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"layout" - 139 õppematerjali

layout - design of integrated circuit Avaldamata informatsioon Autoriõigus ja naaberõigused BC 1-21 koos lisaga jäävad jõusse, v.a 6bis Arvutiprogrammid ja andmebaasid Rentimisõiguse piirang (programm, film, fonogramm) Kaitsetähtaeg 50 a teose avaldamisest v tegemisest, esitusest v salvestusest, 20 a saatest Õiguste piirangud tasakaalus autori huviga Esitaja, fonogrammitootja ja ringhäälinguorganisatsiooni õigused RC ja BC 18 kehtivad piirangute osas


Bibliography: the sources you have sited in your work: -term paper 10-15 sources (1 page), -graduation paper (2 pages of sources). FGI 1811 Proseminar I. Ladusseva 1 10.09.2002 At the defense aspects that are considered are: - your own contribution (whether it is there and is sufficient) - theory (you should have at least 6-10 connected pages discussing the state of the art) - mechanics (the layout of the paper: font size 12, double space, etc.) - answering questions - performance (pronounce distinctly, make good impression, no language mistakes, etc.) - extra linguistic part (how you stand, how you speak, etc.). Will be checked student's ability to classify, to describe material, to draw conclusions (e.g. you give an example and then comment on it). Internet sources: it is nice to have some Internet sources to show your sophistication, but not too many of

Õigus → Proseminar
36 allalaadimist

The 4 oldest Churches in Tallinn

mention a clergyman of the church in connection with a monetary donation. Records from the middle of the century already concern donations for the construction of a church or a chapel. The present church is considered a 14-century building; besides, it ise the only one of the old churches of Tallinn to have retained its main shape through the ages. The shape of the church is defined by a two-nave main building and a one-nave choir space. The two-nave layout is explained with the fact that it combined the functions of a town government church on the one hand and those of a hospice church on the other. Accordingly, the services were attended by the wealthiest burgers and the poor; this provided a way of segregation. An eight-sided tower is located at the western wall of the building, which was fitted with a Baroque spire and a weather vane bearing the date 1688 after the fire of 1684

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
22 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (andmete korrastamine)

vali Insert menüüst käsud Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart-Pie. Sisesta pealkiri. Kustuta legend. Diagrammile väärtuste ja andmesiltide lisamiseks ning % näitamiseks klõpsa diagrammi parema kõrval olevat + märki ja vali Data Label-More Options. Märgista Category Name, eemalda märgistus Value eest, märgista Percentage ning vali Label Position-Outside End. NB! Varasemates versioonides vali siin ja edaspidi + märgi asemel käsud Table Tools menüü Layout sakilt. Muuda vajadusel hiirega tekstikastide asetust nii, et nendes olevaid andmeid oleks lihtsam jälgida. Office'I tugi diagrammiliikide kohta Office'I tugi andmete märgistamiseks diagrammi loomisel Office'I tugi diagrammi loomise kohta tekstiliselt (ka pealkiri, legend, trendijoon) Office'I tugi diagrammi loomise kohta videona (ka kohandamine) Office'I tugi andmesiltide muutmise kohta diagrammil 2014- 2016 keskmine 1159

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
3 allalaadimist


1. Millistes tegevustes äppe kasut 2. Kui kasutad äppe meelelahutuseks 3. Keskmiselt mitu tundi päevas e Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, popcorn time 0.5 Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, Youtube Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, spotify Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, Youtube 2 Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, Facebook 0.5 Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, Youtube 1 Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, youtube 1 Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses, youtube 2 Meelelahutuses ja huvitegevuses,minuTV ...

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
6 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse konspekt

 To whoever has to read your code.  To the compiler, which has to make it run.  Explanations require language.  To state clearly what is going on.  To communicate ideas over space and time. Programming and description languages  Programming languages, in the familiar sense: Fortran, C, Java, C#, Python, Javascript etc.  Description languages (i.e. not for programming): Text layout: html Html layout nuances: css Database query tasks: SQL Data representation: XML, json, csv ... etc Kõrgkeeled  Automatiseerivad ja lihtsustavad hulga “harilikke” protseduure, mida assembleris programmeerides vaja  Ei anna assembleriga analoogilist kontrolli masina üle  Kõrgkeeled on erineva abstraktsusastmega:  Masinalähedane ja ebamugav: Fortran, C (portaabel assembler)

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
241 allalaadimist

Estonian holidays, festivals, cultural events

Events include a traditional street market, authentic medieval food and drink stalls, street entertainers, folk music and traditional dancing. Simpel session Name: Simpel Session 09 Time: 1618th January Place: Saku Suurhall, Tallinn Estonia Simpel Session has been around for seven years and has grown to a major contest and meeting point both in the world of skateboarding and BMX. But although rocking a crazy lineup of riders from around the globe, awesome skatepark layout and cuttingedge media broadcasts, it's still just one huge party where riders come to hang out with their friends and enjoy the laidback vibe. As one goes we'll be down with two events skateboarding street and BMX street. We're very happy to have two of these sports combined in Simpel Session as they feed from each other and make the contest stand out from todays trends. Our

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Exeli valemid

2001 3 894 4 290 5 890 4 952 7 512 2002 5 074 5 890 6450 4650 7554 2003 3 490 7 790 5980 9812 8640 Harjutus 6.3 Konstrueeri sektordiagramm, kus oleks näidatud ka protsendid. Insert --> Pie Layout --> Data Labels --> More Data Label Options --> Label Contains --> Percentag Aastas kokku Tululiik leibkonnaliikme kohta, kr Sissetulek palgatööst 115 278 Tulu ettevõtlusest 2 174 Omanditulu 4512 Siirded 4 878 Muud tulud 45875

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
40 allalaadimist


1. Intellektuaalomand  Sissejuhatus Inimene on suuteline oma intellekti ehk arukuse abil looma midagi uut. Selles on nähtud inimese jumalanäolisuse märki. Oma bioloogiliste eelduste poolest on inimene sarnane loomale, kes ei loo, vaid kopeerib juba olemasolevat, kohandades seda oma vajadustele. See loomulik käitumine vastandub inimeses teadvustatud püüdlusele hea, ilu ja tõe poole, mis väljendub oma elukeskkonna paremaks muutmises (leiutised), selle kaunistamises (kujutav kunst, muusika, kirjandus) ja teadusega tegelemises. Loomulik käitumine tähendab ka tugevama võimu, oma egoistlike huvide kaitsmist jõuga. Sellele vastandub ühiskonna liikmete välise vabaduse vastastikune piiramine õiguse (Evgenij Nikolaevich Trubeckoj määratlus) vahenditega, millega esiteks tagatakse võimalus kõigi ühisonnaliikmete kooseksisteerimiseks ja teiseks luuakse eeldused koostööks ühiste eesmärkide saavutamiseks (Wolfgang Friedmann’i...

Õigus → Intellektuaalne omand ja...
59 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus infotehnoloogiasse eksamikonspekt

compilation ehk JIT. Vahekood – interpreteerimise tulemusel tekkiv kood, mida masin saab täita Programmeerimiskeeled vs kirjelduskeeled Programmeerimiskeeled: Fortran, C, Java, C#, Python, Javascript Programmeerimise keeled on inimeste jaoks, arvuti ei saa sellest aru ning vajab masinkoodi. Kirjelduskeeled (mitte programmeerimiseks): HTML, SQL, JSON SQL – päringukeel, database queries HTML – kujunduskeel, text layout JSON – data representation tekstilisel kujul, nt dictionary: {name: john, age: 35} Keelte äratundmine: Pythoni näide oli ka. Data warehouse – andmepank? 7. nädal • Eksamiks: opsüsteemi roll, mis on distro, mis on Linux, mis on mac OS X, Android, protsessid, multitasking, paralleeltöö, wait/run, mis on interrupt, mis on virtuaalmälu.

Informaatika → Sissejuhatus...
218 allalaadimist

Harjutus 2

The employer shall implement the measures provided for in paragraph 1 on the basis of an assessment of the hazards to young people in connection with their work. The assessment must be made before young people begin work and when there is any major change in working conditions and must pay particular attention to the following points: (a) the fitting-out and layout of the workplace and the workstation; (b) the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical, biological and chemical agents; (c) the form, range and use of work equipment, in particular agents, machines, apparatus and devices, and the way in which they are handled; (d) the arrangement of work processes and operations and the way in which

Ergonoomika → Ergonoomika
170 allalaadimist

Strateegiline juhtimine kordamisküsimused

Capabilities can be harnessed to continuously create, extend, upgrade, protect, and keep relevant the enterprise's unique asset base (Teece). Innovations, are products of a firm's combinative capabilities which allow the firm to exploit its knowledge and the unexplored potential of the technology (Kogut & Zander). Operational capabilities - The first category of capabilities are those that reflect an ability to perform the basic functional activities of the firm, such as plant layout, distribution logistics, and marketing campaigns, more efficiently than competitors. (Collis) Relational capabilities - Relational capability has capacity to purposefully create, extend, or modify the firm's recourses base, augmented to include the resources of its alliance partner. Kale (1999) found that several key elements of knowledge management influenced capabilities and performance. Firms that had well developed

Haldus → Strateegiline juhtimine
290 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia ühiskond ja kultuur konspekt

celebrations and concerts. It is also a popular place for jogging, swimming, rowing, picnicking and even horse riding. The park was the site of The Great Exhibition of 1851 The park has become a traditional location for mass demonstrations. The park is divided in two by the Serpentine. In 1536 King Henry VIII confiscated Hyde Park from the monks of Westminster Abbey. It was used primarily for hunting. King Charles I opened the park to the public in 1637. The current park layout was planned by architect Decimus Burton in 1825. 34. The House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is the lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The House of Commons meet in the Palace of Westminster. The Commons is a democratically elected body, consisting of 650 members (since 2010 General Election), who are known as "Members of Parliament" (MPs). Members are elected through the first-past-the-post system by electoral

Kultuur-Kunst → Suurbritannia ühiskond ja...
71 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

Using the above equation, we get a new resistance of 10,010 ohms. This changes the (ideal) opamp gain from 6 to 5.995. The output voltage goes from 7.2v to 7.194 volts—no appre- ciable effect on the 8-bit system we’ve been looking at, but a 1-bit error in a 10-bit system, and a 2-bit error in a 12-bit system. This example is a bit contrived to illustrate the point, because one resistor is considerably hotter than the other. This example does point out that things like circuit-board layout (how close the 10K resistor is to a power IC) can also affect accuracy. Moving the 10K resistor further from the hot component could reduce this specific error. You could also see this kind of error if the two resistors had different temperature coefficients. Using resistors with lower temperature coefficients will reduce temperature-induced errors overall. Voltage References All ADC systems require some kind of voltage reference. All voltage references

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist


DWG- failina; b) AutoCAD Drawing Template – eeskuju joonisena *.DWT- failina, millel on juba rida olulisi joonise üksikosi, nagu näiteks kirjanurk, raamjoon, tükitabel, paigutusmärgid jne; c) AutoCAD Drawing Standards – joonis vastavalt AutoCAD standarditele DWS- failina; d) Other Formats – joonis mõnel muul failikujul, nagu *.DWT- failina, *.DWS- failina, *.DXF-failina; e) Save Layout as a Drawing – salvestada joonise väljastuskujul mudelruumis; f) DWG Convert – salvestada joonis mõne vanema AutoCAD’i failina. ÜLESANNE I Pinnatükk 87 Joonise väljastamne erikujuliste failidena: a) DWF – kujundab joonisest *.DWF-faili, mida saab vajaduse korral muuta; b) DWFx – kujundab joonisest *.DWFx-faili, mida saab vajaduse korral üle kirjutada;

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
17 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

3D shop drawing review. With the shop drawings done sooner, the mill order can be submitted sooner, the fabrication can start sooner and the steel can be erected sooner (BIM and Digital Fabrication, 2008). 16 1.9. Construction The steel erector and the general contractor can use 3D models to plan construction, verify field layout and illustrate construction schedules. A Stanford University study by M. Fischer and J. Kunz (2004) titled “The Scope and Role of Information Technology in Construction” provides an example how three-dimensional building information models were used during the construction of the Walt Disney Concert Hall. During the construction phase, the general contractor, M.A. Mortenson, used 4D models to coordinate the workflow of their subcontractors and site logistics, and to validate early on

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

pricey / the tickets are a little Here are a few gadgets you may want pricey to say the least to add to your luggage. 3 the main tent gets horribly Speaker 1 Travellers who don't like to crowded / the main tent does fiddle around with the small keyboard have a tendency to get crowded on their palmtop, mobile phone or other hand-held device may find the Virtual 4 the layout is extremely confusing Keyboard useful. It's about the size of / the layout is a little on the a lighter, so it fits perfectly into your confusing side pocket. Unfortunately though, it does 5 the sound system is poor / the eat up your palmtop's batteries within sound system could do with an minutes, so you'll need to find a socket.

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist


Punches are the tools used for a variety of jobs, but the correct punch for the job should always be selected. A center punch is used to make a starting mark for a drill when holes are to be drilled in metal. If the center punch mark is not made, the drill will `walk away' from the desired center. The center punch point should be taper-ground to an angle of about 90º. Never use a center punch to remove a bolt. Prick punches are generally used for marking centers and lines in layout work. Starting punch has a longer taper. They may be used for knocking out rivets after their heads have been cut off. To start a bolt that is extremely tight, use a starting punch. After a bolt has been loosened or partly driven out, a pin punch can then be used. Both starting punches and pin punches must have flat ends, never pointed, edged or round. Scriber is used to make clean narrow lines on metal. It is made of tool steel. Some

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Uurmiustöö Windows Xp

loetakse automaatselt või pärast vastavat korraldust. Outlook Expressi akna avab stardimenüü samanimeline korraldus, klõps kiirkäivitusriba ikoonil või korraldus Read Mail brauseriakna nupuga Mail avanevast rippmenüüst. Aknas on neli paani. Vasakul ülal on e-posti kaustapuu, all kontaktisikute meiliaadressid. Paremal ülal on valitud kausta sisu, all kaustast valitud sõnumi sisu. Paanide mõõtmeid saab muuta nende eraldusjooni hiirega nihutades. Menüü View korraldusega Layout saab muuta paanide paigutust. Kaustapuus kuvatakse ka sinu valitud uudiseserverite nimed ja nendest tellitud uudisegrupid, tänu millele saab samas aknas ka uudiseid lugeda. Ühine aken muudab töö mugavamaks. Kaustas Inbox on saabunud sõnumid, kaustas Outbox saatmist ootavad uued sõnumid, kaustas Sent Items saadetud sõnumid, kaustas Deleted Items kustutatud, kuid kettalt eemaldamata sõnumid, ja kaustas Drafts sõnumid, mille koostamine on pooleli jäänud. Vaikimisi kuvatakse

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
24 allalaadimist


joone mõlemale poole veel juurde pool joonejämedust joone ala piirjoonte ülejoonestamise arvelt,: a b a - liitjoon on joonestatud kihti, millele ei ole on antud joonejämedus; b – samale kihile anti hiljem joonejämedus. Kuvamise ajal oli FILL / OFF Märkus. Seadistatud joonejämedust on võimalik muuta joonise väljastamise käigus käsu PGSETUP kaardil Layout Settings alajaotusega Plot area ja seal valikuga Scale lineweights. Töö 3 Klamber 77

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
18 allalaadimist

Microsoft access

(Calculate procent of total for sums), prinditakse ka üksikread (Detail and Summary) või ainult kokkuvõtteread (Summary Only). Access- lihtne ja vajalik 37 Joonis 8.29 Aruandetark- leheküljepaigutus Joonis 8.30 Aruandetark- aruande stiil Järgmise sammuna valitakse leheküljepaigutuse (joonis 8.7). Erinevaid paigutusvõimalusi saab vaadata märgistatedes vastava raadionupu Layout. Aruande stiil koosneb taustatoonidest, fontidest, fondisuurustest ja muudest vorminguvahenditest. Sobiva stiili leidmiseks klikkatakse nende peal (joonis 8.8). Joonis 8.31 Aruandetark- aruande nimi Targa viimases dialoogiaknas antakse aruandele nimi (joonis 8.10). Töö edasiseks jätkamiseks on kaks võimalust: · Modify the Report's Design ­ kujundusvaate täiendamine · Preview the report ­ aruande prindieelvaatega tutvumine. 8.3

Informaatika → Andmebaasid
137 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

32 Disconnect the throttle cable from the throttle housing. 7.33 Fuel feed pipe union at the warm-up 7.35 Injector pipe unions at the fuel 33 Relieve the fuel system pressure by slowly regulator - XR3i and Cabriolet distributor - XR3i and Cabriolet loosening the fuel feed pipe union at the warm-up regulator (see illustration). Absorb fuel leakage in a cloth. Reference to the fuel- injection system layout in Chapter 4, Part B, or D, as applicable will assist in identification of the relevant components where necessary. 34 Disconnect the vacuum servo hose from the inlet manifold. 35 Disconnect the two fuel pipe unions at the warm-up regulator, the single pipe to the cold start valve and the four injector feed pipes at the fuel distributor (see illustration). Recover the sealing washers located on each side of the banjo unions and seal all disconnected 7

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist


2. What are the abbreviations for 'as soon as possible', `per annum' (a year) and 'minimum'? 3. You could send a CV with your application to any of these jobs, but for which two job applications is a CV most necessary? 4. In a business letter, you put the name and address of the people you are writing to on the left, above the salutation. In a personal letter, you don't do this. Which of the job applications require a personal rather than a business layout? B Writing Work in small groups. Imagine that you are interested in one of the jobs advertised, and that you have suitable qualities and / or experience. Write a letter applying for the job. You should mention: · what job you are applying for ( get the job title exactly right ). · where you saw the advertisement or where you heard that a job might be available. · your relevant qualifications and experience. · why you are interested in the job. Be positive, confident and enthusiastic

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

symbols; • Using cursor interrogation for further detail; • Overlaying/removing radar video or radar target information (in order to: confirm ship's positioning; aid radar interpretation; show the entire navigation situation on one screen); • Overlaying/removing various other sensor information, or information telemetered from shore; • Changing the scale or orientation of the display; • Selecting true motion or relative motion; • Changing screen layout with windowed displays, text information in the margins, etc.; • Possibility of pull-down menus and other operator interaction devices being alongside the operational navigation display and so interacting with it; • Giving navigation and chart warnings such as "too close approach to safety contour"; "about to enter prohibited area"; "overscale display"; "more detailed (larger scale) data available" etc.;

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

It contained the first drawings of a truss, the simplest and most easily visualized form for transferring both dead and live loads to piers and abutments, accomplished by a rigid self-supporting system of triangles. Palladio built several truss bridges, the most important being the Bassano Bridge (1561) over the River Brenta in the Veneto region in northern Italy. Destroyed several times, it has been carefully rebuilt faithfully following the original layout and exists today as the only example of one of Palladio's bridges. The truss form, derived from the Romans, represents one of the Renaissance's most significant contributions to bridge building. Renaissance engineers also devised daring innovation in arch forms - the segmental, elliptical, and multi-centred. The Hungarian, Janos Veranscics, reviewed these and other achievements in the structural arts at the end of the Renaissance in Machinae Novae, published in 1617

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist


- After considering the results of the analysis and the potential ‘bottlenecks’ to propose a development strategy. The strategic service concept is a system and the elements of the system are: (Fitzsimmons, 1998, p 45) 67 Structural: - Delivery system. Front and back office, automation, customer participation. - Facility design Size, aesthetics, layout. - Location. Customer demographics, single or multiple sites, competition and site characteristics. - Capacity planning. Managing queues, number of servers, accommodating average or peak demand. Managerial: - Service encounter. Service culture, motivation, selection and training. - Quality. Measurement, monitoring, methods, expectations vs. perceptions. - Managing capacity and demand. Strategies for altering demand and controlling supply.

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
30 allalaadimist

Tarkvaratehnika kordamisküsimused

TARKVARATEHNIKA KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED     1. Mis on tarkvaratehnika?  Software engineering    ! ​“Engineers Australia” definitsioon: ​ Tarkvaratehnika ​on tiimide poolt rakendatav distsipliin  tootmaks kõrgekvaliteedilist, suuremastaabilist ja hinnaefektiivset tarkvara mis rahuldab  kasutajate nõudmisi ja mida saab hooldada teatud ajaperioodi vältel.    IEEE definitsioon: Tarkvaratehnika on süstemaatilise, distsiplineeritud ja mõõdetava  lähehemisviisi rakendamine tarkvara arendamisele, käitamisele ja hooldamisele, see  tähendab, inseneriteaduste rakendamine tarkvarale.     Tarkvaraarendus ​ on nõrgem termin, kus tingimata ei kasutata protsesse, tööriistu,  standardeid, jne. Tarkvaraarendus on progemine + konfigursatsiooni haldus.    Tarkvaratehnika ei ole ainult programmi kirjutamine, vaid teemad hõlmavad ka kvaliteeti,  ajakavasid, tasuvust ning põhimõtete ja korra tundmist ja rakendamist.     Tar...

Informaatika → Tarkvaratehnika
89 allalaadimist

AutoCad I

). Sobib kasutada rippmenüüd Modify ja ikoonilatti Modify. Käsk `REDRAW eemaldab jooksvalt vaateaknalt (viewport) plussmärgikujulised hiire- klõpsumärgid (joonise objektide hulka nad ei kuulu ja neid ei salvestata). Tugevama toimega on käsk REGEN, mis lisaks taasarvutab kõikide objektide koordinaadid. Ka on regenereeri- mine kasulik selleks, et näiliselt kandilised ringjooned ja kaared ekraanil sujuvaks muuta. Regenereerimise tunnuseks on teate Regenerating model. või Regenerating layout. ilmumine käsupiirkonnale. Mõned käsud teostavad automaatset regenereerimist. Kõikide vaateakende töötlemiseks on eeltoodud käskude asemel käsud `REDRAWALL ja REGENALL. Viimasena täidetud joonestuskäskude toime tühistamiseks on mõeldud käsk UNDO. Lei- dub siiski rida käske, mille toimet käsk UNDO ei tühista (näiteks salvestamine mingisse faili, info küsimine jms.). Käsu UNDO käivitamisel ilmub käsupiirkonda viip

Insenerigraafika → Autocad
326 allalaadimist

Arvutite riistvara

Lühikese võlliga maatriksprinteritel on selleks harilikult 257 mm, pika võlliga printeritel 420 mm (võimaldab A3- formaadi põikiasetust). trükitiheduse 10 cpi korral vastab see kas 80-le või 136-le kirjamärgile (sümbolile) reas. Harilikult saavad printerid tulemusi väljastada ka väiksemaile paberiformaatidele, näiteks kirjaümbrikele, postkaartidele ja etikettidele. Enne kui dokumenti arvutist printerile saatma hakkate, kontrollige alati menüükäsuga Page Layout või Page Setup, millisele paberile on teie kasutatav programm häälestatud. Põikformaadis ekraanipildilt ju püstasetusega lehekülje formaati kergesti ära ei tunne. Sageli on vaikimisi ette antud just Letter-formaat, mida aga mõni printer üldse enne töösse ei võta, kuni temasse pole just selles mõõdus paberit söödetud. Teised printerid küll ei tee valest paberiformaadist välja, kuid teie ekraanil kenasti kujundatud töö ei pruugi olemasolevale

Informaatika → Arvutid
34 allalaadimist

Lühendite seletus

CS/SS Card Service/Socket Service CSTA Computer-Supported Telephony Applications CSU Channel Service/Switching Unit CSV Circuit-Switched Voice + Comma-Separated Value/Variable + Common Services Verbs (interface) [Microsoft] C2T Cable Changing Technology C&T Chips and Technologies CTB Cipher Type Byte CTC Channel To Channel + Counter/Timer Chip CTCP Client-To-Client Protocol CTI Computer-Telephony Integration CTL Complex Text Layout CTOS Cassette Tape Operating System + Computerized Tomography Operating System + Convergent Technologies Operating System CTP Community Technology Preview [Microsoft] CTPA Coax-to-Twisted-Pair Adapter CTRCO * Calculating,Tabulating,Recording Company (The name of this company was changed to "International Business Machines" by Thomas J. Watson, Sr.) CTRL Control CTS Clear To Send + Computer Telephony Solution [IBM] + Customer Telephone System

Informaatika → Informaatika
117 allalaadimist

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat

Kultuurialaste veebisaitide kvaliteedikäsiraamat Kvaliteedi parendamine kodanike hüvanguks Versioon 1.2 ­ kavand Kultuuriveebi sisu ja kvaliteedipõhimõtete piiritlemine lähtudes kasutajate vajadustest Toimetanud MINERVA 5. töörühm. 6. november 2003 MINERVA 5. töörühm Kultuuriveebi sisu ja kvaliteedipõhimõtete piiritlemine lähtudes kasutajate vajadustest Tegevuse eestvedaja Henry Ingberg (Prantsuse Kogukonna Ministeeriumi kantsler, Belgia) Koordinaator Isabelle Dujacquier (Prantsuse Kogukonna Ministeerium, Belgia) Liikmed: Majlis Bremer-Laamanen (Soome Rahvusraamatukogu); Eelco Bruinsma, Digitaalpärandi lähtekohad (Madalmaad); David Dawson, Ressursid (Ühendkuningriik); Ana Maria Duran, Kultuurivõrk (Rootsi); Pierluigi Feliciati (Itaalia); Fedora Filippi (Rooma Arheoloogiajärelevalve Amet, Itaalia); Muriel Foulonneau Euroopa kultuurivaramu (Prantsusmaa); Antonella Fresa, MINERVA tehniline koordinaator; Franca Garzotto (Milano ...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
4 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

sheepishly. "Why don't I show you the accounts I'm working on and we'll go from there?" The rest of the day passed in a blur. Mark touched bases with two clients and had a long meeting with the creative team working on concept ideas for a trade school. It was a fascinating process seeing firsthand how the various departments picked up the baton from each other to carry a campaign from proposition to fruition. I might've stayed late just to get a better feel of the layout of the offices, but my phone rang at ten minutes to five. "Mark Garrity's office. Eva Tramell speaking." "Get your ass home so we can go out for the drink you rain-checked on yesterday." Cary's mock sternness made me smile. "All right, all right. I'm coming." Shutting down my computer, I cleared out. When I reached the bank of elevators, I pulled out my cell to text a quick " on my way " note to Cary. A ding alerted me to which car was stopping on

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


Intel creates the 1103 chip, the first generally available DRAM memory chip. Wayne Pickette takes his computer-on-a-chip design to Intel, and is hired, began working for Dr. Ted Hoff. At Intel, Wayne Pickette proposes to Ted Hoff the idea of building a computer-on-a-chip for the Busicom project. Gilbert Hyatt files a patent application entitled "Single Chip Integrated Circuit Computer Architecture", the first basic patent on the microprocessor. Work begins at Intel on the layout of the circuit for what would be the 4004 microprocessor. Federico Faggin directs the work. Intel creates the first 4004 microprocessor. (1971 The first commercial 4- bit microprocessor 4004 (2,300 transistors; 10 µm features; 10 mm2 die; 108 kHz kHz)) Relational database software: theory and first research groups. In 1970 an IBM researcher named Ted Codd published the first article on relational databases.

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

CPM1A Programmable Controllers Operation Manual 1784470

Pages 62, 81: Screen messages corrected. 4 August 1999 Major revisions throughout the manual. Information on the Analog I/O Unit, CompoBus/S I/O Link Unit, and 8-point Expansion I/O Units added. 5 February 2000 Information on the Expansion Memory Unit and Temperature Sensor Units added throughout the manual. Layout and wording changed to distinguish between Expansion Units and Expansion I/O Units. In addi- tion, the following changes were made. Page ix: Information on relevant manuals added. Page xv: Second item removed. “Memory Units” removed from third item. Safety precautions for Temperature Sensor Units added.

Tehnika → Automatiseerimistehnika
9 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

THE WRITER'S JOURNEY ~ THIRD EDITION Christopher Vogler Published by Michael W i e s e Productions 3 9 4 0 Laurel Canyon Blvd., # 1 1 1 1 Studio City, C A 9 1 6 0 4 tel. 8 1 8 . 3 7 9 . 8 7 9 9 fax 8 1 8 . 9 8 6 . 3 4 0 8 [email protected] Cover Design: Michael W i e s e Productions Illustrations: Fritz Springmeyer & Michèle M o n t e z Book Layout: Gina Mansfield Design Editor: Paul Norlen Printed by M c N a u g h t o n & Gunn, Inc., Saline, Michigan Manufactured in the U n i t e d States of America Printed on Recycled Stock © 2 0 0 7 Christopher Vogler First Printing October 1 9 9 8 All rights reserved. N o part o f this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

employees, or from the equipment. This is cleanliness and protects public health. It has the reason why factors like housekeeping, many implications when applied to the food- personal hygiene, training and education of processing environment. A safe water supply the personnel, plant layout, design of equip- and distribution system, unpolluted air, sound ment and machines, characteristics of mate- construction of facilities, effective pest rial selected, and the maintenance and general control, proper waste handling, disposal, and condition of the plant should be addressed treatment are critical elements of environ-

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

an event; comparingtypes of films; talking about Suggested AnswerKey disasters Intonation:word stress It seemsto me that electronicmediotokesmuchlongerto read Writing: a formaltransactional thon traditionolbooks.However; electronicmedia doesletus letter;a newsreport;a shortstory enjoygoodgrophicsand layout. Readthe title aloud.Elicitthe meaningof the ritle(keeping a. Ask Ssto readthe title of the articleand saywhat peopleinformed). they think the articleis about.Then,Ss answerthe Then,Ssspeculateabout the contentof the unit (thenews,bodnews,disasters, questions.CheckSs'answers. gossip,etc).

Keeled → Inglise keel
237 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

an event; comparingtypes of films; talking about Suggested AnswerKey disasters Intonation:word stress It seemsto me that electronicmediotokesmuchlongerto read Writing: a formaltransactional thon traditionolbooks.However; electronicmedia doesletus letter;a newsreport;a shortstory enjoygoodgrophicsand layout. Readthe title aloud.Elicitthe meaningof the ritle(keeping a. Ask Ssto readthe title of the articleand saywhat peopleinformed). they think the articleis about.Then,Ss answerthe Then,Ssspeculateabout the contentof the unit (thenews,bodnews,disasters, questions.CheckSs'answers. gossip,etc).

Keeled → Inglise keel
145 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

an event; comparingtypes of films; talking about Suggested AnswerKey disasters Intonation:word stress It seemsto me that electronicmediotokesmuchlongerto read Writing: a formaltransactional thon traditionolbooks.However; electronicmedia doesletus letter;a newsreport;a shortstory enjoygoodgrophicsand layout. Readthe title aloud.Elicitthe meaningof the ritle(keeping a. Ask Ssto readthe title of the articleand saywhat peopleinformed). they think the articleis about.Then,Ss answerthe Then,Ssspeculateabout the contentof the unit (thenews,bodnews,disasters, questions.CheckSs'answers. gossip,etc).

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

an event; comparingtypes of films; talking about Suggested AnswerKey disasters Intonation:word stress It seemsto me that electronicmediotokesmuchlongerto read Writing: a formaltransactional thon traditionolbooks.However; electronicmedia doesletus letter;a newsreport;a shortstory enjoygoodgrophicsand layout. Readthe title aloud.Elicitthe meaningof the ritle(keeping a. Ask Ssto readthe title of the articleand saywhat peopleinformed). they think the articleis about.Then,Ss answerthe Then,Ssspeculateabout the contentof the unit (thenews,bodnews,disasters, questions.CheckSs'answers. gossip,etc).

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun