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"goals" - 225 õppematerjali


Topic - Sport

one chance to go and see the game in the field. This was an experience I would like to repeat. It was much interesting to watch the game in the real field and I was much more excited about the game. Football is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players each. It is a ball game played on a rectangular grass field with a goal at each end. The objective of the game is to score by maneuvering the ball into the opposing goal. The winner is the team which has scored most goals at the end of the match. There are many worldwide international competition of football. One of the major international competitions in football is the World Cup organized by Fédération Internationale de Football Association. Over 190 national teams compete in qualifying tournaments within the scope of continental confederations for a place in the finals. The finals tournament, which is held every four years, now involves 32 national teams competing

Keeled → Inglise keel
34 allalaadimist


eristamiseks. Seda nimetatakse seitsme S-i teooriaks, kuna seal jagatakse seitse juhtimisega seotud ,,S" tähega algavat sõna juhi ja liidri vahel. Juhi tegevuse valdkondadeks on jäetud vähem inimestega seonduv: strategy (strateegia) structure (struktuur) systems (süsteemid) Liidri tegevusvaldkonnad on rohkem inimestega seotud: staff (isikkoosseis) style (stiil) skills (oskused) shared goals (eesmärkide teadvustamine) Nagu näha, peab juht keskenduma rohkem firma ressurssidele ja liider sellele, kuidas teiste inimeste töö kaudu eesmärke saavutada. Juht on laiem mõiste kui liider. Juht peab määratlema eesmärgid ja välja arendama sellise strateegia, mis võimaldaks olemasolevaid ressursse arvestades eesmärke saavutada. Inimesed on ainult üks osa neist eesmärkidest. Liider tegeleb ainult inimestega.

Majandus → Juhtimise alused
257 allalaadimist

Keskkonnapoliitika eksami konspekt

Kliimasoojenemise mõjud (5): ilmastik, jääkatte vähenemine, muutused sademetes ja taimestikus, muutused rannikualadel, muutused ookeanites. BM tähistab kogu maakeral leiduva elu- taimede, loomade, seente ja mikroorganismide ning nende elupaikade mitmekesisust. Kolm põhiosa: geneetiline, liigiline ja ökoloogiline mitmekesisus. Liigid suervad välja (7): elupaikade hävimine, KK kvaliteedi langus, maastike killustumine, jaht, tolmendajate puudumine, võõrliikide mõju. Millenium Goals 2001: · Äärmise vaesuse ja nälja väljajuurimine · Universaalne algharidus · Sugudevaheline võrdsus ja naiste õiguste suurendamine · Laste suremuse vähendamine · Emade tervise parandamine · Võitlus haigustega, HIV, maalaaria jne · KK jätkusuutlikuse hindamine · Ülemaailmne partnerlus arengu nimel Johannesburgis toimus 2002 aastal ÜRO säästva arengu Rio+10 arengukonverents, kus riikide ja

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
66 allalaadimist

Styles in interior design

TALLINN2010 Interior design is a multi­faceted profession in which creative and technical solutions are applied within a structure to achieve a built interior environment. The interior design process follows a systematic and coordinated methodology, including research, analysis, and integration of knowledge into the creative process, whereby the needs and resources of the client are satisfied to produce an interior space that fulfills the project goals. Baroque Baroque (pronounced /brok/ b-ROHK in American English or /brk/ in British English) is an artistic style prevalent from the late 16th century to the early 18th century in Europe.[1] It is most often defined as "the dominant style of art in Europe between the Mannerist and Rococo eras, a style characterized by dynamic movement, overt emotion and self-confident rhetoric".

Keeled → Inglise keel
9 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia loengu konspekt

Hinnang endale · Eneseväärtustamine (self-esteem): attitude towards oneself along a positive-negative dimension. People generally strive for high self-esteem. Püüdlus positiivse enesehinnangu suunas ­ püüe suhet iseendaga korrastada viisil, et saaks endast hästi arvata. · Eneseregulatsioon (self-regulation): process of controlling and directing one's behavior in oder to achieve desired goals. Iseenda juhtimine. · Sotsiaalne identiteet (social identity): part of person self-concept, which derives from the knowledge of his or her membership in a social group or groups together with the value and emotional significance attached to that membership. Kuulumine ja selle väärtustamine. · Personalne identiteet (personal identity): self-definition as a unique individual in terms of interpersonal or intragroup differentiations

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
439 allalaadimist

European Union Exam

Conv. Of Hum. Rights) • ECSC (1951) – Strong potential for cooperation, ‘above states’ organization, shared sovereignity (only six member states); revolutionary institutions – not IO. European Defence Community (EDC) – A plan to create a common European military as a means of binding Germany to European integration after WWII. The creation of the EEC • Treaties of Rome (EEC / EURATOM) – Signed in March 1957; Ratified in January 1958. Four goals: - Single market within 12 years (with 3½ freedoms goods, capitals, services, people) - Elimination of custom duties & common external tarifs - Extablishment of common agriculture, trade, transport, competition policy - Creation of European Social Fund and European Investment Bank Merging of Institutions (1965) Elimination of Commission and Council of Euratom and the High Authority and Council of the ECSC (already sharing Assembly and Court) – creation

Politoloogia → Euroopa liidu põhikursus
9 allalaadimist

Süsteemianalüüs - Kolmanda loengutöö konspekt

Near far wherever UML are 1. Tarkvara Nõuete analüüs Äri(...tegelt ka või see on kuradi esimene vastus??)modelleerimise (distsiblinni) tulemused annavad konteksti ning “keele” (põhimõistestiku) tarkvara nõuete püstitamiseks. Iteratiivses arendusprotsessis UP toimub tarkvara nõuete püstitamine ja analüüs põhiliselt tarkvara kasutusjuhtude kirjutmise, modelleerimise ja analüüsimise kaudu. 2. Kasutusjuhtude mudel ehk (kui te olete inglise keeles väga sitt juhuslikult) Use Case Model UP defineerib Use Case mudeli nõuete analüüsi distsiblinni sees. Use Case mudel on kõikide kasutusjuhtude hulk: süsteemi funktsionaalsuse(kasutusjuhud) ja keskkonna(tegutsejad) mudel Eesmärgid ja kasutuslood Tellijad ja lõppkasutajad omavad eesmärke (goals, UP-s needs, sest UP on needy motherfucker) ning soovivad, et süsteem aitaks neid täita. Kasutusjuhud on jutustused süsteemi kasutamisest nende eesmärkide täitmiseks. N...

Informaatika → Süsteemianalüüs
27 allalaadimist

II KT kordamisküsimused vastustega

TMO3171 KORDAMISEKS KONTROLLTÖÖ NR 2 1. Selgitage kontrollimise kui juhtimistegevuse olemust ja vajadust organisatsiooni tegevuses. Kontrollimine on saadud tulemuste võrdlemine püstitatud eesmärkidega. See võib olla kulutuste võrdlemine eelarvega, valmis ehituse võrdlemine projektiga jne. See on protsess, mille käigus tagatakse organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamine. Kontroll on organisatsioonile vajalik järgmistel põhjustel: o kohanemiseks mikro- ja makrokeskkonna muutustega; o vigade kuhjumise vältimiseks; o kontrolli omamiseks keeruka organisatsiooni üle: o omahinna minimiseerimiseks. Kontrollitakse inimesi, finantse, tööoperatsioone ja organisatsiooni tulemuslikkust 2. Millised seosed on kontrollimise ja planeerimise kui juhtimistegevuste vahel? Xxx 3. Mida nimetat...

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
2 allalaadimist


league. Of its thirty teams, six are Canadian: the Montreal Canadiens, Ottawa Senators, Toronto Maple Leafs, Calgary Flames, Edmonton Oilers, and Vancouver Canucks. Ice hockey is popular in Canada because its area is sufficiently cold for natural, reliable seasonal ice cover. Lacrosse is a team sport that is played by ten players (men) or twelve players (women), each of whom uses a netted stick (the crosse) in order to pass and catch a very hard rubber ball with the aim of scoring goals (each worth one point traditionally, but also two in Major League Lacrosse) by propelling the ball into the opponent's goal. The team scoring the most points after two halves, of varying length from competition to competition, and overtime if necessary, wins. Most popular in North America, lacrosse is Canada's official national summer sport and the fastest growing sport in the United States 11. Culture Canadian culture is a mixture of British, French, and American influences, all of

Keeled → Inglise keel
92 allalaadimist

Kitarrikursus algajatele 1osa-Ben Edwards

Before we finish for today let me ask you a question, where do you see your guitar skills a year from now? Are you going to be the guitarists you really want to be? I enjoy working with guitar students and seeing them progress from beginners through to intermediate and eventually seasoned, advanced guitarists. That's why I created the Mini Course and the Jamorama Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit ­ I LOVE TO SEE PEOPLE LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR. Unfortunately not all students accomplish their goals. Many, if not most, give up their dream of becoming a great guitarist. Are YOU going to be one of them? Are YOU going to become a polished guitarist? Your experience with the Mini Course has shown you that while playing the guitar isn't easy, YOU CAN MASTER GUITAR SKILLS WITH PRACTICE and good lessons. I want to see you reach your goal of becoming a great guitarist. The question is how you can become a great guitarist in the shortest time possible. There

Muusika → Muusika
34 allalaadimist


individual economies and markets; 4  loans to help countries overcome economic difficulties;  concessional loans to help fight poverty in developing countries; and  technical assistance and training to help countries improve the management of their economies WB(World Bank) World bank was created on 1944 and finance development projects. The World Bank Group has set two goals for the world to achieve by 2030 (Bank W. ):  End extreme poverty by decreasing the percentage of people living on less than $1.25 a day to no more than 3%  Promote shared prosperity by fostering the income growth of the bottom 40% for every country The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. We are not a bank in the ordinary sense but a unique partnership to reduce poverty and support development

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist


LÄÄNE-VIRU RAKENDUSKÕRGKOOL Ettevõtluse- ja majandusarvestuse õppetool IÄ Eesnimi Perekonnanimi INIMESE OSA AINERINGLUSES Referaat Juhendaja: Eesnimi Perekonnanimi Mõdriku 2011 SISUKORD Sissejuhatus.........................................................................................................................3 1. rahvastiku kiire kasv........................................................................................................ 4 2. liikide hävimine................................................................................................................5 3. metsade pindala vähenemine........................................................................................... 7 4. Kõrbestumine ja näljahädad...........................................

Majandus → Majandus
8 allalaadimist

There is no such thing as a totally sustainable tourism

7 Adventure Tourism Project Management Madli Tuvike problems occurring in Belize: improper solid-waste management, high deforestation rate, rapid costal development and discovery of sweet crude oil. Tropical Conservation Science (2012) also suggests that Belize should involve more local people to conservation progress. Therefore, Belize should consider maintaining its goals as they are: small-scale tourism, balance between tourists and local people and environmentally friendly politics should be under consideration. To sum up, as said before, sustainable tourism is about re-focusing and adapting. Harris and Williams (2002) are suggesting that the challenge of future is to satisfy market requirements with choosing a right direction, maintaining the natural balance and meet the needs of communities. Belize is on right

Keeled → Inglise keel
2 allalaadimist

Võrkpallitreeningu harjutusvara

Tallinna Ülikool                                Võrkpallitreeningu harjutusvara               Koostaja: Erik Allas  Juhendaja: Raini Stamm            Make the play first, then decide if it was impossible.                  ...

Sport → Sportmängud (pallimängud)
113 allalaadimist

Isiksusepsühholoogia kordamisküsimused

Isiksusepsühho kordamisküsimused I LOENG Gordon Allporti (1937) isiksusedefinitsioon. Mille poolest see erineb individuaalsetest erinevustest lähtuvast definitsioonist? Karakter ja temperament; nende erinevad tähendused isiksusepsühholoogias ja lähedastes valdkondades. Mida tähendab metateooria? Kas metateooria on empiiriliselt kontrollitav? (Jah ja ei: see ei ole ümber lükatav ühe uuringuga, kuid peaks olema faktidega kooskõlas.) Reduktsionism. Miks reduktsionism ei ole teaduse vaenlane? Isomorfsuse küsimus: kas isiksusejoonte ja bioloogiliste süsteemide vahel on üksühene vastavus? Mitte-äärmusliku reduktsionismi näited: Hans Jürgen Eysencki metateooria; Marvin Zuckermani kilpkonna-skeem (ja selle edasiarendus, kus bioloogilisele mõjuteele on lisandunud keskkondlik). Viie-faktori teooria kui hübriidteooria. Eristus baastendentside ja iseloomulike kohanemuste vahel. Sotsiaal-kognitiivsed teooriad. Nende kujunemise eripära (kognitiivse ...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
71 allalaadimist

Rahvusvaheline poliitika konspekt

 Majandus- ja sotsiaalnõukogu  Liikmed o 54 tk o Igal aastal valitakse 18 o 3 aastaks  Pädevus: o Üldiselt art 62: uurimused, soovitused, konverentsid, konventsioonid o Palju allasutusi o Laiem koostöö  Hääletamine o Kõik lihtenamusega  Peamised dokumendid  ÜRO Harta (põhikiri) 1945 o PA deklaratsioonid  Agenda for Peace 1992  Millennuim development Goals 2000  High-level Panel Report 2004  Responsibility to protect 2005  ÜRO eesmärgid  Säilitada rahvusvahelist rahu ja julgeolekut  Arendada rahvusvahelisi sõbralikke suhteid  Arendada rahvusvahelist koostööd  Olla rahvast tegevust kooskõlastavaks keskuseks  ÜRO põhimõtted  Täieliku võrdsuse põhimõte  Kohustuste täitmine heas usus  Tülide rahumeelne lahendamine  Jõu kasutamisest hoidumine  ÜRO aitamine

Politoloogia → Riigiteadused
20 allalaadimist

How to write a Design Report

things are learned along the way and there is never enough time to perfect the solution. (Recommendation: avoid using “we ran out of time” as a theme in this section or anywhere in the report.) Next Steps In this section, state how the project should move ahead. Imagine that you are the project advisor. How should the company use the design? What areas need additional work? Who should do the work? . Because one of your goals was to add value to the sponsor, a well thought out hand-off plan is critical for ensuring that the project. Remember that your design team is likely to disband at the end of the project so it doesn’t make sense to assign to you the additional work. Front Matter The three main parts of the report have been described. In addition, there are parts of the report that precede the main section, and are described here.

Varia → Tootedisain
6 allalaadimist

Juhtimine Kordamiseks kevad 2014

TMO0010 JUHTIMINE - KORDAMISEKS kevad 2014 Mida peab teadma eksamil 1. Organisatsiooni mõiste Organisatsioon on kindla inimrühma ühiste eesmärkide taotlemiseks moodustatud ja terviklikult korraldatud ühendus. Organisatsioon on teadlikult koordineeritud sotsiaalne ühendus, mis koosneb kahest või enamast inimesest ja funktsioneerib suhteliselt katkematult, et saavutada ühiseid eesmärke. 2. Juhtimise kui protsessi mõiste Juhtimine on inimeste tegevuse ja käitumise sihipärane suunamine, et saavutada organisatsiooni eesmärgid ja rahuldada tema liikmete vajadused. 3. Organisatsiooni edukuse eeldused Organisatsiooni tähtsaim ülesanne on tulemuste andmine. Igal organisatsioonil on vähemalt neli põhilist koostisosa: inimesed, tegevused, siseehitus ning ainelised ja rahalised varad. Organisatsioon peab olema suunatud pidevale arengule, märksõnadeks loovus, uuendused, muudatu...

Majandus → Juhtimine
118 allalaadimist


organisatsiooni eesmärkide ees ning keskendub eelkõige juhtimise põhifunktsioonide täitmisele. Juht Liider Strategy (strateegia) Staff (isikkoosseis) Structure (struktuur) Style (stiil) System (süsteemid) Skills (oskused) Shared goals (eesmärkide teadvustamine) Teooria järgi määrab juht eesmärgid ja töötab välja strateegiad, tema tegevusvaldkonnad seotud firma ressurssidega. Liidri tegevusvaldkonnad on seotud inimestega, et nende töö kaudu saavutada organisatsiooni eesmärke 21. Klassikaline liidristiilide jaotus. Iseloomustage igat lühidalt. 1. Tähtsuste omistamine- seisneb põhjuse-tagajärje suhetele tähtsuse

Majandus → Juhtimine
471 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine KT2

TMO3171 KORDAMISEKS KONTROLLTÖÖ NR 2 1. Selgitage kontrollimise kui juhtimistegevuse olemust ja vajadust organisatsiooni tegevuses. Kontrollimine on saadud tulemuste võrdlemine püstitatud eesmärkidega. See on protsess, mille käigus tagatakse organisatsiooni eesmärkid saavutamine. Kontroll on organisatsioonile vajalik järgmistel põhjustel: • kohanemiseks mikro- ja makrokeskkonna muutustega; • vigade kuhjumise vältimiseks; • kontrolli omamiseks keeruka organisatsiooni üle: • omahinna minimiseerimiseks. Kontrollitakse inimesi, finantse, tööoperatsioone ja organisatsiooni tulemuslikkust. 2. Millised seosed on kontrollimise ja planeerimise kui juhtimistegevuste vahel? Kontrolli ei saa teostada ilma mitmesuguse kestusega plaanide olemasoluta, sest neis plaanides püstitatud eesmärkidele tuginedes määratakse kindlaks kontrolli standardid. (Plaanide koostamisele järgnevad otseselt kontrolli protsessi kuuluvad tegevused: • Andmete (info) kogumin...

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
14 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimine I Kontrolltöö

49. Kontrolli mõiste, kontrolli vajalikkus Kontrollimine on saadud tulemuste võrdlemine püstitatud eesmärkidega. See võib olla kulutuste võrdlemine eelarvega, valmis ehituse võrdlemine projektine jne. See on protsess, mille käigus tagastatakse organisatsiooni eesmärkide saavutamine. Kontroll on organisatsioonile vajalik järgmistel põhjustel:  Kohanemiseks mikro- ja makrokeskkonna muutustega  Vigade kuhjumise vältimiseks  Kontrolli omamiseks keeruka organisatsiooni üle  Omahinna minimiseerimiseks Kontrollitakse inimesi, finantse, tööoperatsioone ja organisatsiooni tulemuslikkust. W. Ouchi järgi: kontrollisüsteemi võib kujundada kolmel erineval viisil: 1. Turukontroll: hinnakonkurentsi ja turujaotuse põhjal koostatakse kontrollisüsteemi standardid; tavaliselt tootmis- või teenindusettevõtted, mis konkureerivad turu pärast. 2. Bürokraatik kontroll: võimu teostamiseks reeglite, prots...

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
39 allalaadimist

Keskkonnapoliitika konspekt

Keskkonnapoliitika EKSAMIKS Keskkonnapoliitika kujunemine, seosed teiste poliitikatega, poliitikaprotsess ja vahendid. Poliitika ­ traditsiooniline poliitika. Halduspoliitika - ühe või mitme osapoole poolt ette võetud sihipäraste tegevuste kogum, mis on suunatud tõstatatud probleemi lahendamisele. Keskkond ­ organismi mõjutavate a-biootiliste ja biootiliste tegurite kogum. A-biootilised tegurid: temperatuur, vesi, valgus. Biootilised: liigikaaslased, muud ümbritsevad elusorganismid . Eristatakse : Looduskeskkond, Tehis- / tehnoloogiline keskkond, Majanduskeskkond , Sotsiaalne keskkond. Keskkonnapoliitika - sihipärane tegevus või tegevusetus loodus- ja tehiskeskkonnaga seonduvate probleemide lahendamiseks. Keskkonnapoliitika valdkonnad - Rohelised: traditsiooniline looduskaitse, metsad kalandus, jne. Pruunid: vesi, jäätmed, kiirgus jne. Hallid: keskkonnakorralduslikud. Olulisim halduspoliitika valdkond - eluks sobiva keskkonna ki...

Loodus → Keskkonnapoliitika
154 allalaadimist

Sustainability aspects of biofuels

with the Renewable Fuel Standard legislation. In Europe, biofuels production started to rise in 2005, as depicted on figure 2. Figure 2. World biofuels production ( F.o. Licht's World Ethanol and Biofuels Report, 2006) Figure 3. Global biodiesel production projection (USDA, 2012). Biodiesel is mainly produced in Europe, but production in other countries is expected to increase. In Europe and the US, biofuels have been boosted with the government's goals to source certain percentage of transport fuel from biofuels and therefore biofuels production is heavily subsidised. For example, in the EU, by 2020, 10% of energy used in transport should come from biofuels. In the USA, there is a fixed quantity of renewable fuels that must be consumed each year. By 2015, it must be 15 billion gallons, and 36 by 2022. In the USA, the legislation also requires to source fuels from advanced biofuels. Babcock (2008) has stated that, in the

Keeled → Inglise keel
7 allalaadimist

Tarkvara kokkuvõte inglise keeles

maturity models for software engineering and other disciplines, by integrating many different models into one framework. It was created by members of industry, government and the SEI 29-30. CMMI Representations • The Continuous Representation – The continuous representation is based on process capability - the range of expected results that can be achieved by following a process. – Process improvement is measured in capability levels that relate to the achievement of specific and generic goals in each process area. – The continuous representation provides flexibility for organizations to choose which processes to emphasize for improvement, as well as how much to improve each process. – It enables selection of the order of process improvement that best meets the organization’s business objectives and that most mitigates risk. • The Staged Representation – The staged representation is based on organizational maturity—the combined capabilities of a set of related processes.

Tehnoloogia → Tehnoloogia
16 allalaadimist


other personal attributes against internalized standards or social norms. Mitte ainult iseenda vaatamine, vaid ka hinnang endale. Eneseväärtustamine (self-esteem): attitude towards oneself along a positive-negative dimension. People generally strive for high self-esteem. Püüdlus positiivse enesehinnangu suunas Eneseregulatsioon (self-regulation): process of controlling and directing one's behavior in oder to achieve desired goals. Iseenda juhtimine, suunamine, juhendamine. Sotsiaalne identiteet (social identity): part of person self-concept, which derives from the knowledge of his or her membership in a social group or groups together with the value and emotional significance attached to that membership. Kuulumine ja selle väärtustamine. Kuhu kuulun? Kellega olen sarnane?. Nt Vanuse- ja soogrupid, perekond Personalne identiteet (personal identity): self-definition as a unique individual in terms of

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
650 allalaadimist

IT arhitektuur

starts with specific functions and builds them into a larger system? Many enterprise architecture frameworks break down the practice of developing artifacts into four practice areas. This allows the enterprise to be described from four important viewpoints. By taking this approach, enterprise architects can assure their business stakeholders that they have provided sufficient information for effective decision making. These practice areas are 1. Business: 1. Strategy maps, goals, corporate policies, Operating Model 2. Functional decompositions (e.g. IDEF0, SADT), capabilities and organizational models 3. Business processes 4. Organization cycles, periods and timing 5. Suppliers of hardware, software, and services 2. Information: 1. Metadata - data that describes your enterprise data elements 2. Data models: conceptual, logical, and physical 3. Applications: 1

Informaatika → It arhitektuur
77 allalaadimist

Differential Psychology

· Self-efficacy · Performance experiences · Observational learning · Verbal persuasion · Emotional arousal Page Mischel's Behavioural-Cognitive Approach Cognitive-Affective Personality System (CAPS) · Encodings · Expectancies and beliefs · Goals and values · Affects (emotions) · Competencies and self-regulation · Diagrams of... ­ CAPS ­ Behavioural signatures Social-cognitive approach The Self · Attributional style · Read up from Schacter pp. 514-521. · degree that events are under one's control

Keeled → Inglise keel
5 allalaadimist

Sotsaalpsühholoogia konspektid kokku

Kultuurisurve olla tubli, edukas, õnnelik. Tähtede draamad. • Nartsissistlik enesekäsitlus: “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts.” • Mis on adekvaatne enesehinnang? Eestlase enesehinnang? Eneseregulatsioon Eneseregulatsioon (self-regulation): process of controlling and directing one’s behavior in oder to achieve desired goals. Oma Mina teadlik kujundamine, esitlemine, tasakaalustamine. Iseenda juhtimine Võtteid ja viise palju, meie vaatleme kahte eneseregulatsiooni vormi: eneseesitlus ja toimetulek stigmaga – Self-presentation – Stigma, stigmatization, coping with stigma Eneseesitlus • Erving Goffman: Presentation of Self in Everyday Life • Inimese igapäevategevus kahel viisil: – Spontaanselt (ei refleteeri)

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
149 allalaadimist

Organisatsiooni juhtimise kordamisküsimused

approach. Also the way in which the org employees present themselves to the outside world, to suppliers and customers. 5) Skills – what the company does best. Distinctive capabilities and competencies that reside in the org. 6) Staff – org’s human resources. Refers to how people are developed, trained, socialized, integrated, motivated and how their carriers managed. 7) Shared values – originally called superordinate goals. Guiding concepts and principles of the org – values and aspirations, often unwritten – that go beyond the conventional statements of corporate objectives. The fundamental ideas around which a business is built. Things that influence a group to work together for a common aim. 139. Liidri isiksuse omaduste teooriate selgitus  Liidriks sünnitakse, mitte saadakse. Ülesandele orienteeritud grupis aitavad liidriks

Majandus → Organisatsiooni juhtimine
56 allalaadimist

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management, 28 10

concept that is based on context and appropriateness: it is efficient to achieve a certain effect with a minimum of resources. But this effect, in the case of the state, is denoted by several auxiliary but necessary conditions such as the ones mentioned above; it is never profit maximization. (It could be argued that most activities carried out by the public sector are there precisely because no direct profit or gain can be made.) If you go for savings and neglect context and even the actual goals, you will not be efficient but rather the ultimate wastrel. (Not for nothing are wastrels and misers considered to be the same type of sinner in Dante's Hell.) This misunderstanding of the concept of efficiency and the depolitization that comes with it are typical symptoms of technocracy and bureaucracy, which NPM professes to oppose but which, as Eugenie Samier has demonstrated, it rather fosters. (2001) As

Ühiskond → Avalik haldus
16 allalaadimist

Psühholoogia bioloogiline-, kognitiivne- ja sotsiaalne vaade

were astonished of how inaccurate their memories were comparing to the original descriptions. Neisser has suggested that the memories are so vivid because the event itself is rehearsed and reconstructed after the event. A flashbulb memory may simply be a narrative convention. In addition, current attitudes and emotions may influence or distort people's memories. Emotion starts with a process of cognitive appraisal to assess whether the situation is relevant for survival, well-being, goals or values. Emotions cause people social exchange and sharing, which serves as rehearsal of the memory. Memory researchers have studied the relation between confidence and accuracy inside and outside the laboratory, and for many types of events. Overall, confidence and accuracy are weakly related. People often swear by inaccurate memories. In general, distinctive and emotionally arousing events in our lives have a memory advantage.

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
45 allalaadimist

Sotsiaalpsühholoogia konspekt 2016

individualistlikes. Kultuurisurve olla tubli, edukas, õnnelik. Tähtede draamad. Nartsissistlik enesekäsitlus: "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts." Mis on adekvaatne enesehinnang? Eestlase enesehinnang? Eneseregulatsioon Eneseregulatsioon (self-regulation): process of controlling and directing one's behavior in oder to achieve desired goals. Oma Mina teadlik kujundamine, esitlemine, tasakaalustamine. Iseenda juhtimine Võtteid ja viise palju, meie vaatleme kahte eneseregulatsiooni vormi: eneseesitlus ja toimetulek stigmaga - Self-presentation - Stigma, stigmatization, coping with stigma Eneseesitlus Erving Goffman: Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Inimese igapäevategevus kahel viisil: - Spontaanselt (ei refleteeri) - Refleksiivselt (mõtlen, juhin, kaalutlen - presenteerin)

Psühholoogia → Sotsiaalpsühholoogia
40 allalaadimist


Homereading 4 Changing world Religions Islam Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion originating with the teachings of Muhammad, a 7th century Arab religious and political figure. The word Islam means "submission", or the total surrender of oneself to God An adherent of Islam is known as a Muslim, meaning "one who submits (to God)". There are between 1.1 billion and 1.8 billion Muslims, making Islam the secondlargest religion in the world, after Christianity. Muslims believe that God revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad, God's final prophet, and regard the Qur'an and the Sunnah (words and deeds of Muhammad) as the fundamental sources of Islam.They do not regard Muhammad as the founder of a new religion, but as the restorer of the original monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Islamic tradition holds t...

Teoloogia → Religioon
50 allalaadimist

BAKALAUREUSETÖÖ Merekaitseala võrgustikud Läänemeres

in the Baltic Sea The acknowledgement for need of marine protected areas (MPA) has lead to an increasing expansion of the latter. It has been noted that individual MPA's can not conserve biodiversity in the long run. Hence the need for MPA networks that connects the established and new protected areas is essential. MPA networks can ensure better biodiversity and habitat protection. The scope of marine protected areas depends on the specific goals, species and habitats that need protection. Unambigiously determined MPA size does not exist. When designing a protected area, it is important to take into consideration the species specific repercussions to abandonment of habitats and fragmentation, with habitat composition of species. Reasearch indicate that the diversity of communities and average size of organisms among protected areas are 20-30% greater than in the areas that are not under protection

Ökoloogia → Rannikumere keskonnakaitse
14 allalaadimist

Suhted laste ja vanematega

are here now. 8 couldn't go Claire 3 It was amazing that Chelsea Zoos have been a popular form of scored five goals. entertainment for a very long time, 4 It was a shame that Philip though it is only in more recent couldn't come to my party.

Inimeseõpetus → Inimeseõpetus
16 allalaadimist

Kvalitatiivne uurimustöö Emotsioonide regulatsioon ja stress

smaller risk of physical disease and a longer healthy life expectancy (Huppert et al., 2004). Emotion regulation in relation.. 6 1.2 The effect of emotion regulation strategies in response to psychological stress. Humans, whether interacting with each other or their environment have emotional reactions that are individually regulated. Emotion is a response to a situation that one considers to be relevant to his or her goals (Gross & Thomson, 2007). Gross and Thomson (2007) have presented a modal model of emotion, that illustrates the process; situation attention appraisal response. Situation can be either external or an internal mental presentation that is attended to on the basis of an individual appraisal that leads to emotional response. This emotional response can influence the situation and can change behaviour. These emotional responses are linked to changes

Psühholoogia → Psühholoogia
103 allalaadimist


There is racism everywhere, there is racism by Caucasians against Blacks and vice versa; there is racism by Caucasians against Jews; there us racism by Jews against Italians and vice versa; everyone has somebody he or she doesn’t like. In fact, husbands and wives disagree; parents and children disagree; brothers and sisters disagree ad infinitum. But Africans go through life always believing somebody hates them or dislikes them and this negates reaching goals. It has been said that what you wish is what you 5 get. You have to demand what is due you. You cannot let somebody’s hatred or dislike deter you from dream. Their dream is not your dream. In fact, their years of persecuting Blacks have made them guilty. A capitalist Nigger must exploit their guilt to ensure that they assist in reaching his goals.

Keeled → Inglise keel
4 allalaadimist

E.M.Remarque "Läänerindel Muutuseta"

All Quiet on the Western Front Erich Maria Remarque Character List Paul Bäumer - A young German soldier fighting in the trenches during World War I. Paul is the protagonist and narrator of the novel. He is, at heart, a kind, compas-sionate, and sensitive young man, but the brutal expe-rience of warfare teaches him to detach himself from his feelings. His account of the war is a bitter invective against sentimental, romantic ideals of warfare. Read an in-depth analysis of Paul Bäumer. Stanislaus Katczinsky - A soldier belonging to Paul's company and Paul's best friend in the army. Kat, as he is known, is forty years old at the beginning of the novel and has a family at home. He is a resourceful, inventive man and always finds food, clothing, and blankets whenever he and his friends need them. Albert Kropp - One of Paul's classmates who serves with Paul in the Second Company. An intelligent, speculative young man, Kropp is one of Paul...

Kirjandus → Inglise kirjandus
194 allalaadimist

Kolme eesti poliitiku demagoogiavõtete kasutamine valimiseelsel perioodil ajalehe Postimees näitel

Niiles Kross and Andrus Ansip. The second hypothesis – more frequent usage of demagoguery results in a better outcome of the elections – also found confirmation, though it can not be said for sure, because there are other influential factors. Edgar Savisaar, who used demagoguery the most, also won the elections in Tallinn. Third hypothesis – the most frequent fallacy is argumentum ad hominem – found confirmation too. The goals of this research were reached and all of the set hypotheses were confirmed. 3 Sissejuhatus Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärkideks on välja selgitada argumenteerimise ja demagoogia vahel; analüüsida demagoogiavõtteid ja uurida, milliseid demagoogiavõtteid poliitikud kasutavad; püüda selgitada, kas võtete kasutamise rohkuse ja valimistulemuste vahel on seos ning leida kinnitus uurimistöös püstitatud kolmele hüpoteesile

Filosoofia → Filosoofia
8 allalaadimist

Arengu uuringud, käsitlused, mõõdikud

4-Senses, Imagination, and Thought. 5-Emotions. 6-Practical Reason. 8-Other Species. 9-Play. 10-Control over one's Environment. Sen’i käsitlus kujundanud ÜRO arengualast tegevust Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon, asutatud 1945, 192 liikmesriiki. Keskne ülesanne: arenguhindamine ja arengutoetamine. Organisatsioonide võrgustik üle 200 ÜRO-ga seotud organisatsiooni The UN is involved in supporting development, e.g. by the formulation of the Millennium Development Goals. The UN Development Programme (UNDP) is the largest multilateral source of grant technical assistance in the world. Organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), UNAIDS. The World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF), for example, are independent, specialized agencies and observers within the UN framework, according to a 1947 agreement. Keskne idee – arengul palju dimensioone ja mõõtmeid. Palju olulisi võimekusi, mida tuleb arendada!

Sotsioloogia → Sotsioloogia
9 allalaadimist

Turundus - konspekt eksamiks

üldise teadlikkuse tõstmine;  Kasvufaas - veenev reklaam, valiva nõudluse kujundamine, massituru reklaam;  Küpsusfaas - toote-eeliste reklaam, hinnaalandused tarbijatele ja vahendajatele;  Langusfaas - meenutusreklaam. REKLAAM Reklaam - ideede, toodete, teenuste, sündmuste, ürituste jm mitteisiklik tasuline tutvustamine ja propageerimine. DAGMAR Reklaami mudel - eesmärkide püstitamiseks: defining advertising goals, measuring advertising results.  Kommunikatiivsed eesmärgid  Teadvustavad eesmärgid  Tunnetuslikud eesmärgid  Aktiveerivad eesmärgid Reklaami sõnum  Peab olema sobilik sihtkliendi vajaduste ja soovidega  Firma ning tema reklaami eesmärkidega  Toote omadustega  Konkurentsi tingimustega Reklaamiteksti põhinõuded  Rõhuta olulisemat ideed  Tekst peab olema suunitletud otse sihtrühmale

Majandus → Turundus
24 allalaadimist

Solutions Advanced Workbook key

oxygen, dangerous terrain, and to deal championed the rights of children, children are as fresh and valuable with these he must be very fit, alert believing that parents and other today as they were then. If only more and mentally very strong. Nevertheless, adults should help children to parents, teachers, counsellors and mountain climbing is a hobby available achieve their own goals, rather juvenile court judges would listen. to many people, whereas for a woman than imposing goals on them. As Speaker 2 In his orphanage, Korczak in her eighties to get a degree is well as being a popular author of had a Children's Court, which was extremely rare. If she didn't have any children's story books, he wrote presided over by child judges. Every

Keeled → Inglise keel
105 allalaadimist

Projektipersonali juhtimine konspekt

TARTU ÜLIKOOL Pärnu kolledz PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMINE 3EAP Loengukonspekt Gerda Mihhailova Pärnu 2012 SISUKORD 1. PROJEKTIPERSONALI JUHTIMISE ERIPÄRAD ORGANISATSIOONIDES. .......... 3 1.1 Projektid ja projektipersonal organisatsioonikeskkonnas. ........................................... 3 1.2 Projektijuhi töö ning pädevused. ................................................................................ 13 1.3 Personalitöö korraldamise eripärad projektimeeskonnas. .......................................... 28 1.4 Stress ja stressijuhtimine ............................................................................................ 46 2. MEESKONNATÖÖ KASUTAMINE ORGANISATSIOONI PROJEKTIDES. ........... 50 2.1. Grupid ja meeskonnad organisatsioonis ning nende eelised. .................................... 50 2.2. Projektimeeskonna loomine, motiv...

Sotsioloogia → Organisatsioon ja juhtimine
111 allalaadimist

Ameerika kirjandus alates I maailmasõjast kuni tänapäevani.

education, they see themselves differently. They are no longer independent individual family, they are part of one vast human family. Casey becomes one of the union leaders, he dies for working people. Ma learns to appreciate simple people, Pa has to admit that solidarity is the best thing for them. Tom leaves his family for activists, radicals. Steinberg admires Tom, because he sacrifices his life, but he is brave and active, he doesn't reach all his goals but he does something. Casey and tom are authors models of hsi sources of admirations. When Ma rise out of agony because he feels that Tom is dead. And still, although they have suffered and they still have made a step forward, they have will to leave. There are two memorable scenes that somewhow symbolise the will to live. When roses baby dies, he breasfeeds the dying man, he gives his milk to a dying man, he saves the mans life. ,,Of mice and men"

Kirjandus → Ameerika kirjandus
18 allalaadimist

Individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogia

1. SISSEJUHATUS - Kenn Konstabel · Psühholoogia bakalaureuse programm, 1991: kaks psühholoogiavaldkonda, mis käsitlevad individuaalseid erinevusi ­ isiksus ja intelligentsus (vaimsed võimed) · Vanaaegne nimetus: diferentsiaalpsühholoogia · Kuid tuleb arvestada ka, et (a) individuaalsed erinevused on olulised [ja järjest olulisemad] ka teistes psühholoogiavaldkondades, ja (b) ükski tõsine teadus ei saa tegelda ainult erinevustega, neid erinevusi tuleb ka kuidagi selgitada ja põhjendada. Isiksusepsühholoogia õpikutraditsioon · Levinud õpikutraditsioon jagab isiksusepsühholoogia "käsitlusteks" (psühhoanalüütiline, humanistlik, biheivioristlik jne); igas peatükis on juttu ühe autori (Freud, Jung, Adler, Maslow, Rogers, Skinner, Bandura jne) teooriast. · See ei seostu kuidagi isiksusepsühholoogia tänapäevase olukorraga, kus enamikul nimetatud teooriatest on tühine roll. · Tänapäeva isiksusepsühholoogia on empiiriline teadus, kuid õpikutradit...

Psühholoogia → Enesejuhtimine
222 allalaadimist

Backpaking lifestyle

Although backpacking as a lifestyle has clear conceptual links to Cohen’s (1972) drifter, the social world surrounding ‘non-institutionalised tourist roles’ has changed significantly since the inception of the drifter model. Cohen (1972, p. 168) describes a drifter as venturing ‘furthest away from the beaten track and from the accustomed way of life of his home country…The drifter has no fixed itinerary or timetable and no well-defined goals of travel.’ Drifters are further understood as tourists who ‘roam internationally, living with the indigenous population and taking odd jobs to keep themselves going’ (Adler & Adler, 1999, p. 54). Like the ‘hippie counterculture’ of the 1960s-70s in general, the arguably derogatory drifter label connotes a social deviancy undertaken by ‘dropouts’ from affluent societies (O’Reilly, 2006). Although Vogt’s (1976) ‘wanderer’ and Riley’s (1988) ‘international long-

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist


ISIKSUSE PSÜHHOLOOGIA METATEOORIAD 07.09 Gordon Allport- isiksuse psüh isa OMADUS- Temperament- bioloogiline osa isiksusest METATEOORIA- viis isiksuse mõistmiseks. Postulaatide kogum. Kontrollitav ja peab sobima teadaolevate faktidega, selle raames saab sõnastada spetsiifilisemaid teooriaid. Bioloogiline lähenemine (reduktsionism)- Eysenck, Zuckerman. Ütleb et individuaalsed tulevad bioloogilistest erinevustest ja nt sotsiaalsest õppimisest. Ekstravertsus on tegelikult dopamiin. Teaduse eesmärk taandada keerulist lihtsamale. Isomorfsuse küsimus- kas isiksusejoonte= bioloogilised süsteemid? DNA-> neuroloogia->biokeemia->füsioloogia­>tingimine->sots käitumine->omadused Hübriidteooria Kognitiiv- käitumuslik teooria (Mischel, Markus) Kahe protsessi teooria- kontrollitud ja automaatsete protsesside eristamine. 2 otsustussüsteemi- kiire ja aeglane Elukäiguteooria- eakohased sostiialsed ootu...

Psühholoogia → Isiksusepsühholoogia
158 allalaadimist


ÜHISTUS Lõputöö Juhendaja : Virve Transtok Mõdriku 2003 1 SUMMARY This paperwork is written in Estonian on subject "Leadership study in Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu." This work includes 45 pages and 2 tables. Directing and leading style defines as leaders way of act, when being on leaders roll realizing goals and communicating with employees. This paperwork purpose was to study the leadership style being used in Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu and analyze its appropriateness and influence on the workers and hole organization. For that, author of this paperwork carried out questionnaire among Saaremaa Tarbijate Ühistu employees. In the questionnaire were studied: · how good are the relationships between employees and leaders; · are employees motivated;

Majandus → Juhtimine
55 allalaadimist

Russian philology

Russian philology The meaning of the word "philology" is "love for word". This is love that unites teachers and researchers of modern and Classical languages and literature, interpreters and diplomats, journalists and publishers, writers and poets. Russian philologis are highly demanded in various spheres of scholarly research and education, in the mass media, in civil service at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in archives, libraries, museums, in travel agencies, as well as Russian and international companies. Curriculum within in philological faculty includes courses of Russian and European languages and literature, courses of Linguistics and Theory of Literature for students to familiarize themselves with various schools and trends of Russian and foreign philology. The core curriculum also includes a number of Liberal Arts courses (Philosophy, History, Psychology, Pedagogy), as well as courses of basic mathematics and compute...

Keeled → Inglise keel
1 allalaadimist

Tööstuslik andmeside kontrolltöö 2 abimaterjal - vastused

protocols:­ synchronous or asynchronous­ information needed about other stations­ robustness (e.g., to centralized master· Polling consumes bandwidth(= polling overhead)· Network size different expression in Specification.Consider that a switch has 10 number of bits but they have been corrupted between the channel errors)­ performanceClaim: humans use multiple access protocols all the time!Design goals for fixed during installation (not robust)­ Or, master must discover nodes during ports of 100 Mbps.To support full traffic load under full-duplex sender and receiver, perhaps due to interference on the cable.

Informaatika → Tööstuslik andmeside
29 allalaadimist

Sellel veebilehel kasutatakse küpsiseid. Kasutamist jätkates nõustute küpsiste ja veebilehe üldtingimustega Nõustun