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"philosophy" - 184 õppematerjali

philosophy - Pursuit of the truth Passion leads to quarrels (emotion), reason leads to harmony.

George Paget Thomson

P. Thomson astus Queen's Royal West Surrey Regiment'i. Lühikest aega teenis Prantsusmaal. Seejärel kaheksa kuud osales British War missioonil Ameerika Ühendriikides. Õhusõjaväes teenides korraldas eksperimente mitme aerodünaamilise küsimuse lahendamiseks. Pärast sõja lõppu asus tööle Cambridge'i ülikoolis. Kolm aastat oli ta lektor ja teadur Corpus Christi College University ning jätkas oma uurimistööd füüsika alal. 1922. aastal oli määratud Natural Philosophy (s.o. füüsika Sotimaal) professor G. P. Thomson Sotimaale Aberdeeni ülikooli, kus ta töötas järgnevad kaheksa aastat. Aberdeenis leidis de Broglie teooria kinnitust kahes sõltumatus eksperimendis, mis tõendasid elektronide difraktsiooni. 1927. aastal avastas G. P. Thomson sõltumatult C. J. Davissonist ja L. H. Germerist kristallidel toimuva elektronide difraktsiooni, tõestades sellega L. de Broglie teooriat mikroosakeste lainelis- korpuskulaarse dualismi kohta

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist


* Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity. * Believing isn't Seeing, Seeing is Believing. * Borrow money from pessimists They won't expect it back. * Expect the worst, Hope for the best. * Fat people are more difficult to kidnap * Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs. * Good friends are like stars -- you don't always see them, but you know they are always there. * Government philosophy: If it ain't broke, fix it 'til it is. * If practice makes perfect, and nobody is perfect, then why practice? * I always mean what I say but I don't always say what I mean. * I was born intelligent. But, education ruined me. * If the left half of the brain controls the right hand, and the right half the left, then lefthanded people are the only ones in their right minds. * I'm going to live forever. Or die trying.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Animal farm by George Orwell

Animal farm by George Orwell About One night, all the animals at Mr. Jones Manor Farm assemble in a barn to hear old Major describe a dream he had about a world where all animals live free from the tyranny of their human masters. old Major dies soon after the meeting, but the animals got inspired by his philosophy of Animalism. They plot a rebellion against Jones. Two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, prove themselves important figures and planners of this dangerous enterprise. When Jones forgets to feed the animals, the revolution occurs, and Jones and his men are chased off the farm. Manor Farm is renamed Animal Farm, and the Seven Commandments of Animalism are painted on the barn wall. The rebellion is a success - The animals complete the harvest and meet every Sunday to debate farm policy

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

climate. How could the world be known? Another way of putting this is to say that if the Renaissance had discovered man and Nature, then it was up to the scientific revolutionaries to verify their knowledge of man and Nature. What did science mean to the scientific revolutionaries? One of the problems inherent in this question is that the revolutionaries rarely used the word science. Instead, they talked and wrote about natural philosophy or the philosophy of nature. Nature, to them, meant the natural world, that is, what was natural, what was not made by human hands. I would suggest that using the expression the philosophy of nature was really a hangover from the medieval world. In other words, questions of science were subsumed under the study of philosophy, and since medieval man called the phenomenal world Nature, then it was quite logical to refer to the study of Nature as the philosophy of Nature.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist


tähtsus on kõrge, olles mõttelaadi ja meetodite otsimisel relv dogmatismi vastu. (Meos, 2000) Ja tsiteerides skeptikuid endid, siis ega tõsikindlaid teadmisi pole võimalik saada. 9 KASUTATUD ALLIKAD Meos, Indrek "Antiikfilosoofia"; Tallinn, Koolibri 2000 (lk 128- 138) Tartu Ülikooli Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum (01. November 2013) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ancient/#AcaSke (02. November 2013) 10

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

Unit 5 p.102-105

3. This is the product prototype; as you can see, it is still at the experimental stage. 4. Technologycal warfare has put an end to the use of conventional weapons and traditional vattle strategies. 5. Supposedly, digital voice discs, or DVDs as they are called, are far more resistant to scratching than records. 6. People looking for meaning in today's confusing modern world often immerse themselves in new age philosophy. MAKE, HOLD, HAVE, DO 1. do experimental work 2. make advances in one's field 3. have a successful mission 4. make an important discovery 5. make an important observation 6. do ground-breaking research 7. have a life changing experience 8. have evidence of sth 9. hold a demonstration 10. make a change for the better 11. do a scientific project 12. hold and international conference AMBIGUOUS WORDS 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Essee Eesti ja Usa haridussüsteedide võrdlus

generally governed separately from the elementary and high school system. An American college is an institution of higher learning which lasts over a four year period and which grants/gives Bachelor's degree at the conclusion of studies. The students may gain a Master's degree within a year or two of further study. After another year or two of study and research they may gain a still higher degree of study and research as Doctor of Philosophy. Students of the establishment of higher education are freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. A freshman is a first-year student, a sophomore ­ a second- year student, a junior ­ a third-year student and a senior ­ a fourth-year student. Higher education in Estonia is basically the same. We have collages and universities, where students are provided with closer education. After students have achieve to graduate, they also get diploma or some sort of degree, depends

Keeled → Inglise keel
87 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth I

spend almost a year under house arrest. Elizabeth had survived finally as a Queen of England after news of Mary's death on November 17, 1558. Janeli Õim 11A Education Famous scholars ü William Grindal and Roger Asham Katherine Parr, Henry's sixth wife made sure that she was educated to the highest standards She was taught ü The art of public speaking ü Latin, Greek, Spanish, French ü History, philosophy, mathematics Janeli Õim 11A Five languages fluently The best educated woman of her generation Janeli Õim 11A Accomplishments The savior of the English people Elizabeth brought prosperity and growth to England despite threats from foreign powers and internal fighting among the English ü The first English settlers were sent to North America to colonize the continent. ü

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Eetika ja moraal

tuleb otsida. Alati kui on tarvis teha mõni otsus või on omal kohal mingi kaalutlus, on asja kohta olemas õige otsustus, mis tuleb leida ja millest tuleb kinni pidada, ning on teised võimalikud otsustused, mis oleksid väärad ja millest tuleb hoiduda. (C.I. Lewis The Ground and Nature of Right) Kirjanduse loetelu: Wikram Dodd 29.10.2007 UK news The Journal of Philosophy C.I. Lewis The Ground and Nature of Right 17.09.1964

Filosoofia → Eetika
11 allalaadimist

A short overview of veganism

A short overview of veganism Veganism is both the practice of abstaining from What is the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the veganism? commodity status of animals. Eating vegan has a number of benifits that include: Why do Improving one`s health people go Helping the environment vegan? Saving the animals Our planeet is tumoil, humans are ailing in health, and animals are suffering everyday, but that can be fixed by simply going vegan, if you should be interested in contrbuting. So what

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Altruism - sotsiaalpsühholoogia

Altruism Altruism on kõige lihtsamalt öeldes täielikult isetu käitumine ehk vastand egoismile. Pikemalt lahti kirjutades võib altruismi defineerida kui käitumisakti, kus tegutseja aitab teisi ilma enda hüvedeta mitte midagi vastu saades. (Hayes, 2002) Altruismi mõiste tõi "altruisme" mõistes filosoofiasse ja edasi sotsiaalpsühholoogiasse prantsuse filosoof Auguste Comte 19. sajandi algul sõnast "autrui", mis prantsuse keeles tähendab "teised" (Meos, 2000). Minnes filosoofia pealt sotsiaalpsühholoogi juurse, siis altruistlikut täitumist on tänaseks uuritud üsna palju. Üheks kuulsamaks eksperimendiks on Darley ja Lanane poolt korraldatud uuring 1970. aastal, mida kirjeldab ka meie õpik. Selles eksperimendis lähenesid näitlejad suvalistele inimestele tänavatel ja küsisid endale kümmet senti raha ilma midagi vastu andmata. Sellest uuringust selgus, et kolmandik inimestest oli valmis kümmet senti niisama loovutama ilma igasuguse põhjendu...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
11 allalaadimist

Francis Bacon - Lühireferaat

Tallinn: Perioodika, LR 2004, nr 40, 56 lk; Kirjandus Will Durant, "Lood filosoofia ajaloost II. Filosoofia uuestisünd: Bacon ja Spinoza". Tõlkinud Leo Anvelt. Sari Elav teadus, nr 61, EKS, Tartu 1937, 112 lk; 2. trükk (ühes köites): Olion, Tallinn 1998 Aleksandr Subbotin, "Francis Bacon". Vene keelest tõlkinud Aino Lukas. Sari Suuri mõtlejaid, ER, Tallinn 1980, 132 lk (lisa lk 115­125: F. Bacon, "Ettevalmistus looduse ja eksperimentaalse ajaloole...") Donald Gillies. Philosophy of Science in the Twetieth Century: FourCentral Themes, Blackwell 1993 (allikas).

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
51 allalaadimist

Aatom - kõik sellest

Aatomi mass Aatomi Ø Aatomituuma Ø Aatomituum koosneb lähestikku asetsevatest nukleonidest ­ positiivse elektrilaenguga prootonitest ja elektrilaenguta (neutraalsetest) neutronitest. Madalsageduslain Raadiolained Infrapunane Nähtav valgus Ultraviolettkiirgu Röntgenkiirgus Gammakiirgus ed kiirgus s · Alfakiirgus on ioniseeriv radioaktiivne kiirgus, mis tekib tuumareaktsioonide tulemusel ja koosneb alfaosakestest. · Beetakiirgus on beetaosakestest () koosnev ioniseeriv radioaktiivne kiirgus, mis tekib beetalagunemisel. (Beetalagunemine on protsess, mille käigus neutron muutub prootoniks või prooton neutroniks). · Gammakiirgus on kõige lühema lainepikkusega (suurusjärgus alla 10 pikomeetri) ja seega suurima sagedusega ning energiaga elektromagnetiline kiirgus. · Ioniseeriv kiirgus koosneb suure energiaga...

Füüsika → Füüsika
25 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 17

G , he decided to become a priesst. At the age of 17 his father let him preach a sermon in his curch. It was a freat success and he was certain he had found his calling, so he went to study religion in Pennsylvania. During his studies King (3) A of Mahatma Gandhi in India. He supported Gandhi´s idea of non-violent protests as a way of getting freedom and civil rights. Always an excellent student, he continued his sutides at Boston University and got a PhD in Philosophy in 1955. In the 50s and 60s he continued his work as one of the leaders of the civil rights movement in the USA. He (4) F and was against violence even when he and his family were atacced because of the work he was doing. On 28 August 1963 King (5) D that brought more that a quarter of a million people to the capital The march ended in front of the Lincoln Memorial and Marthin Luther King (6) B "I have a Dream". In his speech king told about the

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain The hippies’ primary belief was that life was about being happy, not about what others thought you should be. Their “if it feels good, do it” attitudes included little forethought nor concern for the consequences of their actions. Hippies were dissatisfied with what their parents had built for them. Hippies rejected middle class values, opposed nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. They embraced aspects of eastern philosophy and desired to find new meaning in life. Hippies were often vegetarian and believed in eco friendly environmental practices. They championed free love and sexual liberation, particularly for women. They also promoted the use of psychedelic drugs which they believed expanded their consciousness. Hippies participated in alternative arts and street theater and listened to folk music and psychedelic rock as part of their anti-establishment lifestyle.Some hippies lived in

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Lecture1 Introduction to psychology

creates our emotions, memories and sensory experiences Why this little boy is wearing a costume? Explain from different perspectives! What approach is the best? · Combination of approaches · Some topics/issues have become dominated by a certain approach, so this will lead our thinking, but all should be in our consideration 21st century - holistic approach? Current trends in psychology · Fast development of applied research · Positive psychology Eastern philosophy influences (mindfulness) · Neurosciences (understanding how the brain and body create thoughts, emotions, memories, etc.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Õendusfilosoofia põhiprobleemid

„kaastundlikuks teadlikkuseks“ (sympathic awareness). Kaastunnet mõistab ta siinkohal kui „mentaalset osalust (koos) teisega tema hädas“. Kuigi me ei koge seda sarnaselt teisega, teadvustame siiski endale teise kannatusi ja vajadusi. Sellest lähtub konkreetne tegutsemine. Peamiselt kasutatud kirjandus: Carper, B.A. 1978. Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing. - Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 13-24. Edwards, S.D. 2001. Philosophy of Nursing: An Introduction. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave. Marcum, J.A. 2012. Philosophy of Medicine. - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 8

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
48 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

British Literature in the 20th-21st Century REVISION QUESTIONS 1. The Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th century. New developments in science and philosophy. The essence and influence of Freudian theory. Contradictory, diverse, chaotic 20th c- simultaneous rejection and invocation of the past. While modernists apotheosized the creative geniuses of the past, they also rejected old poetic forms. Challenge old and established beliefs and more and more people had access to books and education more people went to universities. profound change in morals: · No universal value and perspective on things

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

August Comte lühikokkuvõte ja elulugu

SLAID 2 Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier Comte (19. jaanuar 1798 Montpellier ­ 5. september 1857 Pariis) oli prantsuse filosoof, sotsioloogilise distsipliini rajaja ja positivismi õpetlane. Teda võib pidada esimeseks kaasaegseks teaduslikuks filosoofiks. Comte arendas välja positiivse filosoofia ning püüdis sellega paremaks muuta Prantsuse revolutsiooni ajal tekkinud sotsiaalseid pingeid. Tema poolt välja pakutud uus sotsiaalne paradigma põhines teadusel. Comte ideed olid 19. sajandil märkimisväärselt suure mõjuga. Tema tööd mõjutasid suuri mõtlejaid nagu Karl Marx ja John Stuart Mill. Elulugu SLAID 3 : Auguste Comte sünnikohaks on Lõuna-Prantsusmaal asuv linn Montpellier. Ta sündis 19. jaanuaril 1798. Ta sündis ajal, mil toimumas oli Prantsuse revolutsioon. Ühiskonnast toimusid suured muudatused, varasemad uskumused seati kahtluse alla, arenes moderne teadus ja tehnoloogia. Comte isa, Louis ja ema Rosalie Comte olid mõlemad m...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
10 allalaadimist


needs theory nursing essay. [WWW] samples/nursing/virginia-hendersons-needs-theory-nursing-essay.php (16.10.2016) 3. Alice Petiprin. 2016- Hildegard Peplau theory. [WWW] http://www.nursing- (18.10.2016) 4 4. A companion to nursing theories and models. 2012- Jean Watson’s philosophy of nursing. [WWW] (16.10.2016) 5. Anne Vesterdal. 1998- Tervis ja õendushooldus. (16.10.2016) 6. A companion to nursing theories and models. 2012- Virginia Henderson’s need theory. [WWW] (16.10.2016) 7. A companion to nursing theories and models. 2012- Theory of Florence Nightingale. [WWW] (16.10

Meditsiin → Õendus
690 allalaadimist

STEP Analysis

pay for high quality. But with such a strategy, Swiss companies cannot sit back on their laurels. There has to be a strong emphasis on research and development. In Switzerland, a higher percentage of people work in research and development than in other industrialized countries. Political Factors: Government type: formally a confederation but similar in structure to a federal republic. Political conditions: Switzerland has a stable government. Most voters support the government in its philosophy of armed neutrality underlying its foreign and defense policies. Foreign relations: Switzerland has avoided alliances that might entail military, political, or direct economic action. The foreign relations of Switzerland are handled by different departments of the federal administration of Switzerland. Trade agreements: Switzerland's main trading partner is the EU. On the other hand, Switzerland is currently the fourth largest trading partner of the EU. Trade figures in 2008

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne kirjand Stendhal-ist

He watched Moscow go up in flames, took part in the French forces' retreat from Russia, and helped organize the military defence of the province of Dauphiné back in France. In 1814, when the French empire fell, he decided to settle in Italy. But the more authentic Stendhal is to be found elsewhere, and above all in a cluster of favourite ideas: the hostility to the concept of "ideal beauty," the notion of modernity, and the exaltation of energy, passion, and spontaneity. His personal philosophy, to which he himself gave the name of "Beylisme" (after his real family name, Beyle) stressed the importance of the "pursuit of happiness" by combining enthusiasm with rational skepticism, lucidity with willful surrender to lyric emotions. "Beylisme," as he understood it, meant cultivating a private sensibility while developing the art of hiding and protecting it. Charterhouse of Parma is Stendhal's other masterpiece. It fuses elements of Renaissance chronicles,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Degrees of comparison

Types of comparisons we use more/most and their opposites less/least to compare quantities I haven’t got many friends; you’ve got more than I have. Tom spends less money on food than I do, but Peter spends the least. as + Adjective + as shows that people or things are similar in some way. In negative statements we use not as/so ... as Kate is as tall as Mary. more/less + Adjective + than expresses the difference between people or things I find that Philosophy is less interesting than Psychology. 4 much/a lot/far/slightly + comparative expresses the degree of difference between two people or things Paul is slightly taller than Richard. the most/least + Adjective + of/in compares one person or thing to two or more people or things in the same group Rebecca is the least athletic girl in my class. by far + the + superlative emphasizes the difference between one person or

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 19

Their nunber was low because (7) I . Now the Tasmanian tiger, which hunted them, is dead; and thanks to protection from the government and farmers their number has risen. Tasmanian devils are (8) F as they feed on roads. They also die of differend diseases and they young are attacked by adult devils. Always an excellent student, he continued his sutides at Boston University and got a PhD in Philosophy in 1955. In the 50s and 60s he continued his work as one of the leaders of the civil rights movement in the USA. He (4) F and was against violence even when he and his family were atacced because of the work he was doing. On 28 August 1963 King (5) D that brought more that a quarter of a million people to the capital The march ended in front of the Lincoln Memorial and Marthin Luther King (6) B "I have a Dream". In his speech king told about the

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist


Esa Saarinen. Rakendusfilosoofia „Filosoofid ei mõtle otse maailma üle, nad mõtlevad maailma üle mõtlemise üle. Tulemuseks pole uus fakt, vaid hoopis selgus selles, mis vanad faktid on või mida nad pole, ja ka selles, kuidas vanad faktid on põhjendatud.“ Rosenberg. (teos The Practice of Philosophy) Niisuguse arusaama kohaselt on filosoofia „teise astme“ distsipliin, mis erineb „esimese astme“ teadusest nagu füüsika, sotsioloogia ja geograafia, mille eesmärk on esile tuua fakte maailma kohta. Filosoofia üritab kaardistada üldist olemust, uskumuste aluste abstraktseid põhijooni. Rosenberg on sel moel tabavalt kirjeldanud akadeemilise ülikoolifilosoofia praktikat – eriti tema kodumaal Ameerika Ühendriikides. Valgustab seal asjadundlikult valitsevat paradigmat. Rosenbergi vaatenurk ei suuda kirjeldada kogu filosoofiatraditsiooni mitmekesisust järgmistel põhjustel: a) Jätab kõrvale metafüüsika. Metafüüsika on maailma hõlmamise viis. H...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Percy Bysshe Shelley

mühav jõgi leiab mere, õndsalt liitub, ühtub üha tuulte taevapere; üksi pole maa pääl keegi; tunne kõigil olendeil läidab teistes tundeleegi ­ miks siis mitte meil? Näe, kuis laotust suudleb mägi, laine otsib laine lembust! Lillele, kes lille nägi iial keelvat embust? Päike embab merd, ja maad suudleb kuu ­ ei rauge ind! Mis sa, arm, sest kõigest saad, kui ei suudle mind? LOVE'S PHILOSOPHY The fountains mingle with the river And the river with the Ocean, The winds of Heaven mix for ever With a sweet emotion; Nothing in this world is single; All things by law divine In one spirit meet ang mingle. Why not I with thine? ­ See the mountains kiss high Heaven And the waves clasp one another; No sister-flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth And the moonbeams kiss the sea:

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
38 allalaadimist

Idealization of nature in Romantic poetry

Idealization of Nature in Romantic Poetry One of the main characteristics of romanticism in general is the constant praising of nature and connecting it with almost everything. As the second half of the 18 th century was the time of the industrial revolution, urbanization and mankind's distancing from nature in every way, it is not surprising that as a result it became more and more important to and valued by people ­ it had suddenly become something remote and far from everyday life, somewhat a luxury. The utmost way this luxury manifests in romantic poetry is nature's ability to help whoever takes the time to value its divinity get in touch with themselves and get away from everything that might influence their way of acting. Nature provides the ideal atmosphere and surroundings to do this ­ in the opinion of romantic poets, it is the very best place to come to when in need of solitude or an answer to personal or social conflicts....

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Pop kunst

(16.) 1965 ­ hakkas produtseerima ansamblit «The Velvet Underground» ja nende solisti Nicot. 1967 ­ ilmus nende esimene album. 1968, 3. juunil tuli «Factorisse» Valerie Solanis ja tulistas Warholit kolm korda rindu. Warhol viidi kiiresti haiglasse ja tunnistati seal surnuks, kuid peale südamemassaazi ärkas ta ellu. Peale paranemist hakkas ta jälle maalima. Solanis pandi hullumajja ja hiljem kolmeks aastaks vanglasse. 1969 ­ asutas ajakirja «Interview» 1975 ­ avaldas raamatu «The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Again» Oma elu lõpuni jätkas ta maalimist.(17.,18.) Ka Eesti kunstil on Warholiga eriline suhe ­ nimetasid ju meie esimesed popkunstnikud ennast just tema järgi ­ SOUP 69 , Ando Keskküla, Andres Tolts.(19.) Kui sünniaeg on ka küsitav, siis surmaaeg on teada väga täpselt ­ kell 6.31 hommikul 22. veebruaril 1987. Warhol suri sapipõie operatsioonile järgnenud tüsistuste tõttu.(20.)

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
43 allalaadimist


100 Temperatuuri absoluutne nullpunkt William Thomson(lord Kelvin) 1824 1907 Soti matemaatik ja füüsik Jäädvustas end panusega mitmesse füüsika harusse Kasutas elektromagnetiliste mõjutuste kirjeldamiseks välja mõistet. Tõi teadusesse universumi soojussurma mõiste Treatise on Natural Philosophy (1867) Principles of Mechanics and Dynamics by Dover Publications). Kelvini skaala Kelvini skaala nullpunkt on temperatuuri Kelvini skaala absoluutne nullpunkt ja ühe kraadi väärtus sama mis Celsiuse skaalal T = t + 273,15 0K t =T 273,15 0C T0 =2730C k ­ Boltzmanni 3 Ek = kT konstant 2 k = 1,380622 1023 J/K Temperatuur on määratud molekulide liikumise

Füüsika → Füüsika
33 allalaadimist

Thomas Alva Eddison

Kool Koolis oli Thomas tihti hajevil ja õpetaja pidi temaga palju vaeva nägema. Koolis püsis Thomas kõigest kolm kuud, edaspidi õpetas teda kodus ema. Hiljem on Thomas ise öelnud, et tema ema ongi vastutav tema suurte tegude eest. Thomase ema oli ta saabuvas edus väga kindel ja Thomas tundis end vastutavana ning et ta ei saa ema alt vedada. Suure osana tema haridusele aitas kaasa lugemine, ta luges R. G: Parkeri teoseid( School of Natural Philosophy ja Cooper union). Nooruspõlv Edisonil arenes juba varases eas kuulmispuue. Selle põhjustasid lapsepõlves põetud sarlakid ning mitmed ravimata jäänud keskkõrvapõletikud. Oma karjääri keskel esinesid Edisonil tõsised kuulmishäired kui ta sai rongikonduktorilt vastu kõrvu peale ta keemia laboratoooriumi lõhkemist rongi kaubavagunil ning kaubavaguni süttimist. Ta visati rongilt välja koos oma aparaatide ja kemikaalidega Michiganis

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Essey: How does the United States influence Estonia

should not forget while reaping benefits of this easy information is that no source is neutral and when we digest on daily basis information that comes with a mentality of a certain country, we also digest that mentality. And speaking of the mentality, then I'd like to draw attention to the everspanning "you can be anybody" (also known as "turning slumdogs into millionairs" – "ajalehepoisist miljonäriks"). Since I myself belong to an older age group not so much influenced by this philosophy, I can mostly take note of what I've heard from my ten years younger friends. They do complain, that many of them were brought up with some quite impossible expectations, with believing the "American dream", which in Estonian translated solely into "you can be anybody if you want to". Of course, it is terribly important to have dreams and strive, but when we lack the resources and the knowledge how to achieve them, there is that

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

English literatutre - Authors, history

nothing in common; · The argumentative quality of the love poems, in which the poet tries to persuade his lover to share his point of view; · The dramatic quality of the language, which often seems to be one side of a dialogue between the poet and his lover, or God, or himself; · The wide range of subjects from which the poet draws his imagery. Metaphysical poets used, for example, the areas of science, travel, medicine, alchemy and philosophy to create original imagery. This is in stark contrast with much of Elizabethan poetry which used the stock imagery of the period (birds, flowers, sun, moon, stars); · The use of wit: wit in the 17th c. referred to the ability to relate dissimilar ideas, and implied intellectual genius. The Metaphysical poets displayed this form of genius in the use of paradoxes, conceits and puns.

Keeled → British literature
12 allalaadimist

Biosemiootika: Heini Hediger ja Kavala Antsu fenomen

tsirkuses. Nagu eespoolgi kirjeldatud, suutis ta kirjutada mõlemal oma uurimiseelistuste ajajärgul vägagi teedrajavaid töid (nt "Wild Animals in Captivity" ning "The Psychology and Behaviour of Animals in Zoos and Circuses"). Koos Sebeokiga arendasid nad tugevalt tol ajal veel kujunevat biosemiootika valdkonda. 4 Kasutatud materjalid: Stanford = Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (08.04.2017) Biblio = Hedigeri bibliograafia (12.04.2017) Hediger, H. K. P. 1950. Geographical range. Wild Animals in captivity Hediger, H. K. P. 1981. Essential Readings in Biosemiotics, Biosemiotics 3, lk 241–255 Favareau, D. 2010. Essential Readings in Biosemiotics, Biosemiotics 3, lk 237–240 5

Semiootika → Semiootika
2 allalaadimist

Referaat loogikust Kurt Gödel

Referaat Kurt Gödel 18.05.2013 Sisukord: · Sissejuhatus · Loogika · Elulugu · Viini ring ja Kurt Gödel · Gödel Princetoni perspektiivsete uuringute instituudis. · Gödeli täielikkuse ja mittetäielikkuse teoreemid · Kokkuvõte · Kasutatud allikad Sissejuhatus. Selles referaadis annan teile ülevaate loogikast ja ühest Austria-Ameerika loogikust, matemaatikust ja filosoofist, Kurt Gödel'ist. Loogika Loogika on teadus, mis uurib mõtlemise reegleid. Loogikat peetakse ka veel mõtlemismudeliks. On olemas eri liiki loogikaid, neid on umbkaudu 17, võib-olla isegi rohkem , aga kõige tuntumad ja levinumad on matemaatiline loogika ehk sümbolloogika, formaalloogika ja traditisiooniline loogika. Matemaatiline loogika on siis matemaatika haru, mis uurib matemaatilisi tõestusi ja matemaatika aluseid. Matemaatiline loogika es...

Biograafia → Kuulsused
2 allalaadimist


Teadusfilosoofia õpetamisel on vaja teha mitmeid valikuid: osad on seotud filosoofiaga üldiselt, osad kitsamalt teadusfilosoofiaga. Selgitan järgnevalt oma valikuid. Igasuguse filosoofia õpetamise puhul on valida kahe põhilise lähenemise vahel: probleemide keskne ja filosoofia ajaloo keskne õpetamine. Ajaloo keskne õpetamine tähendab, et valitakse üks hulk filosoofe, kes ajaloos endale ühel või teisel moel nime teinud ja räägitakse nende eluloost, küsimustest, mida nad käsitlesid, millistele tulemustele nad jõudsid ja kuidas nad selliste tulemusteni jõudsid. Probleemide keskne õpetamine tähendab, et valitakse üks hulk küsimusi, mis on ühel või teisel moel olulised filosoofias ja räägitakse, milles küsimus seisneb ja kuidas seda küsimust lahendatakse kaasajal. Kahtlemata on teadusfilosoofia ajalugu huvitav ja õpetlik, kuid minu teadusfilosoofia kursus keskendub teadusfilosoofia probleemidele. Kumb lähenemine valitakse, sõ...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
13 allalaadimist

Õendusteoreetik Patricia Benner

Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool Õe õppekava ÕENDUSTEOREETIK PATRICIA BENNER Tartu 2018 Sisukord 1. PATRICIA BENNERI ELULUGU.........................................................................................2 2. PATRICIA BENNERI ÕENDUSTEOORIA..........................................................................3 2.1. Benneri õendusalase arenemise viis etappi.....................................................................3 2.2. P. Benneri teooria ja õenduse kesksed mõisted................................................................4 3. KOKKUVÕTE........................................................................................................................5 4. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS..................................................................................................6 1 1. PATRICIA BENNE...

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
103 allalaadimist

Joonia natuurfilosoofid

Joonia natuurfilosoofid 07.10.2013 Sisukord : · Joonia natuurfilosoofide ideede olemus · Thales · Anaximandros · Anaximenes · Herakleitos · Anaxagoras · Archelaos · Kokkuvõte · Kasutatud allikad Joonia natuurfilosoofide ideede olemus Joonia natuurfilosoofid keskendusid maailma algaine leidmisele, neid huvitas, millest maailm tekkis ja milleks kõik siin maailmas saab. Kõik Joonia natuurfilosoofid arvasid, et maailm on tekkinud ühest ainest. Natuurfilosoofid olid pärit antiikajast. Joonia natuurfilosoofe kutsutakse sageli Joonia koolkonnaks, aga keegi ei tea, kuidas nad iseennast kutsusid. Aristoteles on nimetanud neid füüsikuteks, kes proovivad mõista ,,physist" ehk olevat tervikut. Thales Thales on pärit Mileetose polisest (Vana-Kreeka linnriik), mis asub Väike-Aasia rannikul, mida nimetatakse ka Jooniaks. Ta sündis ligikaudu 624 aastal e.Kr ja s...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
19 allalaadimist

Teiste inimeste vaim

2)teised bioloogilised entideedid (sh tulnukad), 3)tehisintellekt ja 4) p-zombid ehk filosoofilised zombid. 1 Inglise keelest : ,,Body and mind, like man and wife, do not always agree to die together." Charles Caleb Colton, URL = 2 Lowe, J. E (2008): Sissejuhatus vaimufilosoofiasse, Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. 3 Eksperimentaal filosoofia on filosoofiline suund, millega alustati filosoofias umbes 2000. aasta alguses. Experimental philosophy, URL = tal_philosophy 4 Tõene õigustatult põhjendtatud uskumus, mida täpsustan filosoofias tuntud Hiina toa arutelu toel arusaamise / mõistmise terminiga, millega osaliselt lahendan E. Getteri mitte teadmise probleemi. (Hiina tuba, Lowe, J. E (2008): Sissejuhatus vaimufilosoofiasse, Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.) 1

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
28 allalaadimist

Turundusplaani koostamine

at the restaurant. · Advertising and Promotion. The most successful advertising will be banner ads and inserts in magazines ,,Mood", ,,Naisteleht", ,,Kultuur ja elu" and in different web- based magazines, such as: Buduaar, Toidutare and Perenaine. We'll also use Direct mail campaign and pay a lot of attention on our total web development (homepage, facebook). · Customer Service. Obsessive customer attention is the mantra. Toscana's philosophy is that whatever needs to be done to make the customer happy must occur, even at the expense of short-term profits. The reason for this is that in the long term, this 4 investment will pay off with a loyal customer base that is extremely vocal to their friends with referrals (mouth to mouth publicity is the best). Marketing Research

Keeled → Inglise keel
35 allalaadimist

Eelsokraatikute panus filosoofiasse

Eelsokraatikute panus filosoofiasse Kuusalu Keskkool 11. klass Liisbeth Kallakmaa 2016 Joonia koolkonna rajaja oli Thales. Teda peetakse esimeseks filosoofiks üldse ja ka esimeseks teadlaseks. Thalese õpetuse filosoofiline tähtsus seisnes eelkõige selles, et ta esimesena inimkonna ajaloos püstitas küsimuse, mis sai hiljem kogu kreeka filosoofia põhiküsimuseks: “Mis on kõik?” Ainuke kindel ja ainuke tõeliselt tähtis asjaolu Thalese õpetuses on see, et ta mõistis asju ühe algelemendi vormidena. See, et ta peab selleks elemendiks vett, on tema ajalooline eripära, kuid ta on esimene kreeka filosoof sellepärast, et ta esimesena mõtleb ühtsusest erinevuses ning püüab seletada ilmse...

Filosoofia → Filosoofia ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

The Noble Savage in the 20th Century Fiction

incorrect sentences, bottomless wisdom and badass Force skills. Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid (1984) is another example. The hero here is Daniel LaRusso, an outcast who can not handle his bullies. He meets a handyman Mr. Miyagi who agrees to teach Daniel the tricks of karate so he could build his confidence, defeat his villain and get the girl he likes. Again we see Miyagi as something unusual ­ he's japanese, has a weird teaching technique and uncommon philosophy. He is alien to the western consumer and therefore an etalon to a noble savage. There are many more examples in the film indusrty ­ Morpheus from The Matrix (1999) and Pai Mei from Kill Bill vol.2 (2004) among others. Literature has also given us great mentors. Gandalf from The Hobbit (1937) and The Lord of the Rings (1954-1955), Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series (first book published in 1997) and even Tyler Durden in Fight Club (1996)

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Mis on filosoofia?

Mis on kunst? Lill, J. 1877. Jutt ilma päälkirjata. Mis on esteetiline kogemus? Maritain, J. 1987. Filosoof ühiskonnas. Mis on kunsti tõlgendamise kriteerium? ­ Looming 8: 1085-1090. Russell, B. 1951. An Outline of Philosophy. London. 5 27.10.2016 Õppekirjandus Kordamisküsimused Eintalu, Jüri 2005. Filosoofia 1. Mida võib silmas pidada sõnaga klassifikatsioon

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Soren Kierkegaard -referaat

Søren Kierkegaard :,,Fear and trembleing" 5.2. Teaduslikud artiklid: Annika Koppel, intervjuu tõlkija Arvo Alasega "Kierkegaard ärgitab inimest massist eralduma" (PM 13.2. 1999) Elmar Salumaa, Sören Kierkegaard kristliku aatlejana. ­ Akadeemia nr. 3/1939 5.3. Internetileheküljed: Wikipedia : Wikipedia:øren_Kierkegaard Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy : Guardian - existentialism

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
16 allalaadimist

Alternatiivseid koolisüsteeme – Dalton Plaani kool

Tartu Ülikool Referaat Alternatiivseid koolisüsteeme ­ Dalton Plaani kool Tartu, 2010 Sisukord Sisukord..................................................................................................................................2 Ajalugu....................................................................................................................................3 Ülevaade Dalton Plaanist........................................................................................................3 Maja, Ülesanded ja Labor.......................................................................................................4 Maja....................................................................................................................................4 Ülesanded.........................................................................................

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika alused
11 allalaadimist

Law-makers breaking the law: torture as a justified interrogation technique?

12 ondervragingstechnieken-de-heropleving-van-martelpraktijken-in-de-strijd-tegen-het- terrorisme/ Twinning, W. (1973). Bentham on Torture. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 24(3), pp. 308-320 Verplaetse, J. (2008). Het morele instinct: Over de natuurlijke oorsprong van onze moraal. Amsterdam: Nieuwezijds. Walzer, M. (1973) Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands. Philosophy and Public Affairs 2(2), pp. 160-180 Walzer, M. (2007). On Fighting Terrorism Justly. International Relations, 21(4), 480- 484. doi:10.1177/0047117807083073 13

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
6 allalaadimist

Kolme eesti poliitiku demagoogiavõtete kasutamine valimiseelsel perioodil ajalehe Postimees näitel

Veenmiskunst. Tallinn: Avita. 2. Ehala, Martin; Mare Kitsnik 2011. Praktiline eesti keel 10. klassile I osa. OÜ Künnimees, lk 6. 3. The Free Dictionary, Vaadatud 4. Cut The Knot, Vaadatud 5. Durham Technical Community College, Vaadatud 16.02.2014 6. Philosophy Lander, Vaadatud 7. Fallacy Files, Vaadatud 05.03.2014 8. Philosophy Lander, Vaadatud 9. Fallacy Files, Vaadatud 05.03.2014 10. Think Exist, if_you_tell_a_lie_big_enough_and_keep_repeating/345877.html

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
8 allalaadimist

The Life of Dante, the Inferno of Dante

ambassador of Florence. His career ended in 1301 when the Black Guelph and their French allies seized control of the city. They took Dante's possessions and sentenced him to be permanently banished from Florence, threatening the death penalty upon him if he returned. Dante spent most of his time in exile writing new pieces of literature. It is believed that around 1307 he interrupts his unfinished work, Convivio, a reflection of his love poetry philosophy of the Roman tradition, to begin The Comedy (later known as The Divine Comedy). He writes a book called De Vulgari Eloquentia explaining his idea to combine a number of Italian dialects to create a new national language. In 1310 he writes De Monarchia presenting Dante's case for a one-ruler world order. Among his works, his reputation rests on his last work, The Divine Comedy. He began writing it somewhere between 1307-1314 and

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Fabio Capello

Not only was football in the genes but it also provided an escape from the Cold War pressures in a part of Italy where there was constant fear that the borders could be redrawn and his family forced from their home. Citing the role of his father and uncle in forming his legendary work ethic, Capello said: "They taught me dedication, to always work hard with absolute stubbornness. Only hard work allows an athlete to make the most of his talents." The result is a Stakhanovite philosophy under which Capello rewards the players he judges to have given their all under his instructions to win at all costs - and ruthlessly freezes out those he believes do not fit his gameplan. As his fellow Italian manager Arrigo Sacchi put it: "For Capello, football is all about wining. He does not see beauty in the game." The list of stars who have fallen foul of Capello's steely will is suitably impressive - Alessandro Del Piero, David Beckham, Paolo Di Canio, Edgar Davids

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Shall never know how to reply. He who replies to words of doubt Doth put the light of knowledge out. The strongest poison ever known Came from Caesar's laurel crown. Nought can deform the human race Like to the armour's iron brace. When gold and gems adorn the plow, To peaceful arts shall envy bow. A riddle, or the cricket's cry, Is to doubt a fit reply. The emmet's inch and eagle's mile Make lame philosophy to smile. He who doubts from what he sees Will ne'er believe, do what you please. If the sun and moon should doubt, They'd immediately go out. To be in a passion you good may do, But no good if a passion is in you. The whore and gambler, by the state Licensed, build that nation's fate. The harlot's cry from street to street Shall weave old England's windingsheet. The winner's shout, the loser's curse, Dance before dead England's hearse.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

Dos Passos beocme less radical in the end of his life. Became almost a right wing activist. He is remembered for his USA trilogy and the way he shows human disintregation. The Body of American. Richard Roe and John Doe-if the identity is unknown. Polysyndeton, direct speech, lack of punctuation, contrast of styles, fragmentation. Steinberg. 06.03.13 1930's. Time of unemployment and crisis and so on. John Steinberg. Like Dos Passos he was critical of american social order but his philosophy was different. He is more optimistic, believes that life goes on and that is indestructable. Although many individual lives were ruined, the life goes on, everything is not material success. Racial minorytis, who do not have all the rights, the have nots, the simple, the poor, the idiots. His method is very interesting. A lot of naturalistic elements, unpleasant details, not pure naturalist. Narrator's point of view, his style is more poetic of the style, rhythm and repetition

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun