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"led" - 687 õppematerjali

led - e kasutatakse ka vähiravis ravimiaktiveerijana (valgusteraapia) ja kosmoselaevades taimelavade valgustitena. Tehnoloogia arenedes leiavad valgusdioodid järjest rohkem rakendust erinevates arvutiriistvara- ja meediaseadmetes (orgaanilistel valgusdioodidel põhinevad lameekraanid tava- ja taskuelektroonika seadmetes, välgud fotoaparaatides ja nutitelefonides).

Kasutaja: Led

Faile: 0

Sissejuhatus digitaaltehnikasse praktikum, AD-muunduri aruanne

Ülesanne: Analoog-digitaalmuunduri lugemine ja tulemuse väljastamine kahendkoodis Käik: Analoog/digitaalmuundurid (analoogsisendid) võimaldavad mõõta pinget 0-5 V. 8-bitise muunduri korral jagatakse mõõtepiirkond 255ks osaks ning mõõdetavale pingele vastav väärtus kirjutatakse mikrokontrolleri mälus olevasse registrisse. AD-muundur võimaldab sisendi pinge 0-5 V muundada kahendkoodi ning sealt edasi. Kui LED- lambid on ühenduses, võimaldab kuvada need vastavalt kahendkoodile . Programm kuvab AD-muundur väärtust seitsmesegmendilise indikaatoriga. Plokkskeem: Joonis 1: AD-muunduri plokkskeem Juhtprogrammi väljatrükk: ;Mikrokontrolleri registrinimede lisamine list p=16f877a include "" ;Muutujate defineerimine cblock 0x20 Pause Pause_tmp temp_var endc ;Programm alates aadressist ...

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
33 allalaadimist

The Matlock Paper Book Review

The Matlock Paper book review Interesting and gripping but it had its downside, I think that there were way too many descriptions about people. Despite of that I enjoyed reading The Matlock Paper, Robert Ludlums´ 3rd thriller novel. Story is about English professor, James Barbour Matlock who is recruited by the Department of Justice to investigate a drug smuggling ring, led by a mysterious figure named „Nimrod.“ Everything starts with a man named Ralph Loring, who approaches Matlock, whose brother died due to an overdose of heroin. Ralph feeds James with the information that the justice department has acquired over the years on Nimrod. Heared everything he just couldn´t resist taking the job although it puts his life in danger. Loring also gives James the document that plays very important role in this book

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist


Neljas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Viies tase The Tower Bridge The · Tower Bridge In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. · The bridge is 244 m in length with two towers each 65 m high, built on piers. The central span of 61 m between the towers Muutke teksti laade Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase More pictures Muutke teksti laade Teine tase

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The list of irregular verbs

92. knit knit (ted) knit (ted) kuduma 93. know knew known teadma, teada saama; tundma, tuttavaks saama;oskama, mõistma 94. lay laid laid panema, asetama, paigaldama; (lauda) katma; (müüri) laduma; munema 95. lead led led juhtima; talutama, ees käima, juhtima 96. lean leant (leaned) leant (leaned) nõjatuma, toetuma 97. leap leapt (leaped) leapt (leaped) hüppama 98. learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) õppima, teada saama, kogema 99. leave left left jätma, maha jätma, lahkuma; väljuma (buss/rong/etc.) 100

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist


Tähtsam pill kitarr, suupill Bluesi esitajateks oild sageli vigased, töövõimetud, pimedad Lauldi nasaalse tämbriga. Kõige tuntum Robert Johnson 2. Classic Female Blues- lauljateks põhiliselt naised Bessie Smith 3. Linnablues ( Chicago , eletrki blues.) 30-40ndad Klaver, trumm, contrabass, mikrofon, elektrikitarr Kuulsam esineja Muddy Waters 4. Briti blues 60ndad- tänu sellele läks blues pop muusikasse Clapton, rolling stones, led zeppelin, animals, jeff beck Amerivan Folk Blues festival 1960-1970 Yardbirds 5. Kaasaegne blues B.B. King. Buddy Guy, J.R. Vaughn Blues on mõjutanud kõike mis tulid selle järgi : Jazz, RnR, country, bluesrock Ameerika juurmuusika stiil Mustade rahvamuusika- Blues Valgete ­ Country Country ja Western Old time music, mountin, hillbilly- Country music Country on Ameerika lõuna osariikide rahvamuusika mis sai ülemaailmselt populaarseks peale 2. MS Kõige populaarsem 60-70 datel.

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Singing revolution

were under the authority of the Soviet Union, increased the independence efforts. People didn't want to live like this anymore, it was based on fear and commands. The start of the Estonian public announcement of the reindependence is probably the Singing Revolution. To begin with, the Singing Revolution was a non-violent wish expressing and embarked on the Soviet Union to fall apart. The Singing Revolution is a commonly used name for events between 1987 and 1990 that led to the restoration of the independence of Estonia and also Latvia and Lithuania. Afterwards, there was a spontaneous mass night-singing demonstrations at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds in June 10-11 in 1988. Singing revolution is known as a revolution without blood. Its aim for Estonia was to separate from the Soviet Union. The Singing Revolution lasted over four years, with various protests and acts of defiance. Independence was declared on the late evening of August 20 in 1991.

Ajalugu → Eesti maalugu
9 allalaadimist

Ingl.keele lugemine "The Black Beauty"

The Black Beauty was a good horse and everyone loved him. One morning a master Gordon had to go to the city with Beauty. When they arrived to the hotel the master put the horse to the stable and went to bed. But suddenly the Black Beauty woke up and smelt smoke. The stable was on fire. Luckily everything went good and nobody got hurt. When they arrived to the Birtwick then everything went like always. The Black Beauty did work and got groomed. Then one day the master led him to Earls Hall where were many stables. It was a new place. There were very kind grooms and good food. But then one day Rauben Smith took him and rode to the city with him and when they rode back that man was drunk. Smith was very angry and he whipped the horse and then his iron shoe came off. Beauty was very hurt and he fell. That man died. The horse had hurting marks on his leg and Lord Westland sold him to a cabman.

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
65 allalaadimist

Elektrivoolu tingmärgid ja selle kasutusala.

suhteliselt väikese magnetvälja tugevuse juures, kuid seejuures magneetuvad nad kergesti lahti. Pehmeid magnetmaterjale kasutatakse seal, kus on tegemist perioodilise ümbermagneetimisega nagu elektromagnetite südamikena. Pehmeid magnetmaterjale iseloomustab kitsas hüstereesisilmus. Trahvode südamikud EL.Mootori rootor , Asünkroon mootori staator: omaduseks suure magnetilise läbivusega. 8. LED valgustuse eelised teiste valgustussüsteemide ees.  Purunemisel ei teki ohtlike jäätmeid (näiteks elavhõbe, klaasi kilde)  Võib tihti sisse/välja lülitada  Tarbib vähe elektrit  Kannatab vibratsiooni teatud piirides  Saab kasutada väga edukalt õues ( Tööiga ei vähene ega valgustugevus samuti)  Süsteemi kaabli läbimõõt ei pea olema nii suur kui on hõõglampidega süsteemil.

Elektroonika → Elektrimõõtmised
16 allalaadimist

UK vs USA inglisekeelne võrdlus

New York with a population of over 8 million and about 20 million if you count the metropolitan area (people living in the immediate surrounding area outside of the established border of the city). The political system in the UK is concitutional monrchy and the head of state is Queen Elisabeth the Second. All though she is officially the head of state, the country is actually run by the government, led by the Prime Minister David Cameron. The United States is the worlds oldest surviving federation (is a union of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central (federal) government). It is a constitutional republic and the head of state is President Barack Obama. The national flag of the United States of America consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Mis on elektrolüüs? Elektrolüüs on keemias ja tööstuses levinud meetod, kus muidu mitte-iseenesliku reaktsiooni toimuma panemiseks kasutatakse alalisvoolu. Tööstuses on elektrolüüs oluline samm eraldamaks lihtaineid looduslikest materjalidest, näiteks maakidest, elektrolüütilise raku abil. Mis on elektrolüüdid? Elektrolüüt on aine, mille elektrijuhtivus põhineb ioonide vabal liikumisel. Kõige tüüpilisem elektrolüüt on ioonne lahus, kuid elektrolüüt võib olla ka tahke või vedel aine, näiteks metall. Millest sõltub elektrolüüsis eraldunud aine mass? Kirjelda alumiinimui tootmisprotsessi? Alumiiniumi sulamite tugevus ja vastupidavus varieerub. Erinevused ei tulene ainult koostisest, vaid ka tootmisprotsessist ning töötlemiskuumusest. Teadmatusest valesti disainitud konstruktsioonid on loonud alumiiniumile halva maine. Mis on ionisatsioon Ionisatsioon ehk ioniseerimine on elektroni eemaldamine aatomist või molekulist, mille tagajärjel tekib...

Füüsika → Füüsika
14 allalaadimist

Füüsika konspekt, kuidas säästa kodus elektrit.

Kodune hindeline ülesanne Otsustasin uurida kodust elektrienergia tarbimist. Elan kortermajas, mille valmimisaasta on 1961. Maja renoveeriti ning soojustati väljast 3 aastat tagasi. Lisaks soojustamisele vahetati välja ka aknad ning veetorustik, et soe vesi torudes nii kiiresti maha ei jahtuks. Renoveerimine aitas tublisti kaasa ka elektritarbimise vähenemisele, kuna soojus ei lähe enam välja ning seetõttu on toad soojemad ja kütmise peale kulub vähem elektrienergiat. Majapidamises elan põhilise ajast üksi, nädalavahetuseti on ka vend kodus ning elektrit kulub rohkem. Korteri köetav pind on 76m2. Korteri elektritarbimine on keskmiselt 300kWh. Elamus on meil mitmeid kodumasinaid, mis võtavad palju elektrit. Pidevalt järgi on külmkapp ning üks lauaarvuti, milles asub server. Serveri energiatarve ühes kuus on keskmiselt 100 kWh, mis tähendab 1/3 kogu kodusest elektritarbimisest. Lisaks serveriarvutile ...

Füüsika → Elektriõpetus
5 allalaadimist

Tambora vulkaan

northwestern crater rim. Active fumaroles, or steam vents, still exist in the caldera. Archaeology: Pompeii of the East 7.In 2004, scientists discovered the remains of a village, and two adults buried under approximately 3 meters (nearly 10 feet) of ash in a gully on Tambora's flank--remnants of the former Kingdom of Tambora preserved by the 1815 eruption that destroyed it. The similarity of the Tambora remains to those associated with the AD 79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius has led to the Tambora site's description as "the Pompeii of the East." 8. Siin on tabel vulkaanipursetest. Selle peal on võimalik näha Tambora vulkaanipursete võrdlust teiste kuulsate vulkaanidega nagu krakatoa või vesuuv

Geograafia → Geograafia
16 allalaadimist


They thought that lead could be improved into gold, they tried to speed up this process by heating and refininf the metal in a varietu of chemical processes, most of which were kept secret. 9)where was alchemy practiced? Alchemy was practiced from China and India to Greece, it migrated to egypt during hellenistic period and was later revived in the 12th-century Europe 10)which discoveries did they make? Alchemists made some useful discoveries- mineral acids, alcohol, their experimentations led to the development of pharamacology and the rise of modern chemistry.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Minu lemmikauto

Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus Autoremont Nimi MINU LEMMIKAUTO Referaat Juhendaja: Tartu 2012 1. ESIMENE PÕLVKOND (1994-2003) Audi A8-t esitleti Euroopas esmakordselt 1994. aastal ja see oli mõeldud asendama firma senist lipulaeva Audi V8-t. Põhja-Ameerikas jõudis Audi A8 müüki alles 1997. aastal. Erinevalt mudelist V8, mis oli ehitatud terasraamile, ehitati Audi A8 uuele Volkswagen D2 põhjale, mis kujutas endast ruumilist alumiiniumraami, vähendades auto kaalu, samas jättes kere sama jäigaks kui varem. Mudelit pakuti ka Audi A8L nime all pikendatud teljevahega, mis oli tavalisest umbes 13 cm pikem, pakkudes rohkem ruumi tagaistujatele. 1997. aasta Audi A8 oli esimene auto maailmas mille varustusse kuulus 6 turvapatja. Aastal 2000 uuendati Audi A8 välimust: lisandusid suuremad esituled, madalam esistange uuendati iluvõret. Mõnevõrra muudeti ka auto interjööri. 2001 lis...

Auto → Autoõpetus
8 allalaadimist

All about High Tech

All about High Tech High tech is technology that is at the cutting edge--the most advanced technology currently available. There is no specific class of technology that is high tech--the definition shifts over time--so products hyped as high tech in the 1960s would now be considered, if not exactly low tech, then at least somewhat obsolete. This fuzzy definition has led to marketing departments describing nearly all new products as high tech. Economy Because the high-tech sector of the economy develops or uses the most advanced technology known, it is often seen as having the most potential for future growth. This perception has led to high investment in high-tech sectors of the economy. High-tech startup enterprises receive a large portion of venture capital. However, if, as has happened in the past, investment exceeds actual

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Maailma organisatsioonid

Estonia's long time consul general in New York and head of mission in the United States, a diplomat who with his service helped to maintain the legal continuity of the Republic of Estonia through the Soviet occupation. Out of the 5 UN's regional groups (Asian, African, Latin-American and Caribbean, Eastern European, Western European and Others) Estonia has been a member of the Eastern European Group since May 2004. Estonia also participates in the UN mandated international forces led by NATO in Kosovo (KFOR) and Afghanistan (International Security Assistance Force, ISAF), the Multinational Force in Iraq, as well as the EU-led peacekeeping mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since 1996, more than 30 Estonian policemen have participated with the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations in police missions to Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Kosovo. In April 2005, a UN peacekeeping seminar Train the Trainers with participants from

Ajalugu → Maiskonnalugu
5 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

A. In politics it was unstable because : o the link between religion and politics became intense-protestantism, especially Puritanism, had grown in englang and puritans regarded the luxorious lifestyle of the king as immoral o people were angry at the way Stuart monarchs raised money without getting the agreement of the house of commons o conflicts between the king and the parliament, which led to the civil war(1642) and the execution of Charles I(1649) o during the period after the civil war Britain became a republic and Oliver Cromwell established his military government. Theatres and other forms of amusement were banned because of his puritan ethics 1660 monarchy restored, Charles II asked to reign B. The Great Plague in 1665 C. The Great Fire of London in 1666

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajaloo eksamiküsimused

fighting. Alfred was not only a great military leader but a ruler with foresight. Thanks to his actions, Wessex became a cultural pre-eminence. King Alfred encouraged his subjects to learn to read English, and saw to it that books were made available in the language. *Danelaw and other Viking territories in the British Isles ­ The Danelaw is a historical name given to the part of Great Britain in which the laws of the "Danes" dominated those of the Anglo-Saxons. The prosperity of the Danelaw led to its becoming a target for the Vikings. The Vikings also made raids in Ireland and founded the cities of Cork, Dublin and Limerick. The Vikings and Scandinavians settled down and intermixed with the Irish. By the mid-ninth century they had also settled in parts of mainland Scotland, for example Shetland and the Isle of Man. The Viking settlers were integrating with the local Gaelic population. Wales was not colonised by the Vikings as heavily as eastern England

Ajalugu → Inglise keel kõnelevate maade...
261 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

The leader was John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor. In 1396 he translated the Bible into English. Henry IV, Richard's successor was deeply loyal to the Church. In 1401 burnt men & women for heresy & orthodoxy. The condition of women was no doubt hard. The Church taught that women should obey their husbands. The ideas spread about women were: they should be pure & holy like the Virgin Mary; like Eve they could not be trusted & were moral danger to men. Such teaching led men usually both to worship & also look down on women. Marriage was usually the single most important event in the lives of men & women, but the decision itself was made by the family, not the couple themselves. Once married, a woman had to accept her husband children, preferably sons. The wife of a noble had other responsibilities. When her lord was away, she was in charge of the manor & the village lands, the servants & villagers, the harvest & animals

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
20 allalaadimist

James Hetfieldi Elulugu

James Hetfield sndis 1963. aastal 3 .augustil ooperilaulja ja veokijuhi perre,Los Angeleses. Talle meeldis juba lapsena muusika,ning ta tahtis saada rokkstaariks.Tema suurimateks eeskujudeks olid Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath ja Thin Lizzy.9-aastaselt hakkas ta klaveritunde vtma ja hakkas enda venna Davidiga trumme ppima. Peale trummipinguid hakkas James huvitama hoopisgi kitarr,mida ta hakkas ppima,kui ta oli 14-aastane.Siis tegi ta endale bndi,kus basskitarri ja trumme mngisid Veloze vennad ning teist kitarri mngis Jim Arnold.Bndi nimeks sai Obsession.Obsession harjutas pidevalt Velozite garaais koos Ron McGovery ja Dave Marsiga.Jamesi pede kolis Breasse, kus ta astus Brea Olinda likooli

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Kuidas säästa energiat?

KUIDAS SÄÄSTA ENERGIAT? Kodune majapidamine. · Lülitage välja tühjas toas põlev lamp · Uute elektripirnide paigaldamisel eelistage säästupirne või valgusdioode (LED-e) · Küttekulude vähendamiseks laske vajadusel uuenda küttesüsteem, täiustada hoone soojustust ja ventilatsioonisüsteemi ning vahetage vanad aknad energiasäästliku- mate vastu. Valgusdioodid ja säästupirnid. · Valgusdioodid - 30-60 millivatti elektri- energiat. · Valgusdiood ­ suunatulelaternad. · Säästupirn võtab 4-5 korda vähem elektrit kui võtab tavaline pirn. Kodune majapidamine · Teleri, audio- ja videotehnika mittekasutamisel on mõtekas need kohe ootereziimile lülitada. · Akulaadijad jätkavad seinakontakti jäädes voolu tarbimist. · Toidu valmistamisel asetage potile kaas peale. Kodune majapidamine · Pesumasina kasutamisel eelistage madalaid temperatuure . · Vanni asemel on mõistlik käia dusi all. · Hammaste harjamise...

Geograafia → Geograafia
46 allalaadimist

Arvutite riistvara alused - hinnapakkumine

Ühenduvus LAN Toide 230V, 50HZ Mõõtmed 441 x 343 x 373 mm Kaal 11,7kg Garantii 1 aasta Monitor BenQ G2750 27" 1920x1080 / 16:9 / 300cdqm / 1200:1 / 5ms / H170 V160 / Vga Ekraan LED Ekraani diagonaal 27´´, Laiekraan Ekraani liidesed VGA, DVI Max. Resolutsioon 1920 x 1080 9.01.2013 Hind kokku 84,45 57,35 79,2 205,2 13,56 53,2 34,3 23,58 3,7 190,55 23 164,2 1009,83 165 351,19

Informaatika → Arvutite riistvara alused
69 allalaadimist

Speculation about Shakespeare

[182] Portraiture Main article: Portraits of Shakespeare There is no written description of Shakespeare's physical appearance and no evidence that he ever commissioned a portrait, so the Droeshout engraving, which Ben Jonson approved of as a good likeness,[183] and his Stratford monument provide the best evidence of his appearance. From the 18th century, the desire for authentic Shakespeare portraits fuelled claims that various surviving pictures depicted Shakespeare. That demand also led to the production of several fake portraits, as well as misattributions, repaintings and relabelling of portraits of other people.

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


The population of Ireland is estimated to be 6.2 million. Thick woodlands covered the island until the 1600s. Today, it is the most deforested area in Europe. Twenty-six mammal species are native to Ireland, with some, such as the red fox, hedgehog and badger, being very common. Others, like the Irish hare, red deer and pine marten are less so. In 1801, Ireland became a part of the United Kingdom. A war of independence in the early 20th century led to the partition of the island, creating the Irish Free State, which became increasingly sovereign over the following decades. Northern Ireland remained a part of the United Kingdom and saw much civil unrest from the late 1960s until the 1990s. This subsided following a political agreement in 1998. In 1973, both parts of Ireland joined the European Community. Irish culture has had a significant influence on culture world-wide, particularly

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

The Foundation of Estonia

Roman Empire. From 1418–1562 the whole of Estonia was part of the Livonian Confederation. After the Livonian War, Estonia became part of the Sweden from the 16th century to 1710/1721, when it was ceded to the Russian Empire as the result of the Great Northern War. Throughout this period the Baltic German nobility enjoyed autonomy, where the language of administration and education was German. The Estophile Enlightenment Period 1750–1840 led to the Estonian national awakening in the middle of the 19th century. In the aftermath of World War I and the Russian revolutions, the Estonian Declaration of Independence was issued in February 1918. In 1939-1940, Estonia was occupied by the Soviet Union. During the war Estonia was occupied by Nazi Germany in 1941, then reoccupied by the Soviet Union in 1944. Estonia regained independence in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The shights of Estonia

tallest building in world from 1549 to 1625, till the Eiffel Tower was built. In 1590 the total height of the tower was 115 meters. After several rebuildings, the height of the tower is now 123,5 meters. In summer visitors can climb winding staircaise to the tower’s viewing platform to enjoy the views of the city.Did you know that there are 232 steps up to the viewing platform.The tower has been hit by lightning around ten times, three of which led to extensive fires in 1625, 1820 and 1931. Kadrioru Palace Kadrioru Palace is a palace built for Chatherine 1 of Russia by Peter the Great in Tallinn, in Estonia, in 1718. It was built after the Great Northern War. The palace was desinged by the Italian architect Nicola Michetti. Kadrioru Palace has always been the crown jewel of Tallinn. Most of the Russian rulers visited the imperial summer residence. Great changes in the life and in the interior of the palace occurred in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Miljonimäng Allikad: Koostajad Piret Tänav, Siret Vene 2008 1. President, kes on sündinud Stockholmis ja naudib maaelu A Tarja Kaarina B Dmitri Medvedev Halonen D Toomas Hendrik C Horst Köhler Ilves D Toomas Hendrik Ilves 2. President, kes on ka suur inglise hard rock'i austaja, tema lemmikute seas on Black Sabbath, Deep Purple ja Led Zeppelin. Suureks nõrkuseks on jäätis ja ujumine A Vladimir Putin B Viktor Juštšenko C Dmitri Medvedev D Toomas Hendrik Ilves C Dmitri Medvedev 3. President, kes oskab eesti keelt A Dmitri Medvedev B Lech Aleksander Kaczyński C Alaksandr D Tarja Kaarina Lukašenka Halonen D Tarja Kaarina Halonen 4. President, kes juhib riiki, kus tehakse Lauma pesu

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
2 allalaadimist

Mormon Polygamy

to restore the customs from the Old Testament including the ancient Semitic custom of plural marriage. He himself did not acknowledge having multiple wives publicly since it was illegal. After Joseph Smith's murder by a mob on June 27, 1844, the main body of Mormons followed Brigham Young to Utah where the practice of plural marriage continued. Polygamy was illegal in all US territories. Very harsh anti- polygamy legislation in the US led some Mormons to emigrate to Canada and Mexico. Since the Second Manifesto in 1904, a policy was adopted for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints found practicing or promoting new polygamous marriages--marriages performed before the Manifesto were allowed to continue until all parties had died. Today, the practice of plural marriage continues among tens of thousands of Mormon

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


tekstide põhjal jutustati meeleolukaid lugusid Tina Turneri ning Freddie Mercury elust. Vahetekste esitasid laval kaks näitlejat, Harriet Toompere ja Margus Prangel. Mitmetasandilisel laval, ainulaadsetes kostüümides lauldi, tantsiti ja näideldi läbi Tina ja Freddie tähesära aga ka langused ja draama. Etenduses kasutati originaalkostüüme, väga palju erinevaid ja huvitavaid valgusefekte ning LED ekraane. Õhtuseks etenduseks, mis toimus kell 19.00 oli saal peaaegu välja müüdud. Mina aga käisin show peaproovi vaatamas, mis oli päevapoole ja seda seetõttu, sest mul on seal mitmeid tuttavaid, kelle kaudu sain proovi minna tasuta heale kohale vaatama. Mingis mõttes oli hea olla proovi vaatamas, sest natuke sain näha, kuidas see etendus loodi ja kuidas sellega töötati, kuid samas ei olnud peaproovis kõikidel seljas kostüüme ja lavameigist veel rääkimata

Muusika → Muusika
3 allalaadimist

History of Different cultures

Egypt King Menes had conquered Lower Egypt - 'King of Upper and Lower Egypt` the age of the 1st Dynasty had begun new capital city at Memphis the 3rd Dynasty the Old Kingdom was a time of prosperity and peace by the 6th Dynasty the pharaohs had lost their influence Mentuhotep seized power and reunited the land: new capital city was built at Faiyum the power of the royal families declined once again invasion by the Hyksos followed: ruled for over 100 years Kamose led a revolt the new capital Thebes King Amenhotep IV decided that there should be only one god, Aten - changed his own name to Akhenaten (Glory to Aten) new capital at Amarna back to the old ways Ramses III defended Egypt Egypt was eventually lost to the rule of a Nubian family for one hundred years in 664 BC Thebes was overrun by the Assyrians the Persians then conquered Egypt Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC a new dynasty - Ptolemic Dynasty Egypt became a Roman province

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
2 allalaadimist

Elektrivool erinevates keskkondades

Ta laseb elektrivoolu ainult ühes suunas ja kui ühendada juhtmed vastupidi, siis ta ei lase elektrit läbi. Dioodide põhiline kasutusala on vahelduvvoolu alaldamine. 10. Mis on valgusdiood? Mida peab valgusdioodi ühendamisel jälgima? Valgusdiood on pn-siirdega pooljuhtdiood, mis muundab elektrienergiat nähtavaks valguseks, samuti optiliseks kiirguseks spektri infrapunases või ultravioletses osas. Valgusdioodi nimetatakse ka lühivormiga LED (inglise keelest Light-Emitting Diode ­ valgust kiirgav diood). Ühendamisel tuleb jälgida et anood ühendatakse positiivse laenguga ja katood negatiivse laneguga. 11. Mis on fotodiood? Kus neid kasutatakse? Fotodiood (ka ventiil-fotoelement või fotorakk) on pooljuhtdiood, mille elektrilised omadused sõltuvad tema pn-siirdele langevast nähtavast valgusest, samuti ultraviolett- või infrapunakiirgusest.

Füüsika → Elektriõpetus
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ajalugu lühikonspekt

feet, inches-roman measurements;christianity; Roman basilica in curches; reading, writing; buildings, roads Christianity in Roman Britain Until 4th C christians were persecuted 313 AD Emperor Constantine legalised christianity 380 AD Emperor Theodosius I made it the official religion of the empire Paganism had been eclipsed but continued to pose a political, religious challenge Boudicca Queen of Iceni people of Eastern England, led an uprising against Roman forces Prasutagus(ruler) was first allowed to rule when romans conquered England, after his death, romans decided to rule Iceni and flogged Boudicca and raped her daughters 60-62 AD Iceni rebelled, Boudicca´s warriors defeated Roman Ninth Legion, destroied capital-Colchester Finally Boudicca was defetated, she poisoned herself to avoid capture Hadrian´s wall A defensive barrier builtin 122 AD by Roman

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

In this report I'm going to write about relations between Iraq and the USA. First of all I am going to write about the common history between those countries. Because they do not share long history, I'm going to characterize every decade from 1980. Many people think that the U.S and Iraq have been enemies forever, but it is not so. The United States has supported Iraq in war and I am going to find out why and how. At some stage their relations got really bad and it led to the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. During the writing I am also going to find out how are the diplomatic relations between them nowadays. History Pre-1980s In 1963, the United States backed a coup against the government of Iraq headed by General Abdul Karim Qassim, who five years earlier had deposed the Western-allied Iraqi monarchy. The US was concerned about the growing influence of Communist Iraqi government officials under his

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

The United Kingdom

king's absolute power. The king was forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215 which significantly reduced the king's rights. The most important things that happened in this time were the Hundred Years' War, the Black Death and the Peasants' Revolt. The Hundred Years' War had a devastating effect on English economy. The Black Death killed about on third of all the population. The peasants wanted a better life and they started a revolt that was turned down but it led to greatly improved conditions for the peasant class. The Tudor England (1483-1603) started when the war between two royal families for the English Crown ended when Henry VII united the two rival houses, giving origin to the Tudor dynasty. The was is called the War of the Roses because both families had a rose as their symbol. During Henry's reign the power of towns and the importance of middle classes became to be felt.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Leisure activities, sports- vocabulary

Pursuits-püüdlus/jälgimine By the way, the point i am trying to make.. Relaxation-lõõgastumine Yes, but.. as far as i'm concerned Dropped-langenud I see what you mean, but.. Increasing-kasvav Er.. let me put it in another way.. Facilities-hooned Why not look at it this way.. Consumer-tarbija Watch rather than take part Spare-vaba Ground-väljak Recent-hiljutine Relatively little general exercise- Provided-hankima suhteliselt väha liikumist Expanded-laiendatud Lack of exercise- liikumisvaegus Persuades-meelitama Health conditions- terviseprobleemid Charge-tasu Growing intrest- kasvav huvi Treadmills-linttrenasöör Rambling- uitam...

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Arvutihiire esitlus

need on võrreldes eelmise pildiga muutunud. Laserhiir 2004. aastal tõi Logitech välja esimese laserhiire ja reklaamis seda kui täpseimat hiirt maailmas. Tööpõhimõte on kõlava nimetusega hiirel täpselt sama, mis optilisel suguvennal ­ valgustatud aluspinda pildistatakse ning liikumine tuvastatakse piltide liikumisega. Erinevalt optilisest hiirest, millel aluspinda valgustab LED ehk lihtlabane abilamp, kasutatakse laserhiires pinna valgustamiseks laserkiirt. Laseri eelis seisneb selles, et see kiirgab kitsaid, koherentseid ja täpselt suunatud valguskimpe ning seda saab koondada väga väikeseks täpiks. Resolutsioon Hiire optilise tundlikkuse määrab ära kasutatav sensor, mis sarnaselt digitaalfotoaparaadiga suudab eristada kindla arvu piksleid. Tundlikkust mõõdetakse arvuliselt peamiselt kahe näitaja alusel

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
34 allalaadimist

Praktikaaruanne (SA Teaduskeskus Ahhaa)

Tartu Forseliuse Gümnaasium Rekreatsioonikorraldus Praktika SA Teaduskeskus AHHAA Koostas: Maali Maasikas Tartu 2010 Sisukord Sissejuhatus..........................................................................................1 Teaduskeskus Ahhaa...........................................................................1 Kuidas möödus minu praktika Ahhaa teaduskeskuses....................2 Sissejuhatus Sooritasin oma praktika SA teaduskeskuses AHHAAs. Viibisin praktikal 2010 aasta maist kuni juunini. Minu peamine eesmärk oli arendada suhtlemist klientidega, et seda tulevastel praktikatel ära...

Majandus → Majandus
32 allalaadimist

Summary - IT in motorsport

time to start. In rally cars usually start with 2 or 3 minute gaps between them. Formula One is most definitely the most hi-tech racing series. Almost everything there are controlled with computers. One thing to point out is the steering wheel of a Formula One car. Modern F1 wheel might have 35 or more knobs, buttons and switches. Driver can adjust almost everything of his car with the wheel. Usually F1 wheels have also LED screens which can display as many as 100 pages of info and data. Third topic I talked about was simulators. Modern road circuit simulators can be very similar to real life experience. For example most of the testing in F1 are made with simulators because it is much cheaper and also testing kilometres and time is limited. But the rally simulator have not yet reached that kind of level. They are similar but doesn’t actually simulate the real life

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Moulin Rouge

Cannes is Film Festival and the festival was opened with Moulin Rouge. At the 74th Academy Awards, the film was nominated for eight Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actress for Nicole Kidman, winning two: for the Best Art Direction and Best costume Design. It was the first musical nominated for the Best Pictures in 10 years, following Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Christian moves to Paris and becomes friends with his neighbours, who are loose troupe of performers led by Henri de Toulouse- Lautrec. He asks for Christian's help to finish their proposed show „ Spectacular Spetacular”, that they wish to sell to the owner of the Moulin Rouge Harold Zidler. The groupe arrives at the Mouline Rouge and the Toulouse arranges for Christian to see Satine in her private quarters to present the work. Satine mistakes Christian fot the Duke and dances with him. At that moment Christian fall in love with

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
1 allalaadimist

San Francisco

San Francisco San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the leading financial and cultural of stateof California and it's located in the far-west of USA. The earliest archaeological evidence of human habitation of the territory of the city of San Francisco dates to 3000 BC. The Yelamu group of the Ohlone people resided in several small villages when a Spanish exploration party, led by Don Gaspar de Portolà arrived on November 2, 1769, the first documented European visit to San Francisco Bay. Upon independence from Spain in 1821, the area became part of Mexico. Under Mexican rule, the mission system gradually ended and its lands began to be privatized. In 1835, Englishman William Richardson erected the first independent homestead, near a boat anchorage around what is today Portsmouth Square. Together with Alcalde Francisco de Haro, he laid out a street plan

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

C Dioodid

(Komponendid2) 1.2. Dioodid Ühesuunalise elektrijuhtivusega seadised. Kasutatakse alaldamiseks, signaalide muundamiseks, elektriahelate kaitseks jne. Töö aluseks eri tüüpi pooljuhtide või pooljuhi- metalli kontakt. Ideaalne ja idealiseeritud diood (diagramm) a) Pooljuhid Tavaliselt kristallstruktuuriga, kovalentne side kristallvõre aatomite vahel (diagramm). Enimkasutatav pooljuht räni Si. Elektrijuhtivus metalli ja dielektriku vahepealne. Juhtivus sõltub temperatuurist. - Omapooljuhid; elektronid ja augud; pi = ni. pini = ni2 = const = f(t°), ni 1010 cm-3 (Si). Pingestatult j = jn + jp; - Lisandpooljuhid. Aktseptorlisandid NA (3-valentsed Al, B) ja doonorlisandid ND (5- valentsed P, As); (NA, ND 1015...1019 cm-3). Lisandjuhtivus >> omajuhtivus p-pooljuht pp = NA toatemperatuuril. Augud p on vabad l/k, ionis...

Elektroonika → Rakenduselektroonika
10 allalaadimist


the state is simply "Ireland", but its legal description the Republic of Ireland is sometimes used to differentiate the state from the island. On 29 December 1937 Ireland became the successor-state to the Irish Free State, itself established on 6 December 1922. Ireland was one of the poorest countries in Western Europe and had high emigration. The protectionist economy was opened in the late 1950s and Ireland joined the European Communities (now the European Union) in 1973. An economic crisis led Ireland to start large-scale economic reforms in the late 1980s. Ireland reduced taxation and regulation dramatically compared to other EU countries. Despite a forecast for reduced economic growth in 2008, Ireland today has the fifth highest gross domestic product per capita and the seventh gross domestic product per capita considering purchasing power parity, and has the fifth highest Human Development Index rank in the world. The country also boasts the highest quality of life

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Multimeedia arvuti

Multimeediaarvuti Sisukord Sisukord Korpus Emaplaat Protsessor Protsessori ventilaator Mälu Videokaart Helikaart Võrgukaart Toiteplokk Kõvaketas Kuvar Klaviatuur Hiir Kõrvaklapid mikrofoniga Veebikaamera Operatsioonisüsteem/tarkvara UPS Kokkuvõtte Kasutatud allikad 2 Korpus Corsair Carbide 500R Mid-Tower ­ must Mõõdud: 521 x 206 x 508 mm Kaal: 7.53 kg Emaplaadi tugi: ATX, Micro ATX Protsessori jahutite tugi kuni 175mm Graafikakaardi tugi kuni 452mm Kuus 120mm/140mm ventilaatori kohta Neli 120mm ventilaatori kohta Sisaldab 200mm ventilaatorit küljepaneelil, kahte esipaneeli 120mm ventilaatorit ja ühte tagumise paneeli 120mm ventilaatorit 5.25" pesad: 4 3.5" kõvaketta sahtlid: 6 Laienduspesasid: 8 Esipaneeli liides: Kaks USB 3.0 ühendust Üks Firewire ühendus 3.5" kõrvaklappide/mikrofoni ühendus ·Hind 116,80 (,,1A.EE") ...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
1 allalaadimist

Linguistics lexicon handout

nothing about the language's grammar or phonology. However, the fact that the lexicon reflects the physical and cultural environment in which a language is spoken does have an important corollary, namely that when the environment changes, the lexicon has to change. The history of many languages is greatly marked by the fact that their environments have changed dramatically over the past couple of millennia. Great technological changes have led to great cultural changes, including greater contact between different peoples, which in turn have led to more cultural and technological changes. Therefore it's not surprising that there have been great changes in the lexicons of these languages as well, mostly in the form of new words for new things. ("Things" in this context can be virtually anything, not just physical objects, but cultural artefacts like a new type of dance, a new way of killing people, or the

Kategooriata → Lingvisitka
3 allalaadimist

Louna-Aafrika poliitajalugu, South Africa

ORGANIZATIONS TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES ­ FROM ALL RACE GROUPS ALL GROUPS ALSO ENCOURAGED TO SEND IN SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHARTER ­ AND THEY DID SEND IN IDEAS WRITTEN ON SCRAPS OF PAPER ETC 3000 DELEGATES TURNED UP CHARTER BECAME A REVOLUTIONARY DOCUMENT BECAUSE ITS BASIC DEMANDS ­ ALTHOUGH SIMPLE, RADICALLY CHALLENGED THE APARTHEID STATE PARTIES The Pan Africanists were anti-communist opposed the multi-racialism of the Freedom Charter the PAC split from the ANC in 1959, led by Robert Sobukwe Banned in 1960 at the same time as the ANC Black Consciousness Movement Closely associated with Steve Biko Emerged out of the Students' Movement in the 1960s/70s Rejected the white liberal National Students' Association The apartheid state followed those in exile with spies and parcel bombs. UDF : broad coalition of groups; Linked to Congress movement, trades unions and churches; Mobilized urban uprisings against apartheid state best known member Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
7 allalaadimist


Riverit selle termiga aastatel 1987-88. Grunge bände on mõjutanud paljud bändid, nagu näiteks kohalikud punkrock bändid: The Fartz, The U-Men, 10 Minute Warnings, Fastbacs. Grunge soundi mõjutajaks oli ka The Melvinsi aeglane, heavylik ja mahe saund. Alternatiivse rocki esindajatest olid peamised mõjutajad Sonic Youth, Pixies ja Dinosaur Jr. , Sonic Youth mõjutas muusikute iseseisvat iseloomu. Heavy-metalist olid mõjutavateks bändideks Black Sabbath , Led Zeppelin. Grunge riietusstiili iseloomustab lotakas, triibuline ja katkine kampsun (kääridega lõigatud pöidlaaugud varrukates) ; kammimata ja tihti ka rasvased juuksed; kahepäevane päris või maaltud habe.; valge T-särk, mille peal ka ruuduline flanellsärk; kinnisidumata paeltega tennised ja triibulised sokid; katkised teksased. Grungevaimustus hääbus 1994. aastal pärast kõige tuntuma grungebändi Nirvana laulaja Kurt Cobaini surma.

Muusika → Muusika
14 allalaadimist

“Humanity World Tour 2008“ Kontserdiarvustus Scorpions

Scorpions "Humanity World Tour 2008" Ma käisin 2. novembril oma vennaga Tallinnas Saku Suurhallis vaatamas Scorpionsi maailmaturnee "Humanity World Tour 2008" raames toimunud kontserti. Ausalt öeldes olid mul enne selle kontserdi külastamist Scorpionsi kohta teatud eelarvamused, kuna viimasel ajal on hakanud Eestisse oma niinimetatud hüvastijätu maailmaturneesi korraldama suur hulk vanemas eas härrasmehi nagu "Led Zeppelin", "Deep purple" ning ka "Black Sabbathi" artist Glenn Hughes,ja teised, kellel pärast suurt laristamist arvatavasti karjääri jooksul kogutud raha otsa on hakanud saama, kartsin ma, et need "vanamehed" ei suuda enam korralikku showd pakkuda ning elamus jääb saamata. Scorpions, ehk Scorps on Saksa rokk-grupp, mis loodi 1965. aastal Hannoveris. Ansambli Scorpions praegune koosseis on: laulja Klaus Meine, kitarrist Matthias Jabs, kitarrist Rudolf Schenker, trummar James Kottak ja basskitarrist Pave...

Muusika → Muusika
20 allalaadimist

History of London

1: When was London founded, and by whom? London, England was founded in A.D. 43 by the Romans 2: What was its original name? Londinium 3: What happened to London in 61 AD? 61 AD Boadicea, the queen of a tribe of Britons, led a rebellion against the Romans 4: What was the population of London in the second century AD? Around 60,000 5: What happened in 851 AD? 6: What did Alfred the Great do? He defended Anglo-Saxon England from Viking raids, formulated a code of laws, and fostered a rebirth of religious and scholarly activity. His reign exhibits military skill and innovation, sound governance and the ability to inspire men and plan for the future, piety and

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
11 allalaadimist


to Nicolas Cage. Keira Knightley Keira is born on march 26, 1985 in England. After she requested an agent at the age of three, her parents allowed her to work on productions in her summer holidays. Her first role was at the age of 9, in TV. However, Knightley's first high profile role came in 1999 in Star Wars Geoffrey Rush Geoffrey Rush is born on July 6, 1951 in Queesland, Australia His early interest in the theatre led to his 1971 stage debut at age 20. In 1992 Rush suffered a temporary nervous breakdown due to overwork. After he had recovered, he eventually returned to the stage. Storylines Captain Barbossa steals Captain Jack Sparrow's ship Black Pearl. Barbossa and his crew got doomed by cursed treasure. Later Barbossa attacks the town of Port Royal and kidnapped Elizabeth who owns the last coin of the curse treasure. Trailer ·

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

European yew - plant in Estonia

The arils are mature 6­9 months after pollination, and with the seed contained are eaten by thrushes, waxwings and other birds. The aril is not poisonous. The seeds themselves are extremely poisonous and bitter, but are opened and eaten by some bird species Toxicity The bark, stem, needles and seeds of the yew are poisonous, although birds can eat the berries without digesting the seed. This dangerous side of the yew has led some to call it the "tree of death,,. Symptoms include staggering gait, muscle tremors, collapse, difficulty breathing, coldness and eventually heart failure. However, death occurs so rapidly that many times the symptoms are missed. Fatal poisoning in humans is very rare, only occurring after eating a lot of yew foliage. Traditional uses In recent years it has been found that taxol, a chemical found

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun