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"ireland" - 344 õppematerjali

ireland -

Andmetöötlus TTÜ 1 kodutöö

3 6 2006-2012 2006 2012 0 0 2 8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Kodutöö Exceli valemeid kasutades lahendage järgmised ülesanded. Vormindage tulemused otst Lahendustega fail laadige üles Moodle kursusel. Töö esitamise tähtaeg on 7. oktoober kell 23:55 NB! Kõik tulemused tuleb leida valemite abil! Valemid tabelites peavad olema kopeerita Vajadusel kasutage abilahtreid/abiveerge. Ülesande variantide saamiseks sisestage oma õpingukoodi number lahtrisse, mille nimi Lahendada tuleb ainult enda variandi ülesanded, teiste variantide lahendusi ei tohi esitatavas failis Ülesanne 1 Töölehel Ainekava on TABB ainekava. Leidke, kui suur osakaal (protsentides) on majandusteaduskonna ainetel (ainekood algab T-tähega) 1. ainete koguarvus 2. ainepunktide koguarvus. Ülesanne 2 Töölehel Eurostat on andmed Euroopa riikide rahva...

Informaatika → Andmetöötlus
123 allalaadimist

English as a Global Language

as a result of the slave trade, and this dramatically increased in the eighteenth century: a population of little more than 2,500 black slaves in 1700 had become about 100,000 by 1775, far out-numbering the southern whites. [3, p.35] The nineteenth century saw a massive increase in American immigration, as people fled the results of revolution, poverty, and famine in Europe. Large numbers of Irish came following the potato famine in Ireland in the 1840s. Germans and Italians came, escaping the consequences of the failed 1848 revolutions. And, as the century wore on, there were increasing numbers of Central European Jews, especially fleeing from the pogroms of the 1880s. In the first two decades of the twentieth century, immigrants were entering the USA at an average of three-quarters of a million a year. In 1900, the population was just over 75 million. This total had doubled by 1950. [3, p.35]

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Old English Literature

long, built in 121 ­ 127 AD) against the Picts and Scots, bits have survived till today. The Romans bring along the Christian faith ­ The beginning of Christianization of the Celts. The Romans withdrew their forces together with the fall of the Roman empire. Anglo Saxon Invasion ­ 5th ­ 6th century AD. Germanic tribes from Scandinavia: the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes settle in what today is known as England and force the Celtic tribes to move to Scotland, Ireland, Wales. The Angles settled in Northumberland, East Anglia, Mercia; The Saxons in Essex, Sussex, Wessex and the Jutes in Kent. 569 AD Pope Gregory the great sends missionaries led by St. Augustine to Britain. The Benedictines establish a chain of monasteries; Britain is linked to the Latin civilization of the roman Church and Christian cultures of Western Europe. Aethelbert 1 of Kent becomes the first Christian King of England. By the end of the 7 th century all the

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
30 allalaadimist

Australia Topic

They had a great respect of the land and a belief in the Dreamtime. As the population grew and new areas were explored, five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established over the course of the 19th century. On the 1 January 1901, the colonies became states linked by one federal government ­ the Commonwealth of Australia. Settlers came from Britain and Ireland, and the people of Australia are still mainly of British or Irish origin, with a culture and outlook similar to that of the United Kingdom and the United States. After World War II , Australia encouraged mass immigration from Europe. Since the 1970s immigration from Asia and other parts of the world was also encouraged. Culture Australians are making a name for themselves in sports. They are especially well-

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Miks suureneb emigratsioon Eestist ja eriti noorte inimeste emigratsioon

MIKS SUURENEB EMIGRATSIOON EESTIST JA ERITI NOOREMATE INIMESTE EMIGRATSIOON? Essee Juba laulusõnad ütlevad, et "Eestlane olen ja eestlaseks jään" ning rõhutavad, et eestlane olla on uhke ja hää, kuid ometi läheb iga aasta aina rohkem ja rohkem eestlasi välismaale elama. Paljud neist unustavad ära oma emakeele ja ei tule enam kunagi Eestisse tagasi. Tekib küsimus, et miks lähevad eestlased välismaale? Väljaränne ehk emigratsioon on olnud viimastel aastatel väga aktuaalne teema eestlaste, eriti noorte seas. Eesti elanikkond väheneb, mis tähendab, et väljarännanud inimesed ei pruugigi Eestisse tagasi tulla ning sellega väheneb ka meie riigi iive. Eestist lahkujate hulgas on rohkem naisi, aga saabujatest enamus on mehed, mistõttu väheneb naiste arv väljarände tõttu rahvastikus enam. Vanuseliselt on kõige aktiivsemad välisrändes osalejad 20–44-aastased. Seda on näha ka juuresolevalt diagrammilt(2013.aasta statistik...

Politoloogia → Politoloogia
21 allalaadimist

Word order, articles, prepositions, adverb, adjective

getting to the other side swim across the lake througt something with limits on top, bottom and the sides drive through the tunnel to movement to person or building go to the cinema movement to a place or country go to London / Ireland for bed go to bed towards movement in the direction of something (but not go 5 steps towards the house directly to it) onto movement to the top of something jump onto the table from n the sense of where from A flower from the garden

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
35 allalaadimist

Maavärinad ja nende poolt maailmas tekitatud kahju aastatel 2000-2011

Maavärinad ning nende poolt maailmas tekitatud kahju aastatel 2000-2011 Maarja-Liis Salumäe Audentese e-gümaanisum 2013 Tallinn Maavärinad ja nende poolt maailmas tekitatud kahju aastatel 2000-2011 Maavärin on maapinna lühiajaline järsk kõikumine või rappumine, mis on seismilistest lainetest põhjustatud ning vastavalt tugevusele võivad põhjustada tohutuid kahjustusi ja katastroofe. Maavärina võimsuse hindamiseks kasutatakse Richteri skaalat. Maavärinad võivad toimuda ükskõik kus, kuid ei toimu igal pool sama tihedalt, suurim tõenöosus on maavärina tekkeks seal kus on tektoooniliste laamade liitumiskohad Keskmiselt toimub maal väga tugev maavärin iga kahe aasta tagant. Magnituudiga 9.0-9.9 maavärinate toimumissagedus on kord 20 aasta jooksul, magnituudiga...

Geograafia → Geograafia
30 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle;arutlev kirjand

there are going to be more people next year either to praise or suffer from it. But not the emotions count at the moment, the future does ­ we must all learn from this wonderful book that wit is not easily gained, however ­ once it's collected, it'll be never lost again. The first chapter includes three specially chosen units. Unit one includes reading about the UK, learning how to form questions, listening, some vocabulary exercises, monologue and, of course, an `extra word exercise' about Ireland. The sweetest part will be probably the last one since I used to like the game odd-man-out in middle school. We often played it, as well as Bingo and Puzzle, but finding a word lost in a bizarre of difficultly read context was still my favourite! I have high expectations for it. Unit two is somewhat odd-man-out. It has economy vocabulary and two huge countries: the US and Canada. Especially I'm curious about the last one since one of my favourite music bands, Billy Talent's homeland is Canada

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist

Andmetöötluse 2. kodutöö

Exceli valemeid ja töövahendeid kasutades leidke vastused järgmistele küsimustele. Lahendus laadige üles keskkonda Töö esitamise tähtaeg on 30. oktoober kell 8:00. 0 Töölehel ELriigid on Euroopa Liidu (EL) riikide loetelu eesti ja inglise keeles. Töölehel on andmed Eesti 2017. aasta väliskaubanduse kohta. Töölehel Eurostat on andmed Euroopa riikide rahvaarvu kohta. 1. Arvutage kaubavahetuse kogumaht iga riigi kohta (eksport + import) ning kuvage see summa miljo 2. Tehke eraldi andmetabel (list) nendest riikidest, mille kaubavahetuse kogumaht moodustab vähema 3. Leidke, kui palju nendest riikidest (vähemalt 2% väliskaubanduse üldmahust) ei kuulu ELi. 4. Leidke EL riikide osatähtsus Eesti väliskaubanduse üldmahus. 5. Leidke Suurbritannia koht Eesti kaubavahetuses EL riikidega. 6. Leike, mitme euro eest kaupu eksportis Eesti EL r...

Informaatika → Andme-ja tekstitöötlus
89 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Keskaegne Inglismaa (1066-1485)

A sign dedicated to the plague of 1348 at the port of Weymouth The Black Death in medieval London Richard II is known for trying to establish absolutism in England - He managed to surpress the Peasants' Revolt, a rebellion of peasants, in 1381 while only 14 years old - The massive threat of their disobedience made the King wary and this lead to the strive for absolutism While the King was in Ireland, plotters were gathering forces against him Richard II was taken to the Tower where he alledgedly resigned the crown to his cousin who became Henry IV in 1399 By descendance, Henry IV was the first King from the Lancaster branch - During his reign, he had to face many rebellions, most notably the Rebellion of the Welsh (1400- 1410) but was successful because of his son's military abilities Henry IV was succeeded by his son Henry V in 1413

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Briti kirjanduse portfoolio

Dublin, to Sir William Wilde and his wife Jane Francesca Wilde Wilde studied classics at Trinity College, Dublin, from 1871 to 1874. He was an outstanding student, and won the Berkeley Gold Medal, the highest award available to classics students at Trinity. After graduating from Oxford, Wilde returned to Dublin, where he met and fell in love with Florence Balcombe. She in turn became engaged to Bram Stoker. On hearing of her engagement, Wilde wrote to her stating his intention to leave Ireland permanently. He left in 1878 and was to return to his native country only twice, for brief visits. In London, he met Constance Lloyd, daughter of wealthy Queen's Counsel Horace Lloyd. She was visiting Dublin in 1884, when Oscar was in the city to give lectures at the Gaiety Theatre. He proposed to her and they married on May 29, 1884 in Paddington, London. Wilde died of cerebral meningitis on November 30, 1900. Different opinions are given as to the cause of the meningitis

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
60 allalaadimist


Report of SCOTLAND Maiki Joakit 10. klass 2008 Etymology Scotland is from the Latin Scoti, the term applied to Gaels. The Late Latin word Scotia (land of the Gaels) was initially used to refer to Ireland. By the 11th century at the latest, Scotia was being used to refer to (Gaelic-speaking) Scotland north of the river Forth, alongside Albania or Albany, both derived from the Gaelic Alba. The use of the words Scots and Scotland to encompass all of what is now Scotland became common in the Late Middle Ages. History Repeated glaciations, which covered the entire land-mass of modern Scotland, have destroyed any traces of human habitation that may have existed before the Mesolithic period

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö
17 allalaadimist

Outstanding figures in British literature

Outstanding figures in British literature Eva Martina Põder 11.b British literature Refers to all literature produced by British authors from the United Kingdom, which includes England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man Includes early works written in Gaelic, Welsh, and Latin, works in Old, Middle, and Modern English, each of which represents a different period Full of great works British works in Latin Venerable Bede He lived between 673 and 735 AD The greatest of all the AngloSaxon scholars He's the earliest English historian, whose work has shed light on a period of English history that would have otherwise been unknown ,,The Father of English History"

Keeled → British literature
2 allalaadimist

History of Football

established in England, with Chaucer even referencing it in his Canterbury Tales. It was by no means solely confined to the lower orders either, as the Great Wardrobe of Henry VIII in 1526 recorded `one leather pair (of shoes) for football', and decrees around 1555 were required to ban football at the colleges of Cambridge and Oxford University. Football was also prevalent beyond English borders, with the game first mentioned in Ireland in the 1527 Statute of Galway and a ball found in Scotland which dates back to 1540 and was supposedly used for football. Across the continent too, other forms of the game were visible like the 16th century Calcio Fiorentino in Florence and La Soule in Normandy. The establishment of football as a proper sport The first signs of football developing from its mob roots came with the publication of the naturalist Francis Willoughby's `Book of Sports' around 1660. In this work,

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Tallinn Old Town

Singing and songs have played a very important role in Estonian history. Songs were sung when cottagers tilled the manor land, singing sparked the "awakening" era in Estonia, our troops sang national songs fighting through the world wars and during the end of eighties, the Singing Revolution (which started right here on the Song Festival grounds) enabled us to regain our independence from the Soviet Union. The Estonian national collection of folk songs comes second only to Ireland. 2007, the first-ever punk-song-choir festival was organised in Estonia. In 2010 the first ever digital song festivalwas held in Estonia. Our Night Song Festivals (Öölaulupidu) and (M)Ärkamisaeg (Awakening Time/Noticing Time), are events held to honour our independence, and are the world's largest music events in the world in terms of the percentage of population (over 25%) participating! The joint choir on

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

· Azerbaijan · Guadeloupe Island) · Bahamas · Guam · St Kitts & Nevis · Barbados · Guernsey · St Lucia · Belarus · Honduras · Suriname · Belgium · Hong Kong · Swaziland · Belize · Hungary · Sweden · Bermuda · Iceland · Switzerland · Bosnia & · India · Tonga Herzegovina · Ireland · Trinidad & · Botswana · Isle of Man Tobago · British · Israel · Turkey Antarctic · Italy · Turks & Caicos Territory · Japan · Tuvalu · British Guyana · Jersey · Ukraine · British Virgin · Kazakhstan · United Islands · Kiribati Kingdom & · Brunei · Korea Northern

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Suurbritannia eripedagoogilise sekkumise süsteem

TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL Kasvatusteaduste Instituut SUURBRITANNIA ERIPEDAGOOGILISE SEKKUMISE SÜSTEEM Referaat Tallinn 2011 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS ........................................................................................................................ 3 1. SEKKUMISE ALANE SEADUSANDLUS ...................................................................... 4 1.1. Eriharidussüsteem üldise haridussüsteemi sees ........................................................... 4 1.2. Õigussüsteem ............................................................................................................... 5 1.3. Hariduslike erivajaduste märkamine ........................................................................... 6 2. TEENUSTE SUUNATUS JA STRUKTUUR ................................................................

Pedagoogika → Eripedagoogika
99 allalaadimist

Eraelu puutumatus

kolmandate isikute rünnete eest. Näiteks tuvastas EIK konvensiooni rikkumise kaasuses, kus riik ei saanud kehtivate kriminaalseaduste alusel kriminaalmenetlust algatada isiku vastu, kes ründas seksuaalselt vaimselt alaarenenud tütarlast (X and Y vs Netherlands 1985). Riik rikub eralu puutumatust ka juhul, kui ta ei vii läbi kriminaalmenetlust vägistamise asjus juhtudel, kui naine ei osuta aktiivset vastupanu (M.C vs Bulgaria p 166). Sarnaselt leidis EIK kaasuses Airey vs Ireland, et riik oleks pidanud võimaldama naisele efektiivseid õiguskaitsevahendeid tema abikaas vastu, kes naist halvasti kohtles. (Annus 2006, lk 288-289) KOKKUVÕTE Taavi Annuse raamatus ,,Riigiõigus" toodud komentaarid ja seletused põhiseaduse paragrahv 26 kohta kattuvad olulisel määral minu arusaamadega eraelu puutumatuse kohapealt. Kõik olilisedmad nüansid olen oma töös esitanud just nii, et saaks kiir ülevaate eraelu puutumatusest

Õigus → Õigusteadus
102 allalaadimist

The Development of Reese Hoffa

Back Hypers 2x10 Friday Walking twists 4x25m Back Squats (see above) Hip Raises on box 2x10 each leg 4x100m build- build-ups after lifting Summer Results between USA' USA's and World Championships Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Rep. 21.77m June 27th Cork, Ireland 21.47m June 30th Madrid, Spain 20.81m July 21st London, UK 22.43m Aug 3rd Osaka, Japan 21.12m Aug 23rd World Champs (Q) 20

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Queen Elizabeth I lifestory

Later years The period after the defeat of During this time, repression of the Spanish Armada in 1588 Catholics intensified, and brought new difficulties for Elizabeth authorised Elizabeth that lasted the fifteen commissions in 1591 to years until the end of her interrogate and monitor reign. Catholic householders. The conflicts with Spain and To maintain the illusion of in Ireland dragged on, the tax peace and prosperity, she burden grew heavier, and the increasingly relied on internal economy was hit by poor spies and propaganda. harvests and the cost of war. In her last years, mounting Prices rose and the standard of criticism reflected a decline in living fell. the public's affection for her One of the causes for this "second reign" of Elizabeth, as it is sometimes called, was the different character of

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
14 allalaadimist

Briti kirjandus 20.-21. sajand kordamisküsimused vastustega

then allowed to crawl away and rest" (82). Marlowe implies in this passage that the natives were abused, used relentlessly for labor until they were spent, at which point they were "allowed" by the civilized whites to crawl into the grove of death to die. Truly a barbaric and dehumanizing view, using the natives only for their labor power, with no concern for their health or even their existence. 4. James Joyce as a master of European Modernism. Joyce's background. Joyce and Ireland. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Stephen's and Joyce's spiritual searchings. Portrait as a modernist Bildungsroman. Revolution in style and composition. James Joyce as a master of European Modernism. Self-consciously modernist-new ways to express, quite difficult to read. Himself encouraged diversity of opinions concerning his art. ,, Ulysses will give universities something to work on well into the next century". Joyce's background. Ireland, till 1904

Ajalugu → Briti kirjandus 20.-21 sajand
38 allalaadimist

Linking Words and Phrases - õppematerjal

Following "Friends" and "Mad about You," "ER" will be shown. "ER" is supposed to have two Deaf actresses on the show tonight. Words that LIMIT or PREPARE for an example · for example · for instance · to illustrate such as Not all birds eat berries. For example, vultures eat dead animals. Jeff is an interesting person to know. To illustrate, he knows a lot about the history of the Deaf community in Ireland. There are things that need to be done to improve the company. For instance, we can begin by organizing the files. I have a few things to take care of such as paying bills, cleaning the house, and going to the post office. Words that show CAUSE (explain why) · because · because of · caused by Midnight was not able to move around well because his hind legs were in casts. He broke them when he fell off the bookshelf. Did you see the tragic accident on I-85 south

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Tööpoliitika Eestis ja Euroopa Liidus

Samal ajal näiteks kulutasid stabiilselt madala töötusega Taani ja Holland tööpoliitikale vastavalt 2,7% ja 2,5% SKP-st. Belgia -- Belgium Taani -- Denmark Holland -- Netherlands Saksamaa -- Germany Soome -- Finland Hispaania -- Spain Prantsusmaa -- France Austria -- Austria Rootsi -- Sweden Portugal -- Portugal Iirimaa -- Ireland Itaalia -- Italy Poola -- Poland Luksemburg -- Luxembourg Ungari -- Hungary Küpros -- Cyprus Slovakkia -- Slovakia Kreeka -- Greece Bulgaaria -- Bulgaria Malta -- Malta Sloveenia -- Slovenia Ühendkuningriik -- United Kingdom Läti -- Latvia Tsehhi -- Czech Republic Leedu -- Lithuania

Majandus → Majanduspoliitika
94 allalaadimist

Newfoundland & Labrador and Alberta

Alberta The capital of Alberta is Edmonton. The population is 3.7 million people and there are many nationalities. Besides English and French there are also immigrants from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Ukraine and Scandinavia. In Edmonton and Calgary there are also historic Chinatowns, and Calgary has Canada's third largest Chinese community. Geographical features Alberta covers an area of 661,848 square kilometres, an area about 5% smaller than Texas or 20% larger than France. This makes it the fourth largest province after Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia. To the south, the province borders on the 49th parallel north, separating it from the U.S

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Rootsi majandus

0 9 8 8 France 38 815 43 281 4.2 10 9 9 China 37 985 37 218 4.1 2 10 10 Belgium 34 999 37 014 3.8 5 11 11 USA 30 368 29 067 3.3 4 12 12 Italy 26 448 27 944 2.9 5 13 13 Poland 26 121 26 904 2.8 3 14 15 Ireland 14 408 16 252 1.6 11 15 14 Estonia 12 698 17 816 1.4 29 16 16 Spain 11 738 12 467 1.3 6 17 18 Czech Republic 11 307 11 858 1.2 5 18 17 Japan 11 121 11 921 1.2 7 19 19 Austria 9 844 10 960 1.1 10

Majandus → Majandus
14 allalaadimist

Vana-Iiri Jumalikud Rassid-Eloise Hart

inimkonna meelde istutatud. BIBLIOGRAAFIA MacCulloch, J. A., The Religion of the Ancient Celts, T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1911. MacManus, anus, Seumas, The Story of the Irish Race, Devin-Adair Devin Adair Company, New York, 1921. Markale, J., Celtic Civilization, Gordon and Cremonesi, London, 1978. Rees, Alwyn and Rees, Brinley, Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales, Thames and Hudson, London, 1961. Spence, Lewis, The Magic Arts in Celtic Britain, Rider, London, n.d. Squire, Charles, Celtic Myth and Legend, Poetry and Romance, Gresham Publishing Co., London, n.d. Wentz, W. Y. Evans, The Fairy-Faith Faith in Celtic Countries, Oxford University Press, London, 1911. Eesti keelde tõlkija kommentaar kommentaar: ''Kes on kogu Hingega tõeotsingutel

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
4 allalaadimist

Mida ma arvan praegusest majandus olukorrast Eestis ?

Referaat Mida ma arvan praegusest majandus olukorrast Eestis ? Õppeaine: Majandus Õpetaja: Õpilane: Oma kooli nimi+aasta ja kuupäev Mida ma arvan praegusest majandus olukorrast Eestis ? Urmas Varblane Tartu Ülikooli rahvusvahelise ettevõtluse professor : Majanduse uus kasvutsükkel peab toetuma ideele, et Eesti kui piiratud siseturuga väikeriigi puhul on majanduskasvu peamine allikas müügiedu maailmaturul. - Arvan et kui suurendada müügiedu maalimaturul , siis peaks Eesti hakkama ise rohkem mõtlema asjade tootmisele kohapeal. Mitmes rahvusvahelises võrdluses on Eesti majandusliku konkurentsivõime alusel paigutatud väga kõrgele kohale, paljudest arenenud majandusega riikidest ettepoole. Näiteks World Competitiveness Scoreboard ...

Majandus → Majandus
134 allalaadimist

Euroopa Liit

- Üks liige igast EL liikmesriigist - Asutati 1977 - Sõltumatu välisaudiitor Timeline 1951 ECSC - Italy, belgium, netherlands, Luxembourg, france, germany 1955 messina conference 1957 Treaty of Rome - Tekib European Economic Community EEC - Kaubandusliit 1960 – European Free Trade Association 1961 ja 1967 UK proovib liituda aga prantsusmaa ei luba 63; 1965 Merger treaty ja Empty Chair crisis 1969 Economic and Monetary Union - euro 1973 liituvad UK, denmark, ireland 1979 – EP esmesed valimised 1981 – kreeka 1985 – Schengen - Belgium, france, Luxembourg, netherlands, west-germany - Pass ja lipp 1986 Single European Act - liitub spain, portugal - vabam kaubandus 1990 - ühendatud saksamaa 1997 Maastricht treaty - loodakse EL 1995 – liituvad AT, soome, rootsi 2002 – loodakse euro 2004 – 10 riiki Actual konspekt from the begginning Schuman declaration - 1950 - To avoid war

Politoloogia → Euroopa liit
19 allalaadimist

Haridus Soomes

2 Finland Korea Japan Hong Kong-China 4 Netherlands Australia Korea Japan 5 Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Liechtenstein New Zealand 6 Japan New Zealand Australia Macao-China 7 Canada Ireland Macao-China Australia 8 Belgium Sweden Netherlands Liechtenstein 9 Macao-China Netherlands Czech Republic Canada 10 Switzerland Hong Kong-China New Zealand Belgium Konkreetsemalt toimus see järgmiselt. - Põhikoolis määratleti üsna täpselt nõudmiste tase, mille saavutamist õpilastel igal klassiastmel eeldati

Pedagoogika → Heaoluriikide mudel
72 allalaadimist

I Vaimsed võimed ja bioloogilised tegurid

epileptikud. Esimene Indiana osariigis steriliseerimise seadus aastal 1907, näit. 1924-1972 Virginia' s 8300 steriliseerimist. Saksamaal 1933 B. Immigrandid Immigrandid (1905-1914) 10 miljonit inimest. Kvoodid 1914 aastal: 83 % juutidest, 80% ungarlastest, 79 % itaallastest, 87% venelastest on nõrgamõistuslikud. Keskmine vaimne vanus USA-s MA MA England 14.87 Belgium 12.79 Scotland 14.34 Ireland 12.32 Holland 14.32 Austria 12.27 Germany 13.88 Turkey 12.02 U.S. (White) 13.77 Greece 11.90 Denmark 13.69 Russia 11.34 Canada 13.66 Italy 11.01 Sweden 13.30 Poland 10.74 Norway 12.98 Brigham, C. A study of American Intelligence( 1923) C. Üliandekad lapsed Eksperthinnang IQ-le IQ Francis Galton 200

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
6 allalaadimist

I Vaimsed võimed ja bioloogilised tegurid

epileptikud. Esimene Indiana osariigis steriliseerimise seadus aastal 1907, näit. 1924-1972 Virginia' s 8300 steriliseerimist. Saksamaal 1933 B. Immigrandid Immigrandid (1905-1914) 10 miljonit inimest. Kvoodid 1914 aastal: 83 % juutidest, 80% ungarlastest, 79 % itaallastest, 87% venelastest on nõrgamõistuslikud. Keskmine vaimne vanus USA-s MA MA England 14.87 Belgium 12.79 Scotland 14.34 Ireland 12.32 Holland 14.32 Austria 12.27 Germany 13.88 Turkey 12.02 U.S. (White) 13.77 Greece 11.90 Denmark 13.69 Russia 11.34 Canada 13.66 Italy 11.01 Sweden 13.30 Poland 10.74 Norway 12.98 Brigham, C. A study of American Intelligence( 1923) C. Üliandekad lapsed Eksperthinnang IQ-le IQ Francis Galton 200

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
12 allalaadimist


Samblaga kaetud kaljunukid, rahulik eluviis ja sinna juurde kirjud majade seinad. Samamoodi ka eriline pehme ning sügav rohelist värvi muru ning muidugi Atlandi ookeani sinakas-hall värvus. Ja veel palju- palju põnevat, mille pärast tasub kindlasti Iirimaale minna ja seda maad uurida. 3 Iirimaa üldandmed Nimetus: iiri keeles Éire ja inglise keeles Ireland ning eesti keeles Iirimaa Pindala: 70 280 km2 , sellest 68 890 km2 on maismaa ja 1390 km2 meri Rahvaarv: 3,969,558 inimest (2004 aasta) Rahvus: iiri Keel: laialdasemalt inglise keel, kuid paljused kohtades ka iiri e. keldi keel Religioon: laialdasemalt Rooma katoliiklik usk Valitsusvorm: Vabariik Pealinn: Dublin SKT: $29,600 Linnastumise tase: Suuremad linnad: Dublin, Donegal, Kerry, Cork, Powerscourt jne. Rahaühik: euro Haldusjaotus: 32 krahvkonda, mis omakorda jagunevad 4 provintsiks Iive: 1

Geograafia → Geograafia
187 allalaadimist

The Middle Ages

­ 1087. With his victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 Norman rule was established in England. He is also known for building a great number of buildings in London including the Tower of London. Commissioned the Domesday Book. A survey of his newly conquered lands and possessions in England. His death was a riding accident when he fell from his horse. King Henry II Reigned as King of England in 1154­1189. He was the first of Angevin Kings. Henry II made Ireland a part of his domain. He is known as a strong and determined king and he had a terrible temper. King John Reigned as King of England from April 6, 1199 to October 19, 1216. In 1215. he was forced to sign Magna Carta by the English barons. He was not a very popular king. People think of him as a cruel and disloyal person. He died in 1216. after eating peaches. King Henry III Reigned as King of England from 19 Oct 1216 to 16 Nov 1272. During Henry III

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
24 allalaadimist

Victorian age

Politics: 1848 Chartist movement (voting right for the working class); women's suffrage movements; feminist outburst (wanted to have business ­openly; own property, voting etc.); world dominion (British empire); Economy: Industrialization; urbanization (people moved to towns ­ no agriculture & food); laissez- faire economy ­ new type, where government has no control over economy; booming economy- needed new markets and endless supply of raw materials; 1845- potato famine in Ireland, 1846- Corn Laws (import of cheap corn to feed hungry people); Social life: religious doubts (Darwin's The Origin of Species 1859)- question raised: is there a God at all?; sexual liberation- changed people thoughts about sex (before men & women had different bedrooms); problems: alcoholism, prostitution, child workforce, primitive technology. · How did the class structure change? Highest class was aristocracy (the Church and the nobility); the middle class/the bourgeoisie (shopkeepers,

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
14 allalaadimist

Estonia topic

The central bank uses a currency board system and has independent reserves, which are big enough to buy back all the currency in circulation. Estonia today is mainly influenced by developments in Germany, Finland and Sweden - the three main trade partners. The government recently increased greatly its spending on innovation. The prime minister of Estonian Reform Party has stated its goal of bringing Estonian GDP per capita into the TOP 5 of EU by 2022. Ireland is sometimes seen as a model for Estonian economic future. However, the GDP of Estonia decreased by 1.4% in the 2nd quarter of 2008, over 3% in the 3rd quarter of 2008, and over 9% in the 4rd quarter of 2008. History The Estonians, an ancient people, originally came from a region just west of the Ural Mountains. Historical references to Estonia begin in the 1100's. At that time the region was divided into small pagan states. Beginning in 1202, an order of German

Keeled → Inglise keel
45 allalaadimist


It is very convenient as it is usually easy and quick to get, and, as you will see in this article, it suits many situations. To be eligible to apply, you must: Be between 18 and 30 years old (inclusive). Provide proof of financial support for the duration of your travels. Be from one of the following countries : Belgium, Canada, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and United Kingdom. The WHV allows you to live and work for a period of up to 12 months. However, conditions apply regarding work. You are permitted to work only up to 6 months for each employer. Application costs are usually approximately AU $230. You can also study for up to 4 months, travel all around Australia, leave Australia and then re-enter. Australia

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

colors and dark tonalities favored in Baroque tastes. A few anti-architectural hints rapidly evolved into full-blown Rococo at the end of the 1720s and began to affect interiors and decorative arts throughout Europe. The richest forms of German Rococo are in Catholic Germany (illustration, above). Rococo plasterwork by immigrant Italian-Swiss artists like Bagutti and Artari is a feature of houses by James Gibbs, and the Franchini brothers working in Ireland equalled anything that was attempted in Great Britain. Inaugurated in some rooms in Versailles, it unfolds its magnificence in several Parisian buildings (especially the Hôtel Soubise). In Germany, French and German artists (Cuvilliés, Neumann, Knobelsdorff, etc.) effected the dignified equipment of the Amalienburg near Munich, and the castles of Würzburg, Potsdam, Charlottenburg, Brühl, Bruchsal, Solitude (Stuttgart), and Schönbrunn.

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Porgandi ja mustika silmanägemist parandavad omadused

FASEB J. 9 1551 – 1558. Department of Biochemistry, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 6. Bernstein, P. S., Binxing, L., Vachali, P. P., Gorusupudi, A., Shyam, R.., Henriksen, B. S., Nolan, J.M. (2015). Lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin: The basic and clinical science underlying carotenoid-based nutritional interventions against ocular disease. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Moran Eye Center, USA. Macular Pigment Research Group, Vision Research Centre, Ireland 7. Khachik, F., de Moura, F.F., Zhao, D.Y., Aebischer, C.P., Bernstein, P.S. (2002). Transformations of selected carotenoids in plasma, liver, and ocular tissues of humans and in nonprimate animal models. Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 43 (2002) 3383 – 3392 8. Richer, S., Stiles, W., Statkute. L., Pulido. J., Frankowski. J., Rudy. D., Pei. K., Tsipursky. M., Nyland. (2004). J. Double-masked, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of lutein and

Meditsiin → Farmakoloogia
18 allalaadimist


France 9 555,9 11 545,2 12 445,2 11 613,7 39 910,1 Germany 15 850,9 28 424,3 39 463,2 56 155,9 33 100,6 Greece 7 332,1 10 411,6 5 498,0 7 006,5 5 996,2 Hungary 82,8 30,7 138,6 38,0 103,3 Ireland 55,7 942,1 46,1 356,8 178,0 Italy 11 590,7 33 554,9 23 983,8 17 792,6 17 144,9 Latvia 1 029,9 1 745,8 3 687,0 4 502,0 5 407,6 Lithuania 870,0 972,5 2 942,8 6 040,2 8 769,2 Luxembourg 120,1 29,2 342,8 - 52,2

Majandus → Majandus
9 allalaadimist

Dimitriu - When we are the other

traveller's own philosophical biases and preconceptions and the test those ideas and prejudices endure as a result of the journey' (2007, p. 191). The travel genre addresses, of course, the readers of the author's home: Ireland and Britain in Murphy's case, the USA and Britain in Hoffman's. The writers' narratives follow closely the linear chronology of any voyage that has a beginning, a development Á with an inevitable number of adventures and climactic points Á and an (open)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

To challenge a decision ­ to doubt, contest (vaidlustama) a report of a conclusion Secular ideology ­ a theory, or set of beliefs or principles which have no connection with religion Common law There are several different types of law in the world today. For example case law, common law, Islamic law. Common law is mostly used in essentially, every country which has been colonized at some time by England, England and Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland, the united states, Australia, new-Zealand and some others. Common law refers to law and the corresponding legal system developed through decisions of courts and similar tribunals (called case law), rather than through legislative statutes or executive action. Common law is law created and refined by judges: a decision in a currently pending legal case depends on decisions in previous cases and affects the law to be applied in future cases. When there is

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist


Personnel 2.1 Previous work experience: DMU Replay: Launch Support, Unitemps, Oct 2017 ­ Present Duties: Helping and advising DMU lecturers to use DMU Replay (new audio-video recording software Panopto) Director, TOWELFY LIMITED, July 2017 ­ Present Duties: Selling, Accounting, Recruiting, Marketing Director, MP CANNED FOOD LIMITED, June 2017 ­ Present Duties: Selling, Accounting, Recruiting, Marketing Catering Assistant, Compass Group UK & Ireland, Aug 2015 ­ Dec 2015 Duties: Working in Leicester City Football Club, King Power Stadium's, Ricoh Arena's (Coventry), Nottingham Ice Centre's Kiosks as a Cashier, Cook, Beer Pourer. Promotional Materials Distributor, Unitemps, Apr 2015 ­ Dec 2015 Duties: Distributing clapper banners in Leicester City Football Club, King Power Stadium seats. Clickworker,, Inc. Feb 2012 ­ Present Duties: Translating, writing, collecting, researching and recruiting.

Majandus → Äriplaan
11 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

When he lived in Finland, he learned to speak the Finnish language. Artikkel the geograafiliste nimedega Artikliga 1.Veekogud ­ jõed, mered, ookeanid, lahed, väinad. The Thames, the Atlantic Ocean 2. Mäeahelikud The Rocky Mountains 3. Saarestikud The British Isles 4. Riikide nime, milles esineb üldnimi (state, kingdom) The United States 5. Kõrbed The Sahara Artiklita 1. Järved Loch Ness 2. Üksikud mäetipud Mount everest 3. Üksikud saared Ireland 4. Riikide ja mandrite nimed Estonia, Europe 5. Linnade, külade, tänavate nimed London, Oxford street Artikkel a, an Umbmäärane artikkel on a konsonantide ees ja an vokaalide ees. A dog A cake An apple An umbrella 10 Muu Otsekõne ­ Direct speech 1. Otsekõne käib jutumärkides. 2. Saatelause järel on koma. Tom says to me: "I'm hungry."

Keeled → Inglise keel
313 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

When he lived in Finland, he learned to speak the Finnish language. Artikkel the geograafiliste nimedega Artikliga 1.Veekogud ­ jõed, mered, ookeanid, lahed, väinad. The Thames, the Atlantic Ocean 2. Mäeahelikud The Rocky Mountains 3. Saarestikud The British Isles 4. Riikide nime, milles esineb üldnimi (state, kingdom) The United States 5. Kõrbed The Sahara Artiklita 1. Järved Loch Ness 2. Üksikud mäetipud Mount everest 3. Üksikud saared Ireland 4. Riikide ja mandrite nimed Estonia, Europe 5. Linnade, külade, tänavate nimed London, Oxford street Artikkel a, an Umbmäärane artikkel on a konsonantide ees ja an vokaalide ees. 11 A dog A cake An apple An umbrella 12 Muu Otsekõne ­ Direct speech 1. Otsekõne käib jutumärkides. 2. Saatelause järel on koma. Tom says to me: "I'm hungry."

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Tuulest ja ilmaennustamisest

Keskmise ennustusulatusega mudelid ECMWF (European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts) - Euroopa Keskmise Pikkusega Prognooside Keskus. Reading (UK) ( ­ globaalmudel Ennustused kuni 10 päeva aastaaja (seasonal) ennustused Võrgustik 55 km · Liikmesriigid ­ Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom · Koopereerunud liikmed ­ Czech Republic, Montenegro, Estonia, Iceland, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary,

Geograafia → Geograafia
11 allalaadimist


See on robotiseeritud jäätmesorteerimissüsteem. Robot eemaldab põhiliselt kolme liiki materjale: puhast puitu, metalle ja betooni. Ehitusjäätmete käitlemise efektiivsus oleneb sisendmaterjalist, kui jäätmed on liigiti kogutud, siis on ringlussevõtu määr suurem kui segaehitusprahi korral. KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS 1. Xavier Duran, Helena Lenihan, Bernadette O'Regan. A model for assessing the economic viability of construction and demolition waste recycling--the case of Ireland. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 46, 2006, pp. 302-320. 2. EEA Glossary European Environmental Agency. Kättesaadav: http:// (01.11.2012) 3. AS Eesti Keskkonnateenused. Veolia. Kättesaadav: php?lang=est&main_id=18 (30.10.2012) 4. Resourse Venture. Construction waste management guide. Kättesaadav:

Materjaliteadus → Materjalide ringlus
29 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse aluste eksam

1. “Ettevõtlus” ja “ettevõtja” – põhimõisted ja nende areng. (Orienteeruvalt tunda vähemalt Schumpeteri, Stevensoni ja Jarillo ning Burnsi määratlusi.) Scumpeter: Ettevõtja on novaator, kes töötab välja ja rakendab uusi äriideid. Stevenson ja Jarillo: Ettevõtlus on protsess, mille abil indiviidid – kas omal käel või organisatsioonide sees – püüdlevad võimaluste poole ja kasutavad neid ära, sõltumata ressurssidest, mis sel hetkel nende käsutuses on. Burns: Ettevõtjad kasutavad innovatsiooni selleks, et ära kasutada muutusi või luua võimalusi kasumi teenimiseks. Seejuures paigutavad nad ressursse ümber vähemtootlikest valdkondadest tootlikumatesse ja kasumlikemasse, aktsepteerides selle tegevusega kaasnevat kõrgemat riski ja ebakindlust. 2. “Ettevõtja” (entrepreneur) ja “omanik-juht”(owner-manager). Mille poolest nad erinevad? Omanik-juht on iseloomulik elustiiliettevõttele, ta juhib ja korraldab ettevõtte igapäevast tegevust, kuid ...

Majandus → Ettevõtlus alused
47 allalaadimist

Andmetöötlus kodutöö 4

Asia Myanmar Grenada Asia Palestine Guadeloupe Asia Uzbekistan Guatemala Asia Kyrgyzstan Guinea Asia Singapore Guinea-Bissau Asia Malaysia Guyana Asia Afghanistan Haiti Asia S, Korea Honduras Asia Sri Lanka Hong Kong Asia Maldives Hungary Asia Tajikistan Iceland Asia Syria India Asia Hong Kong Indonesia Asia Thailand Iran Asia Yemen Iraq Asia Vietnam Ireland Asia Mongolia Isle of Man Asia Taiwan Israel Asia Bhutan Italy Asia Cambodia Ivory Coast Asia Brunei Jamaica Asia Macao Japan Asia Laos Jordan Asia Timor-Leste Kazakhstan Europe France Kenya Europe Russia Kuwait Europe Spain Kyrgyzstan Europe UK Laos Europe Italy Latvia Europe Germany Lebanon Europe Poland Lesotho Europe Ukraine Liberia

Majandus → Ärilogistika
40 allalaadimist

Ettevõtluse eksami kordamisküsimused

Kordamisküsimused: 1. Põhimõisted: “ettevõtlus”, “ettevõtja”, „sisemine ettevõtlus“, „siseettevõtja“. Ettevõtlus- on protsess, mille abil indiviidid - kas omal käel või organisatsioonide sees - püüdlevad võimaluste poole ja kasutavad neid ära, sõltumata ressurssidest, mis sel hetkel nende käsutuses on. Ettevõtlus on isiku iseseisev majandus- või kutsetegevus, mille eesmärgiks on tulu saamine kauba tootmisest, müümisest või vahendamisest, teenuse osutamisest või muust tegevusest, kaasa arvatud loominguline või teaduslik tegevus. Ettevõtja on isik, kes tegeleb ettevõtlusega . Otsustanud ettevõtlusega alustada ning alustab äriideede otsingut, hindamist, edasiarendamist. Ettevõtja tunnetab ära mingi võimaluse, täitmata koha turul, lahendamata probleemi – ning rajab ettevõtte, et probleem lahendada või tühimik täita. Ettevõtja käesoleva seaduse tähenduses on füüsiline isik, kes pakub oma nimel tasu ees...

Majandus → 10. klassi majandus
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun