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"inglise" - 9158 õppematerjali


Inglise keel -Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Inglise keel -Gümnaasium
Inglise keel -Põhikool
Inglise keel -Kutsekool
Inglise kirjandus -Gümnaasium
Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu -Tallinna Ülikool
Inglise keel -Eesti Maaülikool
Inglise keel kõnelevate maade ajalugu -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel -Tartu Ülikool
Inglisekeelne geograafia -Põhikool
Inglisekeelne geograafia -Gümnaasium
Inglise keele foneetika ja fonoloogia -Tallinna Ülikool
Inglise keel -Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
Inglise keel -Tartu Ülikooli Pärnu Kolledž
Inglise keel_baaskursus -Tallinna Ülikool
Inglisekeelne muusika -Põhikool
Inglise õiguskeel 1 -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel -Lääne-Viru Rakenduskõrgkool
Inglise keel -Tallinna Majanduskool
Inglise ajalugu -Gümnaasium
Inglise keel -Gümnaasium
Inglise keel -Gümnaasium
Inglise keel -Eesti Mereakadeemia
Inglise keel -Tartu Kõrgem Kunstikool
Inglise leksikoloogia -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel - torutransport -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel 8 klass -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade ühiskond ja kultuur -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel - 9.klass -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel I -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keel 6. klass -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise ärikeel -Tartu Ülikool
inglise keel 10 klass -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keele ajalugu -Tartu Ülikool
Inglise keele foneetika -Tartu Ülikool
inglise keele süntaks -Tartu Ülikool
inglise õiguskeel -Tartu Ülikool

Kasutaja: inglise

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Inglise kirjanikud

English writers Maria maasing Edwin Abbott Abbott · Edwin Abbott Abbott(1838-1926)was an English clergyman and writer.He was born in London. He wrote several theological works and a biography (1885) of Francis Bacon, but he is best known for his Shakespearian Grammar (1870) and religious allegory the Flatland. William Blake · William Blake (1757­1827) was an English poet, philosopher and artist.He was one of the most extraordinary personalities to emerge during the period of Romanticism. He believed that spiritual reality lies hidden behind the visible world of the senses and he attempted to create a symbolic language to represent his spiritual visions. He began printing his own illustrated poems in colour in 1787. The first example was Songs of innocence(1789). Towards the end of his life, he joined a circle of younger artists who appreciated his remarkable pow...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
22 allalaadimist

Inglise park

VANA BAROKKHIILGUSE TAASTAMINE: Kadrioru pargi lilleaia taastamistööd 2001. Ingmar Muusikus 17. ...28. 09.2006 ­ loetud päevad vanal heal Inglismaal. Kümned kilomeetrid maalilistes parkides, mida näeb ainult Inglismaal. Inglise park asub Inglismaal ­ mujal on ikka mingi kohalik segu. Minu esimene kord sellel maal ning esmamulje on suurepärane. Iga miil on täis ajalugu, igas asjast õhkub traditsioon, iga ettekandja naeratab sundimatult, päriselt: Your Tea ­ please ..." ­ ning suhkrut pole vajagi. Karel Capek on öelnud, et võõra maa tundma õppimiseks pead sa vaatama inimesi, istuma kõrtsus ja raiskama terve varanduse söögile ning joogile, et pisutki mõista seda teist maailma, kuhu oled sattunud

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Inglise ÃœhendKuningriik

Paistu Kool Airi Timps Inglise Kuningriik Uurimustöö Juhendaja: Inglise keele õpetaja Õpetaja: Viive Sarv Sultsi 2009 Sisukord. Sissejuhatus........................................................................................................1 Millest koosneb Inglise Ühendkuningriik..........................................................2 Inglise Ühendkuningriigi ajalugu.......................................................................3 Suurbritannia seaduslikud võimuorganid ..........................................................4 Loodus ja maavarad.........................................................................................5-6 Suurbritannia keel ja rahvastik........................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

Lihtlause (The simple sentence) Lauseliikmed on alus (t/ie subject),iildis (the predicale), sihitis lthe objecr) ja mddrus (.the adver- blal1. Lau.eliikmek. rdih olla iiLl.,siksona r0i terve:dnade riihm ehl< lraas. faraline sdnajiirg on: Alus Oeldis Sihitis MAarus Tbm played sot:f yesteral0!-. My elder brother will play tahle tennis next week Lausete liigid (Klrds ol sentence.s) Viiitlaused (Statements'l teata...

Keeled → Inglise keel
32 allalaadimist

Inglise Renessansiteater

INGLISE RENESSANSITEATER ● Nimi?!?! ● Klass?!?! Elisabethi-aegne dramaturgia ✗Inglise renessansiteatri hiigelaeg langes kokku Elisabeth I valitsusajaga. ✗Pärast Elisabet I surma (1603.a) tulid võimule puritaanid, kes ei olnud teatrisõbralikud. ✗1642 suleti enamus Londoni teatrid, alles 20 aastat hiljem õnnestus need uuesti avada. ✗Elisabeth I aegne teatrikultuur oli tänapäeva mõistes üsna labane, kuid kunst selles oli suur. Publiku paigutus teatris ✗ Publiku kohad olid põrandal, rõdul, loožetsis. ✗ Loožetsis istusid jõukamad pealtvaatajad. ✗ Lihtrahvas vaatas etendusi põrandalt ja rõdult, rõdul olid istekohad, põrandal seisti. ✗ Ka näitelava kahel pool istusid või lamasid mantlite peal autori kaitsjad, sõbrad ja rikkad ülikud. Publik teatris ✗ Loožides istuvatel ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
54 allalaadimist

Inglise teater

Inglise teater · Elisabethi aegne Inglismaa(1558-1603), Inglise renesanssi õitseaeg. 1588 ,,võitmatu armaada'' · Inglise renesanssikirjanduse põhijooned: * küllaltki hiline*lähteallikad*antiikkultuur · 16.saj hakkab inglise teater jõuliselt arenema. · Teater võis olla kujult erinevad, ovaalne kõige levinuim. Teater meenutas kõrtsi või võõrastemaja sisehoovi. Põhitegevus toimus eeslaval. Eesriided puudusid. Eeslava ümbritses publik. Tagalava, mis oli katuse all ja varustatud liikuva eesriidega. Balkoni taoline lava. Dekoratsioone ei kasutatud, laval võisid olla ainult kõige vajalikumad mööbliesemed. Kasutati lavaefekte(lava taga tehti hääli, müristamine, kuke laul, koera

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
11 allalaadimist

Inglise park

INGLISE PARK Andri Veskimets Raudo Lepik Ajalugu Inglise pargi eelkäijateks olid suured pargid mis olid loodud Sir John Vanbrugh'i ja Nicholas Hawksmoor'i poolt Neid parke illustreerisid niidetud muru, mets, kompositsiooni keskpunktis olev maja, mille taga oli sümmetriline ja rangejooneline prantsuse stiilis park Ajalugu Inglise park sai alguse 18. sajandi alguses ja levis üle kogu Euroopa, asendades sümmeetrilise ja rangejoonelise prantsuse stiilis pargi. Pargi loojateks olid 2 maastikukujundajat William Kent ja Charles Bridgeman Inglise pargi idee on tegelikult pärit Hiinast. Olemus Looduslähedane pargistiil Juhuslikkuse võlu Korralikult pügatud muru Üksikud puud või puuderühmad Looklevad teerajad Üllatuslikud vaated Paisutatud ojad

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
11 allalaadimist

Inglise õiguskeel

Essential Vocabulary - I The role of law in society 1. juriidilised kohustused – legal obligations 2. kannatanud pool, kahjukannataja – injured party 3. vaidlusi lahendama (kohtus) – to settle a dispute in a court of law 4. riskeerima tehingute tegemisega – to risk making transactions 5. õigusnõustamist otsima – to seek legal advice 6. tagama, et leping kehtiks – to ensure that the contract would be valid 7. õiguslikke vahendeid kasutama – to use legal means 8. harjuma õiguslikke vahendeid kasutama – to get accustomed to using legal means 9. omama teadmisi millestki – to have knowledge of smth 10. ette kirjutama, ettekirjutus, ettekirjutav – to prescribe, prescription, prescriptional 11. karistust kandma – to serve punishment (ka to suffer a penalty) 12. vägivaldselt käituma (kellegi suhtes) – to act violently towards smb 13. a...

Keeled → Inglise keel
43 allalaadimist

Inglise reformatsioon

katoliku kirikuga. Nimelt abiellus Henry VIII Aragoni Katariinaga, et hoida häid suhteid Hispaaniaga, kuid Katariina oli temast vanem ja sünnitas talle vaid ühe eluterve tütre. Henry VIII armus aga ühte oma õuedaami ning tahtis viia lahutusse sisse, mille vastu seisis aga katoliku kirik 1529. aastal kutsus kuningas kokku parlamendi ja järgnevate aastatega teostati seadusandlike aktide kaudu reformatsioon. 1534 anti välja supremaatiaakt, mis kuulutas, et kuningas on Inglise kirikupea, kuid jäädakse siiski truuks katoliikluse dogmadele. Uut kirikut hakati kutsuma anglikaani kirikuks, mille peapiiskopiks sai Thomas Cranmer. Inglismaal suleti kõik kloostrid, võeti ära nende maad, tuli inglisekeelne jumalateenistus, keelati indulgentside müük ja kaotati vaimulike tsölibaat. Henry VIII oli selle kõige juures karm ja halastamatu, kartes rahva vastuseisu, lasi ta teha akti, kus kõik, kes kritiseerivad kuninga abielu või nimetavad teda ketseriks, tuleb hukata.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
15 allalaadimist

Inglise neoklassitsism

planeeringus ovaalsed ruumid · Adam kujundas kõigi oma majade interjöörid · Interjöör konstrastis eksterjööriga · Seinad kaetud stukist groteskimotiiviga · Ümarkaarsed seinanisid skulptuuridega · Inspiratsioon etruskide kunstist Harewood House Väike, ent monumentaalne Kedleston Hall. Triumfikaare sarnane keskosa, kahepoolne kaarjas trepp. Kõrgete akendega põhikorrus. Teise mõjuka arhitekti William Chambersi Somerset House ­ Inglise alamkoja hoone. Kasutab akna kohal kolmnurkset frontooni, tõstab sissekäigu esile sammasportikusega, rusikamotiiv. Osterley Park (Robert Adam) Pulteney Bridge Bathis Osterley Parki Etruskide saal. Etruskide hauakambrite seinamaalingutelt pärit motiivid, valgel foonil must+punane+ roheline, mis meenutavad küll pigem Pompei maalinguid. Mööbel valgeks värvitud ja sellel antiikne ornament. Osterley Park Home House'i etruski magamistoa kavand

Kultuur-Kunst → Stiiliõpetus
28 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

KT 3 Page 57 ex 9 a) Which paragraph describes: a. The writer´s own opinion of this persoon? 4th paragraph b. The person´s biographical history? 3rd paragraph c. The person´s achievement? 1st paragraph d. Who the person is? 2nd paragraph b) He admires her because she had done for peole of her country. Writer dicribes her like a hero. c) Michael Jackson Few years ago the world lost a great singer . The mans name was Michael Jackson. He is my idol even if he does not exist among us anymore. He was a favourite artist for many people. But having a lot of friends means having a lot of enemies. There comes the scandals towards him too. Even now, two years after his death, he isn't left alone. Firstly, Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958. I guess that he didn't even imagine that when he grow up, he'll have so many admirerers, but he wa...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


INGLISE KUNST. POPKUNSTI TEKKIMINE Riina Tamm 12.B Sisukord Inglise popkunst algus Skulptuurikunst Eduardo Paolozzi ja Peter Phillips Ronald B. Kitay ja Richard Smith David Hockney INGLISE POPKUNSTI ALGUS Ekspressiivse kallakuga realism Lucien Freud Francis Bacon Allen Jones Richard Hamilton ja Peter Blake Francis Bacon ­ Liikuv figuur Allen Jones ­ Justkui õied Richard Hamilton ­ Mis teeb tänapäevased.. Peter Blake ­ Rõdul Kollaaz. SKULPTUURIKUNST Barbara Hepworth ja Henry Moore Mehhiko, sumeri kunst Anthony Caro Junk art Henry Moore ­ Toetuv figuur

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
14 allalaadimist

Inglise valitsejad

William Vallutaja. 1066.a. puhkesid võitlused Inglismaa kuningatrooni pärast. Võimule üritasid saada: Harold Godwinson Hertsog Guillaume Harald III (Norra kuningas) William Vallutaja ehk William Sohilaps. Normandia hertsog- Guillaume II- soovis saada Inglise troonile. 1066.a. krooniti ametlikult kunungaks Harold Godwinson- Harold II. Guillaume oli Normandia hertsog(võis olla Edwardi sohilaps) 1066a.a maabus ta Lõuna-Inglismaal ja otsustas endale trooni nõudma hakata(abiks Harald III- Norra kuningas) Hastingsi lahing. 14. oktoobril 1066.a. toimus Hastingsi lähedal lahing, mille William võitis. William vallutas Londoni ja ta kuulutati Inglise kuningaks William I Vallutaja nime all. Inglismaa vallutamine. Normannide vallutust 1066.a

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keel

C. Excuse me? SA. Yes, can I help you? C. Well, I bought this red jacket here last week. I m afraid there s a problem with it. SA. Really, what s that? C. This is Large and wrong size. It s too large. SA. I m terribly sorry about that. Have you got a receipt, please? C. Yes, here you are. SA. Thanks a lot. Well, would you like a refund or would you like to choose another kind of jacket? C. I d like another jacket, please. On for size M. SA. Here is collarless brown jacket with two pockets in size M. It s slightly more expensive but it s a really fit your. C. Thanks very much. I ll take these. SA. Not at all. How would you like to pay, in cash or by credit card? C. In cash. How much does it cost? SA. This costs 39.50. C. Here is 40.00. SA. Thank you. Here is your change 50 c and here is your receipt. C. Thank you. Bye.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise kokkerspanjel

välja. Tal on pehme, särav ja vetruv karv ning teda võib olla päris mitut värvi. Kokkerspanjel on elav ja rõõmsameelne olend kellele meeldib seltskond. Tema rõõmsameelsust iseloomustab kõige paremini selle tõu üks iseloomulikumaid jooni - pidev sabaliputamine. Olles jahikoer ei taha Kokkerspanjel lihtsalt vedeleda. Ta on nagu sportlane, kes püsib vormis ainut pidevalt liikudes. Lähemalt tahan ma kirjeldada aga nimelt Inglise kokkerspanjelit see ametlik tõunimetus eristab seda tõugu Ameerika kokkerspanjelit keda peetakse täiesti teiseks ja üsna erinevaks tõuks. 3 1 ELUPAIK 1.1 Päritolu Spanjelite tõug on üks vanemaid tõuge maailmas. Tõug on pärit Euroopast kõige tõenäolisemalt Hispaaniast. Spanjelite kaks põhigruppi on maa- ja veespanjelid alagruppe on aga koguni üle 20 erineva täpsemalt 23 liiki Spanjeleid kes võivad olla erinevad nii välimuselt

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
2 allalaadimist

Inglise renessansiteater

Inglise renessansiteater Inglise renessansiteater baseerus Londonis aastatel 1567, millal avati esimene Inglismaa teater The Red Lion ehk Punane lõvi, kuni aastani 1642 mil võimule tulnud puritaanid sulgesid kõik teatrid, sest nende arust oli meelelahutus patt. Selle aja teater oli sarnane eelnevate perioodidega ning erinevate riikidega. Teatrit võis teha absoluutselt igal pool. Kus iganes rahvas kogunes, seal teatrit tehti. Näitlejad olid ainult mehed, naisi lavale ei lastud

Teatrikunst → Draama õpetus
21 allalaadimist

Inglise revolutsioonid

makse kehtestada JAMES I POJAD: KELLEST SAAB KUNINGAS? Prints Henry Loe lisatekst lk 19 Prints Charles MIKS SÜVENEB CHARLES I VALITSUSAJAL KUNINGA JA PARLAMENDI KONFLIKT? Leidke vähemalt neli põhjust. 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 4. ... Kelle vahel ja miks puhkes Inglise kodusõda? KODUSÕDA INGLISMAAL KES ON PARLAMENDI KES ON KUNINGA TOETAJAD? TOETAJAD? 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... 1. ... 4. ... Mis rolli 2. ... mängis sündmuste arengus sõjavägi? 3. ... 4. ... KES OLI OLIVER CROMWELL? KOOSTAGE SKEEM Oliver

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia

1.Lexicology as a science L. studies the voc of lg as a system. Word-learning, lexis-logos. The task of L is to establish the general features of modern Engl voc. Theoretical L. gives a complete picture of voc. Practical value lies in using and appretiating the lg more conciously. There is diachronic (historical) L that studies origin and development; syncronic studies voc at a given historical period. There are general L (studies words disregarding particular features of any particular lg); special L (studies specific features of a separate lg, there is Engl that bases on general L); contrastive (compares vocabularys in different languages). 2. Connection of L with other linguistic disciplines a) the word performes a certain grammatical function (nt, he always misses the class, how many misses are there; the girl powders her nose, soliders face powder)In speech words are combined according to grammatical rules. The plural of nouns m...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjanduse ajalugu
43 allalaadimist

Inglise barokk arhitektuur

mitu traktaati, kus ülistas Palladio laadi ehk antiigi täpset kopeerimist. Traktaatide tõttu hakatigi Inglismaal kasutama palju palladianismi. Kasutas ka rustikat. Whitehalli lossi pidusaal William Chambers (1723--1796) XVIII saj kuulsamaid meistreid Gigantse Somerset House'i ehitaja Londonis Somerset House William Kent (1684--1748) Arhitektina, veel rohkem aga aiakunstnikuna on väga hinnatud Inglise aiakunsti stiili looja. Vastandina prantsuse arhitektoonilisele aiakunstile on ingliseaiakunst selle ideaaliks oli kujundada mitmekesiselt maaliline ja täiesti vaba looduspilt. Stowe aiad KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS: rokk.html

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
35 allalaadimist

Internet (inglise keeles)

The Internet is the latest in a series of technological breakthroughs in interpersonal communication, following the telegraph, telephone, radio, and television. The evidence suggests that the Internet has blended into the rhythms of every day life: the Internet is used at work, in schools, in universities, and hospitals etc. It is used for a wide variety of purposes, such as surfing for information, working, playing online games, and just chatting. The fact that people are not interacting in visible public spaces does not mean that they are in isolation. It is just sometimes quicker and easier way to find needed information and for some people who simply doesn't have time to meet and have a chat in a cafe or somewhere it might be the only way to chat. It is through that fore some people Internet through its entertainment and information capabilities draws people away from family and friends, but I would say that most still prefer meet...

Keeled → Inglise keel
54 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

FUTURE SIMPLE BE GOING TO Will + infinitive (will go) Am/is/are going to + infinitive (is going to rain) 1.A decision at the moment of 1.Future plans made before the speaking: moment of speaking: A: 'I'm cold'. A: 'We've run out of milk.' B: 'I'll close the window'. B: 'I know, I'm going to buy some.' 2.Prediction based on opinion: 2.Prediction based on present I think the Conservatives will win the evidence: next election. Look at those boys playing football! 3.A future fact: They're going to break the window. He will be ten next year. 4.Promises / requests / refusal / willingness: I'll help you with your homework. Will you give me a hand? 5.In the same way as the future...

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kordamine

INGLISE KEELE KORDAMINE TIME CLAUSES Present Simple · Permanent states, facts (Tom works..) · Repeated and habitual actions, routines (She usually goes..) · Laws of nature and general truths (The sun sets in the west) · Timetables and programmes · Sporting commentaries, rewiews (Beckham wins the ball, crosses and Owen scores) · Feelings and emotions (I love Tallinn..) TIME EXPRESSIONS USED WITH PRESENT SIMPLE: usually, often, always, every day/week etc, in the morning/evening etc, at night/the weekend, on Fridays etc. Present Continuous · Actions taking place at or arount the moment of speaking (The kids are watching TV..) · Fixed arrangements in the near future (I'm going to the dentist tomorrow) · Currently changing ang developing situations (The number of burgularies is increasing) · Wi...

Keeled → Inglise keel
204 allalaadimist

Aforismid (inglise keeles)

1. A generalist is ignorant from the point of view of a specialist and a specialist is stupid from the point of view of a generalist. 2. All great stupidity is created by geniuses. 3. All stereotypes are true; the fact that you recognize a slur proves that it isn't. 4. Anything you're afraid is true is true. 5. Before most people get to the point of being able to tell their ass from a hole in the ground they're already assholes and it's too late. 6. Concentrating on something important can make you lose track of your soap opera. 7. Debunking the bunk is everyone's responsibility. 8. Don't ask me to pay for anyone else's mistakes. I make enough of my own. 9. Even those who possess real magic must beware of being misled by "magical thinking." 10. Everyone knows what shit tastes like. 11. Exclusive occupancy of a private room is a basic human right. 12. Fair compensation for genius is wealth. 13. God's not perfect, so it's a pretty...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
141 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

50 9.15 10.45 19.05 6.15 7.45 20.15 19.40 14.30 16.29 23.25 5.49 8.02 13.55 17.09 18.22 Addresses Aadressidest rääkides kasutatakse eessõna at, kui öeldakse ka korteri või maja number, ning eessõna in, kui öeldakse ainult tänava nimi. They live at 5 Oxford Street. She got a job in Weston Road. Ameerika inglise keeles kasutatakse tänavatest rääkides eessõna on. He lives on Penn Street. What's the address? Do you know the address? Practise asking and saying addresses: Süda 1, 10118 Tallinn Akadeemia tee 311 Kentmanni 25-91 Saue, Harjumaa, 76402 Jõgisoo MODULE 5 Word order A Verb + object I like children very much. Did you see your friends yesterday? Ann often plays tennis.

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Inglise keele reeglid

had + 3. pv We were tired. We had walked ten kilometers. We had seen this film so we didn't go to the cinema. Had you been abroad be 5 Ennetulevik ­ Future perfect Tulevikus toimuma hakkav tegevus. Tomorrow, next week, next year, in 2020. Will + 3. pv Two more years and I hope I will pass my exams. I will go swimming with my sister next week. Will you help me with my homework tomorrow. Üldminevik ­ Past tense Üldminevik väljendab inglise keeles minevikus aset leidnud lõpetatud tegevust. Kasutatakse väljendeid: yesterday, two minutes ago, last Friday, five years ago. Reeglipärastele verbidele liidetakse tegusõna vormile ­ ed. to watch he watched ta vaatas to listen he listened ta kuulas to walk he walked ta kõndis Üksiku rõhulise tähe järel muutub üksik lõpukaashäälik kahekordseks (p, b, t, d, g, m, n)

Keeled → Inglise keel
52 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

Simple Present Present Progressive/Continious (99%) infinitive form of 'be' and verb + ing (3rd person singular: infinitive + 's') I speak I am speaking you speak you are speaking he / she / it speaks he / she / it is speaking we speak we are speaking they speak they are speaking Signal words: always, every, often, normally, usually, Signal words: at the moment, at this moment, today, sometimes, seldom, never, first, then now, right now, Listen!, Look! Rules · in general (regularly, often, never) · right now e...

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne dialoog

Hello. This is Jana Raudsepp speaking. Hello Jana. What can we do for You. Well, I´ve been thinking about saving our city. Okay,what do You exactly mean with this ? Well, our city has a lack of fresh air in some places, and i think we should do something. I agree with You, Jana. So, what´s your idea? I think, we should make car-free zones in places with heavy traffic for example citycenter. You have a great idea, Jana. Thats actually worth discussing with mayor. I think, that would be good idea, if we start a petition and collect signatures against travelling with car in citycenter. But what about service vechicles and public trasnport ? These will be still allowed. This will be the fastest way to travel in citycenter. I also tought so. Perhaps You have some more good ideas ? Let me think... Yes, I do. Speak ,Jana, I´ll listen and write them also down. I think, city should build a big parking house or parking lots near to citycenter, wh...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnavara

1. It´s about time you took a holiday 2. It´s time you to gave up smoking 3. It´s about time you saw a dentist 4. It´s about time you bought a new suit 5. It´s about time you to went to the laundrette 6. It´s about time you went to bed Sõnad 1. Telepathic - telepaatiline 2. Plainness- lihtsus 3. Prevent sb. From doing smth ­ eemale hoidma 4. Attic ­ pööning 5. Reverend ­ kõrgeauline 6. Be blind - pime 7. Moors ­ nõmmed 8. Governess ­ koduõpetaja 9. Tray - kandik 10. Gloomy ­ sünge 11. Neglected ­ hooletusse jäetud 12. In the great ­ võrel 13. Occupant ­ asukas 14. Yelp ­ klähvima 15. Trodden ­ peale astuma 16. Tread, trod, trodden ­ peale astuma 17. Whine ­ kiunuma 18. Curl up ­ kerra tõmbuma 19. Forgotten about ­ neglected 20. Resting one´s body against ­ leaning 21. Stepped on ­ tread on 22. In a commanding voice ­ käskivalt 23. Grabbed violently ­ haarama 24. Wrapped around ­ ümber põimuma 25. Nod ­ pead noogutama 26. S...

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Inglise keelne kiri

Dear Hanna, Hi! How are you? I would love to see you, we should go out someday. Anyway, i've finally got some time to write a letter and tell you something about my holiday. It was amazing, I think you would love it too! I went to Capo Verde and we stayed in a lovely hotel. It had everything you needed restorants, shops, tennis coarts, sea etc. The rooms were also beautiful: big bathrooms and every bedroom had a balcony and huge bed. We tooked a road trip all over the island. We saw Blue eye, sharks and the saline. The best thing of these were the sharks, it was scary but also amazing. I think that you should go ther too, because it has everything you need for a perfect holiday. Anyway, I'd better go now. Write soon. Love , Max Dear Regina, Hi! How are you? Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while but I've been really busy. I've finally got some free time, so I thought i tell you about my la...

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Loodusprobleemid inglise keeles.

Ecological problems Situation Reason Consequenses Suggestions for solutions Ozone layer is damaged · Using different sprays · Increase of UV-rays · Ozone friendly products · Burning rubber and other (causes cancer) · Campaigns to make people plastics · There is no life possible on aware of dangers · Factories produce sulphur the Earth without ozone layer Depletion of natural resources · Misusage of natural · Loss of luxurity · Using renewable resources ...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
14 allalaadimist

Report inglise keeles

To: Tom Allen, the editor of the newspaper From: Ray Iverson, journalist Subject: The good and bad points of the Bayside Sports Centre Date: 23 January 2015 Introduction: The idea of this report is to describe the situation at the Bayside sports center and making recommendations for improvement. Positive aspects: Firstly, there is wide range of activities available, also there are new and modern equipment in the Bayside sports center. Secondly, the sports center is opened seven days a week. Thirdly, there are working well trained instructors and sufficient staff, which is really good. Negative aspects: There are some bad aspects too in the sports center. Firstly, there are not enough exercise machines, so you have to wait for a long time to use them. Secondly, prices are high and there are no special offers. Thirdly, the staff is not very friendly and it takes a long time to get their help. Recommendations: There should be some change...

Keeled → Inglise keel
14 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

1) Eduactional charities - Hariduslikud heategevusasutused 2) Universal education - Üldkättesaadav haridus 3) Compulsory education - Kohustuslik haridus 4) Full-time education - Päevane õpe 5) Home schooling - Koduõpe 6) Maintained schools - Riigikoolid 7) National Curriculum - Rahvuslik õppekava 8) Independent schools - Erakoolid 9) Foundation subjects - Alusained 10) School hours - Koolitunnid 11) Terms - Semestrid 12) State schools - Riigikool 13) Primary (education) - Algharidus/algkool 14) Infant - Väikelastele 15) Junior - Algaste 16) Secondary - Põhikool 17) Single-sex - Ühesoolised 18) Co-educational - Segakoolid 19) Comprehensive schools - Üldhariduskool 20) Selective - Valiv 21) General certificate of secondary education - Põhikooli lõpueksam 22) Independent examination boards - Sõltumatud eksamikomisjonid 23) Vocational college - Kutsekool 24) Technical college - Tehnikumid 25) A-Level - Riigieksamid 26) Further eduaction col...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele artiklid

THE NO ARTICLE · Names in the plural = countries: the Nether- * Names of countries / towns (also with an es- lands, the USA; the West Indies ablished modifier): (South) Estonia, Tartu · Names of the countries, and towns with a * Expressions from North to South etc. characteristing / spacifying modifer: the Tartu of th 19th century * Names of streets, bridges, airports, parks, squares, buildings, railway stations, shops, · Names of rivers, channels / canals, seas, addresses: Fleet Street, Tower Bridge, oceans, streams, straits: the Danube; the Suez Kennedy Airport, Hyde Park, Trafalgar Canal; the Baltic Sea; the Pacific Ocean; the Square, Buckingham Palace, Victoria Station, Bering...

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eessõnad

PEAMISED EESSÕNAD KOOS NÄITEGA ABOUT: He told us about his trip. (Ta rääkis meile oma reisist.) ABOVE: The plane flew above the clouds. (Lennuk lendas pealpool pilvi.) ACROSS: He ran across the street. (Ta jooksis üle tänava.) AFTER: They arrived after supper. (Nad saabusid pärast õhtusööki.) AGAINST: I am against the proposal. (Ma olen ettepaneku vastu.) ALONG: They walked along the shore. (Nad kõndisid mööda kallast.) AMONG: Divide the sweets among the boys. (Jaga maiustused poiste vahel ära.) AT: We met at a party. (Me kohtusime ühel peol.) BEFORE: I'll be back before 3 o'clock. (Ma olen tagasi enne kella kolme.) BEHIND: He sat behind me. (Ta istus minu taga.) BELOW: He signed his name below mine. (Ta kirjutas oma nime minu nime alla.) BESIDE: He likes to sit beside Mary. (Talle meeldib Mary kõrval istuda.) BESIDES: I have three other hats besides this. (Mul on peale selle veel kolm kübarat.) BETWEEN: She sat between Harry and Toby....

Keeled → Inglise keel
77 allalaadimist

Inglise keele konspekt

INGLISE KEELE EKSAMI KONSPEKT Sisukord Sisukord ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Ajavormid ...........................................................................................

Keeled → Inglise keel
383 allalaadimist

Töövestlus inglise keeles

07 October 2009 Work interview 1) Tell me about yourself? Let me introduce myself. My name is .... I am 25 years old, Estonian citizen. I learned in ... Secondary School, where was the direction all ready to the economy . After high school I studied at Estonian University of Life Sciences bookkeeping. I am active in sports and my hobbies are climbing and skiing. I have an optimistic feel of life and a good sense of humour. 2) Why I should hire you? I am very interested to work in your company. I have worked in several places and have some experience in different kind of works that needs an open mind and even "out of the box" thinking. I m not afraid of difficulties and stress filled work. I have recommendations from Sampo Pank and Elion, were I worked during summer holidays. 3) How did you hear about us? Aft...

Keeled → Inglise keel
90 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

Present Simple (lihtolevik) Abitegusõnu do, does kasutatakse ainult + 1.põhivorm + (e)s he, she, it eitavates ja küsilausetes. - do (does) + not + 1.põhivorm ? do (does) + 1.põhivorm Väljendab: Korduvat tegevust, püsivat olukorda, sõiduplaanide jms. Seotud tulevikku Spikkrisõnad: always, sometimes, seldom, often, usually, once a week, twice a day, every day, on Mondays Present Continuous (kestev olevik) Be(am, is, are), kasutatakse jaatavates, + be (am, is, are) + 1.põhivorm ­ing eitavates ja küsilausetes. - be (am, is, are) + not+ 1.põhivorm -ing ? be (am, is, are) + 1.põhivorm ­ing Väljendab: Praegu toimuvat tegevust, praeguse momendi vältel toimuvat tegevust, ettekavatsetud tegevus tulevikus Spikkrisõnad: now, at the moment, at 6'clock, today Present perfect (täisminevik...

Keeled → Inglise keel
320 allalaadimist

Inglise keele verbid

Verb Noun/person Noun/action Steal Thief (thieves) Theft Rob Robber Robbery Burgle Burglar Burglary Mug Mugger Mugging Murder Murderer Murder Kidnap Kidnapper Kidnapping Set fire/commit arson Arsonist Arson Shoplift Shoplifter Shoplifting Vandalize Vandal Vandalism Hijack Hijacker Hijacking Deceive/cheat Fraudster Commit fraud Terrorize Terrorist Terrorism Blackmail Blackmailer Blackmail Joyride (auto 2randamine) Joy rider Joyriding Traffic drugs Drug trafficker Drug trafficking Pick ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
38 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kirjandeid

A world government is both desirable and necessary. A world government is both desirable and necessary. What is there to gain from a world government? Are there any downsides to such world order? A lot of people believe that a world government is the only way in future. It would unite countries and people, eliminating differences. What would help to preserve peace in the world. Also a world government would help to rationalize recourses. As there would not be any duplicating, allowing much faster development of new technologies and faster production. In addition recourses would not pile up in one place because they would be diverted to places where the need is greatest. But there is a downside to a world government. Through unification of people and countries, smaller nations would lose their identity. It means smaller nationalities would simply fade away, they would be dissolved. Because the influence ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
51 allalaadimist

Inglise keele eksamiks

Unit 1/ Present Simple be /lihtolevik + - ? I am your teacher I'm not am I German? Yes- I am, you are, she/she/it is, we are, You are in room 13 you aren't am you German? you are, they are. He is jane he/she/it isn't Is he/she/it German? No ­ I'm not, you aren't, he/she/it isn't, we aren't, She is marta we aren't are we German? you aren't, they aren't. It is a school. you aren't are you German? We are students they aren't are they German? You are in class 12 They are teachers Unit 2 / present simple + - ? yes- I do, you do, he/she/it does. I work I don't work ...

Majandus → Ärijuhtimine
131 allalaadimist

Inglise keele kiri

Jan, 17 Dear Mrs Cooper, I am writing in reply to your fax. Thank you for your enquiry. I confirm your reservation of two rooms for five nights from 27 August till 1 September. One room with a double bed is for you and your husband and the other room has two single beds for your teenage daughters. Both rooms come with an en-suite bathroom, a view of the sea and the rooms are for non- smoking people. Each room is 50 pounds per night, the total sum for you is 600 pounds. Welcome to our B&B ! Yours sincerely, Anne Westcomble.

Keeled → Inglise keel
53 allalaadimist

Inglise keele Eksam

22.Teda sunniti lepingule alla kirjutama He was made to sign the treaty 23.Ta tavatses lugeda põnevusromaane She used to read thrillers 24.Varsti ta õppis vene keelt rääkima Soon she learned to speak Russian 25.Ma ei teadnud mida vastata I did not know what to answer 26.Mul oli kahju, et olin teda solvanud I was sorry to have insulted her 27.Ta oli esimene kes tuli She was the first to come 28.Nad olid liiga noored, et protestida They were too young to protest 29.Ta ei osanud piisavalt inglise keelt, et vaielda He did not know enough English to argue 30.Tal oli tähtsamatki teha, kui raamatukogusse minna He had more important things to do than to go to the library 31.Kui kuulata teda rääkimas, võiks mõelda, et ta on professor To hear hom talk, you would think he was a professor 32.Ta kuulas tähelepanelikult juhatajat kõnelemas He was listening attentively to the manager speak 33.Ma olen rõõmus, et sa leidsid oma rahakoti I am glad for you to have found your purse 34

Keeled → Inglise keel
168 allalaadimist

Sõbrakirjeldus inglise keeles

My friend name is Birgit and she is 16 years old. She lives in Rapla and goes to school in RVG. She is not a new student in this school. She graduated last year ninth grade in this school. She is very good student and she is studying quite well. Her favorite classes are estonian and english and she don't like math, russian and chemistry. She has one little sister called Lisette, who is 8 months old and one little brother called Roomet, who is 7 years old. Roomet just went to school in September in our school. Birgit enjoys cleaning rooms and she likes to hang out with her friends. She likes to watch movies and she goes in to a cinema quite often.

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Inglise-Buuri sõda

Inglise-buuri sõda Aafrikas toimus Inglise-Buuri sõda 1899-1902. Buurid oli Hollandi päritolu, kes oli asutanud Lõuna-Aafrikasse Transvaali ja Oranje vabariigi. Põhjused: Transvaalis ja Oranjes olid teemandi- ja kullaleiukohad, ning inimesed tahtsid kergelt rikkaks saada. Buure hirmutasid migrantidega kaasa toodud pahed (joomingud, kaklused) ja inglise keelt rääkivad sisserändajad nõudsid õigusi ent ei tahtnud võtta endale kodanikukohustusi. Algus, käik ja lõpp: Transvaali president Krüger ei tahtnud inglise asunikele kodanikuõigusi anda ja SB hakkas 1899. aastal vabariikide piirile väge koondama, ettekäändeks oli sisserändajate õiguste kaitsmine. Buurid võtsid ette ennetava rünnaku ja algas Inglise-Buuri sõda. Algul suutsid nad küll inglastele vastu panna. Buurid olid edukad kuni 1900. aasta veebruarini

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
31 allalaadimist

Inglise keele vormid

Present Perfect Simple Present [has/have + past participle] [VERB] + s/es in third person: You have seen that movie many times. · You speak English. · Have you seen that movie many times? · Do you speak English? · You have not seen that movie many times · You do not speak English. Examples: Examples: · I have seen that movie twenty times. · I play tennis. · I think I have met him once before. · She does not play tennis. · There have been many earthquakes in · Does he play tennis? California. · The train leaves every morning at 8 AM. · People have traveled to the Moon. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist

Tuhkur(inglise keeles)

Ferret Compilator: MariaEva Maasik Introduction Domesticated mammal Sexually dimorphic prederators Males substantially larger Typically brown,black,white or mixed fur Avarage length 20 inches Weigh 1.54 pounds Lifespan 710 years Hunting rabbits, pets Behavior Crepuscular (1418, dawn and dusk) Social groups Marking territory Scared> emanate a smell Weasel war dance (not agressive,clucking noise) Upset> hissing noise Diet Obligate carnivores Small prey Uses of ferrets Pets Experimental animal model

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Inglise keele grammatika

First Conditional: A real possibility in the future A First Conditional sentence is for future actions dependent on the result of another future action or event, where there is a reasonable possibility of the conditions for the action being satisfied. Formation: if + present simple, + will For example: If she gets good grades, she will go to university. We are talking about the future, but we use a present tense for the condition and will for the result. In this case, the person is sure about going to university. We can use other modal verbs in the result part of the sentence. For example: I Condition Result Possibility F she gets good she will go to If the condition is met, then she definitely If grades, university. will go he gets good he may go to If He is not sure about g...

Keeled → Inglise keel
62 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

11.02.09 INGLISE KEEL Palju aega läheb. 10 nädalat aint. One of the ESP courses. What we are going to do, what is needed: · What we do - 1 test, on words. · 2 Essays, that means that we have to look into academic writing · Homereading ­ we read a case from European Court of Justice thingy. · Oral thing. · 90% you have to attend · Have to prepare for class and take part of it etc What we learn: Terms Expressions / collocations (nt obey/abide by the law) Explaining AWOL ­ absence without a leave Legal English can be divided into 3 levels. We learn the first one, which is needed for the other two! You have to know the vocabulary etc. Second level has to do with legal contracts... The third level both 1 and 2 and explaining... We learn the vocabulary + explaining. Process of law-making draft law/bill (seaduseelnõu) is developed draft is sent to the parl...

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

Aborigeenid (Inglise keeles)

Miina Härma Gümnaasium “The aborigines of Australia Student:Kärt Erikson Teacher:Tiia Timma Tartu 2010 contents  Introduction – page 3  History – page 3-4  Religion – page 4-7  Society - page 7-9  The British – page 9-10  Conclusion – page 10-11  Resources – page 11  Appendix – page 11-14 2 Introduction I selected this theme because it was the most interesting one for me. Aborigines have interested me for a long time now so doing this essay is really fun for me. Australian Aboriginal culture is one of the world's longest surviving cultures. Australian Aborigines, also known as Indigenous Australians , are the native people of Australia . Many of them suffered when white people from Britain arrived in Austra...

Keeled → Geograafia inglise keeles
5 allalaadimist

Report-inglise keel

Report To: From: Subject: School Brochure Date: 5.12.2010 Purpose The purpose of this report is to make reccmmendations regarding which aspects of life at the school should be represented in the brochure and which photographs should be used. Short History of the School In the brochure, there should be a section for the school history to show people how long this school has been working and how successful it has been over the years. Secondly, why there should be a part fot history is for people to understand the school's motto and ethics better. Other Schools in the Area In my opinion, other schools in the area should also be noted because it shows the good location of this school. Having other good and wealthy schools in the area, gives us the possibility to show us from the same side. School Activities In addition to these, we should mention the different activities that we have in our school. We should mention activities such as ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun