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"happy" - 574 õppematerjali


Kasutaja: happy

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Golden Grammar rules

34. Put enough after, not before, adjectives. This soup isn't hot enough. (NOT This soup isn't enough hot.) She's old enough to walk to school by herself. 35. Don't use a structure with that ... after want or would like. My parents want me to go to university. (NOT My parents want that I go to university.) I'd like everybody to leave. (NOT I'd like that everybody leaves.) 36. After link verbs like be, seem, feel, look, smell, sound, taste, we use adjectives, not adverbs. I feel happy today. (NOT I feel happily today.) This soup tastes strange. (NOT This soup tastes strangely.) 37. Use than after comparatives. My mother is three years older than my father. (NOT My mother is three years older that/as my father.) Petrol is more expensive than diesel. 38. In questions, put the subject immediately after the auxiliary verb. Where are the President and his family staying? (NOT Where are staying the President and his family?) Have all the guests arrived

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jaotusmaterjal

ülivõrre lõpu ­est lisamise teel. cheap cheaper the cheapest safe safer the safest Ühe täis- ja kaashäälikuga (v.a. w) lõppevate sõnade puhul muutub kaashäälik kahekordseks. big bigger the biggest sad sadder the saddest (2) Kaashääliku ja y-tähega lõppevate 2-silbiliste omadus- ja määrsõnade puhul asendub y tähega i ja sõnale lisandub ­er või ­est. happy happier the happiest (3) Enamiku 2- ja enamsilbiliste omadussõnade, samuti ly-lõpuliste määrsõnade keskvõrre moodustatakse sõna more ja ülivõrre sõna most abil beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful (4) Järgmiste 2-silbiliste omadussõnade puhul võib kesk- ja ülivõrret moodustada nii ­er ja ­est kui more ja most abil: cruel gentle handsome stupid

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Uurimistöö: Led Zeppelini IV stuudioalbum

(Repeat) Didn't take too long 'fore I found out What people mean my down and out. Spent my money, took my car, Started tellin' her friends she wants to be a star. I don't know but I been told A big legged woman ain't got no soul. Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah, ah, ah. 17 Ah yeah, ah yeah, ah, ah, ah. All I ask for when I pray, Steady rollin' woman gonna come my way. Need a woman gonna hold my hand And tell me no lies, make me a happy man. Black Dog, (14.07.2009) 18 3.2 Rock And Roll Rock And Roll - 3:40 (Jimm Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones & John Bonham; Superhype Publishing, Inc. All rights administered by WB Music Corp., ASCAP.) Lindistatud 1971. aastal Headley Granges Hampshires koos The Rolling Stones Mobil Studio'ga. Väljastatud singlina 21. veebruaril 1972. aastal.

Muusika → Muusika
30 allalaadimist

Topics, step 8, kokkuvõtted mõnedest peatükkidest

The unit of electric power or activity was named 'a watt' after him. He retired when he was 64. His last invention was a machine for copying sculptures. He had many friends. He died in 1819. A monument was erected to him. 4) THANKSGIVING In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On this day Americans give thanks for their blessings they have enjoyed during the year. Thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and happy reunions. The first American thanksgiving was held in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. In 1620 a small group of puritans on a ship called mayflower set sail for America. This group called themselves pilgrims because of their wanderings in search of religious freedom. There were 102 men, women and children on the ship- The pilgrims were poorly trained and poorly equipped to cope with life in the wilderness. One spring morning in 1621, an Indian came into the little village of

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist


Valter Ojakäär "Dzässmuusika" Eesti Raamat Tallinn 1966 a) Jazzmuusika tekkimine, põhiolemus, koostisosad Jazzmuusika põhijooned: 1) Kindel põhirütm 2) Polürütmika 3) Improvisatsioon Niisuguse rütmilise nihke erinevus "klassikalisest" sünkoobist seisneb selles, et viimane tekib nõrgal Omadused, mis on omased ainult jazzmuusikale: taktiosal asuva noodi liitumisest järgnevaga (noot pikeneb tahapoole), aafrika muusikas esinev 1) Swingifenomen rütminihe aga suundub alati ettepoole. See annab talle sünkoobiga võrreldes sootuks erineva rütmilise 2) Ekstaatilisus ...

Muusika → Muusika
27 allalaadimist

Sissejuhatus keeletüpoloogiasse

1. Tüpoloogia ­ keelte või keeleelementide liigitamine lähtuvalt nende struktuurist. Eesmärk on leida keeltes esinevate nähtuste varieerumise piirid ­ ühel nähtusel on eri keeltes eri ilmnemisvormid. Tüpoloogias tegeletakse konkreetse nähtusega (nt isikukategooria maailmakeeltes). Põhiliselt kirjeldatakse üksiknähtusi. Tüpoloogia pole grammatikateooria, vaid on meetod, mistõttu võib ta olla teooria-neutraalne. Ta on tausta ja raamistikuta. Peaks vähem rääkima moodsatest grammatilistest suundadest. Tüpoloogia sai alguse Saksamaalt, 19.saj I poolel. Keeletüpoloogia otsib funktsionaalseid seletusi. 2. Keelte liigitamise põhimõtted: · Genealoogiline ehk päritolu järgi (nt eesti k kuulub soome-ugri k hulka) · Tüpoloogiline (keelte sugulus on tähtsusetu) · Areaalne ehk piirkondlik. Geograafiliselt lähestikku kõneldavad keeled muutuvad sarnasteks. Keelekontaktid (vaja 2keelset inimest). · Sotsioloogiline (nt kõnelejate ar...

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
81 allalaadimist

Elukvaliteet ja eluga rahulolu: Eesti rahvusvahelises võrdluses

Elukvaliteet ja eluga rahulolu: Eesti rahvusvahelises võrdluses Käesolevas töös on võrreldud eestlaste elukvaliteeti ja eluga rahulolu Euroopa riikidega. Eesmärk on teada saada kas eestlaste elukvaliteet erineb teistest Euroopa maadest. Töö tulemusena on teada saadud, et eestlased on oma elukvaliteediga küllaltki rahul, kuid mitmed riigid on elukvaliteedilt kõrgemad kui Eesti. Tervelt 73% eestlastest on oma eluga rahul ja tunnevad end õnnelikuna. 2009 aastal, olid oma eluga kõige enam rahul põhjapoolsemate väikeriikide elanikud: Taani (98%), Soome (96%), Rootsi (96%) ja Norra elanikud (97%). Kõige vähem olid oma eluga rahul bulgaarlased, ungarlased ja lätlased. Võtmesõnad: elukvaliteet Eestis, elukvaliteet ja rahulolu, üldine elukvaliteet, elukvaliteet Euroopas, Eesti Inimarengu Aruanne 2008, lapse elukvaliteet, eakate elukvaliteet, elukvaliteedi mõõtmine, eestlaste ja eurooplaste tööhõive, keskmised palgad, Rootsi ...

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
94 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine KT2

See on stimuleeriva efektiga. Distress ehk halb stress - negatiivne pingeseisund, mis tekib inimese jaoks ebasoodsates tingimustes ja toob kaasa inimeste töö- ja tegevusvõime ning üldise vastupanuvõime halvenemise. näide: imagine that tomorrow, you win the lottery. You have millions of dollars to do with what you will. The first thing you do is quit your job, buy a new car, and a new house. You are absolutely thrilled and cannot remember ever being this happy. Then, relatives begin to call you and tell you how desperately they need your help, how desperately they need your money. Some of these relatives are so distant, that you have never even spoken to them before! Before you know it, charities begin calling for donations. Now, you have to worry about friends, family, and charities wanting your money, and you feel completely torn about who you should help. Worrying about this keeps you up at night, you cannot sleep or eat

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
14 allalaadimist

Lõpetatud ja lõpetamata tegusõnad vene keeles

460. напомнить to remind, resemble напоминать/ напомнить 461. сомневаться to doubt, hesitate сомневаться/ засомневаться 462. радоваться to be glad, happy радоваться/ обрадоваться 463. покрыть to cover покрывать/покрыть 464. глянуть to glance глядеть/глянуть 465. захватить to seize, capture, thrill захватывать/

Keeled → Vene keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise lauljad ja ansamblid

ABSTRACT FAMOUS SINGERS AND BANDS IN THE ENGLISH 2010 Contents: page The Bands · The Beatles 3 · The Who 4 · Placebo 5 · The Kooks 6 · Coldplay 7 The Singers · Sir Elton Hercules John 8 · Andrew Abraham 9 · Robert Peter "Robbie" Williams 10 · Christopher Anthony John "Chris" Martin 11 The Bands The Beatles were an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960 and one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. From 1962 the group consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals), George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, the group later worked in many genres ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Videvik(kogu raamat Inglise keeles)

.." "Really, Bella, the thing runs great. They don't build them like that anymore." The thing, I thought to myself... it had possibilities -- as a nickname, at the very least. "How cheap is cheap?" After all, that was the part I couldn't compromise on. "Well, honey, I kind of already bought it for you. As a homecoming gift." Charlie peeked sideways at me with a hopeful expression. Wow. Free. "You didn't need to do that, Dad. I was going to buy myself a car." "I don't mind. I want you to be happy here." He was looking ahead at the road when he said this. Charlie wasn't comfortable with expressing his emotions out loud. I inherited that from him. So I was looking straight ahead as I responded. "That's really nice, Dad. Thanks. I really appreciate it." No need to add that my being happy in Forks is an impossibility. He didn't need to suffer along with me. And I never looked a free truck in the mouth -- or engine. "Well, now, you're welcome," he mumbled, embarrassed by my thanks.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
19 allalaadimist

A New Earth

As long as you don't recognize those thought forms within yourself, as long as they remain unconscious, you will believe in what they say; you will be condemned to acting out those unconscious thoughts, condemned to seeking and not finding – because when those thought forms operate, no possession, place, person, or condition will ever satisfy you. No content will satisfy you, as long as the egoic structure remains in place. No matter what you have or get, you won't be happy. You will always be looking for something else that promises greater fulfillment, that promises to make your incomplete sense of self complete and fill that sense of lack you feel within. IDENTIFICATION WITH THE BODY Apart from objects, another basic form of identification is with “my” body. Firstly, the body is male or female, and so the sense of being a man or woman takes up a significant part of most people's sense of self. Gender becomes identity

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
9 allalaadimist

Humanistlik suund kunstiteraapias

11 Humanistlik Käsitlus Kunstiteraapiates Josef E. Garai Humanistlik käsitlus kunstiteraapiatest eeldab postulaati oletustele, mis on vastavuses põhilistele filosoofilistele uskumustele ja väljakujunenud humanismi praktikatele. Selline postulaat on selgelt välja toodud Charlotte Bühleri poolt (1971) ja kõlab järgmiselt: (1) Inimest tuleb vaadelda tervikuna. (2) Inimese elu tuleb vaadelda tervikuna, st võtta arvesse arenguetappide kõik faasid sünnist surmani. (3) Individuatsioon ja enese täiustamine on olulisemad kui ümbritsevaga kohanemine ja pinge puudus, sest nad aitavad tagada elu mõtestatust ja tugevdada identiteeti. (4) Elus on kolm põhilist tungi: naudinguvajadus, mida iseloomustab isiklik rahuldus seksist, armastusest ja ego tunnustusest; vajadus kuuluda kuhugi ja leida turvalisustunne läbi enese mugavdumisega ühiskonn...

Kategooriata → Kunstiteraapia
22 allalaadimist


the kingdom of Holland. In 1810 he incorporated it into the French Empire. While the Dutch were under French rule, the British seized Dutch colonial possessions. After the fall of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna restored the independence of the Netherlands in 1815. In addition, the territory now comprising Belgium was made part of the kingdom of the Netherlands. (3) 11 The reunion of the two regions was not a happy one, for they had become widely disparate in political background, tradition, religion, language, and economy. In 1830 the Belgians revolted and established their independence as a sovereign state. A conference in London of the major European powers formulated the conditions of separation in 1831. The Dutch king under pressure from France and Great Britain accepted the stipulations. But when they were later

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
7 allalaadimist


10 What is the difference between a cosmonaut, astronaut and taikonaut? 11 Explain the difference between the words corps and corpse? How do you pronounce these words? 12 Translate the italicized expressions and bold words in the text. Make sure that your translation is appropriate! 13 Derivation is the process of forming a new word from an existing word, often by adding a prefix or suffix. For example, from the word HAPPY we can derive the following words: happen, happily, happiness, unhappy, unhappiness. Make derivations from the following words, using prefixes and suffixes and translate each word: Able Common Entertain Apply Discover Use Invade Success EXERCISES 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist


Luuk, M., .. Eakate taandumine tooturult. [ ] Available at: Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium, .. Toojouvajaduse prognoos aastani 2019. [ ] Available at: ja-oskustooliste-osatahtsus-kasvab Pensionikeskus, .. Vanaduspension. [ ] Available at: Pollak, C., 2012. Employed and Happy despite weak health? Labor Market Participation and Job Quality of Older Workers with Disabilities. ..:.. Reelika Leetmaa, A. V. E. K., 2004. Vanemaealine toojoud tooturul ja tooelus. [ ] Available at: Rosenblad, Y., 2014. Muutuv majandus ja tooturg. [ ] Available at: Sõrmus, K., 2014. EESTI VANEMAEALISTE TOOJOU PAKKUMIST MOJUTAVATE TEGURITE OKONOMEETRILINE ANALUUS. [ ] Available at: SHARE teadustöö andmekeskus, .. [ ]

Majandus → Majandus
6 allalaadimist

Introduction of SCM

But the cheap, ubiquitous nature of the Internet, along with its simple, universally accepted communication standards have thrown things wide open. Now, you can connect your supply chain with the supply chains of your suppliers and customers together in a single vast network that optimizes costs and opportunities for everyone involved. This was the reason for the B2B explosion; the idea that everyone you do business with could be connected together into one big happy, cooperative family. Of course, reality isn't quite that happy and cooperative, but today most companies share at least some data with their supply chain partners. The goal of these projects is greater supply chain visibility. The supply chain in most industries is like a big card game. The players don't want to show their cards because they don't trust anyone else with the information. But if they showed their hands they could all benefit. Suppliers wouldn't have to guess how many

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
2 allalaadimist

Konspekt USA history

and 77,000 French immigrants Immigration patterns of the 1930s were dominated by the Great Depression Between 1840 and 1930, 900,000 Canadians left Quebec to emigrate to the United States The 1910s marked the high point of Italian, Swedish and Norwegian immigration · Jewish immigration Have been present in the USA since 17th century MAIN REASONS: The Russia anti-Semitism policy and the pogroms The desire to give the children better education and happy life USA dream - Freedom and gold Modern vehicles like steam engines and trains 8 · Ellis Island In 1600, Gull Island by the Mohegan tribe Then Dutch called Little Oyster Island In 1785, Samuel Ellis purchased the property and gave it his name Was the federal immigration station 1892 , closed in 1954 12 million immigrants were inspected there by the US Bureau of Immigration during that time · Reed-Johnson Immigration Act of 1924

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Referaat "Chelsea Flower Show"

Until 1987 it was daunting, because there was no limit on visitor numbers. Its known that, in 1987, there were 247,000 visitors. There may have been even more before that but we do not have accurate numbers. In 1988, they limited first time the number of visitors. Also, for the first time, they charged RHS Members for their Chelsea tickets. There were protest and 10,000 Members resigned in disgust, yet 20,000 joined the Society, happy to pay when they made the visit to Chelsea and content that Members from further afield were no longer subsidizing the free tickets of those who lived in London. These were hugely controversial decisions but they probably saved the show. Certainly it became a safer and more enjoyable experience. Nonetheless the RHS wanted to give its Members special privileges and so, since 1988, only Members are allowed into the Show on Tuesday and Wednesday, with

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

“Ajastu muutub, kas ka inimene?”

And mama made miracles every Thanksgivin But now the road got rough, you're alone You're tryin to raise two bad kids on your own And there's no way I can pay you back But my plan is to show you that I understand You are appreciated Chorus Verse Three: 2Pac Pour out some liquor and I reminsce, cause through the drama I can always depend on my mama And when it seems that I'm hopeless You say the words that can get me back in focus When I was sick as a little kid To keep me happy there's no limit to the things you did And all my childhood memories Are full of all the sweet things you did for me And even though I act craaazy I gotta thank the Lord that you made me There are no words that can express how I feel You never kept a secret, always stayed real And I appreciate, how you raised me And all the extra love that you gave me I wish I could take the pain away If you can make it through the night there's a brighter day Everything will be alright if ya hold on

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
6 allalaadimist

The Medium Is the Message

Just to be in the presence of those sounds at 7 P.m. each day was important for him. His attitude to speech was like ours to melody-the resonant intonation was meaning enough. In the seventeenth century our ancestors still shared this native's attitude to the forms of media, as is plain in the following sentiment of the Frenchman Bernard Lam expressed in The Art o f Speaking (London, 1696): 'Tis an effect of the Wisdom of God, who created Man to be happy, that whatever is useful to his conversation (way of life) is agreeable to him . . . because all victual that conduces to nourishment is relishable, whereas other things that cannot be assimulated and be turned into our substance are insipid. A Discourse cannot be pleasant to the Hearer that is not easie to the Speaker; nor can it be easily pronounced unless it be heard with delight.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


I never want you to think that you're anything less than amazing . People like YOU , you are the reason why we have middle fingers . [ x'd ] Somewhere between hello & goodbye , i fell in love . I (L) boys .. In girl pants . Laughing until your stomach hurts .. that's what friends are for . Everything happens with reason . . EVERYTHING . I love the way how you say my name .. Before you tell me goodbye .. & i love how you say it . smile , like you mean it . Everybody wants to be happy , no one wants to be in pain .. But you can't make a rainbow without rain . I still wonder what if .. 1. Harsh words hurt feelings. But silence breaks hearts. 2. Ma suudan elada mõttega, et ma olen vaba, aga ma ei suuda elada mõttega, et mul pole sind. 3. Tüdruk, kes on korra haiget saanud, pole enam kunagi endine ! 4. Vihasena võib pidada parima kõne , mida kunagi kahetseda tuleb . 5. Keha kannatab ainult oleviku pärast , hing kannatab mineviku , oleviku ja tuleviku pärast . 6

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
433 allalaadimist

Stilistika loeng

In public speeches it expresses sarcasm, indignation. In colloquial speech it often conveys irony. It is the means of making the reader more active (e.g. "Is it fair to take an advantage of a man like this?"; "Who can stop me?") · Exclamatory sentence ­ used as an intensifier or interjection to make stronger the expression of a sudden emotion (e.g. "She was so happy!"; "How fantastic the tree looked!") GRAPHICAL EXPRESSIVE MEANS AND STYLISTIC DEVICES The outward shape of the printed page is very important. The author is acutely conscious of various types of prints, the division of text into paragraphs, italics, punctuation marks. In poetry the author attaches great importance to the division of stanzas, arrangement of lines. The peculiar feature of poetry ­ combination of graphical means and sound form.

Kultuur-Kunst → Stilistika (inglise)
37 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

competence, self-efficacy and opportunity so that the person is able to successfully experience the sense of personal control and responsibility. • Overly internal people who lack competence, efficacy and opportunity can become neurotic, anxious and depressed. In other words, internals need to have a realistic sense of their circle of influence in order to experience 'success'. • Externals can lead easy-going, relaxed, happy lives Internaalid – vastutus iseendal, eksternaalid saavad atributeerida väljapoole. Pinget ja vastutust vähem! Seligman: õpitud abitus Martin Seligman (s. 1942, Ameerika psühholoog, aktiivne eneseabi tekstide tootja) Õpitud abitus – seisund, kui inimese püüdlused ja kavatsused ei kanna püsivalt vilja. “Condition resulting from the perception we have no control over the environment”. Eksperimendid rottide ja koertega. Apaatia, loobumine

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist


minuga ­ minu südames . · Unenägu on pahatihti see, mille tõttu me ärkame hommikul suure pettumusega. · Usu armastusse esimesest silmapilgust. · My world was black and white until the day you walked trough my door and into my heart. · Everytime I think of you, I'm sad. Everytime I hear your name, I'm mad. But everytime I think of how you made me feel, I'm glad. · Real love stories never have happy endings, because the real love stories never end · Guys are like stars, there are millions of them but only one can make your dreams come true · Naer on kate, mille alla peidetakse suurimad mured ja valud · Sa ütlesid, et sa oled hea kaaslane, et sa ei reeda, ei peta, ei unusta, kuid sa unustasid mainida oma olulisema omaduse ­ valetamise. · Pole olemas kättesaamatuid tüdrukuid, on vaid saamatud poisid, kes ei tea kuidas tüdrukut endale võita

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
10 allalaadimist


seems either unwilling or unable to remedy them. Though he understands the dilemma of the Lost Generation, he remains trapped within it. Lady Brett Ashley Brett is a strong, largely independent woman. She exerts great power over the men around her, as her beauty and charisma seem to charm everyone she meets. Moreover, she refuses to commit to any one man, preferring ultimate independence. However, her independence does not make her happy. She frequently complains to Jake about how miserable she is--her life, she claims, is aimless and unsatisfying. Her wandering from relationship to relationship parallels Jake and his friends' wandering from bar to bar. Although she will not commit to any one man, she seems uncomfortable being by herself. As Jake remarks, "She can't go anywhere alone." Indeed, there are several misogynist strains in Hemingway's representation of Brett. For instance, she

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
108 allalaadimist

Tarbijakäitumine eksam konspekt

Reichheld'i kliendi ja töötaja happetest: x Vaata: paremas nurgas küsimustikud x Hinnatakse lojaalsust nii tarbija kui töötaja seisukohast x Skaala enamikel küsimustel 0 kuni 10, kus 0 on ei nõustu üldse ja 10 on nõustun täielikult. 5 puhul on vastaja neutraalne Küsimisvõimalusi tarbija lojaalsuse suurendamiseks x Are you completely happy with the product you purchased from us? x How many times a year do you purchase ____? x Do you sometimes purchase your ___ from another company? x What's most important to you when deciding to purchase our ___? x Is there anything you would change about our ____? x If you had a colleague with needs similar to your own, how strongly would you recommend our service/product? x What could we do to add value to our offering? x How can we improve our customer service?

Majandus → Tarbijakäitumine
222 allalaadimist

10 raamatu kokkuvõte

Raamatud 1. Anglisaksi eepos ,,Beowulf" "Beowulf" on vanim germaani sangarieepos. Selle loojaks on oletatud 8. sajandil elanud anglosaksi munka, kes Vergiliuse eeskujul liitis kaks sakside ja anglite poolt mandrilt kaasa toodud skandinaavia kangelaslugu. Praegu peetakse usutavamaks, et lugulaul on sündinud siiski suulises rahvatraditsioonis, kuna sellele leidub vasteid nii skandinaavia saagades kui kui ka Euraasia rahvapärimustes. Lugulaulu ajalooline taust on aastad 512-520. "Beowulfi" vanim tuntud versioon ja säilinud käsikiri pärineb 10. sajandist ning on muinas-ingliskeelne. See arvatakse olevat koopia 8. sajandil kirjutatud algupärandist. Lugulaul sisaldab 3182 värssi, jaotub kahte ossa ja räägib götalaste kuninga Beowulfi seiklustest. Esimeses osas surmab Beowulf taanlaste kuningat Hrothgari kiusanud koletis Grendeli ja selle ema. Teises osas aga hukkub kang...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
270 allalaadimist

Inglise leksikoloogia kordamisküsimuste vastused

LEXICOLOGY 1. Size of English vocabulary 1) Old English – 50,000 to 60,000 words Vocabulary of Shakespeare OE – homogeneous; 1/3 of the vocabulary has survived • 884,647 words of running text About 450 Latin loans (Amosova) • 29,000 different words (incl. work, working, Viking invasions added 2,000 worked, which are counted here as separate 2) Middle English – 100,000 – 125,000 words) English becomes heterogeneous (Norman French, • 21,000 words English, Latin), hybrid of Germanic and Romance languages Norman French influence – about 10,000 words, 75 % are still in use (Baugh) Latin influence continues 3) Early Modern English – 200,000 – 250,000 English becomes a polycentric language; polyglot, cosmopolitan lang...

Filoloogia → Leksikoloogia ja...
37 allalaadimist

EXAM - English literature 2

New valuation to emotions like awe, terror -> gave status for 1st time to negative qualities like darkness and solitude, silence and immensity of scale (radical shift from Augustan ideals of harmony and proportion) -> appreciation of mountains, other wild terrain. Also Agricultural Revolution, created the landscape garden of today – massive enclosure and creation of present-day field system with hedges and clumps of trees. Image of nation gentle and pastoral, peopled by contented rural workers happy with their loft (reality was far different). Such reassessment of rural landscape led to „discovery of Britain”. Travelling, touring through country. Nature had been recast like a painting. Now Nature was investigated to see where she had panited her own pictures unassisted. 30. The mid-18th-century culture of sensibility Expression of heightened, intense human feelings, ones that embodied a new kind of refinement of response by the educated classes

Keeled → British literature
22 allalaadimist


Nutavad need, kes peavad temast loobuma, aga kes ta kätte saavad, ntavad sagedasti veel rohkem. Here's my love, take it. Here's my soul, use it. Here's my heart, don't break it. Here's my hand, hold it and together we will make it forever. Missing you isn't what hurts. It's knowing that I once had you. That kills me True love is when you shed a tear and still want him. It's when he ignores you and you still love him. It's when he loves another but you still smile and say: "I'm happy for you." When all you really do is cry and cry ...Terve elu olen ma oodanud kedagi, kes oleks just nagu sina ja lõpuks ma leidsin sind...Ma ei tahaks mitte kunagi mitte kedagi teist enda kõrvale... kui vaid sind...Sa oled mulle kõige lähedasem...kui keegi teine ma usaldan sind täielikult! MA ARMASTAN SIND! Ma ei suuda enam varsti mõelda soojale ja heale tundele . Ma ei suuda varsti enam naeratadagi . Suudan vaid nutta ja rõõmu tunda hetkeliselt . Suudan vaid olla see , kes ma pole

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
22 allalaadimist

Grammatika inglise keel

shall / should / ought to supposed to talk. / I am expected to talk. / be to I am to talk. Modaalverbide tähendused · Tõenäosus Modal verb Example Tähendus must They must be happy about it. There has to be another way. Suur tõenäosus. can This can be the right decision. should / I should arrive in time. Mitte päris kindel, kuid võimalik. ought to He ought to arrive in time. could This could be the right decision.

Keeled → Inglise keel
925 allalaadimist


of the Mother of God and the origins of the monastic name. The study revealed that the name Pühtitsa comes from the fact that the icon was found at the oak hill, and people began to call it “the holy place“ or Pühtitsa. It has been also found that the Pühtitsa icon, the Holy oak, and the healing water source are interconnected. The research paper has fulfilled the aims the author set forth at the beginning of the research and the author will be happy if readers can find something new and interesting from the paper and its findings. The author has gained plenty of interesting knowledge that will be used in future research projects. 46 47

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Hispaania keele grammatika

escribirla. it? Si no le tratas con cariño, puede que se vaya. If you do not treat her kindly, she may leave you. Si pasa lo peor, debes ir a la guerra. If the worst happens, you must go to war. Si yo ganara/ ganase, estaría feliz. If I won, I would/ should be happy. Si yo pudiera/ pudiese, lo haría. If I could, I would/ should. Deberías ir a verla si ella realmente quisiera que fueras/ You should/ ought to go and see her if she really wanted you to fueses. go. Si al final no tuviéramos/ tuviésemos suficiente dinero, puede If in the end we did not have enough money, we might just stay

Keeled → Hispaania keel
300 allalaadimist

Idioot sisukokkuvõte

Idioot sisukokkuvõte Romaan algab tutvustav lugeja kaks peategelastest: Prince Lev Nikolaevick Myshkin (idioot) ja Parfion Semyonovich Rogozhin. Kaks reisivad Peterburi rongis, kui nad kohtuvad, siin, autor märgib "erakordsust" käesoleva juhuslikku kohtumist. Myshkin ja Rogozhin start to talk, väiklane ametnik nimega Lebedyev ühineb ja millised kolm arutada kujundeid, mida arendab ülejäänud romaan. Kuigi Myshkin ja Rogozhin on vastandid sisse everyway, jagavad nad peaaegu salapärane vastastikune külgetõmme üksteist, see peaks juhtida lugeja tähelepanu veelgi arendada oma suhet. Myshkin tema riietus ja lugusid nii väita, et vaatamata tema vana vene pere liini, ta on rohkem välismaalane või välismaalane oma riigis. Seda seetõttu, Myshkin on veetnud viimased neli aastat vaimuhaiglasse Sveitsis. Ilma reservi, aga Myshkin jagab seda tegelikult koos Rogozhin ja Lebedyev. ...

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
103 allalaadimist

English literature summary

English   literature   is   one   of   the  oldest   literatures   in   Europe;   dates   back   to   the   6th   century   AD.   Oral   literature,   i.e.   not   written   down,   spread   from   person   to   person.   In   449   AD   Anglo-­‐Saxon   tribes   invaded   England   –   beginning   of   the   Anglo-­‐Saxon   period   in   English   literature.  The  first  form  of  literature  was  folklore,  carried  by  scops  and  gleemen,  who   sang  in  alliterative  verse  (a  kind  of  simple  poetry).  Prose  developed  much  later.     The  first  form  of  recorded  English  literature  was  the  epic  Beowulf,  which  was  produced   sometime  near  the  end  of  the  7th  and  beginning  of  the  8th  century.  It  has  no  ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Popkultuuri teooriate konspekt

Adorno on radikaal: popmuusika nautimiseks on tarvis vaimset pidurdust, häiritust. Popmuusika roll on kohandada inimesi valitseva korraga maailmas, valitseva võimustruktuuriga. Ta eristab kahte reageerimistüüpi, massikäitumise tüüpi: 1) Rütmikuulekas tüüp (raadiopõlvkond). Marssimisel ja tantsimisel ei ole vahet. Nagu ka marssides, ei hakka sa tantsides vastu. Marssimine on tatalitaarse süsteemi tunnus. 2) Emotsionaalne tüüp. Sentimentaalne. Kuidas mõjub happy end inimestele. "Valgustuse dialektika" (1947) - Adorno koos Horkhemeriga. See on valgustusaja kriitika. Valgustusaeg demüstifitseeris maailma. Nende meelest suruti sellega seoses maha midagi inimloomuses. Mõistuse jõud ei vabasta inimest, vaid muudab teda vastuvõetavaks tema valitsemisele (nt. totalitarismi levik ja massikultuur). Kultuuritööstus. Adorno jaoks pole see väärtus, et kõik maailmas on mõõdetav (nt. loodusteaduste näol)

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
42 allalaadimist


Lootus ja positiivne tulevikupilt - hope and positive futures - a learned style of goal- directed thinking in which the person utilizes both pathways thinking (the perceived capacity to find routes to desired goals) and agency thinking (the requisite motivations to use those routes. Õnneuuringud Õnne komponendid Martin Seligman: positiivsed emotsioonid + positiivsed teod Ruut Veerhoven, Erasmus University Happy Planet Index Sotsiaalpsühholoogia ja õnne tootmine Käsitlus, mille järgi subjektiivne õnnetunne (mulon elus hea) on see, milleni peaksid inimesed jõudma. R. Veerhoven ­ maailma õnnepank (kui õnnelikud inimesed ühes või teises maailma otsas on ja millest see kõik pärineb. Happy Planet Index Pilt, mis räägib, kui õnnelikud on inimesed ja maakera. Subjektiivne õnnetunne (kuivõrd õnnelik oled)

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
650 allalaadimist

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

For we have closely sent for Hamlet hither, That he, as 'twere by accident, may here Affront Ophelia: 84 Her father and myself, lawful espials, Will so bestow ourselves that, seeing, unseen, We may of their encounter frankly judge, And gather by him, as he is behaved, If 't be the affliction of his love or no That thus he suffers for. QUEEN GERTRUDE I shall obey you. And for your part, Ophelia, I do wish That your good beauties be the happy cause Of Hamlet's wildness: so shall I hope your virtues Will bring him to his wonted way again, To both your honours. OPHELIA Madam, I wish it may. Exit QUEEN GERTRUDE LORD POLONIUS Ophelia, walk you here. Gracious, so please you, We will bestow ourselves. To OPHELIA Read on this book; That show of such an exercise may colour Your loneliness. We are oft to blame in this,— 'Tis too much proved—that with devotion's visage And pious action we do sugar o'er The devil himself.

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

And it is growing. Last year alone we launched eleven such services helping people with particular preferences to find their perfect match. There is the `Green Singles' and `Salt 'n' Pepper' for vegetarians and seniors respectively, and `Love Wheels' for car lovers. It's a great chance for those who still haven't found their soulmate. But these sites can only work if the people are honest. And that we cannot guarantee ... Host But there are some happy endings as well, right? MP Oh yeah, dozens! For example, there was this lady ... Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 10 Maturita Solutions Advanced Workbook Key 3 1 constructive 7 slammed 2 1 laughed off, incident Unit 5 2 upsetting 8 raised 2 pronounced, dead

Keeled → Inglise keel
104 allalaadimist

Teaduslik revolutsioon

Thanks to Newton, the western intellectual tradition would now include a concrete and scientific explanation of the motion of the heavens. Because of his greatness, the 17th century could almost be called the Age of Newton. Newton was in his own lifetime not regarded as a genius by his contemporaries. His fellow scientists respected him and admired him but they also disliked him. The reason is clear Newton was not a happy man. He was dour, sour and made absolutely no attempt to befriend anyone. Whenever someone happened to get too close to him, he retired to his study. His thoroughgoing Puritanism meant that he constantly subjected himself to selfexamination. Isaac Newton was born premature on Christmas Day, 1642, the year of Galileo's death. His family belonged to the gentry. He was educated at Cambridge and was also a member and president of the Royal Society.

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
13 allalaadimist

Populaarkultuuri teooriad

I LOENG Vt õpingukaardilt kohustuslikku kirjandust! Eksamil võib konspekti kasutada SISSEJUHATUS: · Läänekultuuri mudelid · Popkultuur kui elamismudel · Töölisklassiga, lihtrahvaga käitumine 20.sajandil, massikultuur · Popkultuuriga on midagi valesti (inimestega käitutakse kuidagi valesti), sp temast räägitakse, probleem on vaja midagi muuta · Distants, millelt analüüsitakse massikultuuri POPKULTUUR e massikultuur Hägune mõiste 6 põhilist selgitavat argumenti: 1. Paljude inimeste kultuur, kultuur massidele Kvantitatiivne mõõdupuu Enamiku inimese kultuurprobleemid, poliitilised probleemid Inimesed ei saa ennast enam kuuldavaks teha Seda on vaja kontrollida, et ei mõjutaks kogu ühiskonda Vastuhakud 2. Popkultuur on vastandatud kõrgkultuurile Ülejääk kõrgkultuurist 1 Kõrgkultuur naudingu edasilükkamine, ei ole vahetu ega füüsiline. Tõelise kunsti juure...

Kultuur-Kunst → Populaarkultuuri teooriad
109 allalaadimist

Naljandid ja anekdoodid

raha välja ja läheb ostab uue kalamaksaõli. Siin on kuulaja, kes lõppu ei tea, arvatavasti üsna nõutu. Laval näib olevat täiskasvanu, kes küsitleb tavakohasel veidi ükskõiksel ja üleval viisil reibast eneseteostuslikult meelestatud last, kes oskab rahast lugu pidada, seda koguda ja on nõus selle nimel väikesi ohvreid tooma. Näib toimuvat perekondades tavaline pedagoogiline "diil" lapse ja vanema vahel. Loole viirastub juba mittemidagiütlev liiane happy end -- Juku lubab osta endale oma investeeringute eest mõne suurema ihaldatud asja. Siis aga saabub "päris"-skripti määratlev krahh: ei ole usinat investeerijat, vaid vaene kujuteldamatult rumal petetu, kes jutustab oma rumalusest pealegi veel siiraima rahuloluga, arvates vist, et raha korjamisel kui toimingul on juba iseendast mingi mõte; ei ole ka mõlemapoolselt kasulikku perekondlikku tehingut, vaid toimub küüniline pettus, millega petetav

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
9 allalaadimist

Games Programming with Java and Java 3D

Dirty Java was used by Jellyvision ( in their popular Who wants to be a Millionaire (2000) and You don't know Jack (1995) games. They utilised C++ with Java for the game logic, which was also the approach in Majestic (2001) by Electronic Arts ( Java was used as a scripting language in the acclaimed Vampire - the Masquerade: Redemption (2000) from Nihilistic software ( The company was very happy with Java, although it only used JDK 1.1 [Huebner 2000]. Star Wars Galaxies from LucasArts ( is being scripted with a `slimmed-down' version of Java. Runescape ( is a massive 3D multiplayer fantasy adventure game. It is probably the largest pay-to-play Java online game, with over 5000 paying members and 1 million free registrations. Clients can use a Java applet to play, or download a Windows-based client application.

Informaatika → Java programmeerimine
22 allalaadimist

Popkultuur konspekt

Massikunsti roll on kohandada inimesi valitseva korraga maailmas, valitseva võimustruktuuriga. Ta eristab kahte reageerimistüüpi, massikäitumise tüüpi: 1) Rütmikuulekas tüüp (raadiopõlvkond). Marssimisel ja tantsimisel ei ole vahet. Nagu ka marssides, ei hakka sa tantsides vastu. Marssimine on tatalitaarse süsteemi tunnus. Marxism. 2) Emotsionaalne tüüp. Sentimentaalne kuulaja. Kuidas mõjub happy end ( in on oma õnnest ilma jäänud, haletsus enda üle) inimestele. Orjameelsus, psühhoteraapiline. Adorno ei sallinud emotsionaalset muusikat, eelistas saxa oma. Adorno: igaüks, kes ei suuda vastu võtta kultuuritööstuse ideid, riskib sellega, et teda liigitatakse idioodiks või intellektuaaliks. Hiljem ta uuris muusikatööstust,

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuur
39 allalaadimist


* Love isn't love if you didn't hurt someone. * Armastus on nagu unenägu. See lõpeb alati parimal hetkel. * Armastus on lihtne, kui kohtad keerulist armastust on tegu võltsinguga. * Igaüks, kes on armastanud, teab, millist säravat tähendust sisaldab endas neljast tähest koosnev sõna TEMA. * It's funny how someone can break tour heart and you still love them with all the little pieces. * Real love stories never have happy endings, because the real love stories never end. * Pärast sõpruse sõlmimist tuleb usaldada ning enne sõpruse lõpetamist järele mõelda. * Millega uhkeldatakse või mida on piinlik tunnistada, seda ei saa pidada sõpruseks. * Maailmas on kolme liiki sõpru: sõbrad, kes teid armastavad, sõbrad, kes teist sugugi ei hooli, ning sõbrad, kes teid vihkavad. * Armastus on nagu palavik. Ta sünnib ning kustub, ilma et tahtel oleks sellega midagi pistmist.

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
135 allalaadimist

Euroopa ideede ajaloo eksami kordamisküsimused

alone, but for his wife and children and the others whom he holds dear and for whom he ought to provide; and this responsibility also stimulates his courage and makes it stronger for the active duties of life. Above all, the search after truth and its eager pursuit are peculiar to man. And so, when we have leisure from the demands of business cares, we are eager to see, to hear, to learn something new, and we esteem a desire to know the secrets or wonders of creation as indispensable to a happy life. Thus we come to understand that what is true, simple, and genuine appeals most strongly to a man's nature. To this passion for discovering truth there is added a hungering, as it were, for independence, so that a mind well-moulded by Nature is unwilling to be subject to anybody save one who gives rules of conduct or is a teacher of truth or who, for the general good, rules according to justice and law. From this attitude come greatness of soul and a sense of superiority to

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
10 allalaadimist


Present seminar could give some answers or increase sense of mission and motivate those concerned by topic. Especially those who have had setbacks. The hypotheseses of the work were: dance as menthal pathway can be the foundation of natural birth-related body; injuries have their pros for the profession. I can say that hypotheseses have their ground. From the physical perspective the efficiency factor of injuries is ofcourse small ­ barely any of the injured individuals is happy about deformed bodies nor aggravations. One recognition that pointed out was that having an injury can have its pedagogical importance. If something has happened to dancer during his/her career, it is possible to aknowledge the problem and to avoid such things in future as a teacher. Understanding the roots of the problem can help those who decide to contine despite all. There is no wrong or right choices in that matter, because metaphysically dancer could

Tants → Tantsimine
12 allalaadimist

Antiikkirjanduse kordamisküsimused 2017 kevad

saamislood. ,,Metamorfoosid" ilmus pärast autori pagendamist Musta mere äärde, lõppviimistlust. Teose uurimisel on võetud eeskuju ka psühholoogilisest lähenemisest: o emotsionaalne eepika: tegelase käitumine muutumises, muutusi tingiv või nendega kaasnev emotsioon: armastus o Intellektuaalne eepika: ei paku lahendusi, ei väljenda eelistusi, ei püüa viia katarsiseni, ei pea ka olema happy end. Metamorfooside tähtsus: o Kreeka müütide lõplik tõstmine kirjanduseks o Kreeka müütide muutumine Rooma kultuuri ja kirjanduse loomulikuks osaks o Kreeka äralõikamine edasise Rooma kirjanduse eeskujuna; eeskujuks nüüd Ovidius ise. 110. Mida tähendab mõiste translatio imperii ('võimu ülekandumine') antiikajal kirjandussfääris? Kust kuhu võim kandus, mida selle all silmas peeti, kes millistes zanrides võimu n-ö üle tõid?

Filoloogia → Klassikaline filoloogia
13 allalaadimist

The 4-Hour Body - An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman - Timothy Ferriss

ADDING MUSCLE Building the Perfect Posterior (or Losing 100+ Pounds) Six-Minute Abs: Two Exercises That Actually Work From Geek to Freak: How to Gain 34 Pounds in 28 Days Occam's Protocol I: A Minimalist Approach to Mass Occam's Protocol II: The Finer Points IMPROVING SEX The 15-Minute Female Orgasm--Part Un The 15-Minute Female Orgasm--Part Deux Sex Machine I: Adventures in Tripling Testosterone Sex Machine I: Adventures in Tripling Testosterone Happy Endings and Doubling Sperm Count PERFECTING SLEEP Engineering the Perfect Night's Sleep Becoming Uberman: Sleeping Less with Polyphasic Sleep REVERSING INJURIES Reversing "Permanent" Injuries How to Pay for a Beach Vacation with One Hospital Visit Pre-Hab: Injury-Proofing the Body RUNNING FASTER AND FARTHER Hacking the NFL Combine I: Preliminaries--Jumping Higher Hacking the NFL Combine II: Running Faster Ultraendurance I: Going from 5K to 50K in 12 Weeks--Phase I

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun