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"laid" - 230 õppematerjali

laid on September 30, 1975, and the building was inaugurated July 11, 1980 (although the first transmission took place in 1979). The tower body was constructed of reinforced concrete rings 50 cm thick that weigh a total of 17,000 metric tons, and the total tower weight is approximately 20,000 tons.

Kasutaja: laid

Faile: 0

Kokkuvõte Inglismaa ajaloost

3) The Germanic Invasions I. The Anglo-Saxons o 5th century- 1066 o From Southern Denmark(angles); Germany(saxons); Jutland(jutes) o By the 7th c kingdoms had emerged and later KING ALFRED united the kingdoms o They were pagans and very rural people, built in wood rather than stone o It was the saxon farmstead that laid the foundations of the English village II. The Vikings o 8th century- 11th century o From Denmark, Norway o They were ship builders and sailors o In 886 the Danelaw peace treaty was made 4) The Normans/ the final conquest o 1066-1154 o From present-day France o In the battle of Hastings on 14.10

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
12 allalaadimist

Awesome ManOS

ManOS Overview Everything below is rooted in my core value of creating self­esteem. My actions  today focus on work, girls, travel & having fun. My career is the ultimate leverage  point as this creates the money, self­esteem and confidence. The money allows  me to travel and the self­esteem & confidence allow me to live the lifestyle that is  congruent with drawing in girls. Long term (5+ years), I want my life to offer value to the world by having a  beneficial impact on those around me. I am obviously not clear how I will do this,  so for now, I am focused on taking the greatest strides possible over the next few years, to better put me in a position to achieve my long term goal. 1. Career  Vision I want to earn the rank of manager in my firm within the next 3 years. I want to  earn the respect and trust of fellow employees. I want to become an integral  member of my team by providing distinct and high quality service to my clie...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


sajandi keskpaigas aga eredad poevärvid (aniliinvärvid). 19. sajandil suurenesid rahvusvahelise ehk linnamoe mõjud rahvarõivastes märkimisväärselt. Tänu arheloogilistele leidudele teame mõnda ka 1 aastatuhande ja 2 aastatuhande alguse riietusest. Tolleaegselt Eesti rõivastusel oli rohkesti ühisjooni teiste Baltimaadega. Naiste riiete peamised osad olid linane varukatega särk ja selle peal kantav villane varukateta umbkuub. Ristkülikukujuline riide laid keerati kas ümber puusade vaipseelikuks (sõuke, ümbrik) või kanti õlgadel sõbana. 13.-17. sajandi kohta on andmeid napilt, kuid selle aja naiserõivastusest on säilinud täielikumaid komplekte (näiteks Parisselja rabaleid 14.-15. sajandist ja Rabivere rabaleid 17. sajandist). Lõiked olid jäänud üldiselt samaks, muutunud olid aga kaunistused ja ehted. 17. sajand tõi kaasa mitmeid olulisi muudatusi, vaipseeliku kõrval hakkas levima kokku õmmeldud ühevärviline seelik

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
55 allalaadimist

Trojan horse

installation of another program), another file type, or just give us attractive to run a name, icon, etc. Similar malicious and masking functions are also used by viruses, but unlike them, Trojans can not spread by itself. However, the Trojan can be a module of the virus. Trojans differ among themselves on those activities that they produce on the infected computer. Backdoor - Trojan remote administration utility Utility hidden controls allow you to do with the computer all that they laid the author: to take or send files, start and destroy them, display messages, erase, reboot the computer, etc. Trojan-PSW - stealing passwords When you start looking for PSW-Trojan sictemnye files stored on a range of confidential information (usually phone numbers and passwords to access the Internet) and send it to the specified code in the "Trojan" e-mail address or addresses. Trojan-Clicker - Internet clickers.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

Eesti keele arvestus

*Linnud- kotkas, teder *Somaatilised sõnad- kõrv, kõri *süttima, ehtima, hind, pädev 16. Volga sõnavara Siit tulevad somaatilised sõnad: Hing, oda, sõda, leem, palve, nõid, jumal Arvude süsteem: Kamal (2 käega) KÜMME Kämmal (1 käega 17. Läänemere-Soome keeled + nimeta need keeled * vähemalt 5000 aastat vana *Läänemere-Soome keeled: soome (5milj), eesti (1milj), karjala (200 000), liivi; vadja; isuri (kadumas) *Sõnad: meri, laine, laid, neem, udu, allikas, karu, ilves, sokk, sisask, higi, naerma, aitama, kiitma, sipelgas, kirp, pere, abielu, pulmad, emand, isand, liha, roog, moon 18. Laensõnad 1) Vanemad:  Germaani (juust, kana, supp, sool, au, põld, korsten, sadul, siduma, vald, kuningas) (tööriistad: sõel, nõel, nael) (kirikusõnad: kirik, kell) (metallid: raud, tina)  Balti (sträzas – rästas, tilts – sild, + kogu metsanduse

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
30 allalaadimist

Genuiinne sõnavara ja märgisüsteem

Kamal e kämmal. Loodus: mäger, hobune, lehm, veis, siga, ahven, särg, järv, lõhmus e pärn, kesv e oder. Naiste tegevused: loputama, ketrama, putkama, istuma, viipsima (lõnga enne ketr. aspeldama). Sugulus: lell e isa vend, nadu e mehe õde, sõtse e isa õde, taat. Veel: kümme, täht, lepp e veri, hiiv e õllevaht, petkel e uhmrinui, jumal, palve, ori, lummama. Läänemeresoome (üle 5000 a v) Sellest arenesid soome, eesti, vadja, liivi, vepsa, isuri, karjala. Loodus: allikas, lätte, laid, laine, säär e saar, mägi, neem, kuld, haug, rääbis, sisask e ööbik, maasikas, kanarbik, pärn, kirp, sipelgas, kilk. Tegevused: aevastama, köhima, haigutama, higistama, naerma, aitama. Riided: kinnas, king, rätt, põll. Veel: helmes, nuga, naaskel, nisu, hing, kõva, paljas, habras, hele. Laensõnad - tulnud keelde enne 20. sajandit (hilisemad on võõrsõnad, pole kohanenud, nt šaht). Balti laenud (200) Loodus: taim, hernes, uba, oinas, jäär, härg, angerjas, mänd.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
5 allalaadimist

Genuiinne sõnavara ja selle kasutamine

Loodus: mäger, hobune, lehm, veis, siga, ahven, särg, järv, lõhmus e pärn, kesv e oder. Naiste tegevused: loputama, ketrama, putkama, istuma, viipsima (lõnga enne ketr. aspeldama). Sugulus: lell e isa vend, nadu e mehe õde, sõtse e isa õde, taat. Veel: kümme, täht, lepp e veri, hiiv e õllevaht, petkel e uhmrinui, jumal, palve, ori, lummama. Läänemeresoome (üle 5000 a v) Sellest arenesid soome, eesti, vadja, liivi, vepsa, isuri, karjala. Loodus: allikas, lätte, laid, laine, säär e saar, mägi, neem, kuld, haug, rääbis, sisask e ööbik, maasikas, kanarbik, pärn, kirp, sipelgas, kilk. Tegevused: aevastama, köhima, haigutama, higistama, naerma, aitama. Riided: kinnas, king, rätt, põll. Veel: helmes, nuga, naaskel, nisu, hing, kõva, paljas, habras, hele. Laensõnad tulnud keelde enne 20. sajandit (hilisemad on võõrsõnad, pole kohanenud, nt saht). Balti laenud (200) Loodus: taim, hernes, uba, oinas, jäär, härg, angerjas, mänd.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
1 allalaadimist


Elanikud olid europiidset rassi (indoeurooplased). Olid arvatavasti balti hõimude eelkäijad. 9.Mis iseloomustab Asva kultuuri? Millisele ajajärgule on see iseloomulik? Vastus. Asva kultuur on läänepoolseimate soomeugrilaste hilispronksiaja kultuur, mille majanduse aluseks oli karjakasvatus, hülgepüük, algeline maaviljelus ja pronksivalamine. Perioodi nimi tuleneb Saaremaa tolleaegse keskuse Asva nimest. Seljak, millel asula paikneb, oli pronksiajal laid või poolsaar madalas merelahes. Tänaseks on meri siit taganenud mitme kilomeetri kaugusele, kunagist rannaasulat meenutab paik vaid kevadeti suurvee ajal. 10.Kust ja millisest ajajärgust on pärit vanimad raudriistad? Rauasulatamine eestis. Vastus. U 500 eKr, naaberaladelt. Eelrooma rauaaeg. Raua sulatamine- soorauamaak 11. Iseloomusta kivikirstkalmeid ja laevkalmeid, matmiskombed. Vastus. Kivikristkalme konstruktsiooniks oli suuremates kividest 5-8 meetrise läbimõõduga ring ja

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
8 allalaadimist

EU internal Market law. Mid term evaluation assignment

Yes. In Dassonville judgment, the Court of Justice took the view that „all trading rules enacted by Member States which are capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, actually, or potentially, intra- Community trade is to be considered as measures having an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions” (Cases 8/74 of 11 July 1974 and points 63 to 67 of Case C-320/03 of 15 November 2005). Cassis de Dijon case (Case 120/78 of 20 February 1979) laid down the principle that any product legally manufactured and marketed in a Member State in accordance with its fair and traditional rules, and with the manufacturing processes of that country, must be allowed onto the market of any other Member State. A state measure can constitute a prohibited measure having equivalent effect even if: • it is of relatively minor economic significance; • it is only applicable on a very limited geographical part of the national territory;

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Mats Traat

Tallinna 21. Kool Mats Traat Koostaja: Martin Laid; 9d Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus 3 2. Mats Traadi looming 4 3. Kokkuvõte 11 4. Kasutatud kirjandus 12 Tallinn 2009 Sissejuhatus Mats Traat sündis 23. novembril 1936. aastal Kuutse talus Meema külas Palupera vallas Tartumaal. 1945-1946.aastatel õppis Arula koolis, 1946-1947.aastatel Vana- Otepää koolis, 1947-1949. aastatel Nõuni koolis, 1949-1951. aastatel Rannu koolis, 1952-1953. aastatel Tartu tehnikumis, 1957. aastal lõpetas ta Vaeküla Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise Tehnikumi, 1964. aastal Gorki Kirjandusinstituudi ning 1969. aastal sealsamas kõrgemad filmilavastajate ja stsenaristide kursused. Ta...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
140 allalaadimist


Since the fall of the Twin Towers which were part of the World Trading Center, the Empire State Building is once again the highest building in the city. The Statue of Liberty stands in the harbor of New York, it was a gift from France. Immigrants used to pass her on the way to Ellis Island, where they were registered for entering the country. Today tourists can approach her by ferry. Washington, DC. It is the capital of the USA. Its streets are laid out in a classical geometric pattern. ,,DC" stands for ,,District of Columbia", in honor of Christopher Columbus. The Location for the capital was chosen in the middle of the east-coast States, as part of a compromise between the Northern and Southern States. Tourists in Washington like to visit the Mall. In the middle of the Mall, you can go up the Washington Monument. To the west you can see memorials for President Abraham

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


English, and their meaning may be quite different from the meaning of the ordinary verb, eg you may know the individual meanings of the words make and off, but you may not be able to guess that to make off means "to leave or escape" . Some phrasal verbs have the adverb or preposition following immediately after the verb, as in ,,He owned up" and ,,He looks after the children"; others have the object of the verb placed between the verb and the other parts of the phrasal verb, as in ,,He laid the book down". Be afraid of She is afraid of you. Ta kardab sind. Be fond of I am fond of music. Ma armastan muusikat. Be good at He is good at languages. Ta on keeltes andekas. Be interested in I am interested in it. Ma olen sellest huvitatud. Be kind to He is kind to me. Ta on minu vastu lahke.

Keeled → Inglise keel
55 allalaadimist

English literature of the 14th, 15th century

Descriptions of different social classes. Religious mysticism. Two great principles: 1) all men are equal before God; 2) honest labour is dignified. It is a dream allegory. A young maiden named Youth, Greed is an old witch. The greatest writer of this period and the whole of medieval times ­ Geoffrey Chaucer (1340?-1400): · The father of English poetry · The creator of English versification · The first poet to use various metres · Laid the foundation of the new literary English language · Wrote in Middle English · An active man of affairs, who belonged to the middle class · Spoke Latin, French, Italian ­ the important languages of the time · Worked as a diplomat for a time · Translated works into English (from Latin, French, Italian) · Favourite of the royal court · At the time of his death was regarded as a great poet and was buried in Westminster · As a writer he was very prolific

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Eesti rahvussümbolid

Neil kõigil on Eesti jaoks suur tähendus, kuigi tänapäeval kiputakse seda sageli unustama. Referaadis vaatame lähemalt Eesti lipu, vapi ja hümni saamislugu. 3 EESTI RIIGILIPP Eesti riigilipp, mis on ühtlasi ka rahvuslipuks, on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse vahekord on 7:11, lipu normaalsuurus on 105x165 sentimeetrit. Lipud on alati olnud rahva tõekspidamiste ja traditsioonide sümbolid. Lipul olevad sümboolsed kujundid ja värvid toovad esile omaniku väärtusi. Värvide tähendus Sinine - väljendas usku ja lootust eesti rahva tulevikku, samuti oli see ustavuse sümboliks; Must - pidi meenutama eesti rahva sünget ja piinavat minevikku, kodumaa

Kultuur-Kunst → Eesti kultuuri alused ja...
10 allalaadimist

Renessanss (14.-16. saj)

sse kuuluv, tõusis 14 saj kõige esinduslikumaks zanriks. · Kirikumuus. ja motetti kõrvale ilmus mitmehäälne ilmalik laul, mis sai heliloojate loomingus valdavaks. Peamised lauluvormid- ballade, rondeau, virelai- tuletatud luulevormidest. Guillaume de Machaut- poeet ja helilooja Selle aja Prantsusmaa tähtsaim helilooja GUILLAUME de MACHAUT (Säilinud: 40 ballaadi, 20 rondelli, 23 motetti(, 32 virelaid, 18 laid,) 1 missa (esimene täielik 4-häälne missa). Ars nova väljapaistvaim helilooja, kelle loomingut tänapäeval enim teatakse. Oli oma aja suurimaid luuletajaid, tema ilmalike laulude tekstid on ta enda loodud, tema olulisim luuleteos on värssromaan kirjades "Le Livre du Voir-Dit" ("Tõsilugu"). Teda on nimetatud ka viimaseks truvääriks kuna tema loomingus leidub hulk ühehäälseid lais'id ja virelais'id. Tema kuulsaim teos on esimene ühe autori loodud terviklik missatsükkel

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
24 allalaadimist


Town and the Lower Town. In 1285 Tallinn joined the Hanseatic league and became a junction of trade between East and West. Tallinn is said to be built on salt, as it was an important trading commodity. In the 16th century Tallinn had a population of about 7,000 ­ 8,000 making it one of the biggest cities in northern Europe. In 1629 Sweden took control of the whole of Estonia. Though hard times continued, the period that followed is known as the "good old Swedish era": foundations were laid for the Estonian school system, the privileges of the nobility were curtailed, local peasants were granted the right to own property, and so on. Peter the Great wanted to open a window onto Europe for Russia so he started the Northern War in 1700. Estonia remained under Russian rule and the Baltic-German nobility vowed allegiance to the Tsar; the barons were restored their former privileges. In 1870 a railway line was opened from St. Petersburg to Tallinn. Tallinn grew into a major port and

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
51 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

remaining decade and a half of his life, producing several large novels, notably Pendennes, The Newcomes, and The History of Henry Esmond. In 1860, Thackeray became editor of the newly established Cornhill Magazine, but was never comfortable as an editor, preferring to contribute to the magazine as a columnist, producing his Roundabout Papers for it. His health worsened during the 1850s and he was plagued by the recurring stricture of the urethra that laid him up for days at a time. On 23 December 1863, after returning from dining out and before dressing for bed, Thackeray suffered a stroke and was found dead on his bed in the morning Thackeray began as a satirist and parodist, with a sneaking fondness for roguish upstarts like Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair, Barry Lyndon in The Luck of Barry Lyndon and Catherine in Catherine. Charlotte Brontë

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist

Komad inglise keeles

Comma Abuse Commas in the wrong places can break a sentence into illogical segments or confuse readers with unnecessary and unexpected pauses. 12. Don't use a comma to separate the subject from the verb. Incorrect:An eighteen-year old in California, is now considered an adult. Incorrect:The most important attribute of a ball player, is quick reflex actions. 13. Don't put a comma between the two verbs or verb phrases in a compound predicate. Incorrect:We laid out our music and snacks, and began to study. Incorrect:I turned the corner, and ran smack into a patrol car. 14. Don't put a comma between the two nouns, noun phrases, or noun clauses in a compound subject or compound object. Incorrect (compound subject):The music teacher from your high school, and the football coach from mine are married. Incorrect (compound object):Jeff told me that the job was still available, and that the manager wanted to interview me. 15

Keeled → Inglise keel
60 allalaadimist

The European Union Law , The EU institutions

In principle, the Commission proposes new laws, and the Parliament and Council adopt them. The Commission and the member countries then implement them, and the Commission ensures that the laws are properly applied and implemented. Two other institutions play vital roles: the Court of Justice of the EU upholds the rule of European law the Court of Auditors checks the financing of the EU's activities. The powers and responsibilities of all of these institutions are laid down in the Treaties, which are the foundation of everything the EU does. They also lay down the rules and procedures that the EU institutions must follow. The Treaties are agreed by the presidents and/or prime ministers of all the EU countries, and ratified by their parliaments. The EU has a number of other institutions and interinstitutional bodies that play specialised roles: the European Central Bank is responsible for European monetary policy

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Fight Club - Book review

[Tyler] Durden" while passing by him. 4. Language (list of words or expressions frequently used by the author) You wake up at (location); God; I admire...; This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time; This was freedom Losing all hope was freedom; We just are; Wipe your ass with the Mona Lisa. 5. Character analysis: Choose one main character from the book and answer the questions below Name: Tyler Durden Appearance and personality: He is very laid back and rebellious, doesn't care about materialistic values. He is medium height and has a muscular build. Compare yourself to this character: I think I have a similar way of thinking with Tyler, of course not so extreme. I often find myself asking others' opinions about existential questions. Did you like this character? Why/why not? Overall I liked this character

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

My Town

the 15th, century. A century later its population of 7,000-8,000 made it one of the biggest cities in northern Europe. Unfortunately, prosperity did not last long due to the weakening of the Hanseatic League, epidemics, hunger and wars. Sweden finally managed to take control of the whole of Estonia in 1629. Though hard times continued, the period that followed is known as the good old Swedish era': foundations were laid for the Estonian school system, the privileges of the nobility were curtailed, local peasants were granted the right to own property, and so on. Meanwhile, different countries fought for domination in the Baltic region. Russia started the Northern War in 1700. Peter the Great had made it his aim to conquer Estonia and `open a window onto Europe' Together with the Russian troops, the plague came again and thousands of people died. A Russian general described the

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Eesti Riik

EESTI RIIGIVAPP on kaks kuju: suur riigivapp ja väike riigivapp. Suurel riigivapil on kuldsete lehtedega ümbritsetud kuldsel kilbil kujutatud kolm sinist , sammuvat, otsavaatavat (passant gardant) lõvi. Eesti väikese riigivapi kilp ja kujund on samad mis suurel vapil, kuid ilma tammeoksteta. Riigivapp kinnitati 1925. aastal. EESTI RIIGILIPP, mis on ühtlasi ka rahvuslipuks, on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. Värvide tähendus : S i n i n e - väljendas usku ja lootust eesti rahva tulevikku, samuti oli see ustavuse sümboliks. M u s t - pidi meenutama eesti rahva sünget ja piinavat minevikku, kodumaa musta mulda, luuletustes on musta peetud armastuse sümboliks. V a l g e - sümboliseerib eesti rahva püüdeid hariduse ja vaimuvalguse poole, samuti talvist valget lund, suviseid valgeid öid, Eesti kaskede valget koort. EESTI RAVUSHÜMN

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
6 allalaadimist

Keskmine kiviaeg

pistodad) on vette heidetud ohvriannina, tagamaks õnne kalastamisel ja veelindude jahil. On oletatud, et sarnaselt paljude teiste arhailiste religioonidega uskusid Eesti ala elanikud looduse hingestatusesse. Mõisted: Asva kindlustatud asula- Asva külatagusel madalal heinamaal paikneb Põhja- Euroopa tuntumaid pronksiaja kindlustatuid asulaid, mis on nime andnud tervele arheoloogilisele kultuurile. Seljak, millel asula paikneb, oli pronksiajal laid või poolsaar madalas merelahes. Asva kultuur on Läänepoolsemate soome-ugrilaste hilispronksiaja kultuur, mille majanduse aluseks oli karjakasvatus, hülgepüük, algeline maaviljelus ja pronksivalamine. Varasema perioodi leiumaterjalide hulgas on lisaks luust ja pronksist tööriistadele eriti palju pronksivalamisele osutuvaid savist valamisvormide katkendeid ning hoonetest pärinevad paest ja savist põrandad ja kividest kolded. Kindlustatud asula vanim järk hävis kogu linnust

Ajalugu → 10.klassi ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Referaat Printsess Dianast

Nobody in the car wore a seatbelt. The driver and Dodi died immediately. The second bodyguard was in critical position and unconscious. Diana made rowing movements with her arms, when injured people do this, it means that they are not receiving enough oxygen. On the second carriageway was driving a doctor Frederic Maillez. When he saw the accident, he stopped his car, took his emergency bag and ran to help the victims. He gave bodyguard medical attention and went to Diana. He laid oxygen mask to Diana's mouth. The ambulance was meanwhile underway. It took almost an hour until the victims could be taken out of the wreck. The car had to be first cut open using metal shears. Diana was taken to hospital and she had massive inner bleeding. Doctors managed to close it, but suddenly Diana's heart stopped working. Doctors tried to bring the Princess back using heart massage, but they couldn't. Diana was dead. The Princess of Wales died on 31st August 1997 at 3.57 am.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Geoffrey chaucer

He upholds justice in matters large and small and knows every statute of England's law by heart. The Franklin (est: MAAHÄRRA): Describe his appearance and dress ? What were his interests in life? In Chaucer's society, a franklin was neither a vassal serving a lord nor a member of the nobility. This particular franklin is a connoisseur of food and wine, so much so that his table remains laid and ready for food all day. The five Guildsmen: Carpenter (est: PUUSEPP) , Haberdasher( est: PUDUKAUPMEES), Dyer (est: VÄRVAL), Weaver (est: KANGUR), Carpet maker (est: VAIBAMEISTER): how were they dressed? What has been said about their wives? Listed together, the five Guildsmen appear as a unit. English

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist

Strateegilise juhtimise konspekt

1. How a. Capabilities, Key resources, Partner network 2. What a. offer 3. Who a. Distribution channels, customer relations, customer segments 4. Cost/income ($, ) ­ cost structure, revenue flows Korporatsiooni väärtusahel: Strategic operations issues: Intermittment systems ­ item is normally processed seqentally, but the work and sequence of the process vary Continuous systems ­ work is laid out in lines on which products can be continuously assambled or processed Operating leverage ­ impact of a specific change in sales volume on net operation income Experience curve ­ unit production costs decline by some fixed persentage each time the total accumulated volume of production units doubles Strategic research and development issues: R&D intensity ­ pending nr of R&D as persentage of sales revenue

Majandus → Juhtimine
17 allalaadimist

Blandings Castle

She's my fiancée" A sharp howl escaped Lord Emsworth, as if one of the bees humming in the lavender-beds had taken time off to sting him in the neck. 9) "The fact is, guv'nor ­" "You know you are forbidden to come to London." "Absolutely, guv'nor, but the fact is ­" "And why anybody but an imbecile should want to come to London when he could be at Blandings ­" "I know, guv'nor, but the fact is ­" 10) Lord Emsworth laid a trembling hand upon his shoulder. "McAllister, I will raise your salary." The beard twitched. "Dash it, I'll double it!" The eyebrows flickered. "McAllister ... Angus ... " said Lord Emsworth in a low voice. "Come back! The pumpkin needs you." Lord Emsworth is the protagonist in the book. His full title is Clarence Threepwood, 9th Earl of Emsworth, and Viscount Bosham. His character is kind, but a bit absent- minded

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
34 allalaadimist

Links between Estonia and English speaking countries

During the First World War England dominated the high seas and the Baltic Sea. So it is quite obvious that after the Bolsheviks gained power in St. Petersburg, The English navy came to aid the newly formed government of Estonia in their war efforts against the Bolshevik invaders. The Royal Navy detachment blocked Bolshevik attempts to land troops behind Estonian lines. British sailors were among those who gave their lives defending Estonia's freedom during the conflict. Some of these men are laid to rest in Tallinn. The aid came not only in the military presence of the war ships, but also in technical, financial and moral support. The technical expertise of the military advisers 5 from England contributed largely to the outcome of the war between Estonia and Soviet Union. After the war the military cooperation developed into cultural and economic relations. For instance during the time between the wars, approximately

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Võrdlev tööõigus - inglisekeelne

worker from the date of dismissal up to the date of effective reinstatement, deducted the earnings resulting from working activities performed during the dismissal period.  Just cause or subjective justified reasons – in case of dismissal for those reasons, because there is no case to answer, or because the violation falls within those for which measures short of dismissal can be imposed on the employee, in line with what is laid down by collective agreements or codes of conduct, the judge nullifies the unfair dismissal. The employer must reinstate the employee, but the employee can request, in alternative, a compensation award amounting to 15 months’ pay. The employment contract is terminated whereas the worker fails to return to work within 30 days from the employer’s communication, or they do not claim for compensation. In addition, the employer must pay a

Õigus → Tööõigus
24 allalaadimist

Bridges presentation

It is the job of TICCIH and its member countries to identify and make a case for outstanding bridges so they can be appreciated and protected like the great architectural and natural monuments already designated. Introduction The first bridges were natural, such as the huge rock arch that spans the Ardèche in France, or Natural Bridge in Virginia (USA). The first man-made bridges were tree trunks laid across streams in girder fashion, flat stones, such as the clapper bridges of Dartmoor in Devon (UK), or festoons of vegetation, twisted or braided and hung in suspension. These three types - beam, arch, and suspension - have been known and built since ancient times and are the origins from which engineers and builders derived various combinations such as the truss, cantilever, cable-stayed, tied- arch, and moveable spans.

Keeled → Inglise keel
93 allalaadimist

Famous castles of Scotland

Edinburgh Castle is an ancient stronghold which dominates the sky-line of the city of Edinburgh from its position atop Castle Rock. It is Scotland's second most visited tourist attraction. Human habitation of the site is dated back as far as the 9th century BC. As it stands today though, few of the castle's structures pre-date the Lang Siege of the 16th century, with the notable exception of St Margaret's Chapel, the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh, which dates from the early 12th century.As with all castles, Edinburgh's fortress has been a centre of military activity. As an ancient fortress Edinburgh Castle is one of the few that still has a military garrison, albeit for largely ceremonial and administrative purposes. The New Barrack Block is now home to the official headquarters of the Royal Regiment of Scotland and 52 Infantry Brigade, as well as home to the regimental museum of the Royal Scots and Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Muhu saar

ASUKOHT Muhu saar asub Läänemeres Eesti läänerannikul. Saare pindala on ligi 200 km2. Sinna mahuks ära terve Tallinn. Ta on Eesti 1500 saare seas suuruselt kolmas. Mandrist lahutab muhulasi 8 km laiune Suur väin ning Eesti suurimast saarest Saaremaast 3 km laiune Väike väin. Põhja poole jääb Väinameri ja Hiiumaa, aga meritsi lõuna poole liikudes jõuame Riia lahte. Saart ümbritsevad väikesed laiud: Papilaid, Kesselaid, Viirelaid, Võilaid, Suurlaid ja Kõinastu laid. Muhu rannajoone pikkus on 108 km. Saare ulatus põhjast lõunasse on umbes 17 km ning läänest itta ligi 20 km. Linnulennult meenutab saar veidi rombi, mis on loode-kagusuunaliselt välja venitatud. Muhu saarel elab praegu umbes 2200 inimest, mida on suhteliselt vähe. Võrdluseks, kunagi oli see arv kolmekordne ning Muhuga samas suurusjärgus oleval Maltal elab 346 000 inimest. Muhu saare ajalugu on 8000 aasta vanune- just siis hakkas veest paistma saare kõige kõrgem

Geograafia → Geograafia
28 allalaadimist

Jane Eyre

self-defense and writes to Mr. Lloyd whose reply agrees with Jane's. Ultimately, Jane is publicly cleared of Mr. Brocklehurst's accusations. Jane mistakes Mr. Rochester for a Gytrash. While the Brocklehurst family lives in luxury, the eighty pupils are subjected to cold rooms, poor meals, and thin clothing. Many students fall ill when a typhus epidemic strikes. Jane's friend Helen dies of consumption in Jane's arms. When Mr. Brocklehurst's neglect and dishonesty are laid bare, several benefactors erect a new building and conditions at the school improve dramatically. [edit] Chapters 11-26: Jane's time as governess at Thornfield Manor Eight years later, Jane is a teacher employed by Alice Fairfax (the housekeeper of Thornfield Manor) as governess for Adèle Varens, a young French girl. Out walking one day, Jane encounters and helps a horseman who has sprained his ankle. On her return to Thornfield, she

Keeled → Inglise keel
39 allalaadimist

Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariik/LAV referaat

variantidest ei rahuldanud ükski züriid, kuid 27. aprilli Frederick G. Brownelli valimisteks kujundatud ajutine lipp leidis rahva hulgas nii suurt poolehoidu, et see jäigi uueks riigilipuks. Lipul on kolm horisontaalset laidu: üleval punane, all sinine ja keskel roheline, mis hargneb horiontaalselt Y-kujuliseks, kusjuures Y harud lõppevad lipukanga nurkades. Harude vahele moodustub must võrdkülgne kolmnurk, mida Y harudest eraldab kitsas kollane riba. Punane ja sinine laid on rohelisest laiust ja Y harudest eraldatud kitsa valge laiuga. Lipu laiud on vardapoolses osas suhtega 5:1:3:1:5. Kujundus ja värvid on kokkuvõte põhilistest detailidest riigilipu ajaloos. Vastuolude vältimiseks ei ole lipuvärvidele antud ametlikku tõlgendust, kuid must, kollane ja roheline on Aafrika Rahvuskongressi lipuvärvid ning punane, valge ja sinine buuride ajaloolise kodumaa Hollandi lipuvärvid.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
94 allalaadimist


Denmark. Only in1629 the whole mainland Estonia became subject to Sweden. Under Swedish rule the University of Tartu was founded in 1632 and also the oldest school working on the same premises was founded in Tallinn (GAG).After the Northern War (1700-1721) Estonia became a province of Russia. During that period the gentry of Baltic-German origin prevailed in Estonia. They kept estates in Estonia until 1919. Under Russian rule the Palace of Kadriorg was built and the park was laid out. The National Awakening in the middle of the 19th century brought rapid advances in the Estonian education system, general living conditions and culture. The national epic "Kalevipoeg" was published, theatre and music societies appeared and the 1st Song Festival was held in Tartu in 1869. Since then the Song Festivals have become a national tradition, being held every 4-5 years. This all lead to Estonia's independence on 24 February 1918

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Russian , Old Slavonic, the history of the Russian language and Russian dialectology, etc. The Department of Russian Literature of XX century in Russian literature explore (from 1890s to the present), including works of Russian emigrants abroad and non­Russian writers in Russia proper. Curriculum at the Division of Russian as a Foreign Language is similar to the one of the Division of the Russian Language and Literature, with additional stress laid on foreign languages, the theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and area studies. Division of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics aims at giving students profound knowledge in the field of linguistic theory. The core courses include mathematics (mathematical language, probability models, mathematical statistics, information theory and coding, algebra, logic, mathematical theory of grammar) and linguistics (the theory of language structure,

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

Leaving no heirs, Edward's passing away ignited a three-way rivalry for the crown that culminated in the Battle of Hastings and the destruction of the Anglo-Saxon rule of England. The leading pretender was Harold Godwinson, Harold and Edward became brothers-in-law when the king married Harold's sister. Harold's powerful position, his relationship to Edward and his esteem among his peers made him a logical successor to the throne. William, Duke of Normandy, also laid claim to the English throne. William justified his claim through his blood relationship with Edward as they were distant cousins and by stating that some years earlier, Edward had designated him as his successor. The third rival for the throne was Harald Hardrada, King of Norway. Hardrada ruled Norway jointly with his nephew Mangus until 1047 when Mangus conveniently died. Earlier (1042), Mangus had cut a deal with Harthacut the Danish ruler of England.

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
24 allalaadimist

Topic USA

became a dominant figure in popular music. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and Thriller helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced hip hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists. Did you know? George Washington had a phobia of being buried alive. After he died, he wanted to be laid out for three days just to make sure he was really dead. It is possible for any American citizen to give whatever name he or she chooses to any unnamed mountain or hill in the United States

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Maasfäärid ja energia

1. Iseloomusta Maa eri sfääre ja nendevahelisi seoseid skeemi abil. Litosfäär - maakera välimine kivimiline kest, koosneb maakoorest ja vahevööst Pedosfäär - mullastik, maakoore pindmine kiht Hüdrosfäär - vesi Biosfäär - Maa sfäär, kus elavad organismid ja toimub orgaanilise aine süntees 2. Too näide iga energialiigi avaldumisest looduses mehaaniline energia- vee liikumine kineetiline energia - vee liikumine soojusenergia - päike laineenergia - veekogude lainetus keemiline energia - fossiilsed kütused 3. Tea geoloogiliste ajastute järjestust Maa tekkest kuni tänapäevani. Tööleht LITOSFÄÄR 4. Tunne etteantud sündmustest ära igale ajastule iseloomulikud sündmused. Tööleht LITOSFÄÄR LITOSFÄÄR 1. Võrdle ookeanilist ja mandrilist maakoort. Mandriline maakoor on paksem, kergemate kivimitega, vanem, väiksema tihedusega kui ookeaniline maakoor. MM on sette-, moonde-, ja tardkivimid. OM on sette- ja tardkivimid (basalt) 2. Iseloomusta teke...

Geograafia → Geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Eesti referaat

The kroon's exchange rate has not changed since 20 June 1992. The Estonian kroon is tied to Euro (1 EUR=15,6466 EEK). Estonia has a currency board system. The responsible monetary authority is the Bank of Estonia. Banking has been an area of rapid growth since the regaining of independence. One of the leading banks is Hansapank. Only the Bank of Estonia has the right to the emission of money. The foundations fot the Estonian financial system were laid in 1992. the aim of banks is not only keeping money, but also giving loans. They are directly interested in the good work and profit of enterprises. The Estonian Tax System is made up of the following: Social Tax: 33% paid on gross income from employment. 20% of the money goes into the Social Security Fund which finances state pensions and social welfare. This tax is not detucted from wages/salaries, but paid by the employer.

Keeled → Inglise keel
174 allalaadimist


net as the centre of the base. Having picked up the dhan the vessel then starts to steam slowly ahead while heaving in both ropes, gradually advancing winch speed as the gear closes to keep the net moving forward at a steadily increasing rate. 17 Danish seine is a trawling method used by relatively small boats in shallow waters (up to about 200 m). Lengths of weighted ropes of up to 2,800 m are laid out on the sea floor in a diamond pattern with the boat at one end of the diamond and the net at the other. As the boat moves forward the diamond becomes elongated allowing the fish to be herded into the path of the net. 18 Otsapoi (ankur) 19 12.8. Seinnoodapüük Seinnoot kujutab endast võrkseina, millega laeva (või paadi) abil piiratakse kalaparv ümber. Ülemine selis on suhteliselt kõrge ujuvusega ja on veepinnal

Merendus → Kalapüügitehnika
23 allalaadimist

Eesti keele ajalugu ja murded

rõivas, takud, õmble-, king, kirst, nuga, tõrs, riist) • inimene (laps, mees, lesk, rahvas) • kombed (pulm, abi, kahju, võlg, sõna) • adjektiivid (hell, hull, jäme, kaine, kuri, noor, paks, nüri, pehme, raske, toores, vahva) • verbid (tõuse-, itke-, kosta-, naera-, nuta-, tõmba-, pääse-, rippu-, kukku-, lenda-, lange-, lõppe-, viska-) Omatüved: liivi-soome tüved (~400–500 tüve) • somaatiline (kihv, mokk, pugu, puus) • loodus (küngas, laid, loik, nõlv, nõmm, susi, hakk, kakk, luik, part, ronk, koger, nõges, lill, tõru) • toit, toidu valmistamine (kali, sai, peerg, tahm) • elu-olu (tanu, rätt, järg : järi, reha, käi, tõbi) • ühiskond (peig, kubjas) • verbid (närtsi-, pigista-, huilga-, vulise-, irise-, kurta-) Omatüved: eesti ja tundmatut päritolu tüved (~1100 tüve) • somaatilised (piht, song, tuhar, ila, molu, lõust) • loodus (kesv, räni, luide, lubi, maran, mutt, siug,

Eesti keel → Eesti keele ajalugu
23 allalaadimist

Uusim aeg Kultuurielu põhijooned 1918-1940

1 Kultuurielu põhijooned 1918–1940 Riiklik kultuuripoliitika ja Kultuurkapital. Kultuuri professionaliseerumine ja kaasajastumine. Kultuuriloome ja kultuuritarbimine. Haridus ja teadus: üldhariduskool, kutseharidus, kõrgharidus; ülikoolide osa teaduses, teadusseltsid, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia. Olulisemad saavutused erinevates kultuurivaldkondades: kirjandus, kujutav kunst, muusika, teater ja kino, ajakirjandus. Riiklik kultuuripoliitika Rõhku pandi eestikeelse rahvuskultuuri väljaarendamisele. Suurt tähelepanu pöörati humanitaarteadustele (eestikeelse oskussõnavara arendamine, ajalugu, etnograafia, majandusgeograafia jm). Esmakordselt sai võimalikuks eestikeelse hariduse omandamine algkoolist kõrgkoolini ning Tartu ülikoolist kujunes rahvusülikool. Samal ajal tagati vähemusrahvustele omakeelne üldharidus ja kultuurautonoomia, erilist tähelepanu pöörati valdavalt vene elanikkonnaga pii...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
19 allalaadimist

The renaissance period in England. Art and literature, development of drama. Dynasties, kings and queens.

They had different emblems on one side the Yorks (white rose) other Lancasters (red). They couldn't decide who gets the throne. War ended 1485. A new dynasty came to throne, Tudor, the first king in this dynasty was Henry Vll. When he came to throne a period of stability followed because he built a nation based state. He was good at diplomacy.He could avoid quarrels and wars with neigbouring countries. France, Spain - greatest enemies.So he could save much money and thus laid a good economic basis for his state. Besides that he built a merchant fleet (kaubalaevastik) England begun to dominate in international trade. Unfortunately the king got old and died. Next king was Henry Vlll, second son of the family, wasn't prepared to become a king. Had to take the role as his elder brother died. Was prepared to come a clergyman ­ got good education: languages, music, literature. Brother jumped off horse into a river, died in bed. Elder brother was already married

Keeled → British culture (briti...
3 allalaadimist

Eesti riigi sümbolid

EESTI RIIGI SÜMBOLID Eesti riigi sümboliteks on Eesti lipp, vapp, hümn, kuid ka rahvuslind ja ­lill. Neil kõigil on Eesti jaoks suur tähendus Eesti riigilipp Eesti riigilipp, mis on ühtlasi ka rahvuslipuks, on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse vahekord on 7:11, lipu normaalsuurus on 105x165 sentimeetrit. Lipud on alati olnud rahva tõekspidamiste ja traditsioonide sümbolid. Lipul olevad sümboolsed kujundid ja värvid toovad esile omaniku väärtusi. Lipu ajalugu Sini-must-valge värvikombinatsiooni idee sünd leidis aset 29. septembril 1881. aastal Tartus,

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
8 allalaadimist


Lipuvärve tõlgendatakse järgmiselt: sinine - usk Eesti tulevikku; must - Eesti mullapind, raske minevik; valge - lootus Eesti ilusasse tulevikku. Eesti riigilipp Eesti riigilipp, mis on ühtlasi ka rahvuslipuks, on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse vahekord on 7:11, lipu normaalsuurus on 105x165 sentimeetrit. Lipud on alati olnud rahva tõekspidamiste ja traditsioonide sümbolid. Lipul olevad sümboolsed kujundid ja värvid toovad esile omaniku väärtusi. Lipu ajalugu Sini-must-valge värvikombinatsiooni idee sünd leidis aset 29

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
83 allalaadimist

Jacques Louis David ja Prantsuse Revolutsioon

Academy and therefore very restricted by formalities. King Louis XIV had forced painters to be extremely classical in their style and keep the paintings as clear and formal as possible. (Friedlaender, 1952, p.5) By the second half of the century political changes allowed art to be freer and therefore classicism started to bear a rather political note. Political art, various pamphlets, literature and the Enlightenment laid the foundations of the soon coming French Revolution. (Friedlander, 1952, p.7) Analysis To begin with, the 18th century was all about the rebirth of classicism and antiquity. Surprisingly, it was very hard for David to find examples from Antique, because they almost did not exist. Only some paintings that were meant for decor in Pompeii were preserved. That is why he went to Pompeii for an expedition, in order to best represent the classicism requirements

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunsti ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Ramsari konventsioon

Laelatu on Eesti liigirikkaim, uurituim ja arvatatavasti ka kõige pikema ajalooga puisniit, kus ühtekokku kasvab 225 liiki kõrgemaid taimi, ühel ruutmeetril on erinevaid liike leitud kuni 68. Mosaiikselt vahelduvad Laelatul kuivad ja niisked kohad, mistõttu lähestikku kasvavad ka soo- ja arutaimed. Laelatu on tuntud oma käpaliste(orhideede) rohkuse poolest (Kuresoo, 1998). Puhtu oli selle sajandi alguses laid, mis on nüüd poolsaareks tõusnud. Seal kasvab laialeheline mets, leidub üksikuid niidulappe ning on ornitoloogiajaam koos linnutorniga (Kuresoo, 1998). Nehatu soos on mitu kinnikasvavat jäänukjärve, mida ümbritseb roostik ja madalsoo. Ohtralt kasvab seal vaid lääneranniku soodele omast mõõkrohtu. Lubjarikka aluskorra tõttu laguneb turvas seal hästi ja soo kasv on aeglane. Nehatu soos peatuvad sügisrändel tuhanded sookured ja haned (Kuresoo, 1998). Alam-Pedja looduskaitseala

Loodus → Keskkonna kaitse
39 allalaadimist

Ameerika ühendriigid

States, they decided to build a new capital city. It was George Washington who selected a patch of land for the capital at the mouth of the Potomac River. The task of planning was given to a French officer. He marked first the sites for the great parliament building ­ the Capitol ­ and the residence for the President ­ the White House. Wide streets running north and south and east and west broke up from the Capitol and the White House. Parks were laid out later and trees planted along the streets. It is an unusual city. It is a district ­ the District of Columbia or D. C. The capital got its name after the first president of the United States - George Washington. Washington D. C. looks very special in spring. It is cherry blossom time. The trees have beautiful flowers. Millions of people visit Washington D.C. Tourism is an important business. The other business is government. Every year the president meets the leaders of

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Seksuaalse iseloomuga kuritegude ennetamine

Sotsiaal-Humanitaarinstituut Õigusteaduskond Seksuaalse iseloomuga kuritegude ennetamine Kristine Kaasonen Juhendaja: Lembit Allingu Tallinn 2008 Sisukord Sisukord...................................................................................................................................... 2 1. Sissejuhatus.............................................................................................................................3 2. Seksuaalse iseloomuga kuriteod ............................................................................................ 4 2.1 Vägistamine...................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Vihavägistamine.........................

Õigus → Õigus
34 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun