works of such scholars as David Cristal, Luke Mastin, David Graddol, etc. For the practical part, a survey has been conducted among the students of the 10th, 11th, 12th forms of Tallinn Mustamäe Gymnasium of the Humanities and other schools . The answers of 105 students to 23 questions of the survey have been analyzed, Analytical, statistical and descriptive methods of the study have been used. The paper is divided into an introduction, two chapters, followed by a conclusion, which summarizes the most important findings and observations that have been brought out

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

history of human settlement. Since ancient times, bridges have been the most visible testimony of the noble craft of engineers. A bridge can be defined in many ways, but Andrea Palladio, the great 16th century Italian architect and engineer, hit on the essence of bridge building when he said "...bridges should befit the spirit of the community by exhibiting commodiousness, firmness, and delight." In more practical terms, he went on to explain that the way to avoid having the bridge carried away by the violence of water was to make the bridge without fixing any posts in the water. Since the beginning of time, the goal of bridge builders has been to create as wide a span as possible which is commodious, firm, and occasionally delightful. Spanning greater distances is a distinct measure of engineering prowess. In terms of engineering, bridges are discussed by design or type (beam, arch, truss, cantilever,

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

E223 mõju kartuli säilumisele ja organoleptilistele omadustele

Uurimustöö JUHENDAJA Tallinn 2013 Resümee inglise keeles An important issue that has always pestered mankind: how to preserve food products for longer duration without degrading the quality. In the current paper, the use of synthetic preservative ­ E223, its advantages and side effects (health hazards) on pre-prepared peeled potato- products are described. A practical test to evaluate organoleptical changes in pre-prepared potatos due to air and UV light. The hypothesis: usage of correct amount of E223 prevents potatoes to react with oxygen, light and other possible elements and helps to maintain the commercial look, was absolutely correct. To conclude, maintaining the quality and looks is important but it is equally important to minimise the adverse effects of the preservatives on the consumers. Sissejuhatus

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
6 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

1.Lexicology as a science L. studies the voc of lg as a system. Word-learning, lexis-logos. The task of L is to establish the general features of modern Engl voc. Theoretical L. gives a complete picture of voc. Practical value lies in using and appretiating the lg more conciously. There is diachronic (historical) L that studies origin and development; syncronic studies voc at a given historical period. There are general L (studies words disregarding particular features of any particular lg); special L (studies specific features of a separate lg, there is Engl that bases on general L); contrastive (compares vocabularys in different languages). 2. Connection of L with other linguistic disciplines

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun