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"laid" - 230 õppematerjali

laid on September 30, 1975, and the building was inaugurated July 11, 1980 (although the first transmission took place in 1979). The tower body was constructed of reinforced concrete rings 50 cm thick that weigh a total of 17,000 metric tons, and the total tower weight is approximately 20,000 tons.

Kasutaja: laid

Faile: 0

Hanerahu ehk Anerahu laid

Hanerahu ehk Anerahu on 1,2 hektari suurune asustamata laid Vinameres Hiiumaast kagus. Saar asub Phalepa valla territooriumil ja kuulub Hiiumaa laidude maastikukaitseala Laidelahe sihtkaitsevndisse. NIMI: Uuematel Nukogude-aegsetel kaartidel ja ka mitmetel 1990ndate kaartidel kasutatakse nimevormi "Anerahu", maastikukaitseala materjalides aga "Hanerahu" ning vanematel venekeelsetel kaartidel "?????????" vi "?????-????". Nhtavasti on saar nime saanud seal peatuvate ja pesitsevate hallhanede jrgi. Saar

Geograafia → Geograafia
3 allalaadimist

Hiiumaa laidude kaitseala

Lookadastik moodustab olulise osa Saarnaki, Hanikatsi, Kõrgelaiu, Kõverlaiu ja Öakse taimkattes. Metsadest on tavalisemad kaasik, kase-haava ja kase-haava-saare lehtmets ning loomännik, Hanikatsil kasvab ka laialehelist salumetsa. Saarte taimestik on erakordselt liigirikas. Laidudelt on leitud ühtekokku enam kui 600 liiki kõrgemaid taimi, mis on peaaegu pool Eestis looduslikult esinevate taimede üldarvust. Eriti paistab silma Hanikatsi laid oma 444 taimeliigiga, mille hulgas on arvukalt kaitstavaid liike nagu punane tolmpea (II kat.), mets-õunapuu (III kat.), läikiv kurereha (II kat.), harilik muguljuur (II kat.), kärbesõis (II kat.), jumalakäpp (II kat.) jne. Oma levila läänepiiri on siin saavutanud odalehine tihashein, laialehine mailane, metsülane jt. On ka mitmeid ainult meresaartele iseloomulikke liike nagu harjakas härghein, aaskannike ja roosa pajulill. Looduskaitse ja inimtegevus

Geograafia → Geograafia
10 allalaadimist

Hiiumaa maastikurajoon

Mingil määral on säilinud rannaniidud suhteliselt tihedate kadastike näol, kuid kuna siin pole juba ammu loomi karjatatud, toimub kiire kinnikasvamine. Alal leidub ka mitmeid puisniite ja -karjamaid ning osa neist on isegi hooldatud. Väga hästi on säilinud piirkonna asustusmuster, hävinud talukohti peaaegu pole. Piirkond pakub huvi suvilaehituseks. Kagu-Hiiumaa laidude alla kuuluvad peale Hiiumaa laidude maastikukaitseala alla kuuluvate laidude (Hanikatsi ja Saarnaki laid, Vareslaid, Kõrgelaid, Ahelaid, Kõverlaid, Anerahu, Langekare ja Ankrurahu) ka Kaevatsi ja Heinlaid. Kaevatsi laid on madala veeseisu korral ka jala kergesti ligipääsetav ning pakub seetõttu huvi matkajatele-puhkajatele. Laidude kaitseala asutati vabariikliku kaitsealana 1971. aastal, et kaitsta sealset liigirikast taimestikku ja linnustikku. Liigirikkus on ilmselt olnud seotud ka laidude traditsioonilise kasutusega. Asustatud laidudel leidus nii põllu-, heina- kui karjamaad

Loodus → Loodusteadus
24 allalaadimist


Vee pinnakihi soolsus on Taani väinades 8­10 ja Läänemere avaosas 6­7 ning väheneb Soome ja Põhjalahe sopi suunas (väikseim 1­2). 1. SAARED 3 1.1. Liivi lahe saared: Abruka, Adralaid, Ahessäär, Ahtra saar, Allirahu (Kõiguste), Allirahu (Pihtla), Anekäbr, Anulaid, Heinlaid (Tõstamaa laht), Imutlaid, Kakrasiär, Kasselaid, Kihnu, Kirjurahu, Kitselaid (Liivi laht), Kiveslaid, Kunnati laid, Kuralaid, Kõrksaar, Künnisemaa ,Laiamaa, Linnusitamaa, Manilaid, Nabralaid, Oosäär, Orikalaid, Pihelgalaid, Piiukaarelaid, Pitknasv, Punningalaid, Põdvalaid, Põiksäär, Pöörilaid, Rootsiklaid, Ruhnu, Sangõ, Selglaid, Sjõll-laid, Sorg, Suurlaid, Tallukrava, Tepu kare, Tõõdilaid, Täkunasu, Udriku, laid, Uulutilaid, Vahase, Vahelmiserahu, Vesitükk, Viirelaid, Võilaid, Väike-Tulpe saar. 1.2. Soome lahe saared:

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist

Basic Irregular Verbs

forget forgot forgotten forgive forgave forgiven freeze froze frozen get got got give gave given go went gone grow grew grown have had had hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept know knew known lay laid laid lead led led learn learnt learnt leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light lit lit lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met pay paid paid put put put quit quit quit read read read ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen run ran run say said said see saw seen

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Irregular verb

Choose Chose Chosen Valima Ring Rung Rung Helisema Steal Stole Stolen Varastama Mistake Mistake Mistaken Viga Become became become Muutuma Fall fell Fallen Kukkuma Light Lit Lit valgustama Blow Blew Blown Puhuma Run Ran Run Jooksma Stand Stood Stood Seisma Lie Lay Lain Asetsema Fly flewn flown Lendama Lay Laid Laid Panema Think Thought Thought Mõtlema Rise Rose Risen Tõusma Come Came Come Tulema Bite Bit Bitten Hammustama Aet Ate Eaten Sööma Ride Rode Ridden Sõitma Sell Sold Sold Müüma Shake shook shaken Raputama Throw Threw throwen Viskama Find Found Found Leidma Drive Drove Driven Juhtima

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Irregular verb - 100 ebareeglipärast tegusõna

Fly flew flown Tear tore torn Foresee soresaw foreseen tell told told Foretell foretold foretold Think thought thought Forget forgot forgotten Throw threw thrown Forgive forgave forgiven Upset upset upset Get got got Wear wore worn Give gave given Win won won Go went gone Write wrote written Hang hung hung Have/has had Hear heard heard Hit hit hit Hold held held Hurt hurt hurt Know knew known Lay laid laid Lead led led Leave left left Lend lent lent Let let let Light lit lit Lose lost lost Make made made May might ­ Mean meant meant Meet met met

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Ebareeglipärased tegusõnad (kõik)

hang hung hung hear heard heard hide hid hidden hit hit hit hold held held hurt hurt hurt keep kept kept kneel knelt knelt knit knit knit know knew know lay laid laid lead led led leap leaped/leapt leaped/leapt learn learned/learnt learned/learnt leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light lighted/lit lighted lose lost lost make made made

Keeled → Inglise keel
163 allalaadimist

Joseph Mallord William Turner and "The Fighting 'Temeraire'

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851) I'm going to talk a little about Joseph Mallord William Turner and his most gorgeous painting ,, The Fighting `Temeraire' tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up". Joseph Mallord William Turner was born on 23 April 1775. He was an English Romantic landscape painter, watercolourist and printmaker. He has laid the foundation for Impressionism. Turner is also one of the greatest masters of British watercolour landscape painting. He is commonly known as "the painter of light". One of his main themes was the helplessness and smallness of man against the destructive forces of nature. One of my favourite paintings is "The Fighting `Temeraire' tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up. Turner was in his sixties when he painted this painting. It shows his mastery of painting

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunst
8 allalaadimist

Irregular verbs

hit hit hit take took taken hold held held teach taught taught hurt hurt hurt tear tore torn keep kept kept tell told told know knew known think thought thought lay laid laid throw threw thrown lead led led understand understood understood learn learnt (Inf+ed) learnt (Inf+ed) wake woke woken leave left left wear wore worn lend lent lent win won won

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

English - rregulars verbs


Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

The Houses of Parliament

THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT a.k.a thePalace of Westminster IN GENERAL... The last monarch to live there, Henry VIII, moved out in 1512 Parliament has met in the Palace of Westminster since around 1550 there has been a royal palace on this site for nearly 1,000 years in the 19th Century a fire destroyed most of the earlier medieval buildings HISTORY Was originally laid out for Edward the Confessor more than 1,000 years ago in 1066, became the home of William the Conqueror in 1834, everything except Westminster Hall was burnt in the great fire the present building was designed specifically to house parliament and was laid out in Gothic style by Sir Charles Barry, completed in the 1840's THE BUILDING Nearly 1,200 rooms 100 staircases over 3 kilometres (two miles) ofcorridors located next to the River Thames in London

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

English Irregular Verbs

puhuma blow blew blown vigastama hurt hurt hurt lõhkuma break broke broken hoidma keep kept kept tooma bring brought brought teadma know knew known ehitama build built built asetama lay laid laid plahvatama burst burst burst viima lead led led ostma buy bought bought lahkuma leave left left püüdma catch caught caught lubama let let let valima choose chose chosen lamama lie lay lain

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Ebareeglipärased tegusõnad

Be,was,been-olema Bear,bore,born(e)-taluma Beat,beat,beaten-tukslema Become,became,become-saama Begin,began,begun-algama Bite,bit,bitten-hammustama Blow,blew,blown-puhuma Break,broke,broken-lõhkuma Build,built,built-ehitama Burn,burnt(burned),-II- -põlema Burst,burst,burst-lõhkema Buy,bought,bought-ostma Can,could,(been able to)-oskama Catch,caught,caught-püüdma Choose,chose,chosen-valima Come,came,come-tulema Cost,cost,cost-maksma Cut,cut,cut-lõikama Deal,dealt,dealt-nr. valima Dig,dug,dug-kaevama Do,did,done-tegema Dream,dreamt(dreamed),-II- -unistama Drink,drank,drunk-jooma Eat,ate,eaten-sööma Fall,fell,fallen-kukkuma Feed,fed,fed-toitma Feel,felt,felt-tundma Fight,fought,fought-kaklema Find,found,found-leidma Flee,fled,fled-põgenema Fly,flew,flown-lendama Forbid,forbade,forbidden-keelama Forget,forgot,forgotten-unustama Forgive,forgave,forgiven-andestama Freeze,froze,frozen-külmuma Get,got,got-saama Give,gave,given-andma Go,went,gon...

Keeled → Inglise keel
113 allalaadimist

99 ebareeglipärast tegusõna

9 süütama light lit lit 10 kaevama dig dug dug 11 toitma feed fed fed 12 tundma feel felt felt 13 leidma find found found 14 midagi saama get got got 15 rippuma hang hung hung 16 hoidma keep kept kept 17 asetama lay laid laid 18 jätma/lahkuma leave left left 19 tegema make made made 20 kohtama meet met met maksma(raha välja pay paid paid 21 andma) 22 ütlema say said said 23 müüma sell sold sold 24 särama shine shone shone 25 tulistama shoot shot shot

Keeled → Inglise keel
214 allalaadimist

Tegusõnad, täisminevik ja eessõnad.

29.See ­ saw ­ seen - nägema 30.Sing ­sang ­ sung - laulma 31.Sleep - slept ­ slept - magama 32.Take ­ took ­ taken - võtma 33.Wear ­ wore ­ worn - kandma 34. Write ­ wrote ­ written ­ kirjutama 35. Hang ­ hung ­ hung ­ riputama 36.Win ­ won ­won ­ võitma 37.Sit ­ sat ­ sat ­ istuma 38.Bite ­ bit ­ bitten ­ hammustama 39.Cost ­ cost ­ cost ­ maksma, väärt olema 40.Cut ­ cut ­ cut ­ lõikama 41.Know ­ knew ­ known ­ teadma, tundma 42.Lay ­ laid ­ laid ­ panema, asetama 43.Light ­ lit ­ lit ­süütama 44.Mean ­ meant ­ meant ­ tähendama 45.Ride ­ rode ­ ridden ­ ratsutama 46.Upset - upset ­ upset ­ ärritama 47.Swing ­ swung ­ swung ­ kiikuma, õõtsutades liikuma 48.Send ­ sent - sent ­ saatma 49. Run ­ ran ­ run ­ jooksma 50.Ring ­ rang ­ rung ­ helistama, helisema 51. Strike ­ struck ­ struck ­ lööma Eessõnad ajamäärustes ­ In: In the morning In the evening In the afternoon

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist


­ ained, mis kõrvaldavad valu või takistavad selle teket, pärssides kokkupuutel närvikoega pöörduvalt erutuse levikuks vajalikku aktsioonipotentsiaali. LAde klassifikatsioon Looduslikud ­ ainuke esindaja on kokaiin. Sünteetilised ­ bupivakaiin, lidokaiin, prokaiin jt. LAde klassifikatsioon Estrid Novokaiin e. prokaiin Tetrakaiin e. dikaiin jt. Amiidid Lidokaiin e. ksülokaiin Bupivakaiin jt. LAide farmakoloogilised toimed LAid inhibeerivad erutuse ülekannet närvikiududes, sensoorsetel lõpmetel ja sünapsites. LAide farmakoloogilised toimed Puutudes kokku närviga, kutsuvad närvi innerveeritaval alal esile tundlikkuse kao ja motoorse halvatuse. Innervatsiooni kadu toimub reeglina järjekorras Valutundlikkus Puutetundlikkus Temperatuuritundlikkus Motoorne innervatsioon. Na+-kanalid

Keemia → Keemia
9 allalaadimist

Irregular verbs

alustama begin began begun näitama show showed shown andestama forgive forgave forgiven olema be was been andma give gave given omama have had had asetama lay laid laid ostma buy bought bought ehitama build built built otsima seek sought sought elama dwell dwelt dwelt painutama bend bent bent ennustama forecast forecast forecast paiskama cast cast cast haisema stink stank stunk paisutama swell swelled swollen haistma smell smelt smelt panema put put put

Keeled → Inglise keel
114 allalaadimist

Irregular verbs

40. Grow grew grown-kasvama, kasvatama 41. Hang hung hung-rippuma, riputama 42. Have had had-omama 43. Hear heard heard-kuulma 44. Hide hid hidden-peitma, varjama 45. Hit hit hit-lööma 46. Hold held held-hoidma, pidama 47. Hurt hurt hurt-haiget tegema, vigastama 48. Keep kept kept-hoidma, pidama 49. Know knew known-teadma, tundma 50. Lay laid laid-asetama, panema 51. Lead led led-juhtima, viima 52. Learn learnt learnt-õppima 53. Leave left left-lahkuma, jätma 54. Lend lent lent-laenuks andma 55. Let let let-lubama, laskma 56. Lie lay lain-lebama, asetsema 57. Light lit lit-valgustama, süütama 58. Lose lost lost-kaotama 59. Make made made-valmistama, tegema 60. Mean meant meant-tähendama, silmas pidama 61. Meet met met-kohtuma 62

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist


Araabia Tartu Kivilinna Kool Konstantin Tretiakov Tiit Vestrik 7.A klass Vapp ja lipp Riigi- ja rahvuslipp võeti kasutusele 2. detsember 1971. Lipp on horisontaalsete väljadega trikoloor, rohe-valge-must. Kanga vardapoolsele küljele on lisatud vertikaalne punane laid. Riigikord Araabia Ühendemiraatides elab 4 975 593 inimest (2010. aasta seisuga). 2008. aasta seisuga elab 78% elanikkonnast linnades. Kultuur ja religioon Araabia Ühendemiraatide ametlik usund on islam.2005. aasta andmete järgi moodustasid 76% rahvastikust moslemid, 9% kristlased ja 15% muud (peamiselt budistid ja hindud). Rahva muusika Täname kuulamast ja vaatamast

Geograafia → Geograafia
5 allalaadimist

Washington Monument.

Washington Monument Facts · Located in Washington DC · 169.29 metres high · It consists of 36,491 stones · It's the highest structure in Washington · It's one of the highest structures in the world · Fifty flags surround the base of it, symbolizing the 50 states of the USA History · It was built in honour of George Washington, the first president of the USA · The cornerstone was laid on July 4, 1848 · Due to several setbacks, the monument stood incomplete at the height of about 50 metres for 25 years. · It was opened to public on October 8, 1888 Thank you!

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Irregular Verbs (Present-Past)

become became begin began blow blew break broke build built buy bought catch caught come came cost cost cut cut do did drink drank drive drove eat ate feel felt find found fly flew forget forgot freeze froze get got give gave go went have had hear heard hit hit hold held hurt hurt keep kept know knew lay laid lead led leave left lend lent let let lie lied lose lost make made meet met pay paid put put read read ride rode ring rang run ran say said see saw sell sold send sent show showed sit sat sleep slept speak spoke spend spent stand stood swim swam take took teach taught tell told

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Irregular english verbs

heave heaved, hove heaved, hove hew hewed hewed, hewn hide hid hidden, hid hit hit hit hold hold held hurt hurt hurt inlay inlaid inlaid keep kept kept kneel knelt knelt knit knitted, knit knitted, knit know knew known lay laid laid lead led led learn learnt, learned learnt, learned leave left left lend lent lent let let let lie lay lain light lighted, lit lighted, lit lose lost lost make made made mean meant meant meet met met

Keeled → Inglise keel
61 allalaadimist

Irregular verbs

TO HEAR hear heard hearing heard TO HIDE hide hid hiding hidden TO HOLD hold held holding held TO HURT hurt hurt hurting hurt TO KEEP keep kept keeping kept TO KNEEL kneel kneeled/knelt kneeling kneeled/knelt TO KNOW know knew knowing known TO LAY (put) lay laid laying laid TO LEAD lead led leading led TO LEAVE leave left leaving left TO LEND lend lent lending lent TO LET let let letting let TO LIE (recline) lie lay lying lain TO LIE (fib) lie lied lying lied INFINITIVE SIMPLE SIMPLE PRESENT PAST

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist

Inglise keele 3 põhivormi

hit hit hit Lööma hold held held hoidma hurt hurt hurt Haavama, valutama keep kept kept hoidma kneel knelt knelt põlvitama knit knit knit kuduma know knew know teadma lay laid laid Panema, asetama lead led led juhtima leap leaped/leapt leaped/leapt hüppama learn learned/learnt learned/learnt õppima leave left left Lahkuma lend lent lent laenama let let let Lubama, laskma lie lay lain Valetama, lamama

Keeled → Inglise keel
100 allalaadimist


9,631,418 sq km Washington DC US dollar (USD) population: 293,500,000 The first colony established in the US was Spanish 13 colonies: independence in 1776 as the United States of America Colonies: Spain, France, Britain English was spoken in government No official language 80% of people speak only English George Washington was deathly afraid of being buried alive. After he died, he wanted to be laid out for three days just to make sure he was really dead. James Carter was the first president born in a hospital (he was 39th president). In Los Angeles, there are fewer people than there are automobiles. One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television. Pictures from

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Prantsuse keele mõned pere- ja omadussõnad

Le francais Sa grand-mere et son grand-pere ­ vanaema ja vanaisa Sa tante et son oncle ­ tädi ja onu Son cousin ­ nõbu(mees) Sa cousine ­ nõbu(naine) Son pere sa mere ­ isa ja ema Son frere et sa soeur, le fils la fille ­ vend ja õde Le mari et la femme ­ mees ja naine Les parents ­ vanemad Les enfants ­ lapsed Les grand-parents ­ vanavanemad Negatiivne: (non je n'ai pas de frere) - mul ei ole venda Positiivne: (oui, j'ai un frere) - mul on vend Jeune ­ noor Mince ­ peenike Fort, forte ­ tugev Petit, petite ­ väike Grand, grande ­ pikk Laid, laide ­ kole Joli, jolie ­ ilus Gros, grosse ­ paks Vieux, vieille ­ vana Beau, belle ­ ilus Sage ­ korralik Timide ­ arg Dynamique ­ elav, energiline Bete ­ loll Bavard, bavarde ­ lobiseja Intelligent, intelligente ­ tark Mechant, mechante ­ kuri Charmant, charmante ­ võluv Souriant, souriante ­ naeratav Distrait, distraite ­ hajevil Gentil, gentille ­ la...

Keeled → Prantsuse keel
9 allalaadimist

The giant's causeway

The actual history is that the rock formations were created by a lava flow some 65 million years ago by molten basalt rising through a chalk bed, and then cooling and cracking to form the tall columns that make up the causeway. Legend: Legend has it that the Finn McCool built the causeway to walk to Scotland to fight his Scottish counterpart Benandonner. One version of the legend tells that Fionn fell asleep before he got to Scotland. To protect Fionn, his wife Oonagh laid a blanket over him so he could pretend that he was actually their baby son. In a variation, Fionn fled after seeing Benandonner's great bulk, and asked his wife to disguise him as the baby.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

"Pros and Cons of state education"

The Pros and Cons of State Education Most of the people in Estonia receive state education. Estonian schools have been laid down in the National Curriculum. So you get the same education from any of the state schoole. Firstly, I'd like to say that the main problem is that the curriculum is too rigid. Although this gives all the students a fair change of getting a good and even better education, it doesn't take into consideration that some children just can't cope with all that knowledge. This makes the students restless and that leads to bad behaviour.

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Mats Traat

Mats Traat Koostas: Martin Laid 9d Elulugu Sündis 23. novembril 1936. aastal Tartumaal. 1964. aastal lõpetas Gorki Kirjandusinstituudi. 1965-1969. aastatel toimetaja Tallinnfilmis. Siiamaani töötab kirjanikuna. Looming Alustas luuletamist külaelu argiprobleemidest. 1962. aastal ilmus esikluulekogu "Kandilised laulud". Edaspidises loomingus avardas üha oma ainevalda. Looming Teoste keskne teema on maaelu olevik ja minevik. Romaanides kujutab eestlaste lugu. Inimese teisenemine muutuvas ajas. Looming "Traat on oma romaanides kirjutanud eestlaste lugu, aidanud taastada meie vaimset identiteeti ning eneseväärikust. Eepiliste suurteoste kõrval on Traat kirjutanud ka silmapaistvat luulet. Traadi suurus on ta eetoses ja inimsaatuste ning ajaloo keerdkäikude m...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
45 allalaadimist

Eest lipp

· Sini-must-valgeid lippe hoiti salajastes peidupaikades, nende värvide nimel anti tõotusi, et võidelda ja vastu pidada. · Eesti lipu värvid on pärit Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi lipult, mis kujunes rahvuslipuks Riigilipp on riigi ja rahva sümbol, lippu peetakse pühaks ja tema rüvetamise eest karistatakse seadusega. Eesti riigilipp, mis on ühtlasi ka rahvuslipuks, on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: · ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. · , lipu normaalsuurus on 105x165 sentimeetrit. Värvide tähendus: S i n i n e - väljendas usku ja lootust eesti rahva tulevikku, samuti oli see ustavuse sümboliks M u s t - pidi meenutama eesti rahva sünget ja piinavat minevikku, kodumaa musta mulda, luuletustes on musta peetud armastuse sümboliks V a l g e - sümboliseerib eesti rahva püüdeid hariduse ja vaimuvalguse poole, samuti talvist

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Eesti riigilipp

Eesti riigilipp. Riigilipp on riigi ja rahva sümbol, lippu peetakse pühaks ja tema rüvetamise eest karistatakse seadusega. Eesti riigilipp, mis on ühtlasi ka rahvuslipuks, on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ·ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. ·Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse vahekord on 7:11, lipu normaalsuurus on 105x165 sentimeetrit. Eesti lipu ajalugu. ·Eestluse võimutähisena heiskasid Tallinna koolipoisid sinimust valge lipu Toompea lossi Pika Hermanni torni 12.detsembril 1918. aastal, samal aastal kui kuulutati välja Eesti riik . ·Riigilipuks kinnitati rahvuslipp 1922.a. ·Tervelt 50 aastat oli sinimustvalgete lipuvärvide kasutamine keelatud.

Ühiskond → Ühiskonnaõpetus
10 allalaadimist

The elements of Japanese Garden

The elements of Japanese Garden Water. It is found in many forms. It accumulates in the ponds, runs in the streams or tumbles in the cascades. It contributes to the expression of nature and symbolizes renewal, calm, wonder and continuity in the hereafter. Stones. They are laid out in accordance with strict rules, depending on their shapes and sizes; they often are twinned by pairs. The type of stone to use is one of the most important element, in the design of a Japanese garden. Lantern. Originally intended to guide the visitors during nocturnal celebrations, its light was also considered as the light of knowledge clearing away the clouds of ignorance. Placed near water it provides an architectural element which contrasts with the natural components of the garden.

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
1 allalaadimist

Giza pyramids

The pyramids were built between 2575-2465 BC. There were used 2, 3 million blocks of stone to build the Great Pyramid. Each block of stone weighed 2.5 tons and about 20 men transported it. There was about 100,000 men working there and it took about 20 years to build the Giza pyramid. This is the formula of setting the blocks to the Giza Pyramid : 2,400,000 stones used ÷ 20 years ÷ 365 days per year ÷ 10 work hours per day ÷ 60 minutes per hour = 0.55 stones laid per minute. Giza is the location of the Pyramid of Khufu ­ also known as the "Great Pyramid" and the "Pyramid of Cheops". People believe that the architect of the Great Pyramid is Khufu's vizier, Hemon or Hemiunu. The Giza Necropolis has been a popular tourist destination since antiquity, and was popularised in Hellenistic times when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Today it is the only one of the ancient

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Esitlus hiiiumaa kohta

Mitmekesine loomastik Vetes on ka palju kalaliike Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Inimmõju hinnang Ilus maastik Looduslähedane paik Prügila Loodusressursside hinnang Põllupidamine Kalandus Kultuurilugu Muusikafestivalid Kuulsad inimesed Vaatamisväärsused Laiud Üle 200 laiu Suurus Saarnaki laid Vaatamisväärsused Rahnud Helmerseni kivikülv Kukka kivi Vaatamisväärsused Tuletornid Kõpu tuletorn Teised tuletornid Täname kuulamast/vaatamast!

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

German Occupation of Estonia During WWII

as "hostile" to the Soviet Union. Summer War · After Germany invaded the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, Finland sided with Germany in the Continuation War. · Thousands of people including a large portion of women and children were killed. · Dozens of villages, schools and public buildings were burned to the ground. German Occupation · Most Estonians greeted the Germans with relatively open arms. · In April 1941, Alfred Rosenberg laid out his plans for the East. · Rosenberg felt that Estonians were the most Germanic out of the people living by the Baltic Sea. The Holocaust · The first records of some jews in Estonia date back to the 14th century. · The creation of the Republic of Estonia marked the beginning of a new era for Jews. · Nazi government's intention was to use the Baltic countries as their main area of mass genocide. · Approximately 10,000 jews were killed in Estonia.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Kings and queens

Alfred the Great - King of Wessex (part of England). All British modern British monarchs trace from the Wessex line. William I, the Conqueror. Founder of the modern British state. Henry II - added Ireland the British possessions John I - signed Magna Carta, the beginigs of the British constitution Edward I - conquered Wales Edward III - started 100 years war Henry V - Last great warrior king Henry VIII - Broke England away from Catholic church. Elizabeth I - laid the seeds of the British Empire, and tons of other stuff James I - Was King James VI of Scotland, inherited throne from Elizabeth I, united England and Scotland Charles I - Overthrown by Parliament and executed. Replaced by a republic Charles II - son of above, put on throne after republic turned out to be a really bad idea. Last monarch to have an independent income. After him, Parliament held tight control on monarch's money. William III and Mary II - Only husband and wife to rule equally

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Füüsikaliste suuruste mõõtmine ja dimensioon

Tallinna Saksa Gümnaasium 9.d klass Sylva Reivik Juhendajad :Õpetajad Reet- Brigitta Laid,Tiina Nõges Tallinn 2007 Sisukord Sissejuhatus, Põhimõisted Rahvusvaheline mõõtühikute süsteem Dimensioonivalem Kasutatud allikad Põhimõisted Füüsikaline suurus on omadus, mis on kvalitatiivselt ühine paljudele nähtustele, protsessidele või objektidele, kuid kvantitatiivselt on individuaalne iga nähtuse, protsessi või objekti jaoks. Füüsikalise suuruse mõõtühik on selline

Füüsika → Füüsika
31 allalaadimist

English Parliament

Mikk Hödemann 12.d klass English Parliament What can I say about the English history at all? I think that this is the most interesting history I had to study. During this subject (British civilization), I discovered some exciting facts, occasions which took place in the British history. One of these "discoveries" was the English Parliament. I was amazed how fast it grew within the centuries, from eleventh to seventeenth centuries. The political history of British Isles over the past 800 years has been largely one of reducing the power of the monarchy and transferring authority to a London-based Parliament as the sovereign legislative body for all of Britain. This development has resulted in political, social and religious conflicts, as well as evolving governmental and constitutional institutions. The early political history of the British Isles is the story of four independent cou...

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Towns in Roman Britain

Ingrit Roosileht 7.Klass 2013 Roman roads The Romans built Britain's first towns. They built towns all over Britain as centers to administer the people they had conquered. Within 17 years of the invasion, they had several major towns connected by the famous Roman roads. Towns soon became important places for meetings and trade. What were Roman towns like? v The Roman towns were full of fine buildings and temples. v Streets were laid out in neat, straight lines, like on a chess- board. In the middle there was a large square, called the forum v Many towns had running water and sewers. Aqueducts were bridges for bringing water to the towns. Only the rich had water piped to their houses; everyone else used water from public fountains. The only toilets were public lavatories, which were built around the town and connected to underground sewers. What could you find in most Roman towns?

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The most important key dates in Estonian history

1154 ­ First written mention of Tallinn (by al-Idrisi) 13th century ­ German and Danish invade Estonia. Estonians' numerous attempts to restore independence fail 1343 ­ St. George's Night uprising 1558-1583 ­ the Livonian War after which Northern Estonia is occupied by Sweden and Southern Estonia occupied by Poland 1632 ­ Tartu University was founded 1860-1885 ­ the era of national awakening, the foundation for Estonian journalism was laid, collection of folklore 1869 ­ First all-Estonian Song Festival in Tartu 1884 ­ The blue-black-and-white flag of Estonian Students' Society was consecrated 24 February 1918 ­ the birth of the Republic of Estonia 23 June 1919 ­ victory over Landeswehr in the Battle of Võnnu 2 February 1920 ­ Tartu Peace Treaty with Russians 1920-1940 ­ independent Republic of Estonia

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Powerpoint William Blake'st (inglise keeles)

Much of his poetry recounts in symbolic allegory the effects of the French and American revolutions. Death On the day of his death, Blake worked on his Dante series. Eventually, it is reported, he ceased working and turned to his wife, who was in tears by his bedside. Beholding her, Blake is said to have cried, "Stay Kate! Keep just as you are ­ I will draw your portrait ­ for you have ever been an angel to me." Having completed this portrait (now lost), Blake laid down his tools and began to sing hymns and verses.At six that evening, after promising his wife that he would be with her always, Blake A Negro Hung Alive by the Ribs to a Gallows" The lovers The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with Sun

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Eesti lipp

Eesti lipp Eesti riigilipp on ühtlasi rahvuslipp. Ta on ristkülik, mis koosneb kolmest võrdse laiusega horisontaalsest värvilaiust: ülemine laid on sinine, keskmine must ja alumine valge. Lipu laiuse ja pikkuse suhe on 7:11, heisatava lipu tavasuurus on 105 korda 165 sentimeetrit. Esimene sinimustvalge lipp pühitseti ja õnnistati Eesti Üliõpilaste Seltsi lipuna Otepääl 4. juunil 1884. aastal. Järgnevate aastakümnete jooksul sai sinimustvalgest lipust Eesti rahvuslipp. Esimese määruse Eesti riigilipu kohta võttis vastu Eesti Vabariigi ajutine valitsus 21. novembril 1918. aastal. 1922

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
3 allalaadimist

Irregular Verbs - Ebareeglipärased Sõnad

II vorm ­ Hit II vorm ­ Held III vorm - Hit III vorm - Held Haiget tegema/saama = Hurt Hoidma, Pidama (2) = Keep I vorm ­ Hurt I vorm ­ Keep II vorm ­ Hurt II vorm ­ Kept III vorm - Hurt III vorm - Kept Teadma = Know (Lauda) Katma, asetama = Lay I vorm ­ Know I vorm ­ Lay II vorm ­ Knew II vorm ­ Laid III vorm - Known III vorm - Laid Juhtima = Lead Lahkuma = Leave I vorm ­ Lead I vorm ­ Leave II vorm ­ Led II vorm ­ Left III vorm - Led III vorm - Left Lubama, laskma = Let Lamama = Lie I vorm ­ Let I vorm ­ Lie II vorm ­ Let II vorm ­ Lay III vorm - Let III vorm - Lain Tegema = Make Tähendama = Mean I vorm ­ Make I vorm ­ Mean

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Introducing Red Grouse Scoticus (Lagopus Lagopus scotica )

sometimes dogs hunt them. What they eat? The Red Grouse is herbivorous and feeds mainly on the shoots, seeds and flowers of heather. It will also feed on berries, cereal crops and sometimes insects. Breeding form pairs during the autumn males become increasingly territorial as winter progresses nest is a shallow scrape up to 20 cm across which is lined with vegetation six to nine eggs are laid, mainly during April and May glossy and pale yellow with dark brown blotches eggs are incubated for 19 to 25 days, the chicks can fly after 12 to 13 days after hatching and are fully grown after 30 to 35 days The Red Grouse and humans game bird shot in large numbers during the shooting season Parasites and viruses Strongylosis or 'grouse disease' is caused by the strongyle worms Louping ill virus is a flavivirus (RNA virus)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Eesti geograafiline asend

Riia lahe vahel. Mandri-Eesti keskpunkt on 58 kraadi 41 minutit põhjalaiust ja 25 kraadi ja 54 minutit idapikkust, mille kivine tähis asub Tallinn-Tartu maantee ääres Adaverest paar kilomeetrit lõuna pool vasakul pool metsatukas. Eestimaa: ·idapoolsem paik - Narva linn (280 13/ ip ·lõunapoolseim paik - Naha talu, mis asub Peetri jõe ääres Mõniste vallas Võrumaal 570 30/ pl ·läänepoolsem paik - Nootamaa laid Saaremaa läänerannikul (210 46/ ip), mandriosas Ramsi neem Noarootsi poolsaarel (230 24/ ip) ·põhjapoolsem paik - Vaindloo saar Soome lahes, mandriosas aga Purrekari neem Pärispea poolsaare tipus, 590 40/ pl Lääne-Euroopas on Eestiga samal laiusel Kesk-Rootsi ja Lõuna-Norra. Loodusgeograafilisest aspektist on Eesti koos teiste Läänemere rannikumaadega parasvöötme põhjaosa ja Ida-Euroopa lauskmaa läänepoolsem ning ühtlasi merelisem osa.

Geograafia → Geograafia
16 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ebareeglipäraseid sõnu ja nende tähendusi

Hoidma, püsima Hold Held Held Valu/haiget tegema Hurt Hurt Hurt Inkrusteerima Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Pidama, hoidma Keep Kept Kept Põlvitama Kneel Knelt Knelt (varrastel) kuduma Knit Knit Knit Teadma, tundma Know Knew Known Asetama Lay Laid Laid Juhtima Lead Led Led Toetuma, nõjatuma Lean Lean(-t/-ed) Lean(-t/-ed) Hüppama Leap Leap(-t/ed) Leap(-t/ed) Õppima, teada saama Learn Learn(-t/ed) Learn(-t/ed) Lahkuma, maha jätma Leave Left Left Laenama Lend Lent Lent

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist


century to the 1990's. Located in the home of a medieval merchant in the heart of the Old Town, the City Museum introduces Tallinn with a completely new, attractive permanent exhibition, which is called "The City Which will Never be Completed". Kadriorg Palace ­ The Kadriorg Art Museum Peter I began building the palace in 1718, and it was called Ekaterinenthal, or Catherinenthal, in honour of Catherine I. It is said that the tsar himself laid the first foundation stones for the palace. Tallinn Song Festival Grounds this sprawling event venue in Kadriorg has a special place in the hearts of Estonians. It was here in 1988 that the Singing Revolution, a massive, musical demonstration against Soviet rule, set Estonia on its road towards independence. Tallin is a beautiful city and I liks to live here. Tallinn has it's own good and bad

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ebareeglipäased tegusõnad - irregular verbs

2 grow grew grown 2.5 catch caught caught 4.3 know knew known 2.6 feel felt felt 2.7 find found found 2.8 get got got, gotten 2.9 hang hung hung 5 ­ng 2 2.10 have had had 5.1 ring rang rung 2.11 hear heard heard 5.2 sing sang sung 2.12 keep kept kept 2.13 lay aid laid 2.14 learn learnt, learned learnt, learned 6 ­come 2 2.15 leave left left 6.1 become became become 2.16 lose lost lost 6.2 come came come 2.17 make made made 2.18 mean meant meant 2.19 meet met met 2.20 pay paid paid 7 ­n 4 2.21 sell sold sold 7

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Retsensioon "Disko pole oluline, punk on põhiline!"

Martin Laid 11a Retsensioon 2010. aasta suvel 15. juunil käisin Pirita kloostri varemetes eesti punki 30ndaks sünnipäevaks korraldatud kontsertuuril ,,Disko pole oluline, punk on põhiline!". Kokku toimus selle tähtpäeva tähistamiseks 8 kontserti selle tuuri raames. Kontsertil esitati ainult parimaid ja tuntumaid eesti punki palasid, nagu näiteks Singer Vingeri ,,Massikommunikatsioon", Vennaskonna ,,Insener Garini Hüperboloid", jne

Muusika → Muusika
11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun