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"introduction" - 582 õppematerjali

introduction - state topic Paragraph 2 – ALL the advantages/arguments for Paragraph 3 – ALL the disadvantages/arguments against Final paragraph – Give a balance consideration or your own opinion without using personal words or expressions Present the advantages and disadvantages in a fair way, discussing them objectively in equal detail.

Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine ja filosoofilised meetodid

scientists (journals, conferences, teaching, supervision). Development of science 1. Normal Science (within a paradigm) Consensus within a discipline / Problems solved within the paradigm / Anomalies are solved by small revisions of the paradigm / The accumulation of anomalies weaken the paradigm and lead to crisis. 2. Scientific revolution Re-examination of the foundations of the existing paradigm / Introduction of rival (new) paradigms to solve the anomalies better. 3. Normal (new) science (within a ​new ​paradigm) The Scientific Method The ​so-called​ Scientific Method is essential to the ​so-called ​Modern Science. There are different formulations of it. The basic idea is: - Making an observation (that inspires a problem). - Generating a hypothesis to explain the observation. - Testing the hypothesis by performing an experiment.

Filosoofia → Kaasaegne teaduslik mõtlemine...
4 allalaadimist

Võrdlev õigussüsteemide ajalugu

2326-2335. 15. Wies, Ernst W. Karl Suur. Keiser ja pühak. Tallinn. 1999 Antiigileksikon. 1-2. Tallinn. 1983. Võõrkeelne kirjandus: 1. Anners, Erik. Istorija evropeiskogo prava. Moskva. 1994 2. Berman G. Harold. Zapadnaja traditsija prava: epoha formirovanija.(Law and Revolution). Moskva. 1994. 3. Caenegem, Raoul Charles van. Legal History: a European perspective. London, Rio Grande.1991. 4. Caenegem, Raoul Charles van. An historical introduction to western constitutional law. Cambridge. 1995. 5. Caenegem, Raoul Charles van. An historical introduction to private law. Cambridge. 1994. 6. David, Rene. Osnovnõje pravovõje sistemõ sovremennosti. Moskva.1988. 7. David, Rene. Grasmann, Günther. Einführung in die grossen Rechtssysteme der Gegenwart. Rechtsvergleichung. München, Berlin. 2. Auf. 1988 8. Dulckeit, G. Schwarz, F. Waldstein, W. Römische Rechtsgeschichte. 9. Auf. 1995. 9. Hattenhauer, Hans

Õigus → Õigus
907 allalaadimist

Eesti sotsiolektide seisund

Eds. D. Biber, E. Finegan. N.Y., Oxford: Oxford UP, 15­30. Hudson, R.A. 1996. Sociolinguistics. Second ed. Cambridge UP. Labov, William 1972a. Sociolinguistic Patterns. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Labov, William 1972b. Language in the Inner City: Studies in the Black English Vernacular. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press Milroy, Lesley 1980. Language and Social Networks. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Montgomery, Martin 1995. An Introduction to Language and Society. Routledge. Trudgill, Peter 1992. Introducing Language and Society. Penguin. Trudgill, Peter 1995. Sociolinguistics. An Introduction to Language and Society. New Edition. Penguin Books. Wardhough, Ronald 1996. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. 2nd edition. Blackwell. 40 Eesti teosed Ariste, Paul 1939. Eesti keele hääldamine. (Elav teadus 92)

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist


see ühte meetrit, ent mõnes teises maailmas, kus S-i kuumutatakse ning see paisub, tähistab see mõnda teist pikkust. Kuid S fikseerib väljendi "üks meeter" osutuse ja seega teavad selle väljendi defineerijad, et lause "Varras S on ajal t ühe meetri pikkune" on APRIOORSELT tõene. Seega on tegemist näitega aprioorsest ja kontingentsest tõest. Kasutatud kirjandus Audi, R. 2003. Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge, 2ed. Routledge Ayer, A. J. 1999. `Aprioorsus'. Tähendus, tõde, meetod: Tekste analüütilisest filosoofiast I. Toim. J. Kangilaski, M. Laasberg. TÜ Kirjastus Hume, D. 1748. An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding. Kripke, S. 2001. Nimetamine ja paratamatus. TÜ Kirjastus Morton, A. 2001. A Guide through the Theory of Knowledge, 3ed. Blackwell Preti, C. 2003. On Kripke. Wadsworth Quine, W.V.O. 1999. `Empirismi kaks dogmat'. Tähendus, tõde,

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
26 allalaadimist

The Great Plague In London

Jüri Gümnaasium THE GREAT PLAGUE IN LONDON Research paper Ervin Sagor 10.h Supervisor: Kristel Kriisa Jüri 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION The history of England has always been fascinating for me and plague was one the most horrifying diseases in human history with millions of deaths across the world. That is why I chose the Great Plague as the topic of my research. The purpose of my study is to educate myself and gain more knowledge on the history and find out how people lived in England in the seventeenth century. For a start, I will give a short review what the bubonic plague is. Then I tell about Black Death in England before the Great Plague, city life before and during the plague. Secondly, I will examine how the plague reached Great Britain. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Referaat Islami usust

Islam Assemblers: ********and ******* ************** 8a form 2011.a Table of contents · Introduction · Muhammad · Angels · Five Pillars · Golden Age · Prophets · Family Life · Modern times Intoduction For other meanings, including people named 'Islam', see Islam (disambiguation). Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a text considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Allah), and the teachings and normative example of

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Public Administration and Innovation

components and materials, incorporated software, user friendliness or other functional characteristics.” Oslo Manual 2005 The most innovative companies: Google, Amazon, Apple, Samsun, Tesla 2. Changes in production methods (process innovation): “is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant changes in techniques, equipment and/or software.” Oslo Manual 2005 3. Introduction of novel design solutions and sales methods (marketing innovation). “Is the implementation of an new marketing method involving significant changes in product design or packaging, product placement, product promotion or pricing” Oslo Manual 2005 A distinctive look for a product and appeal a new market segment; Celebrity endorsements; personalized IS; New brand, etc. P.S. Seasonal, regular and routine changes. 4

Varia → Public Administration
4 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

European Union Exam 1949 France, UK and the Benelux countries decide to set in place a Council of Europe. 1951 Treaty of Paris signed by the Six (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands), establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). 1957 Treaties of Rome establish the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). 1959 July, seven countries of the Organisation for European Economic Co- operation (OEEC) – Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK – decide to establish a European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1960 Creation of European Free Trade Association 1961 UK applies to join the Community. 1962 The Parliamentary Assembly changes its name to the European Parliament. 1965 The Treaty merging the executives of the three Communities (ECSC, EEC, Euratom) is signed in Brussels; enters into force on July 1, 1967. Empty chair crisis 1966 Luxembou...

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector

 Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance ! ! ! ! Elise Tõllimäe Pay-for performance: necessary or unsuitable way to increase efficiency in the public sector Essay ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalse probleemi defineerimine

Sotsiaalse probleemi defineerimine Mis on sotsiaalne probleem? Sotsiaalne probleem on ühiskondlikult põhjustatud tingimused, mis haavavad või ohustavad mingit rahvastiku osa Sotsiaalne probleem on situatsioon, mida enamus vaatlejatest peab ebasoovitavaks ja sekkumist vajavaks. Sotsiaalne probleem ei seostu või ei piirdu indiviidiga ­ tuleb teha vahet isikliku (isikust lähtuva) ja sotsiaalse (ühiskonna struktuurist lähtuva) probleemi vahel. Iga sotsiaalse probleemi puhul tuleb mängu isiklik (isikust lähtuv) e. individuaalne aspekt ja sotsiaalne (ühiskonna struktuurist lähtuv) e. struktuurne aspekt. Definitsioon: sotsiaalne probleem ~ sotsiaalprobleem ­ elukvaliteedi halvenemisest tekkiv toimetulematus või võõrdumus, mis haarab suure osa ühiskonnast või kogu ühiskonna sotsiaalpoliitika ­ avaliku võimu prioriteedid ja sihipärane tegevus sotsiaalsete probleemide la...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
46 allalaadimist

IT süsteemide tugi ja korraldus ettevõttes

d s Qualifications 25 Guido Leibur Uue ITIL versiooni trükised 2007.a kevadest · Sissejuhatus Introduction · Parima praktika põhimõtted Principles of best practice · Põhiprotsessid Process fundamentals · Meetodid, praktikad ja tööriistad Methods, practices and tools · Juurutamine Implementing service management and SM strategies · Mõõtmine ja kontroll Measurement & control · Võimalused, riskid Challenges, CSFs and risks

Informaatika → Informaatika
79 allalaadimist


modelleerimisele ja tulemuste interpreteerimisele. Ökonomeetriline mudel ­ ­ Eestikeelne juhend http://www.sauga.pri./gretl/ · Andmetöötluses laialt kasutusel ka muu vabavara T. Paas, Sissejuhatus ökonomeetriasse, ptk 1-3. ­ Statistikapakett R: nõuab koodi kirjutamist D. Gujarati, Basic Econometrics, Introduction ­ Programmeerimiskeel Python · Arvutiklassides on veel kommertstarkvara ­ STATA (ainult SOC-409) ­ EViews Ökonomeetria mõiste Ökonomeetria eesmärk econometrics = oikonomia (kr majandus) + metron (kr mõõt) Eesmärgiks on toetada

Majandus → Ökonomeetria
14 allalaadimist

Street Art

Tallinn University Briti ja Ameerika kunst ja kultuur 20.-21. sajandil GRA6221 Course project: Street Art Viktoria Gumennaja 2018 INTRODUCTION "The city's the best gallery I could imagine." — JR I choose the topic for writing an essay - street art. Why did I choose this genre? Because for me it is something magical and special, not at all similar to those works that are in museums, at exhibitions and so on. Think for yourself, because street art began with the graffiti, and now we can see on the streets of our city just a work of art. I think graffiti, by the way, is also a great and invaluable work. Trends are changing. Now, young artists are moving from an endless unthinking tagging to a more conceptual and rich sense, abstract and volumetric work. Street art has become popular among the general public, becau...

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL SOTSIAALTEADUSTE VALDKOND NARVA KOLLEDZ ÕPPEKAVA ,,NOORSOOTÖÖ" Nikita Anissin RETOORIKA AJALOOST Referaat Juhendaja lektor Jelena Rootamm-Valter NARVA 2018 1 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS......................................................3 I. RETOORIKA AJALUGU........................................4 Antiik Kreeka.......................................................4 Vana-Rooma........................................................5 Retoorika kesajal...................................................6 Renessanss, reformatsioon ja Martin Luther..................7 Eestikeelse kõnekunsti areng.....................................8 II. TEGELASED...................................................9 1. Sokrates..........................................................9 2. Platon.....................

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
3 allalaadimist

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis 2019

Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis Kristjan Rannaäär Veterinary medicine, 2. year, 2. group Abstract Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) is a highly contagious ocular disease and big problem in cattle farms worldwide. It is the most common ocular disease of cattle caused by bacteria Moraxella bovis. This study focuses on IBK despite having low mortality rate and complete recovery, it causes significant loss of productivity in the herds affected due to the costs of treatment and considerable impact on afflicted animals, including blindness. This research is focused on the details, such as risk factors, pathogenesis, etiology, clinical signs prevention, transmission, and treatment, which animal handlers should be aware of to minimize the harm caused by IBK. Vaccination does not ensure lifelong immunity and not prevent a primary and reinfection of the cattle. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the cattle in a healthy...

Inimeseõpetus → Inimese anatoomia
1 allalaadimist

Jean Sibelius. Tema soololaulud

6.Vem styrde hit din väg? ILMA OOPUSTETA Erloschen, (Busse-Palmo), 1906 Hymn till Thais, (Borgström), Kk., 1900 Narciss (Gripenberg), 1918 (?) 45 Segelfahrt (Öhquist), 1899 Serenad (Runeberg), 1888 Smà flickorna (Procopè), 1920 ,,Sõua, sõua , sinikael" (Koskimies), 1899 MITMESUGUST VOKAALMUUSIKAT OP.113 Vabamüürlaste rituaalmuusika, meeshäälele, klaverile ja orelile, 1927, 1938, 1946 1. Introduction 2. Thoughts Be Our Comfort (Schiller) 3. Introduction And Hymn (Confucius) 4. Marcia (Goethe) 5. Light (Simelius) 6. Salem (Rydberg) Ka nimetus Onward Ye Peoples 7. Whosoever Hath a Love (Rydberg) 8. Ode de Fraternity (Sario) 9. Hymn (Sario) 10.Marche Funèbre 11.Ode (Korpela) 12.Finlandia Hymn (Sola) 46 Carminalia, ladina koolilaule, seatud sopranile, aldile ja bassile a cappella

Muusika → Muusika
45 allalaadimist

Topic - USA

Tallinn English College Topic The United States of America Tallinn 2007 1. Introduction The United States of America's territory is over 3.7 million square miles (over 9.6 million km²) and population more than 300 million people. The capital city is Washington D.C. Although the United States has no official language at the federal level, English is the de facto national language. English is the most common language for daily interaction among both native and non-native speakers. Spanish is the second language. The largest city is the New York City. The

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Valimid kvantitatiivsetes ja kvalitatiivsetes uurimustes

L. (2004). Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (5th ed.). U.S.A. Pearson Education, Inc. Black, T.R. (1999). Doing Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences. SAGE Publikation Ltd. Dobelniece, S. (2007) Kodutus Lätis: põhjused ja tagajärjed. [Doktoritöö]. Tallinna Ülikool. Sotsiaaltöö osakond. Flick, U. (2011 a).Introducing Research Methodology. A beginner`s Guide to Doing a Research project. SAGE Publication, Ltd. Flick, U. (2011 b). An introduction to qualitative research. (4th ed.). SAGE Publication, Ltd. 1 Lembit Õunapuu, PhD, dotsent Tartu Ülikool Flick, U. (2011c). Designing qualitative research. SAGE Publications, Ltd. from chainreferral samples of hidden populations. Social Problems, Vol. 49, No.1, p 1134. Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A,L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. New York:Aldine. Haridus ja teadusministeerium

Muu → Teadustöö metoodika
177 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

The Oxford vegetarian study, on the other hand, found all vegans and vegetarians to have lower mortality rates when it came to coronary artery disease. Vegans were found to have the lowest cholesterol levels, lowest saturated fat intake and highest dietary fiber intake which are all associated with lower risk of coronary artery disease. A positive correlation between plant based diets and higher mortality rates was found. 
 Word count: 250
 Table of Contents: 1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4 3.1. Plant based diets and heart disease prevention .………….……………………. 4 3.2. Cholesterol and triglycerides ……………………………………………………… 5 2. Investigation ………………………………………………………………………………..….. 8 2.1

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist


tehnoloogilise teadusala prerogatiiv - nanotehnoloogia on igakülgselt interdistsiplinaarne ning selle rakendused on sageli juba olemasolevate tehnoloogiate tulem.6 Seega on nanotehnoloogia kompleksne erialadevaheline teadus, sisaldades endas nanokeemiat, nanofüüsikat, nanomaterjalide teadust, nanoelektroonikat (optoelektroonika ja 2 V. Pokropivny, R. Lohmus, I. Hussainova, A. Pokropivny, S. Vlassov et al. Introduction to nanomaterials and nanotechnology. University of Tartu, 2007, lk 9. 3 M. Schellekens. Patenting Nanotechnology in Europe: Making a Good Start? An Anlalysis of Issues in Law and Regulatsion - The Journal of World Intellecutal Property. 2010, 1(13), lk 47. 4 Edaspidi kasutatakse inglise keelset lühendit EPO (ingl k European Patent Office). 5 Nanotechnology in European patents ­ challenge and opportunity. European Patent Office. 6 M. Schellekens (viide 3), lk 48.

Füüsika → Füüsika
10 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

Body & Society, 12(3), 1-21. Germann Molz, J. (2008). Global abode: Home and mobility in narratives of round-the-world travel. Space and Culture, 11(4), 325-342. Giddens, A. (1991). Modernity and self-identity: Self and society in the late modern age. Cambridge: Polity Press. Gogia, N. (2006). Unpacking corporeal mobilities: The global voyages of labour and leisure. Environment and Planning A, 38(2), 359-375. Hall, S. (1996). Introduction: Who needs ‘identity’. In S. Hall & P. d. Gay (Eds.), Questions of cultural identity (pp. 1-17). London: Sage. Hannerz, U. (1990). Cosmopolitans and locals in world culture. In M. Featherstone (Ed.), Global culture: Nationalism, globalization and modernity (pp. 237-251). London: Sage. Havitz, M., & Dimanche, F. (1990). Propositions for testing the involvement construct in recreation tourism contexts. Leisure Sciences, 12(2), 179-195. Hottola, P. (2004)

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Using Blogs as a Platform in the TEFL

In this paper it is also described which research methods are planned to be employed for the conduction of research project. 2 ABSTRACT........................................................................................2 REFERENCES...................................................................................11 INTRODUCTION Due to the rapid expansion of technology over the past decade, hypermedia instructional programs have become commonplace. Learners of all ages have increased access to technology such as the World Wide Web, which provides a seemingly limitless amount of information. New technologies such as Mp3, podcasting, and social networking are booming. In contrast to more traditional environments, technology offers greater opportunities for interactivity and learner control. There are

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Fanconi aneemia (25.12.2015). Tarraste. S., Tupits. M. (2015). Haige lapse õendus loengukonspekt II osa. Tallinn: Tervishoiu Kõrgkool. What Is Fanconi Anemia? (2011). National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. (23.12.2015). Lisavaatamist ja lugemist: Graupera, V., (2015). Fanconi Anemia - Clinical aspects. (28.12.2015). Graupera, V., (2015). Fanconi Anemia - Introduction. (28.12.2015). Turner, J., Shanks, G. We just want our daughter to live! The Kelly Turner story. (09.01.16)

Meditsiin → Õendus
18 allalaadimist

Jacques Louis David ja Prantsuse Revolutsioon

Introduction The great French Revolution has been regarded to as one of the most influential events in modern Western history, and therefore there are various interpretations to explain how the Revolution evolved and what it was like. It is important to focus on very different kinds of historical evidence and sources to get a clear picture of the Revolution. Therefore, one must not forget to look not only at the written sources but also at the more cultural and artistic interpretations. One of the best examples of cultural and political distribution of the Revolutionary ideas was Jacques-Louis David, who, with his paintings, perpetuated The French Revolution from the Republican point of view. His art was mostly tightly connected to the main figures, events and ideas of the French Revolution. David had more than 5 pieces of art that captured the essence of the Revolution. His paintings represented political ethics, current ideals and fou...

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunsti ajalugu
1 allalaadimist

Arvutite koostetehnoloogia

PÄRNUMAA KUTSEHARIDUSKESKUS ARVUTID JA ARVUTIVÕRGUD TEHNOLOOGILISED LAHENDUSED Pihu-, süle-, laua- ja serverarvutid ning nende ehituslikud ja rakenduslikud eripärad Referaat Juhendaja: 2012 SISSEJUHATUS Tänapäeva tehnoloogia on arenenud ja areneb ka edaspidi meeletu kiirusega. Märkamatult oleme me jõudnud ajastuni, kus täna ostetud tipptehnika on juba järgmisel päeval kiirema, võimsama ja/või nutikama seadme poolt üle trumbatud. Praegusel hetkel on tehnika viimase sõnaga raske, kui mitte öelda võimatu, kaasas käia ja lisaks sellele oleks see meeletult kallis. Kuid tehnoloogia areng ei piirdu pelgalt komponentide jõudluse arenguga vaid ajas muutub ka nende suurus. Kuna komponendid muutuvad väiksemateks ja kompaktsemateks, siis ühes sellega muutuvad väiksemaks ka seadme...

Informaatika → Informaatika
21 allalaadimist

Getting physical

Sometimes it is thoughtlessly placed 10 or even 20 feet away, leaving a physical gulf between you and the audience. In that case, ask for the lectern to be moved forward so that you will be physically closer. · Where will you be seated prior to your introduction? What path will you take to walk to the podium and then to the lectern? Must you walk from the back of the room, or through people seated on chairs? Must you ascend a podium? (If so, check the height. There is no worse overture to a speech than falling flat on your nose just seconds before you are supposed to speak.) · If possible, place your notes on top or on a shelf of the lectern in advance, rather than carrying them with you

Pedagoogika → Intercultural communication
5 allalaadimist

Soil microflora

Estonian University of Life Sciences Report on Soil Microflora By Katrin Vares Tartu 2013 Introduction The purpose of this report is to define soil microflora and establish the importance of it. Since the microorganisms clearly play an important role in preserving the balance of life, the next objective is to look into factors that influence this balance. Natural conditions and cultural impact could be considered as the variables that correlate the most with the activity and composition of microflora, hence some of the natural and cultural factors will be looked into a little more in detail. Definition, composition and importance of microflora Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary (2007) cited by the online medical dictionary (2013) defines living microorganisms as that small that they can be seen only with a microscope and that maintain a more or less constant presenc...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Ssubtiitrite lugemiskiirus

is better when viewing audiovisual material is large, and have been thoroughly summarized for example by Chaume (2004). The conclusion, however, is that this discussion is somewhat useless, in the sense that both cover different needs and are preferred in certain countries or regions depending on a number of econom- ical, historical and sociological reasons. Bearing this is mind, we can state that Spain is among the countries (most of them European) with a solid dubbing trad- ition. However, the introduction of DVD in the audiovisual market at the end of the previous decade, together with digitalization of television broadcast and the rise of accessibility policies in Spain have helped consolidate subtitling as an al- most necessary tool to watch audiovisual content in our country. Many scholars have devoted their research efforts to subtitling, having most of them started back in the 1990s. It is not intended to make here a detailed review

Varia → Sissejuhatus erialaõppesse
1 allalaadimist

Ameerika ühendriigid

Tallinn English College Topic The United States of America Form Tallinn 2005 Introduction The United States of America is a very big country. Its territory is about 9.4 million square kilometres and its population is more than 260 million people, 12% of them are the Afro-Americans. It is the world's third-largest country by size and by population. The population density is about 27 people per square kilometre. Most of the people live in towns. There are 50 states in America. The biggest of the state is Texas, next by size are California, Alaska and Montana

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist


Introduction Tallinn, the capital city of the Republic of Estonia and of the Harju county, is a town in North Estonia on the coast of the Gulf of Finland. It has nearly half a million inhabitants and covers an area of almost 160 sqkm. It is also an important economic and cultural centre and one of the main ports in the Baltic States. Tallinn is one of the oldest cities on the Baltic Sea. It is unique for its well-preserved architecture from the 13-15 centuries. In contrast to the ancient town-walls and towers, Tallinn of today offers modern hotels, restaurants, sport and cultural centres. Every five years national song and folk dance festivals take place in Tallinn. The yachting regatta of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games was held at Pirita. History Tallinn means in English "Danish town". The place is believed to have been settled by Finno-Ugric people about 2500 BC. It was first marked on a map of the world by the Arab geographer al-I...

Keeled → Inglise keel
40 allalaadimist

Logistika 1 KT küsimuste vastused

kõrvaldamispunktini. 5. Korjevoog ­ osa tagasisuunalisest voost, sisaldades nii jäätmekäitluse kui ka taastuvkasutatava materjali voo. 6.Defineerida logistikat lühidalt. Logistika ­ tegutsemine, mis vastutab materjalide ja info liikumise eest tarnijatelt organisatsiooni, läbi tegevuste organisatsioonis ja sealt kliendile. Logistika vastutab materjalide liikumise ja ladustamise eest tarneketis. (2003, Donald Waters ,,Logistics. An introduction to Supply Chain Management")) 8. Keda rõhutavad ameeriklased, defineerides logistikat? Ameerika spetsialistid, defineerides logistikat, rõhutavad kliendi teenindamist. Firma jaoks ei lõpe logistika siis, kui ta on lähetanud oma toote kaubandusse. Logistiline mõtlemine, strateegia, peab minema kuni lõpptarbijani. 9. Mis põhierinevus on logistika juhtimisel ja tarneketi juhtimisel? Euroopa Logistika Assotsiatsioon määrab järgmiselt:

Logistika → Logistika alused
265 allalaadimist


Introduction The United States of America is a very big country. Its territory is about 9.4 million square kilometres and its population is more than 260 million people, 12% of them are the Afro-Americans. It is the world's third-largest country by size and by population. The population density is about 27 people per square kilometre. Most of the people live in towns. There are 50 states in America. The biggest of the state is Texas, next by size are California, Alaska and Montana. Six states - Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut ,Rhode Island and Massachusetts are called New England. They are all small states in the U.S. that lie in the north-east. The first colony of immigrants settled down in Virginia, in the eastern part of the U.S.A. The biggest cities are New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc. The official language of the USA is English; Spanish is also...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Erinevate GISi programmide põhjalik ülevaade ja võrdlus GRASS GIS Reference Manual. (kuupäev puudub). Kasutamise kuupäev: 9. Jaanuar 2011. a., allikas GRASS Help: Hurt, T. (2007, August). Mapinfo materjale. Viimati külastatud: Jaanuar 9, 2011, Kättesaadav: Regio: martinl. (2010, August 4). About GRASS. Viimati külastatud: Jaanuar 11, 2011, Kättesaadav: GRASS: Introduction: 21 Wilson, C. (2010, September). GE Smallworld Overview September2010. Viimati külastatud: Jaanuar 11, 2011, Kättesaadav: Slideshare: smallworld-overview-september2010 22

Geograafia → Geoinformaatika
118 allalaadimist

"food" Homereading

These innovative ad campaigns, coupled with other new promotions and a series of new product introductions, drew considerable positive and negative attention to BK and helped TPG and its partners realize about $367 million in dividends. Derivations NOUN VERB ADJECTIVE ADVERB production produce productive productivly introduction itroduce introductery introductevly height highten high highly depth deepen deep deeply disaster - disastrous disastrously nature - natural naturally consideration consider considering considerly

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Strategies of creating a dominant party – the case of UR

2010: 299). Thus, the new law gave the president real power over the most influential regional actors in Russia and by doing that helped to maintain the electoral supremacy of United Russia. The amendment to the law ,,On the Election of Duma Deputies", which was passed in 2005 states that all 450 Duma members are elected on party lists in a single nationwide constituency under proportional representation (Law on Elections of Deputies to the State Duma, Article 1). The introduction of the PR electoral system, which removed independent candidates from the elections, assures that only individual political parties can compete. The amendment also increased the membership demands up to 50,000 with at least 500 members in more than half of the 83 regions of the Federation and no fewer than 250 in other regions (Articles 5). This change certainly makes it much harder for minor parties to gain or hold the official status of political party.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
6 allalaadimist

Estuary English - A Controversial Issue?

Schmid concludes that: (1) "... speakers from different social backgrounds share to a greater or lesser extent Estuary English as their common accent", (2) "EE unites all the young people, regardless of which social background they come from" and (3) males are more willing to adopt stigmatised features of EE than women. · Altendorf 1998/99: London Project (2) Altendorf's second research in South London suburbs was only an introduction to a greater project devoted to Estuary English (Altendorf 2003). There were six informants altogether: 2 Estuary English speakers, 2 Cockney speakers from East End and 2 RP speakers from a school in Central London, all of them women born and brought up in Central or Greater London. Social classes were represented by different schools: Comprehensive School, Public School I, Public School II ­ working class, middle class and upper middle class.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Retoorika ajalugu

Uue tähenduse ja rakenduse sai retoorika aga 20. sajandil. Kirjandus 1. Aava, Katrin 2003. Veenmiskunst. Õpik gümnaasiumile. Haridus- ja teadusministeerium: Avita: 9-41. 2. Ginzburg, Carlo 2003. Ajaloofilosoofia: Ajalugu, retoorika, tõendus. Tuna 4/2003: 100-118 pdf (viimati vaadatud 18.04.2015). 3. Kennedy, George Alexander 1998. Comparative Rhetoric: An History and Cross-Cultural Introduction (NY: Oxford University Press, 1998) dy_Comparative_Rhetoric_ (viimati vaadatud 18.04.2015). 4. Panov = Панов М. И. Введение в риторику. М.: Российский открытый университет, 1995. 5. Udalõh = Удалых Г. Д. Риторика. Ч.1. История риторики. Учебное пособие для

Ajalugu → Retoorika
23 allalaadimist

Kommunikatsiooni barjäärid

Kui kirjutas Janek Tuttar: „Hea esineja on see, kes on paindlik ja oskab oma esinemist alati vastavalt olukorrale ümber mängida. Kui ikka näed, et kuulajate tähelepanu hakkab hajuma, siis tee midagi, et neid äratada. Tee midagi, mis tekkivaid suhtlustõkkeid murraks – nt. too planeeritud paus või harjutus ettepoole, kaasa publikut küsimustega jne.“ (Janek Tuttar 2011). KASUTATUD ALLIKAD: 1. Steinberg, S. (2007). An Introduction to Communication Studies. Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd. 13 2. Talve, Terje. Info- ja kommunikatsiooniauditi võrdlemine ja rakendamine TÜ Pärnu kolledži näitel. Tartu 2013 - (viimati vaadatud 27.11.2013) 3. Tuttar, Janek. Mürad kommunikatsioonis. – Avalik esinemine -

Ühiskond → Ühiskond
5 allalaadimist

Referaat Eesti kliima teguritest

huvitavamateks. 21 Kasutatud allikad 1) Kirde, K. Andmeid Eesti kliimast. Tartu Ülikooli meteoroloogia observatooriumi teaduslikud väljaanded. Tartu. 1933. 2) Arnfield, A. J. Köppen climate classification. [WWW] 2016. 3) Ritter, M. E. The Physical Environment: an Introduction to Physical Geography. [WWW] ml 4) Peel, M. C., Finlayson, B. L., McMahon, T. A. (University of Melbourne). Updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification. [WWW] https://hal.archives- 2007. 5) Rafferty, J. P. Humid continental climate. Encyclopedia Britannica. [WWW] https://www.britannica

Maateadus → Meteoroloogia ja klimatoloogia...
11 allalaadimist

English literature

Vital heat, the energy inside him is like fires in the centre of the earth. 5. The cult. Impact of the Norman Conquest on the eng.lit.trad. The circumstances of writers changed greatly in the years after Conquest. The West-Saxon written standard collapsed and English writings were excluded, native traditions lost much of the status. During this period the English poetry and prose flourished mainly towards the margins of society. One of the most obvious changes was the introduction of the Latin- based Anglo-Norman language, displacing the Germanic-based Anglo-Saxon. Because the language of ruling classes. Brought the domination of French. But the natural tradition survived, vernacular literature is saved, since most of it was transmitted orally. Anglo-Saxon gradually evolved into ME. Several poems had survived, `Orrmulum' ­ verse translation of parts of the Gospels, `the Owl

Keeled → Inglise keel
65 allalaadimist

Õendusfilosoofia põhiprobleemid

„kaastundlikuks teadlikkuseks“ (sympathic awareness). Kaastunnet mõistab ta siinkohal kui „mentaalset osalust (koos) teisega tema hädas“. Kuigi me ei koge seda sarnaselt teisega, teadvustame siiski endale teise kannatusi ja vajadusi. Sellest lähtub konkreetne tegutsemine. Peamiselt kasutatud kirjandus: Carper, B.A. 1978. Fundamental Patterns of Knowing in Nursing. - Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 13-24. Edwards, S.D. 2001. Philosophy of Nursing: An Introduction. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave. Marcum, J.A. 2012. Philosophy of Medicine. - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 8

Õigus → Õiguse filosoofia
48 allalaadimist

füüsika geomeetriline optika

optilise peateljega. 26 5 Kirjandus 1. Ü. Ugaste. Füüsika gümnaasiumile II. Avita, Tallinn, 1998. 2. T. Lukki. Füüsika.. Ilo, Tallinn, 2000. 3. I. Saveljev. Füüsika üldkursus 3. Valgus, Tallinn, 1979. 4. G. Mjakišev. B. Buhhovtsev. Füüsika 12. klassile, Valgus, Tallinn, 1989. 5. O. Mankin. Optika. TRÜ, Tartu, 1986. 6. G. Peets. Materjale füüsika elementaarkursuse kordamiseks. Val- gus, Tallinn, 1984. 7. F. Pedrotti, L. Pedrotti. Introduction to Optics. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992. 8. D. V. Sivuhin. Obštšii kurs fisiki. Optika. Nauka, Moskva, 1980. 9.D. Džankoli. Fisika 2. Mir, Moskva, 1989. 10. M. Laan. Optika. TÜ, 2000. ( /instituudid/efti/loengumaterjalid/optika/index.html) 27 Kontrolltööks EF-2 lahendage ülesanded: ....................................... Tähtaeg on ............................ 28

Füüsika → Optika
3 allalaadimist

Topic - Estonia

Tallinn English College Topic Estonia Tallinn 2008 1. Introduction Estonia is a small country about the size of Switzerland, or New Hampshire and Massachussetts combined. Estonia is named after the people called "Ests" who lived in the region in the 1 st century AD. The Republic of Estonia is one of the three countries commonly known as the "Baltic States". The other Baltic States are Latvia and Lithuania. 2. Geographical position Estonia is situated in northeastern Europe. Estonia is bounded on the north by

Keeled → Inglise keel
68 allalaadimist

Morfoloogia ja vormiõpetus

Arvutimorfoloogia Heiki-Jaan Kaalep Tarmo Vaino Heli Uibo Indrek Hein Ülle Viks Eesti morfoloogia uurijaid Morfoloogia vanas kirjakeeles Külli Habicht Pille Penjam Kristiina Ross Kasutatud kirjandus Ehala, Martin. 1997. Eesti keele struktuur. Tallinn. Erelt, Mati, Tiiu Erelt, Kristiina Ross. 2000. Eesti keele käsiraamat. Tallinn. Haspelmath, Martin. 2002. Understanding morphology. London. Karlsson, Fred. 2002. Üldkeeleteadus. Tallinn. Whaley, Lindsay. 1997. Introduction to typology. The unity and diversity of language. London, New Delhi. Mõisted, mida tuleb teada Aglutinatsioon Morfeem Allomorf Morfofonoloogia Analüütiline väljendusviis Muuttüüp Astmevaheldus Paradigma e vormistik Fleksioon e fusioon e tüvevaheldus Polüsünteetiline keel Grammatiline tähendus Prefiks Infiks Sufiks

Keeled → Keeleteadus alused
60 allalaadimist

Topic of Australia

Introduction, Location Australia is a country between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It is the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. The mainland covers an area of 7.7 million km² and it is about 3700 km from the most northern point to its most southern point and about 4000 km from east to west. There are also many different seas around Australia, like the Coral and the Tasman Seas in the west or the Timor and the Arafura Seas in the north, where the Indian and the Pacific Oceans meet. Because all seas and oceans near Australia are warm, surfing is a very popular hobby. Political subdivision Australia is divided into six states, which are: · New South Wales · Victoria · Queensland · South Australia · Western Australia · Tasmania New South Wales is the most populous state in Australia. Its capital is Sydney. Victoria is one of the most densely populated states in Australia. Its capit...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
15 allalaadimist

Kognitiivne lingvistika

(pp. 147­190). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Chomsky, N. (1965). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Chomsky, N. (1981). Lectures on Government and Binding. Dordrecht: Foris. Chomsky, N. (1995). The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Croft, W. (1996). Linguistic selection: An utterance-based evolutionary theory of language. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 19, 99­139. Evans, V. & Green, M. (2006). Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. Hillsdale, NJ: LEA and Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Fauconnier, G. ([1985] 1994). Mental Spaces. Cambridge: Cambridge University. Press. Fauconnier, G. (1997). Mappings in Thought and Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Fauconnier, G. & Turner, M. (2002). The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and theMind's Hidden Complexities. New York, NY: Basic Books. Fillmore, C. (1975). An alternative to checklist theories of meaning

Semiootika → Semiootika
27 allalaadimist

FONEETIKA konspekt

Arvo Eek „Eesti keele foneetika I“ Clark & Yallop „An introduction to PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY. Second edition“ Foneetika ehk hääldus- ja häälikuõpetus  Kõne kirjeldamine  Häälikute ja nende käitumise uurimine kõnevoolus - Häälikud esinevad tavaliselt koos ja on üksteisega seotud, võivad esineda sõnas eri positsioonides, olla eri pikkustega, omavahel kombineeruda ja üksteist mõjutada.  Häälikuüleste nähtuste uurimine:

Filoloogia → Foneetika
83 allalaadimist

Looduskaitseteadus - mõisted ja kordamisküsimused

Looduskaitsebioloogia: Mõisted: Looduskaitsebioloogia - teadusharu, mis uurib elurikkust ja seda ohustavaid tegureid ning on aluseks praktilisele looduskaitsetööle. Interdistsiplinaarne teadus, mis võtab kokku liikide, koosluste ja ökosüsteemide kaitsega tegelevate erialaspetsialistide püüdlused ja kogemused. Kordamisküsimused: Looduskaitse põhiprintsiibid. Ettevaatusprintsiip ­ kui looduskasutuse või tajutava keskkonnamõjuga seotus otsuste tagajärjed ei ole täpselt teada ning pole välistatud negatiivsed tagajärjed, siis peab olema pigem ettevaatlik ning lähtuma võimalusest, et negatiivne tagajärg realiseerub. Dünaamilisuse printsiip ­ loodus ei ole tasakaalus. Ökoloogilises süsteemis saab absoluutses tasakaalus olla vaid surnud süsteem. Kõik, mis on elus, muutub ja areneb. Evolutsioonilisuse printsiip ­ liigirikkus on evolutsiooni tulem. Liikide rohkus tulevikus sõltub sellest, millised protsessid toimuvad looduses praegu. Pidev...

Loodus → Looduskaitseteadus
12 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

International law - the set of rules that most countries obey when dealing with other countries Operating law ­ the set of rules that one country and its people obey Legal system ­ an area ( of countries) that follow the same kind of rules???? Retelling Explain and retell the text! Not examples, but the terms and expressions. Think about the terms, play with the terms, and put them into right contexts. 7 terms! Think about the structure! Introduction body conclusion = well structures. NO new information in the conclusion! 2 ways to classify the courts: By their functions and by their levels. When to apply the European Court of Justice? When it has to do European Law and EU. And when there is a pending case (pooleliolev kohtuasi), the courts here (ex in Estonia) can ask the European Court of Justice for advice. The decision to prosecute · Who? General rule ­ any private individual can bring a prosecution ­

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist


I've just been 6) ............................... lately. 7) ..................... we can get together 8)........................... and have a 9) ..........................10) it . Love, Linda TASK 22 Write a letter of apology to a friend who lent you some money. Apologise for not returning it on time. Work in pairs use no more than 200 words. Asking for / Giving Advice I. PRAGRAPH PLAN ­ ASKING FOR ADVICE · Introduction Paragraph 1 - reasons for writing · Main body Paragraphs 2-3 ­ description of the problem · Conclusion Final Paragraph ­ closing remarks Full name II. PARAGRAPH PLAN ­ GIVING ADVICE · Introduction Paragraph 1 ­ reasons for writing, thanks for the letter/ express understanding of the problem · Main body Paragraph 2-3 ­ suggestion(s) and reason(s) · Conclusion Final Paragraph ­ closing remarks Full name

Keeled → Inglise keel
26 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun