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"management" - 856 õppematerjali

management - the influence of surgical ward nurses.

Raalprojekteerimise põhimõistete konspekt

CIM ­ Computer Integrated Manufacturing; MBS ­ Multi-Body Simulation; FEM ­ Finite Element Modeling; RP ­ Rapid Prototyping; PDM ­ Product Data Management; CAM ­ Computer Aided Manufacturing; VR ­ Virtual Reality; LEM ­ Lõplike Elementide Meetod; PLM ­ Product Lifecycle Management; CAT ­ Computer Aided Testing; CAPP ­ Computer Aided Process Planning; CAD ­ Computer Aided Design; MRP ­ Material Requirements Planning; CAQ ­ Computer Aided Quality Assurance; CAx ­ Computer Aided anything; ERP ­ Enterprise resource planning; CRM ­ Customer Relationship Management; DMU ­ Digital Mock-Up; MRP II- Manufacturing resource planning. Topoloogia ­ matemaatika haru, mis uurib kujundite omadusi, mis on invariantsed topoloogiliste teisenduste suhtes. Geomeetria on matemaatika haru, mis tegeleb ruumisuhetega ja uurimisobjektideks on kujundid. Top-Down modelleerimine ­ asmeline disain, süsteemi osadeks jagamine, et saada ülevaade alamsüsteemidest (väiks...

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
123 allalaadimist


Küsimused MER0050 1. Mida tähendavad lühendid CIM; MBS; FEM; RP; PDM; CIM- Computer Integrated Manufacturing MBS- Multi-Engineering / Multi-Body simulation FEM- Finite Element Modeling RP- Rapid Prototyping PDM- Product Data Management 2. Mida tähendavad lühendid CAM; VR; LEM; PLM; CAT; CAM-Computer Aided Manufacturing VR-Virtual Reality LEM- lõplike elemetide meetod PLM-Product Lifecycle Management CAT-Computer Aided Testing 3. Mida tähendavad lühendid CAPP; NC; CAD; MRP I; CAQ; CAPP-Computer Aided Process Planning NC-tööriistade loomine ja tootmine CAD-Computer Aided Design MRP I- Material Requirements Planning CAQ-Computer Aided Quality Assurance 4. Mida tähendavad lühendid CAx; ERP; CRM; DMU; MRP II; CAx-Combined Arms Exercise ERP-Enterprise resource planning CRM-Customer relationship management DMU-Digital Mock-Up MRP II- Material Requirements Planning 5

Informaatika → Raalprojekteerimine
271 allalaadimist

Teenuste kvaliteet ja hindamine

KASUTATUD ALLIKAD TÜ Pärnu kolledz Teenusedisain : (29.04.2013. a.): Kvaliteedijuhtimine: (29.04.2013. a.): Kreegimäe, K Kvaliteedijuhtimine (õppematerjal) : (29.04.2013. a.): http://www.e- Wikipedia. (Aprill 2013. a.). ISO 9000.: (29.04.2013. a.) Perens, A. Teenuste marketing. Tallinn: Külim, 1998, 168 lk. Grönroos, C. Service management and marketing : a customer relationship management approach. Chichester [etc.] : Wiley, c2000. TIP Konsultatsioonid OÜ Terviklik kvaliteedijuhtimine: (29.04.2013. a.): Kurvits, M. Juhtimisteooria ajalugu: kaasaegsed juhtimisteooriad zip/william_edwards_deming.html 8 LISAD Lisa 1

Majandus → Teenindus
16 allalaadimist

Geodeesia, geomaatika, geoid, ellipsoid, koordinaadid

• Katastrimõõdistamine – juriidilis-füüsiline mõõdistamine Geomaatika Geodeesia + Geoinformaatika = Geomaatika See sisaldab meetodeid ja instrumente, mis on seotud: maamõõtmise, kaugseire, kartograafia, geoinformaatika (GIS), globaalse asukoha määramise (GPS, GNSS), fotogramm-meetria, geograafia, planeerimise, maakorralduse jne Geomaatika rakendusvaldkonnad * Air navigation services * Archaeological excavation and survey for GIS applications * Coastal zone management and mapping * Criminology * Disaster informatics for disaster risk reduction and response * The environment * Infrastructure management * Land management and reform * Natural resource monitoring and development * Seismic Interpretation * Urban planning * Oceanography * Meteorology * Climate Change/Environmental Monitoring Ajalugu * Geodeetilisi töid tegid juba muistsed egiptlased ja babüloonlased ca 7000 a tagasi * Maa raadius määrati 3.saj e.m.a

Geograafia → Kartograafia
36 allalaadimist

USB presentation

computer peripherals Compaq, DEC, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NEC and Nortel. USB 1.0 USB 2.0 USB 3.0 USB1.0 USB 1.0: Released in January 1996 USB 1.1: Released in August 1998 1.5 Mbit/s - "Low Speed" 12 Mbit/s - "Full Speed" USB 2.0 Released in April 2000 Higher maximum bandwidth of 480 Mbit/s (60 MB/s) Other modifications Mini connectors On-the-go Battery charging Micro usb USB 3.0 transfer speed more bandwidth power management improved bus utilization System design Asymmetrical in its topology Hubs Sub devices Pipes (stream, message) First connect c l ass e s De v i c e Various US B devices regular USB flash-drive regular USB hub Regular USB fan regular USB refrigerator regular USB toaster regular USB vacuum cleaner regular USB aquarium regular USB keyboard and lastly a completely regular, usual, everyday USB mouse Physical appearance Usability Durability

Informaatika → Arvuti ehitus
4 allalaadimist

Meeskonnatöö sünergeetilise efekti maksimeerimine

11 Messmer, Max (2003) ,,Encouraging Teamwork in the Workplace." National ublic Accountant, Dec/Jan, 32-33. Pierce, Jon L., Jussila, Iiro and Cummings, Anne (2009) ,,Psychological ownership within the job design context: revision of the job characteristics model." Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 30, May, Issue 4, 477- 496. Puranam, P., Vanneste, Bart S.(2009) ,,Trust and governance: untangling a tangled web." Academy of Management Review, Vol. 34, Jan, Issue 1, 11-31. Sanchez, Juan I., Levine, Edward L.(2009) ,,What is (or should be) the difference between competency modeling and traditional job analysis?" Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 19, Jun, Issue 2, 53-63. Somech, Anit, Desivilya, Helena Syna and Lidogoster, Helena (2009) ,,Team conflict management and team effectiveness: the effects of task interdependence and team identification." Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 30, Apr,

Psühholoogia → Organisatsiooni psühholoogia
110 allalaadimist

Referaat Bullwhip Effect

(2005). Application of distributed intelligence to reduce the bullwhip effect. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No. 8, 15 April 2007, 1815­1833 Hewitt, F. (2001). After supply chains, think demand pipelines. From the pages of Supply Chain Management Review, 5/1. Kiisler. A. (2011). Logistika ja tarneahela juhtimine. TTÜ Kirjastus. Tallinn. Lee, H. L., Padmanabhan, V., Whang, S. (2004). Information Distortion in a Supply Chain: The Bullwhip Effect. ­ Management Science, no. 12, pp. 1875 - 1886. Metters, R. (1997). Quantifying the `bullwhip' effect in supply chains. ­ Journal of Operations Management, no. 2, pp. 89 - 100. Coppini, M., Rossignoli, C., Rossi, T., Strozzi, F. (2010). Bullwhip effect and inventory oscillations analysis using the beer game model. ­ International Journal of Production Research, no. 13, pp. 3943 - 3956. Miragliotta, G. (2006). Layers and mechanisms: a new taxonomy for the bullwhip effect. ­

Majandus → Makroökonoomika
32 allalaadimist


Pärnu Saksa Tehnoloogiakool Majandusarvestus 1.kursus Juhtimine Referaat Maarja Kobin Pärnu 2013 Sissejuhatus Juhtimine (inglise keeles management) on inimeste tegevuse ja käitumise sihipärane suunamine ja ühtseks tervikuks sulatamine, et saavutada organisatsiooni eesmärke ja rahuldada tema liikmete vajadusi. See on lihtsustatult subjekti ja objekti vaheline suhe ehk tegevus, mille tulemusena juht mõjutab juhitavaid, et saavutada organisatsiooni eesmärgid läbi ressursside efektiivse ja eduka kasutamise. Traditsiooniliselt ja ajalooliselt on juhi (mänedzer, direktor, juhataja või totaalse võimu korral diktaator) roll olnud sageli võimu keskne (juhi käske või korraldusi täidetakse tema poolt omatava võimu tõttu ehk hirmust saada karistada). Kaasaegne juhtimine lähtub aga tõsiasjast, et inimesed ei allu võimule, kuna neil on demokraatlikus ühiskonnas valikuvabadus. Seetõttu tuleb inimesed juhi poolt ...

Majandus → Juhtimine
31 allalaadimist

Interneti otsimootorite kasutamisvõimalused ja ja otsingud metaotsivahenditega - infoallikad ja infootsing

Return articles dated between: 2012-2015 8. Otsige nii Google’st kui ka Google Scholar’ist oma erialast lähtuvalt midagi huvipakkuvat. Otsides kasutage kindlasti 3 kriteeriumit (nt märksõna, autor ja periood vm jne). Võrrelge ja hinnake saadud tulemusi (otsinguvõimalused – milliseid kriteeriume oma vajadustest lähtuvalt kasutada saite?; palju ja mida leidsite?; kas ja kui täpselt leitu vastab teemale?). Google Scholar: With the exact phrase: document management With all of the words: system Where my words occur: in the title of the article Return articles dated between: 2015-2015 Leidsin 20 vastet, mis kõik paistsid sobilikud. Google: On kõik need sõnad: system 2015 On täpselt see sõnastus või fraas: document management Terminid ilmuvad: lehe pealkirjas Leidsin 165 tulemust, millest pooled oleksid kindlasti sobilikud. Googlest tuli palju rohkem vasteid ja kindlasti saaks ka neilt lehekülgedelt palju infot.

Infoteadus → Infoallikad ja infootsing
27 allalaadimist

Pinched nerve

How to avoid •Maintain good posture •Incorporate strength and flexibility exercises •Limit repetitive activities and take frequent breaks •Maintain a healthy weight References • s/syc-20354746 •Sisto S.A., Druin E. Sliwinski M.M. Spinal Cord Injuries: Management and Rehabilitation. 2009, USA •Boos N. Spinal Disorders: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and treatment. 2008, Germany Thank you for your attention! Questions?

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Esitlus krediidipanga struktuurist ja väärtustest

Banking Uku Tammaru ­ Head of Corporate Banking Marju Arras ­ Director of Settlements Marina Laaneväli ­ Chief accountant Janek Uiboupin ­ Head of Risk Managment Vision: Krediidipank aims at being attractive ­ i.e. a noteworthy bank. This means that we are governed by the triple A principle ­ i.e. to be ATTRACTIVE to customers, ATTRACTIVE to employees, and ATTRACTIVE to investors. Mission: To create a good setting for reliable management of everyday financial affairs for private and corporate customers. Transparent Competent Simple Friendly Commited to seek solutions Thank you for listening!

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist


and create in three dimensions; ● a keen interest in buildings and the built environment; ● good organisational and negotiation skills; ● strong team-working and leadership skills; ● an understanding about the relationship between people, buildings and the wider environment; ● a first-rate understanding of construction processes; ● commercial awareness and business acumen; ● reasonable mathematical skills; ● project management skills; ● excellent IT skills, including computer-aided design skills. Where in Estonia can you learn it? ● Tallinn University of technology ● Estonian academy of arts ● TTK University of applied sciences

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Green IT

Regulations and industry initiatives Governmental agencies Climate Savers Computing Initiative The Green Electronics Council The Green Grid Green Comm Challenge The SPEC Power Approach: Product longevity To prolong the equipment's lifetime Approach: Data center design To better utilize a data center's space Increase performance and efficiency Approach: Software and deployment optimization Algorithmic efficiency Virtualization Terminal servers Approach: Power management Data center power Power supply Storage Video card Display Approach: Materials recycling Keep harmful materials out of landfills Replace equipment saving further energy and emissions Green computing certifications Green Computing Initiative (GCI) CompTIA Strata Green IT Information Systems Examination Board (ISEB) Foundation Certificate in Green IT Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF) Singapore Certified Green IT Professional Australian Computer Society (ACS) Conclusion

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Eesti Vabariigi rahaasutused ja nende poolt pakutavad põhiteenused

Alates 1999 aastast on Kawe laiendanud oma teenuste pakkumist peale kodu ja välismaiste institutsionaalsete investorite ka eraisikutele. 2002. aasta oktoobrist laiendas Kawe Kapital koostöös Seesam Elukindlustusega oluliselt oma tootevalikut. Sellest ajast alates pakub Kawe Kapital varahaldusteenust ka kogumiskindlustuse ning investeerimisriskiga pensionikindlustuse raames. Põhiomanikud ja tippjuhid: · Ago Lauri (MBA, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota) on alates 2001 aasta veebruarist Kawe Kapitali portfellihaldur ja juhatuse liige. · Sulev Nõmmann (PhD, Stockholmi Ülikool) on üks Kawe Kapitali asutaja ja nõukogu liige. · Karl Gert Wellner (MBA, Stockholm School of Economics) on Luxemburgis registreeritud valdusfirma Kawe Group Ltd. nõukogu esimees. · Priit Põldar (TTÜ majandusteaduskond 1992) on Kawe Kapitali nõukogu liige ja nõukogu esimees alates 2005. aastast. 1

Majandus → Finantsvahendus
85 allalaadimist

Uurimisstrateegia valik

Traditsiooniliste meetodite kõrval väärivad kaalumist mitmed alternatiivsed meetodid, mis võivad sobida konteksti paremini. Kirjanduse ülevaade Abend, G. 2008. The Meaning of Theory. Sociological Theory, 26-2, 173-199. Cross, N., Naughton, J., Walker, D. 1981. Design method and scientific method. Design Studies, 2-4, 195-01. Cross, N. 1993. Science and Design Methodology: a review. Research in Engineering Design, 5-2, 63-69. Eden, C., Huxham, C. 1996. Action research for management research. British Journal of Management, 7, 75-86. Flyvbjerg, B. 2004. Five misunderestandings about case-study research. Qualitative Research Practice. London: SAGE Publ, 420 ­ 433. Lijphart, A. 1971.Comparative Politics and the Comparative Method. American Political Science Review, 65, 682-693. Loogma, K. 1998. Tuleviku-uuringud: metodoloogiline vaatepunkt. Tallinn: Eesti Tuleviku-uuringute Instituut. Krathwohl, D.R. 2004a. ,,Experimental Methods and Experimental Design" in

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
78 allalaadimist

Juhtimise alused, I KT

JUHTIMISE ALUSED Arvestustöö nr 1 MÕISTED 1. Juhtimine (management)- inimeste spetsiaalne intellektuaalne tegevusobjektsüsteemi viimine algseisundist soovitud seisundisse. Lihtsustatult on juhtimine subjekti ja objekti vaheline suhe ehk tegevus, mille tulemusena saavutatakse ressursside efektiivne ja edukas kasutamine. 2. Juhtimisfunktsioonid (management functions)- on üldised juhtimiskohustused, mis peavad olema täidetud kõigis tõeliselt tootlikes organisatsioonides. Juhtimisfunktsioonid jagunevad neljaks: planeerimine, organiseerimine, eestvedamine, kontrollimine,(valitsemine). Ent tänapäeval tuntakse 10-t juhtimisfunktsiooni. 3. Planeerimine (planning)- on keskkonna määramatusega toimetuleku protsess, mille käigus määratakse kindlaks organisatsiooni tegevussuunad ja eesmärgid tulevikuks. Planeerimine on protsess,...

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
98 allalaadimist

Tutvumine olulisemate rahvusvaheliste erialaorganisatsioonidega - sissejuhatus infoteadustesse

Koostöös kohalike ASIS&T rühmadega on õpilastel võimalus luua mitteametlikke kontakte ja puutuda kokku töökeskkonnaga. Student Chapter suurendab õpilase vendlust ASIS&T organisatsiooniga. Student Chapter pakub võimalust olla ühenduses akadeemilise kogukonna ja kohalike organisatsioonide, asutuste, ettevõtete ning rühmadega. 2. AIIM - AIIM ehk Association for Information and Image Management on ülemaailmne informatsiooni professionaalide organisatsioon. Nende eesmärgiks on aidata sinul ja su organisatsioonil üle elada ja areneda informatsiooni kaoses. Organisatsiooni juhib tegevjuhtkond. AIIM rajati 1943. aastal National Microfilm Association nime all. Organisatsiooni nimeks sai Association for Information and Image Management 1982. aastal. Organisatsioon toetab seda, et informatsioon oleks tööl lihtne, turvaline ja kättesaadav igal pool, ajal ja iga tehnikavidinaga.

Infoteadus → Sissejuhatus infoteadustesse
8 allalaadimist

Assignment4 Risk assessment

Young love 4. Financial problems 5. Not understanding of the teacher's language skill 6. Mental health 7. Unhealthy lifestyle 8. Lack of motivation 9. Bad luck (you get hit my a car) 10. Stress 11. Too many distractions 12. Drug or alcohol abuse 13. Time management 14. Family problems 15. Work 16. Feeling like an outcast 17. Physical health b. After having a list (of at least 8 events), please PRIORITIZE the risks. How probable it is that those events will happen? Start your list with the event which seems to be the most probable and end the list with the event which is the least probable

Ergonoomika → Töökeskkond ja ergonoomika
4 allalaadimist

Basalioom: etioloogia, kliiniline pilt, ravi

adekvaatse teraapiata võib põhjustada kudede sügavat invasiooni ning metastaseerumist. 6 Kasutatud allikad 1. Putz R&, Pabst R. Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2006;1:419. 2. Linares MA, Zakaria A, Nizran P. Skin Cancer. Prim Care - Clin Off Pract. 2015;42(4):645-659. doi:10.1016/j.pop.2015.07.006. 3. Dourmishev LA, Rusinova D, Botev I. Clinical variants, stages, and management of basal cell carcinoma. Indian Dermatol Online J. 2013;4(1):12-17. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.105456. 4. DermNet NZ. Basal Cell Carcinoma. 2010;(January). 5. Roewert-Huber J, Lange-Asschenfeldt B, Stockfleth E, Kerl H. Epidemiology and aetiology of basal cell carcinoma. Br J Dermatol. 2007;157(SUPPL. 2):47-51. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.08273.x. 6. Vantuchová Y, Cuík R

Meditsiin → Silmahaigused
8 allalaadimist

Cover Letter

suitable candidate for your available position of office manager, which was advertised in CTEL web site. According to the advertisment, your position requires me to manage up to 30 staff, operate under stress, to be resourceful, sociable, well-organized, love to have my own office. Also I must be competent in French. To encourage that I am competent in all of these fields, I can show you that I have a Lancaster University Diploma in French, a Degree in Management Studies from Manchester University and I have been managing 35 staff for the past four years. Of course I consider myself as calm person who loves working under pressure and who has everything under control all the time. CTEL Communications is a fast growing company and I really would have something to offer to your company from what I have obtained from the past four years in working as an Office Manager in RRT Ltd.

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
25 allalaadimist

Presentatsioon Microsoft corporation

aspects to the corporate structure of Microsoft. For worldwide matters there is the Executive Team, made up of sixteen company officers across the globe. Stocks Microsoft income chart,through the years The Microsoft innovation solution · Employees need support for their ideas whischoffers both a common language and easy ways for people to coordinate their efforts. Technology is a powerful tool for creating that pathway. · The Microsoft (IPM) Management solution offers just such a technology backbone to help the chemical industry facilitate and manage the innovation process. Microsoft's approach focuses on three key aspects of the process. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!

Keeled → Inglise keel
33 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

2.1.1. a) Thermal treatment and physical properties and polyethylene b) ((((thermal treatment) WN All fields) AND ((physical properties) WN All fields)) AND ((polyethylene) WN All fields)) c) 200 artiklit d) Thermal treatment and physical properties and polyethylene e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.1.2 a) 69 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Valisin advanced search. Sealt sisestasin otsiprofiili "Tools for all jobs" in Document title. Tegin linnukese full texti ette, autoriks kirjutasin "Jim Brown". Dokumendi tüübiks valisin Article. 2.2.2 a) · laiemad märksõnad: environment · kitsamad märksõnad: aquatic ecosystems, arid zones, coastal plains, coral reefs, deserts, forests, grasslands, oceans, prairies, rainforests, taiga&tundra, terrestrial

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
5 allalaadimist


It helps the student have an insight in to the subject; 4. Library, computer facilities ( e-mail, Internet), literature in the bookstore are available for everyone. There is an easy access to any information. 5. Business education is on a very good level and embraces all spheres of knowledge: English ( Technical Writing: Letters, reports, presentations, resume, academic papers etc needed for real life), Speech communication (Interviews, presentations ), Psychology in Management, International issues, cultural awareness., foreign languages. In methodology -case study: theory and real life together. The students of Business College know what they want and how to achieve that, how to present themselves ( in their terms "to sell themselves"). Both content and appearance matter. But: The students are overloaded with information. Team work ( derived from eastern cultures) is being

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Infootsing raamatukogu andmebaasidest

2.1. Otsing andmebaasist Compendex Engineering Village platvormil. 2.1.1 b) ((Thermal treatment of physical properties of polyethylene.) WN All fields) c) 189 artiklit e) (((((thermal treatment) WN CV) ) AND ((physical properties) WN CV) ) AND ((polyethylene) WN CV) ) f) 4 artiklit 2.2. Otsing andmebaasist ProQuest Science Journals. 2.1.2 a) 68 articles found in Compendex for 1969-2014: ((({KRUNKS MALLE}) WN AU) OR (({KRUNKS M.}) WN AU)) 2.2.1 a) Jim Brown heads a management consulting firm, Tech-Clarity Inc. in Media, Pa. b) Otsistrateegia : Kõige pealt kirjutasin otsingulahtrisse Tools for all jobs seejärel panin Advanced Search ja sealt kirjutasin teise otsingukasti Jim Brown ja panin in Autors- AU , kahe otsingufraasi vahel oli AND 2.2.2 a) o laiemad märksõnad: environment o kitsamad märksõnad: aquatic ecosystems, arid zones, coastal plains, coral reefs, deserts, forests, grasslands, oceans, prairies, rainforests, taiga&tundra,

Keemia → Keemiainformaatika
3 allalaadimist

Emaplaadi terminite sõnastik inglise keeles

See under cache. The L1 cache is also called the primary cache. L2 Cache - Short for Level 2 cache, cache memory that is external to the microprocessor. In general, L2 cache memory, also called the secondary cache, resides on a separate chip from the microprocessor chip. The Pentium Pro, however, has an L2 cache on the same chip as the microprocessor. ACPI - Short for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, a power management specification developed by Intel, Microsoft, and Toshiba. ACPI, which will be part of the next version of Windows, enables the operating system to control the amount of power given to each device attached to the computer. With ACPI, the operating system can turn off peripheral devices, such as a CD-ROM players, when they're not in use. As another example, ACPI will enable manufacturers to produce computers that automatically power up as soon as you touch the keyboard.

Tehnoloogia → Arvutitund
1 allalaadimist

Seminaritöö Edgar Henry Schein

Iseseisev töö Edgar Henry Schein Oma Nimi XX-1 Denison, Daniel R. ,,What is the differnece between organizational culture and organizational climate? A native's point of view kn a decade of paradigm wars"1996. Academy of Management Review, vol. 21, no. 3, 619-654. Autori(te) taust (5p) a) Sünniaasta (või eluaastad) Edgar Henry Schein sündis 1928. aastal sveitsis. Ta elab ja õppis USA-s. b) Hariduslik taust Ta käis Harvard University (lõpetas 1952 sotsiaalpsühholoogia), Stanford University (lõpetas 1949), University of Chicago. c) Selle autori teised (olulisemad) tööd ning kas need eelnesid või järgnesid praegu loetavale tekstile.

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
59 allalaadimist

Massiturism ja sihtkoht

in a Mass Tourism Destination. University of Bologna. Claver-Cortés, E., Molina-Azori, J. F., Pereira-Moliner, J. (2007). Competitiveness in mass tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 34 No. 3 pp. 727-745. doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2007.03.010 Environmental impacts of tourism. (i.a). Kasutatud 20.11.2018, tour/envi/one.html Erkus-Öztürk, H., Terhorst, P. (2016). Innovative restaurants in a mass-tourism city: Evidence from Antalya. Tourism Management, Vol. 54, pp.477-489. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.01.003 Ivanov, S. (2017). Mass Tourism in Bulgaria: The Force Awakens. Varna University of Management. Ivanov, S. ja Ivanova, M. (2013). Mass Ecotourism vs. Eco Mass Tourism. Varna University of Management. Juaneda, S. C., Perez, E. A. (2000). Tourist expenditure for mass tourism markets. Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 27 No. 3 pp. 624-637. doi: 10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00101-2 Lee, J. W., Syah, A. M. (2018)

Turism → Turismimajanduse alused
7 allalaadimist

Riskianalüüs reisijateveo logistikas

lõplikult lahti saada. Kasutatud kirjandus 1. Robert W. Poole, A Risk- based Airport Security Policy, Los Angeles, 2009, 2. G.Veselko, T. Bratkovic, Managing risks and threats in global logistics chains, Slovenia, 2008 3. Sheldon H. Jacobson, Julie L. Vitra, Jon M. Bowman, John E. Kobza, Modeling aviation baggage screening security systems: a case study, 2003 4. UNCTAD Trust Fund on Trade Facilitation Negotiations. Risk management in Customs procedures, 2008 5. Vikipeedia. September 11 attacks []. 7.04.2013 6. Vikipeedia. Risk Management []. 7.04.2013

Logistika → Logistika
83 allalaadimist

Forestry and the forest industry in Japan

Afforestation on bare land was completed within a decade, and then reforestation from natural to artificial forest came to be regarded as important. After 1957, 48% of the planting cost for such reforestation was provided as a subsidy by the central government, compared with 24% for the replanting of artificial forests. The amount of subsidy has changed several times, but the relative difference has been maintained up to the present. Favourable loans are also available for forest management. The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Finance Corporation, an affiliated group of the central government established in 1953, provides funds for forestry at fixed interest rates that are lower than prevailing rates from private banks. Repayment terms are over decades and most funds have been provided for planting. ----------------------- In any industry, if market conditions deteriorate some establishments leave the industry. Forestry is no exception

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Sri Ishopanisad Invocation summary notes MRdd

much water, what's the point? One has to see the design in connection with the purpose. Evidents of design are undeniable in the world. When we say that smt happens automatically it is not the proof that there is no designer existing. Automatic means that no direct intervention of the creator or designer is seen from observer's perspective. Yet control can be delegated or invisible. Lord has made this world this way that once made it will go on itself. That is the perfect management which requires minimal or no management. That things are structured so well that they go on their own with least possible supervision. The absence of the need of constant intervention is not indicative of the proof that there is no intelligence. Actually it proofs that there is such a perfect intelligence that there is no need for constant intervention. We have to evaluate the design in connection with it's purpose. Material world

Teoloogia → India usundid
2 allalaadimist


flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the superfamily. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none is wingless. The best-known bee species is the European honey bee, which, as its name suggests, produces honey, as do a few other types of bee. Human management of this species is known as beekeeping or apiculture. Despite the honey bee's painful sting and the stereotype of insects as pests, bees are generally held in high regard. This is most likely due to their usefulness as pollinators and as producers of honey, their social nature, and their reputation for diligence. Bees are one of the few insects regularly used on advertisements, being used to illustrate honey and foods made with honey (such as Honey Nut Cheerios).

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ülevaade Eesti uurijate tööst

completion of a professional development grant. Vocational training ( 2 years): Graduates will start work on patrol, some of them will be direct to training or to acquire higher education. It prepares police officers who are capable of bringing their skills and knowledge to perform various tasks. Higher education ( 2 years): It is a presumption to become a criminal police or post of the director. Master of Arts, which is required to take up senior management positions. Work description Performs services with in the competence of the pre-trial criminal procedure in the base of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Solves received applications and notifications of crime, enters them into information systems. Searches and arrests persons, who have been committed crimes. Participates in various trainings and exercises. Work hours & vocation Monday to Friday Saturday to Sunday, if they are not

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

English story

Story Sophia Romero is a successful business woman, she has a wonderful family and loving friends. Everything hasn’t always been so perfect in her life. About 15 years ago, when Sophia had graduated from University of Washington, she didn’t have a clue what she wanted to do with her life. Although Sophia studied business management, she didn’t feel like this was what she wanted to do. Sophia loved cooking- she would wake up in the middle of the night just to bake a cake. When Sophia was 25, in her own apartment, with bachelor’s degree, with no work and no money, she decided that she had to do something with her life. She applied to every job she could find but unfortunately, none of them worked out. Sophia was about losing her last hope, then one night she saw a dream of her life five years later. When she woke up, it still seemed so real, so she decided to act just like she remembered from i...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Peregrine systems Inc

 Douglas Powanda  Matthew Gless  Jeremy Crook  Andrew V. Cahill, Jr.  Berd J Rassam  Larry Rodda  Richard Nelson  Ilse Cappel  John Burnham  Steven Spitzer  Gary Lenz  Peter O'Brien  Michael Whitt Süüdistustest vabastati Dan Stulac (juhtis auditi tiimi Arthur Andersen-is) 2002 23.september kuulutati välja pankrott Firma üks osa müüdi BMC Software-ile rohkem kui 300 millioni dollari eest. Praegu müüakse Peregrine tooteid osana HP IT Management Software-ist HP ostis omakorda Peregrine Systems-i aastal 2005 ja 425 millioni eest. 300 mil. 425 mil. AUDIITORETTEVÕTE • Arthur Andersen • Asutati 1913. aastal • Endine „Big five“ ettevõte • 2002, andis vabatahtlikult tegevusloa ära • Oli seotud veel teiste pettustega Peregrine kaebas 2002. aastal Arthur Anderseni kohtusse. Nõuti kahjutasu, suuruses 1 miljard, et võimaldasid

Majandus → Majandus
3 allalaadimist

Managment of IT

...........................................................................................................8 A.2.6.1 Kirjeldada kvaliteedijuhtimise vajadus infosüsteemides. ­ Describe the need for quality assurance in Information Systems...................................................................................................................................................8 A.2.6.2 Kvaliteedijuhtimise põhimeetodite kirjeldus (nt TQM, Total Quality Management, terviklik kvaliteedijuhtimine). ­ Describe the concept of Total Quality Management (TQM)................................................ 8 A.2.6.3 Põhiriskide määratlus seoses ebapiisava kvaliteediga infosüsteemides ning infotehnoloogia vallas. ­ Define the risks associated with lack of quality in IS/IT ............................................................................................8 A.2.6.4 Selgitada IT investeeringute jälgimise ja hindamise vajadust

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
61 allalaadimist

Turismi sõnad

Types of holiday: Career in Tourism Trends in tourism Alandatud hind-Discount price Alaline,püsiv-permanent Ajavahe-jet lag Ekstreemturism-Hardship holiday Autasu-Reward Edasi-tagasi pilet-Return ticket Eripakkumine(soodushinnag)-Special rate Avatud inimene-Outgoing personality Jõukas-Affluent Eripakkumine-Special offer Hariduskäik-Educational history Jõukus-Prosperity Hobi-või huvialaturism-Special interest holiday Honorar-Fee Kaasmaalane-Compatriot Järsku alandatud-rock-bottom price Juhi töökoht-Management job Kasum,tulu-Revenue Kallis-expensive Kaaskiri-Covering letter Koopia-...

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

The whole manager

mindset ü Managing your diary The diary layout Monthly Calender Daily Calender 8 9 10 11 Appointments Top 6 8.00 Fri 1 Sat 2 9.00 Other action points Sun 3 Mon 4 10.00 Tues 5 Wed 6 11.00 telephone Thur 7 Fri 8 Notes Managing your time (2) ü Punctuality ü Practical time management strategies ü Other methods for saving time ü Time is a journey Getting things done ü Ongoing tasks and one-off projects ü The two pager ü The triangle approach Sample Two Pager for Company X The marketplace Key tasks The price war in the retail market 1. Ensure each team member over the last 18 months has resulted understands the part they play in in a reduction in operators, and a how to achieve the consumer

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Letter of application

Please accept this letter and accompanying resume as evidence of my interest in applying for this position with your company. I am a computer major of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, who is about to graduate in June. The degree programme has equipped me with a solid foundation knowledge in computer science. Courses that should be of particular relevance to the present position include computer engineering, operation systems, network administration and database management. I have learnt about the latest technology in these areas, and I have confidence that I can self-learn continuously to keep up with the rapid development in this field. Other than my studies, I have been earnestly seeking for opportunities to gain understanding of my potential and the world around me. One of these experiences that I treasured was a study tour to Taiwan I made last year, in which I had to compete with 120 candidates to become one of the 40 participants in the tour

Keeled → Inglise keel
124 allalaadimist

Erilised püügiviisid

expectations of what type of species they should expect to find. When this ends up not being the case, as where warm water pollutant tolerant species are found in what would be considered cold water species habitat, then the biologists look closer into possible causes for the ecological imbalance. When combined with water chemistry, habitat, and stream invertebrate information, a clear picture of the ecological system is brought in to focus from which sound management decisions can be made. 8.1 Introduction · Electrofishing - use of electricity to: ­ capture fish ­ guide fish ­ block the movement of fish Elektripüük öösel %20unit.jpg Fish in an Electrical Field · Behavior change or reactive movement · Trauma from ­ ­ Stress due to physiology

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
8 allalaadimist

Music therapy

found to reduce the stress. Music was found to reduce heart rates and to promote higher body temperature - an indication of the onset of relaxation. Combining music with relaxation therapy was more effective than doing relaxation therapy alone. Those who practice music therapy are finding a benefit in using music to help cancer patients, children with ADD, and others, and even hospitals are beginning to use music and music therapy to help with pain management, to help ward off depression, to promote movement, to calm patients, to ease muscle tension, and for many other benefits that music and music therapy can bring With all these benefits that music can carry, it's no surprise that music therapy is growing in popularity.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

Tallinn Town Hall Square and Town Hall

Town Hall and Town Hall Square History The building history of the Town Hall goes back to the 13th century. In its present form it was completed in 1404. The management of the city worked in the Town Hall until 1970. Since 1975 the Town Hall functions as the ceremonial building of the city government, but it also serves as a concert hall and a museum. The tower The tower was constructed together with the Town Hall in 1402 ­ 1404. The original Gothic pyramidal spire was replaced by a Late- Renaissance spire in 1627. The height of the Town Hall from the bottom of the arcade to the top of the spire is 64 meters.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Smart cities

Smart cities Nowadays more than half of all people in the world live in urban areas. By mid century this will increase about 20 per cent. For successful operations people need smart cities. The smart city functions like the human body. Smart cities make cities more liveable, efficient, sustainable and safe. Smart cities are built around users. It leverage technology to serve people. Smart cities start with an information network designed to optimize resources and thereby promote sound, sustainable development. It has been expected that in 2025 there are at least 88 smart cities. Connected streets are the core of smart cities. Smart connected streetlights open up many possibilities. They can gather and send information. Standby lighting can switch on when somebody walks by. There can be specific lighting to cross the street safely. Smart cities can also help you finding a parking spot. Life can b...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Electrical engineering

engineering. Getting into engineering school takes good grades in math and science. Students also need courses in English, social studies, and computers. Engineers should be creative, curious, logical, and detail-oriented. They should also be able to work as part of a team. What do electrical engineers do? Electrical engineers work in a very wide range of industries and the skills required are likewise variable. These range from basic circuit theory to the management skills required of a project manager. The tools and equipment that an individual engineer may need are similarly variable, ranging from a simple voltmeter to a top end analyzer to sophisticated design and manufacturing software. Electrical engineering in Estonia Contactus AS is well known Estonian leading electrical design company in Estonia. In addition to Estonia, they have designed electrical parts to buildings in Russia, Uganda, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden and China

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Hinnang majanduskriisi lahendamisele Euroopa näitel

Seetõttu on ka kriiside ohjamine palju raskem, kuna teatav kontingent võib selles näha võimalust ühise Euroopa ideest loobuda ning minna tagasi täielikult rahvustepõhisele riikide kogumile. Euroopa 12 Verhofstadt, Behn-Condit. Euroopa manifest, lk. 11. 13 Velda Buldas. Käesoleva majanduskriisi põhjused ja tagajärjed. Loengumaterjalid. Majanduskriis Kesk- ja Ida- Euroopas ja sammud kriisist väljumiseks. 2013. 14 András Inotai. The Management of the Costs of Crisis Management Eurozone , EU 2020 and the Future of European Integration. Economic Studies, 2011/2, p. 4. 5 Keskpank ning teised eurotsooni juhtorganid peavad lisaks majanduslikele otsustele pidevalt tõrjuma skeptikute rünnakuid ning pareerima ebapopulaarseid arvamusi. Rahaliidu loomisega majanduslik ühtsus 20. sajandi lõpuks siiski saavutati, kuid loodetud poliitilist koostööd see kaasa pole toonud

Majandus → Majandus
15 allalaadimist

Mis takistab Eesti ettevõtjatel olemast innovaatilisem?

Eelkõige võiks Eestis rakendada ning propageerida avatud innovatsiooni ­ ideedes ja mõtetes stagneerunud ettevõtted peavad mõistma, et areng ei toimu vaid ettevõttesiseselt, vaid ka selle väliselt. Kõige paremini kirjeldab olukorda järgnev ärimudelite võrdlus: 10 Viited ja kasutatud kirjandus Sorescu, A.B., Chandy, R.K., & Prabhu, J.C. (2003). ,,Journal of Marketing." Hussler, C., & Ronde, P. (2009). ,,Journal of Technology Management & Innovation." Hermann, A., Gassmann, O., Eisert, U. (2007). ,,Journal of Engineering and Technology Management." Lewrick, M. (2009). ,,Journal of Technology Management & Innovation." Rammer, C., Czarnitzki, D., Spielkamp, A. (2009). ,,Small Business Economics." Fortuin, F.T.J.M., Batternik, M.H., Omta, S.W.F. (2007). ,,International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. " Carayannis, E.G., Varblane, U., Roolaht, T. (2012). ,,Innovation Systems in Small Catching-Up Economies." http://www

Majandus → Majandus
3 allalaadimist

Personali planeerimine

III OLEMASOLEVA INIMRESSURSI ANALÜÜSIMINE PERSONALI PLANEERIMISEL IV TEGEVUSED PERSONALI PLANEERIMISEL V VEEL PERSONALI PLANEERIMISE MEETODEID VI PERSONALI PLANEERIMISE TÕHUSUSE HINDAMINE Hindamine: Kuni 40% hindest annavad individuaalsed ja grupitööd tundides ning aktiivne osavõtt tundidest, kuni 60% hindest annab kirjaliku eksamitöö tulemus. Eksamitöös ei saa konspekti kasutada. Soovitatav kirjandus: 1. Bucknall, H; Wei, Z (2006) Magic Numbers for Human Resource Management. Basic measures to achieve better results. Mercer Human Resource Consulting 2. PARE (2012). Personalijuhtimise käsiraamat. Uus raamat ilmub 2017 a kevadel 3. Armstrong, M. Armstrongs Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 2014 4. Ajakiri People & Strategy (kuni 2007 Human Resource Planning) (EBSCOhost paroolid saate TMK raamatukogust) Õppetöö käigus lahendatakse ülesandeid, kus on vaja arvutada. Lektori kontaktandmed: e-mail: [email protected] SISSEJUHATUS

Majandus → Personali juhtimine ja...
66 allalaadimist

Kuluarvestus II KT kordamisküsimused

1. Juhtimis- ja kuluarvestuse universaalmeetodid a. Vastutuspõhine (spetsiaalne) kuluarvestus, algus loengus 4 i. Definitsioon: Organisatsiooni erinevate vastutuspiirkondade kaupa majandus-informatsiooni kogumine, kokkuvõtmine ja aruannete koostamine, seostades ettevõtte tulud, kulud, kasumid ja investeeringud nende eest otseselt vastutavate struktuuriüksuste juhtidega. ii. Vastutuskeskused (tulemusüksused), nende juhtide vastutuse ulatus: kulu-, tulu-, kasumi- ja investeeringukeskused Kulukeskus – organisatsiooni allüksus, mille juht on vastutav ja aruandekohustuslik talle alluva allüksuse väljaminekute eest. (esmatasandi juhid) Tulukeskus – organisatsiooni allüksus, mille juht on vastutav ja aruandekohustuslik talle alluva allüksuse sissetulekute eest, kuid ta ei kontrolli täielikult antud allüksuse poolt osutatavate teenuste/müüdavate kaupade kulusid. (k...

Majandus → Juhtimine
51 allalaadimist

Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledž Majandusosakond Annika Liivamägi TDJ 1 Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Seminaritöö 1 Juhendaja: Heli Tooman Pärnu 2015 SISUKORD Table of Contents Sissejuhatus.......................................................................................................................3 1. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award...................................................................4 1.1. Auhinna tekke ajalugu............................................................................................4 1.2. MBNQA eesmärk...................................................................................................4 2. Malcolm Baldrige’i Kvaliteediauhinna kasutatavus......................................................6 2.1. Baldridge’i ...

Muu → Ainetöö
21 allalaadimist

Martini CV näidis

Business Expert, The Working Knowledge Group, Nottingham Trent University, Jun 2012 Duties: The pitch judging is the Dragons Den role! Also giving business advice to students. Founder and Manager, Elva Reform Party Youth, September 2003 ­ August 2011 Duties: Leading a youth club (100 members), giving presentations, leading political campaigns, leading meetings and training. EDUCATION: De Montfort University, United Kingdom - September 2011 ­ June 2014 Business Management and Enterprise, Level 4 certificate Certificate in Adult Literacy Level 2, 2009 Certificate in Adult Numeracy Level 2, 2009 ECDL Advanced Level 3 certificate in Word Processing, 2009 ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence) Level 2 certificate, 2008 University of Tartu, Estonia: Chemistry, 2002 - 2004 Material Science, 2001 ­ 2002 Tartu Tamme High School, Estonia, 1996 - 2001

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Praktika Aruanne, Baltic Queen Laondus

erinevateks operatsioonideks kasutasin. Lisaks oli veel kaubalift millega autotekilt kauba lattu saatsin. Oli ka olukordi kus pidin kaupa kiletama et kaup koos püsiks. Ettevõttes pidin tutvuma kasutus- ja ohutusjuhenditega ning andma allkirja, et olen kõigest arusaanud ja teadlik. II Teema: Laotehnoloogia kaardistamine praktikaettevõttes. Infotehnoloogia kasutamine laos I Teema: Laotarkvara ettevõttes. Kaupluse ja lao arvutisüsteemiks oli OSCAR Cruise Management ­ on spetsiaalselt mõeldud reisilaevadele arendatud toitlustusele ja kaubanduse tarkvarale. OSCAR Cruise Management (OCM) tarkvara on Oscari tooteperekonna funktsionaalseim ja teabemahukaim tarkvara, mis on arendatud spetsiaalselt reisilaevade äriprotsesse arvestades. OSCAR Cruise Management toetab nii jaemüügi kui toitlustuse äriprotsesse, võimaldades igal merel viibival laeval autonoomselt töötada, pakkudes samal ajal erinevate laevade süsteemide

Logistika → Baaslogistika
64 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun