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"open" - 946 õppematerjali

open - ­‐minded,  liberal  with  anarchic  spirit   living  refusing  to  follow  any  conventions.  There  is  no  gap  between  very  rich  and  very  poor  people.   The  population  consists  of  the  scientists,  free  artists  and  rich  people  who  made  a  decision  to  live  in   this  society  and  contribute  to  it  as  common  workers  in  the  public  service.  Relationships  give  a   sense  of  security.    

Kasutaja: open

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Rühmatöö Open Access

Põhjamaade konverentsil Lundis (Rootsi) ja Kopenhaagenis (Taani). ( Tuginedes proovivõtu tulemuste ja kvalitatiivsete andmete jagamine kolme erinevat ajajärku on soovitanud: · pioneer aastat (1993-1999) · innovatsiooni aastat (2000-2004) · konsolideerimine aastat (2005-2009). ( Iseenesest, Open Access on pidevas arengus ja kogu andmebaas arenes välja erinevatest kogudest ( ( 2. andmebaasi suurus ja sisaldus; Open Access sisaldab tasuta täistekste pakkuvaid teaduslikke kvaliteetajakirju, Multidistsiplinaarne andmebaas sisaldab artikleid erinevates keeltes. (

Elektroonika → Elektroonika ja it
7 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis.

Iseseisev töö nr. 8 1. 1 a) Google Scholar b) c) 40 f) Gomez, C., Betzer, J-F., Voituriez, A., Marinetti, A. (2012). Phosphine Organocatalysis in the Synthesis of Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds – ChemCatChem, 5(5), 1055-1065. [Online] Wiley Online Library. 1.2 a) MDPI Open Access Journals. (ei leidnud otsingumootorite nimekirjast ühtegi, mis oleks minu teemal vasteid andnud) b) Title/Keyword: synthesis of bioactive compounds; article; 2010-2016 c) 28 Väga hea veebileht, mugav informatsiooni otsida, visuaalselt väga meeldiv. Ka sisu tundub tõsiseltvõetav, informatsiooni on seal piisavalt ning seda on ka hea filtreerida. Palju täistekstartikleid. („MDPI is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

Open Office ja MS-i võrdlus

MICROSOFT OFFICE ja VÕRDLUS Microsoft Office on tasuline tarkvara võrreldes on saadaval internetis tasuta ,kui MS Office on tasuline. MS Office on programmide ja võimaluste poolest sarnased (nt. Writer ja Microsoft Office Word). Menüüde suhtes on OOo Writer ja MS Word sarnased. Programmisisesed aknad on MS Wordis ainult küljepaanid ,kuid Writeris on nii dokitud ,kui ka vabalt liikuvad aknad. Enamik kirjutamise, toimetamise ja ülevaatamise korraldusi on OOo Writeris samad ,mis MS Wordis ,kuid on väikesed erinevused detailides. Need on: 1. lause või lõige märgistamine 2. automaatne salvestus teatud aja möödudes 3. ühelt dokumendi objektilt teisele minek 4. teksti , vorminduse või stiili leidmine ja asendamine 5. keele valimine õigekirja kontrollimiseks 6. muudatuste märgistamine 7. muudatuste kommenteerimine 8. sõnad ül...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
46 allalaadimist

Kõrgrenessanss Skulptuur ja Arhitektuur Itaalias

Skulptuur ja arhitektuur Itaalias Skulptuur Kuulsaim ja tuntuim skulptor oli Michelangelo Buonarrotti Lähtus ainult oma isiklikust inspiratsioonist, ei toetunud teadusele ja reeglitele Andekas mitmel kunstiliigil ja edukas teadlane Kujutas oma tegelasi pingeseisundi Kuigi skulptor, oli tema suurimaks tööks Sixtuse kabeli laemaal, kus kujutas Piibli stseene maailma loomisest suure veeuputuseni Michelangelo Taavet Erines teistest selle aja Taaveti- teemalistest teostest oma tõsisuse tõttu Arhitektuur Oluliseks sai suurejoonelise terviku loomine Võeti veel rohkem eeskuju antiikarhitektuurist Bramante (1444-1514) Bramante Tempietto (väike kabel) pani aluse kõrgrenessansi arhitektuurile Kavandas Peetri kiriku Michelangelo (1475-1564) Lõpetas Pee...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
70 allalaadimist

Mis on Open Office?

LG A.J K.R S.P Juhendaja : A.S 8a klass L 2010 OpenOffice töötab kõigi levinumate operatsioonisüsteemidega : Windows ( 95 , 98, NT , 2000 , XP ) , Solaris või Linux . OpenOffice meenutab Microsoft Office't . OpenOffice'it levitatakse tasuta . Open office valmimis päevaks loetakse 13.oktoober 2000 . Projekti ja tarkvara nimetatakse tavaliselt lihtsalt OpenOffice'iks . Projekti loojad olid sunnitud projekti ametlikuks nimeks võtma OpenOffice.orgi seni viimane versioon kannab numbrit 3.3 Beta . Lühendid : Ooo OO.o Arendaja : Oracle Corporation on vabatarkvaraline projekt, mille eesmärgiks on kogukonna ühistöö tulemusena luua juhtiv

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
6 allalaadimist

Sirged ja tasandid ruumis

SIRGED JA TASANDID RUUMIS (kordamisküsimused 12. kl.) KAHE SIRGE VASTASTIKUSED ASENDID RUUMIS ON: Kiivsed, ühtivas, lõikuvad, paralleelsed (ehk KÜLP). PARALLEELSETEKS SIRGETEKS - nim kahte ühel tasandil asuvat sirget millel ei ole ühtki ühist punkti. LÕIKUVATEKS SIRGETEKS - nim kahte sirget millel on üks ühine punkt. KIIVSETEKS SIRGETEKS - nim kahte mitteparalleelset sorget ruumis, mis ei oma ühiseid punkte. KAHE SIRGE VAHELISEKS NURGAKS - nim väiksemat nende sirgete lõikumisel tekkinud kõrvunurka. RISTUVATEKS SIRGETEKS - nim sirgeid kui võrdsete kõrvunurkade korral on sirgete vaheline nurk 90*. KIIVSIRGETE VAHELISEKS NURGAKS - loetakse nurka mille saame siis, kui joonistame ühele antud sirgetest sellise paralleeli, mis lõikab teist sirget. SIRGE JA TASANDI VASTASTIKUSED ASENDID - on paralleelsed, ristuvad ja lõikuvad. TASANDIGA PARALLEELSETEKS - nim sirget millel pole tasandiga ühtki ühist punkti. SIRGE JA ...

Matemaatika → Matemaatika
326 allalaadimist


PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS ARVUTID JA ARVUTIVÕRGUD Kaur- Joosep Laur OSI KIHID Juhendaja: Mihkel Pärna Pärnu 2012 OSI (OPEN SYSTEMS INTERCONNECTION) ARCHITECTURE Avatud süsteemide sidumise arhitektuur OSI on ISO ja ITU-T koostöös 1977.a. valminud andmesideprotokollide kontseptuaalne mudel. OSI 7-kihilise arhitektuuriga baasmudel annab loogilise struktuuri konkreetsetele andmesidevõrkude standarditele. Tegelikus elus on andmesidevõrkudes kasutusel terve rida erinevaid protokollistikke (TCP/IP, NetWare, AppleTalk, DECnet, ATM, SNA ja SS7 jne.), mis ei vasta täpselt OSI mudelile (näit. on paar OSI kihti ühendatud üheks kihiks vms), kuid põhimõtteliselt täidavad need kõik ühtesid ja samu funktsioone ning OSI mudel on heaks õppevahendiks ka teiste protokollistike tundmaõppimisel. 1982.a. said ISO ja ITU-T valmis ka OSI protokollistandardid, kuid esiteks oleks nende k...

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
32 allalaadimist


Summary: It's Bella's second day at her new school and while it is a better day in some ways, in others it is much worse. Mike continues to be very friendly, much to Eric's displeasure, which Bella finds flattering, however, she is not interested in Mike and realises she will have to do something about his over-friendly behaviour. Bella is also feeling more confident because she recognises more faces and people are looking at her less than the day before ­ something that, for Bella, is very important. Her day gets worse when she gives the wrong answer in Trig and has to play Volley-ball ending up hitting her team mate on the head with the ball ­ giving us further proof of her clumsy nature. However, the worst part of this second day is that Edward Cullen is not in school and for some reason Bella can't stop thinking about him and his behaviour of the previous day. She feels nervous and uncomfortable, waiting to see if he is in schoo...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Plangi malli tegemine Open Office'is

Plangi malli tegemine Open Offices (Libre Office) Ava Open Office org Writer 1. Ava Vormindus ­ Lehekülg. Pane paika veerised vasak 30, parem 15, üleval, all 12 cm 2. Ava - Lisamine (Insert) Väljad (Fields) - Muud (others) Avaneb Väljad sealt Funktsioonid ­ kohahoidja (placeholder) ­ tekst Trükkida järgemööda kõikide elementide nimetused näiteks "Aadress" Ilmub sõna "aadress" vasakule poole, kursor paika allapoole ja kordub sama, trüki vajalikud elemendid. Pane paika vahed! Salvesta

Ametid → Sekretäritöö
6 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Open Access e- ajakirjad. Patendiotsing.

objektiivsuse ja sisu seisukohalt. Kõik küll autoriteetsed ei olnud. Enamus pigem mitteautoriteetsed. Sisust: leidus nii teaduslikke kui amatööride tekste. Khandekar, N. (2013). Carcinogens in groundwater in areas near Najafgarh drain. - Hindustan Times. [E-ajaleht] ( news/NewDelhi/Carcinogens-in-groundwater-in-areas-near-Najafgarh-drain/Article1- 1027975.aspx) (14.04.2013) 6.2. Teemakohase ajakirja otsing Open Access ajakirjade andmebaasist Loe läbi teoreetiline materjal Open Access ajakirjade kohta.Otsi oma rühma teemale vastavaid vaba juurdepääsuga teadusajakirju Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) andmebaasist. a) millist otsivõimalust kasutasid? ÜLDISED MÄRKSÕNADE OTSIPROFIILID: OTSIPROFIIL VASTEID OTSIVÕIMALUS carcinogens AND Journals 0 Articles groundwater Articles 4

Informaatika → Infootsioskused
19 allalaadimist

Open Access andmebaas, Emerald, EbscoHost, e-ajakirjade andmebaas A-Z, RRi andmebaas

Praktiline töö nr 4 Otsing andmebaasides Leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Hinnake leitud dokumente ning esitage sisuliselt vastav tulemus. Kirjutage vastused töölehele. Kirjeldage otsingu läbiviimise käiku (otsingukategooriad, otsisõnad, piirangud). 1.-3. küsimusele leidke vastus Open Access andmebaasist ( 1. Leidke artikleid infokirjaoskuse kohta kõrgkoolides. Esitage ühe artikli kirje. Kuidas otsingu läbi viite? Inglise keeles! Advanced search, ,,information literacy" ­ key word, ,,university" ­ key word. Noriega, E F. (2011). Biblioteca y docencia : motivando el desarrollo de un programa ALFIN en el Consorcio de Universidades. Alexandría : Revista de Ciencias de la Información, 5, (8), 54-68 2

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
19 allalaadimist

MS Wordi ja Open Office Writeri võrdlus

MS Wordi ja OpenOffice Writeri võrdlus EvaMaria 10c SÜG Sisukord Microsoft Word Writer Logod Sarnasused Hind ja kättesaadavus MS Wordi eelised OOo Writeri eelised Lõpetuseks Microsoft Word Microsofti loodud teksti redigeerimise programm Algne versioon MultiTool Word loodi aastal 1983 Alates 2003. aastast on programmi ametlik nimi Microsoft Office Word Writer programm ­ ette nähtud tekstide sisestamiseks, töötlemiseks ja lihtsamaks küljendamiseks Sünnipäevaks 13. oktoober 2000 Asutatud Sun Microsystems'i poolt Põhineb StarDivisioni poolt arendatud kontoripaketil StarOffice Logod Sarnasused Mõlemad on ette nähtud tekstide sisestamiseks ja töötlemiseks Menüüde koha pealt suhteliselt sarnased Võimalikud toimingud üldjoontes samad, erinevused pigem detailides Hind ja kättesaadavus Microsoft Office on tasuline tarkvara programmid ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
16 allalaadimist

Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access eajakirjad

Ülesanne 6 Erialainformatsiooni otsing internetis. Patendiotsing. Open Access e- ajakirjad 6.1 Teemaotsing internetist a) Otsimootorite nimetused ja veebiaadressid: b) Otsistrateegia, piirangud: c) Leitud /relevantsete internetiallikate arv d) Väljavalitud veebilehekülgede hinnang autorluse, täiendamise, objektiivsuse ja sisu seisukohalt. 1) Kasutasin Google Scholar otsingumootorit, otsingukeeleks inglise keel. Biocatalytic stereochemical synthesis

Keemia → rekursiooni- ja...
15 allalaadimist

Konspekt õppematerjal ISO OSI-Open Systems Interconnection

Kokkuvõte ISO OSI kihtidest.

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
2 allalaadimist

"Learning and speaking foreign languages.."

"Learning and speaking foreign languages can open doors in my private life and professional life" The process of learning foreign languages can be very difficult and time-consuming, but knowing them is certainly very useful and important. Where and how is the ability of speaking foreign languages good for us? Speaking foreign languages in professional life is very important. Why should an employer prefer you to the other workers when you`re in the same level with them? Speaking foreign languages besides your native language helps you to stand out from the others workers and it gives you the advantage. I have noticed that if you searching a job in Estonia it ´s important to knowing foreign languages like english, russian and finnish, in many places it`s even compulsory. Knowing the foreign languages gives you the opportunity find the better job that you will love. Speaking foreign languages is very important in ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Kirjamalli koostamine Open Office ja MS Word 2007

Tee paremklõps ja vali Format Text Box. Sealt vali kast ilma joonteta. Joonel puudub värv (Line ­ No colour). Seejärel ankurda tekstikast välja ,,Adressaat või lisaadressaat" külje ja säti asend lehe suhtes. Selleks võta kaartilt Layout, ava Advanced ja märgista Lock anchor ja Vertical, sealt vali Absolute position ja vali Page. Seejärel salvesta mall. Kirjamalli koostamine programmiga Open Office 1. Käivita Writer. Salvesta dokument käsuga Fail Salvesta kui... . Vali failitüübiks ODF tekstidokumendi mall (.ott). Vali mallile sobiv salvestuskoht. Anna mallile nimi (nt kirjamall) ja klõpsa nupul Save. 2. Säti dokumendi struktuur erineva esilehega: selleks klõpsa nupul Stiilid ja vormindus või vajuta F11. Avanenud aknas vali Leheküljestiilid. Paremklõpsuga stiilil Vaikimisi ava kohtmenüü ja vali Muuda

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
36 allalaadimist

Kuidas toodetakse põlevkivist energiat

Kuidas toodetakse põlevkivist energiat Referaat -nimi- - klass Õppeaasta 2009/2010 Sisukord: Sissejuhatus.....................................................3 Kuidas toodetakse energiat soojuselektrijaamades........3 Põlevkivielektri 5 probleemi........................4 Põlevkivi energia tootmise kahjuliikus...................4-5 Skeemid.......................................5 Elektri jõudmine tarbijani....................................6 Sissejuhatus Põlevkivielektri tootmist hoitakse elus kunstlikult ­ madalate keskkonna- ja ressursimaksude abil, mis teeb võimalikuks ka elektri suhteliselt madala hinna. Elektrihind on madal aga ainult siis, kui me ei arvesta kodanike ostujõudu. Kui seda arvestame, on meie elektrihi...

Keemia → Keemia
42 allalaadimist

If you have created something, then try to be open minded

If you have created something, then try to be open minded Teacher: O'Mahony V.PG 11A 09.03.2009 This written essay here is talking about my thoughts and facts of life, what is around us. First I thought that why is always easier to create something but to destroy is much harder. Exactly there have been so many wars in history. Everybody wanted to own a lot of countries and others had to fight for their created country. Also they started to teach young people to kill and protect their country with killing enemies. Also government tried to keep a low profile, if there were some wars in state. These are my thoughts of creating and keeping something. In the old times were many wars. Some states predominated over other weaker countries or states. Weaker countries had created their own and loved country and they wanted to live like that for a long time. But also stronger countries wanted to broaden their boards and...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Austraalia referaat - üldinfo, kliima, kultuur, loodus

Sissejuhatus Austraalia on üks põnevamaid ning huvitavamaid kohti maailmas. Rohelise mandri üks suurimaid väärtusi on tema loomulik ilu. Siit võib leida kordumatuid randu, Suure Vallrahu, Austraalia lopsakad vihmametsad ning sisemaal laiutava punase pinnasega kuiva Outback`i. Sydney oma maailmakuulsa ooperiteatri ning Harbour Bridgega ja euroopalikum Melbourne, kus leiavad aset nii vormelivõistlused kui ka tennisevõistlus Australian Open. Austraalia manner eraldus varakult lõunapoolkera hiidmandrist Gondwanast ja siinne loodus on saanud palju aastaid segamatult areneda. Miljonite aastatega on väljakujunenud taime- ja loomaliigid, milliseid ei kohta üheski teises maailma paigas. Kümneid tuhandeid aastaid on põlisrahvad elanud loodusega kooskõlas, kuid kõigest mõne sajandiga on valge inimene teinud siinsele loodusele rohkem kahju kui aborigeenid 60 000 aastaga. Tingituna

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
44 allalaadimist

Linux ja Unix sõnaraamat

See jookseb kõigil Unixi põhistel- , Windows NT-, Windows 2000- ja Mac operatsioonisüsteemidel. B Bourne Again Shell (bash) – Bash (Bourne Again Shell) is the free version of the Bourne shell distributed with Linux and GNU operating systems. - Bourne shelli tasuta versioon Linuxile ja GNU-ga operatsioonisüsteemidele. Bash Cheat Sheets – Webpages, where you can find information about bash. - Lehed, kust saab kiiresti informatsiooni bash'i kohta. C Clonezilla – Clonezilla is a free open source disk cloning application based on Debian. - Tasuta kõigile kättesaadav plaadi/ketta kloonimis tarkvara, mis põhineb Debian OS'il. Compiere – Compiere is a popular open-source system of software applications that provide enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), supply chain management (SCM), tax accounting, and general accounting for the small and medium-size enterprise. - Kõigile kättesaadav populaarne tarkvara, mis võimaldab

Infoteadus → Linux OS
3 allalaadimist

Phrasal verb - break

their voice can not fully be heard. STOP CLASSES When schools and colleges, or the teachers and students who go to them break up, their classes stop and the holidays start: We broke up for the holidays in June. END A RELATIONSHIP If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends: Jenny and George have broken up. She's just broken up with her boyfriend. Break open open with force: He broke open the picnic basket. OPEN, OPEN UP cause to open or to become open; come open suddenly and violently, as if from internal pressure: BURST, SPLIT, POP burst open with a sharp, explosive sound: Break into sth to suddenly begin to do something: He felt so happy that he broke into song (= suddenly began to sing). She walked quickly, occasionally breaking into a run (= starting to run). Exercises No

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Andy Roddick

Andy Roddick Andrew Stephen "Andy" Roddick (born August 30, 1982) is an American professional tennis player and a former World No. 1. His best surfaces are hard court and grass. He is the top-ranked American player and the only male American inside the top 10. He became a Grand Slam singles champion when he won the title at the 2003 US Open. Roddick has reached four other Grand Slam finals (Wimbledon three times and the US Open once), losing to Roger Federer each time. He and Federer are the only players to have been ranked in the Association of Tennis Professionals top 10 at year-end from 2002 through 2009. Roddick is known for his powerful serves and holds the fastest serve recorded in professional tennis, measured at 155 mph (249.5km/h). Roddick has been on the United States Davis Cup team for several years, helping the US win the 2007 Davis Cup, the first win by the US since 1995.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Mary the Virgin Great Guild Hall Danish King's Garden House of the Brotherhood of Black Heads Other Attractions Kadriorg Palace ­ The Kadriorg Art Museum Alexander Nevsky Cathedral Russalka Soviet Legacy KGB Headquarters Soviet Legacy Tallinn TV Tower - Closed from November 26th 2007 Open Air Attractions Estonian Open Air Museum Open Air Attractions Tallinn Zoo -Established in 1939 Open Air Attractions Tallinn Botanic Garden -Established in 1961 Shop In Tallinn/Eat in Tallinn Top 3 biggest Top 3 recommended department stores : places to eat at: Viru Centre Peppersack Kristiine Centre Troika Ülemiste Centre

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

W11 Homework Solutions

Read Chapter_6_Analog_Outputs.pdf and Chapter_8_EMI_ElectroMagnetic_Interference.pdf Question 1 Given the below open sensor detection: a. Derive equations for both outputs VO and Vsense as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF. b. What value will appear on each output if the thermistor fails (becomes an open circuit)? c. How can the above schem be modified to implement temperature reading with open sensor detection using only one ADC and one digital input pin of the microcontroller? Solution: a. Derive equations for both outputs as a function of VR, R1, Rth, RH, RL and RF.  Rth  Writing the equation for V1 : V1  VSense   VR  th R  R1 V0  V2 VR  V2 V2

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
9 allalaadimist

Human gestures

Body Talk of Estonians Showing anger · Lifted eyebrows · Wrinkled forehead · Narrowed mouth or clenched teeth · Hardened gaze · Folded arms Showing joy · Big smile · Raised eyebrows · Leaned head · Legs crossed · Arms open · Touching other person Showing worry · Head lowered · Hand touching the forehead · Eyes closed or narrowed · Body crooked · Steady gaze Showing regret · Sad look · Head leaned on hands · Sight pointed down · Crooked pose Showing annoyance · Mouth straight or open · Rolling eyes or eyes wide open · Wrinkled eyebrows Showing sorrow

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Roger Federer

Dort traf er im Achtelfinale auf den siebenmaligen Titelträger Pete Sampras. Nach fünf Sätzen stand der 19-jährige Schweizer als Sieger fest und beendete damit Sampras' Serie von 31 Siegen in Folge in Wimbledon. Die folgende Viertelfinalbegegnung gegen den Briten Tim Henman verlor Federer jedoch. Im Turnierverlauf hatte sich Federer eine Leistenverletzung zugezogen, die ihn im Anschluss zu einer siebenwöchigen Pause zwang. Erst zu den US Open im Spätsommer war er wieder fit, wo er im Achtelfinale gegen Andre Agassi verlor. Ein Finaleinzug in Basel während der folgenden Hallensaison reichte nicht aus, um den nach den Ergebnissen der ersten Saisonhälfte möglichen Einzug beim Tennis Masters Cup der besten acht Saisonspieler zu realisieren. Federer beendete die Saison auf Platz 13 der Weltrangliste. Roger Federer bei den US Open 2002 Zu Beginn der Saison 2002 konnte Federer in Sydney seinen zweiten Karrieretitel feiern.

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Pühajärve Spa Hotel

baths. We offer peace and relaxation for body and soul. All treatments are performed by trained professionals. CONFERENCE CENTRE Perfect place for having conferences ,seminars, business meetings and various appointments. Cosy, warm and bright rooms offer you a perfect working environment. RESTAURANT, PUB AND TOWER CAFE A la carte restaurant is open FriSat 1924 Pub is open SunWed 1123 ThuSat 1101 Tower cafe is open: MonSun 1523 LEISURE TIME You can enjoy underwater music and the pleasures of massage sprays in the large pool. You'll find a gym equipped and bowling. PICTURES THANK YOU !

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

XEN (esitlus)

Solaris® BSD operating systems Support With Xen virtualization, a thin software layer known as the Xen hypervisor is inserted between the server's hardware and the operating system. Server Virtualization This provides an abstraction layer that allows each physical server to run one or more "virtual servers" Effectively decoupling the operating system Its applications from the underlying physical server. Server Virtualization The Xen hypervisor is a unique open source technology developed collaboratively by the Xen community and engineers at over 50 of the most innovative data center solution vendors, including Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL2) Available at no charge in both source and object format Xen is open sourced, uniting the industry the Xen ecosystem to speed the adoption of virtualization in the enterprise

Informaatika → Informaatika
9 allalaadimist


Restoran Nimi: Rühm: Address Vene tn 7, 10123 Tallinn Telephone number + 372 6313 084 Open/ Closed: Restaurant Ribe is open from the 1st of October to 1st of May from 17:00 to 23:00. We are closed on Sunday's. About us: As a result of the ideas and the work of three waiters, restaurant Ribe opened its doors in 2007. Our ambition was and is to offer our guests high quality food and service in a pleasant environment, in surroundings in which we are confident. Entering the restaurant, you are welcomed by an open and light atrium. Moving down

Keeled → Erialaline inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Shaun White

the half-pipe.[5] After his first run in qualifications, White was almost out of competition, scoring only 37.7. On his second run, he recorded a score of 45.3. In the finals, White recorded a score of 46.8 (50 is the highest possible score) to win. Fellow American Danny Kass won the silver with a points total of 44.0 2008 Executing a near-flawless second run, White captured his third consecutive snowboard halfpipe title at the 2008 U.S. Open Snowboarding Championships to go along with his third US Open slopestyle competition. This followed White's win at the 25th (2007) Burton US Open, where he placed third in slopestlyle and first in the halfpipe. At the 2007 Open, White was also crowned the first "Burton Global Open Champion". His take for the event was $100,000 (Global Open Champ), $20,000 (1st Place Halfpipe), $90,000 (3rd Place Slopestyle), and a new Corvette.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

„Nelson’s management style could have come from a modern textbook“

In 1798 he faced challenge when in continental Europe controlled by revolutionary France,. In Toulon French were making big fleet and army. When Nelson wasn't even 40 yet, he was choosed to find and defeat the 17 French ships and 300 troop ships. He never haven't commanded a fleet before. Before he put together his own ships, he knew captains and rest by reputation. When all team came together then everybody were working well together because he knew how to open people. He involved them into open-minded discussions and he never reproofed or brainstormed the team because of that. At the same time team always knew who have responsibility and because of all that good team work and open-minded relation their common understanding grew great.

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist


I remember years ago Tell them all I know now Someone told me I should take Shout it from the roof tops Caution when it comes to love Write it on the sky line I did, I did All we had is gone now And you were strong and I was not Tell them I was happy My illusion, my mistake And my heart is broken I was careless, I forgot All my scars are open I did Tell them what I hoped would be Impossible, impossible And now when all is done Impossible, impossible There is nothing to say Impossible, impossible You have gone and so effortlessly Impossible, impossible You have won You can go ahead tell them I remember years ago Someone told me I should take

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist


kiht AWAVE, CoolEdit(+PlugIn), Winamp 16. MVG Magick Vector Graphics ImageMagick vektorgraafika 17. MP4 MPEG 4 Part 14 multimedia container format Winamp PNG Portable Network Graphics Adobe Photoshop, GIMP rastergraafika pildid veebilehtedel 18. PS PostScript Adobe PostScript vektorgraafika levinud andmete graafilisel väljastusel ja printerites 19. PSD PhotoShop Document Adobe Photoshop,GIMP rastergraafika levinud peamiselt disainerite ja küljendajate hulgas 20. ODT Open Document Text Writer, Symphony Documents, KWord, Google Docs, StarOffice, NeoOffice, WordPerfect dokumendifail avatud dokumendivorming, rahvusvaheline standard ISO/IEC 26300 (ODF) 21. ODS Open Document Spreadsheet Calc, Symphony Spreadsheets, KSpread, Google Docs, StarOffice, NeoOffice, Quattro Pro tabelarvutusfail avatud dokumendivorming, rahvusvaheline standard ISO/IEC 26300 (ODF) 22. ODP Open Document Presentation OpenOffice

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist

. „Bioaktiivsete ainete süntees“ – „Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds“

pole TTÜ raamatukogus võimalik lugeda. 4. Esialgu sisestasin A-to-Z andmebaasis „Title“ otsingusse märksõnana „bioactive compounds“, mille tulemusena sain 2 vastet, millest üks tundus üsna sobiv. Proovisin ka otsingut „Category“ järgi, kus valisin kategooriaks ’Chemistry’ ning allkategooriatena sirvisin eraldi ’Biochemistry’, ’Synthesis’ ja ’Pharmaceutical chemistry’, kuid sain väga palju vasteid. a) „The Open Bioactive Compounds Journal“ b) Chemical Abstracts, Open J-Gate, Genamics JournalSeek, Scopus, EMBASE, MediaFinder®-Standard Periodical Directory, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), PubsHub, J-Gate. c) Elektrooniline juurdepääs on avatud 2008. aastast, arvatavasti oli tegemist 1. köitega, kuna tegemist ongi online-ajakirjaga.

Keemia → Keemia andmekogud ja...
1 allalaadimist

ODT vorming ja tarkvara

1. OpenDocument. 2013. [] 3.11.2014. 2. OpenDocument. 2014. [] 1.11.2014. 3. About OpenDocument Format. OpenDocument Format. [] 3.11.2014 4. Buchanon, J. 2008. What is File Extension ODT. [ File-Extension-ODT&id=1484456] 1.11.2014 5. Open Document Format (ODF). [ adw=true&gclid=CNTPrsSwhMECFSEcwwodSkYAJQ#open_document] 3.11.2014. Vormistada RTF (Rich Text Format) tüüpi dokument, milles oleks kirjeldatud teemat (valida tabelist). Teema on üldjuhul mingi info arvutis säilitamise või visualiseerimise formaat

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Powerpoint Metallica'st

Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Lay beside me, tell me what they've done Dead sure she'll be there Speak the words I wanna hear, to make my demons run The door is locked now, but it's open if you're true What I've felt, what I've known If you can understand the me, than I can understand the Turn the pages, turn the stone you Behind the door, should I open it for you Lay beside me, under wicked sky Yeah Through black of day, dark of night, we share this pair of What I've felt, what I've known

Muusika → Muusika
1 allalaadimist

Liha-ja kalakonservide sortiment erinevate tunnuste alusel

TALLINNA TEENINDUSKOOL „Liha –ja kalakonservide sortiment erinevate tunnuste alusel“ Referaat Juhendaja: Aive Antson Tallinn 2014 Sisukord 1.Kanalihakonservid.......................................................................4 1.1Frank Pott - Hautatud kanaliha 240 g.....................................4 1.2Maag - Naturaalne kanaliha omas mahlas 240 g...................4 2.Ulukilihakonservid.......................................................................5 2.1 Frank Pott Hakitud liha želees...............................................5 2.2 Frank Pott Metssealiha konserv.............................................5 2.3 Frank Pott Põdraliha konserv.................................................6 2.4 Lisaks hirveliha.....................................................................6 3.Sealihakonservid...............................

Majandus → Kaubandus
11 allalaadimist

Non-verbal communication

together. Only when they really smile! Lips smile ­ their lip corners are pulled up. Showing worry Biting lips generally mean the person is worried. Also, worry lines show up on the forehead. The mouth is downturned and the lips often become pursed. Their body is usually crooked and head is slightly tilted down. Showing regret Bowing the head and looking down is a classic sign of regret. The mouth is closed and the eyes, while open, usually look at the floor. They have crooked pose. Their head is leaned on knees. Showing annoyance Annoyed people are staring directly and their mouth is straight or open. They are rolling their eyes. They have wrinkled eyebrows Click to edit Master text styles and pursed lips. Second level Third level

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

England athletics

- AAA is the oldest national governing body for athletics in the world , having been established on 24 April 1880. In the past, it has effectively overseen athletics throughout Britain. Now, it supports regional athletic clubs and works to develop amateur athletics in England alone.This includes the English cross country association. the UK national championships in athletics • They were a major event in the UK athletics calendar. • Unlike the AAAS championships, which were usually open to overseas athletes, the UK championships were only open to competitors from the United Kingdom • In 1980, the event incorporated the British trials for the olympic games. Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

A survey report, Phobias

In this survey, people were asked different questions to find out how many of them suffers from different phobias and how it is affecting their lives. Types of phobias The most common phobias among questioned people are altophobia and pteromerhanophobia. This is shown by the fact that 19% of questioned people are afraid of heights and 17% are afraid of flying. The least common phobia is agoraphobia. This is demonstrated by the fact that only 4% of questioned people are afraid of open spaces or of being in crowded, public places. Number of phobias Women tend to have more phobias than man. This is exemplified by the fact that 26% of questioned women have more than two phobias while significant number of men have no phobias. The survey also shows that younger people have more phobias than older people. Problems It is difficult to live with phobias. This is illustrated by the fact that phobias are causing

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


from school. I hadn`t been expecting that kind of surprise at all. There was a name and an address on the other side, which I didn`t recognize. In addition, it seemed a bit weird that the envelope was on the floor, next to the table, but on second thought it could have been there by accident. So now I went upstairs, to my room and sat on the armchair. I sat there for a moment, holding the letter on my lap and looking out the window ­ to let the curiousity grow. Than I prepared to tear it open, but some noise from downstairs interrupted me. I sat still and listened for a minute, it was quiet again. As I laid my eyes on the envelope again the same sound, only louder, interrupted me again. Now I stood up, placed the envelope on the armchair and went down the stairs to look for the source of the noise or something else to explain it. There was nothing wrong and it was perfectly silent. As I stood there looking around me the front door opened. It was my sister coming in

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Harjutusülesanne 1: Raamatu otsing ESTERist

süntees b) Gustafsson, H. (1974).Synthesis and stereochemical studies of some optically active a-azolylpropionic acids of biological interest. Uppsala. 2. a) 6 b) 5 c) 5 d) 6 3. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry. Section B, Organic Chemistry Andmebaas: Royal Society of Chemistry Core (KESLI) Olemas online-s aastast: 1997 Köide: 107 ARKIVOC: online journal of organic chemistry Andmebaasid: Academic Search Complete, DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Olemas online-s aastast: 2000 12nes köide (Ilmub kord aastas, alates aastast 2000) Beilstein journal of organic chemistry Andmebaas: DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals Olemas online-s aastast: 2005 Köide: 8 4. a) Leidsin 3 eesti keelset artikklit.

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
13 allalaadimist

Raamatu otsing e-kataloogist ESTER

057 (063) Komposiitmaterjalid 620.22-419.8 1.3 Nimi Andmebaas Aasta/köide A Research Journal of Toxins ebscohost 2009 to present B Environmental Science and 116 issues, 2661 Pollution Research articles, 1994 to present C The Open Environmental Directory of Open 2009 to present Pollution & Toxicology Journal Access Journals 1.4 Artikkel märksõnaga kapillaarelektroforees Eestikeelseid artikleid leidsin nii palju (4 kirjet): Ilona Juhanson, 123964YASB

Informaatika → Informaatika
4 allalaadimist

Teadusinfo otsing internetis

Google Scholar leiab artikleid ka tasulistest teadusandmebaasidest ning avab artiklite täistekstid, juhul kui neile on ligipääs ostetud. Google Scholari otsingukasti järel on Scholar Preferences, kus saate määrata · otsingutulemuste keeled, · viidete halduri, kui soovite leitud kirjeid eksportida ja säilitada. Pärast valikute tegemist klõpsake Save Preferences. Eelistustes on määratud viidete halduriks programm RefWorks. Open Access- avatud juurdepääs teaduskirjandusele Open Access on vaba juurdepääs teaduskirjandusele. Avatud juurdepääsuga teadusajakirjad Gold Open Access ­ hõlmab eelretsenseeritavaid rahvusvahelise toimetuskolleegiumiga ajakirju, kus artikli publitseerimise kulud katab artikli autor või institutsioon. Avatud juurdepääsuga repositooriumid ja selfarchiving Green Open Access võimaldab ka autoritel endil oma töid kättesaadavaks teha (ingl k selfarchiving),

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Letter of Protest

Dear Mr Roberts I am writing to express my concern about the closing of the art studio and to bring out a couple of reasons why the art studio should be left open. First of all, the teachers of the studio are offering to tutor many possible artists. That way the new skills are guaranteed to be learned. In Addition, the studio is located in an easily accessible area and it is open 24 hours a day, so that students from all over the city can attend the art department anytime they want. Furthermore, young talents can exhibit their creations in the studio. Also, there are many necessary facilities that can be used in various situations, such as having an art exhibition, where all the students can show their greatest masterpieces. To sum up, it is believed that the art studio is extremely important to many young artists.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

How well do you know London?

Gallery – Piccadilly Circus – The British Museum – Madame Tussauds – Oxford Street – Hyde Park – Harrods Destination 1: The Buckingham Palace What is its function? - Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of Britain's sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. When was it built? 1703 Who was the first monarch to live there? Queen Victoria Is it open to public? Yes Go to the official website of the British monarchy ghamPalace.aspx and take a virtual tour of The Grand Staircase and The Blue Drawing Room. Whose memorial is immediately in front of the gates of the palace? Queen Victoria What is the name of the road along which you reach your next destination? What is the colour of the road? Why? Red, like a carpet,

Keeled → British culture (briti...
2 allalaadimist

Operatsioonisüsteemide tutvustus ja võrdlus

Laiemas mõistes: operatsioonisüsteem, mis töötab väga erineval riistvaral pihuarvutist suurarvutini. Kitsamas mõistes: operatsioonisüsteemi keskne osa ­ kernel ehk tuum. Tavakasutuses on juurdunud esimene tähendus. Süsteemina sarnaneb Unixile, kuid ei ole sellest tuletatud (ehitati nullist võimalikult sarnaseks). Põhiosas vaba tarkvara (esineb erinevate litsentsidega komponente). Aluse pani 1991 tollane Helsinki Ülikooli tudeng Linus Torvalds (praegu töötab Open Source Development Labs'is). Richard M. Stallmani GNU (sealt pärineb suur osa süsteemseid töövahendeid). Andrew S. Tanenbaumi Minix ­ otsene eeskuju ja motiveerija UNIX on populaarne mitmekasutaja ja multitegumtööga operatsioonisüsteem, mis töötati välja 70-ndate aastate alguses Bell Labs's ja millel on mitu versiooni. Üheks levinumaks on 1991. aastal Linus Torvaldsi poolt IBM-tüüpi arvutite jaoks loodud LINUX, mida levitatakse tasuta (priivarana).

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
109 allalaadimist


good points are also that it is easy to steer, it has an attractive design and it fits in the boot of the car. A minority of people found mistakes from "Bambo". One complaint for example was that the wheel locking mechanism is too small to operate by foot. Recommendations. It is recommended that the wheel locking mechanism should be larger so it could be operated by foot and the opening hinge should be made easier to open/close. In the words of Mr and Mrs Osmonth it is a bit stiff to open and close. It is also advisable to increase the size of the wheels, because they appear to be too small and getting stuck in little holes. If you sum up the good and the bad points then there are certainly more good than bad. So on balance the new "Bambo" pushchair is really good considering the opinion of parents and kids like to go out in it.

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

When in Rome do as Romans do

approximately 30°C. Australia has a population of almost 20 million people and they speak in English. Half of the people there are christians. One of the only things I knew about australia are that there is very warm and there are a lot of kangaroos. In Australia the appearance of people is very formal. Men wear dark business suit and a tie, women may wear a dress or a scirt and blouse. For casual clothing there are pants for both men and women. Australians are friendly and open, but directness and punctuality is very important. They maintain good eye contact during conversations. They bring small gift of chocolate, wine or flowers if invited to someone's home, but gift giving is not very common in bussiness. They avoid littering and when approaching a queue, they go to the end and wait their turn. Australians shake hands when meeting and when leaving and some women may greet each other wit a kiss on the cheek. Opinions are respected in Australia

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


The study In the study, 150 people from London, Bristol, Birmingham, Gloucester, Glasgow and Leeds were interview to find out how good the pushchair is from the perspective of parents. They were asked to point out the pros and cons, give comments and also make suggestions. Results of the study The majority of people gave positive comments. Some brought in addition to good things also out the bad sides of the pushchair. In the words of Mr and Mrs Osmonth from Leeds it is a bit stiff to open and close but that is the only complaint they have. Mrs Joy McCarthy from Glasgow said that "Bambo" folds up really small and fits in the boot of the car with no problem but it is always getting stuck in little holes. There were also profoundly positive comments, like Mrs Roberta Long's from Gloucester which said that this is fantastic ­ so light and manageable. It was found that the pushchair is light, easy to steer,

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun