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"method" - 406 õppematerjali

method - Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters.

Structural Testing Of Homebuilt Aircraft

We could take something it immediately straightens, as the develop in the region between the left like 25.3% for the first 20% wide wing buoyance exerts its "lift" along the and right half of the wing to almost full element, 23.9% for the next, etc. We entire board's length. There may be extent. Numerous wind tunnel investi- use the same interpolation method if complications here if, for example, we gations tend to confirm this, especially our wing has an AR between those have heavy fuel tanks sitting at the when proper wing fairings have been printed in the Table. We now have 6 wing tips, or wing-mounted engines, installed. We will simply assume that

Mehaanika → Abimehanismid
4 allalaadimist


particular group. You don’t see them in hostile neighbourhood, where they could be held hostage by the anger of that group. They are mostly in businesses which cater to every group – newspaper retailing, taxi/limousine, gas station ownership, and motel/hotel operators. The Jews have used to some extent this “Spider Web Economic” doctrine, but not on the scale of Indians. The Indians are its best ardent practitioners. It is the only and best economic method I have seen which can easily catapult an economy like ours out of its indolent state. I feel totally librated. I feel free. I feel I am in charge. I am in control. From here on, whatever happens is because I allowed it to happen. I have made what I believe is my own major contribution to the debate on the state of the Black Race. Whether you agree with me or not is immaterial. The only important

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

What is integrated care?

An overview of integrated care in the NHS What is integrated care? Research report Sara Shaw, Rebecca Rosen and Benedict Rumbold June 2011 Nuffield Trust work on integrated care This report is part of the Nuffield Trust's extensive programme of work on integrated care, which is examining the potential of new forms of care that are intended to benefit patients and taxpayers. Other related projects include: ·Integration in action: four international case studies. A study of four international organisations that have attempted to improve integration between health and care services. Interviews, documentary analysis and literature review are used to identify the main stimuli for integration and the issues that help or hinder progress; drawing out lessons for the NHS. ·Towards integrated care in Trafford. A project that looks at the process of change and lessons learned to date in Trafford, where NHS organisations have been worki...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö korraldus
13 allalaadimist

Semiootika KONSPEKT

kasutada entsüklopeediana, mitte õpikuna -> üldpildi saamiseks ei sobi.) · Umberto Eco ,,A Theory of Semiotics" · Mihhail Lotman ,,Struktuur ja vabadus I. Semiootika vaatevinklist" (esseed! Kasulik vaadata ,,Mis on semiootika?") · Floyd Merrel ,,This is Semiotics" · Ch. Morris ,,Foundations of the Theory of Signs" 1938 (esimene semiootika õpik) · Paul Cobley, Litza Jansz ,,Juhatus semiootikasse" (koomiksid) Carlo Ginzburg ,,Clues, Myths and the Historical Method," ,,Ajalugu, retoorika, tõendus" Tuna 4/2003 lk 100-118 ,,Ajaloo ööpoolel" 2010 1. Asjad ja jäljed Jälg on kõige elementaarsem märk. Indiaanlased panevad kõndided esimesena maha päka. Et saada teada, mida tähendab märk, peab olema objekt, mis märgi jätab ja see jälg olema eraldatud. Lisaks jäljele on oluline, millisel põhjal see märk on (mida jätab/ kus jätab/ jäg ise). Jälg on millegi moodi ­ jälg pole jälje moodi vaid on inimese moodi. 2. Jälg ja peegeldus

Semiootika → Semiootika
46 allalaadimist


One good way to learn words is to make flash cards. Use small cards made of thick paper, like index cards The cards should be small enough to fit in your pocket. On one side write the new word, then on the back write a synonym for the word. You may also want to note the meaning of the word. Review these cards as often as you can, perhaps with a friend who is preparing for the TOEFL. You will be able to build a large "sight vocabulary" by using this method. Do not be concerned if you are unable to actually use these words in conversation you have in English. With time, they will become a part of your active vocabulary. Your ability to use new words is not as important as your ability to recognize new words and their meanings. MAKE WORD LISTS Another good way to learn new words is to make word lists. Many students use a small notebook for this purpose. When you discover a new word, add it to a list of words to be learned.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

AutoCad I

Märgime, et sageli saab käsuga FILLET liigseid jooneotsi eemaldada lihtsamini kui seda käsuga TRIM (ümardamisraadiuseks tuleb siis võtta 0 ja mooduseks Trim). Käsuga CHAMFER teostatav nurkade faasimine on toimelt lähedane äsjavaadeldud kä- sule FILLET. Siin on võrreldes käsuga FILLET valiku Radius asemel kolm uut valikut: · Distance ­ nõutakse kummagi joone jaoks faasimiskaugust; · Angle ­ nõutakse esimese joone faasimiskaugust ja vastavat faasimisnurka; · Method ­ võimaldab ümber lülitada meetodeid Distance ja Angle. Suure faasimiskauguse puhul ei tarvitse faasimine õnnestuda ja ta jäetakse tegemata. Kord faasitud nurka saab uuesti faasida. Märgime, et lisaks ülalöeldule on käsud FILLET ja 34 CHAMFER kasutatavad ka ruumiliste kehade (Solid) servade ümardamiseks ja faasimiseks, kuid sellest tuleb lähemalt juttu alles juhendi teises osas.

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
326 allalaadimist

Riistvara ja tehniline dokumentatsioon

R IISTVARA JA TEHNILINE DOKUMENTATSIOON Koostanud: Indrek Zolk Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus 2007 Väljaandmist toetab: ???? ©Indrek Zolk, 2007 Eessõna Käesolev õppevahend sisaldab Tartu Kutsehariduskeskuse IKT osakonna õppeaine ,,Riist- vara ja tehniline dokumentatsioon" (hilisema nimega ,,Arvutite riistvara alused", ,,Arvutite lisaseadmed" ning ,,Dokumenteerimine") materjale. Kasutajajuhendite loomine toimub ope- ratsioonisüsteemi paigaldusjuhendi näitel, mistõttu on tähelepanu pööratud ka ketta partit- sioneerimise küsimustele. Laiale lugejaskonnale sobivaid eestikeelseid raamatuid on personaalarvutite riistvara kohta ilmunud võrdlemisi vähe. Aastal 2006 on küll välja antud R. Hooli tõlkes Mark Chambers'i ,,Arvuti ehitamine võhikutele"; käesolevas brosüüris on vähemalt pealtnäha rõhuasetus mit- te arvutimontaazil, vaid mitmesuguste komponentide oma...

Informaatika → Informaatika
94 allalaadimist

Tehisnärvivõrgud ja nende rakendused

Järgnevas vaatleme lühidalt kõige levinumaid õpialgoritme. Enamuses otsesuunatud ja tagasisidestatud närvivõrkude rakendustes kasutatakse nn. vea pöördlevi meetodid, kus igal sammul võrgu väljund võrreldakse sisendvektorile vastava etalonväljundiga ja selle vea alusel muudetakse parameetrid väljundist sisendini. Kõige levinum nendest meetoditest on "Gradient vea pöördlevi meetod". 1.4.1 Gradient vea pöördlevi meetod (Gradient descent error backpropagation method, ) See meetod põhineb veafunktsiooni (ehk kaofunktsiooni) gradienti arvutamisel. Võrgu õpetamise ülesannet võib vaadelda kui mitmemõõtelist optimeerimisülesannet. Defineerime veafunktsiooni: J (W , ) = (Y p - Y pd ) 2 , (1.14) k kus Yp - närvivõrgu väljundvektor ( Y p = NN ( X p , W , ) ); X p treeninguks kasutatavad sisendvektori väärtused;

Matemaatika → Süsteemiteooria
86 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö Ettevõtte esimene aasta AS Baltic Pack Est näitel

entrepreneur worked very hard (also worked in the evenings and in the weekends). The author also came to the conclusion that a key component of successful entrepreneurship is having the right employees. It is also vital that the entrepreneur gets along well with the partners, clients, colleagues and competitors. This research could be continued by interviewing more entrepreneurs but it must be considered that interviewing takes a lot of time, so using a similar method of long interviews would only be optimal to research a small number of companies. 37 LISAD Lisa 1 Küsimused intervjueeritavale 1. Mis haridus oli enne äri alustamist (ja kust saadud)? 2. Mis tööd olite varem teinud? 3. Kas töötasite äri alustamise kõrvalt ka kellenagi? Kellena? 4. Kuidas see andis kaasa firma loomisele? 5. Kui vana olite äri alustamisel? 6

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
102 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 2016/2017 eksami materjal

Tarkvaratehnika: Loeng 1:  Taust: o Tarkvara iseloom o Kõrgenenud nõudmised:  Suuremad süsteemid  Keerulisemad süsteemid  Kiiremini  Erinevad näited vigadest mis on tehtud: o Ariane Crash 1996 kosmosesüstiku alla kukkumine, tuli välja et selle alla kukkumise põhjuseks oli tarkvarasüsteemis viga ilmus trajektoori osas. o Therac-25 kiiritusravi andmises tehti viga kasutaja liideses, kus pandi vale täht ühte kohta, mille tulemusena anti 125 kordne doos patsiendile. o MCO marsi satelliidi maandumise ebaõnnestumine, nimelt tarkvara arvutas vale trajektoori, kuna oli kaks eri pikkusühikut ehk meetreid ja naela.  Tarkvaratehnika ajalugu: o Esmakordselt kasutati seda NATO-s 1968, oli mõeldud ideena, kuidas to...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
50 allalaadimist


(Letters). Põhidokumenti saab hiljem redigeerida, täpsustada adressaatide nimekirja või ühendada uue andmetabeliga (andmebaasiga). Hulgipostituse koostamisel ümbrikele aadresside lisamiseks või aadresslipikute (siltide) koostamiseks tuleb määrata Ümbrikud (Envelopes) või Sildid (Labels) nupust, valikust Suvandid (Options) ümbriku või lipiku suuruse tüüp (mõõtmeid saab muuta, nt valik Kohandatud suurus, Uus silt) ja printimissuvanditest söötmisviis (Feed method, kuidas ümbrikke printerisse ette antakse). 35 Infotöötlus MS Word 2010 (2007) Ümbrikute tüüpidest C4 mahutab A4 paberi, C5 pool A4paberit (A4 paber pooleks murtuna), C6 post- kaardisuurune ümbrik. Ümbrikud ja sildid (Envelopes and Labels) dialoogaknas (vt allpool olevat joonist) saab määrata saatja

Informaatika → Infotöötlus
108 allalaadimist

Tehisnärvivõrgud ja nende rakendamine

Järgnevas vaatleme lühidalt kõige levinumaid õpialgoritme. Enamuses otsesuunatud ja tagasisidestatud närvivõrkude rakendustes kasutatakse nn. vea pöördlevi meetodid, kus igal sammul võrgu väljund võrreldakse sisendvektorile vastava etalonväljundiga ja selle vea alusel muudetakse parameetrid väljundist sisendini. Kõige levinum nendest meetoditest on "Gradient vea pöördlevi meetod". 1.4.1 Gradient vea pöördlevi meetod (Gradient descent error backpropagation method, ) See meetod põhineb veafunktsiooni (ehk kaofunktsiooni) gradienti arvutamisel. Võrgu õpetamise ülesannet võib vaadelda kui mitmemõõtelist optimeerimisülesannet. Defineerime veafunktsiooni: J (W , ) = (Y p - Y pd ) 2 , (1.14) k kus Yp - närvivõrgu väljundvektor ( Y p = NN ( X p , W , ) ); X p treeninguks kasutatavad sisendvektori väärtused;

Informaatika → Infoharidus
6 allalaadimist


Konstruktsioo- Form of structure Type de struc- Art des Trag- Rakennetyyppi ni liik ture werks Ehitusmaterjal Construction ma- Matèriau de Baustoff; Rakennusmate- terial construction Werkstoff riaali Ehitise (konst- Type of construc- Mode de Bautyp Rakenteen mate- ruktsiooni) tion construction riaali tüüp Ehitusviis Method of con- Procèdè Bauverfahren Rakennustapa struction d'execution Konstruktiivne Structural system Systéme Tragsystem Rakennejärjes- süsteem structural telmä Tähised (1) Sõltuvalt kontekstist kasutatakse järgmisi tähiseid -- G vähendustegur, 0 -- muutuva koormuse kombinatsioonitegur, 1 -- muutuva koormuse tavalise väärtuse kombinatsioonitegur,

Ehitus → Kivikonstruktsioonid
107 allalaadimist

Murdmaasuusataja treeningprotsess ja sauna kasutamine taastumisvahendina

The set hypothesis, that sauna bathing after intensive training sessions can be more exhausting to the organism than after basic aerobic trainings, was confirmed. More similar deductions with less found proof were also made. Additional extensive research is needed on this topic due to lack of resources this experiment confronted. In conclusion, this research gave a moderately comprehensive overview of endurance training with the specialities of cross-country skiing and sauna bathing as a method of recovery from training, focusing on experimentally found connections between characteristics of training and effect of sauna after training. Technical and tactical elements of cross-country skiing were beyond the scope of this research. Information given about training and found about recovery by sauna bathing could come useful to athletes, trainers and other associated people in cross-country skiing, but also in other disciplines. 53

Sport → Suusatamine
12 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

serviceable to his purpose. But of that more in another place. I do not think our author so little skilled in the way of writing discourses of this nature, nor so careless of the point in hand, that he by over-sight commits the fault, that he himself, in his Anarchy of a mixed Monarchy, p. 239. objects to Mr. Hunton in these words: Where first I charge the author, that he hath not given us any definition, or description of monarchy in general; for by the rules of method he should have first defined. And by the like rule of method Sir Robert should have told us, what his fatherhood or fatherly authority is, before he had told us, in whom it was to be found, and talked so much of it. But perhaps Sir Robert found, that this fatherly authority, this power of fathers, and of kings, for he makes them both the same, p. 24. would make a very odd and frightful

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

The Danes invaded East Anglia, Northumbria, Mercia and established their kingdom- Danelaw Even being christianized, they retained their systems of manorial organization, land measurement, law and social differentiations. Norwegians captured Dublin and established ther kingdom, which lasted 35 years Ethelred the Unready and Danegeld Ethelred was the king of England Notorious for payments for attacking Vikings- danegeld, based on the angient method of assessing land in hides, so much per hide An inefficial ruler, failed to prevent England being ran over by the Danes Ordered a massacre for Danes Danish king Swein conquered England and Ethelred was sent to exile in Normandy, he returned and got a victory over the danes, Canute/Cnut Cnut was the king of Denmark, Norway and England, all England in 1016, was set out to rule as a rightful king Acted ruthlessly to secure the trone: seversl

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Loeng 1  Neuropsühholoogia alustalad: aju hüpotees – idee, et käitumise allikas on aju neuroni hüpotees – idee, et ajustruktuuri ja funktsiooni ühikuks on neuronid. Aju funktsionaalsed ühikud on neuronid  Aju hierarhiline ülesehitus ja seos evolutsiooniga. Vanemates ajuosades, nagu ajutüvi, asuvad eluspüsimiseks kriitilisemad funktsioonid Prefontar Cortex Cerebral Cortex Limbic System Cerebellum Brain Stem  Närvisüsteemi osad, nende omavahelised suhted 1. Kesknärvisüsteem; ST: peaaju, seljaaju; FN: intergratsiooni ja kontrollikeskus 2. Perfeerne/Somaatiline NS; ST: kraniaal- ja seljaaju närvid; FN: kommunikatsioonikanal KNS ja ülejäänud keha vahel Sensoorne e aferentne NS; ST: somaatilised ja vistseraalsed sensoorsed närvikiud; FN juhib impulsid retseptoritelt KNS-i Motoorne e eferentne NS; ST:motoorsed närvikiud FN: juhib impulsid KNS-st efektoritele (lihastesse ja näärmetesse Somaatiline e tahtlik (sig...

Psühholoogia → Psüholoogia
131 allalaadimist


ISIKSUSE PSÜHHOLOOGIA METATEOORIAD 07.09 Gordon Allport- isiksuse psüh isa OMADUS- Temperament- bioloogiline osa isiksusest METATEOORIA- viis isiksuse mõistmiseks. Postulaatide kogum. Kontrollitav ja peab sobima teadaolevate faktidega, selle raames saab sõnastada spetsiifilisemaid teooriaid. Bioloogiline lähenemine (reduktsionism)- Eysenck, Zuckerman. Ütleb et individuaalsed tulevad bioloogilistest erinevustest ja nt sotsiaalsest õppimisest. Ekstravertsus on tegelikult dopamiin. Teaduse eesmärk taandada keerulist lihtsamale. Isomorfsuse küsimus- kas isiksusejoonte= bioloogilised süsteemid? DNA-> neuroloogia->biokeemia->füsioloogia­>tingimine->sots käitumine->omadused Hübriidteooria Kognitiiv- käitumuslik teooria (Mischel, Markus) Kahe protsessi teooria- kontrollitud ja automaatsete protsesside eristamine. 2 otsustussüsteemi- kiire ja aeglane Elukäiguteooria- eakohased sostiialsed ootu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

that, if I were to explain things properly, she would have to listen to a story of mine. Actually, it isn't my story; it's about mother turkeys, and it belongs to the relatively new science of ethology-the study of animals in their natural settings. Turkey mothers are good mothers-loving, watchful, and protective. They spend much of their time tending, warming, cleaning, and huddling their young beneath them; but there is something odd about their method. Virtually all of this mothering is triggered by one thing: the "cheep-cheep" sound of young turkey chicks. Other identifying features of the chicks, such as their smell, touch, or appearance, seem to play minor roles in the mothering process. If a chick makes the cheep-cheep noise, its mother will care for it; if not, the mother will ignore or sometimes kill it. The extreme reliance of maternal turkeys upon this one sound was dramati-

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Laste intubeerimine ja ekstubeerimine

Mansson, M. E. 2002. Lapsel on vaja teada. Tallinn:Kirjastus Ingel, 28-30 Maquire, G. P. (1994). Unplanned extubation in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Nursing, 17(3): 40­47. Martin, E. A.(toim.) 2003. A Dictionary of Nursing. Oxford: University Press Matilainen, E. 2001. Õe käsiraamat. Tallinn: AS Medicina Miller, R. D.(toim.) 2005. Miller`s Anesthesia. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2796 Monaco, F. J., Meredith, K. S. (2005). Diagnostic and Therapeutic Method: a bench test evaluation of a neonatal closed tracheal suction system.// Pediatric Pulmonology, 13(2), 121-123 Morton, P. G., Fontaine, D., Hudak, C. M., Gallo, B. M. 2005. Critical Care Nursing: a holistic approach. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 525 Mowery, B., Suddaby, E. C. (2001). ECG Interpretation: what is different in children?// Pediatric Nursing, 5 Mustajoki, M., Maanselkä, S., Alila, A., Hyvärinen, S., Huttunen, R., Rasimus, M. 2001. Õe käsiraamat

Meditsiin → Õenduse alused
94 allalaadimist

Majanduse alused

1.11. Majanduse alusmõisted Eesti keeles Inglise keeles Vene keeles Majanduse alusmõisted. Fundamentals of Economics. ökonoomika economics Ceteris paribus ,,Other ­things-equal" assumption, « » ,,Muude tingimuste samaks Ceteris paribus jäädes" põhimõtted Principles Teaduslik meetod Scientific method seos tradeoffs piiranalüüs Marginal analysis kompositsiooniviga Fallacy of composition Positiivne tõus Positive slope Verikaalne ja horisontaalne Infinite and zero slopes Vertikaalne kõver Vertical intercept Sõltuv muutuja Dependent variable

Majandus → Majanduse alused
190 allalaadimist


1966 Steven Gray founds the Amateur Computer Society, and begins publishing the ACS Newsletter. Some consider this to be the birth-date of personal computing. International Research Corp. is incorporated by Wayne Pickette as a one man, California corporation. Purpose, to research educational resources and technological improvements for education. 1967 The first Consumer Electronics Show is held in New York City. International Research applies for a patent for a method of constructing double sided magnetic tape utilizing a MU-Metal Foil Inter layer. Legal problems with a professor at the University of North Carolina, cause Wayne Pickette to drop the quest for that patent. Wayne Pickette makes acquaintence with the famous entrepreneur Arthur Rock of San Francisco. IBM builds the first floppy disk. Seymour Papert designed LOGO as a computer language for children. 1968 Edsger Dijkstra's "GO TO considered harmful" letter, published in Communications of the

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist


consumption habits in clothing, haircuts, makeup and styles among women; 4) based on the research, do the conclusion about the changes of womens’ preferences, and give your own suggestions to companies of beauty treatment area, service- and sales corporations,some suggestions to a female consumer about supplementing their beauty standards also. This is a final paper in which a combine method is used. In order to complete this research, semantic-differential survey has been carried out. The objects of study are women living in Estonia whose age is at least 25 years. 110 enquiries have been analyzed. As the results and conclusions of the final paper, it may be pointed out that the women from all over Estonia, who were examined, were mainly in the age group from 25 to 45 years. Majority of women has an income over 650€, which leads to

Majandus → Kaubandus ökonoomika
10 allalaadimist


of liabilities has decreased. The vertical analysis of the profit and loss statement shows that the business costs of the enterprise studied have decreased year by year on the account of labour costs, which, in turn, have decreased during all three years studied. The percentage of interest costs has increased namely on the account of servicing a long-term bank loan. As the result of analysing the solvency of AS Even by way of a method of ratios, it becomes evident that the ratios of solvency have decreased over the years and that the level of liquidity of the enterprise is low. Consequently, the enterprise experiences difficulties in covering the short-term claims of creditors. The analysis of the efficacy of ratios shows that the enterprise's policy of paying by instalments has gradually become less strict. The analysis of the ratios of the use of foreign capital that the enterprise used a financial

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
415 allalaadimist


1) (või 1000) Üldtingimused 2) Ehitusplatsi tööd 3) Betoonitööd 4)Müüritööd ...... 15) Santehnilised tööd 16) Elekter 2. I astme alljaotus (sektsioonid) nt 3100 ­ bet. raketisetöö 3. II astme alljaotused nt 3155 ­ talade raketised Täiendatakse neljanda koodipositsiooniga ­konkreetsed kulukirjed (tööd ja konstruktiivsed elemendid) nt 3155 0020 ­ konkreetsed mõõtmed sellel ajal vm. Kui see jaotus on veel ebapiisav, rakendat. WBS. SMM ­ Standard Method of Measurement s.o. tuntuim rahvusvaheline klassifikatsioon. Eriti inglise ja prantsuse keelt kõnelevates Eriehituses eraldi väljaanne CESMM3 (Civil Engineering) See pakub välja teat. süst. Kulupositsioonide rakendamiseks. Omaette ehitusvaldkonda tuuakse välja Civil Engineering (nt sillad, maanteed klassifikatsioon) SMM on nii kulude klassi, süsteem kui ka mõõtmisjuhend. Lk 8. teine pool Alates SMM7 mõõtmisjuhised klassif. tabeli osaks. See süsteem on aluseks tellija töömahtude

Ehitus → Ehituse maksumusehindamine
323 allalaadimist

Kasumiaruande skeemi 2 vastavus EFS-ile ja analüüs lõputöö

• Identification of information in the company’s internal accounting policies and procedures regarding the accounting and organization of reporting for income and expense; • Identification of income and expense necessary to prepare an income statement with layout 2; • Overview of the nature of the income statement analysis with an analysis of the structure of income statement used by Vinare Logistika OÜ. The author of the thesis uses a quantitative method for writing the thesis. Document collection is done by viewing the documentation and by conducting a semi-structured interview with the management. The author uses deductive approach in drawing final conclusions. Income statement layout 2 emphasises gross profit obtained by deducting the cost of goods and services sold from sales revenue. Writing the thesis, it became apparent that the company had not addressed cost of marketing and cost of sales in accordance with the legislation

Majandus → Majandusarvestus
7 allalaadimist

VA dokumendi- ja arhiivihalduse kriisireguleerimise analüüs

crisis emerge, and how they should be protected according to HOVS; · To make suggestions how to plan solving the crisis and how to improve the legislation. The master's thesis' exploratory task is to evaluate the government offices' readiness in solving the crisis of document and archive management. Written inquiry and literature, legal acts', standards' and databases' (including internet) analysis were used as a method. After analyzing the received inquiries, the author gives the following suggestions: · To compose the crisis regulation plans that include different fields' prevention and security measures in order to achieve unitary readiness for the emergencies; · To unify the legislation, so that the different fields would adhere with each other; · To develop unified methodology for conducting document and archive

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
88 allalaadimist


3-10,12,14, kaks Täiskasvanute astet. 1939. 129 ülesannet: 2-22 aastani 1960. 142 ülesannet: 2-22 aastani 1972. Restandardiseerimine 1985. neljas versioon 1. Suur standardiseerimise grupp 2. IQ kasutamine 3. Hoolikalt koostatud skoorimisjuhend. Alates 1921 aastast nn. geeniuste uuring - 5 köidet “Genetic Studies of Genius” B. Robert M. Yerkes (1876-1956): 6. aprillil 1917 Woodrow Wilson kuulutas USA astunuks I Maailmasõtta. Yerkes, R.M. (1917) The Binet versus the point scale method of measuring intelligence. J. Applied Psychology, 1,111-122. Army Testing Project: 1. Test peab olema grupitest. 2. Mõõtma võimekust, mis sõltuks võimalikult vähe haridusest. 3. Test peab olema kasvava raskusega: lihtne madala võimekusega, raske kõrge võimekusega inimestele. 4. Testimise aeg peab olema kuni 1 tund. Army Alpha Test:8 alltesti (verbaalsed ülesanded) Army Beta Test:7 alltesti (m.verbaalsed ülesanded) 1919 aasta alguseks oli testitud 1 726 966 meest. M.A.=13.08 a.; 47

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
388 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

HAMLET Slanders, sir: for the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that their faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams: all which, sir, though I most powerfully and potently believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for yourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward. LORD POLONIUS [Aside] Though this be madness, yet there is method in 't. Will you walk out of the air, my lord? HAMLET 64 Into my grave. LORD POLONIUS Indeed, that is out o' the air. Aside How pregnant sometimes his replies are! a happiness that often madness hits on, which reason and sanity could not so prosperously be delivered of. I will leave him, and suddenly contrive the means of meeting between him and my daughter.—My honourable lord, I will most humbly take my leave of you. HAMLET

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Uurimustöö alused

Pealkiri: UURIMISTÖÖ ALUSED JA METOODIKA 2 SISUKORD 1.TEADUSTÖÖ ALUSED............................................................................................4 1.1Teadustöö põhimõisted..........................................................................................4 1.2Teaduskraadid ja nimetused.................................................................................. 8 1.3Teaduslik tunnetus.................................................................................................9 1.4Teaduslik tunnetus realiseerub teadustöö kaudu.................................................12 1.5Teadustöö tingimused..........................................................................................12 1.6Uurimuse kolm huvi............................................................................................13 1.7Mitmesugused...

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö alused ja...
1063 allalaadimist

Ehitus maksumusehindamine I kt konspekt

Nt 03 10 00 – betooni raketisetööd 3) 2. astme alljaotised Nt 03 15 50 – talade raketised Täiendatakse neljanda koodipositsiooniga – konkreetsed kulukirjed (tööd ja konstruktiivsed elemendid). Kui selline jaotus ebapiisav, rakendatakse nn WBS („work breakdown structure“) süsteemi – selline koodi süsteemil piire pole. Uniclass - süsteem Tegu on Inglismaal kasutuses oleva kulude kodeerimissüsteemiga. Selle kodeerimissüsteemi alusel on koostatud SMM (Standard Method of Measerement), mille näol on tegu mahtude mõõtesüsteemiga. Tänapäeval on see asendatud NRM2 (New Rules of Measurement 2) kõitega, mis on edasiarendus. Tsiviilehituses eraldi väljaanne CESMM 4 (Civil Engineering SMM). Sisaldab endas nii kulude klassifikatsioonisüsteemi kui ka mõõtmisjuhiseid. See on aluseks tellija töömahuloendi (BoQ – Bill of Quantities) koostamiseks. Põhimõtteline hierarhiline struktuur: 1 tase E Pinnasetööd ja alused

Ehitus → Ehituse maksumusehindamine
109 allalaadimist

Kaitsealade külastuskoormuse hindamise juhend: seiremeetodite arendamine ja rakendamine

alused. Rmt: Kurtna järvestiku looduslik seisund ja selle areng. 3.-5. nov. 1986.a. toimunud ametkondadevahelise nõupidamise ettekannete kogumik. ENSV Metsamajanduse ja Looduskaitse Ministeerium, ENSV TA Geoloogia Instituut, ENSV TA Geograafia Selts, TRÜ geograafia kateeder, ELKNÜ KK NTSN. lk 202-207. Ahas, R. Aasa, A., Roose, A., Mark, Ü., Silm, S. 2008. Mobile positioning as a new data source and method for tourism surveys: an Estonian Case Study. Tourism Management 29 (3), 469-486. Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Silm, S., Tiru, M. 2007. Mobile positioning data in tourism studies and monitoring: case study in Tartu, Estonia. In: Sigala, M., Mich, L., Murphy, J. (Eds.), Springer Computer Science: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, pp. 119-128. Alexander, M. 2008. Management Planning for Nature Conservation. A Theoretical Basis

Loodus → Loodus
7 allalaadimist

Energy - põhjalik referaat energiast

Gas turbines are commonly used when electricity utility usage is in high demand. In 2007, 21.6% of the nation's electricity was fueled by natural gas. Petroleum can also be used to make steam to turn a turbine. Residual fuel oil, a product refined from crude oil, is often the petroleum product used in electric plants that use petroleum to make steam. Petroleum was used to generate about two percent (2%) of all electricity generated in U.S. electricity plants in 2007. Nuclear power is a method in which steam is produced by heating water through a process called nuclear fission. In a nuclear power plant, a reactor contains a core of nuclear fuel, primarily enriched uranium. When atoms of uranium fuel are hit by neutrons they fission (split), releasing heat and more neutrons. Under controlled conditions, these other neutrons can strike more uranium atoms, splitting more atoms, and so on. Thereby, continuous fission can take place, forming a chain reaction releasing heat

Keeled → Inglise keele foneetika ja...
18 allalaadimist


Alice's message in its original form is known as plaintext, or cleartext. Alice encrypts her plaintext message using an encryption algorithm so that the encrypted message, known as ciphertext, looks unintelligible to any intruder. Interestingly, in many modern cryptographic systems, including those used in the Internet, the encryption technique itself is known - published, standardized, and available to everyone. Clearly, if everyone knows the method for encoding data, then there must be some bit of secret information that prevents an intruder from decrypting the transmitted data. This is where keys come in. Alice provides a key - a string of numbers or characters, as input to the encryption algorithm. The encryption algorithm takes the key and the plaintext as input and produces ciphertext as output. Similarly, Bob will provide a key to the decryption algorithm, that takes the ciphertext and Bob's key as input and produces the

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist

Autocad II

in the M direction: ja Enter mesh size in the N direction: võrgujoonte arvu kahes suunas. Lubatud väärtused on 2 kuni 256 (kaasa arvatud). Pindade 3DFACE servade nähtavust saab tagantjärele muuta käsuga `EDGE. Käivitami- sel ilmutatakse viip Specify edge of 3dface to toggle visibility or [Display]:. Serva(de) valimisega muudetatakse nad nähtamatu(te)ks. Tähe D sisestamine toob nähtamatud servad kriipsjoonega esile ja ilmutab viiba Enter selection method for display of hidden edges [Select/All] : Tühisisestusega tuuakse kõik nähtamatud servad esile; valitud servad muudetakse nähtavaks. Kahemõõtmelise võrgu loomiseks on kasutusel ka käsk 3DMESH. Alustatakse võrgu- joonte arvu küsimisest mõlemas suunas viipadega Enter size of mesh in M direction: ja Enter size of mesh in N direction:. Lubatavad arvud on 2 kuni 256 (kaasa arvatud). Nüüd

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
187 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse - KONSPEKT

TLÜ RASI Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse Mikko Lagerspetz, Sofia Joons, Peeter Vihma 1.MILLEGA TEGELEB SOTSIOLOOG?......................................................................................3 2.SOTSIOLOOGIA KUI TEADUS................................................................................................ 7 3.STRUKTUUR JA FUNKTSIOON............................................................................................ 11 4.SOTSIAALSED NORMID JA VÄÄRTUSED..........................................................................15 5.SOTSIAALSED ROLLID..........................................................................................................19 6.SOTSIAALSED RÜHMAD.......................................................................................................22 7.SOTSIAALSED ORGANISATSIOONID.................................................................................24 8.JUHTIMINE JA AUTORITE...

Sotsioloogia → Sissejuhatus sotsioloogiasse
178 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise e-konspekt

In conclusion the objective of post-graduation paper was completed. It is possible to divide project management knowledge into small modules, describe them with metadata and reuse learning objects. The modulation succeeded because the main knowledge source PMI PMBOK Guide is well structured. That book provides a good overview of Project Management field, without forcing users to read deep details of some method. In process of making the real learning objects transpired that it is reasonable to make small changes in activity tree. It included the capacity and content of modules to improve reusability but in top levels the structure stayed unchangeable. The metadata database (supporting product of post-graduation paper) is usable in other courses and training materials design. It helps to reuse of learning objects maid for one course to in other. In

Informaatika → Infosüsteemi projekteerimine
39 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

"--and asked Elizabeth whether she could at all understand him? "Not at all," was her answer; "but depend upon it, he means to be severe on us, and our surest way of disappointing him will be to ask nothing about it." Miss Bingley, however, was incapable of disappointing Mr. Darcy in anything, and persevered therefore in requiring an explanation of his two motives. "I have not the smallest objection to explaining them," said he, as soon as she allowed him to speak. "You either choose this method of passing the evening because you are in each other's confidence, and have secret affairs to discuss, or because you are conscious that your figures appear to the greatest advantage in walking; if the first, I would be completely in your way, and if the second, I can admire you much better as I sit by the fire." "Oh! shocking!" cried Miss Bingley. "I never heard anything so abominable. How shall we punish him for such a speech?"

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Eesti eluasemefondi puitkorterelamute ehitustehniline seisukord ning prognoositav eluiga

Eesti Standardikeskus, 2001. EVS-EN 12354 Building acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements. Eesti Standardikeskus, 2005. EVS-EN 12828. Hoonete küttesüsteemid. Vesiküttesüsteemide projekteerimine. Heating systems in buildings - Design for water-based heating systems. Eesti Standardikeskus, 2003. EVS-EN 13829. Thermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings – Fan pressurization method. Eesti Standardikeskus; 2001. EVS-EN 15251. Sisekeskkonna algandmed hoonete energiatõhususe projekteerimiseks ja hindamiseks, lähtudes siseõhu kvaliteedist, soojuslikust mugavusest, valgustusest ja akustikast (Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy 311 performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics. Eesti Standardikeskus, 2010. EVS-EN ISO 13788

Ehitus → Ehitusfüüsika
66 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liidu eksamikonspekt

ning poliitikaprotsesside kohandumise järgi. Probleemiks on aga euroopastumise nö astme määramatus, ehk seda ei ole võimalik määrata. EL dimensiooniga arvestamine pea kõigis poliitikavaldkondades, erineval määral. Euroopastumise kolm mehhanismi (Knill) 1. Positiivne integratsioon 2. Negatiivne integratsioon 3. Piiritlev integratsioon Avatud koordinatsioonimeetod (open method of coordination). Poliitikate ülevõtmine (üles-, ja allalaadimine, horisontaalne ülevõtmine). Mõju nii läbi poliitika sisu, institutsionaalse korralduse kui ka osapoolte rolli. 13. EL&EV: pingest põhiseaduse, rahvusvahelise õiguse ja supranatsionaalse õiguse vahel ESM näitelKursuse materjal Pingete lahendamise kontekstis kipub reeglina kehtima põhimõte, et mida detailsemalt on õigused ja

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
35 allalaadimist


The target of current thesis was to create such a methodical material for kindergarten teachers for teaching sustainability and the principes of community to 6-7-year old children. The thesis was based mainly on the theoretical works of: Lovelock (1979), Sahtouris (1999), Timoštšuk (2005, 2010), Cohen (1985), Delanty (2009), Bauman (2001), Brügge, Glanz & Sandell (2008). In order to find ideas for methodical material, an empirical survey I using the method of participateory observation and unstructured interview was conducted in 3 biggest European ecovillages (Damanhur, Sieben Linden ja Tamera) and their kindergartens and in 3 comparable organisations in Estonia (Community of Lilleoru, Rosma waldorfkindergarten and in 1 municipal kindergarten „Pallipõnn” in Tallinn). Empirical suvery I was carried out from february to march 2010-2012. As a result of this survey, it was concluded that 1) in order to learn sustainability and

Pedagoogika → Eelkoolipedagoogika
27 allalaadimist


Õiguskantsler oma arvamust ei esitanud. Priit Kama Asekantsler 72 SUMMARY Constitutionality of Imprisonment Act Article 90 Sections 3 and 5. This thesis is written in Estonian, it consists of 55 pages. It references to 91 sources, which includes literature, legislation and legal practice, 77 of the sources are in Estoninan and 13 in foreign language. The thesis is written following deductive method. The aim of this thesis is to determin the constitutionality of restrictive measures established by the Imprisonment Act article 90 sections 3 and 5. A hypothesis was set that the restrictive measures established to the detainees by the Imprisonment Act article 90 sections 3 and 5 are not in accordance with The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia articles 19, 20, 26 and 34. An importante incentive on choice of subject was that the topic is problematic and actual with

Õigus → Avalik õigus
29 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

(6): (6) The present King of France is bald. Definite descriptions 15 We turn, then, to the inconsistent set of statements corresponding to J1­J6 above, replacing "(1)" with "(6)" and relettering the statements with "K" instead of "J." (Thus, statement K1 is "(6) is meaningful (significant, not meaningless)," K2 is "(6) is a subject­predicate sentence," and so on.) Now, let us paraphrase (6) according to the foregoing method: At least one person is presently King of France [more perspicuously, presently kings France], and at most one person is presently King of France, and whoever is presently King of France is bald. No problem. The first of the foregoing three conjuncts is simply false, since no one kings France at present; so (6) itself comes out false on Russell's analysis. When we first stated the puzzle, it looked as though one had to reject

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Kanjimärkide morfoloogilisi seletusi. Võrdlev analüüs märgisõnastike kanji etümoloogiatest.

teemile omastes morfoloogilistes mehhanismides. J¨argmise etapina n¨aeksin toodud mudelile vastava kvantitatiivset anal¨ uu ¨si v~oimaldava andmebaasi u ¨lesehitust, mis lisaks m¨argis~onastiku funktsioonile toimiks ka Shirakawa morfoloogia seesmise konsistentsuse kontrollina. 83 Kirjandus [BG 79] Hanna Buczynska-Gartwicz, Peirce's Method of Triadic Analysis of Signs , Semiotica vol. 26 3/4 1979, pp. 251­9. [Boltz 96] William G. Boltz, Early Chinese Writing , in Peter T. Daniels and William Bright (editors) The World's Writing Systems , Oxford University Press 1996 [Boltz 99] William G. Boltz, Language and Writing , in Michael Loewe and Edward L. Shaughnessy (editors) The Cam- bridge History of Ancient China. From the Origins of Civ-

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuuriajalugu
3 allalaadimist

BIOinformaatika kodutöö 5

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, One Cyclotron Road, MS 64-121, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA REFERENCE 10 (residues 1 to 744) AUTHORS Adams,M.D., Celniker,S.E., Gibbs,R.A., Rubin,G.M. and Venter,C.J. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (21-MAR-2000) Celera Genomics, 45 West Gude Drive, Rockville, MD 20850, USA COMMENT REVIEWED REFSEQ: This record has been curated by NCBI staff. The reference sequence was derived from AAF55980. Method: conceptual translation. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..744 /organism="Drosophila melanogaster" /db_xref="taxon:7227" /chromosome="3R" Protein 1..744 /product="CG7069-PA" /name="CG7069 gene product from transcript CG7069-RA" /calculated_mol_wt=83867 Region 1..410 /region_name="Pyruvate_Kinase"

Informaatika → Bioinformaatika
45 allalaadimist


NB. Буквосочетания -du- и -tu- в заударнoм слоге читаются [dZu] и [t∫u] соответственно, а не [dju] и [tju] (за исключением малоупотребительных слов). 23. plough [plaV] (n) плуг wheeled plough колесный плуг plough (v) пахать ploughing method способ вспашки 24. to farm land обрабатывать землю farmer земледелец farming земледелие 25. corn 1. зерно 17 2. US кукуруза (Indian corn) 26. trade outlet to Europe центр торговли с Европой 27

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist

Tõmbeomadused kuumutamisel

Test Type Tension Method Name C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsInstronBluehillTemplatesInstron Example Sample name C:Documents and SettingsAndres KrummeDesktopAlina,Olga,Inga,wool_1,is_tens User Sample note 1 Sample note 2 Sample note 3 Geometry Fiber Specimen 1 Specimen label Width 10,000000000 mm Thickness 1,000000000 mm Length 20,000000000 mm Diameter 10,000000000 mm Inner diameter 8,000000000 mm Outer diameter 10,000000000 mm Wall thickness 1,000000000 mm Area 0,100000000 cm^2 Linear density 22,200000000 dtex Sled weight 10,000000000 N Loading span 10,000000000 mm Support span 100,000000000 mm Span ratio 2 Fixture type 4-point Included Final...

Materjaliteadus → Kiuteadus
6 allalaadimist

Maaelamute sisekliima, ehitusfüüsika ja energiasääst I

EHITISTE PROJEKTEERIMISE INSTITUUT Maaelamute sisekliima, ehitusfüüsika ja energiasääst I Uuringu I etapi lõpparuanne Tallinn 2011 EHITISTE PROJEKTEERIMISE INSTITUUT Maaelamute sisekliima, ehitusfüüsika ja energiasääst I Uuringu I etapi lõpparuanne Targo Kalamees, Üllar Alev, Endrik Arumägi, Simo Ilomets, Alar Just, Urve Kallavus Tallinn 2011 Projekti vastutav täitja ehitusinsener Targo Kalamees Kaane kujundanud Ann Gornischeff Autoriõigused: autorid, 2011 ISBN 978-9949-23-056-3 2 Eessõna Käesolev aruanne võtab kokku Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ehitusfüüsika ja arhitektuuri õppetoolis ajavahemikul september 2009 kuni detsember 2010 läbiviidud uuringu „Maaelamute sisekliima, ehitusfüüsika ja energiasääst I“ tulemused. Uurimistöö on ...

Ehitus → Ehitiste renoveerimine
86 allalaadimist

Tiit Lauk humanitaar

1944. – YAM, 1, 6. JALKANEN, P. 1989. Alaska, Bombay ja Billy Boy. Jazzkulttuurin murros Helsingissä 1920-luvulla. Helsinki: Hakapaino OY. JAZZ i parkerna. 1965. Orkester Journalen, juuli/aug, 4. JAZZ ja meie. 1928. Rahvaleht, 30.06. 1. JAZZKONTSERT Wiljandis. 1937 – Oma Maa, 15.09. JAZZKONTSERT “Koidus”. 1937 – Oma Maa, 20.09. JAZZ-MUUSIKA. Juhatab A. Sladkin. Lauluosad: E. Kruuda. 1930. – Postimees, 17.08. JOHNSON, G. 1999. Funk Keyboards. The Complete Method. Hal-Leonard Corporatione. JOON, H. 1995. Karksi kihelkond. Viljandi: AS Trükiekspert. JÕGI, E. 2003. Hendrik Juurikas – kogu elu on muusika. Tallinn: EMA. [Õpetajate täienduskoolituse lõputöö]. JÜRGENSON, A. 2002. Siberi eestlaste territoriaalne identiteet. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli humanitaarteaduste dissertatsioonid 7 [doktoriväitekiri]. Tallinn: TPÜ. JÜRISSON, J. 1982. Karl Leichter ja eesti muusikaline kirjasõna. – Karl Leichter. Valik artikleid. Koost. J. Jürisson.

Muusika → Muusika ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


Keynes 36 Anthony Giddens Giddensi akadeemilise karjääri jooksul võib eristada kolme perioodi: · Sotsioloogia uue visiooni väljatöötamine, sisaldades uut teoreetilist ja metodoloogilist lähenemist ning põhines klassikaliste tööde kriitilisel ülevaatamisel. Tema peamised tööd sellest perioodist: Capitalism and Modern Social Theory (1971) ja New Rules of Sociological Method (1976). · Strukturatsiooni teooria väljaarendamine Peamised tööd: Central Problems in Social Theory (1979) ja The Constitution of Society (1984) tõid Giddensi rahvsuvahelisele areenile. · Viimane periood keskendub Giddensi töödes modernsusele, globaliseerumisele ja poliitikale, eelkõige uuenduste mõjule sotsiaalses ja isiklikus elus. Sel perioodil kritiseerib postmodernismi. Peamised tööd: Consequence of Modernity (1990),

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
232 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun