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"laid" - 230 õppematerjali

laid on September 30, 1975, and the building was inaugurated July 11, 1980 (although the first transmission took place in 1979). The tower body was constructed of reinforced concrete rings 50 cm thick that weigh a total of 17,000 metric tons, and the total tower weight is approximately 20,000 tons.

Kasutaja: laid

Faile: 0

Eesti kultuuri ajalugu

(Estonia teatri ooperijuht), lavastas oopereid (viis selle uuele tasemele), hakkas ooperit käsitlema kui terviklikku käsitlust, oli üheks tuntuimaks teatrikriitikuks. Lavastas esimese eestlase poolt kirjutatud ooperi ,,Vikerlased". Esitati ka palju Euroopa tippteoseid. 30.- date alguses kerkis eile uus põlvkond lauljaid, kes olid väga kõrgel tasemel: Karl Ots, Ida Loo-Talvari. Operetid ­ saavutati uus tase, püüti jõuda psühholoogilise joonega operetina. Tuntuim operetisolist oli Milvi Laid. Ballett ­ arenes kõige aeglasemalt ja viletsemalt. Esimene lavastus 1922. aastal. Rahel Olbrei ­ moodustas tantsurühma. Teiseks suureks teatriks oli Vanemuine Tartus. Nüüd jäi Vanemuine oma tegevuses veidi Estonia varju. Lühikest aega oli teatav mõõnaaeg, mil ei suudetud enam endisel tasemel jätkata (peale Männingut). Vanemuine oli ka mitmezanriline teater ­ ooper, operett, sõnalavastus. Operetti lavastati muusikalisest zanrist rohkem. Ooperit ei esitatud regulaarselt.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
274 allalaadimist

Eesti ajaloo historiograafia

Kuidas säilitada teaduslikku suunda, see on raske küsimus. Töö eesti rahva kollektiviseerimisest aga sundkollektivisrreimist küüditamise näol raske sisse saada, neid materjale arhiivist sai väitekirja tuua mingil määral aga valdada küll mitte. Väitekirjad salastatud, igaüks ei pääsenud lugema. Suletuid kaitsmisi mõnedel teemadel. ,,metsavendlus" banditismiga võitluses, kaugõppija venelane, kasutas siseministeeriumi materjale ja dotsent Jaroslav Laid nõudmisel kinnine kaitsmine. Riiklik eksamikomisjon, juhendaja ja kaitsja. Pärast ka töö eriosakonda hoiule, salastatud. Isegi ustavaid inimesi, kes sobiliku skeemi jäärgi käsitlesid aga kuna teema selline, et andmeid ei sobinud. Institutsioonidevälised ajaloolased Nõukogude ajal ka eraviisilisi ajalookirjutajaid, sahtlisse, et ehk kunagi näeb ilmavalgust. Nt perekonnalugude puhul. Tõsisemat teaduslikku uurimistööd ei

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Metsade sääst

ühiskonnas. Vanimaid teateid selle kohta, et metsad olid siinsetele inimestele oluliseks pelgupaigaks sõdade ajal, saab lugeda 13. sajandist pärit Hendriku kroonikast. Seal kirjeldatakse, kuidas ristisõdijad pärast Emajõe ületamist leidsid eest tühjad külad, sest elanikud olid pagenud metsa ning teinud sinna raidtõkkeid, et sõjavägi sealt hobustega edasi ei pääseks. Sarnaseid mälestusi hilisematest sõdadest leidub hulgaliselt Kirjandusmuuseumi folkloorikogudes. Erik Laid kirjeldab oma 1925. aastal ilmunud uurimuses, mis põhineb kogutud folklooril, 79 pelgupaika Eesti soodes ja metsades, kuhu sõja aegadel peitu mindud. Mälestused ulatuvad tõenäoliselt peamiselt Põhjasõja aegadesse, võib-olla osalt ka Liivi sõja aegadesse. Arvatavasti Eesti ajaloo ulatuslikem ennast vaenlase eest metsas varjamine toimus Teise Maailmasõja paiku. Ajaloolaste hinnangul osales viimase sõja ajal ja järel metsavendluses kokku rohkem kui 16 000 inimest.

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
78 allalaadimist

Sõda ja Saaremaa

Loodekaarest ilmus meeste vaatevälja laev, kust avati Kõinastu pihta trasseerivate kuulidega tuli. Rookatustega majad süttisid ning peagi lõõmas kogu laiul olnud küla ühtlase tulemerena. Küla, kus neile oli peavarju antud, muutus nende silme all olematuks (Vetter 2004, 104). Läänemere idaosa admirali sõjapäevikusse on sisse kantud, et sel samal päeval, 1. oktoobril, tulistati kahuripaatidelt Kõinastu laidu, et julgestada Saksa sõdurite äratoomist, kuna laid oli vahepeal venelaste poolt hõivatud (BA MA, RM 45 I/79, 423). Paraku punaväelasi seal veel küll ei olnud. Kurt Vetter ja ta kaaslased olid rabatud. Pooluppunud mehi abistanud laiutäis kõinlasi olid jäetud vastu talve lageda taeva alla. Iseasi, kas nad pidasid seda saabuva punalaevastiku tervituseks või lahkuvate sakslaste hüvastijätuks. Aga sõjas paraku juhtub nii. Pärast Muhu langemist tuli kätte Hiiumaa kord. 2. oktoobri öösel alustasid Punaarmee 109.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Biosüstemaatika teooria ja meetodid

Biosüstemaatika teooria ja meetodid Prof. Erast Parmasto loengukursuse konspekt Esimene versioon, okt. - nov. 1994 0. Sissejuhatus. 0.1. Biosüstemaatika on teadus eluslooduse mitmekesisusest: selle vormi- dest, põhjustest, tekkest; liikide ja teiste süstemaatika ühikute piiritle- misest, nimetamisest ja teaduslikut põhjendatud klassifitseerimisest. Kasutatakse ka lühemat nimetust süstemaatika (alates Linné tööst 1737. a.), kuid süstematiseeritakse ka elutu looduse nähtusi. Camp ja Gilly (1943) kasutasid biosüstemaatika mõistet erinevas tähenduses: eelkõige tsütogeneetiliste uurimiste kohta. See nimetusviis on aga juba ammu aja- lukku vajunud. Et käesolevas kursuses segimineku ohtu pole, kasutatakse mõlemat terminit siin samatähenduslikena. - Kasutusel on ka sõna taksonoo- mia (esmakordselt 1813. a. De Candolle poolt); nende tähenduserinevus pole aga ühtselt käsitlet...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
6 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

capital movement across borders. 1 2 3 , , , 4 , 5 , 9, 10-, by Mariusz Maciejewsk, 12/2016 6 ­ R. Barents "Charges have an Equivalent effect on Customs Duties" (1978) 15CNL rev 415 7 - Paul Craig, Gráinne de Búrca, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, p.613, 617, 618, 2015 8 - The rules on the free movement of capital are laid down in Article 63 TFEU. The provision is simple and has two short paragraphs. The first paragraph covers movement of capital, and the second covers payments. The term movement of capital, in the first paragraph, does not only cover investments and loan but also inheritances and certain tax deductions linked to gifts in money or in kind. The term movement of payments, in the second paragraph, concerns transfers of foreign exchange as consideration for a

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Jane Austen

cannot know what a man really is by the end of a fortnight. But if we do not venture somebody else will; and after all, Mrs. Long and her daughters must stand their chance; and, therefore, as she will think it an act of kindness, if you decline the office, I will take it on myself." The girls stared at their father. Mrs. Bennet said only, "Nonsense, nonsense!" "What can be the meaning of that emphatic exclamation?" cried he. "Do you consider the forms of introduction, and the stress that is laid on them, as nonsense? I cannot quite agree with you there. What say you, Mary? For you are a young lady of deep reflection, I know, and read great books and make extracts." Mary wished to say something sensible, but knew not how. "While Mary is adjusting her ideas," he continued, "let us return to Mr. Bingley." "I am sick of Mr. Bingley," cried his wife. "I am sorry to hear that; but why did not you tell me that before? If I had known as much

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
13 allalaadimist


various regions of the world. She also (to encourage) English traders to settle abroad. It (to lead) to the creation of numerous English overseas colonies in the seventeenth century. 6. Change the following sentences to passive. Underline the verb forms in your notebooks. a) Henry VII Tudor ended the war and united the two royal houses. He restored law and order. He based royal power on good business sense. He built a fleet of merchant ships. He laid the foundations of a wealthy nation state. He sent English seamen to explore North America. b) Henry VIII separated the Church in England from Rome. Parliament made him head of the English Church. Now he controlled the Church lands and wealth. He made the Church of England truly English. His daughter Elizabeth made it part of the state machine. Henry built a large navy and made English guns the best in Europe.

Filoloogia → Vene filoloogia
2 allalaadimist


" It was therefore impossible for the cryptanalysts to solve one. Messages had been intercepted and read in plenty dealing with Japanese interest in warship movements into and out of Pearl Harbor, but these were evaluated by responsible intelligence officers as on a par with the many messages dealing with American warships in other ports and the Panama Canal. The causes of the Pearl Harbor disaster are many and complex, but no one has ever laid any of whatever blame there may be at the doors of OP-20-G or S.I.S. On the contrary, the Congressional committee that investigated the attack praised them for fulfilling their duty in a manner that "merits the highest commendation." As the climax of war rushed near, the two agencies— together the most efficient and successful codebreaking organization that had ever existed—scaled heights of accomplishment greater than any they had ever achieved

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Arvutivõrkude eksami konspekt

The importance of computers began to rise in the 60s, so only now did people start to wonder how to connect several computers. Traffic was going to be bursty, meaning that there will be intervals of activity followed by a period of inactivity ie sending a message and then waiting for a response or contemplating the received response. Thus three groups of researchers, unaware of each others’ research, began inventing packet switching as an alternative to circuit switching. This pretty much laid down groundwork for nowadays Internet. In 67(I think?) the overall plan for ARPAnet was published, the first packet-switched computer network and the ancestor of today’s Internet. By 72 ARPAnet had grown from four to fifteen nodes and the first host-to-host protocol was completed. Since the latter was created, it was possible to begin developing applications. 1972-80 The initial ARPAnet was a solitary, closed network. To communicate with a host one had

Informaatika → Arvutivõrgud
41 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

"I saw his face -- I could tell." "How did you see me? I thought you were ditching." I was almost fine now, though the queasiness would probably pass faster if I'd eaten something for lunch. On the other hand, maybe it was lucky my stomach was empty. "I was in my car, listening to a CD." Such a normal response -- it surprised me. I heard the door and opened my eyes to see the nurse with a cold compress in her hand. "Here you go, dear." She laid it across my forehead. "You're looking better," she added. "I think I'm fine," I said, sitting up. Just a little ringing in my ears, no spinning. The mint green walls stayed where they should. I could see she was about to make me lie back down, but the door opened just then, and Ms. Cope stuck her head in. "We've got another one," she warned. I hopped down to free up the cot for the next invalid. I handed the compress back to the nurse. "Here, I don't need this."

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Iisreali usundilugu - Kordamisküsimuste vastused eksamiks

Zerubbabel (Hebrew: , Modern Zrubavel Tiberian Zrubbél; Greek: , Zorobabel; Latin: Zorobabel) was a governor of the Persian Province of Judah (Haggai 1:1) and the grandson of Jehoiachin, penultimate king of Judah. Zerubbabel led the first group of Jews, numbering 42,360, who returned from the Babylonian Captivity in the first year of Cyrus, King of Persia (Ezra). The date is generally thought to have been between 538 and 520 BCE. Zerubbabel also laid the foundation of the Second Temple in Jerusalem soon after. In all of the accounts in the Hebrew Bible that mention Zerubbabel, he is always associated with the high priest who returned with him, Joshua (Jeshua) son of Jozadak (Jehozadak). Together, these two men led the first wave of Jewish returnees from exile and began to rebuild the Temple (Ezra). Kessler describes the region of Judah as a small province that contained land moving 25km from Jerusalem and was

Teoloogia → Üldine usundilugu
57 allalaadimist


just that people waste a lot of time at work. It is that in the other 50 percent of the time, when people are actually working on com- pany tasks and responsibilities, they tend to work on low-value, low-priority tasks. As a result, they contribute little of value to their companies. Low productivity leads to lower wages and fewer opportunities. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are laid off from large and small corporations, often from white-collar, midmanage- ment jobs. Why is this? The answer is simple. The companies have finally learned that they are paying high salaries to people who are producing very little of value. No company can survive very long under these conditions, and these companies are determined to sur- vive. So the redundant staff has to go. ■ YOU CAN DO IT

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

Euroopa ja loodusgeograafia

Andres Tõnisson Euroopa ja loodusgeograafia 9. klassi geograafia õpik, osa 1 Kirjastus Koolibri, 2014 e-formaat Toimetatud Tartu Emajõe Koolis Toimetaja Emili Kilg Tartus, 2015 Elektroonilisse vormingusse kohandatud õpikus kasutatud märgised, mis aitavad otsingukäsu kasutamisel navigeerida * Tavakirjas leheküljenumbri ees on kolm järjestikust sidekriipsu, tühik ja vastava lehekülje number, näiteks, --- 5; * peatüki ette on kirjutatud kolm x-i, tühik ja vastava peatüki number, näiteks xxx 5; * visuaalne info on pandud kahekordsete ümarsulgude vahele. Kirjastus Koolibri kinnitab: õpik vastab põhikooli riiklikule õppekavale. Retsenseerinud Liisa-Kai Pihlak, Ulvi Urgard Kujundaja Tiit Tõnurist Illustratsioonid: Lea Armväärt, lk 67 Joonised: Kaire Vakar, Olger Tali Fotod: Koolibri Foto Imre Peenema: lk 85 Maa-amet: lk 66 NASA: lk 11, 72, 77 GNU Free Documentation Licence'i alusel: lk 9, 16-17, 20, 31, 32, 33, 43, ...

Geograafia → Euroopa
32 allalaadimist


Dendroloogia eksamiks: 1. Perekondad nulg ja kuusk Perekond Nulg (Ábies Mill.). Abies ­ kreeka k. bios ­ elu ja aei ­ alati roheline. Nulud on igihaljad suured ühekojalised puud. Võra on koonusjas, oksad asetsevad männasjalt, ulatudes sageli maani. Tüve koor noores eas sile, tihti läätsekujuliste vaigumahutitega. Paljudel liikidel moodustub vanemas eas puude tüvele korp. Korp - puutüvedel esinev välimine surnud korkkoe kiht. Pungad on ümarad või munajad, mõnedel liikidel kaetud õhukese vaigukihiga. Okkad on lineaalsed (pikad, kitsad, paralleelsete servadega), allküljel varustatud valkjate õhulõheribadega. Okkad asetsevad võrsel kamjalt (nagu kammipiid), võra ülaosas, kus on piisavalt valgust aga radiaalselt (ringikujuliselt). Okka ristlõikes on näha kaks vaigukäiku. Okkatipp enamasti terav või pügaldunud (sisselõikega), okas lame. Okkad vahetuvad järk-järgult umbes 10 aasta jooksul. Õitsevad mais, seemned valmivad s...

Metsandus → Dendroloogia
53 allalaadimist


time. In the New York area, Indians started buying up all the newsstands not belonging to an East Indian. In fact, their flagship company, the Hudson Group, which occupies the best real estate in places like Grand Central Station, Ports Authority, the World Trade Centre, and all the newsstand at all the New York City subway systems is alleged to charge over $3,000 to carry your newspaper in their stand. It is complete route of the former owners of the newsstands. Like generals, they laid their plans of assault. 8 One by one they started to shoot down their enemies by buying one newsstand at a time until the takeover was complete. They have duplicated this assault in most major American cities. After completing the take over of newsstand, the East Indians, together with their Pakistani cousins, then trained their new assault on the yellow taxicab business in the City. Now they have taken complete

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Ragdolls were the real article and guaranteed free from genetic defect, while other Ragdolls were half-bred or cross-bred inferior lookalikes trading fraudulently on the Ragdoll name. Quarter-page advertisements to this effect appeared in an American cat magazine in 1992. Periodically, she would send threatening mail to breeders non-IRCA Ragdolls, including a mailshot that contained photos of dozens of dead cats laid out side-by-side along with a claim that someone had broken in and killed her cats (some believe Baker killed her own cats and might not have known what she was doing due to a claimed history of head trauma). The RagaMuffin is another descendent of the original Ragdolls, but in a more extended colour range. Their similarity to the accepted Ragdoll meant that many registries would not accept them, though the conformation is not the same as the TICA Ragdoll (note: the NZCF

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Kuidas muudab mudelprojekteerimine teraskonstruktsioonide valmistamist ja ehitamist

Rather than design and then bringing in a team to change everything that the structural engineer didn’t really understand about constructability for such a complex project. We were on board 18 months before the first steel showed up on the jobsite, working with designing connections and those kinds of things. But that is not the regular case, usually you are brought in much later? It goes all the way to the other extreme where we have never laid eyes on the job before, we bid the project and a week later we are on the site, lifting steel off the trucks. So this the absolute far edge of the spectrum, that from our perspective is absolutely the best way to do a project from everybody’s perspective. Because the… specially when you bring team members together like we had on this project everybody is interested in controlling

Ehitus → Ehituskonstruktsioonid
23 allalaadimist

A New Earth

I want to do something significant, something that makes a difference tin the world. But if you asked me what exactly I want, I would have to say that I don't know. Can you help me find my life purpose? Your purpose is to sit here and talk to me, because that's where you are and that's what you are doing. Until you get up and do something else. Then, that becomes your purpose. So my purpose is to sit in my office for the next thirty years until I retire or get laid off? You are not in your office now, so that's not your purpose. When you do sit in your office and do whatever you do, then that is your purpose. Not for the next thirty years, but for now. I think here is some misunderstanding here. For you, purpose means what you are doing now; for me it means having an overall aim in life, something big and significant that gives meaning to what I do, something that makes a difference. Shuffling papers in the office is not it. I know that.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

power to heal our people and make the world a better place. M y own Writer's Journey begins with the peculiar power storytelling has always had over me. I got hooked on the fairy tales and Litde Golden Books read out loud by my mother and grandmother. I devoured the cartoons and movies pouring out of T V in the 1 9 5 0 s , the thrilling adventures on the drive-in screens, the lurid comic books and mind-stretching science fiction of the day. W h e n I was laid up with a sprained ankle, my father went to the local library and brought back wonder stories of Norse and Celtic mythology that made me forget the pain. A trail of stories eventually led me to reading for a living as a story analyst for Hollywood studios. T h o u g h I evaluated thousands of novels and screenplays, I never got tired of exploring the labyrinth of story with its stunningly repeated patterns, xxvii

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus 1. kodutöö (diagrammid)

US Robotics 56K V.92 External Faxmodem Boston School Pro Electric Pencil Sharpener, 1670 Strathmore Photo Mount Cards Accessory35 GBC ProClick™ 150 Presentation Binding System #10 Self-Seal White Envelopes Imation Printable White 80 Minute CD-R Spindle, 50/Pack Dana Halogen Swing-Arm Architect Lamp SANFORD Liquid Accent™ Tank-Style Highlighters Canon PC940 Copier Memorex 4.7GB DVD-RAM, 3/Pack Wausau Papers Astrobrights® Colored Envelopes Accessory35 Southworth 25% Cotton Antique Laid Paper & Envelopes Plymouth Boxed Rubber Bands by Plymouth Tenex Personal Project File with Scoop Front Design, Black GBC Standard Plastic Binding Systems' Combs ACCOHIDE® 3-Ring Binder, Blue, 1" Hon Comfortask® Task/Swivel Chairs Xerox 204 SAFCO Arco Folding Chair Eldon® 200 Class™ Desk Accessories, Burgundy Newell 310 Hammermill CopyPlus Copy Paper (20Lb. and 84 Bright) Wilson Jones Suede Grain Vinyl Binders Sauder Facets Collection Locker/File Cabinet, Sky Alder Finish

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
0 allalaadimist


time for the output to change in response). Each gate does a simple computation. Circuits that do complex computations can be built by connecting outputs of some gates to inputs of others. In fact, an entire computer can be built in this way. In the xLogicCircuits applet, circuits are constructed from AND gates, OR gates, and NOT gates. Each type of gate has a different rule for computing its output value. Circuits are laid out on a circuit board. Besides gates, the circuit board can contain Inputs, Outputs, and Tacks. Later, we'll see that circuits can also contain other circuits. All these components can be interconnected by wires. To the left of the circuit board in the applet is a pallette. The pallette contains components available to be used on the circuit board. You can't usually see all the components at once, but there is a scroll bar that allows you to scroll through all the components on the pallette

Informaatika → Infotehnoloogia
148 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

handful and simple to excuse as nutritious. Unfortunately, they also contain 824 calories per cup, 146 calories more than a Whopper from Burger King (678 kilocalories). A few almonds is just fine (5­10), but no one eats just a few almonds. Caro learned to avoid domino foods, but lost valuable time in the process, as have dozens of others: I have re-started this eating plan. I started it but wasn't following it exactly how Tim laid it all out.... I added peanuts and I was eating chickpeas and no weight loss, so I thought it was time to get real. I re-started 5 days ago and I am happy to say I have lost 5lbs in 5 days by following the plan EXACTLY as Tim says, making no adjustments or substitutes in any way, getting real and honest about what I can and can't eat. Think you'll just have one cookie or a couple of potato chips? Not if there's a bag of either in the kitchen

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

Yet there I was, not only in the diabolic place but also in the process of buying my son another expensive toy-a big, electric road- race set. In front of the road-race display I happened to meet a former neighbor who was buying his son the same toy. The odd thing was that we almost never saw each other anymore. In fact, the last time had been a year earlier in the same store when we were both buying our sons an expensive post-Christmas gift-that time a robot that walked, talked, and laid waste. We laughed about our strange pattern of seeing each other only once a year at the same time, in the same place, while doing the same thing. Later that day, I mentioned the coincidence to a friend who, it turned out, had once worked in the toy business. "No coincidence," he said knowingly. "What do you mean, 'No coincidence'?" "Look," he said, "let me ask you a couple of questions about the road-race set you bought this year

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Ford escorti käsiraamat

with a discharged or weak battery by available in different sizes, used for measuring attaching jump leads from the weak battery to clearances. For example, a strip of Plastigage a charged or helper battery. is laid across a bearing journal. The parts are assembled and dismantled; the width of the L crushed strip indicates the clearance between Load Sensing Proportioning Valve (LSPV) A journal and bearing.

Auto → Auto õpetus
107 allalaadimist

Keskkonnakaitse lõpueksami küsimused-vastused

Klimaatilised tingimused koos pinnaehitusega omakorda määravad ära veerežiimi, taimkatte ja muldkatte üldised iseärasused.  Suhteliselt väike pindala 45 227,63 km2(Ilma Peipsi ja Võrtsjärveta 43 432,31 km2) (130. - 192 riigi hulgas) Territooriumi äärmuspunktid:  Põhjas: 59049’ pl Vaindloo saar 59040’ pl Purekkari neem  Läänes: 21046’ ip Nootamaa laid 23024’ ip Ramsi neem  Lõunas: 57030’ pl Naha küla  Idas: 28013’ ip Narva Maastikku käsitletakse tavaliselt 4-mõõtmelisena, 3 ruumimõõtmele lisandub aeg. 147. Maastikumuutuste olemus, põhjused ja nende ennustamine. Eesti maastike muutused. Maastiku muutmise juhttegurid XX saj. Eestis maastik: territooriumi mingi osa, nii nagu seda tajuvad inimesed ja mille olemuse määravad looduslike ja antropogeensete faktorite mõjud ja koosmõjud.

Ökoloogia → Keskkonnakaitse ja säästev...
238 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

rich approach to the puzzles. 2 Russell's Name Claim Russell's response is both brilliant and strongly defended. He turns around and offers a new thesis, which I will call the Name Claim. The claim is that everyday proper names are not really names, at least not genuine Millian names. They look like names and they sound like names when we say them out loud, but they are not names at the level of logical form, where expres- sions' logical properties are laid bare. In fact, Russell maintains, they are equivalent to definite descriptions. Indeed he says they "abbreviate" descrip- tions, and he seems to mean that fairly literally. Thus Russell introduces a second semantic appearance­reality distinction; just as definite descriptions are singular terms only in the sense of surface grammar, the same--more surprisingly--is true of ordinary proper names themselves. Here, of course, the difference is more dramatic. If you look at

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Logistika õpik

töö- ja puhkeaega reguleerivad eeskirjad on tänapäeval transpordipoliitika elluviimisel kõige laie- malt kasutatavad abinõud. Enamikus riikides järgitakse transpordipoliitika väljatöötamisel ja elluviimisel kind- laid põhimõtteid: • Transpordi infrastruktuuri kulud katab selle kasutaja See põhimõte langeb kokku turumajanduse üldiste põhimõtetega. Transpordi kasutajad maksavad taristu kulud proportsionaalselt selle kasutamisega. Teatud transpordipoliitiliste eesmärkide saavu-

Logistika → Logistika alused
638 allalaadimist


UNIVISIOON Maailmataju Autor: Marek-Lars Kruusen Tallinn Detsember 2012 Esimese väljaande eelväljaanne. Kõik õigused kaitstud. 2 ,,Inimese enda olemasolu on suurim õnn, mida tuleb tajuda." Foto allikas: ,,Inimese füsioloogia", lk. 145, R. F. Schmidt ja G. Thews, Tartu 1997. 3 Maailmataju olemus, struktuur ja uurimismeetodid ,,Inimesel on olemas kõikvõimas tehnoloogia, mille abil on võimalik mõista ja luua kõike, mida ainult kujutlusvõime kannatab. See tehnoloogia pole midagi muud kui Tema enda mõistus." Maailmataju Maailmataju ( alternatiivne nimi on sellel ,,Univisioon", mis tuleb sõnadest ,,uni" ehk universum ( maailm ) ja ,,visi...

Muu → Karjäärinõustamine
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Smoldering-Type Generators woody material. However, the temperature In primitive, usually small-scale or artisan needed to initiate the process results from processing, the smoke is produced in a fire- friction of a log pressed at about 1 kg/cm2 place directly below the meat, which is hung against a rotating drum or disk (Rasmussen above it on spits or laid on a mesh. A fire is 1956). Access of air is possible due to perfo- Smoking 241 rations in the rotor. The temperature in the chips of low mesh size is kept below 400°C friction zone may be controlled by adjusting to prevent self-ignition. The composition of the pressure applied to the log and the speed the smoke can be controlled by modifying of rotation of the rotor

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist

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