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"movement" - 409 õppematerjali

movement - "moodne liikumine"). Modernism ja postmodernism on tegelikult ka laiemad, erinevaid kultuuritüüpe tähistavad mõisted, need ei ole üksnes stiil ega meetod.


The birth of hip-hop in New York also owed much to the city's Jamaican community. 6 Christianity remains a strong influence on cultural life, particularly in music. Most people learn their music at church, and Biblical references are often used in popular songs. It is not uncommon for musicians to be playing dancehall music on Saturday night, and church music on Sunday morning. The Rastafari movement was founded in Jamaica. This Back to Africa movement believes that Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was God incarnate, the returned black messiah, come to take the lost Twelve Tribes of Israel back to live with him in Holy Mount Zion in a world of perfect peace, love and harmony. Bob Marley, a convert to the faith, spread the message of Rastafari to the world. There are now estimated to be more than a million Rastafarians throughout the world.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Uni ja unenäod

· 3. aste - Üleminek deltaune staadiumisse. Selles astmes tekivad aeglased suure amplituudiga deltalained. See aste hõlmab 3-8% kogu uneajast. · 4. aste - sügav uni ehk deltauni. Silmamunad püsivad paigal. Sel ajal on magajat kõige raskem üles ajada. See aste hõlmab 10-15% kogu uneajast. Sel ajal on võimalik ka unes käimine ja unes rääkimine. Kiire ehk paradoksaalne uni: unenägude nägemise staadium. Seda nimetatakse ka REM- uneks (REM ­ Rapid Eye Movement ehk kiire silmaliikumine). Sel ajal liiguvad silmamunad kiiresti. REM-uni esineb kõigil imetajatel ja lindudel, puudub roomajatel ja teistel külmaverelistel. REM-une ajal stimuleeritakse ajupiirkondi, mis on seotud õppimisega; (imikutel 50% unest REM-uni), REM-une ajal suureneb valgusüntees ajus. Unevajadus Imikud magavad keskmiselt 16 tundi, sellest 50% on REM-uni; noorukid keskmiselt 9 tundi, enamus täiskasvanutest 7 - 8 tundi (mõned vähem kui 5 tundi või üle 10 tunni),

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
42 allalaadimist


Traveling Description Traveling is the movement of people or objects (conveyances) between relatively distant geographical locations. Travel may occur by human-powered transport such as walking or bycycling, or with vehicles, such as public transport, automobiles, trains and airplanes. Etymology The term "travel" originates from the Old French word travail. The term also covers all the activites performed during a travel (movement). A person who travels is spelled "traveler" in the United states, and "traveller" in the United Kingdom. Purpose and motivation Reason for traveling include recreation, tourism or vacationing, research travel for gathering information, for holiday to visit people, volunteer travel for charity, migration to begin life somewhere else, religious pilgrimages and mission trips, business travel, trade, commuting, and other reason, such as to obtain health care or ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Straitland Historical Facts Straitland has served as a junction of international trade routes for Vikings. Long struggle of power with foreign intruders has left ancient strongholds in Valjala, Lihula and Soontagana. The churches in Muhu, Valjala, Mustjala, Karja and Kihelkonna are honorable and elderly because Straitland was the one to bring Christianity to Estonia. The castle of Kuressaare is still standing proudly, but in Lihula only ruins can be seen. The patterns of national dresses and the churches bring memories of secret sign cultures of Medieval Times. Good knowledge of singing and facilit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Irish history

part of a new United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland under the Act of Union. Catholics were still banned from sitting in that new parliament until Catholic Emancipation was attained in 1829, the principal condition of which was the removal of the poorer, and thus more radical, Irish freeholders from the franchise. The Irish Parliamentary Party strove from the 1880s to attain Home Rule self-government through the parliamentary constitutional movement eventually winning the Home Rule Act 1914, though suspended on the outbreak of World War I. In 1922, after the Irish War of Independence, the southern twenty-six counties of Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom (UK) to become the independent Irish Free State -- and after 1948, the Republic of Ireland. The remaining six north eastern counties, known as Northern Ireland, remained part of the UK. The Irish tricolour

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Selles astmes tekivad aeglased suure amplituudiga deltalained. See aste hõlmab 3-8% kogu uneajast. 4. aste - sügav uni ehk deltauni. Silmamunad püsivad paigal. Sel ajal on magajat kõige raskem üles ajada. See aste hõlmab 10-15% kogu uneajast. Sel ajal on võimalik ka unes käimine ja unes rääkimine. 5. aste - Kiire ehk paradoksaalne uni. Unenägude nägemise staadium. Seda nimetatakse ka REM- uneks kuna sel ajal liiguvad silmamunad kiiresti (REM - Rapid Eye Movement ehk kiire silmaliikumine). Tavaliselt nähakse unenägusid just selle seisundi ajal. Aeglane ja kiire uni vahelduvad, moodustades koos 90-100 minutilise tsükli (vahelduvad 1,5 h tugant). Öö jooksul läbitakse 4-5 sellist tsüklit Ka pimedatel on samad unestaadiumid (sh REM- uni), neil puuduvad kiired silmaliigutused. Nende unenäod on seotud kuulmisega. 9. Mis on une peamisteks funktsioonideks? · energia taastamine · aju püsiv termoregulatsioon

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
65 allalaadimist

Microcontroller homework 07

The permanent magnet (PM) stepper has a rotor with alternating north and south. As the coils are energized, the rotor is pulled around. This figure shows a single coil to illustrate the concept, but a realstepper would have stator windings surrounding the rotor. The PM stepper has more torque than an equivalent VR stepper. The hybrid stepper essentially adds teeth to a permanent magnet motor,resulting in better coupling of the magnetic field into the rotor and moreprecise movement. In a hybrid stepper, the rotor is split into two parts, anupper and lower. One half is the north side of the magnet andone is the south. The teeth are offset so that when the teeth of one magnetare lining up with the mating teeth on the stator, the teeth on the other arelining up with the grooves, the tops of the teethare crosshatched for clarity). Some hybrid steppers have more than one stackof magnets for more torque. 2

Masinaehitus → Mikrokontrollerid ja...
38 allalaadimist

Futurism kui kunstivool

Audentese Spordigümnaasium Rainer Komi Futurism Referaat Juhendaja: Rainer Vilumaa Tallinn 2010 Sisukord Tiitelleht.............................................................................................1 Sisukord..............................................................................................2 Futurismi teke ja seisukohad......................................................................3 Futurism kujutavas kunstis........................................................................3 Tuntuimad futuristliku kunstivoolu esindajad...................................................4 Futurism Venemaal.................................................................................5 Pildimaterjal.........................................................................................6 Kasutatud materjal.................

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
19 allalaadimist


12. klass ABSTRAKTSIONISM Referaat ABSTRAKTSIONISM Abstraktsionismi teke ja levik Abstraktsionismiks nimetatakse modernistlikke kunstisuundi maalis, skulptuuris ja graafikas. Looduse otsene kujutamine jäi tahaplaanile. Nähtava maailma jäljendajatest olid kunstiteosed muutunud omaette loominguks. Siiski oli neid säilinud mingi side mõne loodusliku motiiviga, mida oli küll lihtsustatud ja moonutatud. Kubistide piltides kadus äratuntav motiiv peaaegu täiesti. Seetõttu on loomulik, et 1910. a. paiku jõudsid mitmed kunstnikud üksteisest sõltumatult teosteni, kus oli astutud viimane, otsustav samm ja loobutud nähtava ümbruse jäljendamisest üldse. Üsna paljusid kubistide selleaegseid teoseid võib pidada abstraktseteks, sellisteks, kus pole võimalik ära tunda midagi ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
21 allalaadimist

Lennart Meri

Lennart Meri Lennart Meri was a writer, film director and statesman who served as the second President of Estonia. Meri was a leader of the Estonian independence movement. His lifestory: Lennart Georg Meri was born in Tallinn, 29 March 1929, a son of the Estonian diplomat and later translator Georg Meri, and Estonian Swedish Alice-Brigitta Engmann. Because his father was a diplomat, Lennart left Estonia at an early age and studied abroad, in nine different schools and in four different languages. In addition to his native Estonian, Lennart Meri fluently spoke five other languages: Finnish, French, German, English and Russian.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Tuglas-Seura: (13.01.2013). 42 Summary Punk in the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic 1980-1991 Punk is understood in this bachelor’s thesis as an idea-based lifestyle and attitude that includes promoting human’s rights, opposing the authority, DIY aesthetics, punk culture and openness towards the world and understanding it. The punk movement in Soviet Estonia has been a largely undiscovered topic. There have been few books (e.g. Trubetsky) written about it and the comprehensiveness of the books is rather questionable. This is why the bachelor´s thesis set out to not only cover the existing sources but also, to further discuss some topics and questions, ten interviews were conducted with (former) punks involved in the punk movement in Soviet Estonia.

Sotsioloogia → Ühiskonna uurimine ja...
12 allalaadimist

Constructivism theory

As a paradigm or worldview, constructivism (as a learning theory) states that learning is an active, contextualized process of constructing knowledge rather than acquiring it. Knowledge is constructed based on personal experiences and hypotheses of the environment. Learners continuously test these hypotheses through social negotiation. Each person has a different interpretation and construction of knowledge process. The learner is not a blank slate (tabula rasa) but brings past experiences and cultural factors to a situation The term ,,Constructivism" was first introduced to IR theory in 1989 by Nicholas Onuf. It was first considered as an interpretive meta-theory, a reflectivist approach. It emphasizes the social construction of world affairs as opposed to the claim of (neo)realists that international politics is shaped by the rational-choice behaviour/decisions of egoist actors who pursue their interests by making utilitarian...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Sümbolism ja juugend

Sümbolism ja juugend 19. ja 20. sajandi vahetus Sümbolism Pettumine kaasajas ­ teaduse ja tehnika arengu pole muutunud ühiskonda humaansemaks ega inimesi õnnelikumaks. Jagunemine: a) sümbolism b) juugend Sümbolistid põlgasid realismi ja impressionismi. Nende maalitavad teemad olid mitmetähenduslikud ­ rõhutasid elu müsteeriumit. Sümbolistid käsitlesid meelsasti suuri ja igavesi teemasid (sünd, surm, armastus, erootika, üksindus, elu ringkäik, loodus). Sümbolistidel oli esmatähtis sisu, mitte teostus. Sümbolism ei ole stiil vaid omapäraste teemade ja süzeedega kunstivool. Osad sümbolistid lõid nukraid, igatsevaid või luulelisi unelmaid, teised aga pühendusid õuduspiltide loomisele. Juugend Juugend tekkis tarbekunsti stiilina. Juugend ilmneb esmalt inglise rühmituses Arts and Crafts Movement. ,,Prerafaeliidid" tahtsid loobuda kõrgrenessanssi mõjust. Võtsid eeskujuks...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
24 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

a hole more competitive through the value it adds and the cost it reduces overall. Thus today the real competition is not the companies against the companies but rather supply chain against supply chain. DEFINITIONS Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling the operations of the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as efficiently as possible. Supply chain management spans all movement and storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods from point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. According to the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), a professional association that developed a definition in 2004, Supply Chain Management "encompasses the planning and management of all activities involved in sourcing and procurement, conversion, and all logistics management activities"

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Rudyard Kipling

Kipling put in them nearly everything he knew or "heard or dreamed about the Indian jungle." [2] Other readers have interpreted the work as allegories of the politics and society of the time.[3] The best- known of them are the three stories revolving around the adventures of an abandoned "man cub" Mowgli who is raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. The Jungle Book, because of its moral tone, came to be used as a motivational book by the Cub Scouts, a junior element of the Scouting movement. This use of the book's universe was approved by Kipling after a direct petition of Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting movement, who had originally asked for the author's permission for the use of the Memory Game from Kim in his scheme to develop the morale and fitness of working-class youths in cities. Akela, the head wolf in The Jungle Book, has become a senior figure in the movement, the name being traditionally adopted by the leader of each Cub Scout pack. Kim (novel)

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Bob Marley

Much of The Wailers' early work, including their first single Simmer Down, was produced by Coxsone Dodd at Studio One. Simmer Down topped Jamaican Charts in 1964 and established The Wailers as one of the hottest groups in the country. They followed up with songs such as "Soul Rebel" and "400 Years". In 1966, Marley married Rita Anderson, and moved near his mother's residence in Wilmington, Delaware for a few months. Upon returning to Jamaica, Marley became a member of the Rastafari movement, and started to wear his trademark dreadlocks (see the religion section for more on Marley's religious views). After a conflict with Dodd, Marley and his band teamed up with Lee "Scratch" Perry and his studio band, The Upsetters. Although the alliance lasted less than a year, they recorded what many consider The Wailers' finest work. Marley and Perry split after a dispute regarding the assignment of recording rights, but they would remain friends and work together again.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Juhtimisseadmed ja veermik

Many suspensions are in this category as they rigidly connect the wheels together. Paljud peatamisi on selles kategoorias nagu nad jäigalt ühendust veljed koos. 1.8 Sõltumatu vedrustus Sõltumatu vedrustus on lai mõiste mis tahes auto vedrustuse süsteem, mis võimaldab iga ratta sama telje liikuda vertikaalselt (st reageerida keemistsentrid tee) teineteisest sõltumatult. This is contrasted with a , or system in which the wheels are linked - movement on one side affects the wheel on the other side. See on kontrastina tala telg , live telg või deDion telgede süsteem, mille algatusel kokku. Enamik tänapäeva autodel on sõltumatu esivedrustus (IFS). Many vehicles also have an independent rear suspension ( IRS ). Paljud sõidukid on ka sõltumatu tagavedrustus (IRS). IRS, as the name implies, has the rear wheels independently sprung. IRS, nagu nimigi viitab, on tagarattad sõltumatult vedrustatud

Auto → Autoõpetus
70 allalaadimist

Unetsüklid, unehalvatus ehk uneparalüüs

Keskmise eluaega inimene veedab magades ligi 200 000 tundi, mis on umbes kolmandik elust. Unenäod moodustavad täiskasvanul tervel inimesel umbes 20% magatud ajast ning ta näeb neid umbes iga 40-60 minuti järel 4-5 korda öö jooksul. Mõned väidavad, et nad näevad unenägusid väga harva või üldse mitte. Põhjus on tavaliselt mäletamises - ühed mäletavad oma unenägusid hästi, teised halvemini. Unenäod on organismile vajalikud. Katsed on näidanud, et inimesed, kes unenägude ajal üles äratatakse, muutuvad ärrituvaks, nende keskendumisvõime langeb ning nad püüavad öiseid puudujääke korvata päevase unelemisega. Uni on hädavajalik, et taastada meie päeval kulutatud füüsilisi ja psüühilisi jõuvarusid. Unenägusid nimetatakse emotsioonide kuningriigiks, sest sel ajal toimub meie emotsionaalsete haavade, vapustuste ja üleelamiste terveksravimine. Unel on kaks põhifaasi: NREM (non rapid eye movement) ehk rahulik, aeglane, ilma s...

Kategooriata → Väljendusoskus
36 allalaadimist

Countrystudy Summary

Bombardment / bm'b:dmnt / pommitus Inaugurate / 'n:gjret / pühitsema, pidulikult tähistama Annex / 'æneks / liitma, liidetuks jääma World War I broke out because of an assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The war was thought to end quickly, but it lasted for four years during which over ten million people were killed. During that time Irish Volunteers captured Dublin´s strategic points and declared the birth of the Irish Republic. Britain was unable to resist to the movement. Five years later, on 6 December 1921 the Irish Free State was created. Northern Ireland remained attached to the United Kingdom. World War II 1939 ­ 1945 Blitz / blts / pommirünnak Rationing / 'ræn / talongisüsteem Cease / si:s / lakkama, järele jääma Comprehensive / kmpr'hensv / laiaulatuslik Aegis / 'i:ds / kaitsja, eestkostja

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ühiskond ja kultuur

2. Christianity was established during the 5th century by Saint Patrick, who is also Ireland's patron saint. His feast day is on 17th of March, the day he died. 3. The English conquest of Ireland began in the 12th century by Henry II. 4. King James I settled English and Scottish Protestants in the province of Ulster. This has resulted in conflicts between the Irish Catholics and the "planted" Protestants. 5. Home Rule was the name given to the Movement of Independence in 1916. Ireland demanded independence, self-government and freedom from the UK. 6. During the 1840s, the population decreased deeply due to Great Famine, which caused death and emigration. Now, population is changing and Ireland has become an immigration country ­ Irish people are coming back; immigration from other European countries. 7. Irish Free State was a dominion, which was established in 1921. Six counties of

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency F-K

1. E 2. I 3. G 4. A 5. F 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. H Ex2. 1. Fundamental 2. Complete 3. Greater 4. Ex3. Small improvement- marginal, minor, New- found 5. Hard- won 6. Artistic modest, slight; large- considerable, enormous, Ex3. 1. Taste 2. Land 3. Sense 4. Bid 5. Symbol 6. huge, marked, massive, radical, real, remarkable, Struggle significant, sharp, substantial, vast Ex4. 1. Choice 2. Press 3. Movement 4. Speech 5. Ex4. 1. Room 2. Areas 3. Signs 4. Prospect 5. Individual Cost 6. Number HELP INCIDENT Ex1. 1. Appresiate 2. Offered 3. Use 4. Ask for 5. Ex1. 1. Witnessed 2. Report 3. Investigating 4. Get 6. Seek 7. Need 8. Provides Highlights 5. Occurred 6. Caused Ex2. 1. Great 2. Invaluable 3. Professional 4. Ex2. 1. Reports of 2. Investigation into 3. Wake of

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Inglise keele stilistika

was extended to denote the manner of expressing one's ideas in written or oral form. One of the abts/the best was given by Jonathan Swift: ,,Proper words in proper places." In present- day english, the world style is used in about half a dozen basic meanings. 1. the characteristic manner in which a writer expresses his ideas. Some speak about the style of Hemingway, Dickens etc. 2. the manner of expressing ideas, characteristic of a literary movement or period. Style of symbolism, romanticism 3. the use of language to pick a literary genre-comedy, novel, drama, O.D (poetic form) etc. 4. the selective use of language that depends on spheres of human activity ­fiction, scientific prose, newspapers, official documents, business correspondenc etc. Style bears the stamp of indivual usage, that is every writer has a unique pattern/habit and abilities that form his style.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
22 allalaadimist

Capillary electrophoresis i.k.

g., 254 nm for chromate).  14  Ions  of  eluting  sample  displace  chromate  ions  and  thereby  reduce  the   absorption,  whereby  "negative"  peaks  appear.  Due  to   the  high   mobility  of  small  ions  EOF  is  not strong  enough  to  move  the  ions  in  the  opposite  direction  of  their  electrophoretic  movement,  i.e.  anions  move  toward  the  anode   and  respectively,  small  anions  can  not  be  analyzed  simultaneously with other components of the sample.  To  reduce  the  EOF  or   to  change  its  direction,  the so­called EOF modifier is added  to  the  working  electrolyte.  That  role  plays,  for  example,  a  hydrophobic  quaternary  ammonium 

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
6 allalaadimist

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

Aim: ​To make the best possible picture (Worldview). Worldview We cannot have a perfect picture. Example: ​Historical research. The Cosmology Puzzle Aim: ​The picture of the Universe. Pieces of the puzzle: Everything you can get from naked-eye observation. Problem: ​Make your puzzle to ​preserve appearances! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The pieces of the puzzle The (regular) movement of the Stars. The (daily) movement of the Sun. The movement and phases of the moon. The movement of the planets. There is no reason to think that the Earth is itself a planet. It is difficult to distinguish start and planets with merely naked-eye observation. Unlike stars, planets vary substantially in brightness at times. Stars remain, relative to one another, at fixed positions while planets change positions. Sometimes planets make a backward movement (the retrograde motion).

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Kliima kohta USAs

government should not be picking winners and losers" - not noticing, apparently, that elsewhere in the speech he promised billions in subsidies to "clean" coal, nuclear power and biofuels. *Ultimately, the speech itself was a sideshow. No one cares what Bush thinks about climate, and nothing he does will particularly constrain the next administration. But the subtle shaping of the debate, the themes, the buzzwords, are not unique to him. They are the means by which the American conservative movement will continue to protect its corporate backers at the expense of the public. I've asked my advisors to consider approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including those that tap the power of markets, help realize the promise of technology and ensure the widest possible global participation....Our actions should be measured as we learn more from science and build on it

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Nägemis taju, Gibson VS Gregory

perceptual assumption is not confirmed by the data, so our interpretation of the stimulus is inappropriate. Gregory (1970), (cited in Gross, 2005, pp 255) demonstrates good evidence for this view with a rotating hollow mask, where the mask can be seen hollow or normal. The assumption being selected is strongly influenced by past experience of faces. According to Gibson's view of optic flow where the perception is seen as a result from interaction with the environment and also within movement it is possible to perceive that the mask is hollow. Therefore a weakness of Gregory's´ theory is that it lacks ecological validity because it does not focus on everyday perception, but rare `abnormalities of perception'. Evidence for Gregory's view comes from demonstrations and visual illusions showing that conceptual knowledge affects the way in which simple visual phenomena can be perceived. Nevertheless, it does not explain how the knowledge for perception is acquired

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
14 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and Victorian England

On Dec. 14th 1861 Albert died(aged 42) from typhoid fever at Windsore Castle. Victoria was deeply attached to her husband and she sank into depression after he died. She had lost a devoted husband and her principal trusted adviser in affairs of state. For the rest of her reign she wore black. She was persuaded to open Parliament in person in 1866 and 1867, but she was widely criticised for living in seclusion and quite a strong republican movement developed. Seven attempts were made on Victoria's life, between 1840 and 1882 - her courageous attitude towards these attacks greatly strengthened her popularity. In 1876 she was crowned Empress of India by Disraeli. In 1887 Victoria's Golden Jubilee was a grand national celebration of her 50th year as Queen. The Golden Jubilee brought her out of her shell, and she once again embraced public life. She toured English possessions and even

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

J.S.Bachi elulugu inglise keeles

Johann Sebastian Bach Johann Sebastian Bach was born on 31 March and died on 28 July 1750. was a German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist whose ecclesiastical and secular works for choir, orchestra, and solo instruments drew together the strands of the baroque period and brought it to its ultimate maturity. Although he did not introduce new forms, he enriched the prevailing German style with a robust contrapuntal technique, an unrivalled control of harmonic and motivic organisation, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms and textures from abroad, particularly from Italy and France. Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout Europe during his lifetime, although he was not widely recognised as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the 19th century. He is now regarded as the supreme composer o...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency L-O

Easy 8. Complex Ex2. 1. Bad 2. Proudest 3. Embarrasing 4. Ex3. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B Dreadful 5. Key 6. Quiet 7. Anxious 8. Brief 9. Ex4. 1. Light 2. Advice 3. Nothing 4. Word 5. Last 10. Precise Discussion Ex3. 1. D 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. F 6. C MEASURES Ex4. 1. From 2. In 3. To 4. At 5. For 6. After Ex1. 1. Adopt 2. Taken 3. Introduced 4. MOVEMENT Considering 5. Announcexd 6. Needed 7. Oppose Ex1. 1. Restrict 2. Co-ordinate 3. Detect 4. Tetrace Ex2. 1. Unpopular 2. Temporary 3. Safety 4. 5. Monitor 6. Allow Security 5. Desperate 6. Preventative 7. Ex2. 1. Graceful 2. Rapid 3. Restricted 4. Slightest Precautionary 8. Half 5. Sudden Ex3. 1. Prevent 2. Save 3. Control strong = tough, Ex3. 1. Is heavily involved in 2. Joined 3.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

History of English literature

The hero of the story ­ Beowulf ­ is almost an ideal A-S warrior, the champion of freedom and justice, courageous, has supernatural strength, is loyal to his king and has a very strong sense of duty. · A-S were converted to Christianity. A lot of religious poems and hymns. Caedmonian. · Cynewulf ­ represents the essence of Christianity perfectly. The idea of the cycle of the Sun and the Moon, the movement of the waves, nature. · The subject matter of A-S poetry is actually centered on the three things that were most important in A-S lives: war, the sea that surrounded the British Isles and death. · Main qualities: somberness, awareness of inevitable death. Formal features of A-S poetry: 1. No rhyme, instead they used alliteration; A-S poetry is alliterative. (Alliteration ­ the repetition of the same consonants in a line); 2

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
37 allalaadimist

Animal rights movements and their views on hunting

Venezuela and India. They mostly concentrate on farming industry and try to expose farms where animals are treated badly, harmed, starved, ill or in overly crowded and cramped spaces, but they also work against animals being used for entertainment or test subjects. Animal Equality’s stance in hunting is that it is cruel past time sport and it is unjustifiable. [2] Animal Liberation Front (ALF) was founded it 1976 and it is international movement that takes illegal steps to ensure animal rights. They don’t have official leaders and are active in more than 40 countries. They mainly liberate animals from places of abuse like factory farms, fur farms and laboratories. After the liberation they provide animals with good homes or places to live out their natural lives free of suffering. Animal Liberation Front’s other goal is to cause economic damage to those companies that profit from animal

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Kunst 20. sajandil

- Oluline vahend ornamentika. 5. Kes oli william morris ja millised olid tema eesmärgid, millised saavutused? - Soovis luua uut kunstide sünteesi - Asendada tahvelmaal monumentaaldekoratiivse maaliga. - Kulutas oma energia ja varanduse hääbuvate käsitöötraditsioonide taaselustamisele. - Suurbritannias levis tema algatusel käsitööharrastus- Arts and Crafts Movement. Loodi esemeid, mid olid vabad klassitsismi ja ektlektika eeskujudest. Esemed: Lihtsad, funksionaalsed, materjaliehtsad nagu keskajal. - Lootis, et käsitööesemed tõrjuvad välja tööstustoodangu. Seda aga ei juhtunud, tooted olid vaid kallimad ja isikupärasemad alternatiivid. - Pani aluse tarbekunstile. 6. Juugendstiil. Mis seda iseloomustab? Miks tekkis vajadus uue stiili järele? Nim päritolu, stiili sünd. - Kujundati kõike

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
12 allalaadimist

The art of dance

But why are people dancing? With the latest decades more and more people have started dancing. They all have their own reasons and ways how and why they’re doing it. Some of us do it to entertain others and themselves, some are doing it as an art form. There’s people, who are communicaiting by dancing and those who work out or even meditate by doing it. In my case, I’m doing it because of all the above. [2] What is „A Dance“? Dance is the art of movement of the body, usually rhythmically and to music, using prescribed or improvised steps and gestures. "A dance" is any one prescribed sequence of such movements, or the music to which it is performed, or an event at which it takes place. It can be categorized and described in various ways. Still there’s many generic similarities in dances from many different times and places. Theatrical dance, also called performance or concert dance, is intended primarily as a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


1. Indoneesia asub ekvaatoril, India ja Vaikse Ookeani vahel. Indoneesia koosneb 17 508 saarest, neist 6000-l elatakse püsivalt. Indoneesia jagab maapiiri Malaisiaga, Paapua Uus Guineaga ning Ida Timoriga. Merepiiri jaguneb Singapuri, Malaisia, Filipiinide ja Austraalia vahel. Indoneesia asub Vaikse Ookeani, Euraasia ja Austraalia laamade ristumiskohas, mille tõttu on riigi territooriumil vähemalt 150 aktiivset vulkaani, kaasaarvatud Krakatoa ja Tambora, mis on mõlemad kuulsad oma laastamistöö pärast 19. sajandil. Riigil on 54 716 km rannajoont. Indoneesia pindala on 1 904 569 km2. Indoneesia saarestik on olnud tähtis kaubandusregioon alates 7. sajandist, mil Sriwijaya riik ja hiljem ka Majapahiti impeerium kauplesid Hiina ja Indiaga. Indoneesia ajalugu on oluliselt mõjutanud tema loodusvarasid himustavad võõrriigid. Indoneesia kaart 2. Indoneesia asub Kagu-Aasias. Kagu-Aasia asub lähisekvatoriaalses ja ekvatoriaalse kliimavö...

Geograafia → Geograafia
33 allalaadimist

Maailma muldade põhjalik ülevaade

merSchool_2004/files%5CEnd_solz.pdf · fine-loamy, mixed, superactive Pachic Argicryoll · A Calcium carbonate in the subsoil is derived from 0-43the lime-rich parent material. These minerals dissolve in the upper profile where the moisture content is greater, leach downward, and precipitate in the lower profile where there is less soil moisture. Clay translocation in the upper profile often begins following the downward movement of carbonates in the soil. In this soil, clay translocation is evidenced by the formation of the Bt horizon. Wavy horizon boundaries can be seen on the right side of the badger in this case. Bt profile. These are the result of extensive animal burrowing, possibly 43-78 Bk1 78-98 Bk2 98-140

Geograafia → Geograafia
24 allalaadimist

Directing Fiction

Analysis Direction Fiction 20.02.2012 Monday Student: Regina Verner Instructor: Arvo Iho Baltic FIlm and Media School Film ''Down by the law''by Jim JArmuch is a black and white comedy/drama/crime. His main idea about the film was to create and develop a style to follow realistic and imperfect characters through familiar environments. The scene begins with a long shot, panoramic view of a city/town called New Orleans, feeling of a ol...

Pedagoogika → Haridus
7 allalaadimist

Jamaica Presentation

mammals in Jamaica, but there are many reptiles and lizards, including the Rastafarianism A religion with deep political convictions, Rastafarianism began in the slums of Jamaica in the 1920s and 30s. African religious tradition has heavily influenced the culture of Rastafarianism and biblical themes have heavily influenced the religion's belief system. The most famous Rastafari is arguably Bob Marley, whose reggae music gained the Jamaican movement international recognition. There is no formal, organized leadership in Rastafarianism, creating a wide variety of spiritual and moral variation within the religion. Some Rastafarians see Rasta more as a way of life, and others see it more as a religion. The nyabinghi, or binghi for short, is a nighttime drumming and dance ritual held Reggae music and Bob Marley · Robert Nesta Marley was a Jamaican singer-

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Uni ja puhkus - essee

lihaste ja meeleelundkonna töövõime, talletub informatsioon ent kõik ebavajalik kustutatakse ja ühtlasi toodetakse kasvuhormooni. Arvamine, et olles nädala sees vähe magada saanud, magatakse nädalavahetusega see aeg tasa, on vale. Unepuudusest taastuda on üsna raske ja paar päeva kauemat magamist ei korva neid öösid, mil unest on jäänud väheks. Uni koosneb väga erinevatest etappidest, mis öö jooksul korduvad. Uneaja saab jagada mitte-REM uneks ja REM uneks (REM ­ rapid eye movement ehk kiire silmaliikumine). Mitte-REM uni koosneb kolmest faasist, mil puhkab keha: 1. faas: kerge uni, kestab u 5 minutit, silmade liikumine aeglustub, lihased lõdvestuvad ja üles ärkamine ei valmista raskusi, seejuures tundub nagu ei oleks veel magama jäänudki, võib esineda spontaanset jäsemete liikumist või ehmatust, kuna magamajäämismomendil võib tunduda, nagu hakkaks kukkuma; 2

Meditsiin → Tervishoid
35 allalaadimist

USA ajaloo konspekt (algus-Mayflower Compact)

woodframe birthplace of the oppose the houses, white Declaration of spreaad of church steeples, Independence slavery traditional The lighthouses Progressive movement 4. Name the earliest English, French and Spanish settlements in North America. English: 1583-85 failed, 1607 in NC French: 1523-62 failed, 1608 in SC, Quebec, Great Lakes area Spanish: 1565-1609, Latin America (FL, NM) 5. Compare the early English, French and Spanish settlements in North America (location, aims, views of the Indians, government, tolerance).

Ajalugu → Ameerika ühiskond ja kultuur
4 allalaadimist

Futuristide subkultuur eestis, maailmas, ajaloost ja esindajatest

Futuristid FUTURISM: Futuristid on kirjanikud, luuletajad ja kunstnikud, kes hakkasid 20.ndal sajandil aretama uut kunstlist liikumist futurismi. ."Futurism" tuleb ladina keelsest sõnast futurum ­ tulevik. Futurism on 1909. aastal Itaalias tekkinud kunsti- ja kirjandusvool, millele on omane tehnika ja moodsa ühiskonna tormilise arengu ülistamine ja vanade kultuuritraditsioonide hülgamine. Ülistatakse sõda, tehnikat ja dünaamikat. Futurism väljendabki tänapäeva maailma kiirust ja eripalgelisust. Futuristid tahtsid kujutada suurlinlase mõttemaailma rahutuid muljeid. Nad väljendasid oma seisukohti manifestides, mida levitati erinevatel rahvakogumistel ja samuti ajakirjanduses. Futuristid tegelesid rohkelt enesereklaamiga, mis oli tihti kärarohke ning tekitas skandaale. Sellisest käitumisest on hiljem paljud kunstivoolud eeskuju võtnud. Püüti leida kunstilisi väljendusvahendeid kaasaaegse ja kiire elu ni...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia areng Eestis

Beheivioristlik programm (1899). 1894 Lloyd Morgan esitas oma kaanoni. Jacques Loeb (1859-1924) lõi oma tropismide teooria. Quite early, other Germans came to Loeb's support, among whom the best known were Th.Baer, A.Bethe and J. von Uexküll. In 1899 these three men published a joint paper in which they proposed to discard all psychological terms, like sensation, memory, and learning, and substitute objective terms: reception for sensation, reflex for fixed movement, -6- Psühholoogia Eestis J.Allik 2002 antiklise for modifiable movement, and resonance for memory or any dependence of behavior on past stimulation. Nor was it only the protozoa that seemed able to spare consciousness. The stereotyped behavior of the social insects, of the ants and bees, suggested that they might be robots (Boring, 1959, p. 625). Närvisüsteemi voolusängid (drainage)

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
124 allalaadimist

Queen Victoria and her time

adviser in affairs of state. For the rest of her reign she wore black. Widowhood Until the late 1860s she rarely appeared in public; although she never neglected her official Correspondence, and continued to give audiences to her ministers and official visitors, she was reluctant to resume a full public life. [7] Victoria's isolation from the public greatly diminished the popularity of the monarchy, and even encouraged the growth of the republican movement. Although she did perform her official duties, she did not actively participate in the government, remaining secluded in her royal residences, Balmoral in Scotland or her residence at Osborne in the Isle of Wight. Meanwhile, one of the most important pieces of legislation of the nineteenth century -- the Reform Act 1867 -- was passed by Parliament. Lord Palmerston was vigorously opposed to electoral reform, but his ministry ended upon his death in 1865. He was followed by Lord

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
5 allalaadimist

The renaissance period in England. Art and literature, development of drama. Dynasties, kings and queens.

fences. This process is called the enclosure (tarastamine). Peasants lost grass land, couldn't grow animals, had to move to big towns. Science and learning 1492 America was discovered by Columbus. Vasco da Gama found searoute to India (Suessi kanal 1950). Magalhaesi väin between South America and Tulemaa saar. He circumnavigated the Earth. Copernic claimed that the sun was the centre of the universe and other planets went around it. Establishment of Protestant churches movement was started by Martin Luther. Different branches of this movement in France Calvinism, Chatolic. Constant conflic between them in Ulster ( North-Ireland). In the 15th century printing was diccovered in Germany. 1476 a man called Caxton opened the first printing shop in London. Books became cheaper. Until that books were copied by clergyman. More books could be produced. Literacy spread, knowledge of reading. By te end of Renaissance half of the people could read.

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

American Literature

religion. American Enlightenment a gradual but powerful awakening that established the ideals of democracy, liberty, and religious tolerance in the people of America. If there were just one development that directly caused the American Revolution and uplifted the intellectual culture of the continent while it was only a British colony, it would be the American Enlightenment. Broadly, the Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that changed the fundamental perspective of the masses, urging them to foster skepticism and apply scientific principles in matters of religion and morality. Its chief values were: Liberty, Democracy, Republicanism, Religious Tolerance. The movement gained momentum with the publication of landmark texts like Thomas Paine's The Age of Reason, and the Jefferson Bible, but the most influential thinker was undoubtedly John Locke, whose ideas spread to the colonies and across Europe

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Anglo - Saxon

Contribution Anglo-Saxon art contributed some distinctive iconographic forms to the artistic mainstream and also stylistic elements. Manuscript painting made a major contribution to the evolution of Romanesque and, ultimately, Gothic art. The early Anglo-Saxon period is notable for its cemeteries, most of which are found in the southern and eastern parts of England. There is a substantial Anglo-Saxon contribution to the modern English gene pool - a large- scale population movement or immigration in the early Anglo-Saxon period. Readers today approach the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf with cultural preconceptions very different from those expressed by the author of this poem. . It has risen to national epic status in England. Used materials: PROJECT Anglo-Saxon

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
20 allalaadimist


gymnastics Kaur kramm 11.A The real thing Gymnastics is a sport involving performance of exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and balance. Internationally, all of the gymnastic sports are governed by the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) or International Federation of Gymnastics (IFG) with each country having its own national governing body affiliated to FIG. Competitive Artistic gymnastics is the best known of the gymnastic sports. Etymology The word derives from the Greek (gymnastike), fem. of (gymnastikos), "fond of athletic exercises", from (gymnasia), "exercise" and that from (gymnos), "naked", because athletes exercised and competed without clothing. Events The women's events: Men's events include uneven parallel bars floor exercise balance beam pommel horse floor exercise still rings Vault vault ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

The Republic of Cameroon

of mistreating and even torturing criminal suspects, ethnic minorities, homosexuals, and political activists · The National Assembly makes legislation. The body consists of 180 members who are elected for five-year terms and meet three times per year. Laws are passed on a majority vote. Rarely has the assembly changed or blocked legislation proposed by the president. · President Paul Biya's Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM) was the only legal political party until December 1990. Numerous ethnic and regional political groups have since formed · The last parliamentary elections were held on 22 July 2007. Education · Most children have access to free, state-run schools or private and religious facilities. The educational system is a mixture of British and French precedentswith most instruction in English or French. · Seven state-run universities serve Cameroon's student

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


· 3 breathing exercises: The Stimulating Breath Its aim is to raise vital (olulist) energy and increase alertness. Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in duration, but as short as possible. (hinga sisse ja välja tormakal läbi nina. Suu on kinni ja lõdvestunud) Try for three in-and-out breath cycles per second. This produces a quick movement of the diaphragm. Do not do for more than 15 seconds on your first try. Each time you practice the Stimulating Breath, you can increase your time by five seconds or so, until you reach a full minute. Breathe normally after each cycle. If done properly, you may feel invigorated, comparable to the heightened awareness you feel after a good workout. You should feel the effort (pingutus) at the back of the neck, the diaphragm, the chest and the abdomen (kõht)

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Aafrika muusika

Aafrika muusika Mairis Õispuu Rakke Gümnaasium 2011 Aafrika muusikast ja tantsust Aafrika muusika- ja tantsupärimus on suuline. Põhja- ning Lõuna-Aafrika muusika- ning tantsustiilid on erinevad - Põhjas on märgatav Araabia mõju, lõunapoolne kultuur on koloniaalajastul saanud mõjutusi Lääne muusikast ja tantsudest. Paljud Aafrika keeled on tonaalsed, st heli kõrgus määrab ära sõnade tähenduse. See avaldub ka Aafrika muusikalistes meloodiates ning rütmides. Kasutatakse erinevaid pille, sh kõige laiemalt trumme, samuti kellasid, vibupille, vilesid ja pasunaid. Aafrika tantsud on tähtsad kommunikatsioonivahendid, tantsijad kasutavad zeste, maske, kostüüme, kehamaalinguid ning erinevaid visuaalseid vahendeid. Põhiliigutused on tihtipeale lihtsad, rõhutatakse üksikuid kehaosi: ainult ülakeha, torsot või jalgu. Tantsitakse nii üksi kui väikeste gruppidena (kaks kuni kolm inimest)...

Muusika → Muusika
22 allalaadimist

Sajandivahetuse kunst. Sümbolism, juugend.

SAJANDIVAHETUSE KUNST Fin de siecele ehk La belle epoque ­ Üldnimetus 19. ja 20. sajandi vahetuse kohta kultuuriloos. Fin de siecle ­ pr k sajandi lõpp La belle epoque ­ pr k kaunis epohh (ajastu) See nimetus tekkis I maailmasõja ajal, verises kaoses, kui inimeste elu normaalsed pidepunktid said hävitatud. Nimetused on idealiseerivad, nostalgilised. Mõisted seonduvad lõbujanulise ajaveetmisega, nautlev elustiil, muretu olek(homse peale eriti ei mõeldud) Dekatents ­ ehk allakäik, arengu pidurdumine. Mandumine. Tekkis, kuna eriti järgmisele päevale ei mõeldud. Ei mõeldud mis edasi saab, elati ühes päevas, lõbutseti, ja tõi kaasa kultuurilises mõtte mandumise. Väikekodanlus ­ keskmisest jõukam linnakodanik, kes elab oma igapäevast muretut elu, keda ei huvita muud mured. Üldised mõjutajad: Nietzsche, Freud, sajadnilõpu hirmud, I maailmasõja eelõhtu. Friedrich Nietzsche oli saksa filosoof, kes mõjutas to...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
25 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun