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Ega pea pole prügikast! Tõsta enda õppeedukust ja õpi targalt. Telli VIP ja lae alla päris inimeste tehtu õppematerjale LOE EDASI Sulge

"laid" - 230 õppematerjali

laid on September 30, 1975, and the building was inaugurated July 11, 1980 (although the first transmission took place in 1979). The tower body was constructed of reinforced concrete rings 50 cm thick that weigh a total of 17,000 metric tons, and the total tower weight is approximately 20,000 tons.

Kasutaja: laid

Faile: 0

Silicon Valley

distinct group of people. A town with personality is one that doesn't feel mass-produced. So if you want to make a startup hub-- or any town to attract the "creative class"-- you probably have to ban large development projects. When a large tract has been developed by a single organization, you can always tell. Most towns with personality are old, but they don't have to be. Old towns have two advantages: they're denser, because they were laid out before cars, and they're more varied, because they were built one building at a time. You could have both now. Just have building codes that ensure density, and ban large scale developments. A corollary is that you have to keep out the biggest developer of all: the government. A government that asks "How can we build a silicon valley?" has probably ensured failure by the way they framed the question. You don't build a silicon valley; you let one grow.

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

English portfolio

in the field of medicine. Against the background of such political moderation, two critics of serfdom clearly stand out. They represent two generations of the Livonian Enlightenment -- pastor Johann Georg Eisen (1717­1779) and the man of letters Garlieb Merkel (1769­1850). Eisen was not merely concerned with the Baltic provinces, but he was the first to demand the abolition of serfdom and the peasants' right to land throughout Russia. He laid his hopes on enlightened absolutism, trying to convince the empress Catherine II and the Russian high nobility of the social-economic inefficiency of serfdom. Merkel treated the ancient Livonian and Estonian peoples, or Latvians and Estonians, not only as suppressed peasants, but as nations forced into serfdom whose development had thus been artificially hampered. 6|Page

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Religioonid ja ehitised

Sambad on allapoole ahenevad, puidust (sükomooripuust). Hoone vahetalad on puidust, et oleks vedrutavam (maavärinate pärast). Hoonel oli puidust karkass, hoone ise oli kivist. Sideainena kasutati mörti. Müütiline kuningas Minos. Tema järgi nime saanud kultuur tekkis 3. saj e. Kr Kreetal. 14. Ussjumalanna Keraamilised kujud. Naisfiguurid ussidega ­ ussjumalannad, preestrinnad. Maod olid koduloomad, sest aitasid maavärinate asjus. Tundsid ette ja laid jalga. 15. Kamarese vaasid Kamarese vaasid ­ geomeetrilised mustrid (valge ja punane) tumedal taustal. 19. ja 18. saj e.Kr. Leitud Kamarese koopast. 1700 ema. 16. Mükeene Mükeene oli tipptasemel kultuur 14­13 saj. e.Kr. Asus Peloponnesose poolsaarel. Olid kindlusmüürid ­ suurtest tahutud kiviplaatidest. Ilma sideaineta. Kükloop(ili)sed müürid ­ nagu oleks sõõrsilmad teinud. Lõvide värav ­ 1300 e.Kr Mükeene peavärav. 2 peadeta lõvifiguuri, võibolla olid kotkapeadega

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
75 allalaadimist


Heavy snowfall is not common in the lowlands, but becomes more common with altitude. Braemar experiences an average of 59 snow days per year, while coastal areas have an average of fewer than 10 days. The Southern Uplands are a range of hills almost 200 kilometres (125 mi) long, interspersed with broad valleys. They lie south of a second fault line (the Southern Uplands fault) that runs from the Rhinns of Galloway to Dunbar. The geological foundations largely comprise Silurian deposits laid down some 4­500 million years ago. The high point of the Southern Uplands is Merrick with an elevation of 843 m (2,766 ft). The Central Lowlands is a rift valley mainly comprising Paleozoic formations. Many of these sediments have economic significance for it is here that the coal and iron bearing rocks that fuelled Scotland's industrial revolution are to be found. This area has also experienced intense volcanism, Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh being the remnant of a once much larger volcano

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
17 allalaadimist

A lamb to the slaughter

sewing was curiously tranquil. Her skin - for this was her sixth month with child - had acquired a wonderful translucent quality, the mouth was soft, and the eyes, with their new placid look, seemed larger darker than before. When the clock said ten minutes to five, she began to listen, and a few moments later, punctually as always, she heard the tires on the gravel outside, and the car door slamming, the footsteps passing the window, the key turning in the lock. She laid aside her sewing, stood up, and went forward to kiss him as he came in. "Hullo darling," she said. "Hullo darling," he answered. She took his coat and hung it in the closer. Then she walked over and made the drinks, a strongish one for him, a weak one for herself; and soon she was back again in her chair with the sewing, and he in the other, opposite, holding the tall glass with both hands, rocking it so the ice cubes tinkled against the side. For her, this was always a blissful time of day

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn

3 Lai Street in general Lai Street is 520 m long and begins at a small green patch below the Toompea slope, where a graceful bronze statue of a Roe Deer by Jaan Koort (1883-1935), one of the best-known Estonian sculptors, has been standing for several decades. Lai Street stretches from Nunne Street to Pikk Street. Parallel with Pikk Street, Lai Street, too, ends at the Great Coast Gate (first mentioned 1359). Lai Street is very wide considering that it was laid out in the Middle Ages. This is because it sprang up on both sides of former city wall. Lai is quite a peaceful street with few shops. However, it has three museums and two theatres. The main entrance into St Olaf´s Church also faces the street. Several Lai Street houses have kept their Gothic appearance and even interiors, although we can also notice moderate Nordic Baroque, Neoclassicicm, Historicism and even Art Nouveau. The origin of the name "Lai"

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

"Õigus" teemalised Inglise keelsed õigusterminid

a. Main claim 2000 euros b. And final claim 4000 euros 6. Probate - the legal process of deciding if a person's will has been made correctly and if the information it contains is correct 7. Divorce - an official or legal process to end a marriage a. Custody for mothers b. Fathers need to pay alimony c. Visitation right for fathers – külastusõigus isale 8. Canon law - ecclesiastical law, especially (in the Roman Catholic Church) that laid down by papal pronouncements a. Ecclesiastical – kiriku-, kiriklik, kristlik b. Papal – paavstilik, paavstiga seonduv c. Pronouncement - väljakuulutamine 9. Will (land)- used to talk about what is going to happen in the future, especially things that you are certain about or things that are planned a. Begueath testament b. Testament dispositions – testamentlikud korraldused c

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


disrespect. An early example of flags being used in this way include the Jacobite struggle against the English Hanoverian kings, who after the battle of Culloden (1746) put a stop to the Highland resistance. The treatment of the rebel standards captured provide us with interesting information about the associations involved: they [the rebel standards] were carried by the chief hangman of Edinburgh and by chimneysweeps, with an escort, and laid in the dust, while a proclamation was read explaining why they were to be burnt by the public hangman. Each standard was then laid over the flames, while the senior herald named the Scottish clan that had marched behind it to battle. This was deliberate disrespect, with symbolic modes of contempt: training in the dust; handling by executioners and men associated with black soot; Historically, it is possible to observe how the national flag, as in Britain, has continuously moved

Keeled → British culture (briti...
8 allalaadimist

Maastikuökoloogia eksami spikker

Täidavad ka puhveralade funktsiooni (NH4NO3). Riffmoodustised korallidest, sammalloomadest, vetikatest, Põldudevahelised loodusliku taimkattega alad Fossiilkütuste põletamisega atmosfääri NOx. krinoididest (Kirbla, Lihula, Kõinastu laid (Muhu), Kesselaid, Maanteeäärsed (asfalt-, kruusatee) loodusliku taimkattega alad, hekid Põllumajandus: Salevere, Mihkli Salumäe, Vilsandi, Vaika). Teeperv N2O (dilämmastikoksiid) atmosfääri põllumajandusest (väetamine), Devon ­ 416-359 milj. a.t. Veekogude äärsed loodusliku kooslusega alad

Maateadus → Maastikuökoloogia
66 allalaadimist


GEOGRAAFIA II KURSUS „MAA KUI SÜSTEEM“ KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED MAA KUI SÜSTEEM, MAA TEKE JA ARENG 1. Iseloomusta Maa eri sfääre ja nendevahelisi seoseid skeemi abil. Litosfäär on maakera väline kivimiline kest. Toimuvad kivimite ringe ja ainevahetus teiste sfääridega-gaasivahetus ja energiavahetus atmosfääriga, evaporatsioon hüdrosfääriga. Litosfääri pinnal areneb muld ja kujuneb taimestik. Pedosfäär ehk mullastik on maakoore pindmine kiht, milles mikroobid, seened ja taimed sünteesivad ja muundavad orgaanilist ainet. Mulla mineraalne osa pärineb litosfäärist. Pedosfäär on biosfääri osa. Hüdrosfäär hõlmab Maa mineraalidega keemiliselt sidumata vee ehk seal toimub vee liikumine, millega seotult kulgevad ka teised aineringed nt gaasivahetus biosfääriga, aurumine ja sademete vahekord atmosfääriga. Atmosfäär ehk õhkkond on Maad ümbritsev õhukiht. Atmosfäär paikneb litosfääri ja hüdrosfääri kohal. Siit pärineb h...

Geograafia → Geograafia
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

get got got give gave given go went gone grow grew grown have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid lead led led learn learnt/learned learnt/learned leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light lit/lighted lit/lighted lose lost lost 7 Infinitive Past simple Past participle Translation make made made

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Home Assignments

Examples of pronunciation teaching We need to draw our students' attention to include individual sounds, word stress, and intonation but they also need help with connected speech. Working with sounds We often ask our students to focus on one particular sound. We demonstrate how it is made and show how it can be spelt or show the position of the lips when this sound is made and get St-s to make the sound and say words. The phonemic chart is laid out in relation to where in the mouth the forty-four sounds of southern British English are produced. Adrian Underhill (Macmillan Heinemann) What makes this chart special? Each sound has a separate square, the teacher or the student can point to the square to ask students to produce that sound or recognise which sound is being produced. The teacher might point 3 sounds to make a word or vice versa. It can be left on the classroom wall.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist


bull. It was a pattern which repeated itself across the plains in every direction as far as the eye could see. Every year the wildebeest nations of the Serengeti congregated here towards the year’s end, and the scarred female had come with them. Mated the previous May, she had returned to give birth to her calf in the south-eastern corner of the park. The soils which carpeted the floor of the shortgrass plains had been laid down in prehistoric times and were quite different from the black cotton clays of the Mara. (C) Eruptions of ash spewed out by the long-dead volcanoes of Ngorongoro had enriched the earth with calcium and phosphorus, minerals essential for healthy bone growth in the new-born calves, and if anywhere could be described as the true home of the restless wildebeest, it was here on these ancestral calving grounds. For nearly two decades the Serengeti wildebeest had been enjoying an (D) unprecedented

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Seakasvatuse kordamisküsimused

Kordamisküsimused Toiduainete loomne toore seakasvatuse osa 1. Sealiha tootmine (maailmas, Eestis). MAAILM: Kõige olulisemad tootmispiirkonnad on Aasia, Euroopa, Põhja- ja Kesk- Ameerika. Seevastu Aafrikas ja Austraalias hõlmab seakasvatus lihatoodangust väikest osa. Maailmas tervikuna toodeti 2009. aastal 281,6 miljonit tonni. Kõige rohkem toodetakse sea- liha, mille osatähtsus kogu maailma lihatarbimises oli 2009. aastal ligikaudu 38%. Loomaliha osatähtsus moodustab kogu lihatarbimisest 22% ja linnuliha 28% Maailma suurimateks sealiha tootjateks on Hiina, kus toodetakse ligikaudu 50% sealihast, samuti USA, Saksamaa, Prantsusmaa, Hispaania, Taani, Holland, Jaapan. Euroopa Liidus on suurimateks sealihatootmise keskusteks Saksamaa (4. kohal maailmas, Hiina, USA ja Brasiilia järel), Hispaania, Prantsusmaa ja Taani, sigade paiknemise tihedus on kõrgem madalmaades (Taani, Holland, Belgia). EESTI: Kaheksakümnendatel aastatel...

Põllumajandus → Seakasvatus
196 allalaadimist

Seakasvatuse eksamiküsimused

1. Sealiha tootmine (maailmas, Eestis). MAAILM: Kõige olulisemad tootmispiirkonnad on Aasia, Euroopa, Põhja- ja Kesk- Ameerika. Seevastu Aafrikas ja Austraalias hõlmab seakasvatus lihatoodangust väikest osa. Maailmas tervikuna toodeti 2009. aastal 281,6 miljonit tonni. Kõige rohkem toodetakse sea-liha, mille osatähtsus kogu maailma lihatarbimises oli 2009. aastal ligikaudu 38%. Loomaliha osatähtsus moodustab kogu lihatarbimisest 22% ja linnuliha 28% Maailma suurimateks sealiha tootjateks on Hiina, kus toodetakse ligikaudu 50% sealihast, samuti USA, Saksamaa, Prantsusmaa, Hispaania, Taani, Holland, Jaapan. Euroopa Liidus on suurimateks sealihatootmise keskusteks Saksamaa (4. kohal maailmas, Hiina, USA ja Brasiilia järel), Hispaania, Prantsusmaa ja Taani, sigade paiknemise tihedus on kõrgem madalmaades (Taani, Holland, Belgia). EESTI: Kaheksakümnendatel aastatel oli Eesti seakasvatuses kõrghetk, mil ettevõtetes, taludes ja perefarmide...

Toit → Toiduainete loomne toore
38 allalaadimist

Õiguse entsüklopeedia seaduste vihik

SEADUSTE VIHIK EESTI LIPU SEADUS - ELS Vastu võetud 23.03.2005 jõustunud vastavalt §-le 26. ptk 1, §26 § 2. Eesti lipu kirjeldus (1) Eesti lipp koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust. Ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse vahekord on 7:11. § 3. Eesti lipu heiskamine Pika Hermanni torni (1) Eesti lipp heisatakse Pika Hermanni torni Tallinnas iga päev päikesetõusul, kuid mitte varem kui kell 7.00, ja langetatakse päikeseloojangul. (2) Eesti lipu heiskamisel Pika Hermanni torni kasutatakse muusikalise signatuurina Eesti Vabariigi hümni algusfraase ning langetamisel Gustav

Õigus → Õigus
177 allalaadimist

Maa kui süsteem (Geograafia 2. kursus)

GEOGRAAFIA II KURSUS „MAA KUI SÜSTEEM“ KORDAMISKÜSIMUSED MAA KUI SÜSTEEM, MAA TEKE JA ARENG 1. Iseloomusta Maa eri sfääre ja nendevahelisi seoseid skeemi abil. 2. Too näide iga energialiigi avaldumisest looduses Mehaaniline energia- gravitatsioonijõud, vee liikumine maal. Maa pöörlemisel tekkiv Corolisi jõud, mõjutab õhu liikumist atmosfääris ja hoovustega seotud vee liikumist ookeanides ja meredes. Potensiaalne energia- maapinna kerkimine mandrijää sulamise tõttu. Kineetiline energia- voolav vesi, veerev kivirahn, randa tormav murdlaine. Soojusenergia- päikese kiirgus, veekogude vertikaalne tsirkulatsioon, õhumasside liikumine, tsüklonid. Laineenergia- tsunamid ehk hiidlained. Keemiline energia- põlemine, orgaanilise aine ülekanne toiduahelas. 3. Tea geoloogiliste ajastute järjestust Maa tekkest kuni tänapäevani. MAA TEKE Eelkambrium Kambrium Ordoviitsium Silu...

Geograafia → Geograafia
99 allalaadimist

ETIKETI konspekt

· Meestel mugav pintsak kombineeritud vabamate pükstega (teksa- või velvetpüksid) · Lips sportlikum või ei kanta üldse. · Pintsaku all võib kanda päevasärki, T-särki, pulloveri · Naiste riietus liberaalne, valikuterohke: seelik/püksid ja kootud dzemper; pluusid ja jakid. EESTI VABARIIGI SÜMBOLID EESTI RIIGILIPP · Eesti riigilipp on ühtlasi rahvuslipp. · Ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. · Sinine väljendab helget tulevikku ja tähistab põhjamaist taevast. · Must meenutab rahva minevikku ja tähistab mullapinda. · Valge märgib rahva püüdlusi vaimuvalguse poole ning tähistab talvist valget lund ja suviseid valgeid öid. · Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse suhe on 7:11, lipu normaalsuurus on 105 x 165 · Esimene sinimustvalge lipp pühitseti ja õnnistati Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi lipuna Otepääl 4. juunil 1884. aastal

Ametid → Sekretäritöö
51 allalaadimist

Naised vabadussõjas

Naised Vabadussõjas Melanie Laid, ka Soomusrongi Mari Eesti Vabadussõjas soomusrong Nr.1 vabatahtlik Alice Kuperjanov, Julius Kuperjanovi naine. Võttis koos mehega osa Eesti Vabadussõjast Amalie Toni, Eesti Vabadussõjas Eesti sõjaväe abistaja Mary Rehe,ka sõdur Märt, 9.jalaväepolgu vabatahtlik. Võttis koos mehe Hendrik Rehega osa Eesti Vabadussõjast. Elfriere Burk, Julie Aman, Julie Burchwardt, Olga Tomson Soomusrong Nr.2 vabatahtlikud Eesti Vabadussõjas Eva Abram Eesti Vabadussõja vabatahtlik

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Ajastu ja helikeele üldiseloomustus, võrdlus keskaja muusikaga

ja motetti kõrvale ilmus mitmehäälne ilmalik laul, mis sai heliloojate loomingus valdavaks. Peamised lauluvormid- ballade, rondeau, virelai- tuletatud luulevormidest. 2.3.1. Guillaume de Machaut- poeet ja helilooja Selle aja Prantsusmaa tähtsaim helilooja GUILLAUME de MACHAUT (1300-1377), Böömi kuninga Johanni sekretär, seejärel tegev Prantsuse õukonnas. Säilinud: 40 ballaadi, 20 rondelli, 23 motetti, 32 virelaid, 18 laid, 1 missa (esimene täielik 4-häälne missa).Ars nova väljapaistvaim helilooja, kelle loomingut tänapäeval enim teatakse. Eluaastad 1300-1377. Elu seotud peamiselt Reimsi linnaga, kus ta alates 1340 a töötas linna katedraali kanoonikuna. Alates 1323 asus Böömi kuninga Jean de Luxembourgi teenistusse, kus oli kuni tolle surmani. Peale teda teenis veel tulevast Prantsusmaa kuningat Charles V. Oli oma aja suurimaid luuletajaid, tema ilmalike laulude

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
60 allalaadimist

Inimõigused, kaasuste kokkuvõtted, õigus isikuvabadusele

114. The Court recalls that the question of whether or not a period of detention is reasonable cannot be assessed in the abstract. Whether it is reasonable for an accused to remain in detention must be examined in each case according to its special features. Continued detention can be justified in a given case only if there are specific indications of a genuine requirement of public interest which, notwithstanding the presumption of innocence, outweighs the rule of respect for individual liberty laid down in Article 5 of the Convention. It falls in the first place to the national judicial authorities to ensure that, in a given case, the pre- trial detention of an accused person does not exceed a reasonable time. To this end they must, paying due regard to the principle of the presumption of innocence, examine all the facts arguing for or against the existence of the above-mentioned requirement of public interest justifying a

Õigus → Inimõigused
28 allalaadimist

Õigusalane inglise keel

320. entitled ­ deal with matters 321. to amend the law ­ seadust muutma 322. comprised ­ koosneb 323. chairman ­ esimees 324. may be regarded as the date of foundation ­ võib pidada asutamise kuupäevaks 325. conditions of admission ­ liikmeks saamise tingimused 326. certifying document ­ tõendav document 327. be enclosed ­ olema lisatud 328. requirements ­ nõuded 329. working record ­ töötamise kinnitus 330. participation ­ osalemine 331. essay ­ proovitöö 332. laid the basis ­ pani aluse 333. swear allegiance ­ vanduma truudust 334. in accordance with conscience ­ kooskõlas südametunnistusega 335. imposed ­ määratud 336. infringement ­ rikkumine 337. official duties ­ ametlikud kohustused 338. punished by law ­ kariustatud seaduse alusel 339. predominated ­ domineerivad 340. excluded ­ välja jäetud 341. corresponding figures ­ vastavad isikud 342. excessive growth ­ liigne kasv 343. unemployment ­ töötus 344

Õigus → Õigus
249 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

QUEEN GERTRUDE Mad as the sea and wind, when both contend Which is the mightier: in his lawless fit, Behind the arras hearing something stir, Whips out his rapier, cries, 'A rat, a rat!' And, in this brainish apprehension, kills The unseen good old man. KING CLAUDIUS O heavy deed! It had been so with us, had we been there: His liberty is full of threats to all; To you yourself, to us, to every one. Alas, how shall this bloody deed be answer'd? It will be laid to us, whose providence Should have kept short, restrain'd and out of haunt, 128 This mad young man: but so much was our love, We would not understand what was most fit; But, like the owner of a foul disease, To keep it from divulging, let it feed Even on the pith of Life. Where is he gone? QUEEN GERTRUDE To draw apart the body he hath kill'd: O'er whom his very madness, like some ore Among a mineral of metals base,

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Eesti geograafia

Eesti paikneb umbes 58° põhjalaiust ja 25° idapikkust. Eesti asub Euraasia mandi loodeosas ja Euroopa maailmajao põhjaosas, Läänemere ääres. Geograafiliste vööndite järgi kuulub Eesti põhjapoolse parasvööndi Läänemere vahetu ja Atlandi ookeani kaudse mõju all olevasse ossa. Põhjapoolseim punkt on Vaindloo saar, mandril Purekkari neem. Lõunapoolseim Naha talu. Läänepoolseim on Nootama laid, mandril Ramsi neem. Idapoolseim Narva linn. Kuna Eesti asub võrdlemisi kaugel põhjas, e. suurtel laiuskraadidel, on kujunenud meil neli oluliselt erinevat aastaaega. Suvel on päeva pikkus maksimaalselt 18 tundi, talvel on lühim päev aga ainult 6 tundi, kevadel ja sügisel on päevad enamvähem ühepikkused. Eesti asub vööndis, kus kehtib IdaEuroopa aeg, mis määratakse 30° idapikkuse meridiaani järgi. Sellest tulenevalt on meie aeg kaks tundi ees.

Geograafia → Geograafia
119 allalaadimist

Kanada ühiskond ja kultuur/Society and Culture of Canada

International trade makes up a large part of the Canadian economy, particularly of its natural resources. Canada is mainly an exporter of raw and semi-finished materials, energy and food, and mainly an importer of manufactures. Canada is a larger market for US goods than all 27 countries of the European Union combined. NAFTA ­ the North American Free Trade Agreement - signed between Canada, Mexico and the US in 1994 - laid the groundwork for a multilateral agreement between, the United States, Mexico, and Canada, called the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which has helped to ignite more trade among them. Although there are some discrepancies between the countries' especially in the area of automobiles and agriculture, the trends are negligible as the agreement has arguably been a blessing for all nations involved. 26

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Dendroloogia eksami piletid

Pilet 22 Harilik jalakas (Ulmus glabra Huds.) [glábra] 25-30 m kõrguseks kasvav, tiheda ja laiuva võraga kodumaine puu, kasvab hajusalt üle kogu Eesti laialehistes segametsades. Üldareaal Euroopa, Väike-Aasia, Kaukaasia. Tüve koor paks, tumehall ja pikivaoline. Võrsed rohekaspruunid, karvased. Pungad tumedad, karvased, õiepungad hästi eristatavad, on lehepungadest tublisti suuremad ja kerajad. Lehed 8.....20 cm pikad, ovaalsed kuni äraspidimunajad, kaheli teravsaagja servaga, veidi ebasümmeetrilise lehelaba alusega. Õitseb aprilli lõpus, viljad valmivad juuni keskpaigas, vili kuni 2,5 cm läbimõõduga karvadeta kileja tiivaga. Iluaianduses omab piisavalt suurt tähtsust, sest enamus vanu parke on istutatud harilikust jalakast. Sobibki kõrgekasvuliseks pargipuuks suurtes parkides või haljasaladel. Künnapuu (Ulmus laevis Pall.) [läävis] 25-35 m kõrgune elliptilise võraga, teravnurga all ülessuunatud okstega suur puu kasvab meil looduslikul...

Metsandus → Dendroloogia
138 allalaadimist


Sunflower headclipping weevil, sunflower beetle, sunflower maggot, wireworm, grasshopper, cutworm, sugarbeet webworm, ragweed plant bug, woolybear and painted.lady caterpillar have caused occasional damage to sunflower. Adults of insect pests of other crops (such as corn rootworm beetle and blister beetle) can be found as pollen feeders on sunflower heads, but usually cause little injury. Table 4: Common Insects in Sunflower Sunflower moth Eggs are laid at flowering and hatch in 1 week. Larva Homoeosoma electellum have dark bands running length of body. Feeds on floral parts, tunnels in Seed. Banded sunflower moth Moth has brown area mid-wing (.5 in.). Larvae are not Cochylis hospes dark striped, smaller than head moth. Makes a small hole in top of seed, feeds on meat. Sunflower bud moth Dark grey moth. Larvae .5 to 1 in

Ökoloogia → Ökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse1
16 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

they decided to build a new capital city. It was George Washington who selected a patch of land for the capital at the mouth of the Potomac River. The task of planning was given to a French officer. He marked first the sites for the great parliament building - the Capitol - and the residence for the President - the White House. Wide streets running north and south and east and west broke up from the Capitol and the White House. Parks were laid out later and trees planted along the streets. It is an unusual city. It is a district ­ the District of Columbia or D. C. The capital got its name after the first president of the United States - George Washington. The White House is the home and official residence of the President of the United States of America. The original building was started in 1792. It was built of sand stone, painted white. There are 132 rooms now. The white House includes the private living quarters of the president

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Erinevad aforismid

.. i love you. I love your name, I love the way you look at me, I love your gorgeous smile, I love the way you walk, I love your beautiful eyes, I love the sound of your laugh, i love the way you get mad, i love the way i dont understand you at all. I love the way I can be having the worst day of my life and seeing you completely changes my mood. I love how when you touch me I get weak, thats my problem... If you think life is bad. How would you like to be an egg? You only get laid once! You only get smashed once! It takes 4 minutes to get hard! Only 2 minutes to get soft! You share your box with 5 other guys! And after 3 minutes in the hot tub you get your head smashed in and then you get a good poking by a load of soldiers! But worst of all. The only chick that ever sat on your face was your mother! So cheer up, your life aint that bad! Ärge kunagi jätke ütlemata seda, mis on oluline ja mida te tõeliselt tunnete. Paljud meist teevad

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Optional use of ECDIS

Ships arriving at a port may be subject to port state control by local officials based on flag state regulations and international agreements. Port states cooperate within regions to apply consistent standards, for example the European nations and Canada cooperate under the umbrella of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). What are the IMO requir rements for the carriage of nautical charts? The requirements for carriage of nautical charts are laid down in SOLAS Chapter V. The relevant regulations are: • Regulation 2, defines the nautical chart • Regulation 191, specifies the equipment to be carried on different types of ships and • Regulation 27, specifies the requirement to keep charts and publications up-to-date. Applying IMO regulations in detail The nautical charts and nautical publications referred to in regulation V/2 are in short called “official charts and publications”

Merendus → Merendus
7 allalaadimist

Äriplaani Koostamine

ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMINE Õppematerjal Äriplaan SISUKORD SISUKORD............................................................................................................... 2 1. ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMISE VAJADUS JA PÕHIMÕTTED..................................3 2. ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMINE JA KOMPONENDID................................................ 5 3. ETTEVÕTTE ÄRIPLAAN......................................................................................6 3.1 KOKKUVÕTE.................................................................................................. 6 3.2 ETTEVÕTTE LÜHIÜLEVAADE ......................................................................8 3.3 ÄRIIDEE ISELOOMUSTUS.......................................................................... 10 ...............................................

Majandus → Majandus
515 allalaadimist

Bioloogia eksamiks

BIOLOOGIA ALUSED KOKKUVÕTVALT GÜMNAASIUMI BIOLOOGIAST MIHKEL HEINMAA | 12B | RÜG | APRILL 2009 I ELU OLEMUS ELU TUNNUSED: Rakuline ehitus, keerukas organiseeritus, stabiilne sisekeskkond, kasv ja areng, paljunemine, kohastumine, reageerimine ärritusele. Rakk on lihtsaim ehituslik ja talituslik üksus, millel on kõik eluomadused. ELUSLOODUSE ORGANISEERITUSE TASEMED. molekul > organell > rakk > kude > organ > organsüsteem > organism (isend) > populatsioon > ökosüsteem > biosfäär MOODNE KLASSIFIKATSIOON: liik > perekond > sugukond > selts > klass > hõimkond > riik TEADUSLIKU UURIMISMEETODI PÕHIETAPID: probleemi püstitamine > taustinfo kogumine > hüpoteesi sõnastamine > hüpoteesi kontrollimine > tulemuste analüüs > järelduste tegemine > uute teaduslike faktide saamine > teadusliku teooria kujunemine. II ORGANISMIDE KOOSTIS KEEMILISTE ELEMENTIDE TÄHTSUS ORGANISMIS. Hapnik ­ kuulub kõikide biomolekulide koostisesse, on tugev ...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
351 allalaadimist

Äriplaani koostamine

ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMINE Õppematerjal Äriplaan SISUKORD SISUKORD...............................................................................................................2 1. ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMISE VAJADUS JA PÕHIMÕTTED...................................3 2. ÄRIPLAANI KOOSTAMINE JA KOMPONENDID.................................................5 3. ETTEVÕTTE ÄRIPLAAN......................................................................................6 3.1 KOKKUVÕTE..................................................................................................6 3.2 ETTEVÕTTE LÜHIÜLEVAADE.......................................................................8 3.3 ÄRIIDEE ISELOOMUSTUS............................................................................9 3.4 PROJEKTI KIRJELDUS...................................

Majandus → Majandus
49 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus erialasesse õiguskeelde (inglise keel)

contract. Common law has spread all over the world because of the once owned colonies of Britain, especially Unites States. Judges in common law cannot directly support their decisions by cases from another county, but it is permissible to note such evidence. Verdict ­ decision reached Judge ­ person who adjudicates on disputes, resolves disputes Legislation - laws and rules made by the government Statue - a rule of conduct or action laid down by a governing authority and especially a legislature Equity - system of jurisprudence founded on principals of natural justice and fair conduct Obligation - something one must do because of prior agreement ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Continental law Continental systems are known as codified legal systems. Continental law lawmakers were often influenced

Õigus → Erialane õiguskeel
51 allalaadimist

Revision Questions

*After World War II = In the post World War II years, all three Baltic nations maintained consulates in the United States · About 15,000 Estonians came to the United States · This group was strongly anti-Communist and nationalistic 3. Russian colonization of America. What has preserved from this period to the present? The Russian colonization of the Americas covers the period, from 1732 to 1867, when the Tsarist Imperial Russian Empire laid claim to northern Pacific Coast territories in the Americas. The Russians were primarily interested in the abundance of fur-bearing mammals on Alaska's coast, as stocks had been depleted by overhunting in Siberia. By the middle of the 19th century, profits from Russia's American colonies were in steep decline. Faced with the reality of periodic Indian revolts, the political ramifications of the Crimean War, and unable to fully colonize the Americas to their satisfaction, the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


Homereading 4 Changing world Religions Islam Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. The word Islam means "submission", or the total surrender of oneself to God An adherent of Islam is known as a Muslim, meaning "one who submits (to God)". There are between 1.1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the secondlargest religion in the world, after Christianity. Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet, and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam.They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds t...

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist


performances of classical music. Tobias formed the first Estonian string quartet and Heino Eller (1887-1970) was its first violinist. In 1906 the Vanemuine Theatre orchestra became professional. This all helped bring about a qualitative change in the musical life of the town. 1 Kohalikud sõnumid (The Local News), Postimees [Tartu] 1st May 1901. By 1908 both Läte and Tobias had ceased their activities in Tartu but the foundations for performing Estonian symphonic music had been laid. From the summer of 1908 symphonic concerts continued under the baton of Samuel Lindpere (1872- 1928). Tobias was one of the first Estonian music journalists and critics. In his writings he expressed his faith in the future of Estonian music, however, he realised that there were no favourable opportunities for the performance of large works under the restricting circumstances. He hoped to find suitable opportunities in Western Europe and left for Europe in January 1908

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Maailm 20. sajandi algul

Raadio (pidi riiklikult registeerima) 1924 anti eetrisse esimene Eesti raadiosaade. 1926 alustati igapäevase programmiga. Pildid: Hõbehall ringhäälingu buss, käidi üle eesti tegemas saateid. Eesti raadio edulugu, kõrgeim raadiomast oli Türil, raadiosignaal jõudis isegi Rootsi (veneväed lasid masti õhku) Teater Suuremad teatrid, tallinnas tartus, pärnus, viljandis Pildid: Suurnäitleja, Paul Pinna, peeti inimeseks kes pidi igalpool esinema Eliitnäitleja, ooperettistaar, Milvi Laid Sport Alates 1920.aastast osaleti olümpiamängudel 1920, I olümpiavõitja, tõstmises, Alfred Neuland Kuulus sportlane, kahekorda olümpiavõitja, Kreeka ja Rooma vabamaadlus, Kristjan Palusalu Paul Keres, 5kroonise peal, maletaja Spordiala: Laskesprotlased, argentiinakarikas, elukutselt sõjaväelased Eluolu Pildid: maa-ja linnamaja. Õmbluskursused talunaistele 1.sept 1939 Saksamaa ründas Poolat Seda loetakse II MS lguseks Saksamaa edasitung on kiire

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
45 allalaadimist

Hiir rätsepaks

meid viib vaprus võidule. Uhkelt paisub poiste rind, meis on ikka hoog ja ind! Nõnda poisid vapral sammul uljalt käivad oma teed. Tulgu kaasa, kes on mees, valla maailm meie ees! Meie laul ja uljas tuju võidab kõikjal südameid. Kaluri poeg ,,Ema, ema, kas sa kuuled, täna jälle laul'vad tuuled!" ,,Kuulen, laps! See tormi kisa. Kus on mehed? Kus on isa? Õhtul läksid, veel ei saabu. Kas nad karile ei maabu? Vaata, laps, kas paistab puri sääl, kus laid ja luiteturi!" ,,Ühtki purje silm ei riiva -- luitel laine peksab liiva." ,,Taevas, taevas, mis küll tuleb!.. Meri mitmel silmad suleb... Läinud aastal kadus veli, siis kui huilgas tormiheli, hukkus laev kui habras lelu. Meri võttis meestelt elu." ,,Ema, mind vist ootab sama: suureks saan, lä'en kalastama." ,,Jah, mu laps, mu pesamuna, oled sündind õnnetuna -- rannanooruk rannakülast. Ootab oht sind, neemeülast. Nüüd veel suisa memme ligi -- kaluriks saad kummatigi."

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
33 allalaadimist

Eesti kaitsealad (referaat)

Ahelaiu ja Kõverlaiu ümbrus on üheks viimaseks pelgupaigaks hääbuvale Läänemere viigerhülgele. Iseloomulik on rändrahnude rohkus ning endiste rannavallide vööndi esinemine suurematel saartel. 5. Milliseid haruldasi taime- ja loomaliike seal elab? Saarte taimestik on erakordselt liigirikas. Laidudelt on leitud ühtekokku enam kui 600 liiki kõrgemaid taimi, mis on peaaegu pool Eestis looduslikult esinevate taimede üldarvust. Eriti paistab silma Hanikatsi laid oma 444 taimeliigiga, mille hulgas on arvukalt kaitstavaid liike nagu punane tolmpea, mets-õunapuu, läikiv kurereha, harilik muguljuur, kärbesõis, jumalakäpp jt. On ka mitmeid ainult meresaartele iseloomulikke liike nagu harjakas härghein, aaskannike ja roosa pajulill. Soolaku sihtkaitsevööndi taimekoosluses valitsevad halofüüdid, millest on kaitse all hall soolmalts (Halimione pedunculata) ja rand-soodahein (Suaeda maritima). Laidelahe sihtkaitsevööndi ainus

Loodus → Keskkonnakaitse
34 allalaadimist

TARTUFFE (inglise keelne)

Since you're the one for whom the thing is done, You are the one, not he, the man must please; If his Tartuffe has charmed him so, why let him Just marry him himself--no one will hinder. MARIANE A father's rights are such, it seems to me, That I could never dare to say a word. DORINE Came, talk it out. Valere has asked your hand: Now do you love him, pray, or do you not? MARIANE Dorine! How can you wrong my love so much, And ask me such a question? Have I not A hundred times laid bare my heart to you? Do you know how ardently I love him? DORINE How do I know if heart and words agree, And if in honest truth you really love him? MARIANE Dorine, you wrong me greatly if you doubt it; I've shown my inmost feelings, all too plainly. DORINE So then, you love him? MARIANE Yes, devotedly. DORINE And he returns your love, apparently? MARIANE I think so. DORINE And you both alike are eager To be well married to each other? MARIANE Surely. DORINE

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

It took and educationalist. He studied Much as both achievements without us over 50 years to hammer out the medicine at university and became a doubt require great strength of `rights' that Korczak had already laid a paediatrician, before becoming character and dedication, if I had to out in his books decades ago. His director of an orphanage in Warsaw. books entitled How to Love a Child choose, I would say the woman has He ran the orphanage along very and Respect for the Child prove that

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist


Kivikonstruktsioonid EPI TTÜ Kivikonstruktsioonid Loengukonspekt V. Voltri I osa Täiendatud 2011 Koostas V. Voltri 1 Kivikonstruktsioonid EPI TTÜ Sisukord Kivikonstruktsioonid .................................................................................................................. 3 1. Sissejuhatus ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Üldiselt ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Terminid ja tähised .......................................................................

Ehitus → Kivikonstruktsioonid
107 allalaadimist

11. klassi ajaloo konspekt

Paul Kogerman (Keemia) Johannes Aavik (Eesti keel) Harri Moora (arheoloog) Usuelu Riigikirik Eestis puudus. Tähtsamateks religioonideks olid luteri usk ja õigeusk. Tekkis muinasusul põhinev taarausk. Ehitisi EV ajast Tartu sõjaväe.. Pärnu.. J.Laidoneri nimeline politseinike sanatoorium Haapsalus. Tallinn Urla maja Raadio 1924 anti eetrisse esimene eesti raadiosaade. 1926 alustati igapäevaste programmiga. Teater Paul Pinna Vivi Laid Film Esimene helifilm “Kuldämblik” Mängufilmide tootmine lõpetati. Toodeti dokumentaalfilme. Sport Alates 1920.aastast osaleti olümpiamängudel Alfred Neuland (1olümpiavõitja) Kristjan Palusalu (maadlus) Paul Keres (male) Eluolu II MAAILMASÕJA EELUGU JA ALGUS 28.nov 1935- SM alustab taasrelvastumist 1935 - Inglise-Saksa mereväeleping 1935 - Berliin-Rooma telg 1936 - Kominterni vastane pakt

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
53 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

of a possible wrong. But occasions often arise, when those duties which seem most becoming to the just man and to the "good man," as we call him, undergo a change and take on a contrary aspect. It may, for example, not be a duty to restore a trust or to fulfil a promise, and it may become right and proper sometimes to evade and not to observe what truth and honour would usually demand. For we may well be guided by those fundamental principles of justice which I laid down at the outset: first, that no harm be done to anyone; second, that the common interests be conserved. When these are modified under changed circumstances, moral duty also undergoes a change and it does not always remain the same. For a given promise or agreement may turn out in such a way that its performance will prove detrimental either to the one to whom the promise has been made or to the one who has made it. If, for example, Neptune, in the drama, had not carried out his

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


õnnistatud mitme paar-laks On tehtud kindlaks, et kui mingis piirkonnas on 50% tõuleski ja 50% sobiva meresaare ja -laiuga. võõrleski, siis puhaspaarumise protsent, kui ema paarub 8 lesega, on sel- Ideaaltingimustes peaks saar les piirkonnas 0,4% ehk 1:255. või laid olema veega ümbritsetud Kui samas piirkonnas paarub vähemalt 3 km raadiuses. Sellega ema rohkemate leskedega, siis on välistatud saarele võõraste les- puhaspaarumise protsent vähe- kede sattumine

Loodus → Loodus
10 allalaadimist

Challenges of childrens participation A Case Study of active citizenship in Cadle Primary School

Similarly to how women were once viewed, children have not been considered as subjects of rights due to their perceived incompetence and irrationality. Currently, children are not considered as being rational and capable of exercising responsibility until the age of majority, the age of 18. However, the adoption of the U.N Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in 1989 granted for the first time the recognition for children as worthy individuals with rights of their own. The UNCRC laid the foundation for the potential re-evaluation of our traditional understanding of childhood and the perception of children as primarily objects of the adult world. Since, then the UNCRC has attracted significant scholarly interest from various disciplines and as such a high degree of research has been published in this area already. The increasing sociological interest in children in particular that has provided a new perspective

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Dey Bared to You RuLit Net

from the waist down. "Jesus, Eva." A low rumble vibrated in his chest, the primitive sound sending goose bumps racing across my skin. "Your boss is damned lucky he's gay." In a daze, I watched Cross's body lower to mine, my legs sliding apart to accommodate the width of his hips. My muscles strained with the urge to lift toward him, to hasten the contact between us that I'd been craving since I first laid eyes on him. Lowering his head, he took my mouth again, bruising my lips with a fine edge of violence. Abruptly, he yanked himself away, stumbling to his feet. I lay there gasping and wet, so willing and ready. Then I realized why he'd reacted so fiercely. Someone was behind him. 4 Mortified by the sudden intrusion into our privacy, I scrambled up and back into the armrest, yanking down my skirt. "..

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
13 allalaadimist


Historically, Francis Bacon's proposed union between knowledge and power foreshadows the contemporary alliance between government, business, and knowledge that has wrought so much mischief. Galileo's separation of the intellect foreshadows the dominance of the analytical mind over that part given to creativity, humor, and wholeness. And in Descartes' epistemology, one finds the roots of the radical separation of self and object. Together these three laid the foundations for modern education, foundations now enshrined in myths we have come to accept without question. Let me suggest six. First, there is the myth that ignorance is a solvable problem. Ignorance is not a solvable problem, but rather an inescapable part of the human condition. The advance of knowledge always carries with it the advance of some form of ignorance. In 1930, after Thomas Midgely Jr. discovered CFCs, what had

Keeled → Inglise keel
125 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

quantity to commercial department. Automatically allocating stocks using FIFO principle at the depots. Demand planning and forecasting were made a periodic activity using the above IT solution to align forecasting with market orders and actual sales. The process of setting safety stocks at depots was made periodic and dynamic, based on updated sales data. Norms were set to act on damaged /old and other dead stocks. Clear action steps were laid down to liquidate or destroy these stocks. Responsibility and accountability were set to in the organisation to monitor and authorise activities in this regard based on visibility provided by the IT solution. 35 Benefits: Due to above steps were implemented properly the results were fascinating and this increased the profits of the company by 20%.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun