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"parents" - 536 õppematerjali



ancient adj. something from a long time ago, very old. Syn. old Archaeologists analyze ancient civilizations. Dave found an ancient Roman coin. annoying adj. a slight bother, disturbing to a person n. annoyance Syn. bothersome v. annoy adv. annoyingly Mosquitoes can be an annoying part of a vacation at the beach. She annoyed her parents by coming home late. anticipate v. to think about or prepare for something ahead of adj. anticipatory time n. anticipation Syn. predict No one can anticipate the results of the games. They planned their vacation with anticipation. conform v. to follow established rules or patterns of n. conformity behavior n. conformist Syn. adapt Yon must conform to the rules or leave the club.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Taime geneetika

1.Tähtsamad momendid geneetika ajaloos. Geneetika on teadus pärilikkusest, selle funktsioonidest ja materiaalsetest alustest, päriliku muutlikkuse mehhanismidest ja seaduspärasustest rakkudes, organismides, perekondades ja populatsioonides. Nüüdisaegse teadusliku geneetika sünniaastaks peetakse tavaliselt aastat 1900. Esimestel aastatel nimetati seda uurimisvaldkonda pärilikkuse põhiprintsiipide esmaavastaja G. Mendeli järgi mendelismiks, 1906.a. loodi termin geneetika. Kuigi geneetika "ametlik" ajalugu on võrdlemisi lühike, eelnes sellele siiski üsna pikk tähelepanekute kogunemise, arusaamade kujunemise ning uurimismeetodite loomise periood. Samuti on selles ajaloos mõnede ekslike kujutluste väga pikaaegne püsimine, kuid ka mitmete avastuste ja teooriate ignoreerimine ning unustamine kauaks ajaks. 2.Geneetika klassikud Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) -- pärilikkuse aluste esmaavastaja G. Mendel oli Brünni linnas (nüüdne Brno, T ehhimaal)...

Botaanika → Taimekasvatus
62 allalaadimist


,,Laste arengu mõistmine" Peter K. Smith, Helen Cowie, Mark Blades Esimene osa: Teooriad ja meetodid 1.Arengu uurimine · Nicolas Humprey väitis et teadvus on bioloogiline adaptsioon, mis võimaldab meil kasutada introspektsiooni psühholoogiat. · Süstemaatiliselt teadmisi kogudes ja kontrollitud eksperimente läbi viies saame arendada välja parema arusaama ja teadlikuse meist endist , mis teisiti ei oleks võimalik. Arengu vaatlemine · Charles Darwin kirjutas ühena esimestest lastearengupsühholoogiast. See põhines tema oma poja arengu jälgimisel. · 1920/30 sai hoo sisse laste are3ngu uurimine. Asutati hoolekande instituute. · Durkin arvas et eksperimente tuleks läbi viia laboris, kus laps on keskkonnast eraldatud. · Shaffer tähel...

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
84 allalaadimist

Modernism ja muusikateater

k. Musiktheater), seostub Heiner Goebbelsi (s. 1952) nimega. Goebbels tegi nooruses kaasa Niinimetatud Vasakradikaalses Puhkpilliorkestris ja kuulus eksperimentaalrocki gruppi. Alates 1990ndate keskpaigast on ta peamiselt tegelnud mittenarratiivsete nö „muusikateatri tükkidega“ (Musiktheater-Stücke), milles tekst, muusika, visuaalne külg, valgus, liikumine, režii on võrdsed komponendid. Ta on teinud ka heli- ja videoinstallatsioone. Vt näiteks Heiner Goebbels paysage avec parents éloignés (Maastik kaugete sugulastega) Kaija Saariaho (s1952) Soome Tugevasti mõjutatud prantsuse muusikast ja ka elektron muusikast. „Armastus kaugusest“ (2000) Salzburg Olulisel kohal tämber 24 Helilooja Teos Stiil, ajastu või muu Tegelased ja tegevus Märkused iseloomulik

Muusika → Muusika
42 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

in a manner that does not require a visa, and are highly skilled professionals, time and temporary stay in the Russian Federation of his family members are defined period of validity of the work permit. You should also note: Highly qualified specialists and their family members upon written request may be issued a residence permit in the Russian Federation; The family members VKS recognized his spouse (husband), children (including adopted), spouses of children, parents (including adopted), spouses of parents, grandparents, grandchildren; 32 The family VKS have right to work if they have a work permit. At the same time their employers not be obligated to getting permission to hire foreign workers; Work permits for foreign citizens - accompanying family members are made out of highly qualified specialists, excluding allowances. 4.3.2

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

he's dropped put of many schools but he's happy about it because he feels that the enviroment in schools is hostile. He looks for friends but can't seem to find any. The interests of his calssmatrs are trivial, he hates snobbishness and hypocracy. He calls the school a stinking school because everyone are occupied with material values, everything's phony. So since he's alienated from it all he faces a spiritual crisis. He has no close realtionship with his parents. He used to admire his brother but when his brother went to Hollywood he felt that he has turned into an intellectual prostitute. He doesn't want to be molded like other boys. He wears a red hunting gap which he wear backwards as a symbol of his independance. He escapes to NYC but he doesn't find any harmony, he finds the same as from everywhere else. Holden pretends to be free and grown-up. At every step something spoils his mood. Life in the big city does not agree with Holden

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Kriminoloogia konspekt

kuritegu (sellisel juhul 11,5% lapsendatutest panid toime kuriteo); d) nii lapsendaja kui bioloogiline vanem on toime pannud kuriteo (sellisel juhul 36,2% lapsendatutest panid toime kuriteo). Erinevad uuringud on andnud küll erinevaid tulemusi kuid kõigil juhtudel on bioloogilise vanema kuritegelik käitumine olnud oluliseks lapsendatu kuritegeliku käitumise tõenäosust mõjutavaks teguriks. Biological Parents Convicted Not Convicted Step Parents Convicted 24.5% 14.7% Not 20.0% 13.5% convicted Negatiivsed kuritegevust soodustavad faktorid võimendavad teineteise toimet. Probleemid: kas on põhjust arvata, et bioloogilise vanema mõju on ainult geneetiline? Jah

Õigus → Sissejuhatus õigusteadusesse
109 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

Classes will resume next Monday." I closed my eyes, struggling to tamp down a flare of exasperation. It wasn't Parker's fault that Stanton and my mom were overprotective control freaks. Clearly they didn't see the irony of defending me while I was surrounded by people trained to do that very thing. "Sounds good. I can't wait. I'm really excited to be training with you." "I'm excited, too. I'm going to work you hard, Eva. Your parents are going to get their money's worth." I set a filled glass in front of Cary and took a big gulp out of my own. It never ceased to amaze me how much cooperation money could buy. But again, that wasn't Parker's fault. "No complaints here." "We'll get started first thing next week. Your driver has the schedule." "Great. See you then." I hung up and caught the glance Trey shot Cary when he thought neither of us was looking

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


Revolution, giving it a special place in the collective memory of the Estonian people for years to come. After the rehabilitation, the movement started a slow decline and by the fall of the Soviet Union and Estonian SSR, had largely vanished. Being a punk was, for the youth participating in the movement, a medium for self-expression and opposing the regime and cultural norms. Being a punk was not always easy as schools, the authorities (mainly the militia), other youths and many parents deprecated punk. Violence and arrests were an everyday occurrence for the punks. Still, punk bands became overwhelmingly popular and with their anti-authoritarian message, eroded the pro-soviet mentality. In addition to music and appearance, the punks expressed themselves via poetry and even visual art, resulting in punk exhibitions and punk festivals in the later years of the 1980s. 43

Sotsioloogia → Ühiskonna uurimine ja...
12 allalaadimist

Ökoloogia konspekt

P Roosad kroonlehed X Roosad kroonlehed F2 1 valge, 2 osa roosasid, 1 osa punaseid. (retsesiivne alleel mõjutab dominantse alleeli avaldumist) must kukk + valge kana = hallid tibud, lokkis juuksed + sirged juuksed = lainelised juuksed. Kodominantsus e. üheaegselt avalduvad mõlema vanema tunnused. P Must naarits X Valge naarits F1 Kirjud naaritsad F2 1 osa musti, 2 osa kirjusid, 1 osa valgeid NB! Teatud geenikombinatsioonid põhjustavad organismi varast hukkumist. Sümbolid P – parents F – filia, filialis X – ristamine F1, F2, F3 – põlvkonnad Homosügoot – AA, aa Heterosügoot – Aa Ülesandeid 1. Hobuste puhul on punakaspruun karvavärv retsessiivne tähnilise karva suhtes. Kui heterosügootne tähniline isane paaritub punakaspruuni emasega, siis milline on genotüübiline ja fenotüübiline lahknemine järglastel? 2. Lillhernel domineerib punane õite värvus valgete üle. Missuguste õitega on F1 taimed, mis saadakse

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
28 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

Today I was worse than usual because my head was so filled with Edward. I tried to concentrate on my feet, but he kept creeping back into my thoughts just when I really needed my balance. It was a relief, as always, to leave. I almost ran to the truck; there were just so many people I wanted to avoid. The truck had suffered only minimal damage in the accident. I'd had to replace the taillights, and if I'd had a real paint job, I would have touched that up. Tyler's parents had to sell their van for parts. I almost had a stroke when I rounded the corner and saw a tall, dark figure leaning against the side of my truck. Then I realized it was just Eric. I started walking again. "Hey, Eric," I called. "Hi, Bella." "What's up?" I said as I was unlocking the door. I wasn't paying attention to the uncomfortable edge in his voice, so his next words took me by surprise. "Uh, I was just wondering... if you would go to the spring dance with me?" His voice broke on the last

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

Mentors are often former heroes who have survived life's early trials and are now passing on the gift of their knowledge and wisdom. T h e M e n t o r archetype is closely related to the image of the parent. T h e fairy godmother in stories such as "Cinderella" can be interpreted as the protecting spirit of the girl's dead mother. M e r l i n is a surrogate parent to the young King Arthur, whose father is dead. M a n y heroes seek out Mentors because their own parents are inadequate role models. DRAMATIC FUNCTIONS TEACHING Just as learning is an important function of the hero, teaching or training is a key function of the Mentor. Training sergeants, drill instructors, professors, trail bosses, parents, grandparents, crusty old boxing coaches, and all those who teach a hero the ropes, are manifesting this archetype. O f course the teaching can go both ways. Anyone who has taught knows that you learn as much from your students as they do from you.

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

EU Internal Market Group Work I: History and Purpose of the Internal Market Please connect terms (numbers) with correct description (letter), for example 17 M 1 Common Market A ... is characterized by free movement of goods between the participating countries, but autonomous external trade policies in relation to non-participants. 2 Comparative B A top-down approach to integration that can be best Advantage explained by market failure. 3 Customs Union C Allows for specialization, specialization leads to ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Hispaania keel kirjapilt + audio allalaadimise lingid 53lk

1. Basic Phrases ¡Buenos días! ¡Buenas tardes! ¡Buenas noches! bway-nohs dee-ahs bway-nahs tard-ays bway-nahs noh-chays Hello! / Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! / Good night! ¡Hola! / ¡Chao! Adiós. Por favor. oh-lah / chow ah-dee-ohs por fah-bor Hi! / Bye! Good bye. Please. Hasta la vista / Hasta luego. Hasta pronto. Hasta mañana. ah-stah lah vees-tah / ah-stah ah-stah prohn-toh ah-stah mahn-yahn-ah loo-ay-go See you soon. See you tomorrow. See you / See you later. (Muchas) Gracias. De nada. Bienvenidos (moo-chah...

Keeled → Hispaania keel
88 allalaadimist


She closed her eyes, and felt good, cause everything was just so fine. 82. Girls Are Like Fireworks, Their Kisses Light Up The Night, Their Hugs Make Everything Bright! 83. Didn't ask to be a princess, but hey if the crown fits! :P 84. You know I love you, You know I care, Whenever you need me I will be there! 85. Smokin can really kill a person, why don't you try it?! 86. Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again.. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts! 87. We are the people your parents warned you about! 88. Any moment, everything can change . . . 89. Tõeline sõprus on sõlm, mille inglid on sidunud. 90. Selleks, et teada, mis on kuristik, pole vaja sinna kukkuda. 91. Kuskil pole kirjas, et inimene peab alati lollakalt rõõmus olema. 92. Ei võitnud mina, ei võitnud sina. Võitis hoopis keegi kolmas, keda sa uskusid rohkem kui mind. 93. Sa tahad neid näha.Sa räägid,naerad,kõik on tore.Sa ei oskagi nagu midagi muud tahta

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
433 allalaadimist


KLASIKALISE JA MOLEKULAARGENEETIKA KUJUNEMINE. Geneetika on suhteliselt noor teadus. Kuigi pärilikkuse põhilised seaduspärasused esitas Gregor Mendel aastal 1865, tuleb geneetika sünniks lugeda siiski 20-nda sajandi algust. Alles siis taasavastati Mendeli ideed, mis said aluseks klassikalisele geneetikale. Tõendid selle kohta, et DNA kannab geneetilist informatsiooni, saadi 20-nda sajandi keskel. 1944. aastal kirjeldasid Avery ja ta kolleegid katseid, kus nad uurisid bakterite (Streptococcus pneumoniae) transformatsiooni puhastatud DNA-ga. Hersey ja Chase poolt aastal 1952 avaldatud tulemused kinnitasid seda, et DNA on pärilikkuse kandja. Nad näitasid, et bakteriviiruse T2 geneetiline informatsioon säilub DNA-s. 1953-ndal aastal avaldasid James Watson ja Francis Crick DNA kaksikhelikaalse struktuuri. Need avastused ja geneetilise koodi deshifreerimine said aluseks molekulaargeneetika sünnile. Uute molekulaarsete meetodite väljatöötamin...

Bioloogia → Üldbioloogia
118 allalaadimist

Heiki Vilep ja uusim lastekirjandus

TARTU ÜLIKOOL FILOSOOFIATEADUSKOND EESTI KIRJANDUSE ÕPPETOOL Eike Metspalu HEIKI VILEP JA UUSIM LASTEKIRJANDUS BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Juhendaja: dotsent Ele Süvalep Tartu 2007 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS .......................................................................................................... 3 1. LASTEKIRJANDUSEST JA UUSIMAST EESTI LASTEKIRJANDUSEST ... 5 1.1. Tõlkekirjanduse domineerimine ................................................................... 6 1.2. Intertekstuaalsus............................................................................................ 7 1.3. Diletandid...................................................................................................... 9 1.4. Elektroonilise meedia võidukäik................................................................. 10 1.5. Kommertsialiseerumine ..............................

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
69 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

I thank you again and again for the honour you have done me in your proposals, but to accept them is absolutely impossible. My feelings in every respect forbid it. Can I speak plainer? Do not consider me now as an elegant female, intending to plague you, but as a rational creature, speaking the truth from her heart." "You are uniformly charming!" cried he, with an air of awkward gallantry; "and I am persuaded that when sanctioned by the express authority of both your excellent parents, my proposals will not fail of being acceptable." To such perseverance in wilful self-deception Elizabeth would make no reply, and immediately and in silence withdrew; determined, if he persisted in considering her repeated refusals as flattering encouragement, to apply to her father, whose negative might be uttered in such a manner as to be decisive, and whose behaviour at least could not be mistaken for the affectation and coquetry of an elegant female.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


*The next time you think you're perfect ,try walking on water. *You're just jealous because the voices are talking to me. *He said:"I love you!"I said:"I'm allergic to bullshit." *I'm so sick of being lonely.I want to know how it's to be loved. *Ma ei saa oma sõpradele päikesepaistelist ilma lubada ,aga ma saan neil vihmavarju pea kohal hoida ,kui sajab. *If you love someone tell them ,because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken. *Kills for the beauty. *I'm the girl your parents warned you about. *Tired of trying ,sick of crying. Yeah i'm smiling ,but inside i'm dying. *I shine like a star. *You didn't lose me ,you let me go. *831 means: "I love you" 8 letters ,3 words ,1 meaning. *Smile...Tomorrow will be worse. *Good gifts come in small packages. *I'm not a complete idiot - some parts are missing. *Everyone smile in the same language. *If i had to choose between breathing and loving you ,I would use my last breath to say:"I love you."

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
135 allalaadimist


organisations in Estonia (Community of Lilleoru, Rosma waldorfkindergarten and in 1 municipal kindergarten „Pallipõnn” in Tallinn). Empirical suvery I was carried out from february to march 2010-2012. As a result of this survey, it was concluded that 1) in order to learn sustainability and the principes of community it is first necessary to create or visit an environment that already lives sustainably; 2) the example and participation of the parents in the learning process is essential and 3) direct contact with nature elements and the maximum time spent in nature supports the process of learning and respecting nature elements. Based on the practice of ecovillages and the ideas of outdoor learning, Reggio Emilia, waldorfpedagogics and the national curriculum a methodical material was created. The 4 principles of „Gaia Education”, the International ecovillage curriculum, were used as a base of the structure for the material

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
27 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

they do so. Moreover, two names of the same person, such as "Cicero" and "Tully," may well have the same indefinite description as backing and, when they do, no Russellian theory can explain their continuing failure to substi- tute in belief contexts (Kripke 1972/1980: 80ff., 1979b: 246­7). More generally, it does not take much to succeed in referring to a person. Keith Donnellan (1970) offers an example in which a child who has gone to bed and to sleep is awakened briefly by his parents. They have with them Tom, an old friend of the family who is visiting and wanted just to see the child. The parents say, "This is our friend Tom." Tom says, "Hello, youngster," and the episode is over; the child has only barely woken. In the morning, the child wakes with a vague memory that Tom is a nice man. But the child has no descriptive material at all associated with the name "Tom"; he may not even remember that Tom was the person that he was semi-awake to meet during the night

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

-- 1st ed. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Health. 2. Physical fitness. 3. Weight loss. I. Title. II. Title: Four-hour body. RA775.F47 2010 613.7--dc22 2010018533 eISBN: 978-0-307-46365-4 All illustrations by Fred Haynes/Hadel Studio, unless otherwise noted in the Photo and Illustration Credits section Jacket front-flap photos: (top) (c) Mark Reifkind; (bottom) (c) Photos taken by Inge Cook, provided courtesy of Ellington Darden, PhD v3.1 For my parents, who taught a little hellion that marching to a different drummer was a good thing. I love you both and owe you everything. Mom, sorry about all the crazy experiments. Support good science-- 10% of all author royalties are donated to cure-driven research, including the excellent work of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS GROUND ZERO--GETTING STARTED AND SWARAJ Comparison of Methods for Estimating % Bodyfat

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


EIGHTH PRINTING NINTH PRINTING TENTH PRINTING SIGNET TRADEMARK: REG. TJ.S. PAT. OFF. AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES REGISTERED TRADEMARK---MARCA REGISTBADA HECHO EN CHICAGO, U.S.A. SIGNET, SIGNET CLASSICS, SIGNETTE, MENTOR AND PLUME BOOKS are published by The New American Library, Inc., 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019 FIRST PRINTING, FEBRUARY, 1973 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To my Parents and my Grandmother Contents A Note on the Abridged Version Preface A Few Words 1. One Day of Magic: I 2. One Day of Magic: II 3. The First 3,000 Years 4. The Rise of the West 5. On the Origin of a Species 6. The Era of the Black Chambers 7. The Contribution of the Dilettantes 8. Room 40 9. A War of Intercepts 10. Two Americans 11. Secrecy for Sale 12. Duel in the Ether: I 13. Duel in the Ether: II 14. Censors, Scramblers, and Spies 15

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

theirpreference Pointout that theycanchooseonly w o r k i n p a i r sa n dd o t h e t a s k one Write the resultson a graph Ask Ss to give reasons for theirchoices, After SshavedoneEx 28, SuggestedAnswerKey theycompare the class' graphto thatin Ex 28 . PictureA showsa largefamily.Thereare the parents and . R e a do u t t h e s e n t e n c eAs- F a n d t h e n p l a yt h e threechildren,two girlsand a boy.TheylookEuropeanor c a s s e t t eS sd o t h e e x e r c i s C e h e c kS s , a n s w e r s American. Theylookveryhappy

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

theirpreference Pointout that theycanchooseonly w o r k i n p a i r sa n dd o t h e t a s k one Write the resultson a graph Ask Ss to give reasons for theirchoices, After SshavedoneEx 28, SuggestedAnswerKey theycompare the class' graphto thatin Ex 28 . PictureA showsa largefamily.Thereare the parents and . R e a do u t t h e s e n t e n c eAs- F a n d t h e n p l a yt h e threechildren,two girlsand a boy.TheylookEuropeanor c a s s e t t eS sd o t h e e x e r c i s C e h e c kS s , a n s w e r s American. Theylookveryhappy

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

theirpreference Pointout that theycanchooseonly w o r k i n p a i r sa n dd o t h e t a s k one Write the resultson a graph Ask Ss to give reasons for theirchoices, After SshavedoneEx 28, SuggestedAnswerKey theycompare the class' graphto thatin Ex 28 . PictureA showsa largefamily.Thereare the parents and . R e a do u t t h e s e n t e n c eAs- F a n d t h e n p l a yt h e threechildren,two girlsand a boy.TheylookEuropeanor c a s s e t t eS sd o t h e e x e r c i s C e h e c kS s , a n s w e r s American. Theylookveryhappy

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

theirpreference Pointout that theycanchooseonly w o r k i n p a i r sa n dd o t h e t a s k one Write the resultson a graph Ask Ss to give reasons for theirchoices, After SshavedoneEx 28, SuggestedAnswerKey theycompare the class' graphto thatin Ex 28 . PictureA showsa largefamily.Thereare the parents and . R e a do u t t h e s e n t e n c eAs- F a n d t h e n p l a yt h e threechildren,two girlsand a boy.TheylookEuropeanor c a s s e t t eS sd o t h e e x e r c i s C e h e c kS s , a n s w e r s American. Theylookveryhappy

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist


own (v) владеть, иметь, обладать to own land / a house owner владелец, собственник, хозяин ownership 1. собственность, владение 2. право собственности ср. owe (v) быть должным How much do I owe you? Сколько я вам должен? We owe a lot to our parents. Мы многим обязаны своим родителям. 12. extension продолжение, дополнение 13. do'main владение 14. manor ['mænə] поместье syn. estate имение, поместье; земельный надел 15. contain содержать в себе 16. noble (adj) знатный, титулованный

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


2665. "I fully respect your right to disagree with me, so long as you understand that I'm right and you're wrong." Unknown. 2666. "Mõned asjad on nii tõsised, et tuleb nende üle naerda." Niels Bohr 2667. SEE, MIS JUHTUB, EI SAA MEILE TEHA NII PALJU HAIGET KUI SEE, MIDA ME SELLEST ISE ARVAME." 2668. saa paremaks kui sa oled,enne kui kohtad uut inimest ja loodad,et ta sind mõistab. 2669. Mul on lihtne maitse. Mind rahuldab vaid parim. 2670. My parents said:"I could be anyone I wanted, so I became an asshole. 2671. I wasn't born a bitch, guys made me this way. 2672. Falling feels like flying until you hit the ground. 2673. A good friend will come visit you in jail. A true friend will be sitting next to you sayin: "Damn, we fucked up." 2674. I'm sorry, I can't erase the things, that I've done 2675. haiget teha on palju kergem , kui andeks paluda 2676. I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done.. 2677

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
115 allalaadimist

Lastekaitse seaduse hindamine

Uuring viidi läbi Riigikantselei tellimusel tarkade otsuste fondi ja Euroopa Sotsiaalfondi toel. Projekti algataja ja koostööpartner on Sotsiaalministeerium. Uuringu koostas Tartu Ülikooli sotsiaalteaduslike rakendusuuringute keskus RAKE. Uuringu autorid: Kerly Espenberg (projektijuht ja analüütik, intervjuude läbiviimine ja delfi meetodil andmete kogumine, raporti koostamine) Kadri Lees (analüütik, intervjuude läbiviimine ja delfi meetodil andmete kogumine, raporti koostamine) Kati Valma (ekspert-konsultant) Katrin Laur (ekspert-konsultant) Kiira Nauts (ekspert-konsultant) Merle Linno (analüütik, fookusgrupi intervjuude läbiviimine, raporti koostamine) Judit Strömpl (analüütik, fookusgrupi intervjuude läbiviimine) U...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalse analüüsi alused
12 allalaadimist

Klassikaline ja molekulaargeneetika, geneetika rakendus kaasajal

1. Sissejuhatus: klassikaline ja molekulaargeneetika, geneetika rakendus kaasajal Klassikalise ja molekulaargeneetika kujunemine Geneetika on suhteliselt noor teadus. Kuigi pärilikkuse põhilised seaduspärasused esitas Gregor Mendel aastal 1865, tuleb geneetika sünniks lugeda siiski 20-nda sajandi algust. Alles siis taasavastati Mendeli ideed, mis said aluseks klassikalisele geneetikale. Tõendid selle kohta, et DNA kannab geneetilist informatsiooni, saadi 20-nda sajandi keskel. 1944. aastal kirjeldasid Avery ja ta kolleegid katseid, kus nad uurisid bakterite (Streptococcus pneumoniae) transformatsiooni rakkudest isoleeritud DNA-ga. Hersey ja Chase poolt aastal 1952 avaldatud tulemused kinnitasid seda, et DNA on pärilikkuse kandja. Nad näitasid, et bakteriviiruse T2 geneetiline informatsioon säilib DNA-s. 1953-ndal aastal avaldasid James Watson ja Francis Crick DNA kaksikhelikaalse struktuur...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
32 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus geneetikasse Õppetöö Geneetika 1 1. Sissejuhatus geneetikasse. Klassikalise ja molekulaargeneetika kujunemine. Geneetika tänapäeval: rekombinantse DNA tehnoloogia; genoomide sekveneerimine; globaalne geeniekspressiooni uurimine, geenikiibid. Kaasaegse geneetika rakendusalad; geneetika ja meditsiin (haigust põhjustavad mutatsioonid geenides, geeniteraapia, molekulaarne diagnostika); geneetika kaasaegses põllumajanduses; organismide kloonimine. Geneetika väärkasutused: eugeenika; lõssenkism. 2. Reproduktsioon kui pärilikkuse alus. Rakk kui elusorganismi ehituskivi. Eukarüootne ja prokarüootne rakk Kromosoomid. Rakutsükkel, selle toimumist mõjutavad kontrollpunktid. Raku jagunemine mitoosi teel. Raku jagunemine meioosi teel. Meioosi häired. Meioosi evolutsiooniline tähtsus. Gameetide moodustumine erinevatel organismidel: oogenees; spermatogenees; sugurakkude moodustumine taimede...

Bioloogia → Geneetika
74 allalaadimist


Tallinn. Paul, T. 2009. Uskmatu Tooma lugu. Tallinn. Paul, T. 1995. Kusagilt kumab valgust. Tallinn. Paul, T. 1994. Raba ja rada. ­ Akadeemia, 2. Paul, T. 1989. Juhatus Uku Masingu juurde. ­ Akadeemia, 5. Pearson, L., Stamford, L. 2009. Distsipliini võluvägi. Kuidas kasvatada rõõmsaid, terveid ja viisakaid lapsi. Tallinn. Peck, M. 2001. Tavatu tee. Tallinn. Peters, R. 1969. Perspectives on Plowden. London. Polansky, N., Buttenwieser, E., Williams, D. 1981. Damaged Parents: An Anatomy of Child Neglect. Chicago. Põld, P. 1993. Üldine kasvatusõpetus. Tartu. Põld, P. 2006. Lastest tuntakse meid. Tartu. Pöhlmann, H. 1994. Dogmaatika põhijooned. Tartu. Rannamaa, S. 1995. Sinule, ema. Tallinn. Ravitch, D. 1985. The Great School Debate. New York. Reest, J. 2008. Last kahjustavad suhtlemissituatsioonid. TPS diplomitöö. Käsikiri. Ristikivi, K. 1996. Viimane vabadus. Tartu. Rothenberg, J. 1989. The open classroom reconsidered. - The Elementary School Journal,

Pedagoogika → Sotsiaalpedagoogika teooria ja...
68 allalaadimist


. Kuskil pole kirjas, et inimene peab alati lollakalt röömus olema Mõnikord on pisarad ainuke väljapääs Kurb kui kellestki, keda sa tunned, saab keegi, keda sa tundsid. Kas päike tuli välja,või sa lihtsalt naeratasid? Pilk võib osutuda hinge reeturiks Sõber on see, kes sulle südamesse ei situ, kui oled selja pööranud You're just like a cute little puppy dog that followed me home. Unfortunately I'm more of a cat person. My parents said I could be anyone I wanted, so I became an asshole. I wasn't born a bitch, guys made me this way. Yealousy is what makes a bitch talk I like poetry, long walks on a beach and pokind dead things with a stick. Falling feels like flying until you hit the ground. Friends are like condoms - they're there for you when things get hard. Girls fake orgasms, guys fake relationships I'm on Prozac, Rogaine and Viagra - I'm happy, hairy and horny.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
9 allalaadimist


  Tähtis on veel teada, et kuigi üliaktiivsed lapsed on püsimatud ja .rahutud, ei tohi neile anda rahustava toimega ravimeid. Häire sel puhul .võib veelgi süveneda.   Soovitav   on   pöörduda   lasteneuroloogi,   psühhiaatri   .või psühholoogi poole.  .Kasutatud kirjandus:  .1.   Baumgaertel,   A.   Behavioral   Problems   in   School   Children.   W.A.I.M.H. .Conference   on   the   Mental   Health   of   Infants,   Children   &   Parents.   Riga,   . 1994.  .2. Garbuzov, V. I. (1990). Närvilised lapsed. Moskva, "Meditsina".  .3. Gillberg, I. C. (1987). Deficits in Attention, Motor Control and .Perception. Uppsala.  .4. Keltikangas ­ Järvinen, L. (1992). Agressiivne laps. Kuidas suunata .lapse isiksuse arengut. Tallinn, "Koolibri".  .5.   Knorring,   A.­L.   Hüperkineetiline   sündroom.   Ettekanne   konverentsil "Mis .on koolilapsel muret". Viljandis 1997.  .6

Psühholoogia → Arengupsühholoogia
197 allalaadimist


The documentaries obviously made a valuable contribution. The general artistic quality of the feature films and their scenarios could have been much better, however.2 1 Tõnn Sarv, ‘The Theatre Question,’ Teater, Muusika, Kino 12 (1985). 2 Aivo Lõhmus, ‘The Question of Film,’ Teater, Muusika, Kino 2 (1986): 65. Leida Laius, the Grand Old Lady of Estonian film directors, together with Arvo Iho shot a painful and sharp social drama about children abandoned by their parents, Naerata ometi (Smile For All That, 1985), it achieved attention in the West. In the second half of the Eighties many intellectuals taking advantage of perestroika, started to prepare for a democratic re-establishment of national independence. The first national organisation to be founded was the Estonian Heritage Protection Society (1987). Great attention was paid to the commemoration of historical, state and public holidays of the Estonian Republic. In April 1988 the united Plenum of

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun