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"management" - 856 õppematerjali

management - the influence of surgical ward nurses.

Arvutiprogramm juhtimisseadmed

kasutamise tehnoloogia, mis planeerimise osa või toote tootmises. CAPP vaheliseks ühenduslüliks CAD ja CAM, kuna nähakse ette planeerimise protsessi, mida kasutatakse tootmiseks kavandatud osa. CAQ – Computer-aided quality assurance – Arvuti abil kvaliteedi tagamine on tehnika kohaldamine arvuteid ja arvutiga juhitavad masinad, kontrollib toodete kvaliteeti. MRO – Maintenance, repair and operations – Hooldus- ja remonditööd ning toimingud? Req.Man. – PPM – Project Portfolio Management – Projekti portfelli haldamine? CAID – Computer-aided industrial design – Arvuti abil tööstusdisaini on osa alamhulk (CAD) ja sisaldab tarkvara, mis aitab otseselt tootearenduses. CAD – Computer-aided design – Arvutidisaini tarkvara. CAD-tarkvara kasutatakse, et suurendada tootlikkust, kujundaja, parandada kvaliteeti, parandamiseks läbi dokumentatsiooni ning luua andmebaas tootmiseks. EDA – Electronic design automation – Elektroonika projekteerimise automatiseerimine on

Masinaehitus → Masinaelemendid
16 allalaadimist

France school

industry, and the optics-eyewear sector). In a professional lycée, the BEP course is integrated into the three-year programme of the professional baccalaureate. The general baccalaureate and the technological baccalaureate are organised into 'series' or streams (ES - economic and social studies, L - literary and S - scientific) for the general 'bac', and STG (Management), STI (Industrial), STL (Laboratory), STSS (Health and Social), STAV (Agronomy), TMD (Music and Dance) and Hotel Management for the technological 'bac'. Each stream is structured by a coherent core of key subjects. The professional baccalaureate requries 3 years of study and certifies the capacity to work in a highly qualified professional activity.

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
1 allalaadimist

Nokia Report

create access and consume multimedia, as well as share their experiences with others. The 5 devices are included with a wide range of connectivity such as GSM, 3G/WCDMA, WLAN and Bluetooth. QUALITY Nokia believes that quality is about meeting and exceeding customer expectations and that depends on the quality of process which is tied to the quality of management. Nokia's key quality targets are that customers know that Nokia has the best quality company in the industry and that Nokia will be number one in product leadership and in operational excellence. Nokia's goal is to have the industry's best products and services, most loyal customers and most efficient operational mode. Nokia commits to quality improvement which is a continuous management process. "It is both a business strategy

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist

Infootsing: Praktikum 4

vastuse. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, China's new rural pension scheme: can it be improved? =abs&mm1=phr&bl2=and&st2=&fd2=all&mm2=all&bl3=and&st3=&fd3=all &mm3=all&ys=2009&ye=2013&at=rsp&ec=0&ec=1&bf=0&bf=1&search=S earch&cd=ac 6. Leidke keskkonnakorralduse teemalisi väljaanded. Mitu väljaannet leiate? Vasakult browse, Journals & Books, Environmental management, saan 8 tulemust. Küsimustele 7-9 leidke vastused andmebaasist EbscoHost ( 7. Leidke andmebaasist PsycArticles täistekstilisi artikleid koolivägivallast ja kiusamisest (School Violence, Bullying), mis ilmusid vahemikus 2005-2010 a. Esitage kirje. Kirjeldage otsingu käiku. Leian PsycARTICLES, lisan märksõnd, täisteksti ja aastad, saan 2 tulemust. Merrell, Kenneth W, Gueldner, Barbara A, Ross, Scott W, Isava, Duane M,

Informaatika → Infootsing: allikad ja...
44 allalaadimist

Juhtumi halduse protsess

............................................... 9 Juhtumi haldus ISMis......................................................................................... 10 Kokkuvõte............................................................................................................. 12 Kasutatud kirjandus.............................................................................................. 13 2 Mõisted IM ­ Incident management ehk Juhtumi haldus SLA ­ Service Level Agreement ehk teenustaseme leping ITIL ­ Information Technology Infrastructure Library MOF ­ Microsoft Operations Framework ITSM ­ IT service management ehk IT teenuste haldus ISM ­ Integrated Sercive Management 3 Sissejuhatus Käesolev referaat annab ülevaate Juhtumi halduse protsessist (IM) läbi erinevate IT halduse raamistike. Juhtumi jalduse protsessi on vaadeldud

Informaatika → Infosüsteemide ülalhoid
16 allalaadimist

Juhtimise kordamisküsimused ( vene keel )

« » - , , , .. : · · · .. « » - . : · · · · .. : 1. ­ 2. ­ 3. ­ 4. ­ : 2 ( ­ ) : 1. ­ , . , , 2. ­ ( , ). , ( 2 « ­ » ) : ­ 2 « » 1940- (), (R.Likert, New Patterns of Management ­ New York:McGraw-Hill, 1961). . 1. -: ( «» ) 2. -: , , , ( , ), 3. - : , , , 4. : , ( ), ( «Y» ) : 4 ( ) ­ ( , , ) ( . .) . . (Blake and Mouton, 1964) . : · « » · « » , 9- , 9 .- , 1 .- : 1.1. « »: , , , -, ( ), (, ) 9.1. « »: - ,

Majandus → Juhtimine
16 allalaadimist

BMW summary

industry and a 10 per cent BMW supplement. The company has nine wage groups, allowing better gradations for a job well done. Moving to a higher group is possible if a worker regularly performs a higher value activity. Employees could also earn extra pay trough a personal supplement, payable for an individual´s contribution to group results. One of the most outstanding BMW manufacturing facility is the Cowley plant. Unions in that plant won the CIPD People Management Award because of their high performance and very good teamwork. HRM had two high-profile initiatives like establishing self-directed work groups and using an employee suggestion scheme in which individual bonus payments are given in return for cost savings and production improvement suggestions. Here is some statistics how these initiatives worked: · in 2002, production targets were exceeded by more than 60 per cent; · the programme of continuous process improvement saved £10

Auto → Auto õpetus
14 allalaadimist

Kommunikatsiooniprotsess ja kommunikatsioon

Kordamisküsimused ­ Test Ülle Toode ­ [email protected] 1. Kommunikatsiooniprotsessi toimemehhanism (loengumaterjal) SÕNUMI SAATJA (sender) -> SÕNUM (message) -> KODEERIMINE (encoding) VASTUVÕTJA (receiver) -> SÕNUM (message) -> LAHTI KODEERIMINE (decoding) 2. Kirjeldage, kuidas toimib poliitiline kommunikatsioon (McNair, lk 3-15) poliitiline kommunikatsioon on eesmärgipärane poliitikasse puutuv suhtlus, milleks võib olla: poliitikute või teiste poliitika subjektide spetsiifiliste eesmärkide saavutamisele suunatud mistahes vormis toimuv kommunikatsioon; poliitikutele suunatud mittepoliitikute sõnumid; poliitikute ja teise poliitiliste subjektide kohta käiv kommunikatsioon ja poliitika üle arutlemine 3. Poliitilise kommunikatsiooni võtmeelemendid (McNairi skeem, lk 3-15) 4. Poliitilise reaalsuse kategooriad (McNair 3-15) on objektiivne poliitiline reaalsus ...

Politoloogia → Poliitiline kommunikatsioon ja...
39 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse

Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse Mis on andmebaas? · Andmed · arhiiv Andmebaasi omadused · Aktuaalne · Ammendav · Mitteliiane · Struktuurne Andmebaasihaldur Database Management System ­ DBMS/ · andmebaasi loomine ja hoidmine; · andmebaasi muutmine, andmete muutmine, · päringute esitamine; · aruannete koostamine; · aruannete printimine Andmebaasi tüübid · lameandmebaasid · puustruktuur (hierarhiline) · võrkmudel · relatsiooniline · objektorienteeritud Lameandmebaas Puustruktuur (hierarhiline) Võrkmudel Relatsiooniline Objektorienteeritud

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
34 allalaadimist

Projektijuhtimise e-konspekt

On olemas Esko Koolituse ja Siseministeeriumi koostöös loodud rahvusvaheliste projektide käsiraamatu elektrooniline versioon, kuid see ei sisalda multimeedia illustratsioone. Uut paberõpikut pole mõtet luua, sest vastavasisulist erialast kirjandust on piisavalt. Näiteks Eestis on kõige enam tuntud Algis Perensi Projektijuhtimise õpik ning Äripäeva Projektijuhtimise käsiraamat. Ülemaailmselt on tuntuim Projektijuhtimise Instituudi (PMI - Project Management Institute) PMBOK Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide). Pole mõtet luua ka projektijuhtimise õpikeskkonda, kui on olemas piisavalt head õpisüsteemid. Näiteks WebCT või IVA. Loodav konspekt peab olema kasutatav eelpool mainitud ja kõikides teistes õpihaldussüsteemides. Seepärast ei ole plaanis konspekti koosseisu lisada kommunikatsioonivahendeid, ülesannete üleslaadimise võimalust, õpilaste ja õppetöö tulemuse haldamise vahendeid

Informaatika → Infosüsteemi projekteerimine
39 allalaadimist


with several types of biomes. Savannas are frequently seen as a transitional zone, occurring between forest and desert or prairie. Although the term savanna is believed to have originally come from a Native American word describing "land which is without trees but with much grass either tall or short", by the late 1800s it was used to mean "land with both grass and trees". It now refers to land with grass and either scattered trees or an open canopy of trees. Changes in fire management Savannas are subject to regular fires and the ecosystem appears to be the result of human use of fire. For example Native Americans created subtropical savannas by periodic burning in some areas of the US southeastern coast where

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


eesmärk“ ja „protsess“. Üllatusena tuli, et märksõnu „isikuomadus“ või „motivatsioon“ kasutati materjalides väga vähe. 1.2. Domineerivad ja varieeruvad seisukohad Meie uuritavates materjalides keskendutakse mõistes „eestvedamine“ juhile. Lisaks kasutati korduvalt märksõnu „mõjutamine“, „järgijad“ ja „protsess“. Artiklis „Leadership, Communication and Uninon Commitment in Latvia: Development Perspectives of Strategic Management. European Integration Studies“ on autorid lähtunud kõige rohkem märksõnadest „protsess“ ja „juht“. Artikkel keskendub süvitsi 5 mõiste „eestvedamine“ teooria analüüsile. „What do we really know about leadership?“ artiklis on fookuses juht. „Leaders and leadership – many theories, but what advice is reliable?“ definitsioonides on enim kasutatud märksõnu „juht“ ja „järgijad“

Majandus → Juhtimis alused ja...
15 allalaadimist

The Real Estate Developer´s Handbook

· Name at least 7 out of 15 Business plan · Cover Sheet · Table of Contents · Executive Summary ­ to hand out to potential investors · Description of the company ­ mission statement, goals, philosophy · Produces and Services ­ in depth description · Marketing Plan ­ target market, techniques, demographics · Competition · Pricing · Operational Plan ­ daily operations´explaination · Management and Organization ­ description · Personal Financial Statement ­ owners and stakeholders · Startup Expenses and Capitalization ­ Where from and how much? · Financial Plan ­ 12 month profit/loss projection · Projected Cash Flow · Appendices ­ supporting documents Ideas · Let your ideas flow · Find opportunities that make money · Get more ideas · Learn to anticipate developments in your area ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Gerd Kanter-inglise keeles

Personal record 73.38 (4. september Helsingborg, 2006) Trainer: Vésteinn Hafsteinsson (Island) Other: Estonian male athlete (2007, 2008, 2011) Gerd Kanter is an Estonian discus thrower. Gerd spent his childhood in Tallinn. After graduating the first class he went with parents from Tallinn to Vana-Vigala. He started to study in elementary school in Vana-Vigala. High school Gerd graduated already in Pärnu-Jaagupi. After graduating it he went to study to Higher School of Economics, Business Management and received his diploma in June 2001. Now he is completing Estonian Business School. Kanter residences are in Tallinn and in the field of Vigala Tiduvere village. His first coach was Ando Palginõmm. In the time of studies business management his coach was Helgi Parts. Their collaboration was short, because the coach's health was deteriorated. Then he practiced alone for about six months. In the end of 1998 Aleksander Tammert senior started to help him, but it didn´t last long

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

tissue culture-based processes, or horizontal gene transfer in living plants, using vectors such as the Agrobacterium bacteria to transfer DNA into a host organism. In fact, the term should be used in a much broader sense to describe the whole range of methods, both ancient and modern, used to manipulate organic materials to reach the demands of food production. So the term could be defined as, "The application of indigenous and/or scientific knowledge to the management of (parts of) microorganisms, or of cells and tissues of higher organisms, so that these supply goods and services of use to the food industry and its consumers.[2] Biotechnology combines disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology, which are in turn linked to practical disciplines like chemical engineering, information technology, and biorobotics. Patho-biotechnology describes the exploitation of

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Inglise keel: 500 sõna majanduserialadele

18 adviser konsultant, nõuandja 19 aid toetus, abi 20 alimony alimendid, elatsraha 21 allocated reserveeritud 22 amortization kulumine, amortisatsioon 23 amount of funds rahaliste vahendite hulk 24 appendicies lisad, kaasaanded 25 application avaldus 26 appraise the management hinnangut andma 27 arbitrage vahendustegevus 28 aspirations püüdlused 29 assets varad 30 assets and liabilities aktiva ja passiva 31 assumption ülevõtmine 32 assurance kinnitus, kindlustus 33 auction oksjon 34 audit report kontrolliaruanne

Keeled → Erialane inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Sanaa - Kazuyo Sejima ja Ryue Nishizawa presentatsioon

The Christian Dior Building Tokios The Serpentine Pavilion Londonis Kazuyo Sejima Ryue Nishizawa Preemiad • Arnold Brunner Memorial Medal of the American Academy of Arts and Letters • Jaapani Arhitektuuri Instituudi disaini auhind • Berlin art Prize • Ameerika Pritzkeri preemia • Nike arhitektuuriline preemia Ameerika Pritzkeri preemia 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa O-muuseum Zollverein School of Management and Design Toledo Museum New Museum of Contemporary Art The Rolex Learning Center Tänan! 

Arhitektuur → Arhitektuur
3 allalaadimist


governmental interest in integrated economic, environmental, and social reporting was scant. Financial markets interest in sustainability reporting – The financial industry slowly but steadily is embracing sustainability reporting as part its analytical toolkit. Emergence of next-generation accounting – The late 20th century saw worldwide progress in harmonizing financial reporting. 5 Benefits of reporting  Effective management in a global economy, where information travels at Internet speed, requires a proactive approach.  Today’s strategic and operational complexities require a continua dialogue with investors, customers, advocates, suppliers, and employees.  Companies increasingly emphasize the importance of relationships with external parties, ranging from consumers to investors to community groups, as key to their business success.

Majandus → Majandus
4 allalaadimist

STORYTELLING ehk lugude jutustamine

html Bevir, M., & Rhodes, R. A. (Eds.). (2015, July). Routledge Handbook of Interpretive Political Science. Routledge. 8 Lam, K. T. (2008, December 19). KM and Storytelling. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from KM and Storytelling: storytelling.pdf Perret, R., Borges, M. R., & Santoro, F. M. (n.d.). Applying Group Storytelling in Knowledge Management. Retrieved December 13, 2016, from ng_Group_Storytelling_in_Knowledge_Management/links/5420517e0cf241a65a1dba 85.pdf Storytelling. (2016). Retrieved December 10, 2016, from Storytelling: Vaino, M. (2013). Postimees. Retrieved December 10, 2016, from Maarja Vaino: peaministri põige narratoloogiasse: http://m.postimees

Infoteadus → Organisatsiooni...
5 allalaadimist

Personalijuhtimise kontekst ja personalitöö korraldamine

· Act in ways consistent with their words · Coach employees to improve perfomance · Treat employees with respect Organization's image · Highly regarded by the general public · Displays honesty and integrity in business activities top HR investment trends 1. Leadership development / leadership and management quality 2. Talent attraction, recruitment, retention and branding 3. Talent development / learning and development 4. Improving HR's internal efficiency 5. Strategic workforce planning (CapGemini Global HR Barometer, 2013) personalitöö korraldamine Kas teeme ise või Milliseid ostame sisse? teenuseid kasutame?

Ühiskond → T??keskkonna ohutus
31 allalaadimist

Modemarketing in Potsdam

MODEMARKETING IN BUSINESS SCHOOL BERLIN POTSDAM DER CAMPUS  Die Villa Siemens im Berliner Bezirk Steglitz ÜLEVAADE  Schule: Business School Berlin Potsdam  Studienort: Berlin  Vollzeit: 6 Semester  Studienformen: Vollzeitstudium  Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)  Sachgebiete: Marketing Vertrieb MODULÜBERSICHT MODEMARKETING  Allgemeine Fachkompetenz im Management  Spezielle Fachkompetenz  Berufsfeldbezogene Handlungskompetenz  Methoden- und Sozialkompetenz BERUFS- UND KARRIERECHANCEN  Online-Modehändler – nationale und internationale Modeunternehmen  Modehandel  Textil-, Schuh- und Accessoireketten  Versandhandel  Kosmetikbranche  Werbeagenturen und PR-Firmen  Trend- und Marktforschung  Journalismus (Modemagazinen/professionelle Modeblogs/...) ZUGANGSVORAUSSETZUNG

Keeled → Saksa keel
1 allalaadimist

Windows 2000

0(krüpteerimisfailisüsteem) ja ka nagu tavalist ja dünaamilist ketta jagamist. Windows 2000 Serveri ,,perekonnal" on lisarakendused nagu näiteks võimalus anda Active Directory teenuseid, Distributed File System'i ja and rikkevastased ladustamise mahud. Windows 2000 can be installed through either a manual or unattended installation.Unattended installations rely on the use of answer files to fill in installation information, and can be performed through a bootable CD using Microsoft Systems Management Server, by the System Preparation Tool. Kui Microsoft lasi turule Windows 2000, siis nad kutsusid seda kõige turvalisemaks windowsiks sel ajal. Kuid see sattus koheselt suurte rünnakute alla nagu näiteks ,,Code Red ja ,,Nimda". Ning pärast seda on Microsoft väljastanud patche, mis tegid Windows 2000-t turvalisemaks. Patchite väljastamine lõppes 13. Juulil 2010. Tuum Windows 2000 tutvustas kihilist windowsi, mis lubas läbipaistvust, Windows 2000 introduces layered

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
38 allalaadimist


2013. Forest disturbance by an ecosystem engineer: beaver in boreal forest landscapes.- Boreal Environment Research, 18(A), 13-24. Seidl, R., Schelhaas, M.J., Lexer, M.J. 2011. Unraveling the drivers of intensifying forest disturbanceregimes in Europe.- Global Change Biology, 17, 2842-2852. Stadelman, G., Bugmann, H., Wermelinger, B., Bigler, C. 2014. Spatial interactions between storm damage and subsequent infestations by the European spruce bark beetle. – Forest Ecology and Management, 314, 167-174. Swift, K., Ran, S. 2012. Successional Responses to Natural Disturbance, Forest Management, and Climate Change in British Columbia’s Forests.- BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management, 13(1), 1-23. Thomas, P.A., McAlpine, R.S. 2010. Fire in the Forest. UK: Cambridge University Press. 225 lk. Woods, A., Coates, K.D. 2013. Are biotic disturbance agents challenging basic tenets of growth and yield and sustainable forest management?- Forestry, 0, 1-12.

Metsandus → Metsatakseerimine
6 allalaadimist

Ettevõttete ja asutuste edukas juhtimine ja selle mõjurid

Ettevõttete ja asutuste edukas juhtimine ja selle mõjurid. Juhtimine on inimeste ja kollektiivi püüdluste teadlik suunamine ja kooskõlastamine, et tagada organisatsiooni või selle osa käsutuses olevate ressursside otstarbekat ühendamist eelnevalt kavandatud eesmärkide saavutamisel, arvestades nii sisemisi, kui ka väliseid mõjureid. Üks tähtsaim mõjur on ettevõtte juht ise. Juhtimise edukus sõltub palju juhi kompetentsusest millest tähtsamad on eelkõige meeskonna juhtimise oskus ja mõjutamisvõime. Pole vähem olulised ka juhi intellektuaalsed omadused näiteks nagu loogiline mõtlemine, teooria tundmine ja selle praktikasse rakendamis oskus. Juhi edukus on seotud paljude erinevate aspektidega. Edukusega on seostatud inimese üldvõimekust kui ka isikuomadusi, kuid kindlat seost nende vahel ei ole suudetud leida. Kompetentsid on omaduste kompleksid, avalduvad inimeste mõtetes ja hoiakutes, kuid ka käitumises. Ainult mõtlemisest ei piisa, et...

Majandus → Majandus
250 allalaadimist

Paranduskasvatus referaat

nagu on näha tõestusmaterjalil põhineval viha kontrollimise programmi käigus tehtud uuringust. Kuigi edusammud ei pruugi kohe näha olla, on lõpuks nende kasutegur suur. Viha kontrolli oskus mõjutab positiivselt nii indiviidi ennast kui ka inimesi tema ümber. 10 Kirjandus Bandura, Albert 1973. Aggression: A Social Learning Analysis. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. Bry, Brenna; Kellner, Millicent; Salvador, Diana 2008. Anger Management Effects on Middle School Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: Anger Log Use, Aggressive and Prosocial Behavior. Child & Family Behavior Therapy nr 30 (3), lk 215­230. Bry, Brenna; Colletti, Laura-Anne; Kellner, Millicent 2003. Increasing Anger Log Use During School Among Middle School Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders. Child & Family Behavior Therapy nr 25 (3), lk 7­21. Denny, Kenton; Gunter, Philip 1996. Research issues and needs regarding teacher use

Pedagoogika → Pedagoogika
26 allalaadimist


Teenindusmugavus/ergonoomia 10 20 10 20 10 10 10 10 100 Target Cost Management on suunatud peamiselt: - toote kulude vähendamisele, - turuorientatsiooniga tootearendusele, - juurutusaegade lühendamisele tootearenduses, - kõrge kvaliteedi tagamisele. TCM rakendamisega on seotud interdistsiplinaarsed "meeskonnad", kuhu kuuluvad spetsialistid järgmistest valdkondadest: - controlling, - turundus, - varustus, - tootmise planeerimine, - arendustegevus, - tootearendus, - tootmine.

Majandus → Finantsjuhtimine
195 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

Considering this, governments nowadays have a task to evaluate the work of their civil service, to make it more productive and cost-effective. For this, different methods have been discussed, being influenced by different contexts, religion and other factors. Constant pressure on civil service forces governments to improve its performance and make it more and more effective. With a “help” of New Public Management and its rationalism and managerialism public management and civil service has been influenced in many countries either voluntarily or under duress. Due to new public management public sector has become more like private sector putting emphasis on instruments that drives from its “culture”, designing public sector to become and act more like private sector organisations. From this influence is inspired the pay-for performance tool that in private sector is usually used with car salesmen or with other sale fields. In very simplistic way pay-for

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Kvaliteedijuhtimine teadmiste hindamise test

TARTU​ ​ÜLIKOOLI​ ​PÄRNU​ ​KOLLEDŽ Turismiosakond Kvaliteedijuhtimine Teenuste​ ​disain​ ​ja​ ​juhtimine Magistriõppekava Kursusel​ ​omandatud​ ​teadmiste​ ​hindamise​ ​test ● Testi​ ​leiate​ ​ÕIS-ist​ ​ning​ ​selle​ ​eesmärgiks​ ​on​ ​kvaliteedijuhtimise​ ​alaste​ ​teadmiste kinnistamine. ● Saatke​ ​vastustega​ ​test​ ​hiljemalt​ ​01.12.2015​.​ ​a.​ ​aadressil:​ ​[email protected] ● Testi​ ​hindamisel​ ​kasutatakse​ ​põhimõtteliselt​ ​samu​ ​põhimõtteid,​ ​mis​ ​on​ ​esitatud​ ​ ​Töö (nelja​ ​eksamhinde​ ​saamiseks​ ​vajaliku​ ​töö)​ ​hindamiseks​ ​iseseisvate​ ​tööde​ ​juhendi lõpul.​ ​Testi​ ​sooritamise​ ​eest​ ​on​ ​võimalik​ ​saada​ ​kuni​ ​30​ ​punkti. Nimi: Esitamise​ ​kuupäev: Test​ ​koosneb​ ​kahest​ ​osast: I​ ​osa​ ​–​ ​Kvaliteedi​ ​teoreetilised​ ​käsitlused II​ ​osa​ ​–​ ​Kvaliteedi​ ​mõõtmise​ ​ja​...

Majandus → Juhtimine
211 allalaadimist

Kuressaare Regional Training Centre

Kuressaare Regional Training Centre Rasmus Saluäär Where is it? Curricula fields Design and handicraft Building and construction Information and communication technologies Motor vehicles Small craft and boat building Materials (plastic, wood, metal) Care of the elderly and of disabled adults Child care Hair and beauty services Food processing Hotel, restaurants and catering Travel, tourism and leisure Management and administration Entrance requirements identification Document document certifying an education 1 photo (size 3 x 4 cm) How long do the courses last? Two campuses include a number of training facilities Hotel Mardi Restaurant and cafe Kass Modern kitchen centre Conference centre 7 computer classes Study workshops 2 student dormitories 2 student cafes Design Lighthouse Technology Lighthouse Boat building Thank you for listening

Keeled → Inglise keel
0 allalaadimist

Marko Pomerants

Marko Pomerants Marko Pomerants was born in 24.09.1964,in Tamsalu,in West-Virumaa. Personal status: Married,two sons Estonian Military monumental- medal "10 years of recovered military " 2001 Border Guard badge "Sword and Lynx" 2002 Lifesaving service goldencros s 2002 Border Guard favourcros s II class 2000 Tamsalu Secondary School 1982 Tartu University, Geology 1989; open management degree 2002 Party:Isamaa and Res Publica Union 2002­ Room L 149 Jobs: Parliament 2007­ Parliament 2005­2007; Minister of Social Affairs of Estonia 2003-2005 West-Viru county governor 1995­2003 West-Viru county goverment elementchapter's leader Funniest speaking. Estonian Parliament's member Marko Pomerants (IRl) performs preposal that in case of republic's jubileeyear should estonians take down 900 000kg together. Creational Activity: articles in Estonian journalism, in newspaper "Postimees" Activitys: volleyball,nature and family. ...

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Eesti mereakadeemia- raport

· ARPA Simulator · GMDSS Simulator · Medicine Emergency First Aid · Basic Stability · Other Courses Main specialities taught there are: · navigators (deck officers); · ship's diesel power plants (ship's engineers); · ship's refrigerating plants (refrigerating engineers); · productional fishing and fish breeding; · fish processing technology; · hydrography; · hydrometereology; · port and shipping management. Attending to school: According to person's national exam points (in maths) or if a person has studied something connected with maritime or has finished a certain course or vocational school where he/her has studied maritime.The arithmetical average of a person's marks is also taken into concideration.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Environmental Biogeography

Mailis Zirk 2011 BIOGEOGRAPHY P. Ganderton and P Coker ENVIRONMENTAL BIOGEOGRAPHY England 2005 Question of the day Which three fundamental processes does biogeography deal with? Current and historical patterns of plants and animals observation and detection small and large scale patterns from agriculture to reclamation Deals with: Evolution - result of an irreversible genetic change in an individual or population Dispersal - organisms move out from their origins Extinction - species is permanently eliminated by natural actions, ensuring that no living examples remain Impacts: individual species community Individual level - changes in organism survival Species level - changes in ecosystem structure and distribution Community level - changes in global biodiversity Management to...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


When some kind of area has too many people or... When human population is too big and social or natural structure can not fulfill the needs. The most problematic areas Africa Asia South-America Global problems Air pollution Garbage Destruction of rainforests Non-renewable resorces Community problems Bad food and water quality or at all their lack of. Air pollution causes respiratory diseases. Garbage problem. Waste management is not organized. Many poor people. A lot of Unemployed Outbreaks and bad availability of medical care. Poor quality of education or no access to it at all. Not enough space of living Solutions Actually there is no complete solution. Theoretically education would help. Developed countries have negative population growth but developing countries have positive. Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Case Google

Scanning users mails, messages, documents and to-do's, Google gains insights about what sort of services or products that their advertisers offer which the users might be interested in. By channeling people into their own services rather than making other sites visible, Google could be reducing the democratic nature of web. Google will have to think further about how to both maximize ad revenue and provide useful experiences that change the way people use computers and mobiles. Yahoo!'s management had recognizing the competitive threat from Google and the growth potential for paid listing, in part because Yahoo! was an early investor in Google and had a privileged view of start-up's success. As a full-ledged portal, Yahoo! offered easy access to a board range of third-party content and related services, organized into "channels" such as Autos, Finance, Games, Health, Kids, Movies, Music, Shopping, Sports and Travels. Yahoo! is also known as the third largest online recruitment sites

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Praktika aruanne, MS VICTORIA I, Laondus

joogid ja tax free kaubad nagu näiteks krõpsud. Laos oli erilised riiulid, kus jookide ees oli tõkked, et tormi ajal kaup maha ei kukuks. Lao keskel oli suur ruum, kus oli ka kaubalift. Kaubalifti abil saadeti autotekilt kaup lattu ja vahest ka vastupidi. Lao keskel oli ka laojuhataja ruum, kust meile tellimuslehed tulid. INFOTEHNOLOOGIA KASUTAMINE LAOS Teema I: Ettevõtte logistilise infosüsteemi üldehitus Kaupluse ja lao arvutisüsteemiks oli OSCAR Crusie Management ­ on spetsiaalselt mõeldud reisilaevadele arendatud toitlustusele ja kaubanduse tarkvarale. OSCAR Cruise Management (OCM) tarkvara on Oscari tooteperekonna funktsionaalseim ja teabemahukaim tarkvara, mis on arendatud spetsiaalselt reisilaevade äriprotsesse arvestades. OSCAR Cruise Management toetab nii jaemüügi kui toitlustuse äriprotsesse, võimaldades igal merel viibival laeval autonoomselt töötada, pakkudes samal ajal erinevate laevade süsteemide

Logistika → Baaslogistika
70 allalaadimist


klienditeenuste pakkumisele. Autorite arvates pakuvad sellised ettevõtted korduvaid tooteid ja/või teenuseid, kui pigem võiks pakkuda erinevaid, millega suurendada klientide rahulolu. Kuna kõnekeskustes on suurim kulu tavaliselt tema personal, siis uuritakse tööjõu vaatenurka, millega kindlaks teha optimaalne arv töötajaid. 2. Teooria ülevaade Kõnekeskustes on oluline tööjõu juhtimine (ingl. workforce management ­ WFM), mis on määratletud nii, et kõnekeskustes on kindlustatud õige arv töötajaid, kellel on õiged oskused ning kes suudavad õigel ajal ja õiges meeleolus klientidele tagada soovitud kogemus. Vaadeldakse ka kahe süsteemi lähenemist: statsionaarne sõltumatu periood (ingl. stationary independent period by period ­ SIPP), mille algataja on Green, L. Selle lähenemise põhimõte seisneb selles, et keskmiselt

Majandus → Juhtimine
82 allalaadimist

Introduction to macroeconomics

· those who are either working or are actively looking for a job. In comparison with the total population, it leaves out - young people who are not yet working, - the old who are retired, - and those who do not wish to work--or have given up hope of working. Inflation refers to the rate of change of the average level of prices. Keynesian revolution explains why the study of macroeconomics is so intertwined with policy and politics. - Two traditional demand management instruments are fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy manipulates government expenditures or taxes in an attempt to affect the volume of national spending. Monetary policy is directed at influencing interest and exchange rates, and more generally conditions in financial markets; this in turn affects spending on goods and services. Key Concepts · Macroeconomics gross domestic product (GDP) · trend · economic growth

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
8 allalaadimist


marine biodiversity (bioloogiline mitmekesisus) are overexploited, killed as bycatch (kaaspüük) and discarded (ära visatud), and threatened (ohustatud) by the industrialized fisheries. WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?  Safe catch limits  A constantly reassessed, scientifically determined, limit on the total number of fish caught and landed by a fishery.  Controls on bycatch  The use of techniques or management rules to prevent the unintentional killing and disposal of fish, crustaceans (koorikloomad) and other oceanic life not part of the target catch or landed. WHAT CAN WE DO TO HELP?  Protection of pristine and important habitats (elupaigad)  The key parts in ecosystems need full protection from destructive fisheries  Monitoring (seire) and enforcement (kehtestamine)  A monitoring system to make sure

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


As tourism is an important industry in our region, training specialists in catering, cooking, tourism management and hotel service has a very important role. Construction and related fields like carpentry have also quite a number of students. My school is located on an island which has a strong seamanship traditions and small vessel building companies, Kuressaare Reginal Traingin Centre is the only vocational school in Estonia training boat builders. Other specialties are car repairing, business management, social work, information technology, handicraft and artistic design. My speciality is artistic design, which is 120 weeks of study, which makes the course 3 years long. Kuressaare Reginal Training Centre is one of only two schools in Estonia, where elementary school graduates can come to acquire the artistic development of the specialty. Through the course and students spare time, many cultural events, narrow circle of performances and exhibitions are done in the area by the students.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist


operatsiooni kurtsid keskmiselt tugevat ja tugevat valu vastavalt 29,7% ja 10,9% patsientidest (2) Peale ambulatoorset operatsiooni kaebas valu 45% (17400 cases) (3) kuni 82% (4) patsientidest 1. Owen H., McMillan V. and Rogowski D. Pain. -1990.- V.41.-P.303-309. 2. Dolin SJ et al. Br. J. Anaesth. 2002; 89; 409-23. 3. Wu Cl et al. Anesthesiology 2002; 96; 994-1003. 4. McHugh GA. Thoms GM. Anasthesia 2002;57(3):270-5 McHugh GA. Thoms GM. The management of pain following day-case surgery. Anaesthesia. 57(3):270-5, 2002 Mar. Päevakirurgis: 17% - tugev valu kohe peale operatsiooni 21% - tugev valu haiglast valjakirjutamise hetkel 82% - valu esimesel päeval 88% - valu 2 ­ 4 päeval Postoperative Pain Management- Click to edit Master text style Second level Good Clinical Practice Third level

Meditsiin → Meditsiin
14 allalaadimist

Juhtimine Eesti notaribüroodes

mitte alati head eestvedajad. Yukli järgi ilmneb põhiline erinevus juhi ja eestvedaja vahel selles, kuidas nad tegutsevad. Nimelt kui juhid asetavad rõhu sellele, kuidas ülesanded täidetud saaksid, siis eestvedajad 1 T. van Rensburg, G. Prideaux. Turning Professionals into Managers Using Multisource Feedback. – The Journal of Manage- ment Development 2006 (25), lk 561. 2 K. Piilik. Management in Estonian Notary Bureaus. Master’s Thesis. Estonian Business School 2010. 3 R. Blake, J. Mouton. The Managerial Grid. The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing 1964. 4 D. McGregor. The Human Side of Enterprise. – M. D. Richards (ed.). Readings in Management. South-Western Publishing Co, 1986, lk 351. 5 C. Williams. Management. First edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing 2000, lk 713. 6 H. Fayol

Õigus → Ev õiguskaitsesüsteem
4 allalaadimist

Juhtimine Eesti notaribüroodes

mitte alati head eestvedajad. Yukli järgi ilmneb põhiline erinevus juhi ja eestvedaja vahel selles, kuidas nad tegutsevad. Nimelt kui juhid asetavad rõhu sellele, kuidas ülesanded täidetud saaksid, siis eestvedajad 1 T. van Rensburg, G. Prideaux. Turning Professionals into Managers Using Multisource Feedback. – The Journal of Manage- ment Development 2006 (25), lk 561. 2 K. Piilik. Management in Estonian Notary Bureaus. Master’s Thesis. Estonian Business School 2010. 3 R. Blake, J. Mouton. The Managerial Grid. The Key to Leadership Excellence. Houston: Gulf Publishing 1964. 4 D. McGregor. The Human Side of Enterprise. – M. D. Richards (ed.). Readings in Management. South-Western Publishing Co, 1986, lk 351. 5 C. Williams. Management. First edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing 2000, lk 713. 6 H. Fayol

Õigus → Ev õiguskaitsesüsteem
3 allalaadimist


Kättesaadav: , 19. september 2018 2. Horton,M. Investopedia (2018). Why is business ethics important? Kättesaadav: , 10. oktoober 2018 3. Kooskora,M (2012). Eetiline juhtimine. Kättesaadav: , 19. september 2018 4. MBA articles. (2016). Why ethics are still essential in management. Kättesaadav: , 10. oktoober 2018 5. Politsei- ja piirivalveamet. (2011). Eetikast ja eetilisest juhtimisest. Kättesaadav: , 28. september 2018 6. Richmond,K (2010). The power of selling.Chapter 4. Kättesaadav: power-of-d.html , 11. oktoober 2018 7. Spooner,A. BBA Finance

Haldus → Haldusjuhtimine
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne presentatsioon-Windows 7

Windows 7 MARTI merirand 093515IATB Features Better memory management Jump lists Moveable taskbar icons Customize UAC Snap to windows to screen edges Control over system Tray icons Media player Lightweight mode The announced versions of Windows 7 Windows 7 starter Windows 7 Home Basic Windows 7 Home Premium: Reccomended Choice for consumers Windows 7 Proffesional: Choice for Enthusiasts and small business customers Windows 7 Enterprise Windows 7 Ultimate The Task Bar Thumbnails can represent devices and applications

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Cost Accounting notes

2. Obtain information. 3. Make predictions about the future. 4. Make decisions by choosing among alternatives. 5. Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn. Steps 1-4 are collectively referred to as planning. Planning comprises selecting organization goals, predicting results under various alternative ways of achieving those goals, deciding how to attain them. Most important planning tool is budget, quantitative expression of a proposed plan of action by management and is an aid to coordinating what needs to be done to implement that plan. The comparison of actual performance to budgeted performance is the control or post decision role of information. Control comprises taking actions that implement planning decisions, deciding how to evaluate performance, and providing feedback and learning to help future decision making. Chapter 2 - Cost terms and purposes.

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Curriculum Vitae (ingliskeelne)

Ellensburg, Washington, the USA 1990-2002 Oak Ridge High School, 127 Providence Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the USA Qualifications 2006 national exam in Environmental Engineering 2006 national exam in Engineering economics 2006 national exam in Engineering Management 2005 national exam in Mathematics 2004 national exam in Statics 2004 national exam in Computers 2002 driver's license Present occupation student Work experience Summer 2005 Smith & Sons Engineers, researcher September 2003 ­ May 2004 Trainee Engineer, The International Airport of Tennessee

Keeled → Inglise keel
422 allalaadimist

Modelleerimine 1. teemakontrolli materjalid

jaoks) kohta kindlas modelleerimiskeeles. Mudeli lausetele annab tähenduse Intepretatsioon, mis loob vastavuse Mudeli elementide ja Valdkonna elementide vahel. 2. UML Unified Modeling Language. Üldotstarbeline standardiseeritud modelleerimiskeel tarkvaratehnika alal. Kasutatakse tarkvaramahukate süsteemide visuaalsete mudelite loomiseks. Loodi 90ndatel. Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, James Rumbaugh – Rational Software. Haldab alates 97ndast Object Management Group (OMG). Diagrammitüübid Struktuuridiagrammid: klassi-, objekti-, paketi-, komponendi-, rakendus-, liitstruktuuri-, profiilidiagramm. Käitumisdiagrammid: kasutusjuhtude, tegevus-, oleku-, interaktsioonidiagramm(jada-, kommunikatsiooni-, interaktsiooni ülevaate, ajastusdiagramm). 3. Kasutusjuhtude diagramm võimaldab modelleerida Süsteemi lähtudes tegutsejate Rollidest ja Eesmärkidest, millest tuletatakse Funktsioonid ja Nõuded süsteemile. Kasutusjuht (Use Case)

Informaatika → Modelleerimine
20 allalaadimist

Inglise keele süntaksi mõisted/ English syntax

Nouns are commonly thought of as "naming" words, and specifically as the names of "people, places, or things". Nouns also denote abstract and intangible concepts such as birth, happiness, evolution, technology, management, imagination, revenge, politics, hope, cookery, sport... Determiners are followed by the noun. Determiners are the, a or an. The determiner the is known as the definite article and a is indefinite article. Verbs have traditionally been defined as „action“ words or „doing“ words. Travels, sings, walked, cooked... Adjectives typically describe an attribute of a noun. Cold, large, violent, beautiful... Adverbs are used to modify a verb, and adjective, or another adverb

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Anafülaktiline šokk

- ravimid. Anafülaksia ravi ADRENALIIN 1mg/ml – 0,01ml/kg i/m reielihasesse nt 10kg - 0,1 ml lapsed kasutavad Epipeni. ● Kirjuta üles I adrenaliini manustamise aeg! ● Efekti puudumisel korrata 5 minuti pärast. Toetav ravi: ● võimalusel eemalda põhjuslik faktor, 112; ● asend; ● hapnik; ● vedelikravi; ● inhalatsioonid salbutamooliga 0,1mg/kg/dosi bronhokonstriktsiooniga. Kasutatud kirjandus Esmaabi käsiraamat. (2015). Kirjastus Varrak. Tallinn. First aid management of Anaphylaxis. (2016). ANZCOR Guideline 9.2.7. Plado, Silvi. Anafülaksia ja selle ravi. (2016). ANAFÜLAKTILINE ŠOKK Kristel Kõiv

Meditsiin → Aktiviseerivad tegevused
4 allalaadimist


Tallinna Polütehnikum REFERAAT Kernel ehk tuum Henri Muldre KPE-12 Tallinn 2012 Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Kerneli põhilised rajatised ............................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Protsessihaldus ........................................................................................................................ 5 2.2. Mäluhaldus .............................................................................................................................. 6 2.3. Monoliitne kernel .................................................................................................................... 8 2.4. Mikrok...

Informaatika → Informaatika
17 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun