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"introduction" - 582 õppematerjali

introduction - state topic Paragraph 2 – ALL the advantages/arguments for Paragraph 3 – ALL the disadvantages/arguments against Final paragraph – Give a balance consideration or your own opinion without using personal words or expressions Present the advantages and disadvantages in a fair way, discussing them objectively in equal detail.


FINLAND Report Johan Mähar Tartu 2008 Contents p. 1. Introduction....................................................................................................1 2. Nature and geography.....................................................................................2 3. Position and size.............................................................................................2 4. Climate............................................................................................................3 5. Flora and fauna....................................

Majandus → Majandus
12 allalaadimist

The Relations Between The USA and Iraq

Miina Härma Gymnasium The Relations Between the USA and Iraq Student: Hendrik Rummel 10.b Teacher: Tiia Timma Tartu 2010 The Table of Contents 1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................2 2. History 2.1. Pre-1980s.............................................................................................................3 2.2. 1980s...................................................................................................................3 2.3. 1990s............................................................................

Geograafia → Geograafia
8 allalaadimist

Biogas – The source of future energy

Tartu Miina Härma gymnasium Biogas ­ The source of future energy Report Tartu 2010 Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................... What is biogas?................................................................................................... Producing process............................................................................................... Nowadays............................................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Big data in cloud

A B S T R A C T W e l c o m e t o t h e n e w e r a o f b i g d a t a . P ii s Big a v data a l in t C o clou o l d I T opportu I 0 Academic essay (ITI0103) 2019 spring Introduction “Data is Everything and Everyone is Data. “[1] The ability to collect, organize, structure and analyse data on a large scale is probably the most significant trait that sets us, humans, apart from our primate friends. [1] To comprehend the op...

Informaatika → Algoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
2 allalaadimist

Questions for the First Philosophy Test

Questions for the First Philosophy Test a. Introduction 1. How would you characterize Modern philosophy? Commanding outlook, power, will, Man is God. 2. How would you characterize Classical philosophy? Contemplative outlook, truth, intelligence, God is truth. b. Descartes 3. What is the main question that Descartes is trying to answer? How can I be certain [sure] that I am in the truth? 4. Which are precepts of Descartes' method? Only accept what is self-evident. Analysis. Synthesis. Enumeration. 5

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kultuuri mõistest ja määratlusest

human ideas and crafts, beliefs and customs. Malinowski järgib siin Tylor'i definitsiooni rõhutades kõikehõlmavat totaalsust, loetleb terve rea kultuuri kuuluvaid nähtusi, nende hulgas reegleid, mida ta nimetab "constitutional characters". 2. Ajaloolised definitsioonid näevad kultuuri kui pärandit, mida edastatakse aja kulgedes põlvest põlve. Olulisel kohal on mõisted traditsioon ja mustrid. Ameerika sotsioloogid Robert E. Park ja Edward W. Burgess 1921. Introduction to the Science of Sociology. Grupi kultuur on sotsiaalse pärandi korrastatud kogum, mis on omandanud sotsiaalse tähenduse vastava grupi rassiliste eripärade (racial temperament) ja ajaloolise arengu tulemusena. The culture of a group is the sum total and organization of the social heritages which have acquired a social meaning because of racial temperament and of the historical life of the group. Ameerika antropoloog Edward Sapir 1924. Culture, Genuine and Spurious. ­ Americal Journal of

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilood
102 allalaadimist

Philip Larkin’s Poetry: Themes, Form, Style, Imagery and Symbolism

A tribute. Londres: The Marvell Press. István D., Rácz. 2011. Philip Larkin's Poetics: Theory and Practice. Larkin, Philip. 1983. Required Writing: Miscellaneous Pieces 1955-1982. Levi, Peter. 1986. “The English Wisdom Of A Master Poet”, en Chambers (ed.): 33-35 Martínez Victorio. 2002. San Lorenzo del Escorial: Libros C. de Langre. McKeown, Andrew and Charles Holdefer. 2006. Philip Larkin and the Poetics of Resistance. Paris: L’Harmattan. Pater, Walter. 2003 (1889). El estilo. Introduction, translation and notes of Luis. Pujals, Esteban. 1973. La poesía inglesa del siglo XX. Barcelona: Planeta. Raine, Craig. 1986. “Closing Lines On A Life”, en Chamber (ed.): 36-38. Regan, Stephen. 1992. Philip Larkin. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Swarbrick, Andrew. 1995. Out of Reach. The Poetry of Philip Larkin. Whalen, Terry. 1986. Philip Larkin and English Poetry. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
1 allalaadimist

Topic - Libraries

Topic ­ Libraries Tallinn English College 8b form 2007 1. Introduction A library is a collection of books. Libraries are maintained by a public body such as an institution or an individual. These collections are used by people who choose not to (or cannot afford) purchase an extensive collection themselves or who need professional assistance with their research. However, with the collection of media other than books, many libraries are now also access points for maps, prints or other documents and artworks such as microfilm,

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Health topic

Topic Health Introduction Good health is very important for us. We should do everything we can to stay healthy. Being in good health means having our body and mind in good working order, free from disease and pain. Ways of keeping health There are many ways for keeping health. To stay healthy we should eat right foot, dress comfortably, spend much time in fresh air, have enough rest, keep ourselves clean and have regular checkups with the doctor and the dentist. A big part of prevention of diseseases is sporting. Poeple need to have phsical exercise. If they can not have it, they will get stressed and they will be infected with dieseases much easier. For example it would be good to run every day for some time. That way one probably will not become fat, he or she will get fresh air and rest from daily problems. There are many other health-sports also. Many people go swimming. During winter people go skiing. Some people also do a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Referaat subkultuuridest

nyabinghi-muusika, mille peamine element on trummid. Nyabinghi-muusikas on kolme sorti trumme - bass, funde ja akete. Trummide saatel lauldakse oma usulistest tõekspidamistest ning väidetakse, et trummid on Jumala hääl. KASUTATUD MATERJALID: 1) Kes on rastad ? 21. oktoober 2008. 2) Rastafarianism. 20. mai 2008. 3) Rastafarism Throughout Time 20. mai 2008. 4) An introduction to Rastafari by Ras Charles and French Dread 20. mai 2008.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilugu
62 allalaadimist

Trojan horse

Eriala: Informaatika Inglise keel Referaat «Trojan horse » Lektor S.Remmelg Üliõpilane A.Parts Rühm RDIR23 Kood 103373 Introduction Trojan (also - troyamn, troyamnets, troyamnsky horse Troma) - a program used by an attacker to gather information, its destruction or modification of, computer malfunction or use of its resources in the wrong purposes. According to the principle of distribution and of the Trojans is not a virus because it does not spread by self-reproduction. This Trojan is run by the user manually or automatically - the program or part of the operating system running on a victim computer (as a module or utility). For this program file (the name, icon of the program) is called the official name of masquerading as another program (such as the installation of another program), another file type, or just give us attra...

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
2 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle;arutlev kirjand

The first one is getting really popular nowadays ­ almost every newspaper has a page devoted to personal psychology only; the internet holds numberless collections of articles and other literary sources towards the topic. Unit two is something really special since it teaches us the parts of speech. Every person has to make an important speech at least once in their lifetime. It can be a congratulation to a dear friend, an introduction of a new school etc. It doesn't just stop on festive occasions in reality ­ we need to communicate with each other every single day. When we enter the classroom in the morning, we say `Good morning!' and when we are about to take a leave, we mutter `Have a nice day...' if we are still capable of doing that since the school day is really tiring (especially after eight hours of active studying). Unit three is going to be my favourite since it includes such important matters as future plans,

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
10 allalaadimist


seisukohast, kelle mees töötab välismaal ning anda ülevaade sellest, mil viisil mõjutab see naise eneseteostussoovi ja -võimalusi. Lühiülevaade kasutatavatest põhilistest kirjandusallikatest Aimre, I. (2006). Sotsioloogia. Tallinn: Sisekaitseakadeemia. Asen, E. K. (1999). Pereraamat. Kuidas õnnelikult koos elada. Tallinn: Tänapäev. Beck, U. (2005). Riskiühiskond: Teel uue modernsuse poole. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus. Collins, D., Jordan, C., Coleman, H. (2007). An Introduction To Family Social Work. Belmont California USA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. Eagly, A. H., Beall, A. E., Sternberg, R. J. (Toim). (2008). Soopsühholoogia. Tallinn: Külim. Elenurm, T., Rootamm-Valter, J., Servinski, M. (2008). Tööturg. Tänapäev ja tulevik. Tallinn: Vastus. Hess, B. B. (2000). Sotsioloogia. Tallinn: Külim. Mackevičiŭtė, I. (Toim). (2008). Soolise võrdõiguslikkuse käsiraamat kohalikele omavalitsustele. Tallinn: Centre of Equality Advancement.

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaaltöö
59 allalaadimist


säilitanud austuse Maa vastu. Rastafari traditsiooniline muusika pole sugugi reggae, vaid nn. nyabinghi-muusika, mille peamine element on trummid. Nyabinghi-muusikas on kolme sorti trumme - bass, funde ja akete. Trummide saatel lauldakse oma usulistest tõekspidamistest ning väidetakse, et trummid on Jumala hääl. KASUTATUD MATERJALID: 1) Kes on rastad ? 3) Rastafarism Throughout Time 4) An introduction to Rastafari by Ras Charles and French Dread

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
8 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni sisekommunikatsioon

A. Corporate Communication. 5-th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwen, 2009, 313 p. Kasutatud 01.01.2016 Bovée, C.L, Thill, J.V. Bisness Communication Today. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995, 676 p.7. Braedyn, A.M. Effective Organizational Cock, G., Witte, K., Nieuwkerke, S. (1998). Effective Communication within the Organization. Drenth, P.J.D., Thierry, H., Wolff, C.J., Handbook of Work and Organizational Psychology (pp387-400). Hove: Psychology Press Ltd. Fiske, J. Introduction to Comminication Studies. 2nd ed. London; New York: Routledge, 1996, 1997, 203 p. Grunig, E.J. (1992). Exellence in Public Relatsions and Communication Management. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers Hirokawa, Y. R. & L. Erbert & A. Hurst (1996) Communiction and Group Decision- Making Effectiveness. Y. R. Hirokawa & M. S. Poole (toim.). Communication and Group Decision Making. 2nd ed. United States of America: SAGE Publications, 269-300 p. Pace, R.W., Faules, D.F

Majandus → Organisatsioonikäitumine
41 allalaadimist

Education and learning

A) hard B) enough C) thoroughly D) rather he his best. j) Most students have quite a good sense of their own ……. A) grasp B) ability C) idea D) information Task 7. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. School report Margaret started English Literature this term, and I am afraid that her (1) introduction to INTRODUCE the subject has not been entirely (2) She has not shown much enthusiasm, and does not SUCCESS always pay (3) in class. Her assignments are often (4), because she is so untidy, and ATTEND; READ FAIL; REVISE because of her (5) to check her work thoroughly. She failed to do any (6) before the end of

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpedagoogika - essee

[]. 15.03.2017 4. Higy, C., Haberkorn, J., Pope, N., Gilmore, T. 2012. The Role of School Social Workers from the Perspective of School Administrator Interns: A Pilot Study in Rural North Carolina. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol.2 (2) pp. 8-15 5. Hämäläinen, J. 2001. Sissejuhatus sotsiaalpedagoogikasse. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus. 6. Juhila, K., Pösö, T., Hall, C., & Parton, N. (2003). Introduction. Beyond a Universal Client. Hall, Christopher; Juhila, Kirsi; Parton, Nigel; Pösö. Tarja (toim.) Constructing Clienthood in Social Work and Human Services. Interaction, Identities and Practices. London and New York: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 11–24 7. Kadajas, T. Sotsiaalkonstruktsionistlikule õppimisteooriale baseeruv autoetnograafiline reflektsioon: koolisotsiaaltöö ja koolisotsiaalpedagoogika kui

Sotsioloogia → Sotsiaalteadused
114 allalaadimist

Burakumin’id: jaapanlased valest linnaosast

Hoang, V. (2011, November 18). The Burakumin: Japan's Invisible Race. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from Kristof, N. (1995, November 29). Japan's Invisible Minority: Better off than in past, but still outcasts. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from s-invisible-minority-better-off-than-in-past-but-stilloutcasts.html?pagewanted=all McLaughlan, A. (2006, January). Japan's Burakumin: An introduction. The Asia-Pacific Journal, 4(1), 1-3. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from Priestley, I. (2009, January 20). Breaking the silence on burakumin. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from on-burakumin-2/#.Vo7RFhV96M8 Veldkamp, J. (2009, January 20). Buraku's zijn nog altijd te min. Retrieved January 2, 2016, from

Ühiskond → Inimene ja ühiskond
2 allalaadimist

Consumer behavior

Consumer Behavior Assignment Assignment 1(4) Girli Vasiljev HAAGAHELIA University of Applied Sciences RB1X 12.12.2011 Consumer behavior Introduction Each and every one of us is a consumer. We buy products and services every day. But why do we prefer one product or service to another? What leads us to make the right decision before every purchase? There are many aspects influencing our decision making process and thereby our consumer behavior. Attitudes, perceptions, image, roles, motivations, determinants etc. encourage us to buy or not to buy a product or service. (Cooper & Gilbert, 2008, p. 43) There are many different definitions about consumer behavior. Emphasizing...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Programmeeritavad kontrollerid Labor 2

REPORT & USER MANUAL TR A F F I C L I G H T S C O N TR O L S Y S T E M ALEXANDER TARANENKO ANASTASSIJA MOROZOVA Tallinn University of Technology March 2013 INTRODUCTION The following system consists of two Mitsubishi AL2 controllers that control two crossroads, a pedestrian crossing and a parking lot. The following implementation divides the task between the two, but keeps controller one the main one and controller two the secondary one. The system can work in two modes, automatic and manual, the latter of which can also work in two separate sub- modes that must be selected for each crosswalk individually.

Informaatika → Informaatika
105 allalaadimist


Tallinna Inglise Kolledz Topic United States of America Mari-Liis Pakats Tallinn 2007 2 Introduction..................................................................................................................4 Geographical Position..................................................................................................4 Geographical Regions..................................................................................................5 Climate ........................................................................................................................6 Natural Resources........................................................................................................ 7 History..........................................................................................................................8 Culture.................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Kreooli kultuur

Creole Culture Report Table of contents INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................................................2 FAMILY LIFE..............................................................................................................................................................3 HISTORICAL CREOLE GENDER ROLE...............................................................................................................4 CREOLE CUSTOMS.......................................................................................................................................................5 CREOLE CULTURE...................................................................................................................................................5 PEOPLE.......................

Geograafia → Geograafia
2 allalaadimist

Russia Throughout the History

RUNNING HEAD: RUSSIA Russia Throughout the History U.S Government Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. History of Russia 3. Russia nowadays 4. Important people in Russia throughout the history 5. Conclusion 6. References Introduction- Russia Throughout the History Russia is a one of the biggest countries is the world. The first clues about Russian history are from as early as the 9th century. Russia has suffered through rough times in war, mad leaders and tough life amongst the locals

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Means of communication

Maturitní otázka c. 23. Means of communication Introduction A few centuries ago people knew only a few kinds of communication. They could speak to each other, they could send their message from one place to another by smoke signals, they used mail. Later on, they also had some newspapers. The first expansion of media was when the radio and television were invented. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit. There are 4 main media: Newspapers, TV, Radio and the Internet. Today's people take this as an ordinary thing and we don't realise that we nearly can't live without it. Media are very important for us. They give us big amount of information, so big that we can't remember all that things. They help us to understand things and if you have lots of information you are able to make your own decisions. This is connected wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus semiootikasse

Kursuse "Sissejuhatus semiootikasse" kohustuslik kirjandus: Th. A. Sebeok "Signs. An Introduction to Semiotics" John Deely "Basic of semiotics" Charles Morris "Writings of General Theory of Signs" [soovituslik:] Daniel Chandler "Semiotics. The Basics" Floid Merrell "Semiotic Foundation" Winfred Nöth "Handbook of Semiotics" Umberto Eco "A Theory of semiotics" Jürgen Trabant "Elemente der Semiotika" Juri Lotman "Semiosfäärist" Eloid Merrel "This is semiotics" Paul Cobley, Litza Jansz "Juhatus semiootikasse" Tänapäevase semiootika eelkäijad

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
107 allalaadimist

Scenario diagram

org/wiki/List_of_Unified_Modeling_Language_tools] 27.11.2015 7. Lühiülevaade UML´ist. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. [http://www] 27.11.2015 8. Sequence diagram [] 27.11.2015 9. Sequence Diagram showing the transactions for the activity Account Holder Authentication (joonis). [] 27.11.2015 10. UML 2 Sequence Diagrams: An Agile Introduction, 2014 [] 27.11.2015. Lisa 1. Eelmiste aastate õpilastööde ja oma lisaks leitu kokkuvõte Referaadi koostamisel kasutati google otsingumootorit. Otsingutes kasutati eesti-ja ingliskeelseid lauseid. Kasutatavad otsingusõnad olid näiteks Sequence diagram specification, Scenario diagram, Brief History of the UML, UML specification, Jadaskeem jne

Informaatika → Majandusinformaatika
5 allalaadimist

Aerolaserskaneerimine ja selle rakendused

Lang, M., Arumäe, T. 2014. Metsanduslikud uurimused - Kaugseire praktilistes metsanduslikes rakendustes Eestis. 129-135. Nasset, E. 1997. Estimating Timber Volume of Forest Stands Using Airborne Laser Scanner Data – Remote Sensing of Environment, 61, 246-253. Jennings, S. B., Brown, N. D., Sheil, D. 1999. Assessing forest canopies and understorey illumination: canopy closure, canopy cover and other measures - Forestry, 72, 59−74 Wehr, A., Lohr, U. Airborne laser scanning – an introduction and overview – ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 54, 68-82. . 11

Metsandus → Metsatakseerimine
5 allalaadimist


Gümnaasium Prague referaat Autor: Klass: Juhendaja: 2010 CONTENTS 1. Contents 2. Introduction 3. Compendium about Prague 4. Important about Czech Republic and Prague 5.-7. History 8. Independence 9. Main sights 10. the Czech Republic 11. List of famous people from Prague 12. Geography 13. Weather and climate 14. Population 15. Culture 2 INTRODUCTION The Czech Republic lies at the heart of Central Europe and at its center is the beautiful and historic city of Prague. With a population

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Geenitehnoloogia eetilised, õiguslikud, ärilised aspektid, eksami kordamisküsimuste vastused

normal functions, genetic disorders can result · Gene therapy is a technique for correcting defective genes responsible for disease development Somatic gene therapy · is when therapeutic genes are transferred into the somatic cells of a patient, meaning any modifications and effects would be restricted to the individual and not heritable Germ line gene therapy · is when germ cells, such as sperm or eggs, are modified by the introduction of functional genes · these functional genes are integrated into their genomes, therefore the change would be heritable and could be passed on to later generations Problems · Short-lived nature of gene therapy · Immune response · Problems with viral vectors · Multigene disorders Geneetiliste haiguste diagnostika- probleemid ja võimalused Geneetilise diagnostika eesmärk

Bioloogia → Geenitehnoloogia aspektid
49 allalaadimist


TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz Turismiosakond Grete Jakobson Katriin Mats TH1 JUHTIMISTEOREETIK HENRI FAYOL Referaat Pärnu 2011 2 SISUKORD SISUKORD.......................................................................................................................3 1. KLASSIKALISE ADMINISTREERIMISE KOOLKOND..........................................6 1.1. Koolkonna olemus ja Fayoli teooria administratiivsest koolkonnast.....................6 1.2 Üldjuhtimise ja projektijuhtimise erinevused ning sarnasused...............................8 2. HENRI FAYOL...........................................................................................................10 2.1. Elulugu, viis juhtimise printsiipi ja 7 juhi omadust..................................................10 2.2. Henri Fayoli 14 juhtimise põhimõtet.......................

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
43 allalaadimist

Economic Country Review

First, a general overview on the countries will be given. After, economic indicators (real GDP growth rate, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget and deficit) of the three countries will be compared to draw a conclusion. Keywords GDP, inflation, unemployment, household consumption, investment, current account, government budget, deficit, surplus Table of contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................1 2 Country Specs ....................................................................................1 2.1 Finland ...................................................................................1 2.1.1 Background ..................................................................1 2.1.2 Geography ............................

Majandus → Majandusanalüüs
9 allalaadimist

Tuuma energia

................................................................10 Disadvantages of nuclear power generation:.................................................................................10 Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................12 References..........................................................................................................................................13 Introduction What is nuclear power? Nuclear power is any nuclear technology designed to extract usable energy from atomic nuclei via controlled nuclear reactions. The most common method today is through nuclear fission, though other methods include nuclear fusion and radioactive decay. All utility-scale reactors heat water to produce steam, which is then converted into mechanical work for the purpose of generating electricity or propulsion. In 2007, 14% of the world's electricity came from nuclear power

Füüsika → Füüsika
22 allalaadimist

The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn

Tallinna Mustamäe College The Most Important Buildings in Lai Street in Tallinn Report Supervisor: Ingrid Teigar Tallinn 2014 Table of Contents Introduction.............................................................................. 3 Lai Street in general.................................................................. 4 The origin of the name "Lai"...................................................... 4 1 Lai Street / 4 Nunne Street...................................................... 5 17 Lai Street............................................................................. 6 23 Lai Street............................................................................. 6 27 Lai Street............................................................................. 8 29 Lai Street...........................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sotsioloogia essee: Hechter ja Horne

Q: Social order requires social behaviour to be predictable and individuals to cooperate. Amongst the explanations of social order are five outlined by Hechter and Horne: `meaning', `values and norms', `power and authority', `spontaneous interaction' and `networks and groups'. Describe how at least three of these (or other) factors might explain social order, and discuss the extent to which you find the explanations convincing. Introduction For societies to cohere and cooperate, it is necessary for individuals within them to have a predictable and collaborative behaviour. The presence of social order enables individuals to feel more secure publicly, as it enables them to somewhat predict their lives. Social order is also necessary for stability and serves as the basis for collective advancements. There are several theories and explanations for why social order persists and emerges. Hechter and Horne in the reader Theories of Social Ord...

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
8 allalaadimist

Vana-Rooma ajaloost. Gladiaatorid

Keset amfiteatri areeni seisab soomusrüüsse riietatud mees, peas sulgedega kiiver, käes kilp ja mõõk. Teda on treenitud raskeks lahinguks, ette valmistatud võitlema elu ja surma peale. Tema vastas seisab teine samasuguse saatusega sõdalane. Mõlemad mehed teavad, et loetud minutite pärast lebab kumbki neist areenil ning ootab tribüünidelt pingsalt jälgiva rahvahulga otsust ­ elu või surm. Kui tänapäeval võib sellist vaatepilti näha vaid filmis, siis Vana-Rooma ühiskonnas oli gladiaatorivõitlus igapäevane meelelahutus. See vägivaldne ja verine vaatemäng lahutas meelt nii riigi tähtsaimatel meestel kui ka kõige lihtsamatel inimestel. Tänapäeval näeme selles traditsioonis vaid võigast vaatemängu ning peame haiglaseks inimeste huvi vaadata teise olendi julma avalikku piinamist, ometi ei saa me tänapäeva inimelu väärtustavas keskkonnas hukka mõista tolle aja tavasid ja tõekspidamisi, kuna selles kontekstis oli vere valamine meelelahutu...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
64 allalaadimist

Topic - Health

Health 2007 1. Introduction Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of an organism at both the cellular and social level. In the medical field, health is commonly defined as an organism's ability to succesfully respond to challenges and effectively restore and keep a so-called ,,state of balance". 2. History · Early hospitals During the Middle Ages the hospital could serve other functions, such as an almshouse for the poor, or hostel for pilgrims. In ancient cultures, religion and medicine were linked. The earliest known institutions aiming to provide cure were Egyptian temples. Greek temples dedicatedto the healer-god, might admit the sick, who would wait for guidance from the god in a dream. The Romans adopted this worship. The Sri Lankans are perhaps responsible for introducing theconcept ofdedicated hospitals to the world. According to an ancient chronicle, written in the 6 th centur...

Keeled → Inglise keel
28 allalaadimist

Referaat amiinide praktilisest tähtsusest (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [3] Forbes, T.D.A., Clement, B.A. Chemistry of Acacia's from South Texas. Texas University. (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [4] Foods Containing Amines. 2008. (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [5] What is adrenaline? (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [6] DNA and RNA Introduction. (joonis) (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [7] Plant Amines. Universität Hamburg. 2003. (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [8] Asokollane. (joonis) Azo/Yellow-Medium-Azo.html (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [9] DNA Molecule - Two Views. (joonis) (Alla laetud 13.10.2012) [10] McNaught, A

Keemia → Orgaaniline keemia
13 allalaadimist


NETIKETT EHK VÕRGUETIKETT Referaat Sissejuhatus Kirjutasin referaadi teemal ,,Netikett ehk võrguetikett". Kasutasin info saamiseks enamasti Intrnetti, kuid ka materjali, mis on kogunenud aegade jooksul informaatika tundidest. Üksikisiku käitumist ühiskonnas juhivad käitumisreeglid, mis oma suuremas osas on küll "kirjutamata reeglid". Elektroonne keskkond on mitmeti erinev tavalisest ja siin tuleb täita teatud reegleid, et teistele seda keskkonda mitte talumatuks muuta. Võrgus on aja jooksul välja kujunenud terve hulk reegleid, millest iga interneti kasutaja peaks kinni pidama - sellega austate te teisi kasutajaid. Netikett on lühend sõnadest Internet ja etikett, seega netikett tähendab Interneti käitumisjuhiseid. Nagu Internet ise, muutub ka netikett kiiresti, kuid selle aluseks on ikkagi Kuldreegel ("Ära tee teistele seda, mida sa ei taha, et sinule tehtaks!). Vajadus netiketi järgi ilmneb eelkõige e-posti, uudisgruppide ja jutut...

Filosoofia → Kombed
63 allalaadimist

Monopolistic competition

the markup of price over marginal cost. However, the administrative burden of regulating the pricing of all firms that produce differentiated products would be overwhelming. Another way in which monopolistic competition may be socially inefficient: - The number of firms in the market may not be the "ideal" one. · There may be too much or too little entry. The product-variety externality: · Because consumers get some consumer surplus from the introduction of a new product, entry of a new firm conveys a positive externality on consumers. The business-stealing externality: · Because other firms lose customers and profits from the entry of a new competitor, entry of a new firm imposes a negative externality on existing firms. Advertising When firms sell differentiated products and charge prices above marginal cost, each firm has an

Majandus → Micro_macro ökonoomika
9 allalaadimist

Minu esimene kirjanduslik teos tantsu- ja liikumisteraapia maailmas

Brunner-Routledge Press Inc. Moore, C.-L., & Yamamoto, K. (1988). Beyond Words: Movement Observation and Analysis. New York: Gordon & Breach. Sandel, S. L., & Johnson, D. R. (1996). Theoretical Foundations of the Structural Analysis of Movement Sessions. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 23(1), 15-25. Retrieved from Warren, B. (2008). Using the Creative Arts in Therapy and Healthcare: A practical Introduction. New York, NY: Routledge. Welling, A. (2015, 03 15). What Does a Dance/Movement Therapy Session Look Like? Retrieved 10 01, 2016, from American Dance Therapy Association: look-like/ Minu esimene kirjalik teos tantsu- ja liikumisteraapia maailmas 8

Tants → Tantsuteraapia
4 allalaadimist


Belmont CA: Dorsey Press. Holroyd, C. (2001). Phenomenological Research Method, Design and Procedure: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Phenomenon of Being-in-Community as Experienced by Two Individuals Who Have Participated in a Community Building Workshop. Indo- Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 1-1, 1-10. Laherand, M. (2008). Kvalitatiivne uurimisviis. Tallinn: Infotrükk. Lavrakas, P. J. (2008). Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods. Los Angeles: SAGE. Lester, S. (1999). An introduction to phenomenological research. Taunton UK: Stan Lester Developments. [2012, aprill 7]. Munhall, P.L. (2010). Nursing Research: A Qualitative Perspective. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning Randolph, J. J. (2008). Multidisciplinary Methods in Educational Technology Research and Development. Hämeenlinna: HAMK Publications. Tammo, J. (2008). Edmund Husserl. [2012, aprill 7]. http://mcv.planc

Kategooriata → Uurimistöö meetodid
177 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus suhtekorraldusse

orgaisatsioonide vastutust ühiskonna ees osapooled -organisatsioon -siht ja sidusrühmad ELION ­ tootja, töötajad, tarnija, meedia, konkurent, sponsorsuhted, partner(EMT), klient, reklaamijad, emafirma, seadusandja suhtekorralduse võtmesõnad kaalutletud, plaanitud tegevus juhtimisfunktsioon sõnum siht- ja sidusrühmad avalik huvi kahesuunaline kommunikatsioon õpik: tench, yeomans: exploring public relations,prentice hall shirley harrisson: public relations. An introduction seitel, the practice of public relations, 11th edition,prentice hall mis on eetika? teoreetiline eetika: hea/halb, õige/vale praktiline,kutse-eetika eetika teooriad: utilitarism, teleoloogia,deontoloogia, situatsioonieetka, vooruste eetika eetika suhtekorralduses usaldus, ausus, lojaalsus, sots vastutus, ühistunde loomine, konfliktide lahendamne, võm, erialased oskused eetilised konfliktid huvide konflik ­ isiklikud suhted whisteblowing

Meedia → Suhtekorraldus
21 allalaadimist

Austraalia kohta inglise keelne referaat

Tallinna Inglise Kolledž Australia Referaat Tallinn Table of contents: Introduction.....................................................................................................................3 Geographical Position.....................................................................................................3 Relief...............................................................................................................................4 Climate & Time Zones..............................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Basic banking

5. Financial Institutions and Services Objectives and Outcomes To give overview of main players. 5.1. Introduction It is common to distinguish between monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and other financial intermediaries. The distinction is based on the functions of institutions ­ institutions in the first group (MFIs) play important role in the process of money creation in modern economies. European Central Bank (ECB) describes Monetary financial institutions as including national central banks (and also ECB in the euro area), credit

Majandus → Raha ja pangandus
3 allalaadimist

How to Start a Business in Georgia

HOW TO START A BUSINESS IN GEORGIA Table of Contents · INTRODUCTION · TYPES OF BUSINESS ENTITIES · Joint Stock Company · Limited Liability Company · General Partnership · Limited Partnership · Cooperative · Branch Office · Business Partnership · Individual Entrepreneur · REGISTRATION REQUIREMNETS · Registration requirements for JSC/LLC/GP/LP/CO · Registration requirements for a Branch Office · Registration requirements for a BP · Registration requirements for an IE · FAQ · Content of the Application Form for Registration

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Margaret Thatcher

homosexuality, and she voted in favour of legalising abortion. When the Conservative party under Edward Heath won the 1970 general election, Thatcher became an Education Minister. During her first months of work she was forced to make a cut in the education budget and therefore she abolished universal free milk for school-children. This caused a huge protest that gave her the name of "Thatcher Thatcher, Milk Snatcher". However, she also successfully stood against the introduction of library book charges. Within her term she also supported the proposals to close grammar schools and adopt comprehensive secondary education. Furthermore, Mrs. Thatcher also insisted that universities should accept not only school-leavers, but also adults. When Margaret became the Leader of Conservative Party, she made a speech where she made a scathing attack on the Soviet Union. In response the Soviet newspaper gave her the nickname of "Iron Lady" due to her steadfast character.

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Turbo ja kompressor(inglise keeles)

Turbochargers must idle for about 30 seconds or so prior to shutdown so the lubricating oil has a chance to cool down. With that said, a good warm-up is important for superchargers, as they work most efficiently at normal operating temperatures. Superchargers are common additions to the internal combustion engines of airplanes. This makes sense when you consider that airplanes spend most of their time at high altitudes, where significantly less oxygen is available for combustion. With the introduction of superchargers, airplanes were able to fly higher without losing engine performance. Supercharger Disadvantages The biggest disadvantage of superchargers is also their defining characteristic: Because the crankshaft drives them, they must steal some of the engine's horsepower. A supercharger can consume as much as 20 percent of an engine's total power output. But because a supercharger can generate as much as 46 percent additional horsepower, most think the trade-off is worth it

Auto → Jõuülekanne
56 allalaadimist

Referaat Printsess Dianast

Kadrina Secondary School Princess Diana Report Mattias Suurkivi 8.a Class Instructor: Katrin Mägi Kadrina 2009Contents Introduction I chose Princess Diana, because I wanted to know about her and I like the British royal family and she was a part of the family, too. She is dead and if somebody reads it, he or she can learn about her and will know what she was like. The purpose of the work is to introduce Diana and get to know her better. Diana Facts about Diana Main Facts Her full name is Diana Frances Spencer and she was the Princess of Wales. Diana was called people's Princess

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Aniliini riskianalüüs (eng)

Referaat: Kemikaali riskianalüüs Aniliin Õppejõud: Karin Reinhold Üliõpilane: Kood: 000000 Tallinn 2012 1. Introduction Aniline (also known as phenylamine or aminobenzene) is an organic compound with the formula C6H5NH2. Consisting of a phenyl group attached to an amino group, aniline is the prototypical aromatic amine. The largest application of aniline is for the preparation of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate. The majority of aniline serves this market. Other uses include rubber processing chemicals (9%), herbicides (2%), and dyes and pigments (2%). Illustrative of the drugs prepared from

Meditsiin → Riski- ja ohuõpetus
38 allalaadimist

The President of the United States and his family

Sõmerpalu Basic School Teisy Slavin Form 8 The President of the United States and his family Research Paper Instructor: Kati Leis Sõmerpalu 2012 Contents Introduction I wrote my research paper on the president of the United States and his family, because I wanted to know more about Barack Hussein Obama, his wife Michelle Obama and his daughters Malia and Natasha. I think that I now know much more about the President of the United States and I think that I should know, because in the future I would like to travel to and one day maybe even move to the United States of America. I think that Barack Obama is the most hated president in the United States history because of his racial. Barack Hussein Obama Barack H...

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun