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"policy" - 388 õppematerjali

policy - Eesmärgid (koal. lepe, strateegiad) Output = tulem (õigusaktid, rahaeraldised) Outcome = tagajärjed (“Rikas riik, parem palk”) * Administreerimine vs poliitika - Poliitikale vastandub administreerimise mõiste – administreerimine tähistab tehnilist otsuste elluviimist.

Microsoft operations framework

.................................11 2.4 Haldamise kiht.................................................................................................................................11 2.4.1 Service Management Function..................................................................................................12 2.4.2 Internal Control.........................................................................................................................12 2.4.3 Policy and Control Management Review..................................................................................12 KOKKUVÕTE..............................................................................................................................14 KASUTATUD MATERJAL..................................................................................................................15 Microsoft Operations Framework

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

Soome ja Rootsi välispoliitika

Viidatud allikad Andersson, J. J. (2013). Sweden has effectively used bilateral co-operation with the US and other European states as an alternative to NATO membership. (24.12.2013) Algan, Y., Cahuc, P., & Sangnier, M. (2011). Efficient and inefficient welfare states. IZA Dicussion Paper, 5445. Etzold, T., & Haukkala, H. (2011). Is there a Nordic Russia policy? Swedish, Finnish and Danish relations with Russia in the context of the European Union. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 19(2), 249-260. Frisell, H. E. & Oldberg, I. (2009) `Cool Neighbors': Sweden's EU Presidency and Russia ,Russie.Nei.Visions n42, Kivinen, O. (2011). Soome ja NATO. Diplomaatia, 2, 12 Ojanen, H. (2000). Participation and Influence: Finland, Sweden and the post-Amsterdam development of the CFSP. Institute for Security Studies. Western European Union. Rolenc, J. M

Muu → Ainetöö
36 allalaadimist

For and against Estonian troops on peace keeping missions

I am sure that nobody likes war. Nowadays peace-keeping missions are becoming very popular. Different countries for example Estonia send troops to keep peace in some country where at this instant the war is taking place. But is it necessary? Some point of view peace-keeping missions are important. For example counrty what needs help, can be very weak and needs reinforcement. Also then Estonian forces knows, that if Estonia have foreign policy problems, then this country might helps us too. Secondly if Estonian troops are on peace-keeping missions, then powerful countries might see that our troops are quite practical and this increases our relationships with world countries. Negative is that peace-keeping missions can be very dangerous. Like couple year ago, Estonian soldier died in Afganistan, but he hasn`t been the only one. Even now, estonians

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM The term acid rain refers to what scientists call acid deposition. It is caused by airborne acidic pollutants and has highly destructive results. Scientists first discovered acid rain in 1852, when the English chemist Robert Agnus invented the term. From then until now, acid rain has been an issue of intense debate among scientists and policy makers. Acid rain, one of the most important environmental problems of all, cannot be seen. The invisible gases that cause acid rain usually come from automobiles or coal-burning power plants. Acid rain moves easily, affecting locations far beyond those that let out the pollution. As a result, this global pollution issue causes great debates between countries that fight over polluting each other's environments. For years, science studied the true causes of acid rain

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Verb ing / to

· Please remember to post the letter. 5)Kahetsen millegi tegemist(tegin juba) · I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it. Kahetsusega teatama(olevikus) I regret to say / to tell you / to inform you 6)Jätkama sama tegevust, mida juba teen · The minister went on talking for two hours. 7)Minema midagi tegema (midagi uut) · After discussing the economy, the minister then went on to talk about foreign policy. !!!! NII ING KUI KA TO KASTUTATAKSE SÕNADEGA: Begin/ start/ intend/ continue/ bother · It has started raining, or It has started to rain. · John intends buying a house, or John intends to buy... · Don't bother locking the door, or Don't bother to lock... But normally we do not use ­ing after-ing: · It's starting to rain. (Not it's starting raining)

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Love medicine

``Love medicine`` Louise Erdrich Introduction My name is Karl-Erik Lett. The title of my book is Love medicineand the autor of this book is Louise Erdich. This book was Publisher in 1984. I really enjoyed reading this book, seeing events from different point of views was facinating and made reading interesting. I chose this book because of its interesting title. Native American government policy is a recurrent topic, especially because the Kashpaw family is (according to Nector) “respected as the last hereditary leaders of this tribe. Loss of a cultural identity and Native American spirituality characterizes and separates the two generations in Love Medicine: “They gave you worthless land to start with and then they chopped it out from under your feet. They took your kids away and stuffed the English language in their mouth

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Alkoholi mõju tunnistaja mälule

järeldused. Uurimuses osalesid vähemalt 21-aastased üliõpilased, kelle hulgast välistati isikud, kellele alkoholi tarbimine on ohtlik meditsiinilistel või psühholoogilistel põhjustel. Sobivatele osalejatele teatati, et nad võivad tarbida kuni 0.08g/210 L alkoholi ning paluti 1 J. R. Evans et al. Intoxicated Witnesses and Suspects: Procedures and Prevalence According to Law Enforcement. - Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2009, vol 15, No 3, p 194 2 N. S. Compo et al. Intoxicated Eyewitnesses: Better than Their Reputation? - Law and Human Behavior, 2011, issue 2 3 hoiduda alkoholi tarbimisest 24 tundi enne osalemist. Kõik osalejad (joobes, platseebo ja kained) vaatasid pealt lavastatud vargust, kuulsid varguse kohta valeinformatsiooni ning võtsid osa uurimisküsitlusest. Alkoholi mõju mälule

Õigus → Juurdluspsühholoogia
1 allalaadimist

Basic banking

Debt securities issued 6. Remaining assets 6. Capital and reserves 7. External liabilities 8. Remaining liabilities ( 1 ) A detailed description of the instrument categories is provided in Annex 4 of the ECB publication: "The single monetary policy in Stage Three: General documentation on ESCB monetary policy instruments and procedures". Source: ECB, Figure ... Composition of the consolidated balance sheet of the euro area MFIs (including the Eurosystem) at end-2012 Suorce: ECB, (

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

Hüpoteegi kindlustuse esitlus inglise keeles

What I am talking What is mortage insurance? Private mortgage insurance Pros and cons of private mortage insurance How to get rid and avoid private mortage insurance? What is mortage insurance? Mortgage insurance (also known as mortgage guaranty) is an insurance policy which compensates lenders or investors for losses due to the default of a mortgage loan. Private mortgage insurance insures the lender down payments are below 20% rates 1.5% to 6% rates paid in a single lump sum, annually, monthly payments tax-deductible(maksustatavat tulu vähendav kulu) Private mortgage insurance types Lender-Paid Private Borrower-Paid Private Mortgage Insurance Mortgage Insurance (LPMI) (BPMI)

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sense and sensibility

They have a younger sister, Margaret, and an older half-brother named John. When their father dies, the family estate passes to John, and the Dashwood women are left in reduced circumstances. In 18th century womens didn´t have so big role in society as men´s. Only change to get rich by women`s was marriage with the rich man. In movie was mostly talked about high class people. Womens didn´t have the opportunity to take a part in policy. Richer womens had change to hire a butler, so they did´t have to do household job. Women`s free time activities where mostly: music( mostly violin or piano), handcrafting , celebrations and reading. Men`s had a big role in society. Men`s had all the important jobs. Better-paid jobs where : politician, lawyer and to go army and get rich. Men`s free time activities where mostly :hunting, cricket and card games. In this time the people where very polite with each other, especially high-class

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Essee What does being free mean?

Freedom plays an important role in our everyday life. It is hard to understand what "being free" mean as every person has his own view on it, which depends on our lifestyle and upbringings. There are a lot of kinds of freedom in the modern world. It can affect on people`s life positively as well as may cause different problems. To begin with, there are certain arguments in favour of being free. Firstly, people in developed countries have a freedom of speech. As a result, democratic policy in such regions offers a great opportunity to citizens to have their opinions heard and be considered. Moreover, some people suggest that being free mean material independence. If a man provide himself (materially), he is able to act as he wants to do it. In spite of having many advantages, being free may also be harmful for certain people. The most important disadvantage is that too much freedom in children`s upbringings could cause a big

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


1.ETTEVÕTLUS on tulu saamisele suunatud iseseisev majandustegevus, mis on kooskõlas seaduse ja moraalinormidega. Ettevõtlus on protsess, mille abil indiviidid ­ kas omal käel või organisatsioonisiseselt ­ püüdlevad võimaluste poole ja kasutavad neid ära, sõltumata ressurssidest, mis sel hetkel on nende käsutuses. (Stevenson ja Jarillo 1990) Ettevõtlus on protsessikeskne (ehk protsessipõhine), milles on keskseks märksõnaks muutus. 2.SOTSIAALETTEVÕTLUSE OLEMUS Sotsiaalsed ettevõtted on ühiskonnas positiivse muutuse esilekutsumiseks loodud organisatsioonid, mis teenivad ettevõtlustulu ja suunavad kasumi oma tegevuse edasiarendamiseks. Sotsiaalne ettevõte on sisuliselt majandusüksus, kes tegutseb avalikes huvides. Sotsiaalalal toimuvas ettevõtluses on valdav väikeettevõtlus, isegi mikroettevõtlus, keskettevõtlust on üsna vähe, suurettevõtlust peaaegu pole. Võib ka öelda, et sotsiaalse ja `tavalise' ettevõtluse vahel toimub vastastikune õppi...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
4 allalaadimist

Riigi ja valitsemise III osa

n Demokraatlikult valitakse rahvaesindus, mis seab otse või kaudselt ametisse täitevvõimu. n Seadusandja kehtestab arutelu ja hääletuse kaudu kujunevate eesmärkide saavutamiseks üldised reeglid kõigile täitmiseks. Nii tekkinud ühishuvi kaalub üles erahuvid (ultima ratio) Poliitikakujundamise tasandid n Politicsi dominandiga tasandid n Valitseva arvamuse kujundus ­ teemaseade n Poliitiline konkurents võimu pärast n Policy dominandiga tasandid n Avalik poliitika (public policy) tegevusjoone elluviimiseks mingis küsimuses n Halduspoliitikad (administrative policies) teatud sektori eesmärgistatud korraldamisena n Valitsemise seisukohast on olulised kõik tasandid. Kuigi ennekõike ollakse suunatud tulemustele (policy), on hädavajalik kindlustada tegevuskeskkonna toetus ja see hõlmab palju politicsi Policy

Politoloogia → Riik ja valitsemine
149 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus sotsiaalpoliitikasse

Sissejuhatus sotsiaalpoliitikasse Policy-Polis Agura-market-Polircs- poliitikud tulid kokku ja arutasid probleemide üle linnas Social politics- discusting the problems Talgud on vana versioon sotsiaalpoliitikast Distribution mechanism Oikos Reciprocity Redistribution Market Polanyi stresses that there is no sense in privileging on mode of circulation in relation to the others. He says: ,,the need for trade of markets is no greater than in the case of reciprocity and redistribution" 1601 Poor Law- Queen Elizabeth I of England Uniform system appointing officals as overseers of the poor Local responsibility Worthy vs. unworthy poor Workhouses- unworthy poor Almshouses- worthy poor Reasons for growing poverty Breakdown of the Feudal system ...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Narkomaania 2

NARKOMAANIA NARKOMAANIA  Narkomaania on psüühiline või füüsiline sõltuvus, mis on tekkinud narkootikumide tarvitamise tagajärjel.  Narkootiliste ainete all on siin mõistetud lisaks legaalsetele uimastitele (alkohol, nikotiin, olmekeemia hulka kuuluvad saadused) veel õigusaktides sätestatud korras koostatud nimekirjades loetletud ained ja samuti nende ainete stereoisomeere, estreid, eetreid või soolasid. TUNNUSED Soov ainet tarvitada Ärrituvus Unehäired Valud Psühhoos PÕHJUSED Probleemidega toimetulek Meelelahutus Katsetamine Kaaslaste heakskiit Mõned uimastid on ühiskonnas aktsepteeritud NARKOMAANIA RAVI JA REHABILITATSIOON  Uimastisõltuvuse ravi- ja rehabilitatsioonisüsteemi tervikuna võib vaadelda kui eri sihtrühmadele suunatud ning erinevate ravi eesmärkidega teenuste koordineeritud võrgustikku  Sõltuvusprobleemige isiku abistamine algab temaga esmase kontakti loomisest, mille käigus toimub te...

Bioloogia → inimeseõpetus
1 allalaadimist


Gonorröa Mis on gonorröa? · Sugulisel teel leviv nakkus,mis esmalt kahjustab limaskesti,kuid QuickTime and a hiljem võib verega decompressor are needed to see this picture. levida üle kogu organismi. Tekkepõhjused · Tekitajaks on Neisseria Gonorrhoeae ehk gonokokk. · Gonokokk elab kusiti,emakakaelakanali,päraku ja silma sidekesta kattekihis. · Nakatumine toimub ainult inimeselt inimesele,limaskestade kokkupuutumisel,tavaliselt sugulise vahekorra ajal. Sümpomid (1) · Gonorröa avaldub tavaliselt 1- 16 päeva pärast nakatumist. · Väga tavalised on ilma sümptomiteta juhud. · Kõige sagedamini tuleb ette uretriit meestel, siis tekib halvalõhnaline mädavoolus ja peenise ots muutub põletikuliseks.Samuti on valus urineerida Sümptomid(2) · Naistel on kõige sagedamad infektsioonid emakakaelal. · Kõige sagedasemad...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
15 allalaadimist

“Foreign direct investments in the Estonian economy”

comparative advantages since the 1990's. As a member of the European Union, Estonia today obviously enjoys free trade within the Union, and full participation of external trade agreements signed by the Union. In November 1999 Estonia became a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), and in May 2004 the country joined the EU. Already from its early years of re- independence in the 1990's, Estonia pursued a clear pro-trade policy, opening up its borders to foreign trade and investments in a quite unique way. This early exposure to foreign competition and capital, guaranteed the country a comparatively quick transformation to a full-fledged market economy, dominated by the spirit of free-trade, already before joining the EU. Also as a consequence of the openness, many large Estonian companies are today owned by foreign capital, and the share of subcontracting works in exports is still high.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Tulemustasud ja nende mõju töötaja töösooritusele

KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS Bevilacqua, C.M, Singh, P. (2009) Pay for Performance - Panacea or Pandora's Box? Revisiting an Old Debate in the Current Economic Environment - Compensation & Benefits Review, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 20-26 Advantages & Disadvantages of Pay-for-Performance Policies (2015) 44264.html (27.04.2017) What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages of a Pay-for-Performance Policy? (2011) (27.04.2017)

Haldus → Arhiivihaldus
5 allalaadimist

Planning of Cultural Landscapes

Planning of Cultural Landscapes Viktor Skunov Eesti Maaülikool Kadriorg Park which celebrated its 293th birthday on July 22 is the largest park in Tallinn and the richest in various species. One of the most important event of foreign policy took place in Kadriorg PalaceThe important men of Russia and Austria discussed the possibilities of destroying Prussia. One of the most important visitor from Russia in Kadriorg was Katarina II. On June 28 1764, a fancydress ball took place in the Kadriorg Palace for about five hundred persons,dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of Katarina II´s accession(astumine) to the throne. 1908.on July 15 the greece crown princess Alice came to see Tallinn.She

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kadriorg Park

Kadriorg Park which celebrated its 293th birthday on July 22 is the largest park in Tallinn and the richest in various species. One of the most important event of foreign policy took place in Kadriorg Palace-The important men of Russia and Austria discussed the possibilities of destroying Prussia. On June 28 1764, a fancy-dress ball took place in the Kdriorg Palace for about five hundred persons,dedicated to the celebration of the anniversary of Katarina II´s accession(astumine) to the throne. 1908.on Jluy 15 the greece crown princess Alice came to see Tallinn.She was only few days in here but still loved it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Estonia´s neighbours

Population: 5 milion Language: Finnish, Swedish and Sami Finland, officially The Republic of Finland, is the eighth largest country in Europe. From the late 12th century until 1809, Finland was part of Sweden. In World War II, Finnish forces fought in three separate conflicts: the Winter War (1939–1940) and Continuation War (1941–1944) against the Soviet Union and the Lapland War (1944– 1945) against Nazi Germany. Finland joined the United Nations in 1955 and established an official policy of neutrality and the European Union in 1995 and the eurozone at its inception in 1999. Estonian and Finnish are very similar. Estonia and Finland also share the tune of their national anthem.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Riist- ja tarkvara dokumenteerimine

kasutajakontode loomine ajakavad (varundus, logide analüüs) Soovituslik riistvara/tarkvara konfiguratsioon Arvutivõrgu reeglid Arvutivõrgu reeglite struktuur: Üldpõhimõtted Keelud Kasutajate ja arvutite lisandumine võrku Kasutajate õigused ja kohustused Teenindajate õigused ja kohustused Reeglite rikkumise tagajärjed Kirjalikud lepingud kasutajatega ? Acceptable Use Policy Helpdesk Kasutajate probleemide registreerimine Probleeme võimalik liigitada põhjuse/raskusastme järgi ning suunata edasi õigele lahendajale Probleemide lahendamine kohale minemata TeamViewer vm sarnane tarkvara Probleemi lahendamise dokumenteerimine Tarkvara: eFormular või isetehtud vorm, nt Google Forms ftware-tools/ IT vs tavakasutajad

Informaatika → Ettevõtete infosüsteemid
7 allalaadimist

Starteegiline juhtimine

environment, and what it can do to make its products unique in the marketplace. Perspective emphasizes the substantial influence that organizational culture and collective thinking can have on strategic decision making within a company. Understanding and using each element helps you develop a robust, practical and achievable business strategy. *a strategy in a small organization, *learning organization, what is a policy, Õppiv organisatsioon on selline organisatsioon, mis oskab luua, säilitada ja siirdada teadmist ning kohandab vastavalt oma käitumist. Õppiva organisatsiooni põhitegevused: • Lahendab probleeme süsteemselt • Eksperimenteerib • Õpib mineviku kogemustest ja teistelt • Siirdab teadmisi kiiresti ja takistusteta läbi terve organisatsiooni Basic Organisational Structures  • Simple • Functional • Divisional Situational Analysis: SWOT Analysis

Majandus → Juhtimine
21 allalaadimist


Rääkides kultuurist, saab ütelda, et see on sündinud ühes kindlas kohas ning alles seejärel - pidevalt muutudes ja arenedes, kuid äratuntavaid ühiselemente säilitades - valgunud üle maailma. Mõnikord arvatakse, et ka globaliseerumine viib välja ühiste kultuurielementide omaksvõtmisele kogu maailmas. Seega saab globaliseerumist teatavate mööndustega käsitleda kultuuridifusioonina, mis aga, haarates kogu maailma, suunab kõiki ühtmoodi ja takistab mitmekesisust. Ajakirja Foreign Policy ja konsultatsioonifirma A.T. Kearney koostatud globaliseerumisindeksi järgi platseerus Eesti enim globaliseerunud riikide esikümnesse. Globaliseerumine mõjutab Eesti kultuuri mitmel erineval viisil. Kultuuride segunemine on globaliseerumise üheks tagajärjeks, kuid Eesti puhul üteldakse tihtipeale, et see rikastab meie ühiskonda. Kui suudame hoida enda kultuuri ning mõnel määral üle võtta midagi ka teistest kultuuridest, kujuneb ajapikku välja kirev ja huvitav kultuuride sulam.

Geograafia → Geograafia
248 allalaadimist

The Houses of Parliament

above. at one end of the Chamber is the Throne from which Queen Elizabeth II gives her speech WESTMINSTER HALL The oldest part of Parliament the walls were built in 1097 it was extensively rebuilt during the 14th century today the hall is often used for important State occasions THE MAIN FUNCTIONS TODAY To examine proposals for new laws provide, by voting for taxation the means of carrying on the work of government scrutinise government policy and administration debate the major issues of the day VISITING PARLIAMENT You can attend debates watch judicial hearings and committees take a tour of Parliament climb Big Ben tour Parliament during the Summer Opening Thank you for watching! If you want to know more, visit:

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Internet- Otsimootor Töökeskkonna keel Eesti keel 129 keeles (sh eesti) 28 keeles (va eesti) Abi Üleval paremas nurgas link Abi Link kõik Googlist All Privacy Policy kõrval Kataloog Avalehel link Kataloog (riigiti erinev) Otseselt kataloogi pole Tõstutundlik Ei ole Ei ole Ei ole Pärnu=PÄRNU=pärnu Pärnu=PÄRNU=pärnu Pärnu=PÄRNU=pärnu

Informaatika → Informaatika
18 allalaadimist

Green Illusions - book powerpoint - alternative energy

Ozzie Zehner Author  Ozzie Zehner  Visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley Kettering University ( BS – Engineering ) The University of Amsterdam ( MS/Drs – Science and Technology Studies ) Primarily researches social, cultural, political and economic .jpg conditions influencing energy policy priorities and project outcomes Introduction This book talks about the negative side effects of the alternative energy like wind turbines, solar cells and bio fuels. We don't have an energy crisis. We have a consumption crisis. And this book, offers refreshingly straight talk about what's wrong with the way we think and talk about the problem. Though we generally believe we can solve environmental problems with more energy, Solar cells Advantages: Simple  Low cost

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Writing advertisement

several problems. On your web page it was said if you buy clothes or items for 100 € then you do not have to pay the shipping cost, but the bill includes it. The quality of the clothes is below the standard. The jacket that I bought has a broken zip and the jeans miss a button. Also, the sports bag’s strap is missing. Finally, the boots are of the wrong size. I ordered size 39 but I got size 41. I insist that you replace all the items. However, if this is not the policy of the company I would like a full refund. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Mari Mets

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Heaoluriigi mudelid konspekt/kokkuvõte

Cameron 2013) Kaasaegne parempoolsus (järg) A. Merkel (CDU, kantsler al 2005) Põhirõhk majanduse “käimasaamisel”. Lasteaedade föderaalprogramm. TH reform (2010). Sissemakse määrade tõstmine (15,5% tööandja + töötaja kokku). Merkeli uus grosse koalition al. 2013 (koos SPD) ◦ Föder. Min.palk. Kontroll üürihindade tõusu üle. Geiabielude lubamine. Seega: saksa HR on jäänud endiselt ideoloogiast vähe mõjutatuks (tehnokraatlik). 3. Loeng Hõivepoliitika (UN)employment policy: 1. Tööturu iseloom heaolurežiimides. 2. Töötute sotsiaalne kaitse HR “kuldajal”. 3. Paradigma muutus: töötute kaitselt hõivepoliitikani. 4. Country studies. Miks tööturu teema oluline?: Mida kõrgem hõive seda väiksem koormus HRile. Hõivemustrid on seotud peamiste sotsiaalprogrammide olemusega- kindlustus. Jobless growth- HR peab kohanema asjaoluga, et on pidev töötus, madalam produktiivsus. Kuidas HR saab nende väljakutsetega hakkama?

Politoloogia → Heaoluriigi mudelid
108 allalaadimist

The Republic of Cameroon

during the Neolithic · Portuguese sailors reached the coast in 1472 · The German Empire claimed the territory as the colony of Kamerun in 1884 and began a steady push inland. · An economic crisis took effect in the mid-1980s to late 1990s as a result of international economic conditions, drought, falling petroleum prices, and years of corruption, mismanagement, and cronyism. Politics and Government · The President of Cameroon has broad, unilateral powers to create policy, administer government agencies, command the armed forces, negotiate and ratify treaties, and declare a state of emergency · The president appoints government officials at all levels, from the prime minister (considered the official head of government), to the provincial governors, divisional officers, and urban-council members in large cities) · Cameroon's legal system is largely based on French civil law with common law influences

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Introduction and history of the European Union

of the European Union is in Brussels. The current president of the European Council is Herman Van Rompuy. Council of the European Union It is part of the essentially bicameral EU legislature, representing the executives of EU member states, the other legislative body being the European Parliament. The Council is composed of several configurations of twenty-eight (28) ministers. The exact membership of the configuration depends upon the topic; for example, when discussing agricultural policy the Council is formed by the twenty-eight national ministers whose portfolio include this policy area. The Presidency of the Council rotates every six months among the governments of EU member states, with the relevant ministers of the respective country holding the Presidency at any given time ensuring the smooth running of the meetings and setting the daily agenda. The continuity between presidencies is provided by an arrangement under which three successive

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Enviromental problems

Until recently, concern about the environment revolved almost exclusively around local and national problems. Over the past two decades, however, scientists have increasingly focused attention on more far-reaching environmental threats, such as global warming, ozone depletion, and deforestation that transcend national boundaries. A new concept ­ global environmental problems ­ has entered the public arena, especially in the area of foreign policy and economic matters. Global Environmental Problems: · Energy · Water · Global Climate Change · Land Use and Development · Ozone Depletion · Waste · Resource Depletion · Ecological Health (Biodiversity) · Human Health · Air Quality Sustainable Development

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
34 allalaadimist

Prantsuse keele levik väljaspool euroopat

Prantsuse keele levik väljaspool euroopat --Austraalia ja Oceaania Austraalia · Austraalia nimetus tuleb ladinakeelsest sõnast australis ja tähendab lõunas-. Romaanid kasutasid väljendit Terra Australis Incognita -- tundmatu maa lõunas. Alates 1924. aastast on kontinendi ametlik nimi Australia. Riigi keelt pole. ~80% elanikkonnast räägib inglise keelt. Okeaania · Prantsuse keel on ainsaks riigikeeleks Prantsuse Polüneesias (Polynésie française). Tänapäevane nimetus collectivité d'outre-mer de la République française. Prantsuse Polüneesia on Prantsusmaale kuuluv meretagune territoorium (collectivités d'outre- mer) Okeaanias. · Elanikke: 260 338 (2006), 69% elab Tahiti saarel, ~12% kogu elanikkonnast on prantslased. Okeaania Okeaania · Avastas James Cook 1767. aastal. 1797 ­ esimeste protestantidest misjonäride saabumine. · Prantsuse misjonärid...

Geograafia → Geograafia
1 allalaadimist

Mormon Polygamy

He himself did not acknowledge having multiple wives publicly since it was illegal. After Joseph Smith's murder by a mob on June 27, 1844, the main body of Mormons followed Brigham Young to Utah where the practice of plural marriage continued. Polygamy was illegal in all US territories. Very harsh anti- polygamy legislation in the US led some Mormons to emigrate to Canada and Mexico. Since the Second Manifesto in 1904, a policy was adopted for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints found practicing or promoting new polygamous marriages--marriages performed before the Manifesto were allowed to continue until all parties had died. Today, the practice of plural marriage continues among tens of thousands of Mormon fundamentalists, mostly in the western United States, Canada, and Mexico, where it is generally illegal. Practitioners are almost never prosecuted

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse ajalugu, elavad klassikud

Esimene uurija, kes pälvis Rootsi FSF-NUTEK auhinna (1996) Panus ettevõtlusuuringutesse Haridus Insener ja arvutiprogrammeerija Rakenduslik füüsika Harvardi Ülikool Uurimisinsener Majandusteadus Harvardi Ülikool MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology) Looming The Job Generation Process (1979) Suurem osa töökohtadest luuakse väikeettevõtetes Job Creation in America (1987) Gasellid ja hiired Labour Markets, Employment Policy, and Job Creation (1994) Peatükk "Gasell" Birchi indeks Näitab kui palju on töötajate arv teatud aja jooksul kasvanud Absoluutne töötajate arvu kasv x suhteline töötajate arvu kasv Näide: Kui töökohtade arv firmas kasvab 200st 800ni aastatel 2005-2007, oleks Birchi indeks selline: =(800-200)x(800/200)=600x4=2400 Giacomo Becattini Itaallane 1927 Majandusteaduste professor Firenze ülikoolis (1968) Piirkondlik majandusidee

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
15 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

monopoly, creation, and more efficient use of resources by means of free movement of labor force and capital. 8 Harmonization H Free movement of all factors of production, single currency, single monetary and fiscal policy are elements of ... 9 Market Access I In a ... free movement of goods complemented by single customs tariff. 1 Monetary Union J Introduction of single currency between the participating

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


globalization and economic development more generally. IMF is a specialized agency of the United Nations but has its own charter, governing structure, and finances. Its members are represented through a quota system broadly based on their relative size in the global economy. The IMF tracks global economic trends and performance, alerts its member countries when it sees problems on the horizon, provides a forum for policy dialogue, and passes on know-how to governments on how to tackle economic difficulties. (IMF) The IMF provides policy advice and financing to members in economic difficulties and also works with developing nations to help them achieve macroeconomic stability and reduce poverty. The IMF supports its membership by providing (IMF)  policy advice to governments and central banks based on analysis of economic trends and cross-country experiences;

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Raha ja rahapoliitika Eesti Vabariigis

Eesti Pank 1939-1999. Tallinn: Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda, 1999, 151 lk. Kallas, S. Euro kasutusele krooni kõrvale. Äripäev, 24. aprill 2000, lk.31. Sõrg, M. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 1997, 143 lk. Zirnask, V., Liikane, K. Raha, pangad ja finantsturud. I osa, Tallinn: Greif, 1994, 232 lk. Tõnisson, V. Rahapoliitika on saavutanud usaldusväärsuse. Ärielu,1998, nr.4, lk. 19-21. 29 MONEY AND MONETARY POLICY IN THE ESTONIAN REPUBLIC. SUMMARY The aim of this course-paper is to clarify the role of the money in macro-economics and to give a concise review of the development of the Estonian money and monetary policy. Money is extremely tightly connected through financial policy to the economy policy and generally with economic system. The first chapter is about different money theories, characters of the high quality money and different money functions.

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
254 allalaadimist

Inglise keele majandussõnastik

..............................tarbimise tasakaal 103. Consumer goods ­ ............................................tarbekaubad 104. Consumer price index ­ ....................................tarbijahinnaindeks 105. Consumer surplus ­ ..........................................tarbija hinnavaru 106. Consumption ­ ..................................................tarbimine 107. Contest ­ ...........................................................võistlus 108. Contractionary fiscal policy ­ ..........................kitsendav fiskaalpoliitika 109. Contribution ­ ...................................................rahaline toetus 110. Convenience store ­ .........................................esmatarbekaupade pood 111. Conventional marketing ­................................. tavakohane turundus 112. Conviction- .......................................................kindel veendumus 113. Corporation ­ ....................................................aktsiaselts 114

Keeled → Inglise keel
69 allalaadimist

US History: Native Americans and the first settlements

writ of habeas corpus, the benefit of trial by jury, and other individual rights. In addition the ordinance encouraged education and forbade slavery Indian Removal Act of 1830 The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy. During the fall and winter of 1838 and 1839, the Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears." By 1837, the Jackson administration had removed 46,000 Native American people from their land east of the Mississippi, and had secured treaties which led to the removal of a slightly larger number. Most

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Raha- ehk monetaarpoliitika

Raha ehk monetaarpoliitika Raha ehk monetaarpoliitika Monetary policy Poliitiliselt sõltumatu keskpanga tegevus, mis mõjutab rahamassi ja intressimäärasid, et kontrollida inflatsiooni ja majanduskasvu Rahapoliitika eesmärgid Raha stabiilsuse tagamine Hindade stabiilsus Majanduskasv Kõrge tööhõive Finantsturgude stabiilsus Intressimäära stabiilsus Välisvaluuta reservide stabiilsus Rahapoliitilised instrumendid ja keskpank 1 Püsivõimalused. Nende eesmärk on...

Majandus → Majandus
86 allalaadimist


of any NATO countries, their institutions and societies, and even NATO itself to disruption or penetration of their information and communications systems. • Estonia’s proposals for a NATO cyber excellence center received strong support from the alliance’s Secretary-General "Jaap" de Hoop Scheffer. NATO completed an assessment of the situation, partly in light of Estonia’s experience, in April 2007, and approved a NATO policy on cyber defence in January 2008. NATO’s summit communiqué in Bucharest in April announced NATO’s readiness to "provide a capability to assist allied nations, upon request, to counter a cyber attack". OVERVIEW • The Cyber Defence Center in Tallinn is one of 18 accredited Centres of Excellence (COEs), for training on technically sophisticated aspects of NATO operations. It is being funded nationally and multi- nationally as these centers are closely linked with

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
11 allalaadimist


education system, political freedom and civil rights, press freedom and economic freedom; it was also ranked fourth from the bottom on the Failed States Index, being one of the few "sustainable" states in the world. Ireland has emerged as an attractive destination for foreign immigrants who now make up approximately 10% of the population. Ireland's population is the fastest growing in Europe with an annual growth rate of 2.5%. Ireland is a member of the EU, the OECD, and the UN. Ireland's policy of neutrality means it is not a member of NATO, although it does contribute to peacekeeping missions sanctioned by the UN. History Ireland is the successor-state to the Dominion called the Irish Free State. That Dominion came into being when all of the island of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on 6 December 1922. However, the following day the Parliament of Northern Ireland exercised its right under the Anglo-Irish Treaty to opt

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

group has actual business earnings in that particular entity/country. This fixed ratio rule is advised to be supplemented with the group ratio rule to allow a more flexible approach to groups having high debt in a particular entity/country for non-tax reasons but low interest expenses in other group entities; and additional targeted/specific rules as necessary to manage volatility of interest expenses, achieve additional tax policy objectives or lower other risks. The fixed ratio rule, as a minimum, should apply to all entities in multinational groups. In reaching its recommended best practice approach – the fixed ratio rule - the OECD has put great work into comparative analyses of different metrics, definitions, existing practices and risks. In the Final Report it explains thoroughly how it arrived at fixed ratio rule as the most promising but still relatively non-complex metrics.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

MAKSUD alkoholiaktsiis

Egon Veermäe ettekanne aktsiisipoliitika ümarlaual 21.05.2012 3. 4. Rahandusministeerium 5. Alkoholi-, tubaka-, kütuse- ja elektriaktsiisi seaduse muutmise seadus 268 SE 15e938c8f480& 6. Peters,B.Guy.2000. American Public Policy: promise and Performance. 5th ed. Viidatud läbi Kraft, M, Furlong, S. 2007. Public policy: Politics, Analysis and Alternatives. 2nd ed. CQ press. 7

Majandus → Arenguökonoomika
26 allalaadimist


As with the issue of animal treatment, these trends in arable agriculture have provoked public concern. Combined, these concerns have helped encourage the rapid growth of vegetarianism in Britain since the early 1980s and the expansion of organic farming, although this is still on a very small scale. However, partly in reaction to these concerns, and partly because of costs, the trend is now towards lower chemical use in farming. Agricultural policy includes schemes to encourage farmers to take land out of agricultural production to adopt more environmentally kind, but less productive methods of farming to impose production quotas on certain products, like milk, and to reduce subsidies on others. EXERCISE. Complete the table with suitable words from the column on the right. Comparison of farming in the north-west and south-west of Britain. to the North-west to the South-east

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
6 allalaadimist


Samas peaksid naised kasutama rasedusvastaseid asju, sest sündimus Niggerias aina kasvab ja ületab normid. Tuleks parandada elanikke elukvaliteeti. KASUTATUD MATERJALID 1. City Population kodulehekülg. Kättesaadav: 2. Countries of The World koulehekülg. Kättesaadav: html 3. Migration Policy Instiut´e kodukülg. Kättesaadav: 4. Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center kodulehekülg. Kättesaadav: 5. The CIA Wrold Factbook 2009 kodulehekülg. Kättesaadav: 6. U.S Census Bureau kodulehekülg. Kättesaadav: 7. Riikide rahavstiku tiheduste kaardid www.bestcountryreports

Geograafia → Geograafia
18 allalaadimist

Why is Australia young people's dreamland

a hotel. But living style and culture are different. This difference and distance attracts young like honey flies. Australia is many times bigger than Estonia. And that also means more opportunities, in many different fields. In Estonia there is quite hard to find or get a job, you need to have experience. But experience is exactly what young people don't have. Last summer I didn't get a job because every where they asked if I have experience. Also in Estonia we have cousin policy, if your relative works somewhere, then it's easier for you to get a job. If you're working in Estonia you don't make a lot of money. But in Australia you can get a job easier, because there are a lot of farms that need seasonal workers. Farmers take young people to work very easily and some even give them living space. Salary in Australia is many times bigger than in Estonia. Big salary is the most important thing for young people to start their own life

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Keskkonnaprobleemid Euroopas

KESKKONNAPROBLEEMID EUROOPAS KESKKONNAPROBLEEMIDE ALGUS • Sai alguse 19. sajandil • Suurimaks põhjuseks industrialiseerimine • Keskkonnapoliitika polnud selgelt määratletud • Puudus ennetuspõhimõte • Inimesed ei oskanud loodust väärtustada • Rasked ajad, keskkond tagaplaanil ERINEVAD KESKKONNAPROBLEEMID • Jäätmekäitlus • Välisõhu saaste • Veemajandus • Müra • Kemikaalid • Loodusliku mitmekesisuse kaitse • Kliimamuutused KESKKONNAPOLIITIKA ARENG • Huvi teke keskkonnaprobleemide vastu • Algas keskkonnaprobleemide süsteemne lahendamine • Kinnitati esimene Keskkonnategevusprogramm • Võeti vastu rida direktiive • Hakati looma keskkonnafonde KESKKONNATEGEVUSPROGRAMMID • I Keskkonnategevusprogramm (1973 -1976) - suurenev keskkonnareostus ja reostuskolded • II Keskkonnategevusprogramm (1977 -1981) - I jätk; keskkonnaelementide põhilised direktiivid ja määrused • III Keskkonnategevusprogramm (1982 -1986) - ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

BMW summary

By 2006, BMW had 22 production sites in 12 countries and delivered 1 138 000 cars to costumers. Its major market is Western Europe (59 per cent of all cars sold), though China is an increasingly important market for luxury Rolls-Royce cars. The company has its own six inner values, which are communication, ethical behaviour to its staff, achievement and remuneration, independence, self-fulfilment and the pursuit of new goals. This value-oriented policy came from senior managers back in 1980s. The company also emphasises extensive consultation, information sharing and seeking to establish positive interrelationships between individual changes. In response to increased competition, market over capacity and lower working hours in Germany, BMW sought more efficient working practices. Since 1995 employees are arranged into groups (8-15 workers) where each member has his/her own responsibility and the rotation of jobs

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun