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"green" - 772 õppematerjali

green - järgmisel tööpäeval *CMS-configuration management system-arendajatele.salvestab konfiguratsiooni andmebaasi: riistvara, serverit, õiguseid, tarkvaralised. Tööjaamad, meilid, kõik ettevõttes olev.

Kasutaja: Green

Faile: 3


,,Süü on tähtedel" John Green (1977) on auhinnatud Ameerika kirjanik, kes kirjutab peamiselt noortele mõeldud ilukirjandust. Tema raamatud figureerivad New York Timesi bestsellerite edetabelis ning tema paljude auhindade hulka kuuluvad Printz Medal, Printz Honor ja Edgar Allan Poe Award. John Green elab oma perega Indiana osariigis. Tegevuse aeg ja koht: Tegevus toimub tänapäeval, 21.sajandil Ameerikas, Indianas ning samuti ka Hollandis, Amsterdamis.

Varia → Kategoriseerimata
10 allalaadimist

Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifiers

Tallinn University of Technology Department of Electricl Power Engineering and Mechatronics Report on Exercises 2 on Power Electronics Single-Phase Full-Wave Rectifiers Tallinn 2017 Given parameters: Output voltage, Ud = 10 V Input frequency, fin = 50 Hz Load resistance, Rload = 70 kOhm Calculations: u1 10 I d= = =0.143 mA R L 70000 πUd 3.14∗10 US= = =11.1 V 2 √2 2 √2 U Smax =U S∗√ 2=11.1∗√ 2=15.7 V PIV =2∗U smax =2∗15.7=31.4 V I max=I d∗√ 2=0.143∗√ 2=0.2 V Table 1. Value comparison table. Parameter Calculated Measured Error Ud, V 10 9.6 0.3 Id, mA 0.143 0.137 0.006 Usmax...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Transformerid Jaanika ja Margo 2011.a Filmist Meie koduplaneet on suures hädaohus, sest kaks vaenutsevat tulnukaleeri on valinud Maa oma lahinguväljaks. Ajal, mil kurjuse jõud otsivad piiritu energia allikat, sõltub kogu inimsoo ellujäämine täiesti tavalisest teismelisest nimega Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), kel endal pole asjast veel aimugi. Rezissöör Lavastaja Michael Benjamin Bay sündis 17. Veebruaril 1965, Los Angeleses. Peale filmikooli lõpetamist töötas Bay muusikatööstuses, tehes videosi sellistele nimedele nagu Tina Turner, Meat Loaf, Lionel Richie, Wilson Phillips ja Donny Osmond. Peale selle tegi ta ka reklaame sellistele brändidele nagu Nike, Reebok, Coca-Cola, Budweiser ja Miller Lite. Filmimaailma läbilöögi tegi Micheal Bay 1995. aastal, lavastades kassahiti "Bad Boys", mis ühtekokku teenis ligi 160 million dollarit. Edukas on mees olnud ka järgn...

Informaatika → Arvuti õpetus
4 allalaadimist

Harry Potter

J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince Harry Potter Like his father, Harry has black hair And like his mother, emerald green eyes He has a thin face He wears round glasses. Ron Weasley Harry's best friend Like everyone else in his family, he also has red hair There are 7 children in his family Ron is tall, thin, has freckles and a long nose Hermione Granger Harry's best friend too Hermione is the smartest of her age Both of her parents

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist


TELEVIISOR TELEVIISOR  Televiisor ehk teler on seade  televisiooniülekannete vastuvõtmiseks ja  taasesitamiseks.  Televiisori leiutamise aastaks peetakse 1884, kui  Paul Nipkow tekitas elektri mõjul liikuva pildi.  Tänapäeva telerid koosnevad kuvarist, tüünerist  ja antenni või raadiosageduslike signaalide  sisendist.  Pildi kuvamiseks kasutatakse sageli kineskoopi,  samuti vedelkristall­, plasma­ või orgaaniliste  valgusdioodidega kuvarit. KINESKOOPTELER • Kineskoop on televisioonitehnikas kasutatav  elektronkiiretoru, mis muundab videosignaali ekraanil  kujutiseks. • Kujutise saamiseks läbib  elektronkiir kineskoobis kõik  ekraani punktid. • Värvikineskoobi ekraanil moodustub värviline kujutis  kolme põhivärvi koos­kiirgusest: punane (tähis R­"red"),  roheline (tähis G­"green") ja sinine (tähis B­"blue").  • Igal värvusel on oma elektronkiir  ja  luminofoorielemendid. PLA...

Füüsika → Füüsika
2 allalaadimist

Metallide kuningas: KULD

Tartu Kivilinna Gümaasium Kuld Metallide kuningas Autor: Sander Kamenik Juhendaja: Helgi Muoni Tartu 2014 0 Sisukord Sissejuhatus Füüsilised omadused ja aatomi ehitus Füüsilised omadused Aatomi ehitus Leidumine looduses Isotoobid Keemilised omadused ja reaktsioonid Ühendeid ja nende kasutamine Füsioloogiline toime Huvitavaid fakte Mida andis mulle referaadi koostamine? Kasutatud materjal 1 Sissejuhatus Kuld on tihe, plastne, läikiv ja pehme väärismetall; see on nii keemiline element kui ka lihtaine, mis esineb looduses mineraalina. Kulla keemilise elemendi sümbol on Au ja aatomnumber 79. Kuld asub IB rühmas Levimiselt looduses on kuld haruldane metall. Ometi on see kollane metall kõigile tuntud ja teatud. Ajalooliselt on väljakujunenud peamiselt kaks kulla funktsiooni. Alates ürgajast on ...

Keemia → Keemia
39 allalaadimist

Punk rock kokkuvõte

ning võimalikult antikommertsiaalne. Kui hardcore scene kaheksakümnendate teisel poolel oma otsa leidis, pöördus USA punkliikumine tagasi algse New Yorki stiilis punk rock'i juurde. Märksõnaks sai meloodilisus. Tekkis mõiste pop punk (ka punk pop), mis algselt tähendas Ramonesi muusikalise lihtsuse ja tempokuse ühendamist The Beach Boysi stiilis meloodilisusega. Olulistest selle stiili esindajateks olid ansamblid The Queers ja Green Day. 1980. aastate lõpus ja 1990. aastatel tekkis indie rock'i underground'is punk rock'i taaselustav uus stiil garage punk. 1990. aastate keskpaigas, pärast grungelainet, Ameerika Ühendriikide punk kommertsialiseerus. Meedia haibimasin ning plaadifirmad korjasid pärast grungelaine liivajooksmist üles sellised bändid nagu Green Day ja The Offspring, mis vahelduva eduga tänaseni kuulsust naudivad. Punkringkondade austuse on nad aga minetanud

Muusika → Muusikaajalugu
16 allalaadimist


htm vi .html real Save as type vali All files (*.*) vajuta nupule Save Nd vid brauseriga (Internet Explorer vi Netscape) oma faili uuesti avada. (File => Open => Browse ...) VRVIDE KASUTAMINE Vrvi nitamiseks kasutatakse HTML-keeles nn RGB-koodi ehk vrvikoodi, mis koosneb mrgist # ja sellele jrgnevatest 16nendnumbritest (0, 1, 2, ... 9, A, B, C, D, E, F). Nimetus RGB-kood tuleneb phivrvide (punane, roheline ja sinine) ingliskeelsetest nimedest - Red, Green ja Blue. Iga phivrvi nitamiseks kasutatakse kahekohalist 16nendarvu. Seega on vrvikoodi ldkuju jrgmine: #RRGGBB. Iga konkreetse vrvi kood on tegelikult phivrvide koodide kombinatsioon, kusjuure 00 mrgib komponentvrvi nrgimat kontsentratsiooni (tegelikult selle puudumist), FF aga suurimat. Seega on komponentvrvide endi koodid vastavalt #FF0000, #00FF00 ja #0000FF. Valge vrvi kood on #FFFFFF, musta vrvi kood aga #000000. Igasugused hallid toonid

Informaatika → Informaatika
72 allalaadimist

Fast Development of modern technology- a blessing or a curse?

Fast Development of modern technology- a blessing or a curse? Science and technology have brought about tremendous changes in people's lives. Scientific research continues to explore the fields that people previously undreamed of. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like computers, lasers and space-scuttles. Now all these newly invented technologies are benefiting people all over the world. In a word, advanced science and technology has made man master of the globe. As is known to all, each coin has two sides. When we are enjoying the remarkable wonders which science and technology has brought us, we are suffering at the same time from a lot of troubles. For example, environmental pollution, noise, green-house effect and nuclear weapons are the things we did not need to bother about in the past. But these problems nowadays are not only making our life inconvenient, but even dangerous. In my opin...

Keeled → Inglise keel
36 allalaadimist


Australia Mattias Kuusik Map of Australia Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase Factfiles Population-22,793,217 Area-7,617,930km2 Capital-Canberra Biggest city-Sydney National language-English Red Kangaroo Red Kangaroo can hop as fast as 70 km/h over short distances, but they usually comfortably travel at 20km/h. Koala The Koala is another recognised symbol of Australia. It's difficult to take koala pictures because they sleep 20 hours a day. (They are permanently sleepy because of the chemicals in the Gum leaves). Emu It is quite common to see emu's in Australia.They are the second largest flightless bird in the world (just sm...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Report about students eating habits

Report about students eating habits. Most of todays students don't have their proper habits, Fast food can wreak havoc on your health if you aren't careful. Limit stops at fast food restaurants, and when you do go, bypass the French fries and other fried treats. Order salads, sandwiches that don't contained fried or greasy meat, and baked potatoes. Select pizza healthy pizza toppings, such as olives, mushrooms and green peppers. If you must have meat, opt for Canadian bacon, which is much lower in fat than pepperoni. Even college students need a balanced diet of protein, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats. Eat a variety of vegetables and moderate amounts of protein. Limit fats to the healthier choices, such as olive oil and nuts. for decades, vending machines have been the bane of many college students. They also carry the

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist

Casino Royale

Casino Royale Näitlejad: James Bond ­ Daniel Graig ­ Ta on võitnud palju auhindu (enamus seoses Casino Royale'iga), ning teda võib veel näha filmides nagu Munich, Layer Cake, Lara Croft: Tomb Raider ja paljudes teistes. Vesper Lynd ­ Eva Green ­ Tema on uustulnuk. Royale tegi temast ühe kuulsamaid näitlejaid. Enne seda oli tal ka väike roll Kingdom of Heaven'is. Le Chiffre ­ Mads Mikkelsen ­ Palju auhindu võitnud Taani näitleja. Teinud kaasa väga palju Saksamaa ja Rootsi filmides, arvatavasti tuntakse teda ära kõige rohkem King Arthur'ist. M ­ Judi Dench ­ Ta on võitnud oskari, 27 auhinda ja olnud 48'sal kandideerimisel. On teinud kaasa enamustes Bond'i filmides.

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
5 allalaadimist


Tartu Located in the South of Estonia, Tartu is one of Estonia's most beautiful cities. I chose to write about Tartu, because with its beautiful green parks and spectacular culture, it's the perfect holiday destination. There are many really beautiful buildings that have been restored after World War II. Most of them are in the heart of the city. There's also a place called the Dome Hill. It's a hill where you can see various monuments and there are also the ruins of the Dome Church. Currently, the building is occupied by a history museum and the visitors can use an observation platform on the roof and enjoy a picturesque view of

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Environment in Estonia

Although, there are some newer vehicles like busses and cars that contaminate less and even few electric cars, people do not pay enough attention to it. When the levels of pollution are too high, it may cause some serious diseases. The second aspect is that people fell quite a lot of trees, but that is not so big problem. In Estonia there are a lot of forests and groves. Also, people are planting new trees all the time and know abot the importance of green. Lastly, one of the issues is that people consume too much and therefore produce a lot of garbage. Most of the people recycle things like plastic, bottles and paper, but some do not know or care what kind of damage growing landfills can make. In conclusion it can be said, that in Estonia there are some environmental problems, but the things are not very bad and fortunately people are thinking about these more every day.

Keeled → Inglise keel
47 allalaadimist

90ndate muusika

90ndate muusika Kristina Kasemägi SISUKORD Eesti 90ndate muusika algus Põhilised muusikastiilid Fakte Eesti 90ndate lõpp Eesti tuntumad artistid Välismaa tuntumad 90ndate bändid Eesti 90ndate muusika algus Nii hullu muusikalist plahvatust nagu 90ndad endaga kaasa tõid, pole Eesti ajalugu näinud ei varem ega hiljem. Uusi artiste sirgus nagu seeni peale vihma Uue Eesti sünd tähendas paljudele pop artistidele nende karjääri kokku varisemist. Paljud muusikud lahkusid Eestist, nad läksid paremat elu otsima. 90ndate fenomeniks oli nälg ja patriotism, lõppude-lõpuks hakati laulma eesti keeles, mille järgi sai tantsida. Põhilised muusikastiilid Disko Techno Tümps hip-hop Jazz Fakte Tekkisid produtsendid, mänedžerid. 90ndad tõid kaasa kaassa vägeva diskolaine. Tekkisid esimesed ööklubid. 1990 hakkas Eesti osa võtma Eurovisioonist. Kõige võimsam 90ndate pidu toimus Pirita jõekäär...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Sustainable city planning

• compost used materials - Practical Achievement • Different agricultural systems - agricultural plots within the city – reduces distance. • Renewable energy sources - wind turbines, solar panels, or bio-gas created from sewage. • Methods to reduce air conditioning - planting trees and lightening surface colors, etc Practical Achievement • Transportation planning- Improved public transport and an increase in pedestrianization to reduce car emissions • Green roofs Conclusion Sustainable cities are the way of the future, perhaps the distant future, but it is clear there are aspects of sustainability that many developed countries are exploring and incorporating. Our focus instead was on the highlighting some positives. The purpose of sustainable city planning optimizing the effectiveness of a community's land use and infrastructure and to provide our children and generations to come, with a future. Thank you for your attention!

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Name: Oliver Niinas Address: Asula17a-9 11312 TALLINN Telephone(home): +3726561530 Telephone(Mobile):+37256703113 Nationality:estonian Personal Profile I have working as washer in Jazz Quickwash washer,Salesman in Viasat,Packer in Johnatan Warehouse in Ireland and mya in Tallinna Lõunakeskuse Säästumarket, i am good learner and specific. I like to do any job, to practice my skills. Mostly in warehouse and barista work. I have vocational degree in warehousing. Education and Qualifications 2007 ­ 2010 Tallinn Transportschool(warehousing)(vocational school) 2001 ­ 2007 Liivalaia High School(secondary school) Work Experience Jazz Quikewash(washer) 05.-09.2006 Viasat(salesman) 06.-12.2007 Green Isle Factory (Packer) Ireland ­ Galway...

Keeled → Inglise keel
112 allalaadimist

Cool Jazz

Cool Jazz Tallinn 2014 Cool Jazz Cool jazz on üks Jazzi liikidest. Kujunes välja 1945-1955. aastate algul bebop'ist U.S.A'st See trend ilmnes esimesena trompetist Miles Davise mängus. Muusikaajaloo esimesed Cool Jazz'i soolod on Miles Davise omad 1947. aastast. Heli See avaldus kõigepealt kõlalises küljes: puhkpillide kõrge registri asemel eelistati keskmist, mahedamat, taotledes mitte säravat, vaid tuhmi kõla. Hakati kasutama jazz-koosseisu jaoks ebatraditsioonilisi pille nagu flööt, vibrafon, baritonsaksfon ning isegi metsasarv ja oboe. Miles Davis Miles Dewey Davis III (26. mai 1926 ­ 28. september1991 ) Muusikaajaloo esimesed cool dzässi soolod on Miles Davise omad 1947. aastast 1945.aastal aastal mängis ta Charlie Parkeriga kvintetis. Miles Davis ,,Blue in Green" Modern Jazz Quartet Avaldati 1952.aastal John Lewis (klaver,muusika direktor), Milt Jackson (vibrafone), Percy Heath (bass), and Connie Kay (trummidel). THE M...

Muusika → Jazzmuusika
11 allalaadimist


Hi, my name is Elsa Clay and I studied at an all-girls Catholic high school .And here are some answers to the questions about my school. First, yes, we wear uniforms what consist of button-down blue or white blouses or polo shirts and a pleated blue and green plaid skirt. At our school we do not wear a miniskirt teamed with thigh-high socks, pink lipstick and a bare midriff. But we do have casual days when we can dress down at least once a month. Sometimes some of us are barley recognizable without uniform. Second, no boys in our school, and it's a relief not having to deal with the distractions during class time. There are two all-boys school in neighborhood and they hold open dances that are great for checking out prospective prom dates.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Jalgpalli MM 2010

Durban 3. Soccer City, mis mahutab 94 700 inimest. Johannesburg 4. Ellis Park, mis mahutab 60 000 inimest. Johannesburg 5. Mbombela, mis mahutab 40 000 inimest. Nelsbruit 6. Peter Mokaba, mis mahutab 46 000 inimest. Polokwane 7. Nelson Mandela Bay, mis mahutab 48 000 inimest. Port Elizabeth 8. Loftus Versfeld, mis mahutab 50 000 inimest. Pretoria 9. Royal Bafokeng, mis mahutab 40 000 inimest. Rustenburg 10. Green Point, mis mahutab 70 000 inimest. Kaplinn 17.Märtsil 2006 FIFA kinnitas lõplikult MM-i võistluspaigad: Soccer City Royal Bafokeng Mbombela Stadium Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium Stadium Peter Mokaba Stadium Coca-Cola Park Free State Stadium Moses Mabhid Stadium Green Point Stadium

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
8 allalaadimist

How to make the world greener

How to make the world greener As the time goes on, people keep polluting the world more and more till the last decade or so when green living has reached a huge audience and a lot of organisations have been established aswell as a lot of online sites like which help you save the environment. The main reason the global pollution has risen lately is because of the enormous growth in world population. Some scientists predict that we will reach ten billion people count by the year 2050, but who knows, maybe by then we have used up all the irrecoverable resources and have to move half the population to the moon and

Keeled → Inglise keel
89 allalaadimist

To be or not to be a vegeterian

there are many positive and negative sides of being a vegeterian but what are they? First of all, many people think that being vegeterian is helthy but is it? Eating always plants does not give us protein that is wery important to our health. Secondly, vegetables does not give us fat, what is very important to keep warm and without it our kidneys run around in our body, and it is painful. It is clear, that for life we need many more nutritions, what we can get from green food. On the other hand it is healthy to be a vegeretian. People, who does not eat meat are fit and this is healthy. Our heart can work well and vegeterians dont need to worry about stroke because their body dont consist cholesterol. Maybe they can live longer, but it is not proved. And last, but not least , a vegeterians temper need to be strong. Because they can not eat everything tasty food, what other people eat all the time, like beacon, cheese, ham or even eggs

Keeled → Inglise keel
20 allalaadimist

Kiri sõbrale (teema tervislik toitumine)

Dear Alice, Date: I received your nice letter and I understood that you're interested in healthy lifstyle. If you want to start, I suggest to start checking what you eat. You should eat a lot of fruits, fresh vegetables and "green stuff", because fresh food contains most of the necessary vitamins. I don't forbid you from anything, but I think you should avoid fries, hamburgers, potato chips and sweets. Did you know, that it is important to eat everything you like, but in the right amount - not too much and not too little? It is not good for you to think too much about your weight, it is too stressful. Just have whatever you like, but control yourself - veggies instead of fries, etc. A good workout is the second most important thing in leading a healthy lifstyle. I suggest you to go jogging, it is pleasant and at the same time, cheap. You should exercise at lea...

Keeled → Inglise keel
27 allalaadimist

Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars Triinu Arula 8.d Sünninimi Peter Gene Hernandez Sündinud 8. oktoober 1985 Havail Honolulus (28) Stiil(id) pop, alternatiivne hiphop, soul, R&B Amet(id)laulja, laulukirjutaja, muusikaprodutsent Pill(id) vokaal, trummid, kitarr, klaver, basskitarr Alustas tegevust 2007. aastal Olles läbi lapsepõlve esinenud oma kodulinna kontserdipaikades, kolis ta pärast keskkooli lõpetamist Los Angelesse. Siis võttis ta endale esinejanimeks Bruno Mars ­ nime Bruno oli talle andnud isa ja mõnedki Los Angelese tüdrukud olid talle öelnud, et Bruno ei ole sellest maailmast pärit, ju siis Marsilt, arvas Bruno. Pärast edutut koostööd Motown Recordsiga alustas Mars 2009 koostööd Atlantic Recordsiga. Soololauljana kogus ta tuntust B.o.Bi looga "Nothin' On You" ja Travie McCoy looga "Billionaire", kuhu Mars oli panustanud laulmise ja viiside kirjutamisega. Samuti oli ta hittide "Right Round" (esitaja Flo Rida koos Keshaga...

Muusika → Muusika
4 allalaadimist

Powerpoint "suurimad observatooriumid maailmas"

Suurimad observatooriumid maailmas Mis on observatoorium? Kecki Observatooorium. (ingl W. M. Keck Observatory) · Asukoht: Hawai saared · Kaks teleskoopi · diameeter 10m · Asimuudi monteering * maailmas suuruselt teine seisuga aasta 2009 Kanaaride Suur Teleskoop (hisp Gran Telescopio Canarias) * Asukoht: Kanaari saared * Diameeter 10,4m * Avatud juuli 2007 · Seisuga aasta 2009 oli maailma suurim teleskoop Effelsberdi Raadioteleskoop (ingl Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope) · Asukoht: Saksamaa · Ehitatud: 1972 · Raadioteleskoop · 29 aastat oli suurim omataoliste seas. · Diameeter 100m Green Bank Telescope · Asukoht: USA · Valmis aastal 2000 · Tänaseks suurim maailmas ·...

Astronoomia → Astronoomia
20 allalaadimist

Dream Home (inglise keel)

· Big windows Kitchen · Spacious · Light furniture · Details to give colour Livingroom · Spacious · Big windows · Long white lace curtains · Some old recycled furniture · A lot of flowers · Photos and paintings on walls · Details (pillows) to give colour Bedroom · Big windows and a small balcony · Bedclothes to give colour · Soft carpets · A lot of pillows · Filled with daylight Bathroom · Spacious and lightful · A corner with an armchair · Light blue, green shades Conservatory · A lot of big windows · Cozy furniture · A lot of flowers, plants · Place to relax Garden · Big and spacious · Small pond · Lots of different flowers,plants · Pergola and a small gardenhouse · Apple- and cherrytree garden · My favourite flowers- Rose hips, Peonies, Lilacs and Hydrangeas Garden Pets and animals · Aquarium with fish and turtles · Birds in conservatory · Sheep · Dogs · Cats Treehouse · In the forest near the house

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

My room

My room I live in a comfortable city flat in a 9-stored block of flats not far from the centre of Tallinn. It is not a very green place, but still there are many trees around the house and in summer the yard looks very beautiful and cozy. The house is located comfortably because there a few supermarkets, pharmacies around. My flat is on the first floor. It's very comfortable and well-planned. There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony. The largest room in our flat is the living room and me and my husband room too. My family uses it as a sitting room. On the left there is my bed and desk

Keeled → Inglise keel
8 allalaadimist


· The new and current arched stage was built in 1959 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Estonian SSR in the upcoming year · Today, Tallinn's Song Festival Grounds are also used for hosting international acts, such as Iron Maiden, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Michael Jackson, Tina Turner, 50 Cent, Metallica, The Rolling Stones, Elton John, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, Andrea Bocelli, Madonna, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Lady Gaga, Green Day, José Carreras, Robbie Williams and the contemporary dance music event, the Sundance Festival · An optimal capacity for concerts is 75,000 fans · In 1988, Estonians gathered at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, to sing patriotic hymns in what became known as the Singing Revolution that led to the overthrow of Soviet rule. · . In June 1988, during the Singing Revolution days, up to 300,000 people attended the Night Song Festival. In the

Turism → Eestimaa tundmine
3 allalaadimist


Tapjainstinkt S. E. Green Raamatus ,,Tapjainstinkt" tunneb vaikne ja tark 17-aastane tüdruk Lane kuidas tal on suur kirg kriminalistika vastu. Ta hoiab pidevalt silma peal erinevatel mõrvajuhtumitel ning tema ema töötab FBIs ja see võimaldab Lane'l kuritegevust lähemalt uurida. Tüdruk ei suuda mööda vaadata väärtegudest ja hakkab tegutsema omal käel, et maksta kätte neile, kes teistele haiget on teinud. Lõpuks ta teebki seda ­ tema esimene ohver on sarivägistaja (teda kutsutakse nimega Nirk), kelle

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
4 allalaadimist

Stephen King

Stephen Kingi teosed Romaanid Carrie 1974 Salem's Lot 1975 The Shining 1977 The Stand 1978 The Dead Zone 1979 Firestarter 1980 Cujo 1981 Christine 1983 Pet Sematary 1989 Cycle of the Werewolf 1985 The Talisman (kirjutatud koos Peter Straubiga) 1984 It 1986 Eyes of the Dragon 1987 Misery 1987 The Tommyknockers 1987 The Dark Half 1989 Needful Things 1991 Gerald's Game 1993 Dolores Claiborne 1992 Insomnia 1994 Rose Madder 1995 Desperation 1996 The Green Mile 1996 "The Dark Tower" seeria: The Dark Tower I - The Gunslinger 1982 The Dark Tower II - The Drawing Of The Three 1987 The Dark Tower III - The Waste Lands 1992 The Dark Tower IV - The Wizard and Glass 1997 Stephen King Richard Bachman'ina: Rage 1974 The Long Walk 1979 Roadwork 1981 The Running Man 1982 Thinner 1984 The Regulators 1996 Kogumikud: Night Shift 1987 Different Seasons 1982 Skeleton Crew 1985 Four Past Midnight 1990 Nightmares and Dreamscapes 1993 Mitte-ilukirjanduslik:

Kategooriata → Kirjandus
17 allalaadimist

Hue Saturation Brightness

smooth the transition between the (now joined) red and magenta ends. · Hue is the actual color. It is measured in angular degrees around the cone starting and ending at red = 0 or 360 (so yellow = 60, green = 120, etc.). · Saturation is the purity of the color, measured in percent from the center of the cone (0) to the surface (100). At 0% saturation, hue is meaningless.

Informaatika → Informaatika
6 allalaadimist

National geographic ajakiri

esitasid, Salopek vabastati. Sisu: Keskkond, metsade hävitamine, keemiline reostus, globaalne soojenemine, ja ohustatud liigid Mõne kindla toote/eseme tootmise ja kasutamise ajalugu Loodusega seotud teemad Muud aktuaalsed teemad, mis mõjutavad suuresti elu meie ümber Leviulatus: Tõlge 34 keelde 50 miljonit lugejat NG Little Kids (väikesed lapsed, 36a; 18 kohalikus keeles) NG Traveler (reisija; 15 kohalikus keeles, 1984) NG Adventure (1999) NG Explorer (2001) NG Green Guide (2003, lõpetati 2009) Huvitavat: National Geographic telekanal Telekanal 171 riigis National Geographic ajakiri on non profit organisation e MTÜ Käive ühes kuus u $9milj 2012 I poolaasta käive $30,9milj Eesti ­ 2011 oktoober Erkki Peetsalu 1965 1996 2007 Kasutatud kirjandus: · · · ·

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
7 allalaadimist

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Kasper Keps Generally l Costitutionalrepublic l President is Ernest Bai Koroma l Population 6.5 million l Currency is the leone l Joined with Commonwelth in 27 april in 1961 l Republic declared in 19 april 1971 Location lA country in West of Africa l Bordered by Guinea, Liberia and Atlantic Ocean l The capital is Freetown which is also the biggest city Flag and Coat of arms l The coat of arms symbolises "Unity, Freedom, Justice" and it's also their motto. l The stripes of the flag are symbolic for:agricultural and natural resources of the country(green), justice(white) and Freetown's harbor(blue). Languages & religion l Official language is English l National language is Krio which is understood by 95% and spoken by 10% of the population l 60% of the population are followers of Islam, 30% Christianity and only 10% African indigenous religion. Education Six years at primary level a...

Ajalugu → Ajalugu
6 allalaadimist


1968- Big Mac 1966- Esimene reklaam televisioonis Ajast tagasi 1961- Hamburgeri Ülikooli asutamine 1059- 100 restorani 1958- 100 miljonit burgerit müüdud 1955- Esimene kiirtoidu restoran, kuldste kaartega 1949- Friikartulid asendavad kartulikrõpsud 1948- Asutati McDonaldsi nimeline iseteenindus restoran 1940- Avati esimene McDonaldsi nimeline Barbeque restoran Kriitika kahjustab keskkonda, eriti arengumaades kahjustab oma klientide tervist ekspluateerib oma töötajaid Going Green McDonaldsi uus turustamise idee! ÖkoMcdonalds! KATSE! Täname!

Turism → Turism
21 allalaadimist


TALLINNA TÖÖSTISHARIDUSKESKUS ROBOTNIIDUK Referaat Juhendaja: Koostaja: Kursus TALLINN 2013 SISUKORD SISSEJUHATUS Erinevaid robotniidukeid on palju, kuid mulle jäi silma üks, mis kasutab peale aku, toiteallikana ka päikesepaneele, mis muudab selle niiduki väga hübriidseks ja efektiivseks. Nimelt kirjutan peamiselt Husqvarna Automower Solar Hybrid-ist. Arvan, et päikesepaneelid niidukil on väga efektiivsed, sest muru niidetakse üldiselt suvel ja päikesepaistelise ilmaga. (Joonis 1) LÜHIKIRJELDUS Robotniiduki omadused: Madal müratase Automaatne laadimine Kui niiduk vajab täiendavat laadimist leiab ta ise tee laadimisjaama PIN koodi lukk ja vargusvastane alarm Pole heitgaase Seadistuspaneel Võimalik sisestada seadeid vastavalt aial...

Masinaehitus → Automaatika
10 allalaadimist


Kate : Vägahea . Laev suundub siiia . Me oleme päästetud . ( kõik kallistavad ja on rõõmsad .) :) Ireland Ireland is separated into two parts. The north is the part on the United Kingtom. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northen Ireland. The capital of Ireland is Dublin and the capital of the northen part is Belfast. Ireland is a beautiful island that is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west. It is know for its gorgeous landscape, the green hillsides and the rocky coastline. It is green all the year around and film-makers often use the beautiful landscape. The population of the Republic of Ireland is about three and a half million people. There are two official languages ­ English and Gaelic. The Irish are friendly, fun-loveing and also good storytellers. They like music and humour. . The early Celts also believed that winds, storms, rocks, rivers, stones, clouds and the sun were like living beeings.

Teatrikunst → Teater
40 allalaadimist


goalposts. It can be described as one of the fastest and most skilful field games in the world and it's not for the faint of heart. Bodies bang, the ball is as hard as a baseball, and the sticks are made of solid ash. flag and religion The Irish tricolor flag was created in 1848, it was designed to reflect the country's political realities. Different sources tell different stories but here are 2 of them. Orange stands for Irish Protestants, green for Irish Catholics and the white stripe for the hope that peace might eventually be reached between them. Another story tells that the green stands for the ancient Irish ancestry , orange stands for the new elements that joined them later in the history and white symbolizes the union of all in brotherhood and common nationality. The statistics say that about 90 % of the Republic's populace is Roman Catholic, 3% identify

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

Article of Barcelona

which joined whit European Union in 1986. The city is also the capital and most populous city of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. Yes, you guest rightly, the city what about I am talking is Barcelona in Spain. It is a wonderful city. Firstly, there is quit worm, even then when in North European is cold, in summer is the weather even hotter but it the best thing about Barcelona. The secondly Barcelona is located beside the Mediterranean Sea. Water in there is green colour and it is beautiful to look. Architecture in Barcelona is stunning all of the buildings are originals. Many of the buildings date from medieval times, some from as far back as the Roman settlement of Barcelona. The biggest building Barcelona is definitely The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, often simply called Sagrada Familia is a massive Roman Catholic Church. It has been under construction since 1882, and is still financed by private donations. As of

Keeled → Inglise keel
24 allalaadimist

Iirimaa kirjeldus, vaatamisväärsused(inglise keeles).

Ireland Ireland is a beautiful island that is washed and influenced by the Atlantic Ocean in the west.It is known for its gorgeous landscape, the green hillsides and the rocky coastline. Film-makers from all over the world have used the beautiful landscape of the island. Ireland is the third-largest island in Europe. It lies to the north-west of continental Europe. The population of Ireland is 6.2 million and there are two official languages ­ English and Gaelic. Ireland `s capital is Dublin. The area of Ireland is 84,421 km2 Ireland is separated into two parts. The north is part of the United Kingdom, while four fifths of the island make up the Republic of Ireland, which has been an independent country since 1921. The Irish are fun-loving and friendly. They like music and humour and they are also good storytellers. There are many legends in Ireland in which the leprechaun, the shoemaker of the Irish ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


Class 10 2008 Few facts about cities Muckanaghederdauhaulia Inch village Inch village The Vikings founded sign Dublin in 841 Worth to mention The Titanic Guiness beer Traditional field sports Gaelic football- The game Hurling ­ Similiar to hockey is like a mix of a soccer and but played on a field. rugby. Flag and religion o Irish flag is a vertical tricolour of green, white, and orange. o About 90 % of the people are Roman Catholics St. Patrick's Cathedral The Irish flag Natural resources The primary natural resources of Ireland, include natural gas, petroleum, peat, copper, lead, dolomite, barite, limestone, gypsum, silver and some zinc Ireland has no coal. Gypsum mine Limestone pavement

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist


only say what I believe to be sure of, and it is that individuals go against laws because they choose so, as criminal behaviour is a matter of choice. People want to have somebody`s things for living better. If somebodys house is looking too good, there is nice-looking car next to house or there are not so many families living in the neighbourhood and burglar can see that there is nobody in the house also, then burglar might notice, that there is a green light for him. But when thinking of proper punishment, I, for one, think that we are too lenient. At least in our country. There have been excerpts in the media of how the government wants to reform prisoners and help them getting on their feet after leaving prison. In conclusion, there are multiple reasons why people misbehave and commit crimes. It may be an outcome of social differences, an act of passion or even peer pressure. But in my opinion i think the most

Keeled → Inglise keel
29 allalaadimist

Holidays in the UK

sprinkled on the top and a drop of lemon juice also added. Ash Wednesday The beginning of Lent Ash is the symbol of being sorry Ash is rubbed on your forehead to show your regret St. David's Day 1. March Big parades, concerts Leek and daffodil St. David's Cross Traditional Welsh costumes St. Patrick's Day 17. March Attending Mass Parades Wearing shamrocks Wearing green Drinking alcohol Leprechauns St. Patrick's Cross April Fools Day 1. April A day of fun and jokes You can only play April Fools on people before midday One of the greatest April Fools jokes took place in 1957, when BBC TV showed a

Keeled → Inglise keel
23 allalaadimist

"Wild animals in danger". Ettekanne inglis keeles.

the life of wild animals. Firstly, there is a serious habitat problem because, after pollution or destruction, habitats take many years (sometimes hundreds or even thousands) to grow again. Pollution and destruction change the balance of nature. Each species in a habitat (for example, wood, jungle, marsh or forest) needs and helps the rest. As a result, forests are been cutting down. And what has taken the place of these green, natural places? Houses, farms, cities, streets, roads and factories. Because of this (and pollution, too) several species are dying all over the world. In addition , if one animal, bird or insect disappears, all the others suffer too. And all living beings belong to the circle of life. And when one link is missing, the circle of life can´t function normally. A further problem is hunting. Man has always been a hunter. He still is. But many modern hunters

Keeled → Inglise keel
71 allalaadimist

All the world's a puzzle, Unit 4 lk 74-78 sõnad ja tõlked

tarbimine ­ consumption ühendama ­ incorporates jäätme käitlus ­ waste assimilation tööriist ­ tool ökosüsteem ­ ecosystem rikkuma ­ exceed taastada ­ regenerate säilitama ­ maintain liialdama ­ overshoot alahindama ­ underestimate piisavalt ­ adequately nõuded ­ requirements näitama ­ indicate kogus/hulk ­ volume vastupandamatu ­ compelling kokkupõrge/mõju ­ impact gobaalne soojenemine ­ global warming kliimamuutused ­ climate hange kasvuhooneefekt ­ the green house effect osooniaugud ­ the hole in the ozone layer happevihm ­ acid rain metsaraie ­ deforestation rahavastikukadu ­ depopulation reostus ­ pollution sudu ­ smog biolagunev ­ biodegradable looduskaitse ­ conservation prügimägi ­ dumping ground kekskkonnasõbralik ­ eco-friendly prügila ­ landfill ümbertöötlemine ­ recycling taastuvate ­ renewable korduvkasutatav ­ reusable ära visatud ­ throwaway seeme- seed eduvalem ­ the seeds of success

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

J. R. R. Tolkien

Birminghami. • Tolkien sai hariduse esmalt King Edwardi Koolis Birminghamis ja hiljem Oxfordi ülikoolis. • Tolkien õpetas esmalt Leedsi ja seejärel Oxfordi ülikoolis inglise keelt ja kirjandust, spetsialiseerudes eeskätt vana- ja keskinglise keelele.   Teaduslikest tööd • Tema teaduslikest töödest on kuulsaimad editsioon ja tõlge keskinglise rüütliromaanist „Sir Gawain ja Roheline Rüütel“ („Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,“ 1925, koos E. V. Gordoniga) ning 1936. aastal peetud programmilise tähtsusega loeng „Beowulfist“ („Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics“). Kirjutamine • Vabal ajal tegeles Tolkien fantastiliste lugude kirjutamisega, mille tegevus leidis aset tema enda loodud, keskaegse kirjanduse motiivistikul ja erinevate rahvaste mütoloogiatel põhinevas maailmas. Tolkien kirjutas sellele maailmale oma „legendaariumi,“ millest hiljem kasvas välja mütopoeetiline

Kirjandus → Kirjandus
5 allalaadimist

Christmas Quiz - sobib 4 - 6 klassile, sõltub tasemest.

(The Queens Christmas Speech) 16.What is „Nativity Play“ retold by children? (The story of Jesus’ birth) 17.By giving and receiving of …. and … reminds Christian of the gift of Jesus, the son of God, beginning his earthly life. 18.What will you get when you tear apart a Christmas Cracker? 19.Who visited Mary before Jesus was born? 20.It is a creature like a small person with pointer ears, who has magic powers. He’s Santa’s helper. 21. It’s green. Children decorate it with lights and ornaments. 22.You make it out of snow just for fun, quite often it has got a carrot nose and buttons for a coat.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Fair Trade Tourism

Fair Trade Tourism Local people have often been the last to benefit financially from international tourism. But this is slowly changing. It's happening in Vietnam. The first tourists can see many famous war sites, towns and vibrant green paddy fields. But if they go up into the hills they find a region inhabited by hill tribe people, who live basic, subsistence life. Local people are looking at tourists with fear and disdain. In the villages children are playing and mothers with elaborate headdresses are getting on their daily lives, but if tourists come, they run indoors and villages become silent. In Thailand hill tribe treks have become infamous ,,human zoos". Tourists from all over the world traipse through

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Rõivaliigid ja detailid

button, buttoned belt puf sleeve pleat shawl NECKLINES, COLLARS & POCKETS V-neck notched lapel mandarin collar turtleneck plunging neckline single welt pocket mock turtleneck square neckline angled welt pocket crew-neck, crew neck patch pocket with flap & point patch pocket with a pleat spread collar PATTERNS & COLORS argyle burgundy polka dot herringbone check, checked, checkered stipe, striped floral light blue gold coral cream houndstooth solid-colored paisley multicolored lettuce green, pale, light greyish lime silver violet tartan, plaid

Varia → Vene keel
2 allalaadimist


Euro (lühend EUR, tähis ) on Euroopa ühtsesse valuutasüsteemi kuuluvate riikide ühisvaluuta. Euro kui rahaühik jaguneb 100 sendiks. Euro võeti kasutusele 1. jaanuaril 1999 elektroonilise valuutana pankades ja ettevõtetes. 1. jaanuaril 2002 tuli euro ringlusse ka sularahana. Eurot kontrollib Euroopa Keskpank. 1999. aasta juulis alanud trükkimis- ja vermimistööde tulemusena on ringlusse lastud 14,5 miljardit rahatähte. Hetkel on ringluses 11,836 miljardit rahatähte, mille koguväärtus on 684 miljardit eurot ja 80,677 miljardit münti, mille koguväärtus on üle 20 miljardi euro. Ringlusesse lastud euromündid kaaluvad kokku 692 335 tonni. Euro eelised on vahetuskursiriski kadumine, mis kergendab rahvusvahelist kaubandust ja koostööd, ning ühistele huvidele orienteeritud rahapoliitika ja hindade suurem läbipaistvus, mis teravdavad rahvusvahelist konkurentsi tarbija kasuks. Euro on üks maailma tähtsamaid valuutasid, sest stabiilsus- ja kasvup...

Majandus → Majandus
22 allalaadimist

Spices and Herbs

preservative Used to add flavor and zest to foods Not all spices are hot like many may think, but most do add flavor. Spices are sold in whole and ground forms, with ground being the most popular. 3 slajd On the picture you can see some example of spices: Caraway, cayenne, cloves, chili powder 4 slajd On this picture are also spices Peppercorn , paprika , poppy seed, saffron, nutmeg , ginger, coriander, cumin 5 slajd Leaves of plants that lack woody stems. Typically, the green, leafy part of the plant is used in cooking. The plants are grown for their flavor and medicinal value. Some define herbs as plants with healing properties. 6 slajd From very early times, herbs have been used for healing. By the fifth century, people in England had 500 herbs they used as medicines. Around the 1600s, people started thinking about herbs in a different way. They looked at an herb and by its color and shape decided how to use the herb. This was called the Doctrine of Signatures

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun