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"led" - 687 õppematerjali

led - e kasutatakse ka vähiravis ravimiaktiveerijana (valgusteraapia) ja kosmoselaevades taimelavade valgustitena. Tehnoloogia arenedes leiavad valgusdioodid järjest rohkem rakendust erinevates arvutiriistvara- ja meediaseadmetes (orgaanilistel valgusdioodidel põhinevad lameekraanid tava- ja taskuelektroonika seadmetes, välgud fotoaparaatides ja nutitelefonides).

Kasutaja: Led

Faile: 0


5. Tri face billboards - billboards with rotating sections so consumer can see three different ads at the same billboard 6. Scrollers - signs that can display ads one after the other 7. Street furniture - using street furniture as a place for advertisement, such as bus shelters 8. Transit advertising - advertising on cars, city transport and so on 9. Ambient media - non-traditional media such as receipts,floor,clothes and so on 10. Digital outdoor advertising - advertising by LED screens on the streets 11. Sonic posters - ads which are "making" sounds 12. Lenticular posters - ads which are showing different pictures when somebody is walking past them or near them 13. OTS or coverage - the distance between the point where you first notice the advertisement to the point where you don't see or recognize it anymore MONEY-BUYING, SELLING AND PAYING 1. Current account - bank account for daily transactions, payments and cash withdrawing 2

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Coca-Cola roll rahvusvahelises majanduspoliitikas

primarily in the manufacture and sale of syrup and concentrate for Coca-Cola, a sweetened carbonated beverage that is a cultural institution in the United States and a global symbol of American tastes, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia (Encyclopædia Britannica). Coca-Cola is the world's largest beverage company, refreshing consumers with more than 500 sparkling and still brands and nearly 3,900 beverage choices. Led by Coca-Cola, one of the world's most valuable and recognizable brands, their company's portfolio features 21 billion- dollar brands, 19 of which are available in reduced-, low- or no-calorie options. These brands include Diet Coke, Coca-Cola Zero, Fanta, Sprite, Dasani, vitaminwater, Powerade, Minute Maid, Simply, Del Valle, Georgia and Gold Peak. Through the world's largest beverage distribution system, they are the No. 1 provider of both sparkling and still beverages. More than 1

Politoloogia → Rahvusvahelised...
1 allalaadimist

Elektroonika eksamiks

Pilet 1. Pilet 3. 1. Valgusdioodid 1. türistori volt-amper karakteristik 2. Võimendi põhiparameetid 2. mis asi on nullinihepinge OV baasil? 3. RC-generaator (Wien i sild + OV) 3. T-triger 4. TTL-Schottky loogika elemendid 4. demutlipleksor 5. RS-triger 5. inverteeriv võimendaja (skeem, 1.Valgusdiood on päripingestatud pn-siirdega pooljuhtseadis, milles siire kiirgab valgus pingevõimendustegur) laengukandjate rekombinatsiooni tõttu. Vooluläbimisel pn-...

Elektroonika → Elektroonika
512 allalaadimist

Saastekvootide müük Eestis

Elektrisõidukite suurem kasutuselevõtt vähendab ka Eesti sõltuvust imporditavast autokütusest. (5) 4.2 Teisi projekte Elektriautode ost pole ainuke kvoodirahaga läbiviidud projekt. Valitsus on heaks kiitnud riigi kasutamata saastekvootide müügi Jaapani suurkorporatsioonile Marubeni Corporation, mille müügitulu eest saavad kaheksa teatrit energiasäästliku lavavalgustuse ja viis teatrit uued bussid. (8) Võrreldes kasutusel olevate prozektoritega säästavad soetatavad LED ning HID tehnoloogiat kasutavad valgustid vastavalt 70 ja 50 protsenti vähem energiat. Uued energiasäästlikud bussid lähevad teatritruppide kasutusse, et korraldada külalisetenduste andmist üle Eesti. Samuti on uute bussidega plaanis hakata pakkuma maakohtades elavatele inimestele võimalust etenduste külastamiseks linnades, asendades nõnda autoliiklust. (8) Kolmanda suurema projektina on Maanteeamet Tallinna Autobussikoondisele andnud kasutamiseks

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia
17 allalaadimist

The City on London

History The City of London occupies one square mile in the middle of the capital. It once made up the entire town of London, surrounded by the wall first built by the Romans. The Roman Londinium grew up on the northern side of the "London Bridge" in the past. Products such as olive oil, wines and fruit were brought by ships from different parts of the Roman Empire and unloaded onto wooden quays along the river. In AD 61 the native Celtic Iceni tribe, led by Queen Boudicca, rose up against The Romans. They burnt Londinium to the ground but Roman armies eventually defeated Boudicca. The city was rebuilt and was gradually surrounded with a wall of stone and brick which lasted for many centuries. During the archeological excavations in 1954 the Roman Temple of Mithras was revealed. It was a pagan temple dedicated to the Persian Sun-god. The Temple was later reconstructed only a short way from its original site and the relics are

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Elektroonika vastused

PEATÜKK 5. KÜSIMUSED 5.1. Küsimused sissejuhatuse kohta 1. Kes avastas pooljuhtivuse? Jasmin 2. Millisel sajandil algas pooljuhtide uurimine? XX sajandil 3. Millal müüdi esimesed pooljuhtseadised? 1950-ndatel 4. Milliseid seadiseid nimetatakse passiivseteks? Takistus,Pool,Kondensaator 5. Millised on passiivsete seadiste karakteristikud? 6. Milliseid seadiseid nimetatakse aktiivseteks? Transistor 7. Millised on aktiivsete seadiste karakteristikud? 8. Millised seadised võivad salvestada energiat? Kondensaator 9. Nimeta seadiseid, mida võib kasutada kuumutajatena. Takistus 10. Kirjuta võimendusteguri valem. KU=Uout/Uin 11. Mis omadused eristavad voolu kui alalisvoolu ja kui vahelduvvoolu? 12. Kirjutage oomi seadus. I=U/R 13. Millega võrdub sagedus, kui periood on 10? f=1/T=1/10=0.1 14. Millega võrdub nurksagedus (ligikaudselt) kui periood on 10? 0.6 (=2f) 15. Millega võrdub tavalise toiteliini reaktants (ligikaudselt), kui mahtuvus on 0.1?...

Elektroonika → Elektriahelad ja elektroonika...
112 allalaadimist


development of young people. He conceived of an international competition to promote athletics. A growing international interest in the ancient Olympics, fed by recent archaeological finds at Olympia, De Coubertin devised a plan to revive the Olympic Games at the age of 31. To publicize these plans, he organised an international congress on June 23, 1894 at the Sorbonne in Paris. There he proposed to reinstate the ancient Olympic Games. The congress led to the establishing of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), of which De Coubertin became the general secretary. It was also decided that the first modern Olympics would take place in Athens, Greece and that they would be held every four years. These Games proved a success. Paradoxically, the first president of this non-commercial and non- governmental organization was not Coubertin himself, but Demetrius Vikelas from Greece. Still Coubertin was the driving force behind the Olympic movement

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


the Muslims performed the Hijra ("emigration") to the city of Medina (formerly known as Yathrib) in 622. There, with the Medinan converts (Ansar) and the Meccan migrants (Muhajirun), Muhammad established his political and religious authority. Within years, two battles had been fought against Meccan forces: the Battle of Badr in 624, which was a Muslim victory, and the Battle of Uhud in 625, which ended inconclusively. Conflict with Medinan Jewish clans who opposed the Muslims led to their exile, enslavement or death, and the Jewish enclave of Khaybar was subdued. At the same time, Meccan trade routes were cut off as Muhammad brought surrounding desert tribes under his control. By 629 Muhammad was victorious in the nearly bloodless Conquest of Mecca, and by the time of his death in 632 he ruled over the Arabian peninsula. In Islam, the "normative" example of Muhammad's life is called the Sunnah (literally "trodden path")

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist


Civil War broke out in 1642 and it lasted until1649. It ended with complete victory for the parliamentary forces. The king was captured and executed after a trial for crimes against his people. The leader of the parliamentary army, Oliver Cromwell, became "Lord Protector" of the republic. The monarchy was restored in 1660, after the death of Cromwell. In the 18th.century Britain expanded its empire in America, in Africa and India. Technological inventions led to the Industrial Revolution. Hundreds of thousands of people moved from rural areas into new towns and cities. London became an important business and trading centre. By the 19th century Britain was a powerful empire with its colonies in Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, India and Africa. Tens of thousands people left Great Britain to settle in these colonies. Government The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with Elizabeth II, Queen of the United

Keeled → Inglise keel
46 allalaadimist

Pekingi olümpiamängud

08.2008) valik on põhjendatud sellega, et 8 on Hiinas õnnenumber. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Lõputseremoonia Inglismaa jalgpallistaar David Beckham võtab osa Pekingi olümpiamängude lõputseremooniast. Praegu Los Angeles Galaxy meeskonnas palliv Beckham on lõputseremoonial järgmise suveolümpialinna Londoni esindajana. Lisaks Beckhamile astuvad Londonit kui olümpialinna toetavas kavas üles Led Zeppelini kitarrist Jimmy Page ja Londonis sündinud laulja Leona Lewis. Samuti tantsijad kuninglikust ooperiteatrist ja hulgaliselt sportlasi kes pärit tulevasest olümpialinnast. Lõputseremoonial osaleb ka Suurbritannia peaminister Gordon Brown ning Londoni linnapea Boris Johnson võtab oma Pekingi kolleegilt vastu olümpialipu. Lipu ulatamine lõppevate mängude linnapealt järgmise olümpialinna esindajatele on traditsiooniline sündmus ning lõputseremoonia vankumatu osa.

Sport → Sport/kehaline kasvatus
33 allalaadimist


, partly because of the abolition of slavery in 1833 (effective 1838) and partly because of the elimination in 1846 of the imperial preference tariff for colonial products entering the British market. Economic hardship was the prime motive behind the Morant Bay rebellion by freedmen in 1865. The British ruthlessly quelled the uprising and also forced the frightened legislature to surrender its powers; Jamaica became a crown colony. Poverty and economic decline led many blacks to seek temporary work in neighboring Caribbean areas and in the United States; many left the island permanently, emigrating to England, Canada, and the United States. Indians were imported to meet the labor shortage on the plantations after the slaves were freed, and agriculture was diversified to lessen dependence on sugar exports. A new constitution in 1884 marked the initial revival of local autonomy for Jamaica.

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Eesti Sportlased Pekingi Olümpiamängudel

09 5. Yennifer Frank Casanas (Hispaania) 66.49 6. Bogdan Pistsalnikov (Venemaa) 65.88 Pekingi olümpiamängud on lõppenudHiinas Pekingis lõppes 2008. aasta suveolümpiamängude lõputseremoonia, mida kogunes "Linnupesa" staadionile vaatama täismaja publikut 91 000 inimest. Sümboolse avalöögi eelseisvaks Londoni olümpiaks tegi maailma kuulsaim jalgpallur David Beckham, kelle löödud palli püüdis õnnelik olümpiamängude vabatahtlik. Londoni olümpiat tervitasid ka Led Zeppelini kitarrist Jimmy Page ja laulja Leona Lewis looga "Whole Lotta Love." Staadionile toodi uuesti ka kõigi 204 osavõtjariigi lipud. Eesti lippu kandis tseremoonial olümpiavõitja Gerd Kanter, soomlastel tegi seda odaviskaja Tero Pitkämäki, lätlastel trikiratur Maris Strombergs. Londoni olümpiani on jäänud 1433 päeva. Mängud toimuvad 2012. aasta 27. juulist 12. augustini.

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
18 allalaadimist

Füüsika ülijuhtivus

ühendamisel. Transistorit kasutatakse elektriseadeldiste võimendamiseks, muundamiseks ja tekkitamiseks 25.Kiip?- Kiip ehk terviklülitus, millele on väiksele pindalale koondatud suurhulk üliväikesi transitore koos lisadetailidega, mis töötavad koos tervikkliku võimenti, protsessori vm taolise seadmega. 26.Kuidas pooljuhi juhtivus sõltub temperatuurist?- Mida suurem on pooljuhi temperatuur seda paremini elektrit juhib. 27.Mis on LED e valgusdiood?- Valgusdiood on pooljuht-ühend, mis hakkab valgust kiirgama, kui seda läbib elektrivool. (Selline diood, mis pärivoolu hakkab valgust kiirgama) 28.Millal diood võimendab ja millal alaldab voolutugevust?-Diood võimandab voolutugevust, kui rakenndada talle päripinge, st vooluallika plus pool ühendada dioodi p poolega ja diood nõrgendab voolutugevust, kui rakendada talle vastupinge, st vooluallika miinus pool ühendada dioodi p poolega. 29.Mis on alalisvool

Füüsika → Elektriõpetus
3 allalaadimist

US History: Native Americans and the first settlements

state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy. During the fall and winter of 1838 and 1839, the Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears." By 1837, the Jackson administration had removed 46,000 Native American people from their land east of the Mississippi, and had secured treaties which led to the removal of a slightly larger number. Most members of the five southeastern nations had been relocated west, opening 25 million acres of land to white settlement and to slavery. Reservations After being forced off their native lands, many American Indians found life to be most difficult. Beginning in the first half of the 19th century, federal policy dictated that certain tribes be confined to fixed land plots to continue their traditional ways of life.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

South Parki lühitutvustus

Titled Jesus vs. Santa, it resembled the style of the later series more closely, and featured a martial arts duel and subsequent truce between Jesus and Santa Claus over the true meaning of Christmas.[8] This video was later featured in the episode "A Very Crappy Christmas" in which Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Mr. Hankey "save" Christmas for the town. The video was popular and was widely shared, both by duplication and over the Internet. This led to talks to create a series, first with FOX, then with Comedy Central, where the series debuted on August 13, 1997. EPISODES New episodes air on Wednesdays, so production begins the previous Thursday and takes the entire team 100­120 hours each to complete in the ensuing week.[9] Almost all work on the series is done in-house at South Park Studios in Culver City, Los Angeles. Animation The show's style of animation was inspired by the paper cut-out cartoons made by Terry

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
3 allalaadimist

Füüsika: elektriõpetus

ühendamisel. Transistorit kasutatakse elektriseadeldiste võimendamiseks, muundamiseks ja tekkitamiseks 25.Kiip?- Kiip ehk terviklülitus, millele on väiksele pindalale koondatud suurhulk üliväikesi transitore koos lisadetailidega, mis töötavad koos tervikkliku võimenti, protsessori vm taolise seadmega. 26.Kuidas pooljuhi juhtivus sõltub temperatuurist?- Mida suurem on pooljuhi temperatuur seda paremini elektrit juhib. 27.Mis on LED e valgusdiood?- Valgusdiood on pooljuht-ühend, mis hakkab valgust kiirgama, kui seda läbib elektrivool. (Selline diood, mis pärivoolu hakkab valgust kiirgama) 28.MIs on alalisvool?- Alalisvool on elektrivool mille voolutugevus ja suund ajas ei muutu 29.Mis on lühis ja miks on ohtlik?- Lühis ehk lühiühendus on olukord, kus vooluringi välistakistus väheneb järsult ning seega voolutugevus suureneb. Lühiseks nim. vooluringi

Füüsika → Elektriõpetus
49 allalaadimist

Inglise keele riigieksami kirjutamise spikker / suur kokkuvõte

Par.3 ­ apologise again, promise to make up for the situation Opening: I am writing to apologise for, I must apologise for, please accept my sincere apologies for Closing: I hope you will accept my apologies, I hope my apologies were received Letters of complaint Par.1 ­ reason for writing Par.2 ­complaints with justification Par.3 ­ closing remarks Opening: (mild) I am writing to complain about/on the subject of/regarding/because of.., I am writing to draw your attention to, I had been led to believe, your unacceptable Closing: (mild) I hope/assume you will replace, I trust the situation will improve, I hope the matter will be resolved Opening: (strong) I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with Closing: I fully insist you replace the item at once, I demand a full refund Letters asking for advice Par.1 ­ opening remarks, state the problem Par.2 ­ describe the problem in detail and how it affects you Par.3 ­ ask for help/advice, closing remarks

Keeled → Inglise keel
144 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- IGC and European Council in June Themes and context - Review procedure for CFSP - Post-yugoslavia – diverse member states’ attitudes - Seeks to bring external relations of the EU to brussels Key features - Introduction of ‘constructive abstention’ - Creation of High representative for CFSP - Creation of policy unit for military and securtiy Towards Defence & security policy - Bringing defence to core of European agenda - Led by uk and France - Highlighted importance of the big 3 3 elements of EDSP: - Military, civilian crisis management; conflict prevention Lisbon treaty Key features: - Creation of mr or mrs CFSP – high representative of the union - Lingking of economic and military issues - Member states to support European defence agency EDA - Battlegroups EU global strategy - The security of our union - State and societal resilience

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Instrumentaalanalüüs kordamine EKSAM I osa

negatiivne ioonrühm - väljaspoole. Tekkiv mitsell on negatiivselt laetud. Lahutamise käigus jaotuvad analüüdi neutraalsed molekulid mitsellide ja puhvri vahel. 43. Kapillaargeelektroforeesi põhimõte Kasutatakse DNA ja RNA fragmentide lahutamiseks. Fragmendid saadakse lõigates DNA ja RNA spetsiifiliste ensüümidega. Lahutamine toimub geelis, milles on kapillaarid. Fragmendid märgistatakse fluorestseeruvate rühmadega; ergastatakse kasutades LED lampi; emissiooni registreerib CCD kaamera. 44.Elektrokeemiline rakk Elektrokeemia - analüütiline meetod, kus kasutatakse analüüdi kontsi määramiseks või analüüdi keemilise reakttiivsuse määramiseks potensiaali, laengu või voolu mõõtmist. 45.Elektrokeemilise raku potentsiaal Elektrokeemilise rakku iseloomustavaks parameetriks on elektromotoorjõud. Lahus-elektrood piiril tekib elektroodi potentsiaal. Ühe elektroodi potentsiaali mõõta ei saa

Keemia → Instrumentaalanalüüs
92 allalaadimist

Elektroonika aluste eksami küsimused ja vastused

Standardpaksused: 1) 0,5 mm 2) 0,8 mm 3) 1,0 mm 4) 1,2 mm 5) 1,6 mm 6) 2,0 mm 7) 2,4 mm Vasekihi paksused: 1) 18 mikronit 2) 35 mikronit 3) 70 mikronit 4) 105 mikronit 5) 115 mikronit 6) 140 mikronit Valmistamise tehnoloogiad 77. Kuvaseadmed, nende lühiiseloomustus. Info kuvamiseks kasutatakse mitmesuguseid seadmeid, mis muudavad elektrilised signaalid nähtavaks valguseks. Numbrite kuvamiseks kasutatakse 7 segmendilisi LED või LCD indikaatoreid. Numbrite ja teksti kuvamiseks, samuti ka lihtsamate graafiliste kujutiste kuvamiseks on võimalik kasutada punk-maatriks indikaatoreid. Värvilise pildi kuvamiseks kasutatakse TFT LCD, plasmat, kineskoopi, OLED, FED ja SED. 78. Servomootor, samm-mootor, alalisvoolu juhtimise põhimõte. Servomootor on tagasisidega mootor. Koosneb servomootorist ja servokontrollerist. Servomootori tööpõhimõte: andes positsiooni signaali mootorile, hoiab see oma asendit

Elektroonika → Elektriahelad ja elektroonika...
67 allalaadimist

Arhivaalide ja teavikute säilitamine

Arhivaalide ja teavikute säilitamine. //EKSAM - 5 november// Säilitamise põhimõisted: Säilitamine - tegevused, mis aeglustavad säilikute vananemist, takistavad nende lagunemist ja pikendavad seeläbi kogude kasutusaega. Säilitamises eristatakse kahte põhilist tegevussuunda: ennetav säilitamine - eesmärk maksimaalselt aeglustada kogude vananemist, kusjuures säilikuid otseselt ei töödelda korrektiivne säilitamine - säilikute seisundi parandamine Konserveerimine - eesmärgiks on materjalide stabiliseerimine originaalsel kujul nende keemilise ja füüsikalise töötlemisega Restaureerimine (ennistamine) - eesmärgiks on taastada objekti oletatav varasem olek. Püütakse taastada objekti neid omadusi, mis on kaduma läinud, aga mis oletatavasti on olnud selle objekti terviklikkuse seisukohalt olulised. Minimalismiprintsiip - Arhivaalide korral peab igasugune töötlus olema võimalikult minimaalne ja säilitama arh...

Infoteadus → Arhiivindus ja inveteerimine
5 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Another exception was early Soviet writer Alexander Grin, who wrote romantic tales, both realistic and fantastic. Part 3. Russian history Peter the Great Peter the Great or Peter Alexeyevich ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian Empire from 7 May (O.S. 27 April) 1682 until his death, jointly ruling before 1696 with his elder half-brother, Ivan V. Through a number of successful wars he expanded the Tsardom into a much larger empire that became a major European power. He led a cultural revolution that replaced some of the traditionalist and medieval social and political systems with ones that were modern, scientific, westernized, and based on The Enlightenment. Peter's reforms made a lasting impact on Russia and many institutions of Russian government trace their origins to his reign. Early years Named after the apostle, and described as a newborn as "with good health, his mother's black,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

dead , including their leader, King Harold. On Christmas day that year the Norman leader, Duke William of Normandy, was crowned king of England. He is known in popular history as 'William the Conqueror'. The date is remembered for being the last time that England was successfully invaded. The Bayeux Tapestry is technically not a tapestry, but a huge band of embroidered linen, which describes the Norman invasion of England and the events that led up to it. The Tapestry contains 2 hundreds of images divided into scenes each describing a particular event. The scenes are joined into a linear sequence allowing the viewer to "read" the entire story starting with the first scene and progressing to the last. 12.French influence on the English language

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
71 allalaadimist


Connecticut "The Constitution State" Karl Naarits Silver Käsper Siim- Joosep Saulep Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium October 2011 Statehood: January 9, 1788 Capitol: Hartford (Capital City since 1875) Governor: Dannel P. Malloy Area: 5,018 square miles Famous residents: George W. Bush, Mark Twain, Igor Sikorsky, 50 Cent and Seth McFarlane Historical firsts 1836 - first revolver 1842 - first public art museum 1844 - first use of anesthesia 1895 - first hamburger, served at Louie's Lunch in New Haven 1908 - first lollipop 1933 - first vacuum cleaner 1948 - first colour television 1954 - first nuclear submarine, launched in New London Demographics Population: 3,574,097 (2010 U.S. Census) 19,3% of Connecticut residents are Italian, 17,9% Irish and 10,4% German descent The state has 77,6% White; 10,1% Black or African American and 3,8% Asian residents Geogra...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


39- Eesti NSV valitsemine 1944. suvi- Nõukogude võimu taastamine Eestis. Juhtiv koht kommunistlikul parteil, vormiliselt oli kõrgemaks seadusandlikuks organiks ENSV Ülemnõukogu ja täidesaatvaks organiks ENSV valitsus. ENSV parteikaader koosnes nn juunikommunistidest, Venemaa eestlastest, Eesti laskekorpuse veteranidest, muulastest. Kohalikke eestlasi sõjajärgsetel aastatel vähe. EKP (kommunistide) liikmeskonnas olid madala haridustasemega, hiljem kasvas sest partei kaudu oli võimalik karjääri teha. Kõige olulisematest ametikohtadest koostati eraldi nomenklatuursete ametikohtade loetelu, mille partei keskkommitee kinnitas. Nomenklatuuri moodustavad partei keskkommitee töötajad, rajooni- ja linna partei ametnikud majandite juhid, täitevkommitee liikmed. Nomenklatuuri abil kontrollitakse ühiskonda ja selles toimuvat. Parteis toimub sisemine puhastumine heidetakse parteist välja kodanlikke natsionaliste. Valimised- Demokraatia nõukogude m...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
17 allalaadimist


- printtehnoloogia - termo-, sublimatsioon-, tindi-, vaha-, laser- ja nõelprinter; - mustvalget või värvilist trükki võimaldav printer. Sagedane küsimus on printeri ostul - kas soetada laser- või tindiprinter? Siinkohal tuleks selgeks teha endale, mille jaoks on Teil printerit vaja (laias laastus): - fotode printimiseks; - dokumentide printimiseks, kuid vahel oleks vaja ka fotot printida; - ainult mustvalgete dokumentide printimiseks; jne. Printerid Laser- ja LED printerid Laserprinterite tehnoloogia rajaneb elektrograafilisel protsessil, mis teatavasti algselt töötati välja paljundusmasinate jaoks. Esimesed töötavad laserprinterid valmisid 70.aastate alguspoolel (IBM,Fujitsu) Printeri keskseks osaks on valgustundliku (tavaliselt seleeni või kadmiumi ühenditest koosneva) kihiga kaetud pöörlev trummel (vaata joonise keskosa). Laadimisseadme abil laetakse fototundlik kiht elektrilaenguga, mille järel talletatakse prinditav kujutis trumlile

Informaatika → Arvutiõpetus
47 allalaadimist

Topic USA

Ratified in 1788, the Constitution serves as the supreme American law in organizing the government; the Supreme Court is responsible for upholding Constitutional law. Slavery was abolished in 1865 by the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In later years, civil rights were extended to women and black Americans. The Progressive Era marked a time of economic growth for the United States, advancing to the Roaring Twenties. However, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 led to the Great Depression, a time of economic downturn and mass unemployment. Consequently, the U.S. government established the New Deal, a series of reform programs that helped "the forgotten men". The New Deal had varied success. However, once the U.S. entered World War II in December 1941, the economy quickly recovered, so much that the U.S. became a world superpower by the dawn of the Cold War. During the Cold War, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were the world's two superpowers, but

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

Soviet ownership lasted barely 12 months before Estonia was conquered in the German invasion of the Soviet Union. It was retaken by the Red Army in 1944, after which Estonia was constituted as one of the 15 Soviet Socialist Republics. Four decades passed until Mikhail Gorbachev who, as Communist Party General Secretary, offered the prospect of change for the Baltic States. A key part of the perestroika (economic reform) program was the devolution of power to the republics. Estonia led the way among the Baltic States, assisted by the collaboration between nationalist groups and the Communist Party, who joined together in a People's Front (analogous bodies emerged in Latvia and Lithuania) to orchestrate change. Having asserted the right to make their own legislation, measures to establish an Estonian currency ­ preparatory to full economic autonomy ­ and to restore Estonian as the official language quickly followed. In March 1990, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Eestlaste sõjavarustus Muistses vabadusvõitluses

Muistse vabadusvõitluse lõpuks olid Eesti väed juba suhteliselt hästi relvastatud, kuid nagu näha, ei kinkinud see siiski neile vabadust. Summary There have been many wars on Earth that have changed the destiny of different countries. Estonia is no exception. During the years 1208-1227 there was a war between the joint forces of Estonian tribes and a Christian knights' order ,,Swordbrothers" that led the Estonians to a 500-year slavery. This was the first larger war on Estonians' territory. Estonians used different weapons and armor during that war. Simple weapons like war axes, maces, daggers and spears were smithed by Estonian blacksmiths, but more expensive and exotic weapons like swords, crossbows and most armor (an exception for the basic leather armor) were bought from Russian, Scandinavian or German merchants.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
28 allalaadimist

English literature

­ 1760), george III (1760 ­ 1820) in 1783 he lost the American colonies, except Canada. Reason and common sense pervaded the land. Isaac newton lived during that time. It was also the beginning of the industrial revolution, which was precipitated by the invention of the steam engine by James Watt in 1775. Trading developed quickly, especially importing. The number of readers increased due to the spread of education ­ the Enlightenment was led by the bourgeoisie who insisted on education for all children, spread of literacy and the publishing newspapers and magazines. The novel become the most popular genre and the Enlightenment era novel differed from the previous representations of the genre. Novels represented the outlook and values of the bourgeoisie, writers aimed at balance, coherence and clarity and most important of all the stories were not entirely invented, but were instead based on true events. To some extent,

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Ansambel "Ruja"

ANSAMBEL ,, RUJA" 1971-1988.a KOOSTAJA:IVAR TURJA 07.03.2009.a SISSEJUHATUS Ruja... - sellise koosseisu poolt esitatud laule on enamik inimesi ka varem kuulnud, vähemalt mõnda tuntumat lugu, selliseid on Ruja repertuaaris läbi aegade ikka leidunud. Rujas on aga paljutki veel. Pea kõigis Ruja lauludes on solistiks Urmas Alender. Ent see on tegelikult vaid jäämäe veepealne osa. Üritame läbi Alenderi ja Ruja muusika veidi vee alla vaadata, kompida seda suurt keha, mille piirid pole selged. ESIMENE PERIOOD (1971-1975) - VARANE RUJA Koosseis · Urmas Alender (vokaal) · Jaanus Nõgisto (kitarr) · Tiit Haagma (basskitarr) · Rein Rannap (klahvpillid) · Andrus Vaht (trummid) · Toomas Veenre (kitarr) · Andres Põldroo (kitarr) 1971. aastal ilmus populaarses nädalalehes Sirp ja Vasar uudissõnade rubriigis ettepanek hakata kasutama sõna "fantaasia" asemel sõna "ruja" (Anderes Ehini uud...

Muusika → Muusika
67 allalaadimist

Automaatika andurid

mõjutab optiline kiirgus, näiteks fototakisti, fotodiood, fototransistor; kiirgusvastuvõtjate hulka kuulub ka mikrokiibina teostatud CCD-sensor. 13 Niisugust optoelektronseadist, mis koosneb kiirgusallikast ja sellega optiliselt si- destatud kiirgusvastuvõtjast, nimetatakse optroniks ehk optiliseks paariks [5]. Optilisi paare kasutatakse väga laialdaselt erinevate probleemide lahendamiseks. Kiirgusallikana võidakse kasutada LED elemente või infrapuna dioode. Alljärgnevalt on esitatud vastav väljavõte tarkvarakeskkonnast L@Bsoft. 14 Kiirgusvastuvõtjana võib kasutada näiteks fotodioodi või fototransistorit. Järgnevalt on esitatud sellekohane väljavõte tarkvarakeskkonnast L@Bsoft. Järgnevalt sooritati eksperiment, kus erinevatest materjalidest kalibreerimisplaate asetati optoandurist ~40 mm kaugusele. Andur edastas signaali iga kalibreerimis-plaadi korral. Tulemusi iseloomustab ka allolev väljavõte

Elektroonika → Elektriajamid
68 allalaadimist

Informaatika ja biomeetria teooria eksam

Skannerit kasutatakse paberkandjal olev info viimiseks elektroonsele kujule. Olulisemad näitajad on kontaktpinna suurus ja lahutusvõime. Mida kõrgem on skanneri lahutusvõime, seda täpsem on sisetatud pilt ja see võimaldab seda ilma kvaliteedi olulise halvenemiseta suurendada. VÄLJUNDSEADMED Monitor ehk kuvar -seade, mis videokaardi poolt tekitatud signaali alusel moodustab ekraanile nähtava kujutise. Peamised tüübid: 1. Kineskoopmoniotrid 2. Vedelkristallmonitorid 3. LED 4. (Plasmonitor) 5. (OLED – monitor) Printer – arvuti kirjutav välisseade, mis trükib arvutis oleva teksti või graafilise kujutise paberile, kilele vms. andmekandjale.Tähtsaim parameter on lahutusvõime punktides tolli kohta. Normaalne prindi kvaliteet algab 300 dpi-st. Tähtsamad printerite tüübid: 1. Maatriksprinter 2. Tindiprinter 3. Laserprinter TARKVARA Tarkvara hõlmab endas kõiki mittefüüsilisi arvuti tööks vajalikke komponente, eelkõige

Informaatika → Arvuti
13 allalaadimist


Kullamaa Keskkool AUTOMEEDIK OÜ Autoteenindus Angeelika Lõps Rait Roosileht Kullamaa 2016 1. ÄRIPLAANI KOKKUVÕTE Automeedik OÜ hakkab pakkuma erinevas vanuses ja haridustasemega maksejõulistele inimestele ja erinevas suuruses ettevõtetele autoremondi teenust. Tegevust plaanime alustada lähima aasta jooksul. Töökoda asub Läänemaal Haapsalu külje all. Töökoda hakkab avatud olema tööpäeviti 9.00- 17.00, vajadusel ka nädalavahetusteti. Töid teostavad mehaanikud, kes omavad vastavate erialade pabereid. Tööde vastuvõtt toimub eelregistreerimisega, hinnakiri on olemas, kuid siiski tööde hind sõltub aja- ja materjalikulust, kokkuleppel kliendiga. 2. ETTEVÕTTE ÜLDANDMED Ettevõtte nimi Automeedik OÜ Ettevõtte juriidiline vorm Osaühing Aadress Läänemaa Kullamaa vald Kullamaa küla ...

Muu → Uurimustöö
29 allalaadimist


For a night out on the town with colorful locals, there's nothing like King's Cross too. Sydney [1] is known as the Harbour City. It is the largest, oldest and most cosmopolitan city in Australia with an enviable reputation as one of the world's most beautiful and liveable cities. Brimming with history, nature, culture, art, fashion, cuisine, design, it is set next to miles of ocean coastline and sandy surf beaches. Recent immigration trends have led to the cities reputation as one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities in Australia and the world. The city is also home to the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, two of the most iconic structures on the planet. Best Sydney attractions There's an endless list of things to do to in Sydney for visitors of all ages. Famous beaches close to the city centre, wildlife in harbourside zoos and wildlife parks, shopping and fabulous events.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Arvutid konspekt

vigu, mis on tekkinud kahe või enama biti vigu. Paarsusbitiga ei ole võimalik tuvastada muudetud bitti, see ainult teavitad kas tegu on õige või vale koodiga. Vigu parandavad koodid lisavad rohkem bitte kui avastavad koodid. Vigu parandavate koodidel peab Hammingi distants kahe õige koodi vahel olema vähemalt 3. Valitakse lähemal olev kood. Seda võib vaadata ka kui, et igal õigel koodil on ühe biti moondumise korral eraldi valede koodide hulk. Sisend-väljund:  LCD, LED, OLED ja plasma kuvarid. Passivmaatriks ja aktiivmaatriks. LCD kuvariskasutatavad vedelkristallid ei emiteeri valgust vaid moduleerivad tagant tulevat valgust (juhivad läbilastavat valgust). Kahe klaasplaadi vahel on vedelkristall ja mõlemal plaadil sooned. Kristalli molekulid võtavad soontega määratud suuna. Et aga soonte suunad on risti, tekivad kahe klaasiplaadi vahel keerdunud aheled (twisted effect). Kui valgus läbib selliseid ahelaid, muutub ta orientatsioon 90kraadi

Informaatika → Arvuti
39 allalaadimist

Lõuna Aafrika rahvusköök

The domestication of cattle in the region about two thousand years ago by Khoisan groups enabled the use of milk products and the availability of fresh meat. However, during the colonial period the seizure of communal land in South Africa restricted and discouraged traditional agriculture and wild harvesting, and reduced the extent of land available to black people. Decline of indigenous cookery Urbanization from the nineteenth century, coupled with close control over agricultural production, led black South Africans to rely more and more on comparatively expensive, industrially-processed foodstuffs like wheat flour, white rice, mealie (maize) meal and sugar. Often these foods were imported or processed by white wholesalers, mills and factories. The consequence was to drastically restrict the range of ingredients and cooking styles used by indigenous cooks. On the other hand, some imported food plants (maize, tomatoes) have expanded the dietary range of indigenous cooks

Toit → Kokandus
49 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia areng Eestis

Oettingengave gave us his kind advice." (Kraepelin, 1987, pp. 44-45). Siin alustas ta ka assotsiatsioonikatseid, mille kohta ta kirjutab oma memuaarides: "I had set up my own equipment for the measurement of mental reactions and carried out tests on aphasic and other suitable psychiatric patients and on manic patients. I made the surprising discovery that the associations times were by no means shorter, but were often longer and very irregular. This fact led me to understand that the flight of ideas was not the accelerated consequence of mental images, but were volatile and instable emerging processes in the conscience" (p. 44). 1883. astal avaldas Leipzigis Compendium der Psychiatrie, millest kasvas hiljem välja psühhiaatria Piibel Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. Teine trükk ilmus 1887. aastal ja oli 540 lk. Kolmas trükk ilmus Dorpatis ja oli 584. lehekülge. Järgmine, 1893. aasta väljaanne oli juba

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
124 allalaadimist

2. kodune töö Valemid

IS = ipp*LS*p intressi summa, VS = 0 , kui tkp<=tmt, VS = vpp*(tkptmt)*LS, kui tkp>tmt TS = LS+IS+VS Valemites kasutada nimesid! Soovitus: nimedena võiks kasutada ülaltoodud tähistusi. Viktoriin 1+2= 6*7= Kes on Eesti Vabariigi president?(Perekonnanimi) Mis linn on Eesti suvepealinn? Kus toimus Eurovisioon sel aastal? Mis aastal moodustati Led Zeppelin? Mis aastal suri Elvis? (+/- 3 aastat) Kui palju on 6*6? (+/- 2) 3 Õige 3 8 Vale 42 Savisaar Vale Ilves Pärnu Õige Pärnu Oslo Vale Moskva 1969 Vale 1968 1974 Õige 1977+/-3 39 Vale 36+/-2 variandid variandid Moskva 1968 Oslo 1969 Tallinn 1970 Washington 1971 B3: Koostada omal valikul 78 küsimust ja valemid vastuste hindamiseks.

Informaatika → Informaatika
290 allalaadimist

History of the English language

Great Vowel Shift in short (a very simplified account!): Long vowels turned into diphthongs or other long vowels and diphtongs into long vowels. /i:/ into /ai/ /u:/ into /au/ /o:/ into /ou/ /a:/ into /ei/ /e:/ into /i:/ /au/ into /o:/ etc. GVS did not affect short vowels. Causes of the Great Vowel Shift largely a mystery; possible causes: · the mass immigration to the South-East of England after the Black Death. The different dialects and the rise of a standardised middle class in London led to changes in pronunciation, which continued to spread out from that city. · The sudden social mobility after the Black Death may have caused the shift, with people from lower levels in society moving to higher levels. · The medieval aristocracy had spoken French, but by the early fifteenth century, they were using English. This may have caused a change to the "prestige accent" of English,

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Tehnikaajaloo 10.klassi kursus

1873 I riiklik elektrifitseerimis kava Prantsusmaal Hippolyte Fontaine 1882 Marcel Deprez kõrgepinge liinid 1885 William Stanley (ameeriklane) trafo ELEKTRIVOOLU KASUTAMINE 1801 Humphry Davy hõõglamp/kaarlamp 1879 Thomas Edisoni elektripirn 1901 Cooper Hewitt elavhõvedalamp 1930 George Elmer Inman fluoresentslamp 1908 William Coolidge wolframhõõgniit 1912 Bellings Company töötas välja elektriradiaatori 1970 Hoffmann (sveitslane) valgusdiood LED ELEKTRIMOOTORI LOOMISE AJALUGU 1821 M.Faraday algeline elektrimootor (lõi idee ja algelise masina ka, mis ei töötanud) 1831 M.Faraday elektromagnetiline induktsioon 1834 M.H.Jacobi alalisvoolu mootor 1837 T.Davenport kasutuskõlbulik mootor 1888 Nikola Tesla vahelduvvoolu mootor 1889 M-Dolivo-Dobrovovolski 3-faasi mootor VEETRANSPORT JA VEESÕIDUKID LAEVADE LIIGITUS Otstarbe järgi: Sõjalaevad Transpordilaevad Püügilaevad Tööstuslaevad Teenistuslaevad

Tehnika → Tehnikalugu
19 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

After 12 years of preaching, Muhammad and the Muslims performed the Hijra ("emigration") to the city of Medina in 622. There, with the Medinan converts and the Meccan migrants, Muhammad established his political and religious authority. Within years, two battles had been fought against Meccan forces: the Battle of Badr in 624, which was a Muslim victory, and the Battle of Uhud in 625, which ended inconclusively. Conflict with Medinan Jewish clans who opposed the Muslims led to their exile, enslavement, or death, and the Jewish enclave of Khaybar was subdued. At the same time, Meccan trade routes were cut off as Muhammad brought surrounding desert tribes under his control. By 629 Muhammad was victorious in the nearly bloodless Conquest of Mecca, and by the time of his death in 632 (at the age of 62) he ruled over the Arabian peninsula. Angels Belief in angels is fundamental to the faith of Islam

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

24. Gaaside erisoojuste suhe, 12 Nihkemoodul, 1 Üldmõõtmised

''{ . ,t, 'i,, '.' ei'o1i" + "i/'(;t'i : { -'niL^l t '/t J W '' tt tt '/ trf, a !Yl s oOJ'h'/ UU 6 ba , b88C-'y 9Y J-' co sh'y ./ L ( (^v L D c aqL'y )t I ...

Füüsika → Füüsika
146 allalaadimist

EMÜ Linnaökoloogia planeerimine PK.1023 eksamiküsimused 2020

* Milliseid tarku lahendusi on Eesti linnades rakendatud? Tallinn: 2019 tehti TalTech projekt tippkeskuseks, kus hakatakse proovima uusi tehnoloogiaid, eesmärgiks muuta linn nutikamaks. Targa linna ideekonkurss, kust valitakse välja mõned, millega tegelema hakatakse. Tartu: SmartEnCity, korterelamute (hruštšovkade) renoveerimine liginullenergia hooneteks (uuenduslikud lahendused kaugküttes jms); energia kasutuse vähendamine ja taastuvenergia kasutuselevõtt (320 LED tuld on paigutatud tänavatele, mis säästavad energiat); gaasibussid, rattaringlus, elanike kaasamine ja teadlikkuse suurendamine, * Millised on targa linnaga seotud ohud? Sõltuvus süsteemist- inimesed ei vaevu ise enam mõtlema, sõltutakse andmetest, mis on ette antud. Tehnoloogilised rikked- suured andmemahud, millega võib midagi juhtuda ja siis ei osata sellega hakkama saada, linn ei saa toimida kui nii juhtub (suured elektrikatkestused)

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkond
29 allalaadimist

Tsehhov daam koeraga Chekov Lady and the Lapdog

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was born on 29 January (New Style), 1860, in Taganrog, a small port on the Sea of Azov, in southern Russia. As the son of a grocer and grandson of a serf, Chekhov was a first-generation intellectual. His modest background and upbringing are crucial to his development as a writer. Chekhov always felt that he missed out on childhood. It was a very hard lifeand it may have contributed to his poor health: he succumbed later on to the"family disease", tuberculosis, which led to his early death at the age of 44.His mother was a quiet, gentle soul who was full of stories of her early life. In later years, Chekhov would say that "we inherited our talent from our father,but mother gave us soul". The other great passion of his formative years was nature, the Russiancountryside. As a port, Taganrog was surrounded on all sides by the landscapes of the Steppe and Chekhov's earliest stories reveal how intensely aware he was of his bond with the Don Steppe

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Syria (Helimun)

prohibits or restricts the export and re-export of most U.S. products to Syria. As a result of an inefficient and corrupt centrally planned economy, Syria has both low rates of investment and low levels of industrial and agricultural productivity. Consumer unwillingness to spend money in turbulent times, a devastated tourism sector, customs spats with Turkey, pressure on the Syrian pound, and increasing unemployment and factory closings led the IMF to reduce estimates of economic growth in 2011 and to project negative real GDP growth in 2012. The two main pillars of the Syrian economy have been agriculture and oil. The government hoped to attract new investment in the tourism, natural gas, and service sectors to diversify its economy and reduce its dependence on oil and agriculture. Reform was slow and ad hoc as factions in the government struggled to agree on economic theory

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Street Art

Every line has its King. A king is a writer whose pieces are the most visible, biggest and most beautiful. Kings are respected by other writers who sometimes ask them to help paint pieces at night. In 1975 all the standards has been set. A new school was about to reap the benefits of the artistic foundations established by prior generations in a city in the midst of a financial crisis. New York City was broke, therefore the transit system was poorly maintained. This led to the heaviest bombing in history. Writers began to increase the thickness of the letters and would also outline them with an additional colour. Caps from other aerosol products could provide a larger width of spray, leading to the development of the masterpiece. It is difficult to say who did the first masterpiece, it is commonly credited to Super Kool 223 of the Bronx and Wap of Brooklyn. The thicker letters provides the opportunity to enhance further the name

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Arvutite riistvara

Eesti Mereakadeemia Informaatika ja arvutitehnika õppetool INFORMAATIKA - I Arvutite riistvara (loengukonspekt) Koostas: J.Pääsuke Tallinn 2001-2004.a. Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................4 1.1. Arvutite (personaalarvutite) ajaloost...............................................................................5 1.2. Mõningaid põhimõisteid..................................................................................................6 1.3. Arvuti väljast ja seest vaadatuna.....................................................................................7 2. Arvutite protsessorid.....................................................................

Informaatika → Arvutid
34 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

of Independence . The terms of the treaty stated that "Russia unreservedly recognizes" the independence of Republic of Estonia de jure and renounced in perpetuity all rights to the territory of Estonia. 24 February Independence Day: the 84th anniversary of the declaration founding the Rebuplic of Estonia (1918). On February 24, marks the anniversary of the proclamation of the Independence Manifesto in 1918 that led to the founding of the Republic of Estonia. A modest military parade takes place on Vabaduse väljak and the atmosphere is one of quiet restraint; following the proclamation, it took Estonian soldiers and illequipped volunteers nearly two years to clear the territory of German and Soviet Russian forces. On April Fool's Day (1 April), people delight in playing tricks on each other. Two holidays in June commemorate historical events

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Fridrick douglass

They were married soon after he obtained his freedom; Douglass escaped slavery on September 3, 1838, boarding a train to Havre de Grace, Maryland dressed in a sailor's uniform and carrying identification papers provided by a free black seaman. After crossing the Susquehanna River by ferry at Havre de Grace, Douglass continued by train to Wilmington, Delaware. From there Douglass went by steamboat to "Quaker City"--Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His escape to freedom eventually led him to New York, the entire journey taking less than 24 hours. Abolitionist activities Douglass joined various organizations in New Bedford, Massachusetts, including a black church, and regularly attended Abolitionist meetings. He subscribed to William Lloyd Garrison's weekly journal, The Liberator, and in 1841, he heard Garrison speak at the Bristol Anti-Slavery Society's annual meeting. Douglass was inspired by Garrison, later

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun