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"habits" - 169 õppematerjali


Computer addiciton

Computer addiction is a mental illness which causes the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought processes, or sleep deprivation. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not include a diagnosis for such a disease. The term computer addiction originated long before the Internet. Some people develop bad habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and negative consequences are similar to those of known addictive disorders. Effects: Excessive computer use may result in, or occur with: Lack of social interaction. Using the computer for pleasure, gratification, or relief from stress. Feeling irritable and out of control or depressed when not using it. Spending increasing amounts of time and money on hardware, software, magazines, and

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

The Mayor Environmental Problems in Estonia

The government should take some actions and instead of talking about recession, improve recycling programs. Last but not least, abuse of the natural resources is also a big problem in Estonia. Big fatories let their waste run into the rivers without cleaning it and farmers use man-made fertilizers. Their actions spoil groundwater. We must not take water for granted but we should conserve it. To sum up, we all should help the environment. We need to change our attitude, behaviour and habits and inform the public with the help of the media and the problems will eventually improve. Merit Vislapu 11R

Keeled → Inglise keel
144 allalaadimist

Easter traditions in Estonia

Easter traditions in Estonia Easter traditions are rather young in Estonia. Our grandmothers took the eastern habits from BalticGermans without taking over the meanings ­ painted eggs just seemed so beautiful. So for us, their grandchildren, painting eggs has no connection with religion traditions. It is more like a way of expressing one's creativity. We use different colors and techniques: painting with herbs, watercolors, markers, special colors etc. There aren't any certain patterns to use, everyone can do it any way they like. We also give colored eggs as presents to friends and children are cracking the eggs. More than Easter Estonians have traditionally celebrated a spring. There is a day near Easter called Paastumaarjapäev (the Day of Virgin Mary and Fast) which is a women's day. Women and girls go together to swim in a spring in the sunrise ­ it will make them fresh and goodl...

Keeled → Inglise keel
17 allalaadimist

Article: Estonians

In case of visiting like in many other European countries in Estonia it's also polite to bring some presents with you, usually a box of chocolate or something like that will do the trick. To greet "Tere!" is the word you won't get wrong, but if you use something else equivalent in English for example they'll understand. If not, you have potentially bumped into a non- Estonian. Despite that there's nothing extraordinary in eating habits or social life in Estonia ­ fork and knife are the usual, sticks in Chinese restaurant ­ people love to party and spend time with their friends and family. If you don't believe, go see yourself ... (Yes, Estonia is the little one in up there next to Russia)

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Letter to boss

Also I went to body culture school in Denmark, which I graduated Cum Laude with GPA 4,9 out of 5,0. I have also finished Ahtme high school with gold medal, it is the only school in Estonia which bases mainly on football. I am a native estonian speaker and I can also speak and write perfectly in english, finnish and russian. In english and finnish I have reached upper conversation level and in russian advanced conversation level. I do not have any bad habits like smoking or drinking alcohol, because in my opinion it is very important to be a good example for my students. I do not have very long work experience because I have always wanted to finish all my school with the highest points, so that is the reason why I do not have long working experience. I enclose my CV and would be happy to attend the job interview at any time suitable for You. Yours sincerely Philip Saksing

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


vöökohal. KOKKUVÕTE · Passiivne eluviis aktiivseks; · eluviiside muutmine; · ülekaalulisusest stress kiusamine, erinevuse tunne suurem stress, psühholoogiline trauma rasvumine haigused; · Oluline on arendada koolitervishoiuteenuse kvaliteeti, tervist edendavat ja haiguste ennetamise tegevussuunda, et seeläbi toetada laste ja noorte KASUTATUD KIRJANDUS · Garmy, P., Eva KC., Nyberg P., Jakobsson, U. (2014). Overweight and television and computer habits in Swedish school-age children and adolescents: A cross-sectional study. Nursing and Health Sciences. ÜLEKAALULISUS, TELEKA- JA ARVUTIHARJUMUSED ROOTSI KOOLIEALISTEL LASTEL JA NOORUKITEL Tallinna Tervisehoiu Kõrgkool Tallinn

Meditsiin → Terviseõpetus
7 allalaadimist

English Report

Report A task was given to write a report which conveys the results of a survey about shopping habits of people of different ages and gender. The results of the survey were mostly the same, although there are some differences in answers. How much does one shop? About 1/3 of the 9 people surveyed said that they go shopping once a week. Others said that they shopped at least two times a week and it takes about 30 minutes for men and a hour for women to buy groceries and at least an hour if it's a shopping spree. How much do you spend on your hobbies?

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Healthy Life

activities. Running, skating, boxing, soccer, icehockey and dancing are the most popular. A few friends of mine do workouts. Andre, Madis and Kristiina practice dancing, Brit works out, Diana plays tennis, Eili and Airi play soccer, Steven and Egert go in self defense. However, many friends are like me. They rest after school behind the computer. Healthy lifestyle does not mean that we always have to workout; we also have to eat healthy. Some of my friends have different eating habits, but I do not know how healthy they are. However, I hope that I have more time, because I would like to practice basketball, it is my favorite activity.

Keeled → Inglise keel
44 allalaadimist

Essay-Environmental problems

As time goes on, society will have to face many problems. The biggest issues are with the environment that is around us. It is surprising how our traditional habits can contribute so strongly to environmental problems. They affect the whole world, even our little country Estonia. We, as individuals, are capable of doing anything to save our world. To begin with, everyday life has been disturbed because of COVID-19. Life stopped during this pandemic not only in China where it started, but also across the globe. When we look at the present situation, very many people are confined to their own homes. In Estonia, students

Keeled → Akadeemiline inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Staying in touch

You can also send e-cards and e-mails at no cost. Many people still send letters, so it is not dying art; it is very common way wishing merry Christmas or happy birthday. Also sending postcards and letters are not very expensive. One disadvantage in using letters is its delivering speed. One letter may travel many weeks before it arrives to its destination point. Perhaps the internet, cellular phones and letters are not the best ways to communicate; maybe we should stick to old habits and start visiting our friends and relatives more often and not using telephones and internet.

Keeled → Inglise keel
18 allalaadimist

Article:How to be a better guest

How to be a better guest There is something about Estonians As there has been a big increase in the number of people applying for study exchanges to Estonia, it is good to know some rules, habits and social life about Estonians. Being first time with new family you should know, that keeping a low profile is a half success. As the Estonians are uncommunicative people, the first look matters also a lot. But sometimes Estonians like open people too, who talk a lot, because we like to hear a lot but not talk much about ourselves. Secondly the Estonians do not hug and kiss on their first meetings. It is common in relationship or friendship but not in the first meeting

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Mass tourism

Mass tourism - a threat or blessing for local communities? Nowadays, it is not a problem to travel from one location to another. Hundreds of tourists visits the most famous and beautiful places all over the world every single day but mass tourism has many disadvantages and fortunately some advantages too. The most important advantages of mass tourism are the financial profits. Thanks to tourism local people are employed in various kind of companies which are connected with tourists and their attractions. Local people also get more options how to be more successful in making money because in popular tourist areas they can start their own business, such as, shops, cafes, pubs, hotels, tent camps and so on. In addition, thanks to the money spent by tourists, local authorities have funds to maintain different buildings and places like, for example, libraries or parks and to restore monuments and other objects of histoic...

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Essay about Food Inc

Employees hit and toture them. I find horrifying how the chikens are treated as plain food not living creatures. Cows and pigs are treated in the same way. Most of the food in America is controlled and manufactured by few main companies. The major food companies make huge profits of which are based on supplying cheap but contaminated food, the heavy use of petroleum-based chemicals (largely pesticides and fertilizers), and the promotion of unhealthy food consumption habits by the American public. I think that it’s absolutely wrong how the food indrustries and farms work. Nowadays, it’s all about the money. No compassion. My solution is to fight against the system. If many countries would cooperate, than there would be a chance that we could end this tragedy.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Advantages and disadvantages of fast food

Advantages and disadvantages of fast food Nowadays, fast food industry has greatly developed in many countries all over the world. Speedy tempo of life change people's habits of eating. People do not like to waste time on their breakfast, lunch etc. With this kind of new custom, fast food is gathering popularity. Sure there are some disadvantages as well advantages of eating fast food. Despite all that, the industry is flourishing. But really, is fast food good or bad? People choose fast food for many reasons. The most obvious advantage of fast food is that it saves time. In today's fast-paced life, there is nothing better than getting a ready meal

Keeled → inglise teaduskeel
38 allalaadimist

Studying abroad

hand it can be distracting. Firstly, studying abroad give to people more experience and philosophy of life. Compared to the situation one hundred years ago, studying abroad is broadly spread all over the world. Moreover, travel is easier and convenient. In addition, studying abroad has become more and more popular. In my opinion it is the most useful way to learn a new language and you have advantage to be independent. In addition, you got new friends and habits. All of this is new and interesting. Secondly, studying abroad give you more practice. You need it for communication and understanding. You can practice your language, also you can learn different cultures of countries. Nevertheless, studying abroad has also negative sides. In my opinion, studying abroad can be a very difficult and distracting factor. For example, when you go study abroad alone, without your parents and friends, you have to be very patient, because this is unknown place

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Present simple and continious

I do she does 3 When a verb ends in a consonant + y, the y changes to -ies. I hurry he hurries I copy she copies 2 Whe do not change y after a vowel. I stay he stays I enjoy he enjoys When to use the Present Simple The Present simple generally refers to: · Facts that are always true Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. · Habits and repeated actions British people drink a lot of tea. I get up at seven, have breakfast and go to university. · States, thoughts and feelings I don't like gangster films. The Present Simple is also used in · Making declarations Verbs describing opinions and feelings tend to be state verbs. I hope you'll come to my party. I bet you don't know the answer! · Headlines

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

How does the United States influence Estonia?

How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America is one of the most influential countries in the world. Its’ influence can be seen even in Estonia. Estonian national security is built upon being a member of NATO and it is dependent on Article 5. Therefore, it is important for us to be in good political relations with America because it is the most influential member of the organization. To stay in good terms some of our political decisions might be affected by the United States, however, it will stay out of the public view. Although Estonia is not directly dependant on America economically but as the United States’ economy has an effect on the global economy, we are bound to be influenced indirectly. In the cultural aspect, Americanisation is taking spreading all over the world. In our everyday life, we are exposed to American culture because it is everywhere: music, films, food. With th...

Ühiskond → Inglise keelt kõnelevate maade...
4 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia ajalugu

.. uskumine vabasse tahtesse teadvuse voog / stream of consciousness - teadvust ei saa elementideks jagada vaid on pidevalt muutuv ja personaalne - peegeldab indiviidi kogemusi, eesmärk on tagada kohanemine keskkonnaga. Teadvus on personaalne, ei saa jaotada, pidevalt muutuv, valiv, kohaneb keskkonnaga Rakenduspsy kujunemine. Uurimistehnikate laiendamine (kasuliku teabe leidmine inimese kohta). Learnes patterns of behaviour are habits. Habit makes society possible. Act in ways that are compatible with the tupe of person you would like to become. Aitas evolutsiooni teooria tuua psühholoogiasse. Tema pragmaatiline suhtumine viis rakenduspsy kujunemisenie (applied psych.) Ideo-motor - ideas cause behavior, and thus we can control our behavior by controlling our ideas. Habits - learned patterns of behavior. Radical empiricism - all consistent categories of human experience are worthy of study,

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia ajalugu
16 allalaadimist


Tense Form Use Hints Example + I pv ((e)+s) Present Simple 1. daily routines, habits or repeated actions Every hour/day/week etc , I always play football in -? do/does not+I pv 2. permanent states usually, always, in the the evenings morning/evening/night, at night Present Am/is/are+Iing 1

Keeled → Inglise keel
122 allalaadimist

Christmas differentces of 2 countries:England and Estonia

Christmas differentces of 2 countries This reports purpose is to analyse Estonian and English Christmas traditions. It compares the meaning of this tradition, decorations, eating habits, activities and Father Christmas. Firstly, for English people this traditions means to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ , but on the other hand for Estonian peole it means to celebrate the mid-winter holidays and religous people go to church. Secondly, for Estonian people decorating their homes is big part of christmas. People in the countryside bring straw into the house, they decorate their homes and bring in fir-trees

Keeled → Inglise keel
22 allalaadimist

British History KT küsimused ja vastused

`Cockney' is also used to describe a strong London accent and it is associated with working-class origins. A feature of Cockney speech is rhyming slang : `wife' is referred to as `trouble and strife' and `stairs' as `apples and pears'. 6. Explain the following notions: snobbery, inverted snobbery, posh and being posh, blue/ white collar workers, underclass, social mobility. inverted snobbery ­ middle-class people try to adopt working-class values and habits. posh ­ of a class higher than the one I belong to; being posh ­ being pretentious 7. In the early years of the twentieth century, the playwright and social commentator George Bernard Shaw remarked that an Englishman only had to open his mouth to make some other Englishman despise him. What was he talking about? Would he say the same thing today? 8. In the 1930s people in middle-class neighbourhoods often reacted angrily to the building

Ajalugu → British history (suurbritannia...
15 allalaadimist

Present Simple & Continuous

She works here. ... does not (doesn't) work ... It Does she / he work here? ­ Yes, she / he does. / No, she / he doesn't. Time expressions always often not often never usually normally rarely sometimes occasionally hardly ever when after before unless in case as soon as until Uses - for permanent facts - for actions and situations which are generally true - for habits and routines PRESENT CONTINUOUS bebe++ ­ing ing I am (I'm) You are (you're) She/He/It is (she's/he's/it's) (not) + working here. We are (we're) They are (they're) Are you working here? ­ Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. Is he working here? ­ Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. Time expressions now currently at the moment these days

Keeled → Inglise keel
133 allalaadimist

Health and fitness

Do you agree? Give reasons. 8. What could governments do to promote a healthy lifestyle? 9. Can fashion have a negative effect on a person's health? Give reasons. 10. What can schools do , to help students be healthy? 11. Are you a sensible eater? 12. Tell about your eating habits. Health and fitness A healthy mind in a healthy body is what makes life worth living. Keeping yourself healthy emotionally and physically will help you to leave happy and productive life,that's why i think that being healthy is very important. To keep fit I make sure that i walk or exercise every day for about 30 minutes. For example i go to aerobic class twice a week and the other days when I'm home I will go for a walk or exercise on my own at home.

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Millennials and Technology

same exact look when finding out they have to clean every single dish by hand. Everyone's the same. To be honest, we're all robots. References: ``Millennials: Technology = Social Connection´´. Nielsen. n.p., 26 Febr 2014. Web. 7 April 2015. ``Mobile Millennials: Over 85% Of Generation Y Owns Smartphones´´. Nielsen. n.p., 5 Sept 2014. Web. 7 April 2015. Dua, Tanya. ``Millennial Media-Consumption Habits Explained, in 5 Charts´´. Digiday. n.p., 21 Oct 2014. Web. 7 April 2015.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


POPULATION Influences: demographic transition ­ birth, death economy education urbanization employment migration ethnic-cultural background Demographic transition is a theory according to which all societies start with traditional alternation of generations and they finish with modern alternation of generations (demographic explosion, ageing) TRADITIONAL ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS -agrarian society -BR is high (10-12 children/3-4 survive) traditions, moral parents hope that their children will suport them in the future no healthcare -DR is high no healthcare epidemics -average age 35-40 THE BEGINNING OF INDUSTRIALIZATION -healthcare -development of economy -education Increase in the living standards. BR remained the same (still high) DR decreased Big amount of children in the society. 18th c. demographic explosion in Europe Factors that lead to the end of dem. explosion: -prohibitions of children's work -women were offered work (wa...

Geograafia → Inglisekeelne geograafia
4 allalaadimist

Inglise keele sõnad

microchips ­ tiny pieces of silicon containing complex electronic circuits  design ­ to make or draw plans for something  financial ­ relating to money or how money is managed  electronic ­ involving the use of electric current in devices such as TV sets or computers  Internet ­ the large system of connected computers around the world  print ­ to produce text and pictures using a printer  unformatted ­ a disk that is completely blank, so information can't be recorded onto it  Extranet ­ a network that allows communication between a company and the people it deals with  transmission ­ the process of sending data over a communication channel  reboot ­ to restart the computer, without switching it off completely  microbrowser ­ a web browser designed for small screens on hand­held devices  software engineer ­ a person who designs and maintains software applications  IT (computer) consultant ­ a person who gives expert, professional advice ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Inglise keele ajavormid

We don’t mention when the I started work at 7 o´clock this action started or finished. morning. At 10 o’clock last night I was  action that happened immediately watching TV. after one another in the past.  for an action which was in Maggie walked across the room and progress when another action opened the door. interrupted it. We use the past  habits or states which are now continuous for the action in finished. progress (longer action) and the Pete lived in California for a couple of past simple for the action which years when he was younger. interrupted it (shorter action). The time expressions we use with He was driving to work when his the past simple are: mobile phone rang.

Keeled → Inglise keel
59 allalaadimist

Global Warming

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing because of the massive consumption of fossil fuels such as oil, coal, and natural gas. Another contributing factor is the the amount of forest logged. Every second of the day the area of a football field in trees is cleared by either being logged or burnt. The potential costs of cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions might sacrifice economic growth and our standard of living. By doing this we might need to change our habits and behavior. Furthermore we need to make investments in technology ­ we need to adopt green building practices and buy clean cars. We all can do our part to help the planet by making small changing in our lifestyle. Simply turning off the lights every time you leave the room will dramatically decrease the amount of carbon dioxide produced. Using fluorescent light bulbs and properly inflated tires will also contribute to saving the planet.

Keeled → Inglise keel
78 allalaadimist

Aadvantages and disadvantages of being on tv?

Television Advertising Pros and Cons According to a recent study by Ball State University on the media consumption habits of average Americans, despite the Internet's steady rise in popularity over the last few years, television remains the dominant medium in most U.S. households. On average, the general population spends over four and a half hours a day in front of the tube, making TV watching one of the most common modern leisure activities. Is it any wonder then that television advertising is also the most powerful form of advertising?

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Understanding Psychology

Because short-term memory following the injury appears to be operative – new 2 material can be recalled, we can infer that there are two distinct types of memory – one for short-team and one for long-term storage. The Modules of Memory. Declarative memory is memory for factual information: names, faces, dates, and the like. Procedural memory (sometimes referred to as “nondeclative memory”) refers to memory for skills and habits such as riding a bike. Semantic memory is memory for general knowledge and facts about the world, as well as memory for the rules of logic for deducing other facts. Episodic memory is memory for the biographical details of our individual lives. Explicit memory refers to international or conscious recollection of information. Implicit memory refers to memories of which people are not consciously aware, but which can affect subsequent performance and behavior. Levels of Processing.

Psühholoogia → Tunnetuspsühholoogia ja...
4 allalaadimist

The effect of modern technology on our everyday life

gases into the environment, are creating serious environmental problems and pollution and some of them, health problems for their workers. The more time people are spending engrossed in video games, talking to friends online and watching videos, they are spending less time being active or exercising. This lifestyle can bring to obesity, and it, in turn, can lead to serious health problems and even to death. Technology has the negative effects on sleep habits. People do online activities that keep them up too late; information stream, that passes through people`s brains, can make it difficult to turn off our brains and go to sleep. Technology has both positive and negative sides. It is in our hands, how to use it. If we use it for positive things, it will have positive effect of our lives and vice versa, using it for negatiive things give negative effect. The developments should be in a positive way and they should not

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Power Destroys Ideals

forget about the ideals they had before and about the promises they made. G. Orwell's book "Animal Farm" is an excellent example of how easy it is to forget about the ideals. In his novel George Orwell pictures a human society through the animal farm. He uses exagerations which help to feel the atmosphere of spoiled society. Society ruined by dictators, false ideas and corruption. In the novel the animals are shown as the exagerated copies of human beings with all their characters, habits and feelings. The story took place on the farm where the animals led a rebellion against the human beings. The revolution was started by the pigs who were considered the most intelligent animals. The others helped the pigs because they hoped for the better and easier life and they thought that the pigs would change everything for the best. Unfortunately it did not work out so well. As soon as the pigs came to the power they

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


It is an aboriginal primitive hunting breed that shares many characteristics to its ancestor the wolf. Slaid- Temperament Ise räägid: The West Siberian Laika is a very affectionate and devoted to the master dog. Majority of them barks at strangers approaching the house. During adult life of dogs, younger dogs, especially males, would challenge older male dogs and try to resolve their problems by fighting. Slaid- Utilitarian qualities Ise räägid: It is an emotional dog, very observant to habits of its master, his mood and often can foresee his intentions. It does not hesitate to express its strong feelings by barking and other noises. The West Siberian Laika likes and needs freedom for physical activity and he also needs to be closer to the master and his family. Pildi kirjeldus: Most West Siberian Laika are some shade of wolf gray, but there are pure white dogs and white dogs with colored patches. Height: Male 56 - 61 cm Female 53 - 58 cm, This breed has a double coat.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Kultuuri mõistest ja määratlusest

Deskr.def-d on levinud nt kultuuriantropoloogias. Nt üks esimesi antropoloogilisi kultuuridefinitsioone pärineb 1871 Edward Burtnett Tylorilt teosest Primitive Culture: Kultuur...on see keerukas tervik, mis sisaldab teadmisi, uskumusi, kunsti, moraali, seadusi, kombeid ja kõiki teisi võimeid ja harjumusi, mille inimene ühiskonna liikmena on omandanud. Culture ... is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. Tylor oli evolutsionistliku kultuurikäsitluse esindaja, mis darvinismi mõjul lähtus kultuuri pideva arengu ideest. Pange tähele, et see definitsioon sisaldab nii ideid e mentaalset aspekti kultuuris (teadmised, uskumused, seadused) kui ka tegevusi e kultuuripraktikaid (kombed). Saksa päritolu Ameerika antropoloog Franz Boas 1930. Anthropology. ­ Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.

Kultuur-Kunst → Kultuurilood
102 allalaadimist

Extended essay: To what extent does a plant-based diet lower the risk of coronary artery disease?

and/or vegan populations compared to those who eat a standard diet. One of the first studies conducted was the Californian Seventh-day Adventists study which was a prospective study in which 24 044 individuals took part in during a 6-year period, from year 1960 to 1965. Two diagrams were drawn in this study, and they can be found in the appendix of this investigation. They tested the hypothesis that coronary artery disease is related to dietary habits. From these figures [Figure 1. and 2.] we can draw the conclusions that the standardised mortality ratio suggested that coronary heart disease was significantly lower in vegetarian men compared those who were not vegetarian [Figure 1 in the appendix]. On the contrary, female participants that followed a vegetarian diet were found to be at the highest risk at getting coronary artery disease [Figure 2 in the appendix]

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

The Role of the Hippie Movement in 21st Century Britain

ethics. Youth fashions became more and more bizarre , and sexual, in an attempt to rebel against the mainstream values. Some argue that the embrace of spontaneity and worship of the “primitive” have turned us towards mindlessness and violence. Hippies in 1960’s used different drugs etc to expand their counsciousness; today’s (not only) hipsters use also drugs and alcohol to relax and get away from reality. What is funny about it all, that people with similar lifestyle and habits do not define themselves as hippies, they might even hate the hippies, altough they life the same way. In my opinion, the 1960’s hippies behaviour has been an influence on today’s adolescents. At the head - hipsters. If I look at my friends and people I communicate, then many of them have the attitude “I don’t care” or the same “If it feels good, do it”. They don’t bother themselves with the opinions of others nor ask for the opinions of others

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Walking for meetings - analysis of a Nilofer Merchant presentation

Internet. This problem is called sitting. I have to say that in my opinion her whole presentation was just like a tale, given by a relatively short and easily understandable sentences with personal examples. To make people follow her talk about the issue, she compared sitting to smoking and I think I am not the only one who knows that smoking is really bad and completely messes up your life, so it was a very good way to force people to think about their habits. Probably her objective was to make people aware of our everyday lives that are lacking of exercises and to give them some solutions with what will accompany thinking outside the box and better life. To be more suitable for people with auditory modality she fed them numerous facts with numbers. For example: “nowadays people are sitting 9,3 hours per day which is more than we sleep at 7,7 hours per day” and lack of physical activity causes 10% of all the cancers. Her whole presentation was

Meedia → Suuline ja kirjalik...
1 allalaadimist


Modals Sandra Haar Form 11 I am going to talk about... Can Could May Might Must Should Would Ought to Excercises References How do we use modal verbs? Affirmative: Subject + modal + infinitive, Example: She should stay Negative: Subject + modal(n`t) + infinitive, Example: She shouln`t stay Interrogative: (Wh) Modal + Subject + Infinitive, Example: Why should she stay? Can Ability to do something in the present-I can speak English. Permission to do something in the present-Can I go to the cinema? Request - Can you wait a moment, please? Offer- I can lend you my car till tomorrow. Suggestion- Can we visit Grandma at the weekend? Possibility- It can get very hot in Arizona. Could Ability to do something in the past- I could speak English. Permission to do something in the past- I could go to the cinema. Polite question- Could I go to the cinema, please? Polit...

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist

Kontrolltöö 7. klassile (ILE 5) Unit 2

keeps telling me how harmful it is to y eyesight. I go to the cinema, play basketball, and hang around with my mate Jaan when he isn´t busy. 4. F No, not yet. 5. H I don´t have many friends and it makes me feel lonely at times. I have my own views on life and sometimes people don´t agree with me, which really irritates me. There´s one more thing I should point out ... My marks, of course, because I want to be a top student in my class. 6. B She´s worried about my eating habits and thinks I´m ruining my health. She hates it when I eat too much fast food and drinks litres of Coke. I don´t think it´s too bad because I do enjoy her cooked meals at weekends. To be honest, we still argue a lot. 7. E Not much. I´d like to get a new MP3 player and I´m saving up to buy it for Christmas. 8. C 10 p.m.

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Ways to protect the environment

PROJECT Things You Can Do To Protect the Environment changing.  We need to help it change for the better and we're asking for your help to do that!  There are a lot of things that affect our planet in a bad way but the good news is that everyone can help to reduce them and do their bit for the environment. Here’s a list of LOVE AND CARE THE ENVIRONMENT important topics ...

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Past simple and continious

plan planned We also double the consonant in words of more than one syllable, if the last syllable is stressed. permit permitted prefer preferred In British English l is usually doubled, even if the syllable is unstressed. travel travelled When to use the Past Simple Past Simple generally refers to: • Completed or finished actions I got up, switched off the radio, and sat down again. • Habits Every day I went to the park. • States In those days, I didn't like reading. 3 Past Continuous The Past Continuous is the past tense of be + an -ing-form. I/he/she/it was playing you/we/they were playing Negative I/he/she/it was not playing/wasn’t playing you/we/they were not playing/weren’t playing Question Was I/he/she/it playing?

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Estonian cuisine

fish in coastal and lakeside areas, but is influenced by many other cuisines by now. In the present day it includes a variety of international foods and dishes, with a number of contributions from the traditions of nearby countries. German, Scandinavian, Russian and other influences have played their part. The most typical foods in Estonia have been rye bread, pork, potatoes and dairy products. Estonian eating habits have historically been closely linked to the seasons. In terms of staples, Estonia belongs firmly to the beer, vodka, rye bread and pork "belt" of Europe. The Cold Table Flounder The first course in traditional Estonian cuisine is based on cold dishes - a selection of meats and sausages served with potato salad or Rosolje, an Estonian signature dishes based on beetroot, meat and herring . Small pastries called pirukad ("pirukas" in the singular) - a

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74 kcal 2440 kcal Valgud 99.18 g 61-91 g Rasvad 141.96 g 68-81 g Süsivesikud 352.94 g 335-366 g Toiduenergia jaotumine toitainete vahel Sinu oma: Soovitatav: ANNOTATION The topic of the survey was the eating habits of Saue Gymnasium students and how it affects their body. The aim was to investigate the daily menus of 13-14 year old students and to find out how much, in average, they consume carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The research included the investigation of nutrition principles. I have outlined why diverse, well-balanced and moderate diet is so important. The main nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins and fats, were closely observed. A couple of questions were raised in the survey

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
47 allalaadimist


(such as pull-ups and push-ups) and even swimming. Physical education provides children with an opportunity to exercise during the day. It gives children early exposure to team sports, and promotes good physical fitness. Children who participate in physical education get a workout, and they also learn the importance of exercise as a lifelong habit. Physical education is clearly an important course in schools, with many benefits for children. In addition to helping kids learn healthy habits and stay off drugs, physical education can also increase learning by getting the blood flowing and increasing oxygen levels, which promote concentration. Sports and PE help children build self esteem and help them learn important lessons in teamwork. Physical education is extremely important and should be protected in schools, despite budget cuts. Children who take PE classes at school may also be able to use those classes as a springboard to become interested in joining a team sport

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Personal statement ,,Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage." - Ralph Waldo Emerson This quato, mentioned before, gives me confidence to do great things myself in life and pursue them into bigger ones one day ahead. In these moments i like to remember what Napoleon Hill once said: ,,If you can´t do great things, do small things in a great way." The things is, that everyone has to start somewhere, to find their own way in this life-that is the reason why i am writing this letter at this very moment, to let you know, that i am ready to make a change. To introduce myself, i would use one word-determined. I am 19 years old girl from Estonia and i live in two cities at the same time. During...

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Inglise keele eksami materjal

immigrants for all races. Canada: Canada is next to USA, it is smaller than the USA but still one of the biggest countries on earth. London Sightseeing (vaatamisväärsused) : there are a lot of things to look at in London. Like Big Ben, Maddam Tussu o. London is home to many museums, galleries, and other institutions which are major tourist attractions as well as playing a research role. Food And Drink My eating habits are potatoes, macaroon, hamburger, ice cream, lots of candy, coca cola. My favorite fast food restaurants are McDonalds and Peetri Pizza, because they make the best pizza there ever. But there reason why people should eat healthy food is because it helps our body. There more healthy ear we eat the less we get sick and we would just feel better. Every plate (taldriku peal) should have

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Great Britain

culture. 5 Immigrants who have arrived from all parts of the Commonwealth since 1945 have not only created a mixture of nations, but have also brought their cultures and habits with them. Monuments and traces of past greatness are everywhere. There are buildings of all styles and periods. A great number of museums and galleries display precious and interesting finds from all parts of the

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The Galapagos islands

and biodiversity of the Galapagos Archipelago through scientific research and complementary actions. The Galapagos Islands remain well preserved as a natural environment in large part due National Park Rules. It is prohibited to transport any live material to the islands, or from island to island, not to take any food to the uninhabited islands, not to feed or touch the animals. It can be dangerous and in the long run would destroy the animals' social structure and breeding habits. The organisms that are in isolation from the human diaspora can evolve in unique ways. World opinion clearly states that Galapagos is of inestimable value to the world's culture and that its environment must be spared destruction.

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15 allalaadimist

Essey: How does the United States influence Estonia

How does the United States influence Estonia? The United States of America with it's global economic and political superpower is one of the most influential countries in the world and therefore it’s influence can also be felt in Estonia. Fluctuations in Estonia’s status as an independent country have had significant impact on the amount of influence from other countries, whether it is the language, eating habits or lifestyle. But how has United States influenced Estonia after we gained our independence? Estonia is not economically dependent on the United States as they are not one of our most important trading partners, but as the economics of the United States has a great influence on the world economy, they can still indirectly have an influence on Estonian economy. In Estonian politics the influence of the United States can be seen the most in relations with NATO

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6 allalaadimist

"The case for socialism"

economic privileges that they enjoy were not acquired by the possession or exercise of great talents, but by the accident of birth. Social inequality. The apparatus of social hierarchy is amazingly complete. It is manifest in the Court with its great expense and elaborate display; the country house with its ancient associations and dependent village; the segregation of a group of schools (ironically called ,,public" schools) to provide each new generation with the manners and habits of ruling class; the clubs and social life of London; the columns of ,,Society" gossip in the newspapers and the differences of clothing and accent by which members of the ,,classes" can instantly recognise one another. We should respect our fellow creatures because they are good or clever, gifted or wise ­ not because they happen to possess advantages of wealth or power. In so far as we accept these false standards (of wealth and class) we make ourselves less than free men

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11 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun