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"method" - 406 õppematerjali

method - Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters.

Isaac Newton

uurimisaladel. Vahetpidamatu tugev vaimne pingutus ligi 30 aasta jooksul mõjus lõpuks Newtoni tervisele. Aastal 1692, kui Newton sai 50-aastaseks, jäi ta raskesti haigeks. Harilikult oli Newton rahulik ja tagasihoidlik; nüüd muutus ta rahutuks, närviliseks, ei saanud öösiti magada ning ka mälu ei töötanud enam korralikult. Pärast haigusest paranemist, tegutses Newton veel mõnda aega Cambridge´is, kuid 1703.a. ütles ta end ülikoolist lõplikult lahti. Newtoni teosed · Method of Fluxions (1671, trükiti 1736) · De Motu Corporum (1684) · Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (187) · Opticks (1704) · Reports as Master of the Mint (1701-1725) · Arithmetica Universalis (1707) · The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, Amended (1728) Newtoni viimased eluaastad Kuigi sündides ja lapseeas oli Newton üsna nõrga tervisega, elas ta kõrge vanuseni ja kuni 80. eluaastani oli ta tervis erakordselt hea

Füüsika → Füüsika
9 allalaadimist


your area, why not be a public outreach and distribute their material? When you do spend money on marketing, do not forget to create a way to track those marketing efforts. You can do this by coding your ads, using multiple toll-free telephone numbers, and asking prospects where they heard about you. This enables you to notice when a marketing tactic stops working. You can then quickly replace it with a better choice or method. Getting Started with Small Business Marketing By being diligent in your marketing and creating an easy strategy such as holding yourself accountable to contact ten customers or potential customers daily five days a week you will see your business grow at an exceptional rate. The great thing is it will not take a large marketing budget to make it happen. Someone once told me that selling is the art of closing the deal but selling is first and

Keeled → Inglise keel
37 allalaadimist

Õpilane teab

Kasutusnäide: "mingifail.doc" Rich Text Format (eesti keeles rikasteksti vorming) on alates 1987. aastast Microsofti poolt arendatav platvormist sõltumatu dokumendi failivorming. txt on tekstitöötluse dokumentide failinime laiend. Kasutusnäide: "mingifail.txt" BMP, the file name extension for the Bitmap image file format. In computing, JPEG is a commonly used method of compression for photographic images. The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is a bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability. HTM - A file extension for HTML. Tööakna elemendid: Tiitliriba- Akna ülemises servas asub sinine riba ­ tiitliriba e akna päis (title bar). Tiitliribale on kirjutatud aknas oleva programmi või infokausta nimetus

Informaatika → Informaatika
10 allalaadimist

Pinnakareduse standardid

ISO4287: '97 and ISO3274: '96 Total profile Primary profile P Measure perpendicular to lay X axis Z axis Stylus method Form deviation profile probe P-parameter =Mean line for roughness profile

Materjaliteadus → Materjaliõpetus
50 allalaadimist

Inglise keel unit 5 answers

causing algal blooms; blocking of light for aquatic plants; ref to, decomposition/high numbers of decomposers; leading to high BOD; reference to ‘blue-baby’ syndrome; links to haemoglobin; max 4 [4] 39. 1 ref to setting grid/area to be sampled; 2 suitable systematic method chosen/ref to belt/line transect; 3 ref to repetition of line transects; 4 use of quadrats; 5 use of appropriate sized quadrat; 6 details of regular quadrat placing; 7 identify species/use of keys; 8 presence or absence in quadrat; 9 calculation of % of species frequency; 10 measure % cover/use of appropriate scale; e.g. (Braun-blanquet/ACFOR/ DAFOR/DOMIN) 11 ref to analysis of data/use of kite diagram;

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


CREATE TABLE mina ( eesnimi varchar(30) not null, perenimi varchar(100) not null, sugu varchar(5) not null, synnipaev date not null, algus datetime not null default current timestamp, viimati datetime default timestamp, CONSTRAINT pk_mina PRIMARY KEY (eesnimi) ); INSERT INTO mina (eesnimi, perenimi, sugu, synnipaev) VALUES ('Juku', 'Mets', 'Mees', '1980-02-04'); grant connect to Sandra identified by 'tere'; grant group to dba; grant membership in group dba to Sandra; grant all on mina to Sandra; SELECT * FROM mina; UPDATE mina SET eesnimi = 'Jri' WHERE eesnimi = 'Juku'; CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE paha (nimi VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT pk_paha PRIMARY KEY (nimi)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; INSERT INTO paha (nimi) VALUES ('Mari'); SELECT * FROM paha; create table isik( Id integer not null default autoincrement primary key, Eesnimi varchar (50) not null, Perenimi varchar(50) not null, Isikukood varchar(11), Klubi integer, U...

Informaatika → Informaatika
232 allalaadimist

Hüdro- ja aeromehaanika

Then Re number increase, it means, that we have turbulent flow. In this conditions Navier-Stokes equation take form of Euler equation. Navier-Stokes equation consist of two parts. One part, that consist volume becomes greater and equation transform into linear. Another part, what consist viscosity, becomes smaller and transform into non-linear term equation. 4. What means asymptotic analysing of the problem? Asymptotic analysing is a method of describing limiting behaviour(boundary conditions). For example in physical system it describes behaviour in very large systems. We use this method then we operate with very high viscosity, much number and so on. 1 5. What gives introducing of Reynolds, Mach and other numbers in Fluid Dynamics? This numbers help us to divide flow into different cases. For example high Re number tell us, what we deal with turbulent flow. If Re number is low, we have laminar flow.

Füüsika → Füüsika
142 allalaadimist

Eesti Vabariigi ja ENSV võrdlus isikute kaudu

Eesti Vabariigi ja ENSV võrdlus isikute kaudu Ajaloo õpimapp Tallinn 2014 Sisukord Sisukord.................................................................................................2 Sissejuhatus...........................................................................................3 Kerge muusika.......................................................................................4 Tõsine muusika.....................................................................................5 Kujutav Kunst.......................................................................................6 Skulptuur...............................................................................................8 Graafika...............................................................................................10 Arhitektuur.................................................................................

Ajalugu → Eesti kultuuriajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Foobiad - referaat

Mis on foobia? Foobia on sundmõtteil rajanev haiglane ja põhjendamatu hirmuseisund või ärevustunne kindla olukorra, nähtuse või olendi ees, mida tajutakse tegelikust ohtlikumana. Kuidas foobiad tekivad? Foobia areneb tavaliselt eelsoodumusega isikuil psüühilise trauma tagajärjel. Usutakse, et pärilikkus, geenid ja ajukeemia segunevad elukogemustega ja mängivad suurt rolli foobiate arengus. See tähendab, et foobiad võivad olla ka päritavad. Lapsed jälgivad oma vanemate foobseid situatsioone ning see mõjutab neid samamoodi reageerima. Foobia võib põhjustada sümboolset kaitse- või tõrjetegevust s.t. kardetud objekte või situatsioone hakatakse vältima või tajutakse neid väga suure ebamugavustundega. Kõnekeeles kasutatakse sõna "foobia" ka tähistamaks vastumeelsust millegi suhtes. Foobia on ravitav, kuid võib korduda. Mis on foobne situatsioon ja mis on selle sümptomid? Foobses situatsioonis tuntakse suurt ärevu...

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
61 allalaadimist

Erkki-Sven Tüür

TALLINA VANALINNA TÄISKASVANUTE GÜMNAASIUM Erkki-Sven Tüür Muusikajaloo referaat Koostaja: Kristjan Tikk 11a Juhendaja: Aaro Pertmann Tallinn 2012 Erkki-Sven Tüür on sündinud 16. oktoobril 1959 Kärdlas. Ta on eesti helilooja ning Eesti Heliloojate Liidu liige alates 1985. Erkki-Sven Tüür alustas oma muusikuteed 1970. aastate teisel poolel progressiiv-rocki ansambli "In Spe" liidrina, olles mõjutatud King Crimsoni ja Frank Zappa, ansamblite "Yes" ja "Genesis" loomingust. Tema professionaalne helilooming sai tuntuks 1980. aastate keskel. Põhiosa Tüüri loomingus moodustab instrumentaalmuusika. Ta on kirjutanud kaheksa sümfooniat, mitmeid instrumentaalkontserte, kammerteoseid ja ooperi. Tüüri varasemas muusikas põimuvad erinevad kompositsioonitehnikad j...

Muusika → Muusika
5 allalaadimist

Plakat mäesuuskadest

·Modern skis can be classified into three different types: laminated, torsion-box, and single- · Milling the core: for skis with wood cores, the pre- laminated wood is put through a mill for precise cutting shell(as shown in the picture). The laminated method is the one most commonly used in ski manufacturing, since and finishing. This process is also used for aluminum the combination of various materials allows for greater array of models. Laminated usually contain the following cores. The machine cuts and mills the material, including materials: plastic, fiberglass, carbon, wood, steel, aluminum, neoprene, or ceramics

Materjaliteadus → Tehnomaterjalid
49 allalaadimist


RAAMATUPIDAMISE KÜSIMUSED STINA REBECCA PETTAI 25.05.2015 1.Raamatipidamiskohustuslaseks on? Raamatupidamiskohustuslaseks on Eesti Vabariik ühe avalik-õigusliku juriidilise isikuna (edaspidi riik), kohaliku omavalitsuse üksus, iga Eestis registreeritud era- või avalik-õiguslik juriidiline isik, füüsilisest isikust ettevõtja ja Eestis registrisse kantud välismaa äriühingu filiaal. 2. Eesti hea raamatupidamistava on? Eesti hea raamatupidamistava on vastavalt kehtivale raamatupidamise seadusele raamatupidamistava, mis tugineb rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud arvestuse ja aruandluse põhimõtetele ja mille põhinõuded on kehtestatud raamatupidamise seadusega ning täiendavalt Raamatupidamise Toimkonna Juhenditega ning riigi, riigiraamatupidamiskohustuslaste, kohaliku omavalitsuse üksuste, muude avalik- õiguslike juriidiliste isikute ning teiste raamatupidamiskohustuslaste tarvis kehtestatud riigi raamatupidamise üldeeskirjas sätestatud nõ...

Majandus → Raamatupidamine
37 allalaadimist

Social network

can use another computer. I know that I am not the best person to explain it but it is a very simple thing and I hope that you know now something more about proxies. If you are interested now in using proxies then I can tell you a little tip: you can get proxies from different websites, just use google or any other search engine to navigate to the right page. I almost forgot to tell you that there is at least one more way to get an access to somebodys Facebook account. This method is the cheapest and it's price depends only on you and how smart you are and how good you know this person whose account you want to hack. This is by guessing the password. I know that I seems to be almost impossible but never give up, it's very easy and it could be even faster way to gain access to the victims account because programs work according to different algorythms that have been generated by the most popular facebook and any other social network passwords

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Key Words for Fluency L-O

1. Searching 2. Commit 3. Lose 4. Jog 5. Ex1. 1. Set 2. Lowered 3. Exceed 4. Reached 5. Bring back 6. Blot out 7. Etched 8. Put..behind Impose 6. Test 7. Know Ex2. 1. Terrible 2. Fond 3. Hazy 4.earliest 5. Ex2. 1. Spending limits 2. Speed limit 3. Time Living 6. Distant 7. Painful 8. Short- term limit 4. Age limit 5. Credit limit 6. City limits Ex3. 1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A Ex3. 1. F 2. H 3. A 5. D 6. G 7. E 8. C METHOD LOOK Ex1. 1. Adopt 2. Work 3. Used 4. Fails 5. Devised Ex1. 1. Seen 2. Gave 3. Tell 4. Spoil 5. Like 6. 6. Recommend Has Ex2. 1. Traditional 2. infallible 3. Popular 4. Ex2. 1. B 2. D 3. E 4. F 5. G 6. A 7. C 8. H Reliable 5. Unorthodox 6. Practical 7. Effective Ex3. 1. Had 2. Took 3. Get 4. Sneaked Ex3. 1. Transport 2. Teaching 3. Earthquakes 4. Ex4. 1. Distant 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Valgu kontsentratsiooni määramine Bradfordi meetodil

Töö tulemused proo kontsentratsioon absorptsioon v 1 1 mg/ml 0,51 2 0,5 mg/ml 0,47 3 0,2 mg/ml 0,43 4 0,1 mg/ml 0,38 5 0,05 mg/ml 0,36 6 tundmatu 0,49 Kaliibrimiskõvera järgi võib öelda, et tundmatu valgu kontsentratsiooniks oli 0,75 mg/ml. Viited: 1. Bradford, M. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal. Biochem. (1976) 72, 248-254. 2. Compton SJ, Jones CG. Mechanism of dye response and interference in the Bradford protein assay. Anal. Biochem. 1985 Dec;151(2):369-74

Bioloogia → Genoomika ja proteoomika
55 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika 3 variant

how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular situations. May state what the system should not do. Non-functional requirements These define system properties and constraints e.g. reliability, response time and storage requirements. Constraints are I/O device capability, system representations, etc. Process requirements may also be specified mandating a particular IDE, programming language or development method Non-functional requirements(FURPS+ Functionality Usability reliability Performance Supportability) Constraints on the services or functions offered by the system such as timing constraints, constraints on the development process, standards, etc. Mayapply to the system as a whole aswellastoindividual features or services Nõude kolm baasomadust: Ühene kontrollitavus küsimusele „kas nõue on täidetud?“ peab saama võimalikult üheselt vastata “jah” või “ei” Kerge kontrollitavus

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
86 allalaadimist

Programmeerimise alused

Programmeerimise alused 13.november 2009 Henri Jeret 10 c Programmeerimisest rääkides ja sellega tegeledes peab saama lahti üldarvamusest, et arvuti on tark. Tegelikult on arvuti võrdlemisi rumal ning oskamatu. Ta küll oskab väga täpselt käsku täita, kuid seda tehes ta ei toetu enda tarkustele. Arvuti teeb vaid seda, mida programmerija on talle ette kirjutanud. Kui töödates tekib olukord, mille lahendamiseks pole talle mingeid käske antud, siis jookseb ta kokku või kuvab vastava veateate kujul: ,,Tundmatutel põhjustel...". Erinevaid programmeerimise keeli on kokku umbes 627. Selle all mõtlen peaaegu kõiki arvuti keeli. Mõned populaarsemad keeled: 1. Java ­ Java tuli ametlikult välja aastal 1995. Autor on James Gosling. Javal on nii mõndagi ühist C ja C++ keelega, kuna ta tugineb neil keeltel. Kuigi Java on hetkel kõige populaarsem keel, on tema populaarsus viimase seitsme aasta jooksum umbes 7% ...

Informaatika → Informaatika
90 allalaadimist

Isaac Newton: elulugu ja looming

langemisnurgast. ( Pildil tutvustatakse ühte Newtoni optika alast katset. Newtoni teosed: · Method of Fluxions (1671, trükiti 1736) · De Motu Corporum (1684) · Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687) · Opticks (1704) · Reports as Master of the Mint (1701-1725) · Arithmetica Universalis (1707) · The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, Amended 1728. Kasutatud kirjandus http://www

Füüsika → Füüsika
20 allalaadimist

The art of dance

to be banned. But banning had the effect of making the dance craze even greater. Dances can be performed in any possible ways. Some of them, such as traditional dance and ballet, need a very high level of skill and training; others require a very high level of energy and physical fitness. Entertaining the audience is a normal part of dance but its physicality often also produces joy for the dancers themselves. [4] Before the invention of written languages, dance was a more important method of passing stories down from generation to generation. Nowadays people have many ways to pass stories, but still they use dance to communicate with others. To express their feelings. Participatory dance, whether it be a folk dance, a social dance, a group dance or a partner dance is undertaken primarily for a common purpose, such as social interaction or exercise, of participants rather than onlookers. Such dance seldom has any narrative. Participatory dancers

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Motoorse funktsiooni parandavad harjutused mõõduka halvatusega insuldi järgselt: kodune harjutuste programm

ers.pdf 6) Rakhmatullina E, Ibragimov M. Principles of restorative treatment post-stroke motor deficit. Practical Medicine 2012: 66-69 (In Russian) 7) Samosyuk I, Flomin Yu, Samosyuk N, Plontkovskaya. Motor recovery after stroke: neurophysiological basis and targets for rehabilitation intervention. International Neurological Journal 2012; 8(54): 9-19 (In Russian) 8) Prokopenko S, Mrzeiko E, Arakchaa Ye, Gladkih N. Analytic gymnastics as a method of rehabilitation of patients after stroke 2009. (In Russian) 9) Pürg K, Lukmann A, Tammik T. Insuldi taastusravi Eesti ravijuhend 2011. 06.02.12.pdf (8.12.2017) 11

Geograafia → Geodeesia
7 allalaadimist

Motoorse funktsiooni parandavad harjutused mõõduka insuldi järgselt

ers.pdf 6) Rakhmatullina E, Ibragimov M. Principles of restorative treatment post-stroke motor deficit. Practical Medicine 2012: 66-69 (In Russian) 7) Samosyuk I, Flomin Yu, Samosyuk N, Plontkovskaya. Motor recovery after stroke: neurophysiological basis and targets for rehabilitation intervention. International Neurological Journal 2012; 8(54): 9-19 (In Russian) 8) Prokopenko S, Mrzeiko E, Arakchaa Ye, Gladkih N. Analytic gymnastics as a method of rehabilitation of patients after stroke 2009. (In Russian) 9) Pürg K, Lukmann A, Tammik T. Insuldi taastusravi Eesti ravijuhend 2011. 06.02.12.pdf (8.12.2017) 9

Meditsiin → Füsioterapeut
10 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse kodutööd EBS

P10-2A päevaraamat Majandustehing Kuup. Kontod Deebet Kreedit 01.01.2007 Vana mootorsõiduki vahetamine samalaadse uue vastu Uue sõiduki turuhind 176 tuh, Mootorsõiduk (uue sõiduki soetusmaksumus) 146 000 vana vahetusväärtus 70 tuh, ülejäänud tasuti rahas. Akumul. depret. (vana mootorsõiduki) -90 000 Vana sõiduki bilansiline jääkmaksumus 40 tuh ja Mootorsõiduk (vana sõiduki soetusmaksumus) 130 000 vahetusväärtus 70 tuh, seega realiseerimata kasum 30 tuh, Raha (uue sõiduki turuhind 176 000 - vana sõiduki turuhind 70 000) ...

Majandus → Finantsarvestus
122 allalaadimist

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarti ’’Kuldse klassika’’ sümfooniad

Kontserdiarvustus 10. märtsil 2018 käisin Estonia kontserdisaalis kuulamas Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarti ''Kuldse klassika'' sümfooniaid, mida esitas Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia sümfooniaorkester. Kontsertmeistriks oli Egert Leinsaar, solist Mantas Sernius klaveril ja dirigent Arvo Volmer. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia sümfooniaorkester (EMTA SO) on vaieldamatult üks Eesti professionaalsete orkestrantide kasvulavadest. Orkestrit on juhatanud väga paljud eesti tuntud dirigendid: Roman Matsov, Vallo Järvi, Peeter Lilje, Paul Mägi, Eri Klas, Vello Pähn, Jüri Alperten, Andres Mustonen, Toomas Kapten, Toomas Vavilov, Risto Joost, Erki Pehk ja ka praegu juhatav Arvo Volmer. Samuti on ka musitseeritud välismaa dirigentide, nagu Michel Tabachniku (Sveits), Jin Wangi (Austria), Colin Mettersi (Inglismaa), Cecilia Rydinger Alini (Rootsi) ja Lutz Köhleri (Saksamaa) käe all. Ühe hooaja jooksul toob orke...

Muusika → Muusika
7 allalaadimist


15 veoköis Kalakott on soovitav ümbritseda jämedaniidilise kattekotiga, eriti rasketel põhjadel püüdes. Eestis kasutatakse põhjanootasid Peipsil koha püügiks ja rannikumeres (saartel) lestapüügil. Põhjanooda nimetused: merel lestanoot, Peipsil mutnik. 16 Danish seining: Drawing of Anchor seining (Danish seining) This fishing method depends on the long lengths of rope used, up to three kilometres per side, herding fish into the path of the net as the gear is hauled. The gear is set roughly in the shape of an isosceles triangle with the dhan, which marks the end of rope first shot and to which the vessel returns to complete the set, as the apex and the net as the centre of the base. Having picked up the dhan the vessel then starts to steam slowly ahead while heaving in both ropes, gradually

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
23 allalaadimist

C# Progammeerimise keel

Kui paremal poolel on konstant, kopeeritakse see programmiplokist (lausest) vastava muutuja välja. Kui paremal poolel on muutuja, kopeeritakse selle väärtus vasakul poolel oleva muutuja välja. Vasakul poolel oleva muutuja eelmine väärtus on pärast omistamist kadunud. Omistuslausete näiteid s2 = ""; arv1=3; Tehted Category Expression Description Primary x.m Member access x(...) Method and delegate invocation x[...] Array and indexer access x++ Post-increment x Post-decrement new T(...) Object and delegate creation new T(...){...} Object creation with initializer new {...} Anonymous object initializer new T[...] Array creation typeof(T) Obtain System

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
56 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Golden Age (750­1258) Under the Abbasids, Islamic civilization flourished in the "Islamic Golden Age", with its capital at the cosmopolitan city of Baghdad. The major hadith collections were compiled and the four modern Sunni Madh'habs were established. Islamic law was advanced greatly by the efforts of the early 9th century jurist al-Shafi'i; he codified a method to establish the reliability of hadith, a topic which had been a locus of dispute among Islamic scholars. Philosophers Ibn Sina (Avicenna) and Al-Farabi sought to incorporate Greek principles into Islamic theology, while others like the 11th century theologian Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali argued against them and ultimately prevailed. Sufism became a full-fledged movement that had moved towards mysticism and away from its ascetic roots, while

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


wavelength and if a heaving or a surging technology is used. l Pabs,max = e * *P @Pabs,max D = Watt 2*p P : wave power per meter in crest @Pi D = Watt l : wavelength @lD = m e : 1 for heaving, 2 for surging @eD = - ê - A typical technology using the point absorption method is a buoy. Attenuators The axis of attenuator systems is perpendicular to wave front. As a wave hits the device, energy is gradually drawn into the attenuator. A leading buoy and an anchor are used to permit swinging with the waves and orienting to wave direction A typical technology using the attenuating method is sea snake (Pelamis) technology. Terminators A terminator is a horizontally or with a small angel to water surface oriented device to intercept the waves

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


of one¹s own choosing, decides to limit the action only to sympathy or at best empathy. The Goal of this process is Change!-things cannot continue as they presently are. This is because the orientation of the process is toward the future, toward a concern with how improvement can be made. The end result of this proactive process is unity-everyone working together for the common good in a win-win manner where everyone benefits. This model not only provides a method for conflict resolution, but also reflects different philosophical approaches towards leadership, as well as a new style of management. The first is patriarchal, focused on the individual, independence and power; the other tends to be egalitarian, concerned with the group, interconnectedness and team-building. In essence both represent two methods for dealing with change, one static, the other dynamic. This model also exposes two different styles of leadership: the

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 4.osa-Ben Edwards

Video and Audio Available: Dial Up Broadband QuickTime - Exercise 5 (1.06 MB) QuickTime - Exercise 5 (2.89 MB) WindowsMediaPlayer - Exercise 5 (2.59 WindowsMediaPlayer - Exercise 5 (3.93 MB) MB) Audio Audio mp3 - Exercise 5 (712 KB) Now we are going to do the exact same exercises in the same order but at a quicker pace. Learning to play a song slowly and then learning it again quickly is an excellent method of learning music. You will find that increasing the speed in small increments will allow to play more complex songs than you would otherwise be able to do. Exercise: Go back through the last three exercises and complete them at 70 bpm (beats per minute). Try the online metronome at Now I want you to vary your strum a little. What I want you to do is strum that we have been practicing this lesson but this time we are going to open it out a little.

Muusika → Muusika
18 allalaadimist

G1BK1 klassi õpilaste teadlikkus interneti ohtudest

With this work autor wants to know how many youngsters from Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium’s G1BK1 class knows about dangers in internet. This Works purpose is to get known if youngsters know what dangers can be in internet and if they know how to keep from these dangers. For this work was research question established: How many youngsters know about different dangers in internet? Hypothesis: Youngsters know about dangers in internet For this research work we needed to use quantity research method to get the required objectives, questionary was made up. Questionary is very suitable for this topic to carry out with this research. All the are down below shown by diagrams. Girls know better what dangers can be in internet and how to keep from these dangers. 14 15

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
3 allalaadimist

How to produce bioenergy from agricultural resources without harming the environment

• The mean average volume is 182 m³ per hectare Energy • There are different ways of getting the energy out of a wood: –Traditional burning –The gasification of wood The calorific values • The calorific values, in terms of 20% of moisture regain: alder – 700 kWh/ton birch – 1500 kWh/ton Wood gas • Wood gas is produced by heating biomass (wood) in a temperature over 700°C without air access or in a method of pyrolysis. Wood gas consists of carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide. The calorific value of wood gas is approximately 1,25 MWh/1000 m³ wood. 34...40 m³ of wood gas can be produced out of a 100 kg of wood Biomass from nature protection area • Ecologically pure • Low cost • Sustainable Biomass from nature protection area – an environmental friendly input for biogas Jaak-Albert Metsoja

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


Maastike käsitlus võib olla väga erinev, kuid mis kõige tähtsam, igas erinevas lähenemises on eesmärk sama – väljendada maastiku erinevaid kasutamise võimalusi ja lähenemisi. Leian, et maastik meie elus on tähtis olnud läbi aegade, see on meie koduks, töökeskkonnaks ja paljudeks teisteks keskkondadeks. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS • Bergerona, J., Paquetteb, S., Poullaouec-Gonidecb, P. (2014). Uncovering landscape values and micro-geographies of meanings with the go-along method.- Landscape and Urban Planning. Väljaanne nr. 122. lk 108-121 • Bruni, D. (2016). Landscape Quality and Sustainability Indicators.- Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. Väljaanne nr. 8. lk 698-705 • Cormont, A. (2016). Landscape complexity and farmland biodiversity: Evaluating the CAP target on natural elements.- Journal for Nature Conservation. Väljaanne nr. 30. lk 19-26 • Kokovkin, T. (2001). Viis mõtet maastikust

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
33 allalaadimist

Java programmeerimise konspekt

" + e.toString()); } catch (Exception muu) { System.out.println ("Probleem: " + muu.toString()); } finally { // see t2idetakse igal juhul System.out.println ("n = " + n + " m = " + m); } } // while } // main } // Erind /** A small example about catching NumberFormatException. * @author Jaanus Poial * @version 0.2 */ public class ExceptionUsage { /** Main method gets an integer parameter from the command line. * If the parameter is not a number or if it is not in between 1 and 99 * an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. */ public static void main (String[] args) { int n = 0; try { n = Integer.parseInt (args[0]); // throws NumberFormatException } catch (Exception e) { // n remains zero and a new exception is thrown } if (n<1 || n>99) throw new IllegalArgumentException

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
283 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

2001, Trouble at Willow Gables in 2002, and Early Poems and Juvenilia in 2005), personal recollections (for instance, Maeve Brennan’s The Philip Larkin I Knew in 2002), another biography (Richard Bradford’s First Boredom, Then Fear in 2005), and critical studies (the latest being M. W. Rowe’s Philip Larkin: Art and Self in 2011). A. T. Trolley’s Larkin at Work (1997) offers an insight into the genesis of a number of major poems and Larkin’s method of composition. Shorter essays add further aspects to the discussion of Larkin. To mention a few examples: Oliver James has approached “This Be The Verse” from a genetician’s point of view, Richard T. Cauldwell has analysed Larkin’s recorded readings phonetically, and David Punter has applied Melanie Klein’s psychoanalysis to his poems. My aim with this paper is to make an academic review about the principles of

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 2osa-Ben Edvards

This mini- course gives you a taste of what's covered in Jamorama - The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit! In this course you will learn powerful tips and skills to get you playing the guitar with the fluency and accuracy of a Ben Edwards - professional, and by the end of it you will be able to play a full Creator of song by yourself. Jamorama Guitar Lesson - How to Read Guitar Tablature TAB or tablature is the most common method of writing out music for the guitar. It is different from classical music notation in that; TAB uses ordinary numbers and keyboard characters as opposed to standard musical notation which uses symbols. Because of this format, anyone with a computer can write or read TAB making it the most user friendly way to read and communicate guitar music. Also TAB relates directly to the fret board of your guitar meaning that you may easily see where you put your fingers.

Muusika → Muusika
22 allalaadimist

Guidelines for writing tasks

What alternative sources of energy can we use? On mingi probleem, millele tuleb lahendusi pakkuda Kui ei ole arvu öeldud, siis mõtlete 3-4 ettepanekut ja mis oleks tulemus. Igas lõigus üks ettepanek ja mis siis võiks juhtuda, kui seda rakendatakse. Näiteks Sissejuhataus Global litter is... There are number of possible solutions which could lead to 1 lõik One way would be to encourage ... Therefore... 2 lõik Another solution would be.... As a result 3 lõik The most effective method of reducing litter is to educate.... In fact, Lõpp All things considered.... IV Discursive essays The role of marriage in today's society. Sarnane poolt ja vastu esseele, erinev selle poolest , et ühes lõigus on nii poolt kui vastu argument: From an educational standpoint, it is vital that historical sites be preserved, so that we can teach our children about their cultural heritage. On the other hand, some educators argue

Keeled → Inglise keel
231 allalaadimist

AVCHD vs HDV - võrdlus

them to family to be played on regular DVD players." For the most part ALL consumer hard disc drive (HDD) and flash memory high definition camcorders use AVCHD compression. When you import the AVCHD/MTS file to your video editor, the first step is to decompress that video so the editor can deal with it - the same happens with HDV. After you finish editing you have more than one rendering step - depending on the playback method and mechanism. 1) If you are outputting to a blank DVD you can save as an AVCHD - h.264 data file and burn that to a single layer, double layer or BluRay blank disc - which you use depends on what your computer is capable of burning to... Burning this type of data file can only be played back using a BluRay player - or your computer. 2) If you use a DVD authoring tool (like WinDVD or iDVD) it will downsample the video to standard definition playable in a regular DVD

Informaatika → Arvutite lisaseadmed
33 allalaadimist

Teoreetilibe informaatika kordamisküsimused

Teoreetiline informaatika Kordamisküsimuste vastused Eero Ringmäe 1. Hulkade spetsifitseerimine, tehted hulkadega, hulgateooria paradoksid. Hulk: Korteezh ­ järjestatud lõplik hulk. Hulk ­ mingi arv elemente, mille vahel on leitav seos ­ klassifitseeritud elementide kogum. Hulk ­ samalaadsete objektide järjestamata kogum. Hulga esitamine: elementide loeteluna A = {2;3;4} predikaadi abil A = {x | P(x)} Tühihulk on iga hulga osahulk. Iga hulk on iseenda osahulk. Hulga boleaan ­ kõigi osahulkade hulk. H boleaan on 2H. 2H = {x | x on osahulgaks H-le}. Boleaani võimsus |2H| = 2|H| Tühja hulga boleaani võimsus on 1. Tehted: Hulkade võrdsus = A on B osahulk AND B on A osahulk. Ekvivalentsiseose definitsioon ((A => B) && (B => A)) ­ hulgas sisaldavad samu elemente. Hulga osahulk ­ võib võrduda hulgaga. Hulga pärisosahulk ­ ei või võrduda. Hulkade ühend ­...

Informaatika → Teoreetiline informaatika
96 allalaadimist

Veini koolitus.

ökonoomsuse huvides on saata vein pärast pudeldamiset ruttu kauplusesse. Teisalt, pudelites vein ei vanane. Pudelisse võib läbi korgi sattuda vaid tähtsusetu hulk hapnikku. Varem arvati, et hapnemisprotsess toimub pudelites. Tegelikkuses toimub vastupidine - hapniku hulk väheneb teatud aja möödudes. Tänu sellele omandab pudelivein parima võimalikest bukettidest. VEINIDE TARBIMINE EESTIS VEINIDE TARBIMINE EESTIS VEINIDE TARBIMINE EESTIS Vahuveinid, Method Charmant Lihtsaim ja jõhkraim vahuveini valmistamise võimalus on karboniseerimine. Sel moel valmistatakse odavaimad vahuveinid, mis kvaliteedilt on märksa alla keskmise. Charmat-meetod leiutati 1920-ndatel aastatel Bordeauxis, Eugene Charmat poolt. Meetod seisneb selles, et baasveini teistkordne käärimine leiab aset terasvaadis, mitte pudelis. Seejärel vein filtreeritakse ja villitakse pudelisse. Sellisel viisil vahuveinide valmistamine on kergem ja kiirem,

Toit → Toiduainete õpetus
30 allalaadimist

Scenario diagram

Esimene objektile orienteeritud keel, mis senini teada, on Simula-67. See keel on loodud Norras, aastal 1967, Dahli ja Nygaardi poolt. Simula-67 ei saavutanud küll suurt edu, kuid andis väga korraliku alustala teistele keeltele. Sealt arenesid välja näiteks Booch, OMT ja OOSE keeled. UML-i põhiline arendus sai aga ametlikult alguse 1994. Aasta oktoobris, kui Rumbaugh ühines Booch-iga. Esimene versioon sellest avaldati aasta peale ühinemist ning selle nimi oli siis Unified Method. (A Brief History of the UML 2015) Nüüd ühines nendega ka Jakobson. Mehed üritasid esialgu kõik kolm keelt omavahel ühendada, kuid see osutus üsna keeruliseks. Samal ajal soovisid tarkvara insenerid standardset modelleerimiskeelt. Nii muutsid loojad oma arengusuunda ning nüüd sai põhiliseks ideeks luua ühendatud (unifyng) standartne keel kõigi jaoks. 1996. Aastal tutvustati maailmale UML 0.9 versiooni ning kohe peale seda ka 0.9.1. See sai kuulsaks ning kasutati paljude

Informaatika → Majandusinformaatika
5 allalaadimist

Kombineeritud meetodid: kromatograafia ja massispektromeetria

kummagi ühendi ionisatsiooniefektiivsusele. Lisaks on isotopomeerid ka suhteliselt kallid ning multimeetodite korral, kui ühe kromatograafilise tsükli käigus püütakse analüüsida paljusid ühendeid korraga, ei pruugi isotooplahjendus otstarbekas olla [59]. S. Wang, M. Cyronak, E. Yang, Does a stable isotopically labeled internal standard always correct analyte response? A matrix effect study on a LC/MS/MS method for determination of carvedilol enantiomers in human plasma. J. Pharm. and Biomed. Anal. 43 (2007) 701. 4. Ekstraktsioonijärgne rikastamine. Kui prooviekstrakti rikastada analüüdiga otse enne kromatograafi süstimist, on võimalik hinnata maatriksi mõju analüüsi tulemusele. Omavahel võrreldakse kindla analüüdikontsentratsiooniga kalibreerimislahuse ning prooviekstrakti kromatograafilisi piike ja määratakse maatriksiefekt [58]. P. J. Taylor, Matrix effects: Matrix

Keemia → Kromatograafia
21 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad ADVERTISING

media time. (A particular market segment at which a marketing campaign is focused.) 6. Brief ­ Short statement of things need to be done (worked out) ( Using few words) 7. target customers - customers you want to target, potantial customers who will buy your product. 8. media planners - The people who choose where to advertise, in order to reach the right customers. 9. threshold effect ­ The benchmark for setting future advertising budgets 10. comparative-parity method ­ match competation spending. 11. counter-cyclical advertising ­ Adver. During periods or seasons when sales are normally relatively poor 12. product placement - Products in some film action, opportunity for companies to advertise 13. endorsement - Products or services that are advertise by famous person ADVERTISEMENTS THAT WORK 1. AIDA ­ Attention,Interest, 2. Hook - It is a clever headline that catches peoples eyes 3

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness about the threats associated with Identity theft. I will talk about the different types of identity theft, the most common way they take place and what consequences they might have. I will also talk about some of the examples and point out actions everyone can take to minimize the chance of becoming a victim of an identity theft. What is Identity theft Identity theft is defined as the deliberate use of someone else's identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person's name, and perhaps to the other person's disadvantage or loss. The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences if they are held responsible for the perpetrator's actions. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another's personally identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Swifts A Modest Proposal

ruling classes, proposes a solution to the problem by publishing his shocking work, the bitterest satire A Modest proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public (1729). In A Modest Proposal Swift finds out a solution to stop the famine. The author cites infants' breeding as an example for improving the economical conditions, finding the proposal "a fair, cheap and easy method of making these children sound and useful members of the common-wealth" (52). He says that because many women in those times had no any material capabilities to raise children and provide for them. The proposal, in his opinion, will make the babies "beneficial to the public" and "prevent those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children. Alas! Too frequent among us, sacrificing the poor innocent babies" as well (54)

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Wiz Khalifa presentatsioon (esitlus)

He guested on the mixtape Grey Goose, Head Phones, and Thirsty Women by St. Louis rapper M.C,and was featured on the track "The Breeze (Cool)" on rapper Wale's August 2010 mixtape More About Nothing. Khalifa was named MTV's Hottest Breakthrough MC of 2010, winning with nearly 70,000 votes, and beating out finalists Nicki Minaj, J. Cole, Travis Porter, and Diggy Simmons. Khalifa appeared at the Soundset 2010 festival in May 2010 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, alongside Method Man & Redman, Del the Funky Homosapien and Hieroglyphics, Atmosphere, Murs, Cage, and others. He also performed at the 2010 Rock the Bells festival, along with hip hop veterans Wu-Tang Clan, Snoop Dogg, Lauryn Hill, A Tribe Called Quest, Rakim, KRS-One, Jedi Mind Tricks and Slick Rick. Khalifa declined an invitation to tour with rapper Drake and launched his own "Waken Baken" tour, a 50-city national tour with rapper Yelawolf

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Raalprojekteerimine kordamisküsimused - vastused

1. CIM ­ Common Information Model, MBS ­ Multi Body Rakendusvaldkondade keeled; 5.-Tehisintellekti ja interfeisi Simulation, FEM - Finite Element Method, RP ­ Rapid keeled; 6.-Neuronvõrgus 15.Operatsioonisüsteem ­ on Prototyping, PDM - Product Data Management. programm, mis käitub kui vahendaja arvutikasutaja ja riistvara 2.Cam- (computer aided manufacturing; VR- Virtual reality ; vahel. Eesmärgid: -korraldada kasutaja programmide tööd; -teha LEM- Learnable Evolution Model, ;PLM- a computer arvutisüsteemi kasutamine mugavamaks;- organiseerida

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
398 allalaadimist

Tugevusõpetus I kodutöö 4 / Stength of materials I HW 4

(to be filled by the answer methodics illustrations clarifications teacher) Equation of equilibrium for F ∑ F=0 F−F B−F p∗DE + F A=0 10−10,5−10+10,5=0 This means that support reactions’ values and directions are correct 2.2. Composing the scaled diagrams of bending moment M and shear force Q The diagram of shear force Q is done by step method. From that, I calculated the bending moment M: M (B ) = FC * BC = 1,1*10 = 11 kNm M (E ) = FB * BD = 10,5 * 0,5 = 5,25 kNm (D) M = FC * BC - FB * BD= 1,1*10 - 0,5 * 0.5 = 10,75 kNm Evaluation table Correctness of Explanations of Quality of Symbols’ Overall tidiness Total

Mehaanika → Tugevusõpetus i
84 allalaadimist

Finantsarvestuse konspekt

Tallinna Tehnikaülikool Majandusarvestuse instituut FINANTSARVESTUS Loengukonspekt Koostanud lektor Iivi Maspanov SISUKORD SISUKORD ......................................................................................................................... 2 1. MAJANDUSARVESTUS ................................................................................................... 3 2. RAHVUSVAHELISELT TUNNUSTATUD ARVESTUSE JA ARUANDLUSE PÕHIMÕTTED .......... 5 3. RAAMTUPIDAMISE AASTAARUANDE KOOSTAMISE ALUSPRINTSIIBID (RMPS § 16) ......... 6 4. RAAMATUPIDAMISES KASUTATAVAD MÕISTED ............................................................ 7 5. MAJANDUSTEHINGUTE DOKUMENTEERIMINE JA REGISTREERIMINE ............................. 8 6. RAAMATUPIDAMISE ARVESTUSMEETODID.................................................................. 12 7. RAAMATUPIDAMISE BILANSS ....

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
209 allalaadimist


ALLIKAD Criticism of Montessori Education. [09.10.2011]. Criticisms. method/criticisms [09.10.2011]. Enright, M. Foundations Study Guide: Montessori Education. .[09.10.2011]. Hirsjärvi, S., Huttunen, J. (2005). Sissejuhatus kasvatusteadusesse. Tallinn: Medicia. Holfester, C. (2008). The Montessori Method. EBSCO Research Starters. content/uploads/2010/08/The_Montessori_Method.pdf .[09.10.2011]. Kikas, A. (2002). Laste koolivalmiduse kujundamine M. Montessori metoodikat kasutades. Tea ja Toimeta 20, 33. Kramer, R. (1988). Maria Montessori: a biography. Cambridge: Da Capo Press. Kuidas me tõlgendame ja kasutame Montessori meetodit Keskuses? .[27.09.2011]. Käis, J. (1991). Isetegevus ja individuaalne tööviis

Filosoofia → Kasvatusteadus ja...
137 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

· Parents = King/queen; emperor/empress, etc. ­ Metaphors · Children and siblings = vermin · Difficult to test or refute; `explains everything' · Birth = water · Neglects social nature of humans · Death = departure · Case study method · Nakedness = Clothes & uniforms ­ Select sample; recall bias, influenced patients · Little proven success as therapy After Freud... Freud: positive aspects

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun