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"opportunity" - 371 õppematerjali

opportunity - you againfor thiswonderful and p ro mp tsSsw o rk i n p a i rs n dd o t he task.

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

Severe 28 12 10 4 2 Total 110 51 30 18 11 To control bacteria spreading, there are some resort such as mowing high pasture grass, a durable and clean shelter, fly control programs, controlling dust and sources of other mechanical trauma, healthy and infected animals must be separately (Peek and Divers, 2018). There is opportunity to decrease severity, incidence and increase host immunity via the use of vaccination against the disease. It is known that only pilated strains of Moraxella bovis can cause IBK in cattle. These are used killed Moraxella bovis cells as component in vaccine and it have been shown to be antigenetic and immunogenic. Vaccine efficacy against pinkeye is 5 very different. The effectiveness of the vaccines depends on the vaccine type, the similarity of

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist

Nõudlus ja pakkumine

kogus. Pakkumist iseloomustavad põhimõisted: 1) Pakutav kogus Q 2) Pakkumine ­ seos hinna ja pakutava koguse vahel. Pakkumist väljendab pakkumistabel või graafiliselt pakkumiskõver S (Supply ­ pakkumine). Pakkumiskõver on positiivse tõusuga, sest: a) kõrgema hinna korral on toojad huvitatud suurema koguse pakkumisest b) tootjad on võimelised pakkuma rohkem kõrgema hinna korral. Kasvava alternatiivkulu seadus (law of increasing opportunity cost) ­ täiendava toodangu alternatiivkulu kasvab seda enam, mida rohkem seda hüvist toodetakse. Kõrge hind aga katab need kulud. Turupakkumine & individuaalpakkumine. Turupakkumine on seos hinna ja kõigi individuaalsete pakkujate poolt sel konkreetsel hinnatasemel pakutavate koguste summa vahel. Turupakkumiskõver saadakse individuaalsete pakkumiskõverate horisontaalsel liitmisel. Pakkumist mõjutavad tegurid: 1) Pakkujate arv

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
306 allalaadimist

European Union

better jobs, education or smth and immigrants bring along their own culture. So it's pretty presumptive that some day there will be only European culture, where everything is equalized. Second, for personal usage everyone may buy goods country where it is cheaper. Euro is in use fifteen member states and makes it simpler, so valuta changing is not necessary anymore. Third ­ EU citizen may live, work and study some other EU country. Over two million young people had use that opportunity. Well-know are EU programs Erasmus and Leonardo. Union does not decide the content of schooling programs, but guarantee that acquired education will be accepted in other EU member states.. Fourth- community in EU is more fair and everyone has equal chances. Every new member is welcome and supplement other members possibilitys, too. Political stability is stronger and in lower level of development countries will be healthy economy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Glossary - sõnavara

Hurdle ­ takistus, tõke Listed companies ­ loendatud ettevõtted I M Income and expenditure account ­ sissetuleku ja väljamineku aruanne Machine hour rate ­ masina töötunni hinne Management accounting ­ ärijuhtkonna aruanne Operating cycle ­ tegevusstsükkel Management by exception ­ Opportunity cost ­ alternatiivne kulu erandkorraline ärijuhtkond Ordinary shares ­ põhiaktsiad Manufacturing accounts ­ tootmisaruanded Outsourcing ­ algallikas Marginal costing ­ piiripealne hinnaarvestus Overheads ­ lisakulud Overtrading ­ ülekauplemine Marginal cost ­ tähtsusetu hind Margin of safety ­ turvavaru Markup ­ hinna tõstmine P

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Priorities of Estonian History

01.12.14 The Priorities of Estonian Historical Research As a result of multiple nations having ruled over Estonian lands, Estonian history has been written from multiple perspectives. Often, religion, politics, and personal motives have fashioned history into what its authors wanted it to be. People have written from a multiplicity of perspectives. It should be one Estonian historical research's greatest priorities to distance itself from this, to seek after holistic, balanced accounts of the past. Early chronicles of Estonian history illustrate this diversity of perspective. Johann Renner, a Baltic German, held his own people in high esteem, deeming them the people of God. He implied this when he wrote that God would save His people from the hand of Gog. He seems to indicate that Gog was the Muscovite people. Perhaps the ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Majanduse põhiküsimused

0 5; 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 relvad (tuhat tükki) Joonis 2.3. Või ja relvade tootmisvõimaluste kõver ning kasvavad alternatiivkulud (vt. ka tabeli 2.2 arvandmeid). Kasvavate alternatiivkulude seadus (law of increasing opportunity costs) väidab, et mida rohkem üht hüvist toodetakse, seda suurem on alternatiivkulu iga lisandunud tooteühiku kohta. Kasvavate alternatiivkulude seadus sätestab, et alternatiivkulud suurenevad sedamööda, kuidas kasvab valmistatava toote ühikute arv. 11 Avo Org 2.3. Tootmisvõimaluste kõver ja valik ressursside alternatiivsete

Majandus → Majandus
105 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse alused - Eksamiks kordamine

EKSAM – ETTEVÕTLUSE ALUSED (KONSPEKT) 1.“Ettevõtlus” ja “ettevõtja” – põhimõisted ja nende areng. (Orienteeruvalt tunda vähemalt Schumpeteri, Stevensoni ja Jarillo ning Burnsi määratlusi.) Ettevõtja Sõna „entrepreneur“ pärineb aastast 1437 ning on prantsuse päritolu. Algselt kasutati seda vahendaja tähenduses(maadeavastajad, kelle avastusreisidega kaasnes kaubavahetus). Hiljem keskajal kutsuti ettevõtjaks isikut, kes tegeles ürituste organiseerimisega või suurte ehitusprojektide (losside, kirikute) juhte. 17.sajandil nimetati ettevõtjaks isikut, kes sõlmis riigiga lepingu mingite tööde tegemiseks, kusjuures lepingu summa oli ette teada ( Sõltuvalt sellest kui suured olid tegelikud kulud, sai ettevõtja lisatulu või pidi lisakulud ise katma).Eesti keelde on sama sõnatüvi jõudnud kujul "antreprenöör" - eraettevõtja, teatri, tsirkuse vms pidaja kapitalistlikes maades. Joseph Schumpeteri määratlus (1934) -Ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab v...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
59 allalaadimist

Guidelines for writing tasks

I am writing in reply to your letter asking information (kui selline kiri muidugi ülesandes oli) I am writing to inform you about Ja lõpetame: I hope that I have been of some assistance to you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need/ require any further information. I look forward to.... 9)Kui peate kirjutama kirja , kus tuleb tänada, siis alustage I am writing to thank you for this opportunity...(kui mingi võimalus oli) Ja tänage kindlasti veel Once again, I would like to express my gratitude. Once again, thank you for the interview and for your consideration. Ja kasutage sünonüüme, muidu kaotate sõnavara alt punkte Thing--activity, item, goods etc. Bad ­ negative, appalling, disapproving etc. Good--- remarkable, significant, positive, has its advantages etc. Writing an Essays 200 words Olete saanud kõikide tüüpide kohta näidised!!!!!

Keeled → Inglise keel
231 allalaadimist


do a person in - snigger - to laugh quietly in a way that is not nice at something which is not supposed to be funny sulkily ­ sulking, or tending to sulk sanguinary - involving violence and killing soiree - a formal or fashionable evening party confounded - used to show that you are annoyed I beg your pardon - please repeat what you just said/ I am sorry for what I just did get a word in edgeways - if you can't get a word in edgeways, you do not have an opportunity to say anything because someone is talking so much or so quickly amiable and genially voluble ­ Pygmalion act 4-5 Why is Eliza angry? Explain. Eliza won the bet for Higgins. She thinks that she is not important to him. Mr. Higgins thanks God it's all over, and Eliza thinks that now he can throw her back again to the gutter. What does Higgins say to make a point that Eliza has no right to be angry? Higgins says that she is overreacting. He tells her that after she sleeps she will feel better

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
25 allalaadimist

Assignment Module 3 - BEPS project Action 4

limit allowed tax deductions to a fixed net interest expense/EBITDA ratio is a promising way forward. Even with its drawbacks and potential for countries to opt out from applying these new rules to their full effect, the possibilities for multinationals to minimize payable taxes can be restricted. Furthermore, the work on transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions is undertaken during 2016 and 2017, closing another window of tax avoiding opportunity. Still, the BEPS project will be tested by its implementation, and first results can only be measured in 2020 when the effectiveness of Actions will be reviewed.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kuluarvestus I KT

Kuluarvestus logistikas ­ 1 kontrolltöö 1. Mikroökonoomiline taust (loeng 1) a. Turg, vaba- ehk atomaarturg, turutõrked, tasakaaluhind ja ­kogus Turg - Majandussuhete süsteem, mille kaudu ostjad ja müüjad suhtlevad omavahel, määrates kauba hinnad ja nende hindadega ostetavad-müüdavad kogused. Vaba- ehk atomaarturg ­ Praktikas: Turg, mis toimib nimetamisväärsete riigipoolsete kitsendusteta. Teoorias: ­ vabaturu abstraktsioon, mis ei ole mitte kunagi ega mitte kusagil eksisteerinud Turutõrked: Tasakaaluhind (p*) ­ hind, mille korral ostjate ja müüjate soovid langevad kokku Tasakaalukogus (q*) ­ kogus, mille korral antud hüvise nõutav ja pakutav kogus on võrdsed b. Hinnakujunduse parim lahendus (piirkulu alusel) Parim lahendus (first best solution)­ Ressursside kasutus on sotsiaal-majanduslikult efektiivne ehk Pareto-optimaalne (-efektiivne), kui lisanduva toote või teenuse väärtus ühiskonnale on sama suur...

Logistika → Transpordiökonoomika
69 allalaadimist

TTÜ ettevõtluse alused konspekt

Eksamiinfo ja kordamisküsimused Eksam koosneb 25st küsimusest, millest igaüks annab ühe punkti. Küsimused on valikvastustega testi vormis. Eksamile võtta kaasa kirjutusvahend ja isikut tõendav dokument, midagi muud vaja ei lähe (ega kasutada ei tohi). Küsimused katavad kogu läbitud temaatikat, seega võiks lihtsalt ütelda, et vaadake kogu materjal üle. loetelu põhiteemadest/küsimustest. Küsimused on enam-vähem nende loengus käsitlemise järjekorras. Kui loengu/seminarimaterjalid piisavat vastust ei anna, tuleb pöörduda õpiku poole. Märkus: oluline on süsteemne ülevaade, põhitõed, loogika ­ st erinevaid definitsioone ja loetelusid (täpselt) pähe taguda pole vaja, samas tööd peaks ikka tegema. Põhiosa punktidest tuleb kodutööde baasilt kuid eksami roll seisneb kogu materjali terviklikus ülevaatamises. Kordamisküsimused: 1. "Ettevõtlus" ja "ettevõtja" ­ põhimõisted ja nende areng. (Orienteeruvalt tunda vähemalt Schumpeteri, Stevenso...

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
127 allalaadimist

Hypermobility. The effect of hypermobility on flexibility

trying to exceed the height set as target. 9 Active flexing requires using muscle spindles10 and therefore excludes the injurious consequences force can cause. 11 Dynamic flexing – also known as mobile stretching – represents active, aided stretching while moving. It necessitates active movements, such as leg swings or hand waves. Dynamic stretching is an important factor of mobility in order to deform and extend the muscles.12 Stretching dynamically is also an opportunity to stretch intensely beyond one’s abilities and develop hypermobile joints as a consequence. Contrary to the positive effects of hypermobility, the condition can cause a lot of inconveniences and discomfort. If one has the syndrome, one also has a greater risk to injure or dislocate one’s joints. Since the joints are fragile and not strong enough to endure the pressure one applies to them, sprains as well as strains are easy to emerge.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

10 Unicef, UNCRC (Articles 2 & 12) 6 `States Parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child being given due weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child…For this purpose, the child shall in particular be provided the opportunity to be heard in any judicial and administrative proceedings affecting the child, either directly, or through a representative or an appropriate body, in a manner consistent with the procedural rules of national law`11 The Convention recognises children as active members of society who have the capability to provide a valuable contribution to their `family, community and society from the first years of their life`

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Writing in the Business World

when we contacted them. This happened despite the fact that their contract states that they will arrive within twentyfour hours of a call. When this deterioration in service became apparent, MCC mechanics made several inspections of their own, and have confirmed that these are not isolated instances but indications of generally unsatisfactory work. Frequent complaints have been made to the Autocheck Manager and he has had ample opportunity to explain the deterioration in the quality of Autocheck's services. However, he has failed to reply to our letters (copies of these are attached) and whenever one of our representatives attempts to contact him, either personally or by telephone, he is always unavailable. In view of this, it is recommended that the contract with AMC should be examined and that the legal department should be asked what action can be taken against them. Discussion 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
108 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

regions (Articles 5). This change certainly makes it much harder for minor parties to gain or hold the official status of political party. A further reform, which increased the established parties' comparative advantage over their opponents concerned the requirements that are obliged to fill in order to participate in Duma elections (Lemaître 2006: 287). For the 2007 election, the number of signatures required was set at 200,000. Parties also had the opportunity to pay a deposit of 60 million rubles. Although party, which already had deputies in the Duma , was relieved from these demands. Following amendments to the law were made in 2009, when the number of required signatures was brought down to 150,000 (Article 8). Following these reforms, Russia's party system now definitely looks more similar to those in established democracies. New laws have significantly reduced the number of competing

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist


broadleaf forests and rainforests are usually not grazed owing to the closed structure precluding grass growth, and hence offering little opportunity for grazing. In contrast the open structure of savannas allows the growth of a herbaceous layer and are commonly used for grazing domestic livestock. As a result

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Facts about Ireland

Irish pubs... Stumble upon a "trad night", throw in the customary singsong, a bit of Irish dancing and you're in for a crackin' evening! A sporting nation... Irish people are very passionate about Gaelic games ­ football, hurling, rounders, handball and camogie. Rugby and soccer are also very well supported in Ireland. The great outdoors... The Cavan Way, The Dingle Way and The Kerry Way are just some of the country's scenic walking routes that offer a great opportunity to sample Ireland's breathtaking countryside. Sense of humour... There's nothing like the Irish sense of humour, wit and play with words. Have a look at the below examples: "not backwards in coming forwards" ­ means a person is not shy. "no flies on him" ­ means a person is not easily deceived. "she has a tongue that would clip a hedge" - means a person who gossips. "come for a day and stay for a week" ­ means someone outstaying their welcome.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad ADVERTISING

your product. 8. media planners - The people who choose where to advertise, in order to reach the right customers. 9. threshold effect ­ The benchmark for setting future advertising budgets 10. comparative-parity method ­ match competation spending. 11. counter-cyclical advertising ­ Adver. During periods or seasons when sales are normally relatively poor 12. product placement - Products in some film action, opportunity for companies to advertise 13. endorsement - Products or services that are advertise by famous person ADVERTISEMENTS THAT WORK 1. AIDA ­ Attention,Interest, 2. Hook - It is a clever headline that catches peoples eyes 3. vehicle ­ The right media, newspapers you want your advertisment to be 4. trading radius ­ The area 90% of your customers are. 5. Timing ­ When is the right time to publich your ads. OUTDOOR ADVERTISING 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Turkey and the European Union

secular character of the Turkish state, on the other. The former usually gets mired in platitudes about Islam, Muslims, violence and fundamentalism, that do scant justice to the characteristics of Turkish Islam, culture and society. The second debate brings together two different perspectives: one stressing the partiality of the guarantees that Turkey offers for the protection of individuals and (religious) minority groups; the other emphasizing the opportunity afforded for the EU, via Turkish membership, to build a bridge to the Islamic world. Both debates from parts of wider and more complex issue, namely Turkey's search for a new balance between religion, state and society in a rapidly changing environment. (Zürcher, E.J., Linden, H., 2004). Which opportunities and threats Turkey will meet en route, are directly relevant to the question whether Islamic Turkey is compatible with membership of the EU. Indirectly,

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Puritanism in John Winthrop "A model of Christian Charity"

reveals in the interpretation of God itself and morals of the Bible. He begins by offering explanation to the inequality of the human kind and why God wants such inequality to exist at all. Simple reciprocity is indicated by collating the rich and the poor as it follows: „soe that the riche and mighty should not eate upp the poore nor the poore and dispised rise upp against and shake off theire yoake” (Winthrop, 1996). These differences give humans the opportunity to manifest the work of the Spirit within them. The poor are recommended be loyal and honest in their worship to their betters and to authorities. The rich and powerful should honestly and loyally share justice and mercy to the poor. Because of that God’s ignition is to have these different types of people come together as one religious community that serves both God and one another through their different strengths.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
2 allalaadimist

Watching TV

There are a lots of advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. Beginning with the first, we know what is going on all over the world. We know the weather forecast. We can see important events "live", especially sports events, for example : football matches, ski jumps, tennis matches etc. TV also presents lots of scientific programs and nature movies as well. Thus people can increase their knowledge about the world that is surrounding us. Watching a television is a good opportunity to spend a spear time. There are some really interesting programs about for example our hobbies. It can by also good way to spend the evening, watching comedy films. On the other hand, there are a lot of disadvantages. TV is a waste of time and also may cause different symptoms of many illnesses. TV programmes show a violence at cartoons and other programmes which a available for children too. Watching TV can limit childrens imagination and also can effect their behavior in a negative way.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

) 1903 - Ford Motor Company was founded Massproduction cars => urbanisation VIII Immigration to the US · major source of population growth and cultural. Controversial ethnics, religion, levels of crime etc · Statue of Liberty Gift from France in recognition of the friendship established during the American Revolution Situated on Ellis Island Symbol of freedom and democracy · Causes of immigration from Europe in the 19th century America- land of economic opportunity Irish, German, French, British immigrants · Different waves of immigration Irish - 1840, 207 000 Irish started to emigrate in large numbers as Britain eased travel restrictions because of the Irish Potato Famine. In 1848, bad crops and failed revolutions led to emigration of 435,000 Germans, 267,000 British and 77,000 French immigrants Immigration patterns of the 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


2 V. Pokropivny, R. Lohmus, I. Hussainova, A. Pokropivny, S. Vlassov et al. Introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology. University of Tartu, 2007, lk 9. 3 M. Schellekens. Patenting Nanotechnology in Europe: Making a Good Start? An Anlalysis of Issues in Law and Regulatsion - The Journal of World Intellecutal Property. 2010, 1(13), lk 47. 4 Edaspidi kasutatakse inglise keelset lühendit EPO (ingl k European Patent Office). 5 Nanotechnology in European patents ­ challenge and opportunity. European Patent Office. 6 M. Schellekens (viide 3), lk 48. 6 nanotehnika), nanobioonikat, nanometroloogiat, nanoseadmeehitus jne.7 Uued nanotehnoloogilised arendused ja lahendused on tihti ka asjakohased mitmetes tööstusharudes. Nanotehnoloogia võib hõlmata endas keemiat, bioloogiat, füüsikat,

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

The euro in Estonia

creates many new opportunities for the country's economy and the society as a whole. Bo Kragh, the vice president of the Bank of Estonia, has a bit different point of view. He has said in his article that the euro takes away our financial independence. Kragh says the Bank of Estonia won't be an independent institution anymore and it will be a branch office of European Central Bank from now on. That won't change much for average persons though, but the state loses the opportunity to manage monetary policy independently. The importance of this concern is probably known to everyone, who is more or less interested in the future of our country and ourselves. Last few years there have been a lot of discussion about euro in newspapers, TV, radio shows et cetera - so there shouldn't be a citizen of Estonia, who doesn't know anything about it. Many of us think that kroon is one of our national symbols and for that reason they were against the coming of euro

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
13 allalaadimist


It is a response to long-standing requests from many of these countries for closer relations, founded on partnership and joint ownership. If an accession perspective were to be offered at some point in the future to any of the countries covered by the ENP, this would be a separate process. The main purpose is to develop free trading between EU and Eastern Partnership Countries and develop democratical views in Eastern Partnership Countries. One of the countries which I belive has opportunity some day to join EU is Moldova. The Republic of Moldova actively pursues EU membership, but it is poorer than any other European country and has to resolve issues over its break away region of Transinistra before it can join. Nevertheless, the EU is developing an increasingly close relationship with Moldova, going beyond co-operation, to gradual economic integration and a deepening of political co- operation. I do not think that the criteria should prepare countries to join the EU due to the

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised suhted
5 allalaadimist

Seadusandlus labor

tööõnnetusi the conduct of an effective and thorough inspection. During the Teostab järelvalvet course of an inspection, any tööõnnetuse uurimise üle. employee shall be afforded an opportunity to bring to the Osaleb uute ehitiste attention of the Safety and Health ülevaatusel enne kasutusloa Inspector any unsafe or andmist; unhealthful working condition

Majandus → Riski- ja Ohutusõpetus
21 allalaadimist

Elu võimalikkusest planeedil Marss

pisikeste veelätete juures. NASA sõnul ei ole teadlased leidnud elusolendeid, vaid metaanijälgi, mis võivad olla elusolendite jäägid. Stoker ja Lemke arvates on Marsil tõepoolest elu, mis võib olla sealse keskkonnaga kohanenud. Nad rõhutasid siiski, et tegu pole olendite, vaid kõigest bakteritega. (Hiietamm, A 2005) Stoker ja Lemke soovitasid NASAl rohkem rõhku panna Marsi sisemusele mitte selle pinnale. Marsile laskunud NASA robotkulgurid Spirit ja Opportunity leidsid Marsi pinnalt vee jälgi, mis viitab sellele, et kunagi on olnud Marsil elu eksisteerimiseks küllalt vett. Opportunity leidis uuritud kraatris ainet, mis Maal moodustub vees. Teadlaste sõnul kunagise vee olemasolu kohtu annab tõestus sealne suur soolasisaldus. (Hiietamm, A 2005) 12 2.4. Kasvuhoonegaasid muudavad elu Marsil võimalikuks?

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
19 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse alused eksam

1.“Ettevõtlus” ja “ettevõtja” – põhimõisted ja nende areng. (Orienteeruvalt tunda vähemalt Schumpeteri, Stevensoni ja Jarillo ning Hisrichi määratlusi.) Ettevõtja Isik, kes organiseerib, juhib ja võtab enda kanda ettevõtlusega seotud riske, tootes (pakkudes) ühiskonnale kaupu või teenuseid, mida see tema arvates vajab ja kes loodab saada oma tegevuse tulemusena kasumit. Ettevõte Tööjõu ja kapitaliga varustatud iseseisev majandusüksus. Iseseisva majandusüksuse tunnusteks on varade lahusus, oma bilanss, raamatupidamine ja juhtimine. Ettevõtlus Uute võimaluste otsimise protsess kasutamaks ära uusi lahendusi millegi tegemisel, valmistamisel, tegevus, kus ollakse ärksad uutele võimalustele ja ületatakse vanu piiranguid. Ettevõtluse tähtsus ja roll majanduses põhineb järgnevate aspektidel: Ettevõtlus on alati eesmärgistatud ja kindlustab inimeste ja kogu ühiskonna eluvajaduse rahuldamise. Oma olemuselt on ettevõtlus uute ideede ja tulude suur...

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
58 allalaadimist

Ettevõtlus alused eksami küsimused

Kordamisküsimused 1) Ettevõtja  1254 – 1324 Marco Polo – Reisidele asudes sõlmis kaupmeestega lepinguid.  1437.a Prantuse päritolu, sõnsat ENTREPRENEUR – Isik, kes on aktiivne ja saavutab midagi, vahendaja.  Keskajal – Paraadide ja muusikaliste ürituste organisaatorid, ehitusprojektide juht.  1725 R. Cantillon – Ettevõtja on isik, kes tegutseb riski tingimustes. Samal ajal hakkas kapitali andmise funktsioon eralduma ettevõtja funktsioonist.  1797 Beaudeau – Ettevõtja on isik, kes kannab vastutust ettevõetud tegevuse eest, see kes planeerib, kontrollib, organiseerib ja valdab ettevõtet.  1934 J.Schumpeter - ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab välja ja rakendab uusi äriideid.  1978 Jõudis Eestisse, sõnatüvi ANTREPRENÖÖR – Eraettevõtja, teatri/tsirkuse/vms pidaja.  1985 R.Hisrich – Ettevütja on isik, kes kulutaboma aja ja jõu oma ettevõtmisele, ...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
112 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

Even Himmelstoss's petty humiliations seem idyllic in comparison to the actual war. They muse that Himmelstoss must have been different as a postman and wonder why he is such a bully as a drill sergeant. Kropp mimics Himmelstoss and shouts, "Change at Löhne," recalling a drill in which Himmelstoss forced them to practice changing trains at a railway station. Kat suggests that Himmelstoss is like a lot of other men. He remarks that even a dog trained to eat potatoes will snap at meat given the opportunity. Men behave the same way when given the opportunity to have a little authority. Every man is a beast underneath all his manners and customs. The army is based on one man having more power over another man. Kat believes the problem is that they have too much power. Civilians are not permitted to torment others the way men in the army torment one another. Tjaden arrives and excitedly reports that Himmelstoss is coming to the front. Paul explains that Tjaden holds a grudge against Himmelstoss

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

{SCHOOL} NOKIA Report {NAME} Instructor: {NAME} 2 Tartu 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION................................................................ 3 HISTORY.......................................................................... 3 PRESENT-DAY STATE ....................................................... 3 VISION AND STRATEGY.................................................... 4 PRODUCTS ..................................................................... 4 QUALITY........................................................................ 5 ANALYSIS....................................................................... 5 CONCLUSION..................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Eksam - Ettevõtluse alused vastused 2011

ETTEVÕTLUSE ALUSED 1. Ettevõtja · ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab välja ja rakendab uusi äriideid(Schumpeter 1934); oskus murda väljakujunenud tegevuspraktikat · ettevõtjad kasutavad innovatsioone selleks, et ära kasutada muutusi või luua võimalusi kasumi teenimiseks. Seejuures paigutavad nad ressursse ümber vähemtootlikest valdkondadest tootlikumatesse ja kasumlikemasse, aktsepteerides selle tegevusega kaasnevat kõrgemat riski ja ebakindlust. (Burns 2001) Ettevõtlus · protsess, mille abil indiviidid püüdlevad võimaluste poole ja kasutavad neid ära, sõltumata ressurssidest, mis sel hetkel nende käsutuses on (Stevensoni ja Jarillo 1990) · ettevõtlus on loominguline toiming (Schumpeter) 2. "Ettevõtja" (entrepreneur) ja "omanik-juht"(owner-manager). Mille poolest nad erinevad? Omanik-juht (o...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
93 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Eksam

17.ehitustööstus- construction industry 18.säästva arengu strateegia- strategy on sustainable development 19.karmid saastenormid- stringent emission standards 20.ebavõrdsuse vähendamine ühiskonnas- reduce inequality in society 21.väljapaistva üleilmse väärtusega- outstanding value over the world 22.kultuuri- ja looduslik pärand- estate of culture and crude 23.tegevusprioriteete seadma- to set primary occupations 24.alternatiivkulu, loobumiskulu- opportunity cost 25.kuluefektiivsed energiasäästu meetmed- 26.taastuvenergia allikad- renewable energy sources 27.koosolekut protokollima- to take the minute 28.päevakava välja jagama- to hand out an agenda 29.koosolekut juhatama- run/chair a meeting 30.riigikaitse ja sotsiaalkindlustus- national defence and social insurance 31.kulutused korrakaitsele- security expenditure 32.tarbjakulutuste järk kasv- gradual growth of consumer costs 33

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168 allalaadimist

Eksam - Ettevõtluse alused vastused 2011

ETTEVÕTLUSE ALUSED 1. Ettevõtja  ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab välja ja rakendab uusi äriideid(Schumpeter 1934); oskus murda väljakujunenud tegevuspraktikat  ettevõtjad kasutavad innovatsioone selleks, et ära kasutada muutusi või luua võimalusi kasumi teenimiseks. Seejuures paigutavad nad ressursse ümber vähemtootlikest valdkondadest tootlikumatesse ja kasumlikemasse, aktsepteerides selle tegevusega kaasnevat kõrgemat riski ja ebakindlust. (Burns 2001) Ettevõtlus  protsess, mille abil indiviidid püüdlevad võimaluste poole ja kasutavad neid ära, sõltumata ressurssidest, mis sel hetkel nende käsutuses on (Stevensoni ja Jarillo 1990)  ettevõtlus on loominguline toiming (Schumpeter) 2. “Ettevõtja” (entrepreneur) ja “omanik-juht”(owner-manager). Mille poolest nad erinevad? Omanik-juht (owner-manager) - is...

Majandus → Ettevõtluse alused
175 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

12.2012 Home Assignments. I Youtube clips: · A vision of K-12 students I personally think that Estonian learners are also digital learners. They spend more time at the computers or laptops or iPads etc. than read books or move outside. And another thing is that teachers are less capable in using technological appliances. But the latter mentioned fact is an advantage for us ­ teachers as well. It gives us an opportunity to provide our students to experience success. They can help and assist us if we need some technological help. Another thing is that in schools, in classes generally students are not allowed to use their appliances, so it means they have to communicate verbally as well. I think that teachers should be creative to blend so-called digital learning/teaching with old-fashioned learning/teaching. · Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

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11 allalaadimist

Majandusmõistete seletus eesti ja vene keeles

­ 8. Nappus, scarsity (Põhiprobleem) = vajadused saadavad 9. ( )- ressursid , 1 Majandusõpetus Mõistete seletus. , I osa 9.Alternatiiv- e.loobumiskulud, opportunity cost s -parima () alternatiivse võimaluse maksumus, millest loobutakse valiku tegemisel 10. 10.Majanduslik mõtlemine, thinking like economist 11. 11. Nappus sunnib inimesi valima. Scarsity

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist


environmental damage, lower carbon dioxide emissions, reduce use of toxic substances, promote energy efficiency and the use of solar energy, help to build a sustainable regional economy, cut long- term costs, and provide an example to other institutions. The results of these studies should be woven into the curriculum as interdisplinary courses, seminars, lectures, and research. No student should graduate without understanding how to analyze resource flows and without the opportunity to participate in the creation of real solutions to real problems. Third, reexamaine how your endowment works. Is it invested according to the Valdez principles? Is it invested in companies doing responsible things that the world needs? Can some part of it be invested locally to help leverage energy efficiency and the evolution of a sustainable economy throughout the region? Finally, I propose that you set a goal of ecological literacy for all of your students. No student should

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125 allalaadimist

Links between Estonia and English speaking countries

Private School of Audentes Links between English speaking countries and Estonia Author: Kristin Liiv Supervisor: Mari Martma Tallinn 2006 2 Table of contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................4 First links............................................................................................................................. 5 20th century..........................................................................................................................5 Recognition.......................................................................................................................... 9 Conclusions...............................................................................................................

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47 allalaadimist

The Seaplane Harbour of Tallinn

financed by the Tallinn Cultural Heritage Department. At the same time the court proceedings continued between the state and the illegal possessors. In July 2006, the Estonian authorities finally repossessed the Seaplane Harbour and ended the court saga that had lasted for 10 years. Estonian Maritime Museum and the Seaplane Harbour For years the Estonian Maritime Museum had been searching for a harbour for its growing museum fleet, which as a result was scattered. The idea and opportunity to develop a harbour for the museum arose in August 2003, when it became clear that the contract to keep the ice breaker ,,Suur Tõll" at the Admiralty basin in the city centre was about to expire. Part of the seaplane harbour belonged to the Ministry of the Environment and the ownership of the other part was under dispute. The seaplane harbour was in a very bad condition, but after some basic maintenance the first ship was ready to be transferred. The ice breaker ,,Suur Tõll" arrived there

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9 allalaadimist

Monopoly paper / DeBeers monopol

Running head: DE BEERS MONOPOLY De Beers Monopoly Microeconomics Diamonds ­ an extremely hard, highly refractive crystalline form of carbon that is usually colourless and well know as "girl's best friends", but the story of how diamonds got so famous and how they have remained so rare is down to a company named DeBeers. This paper is about DeBeers, the most powerful diamond company in the world. Monopoly main characteristics were that firm is single seller of the product without any close substitutes. Nowadays DeBeers have many substitutes and that is the reason why they are not a pure monopoly, but they are definitely nearly one. This is because the firm still has the bulk of world sales and controls 45% of world diamonds market. This paper examines these monopoly characterises, also how and why DeBeers diamonds monopoly still exists and what be...

Majandus → Mikromajandus
3 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

base for the promotion of free trade and capital markets. The liberal theory seeks the spread of democratic and economic principles to produce the outcome of globalization, economic integration and interdependence (The Political Philosopher). From this point of view Coca-Cola Company fits quite well under the liberalist theory. They follow the idea that all the nations and economies should work together for the better future, create jobs and give the opportunity to work for people all over the world. The company is also in favor of democracy and all people should be able to create their own ideal into reality. They also fight for human rights and try to accomplish the prosperity in the world. From the free trade point of view they also support that because it gives them a better conditions to move and sell their products all over the world. Although Coca-Cola says all that on their page I am a little skeptical about their point of view.

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Art Museum of Estonia

Silver Chamber is open during the opening hours of the museum (exept 13-14). Kumu Art Museum For 75 years there have been tentative efforts to build a purpose-built museum for the Art Museum of Estonia (AME). There have been several architectural competitions; in 1933 one of the competitors was Alvar Aalto, who took 3rd prize with his historical project, which was later built in Denmark. Due to World War II the museum was never built and AME had to wait another 50 years for the next opportunity. In 1993­1994, an open international architectural competition was held, in which architects from ten countries (Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Italy, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Australia, Germany and the USA) took part. The competition was organised by the government of the Republic of Estonia, the Art Museum of Estonia and the Estonian Union of Architects. The winner of the international architectural competition to design the building (1993­1994) was the Finnish architect Pekka Vapaavuori

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27 allalaadimist

Eksam - Ettevõtluse alused vastused 2011 (Juhan Teder)

ETTEVÕTLUSE ALUSED 1. Ettevõtja  ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab välja ja rakendab uusi äriideid(Schumpeter 1934); oskus murda väljakujunenud tegevuspraktikat  ettevõtjad kasutavad innovatsioone selleks, et ära kasutada muutusi või luua võimalusi kasumi teenimiseks. Seejuures paigutavad nad ressursse ümber vähemtootlikest valdkondadest tootlikumatesse ja kasumlikemasse, aktsepteerides selle tegevusega kaasnevat kõrgemat riski ja ebakindlust. (Burns 2001) Ettevõtlus  protsess, mille abil indiviidid püüdlevad võimaluste poole ja kasutavad neid ära, sõltumata ressurssidest, mis sel hetkel nende käsutuses on (Stevensoni ja Jarillo 1990)  ettevõtlus on loominguline toiming (Schumpeter) 2. “Ettevõtja” (entrepreneur) ja “omanik-juht”(owner-manager). Mille poolest nad erinevad? Omanik-juht (owner-manager) - is...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus
19 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

known, it is often seen as having the most potential for future growth. This perception has led to high investment in high-tech sectors of the economy. High-tech startup enterprises receive a large portion of venture capital. However, if, as has happened in the past, investment exceeds actual potential, then investors can lose all or most of their investment. High tech is often viewed as high risk, but offering the opportunity for high profits. Like Big Science, high technology is an international phenomenon, spanning continents, epitomized by the worldwide communication of the Internet. Thus a multinational corporation might work on a project 24 hours a day, with teams waking and working with the advance of the sun across the globe; such projects might be in software development or in the development of an integrated circuit. The help desks of a multinational corporation might thus employ, successively,

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

The mysterious affair at styles

Inglethorp. Her leaving came after a heated argument with Emily where Evelyn said, "You're an old woman, Emily, and there's no fool like an old fool. The man's twenty years younger than you, and don't you fool yourself as to what he married you for. Money! I'm going to warn you, whether you like it or not. That man would as soon murder you in your bed as look at you." This warning of death comes true all too soon. It remains to be seen, however, if Alfred is the culprit. Everyone had opportunity administer the poison. We also have to concern ourselves with Dr. Bauerstein, a toxicologist who is in the village recovering from a nervous breakdown. But why is it that he is seen wandering through the neighborhood at all hours, appearing after dinner at Styles completely covered with mud? How is it that he is conveniently passing the house before dawn on the day that Mrs. Inglethorp dies? Rounding out the cast at Styles itself are the servants, the gardener Manning and the maid Dorcas.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Inglise õiguskeel

state 4. andma raamistikku kodanike vaheliseks suhtlemiseks – to provide a framework for interaction among citizens 5. kodanikeõigusi kaitsma – to protect civil rights 6. rassilist vaenu õhutama – to incite racial hatred 7. võimu teostama – to exercise power 8. võimu säilitama – to retain power 9. omandiõigust kaitsma – to protect the ownership rights 10. võrdseid võimalusi soodustama – to promote equality of opportunity 11. konkurentsi soodustama – to promote competition 12. nõrgemat osapoolt kaitsma – to protect weaker party 13. õiglust maksma panama – to implement justice 14. kohtus õigust mõistma – to administer justice in court 15. õiglus, ebaõiglus (2) – justice, injustice 16. õiglane, ebaõiglane (2) – just, unjust 17. võimude lahusus – separation of powers 18. seadusandlik võim – legislative power 19

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43 allalaadimist

Report: The Free Rider Problem

free rider's best self-interest is that they interact with others by force and fraud. If they can get away with the fraud and begin to gain the benefits of others they have reached their first goal. Their next goal is to make some good money or get credit for someone else's hard work before they get caught. Then they get out and are long gone by the time anyone notices. Life in a civilized society allows each of us the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the work of people with productive ability far greater than our own, but what happens when people begin doing this? They get used to not having to do much work and become lazy. In some cases people look at welfare in this way. If a person is able to get a good job and chooses not to, but instead, to live on our government, this would be considered free riding. This causes a fluctuation in our market and it can have a negative effect

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9 allalaadimist

EU internal Market. Dog case

barbarism and finally indifference of possible owners. Those aspects never (even nowadays) haven’t been fulfilled which is a huge loss and I would name it as a “loophole” of the EU law system. So far about dogs, but what would be the most effective juridical procedures? The owner of the PB&R business should definitely make a claim against the Member State’s actions that had provided restrictions to the local instances because there was no opportunity of reasonable 1 - Food/ 2, 3 - timings for local and overseas business to adapt to a new business field (as an example in the UK so named “Government Claims Program) to the Member State’s national court. Claim should include reference to an existing law, amendments to an existing law and, of course, an

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2 allalaadimist


duty-free shopping of the rush, as Aruba is also one of the Caribbean in Dutch Sint pricier vacations on our list. Maarten. Consider visiting in late spring to cash in on the not- too hot weather and discounted hotel rates. Las Vegas and Los Angeles Why go: This notorious Why go: The City of Angels, La hedonist destination offers La Land, the Entertainment visitors every opportunity to Capital of the World -- Los make it or break it. Colossal Angeles needs no introduction. casinos, like the Bellagio and But its notoriety both help and hurt its reputation. The traffic on the Caesar's Palace, beckon to "101" will tire you out just as much travelers with neon light, as an evening at a lively West fascinating shows and, of Hollywood club. And your disgust

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1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun