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"policy" - 388 õppematerjali

policy - Eesmärgid (koal. lepe, strateegiad) Output = tulem (õigusaktid, rahaeraldised) Outcome = tagajärjed (“Rikas riik, parem palk”) * Administreerimine vs poliitika - Poliitikale vastandub administreerimise mõiste – administreerimine tähistab tehnilist otsuste elluviimist.

Fiscal Policy

Fiscal Policy Fiscal policy is that policy which is made by government for controlling the government expenditure, supply of money and taxes. Fiscal policy is great equipment in the hand of any country's government to make better tax system and to manage the public loan and expenditures. Types of Fiscal Policy The three possible types of fiscal policy: neutral, expansionary and contractionary. The definitions of these types are as follows: - A neutral stance of fiscal policy implies a balanced economy. This results in a large tax revenue. Government spending is fully funded by tax revenue and overall the budget outcome has a neutral effect on the level of economic activity. - An expansionary stance of fiscal policy involves government spending exceeding tax revenue.

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist

Policy of 2016

Policy of 2016 Brexit, which means „British“ and „exit“ is referendum to the United Kingdom for leaving from the European Union. Referendum was held on 23rd June 2016. About 52% of the British people voted for leaving the EU. Brexit turned things in the EU upside down and people were amazed, especially people who voted for not leaving the EU. After voting and seeing the results, a lot of people who voted for leaving regretted it, because they just wanted to see if UK is capable to do something big like this. That is why UK is extending the Brexit, because most of the people do not want it. I think when Brexit is finally accomplished, then we will see what will happen and what will be changed in British people lives and also how it affects our lives. I think there would not be much changes, because the Unites Kingdom does not want to become people’s enemy. In November 8, 2016, the United States had 5...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy? Is honesty the best policy in any situation? Some people are very reliable and they hate those who tell lies for any reason. Other people accept "white lies" when situation insists it, even if they usually do not like lying. Dispite their acceptance of white lies, lying is not a good policy. I agree that honesty is the the best policy in a relationship. Children are teached early at school and home that lies are bad and they should not do it. Despite this, I believe that without very small lies, we can not cope with life. I am quite sure that there are no such people who never lies. I do not agree with large lies, which can harm someone. I agree that honesty is good, but often it remains unpaid. For example, few weeks ago I found phone on the stairs at school. I decided to bring it to teacher. The result

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Honesty is always the best policy

Honesty is always the best policy Honesty is one of the first things that parents teach their children, and it is for a good reason. They say that honesty is the most valuable attribute in a person. But is it really the best policy? It isn´t always easy to remain totally honest in difficult situations. We have all lied to our close friends and parents, just for our own good. But the truth is that you always get caught with lying and it only makes things worse. Being dishonest may lead to serious consequenses amd you have to deal with them afterwards. Honesty isn´t only important in your personal life, but also in business. Being honest will help you get a good job and respect

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Rahvusvahelise majanduse alused kodutöö 3

TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL Majandusteaduskond Rahvusvaheliste suhete instituut Lühikokkuvõte artiklist „Monetary Policy, Money, and Inflation“ Kodutöö aines Rahvusvahelise majanduse alused Juhendaja: Tallinn 2015 Rahapoliitika, raha ja inflatsioon. Rahanduse õpikud väidavad, et rahapakkumise kasvatamine viib kõrgema inflatsioonini. USA Föderaalreservi kogemuse põhjal see siiski hetkel ei toimi. Alates 2008.aastast on

Majandus → Rahvusvaheline majandus
16 allalaadimist

Keskkonnapoliitika eksami kordamisküsimused ja vastused 2018

2 Teise jaotuse järgi, mis baseerub riigi sekkumise määra ja valitsuse käitumise järgi, eristatakse: kõrvalehoidvat apelleerivat tasakaalustavat stimuleerivat otsustavat osalevat ettekirjutavat direktiivselt planeeritavat 2. Implementation of corporate environmental policy: main stakeholders, environmental management systems, environmental audit. Korporatsioonid ja keskkond, 3 staadiumit: 1. staadium: Passiivne (kuni 1970) reostus otse või lahjendatud kujul loodusesse; tööstus eitas vastutust. Viis vastuseisuni tööstuste ja looduskaitse organisatsioonide/tarbijate vahel. Tõsised kk probleemid, ettevõtted eitasid vastutust. 2. staadium : Reaktiivne (1970d-1980d) end-of-pipe poliitika (tegeleb saatsega pärast

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
3 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

relations”. Oslo Manual 2005 P.S. Mergers and acquisitions! National innovation system (NIS) The national innovation systems approach stresses that the flows of technology and information among people, enterprises and institutions are key to the innovative process. Innovation and technology development are the result of a complex set of relationships among actors in the system, which includes enterprises, universities and government research institutes. For policy makers, an understanding of the national innovation system can help identify leverage points for enhancing innovative performance and overall competitiveness. It can assist in pinpointing mismatches within the system, both among institutions and in relation to government policies, which can thwart technology development and innovation. Policies which seek to improve networking among the actors and institutions in the system and which aim

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

Association (EFTA). 1960 Creation of European Free Trade Association 1961 UK applies to join the Community. 1962 The Parliamentary Assembly changes its name to the European Parliament. 1965 The Treaty merging the executives of the three Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) is signed in Brussels; enters into force on July 1, 1967. Empty chair crisis 1966 Luxembourg compromise – solution for the empty chair crisis: weaker commission, veto power, common argiculture policy, qualified majority voting 1967 UK re-applies to join the Community. 1968 Agreement of EEC’s common external tarif 1972 Referendum in Norway on joining; majority votes against. Launch of „snake in the tunnel“ 1973 January: Denmark, Ireland and the UK join the European Communities. 1974 April: foreign secretary James Callaghan makes statement to the Council on the new Labour government’s policy on the Community. Calls for major

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Poliitika kujundamine merenduses eksam

Poliitika kujundamine merenduses Public policy – halduspoliitika, aga ka avalik poliitika Kolm sarnast terminit: Politics – poliitika (Public) Policy – (haldus-, avalik) poliitika Polity – poliitiline kogukond Poliitika: kollektiivne otsustetegemise protsess (Heywood: tegevus, mille kaudu rahvas loob, säilitab ja muudab oma elu juhtivaid reegleid) HP: kui selle protsessi tulemus e. reeglite loomine, vastuvõtmine, rakendamine ja hindamine Poliitiline kogukond: poliitilise süsteemi institutsionaalne raamistik

Politoloogia → poliitika kujundamine...
12 allalaadimist

Poliitika ja valitsemise alused konspekt: Poliitika ja selle uurimine, poliitiline inimene

Poliitika ja valitsemise alused Mis on poliitika? Poliitika on : kes saab mida, kuidas ja millal „Harold Lasswell“ Poliitika on väärtuste autoriteetne ümberjaotamine ühiskonna huvides „David Easton“ Poliitika on organiseeritud tegevus, mille abil tullakse võimule, mõjutatakse ja kontrollitakse võimu, et kuujundada ja juhtida avalikku elu. Poliitika kui otsused ressursside ümberjagamise kohta: RIIGIEELARVE Poliitika kui võimumäng: VÕIM-suutlikkus teistele korraldusi anda ja neid midagi tegema panna, mida nad muidu ei teeks. Võimu näod: Võim osustamisena- ähvardus(ork), kasu (tehing), seotustunne (suudlus) Võim teemasedevõimena, Võim mõttekontrollina-inimesed ei oskagiteisiti mõelda. Neli põhiarusaama poliitikast Liberaaldemokraadid:Poliitik Tehnokraadid:Poliitika on Hegemooniateooria:Poliitik Postmodernistid:kõik võib a on inimest...

Politoloogia → Poliitika ja valitsemise...
19 allalaadimist

Poliitika ja valitsemise alused. Kordamisküsimused eksamiks 2014


Politoloogia → Politoloogia
5 allalaadimist

Rahvatervise mõisted

arengule soodsate tingimuste loomine (näiteks sotsiaalse ebavõrdsuse vähendamine, majandusliku, sotsiaalse ja füüsilise keskkonna mõjude muutmine tervisttoetavamaks, indiviidide, gruppide ja kogukondade kaasamine otsustetegemisse ning koostöö arendamine erinevate sektorite vahel jpm). TERVISHOID (health care) Tervisele suunatud meditsiinipraktika, mis holmab tervise edendamist, haiguste ennetamist, ravi ja rehabilitatsiooni. TERVISHOIUPOLIITKA (health care policy or medical care policy) all mõistetakse pigem raviteenuste osutamisele ning finantseerimisele suunatud tegevust ja otsuseid. Tervishoiupoliitika on suunatud tervishoiu arendamisele, tervishoiuteenuste kättesaadavuse ja kvaliteedi suurendamisele ­ tervishoiusüsteemi suutlikkuse arendamisele. RAHVATERVIS (Public Health) Tervise edendamise, haiguste ennetamise ja eluea pikendamise teadus ja praktika, mida

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
4 allalaadimist

Raha ja pangandus

Maksevahend- raha liikumine on ajas ja/või ruumis eraldatud kauba liikumisest. Väärtuse ülekandmise vahend- pärandus, kingitus. 3. Milline alljärgnevaist on seaduslik maksevahend: -asendusraha -sularaha- on seaduslik maksevahend! ( Riigi poolt või riigi nimel emiteeritud rahamärgid on seaduslikeks maksevahenditeks, mis on kohustuslikud vastuvõtmiseks kõikidele majanduse subjektidele! -kaupraha -pangaraha. 4. Millised on keskpanga rahapoliitilised instrumendid? Refinancing Policy -The Purchase of Bill of Exchange -The Extension of Loans against Collaterial (Lombard Policy)- keskpank annab laenu väärtpaberite tagatisel- laen(tähtajaline)tagasiostmisel on hind kõrgem. Open Market Policy- riigi väärtpaberite ost-müük. Foreign Exchange Policy(välisvaluuta poliitika- on kohustatud hoidma +-1,5%) -Foreign Exchange Rate Policy -Swap Policy- tulevikutehingud, valuutalaenud. Minimum Reserve Policy

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
248 allalaadimist

Võrdlus finantsanalüüs kahe ettevõtte alusel

KAHE AUDIT ETTEVÕTTE 2015/16a. MAJANDUSAASTA ARUANDE VÕRDLUSANALÜÜS Töö eesmärgiks oli võrrelda kahte audiitor ettevõtet ja tuua välja erinevused. Valik on tehtud just selline, et tuua välja erinevused mis mõjutavad ettevõtte edukust, kuigi tegevusaeg on sama pikk. Võrreldakse mõlema ettevõtte 2015. aasta ja 2016. aasta majandusaasta aruannet. Mõlemad ettevõtted on vastu võtnud rahvusvahelise võrgustiku sõltumatuse reeglid (Global Independence Policy) ja koostavad oma aruandeid vastavuses rahvusvaheliste finantsaruandluse standarditega IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards). Mõlemad ettevõtted kuuluvad globaalsesse võrgustikku ning peavad teostama kvaliteedikontrolli ja vastavuse järelevalvealast tegevust, mis hõlmab teenuste osutamist, eetikat, ärialast käitumist ja sõltumatust käsitlevaid küsimusi. Mõlemad ettevõtted on tegutsenud Eestis ligikaudu 25 aastat. Niinimetatud Suu...

Majandus → Finantsanalüüs
22 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

Towards the European Economic Community - Election of Spaak – relaunching integration at the Messina Conference 1955 - Integration in all aspects of economy - Creation of a single market - Marginalization of federal idea The creation of EEC - Spaak report - Treaties of Rome (1958) 4 goals: - Single market within 12 years - Elimination of custom duties and tariffs - Extablisment of common agriculture, trade, transpoer, competition policy - Creation of European Social Fund and European Investment Bank Single market - Free trade area for goods - Common policies on product regulation and freedom of movement of the factors of production - A Common Market is a first stage towards a signle market Merger of Institutions - 1965 - Elimination of Commission and council of Euratom and the High Authority and Council of ECSC Single European Act - 1986

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

labour force. The labour force consists of · those who are either working or are actively looking for a job. In comparison with the total population, it leaves out - young people who are not yet working, - the old who are retired, - and those who do not wish to work--or have given up hope of working. Inflation refers to the rate of change of the average level of prices. Keynesian revolution explains why the study of macroeconomics is so intertwined with policy and politics. - Two traditional demand management instruments are fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy manipulates government expenditures or taxes in an attempt to affect the volume of national spending. Monetary policy is directed at influencing interest and exchange rates, and more generally conditions in financial markets; this in turn affects spending on goods and services. Key Concepts · Macroeconomics gross domestic product (GDP)

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist

The European Union

In 1985 the Schengen Agreement is signed to abolish border cheks within the EU members. The next year Spain and Portugal join the European Communities. In 1989 the Berlin Wall falls and in the next year German unites. In 1992 the treaty on Eurpean Union is signed in Maastricht. In 1993 the single market is created, the next year Austia, Finland and Sweden join the EU. In 1997 the treaty of Amsterdam is signed, which showed the beginnings of a common foreign and security policy. In 1999 The European Central Bank takes responsibility for monetary policy and launches euro to 11 countries, Greek joines in 2001. Same year in Nice the European Council agrees to change the system for enlargement of the EU, in 2001 the treaty is signed. In 2002 new Euro coins and notes are introduced to the eurozone members. In 2004 10 countries join the EU: Estonia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. In 2007

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

French is the second-most- common language. However, it has started to be rivaled by English. The majority religion in Syria is Islam: 85 percent of the population is Muslim. Other groups include Christians, Druze, Jews, Baha'is, and others. Syria is not a wealthy country; most people have a mediocre standard of living at best. City dwellers live in apartments. Those who are wealthy enough build villas or large vacation homes in the mountains or on the sea coast. 3. Security policy and alliances Syria is a founding member of the UN, having joined on 24 October 1945, and belongs to ESCWA and all the nonregional specialized agencies except WIPO. It is a charter member of the Arab League, set up in 1945 to foster cooperation in foreign and domestic affairs. Syria also belongs to G-77 and OAPEC. Iran and Syria -Since 1979, the alliance between Syria and Iran has had significant impact in both shaping Middle East politics and thwarting the regional

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Writting a summary

exactly means and when did 28 countries come all together. The third section gives a brief, simple explanation of how the most important EU institutions work. The European Union is a grouping of countries and their citizens. Both of these have a say in European matters. This happens through the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The Council of the European Union is the body representing the goverments of the EU countries. The funfamental decisions on European policy are taken by the European Council. This is made up of the Heads of State or Goverment of the EU, who meet regulary at least every 3 months. Another important institutions in the EU are European Commission, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Central Bank (ECB) and European Court on Auditors. The EU is active in many ares of policy: in economic policy, consumer protection, foreign policy, environmental protection, internal policy and justice.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Fiskaalpoliitika ehk eelarvepoliitika

"Public Sector Development: Difficulties and Restrictions", In T. Haavisto, ed., The Transition to a Market Economy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, Brookfield, US, 1997. 2. Dr. Gablers. Wirtschaftslexikon. Verlag Dr. Gabler KG, Wiesbaden, 1976. 3. Eesti statistika aastaraamat 2000. Statistikaamet, Tallinn, 2000. 4. Fakin, B., De Crombrugghe, A. "Fiscal Adjustments in Transition Economies: Social Transfers and the Efficiency of Public Spending ­ A Comparison with OECD Countries", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No 1803, 1997. 5. Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A. Zoido-Lobaton, P. "Governance Matters", World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No 2196, 1999. 6. K. Kerem. "Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: The Estonian Case", BALT-ECON 2000, Canada, 2000. 7. Kerem, K., Püss, T., Randveer, M., Viies, M. Social Protection System in Estonia on the Threshold of Intgration into the Europen Union, Tallinn, 1998. 7. Papadopoulus, A. P., Sidiropoulus, M. G

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
120 allalaadimist


development). The ENP goes beyond existing relationships to offer political association and deeper economic integration, increased mobility and more people-to- people contacts. The level of ambition of the relationship depends on the extent to which these values are shared. Some examples which steps ENP has made in the field of human rights and which are represented in the report of implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy about Eastern Partnership: The adherence to the shared values of democracy, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms is the very foundation of the Eastern Partnership. Significant steps have been taken to strengthen bilateral dialogues on these matters. Since July 2009 three rounds of Human Rights Dialogue have taken place with Georgia. The first meeting of the EU Armenia Human Rights Dialogue took place in December 2009 and

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Decriminalizing Cannabis in Estonia

Decriminalizing Cannabis in Estonia. Estonia is the leading country in Europe with the highest number of drug fatalities per capita, deaths by fentanyl are raising and current drug policy is not doing its job. According to the most recent data, Estonia's overdose mortality rate is seven times the average in the EU. This is a big concern for a country as little as Estonia, and also a reason why the decriminalizing cannabis topic has grown so popular lately. Cannabis, as a soft drug, is criminalized in Estonia and that fact leads people to go after stronger drugs because by the law they are on the same scale

Politoloogia → Expository writing
4 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

1. Social Policy aspects in EU Treaties Social and employment policy: Objectives: - The promotion of employment - Improved living and working conditions - Proper social protection - Dialogue between management and labour - The development of human resources with a view to lasting high employment and the combating of exclusion. Treaty of Rome: belief that improved working and living conditions would arise from the functioning of the

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist


Will pay an agreed sum to someone else, for example you husband or wife, if you die before a certain age. You can buy a policy that pays a certain sum of specific date, suhch as when you retire from work. Tax shelters- (As with pension plans, live insurance policies are tax shelteris or a way to postponing payment of tax. You don´t have to pay income tax on life insurance premiums. A lump sum- a single, large amount of money paid out when an insurance policy matures- will be taxable. Insurance companies have to invest the money they recieve from premiums. Like pension funds, they are large isitutional investors that invest huge sum in securites, especially low-risk government bonds. Lloyd´s of London- the largest insurance market in the world. This is an assiciation of people called underwriters. Underwriters- people who guarantee to indemnify other people´s possible losses. Lloyd´spreads (hajutavad) risks among a number of syndicates.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

3 What is integrated care? `Integrated care' is a term that reflects a concern to improve patient experience and achieve greater efficiency and value from health delivery systems. The aim is to address fragmentation in patient services, and enable better coordinated and more continuous care, frequently for an ageing population which has increasing incidence of chronic disease. The search for ways to integrate care more effectively is a pressing policy concern. But what do we actually mean by `integrated care'? This research report examines what is meant by `integrated care'. It explores integrated care from an NHS perspective, identifies the concepts that underpin integrated care, suggests how these can be used to inform practical integration efforts both within and beyond the NHS, and sets out how integration might be measured. Key points ·Under current Government proposals, new GP commissioning

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist


Which side is more interested? The main cornerstones of the EU and Russia relations are the trade and energy relations. One biggest breakthrough has been gas pipeline Nord Stream. Russia is the third biggest trade partner of the EU and is the main importer of gas and crude oil. The economic benefits are the biggest cornerstones of the relations. Cooperation between Russia and the European Union progressively strengthens in foreign policy and security issues, in combating illegal migration, organised crime and terrorism. The main achievement of recent years, which can be hardly overestimated, is the understanding increasingly gaining ground that partnership between Russia and the EU is one of the cornerstones of maintaining stability and prosperity not only in Europe, but world-wide. Joint Russian-EU program called "A Partnership for Modernization" was launched. The main

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
7 allalaadimist

Rootsi ja Taani välispoliitika võrdlus

sarnasusi. Peamine põhjus erinevustes on ajalugu ning vähesemal määral riigi suurus. Kasutatud kirjandus Andersson, J. J. (2013). Sweden has effectively used bilateral co-operation with the US and other European states as an alternative to NATO membership. Võrgulehel (08.04.2016) Forest, F.J.J. & III Wilson, I. (2008). Handbook of Defence Policy: International and comparative prespectives. London ja New York: Routledge Manners,I. & Withman,G.R. (2000). The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States. Manchester ja New York: Manchester University Press. Lindblad, G.(2012 juuni). Üldsegi mitte nii neutraalne. Diplomaatia. Võrgulehel (07.04.2016) Rolenc, J. M. (2013). Means, Goals, and Sources of Foreign Policy: The Case of Sweden. ISA

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
3 allalaadimist

Mikro ja makroökonoomika terminid

Säästmisfunktsioon Saving function Säästmise piirkalduvus Marginal propensity to save, MPS Varud Inventories Multiplikaator, võimendi Multiplier Indutseeritud Induced investment investeeringud Keinsi rist Keynesian –cross diagram Inflatsiooniline(langus) Inflationary (recessionary) gap lõhe Säästmise paradoks Paradox of thrift Raha ja pangandus, rahapoliitika. Money, monetary policy and Banking. Kaup-raha Commodity money laenuraha Credit money veksel bill rahatäht Bank note tchekk check dekreetraha Fiat money likviidsus liquidity Väärtuse mõõt Unit of account vahetusvahend Medium of exchange Väärtuse säilitamise Store of value vahend

Majandus → Majandus
24 allalaadimist


There are any number of ways for the individual to learn a second or even third language. Immigrants, who refuse to become fluent in the language of their host country prevent their own success. It is mind-boggling that there are Russian-speaking families in Tallinn, for example, who have lived here in the Estonia for forty years and still have learned nary a word of Estonish! So the logical, success-promotive strategy is to learn one or more languages of a higher Tier. And such must be the policy in the schools, from the first day of pre-school or kindergarten. Children who do not speak Estonish (for example) are little disadvantaged in Estonia. I do not propose any one method or program over another, but rather assert that the policy of bilingualism is necessary for the success of every individual and thus also for the success of local and regional society. Bilingualism is good thing for every one, beachause it trains your brain and it will be only good for you

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The European Union Law , The EU institutions

are the foundation of everything the EU does. They also lay down the rules and procedures that the EU institutions must follow. The Treaties are agreed by the presidents and/or prime ministers of all the EU countries, and ratified by their parliaments. The EU has a number of other institutions and interinstitutional bodies that play specialised roles: the European Central Bank is responsible for European monetary policy the European External Action Service (EEAS) assists the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, currently Catherine Ashton. She chairs the Foreign Affairs Council and conducts the common foreign and security policy, also ensuring the consistency and coordination of the EU's external action. the European Economic and Social Committee represents civil society, employers and employees the Committee of the Regions represents regional and local authorities

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

first time. The goals are set up for the use of forces (8% of forces of member states participate in international operations and 40% of forces are rapidly deployable). · 17.09.1991 ­ Estonia became a memeber of the United Nations. · 1993 ­ was established European Union. · 2004 ­ Estonia joined with European Union. Estonian participation in NATO operations Estonia engaged in different operations from 1995. Estonia strongly supports NATO's open-door policy and closer cooperation with NATO partner states. In addition to greater participation, Estonia increases its contribution to sharing reform experience. Estonia supports states which pursue Euro-Atlantic structures in preparation for a membership and is ready to provide guidance and support. Each state needs a different approach but everyone has to be also very active itself in developing and applying a cooperation policy. Estonia's experience of joining NATO can be useful for several states

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
5 allalaadimist

Britain in WW I

Austria-Hungary. This was in protest to Austria-Hungary having control of this region. Serbia wanted to take over Bosnia and Herzegovina. This assassination led to Austria- Hungary declaring war on Serbia. When Russia began to mobilize due to its alliance with Serbia, Germany declared war on Russia. Thus began the expansion of the war to include all those involved in the mutual defense alliances. "Splendid isolation" Splendid Isolation was the foreign policy pursued by Britain during the late 19th century. The term was actually coined by a Canadian M.P. to praise Britain's lack of involvement in European affairs. It basically means that Great Britain was isolated from the rest of Europe: they weren't even connected by land and they stayed away from the affairs of European countries. They didn't want to ruin the situation that they had: during the late 19th century,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Market and marketing

Finally, modern marketing is a guiding element: At present competition, has increased because many manufactures produce similar goods in large quantities. The ability of the marketer depends on the ability to find a consumer and to satisfy him. People may choose one among the many similar products. They decide what product to purchase and what product not purchase. Pricing Price is the main factor which affects marketing and sales organizations. A good price policy is of great importance to the produces, wholesalers, retailers and the consumers. If the prices are too high, only a few buyers purchase and if the price are low, several buyers purchase. Thus, market may be reduced or increased. Therefore, a sound pricing policy must be adopted to have maximum sales. Without price, there is no marketing in the society. All the marketers should decide, whether as a result of policy, the will initiate or follow price changes

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

masin domeeni liikmena o Kontrollida, et Windows 10 masin sai oma teise võrguliidese aadressi domeenikontrollerist DHCP serveri käest. Võib kasutada käsureal ipconfig korraldust vm vahendeid o Lisada Windows 10 (virtuaal)masin domeeni liikmeks [email protected] paSSw0rd o Luua domeeni veel 2-3 masinakontot o Masinate kontod peavad paiknema vastavas OUs o Lisainfo: 8. Luua ja rakendada group policy, mis keelaks kõigil domeeni kasutajatel Download kataloogist rakenduste käivitamise o Vastav policy säte asub Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Software Restriction Policies o Lisainfo: us/library/cc725970.aspx Lisaülesanne Teha vähemalt 4 ülesannet ülesannetest 2-8 käsurea ja/või Powershell vahenditega

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
14 allalaadimist

Soome välis - ja julgeolekupoliitika

Glo- baalsed probleemid ja uued piirideülesed turvalisuse ohud, nagu näiteks massihävitusrelvade levik, terrorism ja piirkondlikud konfliktid mõjutavad Soome julgeolekut rohkem kui kunagi varem.Soome rõhutab Atlandi-ülese koostöö tähtsust soodustab oma suhteid USA-ga ka kahe- poolselt läbi Rahupartnerlus programmi (Partnership for Peace) ja NATO. (Finnish Security and Defence Policy, Government Report, 2009) Rahvusvahelise julgeoleku -ja kaitsealane poliitiline koostöö Soome toetab Euroopa Liidu, kui ühtse julgeolekuühenduse ja globaalse osaleja tugevdamist läbi EL-i ühise välis ­ja julgeolekupoliitika (CFSP) ja Euroopa julgeoleku ­ja kaitsepoliitika (ESDP). Tuginedes Rahupartnerlus programmile, teeb Soome NATO-ga tihedat koostööd. NATO liikmeks saamise taotlus jääb Soomes üheks peamiseks tuleviku otsuseks ja võimalu-

Politoloogia → Võrdlev välispoliitika
62 allalaadimist

Ettevõtlus Eestis

I 1988 ­ 1992 Teke (taastumine) Varane 1988 ­ (Taas)teke ja Selleks on kasutusel mitmed erinevad mudelid: II 1992 ­ 1995 Kvantitatiivne areng 1995 kvantitatiivne · Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM); areng areng · Entrepreneurship Policy Typology (EPT, III1995 ­ 1998 Kvalitatiivne areng Küps 1995 ­ Kvalitatiivne Stevenson & Lundström 2001); IV 1998 ­ Korrektsioon areng areng ja korrektsioon · Country Institutional Profile (CIP, Busenitz et al

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
30 allalaadimist


Valitsusasutustel on selged rollid.Ministeerium kujundab poliitikat, riigiametid kohandavad seda täitmiseks,hallatavad asutused ja kohahaldusorganistatsioonid viivad seda ellu. Klassikaline hierarhia on kujunenud tasakaaluhierarhiaks, kus igal asutusel on omad rollid, mis teiste rolle tasakaalustavad. VALITSEMISTEHNIKAD Poliitikakujunduse tasandid:  Politicsi dominandiga tasandid: Valitseva arvamuse kujundus-teemaseade Poliitiline konkurents võimu pärast  Policy dominandiga tasandid Avalik poliitika tegevusjoone elluviimiseks mingis küsimuses Halduspoliitika tehniliselt võttes: RIIGI MÕJUTUSVAHENDID: 3põhilist: Ettekirjutised[reklaam-ei müü tubakat/e], rahaline mõjutamine[pant/e], teabe jagamine[reklaamid mis teavitavad/e] ja arvamuse mõjutamine. Taotluseks, kas:võimustada v tegevusest eemale peletada(effectors), informeerida, teavet hallata.(detectors) VALITSUSPARADIGMADE VAHETUMINE:

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
6 allalaadimist

Price & Place (Company)

Price and place Joosep Lahi 10a Price is the one, which creates THE PRICE sales revenue. Researching consumers' opinions about pricing is important. An organisation's pricing policy will vary according to time and circumstances. Pricing Cost-plus pricing methods. Value-based pricing Psychological pricing Target return pricing The place . 'Place' is concerned with various methods of transporting and storing goods, and then making them available for the customer. The choice of distribution method will depend on a variety of circumstances. Distribution Channel

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Keskkonna kaitsmine

KESKONNA KAITSMINE Maria Düna Nikita Ille 12.A R E O ST A M IN E Reostamiste tüüpid. Füüsilised Keemilised Keskkonnakaitse •On ühiskonna, organisatsioonide ja üksikisikute tegevus, loodust tervikuna inimtegevuse negatiivsete mõjude eest. Kuidas kaitsta loodust? The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Oli vastu võetud 1970 aastal. Nüüdismeetodid Kuidas SA võid loodust kaitsta iseseisvalt? •Greenpeace on rahvusvaheline keskkonnakaitseo rganisatsioon, mis loodi 1971. aastal Vancouveris Kanadas. Maailma Looduse Fond •On rahvusvaheline riikidest sõltumatu maailma suurim looduskaitseorg anisatsioon. Maa päev •On 22. aprillil. •Eesmärgiks on juhtida inimeste tähelepanu keskkonnaprobl eemidele TÄNAME TÄHELEPANU EEST!!!

Loodus → Keskkond
2 allalaadimist

Reklaami mudel

1 Advertising model 2 Note: All monetary values are in $1000s, and all exposures to ads are in millions of exposures. 3 Inputs 4 Exposures to various groups per ad 1. Suppose, as a matter of corporate policy, that the company 5 Friends MNF Malcolm in Middle Sports Center TRL Live Lifetime movie CNN JAG decides not to advertise on the Lifetime Channel. Modify the original 6 Men 18-35 6 6 5 0,5 0,7 0,1 0,1 1

Majandus → Informaatika II
9 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

Despite the existing disagreements over the context, scholars have listed many common features that all dominant parties should share. First, a party should receive majority of votes in order to be considered as dominant. Secondly, it should have a dominant bargaining position to exert influence over other parties when necessary. Thirdly, a dominant party should be in power over a considerable period of time. Finally, a party should be dominant governmentally in order to shape the public policy agenda (Basedau 2005: 2). The Russian dominant party, United Russia, can be seen as sharing three of the above mentioned features. The party is certainly dominant in the first aspect, as it is holding a majority of seats in Duma and in almost every Russian municipality. And it is because of its leading position in Russian party politics, that United Russia does not have a strong need to negotiate with smaller parties. The fact that great amount of candidates seeking public office

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

from biofuels. In the USA, there is a fixed quantity of renewable fuels that must be consumed each year. By 2015, it must be 15 billion gallons, and 36 by 2022. In the USA, the legislation also requires to source fuels from advanced biofuels. Babcock (2008) has stated that, in the future, biofuels production will be determined by the level of crude oil prices and public Margit Tepner k0848752 policy incentives. So far, policy incentives have been key drivers of biofuels' production in Europe and the USA. Figure 4. Global bioethanol production projection (USDA, 2012). Bioethanol is mainly produced in Brazil and the USA. Biofuels production and its increase in the future is closely linked to the oil prices. A study (Timilsina, 2011) has found that 25% increase in oil price (from 2009 baseline figures) in 2020 would cause a 20,4% increase in global biofuel production. In turn, increasing oil prices

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

In 1848, bad crops and failed revolutions led to emigration of 435,000 Germans, 267,000 British and 77,000 French immigrants Immigration patterns of the 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression Between 1840 and 1930, 900,000 Canadians left Quebec to emigrate to the United States The 1910s marked the high point of Italian, Swedish and Norwegian immigration · Jewish immigration Have been present in the USA since 17th century MAIN REASONS: The Russia anti-Semitism policy and the pogroms The desire to give the children better education and happy life USA dream - Freedom and gold Modern vehicles like steam engines and trains 8 · Ellis Island In 1600, Gull Island by the Mohegan tribe Then Dutch called Little Oyster Island In 1785, Samuel Ellis purchased the property and gave it his name Was the federal immigration station 1892 , closed in 1954 12 million immigrants were inspected there by the US Bureau of Immigration during that time

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

How can we reduce air pollution levels in our cities

Factories have caused this problem. We need to do something fast before our city doesn`t become deserted. Firstly, we have to create industrial park. It will help to reduce factories in the cities, where a lot of people live. Another solution is to start stricting the laws. If the laws be very strict, then less and less persons will be able to get a license for the new factory. Finally, we should renovate our factories. Modern plant emit less unhealthy gases. This would allow us to start a policy, which will help to clean our environment. In conclusion, there are many ways to make our cities a better place to live. Also ne man said: ,,To make things better, you should start with yourself." Kristin Tammerand

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

How can we reduce air pollution levels in our cities?

Factories have caused this problem. We need to do something fast before our city doesn`t become deserted. Firstly, we have to create industrial park. It will help to reduce factories in the cities, where a lot of people live. Another solution is to start stricting the laws. If the laws be very strict, then less and less persons will be able to get a license for the new factory. Finally, we should renovate our factories. Modern plant emit less unhealthy gases. This would allow us to start a policy, which will help to clean our environment. In conclusion, there are many ways to make our cities a better place to live. Also ne man said: ,,To make things better, you should start with yourself." Kristin Tammerand

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

century has been the New Public Management (NPM). It is of particular interest in the post-autistic economics (pae) context because NPM largely rests on the same ideology and epistemology as standard textbook economics (STE) is based (for my take on this, see Drechsler 2000), and it has had, and still has, similar results. Already more on the defensive within public administration (PA) than STE is within economics, NPM also shows that such major paradigm shifts in theory and policy may actually happen. In addition, it occasionally appears that pae-oriented scholars have overlooked the fact that some features in public management reform, state organization, and the economic interpretation of state functions that they advocate ­ from "Good Governance" to "efficiency" as a goal in itself ­ actually belong into the "other camp" and by and large have a disastrous effect on "industrial" and "developing" countries alike, although the consequences for the latter are much more

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth 1

Nimi: Kristjan Jegorov 8.b Elizabeth I was born 7 September 1533 and she die 24 March 1603. Elizabeth I was queen of England and Ireland from 17 November 1558 until her death. She never married One of his first acts as queen was to support the establishment of English Protestant church, and he became a church should be. she looked like a witch. Governance, Elizabeth was more moderate than her father and siblings. Though Elizabeth was cautious in foreign policy and supported the halfway line but ineffective, poorly equipped launched military campaigns against the Netherlands, France and Ireland, online Spanish Invincible Armada breaking 1588th his name forever in the victory, which is often considered one of the greatest in the history of England. Government praises him for 20 years as the golden era of the ruler, and this notion still persists among the English. Elizabeth was a youth of the kingdom of life, very colorful and confusing time.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
2 allalaadimist

Letter of enquiry

business arrangement. The main concern is about your price range. We would be very grateful when you could send us the price list. In addition, it would be nice, when you could add the list of products and their qualities. Our company has eight stores in France, so our orders could be quite big. Thus we would appreciate if you could advise us of your terms of payment and any discount available. The last thing we are interested in is your delivery policy. We need to be sure that you can deliver our order in two months time. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, SIGNATURE J.F.Morreau

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Capital punishment should to be abolished

Capital punishment should to be abolished Capital punishment is a form of punishment where a person's life is taken. This is one of the most controversial topics today. People are either favour or against it. Firstly capital punishment saves money compared to the alternative of life in prison because criminals deserve to die, not stay in jail and live comfortable life. Also when a killer stays in prison he takes up space in already over crowed prisons. Secondly it might prevent the fact that people who have killed someone before, would probably to it again. Because killer`s point of view does not change. Finally it would reassure the people close to the victim it would not happen again. Also it gives them the feeling that the death has been avenged. A family will feel less pain if the killer dies. In my opinion capital punishment should not be abolished, because if someone has committed a major crime such as ra...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika, Saksamaa ja Mehhiko demokraatiate võrdlus inglise keelne

­ Primacy of national `institutionalised revolution' · Mainly Laender legislation, limited provincial autonomy · Though more recent decentralisation implementation ­ Provincial second chamber in certain policy areas, including spending. · Veto powers/gridlock (National Council of Provinces) · Second Chamber (Senate) mainly state representatives · East-west economic · Big regional economic imbalances · Big regional economic imbalances, north-south differences · Ethnicity and territory

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun