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"green" - 772 õppematerjali

green - järgmisel tööpäeval *CMS-configuration management system-arendajatele.salvestab konfiguratsiooni andmebaasi: riistvara, serverit, õiguseid, tarkvaralised. Tööjaamad, meilid, kõik ettevõttes olev.

Kasutaja: Green

Faile: 3

Kontsertiarvustus - 2 Quick Stari-i juubelikontsert

Great Barrier Reef Hanna-Lisett Hellaste Tallinn Nõmme Gymnasium 10.H facts Environmental threats Human use In Coral Sea, Queensland, Australia 2300km long 344,400 km2 visible from outer space home to countless species Hawksbill sea turtle Staghorn coral Olive sea snake Climate change Shipping Overfishing Tourism Diving Fishing Explore the Daintree Rainforest Hot Air Ballooning Green Island Day Trip world's largest coral reef system home to countless species Many threats Popular tourism place

Muusika → Muusikaõpetus
1 allalaadimist

Avalik ruum lähedaste ..maailma ..väärtuste ...ajaloo ...tulevikuootuste ...maailmavaate ..unistuste jne vahel Individuaalselt tähenduslik ruum. Inimesed saavad vihaseks, kui tähenduslikele ruumidele kallale kiputakse Kui tähendustele apelleerimine ruumi tegelikku kujundajat ei mõjuta, millele siis rõhuda? · Füüsiline ja psühholoogiline tervis · Heaolu · Liikumine · Stress · Meeleolu · Tähelepanuressursi taastumine · Keskendumisvõime Examples: green areas and well- being · Nature, in comparison to urban environments, affect positively the mood (Hartig et al., 2003; Hartig, Mang, & Evans, 1991; Morita et al., 2007; Tsunetsugu et al. 2013), concentration and performance (van den Berg, Koole, & van der Wulp, 2003; Hartig et al. 2003, 1991; Laumann et al., 2003). · Studies exploring the relationship between physiological stress and environment demonstrate, that being in

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
2 allalaadimist

Mardi Gras

Alexis and Lydia, her loved one whom he had fallowed to New Orleans, probably never even met, but they began a tradition. Rex and his queen are chosen each year to ride on the largest float. They are masked and in costume. Those around the royalty, called "maskers," toss "throw- outs" to the crowd in response to the traditional cry, "Throw me something mister!" The "throw-outs" are large tin coins, plastic beads and other trinkets. Colours The traditional colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green, and gold. These colors are said to have been chosen by Grand Duke Alexis Romanoff Alexandrovitch. For the Grand Duke, the decision was simple, and true to his noble roots, he selected the official colors of the House of Romanov(the second and last imperial dynasty of Russia). Later the colours got their meanings: purple- justice, green-faith, gold-power. Mardi Gras Icons · The Faces of Comedy and Drama · Feathered Masks · Fleur de Lis · Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler

Keeled → Inglise keel
6 allalaadimist


Koristamisel ei tohi kupraid muljuda, sest poolvalminult on need väga õrnad ja muljumiskohad tumenevad juba mõne tunniga. Säilitamine. Värskeid kupraid pikemat aega säilitada ei saa, tarvitamiskõlblikuna säilivad need temperatuuril +7...+8°C ja 90- 95% õhuniiskuse juures vaid 2-6 päeva. Küll aga saab neid kestvamalt säilitada sügavkülmutatult või kuivatatult. Sordid. USAs ja Lõuna-Euroopas viljelevatest sortidest on tuntumad 1,5-1,8m kasvukõrgusega `Lousiana Green Velvet` ja ´White Velvet`, 1,2-1,5m kõrgused `Clemens Spineless` ja ´Emerald` ning madalakasvulised (keskmiselt 0,9m kõrgused) `Dwarf Green Long Pod` ja `Perkins Spineless`. Allikas: Maalehe Raamat, 2008, Leopold Meensalu, ,, Peenralt Potti "

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
5 allalaadimist

Esitlus - Koostööd soosivad evolutsioonilised mehhanismid

Koostööd soosivad evolutsioonilised mehhanismid Teilo Tõnn London (Ettekanne EMÜ kursusel „Evolutsioonilised mehhanismid“) 2015 1 Loodusliku valiku teooria Teooria põhineb eeldusel, et Halvemini toime tulevad indiviidid võistlevad organismid jäävad omavahel, püüavad jääda konkurentsis alla ja nende ellu ja maksimeerida oma allajäämist põhjustavad sigimisedukust. geenid kaovad, surevad välja. Kõik elusorganismidel esinevad tunnused on välja kujunenud kohastumise teel – elusolendid sobituvad neid ümbritseva elus ja eluta loodusega. Need, kes keskkonda paremini sobituvad, naudivad suuremat sigimisedukust. Nende geene jõuab järgmisse põlvkonda rohkem. 2 Sugulusvalik (kin selection) Altruistlik tegu on kas...

Bioloogia → Evolutsioonimehhanismid
2 allalaadimist

Mardi Gras esitlus

A Christian holiday and popular cultural phenomenon, Mardi Gras dates back thousands of years to pagan spring and fertility rites. Mardi Gras can occur on any Tuesday from February 3 through March 9. It is always scheduled 47 days preceding Easter (the 40 days of Lent, plus seven Sundays). Mardi Gras, also known as "Shrove Tuesday", "Pancake Tuesday" or "Fat Tuesday" is celebrated all over the world with fun, games, and a lot of eating. The official colors of Mardi Gras are purple, green and gold. Purple represents justice, green stands for faith, and gold signifies power. There is no general theme for Mardi Gras, but each individual parade depicts a specific subject. Among the more popular subjects have been history, children's stories, legends, geography, famous people and entertainment. Pancakes are a traditional food. The Flambeaux Tradition Lighting up the sky with heavy blazing torches, the flambeaux carrier originally served as a beacon for

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Мировые Международные организации

6. Es Sider () 7. Bonny Light () 8. Qatar Marine (), 9. Arab Light ( ), 10. Murban () 11. BCF 17 () 12. Girassol () 2007 13. Oriente () 16 2007 «» $140,73 , 3 2008 . (Greenpeace -- « ») -- , 1971 . -- , . , . , . 1971 . , . , ­ Green + Peace = Greenpeace. , . 1971 . . 1975 , . , 1979 . . C, ( ) . (, , ) (, , , ) (, , , ) (, , ) (, , , ) : , , , , , , , , , , , , : , , : , , : , , : . 8 : 1. 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6

Keeled → Vene keel
24 allalaadimist

Minu London

Londoni rajasid Thamesi jõe alamjooksule 2000 aastat tagasi roomlased 12. sajandi alguses sai London Inglismaa pealinnaks 17. sajandist 20. sajandi alguseni oli London üks maailma tähtsamaid linnu Linna tutvustus Inglismaa ja Ühendkuningriigi pealinn Asub Suurbritannias Rahvaste Ühenduse keskus Trafalgari väljak 2002. aasta turismipealinn Londoni metroo on maailma vanim metroo Londonis on 5 lennujaama, suurim Heathrow Londoni loodus HydePark Green Park Hampstead Heath Thamesi jõgi Vaatamisväärsused BigBen Tower Buckinghami palee Saint-Pauli katedraal Inglise söök kala ja kartul pirukas ja kartulipuder kallerdatud angerjas London autori vaatenurgast Kontrastide linn Üllatuste linn Arhitektuuripärlite linn Londoni lipp Big Ben Tower Thamesi jõgi Saint-Pauli katedraal Londoni punased bussid Hyde Park Tänan kuulamast!

Eesti keel → Eesti keel
11 allalaadimist

News report

The incident occured in the alley behind Pearson's Electronics Shop, in the South Street. Joe Lee, 30, and Peeter Brown, 23, had just finished loading a van with thousands of pounds worth of electronics equipment when they were surrounded by policeman. The two men had been breaking into electronics shop in the Forest city area for several months. They had continuosly eluded police by cleverly disarming alarms and changing getaway vehicles. Captain Green of the police department said that they had been on burglars trail for some time now and that they had only been waiting for the right moment to catch them in the act.

Keeled → Inglise keel
10 allalaadimist

The brief history of vegetarianism

THE BRIEF HISTORY OF . VEGETARIANISM by Yulia Kovtun N E W ( M AY B E ) WORDS A person who advocates a theory, proposal Proponent Mainly; for the most part Predominantly An animal that feeds on plants Herbivore Feeding on other animals Carnivorous A flat green bean eaten without the Fava bean pod Edict An official proclamation issued by authority Temperance Abstinence from alcoholic drink Restraining from something, Abstinence typically alcohol or sex Lust Strong sexual desire A M E AT L E SS D I E T WA S REFERRED TO AS A "PYTHAGOREAN DIET" FOR YEARS Fava beans have souls too! 1847

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Endangered species

Endangered species Chris Anderson Endangered animals There are 8,462 types of animal whose futures are threatened. Top 10 Most Endangered Species 1. Black Rhino 6. Alligator Snapping Turtle 2. Giant Panda 7. Hawksbill Turtle 3. Tiger 8. Big Leaf Mahogany 4. Beluga Sturgeon 9. Green-Cheeked Parrot 5. Goldenseal 10. Mako Shark Black rhino The Black Rhinoceros or Hooklipped Rhinoceros. An adult Black Rhinoceros stands 140­170 cm high at the shoulder and is 3.3­3.6 m in length. An adult weighs from 800 to 1,400 kg . The females are smaller than the males. Black rhino Alligator Snapping Turtle largest freshwater turtles in the world about 12 years of age. Female clutch of 1050 eggs hunted for their carapaces Alligator Snapping Turtle Thank you!!!

Keeled → Inglise keel
12 allalaadimist

Golfi algõpetus

(kasutatakse ka sõna wood-puukepp) Driving range Harjutusväljak, mille ühest servast sooritatakse lööke. Driving range juurde kuulub tavaliselt ka harjutusgreen, bunker ja/või veetakistus. Fairway Lühikeseks (ca 2cm) lõigatud muruga mängimiseks mõeldud maa-ala tii ja greeni vahel. Forecaddie Pallipoiss, kelle ülesandeks on näidata võistlejatele palli asukoht. Foregreen Greeni ümbritsev muru, mis on lõigatud 2-3mm kõrgemalt, kui green. Grip Golfikepi käepide, mis peab olema läbilõikelt ümmargune, ega tohi olla vormitud käe järgi. Groups Grupid, stardigrupid, kes mängivad koos. Handicap Golfis, näitab mängija või raja taset, mida väiksem on handicap, seda tugevam mängija või raskem rada. Hole in One Pall lüüakse auku avalöögiga. Honour Eesõigus. Eesõigust omav mängija või mängupool lööb oma palli tii`lt esimesena. Iron Raud

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
6 allalaadimist


Janar Aava & Rauno Jaaska About Greenwich Borough of London The birthplace of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I An UNESCO world Heritage Site Means the green place on the bay Situated on the river Thames 20 minutes from Central London Notable for: Ø Maritime history Ø Giving name to Greenwich Meridian (0° longitude) and Greenwich Mean Time Greenwich Mean Time Established in 1884 at the International Meridian Conference Estonian time is GMT+3 (outside of summer it's +2) Some landmarks Greenwich Park The world's first Fan Museum National Maritime Museum Queen's House

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Kokkuvõte Fairy kohta

FAIRY Fairy on nõudepesuvahendite bränd mida toodetakse Procter & Gamble kompanii poolt nende West Thurrock´i tehases Inglismaal. Tootmist alustati 1950. aastal. Fairy geelid on üldiselt rohelist värvi, ajendades hästi tuntud reklaamlauset "Now hands that do dishes can feel as soft as your face with mild green Fairy Liquid" (Nüüd saavad ka käed, mis pesevad nõusid, tunduda sama pehmed kui su nägu, kasutades kerget rohelist Fairy nõudepesugeeli). 2015. aasta seisuga müüakse Fairyt enamus Euroopa riikides, kuigi selle piirkondlikud nimed varieeruvad. Näiteks Rootsis on brändi nimeks Yes. Neid nõudepesugeele on saadaval erinevat värvi ning erineva lõhnaga. Originaal pudel oli valge ning punase logoga kui need asendati PET- pudelitega

Keemia → Keemia
7 allalaadimist


United Kingdom. Wales has a population estimated at three million . The capital Cardiff is Wales's largest city with 317,500 people . Its area , the size of Wales , is about 20,779 km² . English is spoken by almost all people in Wales . The most popular sports in Wales are rugby union and football . The Flag of Wales incorporates the red dragon og Prince Cadwalander along with the Tudor colours of green and white . Bala lake is one of the biggest lakes in Wales. It's 80 meters high, also higher than Niagra waterfall. Welsh food includes seafood, especially close to the coast, where fishing culture is strong. Caerphilly castle is the largest in Wales. The Chepstow castle is the oldest post-roman castle on hole Britain.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

A weekend in London

A weekend in London Made by .... 6.d klass We will stay at the fabulous 5 Star Athenaeum Hotel in Mayfair which is close to Green Park and Buckingham Palace. It's creative and friendly. There are the colossal Living Wall and the beautifully refurbished spa and gym downstairs. There are also floor to ceiling windows, flat screen TV and complimentary mini bar soft drinks and snacks. Saturday At first we will go visit Buckingham Palace which is the official London residence and principal workplace of the British monarch. We would also like to see the nearby park where are a lot of birds and squirrels.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

This a little help they who play with Gameforge games

Register : Clique onto him. · We would turn up with this we may register the nevünkel was made ready already. The one above " menu " part let us elect it: Ads is surf inside this. The links are on the side appearing here for what we get money. Attention!!! Let us open only a side simultaneously, it will be on his roof on a side above one back up numerator, if it expires and it's all right a green pipe appears then, we may close the side then and let us open it next. A day we receive cca. 14 sides that may turn up so to watch. It occurs that the green pipe does not appear ,then on the side of the bux our heaven again the surf Ads-ra dared for a long time you were inactive thinks that you are not already registering because of this. My Statnál we may watch how much are our balance.

Informaatika → Informaatika
3 allalaadimist

Nirvana powerpoint

Dave Grohl Krist Novoselic Kurt Cobain Grunge Long hair Inspired by Indie rock, Flanell shirt punk and heavy metal. Green River, formed in 1983 Smoke (weed) Worn jeans Sneakers NIRVANA 1987- 1994 Kurt Cobain (guitar, vocals), Krist Novoselic (bass), Dave ChadGrohl Channing (drums) ( drums) Band names: Skid Row, Pen Cap Chew, and Ted Ed Fred Albums: Bleach, Nevermind, Incesticide, In Utero, MTV Unplugged in New York, From the Muddy Banks of the Whiskah, Nirvana, Sliver: The Best of the Box. Famous song...

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

North York Moors

North York Moors Koostaja: Siim Isup Juhendaja: Tiina Tuuling North york National Park...........3 What makes this a special place...4 The hills...........................................5 Natural History..................................6 Entertainment.....................................7 The North York National Park 1436 km2 25000 National park-1952 What makes this a special place Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level The hills 24 hills Click to edit Master text styles Urra moor(round hill) 454 Second level metres. ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist


Canary Islands lot of tourists World largest carnivals Two airports Santa Cruz capital of island University La Laguna El Teide Mountain Volcano Highest point Third Highest volcano Tenth highest island It remains active Teide National Park Most visited National Parks Loro Parque Located Puerto de la Cruz Paradise for parrots Opened 1972 World largest parrots collection Showes Large animal collection Orchid garden Siam Park Water park Construction Thai theme First green water park Used Sites n&form=QBIR&pq=loro%20park&sc=7-9&sp=-1&sk=&ajf=10

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


Canary Islands lot of tourists World largest carnivals Two airports Santa Cruz capital of island University La Laguna El Teide Mountain Volcano Highest point Third Highest volcano Tenth highest island It remains active Teide National Park Most visited National Parks Loro Parque Located Puerto de la Cruz Paradise for parrots Opened 1972 World largest parrots collection Showes Large animal collection Orchid garden Siam Park Water park Construction Thai theme First green water park Used Sites n&form=QBIR&pq=loro%20park&sc=7-9&sp=-1&sk=&ajf=10

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

English speaking countries

English speaking countries Ingrid Kaups X class Ireland The "Titanic'' made in Belfast Ireland Flag Orange- Irish Protestants Green- Irish Catholics White- peace Ireland No snakes in Ireland Wales Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level New Zealand The southernmost capital. 11 sheep per citizen . England Shortest war in 1896 Less than 38 minutes Scotland Scotland prints its own banknotes which are accepted all over the UK The Usa Alaskan purchase check Canada ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
30 allalaadimist


 Bilberry is any of several Eurasian species of low-growing shrubs, bearing edible, nearly black berries. Bilberries are distinct from blueberries but closely related to them.  Bilberryis a plant. The dried, ripe fruit and leaves are used to make medicine.  Bilberriesare found in very acidic, nutrient-poor soils throughout the temperate and subarctic regions of the world.  Are related to North American wild. It can be picked…  Bilberryhas sharp-edged, green branches and black berries, which are ripe for picking in late summer. How it is used  Bilberryis used for improving eyesight, including night vision.  Some people use bilberry for conditions of the heart.  Bilberryis also used for chronic fatigue syndrome, hemorrhoids, diabetes, gout, skin infections, kidney disease, and urinary tract infections.  In Finland, Estonia, Russia bilberries are collected from forests.  Bilberry also contains vitamin C.

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Dear Sir, Dear Madam

Dear Sir / Madam 29.nov I am writing to inform that I have left my handbag at your hotel. I stayed in your hotel from 28th November to 29th November. My handbag breaty big. It is square and red with yellow triangular diamonds on it. In my handbag there is my gold necklaece with green emeralds on it. There are also pair of earrings with sapphires and gold watch with small rubies on it. There is a dark silk scarf with leopard print. There are also my housbend gold ring with big silver emerald and white gold bracelet with purple diamonds on it. There is my glass ashtray with golden tiger on it. There are my Lacoste parfume and my redish lipstick. There is also my new eight megapixels camera and some pictures.

Keeled → Inglise keel
13 allalaadimist


· Rank Judo: Founder Rules · proper etiquette · avoid injuries · score · Penalties · referee · Judges Competition scoring · Ippon · Wazari · Yuko · Shido Weight divisions and Judo belt colors Men Under 60 kg Women Under 48 kg White ­66 kg ­52 kg Yellow ­73 kg ­57 kg Orange ­81 kg ­63 kg Green ­90 kg ­70 kg Blue ­100 kg ­78 kg Brown Over 100 kg Over 78 kg Black White and Red Red Judo in Estonia · 29 clubs · 1967 ­ first demonstration shows · 1969 ­ first official competition · More than 3000 practitioners

Keeled → Inglise keel
15 allalaadimist

About myself

About myself My name is Katriin. I`m 16 year old.. I`m from Estonia. I was born Rakvere. My phone number is 56******. My nationality is Estonian. My birthday is 30.march. I`ve visited Findland. I have long dark hairs and I am thin, self-confident, honest, cheerful, wise, kind, tactful, tolerant, patient, generous and sensible. I like diffrent music. My favourite subject is Estonian. My favourite colours are black, white, green, blue and pink. I speak Estonian and little bit English and Russian languages. My favourite foods is macaroni and drink is juice. I went to the kindegarden when I was five. I go jogging and I don`t play musical instruments. In free time I listen to music, hang out with my friends and watch TV. My hobbies is sports, because it like me. In the future I like to live in Spain because there is beatiful and warm.

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Inglise keele jutustamine pildi järgi

In the foreground there are woman, her daughter and baby. They are sitting along the path. I think that baby is eating . Mother and daughter are wearing a green long skirts and hats, they have shawls on their shoulders. The Woman has a pink blouse, but it`s hard to tell what colour is the girl`s blouse, but it`s could be violet. It`s possible that they have picked the flowers, because the girl has a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and now they are resting in the grass. The flowers may be daisies. In the background you can see light blue sky with the single clouds in the sky and the sea. In

Keeled → Inglise keel
3 allalaadimist

Australia - presentatsioon

Australia Helen Allik KÜG XB 2010 Commonwealth of Australia Capital ­ Canberra Political federation. Head of the state ­ Queen Elizabeth II. Head of the government ­ Julia Gillard. Offical language ­ none. National language - english. Physical geography A continent, an island and a country. Southern Hemisphere. Total area ­ 2,941,299 sq mi. Lowest point ­ Lake Eyre Highest point ­ Mount Kosciuszko Neighbours : Indonesia East Timor Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Solomon Islands Ned Caledonia New Zealand Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m) Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level ...

Keeled → Inglise keel
19 allalaadimist

My favorite city, Madrid tekst

The City is also the host of the Circuito Permanente Del Jarama, a motorsport race circuit. Madrid hosts the largest bullring in Spain. It was established in 1929. Bullfighting season begins in March and ends in October. WHY DO I LIKE IT? I Chose Madrid for my presentation beacuse, it is a very cultural and a beautiful city.Madrid is also the home for many historical buildings like st. Barbaras curch, Arganzuela and Salamanca. Madrid is the European city with the higest number of trees and green surface. Summers are warm to hot and winters are cold to a bit under the freezing level. Thank you for Listening.

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Presentation Weirdest Pets

Presentation "Weirdest pets" Weirdest pets ● Bobcats ● Lions ● Tigers ● Alligators ● Bears ● Hippos ● Reindeer ● Zebras Weirdest pets (2) Most Endangered Species ● Green-cheeked parrot ● Hawksbill turtle ● Black Rhino ● Giant Panda ● Tiger ● Mako shark Most Endangered Species (2) Strongest animals ● Grizzly bear ● Ox ● Gorilla ● Elephant ● Rhinoceros Beetle Smartest animals ● Chimpanzees ● Dolphins ● Elephants ● African Grey Parrot ● Rats ● Giant Octopus Smartest animals (2) Used links ● content/uploads/2010/09/186371578_3982f3c3 c0_z.jpg ● worlds-10-weirdest-pets/ ● ● ● thumb/7...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


R&B - Rhythm and blues Instrumendid Tavaliselt klaver, trummid Puhkpillidest trompetid või saksofonid 1950date lõpp Soul seotud kahe suure plaadifirmaga -Tamla Mototown -Stax James Brown - Soul'i "ristiisa" 1960date lõpp Hakkas lõhenema Artistid hakkasid tegema funk'i Tamla Motown Suund tantsumuusika Gospellik Ansamblid The Temptations, The Supremes, The Jackson Five Solistid Stevie Wonder, Diana Ross Kuulsamad artistid Al Green "Let's Stay Together", "Love and Happiness" Jackie Wilson "Higher and Higher", "Lonely Teardrops" Näiteid: James Brown-It's A Man's Man's Man's world XBnW9yjEQ Stevie Wonder- I Just Called To Say I Love You Whitney Houston- I Have Nothing TXA8Yua-MYtrpye3KApR TÄNAN KUULAMAST!

Muusika → Soul
6 allalaadimist

Lake Võrtsjärv

Lake Võrtsjärv Scientific editors Juta Haberman Ervin Pihu Anto Raukas Liis Sommer The outline Rural municipalities River geology Shores Flows Temperature Planktonic algae Fishes Animals Lake Võrtsjärv is a lake in southern Estonia with an area of 270 km² . It is the second largest lake of Estonia. The shallow lake is 33.7 m above sea level. The river Emajõgi flows from Lake Võrtsjärv to Lake Peipsi. Lake Võrtsjärv area comprises seven rural municipalities bordering the water, connected with each other by traditions of joint activities, set throughout history. The development of Lake Võrtsjärv and its vicinity, and planned utilisation of Lake Võrtsjärv as a resource, is the common interest of all rural municipalities. The mentioned rural municipalities are located on the territories of three different counties: R...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Six sigma

Tallinn: Pegasus 3) Cernauskas, Deborah., Tarantino, Anthony., 2009a. Risk Management in Finance: Six Sigma and Other Next-generation Tehniques. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 4) Creveling, Clyde M., Hambleton Lynne., McCarthy Burke 2006a. Six Sigma for Marketing Process: An Overview for Marketing Executives, Leaders and Managers. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall 5) Gitlow, Howard S., Levine David M., 2005a. Six Sigma For Green Belts And Champions : Foundations, DMAIC, Tools, Cases And Certification. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson/Prentice Hall 6) Joglekar, Anand M., 2003a. Statistical Methods for Six Sigma: In R&D and Manufacturing. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 7) Sleeper, Andrew D., 2006a. Design for Six Sigma Statistics: 59 Tools for Diagnosing and Solving Problems in DFSS initiatives. New York: McGraw - Hill

Majandus → Arendustegevus
43 allalaadimist

Referaat "Kaugushüpe"

kiiruse kallal. Ka painduvus on kaugushüppe juures vajalik. Efektiivne painduvus on kindel abinõu vigastuste vastu. l Medalivõitjad (alates 1992.a) Mehed: Aasta Olümpiamän- Kuld (tulemus, Hõbe (tulemus, Pronks (tulemus, gud/ riik) riik) riik) Maailmameist- rivõistlused 1992 Olümpiamängud Carl Lewis (8.67, Mike Powell Joe Green (8.34, USA) (8.64, USA) USA) 1996 Olümpiamängud Carl Lewis (8.50, James Beckford Joe Green (8.24, USA) (8.29, Jamaica) USA) 1999 Maailmameistri- Ivan Pedroso Yago Lamela Gregor Cankar võistlused (8.56, Kuuba) (8.40, Hispaania) (8.36, Sloveenia) 2000 Olümpiamängud Ivan Pedroso Jai Taurima (8.49, Roman Ssturenko

Sport → Kehaline kasvatus
71 allalaadimist

Minimalism, Konseptualism, Performance, Hüperrealism.

Minimalism NY Juudi Muuseum. Primaarsed struktuurid. 1966 Donald Judd. 1984 Robert Morris. Installatsioon Green Gallery´s. 1965 Robert Morris. Pealkirjata. 1965-72 Robert Morris. 1967 Robert Morris. 1966-67 Robert Morris. Neo Classic. 1971 Mario Merz. 1968 Walter de Maria. Earth Room. 1977 Naza kõrb, Peruu. U 200-600 p.Kr Uffington, Suurbritannia. Valge hobune. Walter de Maria. Nevada kõrb. 1969 Robert Smithson. 1968 Robert Smithson. Spiraalne muul. 1970 Christo. Pakitud käsikäru. 1973 Christo. 1983 Christo. Orukardin. 1970-72 Konseptualism Joseph Kosuth

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
5 allalaadimist

Vene keele menüü

меню Jessica Järvelt SUUPISTED/ЗАКУСКИ/SNACKS Pannkoogid lihaga/блинчики с мясом/Pancakes with meat 1.50 Krevetisalat meloniga/салат из креветок с дыней/Shrimpsalad with melon 1.80 Salat mozzarella juustu ja tomatidega/салат из сыра моцарелла с помидорами/salad with mozzarella cheese and tomatoes 2.00 SUPID/СУПЫ/SOUPS Borš/Борщ/soup with meat, cabbage, beet and potatoes 1.20 Läätsesupp/Черевица/lentil 1.00 Seljanka/солянка/soup with different meats, potatoes and olives 1.40 PRAED/ЖАРКИ/MAIN DISHES Seapraad seentega/свиное жаркое с грибами/pork roast with mushrooms 2.60 Suitsutatud forell/копчёное филе форели/smoked trout 3.00 Lasanje liha ja juustuga/лазаня с фаршем и сыром/lasagna wit...

Keeled → Vene keel
6 allalaadimist

Letter to editor

sell the land of the Longheath Park. In my opinion, this is a terrible idea which will have many disadvantages for our town. Firstly, if the park is sold to the property developer, he will built an estate of 50 houses on the land. As a result, there will be no open spaces left. Therefore, children will not have a chance to play freely, and people will have nowhere to walk their dogs or ride their bikes. Secondly, there will be less green areas in town. Obviously, this will be very unhealthy, as people need fresh air and natural surroundings for good health. What is more, the town will be crowded and built up. Consequently, there will be more traffic, pollution, and the town will no longer be a nice place to live. To sum up, I think it is a very bad idea. I hope the local council will take my points into consideration. Yours faithfully, Evelin Sepp

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Hotellimajanduse globaalsed probleemid

konflikti. Ühest küljest on energia ja ressursside tarbimise vähendamine ka majanduslikust seisukohast mõttekas, rääkimata muidugi ka sotsiaalsest ja keskkonnaalasest vastutustundlikkusest. Teisest küljest on hotellide eesmärgiks poputada oma kliente kõikvõimalikul viisil ja hotellid on väga selliste tegevuste vastu, mis võiks vähimalgi määral ohustada külastajate mugavust ja heaolutunnet.5 4 Roheline Võti. 5 Kirby, A. Going Green, Satisfying Guests. 10 KOKKUVÕTE Ei ole olemas turismialast tegevust, mis ei sõltuks ühel või teisel moel keskkonnaressurssidest. Turism võib avaldada suurt survet kohalikele ressurssidele, nagu toit, energia, maa ja vesi, mida võib niigi vajaka olla. Turism mõjutab suuresti elanikkonda ning keskkonda oma kontsentreerituse tõttu nii ruumis kui ka ajas.

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
132 allalaadimist


poputada oma kliente kõikvõimalikul viisil ja hotellid on väga selliste tegevuste vastu, mis võiks vähimalgi määral ohustada külastajate mugavust ja heaolutunnet.5 Kokkuvõtteks saab öelda seda, et Rohelise Võtmega liitunud majutusettevõtted kasutavad vähe antud keskkonnamärgist oma turundustegevuses. Kirjeldatavat keskkonnamärgist saaks kasutada teenuste ja tootepakettide välja arendamisel, mida uuringutulemuste kohaselt on tehtud vähe. 5 Kirby, A. Going Green, Satisfying Guests. 10 KOKKUVÕTE Roheline Võti on rahvusvaheline keskkonnamärgis, mis on üheks mooduseks ettevõtetele käituda keskkonnasäästlikult. Samas on see ainus keskkonnaprogramm Eestis, mis on kasutuselolev majutusettevõtetes. Kui majutusettevõtted liitusid esialgu sooviga olla keskkonnasõbralik, pakkuda kliendile paremat ja kvaliteetsemat

Turism → Turismi -ja hotelli...
44 allalaadimist

Programmeeritavad kontrollerid Labor 2

Put switch #4 on each controller into on position. Note that it is not possible to change between Democratic and Main Street modes on the second crossroad from Controller 1. This is due to the limitations on the link between the two controllers. Tallinn University of Technology March 2013 PARKING LOT The parking lot is managed by the second controller. A green light before the entrance indicates that there is still at least one free parking spot on the parking lot. The red light indicates that all of the parking spaces are taken. On the display of the second controller, a message will appear telling the viewer of what the actual amount of free spaces is. If there are no free spaces, an according message will appear. PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK The first controller is also in control of the crosswalk

Informaatika → Informaatika
105 allalaadimist

How can we increase the quality of breathable air? Essee

How can we increase the quality of breathable air? “I’ll go out for a breath of fresh air” is an often-heard phrase. But how many of us realize that this has become irrelevant in today’s world? Air pollution is the addition of any harmful substances to the atmosphere, which causes the damaging of the environment, human health and the quality of life. Firstly, we should use green methods of powering like wind energy and landfill gas energy. This would reduce the amount of harmful gases. Another useful suggestion would be to plant trees. In this way we can increase the source of breathable oxygen. Unfortunately, many companies are contributing to deforestation. Finally, it would help if we put taxes on carbon emissions or higher taxes on gasoline. In this way people and companies will have greater incentives to conserve energy and pollute less.

Keeled → Inglise keel
11 allalaadimist

Descrpition of two girls

Julia She is a young adult, at 19 years of age, but she looks a bit older than her age. She is curvaceous, with an hour-glass figure. She is a red-head ­ with wavy red hair, that she most of the time wears in the bun. She also has freckles on her face and arms. Her face is heart-shaped with high cheekbones. She has big round and green eyes. Her eyebrows are arched. She has a narrow nose with a little birthmark near it. She has full lips and they are usually smiling. Kate She is in her teens, 15 years old. She's quite tall and a little plump. Her hair is straight, but thick and heavy. She has an oval face with high cheekbones. Her skin is smooth and tanned. She has grey almond-shaped eyes with thick lashes and her eyebrows are arched. Her lips are pursed, though she's usually talking and laughing

Keeled → Inglise keel
31 allalaadimist


Females can mate several times and lay several batches of eggs in one season People growns emus on farm to get emus meat, feathers and emu oil. Emu fat is rendered to produce oil for cosmetics, dietary supplements, and therapeutic products. A baby Emu Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase This is the green Emu egg Klõpsake juhtslaidi teksti laadide redigeerimiseks Teine tase Kolmas tase Neljas tase Viies tase

Bioloogia → Bioloogia
1 allalaadimist

Poison dart frog

Poison dart frog Dart frog Dart frogs lives in central and south America, in tropical rain forests. This specie belongs to Dendrobatidae family of frogs. Poison dart frogs eat insects, ants, termites, and beetles. Appearance The size of the frog may vary from 1.5 centimeters to 6 centimeters. Some poison dart frogs weigh as less as 2 grams and are about the size of a paper clip. Their colouring can be yellow, gold, copper, red, green, blue or black. Colourful skin is very appealing yet venomous. Dart frog venom These frogs some species are absolutely lethal. Poison dart frogs keep their poison in their skin and this can kill anyone that touches them. The golden poison dart frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult humans. Only two micrograms of all dart frogs venom is enough to kill a large mammal. Other facts Only some predators like certain spiders and the Amazon ground snake seem immune to the poison dart frog toxins.

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist


LONDON London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the largest metropolitan area in the United Kingdom, and the largest urban zone in the European Union. London is located on the River Thames. The capital of England has been a major settlement for two millennia, its history goes back to its founding by the Romans, who called it Londinium. Since at least the 19th century, the name London has also referred to the metropolis developed around this core. The registered population of London is 7,825,200. However, Estonian's native language is English, many people also speak Cornish. Although, the city operates a system of bus, tube and train and also boats routes to all parts of London and also England, it's still not enough. Along the River Thames are House of Parlament, Westminster and many other places. There are many enourmous parks, like Hyde Park, Royal Park, Kensington Gardens, Re...

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Hyde Park

Hyde Park Kärol Savenkov Lauka Basic School 6.class Hyde Park ● It forms one large green lung in the center of the city ● The park is contiguous with Kensington Gardens Hyde park is one of the largest park in Central London Facts ● Type: Public park ● Location: London, England ● Created: 1637 ● Operated by: The Royal Parks ● Status: Open year round Area ● Hyde park covers more than 360 acres(142 hectars) ● Hosts many large events, including celebrations and concerts

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


Jamaica Location and geography Capital-Kingston Cities-Spanish Town, Mandeville, Port Antonio, Negri Neighbours-Haiti, Cuba, South America, Mexico General facts Population- 2, 790 427 Major languages- English, (Jamaica english) Money-Jamaican dollar 1 dollar coin National symbols Flag-The Cross, Black, green, and gold Flower-Lignum vitae National Motto: "Out of Many, One People"(üks ühe,kõik kõigi eest) National Bird: Red-billed Streamertail Goverment Queen-Elizabeth II Monarchy-Constitutional Governor-General-Patrick Allen Prime Minister-Portia Lucretia Simpson-Miller Important sights/places to visit The Doctor's Cave Beach The Rose Hall Great House Dunn's River Falls Famous peple Usain Bolt -- Olympian Bob Marley-- Singer

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Paul Burman

Teda on peetud üheks Eesti esimeseks impressionistiks. Hilisem looming oli rahutum, tööd väljendusjõulised. Paul Burmanit loomingut võib Eesti oludes võrrelda maailmanimega kunstniku Vincent van Goghi omaga. Mõlema kunstniku maalimaneer on impulsiivne ja jõuline. Peale näituste Eestis esines ta ka näitustel Moskvas, Pariisis, Roomas jm. Pilt:Paul Burman - Stockholm painting Töö nimi: Toompea (1920. aastate lõpp - 1930 -ndate algus) Tehnika: akvarell, paber Pilt: Madeline green glasgow Töö nimi: Kaks alasti ratsanikku (1920. aastate II pool) Tehnika: akvarell, paber Töö nimi: Männid (1930 - 34) Tehnika: õli, vineer Pilt:Paul Burman Estonian Kunst

Kultuur-Kunst → Kunstiajalugu
16 allalaadimist

A letter to the editor

I am writing about the recent article in Tuesday’s edition of the Westvale Herald to express my disapproval of the Westvale Council’s decision to sell Longheath Park to a property developer. In my opinion, this is a really bad idea. Firstly, if the park is sold there will be no open spaces left. Therefore, children will not be able to play freely, and people will have nowhere to walk their dogs, ride their bicycles and so forth. What is more, there will be very few green areas in town. Obviously, this is very unhealthy, as people need fresh air and natural surroundings for good health. Finally, the town will be crowded and built up. This will mean that there will be more traffic and pollution, and the town will no longer be a nice place to live. To sum up, I think it is a terrible idea. I hope that the council will find a better way to deal with Longheath Park. Maybe they will find some investors who are interested

Keeled → Inglise keel
16 allalaadimist

Report: New Zealand

101,688 billion dollars (data from 2005). Country's GDP is ~$26,400 per one resident (for example in Australia it's $31,900 and in USA $41,800). New Zealand is a country which mostly bases on its bargaining, agricultural production. 20% of agricultural produce is exported. Most important export partners are Australia, USA, Japan, China, Germany. The country's biggest incomes comes from tourism. Every year about 2 million tourists visit New Zealand - it's marketed as a green and clean adventurous place. Typical tourist attractions there are bungee jumping and whale watching. The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington, but it isn't the largest one. The largest city is Auckland and after that comes Christchurch. Wellington is the third- largest city in New Zealand. In Auckland the population is 1,333,300 million. It's obviously the most populous city in New Zealand. Its area is 1,086 km².

Keeled → Äriinglise keel
4 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun