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"host" - 234 õppematerjali

host – IP address or domain name of the peer PBX we want to connect to username – this is the name of the SIP trunk coming from incoming PBX secret – this is the one password that is used to connect BOTH SIP trunks together.

Kasutaja: Host

Faile: 0

Sissejuhatus inglise õiguskeelde

child? Right of residence? ­ Child with the nationality of one Member State but residing in another Member State ­ Parents nationals of a non-member country ­ Mother's right to reside in the other Member State 10. The decision of the court (in my own words) ­ The child and the mother are allowed to stay in the country for an indefinite period. The mother and the child must have enough money to not become a burden on the public finances of the host Member State, and they have to have appropriate health insurance. Academic writing Title Introduction Body conclusion Lõikude vahele 1 rida, taandrida ei jäeta! Argumendid millegi poolt, argumendid millegi vastu. Väldime I-vormi, vaid kasutame passive-vormi. Lõhikesi vorme ei kasutata! (don't) 150 sõna ­ Teema ­ "should mery-killing be punished?" Should Mercy Killing Be Punished?

Keeled → Inglise õiguskeel 1
264 allalaadimist

Tänapäeva sotsiaalprobleemid

minna jms Illegalse immigratsiooni liigid: 1. Illegal entry (illegal border crossing) 2.Entry using false documents 3. Entry using legal documents, but providing false information in those documents 4. Overstaying a visa-free travel period or temporary residence permit 5. Loss of status because of nonrenewal of permit for failing to meet residence requirements or breaching conditions of residence 6. Being born into irregularity 7. Absconding during the asylum procedure or failing to leave a host state after a negative decision Immigratsioonipoliitika:  EL püüab ühtlustada oma pagulaste poliitikat –pagulane kui n.ö. tugevalt kaitstud subjekt  Ka immigratsioonipoliitikasse tuuakse järjest rohkem USA, Kanada, Austraalia immigratsioonipoliitika elemente. Nõudluse (tööjõu vajaduse vms) hindamiselt minnakse üle pakkumise hindamisele (punktisüsteem) Nõudluse hindamine: 1. Sisserände kvoodid – määravad sisserände üldvoo 2

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
216 allalaadimist


andmebaasi loomisel, millised on võimalikud andmebtüübid. Andmebaasi kasutaja loomine Ava http://localhost/phpmyadmin ning kliki Kasutajad menüüs. Avanenud menüüs peaksid nägema juba lisatud kasutajaid. Uue kasutaja lisamiseks kliki Uus kasutaja lingil. Avanenud aknas on uue kasutaja loomine jagatud kolmeks. Esimesena tuleb kirja panna 'Sisselogimise teave':  Kasutajanimi - väldi täpitähti ja tühikuid  Host - ligipääsuserver, lisa siia localhost. (Kui soovid andmebaasile ligipääsu väljastpoolt serverit, siis lisa vastav IP. Lisades %, siis saab ligi igast masinast)  Parool - hea parool sisaldab suuri ja väikesi tähti ning numbreid  Tipi uuesti - korda parooli  Genereeri parool - kasuta seda võimalust, kui endal puudub idee parooliks Harjutamise eesmärgil, tegin kasutajale sama parooli, mis on kasutajanimi (juhan, juhan)

Informaatika → Informaatika
15 allalaadimist

"Anna Karenina" kokkuvõte

Vronsky could be criticized for not making a more stable situation for Anna. Her friends desert her; many think he could have stopped that from happening. Despite his ills, and his need to show off his money, he indeed loves Anna and never considers leaving her, even when her company becomes increasingly difficult to enjoy. He ends up as the more mature one in their relationship. Prince Stiva Arkadyevich Oblonsky: Stiva is a charming man. He is quite the host and makes acquaintances easily. Most in society would speak highly of him. Yet Stiva, like Vronsky, exists purely for money. Living the high life for so many years has tapped his personal account, and he therefore begins using Dolly's inheritance to pay off gambling debts. There is little to commend in Stiva's character. He is sweet and sentimental, but deceitful and unfaithful to his wife. Much like his sister, Anna, he is guided by his wayward passions.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
333 allalaadimist

EU Internal Market

freedoms. 1 The Centralized Model O The last stage of integration when all policies and unified 5 of Integration between participating countries, is called ... 1 The Decentralized P Where host and home factors pf production are similarly 1 2 3 , , , 4 , 5 , 9, 10-, by Mariusz Maciejewsk, 12/2016 6 ­ R. Barents "Charges have an Equivalent effect on Customs Duties" (1978) 15CNL rev 415 7 - Paul Craig, Gráinne de Búrca, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, p.613, 617, 618, 2015 8 -

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

VA dokumendi- ja arhiivihalduse kriisireguleerimise analüüs

hindamine; - riski maandamiseks vajalike abinõude rakendamine Hädaolukorraks valmisoleku tagamine Hädaolukorraks ettevalmistus: - hädaolukorra lahendamise plaani koostamine; - plaani täitmiseks eelduste loomine Hädaolukorrale reageerimine: - kiire ja tõhus HOst tingitud kahjude tekkimist või suurenemist vältivate abinõude rakendamine; - kriisikommunikatsioon Hädaolukorra lahendamine Hädaolukorra tagajärgede likvideerimine: - endise olukorra taastamine - tekkinud kahjude hüvitamine Joonis 1.1 Kriisireguleerimise põhietapid (Riigikontrolli audit " Eesti valmisolek hädaolukorraks" 2007)

Infoteadus → Allika?petus
88 allalaadimist

English Grammar Book 1

Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct masculine or feminine nouns. Masculine Feminine 1 master 2 uncle 3 niece 4 lioness 5 tiger 6 empress 7 husband 8 son 9 mother 10 madam Exercise 2 Fill in each blank with a suitable masculine or feminine noun. 1 The host and the ____________ welcomed their guests. 2 The steward and the ____________ look after the passengers on the plane. 3 My uncle and ________ lived in Nebraska. 4 The king and the _________ had two children, a boy and a ________. The prince was eight and the _____________ was five. 5 Ladies and ______________ , welcome to our party this evening. 42 Exercise 3 Look at the words in the box. Write each word under its correct heading.

Keeled → Inglise keel
188 allalaadimist

Loomageneetika 1 osa

Organismide geneetiline modifitseerimine. Restriktsiooni- ehk piiravad ensüümid 1970. a avastati, et paljudel bakteritel on omadus lõhustada bakterirakku tunginud võõrast DNA-d (peamiselt bakterviiruseid) fragmentideks. Ensüüme e nukleaase, mille abil viiruste DNA lõhkumine toimus hakati nimetama restriktsiooniensüümideks, kuna nad olid määravaks teguriks sellise nähtuse puhul nagu peremehepoolne bakterviiruste infitsee- rivuse piiramine (ingl.k. host restriction). Restriktsiooni nukleaasidel ehk restriktaasidel on omadus lõigata DNA topeltahel läbi kindlas piirkonnas (lõikepiirkond - ingl. k. restriction site), mille määrab ära antud piir- konna DNA NH-järjestus (äratundmisjärjestused; ingl. k. recognition sequences- koosnevad 4-8 nukleotiidipaarist), kusjuures iga ensüümi jaoks on see erinev. Võrdluseks - nt DNA-aasid lõhustavad DNAd juhuslikult.

Põllumajandus → Aretusõpetus
154 allalaadimist

American Literature

The making of a new nation. The Enlightenment in America. The emergence of the notion of the American Dream. The great Enlighteners: Crèvecoeur, Jefferson, Paine, Franklin. The American Enlightenment is the intellectual thriving period in the United States in the midtolate 18th century (1715­1789), especially as it relates to American Revolution on the one hand and the European Enlightenment on the other. Influenced by the scientific revolution of the 17th century and the humanist period during the Renaissance, the Enlightenment took scientific reasoning and applied it to human nature, society, and religion. American Enlightenment a gradual but powerful awakening that established the ideals of democracy, liberty, and religious tolerance in the people of America. If there were just one development that directly caused the American Revolution and uplifted the intellectual culture of the continent while it was only a British colony,...

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

Riistvara ja tehniline dokumentatsioon

options=1b inet netmask 0xffffffe0 broadcast inet6 fe80::2e0:81ff:fe51:d8d9%bge0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1 inet netmask 0xffffff80 broadcast ether 00:e0:81:51:d8:d9 media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX ) status: active põhjal võrgukaardi tootjafirma. 6. Leia teabe K:>ipconfig /all Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : xxx Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Unknown IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Description . . . . . . . . .

Informaatika → Informaatika
94 allalaadimist

Liha töötlemine

Staphylococcus xylosus and Staphylococcus Probiotics are available as dietary supple- carnosus strains to modulate the aroma ments or they may be incorporated directly through the conversion of amino acids and into foods. They are live microorganisms that free fatty acids (FFA). Strains of S. xylosus when administered in adequate amounts, have been recommended for the production confer a health benefit to the host (FAO of the very aromatic sausages of southern 2006); they are added to a variety of foods. Europe (Samelis et al. 1998). Recently, attention has been directed to the use of fermented sausages as a food carrier because these products could contain high numbers of viable lactic acid bacteria. To use

Keeled → Inglise keel
21 allalaadimist


Molekulaarbioloogia Molekulaarbioloogia – tegeleb päriliku info kodeerimise, säilitamise ja ülekande mehhanismi uurimisega, samuti päriliku info realiseerumise molekulaarsete mehhanismidega (kuidas info geenides määrab elusorganismi ehituse ja tema funktsioneerimise. Uurib füüsikalis-keemiliste struktuuride ja biokeemilis-füsioloogiliste funktsioonide vastavust. Teadussuund hakkas arenema pärast makromolekulide ruumilise struktuuri kindlakstegemist (DNA 3-ruumiline struktuur). Molekulaarbioloogia dimensioon – 1 A – 300 A (üle 500 – rakubioloogia, alla 1 - biofüüsika) 1 A (ongström) = 10 -10 m 1nm = 10 A 2-ahelalise DNA läbimõõt – 20 A kovalentne side – 1,5 A globulaarse valgu d – 50 A dsDNA (double stranded) d – 50 A ribosoomide, valgumolekulide d – 200-300 A DNA aluspaaride vahe – 3,4 A vesiniksideme pikkus – 3 A nukleosoom – 60x110x110 A bakteri ribosoom – 200x200x230 A tuumapoorid – 120x120x75 A bakteriaalne RNA polümeraas – 90x90x...

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
82 allalaadimist

Business peculiarities in Russia

citizen or permanent residents of the Russian Federation a foreign rubles 4,000 rubles 50,000 rubles 500,000 rubles citizen or a stateless person, the rules of stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation Failure to comply with the host country responsibilities in from 2,000 to from 40,000 to from 400,000 to connection with the implementation of migration control 4,000 rubles 50,000 rubles 500,000 rubles from 2,000 to 5,000

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Riigikaitse õpik

dab ajateenija üksikvõitleja põhitead- taks valmidusreservi mised valmisoleku reserv ­ reservväelastest tandempealine kumulatiivne gra- vabatahtlikkuse alusel moodustatud naat ­ kahe lõhkepeaga granaat, mis spetsiaalne üksus, et tagada kaitseväe on mõeldud vastase aktiivkaitsega kõrgendatud valmisolek soomustehnika hävitamiseks vastuvõtva riigi toetus (ingl Host Na- tankitõrjerakett ­ vastase soomus- tion Support ­ HNS) ­ vajaduse korral tehnika hävitamiseks kasutatav juhi- appi või õppustele tulevate liitlasväge- tav või sihtmärgile sihitav ehk juhita- de turvaline ja asjakohane vastuvõtt matu lühimaarakett lennuväljadel või sadamates topograafiline kaart ehk topokaart ülem ­ kaitseväelane, kes on seaduse

Ühiskond → Riigiõpetus
65 allalaadimist

Arvutite riistvara

Eesti Mereakadeemia Informaatika ja arvutitehnika õppetool INFORMAATIKA - I Arvutite riistvara (loengukonspekt) Koostas: J.Pääsuke Tallinn 2001-2004.a. Sisukord 1. Sissejuhatus............................................................................................................................4 1.1. Arvutite (personaalarvutite) ajaloost...............................................................................5 1.2. Mõningaid põhimõisteid..................................................................................................6 1.3. Arvuti väljast ja seest vaadatuna.....................................................................................7 2. Arvutite protsessorid.....................................................................

Informaatika → Arvutid
34 allalaadimist

Sujuvkäivitid ja sagedusmuundurid

TaIlinna Tehnikaülikool Elektriajam ite ja jõueIektroonika instituut Eesti Moritz Hermann Jacobi Selts SUJUVKÄIWTiD JA sAGĘDĮJ$MUUNDUREņ rÕruu LEHTtA ... 'r'.. .,-.:r'i,,ili. 'r ".1 i 'Ļ 1 )- '':' : .,. 'l ..-: .- :ī- Īallinn 1 999 Sujr.rvkäivitid ia sagedusmuundLrrid' Koostanud T. Lehtla. TTÜelektriajalrrite .ļa iõrrelek1roonika instituut. Eesti Moritz Hermann Jacobi SeĮts. Taļlinrr, ...

Elektroonika → Elektrotehnika ja elektroonika
27 allalaadimist

Töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse seadus

Töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse seadus Vastu võetud 16.06.1999 RT I 1999, 60, 616 jõustumine 26.07.1999 Muudetud järgmiste aktidega (näita) 1. peatükkÜLDSÄTTED § 1. Seaduse reguleerimisala (1) Käesolev seadus sätestab töölepingu alusel töötavate isikute ja avalike teenistujate (edaspidi töötaja) tööle esitatavad töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse nõuded, tööandja ja töötaja õigused ja kohustused tervisele ohutu töökeskkonna loomisel ja tagamisel, töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse korralduse ettevõtte ja riigi tasandil, vaidemenetluse korra ning vastutuse töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse nõuete rikkumise eest. (2) Käesolevat seadust kohaldatakse tegevteenistuses olevate kaitseväelaste teenistustingimuste ning kaitseväe, Kaitseliidu, politsei, päästeasutuste ja piirivalve töötajate töö suhte...

Õigus → Õiguskaitseasutuste süsteem
33 allalaadimist


olemasolu tagab bakteri eluvõime. HU seondub DNA-ga mittespetsiifiliselt, kuigi eelistab väändunud DNA-d. DNA-ga seondumisel painutab HU DNA-d ning just DNA painutamise abil võib osaleda geenide transkriptsiooni reguleerimisel. HU painutamise tagajärjel DNA jäikus väheneb ning RNAP saab initsieerida transkriptsiooni (vastupidiselt H-NS-le, mis jäigastab DNA-d). HU on väga oluline histoonilaadne valk, mis osaleb DNA topoloogia kujunemisel. IHF (inglise keeles integration host factor) kirjeldati esmakordselt kui faag järjestus-spetsiifiline rekombinatsiooniks hädavajalik bakteri valk. IHF on HU-le sarnane valk, kuid erinevalt HU-st IHF ei mähi DNA-d enda ümber ning IHF-l on üks tugevamini konserveerunud DNA järjestus, millele IHF seondub. IHF painutab DNA-d kuni 180 kraadi. Koosneb kahest subühikust, millest -subühik on DNA-ga seondumiseks olulisem. Võib esineda homodimeerina, kuid sel juhul on DNA-ga seondumine vähenenud 10 () ja 100 () korda

Bioloogia → Mikroobifüsioloogia
21 allalaadimist

Evolutsioon: usk, Darwin

tekkinud reproduktiivne isolatsioon tänu suurele ajalisele nihkele õitsemises. muidugi tuleb siin olla veendunud, et pole tegu näiva sümpatriaga - kahe juba eraldunud liigi algse geografilisele isoleeritusele järgnenud uue kokkusaamisega põhjusel, et nad haaravad nüüd mingil määral erineva nischi samal asuralal. Taimpatogeensete insektide puhul võib sümpatrilise liigitekke põhjuseks olla peremeesliigi vahetamine. Niisuguse host shift mehhanismiga võib liigiteke olla väga kiire - juba saja aastase perioodi jooksul muutuvad nad kindlasti eri rassideks - k.a. koguni niisugused tunnused, nagu röövikuperioodi ajaline kestvus. Taimede puhul võib sümpatrilise liigitekke erilisteks moodusteks olla ka "puhtgeneetilised" mehhanismid - hübridisatsioon ja polüploidia. Liikidevahelised hübriidid on tüüpiliselt steriilsd, kuid steriilsuse sab ületada polüploisusega. See mehhanism esineb väikse, kuid märgatava

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
8 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

In these cases, consume a bit of protein prior to bed, which can be as simple as 1­2 tablespoons of almond butter (ideal) or peanut butter with no additives (the only ingredients should be peanuts and perhaps salt). Note to the ladies, for whom peanut butter seems to be like crack: the tablespoon scoop should be no more than a small mound, not half the jar balanced on a spoon. DO I REALLY HAVE TO BINGE ONCE A WEEK? It is important to spike caloric intake once per week. This causes a host of hormonal changes that improve fat-loss, from increasing cAMP and GMP to improving conversion of the T4 thyroid hormone to the more active T3. Everyone binges eventually on a diet, and it's better to schedule it ahead of time to limit the Everyone binges eventually on a diet, and it's better to schedule it ahead of time to limit the damage. The psychological bene ts outweigh even the hormonal and metabolic bene ts. I eat like this all the time and have for seven years

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


(D) varied 14. Remains of ancient people dating to 9000 B.C. have been found in the state of Ohio. (A) indigenous (B) frail (C) early (D) conserved 15. Hawaii is economically vigorous, with extensive agriculture and manufacturing, and is a Pacific Basin transportation and cultural center. (A) advantaged (B) dependable (C) involved (D) strong 16. The unique nature of viruses requires careful study to determine how they develop in host cells. (A) rage (B) vague (C) resilient (D) intriguing 17. Active volcanoes are scattered over the area of the Earth known as the Ring of Fire. (A) feared (B) discovered (C) distributed (D) grouped 18. Theodore Roosevelt regarded vaudeville as an amusing North American pastime. (A) abusive (B) interesting (C) enriching (D) archaic 19. Most migrant workers move in a well-established pattern according to the season of the

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

most horrible! If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not; Let not the royal bed of Denmark be A couch for luxury and damned incest. But, howsoever thou pursuest this act, Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive Against thy mother aught: leave her to heaven And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, To prick and sting her. Fare thee well at once! The glow-worm shows the matin to be near, And 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire: Adieu, adieu! Hamlet, remember me. Exit HAMLET O all you host of heaven! O earth! what else? And shall I couple hell? O, fie! Hold, hold, my heart; And you, my sinews, grow not instant old, But bear me stiffly up. Remember thee! 41 Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat In this distracted globe. Remember thee! Yea, from the table of my memory I'll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there;

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

A New Earth

This spiritual truth is diametrically opposed to the values of our contemporary culture and the way it conditions people to behave. Instead of trying to be the mountain, teaches the ancient Tao Te Ching, “Be the valley of the universe.”4 In this way, you are restored to wholeness and so “All things will come to you.”5 Similarly, Jesus, in one of his parables, teaches that “When you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place so that when your host comes, he may say to you, friend, move up higher. Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”6 Another aspect of this practice is to refrain from attempting to strengthen the self by showing off, wanting to stand out, be special, make an impression, or demand attention. It may include occasionally refraining from

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist


publication. DAVID KAHN Windsor Gate Great Neck, New York Paris A Few Words EVERY TRADE has its vocabulary. That of cryptology is simple, but even so a familiarity with its terms facilitates understanding. A glossary may also serve as a handy reference. The definitions in this one are informal and ostensive. Exceptions are ignored and the host of minor terms are not defined—the text covers these when they come up. The plaintext is the message that will be put into secret form. Usually the plaintext is in the native tongue of the communicators. The message may be hidden in two basic ways. The methods of steganography conceal the very existence of the message. Among them are invisible inks and microdots and arrangements in which, for example, the first letter of each word in an apparently innocuous text spells

Informaatika → krüptograafia
14 allalaadimist

Cialdini raamat

By mim- icking the flashing mating signals of her prey, the murderess is able to feast on the bodies of males whose triggered courtship tapes cause them to fly mechanically into death's, not love's, embrace (Lloyd, 1965).6 In the struggle for survival, nearly every form of life has its mimics-right down to some of the most primitive pathogens. By adopting certain critical fea- tures of useful hormones or nutrients, these clever bacteria and viruses can gain entry into a healthy host cell. The result is that the healthy cell eagerly and naively 6Apparently, the tendency of males to be bamboozled by powerful mating signals extends to humans. Two University of Vienna biologists, Astrid Juette and Karl Grammer secretly exposed young men to airborne chemicals (called copulins) that mimic human vaginal scents. The men then rated the at- tractiveness of women's faces. Exposure to the copulins increased the judged attractiveness of all the

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
24 allalaadimist

Keelefilosoofia raamat

ordinary proper names as they did for definite descriptions. · Frege offered solutions in terms of what he called "senses," but the solutions do not really explain. · In response, Russell extended his Theory of Descriptions by defend- ing the Name Claim. · But the Name Claim faces at least two powerful objections. · Searle offers a looser, "cluster" version of the Description Theory of names, which avoids the initial objections. · But Kripke marshals a host of further objections that apply to Searle's view as trenchantly as they do to Russell's stricter theory. Questions 1 Are Frege's solutions to the puzzles really solutions, after all? What do they explain, absent the assumption that "senses" take the form of descriptions? 2 Suppose you reject Russell's Name Claim. How might you then solve the four puzzles, in regard to names? 3 Respond on Russell's behalf to one or more of the two opening objec-

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
46 allalaadimist

Christopher Vogler The Writers Journey

It may give an essential piece of backstory, cue the audience to what k i n d of movie or story this is going to be, or start the story with a bang and let the audience settle into their seats. In Close Encounters of the Third Kind, a prologue shows the discovery of a mysterious squadron o f W o r l d W a r II a i r p l a n e s , perfectly preserved in the desert. T h i s precedes the introduction of the hero, Roy Neary, and his world. It serves to intrigue the audience with a host of riddles, and gives a foretaste of the thrills and wonder ahead. In The Last Boy Scout z prologue shows a pro football player going berserk and shooting his teammates under the pressure of drugs and gambling. T h e sequence pre­ cedes the first appearance of the hero and intrigues or "hooks" the audience. It signals that this is going to be an exciting action story involving life-and-death matters. T h i s prologue and the one in Close Encounters are a little disorienting

Kirjandus → Ingliskeelne kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

I waved back, waiting for them to drive away before I turned to face him. "Honestly, I'm not hungry," I insisted, looking up to scrutinize his face. His expression was unreadable. "Humor me." He walked to the door of the restaurant and held it open with an obstinate expression. Obviously, there would be no further discussion. I walked past him into the restaurant with a resigned sigh. The restaurant wasn't crowded -- it was the off-season in Port Angeles. The host was female, and I understood the look in her eyes as she assessed Edward. She welcomed him a little more warmly than necessary. I was surprised by how much that bothered me. She was several inches taller than I was, and unnaturally blond. "A table for two?" His voice was alluring, whether he was aiming for that or not. I saw her eyes flicker to me and then away, satisfied by my obvious ordinariness, and by the cautious, no-contact space Edward kept between us

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

Book Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors

In general, a codec (either type) will have two-way operation: it can turn analog signals into digital and vice-versa, or it can convert to and from some compression standard. The National Semiconductor LM4540 is an audio codec intended to imple- ment the sound system in a personal computer. It contains an internal 18-bit ADC and an 18-bit DAC. It also includes much of the audio-processing cir- cuitry needed for 3D PC sound. The LM4540 uses a serial interface to com- municate with its host processor. The National TP3504 is a telecom-type codec, and includes ADC, DAC, filtering, and companding circuitry. The TP3504 also has a serial interface. 42 Analog Interfacing to Embedded Microprocessors Interrupt Rate The MAX151 can perform a conversion every 3.3 ms, or 300,000 conversions per second. Even a 33 MHz processor operating at one instruction per clock cycle can only execute 110 instructions in that time. The interrupt over-

Mehhatroonika → Mehhatroonika
10 allalaadimist

A.dumas Kolm musketäri terve raamat

Alexandre Dumas _ «Kolm musketäri» EESSÕNA, milles selgitatakse, et is- ja os-lõpuliste nimedega kangelastel, kelledest meil on au oma lugejatele jutustada, ei ole midagi ühist mütoloogiaga. Umbes aasta tagasi, kogudes kuninglikus raamatukogus materjali «Louis XIV ajaloo» jaoks, sattusin ma juhuslikult «Härra d'Artagnani memuaaridele», mis oli trükitud -- nagu suurem osa selle ajajärgu töid, kus autorid püüdsid kõnelda tõtt nii, et nad ei satuks selle eest pikemaks või lühemaks ajaks Bastille'sse -- Pierre Rouge'i juures Amsterdamis. Pealkiri võlus mind: võtsin memuaarid koju kaasa, muidugi raamatukoguhoidja loal, ja lugesin nad ühe hingetõmbega läbi. Mul ei ole kavatsust hakata analüüsima seda huvitavat teost, piirduksin ainult tema soovitamisega neile lugejatele, kes tahavad saada pilti ajastust. Nad leiavad sealt meistrikäega joonistatud portreid, ja kuigi need visandid on enamuses tehtud kasarmuustele ja kõrtsiseintele, võib neis si...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
123 allalaadimist

Upstream intermediate b2 teacher's book

n d i s h eos n t h e m e n u . the keywords.Then, Readthe rubricandunderline 46 Thankyou agai nfor choosi ngme to host sucha answerthe questions. worthwhileevent.I am lookingforwardto it immensely. Y o u a re a n a u th o ra n d y o u h a v ere cei ved the Yourssincerely, f o l l o w i n gi n v i ta ti o n . Jano Stophcnc

Keeled → Inglise keel
235 allalaadimist

Inglise keele õpik

n d i s h eos n t h e m e n u . the keywords.Then, Readthe rubricandunderline 46 Thankyou agai nfor choosi ngme to host sucha answerthe questions. worthwhileevent.I am lookingforwardto it immensely. Y o u a re a n a u th o ra n d y o u h a v ere cei ved the Yourssincerely, f o l l o w i n gi n v i ta ti o n . Jano Stophcnc

Keeled → Inglise keel
142 allalaadimist

Upstream Intermediate B2 - Teacher book

n d i s h eos n t h e m e n u . the keywords.Then, Readthe rubricandunderline 46 Thankyou agai nfor choosi ngme to host sucha answerthe questions. worthwhileevent.I am lookingforwardto it immensely. Y o u a re a n a u th o ra n d y o u h a v ere cei ved the Yourssincerely, f o l l o w i n gi n v i ta ti o n . Jano Stophcnc

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
53 allalaadimist

Upstream B2 teacher

n d i s h eos n t h e m e n u . the keywords.Then, Readthe rubricandunderline 46 Thankyou agai nfor choosi ngme to host sucha answerthe questions. worthwhileevent.I am lookingforwardto it immensely. Y o u a re a n a u th o ra n d y o u h a v ere cei ved the Yourssincerely, f o l l o w i n gi n v i ta ti o n . Jano Stophcnc

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun