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"period" - 702 õppematerjali

period — as defined by a variety of sensibilities and political games that have come to be associated with the Victorians—back five years to the passage of the Reform Act 1832. Calls for reform had been mooted long before 1832, but perennially without success.

Translation history

• Martin Luther – his role in the history of translation studies. Lived during the 15th century. He was a priest, theologian & translator. During that time, the Bible’s were only available in either Latin or Hebrew, which made it very difficult for common people to understand. He came out with a radical plan to translate the Bible into local languages (the first language was German – translated by Martin Luther). This inspired many other translators during that period. • What happened in the 19th and 20th century in translation studies? When and who created the term ‘translation studies’? Translation Studies – James S. Holmes - 1972 Ferdinand de Saussure – Lived during the 19th and 20th century. He was a Swiss linguist and a semiotician. He is widely considered one of the fathers of 20th-century linguistics and one of two major fathers (together with Charles Sanders Peirce) of semiotics/semiology. Saussure's most

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

ABS Piping Australian Presentation

the sample is loaded repetitively Temperature The design temperature may vary due to :- ·Ambient diurnal or seasonal temperature variations ·Flow rate affecting heat transfer ·Fluid temperature range ·Wind speed ·Installation ambient temperature ·Soil or air temperature Design Life Design Life Criteria 50 years It does not mean ABS has a 50 year life 50 Years is an arbitrary period to provide comparative data No matter how old it is ABS will still exhibit instantaneous properties when subjected to high rates of strain such as waterhammer or impact Toxicity & Taint Complies with AS 4020 Used for:- No heavy metals ­ Potable water No heavy metal ­ Beer stabilisers ­ Food Test for taint with food ­ Caramel & chocolate stuffs before design ­ Wine

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Social media information and data collection and security

information to provide as much as interesting content as possible of reach user. Simply put, they provide, improve and develope their services. Each bit of information has its own benefits in different areas. With this raw information they can measure how the ads are working and what services people use most. Then improve it if necessary. Another side is to keep accounts more secure, for example if different locations are used in short period of time, servers will know something is not right. What users might not know All social media companies confirm that they strongly believe into data security and they do everything possible to keep their users information safe and only they can access into their servers. They want to make their users trust them and i think it could be also used as marketing tool a bit. But words on the internet in this age doesn’t really mean anything.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse kordamisküsimused

· Ruumid on jäänud lootusetult kitsaks. · Raskused vajalike uute töötajate leidmisel. · Sisemise kommunikatsiooni ülesütlemine, ,,käsuliin ei tööta", koordineerimisprobleemid osakondade vahel. · Oskamatus delegeerida, segadus juhtide kohustuste osas, vastuolulised korraldused. · Rahulolematud töötajad, suurenev voolavus. · Järsult kasvanud vajadus paberitöö järele. 29. Ettevõtte elutsükkel ­ alustamine, kasv ja laienemine, küpsus, langus. Stardieelne period: · äriidee leidmine · tegevuse kavandamine ja ettevalmistamine · stardikapitali leidmine. Alustamise period: · Ärikontseptsiooni täiustamine, ettevõtte rajamine. · Stardiperiood on riskantseim, siin esineb kõige enam läbikukkumisi. · Finantseerimisallikaks on eelkõige omakapital (omaniku säästud), lisanduda võib kommertskrediit, liising jne, pangalaen eeldab laenugarantiisid.

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
52 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

Five years later the debate had moved on, from exclusively feminine concerns to the wider issues of gender in social and cultural contexts. Patriarchy and capitalism should be examined more closely, perhaps as Althusser had attempted, and sophisticated models built to integrate the larger web of economics, education, division of labour, biological constraints and cultural assumptions. Literature will often reflect the cultural assumptions and attitudes of its period, and that of course includes attitudes towards women: their status, their roles, their expectations. But a literature doctored of male-orientated views would be failing in its first requirement, to present a realistic or convincing picture of the world. Moralizing, which includes political correctness, has its dangers. Feminists have argued for positive discrimination as the only way to correct centuries of bias.

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Kolme eesti poliitiku demagoogiavõtete kasutamine valimiseelsel perioodil ajalehe Postimees näitel

.................. 25 Kasutatud kirjandus .................................................................................................................. 27 2 Abstract summary In this research the difference between arguementation and usage of demagoguery was explained. Eight main demagoguery fallacies and their characteristics were analysed, followed by their usage by three selected politicians in pre-election time period. Pre-election time period is considered to be from 21.08.2013 to 19.10.2013. Articles that had quotes from Edgar Savisaar, Eerik-Niiles Kross and Andrus Ansip and were from the pre-election time period were eligible for analysing. Three hypotheses of this research were checked for credibility. The first hypothesis – there are politicians, who tend to use more demagoguery than others – found confirmation. Statistics

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
8 allalaadimist

English structure revision for the exam

 Syntax (concerned with the rules [grammar] and how sentences and words are formed). Synchronic approach to language → A focus in language study on how language exists in one moment in time, not at how this language came to be the way it is now. Example Estonian in the 21st century. Diachronic approach to language → A focus in language study on how a language has changed over some period of time. In a way it is comparing language to what it was and how it is now. For example comparing 18th century and 19th century Estonian. Linguistic competence → Is a person’s knowledge of how it is correct to speak but he or she is unable to give reasons why this is the right way of speaking. Chomsky says that linguistic competence is an idealized capacity of language. It is the hearers knowledge of his/hers

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Põhi vaatamisväärsused Viljandis

Kaevumäeks, II eeslinnust Teiseks kirsimäeks ning III eeslinnust Esimeseks kirsimäeks. Sisuliselt oli keskaegne Viljandi linn neljandaks eeslinnuseks. Carl Robert Jakobsoni monument. · Kuju püstitati 1998. aastal ärkamisaegse poliitiku ja Viljandimaa ajalehe "Sakala" asutaja 157. sünniaastapäevaks. · Carl Robert Jakobson was one the most important public figures during the Estonian Period of Awakening as well as a columnist, writer, teacher and founder of Sakala, the newspaper of Viljandi County. The statue was erected in 1998, for Jakobson's 157th birthday. · Skulptuuri kujuriks on Mati Karmin. · C.R.Jakobson was great figure of the estonian national Movement. Jakobson founded the "Sakala" newspaper in Viljandi in 1878. · C.R. Jakobson is depicted on the Estonian 500-kroon note. Johann Köleri monument.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
20 allalaadimist


2 flat and sandy coastline is definitely a no-go. People of Kalamaja wish that Kalarand would stay as a public space, at least 50meters from the coastline, where everyone has access to any time convenient, and that current swimming and picnic opportunities would stay the same. People believe that Kalarand should not belong to any residential plot composition, and demand that Kalarand would be accessible even during the developing period. The developer of Kalasadam, Pro Kapital, is a leading Estonian real estate development company who operates in the capitals of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Since its establishment in 1994, it has completed 20 development projects and focuses mainly on the development of large-scale residential and commercial real estate projects in prime locations of the capitals of the Baltic States. In the second half of the 1990s, Pro Kapital aquired several

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


MIKRO JA MAKROÖKONOOMIKA PÕHIMÕISTED  Mikro ja makroökonoomika uurib kuidas ühiskond jaotab oma piiratud ressursse inimvajaduste rahuldamiseks. (vajadused piiramatud, ressursid piiratud)  Majandustegevus- kättesaadavate ressursside kasutamine inimvajaduste rahuldamiseks tarvilike hüviste tootmiseks  Tootmine-hüviste valmistamine  Tarbimine- kaupade/teenuste kasutamine vajaduste rahuldamiseks  Ressursid ehk tootmistegurid on vahendid mida kasut hüviste valmistamiseks o Maa- haritav maa, mineraalid, veeressursid jne o kapital- kõik inimtööga valmistatud tootmisvahendid (ehitised, seadmed) o töö- inimese kehalised ja vaimsed võimed mida kasut tootmises  alternatiivkulu- parimast alternatiivist loobumise hind. Teiste hüviste hulk, mida oleks saanud valmistada nendesamade ressurssidega.  Tootmisvõimaluste kõver (PPC) näitab kahe hüvise er...

Majandus → Mikroökonoomika
121 allalaadimist

Haritava maa kvaliteet

where agricultural production is not profitable, is relatively large. On all arable land soils with a low or very low content of lactate soluble potassium account for 40 - 65 %. Considerable phosphorus deficit occurs in 20 - 35 % of soils in the arable area. The soils of Põlva, Valga and Võru counties are exceedingly poor in humus. The available water supply in the metric profile of arable soils at the beginning of vegetation period varies from 140 to 255 mm. Gleyic and gley soils occupy the large areas in the West-Estonian depression, in the Peipus Lowland and Hiiumaa. In cental Estonia soil conditions are relatively favourable for agricultural production. On the other hand in the north and south - east of Estonia and on the islands occupy less - fertile soils. In drawing up plans of development and planning land use local self - goverments should take account of concrete natural conditions more than before.

Põllumajandus → Põllumajandus
5 allalaadimist

Serverite virtualiseerimine [09.2006] [10]. Amit Singh, 2004. Kernelthread. An Introduction to Virtualization [Online] [01.2004] [11]. Brien M. Posey, 2003. TechRepublic. The pros and cons of server virtualization [Online] [04.08.2003] [12]. David Rule Jr. 2007. The Best Damn Server Virtualization Book Period. Syngress [13]. VMware vSphere 5.1 Documentation Center. VMware [Online] %2FPG_VM_Manage.13.2.html [14]. Rui Natário, 2011. Networks And Servers. Full Virtualization Explained [Online] [11.2011]

Informaatika → Serveri operatsioonisüsteemid
7 allalaadimist


To be eligible to apply, you must: Be between 18 and 30 years old (inclusive). Provide proof of financial support for the duration of your travels. Be from one of the following countries : Belgium, Canada, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom. The WHV allows you to live and work for a period of up to 12 months. However, conditions apply regarding work. You are permitted to work only up to 6 months for each employer. Application costs are usually approximately AU $230. You can also study for up to 4 months, travel all around Australia, leave Australia and then re-enter. Australia Australia is known for it's fine beaches and a really hot summer days wherein almost a thousands of tourists have been attracted to. People tend

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


The Natives who lived there helped new settlers but the settlers thought that they are better and acted presumingly. I think that European settlers shouldn't have done that because they went to foreign country where people were living and it was definitely not nice to act so. Most of the countries of Europe wanted to get land in America so they all made colonys there and started to bring there African slaves. Tensions between American colonials and the British during the revolutionary period of the 1760s and early 1770s led to the American Revolutionary War. In 1775, the Continental Congress, convening in Philadelphia, established a Continental Army under the command of George Washington. Proclaiming that "all men are created equal" and endowed with "certain unalienable Rights," the Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, drafted largely by Thomas Jefferson, on July 4, 1776. That date is now celebrated annually as America's Independence Day. After the American forces had

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. One of the abts/the best was given by Jonathan Swift: ,,Proper words in proper places." In present- day english, the world style is used in about half a dozen basic meanings. 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas. Some speak about the style of Hemingway, Dickens etc. 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period. Style of symbolism, romanticism 3. the use of language to pick a literary genre-comedy, novel, drama, O.D (poetic form) etc. 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres of human activity ­fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, official documents, business correspondenc etc. Style bears the stamp of indivual usage, that is every writer has a unique pattern/habit and abilities that form his style.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. The precise definition was given by Jonathan Swift, who defined style as "proper words in proper places". In present day English the word "style" is used in about a dozen of principle meanings: 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his/her ideas (e.g. style of Byron). 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period (e.g. symbolism, romanticism, renaissance). 3. the use of language typical of a literary genre (e.g. the style of a comedy, drama, novel). 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres / areas of human activity (e.g. style of fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, business correspondence, etc.). These are called functional styles or registers. Stylistics ­ is the study of style.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

a Member state (with the citizenship of this country) allowed to live there with the child? Right of residence? ­ Child with the nationality of one Member State but residing in another Member State ­ Parents nationals of a non-member country ­ Mother's right to reside in the other Member State 10. The decision of the court (in my own words) ­ The child and the mother are allowed to stay in the country for an indefinite period. The mother and the child must have enough money to not become a burden on the public finances of the host Member State, and they have to have appropriate health insurance. Academic writing Title Introduction Body conclusion Lõikude vahele 1 rida, taandrida ei jäeta! Argumendid millegi poolt, argumendid millegi vastu. Väldime I-vormi, vaid kasutame passive-vormi. Lõhikesi vorme ei kasutata! (don't) 150 sõna ­ Teema ­ "should mery-killing be punished?"

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

Sidusa kõne arendamine SKAP lapsel

child. This study is a case based action research. One child (age 6.8-8.2) who has SLI, participated in this experiment. Because the girl has SLI, the narrative skills of the girl are needed to be developed. The task of present study was to compose specific methodology to develop the oral narratives for a girl with SLI and to analyse and compare the impact of special instruction on narrative skills and to describe and compare narrative skills before and after a short learning period. The task of the action research was to find out if and how special instructions on narrative skills influence child´s oral narrative skills. Before and after narrative skills developmental period, a pre- and after test was conducted. Child` s narrative skills were analysed before and after narrative skills developmental period, using a special rating scale. Considering preliminary test results, the speech areas, (narrative skills and syntax) that would be developed, were centered out

Pedagoogika → Erivajadustega laste...
71 allalaadimist

Eesti referaat

and lowered at sunset ­ exept on June 23 when it is left out for the shortest night of the year. NATIONAL ANTHEM The Estonian national anthem, entitled "My Native Land, My Pride and Joy", was composed in 1848 by Friedrich Pacius, a Finn of German descent. The Estonianlanguage words were written by Johann Voldemar Jannsen. In 1869 it was performed at the first allEstonian Song Festival in Tartu and gained popularity during the period of the national movement. Estonians carried the melody in their hearts and souls during Soviet occupation, when it was banned. Another song "My Native Land, My Dearest Love" by Gustav Ernesaks, became an unofficial anthem at that time and enabled the people to express their feelings of national identity. COAT OF ARMS Lions were first used as Estonia's heraldic emblem in the 13 th century when they appeared on the large coat of arms of Tallinn. The originated from

Keeled → Inglise keel
174 allalaadimist

India vabariik

Suubub paremalt Indusesse. Sutlej on jõgi Lõuna-Aasias. Algab Kailase mägedest, seejärel murrab läbi Himaalaja. Tasandikule laskunult voolab valdavalt edelasse. Ühinedes Trimabi jõega, moodustab Panjnadi jõe. Yamuna on jõgi Aasias. Algab Himaalajast Yamunotri liustikust. Voolab läbi Delhi ja Agra ning suubub Allahabadis vasakpoolse lisajõena Gangesesse. Juuni keskel on Indias tavaliselt mussoonivihmade period milletagajärjel tekkivad üleujutused. Suurimad üleujutused tekkivad Ganges jõel. India veekogud on väga reostunud, seal on suur jooguvee puudus. Riigi kulumine majandusorganisatsioonidesse India kuulub mitmetesse rahvusvahelistesse organisatsioonidesse, kuna riik ise on suur ja mõjuvõimas. Esiteks ülemaailmsed organisatsioonid nagu ADB, AfDB, ARF, ASEAN, BIMSTEC, BIS, C, CERN, CP, EAS, FAO, G-15, G-24, G-77, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC,

Geograafia → Geograafia
66 allalaadimist

Psychology – Gleitman

(total of 90 minutes devoted to REM during sleep ) · Hypothesis: the direction of the eye movements observed during a given REM periods is appropriate to what the subject recalls having seen while dreaming. When predominant direction of eye movements was up and down, one subject dreamed he had thrown basketballs, looking up the net and shooting, then looking down to pick another ball off the floor. · In contrast, another REM period in which the eye movements were mostly from side to side, produced a dream in which the subject watched two people throwing tomatoes at each other. Dreams as Cognition: Dreams reflect what we know, what we have experienced, remembered, thought about- activities psychologists call 'cognition'. Components of the dream were surely drawn from dreamer's own knowledge, which contains info about flying or tea or car crash etc. Some psychologists have

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
22 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

to be long term and stable. If motivation lies on monetary incentives it may give base for corruption. Another negative side with pay-for performance is that it causes competition between employees. This in turn, reduces cooperation, unity and solidarity. It may affect other tasks and bigger projects where everyone has to work together for a same goal. Differences and disagreements may cause more harm than pay-for performance can bring. And it may ruin the working culture for a long time period. It has been said that competition in public sector is not healthy. One big problem with pay-for performance is the evaluation. In public sector there are many different tasks some that are measurable and others not that easily measurable. This aspect makes it hard to tell which employee performs better than the other. So it may affect how servants respond to this system. The other part is the task itself- it needs very precise system under what to analyze and evaluate the performance

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Liikurmasinate erialane inglise keel

Truup 45. Curb 45. Äärekivi 46. Curing 46. Kõvenemine 47. Cutting of timber, Felling operations 47. Metsalangetamine 48. Cycleway 48. Jalgrattatee DEF vocabulary 1. Dead load 1. Omakaal 2. Deceleration 2. Aeglustus 3. Deceleration lane 3. Aeglustusrada 4. Defects liability period 4. Garantiiaeg 5. Defrosting 5. Sulamine 6. Delay 6. Viivitus 7. Depth of foundation 7. Rajamissügavus 8. Depth of frost penetration 8. Külmumissügavus 9. Detail drawing 9. Detailjoonis 10. Deterioration 10. Kahjustus, halvenemine, lagunemine 11. Detour 11. Ümbersõit 12

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

is active but practitioners have been subject to arrest. Syria made progress in easing its foreign debt burden through bilateral rescheduling deals with its key creditors in Europe, most importantly Russia, Germany, and France. Syria also settled its debt with Iran and the World Bank. 6. Foreign trade According to International Monetary Fund sources, because of the discovery of large oil fields, Syria's foreign trade volume has immensely increased over the last 3 decades. During this period, exports have grown from US$203 million in 1970 to US$4.8 billion in 2000, while imports have risen from US$360 million in 1970 to US$3.5 billion in 2000. Syria's foreign trade is highly dependent on its oil revenues and oil prices on the international markets. For the year 2000, the EIU reported that increasing oil prices have continued to boost export revenue and Syria recorded a surplus of more than US$1 billion for the first time since the Gulf War.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


stem herniation, and death. Cases Of Extreme Hydration It is, thankfully, quite difficult to flummox a healthy pair of kidneys accidentally. It is a testament to the water-processing abilities of this organ that most cases of water poisoning are restricted to extreme instances of hazing and drinking contests. An instance of the latter occurred in 2007, when a 28-year-old woman consumed six liters of water over a three-hour period for a radio station's on-air drinking contest. "She said to one of our supervisors that she was on her way home and her head was hurting her real bad," one of the woman's co-workers would tell reporters. "She was crying and that was the last that anyone had heard from her." Athletes ­ endurance athletes, especially ­ are also recognized as being at risk of water poisoning. Results from a study published in

Keemia → Keemia
2 allalaadimist

Kõrgem matemaatika 1 kordamisküsimused 2017/2018

mis vastavad muutuja xx väärtustele funktsiooni määramispiirkonnast. 25.Funktsiooni esitusviisid analüütiline esitus (valemi abil) tabeli abil graafiku abil 26.Paaris- ja paaritud funktsioonid f(x) = f(x) paarisfunktsioon - graafik sümmeetriline y-teljega f(x) = f(x) paaritu funktsioon - graafik sümmeetriline x-teljega 27.Perioodilised funktsioonid, funktsiooni period Funktsiooni f(x) nimetatakse perioodiliseks, kui leidub selline nullist erinev reaalarv , nii et f(x + ) = f(x)= f(x - ) ( - periood) Iga x väärtuse korral määramispiirkonnast kehtib võrdus f(x+T)=f(x) ning vähimat positiivset arvu T nimetatakse funktsiooni perioodiks. 28.Monotoonsed, kasvavad ja kahanevad funktsioonid Kasvavaid ja kahanevaid funktsioone nimetatakse rangelt monotoonseteks.

Matemaatika → Kõrgem matemaatika
135 allalaadimist

Uurimustööks vajalik teada

inimese sisemaailmale (stabiilsus, harmoonia, rahulolu, eneseteostus, emotsionaalne intelligentsus-tundmuslik arukus). · Eesmärgiks uurida ja anda teada kui oluline on individuaalne lähenemine igale kliendile ja seda läbi holistilise maailmapildi. · Pealkiri/teema- teadlik rasedus, vanemaks olemine- tähendus, .... Matters of great importance for our future lives are taking place, yet we have no memory of this time. Further, as if to deny any relevance of this period, it is only when it ends that our official age begins. · There is good news and bad news. We can no longer think that the placenta can protect the prenate from anything bad going on in the mother's body, or that the mother's body can protect the prenate from bad things going on in her world. · Parents, too, can be a source of contamination and injury to the unborn baby as a consequence of their personal habits and lifestyle choices.

Kategooriata → Uurimustöö metoodika
277 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

4 depolarisation / –65mV to +40mV; 5 receptor / generator, potential; 6 ref to threshold; 7 action potential; allow only if linked to idea of threshold reached 3 max (iv) neurotransmitter only, in presynaptic knob / released from presynaptic membrane; receptors only on postsynaptic membrane; ref to refractory period / hyperpolarisation; 2 max [10] 79. 1 eutrophication; 2 increased growth of, algae / seaweeds; 3 block, light / space; 4 ref to competition; 5 (so) alters food chain / example; 6 decomposition of, sewage / dead organisms;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470


Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist


väike. Soovitav dividendipoliitka: · traditsioonilised ettevõtted maksku dividende; · kôrgtehnoloogiaettevõtted vôiks orienteeruda aktsiakapitali suurenemisele. Kapitali eelarvestamine: projektide tasuvuse hindamise meetodid ja nende rakendamine (tasuvusaeg, diskonteeritud tasuvusaeg, kestus, NPV, IRR, MIRR, PI, EA). Kapitali eelarvestamisel kasutatavad meetodid Projekti tasuvuse hindamisel kasutatavad meetodid: 1)tasuvusaeg (payback period, PB) Tagasimaksuperiood (tasuvusperiood) on aastate arv, mis on vajalik selleks, et katta projekti esialgne maksumus. Reeglina peab projekt ennast ära tasuma vähemalt viie aastaga, viimase aja kirjanduses pakutakse optimaalseks tasuvusajaks 2­4 aastat. Suuremamahuliste projektide (nt. kinnisvarainvesteering) optimaalseks tasuvusajaks võib lugeda 10 aastat Meetodi nõrkused:1) Ignoreerib raha ajaväärtuse kontseptsiooni, kuid seda on võimalik kergesti kõrvaldada

Majandus → Majandus
435 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

’s (2002) reference to a backpacking biography presents an apt departure point in the backpacking literature for exploring how the episodic consumption of backpacking can be assembled into a meaningful and identifiable lifestyle. Lifestyle Consumption Although lifestyles can be used as a means of socially stratifying individuals, as one might do through social class, occupation, ethnicity or culture, it is important to locate lifestyles as products of the same post-industrial period they can be used to analyse (Binkley, 2004). Lifestyles are central to debates about consumer culture and are often ‘articulated in relation to shifts identified with post-Fordism and/or postmodernism’ (Bell & Hollows, 2006, p. 1). Historical shifts from mass to specialised production in the context of urbanisation saw western class distinctions begin to destabilise and a concurrent rise in niche consumption practices as a means of symbolically conveying personal style (ibid)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

Test-Action-Cycleas optimisationcycle •Each individual optimisation cycle consists of a test and an action component which are suitably coupled. •An important dimension of the optimisation cycle is its length, i.e. the time required to complete the cycle once. •Depending on the nature of the activity and the testing, the length can be anything from a matter of a few seconds to up to possibly several years. •The longer this period, the more costly the optimisation cycle. •It is the aim of user-oriented software development to incorporate an as efficient optimisation cycle as possible into software development procedures 7. CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL (CMM) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) broadly refers to a process improvement approach that is based on a process model. The Capability Maturity Model can be used to assess an organization against a scale of five process maturity levels

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Stretches and exercises in office

Just five minutes of movement every hour or two can boost energy and improve your attitude. You'll find that getting your blood pumping and oxygen circulating will help you concentrate better and be more productive, calm, and efficient. Breaks can minimize strain, but they can not relieve stress or improve flexibility, for example. Most people should stretch prior to any strenuous activity. Routine activities like typing or using the phone can lead to injury over a period of time. So, stretching can: - increase your flexibility. Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring. - improve range of motion of your joints. Good range of motion keeps you in better balance, which will help keep you mobile and less prone to injury from falls -- especially as you age. - improve circulation

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
20 allalaadimist


When Finnish speakers migrated to Finland in the first millennium B.C., the Sami were forced to move northward to the arctic regions, with which they are traditionally associated. The Finns' repeated raids on the Scandinavian coast impelled Eric IX, the Swedish king, to conquer the country in 1157. It was made a part of the Swedish kingdom and converted to Christianity. By 1809 the whole of Finland was conquered by Alexander I of Russia, who set up Finland as a grand duchy. The period of Russification (1809­1914) sapped Finnish political power and made Russian the country's official language. When Russia became engulfed by the March Revolution of 1917, Finland seized the opportunity to declare independence on Dec. 6, 1917. The USSR attacked Finland on Nov. 30, 1939, after Finland refused to give in to Soviet territorial demands. The Finns staged a strong defense for three months before being forced to cede the Soviets 16,000 sq mi (41,440 sq km). Under

Majandus → Majandus
12 allalaadimist

Kuidas kirjutada esseed

The Essay Writing Manual Brain Storming The process of writing the application essay can be broken into five very basic parts: Brainstorming Selecting the essay topic Writing the essay Revising the essay Coming up with the final draft 1. BRAINSTORMING: Brainstorming is the process of coming up with ideas spontaneously from free flowing writing or talking. To brainstorm, you can simply sit down with a pen and jot down every idea that comes into your head. Another approach is to simply start writing and see where you end up. Record as much information as you can recall, such as schools attended, courses taken, jobs held, research projects undertaken. Work on taking yourself deeper into the introspection process by tackling more specific topics. Here are some questions you might want to consider: What am I like? How do my friends characterize me? What are my personality traits? Have I ever experienced a moment of ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
434 allalaadimist


like Uluru, were sacred because they were associated with the "Dreamtime", the time when the earth was formed and cycles of life and nature were begun. Aboriginal legends, songs and dances tell of powerful spirits who created the land and peaople durin the Dreamtime. There was no written Aboriginal language. Most of the 600 tribes spoke different dialects and rarely met except on ceremonial occasions. The tradition of Dreamtime united the people. Rock paintings showing this creation period can be found all over the country. Some of the most spetacular and best preserved can be seen at rock galleries in Kakadu National Park and other parts of nortehrn Australia. The arrival of white people gradually brought an end to the traditional Aboriginal way of life. People began to build and settle on Aborigine tribal lands. Today, most Aborigines live in cities and towns or in isolated settlements near tribal lands. Few continue the old nomadic way of life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


the popular financial sector that is supposed to focus lending to smaller financial institutions 7 that in return will lend to small businesses. "In January 2007 co-op loans stood at 11.1 percent of private bank lending; by July 2012 this percentage had nearly doubled, to 19.6 percent. Co- op loans have also seen a large increase in the absolute total amount, tripling in real (inflation- adjusted) terms during this period." Conclusively, the authors explain, "Ecuador is a relatively small, middle income developing country with an open economy that does not even have its own currency, yet in five years it has accomplished some of the most comprehensive financial reforms of any country in the 21st century" (Maiello, 2013). Ecuador economic growth has been inclusive, which has directly reduced poverty and inequality levels and increased the middle class

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


If there are many sharks or big fish that can tear the nets, you must be careful not to leave the nets in the water too long. Sharks are attracted to fish that struggle in the nets. There will be less trouble with sharks if you haul the nets once during the night, take the fish out and set the nets again. Another problem is that if fish stay caught in the net too long they will rot. By hauling the net at different times during the night you may find that you catch the most fish in a period of a few hours during the night. In this case it is best to leave the net in the water for only those hours when the most fish are caught. This way you will have less trouble with fish turning rotten in the net. 16 17 Võrgulina parandus. a- kudumine, b- asendamine tükiga Võrgu

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
29 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Kontsentratsioonikõvera langus toimub kahefaasiliselt ­ algul kiiresti, tingituna ravimi kudedesse tungimisest ja hiljem, peale peale dünaamilise tasakaalu saavutamist vere ja kudede vahel, aeglasemalt. Aeglasem kõvera langus sõltub juba eliminatsioonist. Eliminatsiooni kujukamaks väljendamiseks on kasutusele võetud mõiste poolväärtusaeg, tähistatakse T 1/2 või T 50% period of half-life (inglise keeles) halbwertzeit (saksa keeles) Poolväärtusaeg on aeg, mille vältel ravimi kontsentratsioon vereplasmas langeb pooleni oma lähteväärtusest. Kui ühe poolväärtusaja jooksul elimineerub 50% ravimist, siis umbes 3,3 poolväärtusaja jooksul elimineerub 90% ravimist ja praktiliselt 4,5­5 poolväärtusaja jooksul vabaneb organism kogu ravimiannusest. Ravimi toime kestust see aga täielikult ei peegelda, sest toime kestus sõltub ajast,

Meditsiin → Farmakoloogia
90 allalaadimist


Females have started to make working-career by themselves and the need for transportation has increased; one of the comfortable ways to get to a work would definitely be a car. Housewives can also use car to do the grocery shopping or to take children to school. ( A) Since 1998 more and more households are owing 2 cars. The percentage has been raised 6,4 per cent from 1998 to 2004. Although the overall percentage of car owning have went down by 0,7 per cent at the same period. The survey taken in 2004 december shows that people who are using car to go to work is 29 per cent and 25 per cent use car to take out their family. 26 per cent have a household at size 4 and to take family out they will propably use a bigger car than mini because it will not be so comfortable to squeeze four people in to a mini. ( B) Recently people are started to think more about the environment where we all are living. Most

Keeled → Business english
39 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

If it is assumed that a complete subtitle of two lines usually has between 14 and 16 words, it can then be stated that up to 2 or 3 words can be read in a second, or simi- larly: a subtitle with those characteristics should stay on screen about 5 and a half seconds. The author proposes to increase this suggested time to 6 seconds, because "the brain needs ¼­½ of a second to start processing the subtitle it has traced". This initial period, supposedly needed for reading preparation is usually referred to as "onset". Likewise, the author indicates that such a subtitle should not be more than 6 seconds on the screen, because "this would cause automatic re-reading of the subtitle, especially by fast readers". These statements have been decisive to the creation of the so-called "6 second rule", which has become a best-known teaching standard for subtitling over the years.

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

The Articles 71 The Subject and the Object 143 Demonstrative Determiners 73 Direct and Indirect Objects 144 Interrogative Determiners 74 Positive and Negative Sentences146 Possessive Determiners 75 Questions 147 7 Verbs and Tenses 79 14 Punctuation 150 The Simple Present Tense 80 Period 150 Am, Is and Are 83 Comma 151 The Present Progressive Tense 89 Exclamation Point 152 Have and Has 93 Question Mark 152 The Present Perfect Tense 96 Apostrophe 153 1 What is Grammar? Here's an old children's rhyme about the eight parts of speech of English grammar. It gives you an idea of what

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Rootsi kirjanduse ajalugu 1880-

medlem i frisinnade landsföreningen 1916 och förblev sedan organiserad liberal livet ut. Selma Lagerlöf tog avstånd från förföljelsen av judarna i Tyskland på 1930-talet. Det ledde till en tysk bojkott men Lagerlöf lät sig inte påverkas, även om det fanns de som ville att hon skulle engagera sig än mer Sekelskifte Hjalmar Söderberg och Hjalmar Bergman, de två främsta svenska författarna vid sekelskiftet 1900. Den här tiden framstår som helhet, som Europas glanstid, en period av ohämmad framstegsoptimism. Men filosofer, författare och konstnärer såg med förakt på det som skedde och kulturpessimismen växte. De vände sig emot att marknaden satte prislappar på allt och pekade på den själsliga tomhet bakom den välklädda fasaden. Den här pessimistiska livshållning hade även Hjalmar Söderberg och Hjalmar Bergman. Allt är meningslöst- vi kan dricka och knarka. Man trodde att världen ska gå under. Hjalmar Söderberg

Keeled → Rootsi keel
12 allalaadimist


The coat of arms of the Burcharts can be seen on the wall of the entrance-hall. Liberty Square Liberty Square was originally a Hay and Wood Market of Tallinn. The market was liquidated at the end of the 19th century. In order to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Russian power the place got a new name ­ Peter´s Square. A monument to Peter the Great was set up in the middle of the square. In 1923 the square was renamed Liberty Square. During the Soviet period it was called Victory Square. Parks The largest and probably the most beautiful park of Tallinn is Kadriorg. The park and palace were designed in Baroque style by the Italian architect Niccolo Michetti and built in the 1720s on the order of Peter the Great. In 1857 Tallinn was not a fort any more and the 17 th and 18th century fortifications were given to the municipality to lay out parks and public gardens. The Ingrian Bastion was turned into Harjumägi in 1860

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Writing in the Business World

Grammar `AMC's works have gone down' AMC's work has really gone down. (Work is a singular, uncountable noun.) `since five days' for five days (Since is used only with a point of time: since August, since 2001, etc. For a period of time use for.) `trucks have break down' trucks have broken down (The past participle must be used in this construction.) `he hasn't replied any of our letters' he hasn't replied to any of our letters (The preposition to is required after the verb replied in this construction.)

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

Connecting Ideas Logically and Effectively

TASK 1 1 Read the following letter of complaint and choose the best connectives to fill each gap from the options given afterwards. On 10 November 1999 we purchased from your company 500 pairs of `Gripfast' safety boots and 800 pairs of `Holdtight' safety gloves (Invoice No. 632/A559T). Prior to the transaction, you had informed us that, under our normal working conditions .................. (1) the boots and the gloves were guaranteed for a period of six months. ..................(2), only four months later, we now find that these items are of unsatisfactory standard for our daily working conditions. ..................(3) we were assured by your representative that the gloves were suitable ..................(4) for hot work ..................(5) for the handling of drilling equipment, many have already been ..................(6) burned ..................(7) ripped and ..................(8) have had to be discarded. .................

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist


European affairs and they did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles, which established the League of Nations. The 1920's were a decade in which the tariffs were brought to their highest levels and taxes were reduced. This remarkable rise in living standards, which caused the decade to be called the Roaring Twenties, ended suddenly in October 1929 with the Wall Street 8 crash. The crash was the result of a long period of over production by the nation's factories and farms. This crash marked the beginning of the worst depression in American history known as the Great Depression. F. D. Roosevelt was the one who helped America out of it. He won the 1932 presidential elections. Over the next two years, millions of unemployed were given jobs and emergency relief was provided. Relations with Japan worsened and on the morning of 7 December 1941 the Japanese

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Majanduseksamiks valmistumine

Pilet I Võrdsus ja vaesus (20p) 1. Selgita järgnevaid mõisteid: (3 punkti) *suhteline vaesus - olukord, kus elamistingimused on alla ühiskonna keskmist elatustaset või üldiselt aktsepteeritud ja soovitud taset. Inimesed võivad kogeda end suhteliselt vaestena ka siis, kui nad ei kannata puuduse all, kuid samas elavad teised inimesed märkimisväärselt jõukamalt. See määratlus ei seosta vaesust ainult füüsiliste vajadustega, vaid ka ühiskonna normide ja ootustega . *absoluutne vaesus - seisund, kus inimese tulu jääb allapoole teatud minimaalset taset; sätestatakse kas rahvusliku või rahvusvahelise vaesuskriteeriumina *elatusmiinimum - inimesele vajalike elatusvahendite väikseim kogus, mis võimaldab tööjõu säilimist ja taastamist 2. Mis on Lorenzi kõver ja Gini indeks? Mida nendega mõõdetakse? (4p) Lorenzi kõver - kirjeldab graafiliselt algse tulu kumulatii...

Majandus → Majandusõpetus
25 allalaadimist

"food" Homereading

international expansion, Burger King has established several subsidiaries to develop strategic partnerships and alliances to expand into new territories; in Europe, Burger King's subsidiary Burger King Europe GmbH is responsible for the licensing and development of BK franchises in the that market, Africa and Western Asia. In Asia, the BK AsiaPac, PTE. Ltd. business unit handles franchising for East Asia, the Asian subcontinent and all Oceanic territories except Australia. Over the ten year period starting in 2008, Burger King sees 80% of its market share to be driven by foreign expansion, particularly in the Asia-Pacific and Indian subcontinent regional markets. While the TPG-lead group has continued BK's international expansion by announcing plans to open new franchise locations in Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and Brazil, the company plans to focus on the three largest markets, India, China and Japan

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun